U.S. Defense Policy
Recent papers in U.S. Defense Policy
We kidded ourselves for a while that Star Wars had gone away. We pretended that flower power was winning. But in our heart of hearts, in our 3 a.m. nightmares, we knew that no toy of destruction, once conceived of, has ever been left to... more
The world became a very different place after the devastating attacks on New York City on September 11, 2001. Without a doubt it was a much more dangerous place to live in as it open the eyes of the world to the dangers faced by terrorist... more
Niniejszy rozdział stanowi analizę polityki zbrojeniowej Stanów Zjednoczonych oraz kondycji amerykańskiego przemysłu obronnego w pierwszej dekadzie XXI wieku. Pierwsza część dotyczy lat wcześniejszych i stanowi swego rodzaju wprowadzenie... more
(Article available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/14702436.2017.1294970) This article reappraises the two most-studied country cases of military outsourcing: the USA and the UK. It argues that the contemporary wave of military contracting... more
Since the end of the Cold War, the U.S. Navy has made profound changes in its strategic concepts, operating structures, naval doctrines and combat systems to adapt its forces both to the changing security environment and to achieving a... more
The uneven performance of the US armed forces in anticipating, preparing for and carrying out the post-conflict phase of Operation ‘Iraqi Freedom’ has brought into relief a ‘missing link’ in the US’s awesome military capability. The... more
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as the main engine of growth of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, owing to its naturally cross-cutting, general-purpose nature. From a military perspective, the range of potential applications is... more
The closure of 91 military facilities and the relocation of 54 others came closer to being realized last March (1988) after the House Armed Services Committee voted in favor of the congressional amendment that would being the base closure... more
First edition of my monthly defense analysis on Kongressen.com, the article describes the ideas of the US armed forces on future conflicts.
A short news article about the testimonies given by the Joint Chiefs of Staff before the House Armed Services Committee on the possible consequences of sequestration and a continued resolution.