Job Satisfaction Project Report
Job Satisfaction Project Report
Job Satisfaction Project Report
Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. It
is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a
particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that person’s
parent. There are a variety of factors that can influence a person’s level of job
satisfaction. Some of these factors include the level of pay and benefits, the
perceived fairness o the promotion system within a company, the quality of the
working conditions, leadership and social relationships, the job itself (the variety of
tasks involved, the interest and challenge the job generates, and the clarity of the
job description/requirements).
The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to
be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job
design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance methods include job
rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. Other influences on satisfaction
include the management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment
and autonomous workgroups. Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which
is frequently measured by organizations. The most common way of measurement
is the use of rating scales where employees report their reactions to their jobs.
Questions relate to relate of pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks,
promotional opportunities the work itself and co-workers. Some questioners ask
yes or no questions while others ask to rate satisfaction on 1 – 5 scale 9where 1
represents “not all satisfied” and 5 represents “extremely satisfied”).
Affect Theory
Dispositional Theory
jobs. Research also indicates that identical twins have similar levels of job
There are many methods for measuring job satisfaction. By far, the most
common method for collecting data regarding job satisfacting is the Likert scale
(named after Rensis Likert). Other less common methods of for gauging job
satisfaction include: Yes/No questions, True/False questions, point systems,
checklist, forced choice answers.
The Job Descriptive Index (JDI), created by smith, Kendall, & Hulin (1969),
job satisfaction that has been widely used. It measures one’s satisfaction in five
facets: pay, promotions and opportunities, coworkers, supervision, and the work
itself. The scale is simple, participants answer either yes, no, or decide in
response to whether given statements accurately describe one job.
The statistical tools used for analyzing the data collected are percentage
method, chi square, bar diagrams and pie diagrams.
The data are collected through survey and books, reports, newspapers and
internet etc., the survey conducted among the employees of Orient Glass Pvt Ltd.
The data collected by the researcher are tabulated and analyzed in such a way to
make interpretations.
Various steps, which are required to fulfill the purpose, i.e., editing, coding,
and tabulating. Editing refers to separate, correct and modify the collected data.
Coding refers to assigning number or other symbols to each answer for placing
them in categories to prepare data for tabulation refers to bring together the
similar data in rows and columns and totaling them in an accurate and meaningful
The collected data are analyzed and interrupted using statistical tools and
The research period of the study has from 1st February to May 1st 2008
having 18 weeks of duration.
The researcher was carried out in a short span of time, where in the
researcher could not widen the study.
The study could not be generalized due to the fact that researcher adapted
personal interview method.
Chapter -3
Glass in the common sense refers to a hard, brittle, transparent solid, such as
used for windows, many bottles, or eyewear, including soda-lime glass, acrylic
glass, sugar glass, isinglass (Muscovy-glass), or aluminium oxynitride.
In the technical sense, glass is an inorganic product of fusion which has been
cooled to a rigid condition without crystallizing. Many glasses contain silica as
their main component and glass former.
In the scientific sense the term glass is often extended to all amorphous solids
(and melts that easily form amorphous solids), including plastics, resins, or other
silica-free amorphous solids. In addition, besides traditional melting techniques,
any other means of preparation are considered, such as ion implantation, and the
sol-gel method.[6] However, glass science commonly includes only inorganic
amorphous solids, while plastics and similar organics are covered by polymer
science, biology and further scientific disciplines.
The optical and physical properties of glass make it suitable for applications such
as flat glass, container glass, optics and optoelectronics material, laboratory
equipment, thermal insulator (glass wool), reinforcement fiber (glass-reinforced
plastic, glass fiber reinforced concrete), and art.
In research laboratories, flasks, test tubes, and other laboratory equipment are
often made of borosilicate glass for its low coefficient of thermal expansion, giving
greater resistance to thermal shock and greater accuracy in measurements. For
high-temperature applications, quartz glass is used, although it is very difficult to
work. Most laboratory glassware is mass-produced, but large laboratories also
keep a glassblower on staff for preparing custom made glass equipment.
