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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I here seen many acknowledgement where say how wonderful and supportive their book or report until

now to just slimmed over these remarks with the thought yeah well, you have to say that, I guess .It was only when I got involved in this report and actually sat to write it. That I discovered it is impossible to take on project of any side like this unless you really do have the full support of your family teachers and instructions. First of all I wish to e press my gratitude to SALUD CARE (I) PVT. LIMITED IN ROORKEE with out which constant support and encouragement I would not have completed the project successfully. I would also like to thank my professors !irector !r. "enus #ain $hri ram college of management of studies who time of guided me with their voluble suggestion and made this encleavour a successful one. %y overriding debt continues of my parent and friends for their heartful cooperation and encouragement. I thank of them &ame' ( )avitra *umar +oll &o.'( ,--.-/-

Declaration I undersigned hereby that the project report written and submitted by me under the guidance of %s. $wati 1padhyay 2$upervisor3 is my original work. The empirical findings and conclusion in this report are based on the primary data as well as supported by secondary data. I have not copied from any other report submitted this year of any of the pervious year. I understand that any such copy is liable to be punished in a wet the university authori4ed.

&ame' ( )avitra *umar +oll &o.'( ,--.-/-


%anagement of means the manner in which a given task of e ecuted and supervised. It also implies accomplishing a task with in a limited resource available and the skill in the manipulation of the resources. %anagement is the lifeblood of an organi4ation. %anagement is said to be art of getting things done through and with people in the formally organi4ed 6). 7uman resources management is the relevant to all kinds of organi4ation commercial including banks, firms, insurance hospital education and institutions, government resource companies

organi4ations. It is longer restricted to just hiring and firing of the people. Its scope has been widened to include human change, etc .in fact the development , human relations, leadership motivation, management of field of human resources management encompasses an integration of social science such as psychology sociology, economics and public administration as they affect human resources in the organi4ation +ecruitment and selection process occupies a $ignificant place in the scope of 7+ management. It become more important of look towards both in public and private sector although it is very difficult of find out 0..8 perfection.


PART A ::::::::::::..:::::::::::::::.. ;<%)=&> )+<FI?@ <F $=?1! ;=+@ 2I3 )"T. ?I%IT@! .. :...........A )+<!1;T )+<FI?@:::::::::::::::::::. :..BB PART !::::::::::::::::::::...::::::.:-0 I&T+<!1;TI<& <F T7@ T<)I;:::::::::::::::-5 +@$@=+;7 %@T7<!<?<6>:::::::::::::::.:.C/ <D#@;TI"@:::::::::::::::::::::::..:,B !=T= I&T@+)+@T=TI<&::::::::.::::::::..:.,A =&=?>$I$::::::::::::::::::::::::.0.5 FI&!I&6$::::::::::::::::::::::.::0., ?I%IT=TI<&:::::::::::::::::::::::.000 $166@$TI<&$:::::::::::::::::::::.:.009 ;<&;?1$I<&:::::::::::::::::::::.:.00 DID?I<6+=)7>::::::::::::::::::::...:00C E1@$TI<&&=I+@ ::::::::::::::::::..::..05.

Company Profile Salud care (I) Pvt. Ltd. is your home for high quality branded and generic pharmaceutical products. We have been in Pharma trade since decades and our Directors are associated ith Pharmaceutical business for over !" years. We ta#e great pride in our ability to serve our customers around the nation$ quic#ly and precisely. We have a team of dedicated professionals ho understand your need for prompt and efficient service for our customer satisfaction. %ur aim is to manufacture medicines at reasonable cost for health care facilities. &his dream has matured into a reality ith our Plant at '%%'())$ *ttaranchal$ and services spread across number of states in India. &o stay ahead in the )volution. curve our optimiced *tilisation increased focus on the present +,ro th and -ar#et organisation merits a more of corporate resources and core competency.

&o complement our corporate gro th strategy our organisation Salud /are (I) Pvt. Ltd. proposes to you the perfect partnership. &he perfect ans er to your organisation0s requirement of high quality -edicines$ hich adhere to the global Pharmaceutical quality management standards1111 &o match our sales ambition our IS% 2 3""456""" /ertified 7actory at 'oor#ee is also lending strong hand ith production capacity of 8 lacs tablets per shift $ 6.9 lacs capsules per shift$ 69$""" bottles of

liquid preparation per shift$ 4"$""" sachets (Dry Po der) per shift$ 9$""" tubes (%intments:/reams) per shift$ 9$""" bottles of Lotion:Shampoos per shift. %ur ;eta5Lactam plant ill be ready very soon. %ur cephalosporin in<ections$ cephalosporin ith ta=obactum in<ections$ >mo?ycillin ith clavulanic acid oral @ parenteral preparations are e?pected to contribute substantially to fulfill our corporate ob<ective. %ur Sales @ -ar#eting department is headed by -ar#eting Director and Supported by -ar#eting /ontroller$ Product -anagement &eam$ Sales @ -ar#eting &eam. Production department is headed by Production Director and supported by 7actory -anager$ Production -anager and his team including /hief /hemist @ Auality >ssurance Auality control department is managed by Auality /ontrol : Auality >ssurnce -anager saperately and his team. We are aggressively mar#eting in West ;engal$ ;ihar$ %rissa$ Bhar#hand$ *.P.$ -.P. and 'a<asthan. We are all set to launch in >ssam$ /hhatisgarh and -aharashtra. %ur present field force is nearly 69" inclusive of ;usiness %fficers and -anagers. We aim to increase it upto !"" by this financial year. %ur turnover in the financial year 6""C5"D is over 's. 48 crore compared to turnover of 's.E.9 crore in 6""E5"C and 's. 8.6 crore in 6""95"E. S>L*D and >LD*S are t o ethical division of mar#eting hile D*L>S is the generic division. S>L*D DIFISI%G

%ur products of S>L*D division all set to be established as leading brand in the mar#et are HI,>D% ith a turnover of nearly 6 crore$)LIIG ith a turnover of nearly 4.! crore$ H%LD ith a turnover of over 4 crore$ S>L/)7 ith a turnover of nearly 4 crore and>DI'%G ith a turnover of over 3" lacs in 6""C5"D. Paediatric product range of S>L*D li#e S; (ID$ >II&% Suspension$ SL)P Syrup$ '>L%P Syp.$ S>L-%IJ-) D'%PS$ H%LD L Syrup$ )LIIG &'$ )LIIG DK$ )LIIG )?pectorant are ell prescribed and are going to contribute significantly to corporate turnover. 7or ,ynaecological disorders range products of S>L*D li#e >DI'%G /ap. @ >DI'%G Syp.$ />LS>L PL*S &ab.$ >II&% 69" @ >II&% 9"" &ab.$ S>L/)7 69" @ S>L/)7 9""mg. &ab.$ L)F%S>L 9"" @ L)F%S>L C9"mg. &ab.$ >/)7)G 2 P$ H%LD &ab.$ ADPRO Powderare ell prescribed brands. S>L*D Products @ their /hemical /ompositions >LD*S DIFISI%G Ge ly launched >LD*S Division products for ,ynae li#e G%-%SI/ &ab.$ >LD*L>G &ab.$ /5P'), 9" @ /P'), 4""$ /L>'% Suspension$ >7S5! (it are sho ing great promise and are e?pected to ma#e substantial contribution to corporate sales. >LD*S Products @ their /hemical /ompositions D*L>S DIFISI%G D*L>S Division hich as launched about si? months bac# is sho ing great promise ith ell acceptance of generic brands li#e/IP'%S>L &ab.$ /IP'%S>L 2& &ab.$ S>LD)'-> S#in /ream$ DI/L%S>L %intment$ S>IIG5>P )?pectorant$

S>L(%77$ /IPS>L Syp.$ S>LIJ-) SJP.$ 7)'IPL)K Syp.$ S>L*'IL.




