Instructors: Emails: Class Meetings: (Days/time) Program Dates

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Peace Resource Center Instructors: Class meetings: (days/time) Emails: Program dates: Course Planner for Teachers Teacher

Week 1 LSRW* Topic/Theme Activities/Tasks Goals

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

*Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing

PRC TEACHER WORKSHOP 1. Course Planning: Please meet with your co-teachers and plan a tentative course schedule. Once they are done, please email them to me at 2. Lesson plans: Please make sure that you put your lesson plans (including any handouts) in the TEACHER BINDER every week (or after youre done using the lesson plan). 3. What to do on the first day: - Ask students to self-assess their level of proficiency (in a piece of paper, ask them to write their name and write either Level 1 [beginner] or Level 2 [intermediate]). - Go over teacher expectation and student expectation. - Go over teacher expectation and student expectation. 4. Must show your enthusiasm!: These are adult students and they are putting effort to come to class instead of doing something else. Also tell them your commitment/expectations, e.g., being on time, regular attendance, etc. 5. Checking for signs: During the lesson, always check and ask if they have any questions. Look for signs of confusion in their faces (they won't tell you--a lot of them are shy!) 6. Promote reflection inside the classroom: it is crucial for students to spend time 5-10 minutes before the class ends and ask the students about what they learned and how they feel today as a language learner. Having students reflect will not only help them with their language learningto understand themselves betterbut also to increase knowledge about language learning so that learning can be increased. 7. Communicate with your co-teacher(s): when you can't make it to class, always email or call your co-teacher(s). You must provide a lesson plan for your substitute teacher. 8. My role as a teacher supervisor: a.) If you have encounter any problems in the classroom or if you need to talk to someone about your teaching experience or if you are out of lesson plan ideas, please don't hesitate to email me. b.) I will email all the teachers once a month to communicate how things are :)

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