Turkish Foreign Policy Syria
Recent papers in Turkish Foreign Policy Syria
2010年末に始まった「アラブの春」をきっかけに、トルコの中東における存在感は高まった。リベラルな外交政策の展望、経済統合のプロジェクト、ソフトパワーの手段の活用などが要因として絡み合っていた。しかしながら「アラブの春」以降、トルコの中東への関与は数々の難題に直面している。... more
تسعى الأطراف الدولية المتدخلة في الأزمة السورية إلى إطالة أمد الصراع التركي-الكردي في سوريا لاستنزاف القدرات العسكرية التركية، وتحجيم النفوذ التركي في سوريا، بهدف استبعاد أنقرة من معادلات تقاسم مناطق النفوذ بعد نهاية الصراع. وفي المقابل،... more
Center for Strategic and International Studies Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy
On first entering Syria, the observant traveler will probably be startled to go through passport control and notice a military map of Syria on the wall, for this map contains several anomalies. It shows the Golan Heights under Syrian... more
Little about Syria’s natural endowments would lead an analyst to predict that it would have such a central role in Middle Eastern affairs. By most indicators of strategic importance—including size, internal cohesiveness, and wealth—Syria... more
This thesis aims to analyze both the evolution of Turkish-Syrian relations during the period of the AKP governments and the emergence of the Syrian revolt in March 2011. With the popular revolts in many Arab countries starting in December... more
Turkey’s response to the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq’s independence referendum took most observers by surprise. The prevailing assumption was that, despite its vocal objections, Turkey would eventually just accommodate the... more
Ortadoğu’da Arap isyanları olarak adlandırılan 2011’deki protesto dalgası sonrası gelişen iç çatışmalar bölgede kaba güç olarak tabir edilen askeri güç kullanımını öne çıkarmaktadır. Türkiye de bölgesinde önemli bir aktör olarak özellikle... more
Turkey is an important actor of the war in Syria. After the first months of the conflict the Syrian neighbour began supporting the opposition forces in the war and took a very critical approach to Bashar al-Assad's regime, based on the... more
During the onslaught of the Islamic caliphate on Kobanî, Syria, media outlets across the globe broadcast pictures of brave and often unveiled Kurdish women fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a quintessentially male... more
Siyaset Psikolojisi, Türkçe olmayan literatürde gerek deneysel gerekse teorik çalışmalarla oldukça zenginleşmiş bir disiplin olmasına karşılık, Türkçe literatürde yeterince yer bulamamış bir alandır. Bu disiplinin katkılarından olan imge... more
Turkey's position vis-à-vis the Syrian conflict has been, from the outset, replete with the AKP's ideological vision pertaining to Turkish society and the Middle East. The AKP conceived the Syrian war as a springboard for the realization... more
Žádné revoluční spojenectví mezi Ankarou a Moskvou, ohlašované některými komentátory, se nekoná a konat nebude, píše v analýze politolog Emil Aslan. 1 Nedávní nepřátelé na život a na smrt – prezidenti Ruska a Turecka Vladimir Putin a... more
It is argued in this study that Turkey’s ambition to play a key regional role and become a global actor is not novel. There have been at least two similar initiatives in recent history that defended Turkey’s extraordinary strategic... more
First published in the American Chronicle, Buzzle and AfroArticles on 26th September 2007 Republished in the Aramaean portal as per below http://www.aramaic-dem.org/English/Aram_Naharaim/070926.htm A while back, the Arameans of the... more
To παρόν άρθρο δημοσιεύτηκε στα «Χανιώτικα Νέα», την ιστοσελίδα του apopseis.gr και του ΟΔΕΘ. Αναφέρεται στις "διεθνείς σχέσεις" του τουρκοκυπριακού ψευδοκράτους ("ΤΔΒΚ") και τις απόπειρες της Τουρκίας να ενθαρρύνει τη διεθνή αναγνώρισή... more
Обсуждение современной смены направления в Турецкой внешней политике и в отношениях с Россией.
Türkische Sicherheitspolitik im Spannungsfeld divergierender Interessen
We present an excerpt from the history of the Armenian-populated village of Khene (Gheneyye) in the north-western part of the Syrian Arab Republic.
Why has Turkey not engaged politically with the PYD to transform it, an approach that is hardly alien to it? Why has it insisted on militarizing its Syria policy? It is often argued that Turkey’s military posture is driven by domestic... more
Suriye, Guta, kimyasal silah saldırısının ardından yayınlanan bir değerlendirme makalesi
In Occidente, all'indomani del fallito colpo di Stato orchestrato da alcuni settori delle forze armate nella notte fra il 15 e il 16 luglio 2016, sono molti gli osservatori che si sono domandati quale assetto politico si sarebbe... more
The recent escalation of armed clashes in southeastern Turkey between Turkish security forces and Kurdish militants is indicative of the new, turbulent phase the Kurdish problem has entered. This paper will analyze Turkish foreign policy... more
The Coalition of Radical Left (Syriza) was the big winner of the Greek national elections of January 25 [because of a typo the published article wrongly states 15 instead of 25], 2015, as expected. With 36.34% of the votes, Syriza and its... more
Türkiye – Rusya arasında yaşanan uçak krizi bir enformasyon savaşına da dönüştü. Kamu diplomasisi uzmanı Muharrem Ekşi’ye göre, Türkiye bu savaşa kamu diplomasisi açısından hazırlıksız yakalandı.
Since the establishment of Turkish Republic in 1923, Turkey has always had aspiration to become more integrated to the West as a part of Westernization project and this aspiration was mainly reflected the domestic policies. While keeping... more
The advances by Syria’s regime against the opposition-controlled territory in the northwest governorate of Idlib triggered yet another cross-border military operation in the country by Turkey in February. Further escalation was prevented... more
Dàna Magazine, December 2014
Dedicated to all those who selflessly organised the safe retreat of Kesab Armenians during the events of March 2014, saved them from extermination and heroically protected their right to return to their birthplace The booklet presents the... more
Operation Olive Branch proved western analysts were wrong When the launch of Operation Olive Branch was announced on January 20 , many experts and analysts had serious doubts about the fate of the operation that aimed to capture Afrin... more
Erdoğan is violating both ethical rules and international law by ordering the Turkish intelligence organization MIT to send arms and ammunitions to Islamists in Syria under the cover of humanitarian aid.
This article analyzes Turkey's options for Northeastern Syria following President Donald Trump's announcement of US troop withdrawal in December 2018
IRAN’S PERSPECTIVES FOR SANCTIONS AND CHEMICAL WEAPON By Cigdem Yorgancioglu PREFACE : On the basis of the interview with Foreign Minister of Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohammad Javad Zarif. conducted by Richard Haass (the moderator)... more
Egypt plays a crucial role in the formation of Turkish Middle Eastern policy. The importance that Egypt possesses for Turkey ranges from the nations’ shared historical and cultural memory to economic and security concerns. Due to its... more
The dilemmas of Turkish foreign policy; Suruç, ISIS, and PKK..
The advances by Syria’s regime against the opposition-controlled territory in the northwest governorate of Idlib triggered yet another cross-border military operation in the country by Turkey in February. Further escalation was prevented... more