Standards For Cement, Aggregate, Gupsum. Definitions, Requirements and Test Methods

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TAIEX Workshop on Construction Products Regulation and Standards

11-12 December 2014, SKOPJE



Victoria Vassileva
Building Research Institute, Sofia, BULGARIA

Regulation No 305/2011

When a construction product is covered by a harmonised

standard the manufacturer shall draw up a declaration of
performance when such a product is placed on the market. Thus
the manufacturer shall assume responsibility for conformity of
the construction product with declared performance. He can
affix CE marking.

EN 197-1:2011
EN 12620:2002+A1:2008 Official Journal

EN 13279-1:2008 European

Declaration of

CE marking
Cement – definitions, requirements, test methods

EN 197-1:2011 Cement - Part 1: Composition,

specifications and conformity criteria for
common cements

EN 14216:2004 - very low heat special cement

EN 15743:2010 - supersulfated cement
EN 14647:2005 - calcium aluminate cement
EN 413-:2011 - masonry cement
Cement – definitions, requirements, test methods

European Standard EN 197-1 defines:

 the specifications of 27 distinct common cements, 7 sulfate

resisting common cements, as well as 3 distinct low early
strength blast furnace cements and 2 sulfate resisting low early
strength blast furnace cements
 the proportions in which the constituents are to be combined to
produce these distinct products in a range of nine strength
 the requirements which the constituents have to meet
 the mechanical, physical, and chemical requirements of the
 the conformity criteria and the related rules and their
Cement – definitions, requirements, test methods

The products in the family of common cements,

covered by EN 197-1 are given in Table 1. They
are grouped into five main cement types as

CEM I Portland cement,

CEM II Portland-composite cement,
CEM III Blast furnace cement,
CEM IV Pozzolanic cement,
CEM V Composite cement.
Cement – definitions, requirements, test methods

The seven products in the family of the sulfate resisting common

cements are given in Table 2 of EN 197-1. They are grouped into
three main cement types as follows:

Sulfate resisting Portland cement:

- CEM I-SR 0 Sulfate resisting Portland cement (C3A content of the clinker = 0 %)
- CEM I-SR 3 Sulfate resisting Portland cement (C3A content of the clinker ≤ 3 %)
- CEM I-SR 5 Sulfate resisting Portland cement (C3A content of the clinker ≤ 5 %)

Sulfate resisting blast furnace cement:

- CEM III/B-SR Sulfate resisting blast furnace cement (no requirement on C3A content
of the clinker)
- CEM III/C-SR Sulfate resisting blast furnace cement (no requirement on C3A content
of the clinker)

Sulfate resisting pozzolanic cement:

- CEM IV/A-SR Sulfate resisting pozzolanic cement (C3A content of the clinker ≤ 9 %)
- CEM IV/B-SR Sulfate resisting pozzolanic cement (C3A content of the clinker ≤ 9 %)
Cement – definitions, requirements, test methods

Mechanical and physical requirements

L – low early strength N – ordinary early strength R – high early strength

Cement – definitions, requirements, test methods

Chemical requirements
Cement – definitions, requirements, test methods

Additional requirements for sulfate resisting common cements

Cement – definitions, requirements, test methods
Test methods
Compressive strength - EN 196-1:2005
Initial setting time - EN 196-3:2005+A1:2008
Soundness (expansion) - EN 196-3:2005+A1:2008
Loss on ignition - EN 196-2:2013
Insoluble residue - EN 196-2:2013
Sulfate content - EN 196-2:2013
C3A in clinker - EN 196-2:2013 (for CEM I)
- as FPC on the clinker (for CEM IV)
Pozzolanicity - EN 196-5:2011
Heat of hydration - EN 196-8:2010 or EN 196-9:2010
Composition - Appropriate test method chosen by the manufacturer
Release of dangerous
substances - EN 196-10:2010 (water- (water-soluble chromium VI content)
Cement – definitions, requirements, test methods

Standard designation of common cements

CEM cements shall be designated by at least the notation of the cement type as specified in
Table 1 and the figures 32,5, 42,5 or 52,5 indicating the strength class as well as the letter N, R or L indicating
the early strength class.

