2012 Gaia Hypothesis and Jesus Christ

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2012, Gaia Hypothesis and Jesus Christ

Advancing Gaia to Discover the Living Universe Theory

and Christ
John Paily
Grace New Age Research

Modern world, is constructed on the preconceived vision that universe is the product of
interaction of matter. The foundation of science consists in isolating mind and
consciousness from matter and seeking the truth in matter. In this process human kind
separated himself from his actions and brought immunity to himself and set about
conquering nature through unleashing the material power.

However after 1920’s with the advent of Uncertainty Theory and development of
Quantum Mechanics, science came one circle back to realize that some how mind and
consciousness cannot be separated from matter and its movement. But the truth of nature
and how it exists and perpetuates in time cycle is yet to be understood.

Since the above developments occurred, the foundation of science broke down. Human
mind was liberated from the clutches of physicist. Consequently, the world became open.
Development after 1940’s were more life centered. The Non-Linear Science, System
Thinking, Computer Science is the resultant of this orientation towards life. Yet the
divisive thinking of the west persisted.

By 1970’s the scientist began to think beyond the boundary of science and look to nature
as one living system, much in line with ancient knowledge system. This also became a
period of revival of spirituality. One of the major contributors to this is Sir James
Lovelock [a Chemist] and Margulis Lynn [a microbiologist] who got Noble Prize. They
proposed the now famous hypothesis called Gaia Hypothesis

Gaia hypothesis is a scientific models of the geo-biosphere in which life as

a whole fosters and maintains suitable conditions for itself by helping
to create a favorable environment on Earth for its continuity.
Lovelock defined Gaia as: a complex entity involving the Earth's
biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totality constituting a feedback or
cybernetic system which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on
this planet.

Gaia hypotheses speak a truth that the universe is a living and is self sustaining. This
reality is well written in ancient spiritual scriptures. The Vedas and Upanishad of the east
very beautifully and logically describes it. There was huge opposition to Gaia hypothesis.
James Lovelock and Margulis Lynn, became eligible for Noble prize because they

developed a computer and mathematical modeling of this hypothesis. I cut and paste this
experimental model as described in “New world Encyclopedia’

Daisy World simulations

Lovelock responded to criticisms with the mathematical Daisyworld
model (1983), first to prove the existence of feedback mechanisms,
second to demonstrate it was possible that control of the global
biomass could occur without consciousness being involved.

Daisyworld, a computer simulation, is a hypothetical world orbiting

a sun whose temperature is slowly increasing in the simulation.
Daisyworld was introduced by James Lovelock and Andrew Watson to
illustrate the plausibility of the Gaia hypothesis in a paper published in
1983. The simulated planet is seeded with two different species of
daisy as its only life form: black daisies and white daisies. White daisies
have white flowers that reflect light, and the other species has black
flowers that absorb light. Both species have the same growth curve
(that is, their reproduction rate is the same function of temperature)
but the black daisies are themselves warmer than the white daisies
and bare earth. A planet with preponderance of white daisies is cooler
than one with more black ones.

At the beginning of the simulation, Daisyworld is so cold that only a

few black daisies, and almost no white daises, can survive. Whenever
the planet's temperature decreases, the black flowers tend to
predominate, they absorb a little heat from the sun, which causes the
planet's temperature to rise, allowing a greater proliferation of black
daisies, more absorption of heat, and so on. As the planet becomes
hotter, white daisies begin to breed as well, and eventually the planet
reaches a point of temperature equilibrium. Any increase in
temperature is combated by a greater proportion of white daisies; any
decrease leads to more black daisies. Such a system is remarkably
stable against varying solar input; the entire planet maintains

When the simulation is run without the daisies, the planet's

temperature proceeds in synchrony with that of the sun. With the
daisies, at the beginning of the simulation there is enhanced warming,

and at the end of the simulation enhanced cooling, resulting in a close
to equilibrium temperature for most of the simulation. In this way the
daisies are modifying the climate to make conditions more hospitable
for themselves. However, the Daisyworld system exhibits hysteresis:
for some solar constants, the planet has two distinct stable states,
typically no life and one almost 100% occupied with life. If the external
temperature becomes too cold or too hot, it overwhelms the system.

