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Data Details

School Districts Dataset of Middle and Primary Public School in Nanjing Urban Area (2008, 2018)

CHEN Yanru1,2SONG Weixuan1,3TU Tangqi2,4
1 Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 101408,China3 Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences,Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China4 Institutes of Science and Development,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China


Published:Dec. 2019

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Key Words:

middle and primary school,school district,Nanjing,Geographical Research


The main urban area of Nanjing includes the inner urban area enclosed by the wall of Ming Dynasty and the surrounding areas, namely Xuanwu District, Gulou District, Qinhuai District, Jianye District, Yuhuatai District (northeast part), Jiangning District (northern part), and Qixia District (west part). Based on the description of the public school records in the Nanjing urban area in 2008 and 2018, the authors developed the school districts dataset of middle and primary public school in Nanjing urban area (2008, 2018) using the ArcGIS platform, Open street map and Baidu map. The dataset includes the following data covering Nanjing urban area in 2008 and 2018: (1) Locations of public primary schools (.tif); (2) The spatial distribution of school district of the public primary school, including the scope of school district, school name, the presence or absence of the branch school, the school area and the acceptance rate of the Nanjing Foreign Language School (.shp); (3) Location of public middle school (.tif); (4) The spatial distribution of school district of the public middle school, including the scope of school district, school name, school area, and the average score of the senior high school entrance examination in 2008 and 2018(.shp). The dataset is archived in .tif and .shp formats and consists of 56 data files with data size of 8.08 MB (Compressed to one single data file with 245 KB). The analysis paper based on this dataset was published at Geographical Research, Vol.38, No.8, 2019.Browse

Foundation Item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41771184)

Data Citation:

CHEN Yanru, SONG Weixuan, TU Tangqi. School Districts Dataset of Middle and Primary Public School in Nanjing Urban Area (2008, 2018)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2019.

CHEN Yanru, TU Tangqi, SONG Weixuan. Middle and primary public school districts dataset in Nanjing urban area (2008, 2018) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2020, 4(1): 68-74. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2020.01.10.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 Middle&PrimarySchoolDistrict_Nanjing.rar 245.66KB