Concept Compass Final

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Construction of the Concept Compass

A Practical Guide to the Make Span Process

By John Prim 2014 First Edition

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Concept Compass Construction

1. ntroduction &he .oncept .ompass ,or educators/ makers/ desi$n studios/ and 0o% shops# !. Desi"n / #uild of the Concept Compass From computer aided dra,tin$ to %uildin$ a model# $. #its to %toms with &art'am .on"ert s"$ to $code ,or cnc (. )isualize and )erif* +code 1oad and simulate $code commands ,. Share the Tool -ela* . E/er*where &ool relay in classrooms/ maker spaces/ and 0o% shops mportant -esources 2ote links and maker machines

Concept Compass Construction

1.0 ntroduction
Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses - especially learn how to see. Realize everything connects to everything else. 3 1eonardo )a 4inci

&his $uide is a 5uick start to the Art and Science o, Makin$# 6t sets Makers on the 7short path7 to )istri%uted Manu,acturin$ *ith an important tool kno*n as the .oncept .ompass# &he .oncept .ompass is a critical thinkin$ tool ,or distillin$ ideas into desi$ns ,or open products# 6t7s a means to na"i$ate the desi$n!%uild process in mo"in$ thou$hts ,rom %its to atoms# &he .oncept .ompass is a standard tool ,or open inno"ation 3 e"ery*here# &his %asic $uide co"ers the Make Span# 6t %e$ins *ith the ideas %ehind the .oncept .ompass and ho* it applies the tools o, makin$/ ,rom desi$n and science/ to manu,acturin$ and marketin$# Practical steps are pro"ided ,or makin$ your o*n .oncept .ompass# 'e mo"e thou$hts ,rom %its to atoms *ith %asic computer aided dra,tin$ in 1i%re-,,ice )ra*# From these desi$n prints/ one can %uild a simple model o, the compass# A,ter %uildin$ the model/ *e take the desi$n print and con"ert it to Gcode in Part8am# &he Gcode is then loaded into Ea9y.2./ a simulator# 6t allo*s one to sa,ely test su%tracti"e manu,acturin$ %e,ore tryin$ it on a real cnc machine# &he Make Span ,or the .oncept .ompass is completed on :orin )esi$n .ore ;4/ a Gnu31inu< operatin$ system# &he Make Span can also %e completed on Porta%le Apps# &his allo*s the installed %ase o, MS users to use the so,t*are 3 a %rid$e to the ne* path o, 1inu</ -pen Source and### Distributed Manufacturing# =1>

Concept Compass Construction

1#1 &he .oncept .ompass ,or -pen Product )esi$n

&he .oncept .ompass is a%out 7s5uarin$ the circle7 ,or open product desi$n# &his process is kno*n as the --)A cycle/ coined %y .olonel John Boyd# =2ote 1> 6t7s an action loop to -%ser"e/ -rient/ )ecide/ and Act ? *hich is e<actly *hat Makers ha"e %een doin$ ,or centuries# A Maker must ,irst $et in,ormation =-%ser"e to ,orm an idea> ,rom the en"ironment and determine *hat can %e done *ith it =-rient to reco$ni9e a pro%lem> to create a solution =)ecide %est desi$n> and then %uild it =Act to make the open product># 1ike a na"i$ation compass/ cardinal directions are the @2orth/ East/ South/ and 'estA points on the .ompass# Each point represents a step in the -%ser"e/ -rientation/ )ecide/ and Act loop# -rdinals are the midpoints %et*een the .ardinals# Each ordinal direction represents the $oals o, the desi$n# 6tAs a strate$y to keep the desi$n *ithin manu,acturin$ scope %y ,ocusin$ on reduce/ reuse/ recycle and re,ine in material and ener$y ,lo*s ,or makin$ a product# &he &a$ Method =reduce/ reuse/ recycle/ and re,ine> is nested inside the --)A loop# &he &a$ Method is named in honor o, Genichi &a$uchi/ *ho Binsisted that manu,acturers %roaden their hori9ons to consider cost to society# &hou$h the short3term costs may simply %e those o, non3con,ormance/ any item manu,actured a*ay ,rom nominal *ould result in some loss to the customer or the *ider community throu$h early *ear3outC di,,iculties in inter,acin$ *ith other parts/ themsel"es pro%a%ly *ide o, nominalC or the need to %uild in sa,ety mar$ins# &hese losses are e<ternalities and are usually i$nored %y manu,acturers/ *hich are more interested in their pri"ate costs than social costs#### &a$uchi ar$ued that such losses *ould ine"ita%ly ,ind their *ay %ack to the ori$inatin$ corporation =in an e,,ect similar to the tra$edy o, the commons>/ and that %y *orkin$ to =2>

Concept Compass Construction

minimi9e them/ manu,acturers *ould enhance %rand reputation/ *in markets and $enerate pro,its#D =2ote 2> Each circled num%er represents the scope o, each cycle/ 7s5uarin$ the circle7 =completin$ the desi$n> in ,our cycles# Each cycle asks 5uestions that must %e ans*ered %y the desi$ner# &hese 5uestions are 1# 'hat is the pro%lemE Fo* does my product sol"e itE 2# .an the product sol"e similar pro%lemsE G# 'hat aesthetics ="isual appearance> do 6 apply to itE 4# )oes the ,inished product *ork as intendedE &he compass itsel, represents components inter,aced to$ether ,or one purpose# &hree le"els o, ,our steps each are nested to$ether to reali9e the ,inal desi$n#


Concept Compass Construction

1#2 &he .oncept .ompass is Multi3Purpose

&he .oncept .ompass isn7t limited to open product desi$n# Simply t*eakin$ the ,ace o, the compass can sol"e similar pro%lems# 'e re"ie* each one ,ocusin$ on Science/ Math En$ineerin$/ &echnolo$y/ and Economics#

