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The Epics of Rathhild: Volume I: the Darkness Within
The Epics of Rathhild: Volume I: the Darkness Within
The Epics of Rathhild: Volume I: the Darkness Within
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The Epics of Rathhild: Volume I: the Darkness Within

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In a medieval world fresh off the heels of a long war, the elite of Rathhild battle against a rogue sorcerer bent on revenge. What they find in their quest to stop him, may change the world as they know it.
Release dateJan 17, 2020
The Epics of Rathhild: Volume I: the Darkness Within

Jabari Ashanti

Jabari Ashanti is a 23 year old writer from Clyde, Texas. When he was young he would tell his younger brother fantastic stories about kingdoms and worlds far away before bed each night. After serving as a combat medic in the military for 6 years, Jabari decided to try his hand at writing. He drew inspiration from one of his fabricated childhood stories and brought it to life in the first book of his Trilogy, The Epics of Rathhild

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    The Epics of Rathhild - Jabari Ashanti

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    Published by AuthorHouse 01/25/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-4312-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-4311-2 (e)

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    Fire On The Horizon

    The Generals Of Rathhild

    Darkness Within



    The Battle Of Sfortzland







    One week since the war had ended. The citizens of the great kingdom of Rathhild rejoiced and grew drunk in their folly. Feasts were established to honor the heroic generals who fought and died to protect their mighty country. Hrothgar was a small province in southern Rathhild that had broken away from Rathhild 30 and some odd years ago. Though the king took no action against them at the time, they soon grew to be a powerful enemy. Five years of war led to the bloodiest battle in Rathhilds History. Hrothgar was left wholly decimated, a shell of its former self. Of the 13 generals that Rathhild had, only 3 survived the onslaught. A young woman, Michelle Sappenmire, Walked through a narrow hallway, hair as red as blood, a full figure. Many men in the kingdom would give their weight in gold to be with her. Her lieutenant, Lucas Salfrug, was a strong-looking man. A dirty blonde with a chiseled jaw. He held his head high and had an air of professionalism about him.

    As she came to the end of the hall, two guards swung open a sizeable gilded door. A round table draped with red linen cloths centered itself as golden statues of past kings surrounded the circular room. Sitting on her right-hand side with his head resting on the table was a man wearing the same black and gold cloak that she was herself. He turned his head ever so slightly to see who had entered the room. His left eye was a crimson red, terrifying to most, but not to her. Standing behind him was his lieutenant, Nicole Balgruf. Her posture screamed prude, though perhaps she was compensating for her Generals aloof nature.

    Good morning Ma’am Nicole responded tilting her head downward to show the due respect

    Nicole, it’s been some time Lucas responded scratching the back of his head with a goofy smile

    His general, Michelle, didn’t speak much. She never did

    The doors opened once more. The lieutenants turned to see who would enter next, though Michelle simply took her seat.

    It’s good to see you both again, The large man said as he entered the room

    I only wish it were under better circumstances He continued

    We had seen peace for some time before this; complacency was the death of us. The general with his head on the table muttered

    How many died, because we thought ourselves invincible He continued

    His lieutenant looked at him as though he had become a stranger. Rather, General Ashgard. Are you feeling okay? Nicole asked

    The general lifted his head and leaned back until he could see his lieutenant’s eyes. Only his left eye was crimson. It reminded Nicole of Blood. Slowly a smile slid across his face.

    Of course, darling, He responded to which she blushed.

    The 3rd lieutenant cleared his throat.

    The king is coming, He stated, listening down the hall.

    The Larger general took his seat. It was such an odd feeling to see so many seats empty. The lieutenants anxiously awaited the door, though the generals seemed to be distracted. As the door swung open, a young man with Ginger hair, wearing a Red cloak with golden armor and a bow, entered the room scanning from his left to right. Ten other men wearing the same yet armed with spears stood in formation behind him. The young man moved to the head without speaking a word. Through the guards came an older man, his robes were white and dragged on the floor behind him. He had white hair, and a beard would make most men envious. Despite his age, he looked fit and walked with a swagger and confidence only kings have come to know. Upon his head, there was no crown. He had been the first king of his time to reject the notion of wearing one. It hung from the side of his throne in Rathhilds great hall. In his opinion, a true king need not wear a crown for his subjects to know his power. A true king need not ever state that he is the king. All recognize a true king. The Generals stood as the king entered — Jay with his arm hanging off of the hilt of his sheathed sword. The king moved toward his chair, and after he was seated, the generals took their seats.

