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      International DevelopmentEconomic policyPublic sectorUrban Poverty
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The on-site and off-site impacts of land degradation, particularly in the form of soil erosion, pose a serious problem in many developing countries. In Sri Lanka, the implementation of wide-ranging policy reforms and institutional changes... more
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      Institutional ChangeSri LankaMultidisciplinaryDeveloping Country
Methods We used multivariate longitudinal regression to analyse age-standardised mortality rates in working-age men (15-59 years) in post-communist countries of eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union from 1989 to 2002. We defined mass... more
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      Eastern EuropeSocial CapitalUnemploymentAdolescent
The liberalisation of agricultural trade is strongly contested as an international policy project. In the context of the current World Trade Organisation (WTO) Doha trade round, concerns revolve around the implications of freer trade for... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyEuropean UnionUrban And Regional Planning
This paper posits a formal political economy model where the principle of reciprocity in multilateral trade talks results in the gradual elimination of tariffs. Reciprocity trade talks turn each nation's exporters into anti-protectionists... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyTrade PolicyTrade Liberalisation
Local manufacturing in the Australian Textile, Clothing and Footwear (TCF) industry has declined for more than 40 years. In the 1980’s initiatives were introduced by the Australian Government to address the lack of international... more
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      Action ResearchCase StudiesBusiness ModelsFashion Research
Presentación de una estrategia para reducir la pobreza y convertir a Honduras en una nación del primer mundo en una o dos generaciones. Análisis de procesos exitosos de liberalización económica en Asia, Europa y América Latina.... more
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      HistoryLatin American StudiesConstitutional LawEconomics
The Philippine duck industry is dominated by smallholder production. At present, about 99 percent of the demand for duck products is met by domestic production. However, it is envisaged that as trade liberalisation continues, the... more
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      International RelationsFood PolicyTrade Liberalisation
The link between trade liberalisation and poverty has become one of the most debated topics in recent years. There is a growing body of empirical literature on this topic and many studies provide mixed results. In this study, Sri Lanka is... more
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      EconometricsPovertySouth AsiaSri Lanka
Vicente Huidobro nace en Santiago en 1893 y muere en Cartagena en 1948. Creador y exponente del creacionismo, es considerado uno de los cuatro grandes de la poesía chilena junto con Parra, Neruda y De Rokha.
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      International RelationsFood PolicyTrade Liberalisation
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      Post-ColonialismUkraineUluslararası İlişkilerSosyoloji
Though India embarked on economic liberalisation in 1991, the agrarian sector was liberalised only in 2004 when more than 400 agrarian commodities were exposed to global competition. Food price volatility became a perennial problem after... more
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      GlobalizationAgriculture and Food StudiesEconomyFood Prices
The broad objective of the banking sector reforms in India has been to increase efficiency and profitability of the banks. The banking sector in India has undergone several changes in the areas of prudential, regulatory, disclosure, and... more
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      Banks and credit marketsCamelFinancial PerformanceCredit Management of Private and Public Sector Banks in India
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      International TradeDeveloping CountriesFair TradeFree Trade
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      Domestic ViolenceEconomic GrowthPublic sectorInformal Economy
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of public sector accounting in implementing neoliberal reforms. Design/methodology/approach -The proposition that the adoption and development of accrual accounting in the public... more
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      Financial managementPublic sectorPolitical EconomicsUnited Kingdom
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      Integrated assessmentVietnamTrade LiberalizationTrade Liberalisation
La nouvelle théorie du commerce international démontre que la présence de concurrence imparfaite et d'économies d'échelle peut modifier de manière radicale les impacts de politiques commerciales. Toutefois, malgré l'ampleur... more
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      Developing CountryComputable General EquilibriumTrade PolicyNew Trade Theory
Economic and political policy interventions were reflected on the economic development of the countries with respect to improving economic and social well-being of poor, market productivity and considerable growth rate in GDP.... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceImpact StrengthTrade Liberalisation
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      Intellectual PropertyInternational TradeForeign Direct InvestmentTechnology transfer
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      Poverty ReductionTrade Liberalisation
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      Income DistributionGood GovernanceDeveloping CountryTrade Policy
On the basis of the application of the Economic geography approach on the economic integration process of Mercosur, I discuss the advantages and the limits of such a conception, pointing out the absence of certain fundamental variables... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment EconomicsEconomic GeographyDevelopment Studies
Dress- and Auto-Makers in the "Free Trade" Arena: A Case Study of the Impacts of Free Trade on Labour Standards in Labour- and Capital-intensive Industries in Indonesia
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      IndonesiaAutomotive IndustryLabour StandardsTrade Liberalisation
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      Regional EconomicsMexicoRegional Economic DisparitiesTrade Liberalisation
This paper examines the impact of trade liberalisation on the trade balance and balance of payments in Mexico. Two events are identified as being important in this regard. The first one is when trade liberalisation started in a serious... more
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      Economic GrowthTrade BalanceTrade LiberalisationEmpirical Analysis