&his is the .oncept .ompass ,or Science# 6t can %e used %y Educators ,rom Middle School on up to teach the Scienti,ic Method ,or Pro%lem Sol"in$# 6t clearly demonstrates the )e,ine/ E<plain/ Predict/ and &est loop o, the Scienti,ic Method#

&his is the .oncept .ompass ,or En$ineerin$ and &echnolo$y# 6t can %e used in Maker Spaces and Jo% Shops ,or manu,acturin$ open products# 6t clearly demonstrates the Plan/ )o/ .heck/ and Act loop in the )emin$ method o, manu,acturin$# =2ote G> =4>

Concept Compass Construction

&his is the .oncept .ompass ,or Marketin$ =Economics># 6t clearly demonstrates the A*areness/ 6nterest/ )esire/ and Action loop in the 4ero method o, marketin$# 6t can %e applied to a *ide ran$e o, marketin$ ,rom product appearance to *e%site desi$n# -ne sin$ular tool can %e used in the classroom to e<plain di,,erent processes# -r it can %e used %y indi"iduals/ teams/ or ,irms in applyin$ an interdisciplinary approach to pro%lem sol"in$# &he .oncept .ompass is a tool ,or .o3operati"e .on"er$ence in )istri%uted Manu,acturin$#


Concept Compass Construction

!.0 Desi"n / #uild of the Concept Compass

All Makers start as apprentices/ $ainin$ kno*led$e and skills o"er time# 1i%re-,,ice )ra* is a $reat application ,or learnin$ the ,undamentals o, .omputer Aided )ra,tin$# 'hile 1i%re-,,ice is included *ith :) .ore ;4/ it7s also a"aila%le ,or 'indo*s and Mac -S# =2ote 4> &he ,ollo*in$ e<ample uses :) .ore ;4 to demonstrate ho* to use 1i%re-,,ice )ra* ,or teachin$ and learnin$ the %asics o, computer aided dra,tin$# Mick Alderson *rote a similar article ,or "ersion 2#0/ and this can %e considered an update# =2ote H>

2#1 1imitations
-ne important key ,or usin$ tools/ no matter i, it7s a muscle ,orce multiplier or mental ,orce multiplier/ is limitations# Attemptin$ to e<ceed a tool7s limitation results in either a "ery poor product/ or someone $ettin$ hurt/ or %oth# &his is the reason ,or the old sayin$/ BIse the ri$ht tool ,or the ri$ht 0o%#D 1i%re-,,ice )ra* is no di,,erent# 1- )ra* can only display in a sin$le unit o, measure# 6t can display inches or ,eet/ %ut not %oth at the same time# 4arious types o, measure such as metric can %e used/ %ut a$ain it can only display a sin$le unit/ either in millimeters or in centimeters/ %ut not %oth# 6n the ,ollo*in$ e<amples/ the .oncept .ompass is dra*n in 6mperial inch measurement# Fo*e"er/ a template is pro"ided to dra* in Metric cm measurement# Makers should %e$in transitionin$ to the metric system ,or distri%uted manu,acturin$# &he 6mperial inch is essentially a dead end/ 5uickly $oin$ the same *ay as 1atin ? a useless relic o, a pre"ious era# Another limitation is scales must %e e<pressed as 1 1/ 1 2/ 1 H/ etc# For our purposes/ *e7ll %e usin$ the de,ault scale o, 1 1# 1- )ra* doesn7t ha"e a custom sym%ol pallete/ ho*e"er/ 7custom shapes7 can %e made %y $roupin$# .ustom shapes/ ,rom IM1 to Electrical En$ineerin$/ are hosted online %y Mark 1autmen# =2ote ;>


Concept Compass Construction

2#2 -penin$ a )ra,tin$ &emplate

From the :) .ore ;4 desktop click on the 1orin 2enu J 2a3ers# &hen select J 4i5reOffice Draw to start the application#


Concept Compass Construction

'e *ant 1- )ra* to look more like a .A) pro$ram/ so *e need to open a )ra,tin$ &emplate# -ne is pro"ided ,or 6nch and one ,or .entimeter# 6n the ,ollo*in$ e<amples/ the inch template is used#


Concept Compass Construction

From the 1- )ra* top menu/ select 6ile J Open J 1orin J &ro7ects J Templates J Draftin" Template nch# &hen close the 7Pa$es7 pane pre"ie* do*n the le,t side o, the *orkspace# .han$e the line *idth to 0.0(8 and the line color to 4i"ht 5lue# 1ast/ select 6ile J Sa/e %s J 1orin J &ro7ects J Concept Compass J #lueprint J 9Compass Top9# Sa"e it in 7#od$7 ,ormat#


Concept Compass Construction

2#G )ra,tin$ the .ompass &op

Many technical dra*in$s are created ,rom a sketch# 'e7ll use the ,ollo*in$ sketch as a $uide ,or dra,tin$ the .oncept .ompass in 1- )ra*# 'hile the unit measurement is ,ocused on inches/ appro<imate measurement is also pro"ided in centimeters#


Concept Compass Construction

First/ select 6ormat J %rea and chan$e it ,rom 7.olor7 to 72one7# From the &ool Bar do*n the le,t side/ use the Te:t Tool to ali$n a te<t %o< to type 7Pro0ect .ompass &op7/ 72ame +our 2ame7/ and 7Pa$e 1!G7# &hen select #asic Shapes Tool J 9S;uare< -ounded9 and dra* it K inch %y K inch =1K#KL cm># Ise the yellow slider on the rounded s5uare to sharpen the corners# 2e<t/ select #asic Shapes Tool J 9Circle9 and dra* a circle inside the s5uare# 1ast/ select the 4ine Tool and dra* an 7N7 ,rom corner to corner in the s5uare#


