Jan Newsletter 2013
Jan Newsletter 2013
Jan Newsletter 2013
Alpha Sigma Sisters, If you didnt attend our January meeting at the Lubbock Womens Club, you missed a treat. Mickey Cole presented a wonderful program on Recycling your Wardrobe. Thank you Mickey! You can get a taste of the program on our website, http://alphasigmatexas.weebly.com/. Click on the photos and projects tab to watch. We are in for a special treat February 9, 2013. Elsie Couch from Levelland will be presenting a music program using her talents. Elsie will be bringing her hand bells and sharing the use of bells in a variety of settings. She would like for you to have an answer to this question: How are bells important to you? Please plan to attend. The Winter Lone Star News is available online at http://www.alphastatetexas.org. In addition, you will find the nominations committee report on the slate of officers for 2013-2015. Also, check out the forms and deadlines, scholarship deadline is March 1. Have you considered asking a key woman educator to join our ranks? There are several ways to spread the word but why not ask her to attend our February meeting? Or visit our wonderful website.
Alpha Sigma Chapter Alpha State, Texas Area XII Chapter No. 42
Finally, call a member who was unable to attend in January. A personal phone call can be encouraging. See you February 9th at the Lubbock Womens Club.
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
February 9, 2013 10:00 a.m. Lubbock Womens Club Hostesses: Judy Evans, Marilyn Gipson, Kay Follis DKG Moment: Elizabeth Bowen
Anita Rangel, 5th Carolyn Sowell, 10th Tina Thompson, 18th
Program: Hand Bell MusicIt is Never too Late to Learn Something New Music Education Members will be introduced to the world of music through the talents of Elsie Couch
Meeting Dates for 2012-2013 January 12 February 9 March 19 April 13 May 4 June 20-22 Regular meeting Regular Meeting New member orientation Initiates Brunch & Silent Auction Founders Day Luncheon 84th Alpha State Convention 10:00 10:00 5:30 10:00 11:30 Austin, TX
Now is the time to apply for State Scholarships. The deadline is March 1, 2013. In the past year, over $57,000 was awarded to members. Funds are available for a wide variety of needs:
advanced degree or hours certifications travel (Maetha Griffin Weatherby Scholarship) workshop attendance (Mini Grants) Aspiring Educator Award
Please read the scholarship guidelines carefully. The most common error found in applications is not having the required number of support letters. For questions please contact scholarship chairman Barbara Derrick at BLSDerrick@aol.com.
Judy Evans
Her Husband
What is the business of DKG? Our mission statement says The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. Our vision is Leading women educators impacting education worldwide. These are exciting and ennobling ideas! Challenge your members to embrace our mission and vision. Practice saying them with pride. Brush up your elevator speeches by sharing what we are doing to bring them to life. Promote our Society first within and then to potential members. As the enthusiasm grows, watch your membership grow too! From the Membership Spotlight, February, 2013
The January 12, 2013 meeting of the Alpha Sigma Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International was held at the Lubbock Women's Club, 2020 Broadway, Lubbock, Texas. President Shalan Inmon called the meeting to order at 10:00am. There were 14 members present. Shalan was thankful that our new initiates Sara Allen and Tina Thompson were present. Also, new member transfer Mary Jo Lovingier was in attendance. She is very active on the local, state and international level. Carolyn Sowell gave the Delta Kappa Gamma Moment. After reviewing various newsletters and documents of 47 years of membership, she shared her thoughts about our society and thankfulness for this organization! Suggestions were made that while at state convention this summer, we should visit the Delta Kappa Gamma Headquarters. The October meeting minutes were read and approved. Paula Miller gave our Treasurers report as follows: Balance on hand October 20th, 2012: $1593.70 Receipts: Dues, $1658.00 Reservations: $340.50 Total $1998.50 Disbursements: Lubbock Women's club meals $408.00, DKG dues $1887.00, Postage $45.00, Printing $105.20 Total: $2445.20 Balance on hand as of January 12th 2013: $1147.00. Shalan reported on the executive meeting. The meeting focused on completing the Necrology report for Ruth Burchett and The Presidents Report. We decided that we would repeat the silent auction fundraiser for our April meeting. The April meeting is also our initiation ceremony for new members. The executive meeting also approved to donate $20.00 to the Lubbock Women's Club for Christmas decorations. The state has awarded us $200.00 to continue the Scholastic Book Warehouse opportunity. Paula Miller reviewed what all goes along with the Scholastic fundraiser. Connie commented that the work we did last year to get new books for Post elementary is really getting the books into the students hands! We would like to schedule this opportunity during spring break, if possible so that everyone could participate. The purchasing of books could be done in May when they are having a spring sale. Shalan also commented that if you do not feel that you could work at the book warehouse, you may give a monetary donation. Committee Reports, Shalan for Linda Wigner: Mary Vines took a fruit basket over to Mary Rowlette. Charlene Davis is still in the hospital at Covenant waiting on tests to be done in room 662. Linda Wigner is recovering from strep throat. Shalan reminded us that we need to be thinking about new members to invite to Delta Kappa Gamma. They must have 1 year teaching experience. Ask them to look at our web page www.alphasigmatexas.weebly.com. New member orientation is soon! Winter Lone Star News newsletter is online. Get yourself ready to attend the state convention by reading the important information in this newsletter. Our President reminded us that after the meeting, members will go to Gardski's for fun and fellowship. Mary Jo said that Southwest Regional Convention will be held in Branson, Missouri this year and would be very fun to attend. She explained the difference between state convention and regional convention. In June 2014, the state convention will be in Lubbock! All hands on deck! We are sharing this with the Midland Area. Elsie Couch from Levelland will be coming next meeting. Elsie would like us to think of all the ways that bells are important or have served a purpose to you personally. Answer the question: "What do bells mean to you?" This program from Elsie would be a great time to invite a friend! President Shalan introduced Mickey Cole who presented the program entitled " Recycling: Making Good Use of What You Have!" Mickey Cole will be filling out the proposal to give her program at state convention. The meeting adjourned at 11:00am with the singing of the Delta Kappa Gamma Song, led by Paula Miller. Gencie Houy Alpha Sigma Secretary