Glass sometimes occurs in nature resulting from human activity, for example
trinitite (from nuclear testing) and beach glass.
Glass in buildings
Technological applications
Uses of glass for scientific purposes range from applications such as DNA
microarrays to large sized neodymium doped glass lasers and glass fibres
The Hubble Space Telescope orbiting above earth, containing optical instruments
Pure SiO2 glass (the same chemical compound as quartz, or, in its polycrystalline
form, sand) does not absorb UV light and is used for applications that require
transparency in this region. Large natural single crystals of quartz are pure silicon
dioxide, and upon crushing are used for high quality specialty glasses. Synthetic
amorphous silica, an almost 100 % pure form of quartz, is the raw material for the
most expensive specialty glasses, such as optical fiber core. Undersea cables
have sections doped with erbium, which amplify transmitted signals by laser
emission from within the glass itself. Amorphous SiO2 is also used as a dielectric
material in integrated circuits due to the smooth and electrically neutral interface it
forms with silicon.
Glass production
Oldest mouth-blown window-glass from 1742 from Kosta Glasbruk, Småland,
Sweden. In the middle the mark from the glass blowers pipe
• Glass was manufactured in open pits, ca. 3000 B.C. until the invention of
the blowpipe in ca. 250 B.C.
• The mobile wood-fired melting pot furnace was used until around the 17th
century by traveling glass manufacturers.
• Around 1688, a process for casting glass was developed, which led to
glass becoming a much more commonly used material.
• The local pot furnace, fired by wood and coal was used between 1600 and
• The cylinder method of creating flat glass was used in the United States of
America for the first time in the 1820s. It was used to commercially produce
• The invention of the glass pressing machine in 1827 allowed the mass
production of inexpensive glass products.
• The gas-heated melting pot and tank furnaces dating from 1860, followed
by the electric furnace of 1910.
• Hand-blown sheet glass was replaced in the 20th century by rolled plate
Glass ingredients
Pure silica (SiO2) has a "glass melting point"— at a viscosity of 10 Pa·s (100 P)—
of over 2300 °C (4200 °F). While pure silica can be made into glass for special
applications (see fused quartz), other substances are added to common glass to
simplify processing. One is sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), which lowers the melting
point to about 1500 °C (2700 °F) in soda-lime glass; "soda" refers to the original
source of sodium carbonate in the soda ash obtained from certain plants.
However, the soda makes the glass water soluble, which is usually undesirable,
so lime (calcium oxide (CaO), generally obtained from limestone), some
magnesium oxide (MgO) and aluminium oxide are added to provide for a better
chemical durability. The resulting glass contains about 70 to 74 percent silica by
weight and is called a soda-lime glass. Soda-lime glasses account for about 90
percent of manufactured glass.
As well as soda and lime, most common glass has other ingredients added to
change its properties. Lead glass, such as lead crystal or flint glass, is more
'brilliant' because the increased refractive index causes noticeably more
"sparkles", while boron may be added to change the thermal and electrical
properties, as in Pyrex. Adding barium also increases the refractive index.
Thorium oxide gives glass a high refractive index and low dispersion, and was
formerly used in producing high-quality lenses, but due to its radioactivity has
been replaced by lanthanum oxide in modern glasses. Large amounts of iron are
used in glass that absorbs infrared energy, such as heat absorbing filters for
movie projectors, while cerium(IV) oxide can be used for glass that absorbs UV
wavelengths (biologically damaging ionizing radiation).
A further raw material used in the production of soda-lime and fiber glass is
calumite, which is a glassy granular by-product of the iron making industry,
containing mainly silica, calcium oxide, alumina, magnesium oxide (and traces of
iron oxide).
For obtaining the desired glass composition, the correct raw material mixture
(batch) must be determined by glass batch calculation.
Following the glass batch preparation and mixing the raw materials are
transported to the furnace. Soda-lime glass for mass production is melted in gas
fired units. Smaller scale furnaces for specialty glasses include electric melters,
pot furnaces and day tanks.