Concept Compass Construction

Select the 9-ectan"le Tool9 and dra* a rectan$le 1 inch %y #0G inch =2#H4 cm < #0K;2 cm># (i$ht click on the rectan$le ,or a ,loatin$ menu and select 9Cop*9# Ise the ,loatin$ menu a$ain to 9&aste9# Ise the &ointer Tool to mo"e the copy %elo* the ori$inal# (epeat the 9&aste9 operation t*o more times/ resultin$ in ,our rectan$les#


Concept Compass Construction

Ise the &ointer Tool to mo"e the top rectan$le *here the 7N7 and circle intersect# From the top menu/ select 2odif* J -otate# &hen rotate the rectan$le and mo"e it until it7s parallel and centered *ith the 7N7 line# (epeat the (otate operation ,or the remainin$ rectan$les to each corner o, the 7N7 lines#


Concept Compass Construction

Ise the &ointer Tool to select the 7N7 lines and then click the Delete key to delete them# (epeat the operation to delete the circle# Ise the &ointer Tool to select the yellow slider on the s5uare to round the corners a$ain# 1ast/ use the &ointer to hi$hli$ht the .ompass &op then 2odif* J +roup#


Concept Compass Construction

At the %ottom o, the *orkspace/ select the 9Dimension 4ines9 layer# &hen use the 4ine Tool and select 9Dimension 4ines9# )imension each section o, the .ompass &op part#

&he .ompass &op %lueprint is complete# Select the 94a*out9 layer# Select 6ile J Sa/e# &hen select 6ile J Close#


Concept Compass Construction

2#4 )ra,tin$ the .ompass 1e$s

From the :orin )esktop select =ome folder J &ro7ects folder J Templates folder J 9Draftin" Template nch.od"9 to start 1i%re-,,ice )ra*# &hen 6ile J Sa/e %s J 9Concept Compass 4e" One9 to the .oncept .ompass ,older# .lose the 7Pa$es7 pane pre"ie*# Select 6ormat J %rea and chan$e ,rom 7.olor7 to 72one7# .han$e the line *idth to 0.0(8 and the line color to 4i"ht 5lue# Ise the Te:t Tool ,or 7Pro0ect .ompass 1e$ -ne7/ 72ame +our 2ame7/ and 7Pa$e 2!Ga7#


Concept Compass Construction

Isin$ the Dimension 4ine Tool/ dra* ,our hori9ontal dimensions one at K inches =1K#KL cm>/ one at G#H inches =L#LM cm>/ and t*o at 1 inch =2#H4 cm># Ise the 4ine Tool to dra* one hori9ontal line at K inches =1K#KL cm> and ,our "ertical lines at G#H inches =L#LM cm>#


Concept Compass Construction

Isin$ the 4ine Tool/ dra* a dia$onal line ,rom the top o, each outside "ertical line to the center o, the %ottom hori9ontal line# &hen use the &ointer Tool to resi9e each inside "ertical line onto each dia$onal line#


Concept Compass Construction

Ise the Dimension 4ine Tool to dra* a "ertical measurement 1 inch =2#H4 cm> hi$h# 'ith the 4ine Tool/ dra* a second hori9ontal line at this 1 inch =2#H4 cm> mark# Ise the &ointer Tool to resi9e each dia$onal line ,rom the %ottom o, the inside "ertical line onto the second hori9ontal line#


Concept Compass Construction

Ise the &ointer Tool to resi9e the second hori9ontal line onto the end o, each dia$onal line# Select #asic Shapes Tool J #loc3 %rc and dra* an arc on top o, the le,t "ertical lines to connect them to$ether# Ise the yellow slider on the %lock arc to make it a sin$le arc line# &hen click the ri$ht mouse %utton to %rin$ up a ,loatin$ menu to copy and paste an arc onto the ri$ht "ertical lines#


Concept Compass Construction

Ise the 4ine Tool to dra* a center line do*n the middle o, the .ompass 1e$ part# &hen dra* t*o "ertical lines #K0 inches =1#KKL cm> lon$ parallel to the center line# .onnect these "ertical lines to$ether *ith a hori9ontal line #G0 inches = #K;2 cm> lon$#


Concept Compass Construction

)elete the center line and the second hori9ontal line# Ise the 4ine Tool to dra* t*o lines ,rom each dia$onal line to the slot# )elete all dimension lines# &hen hi$hli$ht the .ompass 1e$ -ne part and 2odif* J +roup#


Concept Compass Construction

Select the 9Dimension 4ines9 layer and then use the Dimension 4ines Tool to measure sections o, the .ompass 1e$ -ne part# &hen return to the 94a*out9 layer and select 6ile J Sa/e# .ompass 1e$ -ne is complete#


Concept Compass Construction

'e still need to dra,t the second .ompass 1e$# &he %est aspect o, computer aided dra,tin$ is one doesn7t ha"e to start ,rom s5uare one ,or identical parts# (esa"e .oncept .ompass 1e$ One as .oncept .ompass 1e$ wo %y selectin$ 6ile J Sa/e %s# &hen 2odif* J >n"roup the .ompass 1e$ part to remo"e and redra* the hori9ontal lines so the slot is on the %ottom# 'hen complete/ hi$hli$ht the part and 2odif* J +roup# .han$e the te<t at the %ottom to !"ro#ect$ Compass %eg wo! and !"age$ &'()!# .ompass 1e$ &*o is complete# Select 6ile J Sa/e then 6ile J Close#


Concept Compass Construction

2#H )ra,tin$ the .ompass Bottom

Startin$ up should %e %ecomin$ routine# -pen 7)ra,tin$ &emplate 6nch7 in the &emplate ,older/ close the 7Pa$es7 pane then chan$e the area and line# Add the te<t in,o to the %ottom and sa"e as 9Compass #ottom7 to the Blueprint ,older# Isin$ the Shapes Tool/ dra* a s5uare 2 inch %y 2 inch =H#0L cm># &hen dra* a circle around it G inch hi$h %y G inch =K#;2 cm> *ide# &o center the s5uare inside the circle/ hi$hli$ht *ith the pointer then 2odif* J %li"nment J )ertical Center ,ollo*ed %y 2odif* J %li"nment J =orizontal Center#


