P e Unit Action Plan Unit 2
P e Unit Action Plan Unit 2
P e Unit Action Plan Unit 2
Unit Title
Batting Investigation
Unit Question
How and why do I direct my hitting?
Criteria Assessed A B C
please highlight
Unit o&'ecti"e
Students (ALL) work in SLC groups on batting practice, games and investigate what e ect they can have on the ba!! in re!ation to their eet, body positioning and handgrips through a variety o batting and striking sports" #hey are to understand how making contact with the ba!! at di erent times and height, wi!! e ect the direction that the ba!! trave!s" Criteria C Students (most) in game scenarios wi!! make decisions in re!ation to the positions o other runners on bases or ie!ders positioning, the number o $outs% runs re&uired, game re!ated decisions' (eer )bservation
What prior knowledge do you have? Example Where do you need to develop your knowledge and understanding? What action will you take to develop your knowledge $ understanding? Unit o&'ecti"e
I know the basic rules of batting and how to position yourself also I know how to play in a game Even though I know the basic things about batting I could work on positioning !What I mean with that is" that I could get better and more accurate at positioning and to not miss the ball if I have to bat # %asically by doing the action and practicing what I have to work on &lso the teacher could give me some tips
Objective 2 Students (ALL) wi!! deve!op their sports !eader certi icate (SLC) responsibi!ities )bservation Criteria A&D
%ecoming'(eveloping a good spots man) I used to have some trouble working in groups" but over the years at I*(" I have developed my skills and have become better
Unit o&'ecti"e
Objective 3 Students wi!! comp!ete $unit action p!an% and eva!uate their end o unit per ormances in their ("*" port o!io%s + ,eeb!y account
ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit +nit &ction plan planning) I do have some knowledge on planning because I Action Plan
plan each day what I need to do and what I need for *chool for the next day I am not great at evaluating so I will have to think more deeply about what I could do better and what I could work on while I am evaluating I will try to think more carefully while I am evaluating and learn out of reflecting and use this in the future
Where do you need to develop your knowledge and understanding? What action will you take to develop your knowledge $ understanding? Unit o&'ecti"e
Objective 4 Students (ALL) wi!! individua!!y comp!ete an Edmodo &ui- on $batting investigation% + students (SLC groups) wi!! created &uestions and submit to c!ass teacher or eedback which wi!! then be submitted to *dmodo " Criteria A
What prior knowledge do you have? Example Where do you need to develop your knowledge and understanding?
If I think deeply and but in effort" I can come up with good ,uestions &lso I have seen what types of ,uestions and how the test will be like on edmodo -ere I need to work on thinking more deeply because I know if I put in effort I can come up with good ,uestions but I have to push myself to think more deeply when think of ,uestions with my group
I will try to do it on my own &nd I'we will see at the end if the ,uestions are good and that you will have to think deeply to answer them If the ,uestions are not good then I'we will see that I did not think deeply about it
($at in t$is unit do #ou find c$allenging and $o) )ill #ou tac*le t$is c$allenge+ I find it at bit difficult to remember how I have to stand every time when I bat the ball and that I have to run ,uickly around and touch the pole I think this is because you have to do it so fast during a game you are under pressure and you easily forget all these things
&# )$en co/pletion date+ Enough time to achieve the goal Not too much time" which can affect pro0ect performance
*tep 3) I will find out what to do and how to complete the &ction .lan *tep 5) 6hen I will complete it *tep 7) &t the end of the unit I will complete my reflection *tep 8) &nd then hand it in
01-23 /ins
4 4
4 4
Students (ALL) wi!! individua!!y comp!ete an Edmodo &ui- on $batting investigation% + students (SLC groups)
*tep 3) I will come up with ,uestions with my group *tep 5) 6hen we will hand them in to 1r -ooke
2 /ins
*tep 7) If I have any ,uestions to the ,uestions" I will find out the answers or ask 1r -ooke *tep 8) We will complete the ,ui9
1-03 /ins (depends on t$e 5uestion) 01-23 /ins (depends $o) long t$e 5ui6 is)
Unit reflection
What went well? I thought all the games worked well and I learned more about the games and I understand them better now
What did not go so well? I think we could work on developing our sport leader groups because when we get a task assigned then sometimes we have some difficulties doing or completing it %+6 I think this is also because we have 7 E&: people in our group and we take some time to explain everything
-ow can I correct the ;area< that did not go so well for next time? We might need a bit more time doing the task and then I think everything will be fine=
When we get a question asked that we have to discuss in our Sports Leader roups! I think we should have a "it more time to come up with a good answer# $ecause some groups might have EAL people in it and the mem"ers have to e%plain it to the people &irst and then come up with an answer'