Once the desired form is obtained, glass is usually annealed for the removal of
Failed laboratory glass melting test. The striations must be avoided through good
Silica-free glasses
Some glasses that do not include silica as a major constituent may have physico-
chemical properties useful for their application in fibre optics and other specialized
technical applications. These include fluorozirconate, fluoroaluminate,
aluminosilicate, phosphate and chalcogenide glasses.
Under extremes of pressure and temperature solids may exhibit large structural
and physical changes which can lead to polyamorphic phase transitions.[13] In
2006 Italian scientists created an amorphous phase of carbon dioxide using
extreme pressure. The substance was named amorphous carbonia(a-CO2) and
exhibits an atomic structure resembling that of Silica.
The standard definition of a glass (or vitreous solid) requires the solid phase to be
formed by rapid melt quenching. Glass is therefore formed via a supercooled
liquid and cooled sufficiently rapidly (relative to the characteristic crystallisation
time) from its molten state through its glass transition temperature, Tg, that the
supercooled disordered atomic configuration at Tg, is frozen into the solid state.
Generally, the structure of a glass exists in a metastable state with respect to its
crystalline form, although in certain circumstances, for example in atactic
polymers, there is no crystalline analogue of the amorphous phase. By definition
as an amorphous solid, the atomic structure of a glass lacks any long range
translational periodicity. However, by virtue of the local chemical bonding
constraints glasses do possess a high degree of short-range order with respect to
local atomic polyhedra. It is deemed that the bonding structure of glasses,
although disordered, has the same symmetry signature (Hausdorff-Besicovitch
dimensionality) as for crystalline materials.
Glass is generally treated as an amorphous solid rather than a liquid, though both
views can be justified. However, the notion that glass flows to an appreciable
Some people believe glass is a liquid due to its lack of a first-order phase
transition where certain thermodynamic variables such as volume, entropy and
enthalpy are continuous through the glass transition temperature. However, the
glass transition temperature may be described as analogous to a second-order
phase transition where the intensive thermodynamic variables such as the thermal
expansivity and heat capacity are discontinuous. Despite this, thermodynamic
phase transition theory does not entirely hold for glass, and hence the glass
transition cannot be classed as a genuine thermodynamic phase transition.
The observation that old windows are often thicker at the bottom than at the top is
often offered as supporting evidence for the view that glass flows over a matter of
centuries. It is then assumed that the glass was once uniform, but has flowed to
its new shape, which is a property of liquid. The likely source of this unfounded
belief is that when panes of glass were commonly made by glassblowers, the
technique used was to spin molten glass so as to create a round, mostly flat and
even plate (the Crown glass process, described above). This plate was then cut to
fit a window. The pieces were not, however, absolutely flat; the edges of the disk
would be thicker because of centripetal force relaxation. When actually installed in
a window frame, the glass would be placed thicker side down for the sake of
stability and visual sparkle. Occasionally such glass has been found thinner side
down or on either side of the window's edge, as would be caused by carelessness
at the time of installation.
Mass production of glass window panes in the early twentieth century caused a
similar effect. In glass factories, molten glass was poured onto a large cooling
table and allowed to spread. The resulting glass is thicker at the location of the
pour, located at the center of the large sheet. These sheets were cut into smaller
window panes with nonuniform thickness. Modern glass intended for windows is
produced as float glass and is very uniform in thickness.
Several other points exemplify the misconception of the 'cathedral glass' theory:
• If glass flows at a rate that allows changes to be seen with the naked eye
after centuries, then the effect should be noticeable in antique telescopes.
Any slight deformation in the antique telescopic lenses would lead to a
dramatic decrease in optical performance, a phenomenon that is not
• There are many examples of centuries-old glass shelving which has not
bent, even though it is under much higher stress from gravitational loads
than vertical window glass.
Physical properties
The following table lists some physical properties of common glasses. Unless
otherwise stated, the technical glass compositions and many experimentally
determined properties are taken from one large study. Unless stated otherwise,
the properties of fused silica (quartz glass) and germania glass are derived from
the SciGlass glass database by forming the arithmetic mean of all the
experimental values from different authors (in general more than 10 independent
sources for quartz glass and Tg of germanium oxide glass). Those values marked
in italic font have been interpolated from sililar glass compositions (see
Calculation of glass properties) due to the lack of experimental data.