The Living Universe Theory

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch
of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
Albert Einstein

The basic of spiritual reality on which ancient existed was that, there is a Master who is
Conscious and intelligent and controls everything. But with the onset of science the table

I strongly believe the root of the work of James Lovelock and Margulis Lynn, is spiritual
and sense perception of nature. But as scientist, they were bound by the principle to twist
and fit what they see into mathematical model and explain it without giving it a touch of
consciousness and intelligence.

Gaia hypothesis is still has not been comprehended and adopted. Let me add the salient
points of my own research in this direction so that we can come out of western divisive
thinking to know the truth that nature is living, conscious and intelligent system, that is
self organizing. I have attempted to prove this from quantum particulate level, reviewing
the very foundation of science, incorporating every development in science and
answering every question that science left behind in its quest for material power. It also
incorporates the ancient spiritual knowledge. This is explored in depth in my sites
Awakening to Truth – http://sites.google.com/site/awakeningtotruth
Biophysics of Bible - http://sites.google.com/site/biophysicsofbible
Simple Solution to Complex Problem -
And links there off

The following point summarizes my observation and arguments

1] The modern vision of energy and nature is founded by west and is based on the
thinking that nature is material and bound by a single force named gravity or centripetal
energy. In short it visualizes universe by one form of heat and energy. The 2nd law of
thermodynamics applied to gravity tells that the system should collapse to a point and

originate in a big bang. Einstein whose research led to this conclusion was
uncomfortable with the idea and thus he introduced a second force called anti-gravity.
He introduced it and then retracted it. Probably he could not visualize the root for this
second force.

2] I introduce this second force or anti-gravity. I point its root to life. For proof, look
out of the window and see the grasses grow and a lily flower. All life is anti-gravitational
by instinct. The second law applied to living system and material system shows this
opposition. This necessitates that we need to understand nature not by one force but two
forces or energy.

3] Now two opposing force can never be equal and yet produce an action. This means one
of the force at any moment should be dominant the other recessive. Now if you assume
matter force is dominant, then it invariably means the whole system should collapse to a
point and have no reason for origin and perpetual existence. Now if we visualize life as
dominant and controlling, then we have the scope to visualize nature as intelligently
designed, self organizing living system that conquer time and death and perpetuates
in time cycle. This gives a whole new dimension to humanity to explore. This vision is
supported by all the ancient spiritual scriptures. Even the emerging modern thinking such
as non-linear science, system thinking, gives credence to the vision. This would lead the
world to new order and take it into Golden Age.

4] Now to understand and develop the Living Universe Theory we must understand life
and its process and draw some parallels with nature. No life is beyond time. But life is a
dynamic, conscious and intelligent system that is designed to resist time and death. Three
basic processes help the system to conquer time and death.
• Breathing, which helps the system to sustain through constant exchange of energy
and information between its left and right or inner and outer world
• Mitotic division, which enfolds information and creates new worlds, thus grows
against gravity or centripetal force
• Meiotic division, where the “Essence of the Father” leaves its body or world and
enters the world of the Mother and unites with its essence to create new body out
of the old and thus conquers time and perpetuates in time cycle. I used the word
“Essence of the Father” because, DNA and genes or the information is only a built
up thing. Behind it there exists some thing subtle, which actually perceives
controls and survives. This is a higher realm which science is yet to discover. The
“Essence of the Father” is Light that Give Life. The Mother is the field in which
the Light creates and exists. The whole plan and design of life is set when
“Fathers Essence” enter the egg cell. Later the cell divides and begins to manifest.
The Spirit or Light of the Father that created binds the cells formed and exists as
balancing elements. It sits as the judge. This truth is explored from the quantum
particulate level in the site.
5] Now to prove that universe is living we need to develop parallels. Stand back and
observe the energy flow in nature in which all life lives. The earth in principle is divided
into two parts – the west and east. When west awakes to sunlight and the material matter
in it goes into disorder and expands. The east simultaneously sleeps to darkness and

winds. It acts as a sink for the energy and goes into ordering phase. Thus a disordering
and ordering phase simultaneously coexist. The earth is designed such that, when west
peaks in sunlight, the seed of darkness emerges in it, simultaneously the east peaks in
darkness and seed of light emerges in it. The left and right are instantaneously
communicated and information and energy exchange occurs between the two to balance
it self. Now if we care to think deeply into this functioning of earth, we note it resembles
the double pump or the working of heart. Further the position of earth in the solar
system is off centered as the heart is off centered in life - Is it coincidence or design?
We are now seeing the first level of parallel between life and nature.

