The document summarizes the results of a 2013 survey on American values and unity conducted by Penn Schoen Berland and Burson Marsteller. Some key findings:
- Americans were slightly more optimistic about the country's direction than in 2012, though most said the economy was still on the wrong track.
- Nearly three-fourths thought it was very important for America to remain united, but most felt the country has become more divided over the past 10 years.
- Equal opportunity, freedom of speech and religion were seen as the most unifying principles, while money in politics, gridlock and inequality were seen as divisive.
- Respondents favored politicians taking steps to increase transparency,
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The document summarizes the results of a 2013 survey on American values and unity conducted by Penn Schoen Berland and Burson Marsteller. Some key findings:
- Americans were slightly more optimistic about the country's direction than in 2012, though most said the economy was still on the wrong track.
- Nearly three-fourths thought it was very important for America to remain united, but most felt the country has become more divided over the past 10 years.
- Equal opportunity, freedom of speech and religion were seen as the most unifying principles, while money in politics, gridlock and inequality were seen as divisive.
- Respondents favored politicians taking steps to increase transparency,
The document summarizes the results of a 2013 survey on American values and unity conducted by Penn Schoen Berland and Burson Marsteller. Some key findings:
- Americans were slightly more optimistic about the country's direction than in 2012, though most said the economy was still on the wrong track.
- Nearly three-fourths thought it was very important for America to remain united, but most felt the country has become more divided over the past 10 years.
- Equal opportunity, freedom of speech and religion were seen as the most unifying principles, while money in politics, gridlock and inequality were seen as divisive.
- Respondents favored politicians taking steps to increase transparency,
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Download as PPTX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd
The document summarizes the results of a 2013 survey on American values and unity conducted by Penn Schoen Berland and Burson Marsteller. Some key findings:
- Americans were slightly more optimistic about the country's direction than in 2012, though most said the economy was still on the wrong track.
- Nearly three-fourths thought it was very important for America to remain united, but most felt the country has become more divided over the past 10 years.
- Equal opportunity, freedom of speech and religion were seen as the most unifying principles, while money in politics, gridlock and inequality were seen as divisive.
- Respondents favored politicians taking steps to increase transparency,
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The Atlantic/Aspen Institute Annual American
Values Survey: One Nation, Divisible
1 Survey Methodology Penn Schoen Berland, working with Burson Marsteller, conducted 2,010 interviews with the general population of the U.S. from May 29-June 8, 2013 by phone and online.
The overall margin of error is 2.19%
The data presented in this study are reflective of U.S. Census Bureau demographic statistics in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, income, education, and region. 2 After the Election Cycle, Americans have a Slightly More Positive Outlook 3 28% 33% 35% 62% 63% 59% Right direction Wrong direction Americans are slightly more optimistic since 2012 4 Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are heading in the right direction or in the wrong direction? 2013 2011 2012 Showing All 2012 2010 2011 29% 26% 32% 38% 60% 66% 66% 59% 12% 8% 2% 3% Right track Wrong track Don't Know 2013 6 in 10 say economy is on the wrong track, down from two thirds in 2012 5 In general, is the U.S. economy on the right track or is it off on the wrong track? Showing All 52% 6% 6% 4% 5% 34% 8% 7% 6% 6% Economy and jobs Deficit and government spending Health care Big government / bureaucracy Moral/ family values 2012 2013 Jobs, economy are the most important issues facing the country 6 What do you think is the most important issue facing this country today? Showing All The United States of America? 7 Nearly three fourths say it is very important for America to be united 8 73% 23% 3% 1% Very Somewhat Not very Not at all Generally speaking, how important is it to you that America be united? 97% want America to remain united as one country and 73% say this is very important to them
Showing All Its important to be united, but most think the US is increasingly divided 9 8% 14% 29% 32% Much more united Somewhat more united Somewhat more divided Much more divided Would you say that America has become more united over the past 10 years or has it become more divided? Showing All And Americans believe we are more divided today than in the past Older Americans (65+) are more likely to think we are more divided today than at other points in history 10 Showing All Do you think America is more or less united [today] than it was in the? 60 49 51 11 16 19 23 30 24 1940's 1960's 1970's More divided About the same More united We feel more divided today than any other time except the Civil Rights Era 11 31% 39% 33% 25% 38% 43% 36% 38% 39% 44% The Great Depression Civil Rights Era Vietnam War During Watergate After 9/11 We are more united today than We are more divided today than Would you say America today is more united or divided when compared to each of the following times in our history? Showing All 20% doubt America can remain united as one country going forward 12 Do you think America will remain united as one country? 78% 20% YES NO Showing All More than one quarter of Conservatives, pro-lifers, and gun owners think we will not remain united.
