SRPC 2nd Week 2014

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ISO 9001:2008 Certified

Quality Test Certificate

Sulfate Resistant Portland Cement BS EN 197-1:2011 CEM I - 42,5 R - SR 5 BS EN 197-1 /
Week No.: Despatch Period: 02/2014 5-Jan-2014 Date of Issue: 11-Feb-2014 Ref. No.: LEC/SRC/14. 2

to 11-Jan-2014

Chemical Composition - Test Method BS EN 196-2:2005
Standard Requirements

Silicon Dioxide Aluminum Trioxide Ferric Oxide Calcium Oxide Magnesium Oxide Potassium Oxide Sodium Oxide Sulfate Chloride Loss on Ignition Insoluble Residue Tricalcium Aluminates

SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2 O Na2O SO3 Cl LOI IR C3 A

19.53 3.97 4.50 63.20 1.37 0.47 0.23 2.19 0.022 2.84 0.36 2.92

% % % % % % % % % % % %

-------3.5% 0.10% 5.0% 5.0% 5%* Max. Max. Max. Max. Max.

Physical and Mechanical Properties Compressive Strength - Test Method BS EN 196-1:2005

2 Days (Mpa) 7 Days (Mpa) 28 Days (Mpa) 23.9 42.6 52.1

Standard Requirements 20.0 (Mpa) -42.5 (Mpa) Min. Min.

Setting Time -Test Method BS EN 196-3:2005

Initial Time (minutes) Final Time (minutes) Standard Consistency Soundness -Test Method BS EN 196-3:2005 Expansion (mm) 1.00 182 300 26.1 %

Standard Requirements 60 minutes --Standard Requirements 10.0 mm Max. Min.

Fineness by Blaine -Test Method BS EN 196-6:1992 Specific Surface area (cm2/g) 3265

Standard Requirements --

We certify that the above test results conform to the standard requirements as stated above at the time of dispatch of the cement from our factory.

Approved by
Manager Quality Control Department

Mohammed Hassan Ibrahim

Id Habhab, Idn, H bh b 1141. 1141 Fujairah-UAE, F j i h UAE Tel: T l +971 (7) 2044777, 2044777 Fax: F +971 (7) 2448719

This Test Results sheet is softcopy approved and does not require any signature

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