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Questo lavoro argomenterà la tesi di Jack Mezirov secondo il quale negli adulti l'apprendimento è trasformazione. Illustrerà innanzitutto il "caso Anna" secondo il modello della psicoterapia dei costrutti personali, che lo stesso Mezirov... more
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    • Theory of Education
Indice Presentazione, di Francesco Mattei 7 Introduzione 11 PARTE PRIMA La pedagogia umanistica 13
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      Critical TheoryEducationCritical PedagogyTheory of Education
Il lungo percorso compiuto attraverso i molti livelli della valutazione ha toccato aspetti normativi, organizzativi e didattici dell'attività educativa. A ciascuno degli aspetti considerati corrisponde un'attività di giudizio, più o meno... more
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      Educational ResearchEducational evaluationPolitics Of EducationTheory of Education
Queste riflessioni sui fenomeni involutivi che stanno investendo la capacità di scrivere di bambini e ragazzi, e che a seguire riducono il repertorio simbolico a disposizione degli adulti, è stato pubblicato in "Vita dell'infanzia", LXIV,... more
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      LiteracyReadingWritingPolitics Of Education
La diminuzione della capacità di scrivere procede in parallelo con ricrearsi di steccati sociali nell'educazione formale.
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      EvaluationTheory of Education
Esta investigación se desarrolla en el contexto educativo de formación del profesorado en la Universidad Católica de la SantísimaConcepción, de Chile, tiene como objetivo conocer la percepción del estudiantado de pedagogía con respecto a... more
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      Philosophy of EducationDidactics of PhilosophyDidáctica de la filosofíaFilosofía de la educación
A cent'anni dalla nascita di Aldo Visalberghi si può tentare un primo bilancio del contributo recato allo sviluppo in Italia di una cultura dell'educazione. Visalberghi fu tra quanti si impegnarono per far uscire la pedagogia italiana... more
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      Educational ResearchPolitics Of EducationTheory of EducationAldo Visalberghi
Kasvatus 31 (2), 118– 129. Termille ‘kasvatus’ ei ole olemassa yksiselitteistä määritelmää. Sen sijaan eri kirjoittajat ovat luonnehtineet kasvatusta eri tavoin. Voidaankin puhua erilaisista kasvatuskäsityksistä. Tieteentekijät ovat... more
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      ConceptsTheory of Education
Aggiornato e rigoroso, il volume consente di accostarsi efficacemente allo studio delle discipline pedagogiche, presentate in un’ottica plurale e aperta agli apporti delle altre scienze dell’educazione. Partendo da una disamina dell’atto... more
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      EducationPedagogiaTheory of Education
One of the strongest intuitions that underlies Don Bosco’s pedagogical approach is the importance of being present among young people. A salesian educator should be present in places where young people live and must be involved in their... more
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      Educational ResearchYouth MinistryOnline LearningSalesian Education, Spirituality
Choć znamy wiele teorii wychowania i choć tak często mówimy o strategiach wychowania stosowanych w szkołach i rodzinach, nie ma wyników badań, które pokazywałyby, które z tych podejść są najbardziej cenione przez Polaków, a które są przez... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationEducational Psychology
Posljednjih se godina u javnom diskursu često govori o kurikulumu, njegovoj reformi i sadržajima koje bi trebao obuhvatiti. Zanemaruje se činjenica da je utjecaj skrivenog kurikuluma snažniji od utjecaja službenih kurikuluma. Nastavom,... more
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    • Theory of Education
Athanasios Stogiannidis, School Educative Formation, Religious Education and Public Sphere. Reflections on Dietrich Benner's Educational Theory (in greek). (Σχολική Παιδεία, Μάθημα των Θρησκευτικών και Δημόσιος Χώρος. Αναστοχαστική... more
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      Religious EducationPhilosophy of EducationReligion & the Public SphereTheories of Bildung
Nel panorama italiano sono frequenti i casi in cui tanto la letteratura pedagogica quanto l'attenzione mediatica si sono soffermate nel sottolineare il conflitto tra le diverse figure adulte ed agenzie educative: in questo contesto è... more
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      PedagogyPedagogiaScuola Ed EducazionePedagogia generale e sociale
Ho scoperto De Giacinto un po' per caso, nel 1996, quando ero alla ricerca di un argomento per la mia tesi di laurea, cioè ben prima di finire a Parma, in quello stesso dipartimento in cui anche lui aveva lavorato.
