(3.5 Monster Class) Roving Mauler

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5 Monster Class] Roving Mauler

Level 1 ) 3

BAB +1 +) +3

Fort +1 +) +3

Ref +1 +) +3

Will +0 +1 +1

Feature Roving bo !" Lesser tu#bling atta$%" +1 &tr" +1 'e( Fast *ealing" +o,erful rotations" +1 &tr" +1 'e( &+ell Resistan$e" -u#bling atta$%" +1 &tr" +1 'e(

*'. 10 &%ill +oints. ) + /nt #o ifier Class s%ills. Balan$e" Cli#b" 0u#+" Listen" &ear$1" &+ot" an -u#ble. Class Features. Roving Bo !. -1e roving #auler loses all ra$ial bonuses an be$o#es a Me iu# Magi$al Beast. 'es+ite its unusual s1a+e" t1e roving #auler 1as a$$ess to all #agi$ ite# slots" but $annot ,iel #anufa$ture ,ea+ons 2,it1 t1e e($e+tion of #out1+i$% ,ea+ons3 or s1iel s. /t gains ar%vision 40 ft" lo,5lig1t vision" i##unit! to +oison an isease" an t1e s$ent abilit!. /t 1as a base lan s+ee of 30 feet an a $li#b s+ee of 10 feet. /t 1as a +ri#ar! $la, atta$% t1at eals 1 6+&trengt1 #o ifier a#age. A roving #auler 1as t,o fa$es" granting it all5aroun vision 2unable to be flan%e 3 an a +7 bonus to &+ot" &ear$1" an Listen $1e$%s. /t 1as a natural ar#or bonus e8ual to its Constitution #o ifier. Abilit! boosts. -1e roving #auler gains a +1 bonus to &trengt1 an 'e(terit! at ea$1 level.

Lesser -u#bling Atta$% 29(3. -1e +ri#ar! strateg! for a roving #auler is to run over o++onents rat1er t1an stan still. As a full5roun a$tion" t1e roving #auler $an #ove its s+ee an #ove t1roug1 t1e s+a$e of an! $reature its si:e or s#aller" #a%ing a single $la, atta$% against ea$1 ene#!. An! $reature ,1ose s+a$e t1e roving #auler +asses t1roug1 $an #a%e an o++ortunit! atta$%" ,1i$1 $an be negate ,it1 a 'C )5 -u#ble $1e$%. A su$$essful atta$% of o++ortunit! or a faile -u#ble $1e$% oes not sto+ t1e #auler;s atta$% or #ove#ent unless it is broug1t o,n to 0 *< or lo,er. =o #atter 1o, #an! ti#es t1e roving #auler #oves t1roug1 a $reature;s s+a$e" it $an onl! #a%e one $la, atta$% +er roun +er $reature. Fast *ealing 29(3. At )n level" t1e roving #auler;s 1ig1 #etabolis# %i$%s into over rive" granting it fast 1ealing e8ual to 1>) its *'. <o,erful Rotations 29(3. Also at )n level" t1e roving #auler starts #oving at an even faster rate. /ts lan an $li#b s+ee s bot1 in$rease b! 10 feet" an again at ever! t1ree levels 25t1" 6t1" 11t1" 17t1" 1?t1" an )0t13 . /n a ition" it gains a ra$ial bonus to -u#ble $1e$%s e8ual to 1>) its *'. &+ell Resistan$e 2&u3. At 3r level" t1e roving #auler $an rotate ,it1 su$1 velo$it! t1at #agi$ so#eti#es boun$es rig1t off it. /t gains s+ell resistan$e e8ual to ?+*'. -u#bling Atta$% 29(3. -1e roving #auler $an use its tu#bling atta$% against ene#ies of an! si:e. 'ouble t1e a#age i$e of an! $la, atta$% #a e uring a tu#bling atta$%.29(. 1 6+7 be$o#es ) 6+73 Atta$%s of o++ortunit! #a e against t1e roving #auler uring a tu#bling atta$% are #a e at a 57 +enalt!.

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