Sulfate resisting cement shall be designated additionally by the notation SR. Cements not covered by this
European Standard for their sulfate resisting property but considered sulfate resisting according to National
Standards listed in Annex A shall not be identified by the notation SR.

Low heat common cement shall be additionally designated by the notation LH.

EXAMPLE 1 - Portland cement EN 197-1 – CEM I 42,5 R

Portland cement, conforming to EN 197-1, of strength class 42,5 with high early strength

EXAMPLE 2 - Portland-limestone cement EN 197-1 – CEM II/A-L 32,5 N

Portland-limestone cement, conforming to EN 197-1, containing between 6 % and 20 % by mass of limestone
(L) of strength class 32,5 with an ordinary early strength

EXAMPLE 3 - Blast furnace cement EN 197-1 – CEM III/B 32,5 N – LH/SR

Blast furnace cement, conforming to EN 197-1, containing between 66 % and 80 % by mass of granulated
blast furnace slag (S), of strength class 32,5 with an ordinary early strength and a low heat of hydration and
sulfate resisting
Cement – definitions, requirements, test methods

Conformity criteria

The compliance of the common cements with the requirements of EN 197-1 and
with the stated values (including classes) shall be demonstrated by:
 initial type testing
 factory production control by the manufacturer, including product assessment.

Conformity of the products to EN 197-1 shall be continually evaluated on the basis

of testing of spot samples. The properties, test methods and the minimum testing
frequencies for the autocontrol testing by the manufacturer are specified in Table 6
of EN 197-1 and in EN 197-2.
Alternative test methods could be used provided that they have been validated in
accordance with the appropriate provisions in the cited standards of the reference
test methods. In the event of a dispute, only the reference methods are used.

For certification of conformity by a notified body, conformity of cement with

standard EN 197-1 is evaluated in accordance with EN 197-2.
Cement – definitions, requirements, test methods

Annex ZA of EN 197-1:2011

 System of assessment and verification of constancy of performance - 1+

 The manufacturer shall carry out:

- Factory production control (FPC) that includes parameters to all characteristics of
table ZA.1 relevant for the intended use
- Further testing of samples taken at the factory to all characteristics of table ZA.1
relevant for the intended use

 The notified certification body shall issue the certificate of constancy of

performance on the basis of:
- Initial type testing of those characteristics of Table ZA.1 relevant for the intended use
- Initial inspection of factory and of FPC to parameters related to all characteristics of
Table ZA.1, relevant for the intended use
- Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of FPC to parameters related to all
characteristics of Table ZA.1, relevant for the intended use
- Audit testing of samples taken at factory of those characteristics of Table ZA.1
relevant for the intended use
Aggregates – definitions, requirements, test methods

EN 12620:2002+A1:2008 Aggregates for concrete

EN 13043:2002 Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for

roads, airfields and other trafficked areas
EN 13055-1:2002 Lightweight aggregates - Part 1 : Lightweight aggregates for
concrete, mortar and grout
EN 13055-2:2004 Lightweight aggregates - Part 2 : Lightweight aggregates for
unbound and bound applications
EN 13139:2002 Aggregates for mortar
EN 13242:2002+A1:2007 Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound
materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction
EN 13383-1:2002 Armourstone - Part 1: Specification
EN 13450:2002 Aggregates for railway ballast
Aggregates – definitions, requirements, test methods

EN 12620:2002+A1:2008 specifies the properties of aggregates

and filler aggregates obtained by processing natural, manufactured or
recycled materials and mixtures of these aggregates for use in
concrete. It covers aggregates having a density greater than
2 000 kg/m3 for all concrete, including concrete in conformity with
EN 206 and concrete used in roads and other pavements and for use
in precast concrete products.
It also covers recycled aggregate with densities between
1 500 kg/m3 and 2 000 kg/m3 with appropriate caveats and recycled
fine aggregate (4 mm) with appropriate caveats.

