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Bonds of Betrayal: Tales of Ferrês, #8
Bonds of Betrayal: Tales of Ferrês, #8
Bonds of Betrayal: Tales of Ferrês, #8
Ebook40 pages31 minutes

Bonds of Betrayal: Tales of Ferrês, #8

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Since Queen Karigan's death, the dragon ryders and their dragons have been labeled traitors. Bearing the burden of a crime they did not commit, Shogun and his dragon, Zeima, flee for their lives. They take refuge inside the Forest of Ferrês just as they are on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion. Once mighty hunters, they are now the prey. 

Death takes on the face of a dark figure stalking them from the shadows. Will Shogun survive facing the greatest evil the world will ever know?

What is a ryder without a dragon—is he even a ryder anymore? Find out in this 8th installment of the Tales of Ferrês story series.

Release dateJul 13, 2019
Bonds of Betrayal: Tales of Ferrês, #8

K.M. Jenkins

K.M. Jenkins is a best-selling author who writes epic battles, forbidden romance, and tales of fantasy and adventure. She released her first short story, “​A Father’s Protection” in 2018, and plans to publish several more short stories before the year is out. When she is not writing, you will find her running her business as a cover artist at ​KJ Magical Designs, LLC and chasing her twin boys around the house. Between the three she has epic battles throughout the day and nothing ever gets boring.

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    Bonds of Betrayal - K.M. Jenkins

    Bonds of Betrayal




    Edited by



    Copyright © 2022 Storyteller Publisher 22, LLC

    All copyright for all material within, remains with the author.

    First Edition

    Re-Published May 1, 2022

    All rights reserved.

    Editing by Allison Reker @ Uplifting Edits

    Cover Design by Katie Jenkins @ Storyteller Publisher 22, LLC

    Formatting by Katie Jenkins @ Storyteller Publisher 22, LLC

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be copied or re-distributed in any way. The authors hold all copyright.

    This book is a work of fiction and does not represent any individual living or dead. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the authors’ imaginations , are used fictitiously or with permission.

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    Zeima’s wings broke through the clouds, scattering them like tiny grain fragments throughout the night sky. Cold, crisp air stung Shogun’s cheeks as he leaned forward to feel her warm, scaly hide. The warmth coming off her made the night wind almost bearable. Shogun closed his eyes, sucking in as much heat as possible. It was never an easy task for a ryder to fly in the higher skies. But they couldn’t take the chance of being spotted—not since civil war had broken out in the capital city. Tarza was a mess. Images of the bloodshed still flashed before his eyes.

    He couldn’t believe how fast the people had turned against his kind, after all the ryders had done for them. Protecting them from their enemies, bandits, and the horrors within and beyond the mountains of Zorric. All it took was one death to ruin the empire. Shogun was shocked by what had transpired throughout the kingdom that very night. Everywhere Zeima reached out, bloodshed was close.

    All this over our slain queen, he mumbled to himself.

    His mind returned to the moment all hell had broken loose. King Rodrik stood in the gathering hall waiting for word from the front lines. Shogun watched the king pace back and forth, frantic with worry. This fight had differed from all the others. Queen Karigan had gone onto the battlefield without her trusted companions, SwordMaster Rikkin and Roülle. Where she’d

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