Concept Compass Construction

Isin$ the 4ine Tool/ dra* a "ertical line do*n the center o, the s5uare and circle# &o ali$n it/ hi$hli$ht and select 2odif* J %li"nment J )ertical Center# &hen hi$hli$ht a$ain and select 2odif* J +roup# )ra* a hori9ontal line across the middle o, the s5uare and circle# Fi$hli$ht and select 2odif* J %li"nment J =orizontal Center to ali$n it# &hen select the s5uared circle and 2odif* J >n"roup#


Concept Compass Construction

Fi$hli$ht and select 2odif* J +roup# &hen dra* t*o rectan$les #G0 inch =#K;2 cm> %y #H0 inch =1#2K cm># )ra* t*o more rectan$les #H0 inch =1#2K cm> %y #G0 inch =#K;2 cm># Mo"e the "ertical rectan$les to the top and %ottom o, the s5uared circle# &hen hi$hli$ht and 2odif* J %li"nment J )ertical Center ,ollo*ed %y 2odif* J +roup# Mo"e the hori9ontal rectan$les to the ri$ht and le,t o, the s5uared circle# &hen hi$hli$ht and 2odif* J %li"nment J =orizontal Center# Select the s5uared circle and 2odif* J >n"roup#


Concept Compass Construction

Select and delete the center lines and s5uare/ then hi$hli$ht and 2odif* J +roup# Select 7Dimension 4ines7 layer at the %ottom o, the *orkspace and add measurements to the sections o, the part# (eturn to the 74a*out7 layer/ then 6ile J Sa/e# &he .oncept .ompass %ottom is complete#

Generally/ a%out L0O o, all small and medium si9ed ,lat type parts and components can %e rapidly dra,ted in 1i%re-,,ice )ra*#


Concept Compass Construction

2#; Buildin$ a .ard%oard Model

Be,ore con"ertin$ a %lueprint to $code ,or cnc machinin$/ it7s a $ood idea to %uild a prototype# -ne can then check ,or ,it/ catch incorrect measurements/ and make modi,ications %e,ore usin$ more e<pensi"e material ,or the ,inal ,inished product# .ard%oard is a $reat material ,or prototypin$ %ecause it7s cheap/ easily recycla%le/ and easy to *ork *ith simple hand tools# &he card%oard model should resem%le the ortho$onal =G )imensional> dra*in$ %elo*#

And *e7ll use the -pen Product )esi$n ,ace on the .oncept .ompass#


Concept Compass Construction

&o %uild the model/ one *ill need one printout each o, the ,our .ompass parts/ a card%oard %o</ a pencil or marker/ and scissors or a pen kni,e#


Concept Compass Construction

All the %lueprints are 1 1 ratio# &his means 1 inch on the print is actual si9e/ not reduced or enlar$ed# Ise scissors to cut out the parts to make paper patterns# &hen trace them *ith a pencil or marker onto the %o<# 2otice the paper patterns are arran$ed in a manner kno*n as nesting# 2estin$ o, parts is used in cnc machinin$ to reduce set up time and reduce *aste#


Concept Compass Construction

2otice the slots ha"en7t %een cut out# &he %lueprints are ori$inally dra,ted *ith P inch =#;GH cm> *ood as the ,inish material# 6n the card%oard prototype/ ad0ust the slots to slits appro<imately the *idth o, the card%oard# Ise a pen kni,e to cut the slits#


Concept Compass Construction

-nce all cuttin$ operations are complete/ assem%le the .oncept .ompass# .heck ,or ,it# Ise a marker to *rite in the )esi$n Process on the .ompass ,ace# 'hile the prototype isn7t much to look at/ it demonstrates the .oncept .ompass is a sound desi$n and *orks as intended# )on7t thro* out the paper patterns# &hey can %e reused as patterns on P inch thick *ood ,or po*er cuttin$ on a scroll sa*# -r they can %e used as 5uick "isual $uides in 5uality control ,or cnc made parts#


Concept Compass Construction

$.0 #its to %toms with &art'am

Mo"in$ ,rom %its to atoms is ,airly strai$ht,or*ard# Part8am only con"erts s"$ to $code# So each part on a %lueprint must %e con"erted to s"$ ,ormat# -nce con"erted/ then the s"$ can %e cleaned up in Part8am# -nce cleaned up/ the s"$ is con"erted to $code# -pen the 7Compass Top7 %lueprint# Select the part and ri$ht click on the mouse to %rin$ up a ,loatin$ menu to Cop*# &hen 6ile J Close#


Concept Compass Construction

G#1 .on"ertin$ to S4G

-pen the .ompass S4G template %y selectin$ =ome ,older J &ro7ects ,older J Templates ,older J 7Compass S)+ Template7# -nce 1- )ra* starts then ri$ht click on the mouse and select 7&aste7 ,rom the ,loatin$ menu# &he .ompass &op part should appear in the *orkspace# 6ile J Sa/e %s J 1orin J &ro7ects J Concept Compass J Compass S)+ J 9Compass Top S)+9#


Concept Compass Construction

Ise the &ointer Tool to mo"e the part so the top ri$ht corner lines up on the 707 o, the "ertical ruler and the 707 o, the hori9ontal ruler# &his is important so the part lines up in Part8am on the <0/y0 a<is *hen con"erted# Select 6ile J E:port J Compass S)+ ,older# .han$e ,rom 7%ll 6ormats7 to 7S)+7 and then select 7Sa/e7# &he .ompass &op part has %een con"erted to s"$ ,ormat# 6ile J Close#


Concept Compass Construction

G#2 .leanin$ Ip in Part8am

From the :orin Menu select 2a3er J &art'am# Fire,o< Bro*ser *ill start *ith Part8am locally runnin$ in it# Alternati"ely/ one can also use online# =2ote K>

