Wikipedia Studies
Recent papers in Wikipedia Studies
Il progetto ha coinvolto un centinaio di studenti di scuole superiori del Veneto impegnati nell’editazione di Wikipedia su voci relative ai Beni Culturali della Regione. L’attività ha stimolato l’acquisizione di competenze di carattere... more
È "lavoro di partito" tutto ciò che contribuisce al movimento reale che abolisce lo stato di cose presente. In Marx la teoria del partito non è del tutto esplicita, però è facile da ricavare da molti dei suoi scritti. Nel Manifesto il... more
Wikipedia's coverage of breaking news and current events dominates editor contributions and reader attention in any given month. Collaborators on breaking news articles rapidly synthesize content to produce timely information in spite of... more
Since anonymous agents can spread misinformation with impunity, many people advocate for greater accountability for internet speech. This paper provides a veritistic argument that accountability mechanisms can cause significant epistemic... more
The open collaborative nature of wikis encourages participation of all users, but at the same time exposes their content to vandalism. The current vandalism-detection techniques, while effective against relatively obvious vandalism edits,... more
We analyze digital rhetoric in two computersupported collaborative settings of writing and learning, focusing on major depression: Wikipedia and Quora. We examine the procedural rhetoric of access to and interaction with information, and... more
The power-law distribution of participation characterizes a wide variety of technology-mediated social participation (TMSP) systems, and Wikipedia is no exception. A minority of active contributors does most of the work. While the... more
Oratie uitgesproken op 10 januari 2014 bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar Samenlevingsopbouw aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam vanwege de Gradus Hendriksstichting 5 Meneer de rector magnificus, Leden van het... more
The internet has always been a boys club. Women who choose to delve deeper into the net than their email inboxes needn't look very far to find themselves bombarded by the proliferation of archaic negative gender-based stereotypes in... more
In recent years, we have witnessed the notable accomplishments of numerous Internet-based large-scale collaborations, which typically rely on small contributions by many participants. In the first part of the paper we highlight the... more
Abstract – With web users increasingly taking on the role of producers/consumers (prosumers) of information, thanks to the technological affordances of social media, the representation of historical events may be subject to a number of... more
In this paper, I explore the concept of multitude according to the writings of Toni Negri, Michael Hardt and Paolo Virno and in opposition to the concept of mass, developed by the French thinker Gustave Le Bon. Multitude appears as a kind... more
This paper presents an analysis of my experiences with a teaching activity that engages students in publishing in Wikipedia on issues relating to globalization. It begins with a short overview of some of the current debates revolving... more
This article offers some reflections on the cultural and epistemological challenges presented to historians and teachers by Wikipedia. The history of Wikipedia is examined via a consideration of the ‘policies’ set out by its founders, and... more
This article explores the socially constructed space of Wikipedia and how the process and structure of Wikipedia enable it to act both as a vehicle for communication between sport fans and to subtly augment existing public narratives... more
Notre proposition se pose la question des raisons et des ressources du geste « d’enseigner différemment » à l’université française pour les enseignants de philosophie qui déplorent l’absence de pédagogie universitaire. Pour ce faire,nous... more
L’articolo presenta una esperienza di didattica universitaria relativa all’acquisizione e valutazione delle competenze digitali attraverso la creazione e l’editing di voci di Wikipedia. Le competenze digitali sono declinate secondo il... more
This article discusses the use of Wikipedia by academics and students for learning and teaching activities at Liverpool Hope University. Hope has distinctive aspects but we consider the findings to be indicative of Wikipedia use at other... more
Klassisches akademisches Publishing ist so langsam wie die königliche Postkutsche. Es gilt allerhand Traditionen zu beachten und das Schreiben eines Dokumentes erfolgt mit einem Federkelch, der be-hutsam in Tinte getaucht wird. Die Pferde... more
Sejarah baju tradisional Vitenam 奥黛 Ao Dai
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En los últimos años, han surgido varios proyectos en los que la traducción de la Wikipedia se emplea como herramienta didáctica en la formación de traductores . En la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón (España), en la asignatura de... more
Eight out of 10 students now use Wikipedia for research. In order not to run afoul of academia policies, this guide shows students the way to use Wikipedia for academic research without citing Wikipedia itself.
The world’s sixth most visited website, Wikipedia, is in desperate need of more diversity and contributions from women as well as from ethnic minorities and people from non-Western countries. This article offers an overview of how the... more
An autobiographical essay on typography. The text is progressively set in each typeface it discusses, as it explains the typefaces I have used throughout my life leading up to the production of a set of print works about the anecdotal... more
Geografi SMA.Tsunami dan Gempa Bumi.
El teorema de Torricelli establece que la velocidad con que sale el líquido por un agujero practicado a una profundidad h es igual a la velocidad que alcanzará si cayera desde una altura h. En esta práctica nos proponemos analizar la... more
Pentru început şi cea dintâi datorie, cea mai mare grijă a credinciosului creştin, este grija pentru mântuirea sufletului său, care rămâne nemuritor şi care trebuie să ajungă la perfecţiune ca şi Creatorul său, pentru că nimic în lumea... more
1 Comuniunea creştinului cu Hristos în Biserica Sa şi creşterea prin virtuţi în Hristos, "până vom ajunge toţi la unitatea credinţei şi a cunoaşterii Fiului lui Dumnezeu, la starea bărbatului desăvârşit, la măsura vârstei deplinătăţii lui... more
The Kinuman National High School held its Earthquake drill last July 2, 2014 at their respective grounds. The said drill was mandated by the Department of Education pursuant to the DepEd memo series of 2014.
À partir de l'exemple de La carte et le territoire de Michel Houellebecq, cet article propose d'étudier les réactions critiques face aux accusations de plagiat. Il est pertinent de se demander pourquoi fait-on du plagiat un crime... more
Η εργασία «Τα Αιολικά Πάρκα της Κεφαλονιάς» πραγματοποιήθηκε στα πλαίσια του μαθήματος «Τεχνολογία» της Α’ τάξης Λυκείου, ενώ παράλληλα ήταν αντικείμενο περιβαλλοντικού προγράμματος του σχολείου μας για το σχολικό έτος 2009-10. Ο... more
2012-Cuvânt înainte Pr.Prof.Univ.Dr. Dumitru Radu Pr.Prof.Univ.Dr. Emilian Cornitescu După o privire generală sintetică asupra Bisericii noastre în epoca nefericită a comunismului din ţara noastră (p.13-14), autorul încearcă o definire a... more
El libro titulado LA REDACCIÓN EN INTERNET, cuyo subtítulo reza “Tendencias, normas y desafíos de la escritura en la Sociedad de la Información y de la Comunicación” se distribuye en tres grandes apartados, que cubren: la redacción en la... more
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This study investigates why contributors to online volunteer organizations reduce activity or discontinue volunteering. First, this analysis, based on a survey of over a hundred English Wikipedia's volunteers with the highest edit count,... more
Esta investigación muestra las diversas formas en que los editores de Wikipedia en español y los voluntarios de Wikimedia México participan en un entorno colaborativo que se encuentra en medio de distintas tensiones, tanto internas... more