Zenobia of Palmyra
Recent papers in Zenobia of Palmyra
In recent years, much ink has been spilt over the famous – although never thoroughly assessed – ruler of Palmyra. In 2005, the eminent Paul Veyne had already devoted a few insightful pages to the subject, with claims that are certainly... more
This book provides a visual reconstruction of Palmyra, a World Heritage Site situated in Syria, which flourished in Greco-Roman times. Palmyra is situated in a desert oasis and served as a vibrant caravan station on the Silk Road... more
Historical sources present us with two Zenobia of Palmyra characters. In the Greco-Latin sources she is the leader of a great rebellion against the Roman Empire. That is the most commonly known version. There is, however, a second... more
Hailing from the Syrian city of Palmyra, a woman named Zenobia (also Bathzabbai) governed territory in the eastern Roman empire from 268 to 272. She thus became the most famous Palmyrene who ever lived. But sources for her life and career... more
Zenobia van Palmyra is een bekende figuur in de literatuur en kunsten van Europa en Arabië. Het beeld dat deze bronnen schetsen van de derde-eeuwse vorstin is zonder uitzondering kleurrijk, maar allesbehalve uniform. Het jaar 2008... more
This paper analyzes evidence for coin looting in Syria. It highlights some of the challenges in determining what coins come from Syria. Guidelines on collecting coins are also discussed.
This article has been published under the title ‘Rome en Palmyra in de crisis van de derde eeuw n.Chr.’, in Phoenix 53.1 (2007) 5-22; it has been translated (lightly revised, but not updated) into English to accompany the talk 'Palmyra on... more
For centuries, Palmyra and its ruins have fascinated archeologists, historians and artists. yet, Palmyra has been a terrain for struggles as well. The emergence of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as a new actor in the Syrian... more
The Epitome de Caesaribus is a short, summarizing Latin historical work known as a breviarium or epitomé. This brief summary was written in the late 4th or early 5th century and summarizes the history of the Roman Empire from the time of... more
The third century is known for its many usurpers. Ancient and modern writers perceive them as direct opponents of the imperial throne. The author compares the iconography on the coins of these usurpers (AD 235-285) in order to trace what... more
In this article, I explore the question in how far Palmyra can be considered part of the Silk Road. The question is partly a matter of definition, partly of source criticism: what is, in general, understood by the Silk Road in... more
This volume explores the oasis city of Palmyra in the Syrian Desert through an in-depth examination of the site’s unique archeology and history. Palmyra is best known as the Pearl in the Desert of the Roman Empire, a vibrant living center... more
An antoninianus with a new reverse type, minted at Antioch during the sole reign of Gallienus and depicting a PROFECTIO ceremony, has recently come to light. This coin may help to augment our understanding of that emperor’s travels and... more
Scientia Danica. Series H, Humanistica, 4 · vol. 10 det kongelige danske videnskabernes selskab Women, children and the family in Palmyra Edited by Signe Krag and Rubina Raja Palmyrenske Studier bind 3 · Palmyrene Studies Vol. 3
Nemorensis di Aricia volle simboleggiare la raggiunta supremazia di Roma sulla confederazione delle città della lega latina. Servius perpulit tandem ut Romae fanum Dianae populi Latini cum populo Romano facerent 6 . Servio infine indusse... more
The portrayal of Zenobia of Palmyra in the Historia Augusta must be regarded with suspicion as a faithful representation of historical events. When considered as a narrative, however, this episode becomes a discourse on the correlation of... more
Do you remember when you thought that you would never know just who many of the people that you heard about in history really were? Well, now that is about to come to an end. The reason why? Because ancient history was an "inside job"-as... more
Für ein Dutzend Jahre, von der Niederlage Valerians bei Karrhai (260 n. Chr.) bis zur Einnahme der Stadt durch Kaiser Aurelian (272 n. Chr.) war Palmyra ein Brennpunkt römischer Reichspolitik. Als Roms Herrschaft über seine orientalischen... more
A number of modern Arab thinkers have compared the Story of al-Zīr, a little-known Arabic folk epic, with accounts of the Trojan War and the Oresteia. After dealing with the pitfalls of comparing stories from different cultures, I argue... more
Yayın No. : 1313 © Tüm hakları yazarına aittir. Yazarın izni alınmadan kitabın tümünün veya bir kısmının elektronik, mekanik ya da fotokopi yoluyla basımı, çoğaltılması yapılamaz. Yalnızca kaynak gösterilerek kullanılabilir.
This article points to the many parallels between the book of Judith and the Arabic account of the life and death of Zenobia of Palmyra. By comparing these two stories with the episode about Zopyros in Herodotus’ Histories and the episode... more
Guest lecture given at dr Orit Peleg-Barkat's class on "Herod the Great and Other Client Kings" (43704)
Un recorrido por la historia de la Palmira romana, desde su conquista en el siglo I d.C. hasta su decadencia dos centurias después., pasando por su esplendor comercial en época antonina.
This conference had its genesis in casual conversations between colleagues from different departments in AAIA, CCANESA, CCWM (et al), united around the possibility of a joint outreach project in 2019. Initially, we had planned on running... more
En el presente trabajo nos centraremos en un territorio concreto durante un periodo determinado, Palmira (imagen I) veremos sus inicios, su ascenso y relación con las potencias prominentes del momento como eran el Imperio romano y el... more
Scientia Danica. Series H, Humanistica, 4 · vol. 10 det kongelige danske videnskabernes selskab Women, children and the family in Palmyra Edited by Signe Krag and Rubina Raja Palmyrenske Studier bind 3 · Palmyrene Studies Vol. 3
Een overzicht van de geschiedenis van de positie van Palmyra in het Romeinse rijk, met speciale aandacht voor de laatste twintig jaar, toen Palmyra als deelrijk onder het bewind van Odaenathus en Zenobia bestond.
Rođena sam kao žena, ali sam delima dokazala da nisam nimalo slabija od najboljih među muškarcima. (Polijen, Stratageme, VIII, 26) Oduvek su muškarci odlučivali o ratu, miru i odbrani zajednice. Pokušaji žena da zađu u taj isključivo... more
La ruta que atraviesa el desierto arábigo, desde el estrecho de Mandeb hacia el Golfo Pérsico, pasando por la actual capital del reino, Riad, tiene como final la ciudad de Gerrha en el actual reino de Bahrain. Al norte de esta encontramos... more
Per ricostruire il volto di una città i monumenti non bastano. Bisogna leggere dentro di essi e al di là di essi. Bisogna decifrare i modi economici e sociali che ne sono alla base.
Coins along the Incense Route. Between imitation and transculturality
El mantenimiento de la frontera romana oriental siempre fue un quebradero de cabeza para los generales y emperadores romanos que, desde Carras (53 a.C.), se enfrentaron a la magnitud y cohesión del Imperio Parto y, después, Sasánida,... more
Caput eorum Thomna abest a Gaza nostri litoris in Iudaea oppido XXIIII XXXVII D p., quod dividitur in mansiones camelorum LXV. Deren Hauptstadt Thomna ist von der an unserer Küste in Judaea gelegenen Stadt Gaza 2.437.000 Schritte... more