Y R Civitan: OUR Oadrunner
Y R Civitan: OUR Oadrunner
Y R Civitan: OUR Oadrunner
10/16/13 Karin Uhlich - Ward 3 Leading with Tucson Values Strengthening our Local Economy Preserving our Quality of Life Investing in our Future
Menu Items: Wild Rice, Edamame, Lentils & Corn salad, Lamb Sausage Pasta or Mahi-Mahi, special dessert
Highlights of Last Meeting: Steve reviewed Civitan Passion Racing Event flyer and logistics about the event; discussed upcoming Adult Book Drive, Ronald McDonald House Chef for a day and Miche fundraising event. Club will also donate $100 to Jr Civitans for Sno Do, do a blanket project for Project Linus, and donate $100 towards Catalina Village Christmas Tree Wish List and spend $100 to buy magazine subscriptions for Catalina Village as a holiday gift. Please note there is no board meeting in December!
SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE Past Projects: 10/30-FuddRuckers; 11/9-Road Cleanup; 11/17- Miche Purse Fundraiser Upcoming Projects: Dec 2013: Project Linus blanket; Catalina Village Assisted Living Christmas Project. 1/18-Civitan Passion Racing Event; February-Adult Book Drive; March 13, 2013-Ronald McDonald House
Past Social Events: 11/17/13 - Miche Purse Fundraiser (see photo right) Upcoming Social Events: Dec 2013 Roadrunner Holiday Party
New member Suzanne joins the Cresta Loma Golfers Hole in One Club! - Congratulations Suzanne!!!
An exciting Sunday in Tubac Carl, Bob, Merle and Suzanne went to the infamous Rancho golf course in Tubac famous for the Tin Cup. Little did they know they would be crowning a new celebrity when Suzanne made a hole in one! She hit her tee shot stiff at the flag and hit the pin and everyone knew it was close so they watched and watched and then the ball disappeared! Suzanne joins a distinguished Group of Cresta Loma Golfers; Mark Bertrand has aced 2 at Quail Canyon, Steve Nygren has aced one at Quail Canyon, and Carl aced one at Apple Mountain in Michigan. Tradition; you have to finish the round, have a witness, and buy drinks for your buddies then you need to watch for an announcement in the paper. Cresta Loma Tradition: Next time you see Suzanne, buy her a drink and congratulate her!
Past Knowledge, Fellowship & Club Projects: Members and guests have been enjoying lots of golf! Tucson National on 10/17, Ventana Canyon on 10/20, Kino Springs in Nogales on 10/21, Del Lago in Vail on 10/27, Dorado Country Club on 11/3, Crooked Tree on 11/10 and Tubac on 11/17. Upcoming Knowledge, Fellowship & Club Projects: The holidays are among us but this club will certainly get some golf in several members will play in the Oropeza/Heredia Golf Tournament on December 14th which they do every year. Be sure and keep a lookout for upcoming golfing events.
Other contributions made this year: Besides their donations through golf tournaments, the club has donated various medical supplies and monies to First Book, the PS Civitan club, the Junior Civitans via Sno Do, the Dance-a-thon and to the Civitan International Research Center (CIRC). They have also recently adopted an intellectually Disabled Lady. This club also donated $250 towards Intellectually Disabled Residents at the Lura Turner Homes Tournament.
( C O N T I N U E D )
Celebrat!! Celebrate!!
