Tibetan Language
Recent papers in Tibetan Language
This article provides a consistent formal grammatical and ontological description of the model of the Tibetan compounds system, developed and used for automatic syntactic and semantic analysis of Tibetan texts, on the material of a... more
This paper will discuss whether Tibetan language, intended as the central or "standard" Tibetan variety spoken in Lhasa and in the province of Ü-Tsang, is endangered in the Tibet Autonomous Region and whether the language policy... more
This magnificient thangka was an abbatial commission of the late 16th century at the Ngor monastery, portraying at center two Buddhist hierarchs, the 9th and 10th Abbots of the Ngor monastery, respectively Lha mchog sengge and Dkon mchog... more
前 言 人类学家说:人类的历史可分为“史前”时期和“有史”时期,前者指文字发明和使用之前,后者当然是有了文字和有了书面语言的记录。这样的分期可是把文字放在了人类文明史上重中之重的地位。随着社会从采集、狩猎、游牧、农耕、工业化发展到现代的电子化、信息化,相信当今世界没有哪个主体国家或者地区不使用文字了。... more
In this paper, I have taken an overview of the contents of the Mahāvyutpatti, the first bilingual dictionary and the important place held by the Amarakośa and its commentary entitled Kavikāmadhenu in the Tibetan lexicographical tradition.
Translation of two Tibetan devotional texts in praise of the goddess Tara written in the 15th century by His Holiness Gendun Drubpa, the First Dalai Lama. The texts are presented in Tibetan and in English translation, with individual... more
https://www.tibshelf.org/theguidebooktothehiddenlandofpemoko The Guidebook to the Hidden Land of Pemoko is a revealed treasure text included in the Jatson Nyinpo’s Embodiment of the Precious Ones, the Konchok Chidu. It is a prediction... more
The dichotomy between China’s claim to respect, protect and promote Tibetan culture in the education system and its actual practice of alienating Tibetans from their linguistic and cultural heritage and identity through a vigorous... more
『中国藏学』(China Tibetology), 2014, no. 3, pp. 31~37.
Completed the first draft of the Tangut Reader with introduction and selected texts. Some bibliography and technical things are missing, as well as index. Will wellcome all comments
https://www.tibshelf.org/rigpai-reltri Rigpai Reltri was the younger son of Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje. He was recognized as the reincarnation of Jigme Lingpa's son, Jigme Nyinche Wozer, and became a well-respected guru in Minyak during his... more
Standard Tibetan'-a state-building project of the Tibetan Empire-dates to the 7th-11th centuries CE. This medieval variety of Central Tibetan remains a cultural touchstone that unites the Tibetan people to this day. Its traditional... more
Traducción completa del tibetano al español del clásico espiritual de la literatura tibetana. Copia para difusión gratuita, prohibida su venta o reproducción sin el permiso expreso del autor.
John Bray (Tokyo) Missionaries, officials and the making of the 1826 Dictionary of the Bhotanta, or Boutan Language In 1826 the Baptist mission press in Serampore, near Calcutta, published the first Tibetan-English dictionary under the... more
Like most languages worldwide, the Tibetans too are immensely fond of expressing themselves proverbially and idiomatically. The traditional vernacular, oral as much as written sayings and idiomatic phrases take up a prominent and... more
Glossaret inneholder rundt 7000 ord og uttrykk; dessuten en del dubletter. J fulgt av sidetall er henvisning til Jäschkes leksikon, mens sidetall alene er henvisning til de Jongs utgave av Rnam thar.
""The Sherpa-English and English-Sherpa Dictionary (SEESD) is the product of a very fruitful collaboration between two Sherpa scholars and two European linguists who are specialists in the Tibetic languages. The SEESD is the only Sherpa... more
Denjongke, also known as Lhoke, Sikkimese Bhutia or simply Sikkimese, is a Tibetic language spoken in Sikkim, India. This paper presents the results of an acoustic study of F1 values in front unrounded vowels the exact behavior of which... more
К читателю: данную серию очерков может читать любой желающий, однако написана она, прежде всего, для тех, кто уже имеет некоторое представление о тибетском языке, а также для лингвистов. Поэтому, если Вы — новичок в тибетологии и... more
In both popular and academic discourse, Karma Kagyu Tibetan Buddhism is known for its meditation practices and sometime is considered anti-scholastic. However, I claim that the Karma Kagyu does have a historical scholastic lineage and... more
The life of Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje (mdo mkhyen brtse ye shes rdo rje, 1800-1866) and his adventures are chronicled in articles, book entries, and short stories. For their own intents and purposes, they solely focus on his life-i.e. he is... more
This file is the combined front matter and introductions from a four-volume collection of important articles in Sino-Tibetan linguistics, with introductions contextualising the articles and talking about what has been done since the... more
The program for the forthcoming 15th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (Paris, 7-13 July 2019). Please note that this program is subject to a small number of corrections and emendations that will be posted in... more
This paper proposes a new transcription for classical and old Tibetan based on IPA. This new system presents the advantage of being directly readable by non-specialists, without prior acquaintance with the Tibetan script.
A Textbook in Classical Tibetan is the first comprehensive course book in the Classical Tibetan language written in English. The textbook describes the grammar of pre-16th-century Classical Tibetan works for beginners and students of... more
The meticulously researched study is devoted to one of the most remarkable personages in the history of the internecine strife between the secular and ecclesiastic factions of the Tibetan religious-political system of the seventeenth... more
The study examines the beginnings of a Tibetan-language newspaper history by analyzing the Yul phyogs so so’i gsar ‘gyur me long, i.e. the “Mirror of News from Various Regions [of the World]” (in short: Melong), in a socio-historical... more
"...a thorough account of the history of Buddhism in Tibet." [Buddhist Studies Review]
A number of different languages in outside of the Indo-European family were analyzed based on how difficult it would be for a native English speaker to learn them. They were then rated on a purely impressionistic 1-6 scale of easiest to... more
Master Thesis in Tibetology from Copenhagen University 2018
e goal of this article is to contribute to the debate on lambdacism vs sigmatism by re-examining the etymology of the Turkic word for 'silver'. We propose that the PT etymon reflected in CT kümüš and Chuvash kӗmӗl is a Wanderwort also... more
There are at least two kind of N+V sequences in Lhasa Tibetan. One is an ordinary object verb sequence (OV) and the other is a complex predicate (CP). This thesis describes the properties of complex predicates in Lhasa Tibetan and... more
The Sino-Tibetan [Trans-Himalayan] language phylum consists of large number of independent branches with no agreed internal structure. It is usually characterised as sesquisyllabic, i.e. typical word forms, especially nominals, have one... more