Life has a second level of stability that happens by renewal of information and growing
against gravity through division. This phenomenon is known as mitotic division and
renewal of information and growth. At the level of nature we note the 12 hour day and
night cycle is embedded 12 month climatic cycle, where a disordering phase gives way to
ordering phase reviving and expanding nature. Every time this happens, a second level of
exchange and energy flow occurs in the system, which gives new stability and growth to
earth and the whole natural system. – More clarity to this argument emerges as we
proceed. Her we see a second level of parallel.

Life conquers time and death by a process in which a reduced selected male [n] joins with
a reduced female [n] to form one cell [2n]. Here only the “Essence of the male” enters
the female. The union predetermines the whole system. From this cell in time a whole
new system is differentiated which conquers time. The process is called dedifferentiation
and differentiation of information or unfolding and enfolding of information. The
question is, how we can comprehend it at the natural level. From both spiritual and
scientific point, we know that 12 month climatic cycle is embedded in 12 years cycles
and so on to form a big a cycle which has an end. This reality gave raise to origin and end
to the universe. All spiritual scriptures speak about it. Mayan Calendar tells us that the
present time ends in 2012 December 21. Christians may not accept it because it is written
that only Father knows it. Spiritual world speak of spiritual action which actually
precedes the observed action. This means they do not contradict. All spiritual scriptures
speak the time nearing end would be highly catastrophic, but all the spiritual scriptures
also raises hopes of Light at the end of tunnel. The instability, disorder, destruction we are
witnessing today raises us a question - are we in end, If so and how end is conquered?
Before we deal with this question let us look at our role in nature and its energy flow.

Human Role in Nature and its Energy Cycle

We saw a day and night energy cycle. If not for life, this cycle under the second law of
thermodynamics, should have collapsed to a point in time. When sun emerges and the
material world is disordered, the plants absorb the energy and matter thus acts against
disorder giving stability to the system. When the darkness fall they convent the energy
and matter and grows against the gravity. The earth with only plants is two dimensional
in its energy flow. Now imagine the animals. The energy flow in earth with plant and
animals becomes three dimensional and brings a control of unilateral growth against
gravity. The plant and animals adhere to the energy cycle and cause nothing to disturb the
energy cycle beyond a limit. Now imagine earth with plants animals and humans, now

we see a fourth dimension to nature. The time dimension to nature comes from
human’s beings that lives a mind centered life and aligns with material force or
gravity by breaking the law.

Here we need to admit to some of the key teachings of ancient spiritual scriptures, which
states that there is a Creator or God and that we humans are created in His image and are
all one in Him and that we should live in faith, love and respect to the Creator and the
law. In short Creator calls us to live a heart centered, justified life than mind and self
centered life. Forgive me to take you into spiritual realm. It is inevitable that we
understand spiritual realm. This is the actual realm of energy that sustains the world.

Material force is centripetal and directed to disorder and collapse into a point or death.
When human mind detaches from consciousness and aligns with matter the end is
inevitable. Here the disordering phase of the energy cycle increases at the cost of
ordering phase. The nature’s ability to sustain herself gets hindered and Nature violently
reacts to sustain herself. The only way for us is to survive is to retreat, connect to the
consciousness and discover the Light of the Father or the Mind of God that created.

When we humans align with material force and direct to death, what is endangered is the
Living Universe. The survival now necessitates the intervention of the Creator or the
“Fathers Essence” or the Living Light. It should leave its central position and enter its
own body to recreate every thing and restore everything to new order. In this phase what
rules us is the Inferior mind and knowledge, which aligns with material power. We are in
this phase. Yet I have hopes because, the Light of God is in creation mode and He would
deliver us into New Time Cycle. The non-linear science tells us that when disorder peaks
in a system a Great Attractor emerges in the system and the system collapses into new
order around this Attractor. This attractor is nothing but the Light of God. This is the
cause of revival of spirituality. The next step to this is to understand the secret of God as
biological science beyond religion. This is bound to change the way humanity thinks
and the world wound spring up to develop nature compatible techniques and technologies
to sustain the world. It will give us new realms of energy generation and management
which are nature compatible.

