Purplegirl 's Reviews > Dex in Blue

Dex in Blue by Amy Lane
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: borrowed, party-of-five-vibe, porn-star, free-read, owned

As with Chase In Shadow, this book just sucked me in and made me love the boys of Johnnies all over again. I really liked that Amy Lane gave us another glimpse of Chase but did not have him overpower the story, even though Chase always make my heart hurt for him. I started a new shelf called "party of five vibe". Remember that show with the 5 kids that lost there parents? The show was so sad that even when they were happy, it had sad undertones. I felt like that in this book because these boys have so many issues and you wanted them to be happy but there was always a cloud hanging over.

I just loved Kane and how he protected Dex. I loved how Dex protected Kane. They fit together well. I think I loved everything about this book. Good ending, as well. Definitely 5 stars.
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Reading Progress

September 21, 2012 – Shelved
October 4, 2012 – Started Reading
October 4, 2012 –
10.0% "Every time Chase is mentioned, I think of that scene in, Chase In Shadow, when Chase was in the bathroom about to kill himself."
October 4, 2012 –
20.0% "Come give me a hug Kane because you are just a sweetheart."
October 4, 2012 –
23.0% "This part is opening up old grief with Chase."
October 5, 2012 –
32.0% "Kane, you butthead."
October 5, 2012 –
54.0% "Me likey."
October 5, 2012 –
59.0% "I have a feeling that this family visit is going to hurt my boys, somehow, and I don't like it."
October 5, 2012 –
70.0% "It's going to be ok Dex."
October 5, 2012 –
70.0% "I'm emotionally drained and I have 30% to go."
October 5, 2012 –
100.0% "That was really good but now I need light and happy. Review tomorrow"
October 5, 2012 – Finished Reading
October 6, 2012 – Shelved as: borrowed
October 6, 2012 – Shelved as: party-of-five-vibe
October 6, 2012 – Shelved as: porn-star
December 22, 2012 – Shelved as: free-read
December 22, 2012 – Shelved as: owned

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by Emma Sea (new) - added it

Emma Sea is this set after Chase? Or during?

Purplegirl Seems to be before and after. It starts at the beginning of Johnnie's and they are remembering Chase when he was there.

Purplegirl Oh, it is during Chase.

Tina Who do you think will be next? Ethan? Bobby? John?

Purplegirl I was thinking Ethan but I would like it to be John. I think he would make a good story. It was foul what he did to Dex.

Tina It would be perfect timing when he comes out of rehab.

Purplegirl Yup. Maybe he can be with Bobby.:)

Tina How big an age difference is there? I thought John was older than Dex and Bobby younger than Kane. Do you think we could chain Amy to a chair, give her a feeding tube and colostomy bag and make her write constantly?

Purplegirl You're right. I forgot about the age difference. Lol. You hook up the bag. Lol

message 10: by Tina (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tina Maybe we can just sit her in a potty chair and get her kids to empty it. Or her Mack. She says he's her soul-mate. He'd probably do ANYTHING for her.

message 11: by Syfy (new) - added it

Syfy You got me, I'll give it a go happily now.

Monique Love the review sweetie:)

Ashley♥Alexis Do I have to read the first one to read this one?

message 14: by Purplegirl (last edited Dec 23, 2012 11:08PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Purplegirl Monique's Musings wrote: "Love the review sweetie:)"


Purplegirl Ashley♥Alexis wrote: "Do I have to read the first one to read this one?"

I would. There is background information that would be missed if you don't.

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