Virtual Organizations
Recent papers in Virtual Organizations
Este artigo apresenta o conceito de organização em rede e mostra sua relação intrínseca com o tema gestão por competências; prática fundamental para a boa administração da rede. Mostra-se como parcerias entre empresas, que possuem... more
In response to VO challenges, research and development efforts shall address different features and components of VO, that cover a wide spectrum of areas. Considering the complexity of building technical support infrastructures and... more
This chapter identifies different types of virtual organizations that are emerging in the electronics sector. Examples of VOs are introduced that represent different forms of network-based functionality. A vision on electronic engineering... more
Giriş Küreselleşmenin etkileri günlük hayatta bir çok noktada görüldüğü gibi, iş dünyasına da yansımaktadır. Küreselleşme, yeni çalışma biçimlerini tetikleyen bir unsur olarak, " Sanal Takım " kavramının da ortaya çıkmasında önemli bir... more
En este artículo se presenta una reflexión teórica de la organización virtual y de los diversos subtipos: organizaciones virtuales, organizaciones virtuales temporales y organizaciones con grados de virtualidad. Durante el desarrollo del... more
This paper explores current research around IT-related organizational change in the public sector, and in particular the emergence of “virtual organizations”(VOs) in government. We argue that despite their centrality to broader digital... more
This article presents the application of management by delegation of power in virtual organizations showing the benefits from it. Through analysis of literature and made a series of comparisons, the author concludes that the assumptions... more
Virtual organizations, or "organizations without walls", the collection of geographically distributed, functionally and culturally diverse organisational entities linked through information and communication technologies (ICT) are key... more
This study addresses Schein's (1999) three levels of organizational culture and virtual universities, where an attempt is made to reflect on Schein's artifacts, values and basic assumptions when visiting an online university on the... more
This dissertation describes and analyzes six themes that emerged during the first three years' development of Catalytic Communities, a community development organization meant to operate strictly in cyberspace, thus reaching a global... more
This text develops a model based on network topology that can be used to analyze or engineer the structures and dynamics of an organization in which neuroprosthetic technologies are employed to enhance the abilities of human personnel. We... more
This paper discusses the competence required in the leadership of virtual organization. The speciics of virtual organization presents a challenge to traditional managerial styles. In order to achieve success in virtual environment, a... more
10 th International Conference of Security, Privacy and Trust Management (SPTM 2022) looks for significant contributions to Trust management for networks. Original papers are invited on Security, Privacy and Trust Management of wireless... more
Warketing e-Business Más que un canal de distribución Hoy nada se puede concebir sin pensar en internet, cuando necesitas algo lo primero que viene a tu cabeza es Google, las cartas escritas a mano ya son una tradición de unos pocos... more
Dziennikarstwo branżowe ma istotne znaczenie dla tworzenia i użytkowania gier komputerowych (wideo), które stanowią podstawę jednego z przemysłów kształtującej się na początku XXI wieku gospodarki kreatywnej. Przedstawiciele mediów... more
There has been considerable investigation into the nature, effectiveness and performance of virtual organizations, virtual teams and virtual collaboration (Cogburn, et al, 2011) based on the affordances of information and communications... more
Virtual Organization Breeding Environments (VOBE) represents a framework of organizations, institutions and individuals that cohere to long term base co-operations and infrastructures, mainly towards ensuring the ability of rapid... more
Improvements in today's information society have also changed the working styles of the organisations. Organisations are more focused on services and operate in a virtual environment. The origins of virtual teams are knowledge and... more
Abstract. The present emergence of loosely-coupled, inter-enterprise collaboration, i.e., virtual organizations calls for new kind of middleware: generic, common facilities for managing contract-governed collaborations and the autonomous... more
El estudio de las organizaciones, así como de la cultura dentro de éstas, son tópicos de inagotable interés y grandes debates dentro del campo organizacional. Especialmente, es un campo que se ha caracterizado por presentar aproximaciones... more
Advances in information, communication, and computational technologies allow digital volunteer networks formed by concerned publics across the globe to contribute to an effective response to disasters and crises. Digital volunteer... more
Many domains are well known for their resistance to social media. Currently, there is a dearth of literature that explores social media use in these contexts. This study seeks to help address this gap by evaluating the use of social media... more
Aiming at improving urban life through more sustainable integrated solutions, will certainly deliver quality-of-life benefits. Disruptive projects in cities are always a good opportunity to bring novel work models and know-how and develop... more
Celem pracy jest opracowanie modelu przedsiębiorstwa ograniczającego ryzyko w warunkach wysokiej niepewności. Takie ryzyko towarzyszy wprowadzaniu innowacji oraz start-upom. Analizowane są dwa uniwersalne procesy: projektowanie... more
A learning community is a collaborative network involved in maintenance and innovation which is based on common aims, shared meanings, common approaches, commitment to effective implementation and mutual accountability. All of these... more
There is a growing demand to utilize distributed systems for remote measurement, monitoring and remote control of devices. These systems have a huge application potential in many areas, such as on-line training and collaborative work for... more
The design and development of a transparent, easy to use and affordable ICT infrastructure is a key prerequisite for the effective large-scale implementation of the collaborative network organizations such as virtual organizations,... more
Being a virtual organization is the ultimate achievement for some organizations. As the mammoth step, organizations in the country need to explore the possibilities of accepting and implementing their move in telework and subsequently to... more
İnsan, doğası gereği yeni bilgileri sorgulayan ve bir şeye inanmadan önce o konuda kanıt arayan bir varlıktır. Özellikle bu kanıtın gözle görülebilir, elle dokunulabilir olması da inanmayı teşvik eden en önemli unsurlardandır. Ancak... more
Opening Keynote Address at the “Wireless Ready: Podcasting Education and Mobile Assisted Language Learning” symposium held at NUCB Graduate School, Nagoya, Japan on March 24, 2007. The presentation was conducted simultaneously in the 3D... more
Research scientists have become increasingly dependent on collaborations across laboratories and organizations to maintain their productivity. However, the increased specialization of individual laboratories works against the current... more
This paper explores a variety of methods for applying the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) automated topic modeling algorithm to the modeling of the structure and behavior of virtual organizations found within modern social media and... more
Being a virtual organization is the ultimate achievement for some organizations. As the mammoth step, organizations in the country need to explore the possibilities of accepting and implementing their move in telework and subsequently to... more
Artykuł stanowi studium przypadku przedsiębiorstwa globalnego działającego w oparciu o wirtualizację. Przeprowadzono badania dotyczące podstawowych obszarów innowacyjności. W ich kontekście weryfikowano efektywność działań pracowników,... more
RAED provides a computerised infrastructure to support the development and administration of Vicarious Learning in collaborative learning communities spread across multiple universities and workplaces. The system is based on the OASIS... more
In the modern business world, due to the impact of technological advancements and globalisation, organisations are obliged to keep up with the change in order to seize new opportunities they encounter and overcome the obstacles in their... more
list of my Documents in Category 7: Wissenschaftstheorie/Theory of Sciences in - mostly Literature Extracts
The information and communication technology evolution is aggressively affecting the business world in the twenty first century. The magnitude of change in business development from a global perspective, unconstrained by time or... more
In: Collaborative Networked Organizations – A research agenda for emerging business models, cap. 7.2, Springer / Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.