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      Applied EconomicsWorld EconomyWage inequalityTrade Liberalisation
The issue of the reduction of the levels of tariff and non-tariff barriers below the ones corresponding to the GATT agreement of 1994 has been raised in the circles of international organisations such as the WTO, the World Bank, etc.... more
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      Poverty ReductionTrade Liberalisation
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      LawInternational LawInternational TradeGlobal Financial Crisis
Empirical studies that have examined the relationship between trade reforms and manufacturing performance have tended to use productivity growth, export growth and changes in price-cost margins as yardsticks of performance measures. We... more
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      Developing CountryEmpirical StudyTrade ReformManufacturing Sector
The objective of this article is to show how regional programming models can be combined with a global multi-commodity trade module in order to improve policy analysis. After a discussion of model components and the mechanism that link... more
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      Policy AnalysisImpact AssessmentFruit and vegetablesProgramming Model
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      Transfer PricingGlobal Production NetworksFirm-Level DataTrade Policy
This study attempts to examine the impact of trade liberalization on Nigeria agricultural performance (model one) with special interest on export sub-sector (model two) using time -series analysis. It is stated clearly that performance of... more
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      Agricultural PolicyImportExportCapital Formation
Globalization has a major impact on the management of human resources in developing countries including Nigeria. With accelerating globalization, organizations have had to change and new trends have set in even in the industrial relations... more
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      Industrial RelationsHuman Resource ManagementHuman ResourcesTrade Liberalisation
an agreement during the 2003 Ministerial Cancún meeting. Since then, they have vehemently criticised the farm policies and agricultural tariffs in developed countries. During the year 2004, DCs have extracted some concessions from... more
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      Agricultural tradeApplied EconomicsDeveloping CountryWorld Economy
After a brief reminder of the distinction between regionalism and regionalisation, the chapter describes the landscape of regional economic groupings across the continent before addressing the heuristic value of the notion of integration... more
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      International TradeDeveloping CountriesFair TradeFree Trade
This paper examines the impact of trade liberalisation on the trade balance and balance of payments in Mexico. Two events are identified as being important in this regard. The first one is when trade liberalisation started in a serious... more
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      Economic GrowthTime series analysisTrade BalanceBalance of Payment
When we observe the dynamics regarding the creation of preferential trade agreements and the simultaneous lack of progress in WTO prognosis in recent years, a question appears concerning the future shape of the global trade system:... more
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      International RelationsInternational TradeInternational Political EconomyRegionalism
The core and primary aim of introducing the mandatory procurement component (MPC) is the willingness of the Latvian legislator to raise the local powers of electricity generation and thereby increasing energy-independence from other... more
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      European LawInternational LawCompetition LawRenewable Energy
One of the key challenges to the study of Brazilian capitalist development has been how to interpret the survival of ‘backward’ forms of exploitation which, in combination with surplus value generated through higher degrees of worker... more
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      GlobalizationMarxismLabour ProcessInternational Trade
The article analyses the issue of economic inequality in the transition economies of Central, East and Southeast Europe. It consists of a literature review and a descriptive analysis as well as an econometric modelling exercise. In the... more
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      Income DistributionCommonwealth of Independent StatesLiterature ReviewIncome inequality
Using a detailed data set at the tariff line level, we find an emulator effect of multilateralism on subsequent regional trade agreements involving the US. We exploit the variation in the frequency with which the US has granted immediate... more
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      EconomicsApplied EconomicsFree Trade AreaPreferential trade agreement
Vietnam has negotiated a series of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements and has made significant steps in integrating into the world economy. This integration is likely to have both positive and negative effects on different... more
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      International RelationsVietnamLivestock ProductionTrade Liberalisation
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      Human GeographyInternational TradeUrban And Regional PlanningApplied Economics
Recent decades have witnessed a marked acceleration of agro-industrialisation processes in much of the developing world. This is opening up new opportunities for smallholders, even in isolated areas, to escape poverty by trading in the... more
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      Common PropertySocial CapitalRural DevelopmentRural Poverty
Defining the concept of development is not an easy task and it would certainly go far beyond the scope of this text. Nevertheless, it is necessary to recall that originally, the concept of development had a political goal. President... more
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      Development EconomicsInternational EconomicsDevelopment StudiesInternational Relations Theory
The working paper's main objective is to explore the extent to which non-compliance to international labor rights is caused by global competition. From the perspective of institutional economics, compliance with core labor rights is... more
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      Labour rightsTrade Liberalisation
Like many other agricultural commodities, the international rice market is highly distorted because of excessive protective measures in both developed and developing countries. This paper examines the welfare and trade impacts of the... more
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    • Trade Liberalisation