Foundation Engg
Foundation Engg
Foundation Engg
Q 1) Name the various type of shallow foundation and discuss where they are provided? Q 2) Differentiate between the following terms a) Safe bearing capacity and allowable bearing capacity. b) General shear failure and local shear failure. c) Raft foundation and floating foundation why it is called floating foundation. Q 3) a) State the assumptions in Karl Terzaghi analysis for bearing capacity of shallow foundation. b) What will be the ultimate bearing capacity for a rectangular footing; 1.5m2.0m founded at a depth of 1.0m in cohesion less soil? A sample of this soil tested under triaxial compression test failed with a lateral pressure of 0.5 kg/ and deviator stress 1.5 kg/sq .cm. Assume effective unit weight of soil as 1.7 t/cu.m. Q 4) a) Describe the procedure of Plate Load Test, discuss its imitation. b) The following observations were made during a plate load test on sandy soil using a 30cm square plate. 10 0.68 15 1.24 20 1.90 25 2.79 30 3.80
The plate was seated at a depth of 1.5m below ground level, which is the proposed depth of foundation. The water table is at 4.0m. The bulk density of soil is 1.8 t/cu.m. Determine the allowable bearing capacity of soil for a square footing 2.5m2.5m. The settlement to be limited as per IS: 19041978. Ground water table is expected to rise up to the bottom of footing. Q 5) A wall footing 2m wide is located at a depth of 1.5m in sand. Shear strength parameters being c=0 =38 . Assuming factor of safety of 3 against shear failure. Determine safe bearing capacity: a) if the water table is well below foundation level b) if the water table is at ground surface. The unit weight of sand above the water table is 18 KN/cu.m and saturated unit weight is 20KN/cu.m. For =38 , N=75 and Nq=60. Q 6) a) write short note on sand drains. b) A layer of clay 40m thick is subjected to a loading of 0.2 Kg/ One year after loading the average consolidation is 50%. The layer has double drainage. i) What is coefficient of consolidation?
ii) If coefficient of permeability is 3cm/year, what is the settlement after one year? iii) How much time will the layer take to reach 90% consolidation? Q 7) Define the following terms and their units: i) cu ii) U iii) cc iv) mv Q 8) what are the design procedure of raft foundation? Under what conditions the raft foundation is recommended?