:oom out until the <0/y0 a<is point is "isi%le# Ise the scroll *heel on your mouse# &he 7Q7 and 737 %utton in the top ri$ht corner o, Part8am can also %e used to 9oom in and out#


Concept Compass Construction

Be,ore importin$ the S4G/ select Edit J Edit &references# .han$e the p<!inch ,rom K2 to M0# &hen chan$e the machinin$ tolerance ,rom #001 inch to #01 inch#

6, one is *orkin$ in centimeters/ then use the measurement arro* in the top ri$ht corner to chan$e ,rom inch to centimeter#


Concept Compass Construction

Select 6ile J Open S)+ 6ile J 7Compass Top S)+.s/"7# 1ines that *ere in"isi%le in the %lueprint are no* "isi%le in the s"$# &o clean it up A# .lick any*here in the $rid to chan$e the lines ,rom red to %lack# B# Ise the &ointer Tool to select the outside s5uare# 6t *ill turn red# .lick the Delete 'e* to erase outside s5uare# .# (epeat the delete procedure ,or all the hori9ontal rectan$les# .ontinue until the .ompass &op looks as it does in the %lueprint#


Concept Compass Construction

:oom in on the part# 2otice each $rid %lock is a 1 inch s5uare ? and our part is out o, scale at a%out 1; inches# Fi$hli$ht the entire part/ turnin$ it ,rom %lack to red# &hen select Edit J Scale Selected# .han$e the < and y ,rom 100O to H0O# &his *ill reduce it in hal,# &he part is no* at L inches nominal# (epeat the scale operation until it7s at or 0ust under K inches# .han$e the < and y ,rom 100O to LHO# &he part should %e at K inch nominal no*# Ise the &ointer Tool to mo"e the .ompass &op part to <0/ y0 o, the a<is# &hen click any*here on the $rid to chan$e it ,rom red to %lack#

Select 6ile J Sa/e S)+ 6ile and then sa"e it to the .ompass S4G ,older as 7Compass Top S)+.s/"7# A *arnin$ panel asks 7Already E<ists# -"er*rite 6tE7 .lick 7 ?es7# .lean up o, the .ompass &op s"$ is complete# .lick 7N7 in the top ri$ht corner to close# =40>

Concept Compass Construction

(epeat the S4G con"ersion steps ,or the other three parts# 6t7s recommended to con"ert the .ompass Bottom ne<t/ then con"ert each o, the .ompass 1e$s# T &: 'hen con"ertin$ the .ompass 1e$s/ use the 1- )ra* 9oom slider to make sure all lines are connected cleanly =no under or o"er runnin$ o, the lines># Make the necessary ad0ustments %e,ore cleanin$ up in Part8am#


Concept Compass Construction

G#G .on"ertin$ to Gcode in Part8am

From the :orin Menu select 2a3er J &art'am# Fire,o< Bro*ser *ill start *ith Part8am locally runnin$ in it# :oom out until the <0/y0 a<is point is "isi%le#


Concept Compass Construction

-pen the .ompass &op S4G ,ile ,rom the .ompass S4G ,older# .lick on or hi$hli$ht a portion o, the rounded s5uare# &he line color *ill chan$e ,rom %lack to red# Select C%2 J profile operation# 6n the Part8am Pro,ile Panel/ chan$e the name to 7 compass top outline7# .han$e the tar$et depth to 0#2H inch# .han$e the sa,ety hei$ht to 0#H0 inch# .han$e the stock sur,ace to 0#2H inch# &hen click 7 O'7# Select C%2 J calculate select# A $reen arro* appears on the .ompass &op outline# &hen select C%2 J add ta5s to select# &he &a% Panel appears# .lick 7-87# Select C%2 J e:port "code#


Concept Compass Construction

6n the E<port Panel/ select 7compass top outline @0.!,A7 and then click E:port Selected Toolpaths# 6n the Sa"e Panel/ rename 7part.nc7 to 7compass top profile.nc7 and sa"e to the Compass +code ,older#


Concept Compass Construction

(epeat the .AM procedure ,or each one o, the slots# Ise the 7pocket operation7 ,or the slots#

&hen repeat the $code con"ersion steps in Part8am ,or the other three .ompass parts#


Concept Compass Construction

G#4 (e"ie* .ompass Gcode

Select =ome ,older J &ro7ects ,older J Concept Compass ,older J Compass +code ,older J 7compass top profile.nc7# 1i%re-,,ice 'rite *ill open *ith the .ompass &op $code# 2otice the $code listin$ continues ,or 41 pa$es# For the apprentice/ it7s a $ood *ay to learn ho* $code synta< *orks# A $uide sheet ,or $code de,initions can %e ,ound at 1inu<.2.# =2ote L>


Concept Compass Construction

(.0 )isualize and )erif* +code

Simulatin$ cnc operations is a *ay to "isuali9e and "eri,y $code %e,ore loadin$ it into a machinin$ center and makin$ chips to ,orm a part# First/ *e7ll do a 5uick "isual check and then a deeper "eri,y o, the .oncept .ompass &op $code#

4#1 4isuali9e in Ini"ersal Gcode Sender

Select :orin 2enu J 2a3er J >+C Sender#


Concept Compass Construction

A *arnin$ panel *ill appear in the middle o, the screen %ecause no $Shield .ontroller is plu$$ed into the ISB port# 'e don7t need the $Shield .ontroller hard*are to 5uickly "isuali9e the $code# .lick 7O'7 and the Ini"ersal Gcode Sender *ill start#


Concept Compass Construction

Select the 76ile 2ode7 ta% then #rowse to load the #nc ,ile ,rom the 7Compass +code7 ,older#


Concept Compass Construction

.lick the 7)isualize7 %utton# &he G3.ode 4isuali9er screen appears *ith the .oncept .ompass &op rendered ,rom $code#


Concept Compass Construction

-ne can rotate the $code rendered model %y holdin$ do*n the le,t mouse %utton and mo"in$ the mouse across the 4isuali9er screen# So ,ar/ the $code appears sound and should run on a G(B1 cnc machine# =2ote M>


Concept Compass Construction

4#2 4eri,y in Ea9y.2.