Common soda-lime float glass appears green in thick sections because of Fe2+
Roman glass
Naturally occurring glass, especially obsidian, has been used by many Stone Age
societies across the globe for the production of sharp cutting tools and, due to its
limited source areas, was extensively traded. According to Pliny the Elder,
Phoenician traders were the first to stumble upon glass manufacturing techniques
at the site of the Belus River. Agricola, De re metallica, reported a traditional
serendipitous "discovery" tale of familiar type:
"The tradition is that a merchant ship laden with nitrum being moored at this place,
the merchants were preparing their meal on the beach, and not having stones to
prop up their pots, they used lumps of nitrum from the ship, which fused and
mixed with the sands of the shore, and there flowed streams of a new translucent
liquid, and thus was the origin of glass."
During the Late Bronze Age in Egypt and Western Asia there was an explosion in
glass-making technology. Archaeological finds from this period include coloured
glass ingots, vessels (often coloured and shaped in imitation of highly prized
wares of semi-precious stones) and the ubiquitous beads. The alkali of Syrian and
Egyptian glass was soda ash, sodium carbonate, which can be extracted from the
ashes of many plants, notably halophile seashore plants: (see saltwort). The
earliest vessels were 'core-wound', produced by winding a ductile rope of metal
round a shaped core of sand and clay over a metal rod, then fusing it with
repeated reheatings. Threads of thin glass of different colours made with
admixtures of oxides were subsequently wound around these to create patterns,
which could be drawn into festoons with a metal raking tools. The vessel would
then be rolled flat ('marvered') on a slab in order to press the decorative threads
into its body. Handles and feet were applied separately. The rod was
subsequently allowed to cool as the glass slowly annealed and was eventually
removed from the centre of the vessel, after which the core material was scraped
out. Glass shapes for inlays were also often created in moulds. Much early glass
production, however, relied on grinding techniques borrowed from stone working.
This meant that the glass was ground and carved in a cold state.
By the 15th century BC extensive glass production was occurring in Western Asia
and Egypt. It is thought the techniques and recipes required for the initial fusing of
glass from raw materials was a closely guarded technological secret reserved for
the large palace industries of powerful states. Glass workers in other areas
therefore relied on imports of pre-formed glass, often in the form of cast ingots
such as those found on the Ulu Burun shipwreck off the coast of Turkey.
Glass remained a luxury material, and the disasters that overtook Late Bronze
Age civilisations seem to have brought glass-making to a halt. It picked up again
in its former sites, in Syria and Cyprus, in the ninth century BC, when the
techniques for making colourless glass were discovered. In Egypt glass-making
did not revive until it was reintroduced in Ptolemaic Alexandria. Core-formed
vessels and beads were still widely produced, but other techniques came to the
fore with experimentation and technological advancements. During the Hellenistic
period many new techniques of glass production were introduced and glass
began to be used to make larger pieces, notably table wares. Techniques
developed during this period include 'slumping' viscous (but not fully molten) glass
over a mould in order to form a dish and 'millefiori' (meaning 'thousand flowers')
technique, where canes of multi-coloured glass were sliced and the slices
arranged together and fused in a mould to create a mosaic-like effect. It was also
during this period that colourless or decoloured glass began to be prized and
methods for achieving this effect were investigated more fully.