Living Theory of Universe and Gaia

The reader should have noted that there is not much difference in the Living Theory of
the Universe and Gaia Hypothesis. The difference exist in the following points
1] In place daisy, it introduces the human beings. This gives Gaia New dimension of time
that relates to mind of humans.
2] Gaia is based on energy of matter coming form the sun. The Living Universe Theory
speaks of an invisible energy or world that works against the energy of the sun and time
related to it. Gaia we know speaks daisies [life] modifying the climate to make
conditions more hospitable for themselves. Here we assume a third entity or
life between the two daisies which actually controls the system. The daisies actually
support the third or middle entity to perpetuate.

3] The world is self sustaining system as Gaia proposes, but becomes unstable tending
disorder and destruction when we take into consideration human beings. Time direction
and collapse becomes inevitable to the universal living system. A fourth dimension
4] The Living Universe Theory here takes clues from spiritual scriptures. Between Man
and woman there is third entity or person called God who is the Master and controller.
Among all creations, law is laid only for humans. The earth is designed to self organize.
It has two parts a right and left or west and east. When one is in disordering phase the
other is in ordering phase. This design is stable as long as life lives by its instinct and
human abides by law. Spiritual scriptures tell us that, Humans were created in His image
to the left and right. Both were dear to Him and He existed in the middle as the binding
force. The creation involved, matter or mud. This means there are four parts to Creator
and creation, the right that consist of two parts and left consisting of two parts. [Ab and

Here “A” and “B” belongs the Central Reality or God and “a” and “b” relates to matter or
humans. The matter and its force are centripetal and life and its force are centrifugal. The
Creator gives dominion to the created in his image to rule his creation, but places a law.
This law needs to be interpreted as the law of resistance to human mind from aligning
with matter and its force and thus create a time direction to the collapse. This is familial
law that calls us to respect and love the Father and Mother and abide by his law. Universe
needs to be visualized and explained as one family - One life that is sustaining in time.

The perception that universe is one is lingering at the back of our mind
- Thanks to the concept of God, held up by religions. This lingering has
made many people scientist to air that universe a living system and
compare it to one cell. The truth of nature is well described by
Biologist. Lewis Thomas

I have been trying to think of the earth as a kind of organism, but it is no go. I cannot
think of it this way. It is too big, too complex, with too many working parts lacking
visible connections. The other night, driving through a hilly, wooded part of southern
New England, I wondered about this. If not like an organism, what is it like, what is it
most like? Then, satisfactorily for that moment, it came to me: it is most like a single

Lewis Thomas and many more have aired this reality. Internet has set
of talks by biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton pointing to this reality. Universe is
Living the one celled state is transient state. But the reality is two
world states that are balancing. The one celled state is formed when
the law is broken and balance is upset. It is the sate when Father exist
in the Mother. It is the creative state where everything is
preprogrammed. The ancient called it, manifesting state and
manifested state, Involution and evolution state and so on

The reality of the world is two celled state Ab and Ba. This reflected in
day and night cycle and the energy flow in it. The one celled state is

formed when “A” the dominant leaves its body and enters “Ba” and to
form “AB” and now “a” is dissolved with “b” to form “ab”. The AB is
now becomes the seed in the womb and acts as template to recreate.
This one celled state is temporary where the creation and restoration
occurs. When the process of creation is completes the A and B
separate to form two celled manifested state. Ab and Ba

The reality of Gaia can only understood when we take material nature
with humans. By creation everyone is good and has a role to play.
However, when the law is broken and the two world differentiates into
4 celled state. A differentiation into good and bad people occurs. Ab,
ab, Ba, ba. As the system grows by breaking the laws the quality of the
system comes down and eventually this system tends to death
necessitating the creator to act to recreate everything. Universe needs
to be understood as living.

Time is inevitable reality of the Living Universe; the two forces that
guide its existence are the light of matter [gravity] and Light of Life.
When we break laws and seek self the Light of Life deteriorates. The
Light of Life deteriorates when two worlds divides into four world. Here
the enfolding of information occurs. When the criticality is reached,
the only way for the Living Universe is to recreate it self. By unfolding
information and the multiples worlds and recreating everything.

