2012 Edexcel Foundation A Paper 1
2012 Edexcel Foundation A Paper 1
2012 Edexcel Foundation A Paper 1
0 This con&ersion gra"h can be used to change bet#een degrees fahrenheit (8F) and
degrees celsius (8C)'
(a) ;se the gra"h to change 10. 8F into degrees celsius'
+++++++++++ 8C
(b) ;se the gra"h to change 6. 8C into degrees fahrenheit'
+++++++++++ 8F
(c) )ater free9es at . 8C'
At #hat tem"erature does #ater free9e in degrees fahrenheit*
+++++++++++ 8F
%'otal for (uestion 0 is + mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age 7 - %hurchill .aths /imited
0. 12. 6. 14.
1 This is =ic%>s ban% statement sho#ing all transactions for ?e"tember'
?ome of the entries are missing'
2ate 2escription 3ai" in 3ai" .ut 4alance
.1 ?e" @"ening Balance A4-'..
.1 ?e" Card Ba$ment A51'.. < A6'..
.- ?e" Credit A02'.. A10'..
.4 ?e" Cash"oint A10'..
.7 ?e" Card Ba$ment A7'..
10 ?e" Cash"oint A1.'..
15 ?e" CheCue A21'..
22 ?e" irect ebit A12'-.
24 ?e" Credit A16-'..
(a) Com"lete the missing entr$ for .4 ?e"'
(b) Com"lete the missing entries from the balance column'
=ic% is charged for each da$ that his account is o&erdra#n'
,e is o&erdra#n on the 1
and 0
,e is bac% in credit on the -
(c) @n ho# man$ da$s is =ic% o&erdra#n in total in this month*
++++++++++ da$s
%'otal for (uestion 1 is , mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age 8 - %hurchill .aths /imited Turn over
5 Tom o#ns 6. boo%s'
of his boo%s are about s"ort'
of his boo%s are about com"uting'
The rest of his boo%s are no&els'
,o# man$ no&els does Tom o#n*
%'otal for (uestion 5 is + mar#s&
$6 Dac% dri&es from Eeeds to !dinburgh'
,e lea&es Eeeds at 11-. and arri&es in !dinburgh at 1-2.'
The ne2t da$ his car brea%s do#n and he gets a train bac% to Eeeds'
The train de"arts at 110. and arri&es at 141-'
)or% out the ratio
Fourne$ time b$ car : Fourne$ time b$ train
:i&e $our ans#er in its sim"lest form'
%'otal for (uestion $6 is + mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age 10 - %hurchill .aths /imited
Gine triangles are sho#n on a grid of sCuares'
(a) )hich triangle is congruent to triangle *
(b) )hich triangle is similar to triangle B*
(c) )hich triangle has the same area as triangle F*
%'otal for (uestion $$ is + mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age 11 - %hurchill .aths /imited Turn over
7$* ,oll$ is carr$ing out a sur&e$ about health$ eating'
This is one of the Cuestions'
o $ou agree that e&er$one should eat - "ieces of fruit a da$*
Tic% one bo2
H!? G@
(a) )rite do#n one reason #h$ this is not a good Cuestion'
This is another of the Cuestions'
,o# man$ "ieces of fruit did $ou eat $esterda$*
Tic% one bo2
1 to 2 1 to 0 0 or more
(b) )rite do#n t#o criticisms of the response section for this Cuestion'
First criticism +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
?econd criticism ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
%'otal for (uestion $* is + mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age 1) - %hurchill .aths /imited
iagram -.'
accuratel$ dra#n
In the diagram abo&e3 AB3 BC3 CD3 DE3 AE and CE are all the same length'
(a) )hat t$"e of triangle is CDE*
(b) )hat t$"e of Cuadrilateral is ABCE*
(c) )hat t$"e of angle is angle ABC*
(d) )or% out the si9e of angle ABC'
+++++++++++' 8
%'otal for (uestion $+ is , mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age 12 - %hurchill .aths /imited Turn over
$) Eil$ collects 1"3 2" and -" coins in a Far'
@ne da$ she finds she has 51 coins in the Far'
Altogether the coins are #orth A1'66
:i&en that she has t#ent$ -" coins3 ho# man$ 2" coins does she ha&e*
%'otal for (uestion $) is ) mar#s&
$, ;se a ruler and "air of com"asses to construct the bisector of this angle'
Eea&e in $our constuction lines'
%'otal for (uestion $, is * mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age 13 - %hurchill .aths /imited
$/ A ne#sagent has a "romotion on c$cling maga9ines'
4u one of these
magazines ...