&ablets$ /apsules$ syrups$ Dry Po ders$ %intments and lotions are manufactured under stringent quality control as per international guidelines under close supervision of professional. IGS&>LL)D P'%D*/&I%G />P>/I&J ,)G)'I/ >GD ;'>GD)D P'%D*/&S %7



8." lac tablets per shift


6.9 lac capsules per shift 69$""" bottles (Liquid) per shift 4"$""" Sachets (Dry Po der) per shift 4"$""" &ubes (%intment : /ream ) per shift 9""" Lotions:Shampoos per shifts

Salud /are (I) Pvt. Ltd. has been engaged in the mar#eting of pharmaceutical products li#e %ral Liquid$ &ablets$ /apsules$ and %intment @ Po der since 6""!. It is #ol#ata based company. 'ecently Salud /are setup its o n manufacturing plant in *ttara#hand State of India in 'oor#ee city having state of the art technology follo ing all ,-P guidelines of WH%5,-P. &he company manufactures a range of vitamins$ antibiotics$ Dermatologicals$ >ntacids$ >ntidiarrhoels$ &ranquili=ers$ etc for consumption by humans. &he products are manufactured as per the master formulation$ compiled by trained staff at Salud /are$ ith an adherence to purity and high standards. >ll products are subsequently manufctured and pac#aged in strict accordance to good manufacturing practice. &he products are manufactured for Salud Care (I) Pvt. Ltd. and mar#eted by them and distributed @ mar#eted through huge retailer net or# to customers. /urrently Salud /are manufactures more than fifty of the most successful L% n brandL products in India. In5House staff training is quality and hygiene orientated ith accent on professionalism and proactive care$ follo ing as per c,-P .


Or"ani#ational $tr%ct%re o& t'e co()an* ?ooking at organi4ing as a process reFuires that several fundamentals be considered. In the first place, the structure must reflect objectives and plans because activates derive form them. In the second place, It must reflect the authority available to an enterpriseGs management .=uthority in a given organi4ation is a socially determined right to e ercise discretion as such, it is subject to change. In the third place organi4ation structure like any plan must reflect its environment. #ust as the premises of a plan may be economic technological political social or ethical so may be organi4ation structure .It must be those of an designed to work to permit

contributions by members of a groups, and to help people gain objectives efficiently in a changing future, In this sense a workable organi4ation structure can never be static. There is no single organi4ation structure that works best in all kinds of situations. =n effective organi4ation structure depends on the situations. In the fourth place since the organi4ation is staffed with people the grouping of activates and the authority relationships of an organi4ation structure must take into account people limitations and customs. This is not say that the structure must be designed around individuals of around goals and accompanying activities. Dut an important consideration is the kind of people who are to staff it.


The ?ogic of <rgani4ing

=lthough steps 0 and5 are actually part of planning the organi4ing process consists of the following si steps. @stablishing enterprise objectives Formulating supporting objectives, policies and plans. Identifying and classifying the activities necessary to

accomplish these 6rouping these activities in the light of the human and the

material resources available circumstances of using them.

and the best way under

!elegating to the head of each group the authority necessary

to perform the activities. Tying the groups together hori4ontally and vertically through

authority relationships and information flows.







e treme

occupational speciali4ation which in many instances makes labor uninteresting tedious and 1nduly restrictive. There is nothing in organi4ation itself that dictates this. To say take should be specific is not to say they must by limited and mechanical .

Hhether they should be broken down into minute parts( as on a typical assembly line I or be defined broadly enough to encompass the design production and sate of a machine is for the organi4er to consider in light of the results desired. In any organi4ation, jobs can be defined to allow little or no personal leeway or the widest possible discretions. <ne must not forget that there is no best way to organ4a and that the application of structural organi4ation theory must take into account the situations.


.. Introductions 5. %anpower planning 9. <rganisation structure =. 6rade structure J !esignations B. +ecruitment =. +ecruitment process D. offer J =ppointment ;. ;onfidentiality of company information !. Travel +eimbursement )olicy for candidates -. )robation J ;onfirmations A. ;ompensations +eview and benefits )lanning =. ;ompensations $tructure grade wise D. Income ta c. $alary payment !. ;ash +eimbursement )roduce @. )rocedure for claiming annual reimbursements ?T= %edical F. ;redit ;ards 6. Imprest ;ash I . "isiting ;ards #. ;onfidentiality of $alaries C. Induction =. <ffices staff D. Field staff ,. =ttendance +ecording

= <ffice $taff /. =nnual 7olidays 0.. ?eave policy =. <ffice staff D. Field $taff ;. ;ompensatory off !. ?eave =pproval procedure 00. Travel )olicy =. <ffice $taff D. Field $taff ;. Travel )lan =pproval )rocedure !. <utstation !aily =llowance for Field staff @ ;lassification of ;ities F. !aily =llowance For Field staff 6. )rocedure For claming !aily =llowance 7. ;ommunications @ penses For field $taff I. @ pense =pproval )rocedure #. +eimursement of ?ocal @ penses 05. $ocial $ecurity $chemes =. )rovident Fund D. @mployee !eposit ?ink Insurance $cheme ;. @mployees $tate insurance $cheme ! . 6ratuity @. 6roup %edical )olicy F. $uperannuation )olicy 6. ;hild $cholarship $cheme 7. ?ong service =wards I . %arriage 6ift #. ;ar parking

09. @vents =. =nnual )arty D. =nnual )icnic 0B. )erks for $enior %anagers =nnual !inner =nnual @ ecutive 7ealth ;heck I up +eimbursement of )etrol @ penses ;ar $cheme 0-. ?oan )olicy =. ?oan )olicy D.;omputer ?oan $cheme 0A. ?ibrary )olicy 0C. Transfer )olicy 0,. Training )olicy = . <ffice staff =. Field $taff =. =nalysis J Identification of Training &eeds =. @ tent Training )olicy 0/. )olicy for ;onduction J !iscipline =pplication ;onduct =cts of %isconduct )enalties for %isconduct )rocedure for dealing with cases of %isconduct $pecial procedure in certain cases 5. $eparation =. +etirement


D. +esignations

;7=)T@+ 0 I&T+<!1;TI<& I am pleased to present to you the human +esources )olicy %anual updated. The 7+ )olicy %anual is a compilation of various personnel )olices. )rodures and practices applicable to employees in the %anagements ;adre =s of the reflects the ;ompanyGs philosophy and approach towards employees. %anagers who lead teams of employees, It becomes your responsibility to administer the company )ersonnel )olicies with fairness and time lines. This document is thus meant to support you in your roles as an administrator of the companyGs )ersonnel )olicies . =ll the policies contained in the %anual becomes effective immediately and replaces and past communications on the subjects covered under the %anual . The %anual is designed to lend itself for further amendments . =s and when such amendments arise these shall be sent to you and which you may appropriately incorporate in the manual. The 7+ )olicy %anual is a property of the ;ompany and should be returned to the ;ompany Hhen asked for . !ouble or ;larifications if any, of the ;ontents may be referred to the 7+ Functions.


