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Motor vehicle crashes are happening almost every day and unfortunately, some of them occur with fatality injuries. This paper presents a time series analysis on the trend and pattern of motor vehicle crash fatalities by month, day and day... more
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    • Time-Series Analysis
The agricultural fields in Egypt are commonly distributed with relatively small sizes parcels that usually reduce the reliability of Agricultural statistics in surveying cropland. The use of remote sensing help in an accurate crop... more
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      Time-Series AnalysisClassification of crops using Remote Sensing technique
Cette étude propose un modèle d'analyse des déterminants de la création d'entreprises. À partir d'une série de données relatives à la création d'entreprises en Espagne, de 1981 à 1995, des analyses chronologiques, successivement à une et... more
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      EntrepreneurshipTime-Series AnalysisCreation of Companies
Many still think of the Philippines as an agricultural economy, strictly speaking though, it is not anymore. Agriculture, fishery and forestry directly account for just one-fifth (20 percent) of the economy’s aggregate domestic output... more
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      StatisticsStatistical ModelingTime-Series Analysis
This paper considers the inference of trends in multiple, nonstationary time series. To test whether trends are parallel to each other, we use a parallelism index based on the L2-distances between nonparametric trend estimators and their... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsTime SeriesTime-Series AnalysisTime series analysis
Las escalofriantes aventuras de Sabrina. Bienvenidos a un nuevo artículo. Como todos ya saben se acerca el 31 de octubre, la noche de Halloween, víspera del Día de Muertos, de Todos los Santos y fecha también conocida como la noche de las... more
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      Time SeriesTime series EconometricsTime-Series AnalysisSeries TV
Nigeria is Oil-rich but has been limped by political instability, corruption, insecurity, inadequate infrastructure, and poor macroeconomic management. Leaders have failed to diversify the economy away from its overdependence on the... more
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      Financial EconomicsTime-Series Analysis
Sejak dioperasikan pada bulan Agustus 2 tahun lalu, Terminal 3 Ultimate yang dibangun megah, modern, dan bergaya futuristik itu tidaklah lepas dari masalah. Masalah kebocoran pada atap merupakan satu dari sekian banyak masalah. Masalah... more
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      Development EconomicsUrban PlanningTime-Series AnalysisUrban And Regional Planning
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      StatisticsTime SeriesTime-Series AnalysisTime Series Data
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      Time SeriesTime-Series AnalysisTime series analysisMahasiswa
In this paper, we will study dynamics of an important physiological control system—human gait in disease and aging. The investigation of fluctuations overlying periodic motion in human walking may provide valuable information about... more
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      Dynamical SystemsMathematical BiologyChaos TheoryMathematical Modelling
This paper examines the relationship among real GDP, CO 2 emissions, and energy use in the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Using annual data for the years 1960–2013, stationarity, structural breaks, and cointegration tests... more
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      Economic GrowthEnergyTime series EconometricsEnergy and Environment
Kebutuhan masyarakat akan sarana transportasi pada saat ini sangatlah penting. Salah satu alat transportasi paling umum digunakan di Indonesia asalah sepeda motor. Pada saat ini kebutuhan sepeda motor bagi masyarakat... more
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      Time SeriesForecastingTime-Series AnalysisTime series analysis
Three trials of each wheat, maize and potato were conducted from 2011 to 2014 in Agricultural research institute, Tarnab, Peshawar, Pakistan to evaluate the efficiency of alpha lattice design in field experiments. The results emphasize... more
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    • Time-Series Analysis
The hyper-Russellian skeptic is someone who thinks that only one of all your experiences was, is, and will ever be conscious. Which one? The very one you are having now. Before you were always a zombie, and you will be a zombie for ever... more
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      Metaphysics of TimePhilosophy of TimeTime-Series AnalysisTime Perception
Drought is regarded as one of the most intangible and creeping natural disasters, which occurs in almost all climates, and its characteristics vary from region to region. The present study aims to investigate the effect of differentiation... more
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      Time SeriesForecastingTime-Series AnalysisTime series analysis
Morris's Arc (1988) for String Quartet flows; it flows with substance, and with purpose. By flowing, I don’t just mean in the trivial sense that all music flows because it is unfolding in time and time flows. Rather I mean that there is... more
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      Composition StudiesMathematicsApplied MathematicsSet Theory
We study the simultaneous occurrence of long memory and nonlinear effects, such as parameter changes and threshold effects, in time series models and apply our modeling framework to daily realized measures of integrated variance. We... more
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      EconometricsFinancial EconometricsApplied EconometricsVolatility (Financial Econometrics)
Penelitian ini meneliti tentang hubungan pengaruh antara emisi gas rumah kaca pembangkit listrik, konsumsi energi listrik, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penduduk di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data time series tahun 1971-2011. Model analisis... more
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      EconomicsEnergy EconomicsRenewable EnergyEconomic Growth
This short study is a first attempt to apply some tools which have been adopted for the analysis of temporal dynamics in the Late Medieval Period to the early medieval world. The study is also inspired by the recent works of... more
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      Political SociologyRoman HistoryComplex Systems ScienceHistorical Archaeology
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      Time SeriesTime-Series AnalysisTime series analysisPython Programming
The allocation of groundwater resources has been a challenge for many years due to its unforeseen side effect and lag time issues, which are often overlooked. The full impact of groundwater utilization/abstraction takes time to realize... more
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      Environmental EngineeringHydrology/HydrographyEnvironmental ScienceHydrogeology
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
It is well known that solar energetic phenomena influence the Space Weather, in special those directed to the Earth environment. In this context, the analysis of Solar Data is a challenging task, particularly when are composed of... more
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      AlgorithmsData MiningTime-Series AnalysisAlgorithm
Problem: Limited literature suggests that gasoline prices have substantial effects on reducing fatal crashes. However, the literature focuses only on fatal crashes and does not examine the effects on all traffic crashes. Methods:... more
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      Time-Series AnalysisTraffic SafetyMississippiGasoline Prices
