Genzink 1hourtechnologylessonplan
Genzink 1hourtechnologylessonplan
Genzink 1hourtechnologylessonplan
Amber Genzink
d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face to face and virtual environments. 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETSS. Teachers: a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers: a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Learning Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. a. Participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning. d. Contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community. Objectives: Individual will explore a the capabilities of the ActivBoard to gain knowledge, understanding, and comfort in using a variety of features. Individual will take that knowledge and understanding to effectively integrate the use of the ActivBoard with students so that students are more highly engaged and have improved access to content. Materials: Desk top or laptop; pencil/pen, paper, copy of 3 workshop handouts, ActivBoard, ActivInspire software
Amber Genzink
Procedures: (10 minutes) Multiple methods included as a backup in case technology issues arise. Tell participants that today they are going to learn how to use several basic and useful features of the ActivBoard. Show teachers how to access the training ActivBoard flipchart on the staff drive or open using the Weebly workshop site. Ask teachers to use the link on flipchart page 2 to open a pre-training survey on Google Forms (or access on Weebly). Teachers will take this survey to identify the areas the group would most like to learn about during todays session. I will access the Google Form results and discuss them with the group. We will determine the areas that are of most interest to the group, and work our way from highest interest to lower interest for the time we have together. Explain that we will save some work time at the end for teachers to practice their new skills by creating ActivBoard flipcharts of their choosing. (30 minutes) Work through the concepts from highest interest to lower interest for the time we have together using the training ActivBoard flipchart. Give an overview of the tool, then have teachers try the tool on their own. Students may visit Promethean Planet to view support videos that present skills. (These videos may also be accessed after the session as extension or review activities.) Throughout the session, ask if individuals have any concerns or questions and monitor the group for understanding; answer questions/concerns. (15 minutes) Hands-on practice: I will allow the teachers time to practice the skills learned during the session. They may use the training flipchart, modify a flipchart they already have, or utilize to find a new ActivBoard to modify. Ask individual if they have any questions/concerns; answer questions/concerns (5 minutes) Ask teachers to use the survey link on the Weebly page (or at the end of the training flipchart) to access a short second survey to provide feedback about the session. Thank teachers for attending. Offer further assistance after workshop. Assessments: Informal instructor observations and one hour technology workshop pre/post-surveys.
Amber Genzink
References ActivInspire - Studio. (n.d.). - Promethean Planet. Retrieved April 14, 2014, from Google Docs. (n.d.). Google Docs. Retrieved April 14, 2014, from Knight, J. (2007). Instructional Coaching: A Partnership Approach to Improving Instruction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press ISTE Standards. (2008, January 1). ISTE NETS for Teachers. Retrieved April 14, 2014, from