During the first century BC glass blowing was discovered on the Syro-Palestinian
coast, revolutionising the industry and laying the way for the explosion of glass
production that occurred throughout the Roman world. Over the next 1000 years
glass making and working continued and spread through southern Europe and
South Asia
Chalcolithic evidence of glass has been found in Hastinapur, India. Some of the
texts which mention glass in India are the Shatapatha Brahmana and Vinaya
Pitaka. However, the first unmistakable evidence in large quantities, dating from
the 3rd century BCE, has been uncovered from the archaeological site in Taxila,
By the beginning of the Common Era, glass was being used for ornaments and
casing in South Asia. Contact with the Greco-Roman world added newer
techniques, and Indians artisans mastered several techniques of glass molding,
decorating and coloring by the early centuries of the Common Era. Satavahana
period of India
The early modern period in England (c. 1500-1800) brought on a revival in local
glass production. Medieval glass had been limited to the small-scale production of
forest glass for window glass and vessels, predominantly in the Weald. The
organisation of production evolved from the small-scale family-run glass houses
typical of forest glass-making to large monopolies granted by the Crown. The
influx of immigrants from Europe brought changes in furnace technology and raw
materials, creating a better quality glass. Monastic decrees later banned the use
of wood fuel which was then replaced by the less expensive alternative of coal.
The development of lead glass in the late 17th century propelled England to the
forefront of the glass industry and paved the way for advancements in the
Industrial Revolution
Chemical composition
Glass has three major components: a network former (silica), a network modifier
(flux), and a network stabilizer (predominantly lime). In the early 16th and 17th
centuries glassmaking (the manufacture of glass from raw materials) and
glassworking (the creation of objects from glass) occurred within the same
glasshouse. Glass was also recycled at this time in the form of cullet.
In the early modern era, network formers were obtained from fine or coarse sands
which were usually located near the area of production or from silica based
Network modifiers were used to alter the chemical composition of the the network
former and reduce the melting temperature of the batch. These fluxes varied
depending on the type of glass. Potassium oxide (K2O) based alkalis were used
extensively in glass production.
The type of flux selected heavily influenced the quality of the glass produced. In
England, beech wood and oak were preferred for forest glass. For soda glasses
(Na2O), alkalis were often found in the form of marine plants – either local kelp or
imported plants from the Mediterranean and the Near East (barilla, polverine,
rochetta, sevonus, natron).
Compositional groups
The following table represents the mean compositional data derived from the
analysis of materials at the Old Broad Street furnace in London, dated to the early
17th century. and those recovered from Phase Two (circa 1680-1700 AD)
Silkstone, Yorkshire. This information was gathered from Dungworth's compilation
and analysis. The data is represented in wt% oxides and those below the
detection limits (0.2% or less) are shown by '-'.
There are numerous factors that may influence colouration during glass
production. These include contaminants in raw materials, furnace conditions, and
deliberate additives that would provide known colour variations.
Other metal oxide colorants were known from earlier periods in antiquity.
Glass technology
The majority of glass at this time was blown or mould blown into a variety of
vessel shapes. This was enhanced by decorative styles, including optic
decoration and trailing the glass, sometimes with pre-fabricated glass canes, to
replicate Venetian traditions.
In 1567, Jean Carré arrived in London from Antwerp and obtained a crown-
sanctioned patent for the production of window glass. This patent was awarded to
Carré on the condition that prices remained low and that glassmaking and blowing
would be taught to native Englishmen to promote the craft. He brought many
Later in 1574, Jacob Verzelini, a Venetian who worked for Carré was granted a
monopoly over Venetian-style vessel glass. This effectively banned most of the
imports from Venice and promoted glass made locally in England. Verzelini's goal
was to produce clear crystallo glass as well as decorative glass façon de venise
("in the Venetian mode"), which he achieved by importing barilla from Spain. This
effectively helped to lower the price of clear glassware and made it available to a
wider range of the gentry and middle class.
Utilitarian green glass production remained on a small scale and was made by
numerous glasshouses in different areas for local consumption, in the tradition of
forest glass.
Technological changes
With the new influx of immigrants from the European Continent in the mid 16th
century, technological changes affected the quality of English glass. This was
possibly the combined result of experience and the selection/importation of purer
raw materials.
Winged furnaces
Additionally, glass furnaces constructed from the mid 16th century began to reflect
continental styles. This trend, identifiable in the archaeological record, supports
the documentary evidence for immigrant glassmakers. Wing-like additions were
added to the late 16th-early 17th century furnace remains at two glass producing
sites, Hutton and Rosedale in York, as well as at Vann Copse in the Weald. The
Hutton furnace had two wings added in the northeast and southeast corners of the
original rectangular melting furnace. A smaller nearby furnace was abandoned
around the same time as the addition of the wings, suggesting that they provided
an area for either annealing or pre-heating pots.