The ;ompany is running below. Sl.Ni +. 3. 5. 6. S'i&t ,A- S'i&t ,!- S'i&t ,C- S'i&t ,G- S'i&t

the clock

with rotation weekly off

assigned to the employees. In four different shifts as mentioned

S'i&t Ti(in" ./.. 0r$1 +2.. 0r$ +2.. 0r$ 4 35.. 0r$ 35..0r$ 4 ./.. 0r$ .7.. 0r$ 4 +8 0r$(incl%$i9e l%nc' inter9al)

=ll the

employees working in =,D and ; shifts will follow

minimum , hours work with a break of 9. minutes. !epartment head will allocate shift rotation and weekly off to the employees !epartment will prepare a shift rotation chart for his department on monthly basis , display a copy of the same in the department and forward a copy to 7+ department .=ll the employees have to strictly follow the shift rotation chart . if threw is any charges in the shift schedule the concerned department head will communicate in wring to 7+ !epartment in writing. ;7=)T@+ 5 %=&)<H@+ )?=&&I&6


The annual %anpower budget is prepared every year in the month of %arch, on the basis of business plans and manpower forecast for the ne t financial year. 7uman +esource !epartment ;o( ordinates with the respective head of the department in forecasting the reFuirement of manpower. The total manpower reFuirement 2estimate for the last two Fuarters and plan for the ne t year3are compiled and incorporated in the budget is verified by 7+ and submitted to controlling department for budget discussions and approval by the %anagement . The approved manpower budget is guideline for +ecruitment, Training, )romotions , Transfers etc. ;7=)T@+ (9 D. =)? has been structurally grouped as <perative, ;entral an manufacturing unit. It has been structured on the basis of different product groups .The ;entral !ivision is the support functions such as finance, ;ontrolling ,IT ?ogistics ;ustomers $upport ,%.!.s <ffice 7uman +esources J =dministration J ;orporate ;ommunications J *nowledge 1nit. The present <rganisation ;hart is anne ed 2=nne ure l3 .


9( = 6+=!@+$ J !@$I6&=TI& 1&!@+$ "=+I<1$ 6+=!@+$ The 6rade structure of the ;ompany is as follows 6rade 6(5 6(0 %(B %(9 %(5 %(0 @(5 @(0 !esignation 6eneral %anager =sstt. 6eneral %anager $r. %anager %anager !y %ananger =sstt. %anager <fficer <fficer !escription ( =ll 6eneral %anagers ( =ll =sstt 6eneral %anagers (=ll $r. %anagers ( =ll %anagers ( =ll !y %anagers ( =ll =sstt. %anagers ( =ll $r. <fficer ( =ll <fficers, $r. $ystem =dministration,)roduction @ ecutive @( ;hemist ,$r. =ccountant $ystem =dministrator, $hift , K %icrobiologist. $(B $(9 $upervisor $taff

=sstt <fficer

( =ll =sstt. <fficers , $r.

( =ll $upervisors, ;hemist #r. ;hemist. ( =ll $upervisors, ;hemist, #r.

;hemist *eeping $upervisor , =71, Fitter, @lectrician , 7ouse *eeping , $(5 $(0 $ #r. =sstt. Horkers Temporary K Horkers (#r. <perators and #r. =sstt. !river ;hecker . ( )eon K HorkersK 7elper ( Temporary Horkers

+ecruitment '( B.0 &o ;andidate shall be asked to join the company before a formal offer letter is issued. B.5 +e( employment of e (employees will not be considered as a matter of policy. In e ceptional circumstance when such practice becomes imperative , The managing !irector will be the final deciding authority .@mployment of relatives of employees will also be discouraged. B.9 Incase of any false information provide by the short I listed K selected candidate during or after the recruitment process is over shall automatically result in his K her disFualification for the position. If the evidence of proving false information is found after the issuance of <ffer ?etter the offer shall stand stand automatically withdrawn. B.B ;andidiated selected for appointment will go through a complete medical check up by the physician appointed by the ;ompany, If asked by the %anagement to do so. B.- ;ompensation for $hort notice to the previous employer shall by considered under very special situations only and shall be approved and communicated by the 7<! and 7+ jointly.


B.A In case a prospective employee does not join the ;ompany on the date specified on the <ffer with out any information. The other shall stand withdrawn . B(; <ffers J =ppointment The short listed candidate shall be issued an offer letter only if the candidated has principally accepted to join the company based on the conditions of the offer as discussed. The offer letter shall contain the designation and the e pected joining date as well as the location. The offer ?etter shall be sent long with the joining +eport 2=nne ure "3 From and the Dank =ccount <pening Form after thorough scrutiny of the relevant documents J +eference ;hecks. The appointment ?etters shall be issued to the new employee on receipt of complete documentation including the relieving letter form the previous employer. The =ppointment letter will contain cost to the company. The =ppointment letter shall contain the designation the location and the effective date. It shall provide monthly break Iup of salary as well as terms and condition of =ppointment probation and termination. The daily allowance and 7E $hall be mentioned on the letter for filed staff = copy of the letter shall be returned duly signed by the new employee. The =ppointment letter will be signed only by the %anaging !irectorK !irector ;oncerned. The employees $hall provide a photograph for Their identity ;ard. 7+ $hall personal file for the @mployee. 7+ $hall )repare an <rientation )rogramme for the new employee and organi4e hisK her programme.


B( ! ;<&FI!@&TI=?IT> <F ;<%)=&> I&F<+%=TI<& =ll employees during their tenure in our ;ompany and even after cessation of employment with the ;ompany will not engage in any gainful assignment, Hhich is found to be confiscating with the business interest of the company, in manner. Further all the employees are obliged to keep confidential and information data proprietary knowledge gained during the employment with the ;ompany. B( @ T+="@? +@I%D1$@%@&T )<?I;> F<+ ;=&!I!=T@ In case of interviews organi4ed. The candidates called from locations outside +oorkee. Hill be reimbursed with the Travels @ pense as follows'( 6=+=!@ $( 0J$(B @ J @ (5 %0 to 6 T+="@? =??<H=&;@ 5nd ;lass Train FareKDus Fare 2+eturn3 9rd =; Train Fare K =; Dus =. ;. $leeper 5 Tier 2+eturn3

a3 For claiming the travels +eimbursement the candidates are reFuired to produce the copy of the tickets. The reimbursement. b3 Travel arrangement will be done by candidates Themselves. ;7=)T@+$ (- )+<D=T<& =&! ;<&FI+%=TI<& a3 =ll new entrants will be on probation for a minimum period of si months. In the normal course a probationer will be e pected to serve

the period of probation before being confirmed in writing in the services of the company. b3 &o. employee can be given an e tension more than twice for three. %onth. In other words no employee will be on probation for more than 05 months . 2This does not include the training period of the employees recruited as trainess3. c3 = probatyioners in all the 6rades may separate from the service of the ;ompany by giving one month notice or salary in lieu of notice. A(= ;<%)@&$=TI<& $T+1;T1+@ 6=+=!@ HI$@ "ariable payments ( Dasic 7+= <ther =llowance Fi ed )ayments I ;onveyance , %edical =nnual K )eriodic payments' "ariable payments I )erformance incentive Fi ed payments I ?eave Travel =ssistance, %edical

+eimbursement $tatutory payments ' )rovident Fund, @mployee ,$tate Insurance scheme 6ratuity The compensation structure is as follows' $(0 Dasic 7+= ;<&"@>=&;@ =??<H=&;@ <T7@+$ <T7@+$ =??<H=&;@ "=+I=D?@ "=+I=D?@ "=+I=D?@ "=+I=D?@ "ariable -.8 <f D=$I; To $(B "ariable -.8<F D=$I;

A(D I&;<%@ T=L


T!$ on salary and others income shall be made as per computation of income and income Ta norms for each financial year. =ll employees shall provide an Investment !eclaration in the format. Ta deduction shall be based on the declaration and the final computation shall be based on the documentary evidence provided by the employee by the date specified.

A(; $=?=+> )=>%@&T =ll employee are reFuired to open a Dank =ccount with )&D or any other bank nominated by the ;ompany and intimate their =ccount &umber to 7+ department. $alaries as well as all related payment shall be paid through Dank. A( ! ;=$7 +@%D1+$@%@&T$ )+<;@!1+@' =pplication for cash reimbursement should be made in prescribed format 2=nne ure "II3 to the 7+ department between 5A th and the last working day maintained. A(; )+<;@!1+@ F<+ ;?=%I%I&6 +@I%D1+$@%@&T i3 ?@="@ T+="@? =$$I$T=&;@ J %@!I;=? +@I%D1+$@%@&T $;7@%@ It is the intention of the company that ?eave Travel =ssistance 2?.T.=.3 of 0- day Dasic $alary per annum J medical reimbursement scheme should be introduced from the &et ;T; cost of the current employees J itGs policy will be introduce later on. A( F I%)+@$T ;=$7 of every month. $upporting are reFuired to be attached for petrol claims, Hhile details of conveyance reFuire to be


Field staff will be provide with lmp rest ;ash after completing 0days in the <rganisation as per need. Imprest cash shall not be released unless all employment related document are submitted to 7+. A( 7 "I$ITI&6 ;=+!$ =ll employees in 6rade @ and whose nature of work demands the use of "isitingK Dusiness ;ards will be provide with the ;ards within 0- days of #oining the ;ompany.

:1I CON IDENTIALIT; O COMPENSATION @very employeeGs salary is determined based on numerous factors Fualifications , years J Fuality of e perience job scope, has the responsibility to maintain total communication skills etc. @very employees confidentiality regarding his K her compensation =ny discussion or e change of information in this respect would be considered as a very serious violation of ;ompanyGs code of conduct. C'a)ter / INDUCTION INDUCTING NEW EMPLO;EES = new employees will be inducted into the <rganisation through the various !ivision to help the employee understand the functioning of the various !ivisions. This also helps in orienting the employees rightly to orgahi4ation culture and e pectations. /1A INDUCTON OR O ICE STA The 7+ !epartment shall prepare an induction Training $chedule, Hhich shall be forward to the concerned 7.<.! at least two days in advance so that necessary arrangements can be made. The <rientation for various !epartments K !ivision shall be done by

7.<.!. or shall be delegated by the 7.<.!. to a person of the !epartment who shall cover all relevant areas and shall adhere to the schedule. The Induction Training $chedule shall consist of one hour of intervention each from the various !epartments as follows'

A 0UMAN RESOURCE The Induction Training $chedule shall consists of one hour of intervention each from the various !epartment as follows' A. 0UMAN RESOURCE The @mployee shall be briefed about ;ompany )olicies <rganisation $tructure and shall be handed over induction %anual which he shall familiari4e himself with. 7.+. !epartment shall ensure all &omination forms and joining formalities are completed arrange for his workstation organi4e stationary and assist the employee in setting down. !. INANCE < CONTROLLING The employee shall be briefed about the functioning of the !epartment e pectations from employees and 6eneration of %I$. = brief on Dudgets, +eporting Imprest ;ash and its settlement, Tour =dvance and any other information as reFuired. . ACTOR; The !epartment of the new employee shall be scheduled to meet him Kher !epending on the knowledge reFuirements of the employees in

his K her job the immediate superior will draw I up training program consisting of briefings meetings with colleagues and also set aside time for reading of files and documents that may have to be used by the employees on the job. The induction training will also involve visits to factors and markets if the job of the employees so reFuires. The Induction Training shall conclude with the new employees introduction to the colleagues and the other superiors in the office by the immediate superior.

C0APTER 8 ATTENDANCE POLIC; ATTENDANCE POLIC; =ttendance to many has trivial connotations. <n serious inspection it will be proven that small things like coming on time go a long way in improving efficiency and the corporate image of a ;ompany. 0.90 The regular official timings shall be / to A... pm. 0.95 =n employee can report to work anytime between ,.B-and to /.0- a.m. =ll employees will be available in the office from /.. a.m. to -.9. p.m. 0.99 There shall be no additional grace period provide for any reason. 0.9B =nyone reporting later than /.0- would be marked half day and those working for less than B hours a day shall be marked absent. Horking less than ,.B hours, but more than B hours shall be treated as half day. 0.9- There shall be threes slots for the lunch time as follows' 05.9. p.m. To 0...p.m. 0...p.m. to 0.9.p.m.


0.9. p.m. to 5... p.m.

The employees can select any one slot as per their convenience and get the same approved form their 7<! and intimate about the same to 7+. 7owever, =ll employees of the same department shall not have the same for lunch. 0.9A =ll employees shall be reFuired to swipe their =ccessK =ttendance cards every time while moving in and out of the office and register their timing. =ll access doors have an anti I pass back facility which access in case the card is not used at all e it K entry points. The time recorded shall be net or all time spent outside the office . $ometime during working hours shall be discouraged. 0.9C Hherever the ;ompany does not have =ccessK =ttendance ;ard $ystem. =ll employees shall be reFuired to sign the muster maintained at the +eception .In case the muster is not updated the employee would be treated as absent. 0.9/ @mployees shall always keep their =ccess cards in safe custody and report loss of card immediately to 7+. = lost card shall attract a penalty of +s. 0..K( .@mployees who do not bring their access cards shall be denied entry to office. 7owever in e ceptional cases heKshe shall obtain a "isitorGs card from the security before entry to the office. The concerned employees shall inform the +eceptionist indicating the &umber of the "isitorGs ;ard heK she is using for the day. Hithout such information attendance shall not be marked. +.6 E=CLUSIONS 0.B0 The +eceptionist shall report at /... a.m. regularly . 0.B5 The 7<!s shall ensure the presence of a minimum number of employees in the department from /...a.m. to A... p.m. to take care of the department.

0.B9 it shall be the prerogative of the 7<! to ask certain employees to report to work at a particular time if the situations demand. 3 WEEKL; O 5.0 The factory shall run C day in a week. <ffice shall be working from %onday to $aturday, and $undays shall be weekly off. 5.5 The office shall remain closed from C... p.m. and C... a.m. on weekdays and if the works so demand shall be kept open as long as the last employees the office. @mployees staying beyond ,... p.m. reFuire the permission of their 7.<.!. 5.9 The office shall remain closed on $undays. =ny employees who would reFuire to come to office on $unday shall inform 7+ in writing befors -... p.m. on the previous last working day and shall arrange for keys to the office to be collected from the main $ecurity office. In case the field staffs are reFuired to be in the office on a $aturday for meetings peior permission has to be taken. 5. ATTEMDAMCE IN CASE EMPLO;EE IS ON DUT; @mployees who are reFuired go out for ;ompany work within the city during the office hours are reFuired to submit duty slip dully approved by 7<! in order t avoid any irregular entries in their =ttendance +ecords. 6. ATTENDAMCE IN CASE AN EMPLO;EE IS ON TOUR It would be the responsibility of the concerned employees to keep the 7+ !epartment informed about employees proceeding on tour in order to avoid any irregular entire in the attendance +ecord of the employees tour . If an employees wants to go on leave . he must get approved at least 9 days in advance accept emergency . In case of emergency employees must inform to his 7<! and 7+ immediately.


C0APTER 7 ANNUAL 0OLIDA;S =)? will observe the following below'( 0. &ew year 5. +epublic !ay 9. 7oli 2!huledi3B. Independence -. +aksha Dandhan A. 6andhi #ayanti C. !ussehara ,. !eepawali /. #anmastami 0.. +am &avami ;7=)T@+ 0. ?@="@ )<?I;> +.1A LEAVE RULES These leave rules are applicable to all confirmed employees e cept the workers at the factory. The year for the purpose of calculation of leave is the calendar year 2#anuary to !ecember3. =ny employees joining the service of the company during the year will be credited with pro rata leave till !ecember. A . PRIVILEGE LEAVE @&TIT?@%@&T E1=&T1% $ervice. ;=++> F<+H=+! @&;=$7%@&T !. OT0ER LEAVES =pplicability all employees 2&ot covered under The @$I =;T3 ' ' 0- days &il ' ' =ll confirmed employees 0- days for each completed year of 0. holidays every year as per

can apply for $ick leave Euantum of ?eaves ' @ach employees is eligible for C days of $ick leave during one ;alendar >ear.

;=$1=? ?@="@ 2;?3' =pplicability ?eaves. C. MATERNIT; LEAVE 0. @?I6IDI?IT> ;ompany. 3. RULES a3 = females employees who is covered under the @mployees $tate insurance $cheme , $hall be granted maternity leave as provide in the said scheme. b3 = female employees who is not covered under the scheme shall be allowed %aternity leave as per Denefits =ct ( 0/A0. 2i.e. 05 weeksK /.days3 ' =ll permanent lady employees after completion of one year of service in the ' =ll confirmed employees can apply for ;asual


C0APTER ++ TRAVEL POLIC; ++1A TRAVEL POLIC; OR O ICE STA IS !ASED ON ACTUAL E=PENSES INCURRED W0ERE MASS E=PENSES W0IC0 AN; EMPLO; CAN INCURR AS PER 0IS GRADES MENTIONED !ELOW1 TRAVEL REIM!URSEMENTS TA!LE 4 2=ccommodation and !aily =llowance3 Gar>e Mo>e o& Tra9el Acco((o> Dail* Re(ar@$ ation (in Allo?ance R$. Per >a*) S1+ < S13 +ail $leeper K Dus 9.. 0-. 9.8 reduction in != in case Dreakfast and one meal is claimed at actual as entertainment S15 < S16 +ail II =; K=; Dus B-. 5.. 9.8 reduction in != in case Dreakfast and one meal is claimed at actual as entertainment +ail II =; K Ist 9.8 reduction in E to M1+ ;lass K economy I != in case only incase of C.. 9.. Dreakfast and emergency J $pecial one meal is approval by %!. claimed at actual as entertainment +ail =; K Ist ;lass K 9.8 reduction in M13 to M16 =ir @conomy I only != in case incase of emergency 05.. B.. Dreakfast and

J $pecial approval by %!. G1+ < G13 +ail =; K Ist ;lass K =ir @conomy I only incase of emergency J $pecial approval by %!.



one meal is claimed at actual as entertainment 9.8reduction in != in case Dreakfast and one meal is claimed at actual as entertainment

In addition laundry e penses of +s. 5..K( shall be allowed if the tour is for B more days at a time. ++1! TRAVEL POLIC; OR IELD STA ++1 D CLASSI ICATION O CITIES $r &o. 0 = I ;?=$$ ;ITI@$ =ll %etro ;ities D( ;?=$$ ;ITI@$ =llahabad


++1! TRAVEL POLIC; OR IELD STA ++1 D CLASSI ICATION O CITIES $r &o. 0 5. 9. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. = I ;?=$$ ;ITI@$ =ll %etro ;ities =ll state ;apitals D( ;?=$$ ;ITI@$ =llahabad ?udhiana 1daipur ;ochin ;uttack %angalore %anipal Daroda =gar =mritsar Indore )onicherry ;oimbatore ;alicut 7ubli *anpur "aranasi %adurai "ijayawada )une $urat =urangabad &agpur *olhapur #odhpur


.. .. ..

=ll cities other than = J D ;lass will be classified as ; ;lass cities. ++1D TRAVELA TOUR PALN APPROVAL PROCEDURE The duly completed tourK plan shall be submitted for approval of marketing %anager as per their schedule' 00( @ !=I?> =??<H=&;@ F<+ FI@?! $T=FF = separated chart will be issued as per need. 7.E. 7ead Euarter is a place town city where an employee is posted @ ( 7E is a location outside of headFaters and where the work can be finished in the same day. If the work canGt be done one the same day an employee can clain outstation travel allowance as per the travel policy. In addition out station travel e pense shall be reimbursed on actual only on production of tickets subject to ma imum ceiling as per entitlements. ++1 COMMUNICATION E=PENSES OR IELD STA The monthly ceiling for ;ommunication e penses are already in practice.




+. @mployees in 6rade %0 and above will be entitled to travel by ta ies <+ =; bus when on outdoor official work. 3. @mployees in 6rade $(9 I$(B will be entitled for local busK +ickhaw K auto fare upto +s.0-.... .on. actual basis. 5. @mployees in grades below 6rade $(0 J $(5 2sub staff3 will be entitiled to travel only by bus or +ickway up to +s . 0.....p.d. ma on actual basis. 7owever ta is atuo rickshaws may be allowed when loads K cash are to be transported. B. @mployees not provided with a company car using own means of conveyance i.e. ;ar K Two wheeler for official purpose may claim reimbursement from company at the rate of +s. -.. per k.m. incase of a car and +s. 0.-. per *.%. in the case of a two wheeler. -. It is to be noted that e pense can be claimed only if these have actually been incurred and have to supported with tickets for train fare and bills for food where applicable . =ny mis I representations made in claiming reimbursements will be viewed as a serious lalpes of integrity. A. The claims mentioned above should be made once in a month along with monthly claim. C. This policy will not apply to sales personnel who are in receipt of a daily allowance as per a separate policy in respect of them. +@F+@$7%@&T )<?I;> =s per ;ircular


;=&T@@& )<?I;> The company has availed facility employees at the fair price. TI%I&6$' $hift timings as well as Tea K ?unchK !inner timings are as follows' $hift Timings' $. &o. .0 .5 .9 .B $7IFIT 6( $hift =( $hift D( $hift ;( $hift TI%I&6$ 2/'..=% T< A' ..)%3 2C'..=% T< 9' ..)%3 29'..)% T< 00' ..)%3 200'..)% T< C' ..=%3 of in house canteen for the

Tea K ?unch Timings ' $. &o. .0 .5 .9 .B $7IFIT 6( $hift =( $hift D( $hift ;( $hift D. F=$TK ?1&;7 K!I&&@+ 0'.. )% T< 0'9. )% 05'.. )% T< 05'9. )% ,'.. )% T< ,'9. )% -'.. =% $nacks TI%I&6$ 20.'9.=% J 9' 9.)%3 20.'9.=% J 5' ..)%3 2B'9.)% J 0.' ..)%3 205'9.)% J -' ..=%3

ENTITLEMENT @mployees are entitled for tea as per hisKher duty shift as' $. &o. $7IFT @&TIT?@%@&T

.0 .5 .9 .9

6( $hift =( $hift D( $hift ;( $hift

T@= 5 TI%@$ T@= 5 TI%@$ T@= 5 TI%@$ T@= 5 TI%@$

The management reserves the right to reduceK ;hange K discontinueK replace or rename this benefit K facility K as it may desire at any time without any reason.

