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0.75° Grid Yearly High Temperature Dataset of Days, Intensity and Spatial Agglomeration Covering China (1979-2017)

ZHANG Ting1CHENG Changxiu1
1 Faculty of Geographical Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China


Published:Dec. 2019

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Key Words:

high temperature day,intensity,spatial agglomeration,trend analysis,China,Journal of Geo-information Science


The 0.75° Grid Yearly High Temperature Dataset of Days, Intensity and Spatial Agglomeration Covering China (1979-2017) is developed based on the ERA-Interim global 2 m temperature data product released by ECMWF. A high temperature day (HD) is defined a day when the daily maximum temperature exceeds 35℃ (temperature threshold). The annual average high temperature intensity (HTI) is the average value of the daily maximum temperature over the temperature threshold on all high temperature days of the year. The annual average high temperature spatial agglomeration (HTSA) is the average of weighted high-temperature events in the range of 3°x3° near each high-temperature location of the year. The weight of each spatial adjacency location is determined by the inverse distance weight method. The more the weighted events are, the greater the degree of HTSA. This dataset includes the following data in China during 1979-2017: (1) total number of high temperature days in each year; (2) average annual high temperature intensity; (3) average annual high temperature spatial agglomeration; (4) multi-year average high temperature days, intensity and spatial agglomeration; (5) trend analysis results of high temperature days, intensity and spatial agglomeration. The dataset is archived in .tif data format with the spatial resolution of 0.75°. This dataset consists of 372 data files in 5 data folders with data size of 7.77 MB (compressed to one single data file with 365 KB). The research paper based on this dataset has been published at Journal of Geo-information Science, Vol. 21, No. 6, 2019.

Foundation Item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41771537)

Data Citation:

ZHANG Ting, CHENG Changxiu. 0.75° Grid Yearly High Temperature Dataset of Days, Intensity and Spatial Agglomeration Covering China (1979-2017)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2019.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 HighTemChina_1979-2017.rar 365.85KB