What this club collects: Mark your calendar! Classroom items; copy paper, crayons, glue sticks, construction paper, colored pencils, etc. Aluminum Cans to cash in for their club Soda Pop Tabs which they donate to the Ronald McDonald House
Other Past Knowledge, Fellowship & Club Projects: The last meeting was on 11/9/13 and member Tommy shared his trip to Michigan and he had so much fun. He did Yoga, Zumba and Archery. He brought several items to share with the group and he also brought his Archery Bulls eye template and he had 11 Bulls eyes. While in Michigan he went and saw Les Miserables and was also the Pontoon Champion at the camp he stayed at. He was not only in Michigan but Wisconsin and Chicago also. Great job Tommy and thanks for sharing your adventure. Upcoming Knowledge, Fellowship & Club Projects: November 2013 - The club plans to make a donation to the Jr Civitans for Sno Do December 7, 2013 (9a-6p) Members will meet at Dillards at Park Place for Bell ringing January 18, 2014 CIVITAN PASSION GO KART RACING EVENT - excited and ready to start Wishing Bessie and Paul a speedy recovery. Lots of sympathy and Love to Elsa for the loss of her father. ALSO DO YOU EVER EAT AT LERUES OR MIDWAY MOLINAS? IF SO, DONT FORGET TO DONATE TO THE PS CLUBS CANDY BOXES THAT ARE DISPLAYED IN THESE ESTABLISHMENTS. CONGRATULATIONS TO THIS CLUB AS THEY HAVE COLLECTED $123 IN THE PAST COUPLE OF MONTHS FROM THEIR CANDY BOXES.
Jr. Civitans Dont forget your 2013 tax credit donation to The Academy of Tucson
Club Projects: Both Clubs are running a Hygiene Products Drive to benefit Youth on their Own and Primavera
Foundation for Women and Childrens Shelters (satisfying their Collection Selection Campaign for Civitan International). Both clubs continue to maintain their neighborhood park: the Tortoise club works in the garden and the Academy cleans the rest of the park. Gov Felicity is raising money for Sno Do so she can attend.
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Area Director of the year for 2012 2013 Area Director of the Year for 2010 - 2011
Roadrunner Club
Total Membership as of 10/1/13 = 17 Current Officers: President Dotty Woody; President-Elect Sharon Hessoun; Secretary/Treasurer - Kathy Spude Lunch Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesday from 12:15 1:30 pm at *THERE WILL BE A CHANGE IN JANUARY Board Meetings: 2nd Tuesday at 5:30 pm at Villa Hermosa (6300 E. Speedway)
For additional information about this club, please contact Dotty Woody @ dottywiththebeads@yahoo.com Phil Schlesinger Club
Total Membership as of 10/1/13 = 35 Current Officers: President: April Kundert;President-Elect:Sandy Jerman; Secretary:Ken Kundert;Treasurer: Matt Wadsworth Meetings 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 10-11 am (usually at the Wilmot Public Library at least once monthly)
Board Meetings Usually following the meeting on the 4 th Saturday of the Month.
Please contact Lyn Barefoot at Lynbarefoot@cox.net to make sure you have correct meeting location Park Cleanup prior to meeting on 4th Saturday of the Month.
For additional information about this club, please contact Lyn Barefoot @ Lynbarefoot@cox.net Cresta Loma Golf Club
Board of Directors: John Davis, Joel Rupkey, Mark Bertrand
Meetings 3-4 per month on Saturdays/Sundays usually prior to playing golf @ various locations Board Meetings Quarterly (in-person/internet) For additional information about this club, please contact Carl Mangelsdorf III @ crestalomagolfandcivitan@comcast.net Total Membership as of 10/1/13 = 31
Current Officers: President President: Carl Mangelsdorf III ; Secretary/Treasurer: Bruce Lowden; President-elect: tbd
Total Membership as of 10/1/13 = 22 Current Officers: President: Bob Shoun; President-Elect: Bill Lindemann, Sr; Secretary: Cheryl Smith; Treasurer: Ed Berger Meetings 1st Saturday (after dance) @ various locations & the 3rd Thursday from 11:301p at Native
Yorker (Speedway and Country Club) nd Board Meetings Meets monthly usually after the 2 Meeting of the month st Monthly Dances Held the 1 Saturday of every month (except July) at Armory Park
For additional information about this club, please contact Bob Shoun @ rshoun1@att.net
Junior Civitan Club
Tortoise Club 25 members Academy Club 20 members
October 2013
ALL MEETINGS FOR BOTH CLUBS ARE HELD AT THE SCHOOLS For additional information about this club, please contact Theresa Cisler @ tcisler@q.com