A $reat deal o, thanks and $ratitude $oes out to Spare Time 4a5s ,or Ea9y.2.# 'ith Ea9y.2. one can 3 'rite/ edit/ and sa"e Gcode Stacks 3 4isuali9e and "eri,y $code in simulator mode 3 E<periment *ith setups in %oth A<is =linu<> and Mach =*indo*s> ,ormat 3 .ross plat,orm controller# (uns on Android/ 1inu</ Mac/ and 'indo*s 6t7s a Makers multi3purpose cnc tool# Select 1orin 2enu J 2a3er J Eaz*CNC to start#


Concept Compass Construction

'hile *e7"e already done a 5uick "isual check in Ini"eral Gcode Sender/ it7s a $ood idea to cross check the Gcode Stack# 'e7ll do that in Ea9y.2.# 2e<t to the +code &ane/ select 74oad7 and open the 7compass top profile.nc7 ,ile#

Ea9y.2. has ,ound a pro%lem in the Gcode Stack and posted a *arnin$ in the $code messa$e %ar#


Concept Compass Construction

Scroll do*n the Gcode Pane# Ea9y.2. has hi$hli$hted the command at line 42 as the %u$#

2o* *e ha"e to use our critical thinkin$ skills to trou%leshoot and sol"e the pro%lem# 3 )o the *orkspace coordinates need to %e enlar$edE 3 )oes the unit measurement need to %e chan$ed ,rom mm to inchE 3 Should 6 edit the Gcode Stack to %rin$ it *ithin nominal arc interpolationE 3 Perhaps addin$ ta%s in Part8am caused a %u$ in the Gcode con"ersionE 3 Should 6 *rite a Gcode StackE .lose Ea9y.2. %y clickin$ the #i" -ed #utton in the lo*er le,t# 'e7ll *rite a Gcode Stack# =H4>

Concept Compass Construction

4#G 'rite a Gcode Stack

6, you played *ith the &urtle Pro$ram to learn 1o$o pro$rammin$/ then you already ha"e a %asic kno*led$e o, ho* Gcode *orks# 6, you7"e ne"er tried the &urtle/ one is a"aila%le ,rom the Software Center called 7Turtle %rt7# 6t7s a $reat *ay ,or %e$inners to learn the concepts %ehind .A)!.AM#

A Gcode Stack is nothin$ more than a series o, motion commands stacked one a,ter another to complete a measure o, *ork in makin$ a part# 'e7ll *rite a %asic Gcode Stack in 1i%re-,,ice 'rite ,or the .oncept .ompass top and sa"e it as a te<t ,ile# &hen *e7ll test and "eri,y it in Ea9y.2.# =HH>

Concept Compass Construction

Select =ome ,older J &ro7ects ,older J Concept Compass ,older J Compass +code ,older J 7Compass +code Stac3 Top7# 1i%re-,,ice 'rite *ill open a te<t document *ith the Gcode Stack e<plained command %y command ,or the compass top pro,ile#

Print it out# 'e7ll demonstrate a $code e<ample usin$ only one side o, the .ompass pro,ile# As *e step it in Ea9y.2./ ,ollo* the de,initions o, each step ,rom the printout#


Concept Compass Construction

Select 1orin 2enu J %ccessories J Te:t Editor# .opy and paste the ,ollo*in$ $code into the te<t editor# Sa"e it as 7Compass +test7 in the Compass +code ,older# .lose the te<t editor#
(compass top) G20 G90 G40 G0 Z0.50 T1 M6 G17 M3 G0 X2 Y2 G1 Z0.20 F30 G1 X5 Y2

&hen select 1orin 2enu J 2a3er J Eaz*CNC# -n the le,t side/ select 7Tool Setup7# Enter ;#GH0 ,or the diameter and 22#22H ,or the len$th#


Concept Compass Construction

Select the 7+.Code7 %utton# &hen in the Gcode Pane/ load 7Compass +test.t:t7 ,rom the Compass +code ,older#

(i$ht a*ay/ Ea9y.2. redlines the pro%lem in the $code# 6n the +code &ane/ hi$hli$ht and then delete 7@compass topA7# .ontinue to delete the %lank line until the 7G207 command is at the top#


Concept Compass Construction

&he G20 command line in the Gcode Pane has turned %lue# &his indicates the Gcode Stack is $ood to $o# Ise the &ointer Tool to click the 7Q7 and 737 %et*een the panes to 9oom in and out o, the pre"ie*# At the %ottom/ select the 7 STE&7 %utton and then select the 7 S 2>7 %utton#


Concept Compass Construction

.lick on the 7-un7 %utton and one command line o, the Gcode Stack is e<ecuted# &his allo*s one to check each line ,or inte$rity# .ontinue to click 7-un7 to check each line and "eri,y the Gcode Stack# &o e<ecute the *hole stack o, commands/ click on the 7 STE&7 %utton so it chan$es color to $reen# &hen click the 7-un7 %utton# &o repeat the *hole stack/ click 7STO&7 and then click 7->N7 a$ain#


Concept Compass Construction

2otice that the hand *ritten Gcode Stack is shorter and ti$hter than the 41 pa$es $enerated %y Part8am# Belo* is the Gcode Stack ,or the s5uare o, the .ompass &op# .opy and paste it to 7Compass +test.t:t7# &hen load it in Ea9y.2. to "eri,y the code# &his Gcode Stack is only ,or demonstration in the simulator# &o complete it ,or runnin$ on cnc/ do the math and add the commands ,or the arcs# )on7t ,or$et sa,ety commands# .lick the -ed Close #utton *hen done "eri,yin$ and simulatin$ the Gcode Stack#
G20 GM0 G40 G0 :0#H0 &1 M; G1K MG G0 N2 +2 G1 :0#20 FG0 G1 NM +2 F;0 G1 NM +M G1 N2 +M G1 N2 +2


