Lizzy Brannan's Reviews > The Fury
The Fury

"Character is destiny" - Heracleitus
THIS IS A CAPTIVATING MODERN DAY GREEK TRAGEDY. I couldn't put this one down. It will be difficult to talk about this book without spoilers, but I will try.
THE FURY is the name of the ferocious winds that blow around the Greek Islands. These winds can inflict a whirlwind of damage if given the right circumstances. On this island, Aura, we meet a group of very flawed, well-developed characters. Two are famous actors and one of them is a playwright. Sort of. It's a twisted tale of love ending in murder. The island belongs to the famous movie star, Lana Farrar. She's the reason for and the center of this storm of characters. Each character lives and breathes Lana. And when a plan is formulated to kill one of them, it does not go as planned. There's confusion and heartbreak. You, the reader, are the audience. Your unreliable narrator, Elliot Chase.
Being a High School Theatre Teacher, I soaked up everything about this novel, especially the Greek Theatre motif that ran throughout. All the makings of a great tragedy were present, including revenge and fate. I smiled at the sprinkled references to acting techniques and playwriting. Mostly though, I adored the conniving storytelling and the juicy plot. Elliot was a crafty narrator, pulling every emotion from me on purpose. He knew exactly what to say and his timing was perfect. I often ended up angry and annoyed, but I was entertained by it all, not knowing what whirlwind hit me in the end. The title could not be more perfect for this book. This was my first read by Alex Michaelides. What an incredible artist! Seeing that he is from Cyprus just made this read even better. Can't wait to read more of his work.
THIS IS A CAPTIVATING MODERN DAY GREEK TRAGEDY. I couldn't put this one down. It will be difficult to talk about this book without spoilers, but I will try.
THE FURY is the name of the ferocious winds that blow around the Greek Islands. These winds can inflict a whirlwind of damage if given the right circumstances. On this island, Aura, we meet a group of very flawed, well-developed characters. Two are famous actors and one of them is a playwright. Sort of. It's a twisted tale of love ending in murder. The island belongs to the famous movie star, Lana Farrar. She's the reason for and the center of this storm of characters. Each character lives and breathes Lana. And when a plan is formulated to kill one of them, it does not go as planned. There's confusion and heartbreak. You, the reader, are the audience. Your unreliable narrator, Elliot Chase.
Being a High School Theatre Teacher, I soaked up everything about this novel, especially the Greek Theatre motif that ran throughout. All the makings of a great tragedy were present, including revenge and fate. I smiled at the sprinkled references to acting techniques and playwriting. Mostly though, I adored the conniving storytelling and the juicy plot. Elliot was a crafty narrator, pulling every emotion from me on purpose. He knew exactly what to say and his timing was perfect. I often ended up angry and annoyed, but I was entertained by it all, not knowing what whirlwind hit me in the end. The title could not be more perfect for this book. This was my first read by Alex Michaelides. What an incredible artist! Seeing that he is from Cyprus just made this read even better. Can't wait to read more of his work.
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message 1:
rated it 2 stars
Jan 20, 2024 03:23AM


It's worth the journey to find out for yourself! 🥰