C0APTER +3 SOCIAL SECURIT; SC0EMES GOVERNMENT RELATED UNDS AND !ENE ITS +31 Social $ec%rit* La?$ =ll employees whether paerments or probationer will be covered as per laws applicable by the 6overnment. OT0ER COMPAN; WEL ARE POLICIES +3 4 A GROUP MEDICLAIM POLIC; It is under consideration and will be applicable later on. +3. 4 ! LONG SERVIC AWARDS ?ong service awards will be present to the employees on the annual party as follows ' &o. of years of services 6ift worth +s. ->ears 0. >ears 0- >ears 5. >ears +s. 0...K( +s. -...K( +s. C...K( +s. /...K(

>ears of service completed as on !ecember 90 st shall be taken in to account for calculation of service of an employee +31 C MARRIAGE < CILD !IRT0


=s a token of best wishes from the ;ompany to its employees on getting married K birth of child they shall be presented with 6ift ;heFues as follows' $(0 to $(5 $(9 to $(B @ to %(0 %(5 to %(B ' ' ' ' +s. 5-.K( +s. -..K( +s. 0...K( +s. 00..K(

=n employee getting married shall send a wedding ;ard to 7+ as intimation. +31D !IRT0DA; @mployees will be greeted by the management on their birthday +5! ANNUAL UNCTION =nnual function of =L= will be organi4ed every year. =ll employees will participate and their family C0APTER +: LI!RAR; POLIC; The objective of the ?ibrary )olicy is to inculcate and nurture the reading habits of the employees towards self I improvement and productivity. C0APTER +8 TRAINING < DEVELOPMENT +8 4 A P OCE STA Training and development programs will be centrally organi4ed and coordinated by the 7+ department. These programs will be designed to help employees acFuire knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for improved performance of present and future jobs. +81 ! IELD STA Field K sales staff will primarily be impacted with regular product Training <rganised and coordinated by the product %anagement team. )rograms designed for the development needs of field K sales staff will be organi4ed and coordinated by the product %anagement team in coordination with the 7+ Function.



shall be conducted annually during the appraisal

e ercise each year. The training needs shall be identified by the 7<!Gs during the appraisal discussion and be noted as a part of appraisal. Dased on the feedback received from the 7<!Gs The 7+ J =dministration department will then finalise the Training ;alendar for the ne t year and publish the same in the month of February. The 7+ department will than organi4e and conduct these programs during the year. +8 4 D PROCEDURE OR TRAINING NOMINATION Dased pm training need =nalysis condiucted by 7+ the mi of the training programs shall be decided in consultation with the 7<!Gs ;atering to different levels across organi4ation. @mployees shall be provided the training calendar for the entire year. @ach employee in consultation with his 7<! may plan minimum of B man days for the year of any other minimum number of training days as decided from time to time. &omination )rocedure for various types of training programs shall be as below. ROLE SPECI IC The target participants in the case are based on the training needs analysis. 7+ $hall identify the participants in consultation with the %!K7<!s. NEED !ASED. =n overview of such training shall be given to all the employees along with a formal invitation by 7+ department.


The employees can assess based on the overview given to them on the relevance of the training for their role. The reFuest for enrollment can be given to 7+ in consultation with the concerned 7<! Hith in week of invitation. =s the batch si4e is limited we shall finali4e on the number of shall be communicated to the concerned participants on a first come first serve basis. The final confirmations employees along with the venues details. INDIVIDUAL EMPLO;EE NOMINATIONSB @mployees can also be nominate for some training programs pertaining to their specific function K technical need. The employee in consultation with his 7<! may fill in the Training brochure are least a week prior to the program date for approval. =n approval by the %! $hall be obtained and communicated to the concerned employee. 7+ shall make arrangements for enrolling the employee in the training program. &o cancellations shall be allowed for such training nominations. I&T@+&=? T+=&@+$ =s a steps towards brining identified as internal trainers. The employees identified as internal trainers shall be trained professionally , so that they can deliver their e pertise to other employees. 5.( = +@TI+@%@&T The age pf retirement will be -, years. The employee who are due for retirement are information about their retirement in writing preferably A months in advance by 7+ !epartment.

in a culture

of functional in house

Trainings , our employees having e pertise in certain area shall be

5.( D +@$I6&=TI<& )ermanent employees resigning from the services of the ;ompany are reFuired to give /. days notices .There may be e ceptions at %anagement discretion. @mployees on probation are reFuired to serve one month notice period. The ;ompany will also have to give employee the above mentioned notice period while termination his services form the ;ompany.


Pro>%ct (a>e C* t'e co()an*

A(oeCici>e$ A Anti)roto#oal$ Anal"e$ic$ A Anti)*etic$ Antaci>$ Anti 4 Art'riti$ Anti1T! Dr%"$ Ant aller"ic Dr%"$ AntiCiotic$ A AntiCacterial Anticoa"%lant an> Antit'ro(Cotic A"ent$ Ant >iaCetic


Ant e(etic$ Anti&%n"al Ant (i"raine Dr%"$ Antio$teo)orotic A"ent$ Anti$*c'otic Anti$)a$(o>ic$ Anti9iral A))etite$ $ti(%lant$ !eni"n Pro$tatic 0*)er)la$ia Dr%"$ CereCral Va$o>ilator$ Co%"' an> col> Erectile D*$&%ncton T'era)* E*e an> Dro)$ Gro9it )o?>er orall )o?>er

So%l taC So%l1> taC So%l $%)$ So%l1 > $%)$ Coral taC Ot?in ca)$%le LaCott taC L%can taC Done taC. Di"(a ca). RCian 4# ca). 0ae(o$tatic Pre)aration Pro>%ct !ran> 0or(one Re)lace(ent T'era)* I((%no$%))re$$ant IrritaCle !o?el S*n>ro(e

Motilit* Re"%lator$ Na$al Pre)aration Pre"nanc* Te$tin" @it S*$te(ic Cortico$teroi>$ To)ical Cortico$teroi>$ Urinar* S(oot' M%$cie Contractor 0ae(o$tatic


Pro>%ct %n>er De9elo)(ent Acti9e in"re>ient &icosulfuron Flumetsulam 7elo ifop methyl Flumio a4in Thiadia4uron &icosamide =midosulfuron %efenacet )ropo ycarba4one Triflumuron !ifilufenica )encycuron $ulcotrione ;adusafose Flufenacet @po iconao4ole M ;arbenda4im *reso immethyl )ropiconaole M !ifencona4ole @po icon4ole MTebucona4ole