Concept Compass Construction

,.0 Share the Tool -ela* B E/er*where

A cnc tool chain is the series o, so,t*are needed to complete the desi$n!%uild o, a part or product# &he chain starts *ith .A) =computer aided dra,tin$>/ then .AM =computer aided manu,acturin$>/ and ,inally the .ontroller =the man!machine inter,ace ,or motion control># &he pro%lem *ith a tool chain is that it7s only as stron$ as it7s most *eakest link# &here7s a %etter *ay *ith open source so,t*are# E"ery make span %e$ins on the ,oundation o, an idea and a sketch# A Maker7s tool relay comprises the *hole process o, the make span/ ,rom the initial idea to the ,inished part# Since there7s more than one *ay to complete a maker span/ a tool relay can easily s*ap out a tool that doesn7t *ork *ell in one process ,or one that does ,rom another process# &his ,le<i%ility and adapta%ility means no *eak links# A maker tool relay *ill e<pand as kno*led$e and e<perience is $ained# &his path o, re,inement happens in ,our steps#

H#1 Maker Apprentice

&his $uide demonstrates an apprentice tool relay# 6t allo*s one to $ain the %asic kno*led$e and skill necessary %e,ore mo"in$ onto the ne<t step# &his tool relay is 1D Core C( . 4i5reOffice Draw . &art'am . >ni/ersal +code Sender . Eaz*CNC But it7s not the only tool relay# Another one is n3scape @with #i" #lue Saw DD6A . "CncCam . Eas*CNC &here7s an e"en shorter tool relay &art'am . >ni/ersal +code Sender -kay# -ne more Turtle %rt E"en &urtle Art is considered a $ood learnin$ tool $i"en it7s %ased on the same concepts as cnc to $ain kno*led$e and e<perience#


Concept Compass Construction

H#2 Make Smith

-ne doesn7t discard the apprentice tool relay# (ather/ one e<pands a tool chest as a Make Smith# A Make Smith *ill %e$in to lean either more to*ards the Aesthetic Arts or more to*ards the Mechanical &rades ? and the tool relay can %e adapted ,or each one# A tool relay ,or the Artist n3scape @DrawA 3 n3scape @+code ToolsA 3 >ni/ersal +code Sender A tool relay ,or a &radesman 7Draft @DraftA 3 7Draft @+code Con/ertA 3 Eaz*CNC 8eep in mind the Make Smith tool relay is ,le<i%le# &ools ,rom the tool chest can o"erlap to complete a desi$n or part# More e<amples n3scape @DrawA 3 n3scape @+code ToolsA 3 Eaz*CNC 7Draft @DraftA 3 "CncCam @+code Con/ertA 3 Eaz*CNC 4i5reC%D 3 "CncCam @+code Con/ertA 3 >ni/ersal +code Sender Make Smiths should also %e$in e<pandin$ their %readth o, kno*led$e to include %asic electricity/ desi$n ,or manu,acturin$/ and cnc machine operations# Applyin$ such kno*led$e and $ainin$ e<perience leads to the ne<t step as a Make 'ri$ht#


Concept Compass Construction

H#G Make 'ri$ht

A Make 'ri$ht has a practical kno*led$e spannin$ su%tracti"e and additi"e cnc to *e% codin$# A Make 'ri$ht is adept at applyin$ the scienti,ic method o, pro%lem sol"in$ *hile reco$ni9in$ the limitations o, di,,erent material properties and ,lo*s# Make 'ri$hts share their kno*led$e and e<perience so others can %ecome Make 'ri$hts# 6n :) .ore ;4/ Make 'ri$ht tool relays include Ecad @Draft and sa/e in S)+ and DD6A 3 Ecad @+code Con/ert> 3 Eaz*CNC 4i5reOffice Write @WriteA 3 4i5reOffice Write @&D6 Con/ertA 3 We5 @Share OnlineA For additi"e manu,acturin$ %C$D @$d 2odelA 3 Slic$r @$d &rintA ! =2otes 10 and 11> For codin$ *e% apps 6ire6o: @We5 5rowserA 3 6ire6o: @We5 %pp De/eloperA 3 6ire6o: OS Simulator 6n addition/ a Make 'ri$ht should ha"e a %asic understandin$ o, electronics ,or cnc machine %uildin$# A deeper understandin$ o, ener$y ,lo*s is also necessary to eliminate lar$e scale *aste and pollution ,rom the maker span/ resultin$ in a $reener %ottom line ,or e"eryone# 'e ha"e one last step to take to %ecome a Master Make 'ri$ht#


Concept Compass Construction

H#4 Master Make 'ri$ht

&here7s no clear mark line to cross in %ecomin$ a Master Make 'ri$ht# 6t7s more a state o, mind/ *here art and science con"er$e and one isn7t 0ust learnin$ %y doin$/ %ut doin$ so others can learn and thri"e# 6t7s a%out sharin$ a Master 'ork/ such as a .oncept .ompass/ and makin$ a real di,,erence# 6t7s a%out passin$ on the torch/ so those *ho come a,ter us are enli$htened %y the Makin$ Arts and Sciences# 6t7s a%out seein$ that e"erythin$ is connected to e"erythin$ else# 6t7s a%out 0oinin$ to$ether *ith others to %uild a %etter *orld# From Free.A) to 4ari.A) and e"erythin$ in %et*een/ *e can do this# =2otes 12 and 1G> 'e can %uild a %etter *orld# Become a Maker/ and make a di,,erence#


