Women and Technology
Recent papers in Women and Technology
A witch traditionally has been considered a wise woman. The title was an acknowledgement of ancient wisdom and applicable modalities which had been practiced
THESIS ABSTRACT Contemporary Character Design At the Intersection with Emerging Technologies and Activism Angela Alcerro November, 2006 There is a wealth of documentation identifying the problem of middle school girls losing... more
In the pulp magazine period (1926–1946), science fiction’s publishing practices excluded female authors from the burgeoning genre. Using a network analysis of over 2,400 authors and 14,000 stories, this article demonstrates that women’s... more
The main question explored here is whether videogames are gender-exclusive, meaning that females cannot gain pleasure from what is essentially a male-dominated environment/activity. I will analyse some examples of games and characters... more
This review focuses on the participation, retention and success of women in Australia in these science and technology disciplines. The review concentrates on the horizontal and vertical segregation of women academics and researchers as... more
This manuscript discusses the relationship between women, technology manifestation, and likely prospects in the developing world. Using India as a case study, the manuscript outlines how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics affect... more
Livro: https://repositorio.ufba.br/ri/bitstream/ri/32218/1/internet-e-feminismos-REPO.pdf Graciela Natansohn e Florencia Rovetto Sobre o artigo: O desenvolvimento acelerado das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) tem colocado... more
While late-Victorians associated bicycles with male riders and masculinity, James Joyce counters Victorian conventions in Finnegans Wake and captures the subversive potential of the bicycle to empower women with a new brand of feminine... more
Whose Artifacts? Whose Stories? explores uses of public history to tell stories of women’s relationship with science and technology at the Canada Science and Technology Museum, one of Canada’s national museum. The article examines how... more
This manuscript discusses the relationship between women, technology manifestation, and likely prospects in the developing world. Using India as a case study, the manuscript outlines how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics affect... more
Este trabajo realiza un diagnóstico de estudios dedicados a las compositoras, artistas sonoras y cantautoras en Costa Rica. El estudio analiza los enfoques historiográficos aplicados en el estudio de la vida y obra de estas autoras y su... more
"3D Things" was conceived in a moment when some women's organisations in Sri Lanka had begun to explore how they could do their mobilising through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as on YouTube and blogs. It... more
This paper explores ICT use by Indian and Filipino female migrant workers who are employed as live-in maids in Singapore through ethnographic interviews with twenty women. Their particular employment circumstances translate into a... more
Lying at the intersections of disciplines such as of gender studies, media and communications, social psychology, sociology, anthropology and science, technology and society, women’s engagement with mobile media has been the subject of... more
From the boom of the 1990s to the bust of early 2000, women have been carving out careers in information technology. For these IT workers, it is not just about earning a living but about applying their technological, scientific and... more
Having a metaphorical image helps catalyze conversations. Everyone has the ability to communicate visually. Being 'an artist' is not the core capability of the visual journalist. Visual communication involves images and words, entwined in... more
Whose Artifacts? Whose Stories? explores uses of public history to tell stories of women’s relationship with science and technology at the Canada Science and Technology Museum, one of Canada’s national museum. The article examines how... more
ICTs such as television, the Internet and mobile phones are assuming a growing presence within the modern homestead and are having an indelible impact on family dynamics and parenting. While gender studies have sought to understand ICT... more
Book chapter in Networking for Change: ICTs and Women
This paper explores how the internet is taken up and used by women in the everyday; how it enters their lives, and how it is integrated into other projects and areas of life. Internet use is treated as an activity that needs to be viewed... more
From the boom of the 1990s to the bust of early 2000, women have been carving out careers in Information Technology. For these IT workers, it is not just about earning a living but about applying their technological, scientific and... more
Sneha Thakker has been one out of 10 women selected , from all over India, by Google for women techmakers program. To showcase the women power in the tech field to the world.
New domesticity—which is a return to a lifestyle that centers domesticity “in the service of environmentalism, DIY culture, and personal fulfillment”—is taking shape in mostly Westernized DIY spaces. New domesticity exists in a... more
Researchers have examined the impact of the internet in regions experiencing economic change and struggle. However, broad assumptions about opportunity and access to the internet in these regions still exist. An unproblematised 'global... more
This chapter focuses on fertility awareness digital tracking tools and compares discourses about older methods of birth spacing such as ‘natural family planning’ to the evolution of fertility awareness towards digital forms in the early... more
Technological Innovation and Human Resources Vol. 4 Women and Technology Urs E. Gattiker (Editor) © 1994 Walter de Gruyter• Berlin• New York Chapter 5 Home-based Telework and the Politics of Private Woman and Public Man: A Critical... more
Computerspiele sind aus medienökonomischer Sicht zwar längst ein Massenmedium, in der gesellschaftlichen Wahrnehmung werden sie jedoch tendenziell immer noch als Spielzeug vornehmlich für junge Männer wahrgenommen. Dabei liegt der Anteil... more
Promotion document of Women/Music/Technologies event. In preparation for the Yorkshire Sound Women Network's (https://yorkshiresoundwomen.wordpress.com/) presentation at the National Media Museum on March 17th,... more