    This marks a bittersweet time for our kingdom, The king stated solemnly.

    So many fine men, lost. There is much work to do, He continued.

    Our kingdom has known peace for many years, partially because of the wisdom, and beneficiary stance we’ve taken in the world. Because of this, we have known no enemies. However, another part of that. Just as much as the former. Perhaps more so, is we have presented ourselves as being unequivocally powerful, and that power is seldom challenged. Never in those challenges have we been pushed to the degree that we are now. A King and kingdom far smaller and younger than our own substantially weakened us. The world will take notice of that, and I fear some may capitalize on our ill fortune. The large general stated

    Lawrence is dramatic; there is no land, king or kingdom in this world that can take us, simply because those of us that exist, do, Jay responded

    There is a reason the three of us are the only ones to survive. Thirteen generals, 10 slaughtered in battle. They had the means to take multiple General class fighters in the battle. They did not, however, have the means to take on the three of us. Except for Michelle, who suffered an injury on the battlefield. Lawrence and I remained unscathed, and with our men, pushed our way to Hrothgar’s capital. Lawrence took their king’s guard single-handed and slew the king. On his own. I took the city and killed their prince in single combat. Though there was perhaps something of concern there. Jay continued.

    Concern? The king asked

    Before I killed him, he showed an affinity for dark arts. I don’t know much of magic or the abilities contained therein, but something didn’t feel right when I cut him down. Jay answered, thinking back.

    Ethan, The king called out.

    The ginger to his side leaned forward.

    You have some experience with the dark arts, perhaps more than any of us. Is it possible that the prince lives? He asked

    It’s probable, my king, Ethan responded

    How much of a threat does he pose to the realm? The king asked

    As of now, he is a lone man, should he align himself with the undead or worse hire the pirates he would pose a larger threat Lawrence responded.

    The undead king has been in hiding for decades, the pirates of Eifle are talented, yes, but they are pirates, and thus inland invasions are easily repelled Jay returned

    Well, Daniel will be headed down from Estoria in the next few months to celebrate with us and discuss new trade options. I want his safety ensured, send word to Lord Turner, and the oaf. I don’t want him worried about a lone sorcerer, though. Keep that bit to us. The king commanded, scratching at his beard.

    Yes your grace Lawrence responded

    Speaking of the lords your grace, would it have not been better to have their men with us in the march on Hrothgar. Ten generals are a heavy loss to bear while Lord Bristol peers out of his castle windows menacingly. Jay instigated

    Hrothgar was infinitesimal, compared to us. The fact that they delivered such a heavy blow to our forces astounds me even now. I did not see fit before to call my bannermen into a matter that should have been resolved quickly. You can sit there smugly and pretend to have done a good job, but it took you five years to crush a kingdom smaller than a grape. The king responded sternly

    I only mean to say that ol’ Lord Bristol might be a little cranky when he makes his way here for the celebrations, Jay responded with a bit of a chuckle.

    Yes well, He is a ripe thorn isn’t he The king responded chuckling a bit himself

    Lawrence had been staring at Jay from across the table for some time. Moreover, he couldn’t unsee the image in front of him. The general with his daunting red eye, sitting in front of the statue of Luthre Ashgard, the second king of Rathhild who usurped the throne from the man before him.

    We should probably draft men into our services to further boost our defenses over the coming months. We should also vet candidates for the ten positions that need to be filled. I believe each of our lieutenants deserves a seat the table, Lawrence cut in snapping himself out of his daze.

    I agree, The king stated, looking over to Jay.

    I’m not excited at having my right hand cut off, but I do agree she is remarkable Jay chimed in looking back toward her with a grin on his face.

    Are there any others hiding amongst the ranks? The king asked.

    A seldom few, but Michelle is the senior general now that Tylar is gone, I believe she should take a look at them before we bring them to you for examining. Lawrence started before he was interrupted.

    Jay was staring at Lawrence when it happened; the statue behind him was that of the king’s late father, a man who had become crazed with power and who led crusades upon the magical world. With the help of an excommunicated mage, he eliminated many magical races, to include the elves. As it happened, the smile left his face.

    A bell rang three times. Then again. Then again.

    A sensation of confusion washed over the kingdom like a flood raining down on children. Slowly, the fear sets in as a cloud obscured the sun, and the winds died. Lawrence rushed down

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