Equal opportunity, freedom of speech are most unifying American principles 13 Which of the following do you think help make America united? Please indicate all that apply. 59% 59% 54% 54% 53% 52% Equal opportunity Freedom of speech Freedom of religion Common values Patriotism Democracy Showing Top 6, Among All 59% 45% 45% 40% 39% 39% Money in politics Congressional gridlock Wealth inequality Extremism Racial differences Power of Wall Street and big corporations Special interest, beltway gridlock and wealth inequality divide America 14 Which of the following do you think contribute to America being divided? Please indicate all that apply Showing Top 6, Among All 27% 22% 22% 20% 19% 18% Hold politicians more accountable Cooperation by Republicans and Democrats in congress Limit the power of the federal government Limit the influence of money in politics Hold our politicians to a higher standard More economic equality Holding government accountable, partisan cooperation will unite America 15 What do you think America could do to become more united? Please select up to 3 responses. Showing Top 6, Among All Reducing bureaucracy and increasing collaboration would make us more united 16 What steps could elected officials take to make America more united? 20% 20% 13% 10% 10% Encourage meetings between parties Reduce bureaucracy Increase transparency Easing partisan rhetoric Campaign finance reform 21% 6% 4% 4% 4% Barack Obama Oprah Winfrey Bill Clinton Bill Gates Chris Christie Obama is both the most unifying figure and the most divisive 17 Who do you think is the most unifying figure in America today? Showing Top 5, Among All Who do you think is the most divisive figure in America today? 33% 10% 3% 3% 3% Barack Obama Rush Limbaugh Bill Clinton Donald Trump Mitt Romney Lincoln, Reagan, JFK embody unity historically 18 Which of the following political leaders best embodies unity in America historically? 21% 19% 17% 10% 10% 9% 3% Abraham Lincoln Ronald Reagan John F. Kennedy George Washington Franklin D. Roosevelt Bill Clinton George W. Bush Showing Top 7, Among All One Nation applies most to America 19 58% 48% 45% 53% 49% 47% one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. What parts of the Pledge of Allegiance do you think apply to America today? Showing All Issues that Unify and Divide Us 20 69% 67% 31% 29% 24% Moral values Family values Religious values Ethnic or cultural values Political values Moral and Family values are the most important for Americans to unite around 21 Showing All Which values are most important for Americans to unite around? 55% 45% 37% 29% 20% 18% Religion Politics Beauty and Art Ethnic or cultural values Family values Moral values Religious and political values are okay to be divided on 22 Showing All Which values is it okay for Americans to be divided on? Abortion, gay marriage are considered most divisive social issues 23 How united or divided do you think America is on the following social issues? 22% 19% 17% 16% 14% 78% 81% 80% 81% 85% Immigration Gun control Homosexuality Gay marriage Abortion Total United Total Divided Showing All Americans are most united on their feelings about divorce, prostitution 24 How united or divided do you think America is on the following social issues? 44% 39% 39% 35% 34% 53% 54% 55% 61% 65% Divorce Prostitution Having a child out of wedlock Climate change Drugs Total United Total Divided Showing All Contraception, interracial marriage among most acceptable behaviors today 25 Showing All Please indicate whether each of the following is morally acceptable or morally objectionable. 37% 57% 60% 69% 83% 35% 60% 60% 75% 83% Interracial marriage An unmarried couple living together Pre-marital sex Having a child out of wedlock Physician- assisted suicide 60% 40% 39% 30% 15% 61% 38% 37% 24% 15% Objectionable (2012) Objectionable (2013) Acceptable (2012) Acceptable (2013) Abortion among most objectionable behaviors 26 Showing All Please indicate whether each of the following is morally acceptable or morally objectionable. 41% 41% 53% 69% 78% 37% 47% 52% 69% 79% Sex-ed in schools Divorce Homo- sexuality Smoking marijuana Abortion 57% 56% 45% 29% 21% 60% 51% 46% 28% 20% Objectionable (2012) Objectionable (2013) Acceptable (2012) Acceptable (2013) The Role of the American Economy 27 More than half say the free-market unites us and helps achieve the American Dream 28 How important is Americas free-market economy in helping individuals reach the American Dream? 56% 38% 4% 1% Very Somewhat Not very Not at all 68% 25% Unite Us Divide Us Does the free enterprise system do more to unite us or divide us as a country? Showing All Majority say reducing the gap between rich and poor is important 29 How important is reducing the gap between the rich and the poor to American unity? 46% 35% 13% 6% Very Somewhat Not very Not at all Showing All The Shifting Role of Religion in America 30 Fewer Americans are embracing religion 31 Do you believe in God? 96% 98% 89% 89% 1% 1% 11% 10% Yes No 2012 1967; Gallup 1944; Gallup 2013 Showing All 61% believe religion unites Americans 32 61% 36% Unites Americans Divides Americans Do you think religion does more to unite Americans or divide them? Showing All Nearly half of Americans believe in intelligent design 33 20% 48% 29% I believe in evolution only I believe in a combination of evolution and creationism I believe in creationism only Which of the following is closer to your view? Showing All