Rosedale and Vann Copse were constructed in similar styles but with four wings,
one in each corner, which were built integral to the original furnace. The wings
showed evidence of heating which again suggested these were areas for fritting
or glassworking. The glass produced at Rosedale was generally cleaner and of a
better quality than that of Hutton, although the reasons for this are still unclear.
Production at Rosedale appeared to have a higher output than that of Hutton, as
two additional smaller furnaces indicate that the operation had expanded. It is
thought that these furnaces are similar to those of the Lorraine style, and research
in the Netherlands suggests that contemporary continental furnaces were made in
this fashion.
Change to coal
Adopting coal as the main source of fuel created numerous problems for glass
production. Burning coal produced short flames which shifted the location of the
hearth from the far ends of the furnace to the center. Air draughts are also
necessary to create a regenerative heating system for glassmelting. Early coal
furnaces, such as at Bolsterstone, contain underground flues to provide an easy
way to remove ash. Additionally, the carbon from the coal fumes contaminated the
glass in the uncovered pots which created a dark and often uneven colour. Lids,
such as those found at Bolsterstone, needed to be implemented to prevent these
impurities. Glass bottles from this initial transition are often dark in color.
Charles Mansell
Before 1616, Charles Mansell bought out the patent and company started by
Zouche. He began many ventures and set up a successful glasshouse near a coal
source in the attempts to save money and to more easily meet the demands of
London. His crystallo furnace at Broad Street, London, had fared successfully.
Some of his earlier attempts to set up new a furnace to produce glass for the
growing needs of London failed, as transportation costs proved to be too high. Yet
the furnace Mansell set up at Newcastle was successful.
Another winged furnace was set up at Kimmeridge using local sources of oil shale
as fuel. Unlike other wing furnaces, the one at this site had deep flues and a
centrally located hearth, illustrating the adaptation to a new fuel source. This
furnace was demolished in 1623 as being in violation of Mansell’s monopoly.
Conical furnaces
These furnaces had underground flues and chimneys with air holes to provide a
strong air draught to control heat. Fritting, pre-heating pots and annealing
processes were undertaken in different sections of the furnace, elevated above
the heat source.
and etching. Lead glass was widely adopted by the Glass seller’s guild when
Ravenscroft’s patent expired.
Lead glass helped to propel England to the front of the glass industry. Bottles for
wine and phials began to be produced and exported on a large scale. The
archaeological remains of the Albion shipwreck off Margate in 1765 contained 11
lead glass ingots, which are thought to be meant for trade with China. Although
little is known about these materials, it does suggest that lead glass contributed to
England's exports.
The 19th century brought new developments with synthetic materials, such as gas
fuel. Additionally, continuous melting production with tank furnaces helped mark
the end of the early modern period and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Vessel glass
The evolution of vessel glass became more elaborate and specific to its intended
use throughout the early modern period. Mirror glass and glass objects also
began to be produced on larger scales during the early modern period. Types of
objects include:
• Phials
• Goblets
• Drinking Glasses
• Beakers
• Tankards
• Jugs
• Bottles
• Bowls
• Jars
• Urinals
• Flasks
• Mirror glass
Window glass
Window glass was produced throughout the period on a small scale, in the form of
crown glass and broad glass. This was predominantly made from green glass
throughout the 16th century. While rare in the early 16th century, glass windows
soon became a symbol of increasing wealth and status. Larger sheets were in
demand for domestic and public buildings.
Stained glass
Stained glass in the earliest part of the early modern period was imported into
England from France. With the Protestant Reformation in England, ecclesiastic
buildings increasingly used the more expensive 'white' glass.
From a small beginning way back in 1981, we have grown to be what we are now
a sthe leading glass producers in the country converting all types of flat and
curved glass, namely clear float, tinted, reflective, laminated safety, and bullet
proof, tempered and heat strengthened glasses.