The standard specifies a factory production control system for

aggregates to ensure that they conform to the relevant requirements
of EN 12620:2002+A1:2008
Aggregates – definitions, requirements, test methods

The necessity for testing and declaring all properties
specified in EN 12620 shall be limited according to the
particular application at end use or origin of the
aggregate. When required, the specified tests shall be
carried out to determine appropriate properties.
When the value of a property is required but not
defined by specified limits the value should be declared
by the producer as an category.
When a property is not required, a “No requirement”
category can be used.
Guidance on selection of appropriate categories for
specific applications can be found in national
provisions in the place of use of the aggregate (national
Aggregates – definitions, requirements, test methods

Geometrical requirements Test methods

 Aggregate sizes
 Grading for:
- coarse aggregates EN 933-1:2012
- fine aggregates-sand EN 933-1:2012
- natural graded 0/8 mm aggregate EN 933-1:2012
- all-in aggregate EN 933-1:2012
- filler aggregate EN 933-10:2009
- special use aggregate. ISO 565:1990
 Shape of coarse aggregate:
- flakiness index EN 933-3:2012
- shape index EN 933-4:2008
 Shell content of coarse aggregate EN 933-7:2000
 Fines content EN 933-1:2012
 Fines quality:
- sand equivalent value EN 933-8:2012
- methylene blue test EN 933-9:2009
Aggregates – definitions, requirements, test methods

Physical requirements Test method

 Resistance to fragmentation of coarse aggregate

– Los Angeles coefficient EN 1097-2:2010 clause 5
– resistance to impact EN 1097-2:2010 clause 6
 Resistance to wear of coarse aggregate
– micro-Deval coefficient EN 1097-1:2011
 Resistance to polishing
- polished stone value EN 1097-8:2009
 Resistance to surface abrasion
- aggregate abrasion value EN 1097-8:2009, annex A
 Resistance to abrasion from studded tyres
- Nordic abrasion value EN 1097-9:2014
 Particle density EN 1097-6:2013
 Water absorption EN 1097-6:2013
 Bulk density EN 1097-3:1998
 Durability
- freeze/thaw resistance of coarse aggregate EN 1367-1:2007 or EN 1367-2:2009
- volume stability - drying shrinkage EN 1367-4:2008
- alkali-silica reactivity provisions valid in the place of use
Aggregates – definitions, requirements, test methods

Chemical requirements
 Chlorides
 Sulfur containing compounds
- acid-soluble sulfate
- total sulfur
- water soluble sulfate content of recycled aggregates
 Constituents which alter the rate of setting and hardening of concrete
 Constituents which affect the volume stability of air-cooled blast furnace slag
 Carbonate content of fine aggregates for concrete pavement surface courses
 Dangerous substances:
- Emission of radioactivity (for aggregates from radioactive sources intended
for use in concrete in buildings)
- Release of heavy metals
- Release of polyaromatic carbons
- Release of other dangerous substances

Test methods – EN 1744-1:2009+A1:2012

EN 1744-5:2006 and EN 1744-6:2006 (for recycled aggregates)
Aggregates – definitions, requirements, test methods

Evaluation of conformity

The producer shall undertake initial type tests

and factory production control to ensure that
the product conforms to EN 12620 and to
declared values as appropriate.
Aggregates – definitions, requirements, test methods

Annex ZA of EN 12620:2012+A1:2008
Systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance:
2+ for uses with high safety requirements (where third party intervention is required)
4 for uses without high safety requirements (where third party intervention is required)
Safety requirements are defined by Member States in their national laws, regulations and administrative provisions.

Tasks of evaluation of conformity for aggregates and fillers under system 2+

The manufacturer shall carry out:

- Initial type testing of all relevant characteristics of Table ZA.1a or Table ZA.1b
- Factory production control (FPC) that includes parameters related to all relevant characteristics
of Table ZA.1a or Table ZA.1b

The notified production control certification body shall issue the certificate of conformity
of the factory production control on the basis of:
- Initial inspection of factory and of FPC to parameters related to all characteristics of
Table ZA.1a or Table ZA.1b
- Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of FPC to parameters related to all
characteristics of Table ZA.1a or Table ZA.1b
Gypsum – definitions, requirements, test methods

EN 13279-1:2008 Gypsum binders and gypsum

plasters - Part 1: Definitions and requirements

EN 520:2004+A1:2009 - Gypsum plasterboards

EN 12859:2011 – Gypsum blocks
EN 14246:2006 – Gypsum elements for suspended ceilings
EN 15283-1:2008+A1:2009 - Gypsum boards with fibrous
EN 15283-2:2008+A1:2009 reinforcement
Gypsum – definitions, requirements, test methods

The Standard EN 13279-1 specifies the characteristics and

performance of powder products based on gypsum binder for
building purposes. This includes premixed gypsum building
plasters for plastering of walls and ceilings inside buildings where
they are applied as a finishing material which can be decorated.
Gypsum and gypsum based building plasters for manual and
mechanical applications are included.

