First Grade Newsletter
First Grade Newsletter
First Grade Newsletter
Dear Parents, I have exciting news! This week Mr. Ybarra presented the class with the trophy for being the class whose basket brought in the most money from the Draw Down! We now have $100.00 to spend! The students and I discussed how we should spend the money and I am so proud of their ideas. We will be discussing this further and I will inform you of our decision (after Sr. Kathleens approval)! This month the students had their first Superkids progress test. Unfortunately, I am not too happy with some of the results. I have posted the results under their reading grade. Superkids uses a plus, check and minus grading scale, which translates to a 2, 3 or 4 on our grading scale. Therefore, the highest Superkids grade would be a 2. I will be reviewing the test with the students on Monday and will then send them home for parents to read. Remember that on Halloween the students are allowed to wear jeans to school along with their spirit wear shirt or a St. Peter shirt. This is a freebie; you do not have to send in $1.00! We will go to Mass this Friday for All Saints Day, so please remember to have them wear their uniform. Finally, I am sending home the November Pizza Hut reading logs. The October logs are due this Friday. Have a safe Halloween, Mrs. Patsavas
Monday Art Tuesday P.E. and Computer Wednesday All School Mass at 8:30am Thursday P.E. and Computer Friday Mass and Music
Math using a balance, graphing, oral story problems, written assessment #7 Reading SK Adventures Unit 4 Religion Ordinary time and Saints Handwriting sentences with correct spacing and punctuation Science -- deciduous trees and evergreens Phonics -ed and er endings
November 1 All Saints Day Mass November 8 Spirit Wear orders due