Titan Science

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UNT Masters Program in Curriculum and Instruction

Date of Activity: Spring 2012 Title of Artifact: Titan Science Course: Professional Course objective(s) addressed Not applicable Artifact Description I created this website for my students. It covers general information about the class and contact information for me as well as the school. The website also has sections divided into the units that the students learn in science. If a student is struggling with a unit or needs a quick review, there is an abundance of information to help them succeed. Also included is an agenda for each day; if students are absent, they can reference this section to know what we did that day. Relationship to NBPTS Standards
This artifact demonstrates knowledge of four Middle Childhood/Generalist Standard(s). I. Understanding Students My students use my site for additional practice II. Understanding Science My site shows my understanding of science III. Understanding Science Teaching I understand that technology can benefit science learning IV. Engaging the Science Learner Students are more engaged when using technology in the classroom.

Background of Artifact
At my previous campus each teacher had a website provided by the school were they could post class information. The website was not user-friendly, I could not design it in a way that was correlated to my classroom and only students could access it who had a password. I decided to create a website that all students (even other teachers kids) and parents could access for information. I really loved designing it and many of my students use it to re-learn information. It is a way for students to have information readily available when they need it!

Reflection on Learning Demonstrated in this Work Sample

From completing this website, I have learned how important it is to have reliable information readily available for my students when they need it. This artifact will affect my classroom by allowing my students to research concepts and ideas on their own that I have provided excellent online resources for. I have benefited from this artifact by my students having an additional resource to turn to other than their textbook.

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