EN 13279-1 also applies to gypsum binders both for direct use

on site and for further processing into gypsum blocks, gypsum
plasterboards, gypsum boards with fibrous reinforcement,
gypsum fibrous plasterwork and gypsum ceiling elements.
Gypsum mortar for internal not load bearing partitions not
exposed to water is also included.
Gypsum – definitions, requirements, test methods

Types of gypsum binders and gypsum plasters

Gypsum – definitions, requirements, test methods

Requirements linked to the end use conditions

Test methods
 Reaction to fire Class A1 or
classification to EN 13501-1
 Fire resistance classification to EN 13501-2
 Acoustic performance
- direct airborne sound insulation - EN ISO 140-3 (EN ISO 10140-2), EN ISO 717-1
- acoustic absorption EN ISO 354
 Thermal resistance EN ISO 6946 / EN 12664
 Dangerous substances not release any dangerous substances in
excess of the maximum permitted
Gypsum – definitions, requirements, test methods

Requirements for gypsum binders

 Calcium sulphate content shall be at least 50 %.
Other agreements may be defined in a specific contract between producer and user.
Test method EN 13279-2:2014.

Requirements for gypsum plasters

 Gypsum binder content
 Initial setting time
 Flexural strength Test method
 Compressive strength EN 13279-2:2014
 Surface hardness
 Adhesive strength
Requirements for gypsum plasters for special purposes
 Gypsum binder content
 Fineness
 Initial setting time Test method
 Flexural strength EN 13279-2:2014.
 Compressive strength
 Surface hardness
Gypsum – definitions, requirements, test methods

Designation of gipsum binders and gypsum plasters

Gypsum binders and gypsum plasters shall be designated as follows:

- type of gypsum binder or gypsum plaster
- reference to the EN 13279-1:2008
- notation as given in Table 1 of the EN 13279-1:2008
- initial setting time
- compressive strength.

Projection gypsum building plaster (B1) with an initial setting time > 50 min
and a compressive strength ≥ 2,0 N/mm2.
Gypsum – definitions, requirements, test methods

Evaluation of conformity

The compliance of products with the requirements of

this standard and with the stated values (including
classes) shall be demonstrated by:
- Initial Type Testing (ITT);
- Factory Production Control by the producer (FPC).
For the purposes of testing, products may be grouped
into families, where it is considered that the selected
property is common to all products within that family
The decision on those products or properties which fall
within a family shall be made by the producer.
Gypsum – definitions, requirements, test methods

Annex ZA of EN 13279-1:2008
Essential characteristics from the Mandate:
- Reaction to fire (for exposed situations)
- Direct airborne sound insulation (in end use conditions)
- Thermal resistance

Systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance:

3 for uses in walls, partitions, ceilings or claddings, as relevant intended for fire
and/or fire compartmentation in protection of structural elements buildings
4 for uses In walls, partitions, ceilings or claddings, as relevant intended for
applications not mentioned above

Tasks of evaluation of conformity for gypsum binders and gypsum plasters

system 3
The manufacturer shall carry out:
- Initial type testing of thermal resistance (ifdesign values are not used)
- Factory production control (FPC) that includes parameters related to Reaction to
fire. Controlling the content of organic additives/admixtures, if any

The notified testing laboratory shall carry out determination on product type on
the basis of type-testing of reaction to fire
Thank you very much
your attention!
TAIEX Workshop on Construction Products Regulation and Standards
11-12 December 2014, SKOPJE

Victoria Vassileva
Building Research Institute, Sofia BULGARIA

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