Our commitment to excellence has been the key to our growth and we will always
continue to provide our customers with best products and services.
This includes canopies, building facades, suspended glass assemblies are all
unique applications, is manufactured to customers specification. Tempered glass
reduces the likelihood of injury in the unlike event of breakages.
Heat strengthened glass is two/three times harder than normal annealed sheet
glass, which is highly suitable for building facades, sky lights , arch domes and
many flexible application to architectural dreams, second to none in the world of
A wide range of glass doors available in nearly unbreakable tempered glass clear,
tinted glass doors with many different (or personalized) etched patterns, there is
also opaque and ceramic color versions used in living rooms, hotels, commercial
premises, showers and bath tubs.
Automotive glass is made by heating quality glass just below its softening
temperature giving it the required shape & suddenly chilling it with jets cold air.
It results the outer skin coming under powerful compressive stress and the interior
with severe tensile stress. In consequence, the impact applied to the glass will be
overcome by compression force on the surfaces to ensure safety in formed.
Orient with its mixture of bent & latest formed glass technique has come to create
unique crystal clear glass for counters sophisticated as well as totally
personalized work of art suit your taste and requirement. We offer a total package
of planning, designing, supplying, or on demand unto installation.
Glass are stylistic and a willing instrument for modern architecture we could make
absolutely anything ranging from elegant partition to exotic glass tops to sky lights
whether at commercial building or homes with full control of transparencies to full
opacity. These glasses are produced in thickness of 2mm – 12mm.
We manufacture glass furniture in any thickness with edges polished to, many
profile such as flat, pencil, bevel, ogee, etc.
Furniture glass and table tops should be tempered due to human contact for
safety. Normal glass being very delicate is tempered to give a long durability,
mechanical strength and scratch resistance. It also present’s edge chipping or
flaking, a common problem with expensive table tops.
Ceramic glass gets its name from its print by a silk screen with a glass enamel
before tempering, heat strengthening or bending can take place, the enamel fuses
into the surface & becomes a permanent coating which cannot be damaged or
removed and is un affected by moisture, and scratch proof. It is also known as silk
screened glass & coloured glass.
Certain areas of glass or a at times the entire glass is hidden or masked for
reasons as varied as privacy to concealing the background or for improving the
aesthetic look of the product. Best use in commercial building to match,
accentuate or complement the vision area of the building (wall cladding).
Comes in many stranded designs like marble, granite, image, metallic, multi
colored, picture, scenes or could be custom made.
Is manufactured by PVB, UMU, EVA, and resin. Stop shot (Bullet proof)
Above are few of the endless lists of our satisfied customers in our 25 years in
Incidentally our chairman, have been in the sheet of glass field over three
decades and have received training in UK, India, Belgium, & Denmark.
Orient design with its mixture of bent& latest formed glass technique has come to
create unique sophisticated & totally personalized work of art to suit your taste
and requirements.
These glasses are produced in thickness of 6 – 12mm. in special cases less than
6mm or over 12mm are supplied on request.
Heat strengthened glass is three times harder than normal annealed sheet glass
which is highly suitable for building facades, sky lights, arch domes and many
flexible application architectural dreams, second to none in the world of glass. It is
possible to bend in our latest machinery, plain float, colour, tinted reflective hard
coated glass, laminated glass, pioneering in this field.
Department No. of Respondents Percentage
1. Mechanical 30 30
2. Electrical 25 25
3. Production 35 35
4. Others 10 10
From the above table it shows that 35% of employees are belongs
to production department.
Work Experience No. of Respondents Percentage
1. Below 2 years 13 13
2. 2 – 4 years 30 30
3. 4 – 6 years 34 34
4. Above 6 years 23 23
From the above table it shows that 34% of the employees have 4 –
6 years experience.
Working Environment No. of Respondents Percentage
1. Excellent 12 12
2. Good 57 57
3. Fair 28 28
4. Poor 3 3
5. Very Poor 0 0
From the above table it shows that 57% of the employees were
feeling good about the working environment.
