Village Studies
Recent papers in Village Studies
The article describes the development of research of the deserted village settlement from the early Middle Ages to the 20th century. It mentiones the most important researched localities and the methods of non-destructive research. The... more
Studi kasus di desa penelitian yang terletak di Kabupaten Lombok Timur ini berfokus kepada advokasi perlindungan perempuan dan anak terkait isu kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Advokasi ini dilakukan melalui masyarakat desa melalui... more
Özet Kültürel peyzaj kaynakları, insanın doğal çevreyi sosyal ve kültürel birikimi sonucu şekillendirmesi sonucu oluşur. Böylece yöreye özgü gelenek ve görenekler, doğaya yansımakta ve bunun sonucunda çevre farklı karakterler... more
Using demographic information from the Primary Census Abstracts and , Village Directories for 1991 and 2011, we could trace the changing characteristics of villages and the spatial pattern in such changes.
Greenery areas represent an organic component of the rural space. For urban needs we base on the survey of their condition. Within the revitalisation of public green spaces in central parts of these communities we work on their... more
A well-positioned villa with unobstructed views over a beautiful swimming cove at Binibèquer (also known as Binibeca), Menorca. Shops, restaurants and the beach are all within a 5-15 minute walk. There are no buildings-nothing-between the... more
Panchayati Raj is a system of governance in which gram (village) panchayats are the basic units of administration. It has three levels: village, block and district. Mahatma Gandhi advocated Panchayati Raj, a decentralized form of... more
Hospitality in central highland Sardinia is a key cultural idiom that structures community life and accompanies daily interactions among all social actors. Its meaning varies according to the relationship between the parties involved in... more
Since the mid-2000s, India has been beset by widespread farmer protests against land dispossession. Dispossession Without Development demonstrates that beneath these conflicts lay a profound shift in regimes of dispossession. While the... more
A study aimed to understanding the implementation of village fiscal decentralization. Translation is done by qualitative approach of literature study. In the literature study of this research, researchers also used a textual approach to... more
Abstrak Gratifikasi rentan terhadap celah masuk tindak pidana suap dan pemerasan. Pemberian gratifikasi acap ditunggangi kepentingan di luar aspek hubungan emosional pribadi dan sosial kemasyarakatan. Merupakan masalah ketika gratifikasi... more
Die für die wirtschaftspolitische Zeitschrift Recherche D geschriebene Rezension zu Werner Bätzing: Das Landleben. Geschichte und Zukunft einer gefährdeten Lebensform (C.H. Beck München 2020) ist dann doch zu einem Artikel aus Anlaß... more
All over the world, the unorganized manufacturing sector is known as Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) while in India this is known as SSI. And here for the purpose of this paper I am using the term village small industries (VSI).... more
Gandhi and Architecture: A Time for Low-Cost Housing chronicles the emergence of a low-cost, low-rise housing architecture that conforms to M.K. Gandhi’s religious need to establish finite boundaries for everyday actions; finitude in turn... more
Studying the Landscape's roles in Life quality of Iran`s Arid Area`s Villages Under Influence of Modern Development; Case study on “Haj Ali Asgar” Village Arid area`s villages are good examples for studying the influence of modernization... more
""It's quite hard to analyse the history of a village founded around a missing monastery when there are few papers, too late, and is impossible compare the results with any archeological research. So we have to study and try out... more
This paper looks at the various views of historical geographers, archaeologists and historians concerning the nature of settlement in early Ireland. It examines the way that the idea of 'tribalism' has shaped views of the past. How far... more
[Vol. 3: Biographical entries (Polska Lutynia - Żywocice) + Conclusions + Summary (in English)]
The COVID-19 that has engulfed the world has presented a bitter challenge to academic intellectual to define knowledge in the absence of academic environment and skills in the presence of local environment. Having been given an order by... more
This paper is about a small south Indian village called ‘Pappankulam’ which has many temples and interesting stories associated with it. This article includes deep in depth research on the origins of the myths. This artciel will try to... more
I examine the bottom-up role of villages in low population density Old Kingdom Egypt, and later ancient Egypt, against the top-down, planned, and centrally controlled Heit el-Ghurab urban site at Giza, which has been interpreted as... more
The State of Indonesia is an agricultural country, so land has a very important meaning for the lives of the people of Indonesia. Once the importance of the position of land for humans is not uncommon to cause disputes about land.... more
Development of the countryside consisting of rural settlements and landscapes stands for an integrated transdisciplinary issue. To make rural development efficient, it is important to encourage and support sustainability concerning both,... more
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1959 / The book was published in Prague in 1959.
Tulisan ini berupaya mengidentifikasi tantangan desa-desa di Jawa Timur saat implementasi UU No.6/2014 tentang Desa yang berdekatan waktunya dengan dimulainya Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) 2015. UU Desa yang berupaya mengembalikan... more
In this technical session 9 papers by the postgraduate students (M.Sc. 4th Semester) of the Department of Anthropology, Vidyasagar University were presented which were based on their recent fieldwork experiences among the Mundas in two... more
Materi Pelatihan : Peningkatan Kapasitas Aparatur Desa
Secara Historis, Desa Wisata Tinalah (Dewi Tinalah) merupakan desa wisata yang mempunyai sejarah perjuangan berdiri tegaknya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) hingga saat ini. Sekretariat Dewi Tinalah berada di Jl. Persandian Km.... more
The paper analyses the desertion trend of several villages in Lombardy during the XIVth century, starting the way in which desertion phenomena are classified by sources. Desertions are numerous, even before the Black Death, but with a... more
Eastern Slovakia is one of the last islands of the traditional buildings with a timber skeleton structure, once common in the wider European area. The paper presents the research history, evolution, technology and rich residential and... more
The objective of this research is to study the birth and characteristics of Thai anthropology and Thai Studies by focusing on the early decades of Cold War, 1950s to 1970s. Research question is when and how, according to Thai state and... more
Form monitoring ini untuk mengukur kinerja dan produktivitas kelembagaan BPD dalam mengawasi lajunya pemerintahan desa. Adapun form ini memuat indikator dan alat ukur, yang disesuaikan dengan aturan di dalam Permendagri 110 Tahun 2016
Lebih kurang 14 tahun terakhir terjadi perubahan besar pada tatanan hukum, politik dan sosial paska berakhirnya rezim Orde Baru. Perubahan hukum dimulai sejak amandemen UUD 1945 yang terjadi dalam empat (4) putaran perubahan, yaitu; (1)... more