Total factor productivity
Recent papers in Total factor productivity
What determines a country's ability to compete in international markets? What fosters the global competitiveness of its firms? And in the European context, have key elements of the EU strategy such as EMU and enlargement helped or... more
This paper analyzes productivity growth trends in emerging-market economies vis-à-vis advanced economies, both in the recent global productivity slowdown and from a long-term perspective. While income has converged in most countries in... more
Pakistan is the 15th largest producer of sugar in the world, 5th largest in terms of area under sugar cultivation and 60th in yield. The sugar industry is the 2nd largest agro based industry which comprises of 81 sugar mills. With this... more
Given the concern about the low growth rates in African countries, this paper deals with the issue of how to increase the said growth rates by using South Africa as a case study. This paper attempts to answer this question by examining... more
This paper analyzes how privatization can in¯uence the eciency of a ®rm's operations. Canadian National (CN), a privatized ®rm, and its closest private sector competitor, Canadian Paci®c (CP), are compared both before and after the... more
This paper estimates economic efficiency, TFP change, and technical change of the Greek banking system over the period 1993᎐1998. The beginning of the examination period coincides with the acceleration of liberalization and deregulation... more
This paper deals with the devastating food insecurity in two densely populated provinces in the north of Burundi as a result of overpopulation and low production capacity in the aftermath of conflict. We compare data that was collected in... more
Controversial arguments abound in the previous research on the relationship between R&D output and firm size, with these arguments implying the existence of a nonlinear relationship between the two. However, such a relationship has never... more
Capital subsidization is a widespread instrument of regional and industrial policy in Europe. A number of recent works have examined the influence of capital subsidization on the total factor productivity of recipient sectors and firms,... more
This paper provides an overview of the literature on private equity and leveraged buyouts, focusing on global evidence related to both governance and returns to private equity and leveraged buyouts. We distinguish between financial and... more
The structure of banking systems in GCC countries; namely, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, has substantially changed over the past decade, mainly as a result of regional economic integration and... more
ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper is to apply a Cobb-Douglas, Translog Stochastic Production Function and Data Envelopment Analysis in order to estimate inefficiencies over time as well as respective TFP (Total Factor Productivity)... more
This paper focuses on the evolution of productivity in the telecommunications industries for 13 OECD countries over the period 1979-1998. It uses Data Envelopment Analysis, a non-parametric approach that allows decompositions of changes... more
Many writers have claimed that research and development (R&D) has two faces. In addition to the conventional role of stimulating innovation, R&D enhances technology transfer (absorptive capacity). We explore this idea empirically using a... more
This study was conducted in the Gezira scheme. Covering the period 1980-2002. The study aimed to decompose total factor productivity index of wheat production into tow components the technological change (TC) and the efficiency change... more
We propose a Neo-Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) model of trade that combines comparative endowment advantage, comparative technological advantage, international capital mobility and trade costs. Using an inframarginal approach, we produce a... more
The issue of improving productivity growth is well stressed in developing and less developing countries that confront a severe economic and social deterioration owing to the misuse of the available human and physical resources. Education,... more
Over the past decade, research explaining cross country income differences has increasingly pointed to the dominant role of total factor productivity (TFP) gaps as opposed to factor accumulation. Nevertheless, it is a widely held belief... more
Illustration de la couverture commanditée par l'équipe du Rapport sur le développement dans le monde 2005 ;
We assess the recent economic and financial performance of U.K. private equity (PE) backed buyouts. Our empirical evidence, which is based on thousands of transactions, reveals that PE-backed buyouts achieved superior economic and... more
Productivity growth in agriculture is essential for the development of the sector. This paper has reviewed the developments in agricultural productivity related to the South Asian countries, namely Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and... more
There has been a pronounced increase in research and development (R&D) expenditure in Singapore over the last two decades, with government spending accounting for a sizeable share. This increase has been spurred by public policy emphasis... more
The household enterprise sector has a significant role in the Tanzanian economy. It employs a larger share of the urban labor force than wage employment, and is increasingly seen as an alternative to agriculture as a source of additional... more
Potential output measures a country's attainable aggregate living standard and is thus one of the most important categories of economics. It is also a key indicator for monetary and fiscal policy. Despite its prominence, however,... more
This paper discusses the literature on the established determinants of productivity in the retail sector. It also draws attention to some neglected strands of research which provide useful insights into strategies that could allow... more
In questo lavoro l'analisi degli spillover si è concentrata sulle esternalità fra le imprese italiane del tipo intra-e inter-industry ed i loro effetti sulla produttività. Le relazioni tra i vari settori sono state approssimate attraverso... more
This paper examines the impact of being an innovator on firm productivity in Taiwan. Using a panel of 48794 firms observed over the 1997-2003 period, and distributed across 23 industries, we compute TFP by estimating Translog production... more
While barriers to trade in most goods and some services including capital flows have been reduced considerably over the past two decades, many remain. Such policies harm most the economies imposing them, but the worst of the merchandise... more
a pivotal member of the team that built the model used here, Bernard Decaluwé and John Cockburn for academic mentorship during the course of this project. Ismaël Fofana provided technical assistance with poverty analysis. Gratitude is... more
The objective of this paper was to explain the greater or lesser growth rate of total factor productivity, TFP, in the main East Asian and Latin American economies between 1960 and 2015. We found econometric evidence favorable to this... more
xii summary higher productivity. Simulation 4 examines cases of higher industry TFP in raw cotton, cotton lint and yarn, and textiles in both the short and long run using a dynamic-recursive version of the CGE model. The increase in TFP... more
Rice production in Asia needs to increase to feed a growing population whereas water for irrigation is getting scarcer. Major challenges are to (i) save water; (ii) increase water productivity and (iii) produce more rice with less water.... more
Peningkatan jumlah penduduk serta perubahan pola konsumsi dan selera masyarakat menyebabkan peningkatan konsumsi daging sapi nasional yang dipenuhi sekitar 65% dari produk impor sehingga berpotensi menguras cadangan devisa. Salah satu... more