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      EducationPedagogyEpistemology of EducationPedagogia
Reseña de  Viguerie, J. de (2019). Los pedagogos. Ensayo histórico sobre la utopía pedagógica. Madrid: Encuentro, 138 pp.
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      EducationHistory of EducationPhilosophy of EducationPedagogy
(open access) Utopia and Education is an original contribution of the philosophy and theory of education, which also enters the fields of disciplines other than pedagogy and uses their approaches and achievements. The work is part of... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyEducationPhilosophy of Education
El análisis de la construcción histórica de la relación entre educación y empleo en Europa, durante la segunda mitad del S. XX, se ha caracterizado por ciertos desajustes en su evolución, determinados por la expansión de la educación... more
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      European StudiesSociology of EducationHigher EducationKey Competences
Quello sulla natura epistemica della pedagogia è un dibattito aperto da oltre cinquant’anni e incentrato sul rapporto tra filosofia e scienza empirica, sulla capacità conoscitiva della pedagogia, sulla sua dibattuta funzione... more
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      EducationPhilosophy of EducationEducational TheoryEpistemology of Education
The article describes and analyses selected aspects of Bogdan Nawroczyński’s scientific work in the field of pedagogy. He was an outstanding teacher, comparative pedagogist and historian of educational thought. The most important... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationDidacticsLearning and Teaching
This is translation of the book STUDY SKILLS written originally in English by Anupama s and published by Edu Ahead. I translated the work for them and I am uploading the book in Kannada to Academia edu with the permission of Dhanush... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationTheory of Education
The latest social pedagogy discourses in Spain have highlighted the increasing interest in developing the ethical dimension of its practice. Up to now, this issue has been addressed from a deontological perspective through which codes of... more
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      RecognitionJudith ButlerSocial PedagogyPedagogía
Gli articoli pubblicati in questo periodico sono sottoposti preventivamente ad una doppia procedura di peer review.
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      Teacher EducationPedagogyEducational research methodologyTheory of Education
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      PedagogyPersonalismTheory of Education
Quando, tra Otto e Novecento, le battagliere riviste magistrali lanciano la loro quotidiana campagna di denuncia dei mali del sistema scolastico italiano, esse coniano un'espressione paradigmatica per indicare la scuola rurale destinata... more
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      History of EducationPedagogyTheory of Education
Nel vivace clima pedagogico dei primi anni del Novecento, caratterizzato dal tentativo di modernizzazione promosso da alcune illuminate figure di uomini politici, filantropi e proprietari terrieri, si inscrive la parabola della Scuola... more
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      History of EducationPedagogyTheory of Education
The Diseducating Society The relationship between education and society has always been dense with meaning and sometimes simplistically connoted by a positive aura. However, society is taking on conditioning roles geared towards altering... more
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      Politics Of EducationTheory of EducationEducation and Society
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationEducational PsychologyEducation for Sustainable Development
Książka przynosi pierwszą całościową prezentację filozofii Jacques’a Rancière’a na gruncie polskiej humanistyki. Tego rodzaju synteza musi jednak uwzględnić kilka specyficznych czynników. Po pierwsze, Rancière’a to myśliciel... more
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      AestheticsPolitical PhilosophyMarxismLiterature
Laidlaw's analysis of Plato's theory of knowledge and theory of education provides a consistent reading of the corpus while suggesting resolutions to puzzles scholars identify in the Theaetetus.
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      EpistemologyPlatoAncient Greek PhilosophyTheaetetus
La parabola compiuta da Sergio De Giacinto (1921-1989) in merito all’epistemologia pedagogica è quanto mai affascinante. Iniziata negli anni Sessanta con una progressiva messa a punto delle metodologie di ricerca e con una definizione... more
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      Philosophy of EducationEducational TheoryEpistemology of EducationEpistemology of the Social Sciences
Different models of development have a different impact on sustainability. In this paper, we contrast the development model as growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), dominant in economic theories, with the model of human development... more
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      Human RightsHigher EducationEducational ResearchCapability Approach
No trabalho de redação dos textos, tive presente experiências próprias que se encontravam ligadas ao papel do corpo em minha formação. Desde a disposição regulada dos corpos na escola religiosa (onde as carteiras escolares se encontravam... more
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      Philosophy of EducationAnthropology of the BodyTheory of Education
The abstract presents shortly the results of a study on the dynamics of connectivity and continuity between formal and non-formal education in Bulgaria based on mixed research methodology which integrates documental and project analysis... more
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      Non-formal EducationPedagogyTheory of Education
© 2016 -Editoriale Anicia s.r.l. Via S. Francesco a Ripa, n. 104 00153 Roma -Tel. (06) 5898028/5894742 Sede legale: Via di Trigoria, n. 45 00128 Roma -Tel. 06.50653118 Tutti... more
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      EducationTheory of Education
Seid Mustafa Traljić rođen je na Vratniku u Sarajevu. Naučno se profilirao u tri grada: Sarajevo, Zagreb i Zadar. Ovaj članak bavi se Traljićevim naučnim radom na polju proučavanja školstva i obrazovanja Bošnjaka. Njegova istraživanja na... more
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      History of EducationGeneral EducationTheory of Education
L'articolo analizza Don Bosco e la “religione” con una metodologia dell’accoglienza e della promozione all'interno del passaggio da stili educativi repressivi ai stili più preventivi. Il discorso si sviluppa con i seguenti passaggi:... more
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      EducationSocial SciencesHistory of EducationReligion and Violence/Nonviolence
The paper presents the analysis of a survey among Bulgarians working professionally and/or para-professionally in the area of non-formal learning and training. It aims to summarize some typical attitudes and experiences acquired by the... more
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      Non-formal EducationSocial PedagogyEducational management and leadershipPedagogy of Social Work
Ogni volume è sottoposto a referaggio a "doppio cieco". Il Comitato scientifico svolge anche le funzioni di Comitato dei referee. m Il mestiere della pedagogia Collana diretta da Massimo Baldacci
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      Epistemology of EducationTheory of Education
The way that education is conceptualized and studied in the English and German languages is very different. This reflects broader differences in ways of thinking between the European Continent and the Anglophone world. It begins with the... more
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      History of EducationPhilosophy of EducationPedagogyComparative Education
The whole book is available at: The Manifesto for a Post-Critical Pedagogy was written in September 2016 and first presented at Liverpool Hope University on 17th... more
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      Critical TheoryEducationPhilosophy of EducationCritical Pedagogy
Egidio Viganò offre nel suo magistero delle sintesi che mantengono in tensione armonica e creatrice i due grandi poli del Sistema Preventivo: la spinta e la finalità pastorali del nostro agire, da una parte, e la scelta “pedagogica” e la... more
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      History of EducationYouth Ministrypost-Vatican II Catholic ChurchCatholic Religious Education
Utopia, Ideology and/or Everyday Education Practice
ed. Wiktor Żłobicki, Wrocław 2019
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Esej poświęcony jest pedagogice SF (fakty spekulatywne / przyszłość / feminizm). Tekst składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej części omówiono problematykę rozumienia przyszłości poprzez pedagogiczną fantastykę naukową. W drugiej, będącej... more
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      Future StudiesCritical PedagogyEdukacjaTheory of Education
In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which... more
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      SociologyEuropean integrationTeacher EducationIntercultural Education
The present International Bibliography of History of Education and Children’s Literature about the year 2016 is the fifth of a serie, which has been published in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 on the international journal «History of... more
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      History of EducationTheory of Education
Riprendo, con qualche adattamento, la premessa che figurava in apertura del volume "La didattica. Parole e idee" (Torino, Paravia, 1999), che recava, oltre ai miei, contributi di Luciano Cecconi, Mauro La Torre, Emma Nardi, Ignazio... more
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      Teaching and LearningDidacticsIohannes Amos ComeniusFormal Education
Assessment, language, interactions In the Sixties in Italy there was the need to review the organization of the educational system in view of a long-term perspective, based on a substantial stability of parents' and children's... more
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      EvaluationPolitics Of EducationTheory of EducationVerbal interactions
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      SemioticsPhilosophy of EducationBildungTheories of Bildung
Hermeneutics, Social Criticism and Everyday Education Practice, ed. R. Włodarczyk, Wrocław 2020, p. 267 The individual chapters written by scholars of the Department of General Pedagogy at the University of Wrocław included in the volume... more
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      EducationPhilosophy of EducationCritical PedagogyHermeneutics