8 an" get one of
these for 9:EE
Roadzine (J)
Wheelz ())
Saddler (?)
Cyclimit (C)
Bikestuff (B)
:ill #ants to get t#o maga9ines for her son using the offer'
(a) Com"lete the table belo# to sho# all her choices'
:ill chooses the maga9ine to bu$ and the one for free at random'
(b) )hat is the "robabilit$ that she chooses Wheelz and Bikestuff *
%'otal for (uestion $/ is + mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age 14 - %hurchill .aths /imited Turn over
Bu$ Free
The diagram sho#s a "rism'
The crossKsection of the "rism is a regular he2agon'
(a) ?%etch the front ele&ation of the "rism from the direction sho#n'
(b) ?%etch the side ele&ation of the "rism from the direction sho#n'
%'otal for (uestion $0 is ) mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age 15 - %hurchill .aths /imited
$1 (a) Com"lete this table of &alues for y = 1x < 1
x <1 . 1 2
y <0
(b) @n the grid3 dra# the line y = 1x < 1
(c) ,ere are the eCuations of three more lines'
y = 2x < 1 y = 2 < 1x y = 1x 1
Tic% the bo2 under each eCuation of a line that is "arallel to the line y = 1x < 1
%'otal for (uestion $1 is , mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age 16 - %hurchill .aths /imited Turn over
1 2 x
Gumber of Eeaflets
. 1... 1... 2... 0... -...
Brice (A)
The gra"h abo&e sho#s the "rice of "rinting A0 colour leaflets'
(a) )hat is the "rice for 1... leaflets*
A +++++++++++
(b) A com"an$ s"ends A16. on leaflets'
,o# man$ leaflets do the$ ha&e "rinted*
L(c) Jhona is thin%ing of ordering 1-.. leaflets'
Angela sa$s that for an e2tra -./3 Jhona could get 1 times as man$ leaflets'
Is Angela correct*
Hou must sho# ho# $ou decided'
%'otal for (uestion $5 is , mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age 17 - %hurchill .aths /imited
7*6 Eani%a needs a sheet of card that is at least
mm thic%'
At home3 she finds some card but she doesn>t %no# ho# thic% it is'
Eani%a finds that there are 0- sheets of card #ith a total thic%ness is 10 mm'
Is the card thic% enough for Eani%a to use*
?ho# ho# $ou decide'
%'otal for (uestion *6 is + mar#s&
*$ The table sho#s the "robabilit$ of a "erson being rightKhanded3 leftKhanded or
JightKhanded EeftKhanded Ambide2trous
Brobabilit$ .'66 1p p
)or% out the &alue of p'
p = +++++++++++
%'otal for (uestion *$ is + mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age 18 - %hurchill .aths /imited Turn over
** ,ere are some "atterns made #ith dots'
Battern 1 Battern 2 Battern 1
)or% out ho# man$ dots there #ill be in Battern -.'
?ho# ho# $ou obtained $our ans#er'
%'otal for (uestion ** is ) mar#s&
*+ = -(n < m)
(a) Find the &alue of #hen m = <1 and n = 0'
(b) Jearrange the formula to ma%e n the subFect'
%'otal for (uestion *+ is ) mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age )0 - %hurchill .aths /imited
iagram -.'
accuratel$ dra#n
=r' Tait #ishes to ha&e dec%ing o&er the region of his garden sho#n abo&e'
The cost #ill be A-. "er sCuare metre'
)or% out the total cost'
A +++++++++++
%'otal for (uestion *) is , mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age )1 - %hurchill .aths /imited Turn over
6 m
4 m
1 m
2 m
*, :hadah runs an online store'
?he bought 1. decorati&e mirrors for A1- each'
:hadah sold 14 of the mirrors on her #ebsite for A2- each'
?he then reduced the "rice b$ A- and sold 12 more mirrors'
?he sold the last t#o mirrors on an online auction site for A14'-. and A7'2.
)or% out ho# much "rofit :hadah made on the mirrors'
A +++++++++++
%'otal for (uestion *, is , mar#s&
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age )) - %hurchill .aths /imited
Triangle A is sho#n on the grid'
(a) Jeflect triangle A in the xKa2is'
Eabel the image 4'
(b) Translate triangle A using the &ector
Eabel the image C'
%'otal for (uestion */ is ) mar#s&
'.'AL 9.: 3A3E: ;S $66 MA:<S
)01) *+A ,aper 1 ,age )2 - %hurchill .aths /imited Turn over
1 2 0 1 - 4 5 6 x
<4 <- <1 <0 <2 <1