Table 4.4 – To know the satisfaction level of employees towards the non-
monitory benefits
N Non-Monitory Benefits offered
No. of Respondents Percentage
o to Employees
1. Highly satisfied 14 14
2. Satisfied 54 54
4. Dissatisfied 5 5
5. Highly Dissatisfied 2 2
From the above table it shows that 54% of the employees were
satisfied towards the non-monitory benefits.
Table 4.5 – To know the satisfaction level of respondents towards the work
Amount of Work No. of Respondents Percentage
1. Highly satisfied 20 20
2. Satisfied 45 45
4. Dissatisfied 18 18
5. Highly Dissatisfied 6 6
From the above table it shows that 45% of the respondents were
satisfied towards the work assigned.
Career Development No. of Respondents Percentage
1. Highly satisfied 12 12
2. Satisfied 56 56
4. Dissatisfied 10 10
5. Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
From the above table it shows that 56% of the employees were
satisfied with the opinion about the carrier development programme in their
Co-operation of Workers No. of Respondents Percentage
1. Highly satisfied 20 20
2. Satisfied 66 66
4. Dissatisfied 3 3
5. Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
From the above table it shows that 66% of the employees were
satisfied with the cooperation of co-workers.
N Satisfaction with Top No. of
o Management Respondents
1. Highly satisfied 26 26
2. Satisfied 51 51
3. Dissatisfied 6 6
4. Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
From the above table it shows that 51% of the employees were
satisfied with the top management.
Satisfaction with Subordinates No. of Respondents Percentage
1. Highly satisfied 12 12
2. Satisfied 67 67
4. Dissatisfied 7 7
5. Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
From the above table it shows that 67% of the employees were
satisfied with their subordinates.
1. Highly satisfied 22 22
2. Satisfied 56 56
4. Dissatisfied 7 7
5. Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
From the above table it shows that 56% of the employees were
satisfied with their job.
Table 4.11 – To know whether there is any job pressure in their work
1. Yes 72 72
2. No 28 28
From the above table it shows that 72% of employees said there is
job pressure in their work.
N Development of Skills and
No. of Respondents Percentage
o Talents
1. Highly Agree 12 12
2. Agree 52 52
4. Disagree 6 6
5. Highly Disagree 2 2
1. Highly satisfied 9 9
2. Satisfied 57 57
4. Dissatisfied 5 5
5 Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
From the above table it shows that 57% of the employees were
satisfied with the welfare facilities provided by the management.
1. Yes 67 67
2. No 33 33
From the above table it shows that 67% of the employees were
satisfied with their salary.
1. Yes 59 59
2. No 41 41
From the above table it shows that 59% of the employees were
willing to continue in this organisation.
Table 4.16 – To know the opinion about company’s policy and practices
1. Excellent 13 13
2. Very Good 23 23
3. Good 47 47
4. Bad 12 12
5. Very Bad 5 5
From the above table it shows that 47% of the employees were feels
good about the company policy and practices.
N No. of
Company’s Promotion Policy Percentage
o Respondents
1. Highly Satisfied 14 14
2. Satisfied 57 57
3. Dissatisfied 7 7
4. Highly Dissatisfied 2 2
From the above table it shows that 57% of the employees were
satisfied about the company’s promotion policy.
N No. of
Overall Job Satisfaction Percentage
o Respondents
1. Highly Satisfied 22 22
2. Satisfied 30 30
4. Dissatisfied 12 12
5. Highly Dissatisfied 7 7
From the above table it shows that 30% of the employees were
satisfied in their over all job satisfaction.
The chi square test is one of the simplest and most widely used non-
i =1
E= expected frequency
Table 4.19 shows the relationship between the department and the job
Mechanical 5 6 14 3 2 30
Electrical 6 8 6 3 2 25
Production 9 13 7 4 2 35
Others 2 3 2 2 1 10
Mechanical 7 8 9 4 2 30
Electrical 5 8 7 3 2 25
Production 8 11 10 4 2 35
Others 2 3 3 1 1 10