Yevgeny Zamyatin
Recent papers in Yevgeny Zamyatin
A brief analysis of the work "We" written by Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin in 1921 is presented. Corresponding to the science fiction genre, the work is recognized as one of the fundamental texts in the descriptive approach of social... more
When mentioning the role of language in characterisation in the dystopian novel, we must remember that little has been written on this. It is almost as if there is general consensus that characters in dystopia are in themselves... more
The idea of making this interview available to the wider public stems from my awareness of its neglect in the academic literature written on "We." Of the so many academic papers and books that I read on "We" in particular, and the... more
Představovaný sborník odkazuje nejen k filozofii ruského spisovatele a jednoho ze zakladatelů antiutopické literatury, ale hlavně se snaží zachytit utopické a antiutopické tendence v literární tvorbě, politické teorii a lidském uvažování.
Saggio di critica letteraria di DANILO CARUSO / Palermo, maggio 2015
An examination of the aesthetic of the machine and the eternal revolution in Yevgeny Zamyatin's 'We'.
In this paper we will compare Zamyatin’s poetics of minimalism in We to Orwell’s poetics of documentary realism in 1984. Other works of dystopia will be considered between these two extremes, while we will show that the works of Andrei... more
Aldous Huxley's seminal dystopian novel Brave New World (1931) imagines a totalitarian future where human individuality, deemed incompatible with social stability, is controlled by science and technology. Despite his claims to the... more
The naming of characters has always led to some interesting conjectures and its importance has been investigated by many scholars (R. Jakobson, R. Barthes, S. Chatman…). Although it is possible that the naming of characters is not... more
Handout version of a presentation at the 4th National Convention of the Popular Culture Association. Toronto, Ontario. March/April 1984, covering the theme of coming to consciousness (including revolutionary consciousness) in a range of... more
A Little Tractate On Dystopia 2001 is a sequence of "theses," many of which have one or more appended "glosses," grouped into sections. The section "Premises" (theses 1-3) leads to "A/ Epistemology and Utopia" (theses 4-13), "B/ Politics... more
Utopias and dystopias are constructed according to the current social structure. While utopias represent better and more beautiful things, anxiety and pessimism are transmitted in dystopia. Within the scope of this study, social reality... more
Yazar Yevgeni İvanoviç Zamyatin anılarında, Ekim Devrimi’ni “her şeyin bilinmeyen çok uzaklara doğru hareket halinde ve kaymakta olduğu o korkunç ve neşeli 1917-1918 kışında” diye betimler ve şöyle devam eder: “Ve ansızın, bana... more
The Glass Fortress, based upon Yevgeny Zamyatin's We (first published in an English translation in 1924). Story and lyrics by Alain Bourret, Music by Rémy Orts, 2015. Review written by Dr. Willi Real. February 2015. TELIC.... more
A new literary tendency of the 21st century has reached a certain level where it encapsulates both the past and future of humans. We call this tendency “transhumanism”, and it endeavors to combine science and technology through the... more
В статье развивается гипотеза о том, что отдельные характеры романа "Мы" списаны с Хлебникова, а отдельные сюжетные коллизии являеются подрывом хлебниковской нумерологии.
Persons pose philosophical problems of continuity and connection across two dimensions, time and space, that are not necessarily continuous or connected. By posing problems of continuity and connection, persons invite reflection on... more
Birinci tekil şahıs olarak alışılagelen, ruhbilimi tabiriyle de “bireyi öteki bilinçlerden ayıran unsur” olarak özelleştirilmeye gidilen “ben” adılı, bu iki tanım arasında kendini inşa etmeye çalışır. Bu oluşumda birey, mikro ölçüde... more
The Precariat -The New Dangerous Class, o zamana kadar adını hiç duymadığım İngiltereli bir akademisyen olan Guy Standing'in makalesi. Kendi dilinde anlaşılması zor olmasının yanı sıra, terminolojik olarak da zorlayıcıyı bir makale. İlk... more
Роман Замятина Мы возможно считать произведением, которое возвело на трон жанр антиутопии. Этим романом он ввел новые элементы, которые применяли многие другие авторы антиутопических романов, от которых в этом реферате указано на Хаксли и... more
Paper delivered at the Session on "As We Approach 1984 Are We Approaching Nineteen Eight-four? The Popular Meaning of George Orwell"—Twelfth Annual Convention of the Popular Culture Association, Louisville, Thurs., 15 April 1982. Applies... more
Rus edebiyatında XIX. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde realizm akımı ortaya çıkar. Yüzyılın sonlarına doğru sembolizm akımı ile birlikte edebiyatta modernizm süreci başlar. 1910 ve 1920’li yıllarda ise edebiyatta çoğulculuk (plüralizm) görülür.... more
As important as determining what is morally right or wrong, or how to address moral dilemmas, an important question is all too often overlooked: “Why should I make the often inconvenient effort to do the right thing?” This may seem like a... more
Digital Movement addresses the evolving ways in which movement and its technological mediation can inform creative thinking and embodied practices. In order to identify unique cross-disciplinary links within human movement research this... more
Biagio D'Angelo Sob um céu dourado: utopia e arte medieval _______________________________ 76 Intervenção urbana: a experiência política ativista com arte, design e arquitetura... more
Primera publicación por Tonos Digital. Revista de estudios filológicos. ISSN 1577-6921 Número 30 26 de Enero 2016. First publication by Tonos Digital. Revista de estudios filológicos. ISSN 1577-6921 Number 30 26 January 2016... more
Ben. Apollo Tapınağı’na altın harflerle “Kendini tanı.” yazılmıştı. Nasıl tanıyabilirdi insan, kendi kendisini? “Başkalarının aşkıyla başlıyor hayatımız / ve devam ediyor başkalarının hınçlarıyla” diyordu şair. Kendini tanımak ya da... more
RESUMEN: Nosotros cumple un siglo y, a diferencia de otras distopías, no existen muchos estudios en español sobre ella. En este trabajo se analiza la perspectiva de la ética retratada en la novela y en especial el conflicto entre... more
"Transparency" in US usage over the last few decades has been a positive term: a political goal for public policy to be made in public, and police practices kept in the open. The term is better seen as ambiguous. "The gaze" may make one... more
Gözetilen insanların birey olması mümkün müdür?
Even though Structuralist poetics never aspired to the production of value judgments, I show that by adopting some of the methods arising from two developments in linguistics in recent decades, it is possible to begin to speak of... more
Although the subgenre takes its name from Thomas More’s _Utopia_ (1516), the basic concept of utopian literature dates back much further, at least back to Plato’s Πολιτεία (The Republic) or Augustine of Hippo’s _De Civitate Dei_ (The City... more
As obras distópicas, embora publicadas no século XX, nos revelam um pensamento e um vislumbre de história que diz respeito ao que vivemos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os reflexos e paralelos que os livros "Nós", de Ievguêni... more
Escrever uma novela utópica requer um grau elevado de esperança, porém, o que significa escrever uma distopia? Será somente desespero e falta de esperança? Não parece ser necessário se alongar nessa idéia, pois, no século XX, várias... more
The smart city is often marketed and described as being predicated on flows of data and networks of information that make individual urban citizens ‘visible’ and ‘transparent’ through technological interfaces like the smartphone. This... more