Living Universe simply discovers and re -interprets, many of the

visions, conclusions and thinking that exist in science and spirituality
into perceptible reality. For example science concludes that universe
originated from big bang. But fails to comprehend and explain it
sensibly. The Living Universe Theory tells us that this collapse is a
reality and that it occurred 2008 years back in Calvary on one to a
single soul and mind. When Christ sacrificed the conception of New
World occurred. In three days everything about nature became
predetermined. The worlds now began to unfold and collapse to
become one. The collapse is controlled and the energy released is used
to build New World from within. The collapse is occurring because the
lesser individuals “ab” and “ba” is ruling the world.

The Truth that Calvary is the conceiving point of the universe is well
written not only in Bible but also in Vedas. Yajur Veda Vs:30-31 clearly
says that creation occurred through the self sacrifice of the Creator and
that this sacrifice was conducted by His own people or lesser Gods.
Bible tells “My people are lost for lack of Knowledge”

The knowledge that is now ruling us is the inferior knowledge but the
Good News is that Superior Knowledge is growing from within and
it will take over the inferior knowledge in time. The freedom of the

modern world is facilitating the separation into two worlds. One who
believes in the seen world will fallback and the one who believed in the
unseen world will flourish when New Time Cycle emerges.
Emergence of New Time Cycle is nothing but emergence of Living
Light or Superior Knowledge or the knowledge of life and God

Bible, Vedas and other spiritual scriptures predicts this reality. Isaiah
11:9 tells “The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters
cover the sea”

What this means Light of God or God prevails over the light of matter
or the sun. This means the Global Warming will stop and Global cooling
begins and the cycle continues. There is need to review and reinterpret
the great ancient knowledge systems of the east as well as the west.

In conclusion, I have to accept writings in the Vedas and Upanishad. It

says that universe is one conscious and intelligent system. It has a
heart and mind. We are simply an individuated system born from it to
the left and right. We are supposed to live in faith and respect the
Creator accepting His law. The Biblical Creation is true. But it needs
to be interpreted as a science. My hope for the world returned from
this revelation and I bet my life on it.

The law God placed was resistive law against inevitable time force. We
don’t need the mind to live. Look at plants and animals they live by
instinct, the do not kill unnecessarily. A deer can walk past a lion that is
stomach full. They do not work to annihilate its own kind. The only
exception I see is humans who lives by his mind centered life. The law
was a resistance to humans leading to self destruction and destruction
of the created world of God.

Since time is inevitable. It meant God has to manifest to recreate the

world. We must underline the fact that life is anti-gravitational. God is
anti-gravitational. All life is anti-gravitational. Even a human child is
anti-gravitational, but as human mind matures it becomes self
centered and here the devil takes over his mind. Humans then get lost
in darkness. But when the darkness peak the seed of light emerges in
it and the world awakens to truth. The light that created us, now
exist with us and it is working to transform we the humans who are lost
to Him.

We must note that science tells us that there are only two time
directions to nature, one is expansion and the other is contraction.
When time is directed to the center, then the system should collapse to
a point and go into expansion. When the system is in expansion it also
should have end to where it should turn around. In Living Universe

Theory, this collapse was averted, when Christ sacrificed himself at
Calvary. One soul was involved in the transformation and creation of
New Wave within the old. When this wave warps and transforms in
the end to initialize the whole into New Time Cycle, everything in this
universe is stressed to transform. The atoms and molecules, the plants,
animals, the insects and birds they are aware of the time and
transform spontaneously. But human kind who lives a mind centered
life and attached to life fails. This calls for giving New Life to Human
soul and illumination of His mind. God reveled His Soul and Feminine
Reality through Christ and when the Mind of God reveals He reveals his
masculine reality. The time initialization or successful transformation of
the universe can only occur when the Mind of God or Truth is revealed.

Knowing the truth the whole will bow to truth, beyond religion and the
whole world will come alive. This is entry into Kingdom of God or
Dharma yuga. We are in the edge of it. 2012, is critical. Approaching it,
the four forces of nature and the whole will de disturbed as never
before and in the midst of this the, truth will emerge and life will
return. I work in faith against many odds, that there is Light at the end
of the Tunnel.


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