Pe$tici>e$ %$e> C* t'e co()an*


%n"ici>e 0erCici>e In$ectici>e Or"anic )ro>%ct$

Plant$ Gro?t' Re"%lator


Pro>%ct$ %n>er De9elo)(ent


0erCici>e$ =ctive ingredient 5,B(! =mine 5,B(! =cid Dutachlor Flua4ifop(p(butyl 6lyphosate < adia4on )araFuat =tra4ine =cetochlor =lcohol =metryn )icloram M5,B(! =mine Triclopyr B,8 $? Formulation B,.gK $? , C5.gKl $?, ,A.gKl $? ( A.8 @; 05.-8@;, 05.-8 $; B08$? ,A58 I)= 5-8 @; 5.8 $? /.8 H!6 -.8 @;, C.8 @; ,/.8@; B,8 @; -.8 $; 5.8 M 5.8





business organi4ations

are facing


pace of

changes . it seems change has taken charge of running the business realities of the coming future will demand the ability to Fuickly and globally offer product and services to customer whose repaid to the

integration of the business process to make the service

customer happen . There is a need for internal process to keep pace with the service demand. In the organi4ation building process several factors continue to play a critical role in an ongoing organi4ation. <ne of the factors

integrating the systematic 7+! linkages is the +@;1IT%@&T =&! $@?@;TI<& )+<;@$$. +ecruitment is a linking function joining together those to with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs. +ecruiting makes it possible to acFuire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the continues operation of the organi4ation. +ecruiting is the discovering of potential application for actual or anticipated organi4ational vacancies. It is a systematic means of findings and including available candidate to apply to the company or enterprise for employment. It is


said to be positive in its approaches it seeks to attract as many candidates as possible. $election is a process of picking indidual with reFuisite Fualification and competence to fill job in the organi4ation. It is a process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.

eat%re$ o& recr%it(ent Recr%it(ent i$ a )o$iti9e &%nction a$ it $ee@$ to >e9elo) a )ool o& eli"iCle )er$on$ &or( ?'ic' (o$t $%itaCle one$ can Ce $electe>. The basic propose of recruitment is locate the sources of people reFuired to meet #obs reFuirements and attracting such people to offer then for employment in the organi4ation. +ecruitment is the linking activity as it brings together those with jobs and those seeking jobs. +ecruitment is the process of a series of activities rather then a single act or event. +ecruitment is a pervasive function as all organi4ation is reciting activity.


Dut the volume and nature of recruitment varies with the si4e, nature and environment of the particular organi4ation.

P%r)o$e o& recr%it(ent The main purpose of recruitment is as under' To begin indentifying and preparing potential job applicant who will be appropriate candidates. To increase the pool of job candidates at the minimum cost. To help in increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number visibly under Fualified and job applicants. 7elp to reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organi4ation only often period of time. To increase organi4ational effectiveness in the short term and long term. a short


OCEecti9e o& recr%it(ent Increase the pool of job candidate at minimum cost. 7elp in increasing the success rate of selection process help to reduce the profitability that job applicants once recruited and selected. He leave the organi4ation only after a short period of time. Degin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidate. %eet the organi4ation legal and social obligation regarding the composition of its workforce. Increase organi4ation and individual effectiveness in the short run and long run.


@valuate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniFues and sources for the all type of job applicants.

T;PES O RECRUITMENT +ecruitment is divided into four parts' 0. Internal methods 5. !irect methods 9. Indirect method B. Third party method Internal method is further divided into various parts. a. Pro(otion$ an> tran$&er$B This is a method of filling vacancies form within through transfers and promotions = transfer is internal movement within the save grade from one job to another

It may lead to changes in duties and +esponsibilities working conditions etc but not necessarily salary. )romotion on the other hand involves movement of other employee form a lower level position accompanied by changes in duties resonsibities status and values. C. FoC Po$tin" B #ob posting is another way of hiring people from within . In this method the organi4ation publici4es job opening on bulletin boards electronic media and similar outlets.

c. E()lo*ee re&erral B @mployees referral means using personal contacts to locate job opportunities. It is a recommendation form a current @mployee regarding a job applicant. The logic behind employee referral is that it makes on to know one


W0O DO ORGANDATINS PRE ER INTERNAL SOURCES OR RECRUITMENT Internal sources includes ' 2a3 present permanent employees 2b3 present temporary K casual employees 2c3 retrenched or +etired employees 2d23 dependents of deceased, disabled, disabled retired and present employees (a) Pre$ent Per(anent E()lo*ee$B

<rgani4ations consider the candidates form this source for higher level due to' 0. =vailability of most suitable candidates for jobs relatively or eFually to the e ternal source.

5.To meet the trade union demands. 9. To the policy of the organi4ation to motivate the present employees (C) Pre$ent Te()orar* or Ca$%al E()lo*ee$B <rgani4ation find this source to fill the vacancies relatively at the lower level owing to the availability of suitable candidates or trade and pressure or in order to motivate them on the present job. (c) Retrenc'e> or Retire> E()lo*ee$B 6enearally a particular organi4ation retrenches the employee due to lay off. The organi4ation takes the candidates for employment from the retrenched form the retrenched employees due to obligation trade union pressure and the like. $ome time the organi4ations prefer to re(employ their retire employees as a token of their loyalty to the organi4ation or to postipone some inter I personal conflicts for promotion etc. 2d3 !ependents of !eceased !isabled +etired and )resent @mployees ' $ome organi4ations with a view to developing the commitment and loyalty of not only the employee but also his family members and to build up images provide employment to the dependents of deceased disabled and present employees. $uch organi4ations find this source as an effective source of recruitment.

Hhy do organi4ations prefer internal $ourcesN <rgani4ations prefer this sources to e ternal source to some e tent for the following reasons. 2a3 Internal recruitment can be used as a techniFue of motivation. 2b3 %orale of the employees can be improved. 2c3 $uitability of the internal candidates can be judged better than the e ternal candidates as known devils are better than unknown angels. 2d3 ?oyalty commitment a sense of belongingness and security of the present employees can be enhanced. 2e3 @mployees psychological needs can be met by providing an opportunity for advancement. 2f3 @mployees economic needs for promotion higher income can be satisfied. 2g3 ;ost of selection can be minimi4ed. 2h3 ;ost of training induction , orientation, period of adaptability to the organi4ation can be reduced. 2i3 Trade unions can be satisfied. 2j3 $ocial responsibility towards employees may be discharged. 2k3 $tability of employment can be ensured.


Dut organi4ation do not e cessively rely on internal source as too much consumption of even sugar tastes bitter. The e cessive

dependence on this source result in in I breeding discourage flow of new blood into the organi4ation. <rgani4ation would become dull and back number without innovations new ides e cellence and e pertise 7ence organi4ation depend on internal source to the e tent of motivation and then depend on e ternal sources. Hhere are suitable candidates available in reFuired number N 7ow can they be informed about the availability of job sand about the jobs and organi4ationN 7ow we deal with first Fuestion as the answer to it deals with the sources of recruitment and answer to the second Fuestion deals with the techniFues of stimulating the prospective candidates 2or techniFues of recruitment3.

6enerally the learns of human resource management may feel that source and techniFues of recruitment are oneand the same. Dut they are different . $ources are those where prospective employees are available like employmente changes while techniFues are those

which stimulate the prospective employees to apply for jobs like nomination by employees advertising promotion etc. %angement has to fine out and develop sources of recruitment as early as possible because of high rate of time lapse.

