News and Notes From Miss D's 4 Grade: Help Wanted!

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News and Notes from Miss Ds 4th Grade

Heres what we are working on! Reading: This week in reading we will be continuing to work on Asking questions. We are also continuing our novel studies in guided reading. Math: Due to my absence on Friday and some formative assessments, I have pushed off our math assessment for Unit 3 to Thursday. We will be reviewing and working o answering open response questions . Writing: We are continuing with writing descriptive setting as part of our narrative unit. We are also working on expanding our sentences. Social Studies: We are finishing up with what makes a region. Science: The kids will have their first assessment of the year in Science on Wednesday.

Dates to Remember
October 23: Science Assessment
October 25: Acton Discover Museum Visits All School Meeting

October 31: Halloween party 2-3 November 7: Matt Tavares Visits SSS Secret #: 17

Help Wanted!
Thank you to all who signed up to volunteer. I am working on the volunteer schedule now. It will begin the week of November 4.

Other Reminders
ScootPad is going to be a part of our weekly homework starting this week. Please have your child log on at least once for math and once for ELA.

O the Week Student of

Our student of the week will be Wally the Green Monster in honor of the Red Sox heading to the World Series!!!!.

Heres What We Have Been Up To

Daily 5 work is Important! Buddies Are Fun!! This Friday we will be meeting with our kindergarten buddies again! We will be brainstorming Halloween activities to do with them, If you have any suggestions, send them in!

We are doing a great job following the routines and procedures of Daily 5. We are working on doing our best work and making sure that all assignments are being passed in on time. In guided reading, we have had some great discussions around the different novels each group has begun reading.

Xtra Math Accomplishments

Congratulations to Dina, Alina, and Nick who all earned their Addition Certificate

You can contact me at: ldoherty@shrewsbury.k1

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