Concept Compass Construction

H#H Sharin$ in the .lassroom

6n the Inited States/ too many pu%lic schools are locked into proprietary and costly so,t*are# &his drain on ,inancial resources results in a drain on educatin$ students# (eco$ni9in$ the installed %ase o, closed so,t*are/ there7s a *ay to %rin$ open source into the classroom# &he %rid$e ,or transition to open source is Porta%le Apps# Porta%le Apps runs ,rom a ISB stick on the lar$est installed %ase o, closed operatin$ systems kno*n as 'indo*s# But Porta%le Apps doesn7t use closed so,t*are# (ather/ it uses many o, the same open source so,t*are that runs on Gnu31inu<# A %asic Make Span in the classroom is outlined as ,ollo*s A# Each student has his!her o*n ISB thum% dri"e loaded *ith Porta%le Apps runnin$ 1i%re-,,ice Suite/ 6nkscape/ and FireFo< Bro*ser# B# 6n the FireFo< %ro*ser/ %ookmark Maker.AM/ *hich is the online "ersion o, Part8am# .# Some applications are cross plat,orm/ meanin$ they run on 1inu</ Mac/ and 'indo*s# &*o o, these/ Ini"ersal Gcode Sender and Ea9y.2./ can %e installed on a local 'indo*s computer ,or testin$ and "eri,yin$ the $code o, students7 desi$ns# .lassrooms no* %ecome mini maker spaces *here students not only learn %ut also apply Science/ &echnolo$y/ En$ineerin$/ Math/ and Economics# Focused kno*led$e in each class con"er$es into practical e<perience *ith the Make Span# 6t7s a )esi$n Studio in one7s pocket# And it allo*s pu%lic schools the time they need ,or complete transition to 1inu< *ithout disruptin$ the classroom# =2ote 14>


Concept Compass Construction

H#; Sharin$ in the Maker Space

'hen it comes to Maker Spaces/ they7re *ay ahead o, the cur"e in usin$ open source so,t*are compared to 0ust a%out e"eryone else# But rather than %ein$ ,le<i%le/ the Make Span tends to %e ,ractured# 1et me e<plain### 6t takes time to $ather all the applications needed ,or the Make Span ? install them ? and then maintain them on di,,erent 1inu< "ersions and deri"ati"es# 6n addition/ many *ho mi$ht %e interested in the Makin$ Arts and Sciences are turned o,, *hen they disco"er they must learn a ne* inter,ace that doesn7t match the .ommon '6MP Standard# :orin )esi$n .ore ;4 sol"es that pro%lem# 6t allo*s the lar$e installed %ase o, people ,amiliar *ith the .ommon Iser 6nter,ace to 0ump in and start makin$ ri$ht a*ay# And it comes pre3installed *ith the key applications necessary ,or a ro%ust make span# )o yoursel, a ,a"or %y sa"in$ time and headaches# )o*nload :) .ore ;4 or purchase the )4)#

H#K Sharin$ in the Jo% Shop

Jo% shops $ain a competiti"e ad"anta$e in %atch manu,acturin$ %y usin$ :orin )esi$n .ore ;4 to reduce transaction and maintenance costs# :) .ore ;4 comes pre3installed *ith Rcad# And ,or a small up$rade ,ee/ it can con"ert )NF to Gcode# For more 7industrial stren$th7 in the 0o% shop/ 4ari.A) is a"aila%le# 6t meets all the common ,ormats used in industry ,or co3ordinatin$ *ith clients and customers# 1ike pu%lic schools/ 0o% shops mi$ht pre,er a %rid$e %e,ore they completely transition to Gnu31inu<# &hat %rid$e is :orin )esi$n .ore ;4 pre3installed on a us% hard dri"e# Jo% shops can no* run 'indo*s and 1inu< side %y side in their make span# And %y usin$ :) .ore ;4/ a 0o% shop can increase its %ottom line#


Concept Compass Construction

mportant -esources
Note 4in3s 1# --)A 3 http !!en#*ikipedia#or$!*iki!--)ASloop 2# &a$ Method 3 http !!en#*ikipedia#or$!*iki!&a$uchiSmethods G# )emin$ Method 3 http !!en#*ikipedia#or$!*iki!RualitySmana$ement 4# 1i%re-,,ice 3 https !!***#li%reo,,ice#or$! H# 1- )ra* as .A) 3 http !!***#u*osh#edu!,acultySsta,,!alderson!dra*!)ra*3as3.A)#html ;# .ustom Shapes 3 http !!***#lautman#net!mark!coo! K# 3 http !!***#makercam#com! L# 1inu<.2. Gcodes 3 http !!linu<cnc#or$!docs!html!$code#html M# .ontraptor 3 http !!***#contraptor#or$! 10# A.G) 3 http !!***#ini"is#com! 11# SlicGr 3 http !!slicGr#or$! 12# Free.A) 3 http !!***#,reecad*e%#or$! 1G# 4ari.A) 3 https !!***#"aricad#com!en!home! 14# Porta%le Apps 3 http !!porta%leapps#com! i Concept Compass Construction

6urther -eadin" 9+uerrilla "uide to CNC machinin"< mold ma3in"< and resin castin"9 5* 2ichal 1alews3i 1ink http !!lcamtu,#coredump#c<!$cnc!

2a3er 2achines B %ll can 5e controlled from a >S# port Contraptor: http !!***#contraptor#or$!mini3cnc

Eaz*CNC TO%D(: http !!***#sparetimela%s#com!ea9ycnc!toad4!toad4#php


Concept Compass Construction

&rintr5ot: http !!printr%ot#com!

-T Stepper: http !!***#ecklerso,t#com!


Concept Compass Construction

Sherline: https !!***#sherlinedirect#com!inde<#c,m

*For USB requires RT Stepper

)edicated to my Great Grand,ather/ Grandmother/ and Poppa

&hank you ,or your lo"in$ patience#


Concept Compass Construction

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