Detection of temporal and spatial trends can be considered one of the primary objectives of environmental monitoring networks. The overall goal of this paper is to make full use of water quality data available on Nile Delta drains in... more
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      Time-Series AnalysisTrend Analysis
Self-regulated learning is regarded as a necessary prerequisite for life-long learning. Some of the existing models consider self-regulated learning as a process (e.g. . Taking a process perspective on self-regulated learning gives us new... more
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      Educational PsychologySelf-regulated LearningTime-Series AnalysisProcess
This thesis will investigate the concept of scale in time series analysis and asset pricing. Broadly speaking, changing scale means changing the frequency at which a variable is observed or sampled. The concept of scale is not new. Anyone... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsAsset PricingMultidimensional Scaling
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      Time SeriesTime-Series AnalysisTime series analysisTime Series Data
Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) is a non-parametric technique that allows the decomposition of a time series into signal and noise. Thus, it is a useful technique to trend extraction, smooth and filter a time series. The effect on... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringEconomicsEconometrics
Human locomotion is a complex nonlinear process, which researchers have started to analyze using nonlinear dynamics analysis. This study investigates and quantifies the chaotic dynamics of walking gaits using different tools of nonlinear... more
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      Mathematical BiologyNonlinear Dynamics and StochasticityGait BiomechanicsTime Series
This paper applied an integrated method combining grey relation analysis, wavelet analysis and statistical analysis to study climate change and its effects on runoff at multi-time scales in the Kaidu River. Major findings are as follows:... more
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      Climate ChangeHydrologic ModelingTime-Series Analysis
The aim of this paper is to assess the causal relationship among innovation in environment-related technologies, per capita income, and three major waste disposal operations (landfill, recycling, and incineration) for Korea. A time-series... more
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      South KoreaTime SeriesTime series EconometricsWaste Management
With the introduction of autoscaling, clouds have strengthened their position as self-adaptive systems. Nevertheless , the reactive nature of the existing autoscaling solutions provided by major Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud... more
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      Time SeriesSelf-adaptive SoftwareForecastingSupport Vector Machines
The negative effects on the macroeconomic indicators of the countries during the pandemic process that started with the Covid 19 epidemic made it necessary for individuals, investors, institutions, and governments to create a new policy.... more
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      Time series EconometricsTime-Series AnalysisStock MarketTime series analysis
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is one of the most urgent issues associated with economic growth and urban population. When untreated, it generates harmful and toxic substances spreading out into the soils. When treated, they produce an... more
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      Environmental ScienceMachine LearningRecyclingMunicipal Solid Waste Management
Actors in competitive environments are bound to decide and act under conditions of uncertainty because they rarely have accurate foreknowledge of how their opponents will respond and when they will respond. Just as a competitor makes a... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
RESUMO Previsões de curto prazo da geração eólica constituem informações fundamentais para a integração segura e econômica de parques eólicos à um sistema elétrico de potência. No presente trabalho apresenta-se um modelo aditivo... more
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      StatisticsRenewable EnergyWind EnergyApplied Statistics
Anthropogenic climate change is causing unprecedented rapid responses in marine communities, with species across many different taxonomic groups showing faster shifts in biogeographic ranges than in any other ecosystem. Spatial and... more
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      Climate ChangeBiogeographyTime-Series AnalysisTime Series Data
This paper shows a methodology for short term load forecasting. The forecasting methodology proposed is based on the combined use of a fuzzy logic model for predicting the load profile up to 48 hours ahead, a polynomial neural network to... more
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      Electrical EngineeringArtificial IntelligencePower SystemsData Mining
Deconstructing the drivers of large-scale vegetation change is critical to predicting and managing projected climate and land use changes that will affect regional vegetation cover in degraded or threated ecosystems. We investigate the... more
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      Climate ChangeClimatologyTime-Series AnalysisDynamic factor analysis
This paper proposes an active contour algorithm for spectrogram track detection. It extends upon previously published work in a number of areas, previously published internal and potential energy models are refined and theoretical... more
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      Remote SensingPattern RecognitionImage AnalysisTime-Series Analysis
In this paper we propose a flexible model to capture nonlinearities and long-range dependence in time series dynamics. The new model is a multiple regime smooth transition extension of the Heterogenous Autoregressive (HAR) model, which is... more
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      EconometricsFinancial EconometricsApplied EconometricsTime Series
Geothermal power seems to be a potential source of green energy in India. But these renewable energy resources are still ignored in India even after having a lot of potential sources as seen in more than 300 hot springs scattered... more
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      Statistical AnalysisTime-Series AnalysisGeothermal ExplorationNonlinear Time Series Analysis
Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA) was used to assess climate dynamics in two locations (Spain and Finland). The studied time series indicated underlying multifractal structure with considerable differences of the... more
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      Time-Series AnalysisClimate DynamicsMultifractal Analysis
Aging is one of the chief biomedical problems of the 21st century. After decades of basic research on biogerontology (the science of aging), the aging process still remains an enigma. Although hundreds of "theories" on aging have been... more
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      BiochemistryBioinformaticsGeneticsArtificial Intelligence
In this work, the system design, integration, and wind tunnel experimental evaluation are presented for a bio-inspired self-sensing intelligent composite unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) wing. A total of 148 micro-sensors, including... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringStochastic ProcessSensors and Sensing
This paper analyzes how short-run interest rates are used to manage expectations of market participants in Turkey. The dynamic effects of short-run interest rates on the expected inflation, growth, exchange rate and interest rate for the... more
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsMacroeconomicsTurkey