2nd Year English CH # 10-12 (Test-4)

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Al Noor Centre of Education

ENGLISH 2nd Year (R,G,B,Y) Ch # 10 - 12

Time: 1:00 Hr Name: ____________ (OBJECTIVE)
#$1 %a& Tick % & mark t'e correct o(tion$

Marks: 45 Date: !"01" 011


$ 3$ 4$

5$ =$ ?$ !$ A$ 10$

T'e accession of t'e A))asids to t'e cali('ate *as si+nali,ed )- a rut'less e.termination of e/ermem)er of t'e defeated famil-$ %a& Deat' %)& E.tremel%c& E.communication %d& E.'austion A)d"al"0a'man )arel- esca(ed assassination$ %a&Murder %)& 1ossession %c& 2uccession %d& Accession A)d"al"0a'man )rou+'t *'ole of 2(ain to su)4u+ation in a fe* -ears$ %a& 5nder control %)& 2tud- of su)4ects %c& 2(eciali,ation %d& 2u++estion 6T'anks )e to Alla' for 'a/in+ (laced t'e sea )et*een us and suc' a foe78 *as t'e cali('9s fer/ent re4oinder$ %a& :oolis' %)& Emotional %c& :ond %d& :alse T'e e.aminers *ere (artial to ;atin and Mat'ematics$ %a& <m(artial %)& Neutral %c& ;iked %d& Detac'ed T'e Headmaster s'o*ed discernment in 4ud+in+ 'is +eneral a)ilit-$ %a& >isdom %)& <lliterac%c& 0e4ection %d& M-sterT'e *riter continued is t'is un(retentious situation for nearl- a -ear$ %a& 1ri/ile+ed %)& 2u(reme %c& Elite %d& 5nassumin+ C'risto('er9s foster mot'er t'reatened 'im to send 'im to Tim)uktu$ %a& @enuine %)& @randmot'er %c& Ado(ti/e mot'er %d& 0eal mot'er T'e conditions in 2a'ara *ere a+oni,in+$ %a& :ascinatin+ %)& A+reea)le %c& 5n(leasant %d& 1leasant Hantout (icked 'is *a- in t'e desert *it' uncann- skill$ %a& Brdinar%)& 2tran+e %c& 2tu(id %d& 2ill-

1$ $ 3$ 4$ 5$ =$ #$3

Ans*er an- :<CE of t'e follo*in+ Duestions in 3"4 lines$


Ho* did A)d"al"0a'man deal *it' t'e +o/ernor a((ointed )- t'e A))asid cali(' to contest 'is ruleE >'at did Al"Hakam do to (romote learnin+ and sc'olars'i( in 'is kin+domE C'urc'ill *as tau+'t En+lis' at Harro* and not ;atin and @reek$ >as it a +ain or lossE <n after -ears 'o* did t'e kno*led+e of En+lis' stand 'im in +ood steadE >'at did t'e dri/er of t'e truck tell C'risto('er a)out t'ree En+lis'men *'o 'ad attem(ted to cross t'e desertE >'at do -ou kno* of 1rofessor Claude Falan+uernonE 5se an- :<CE of t'e follo*in+ idioms in sentences of -our o*n$ %i& 1ut )%i/& :is' out of *ater %/ii& An a.e to +rind %ii& A man of stra* %/& A dark 'orse %iii& <n a fi. %/i& Git' and kin %10&


>rite an essa- on t'e to(ic 62cience is Flessin+8$


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