EGternal $o%rce @ ternal sources lies outsides and organi4ation. 7ere the organi4ation can have the services of ' @mployees working in an organi4ation #ob aspirants registered with employeeGs e changes $tudents from reputed education institution ;andidates referred by unions, friends, e isting employees etc. 1nsolicited applications K welkins. %ain e ternal sources are as follows =dvertisement in newspaper'


$enior posts are largely filled by this method. This hood is however followed by companies in 9 different ways. There are some companies which do not do their own advertising. <n the other hand they send their reFuisition to certain speciali4ed agencies which advertise position in leading newspaper without

e posing the name of the client company. The applications received form the candidate by the agencies are duplicated and mailed to the clients. There are some companies which although to their own advertising but give only bo number. Do number advertising generally do not draw good candidate who feel that it is not which while to apply without knowing employerGs name. Doth first and second types are called blind advertisements. There are some companies advertisements. Gro$$ co$t )er line B1 This arrived at by dividing the total cost of recruitment by the number of individual hired. Gate 'irin". The candidate on the basis of their Fualification of according to the job reFuirement of the company get into the organi4ation and the administration will select the appropriate.

which e pose their names in their

E9ol%tion o& eGternal recr%it(ent

0. @ ternal sources of recruitment have both merits and demerit. <n the plus side, the following may be cited. 5. The organi4ation will have the benefit of new skills talent and new e periences if people are hired from e ternal sources. 9. The management will be able to fulfill reservation reFuirements in favor of the disadvantaged section of the society. B. $cope of resentment heartburn and jealousy can be avoided by recruiting from outsides. T'e >e(erit$ areB

0. Detter motivation and increased morel associated with promoting own employees are lost to the organi4ation. 5. @ ternal recruitment is costly 9. If recruitment and selection process are not properly carried out changes of right candidates being and wrong application being selected occur.

A>9anta"e$ o& internal $o%rce$ o& recr%it(ent A. a(iliarit* B The organi4ation and its employees are familiar top each other. The organi4ation knows the ability and the skills of the likely candidates since they are insider similarly employees also know about the working condition and the job reFuirements of the vacancies. !. !etter %tili#ation o& internal talentB +eliance on internal recruitment enables the enterprise to make the best use of the capabilities of its employees. For e ample some


employees may be so talented that they deserve promotion or some may do better on transfer to other jobs. C. Econo(* B1 The cost of recruiting internal employees is minimal. The enterprise need not incur any e penditure on informing and including employees to apply. D. Moti9ational 9al%e B Internal recruitment is a source of encouragement and motivation for employees. The employees can look for promotion and transfer with hope and thereby do their jobs well as to earn the desired promotion K transfer.

Li(itation o& recr%it(ent an> $election +. Re$tricte> c'oice B Internal recruitment restricts the option and freedom for the

enterprise in choosing the most suitable candidates for the vacancies. It has a narrow base. The enterprise may have to compromise on Fuality of its choice of candidate. 3. InCree>in" B If the enterprise depends too much on internal recruitment, it means that the enterprise denies itself fresh talent and new blood available outside. @ isting employees even if promoted or


may continue to work and be behave in the same

habitual ways without any dynamism. 5. AC$ence o& co()etitionB1 In the absence of competition from Fualified candidates from outside employees are likely to e pect automatic promotion by seniority and sure prospect. Thus they may lose the derive for proving their worth. 6. Con&lict 1 There may be chance of conflict and infighting among those

employees who aspire for promotion to the available vacancies. Those who are not promoted are unhappy and their efficiency may decline. = part from the above limitation actually an enterprise connot fully rely on internal sources of recruitment . $uitable candidates may simply not to be available internally for some vacancies. In such case the enterprise has to look for e ternal sources of recruitment however these drawbacks may be mini4ed by job I analysis and skill inventory.




P r e s e n t e m p l o y e e

R E C E m p l o y e e r e f e r a l s R U I F o r m e r e m p l o y e e T M E P r e v i o u s a p p l i c a n t N T

P r o fe s s io n alo rt r ae A vertisements E m p lo y m e n te " c # a n $ e s Cam p u sr ecru it m en t

%a ll & INSa n % irte & ins

C onsultants C ontrac tors ! is p lace per s on s Competitors E& rec ruitin$


' Rplannin$

Recritin$ e(uire personnel

Selec tin$ (ua lifie Personnel

P la c in $ s e le c t e p e rs o n n e l o n )o * s

F inin $ a ne v lo p in $ s o u r c e s o fp o t e n t ia l e m p lo y e e s

S e ar c#fo rp e r s p e ct iv e s e m p lo y e e a+ e v e lo p in $te c# , +at tr actin $cani ate s

E v alu atin $ effectiv en es s o fr ecru itin $

r a n s f e ro fn e / )o * P e r s o n n e lr e s e a r c #T I n t e r n a ls o u r c e s .o* postin$ U p $ r ai n $ i s s a m e p o s i t i o n
E " perience

P r o m o t i o n t o # i $ # e r) o *

m p l o y e e r e f e ra l sP E " t e r n a ls o u r c e s E r o v ii n $ i n f o r m a t i o n
A vertisin$

C la r ify in $o u * t s


<rgani4ed players are conducting job fairs and career e pos creating for aspirants another platform to interact with best companies . <n line recruitment websites continue to be one of the most favored destinations for job seekers as well as employers. =n aspirant may not necessarily find a new job at a career e po O,but at least can stay updated about current openings and trends in the industry. FoC &air$ are "ainin" )o)%larit* #ob fairs organi4ed gathering in which employers set up booths and meet with prospective employees .These are usually organi4ed by universities or professional associations. Hhile the concept of job fairs may not be new, they were thus far limited by their scope and hence did not have universal appeal. Hith time however the scale on which they are conducted has improved and now they are a viable proposition for both employers as wall as job seepkers. #ob fairs present an unparalleled opportunity for anyone looking for a new job 2a fresher or someone with e perience3. =s one component in a dedicated information gathering process attending a job fair is an invaluable e perience. =t these events , companies participate with a view of attracting the best talent available in the industry. @ach company is looking is that all the companies are looking for employable talent and hence the aspirant has an audience that is willing to hear hi and evaluated him. The job aspirant can thus reach out to all the prospective employees in the span of a day and stand to gain a great career. The drivers pool of talent available at a job presents a wide choice to employers and is cost effective tool. If there arenGt enough candidates coming to the fair to visit an employerGs booth participating in job fair is not viable. The job fair model instead of being primarily focused on just people for junior

level positions can be re( designed to make it more conducive for senior level position as well. #ob fairs today are considered as a serious recruitment platform. ;andidates should be serious about their options. They should not come to job fairs for window shopping. = candidate should identify the right organi4ation and go through the recruitment process with the company. @ perts advise that someone attending such an event should do sufficient research before they arrive at the venue. <ften I is possible to obtain information about the participant in a job fair before the event. It is a good idea to shortlist the companies that one would be interested in, even if it is just two or three organi4ations. Further it is better to obtain information about the kind of positions available in the company also. =s part of their research candidates should also plan in advance about what they could learn and gather information about prospective employers. #ob remember that companies are Fuite serious seekers must when it comes to

recruitment . 7ence they shout avoid casual attire and opt for a formal one instead Dased on the companies reFuirements , if would also be wise if the aspirant can customi4e the resume as per the employer, rather mass producing a generic resume it is hard to know jus how valuable a job fair might be, without actually attending, it Dut by in prepared with an open mind, The aspirant is likely learns. $omething valuable . <ne mighty meet an employers who sound really terrific. The chances are the candidate might be introduced to new options which he had not considered before.. The candidate must be in a positive frame of mind to accept the new options where he may end up with faster career growth than what the had originally planned.

0OW TO RECRUIT AN EMPLO;EEB <ften an essential component development. @mployee surveys provide a picture of your organi4ation needs. These surveys can be used to solicit employee opinions on a variety of issues such as the companyGs success inn communicating its mission to employees, or local issues such as Fuality of the working environment. These survey often contain a series of multiple choice items grouped along one or more dimensions of the organi4ation. The type of items included in these surveys may concern areas such as' of organi4ational training and

0. ;reativity 5. Innovation 9. $atisfaction B. $enior %anagement -. Interpersonal +elations A. Functional @ pertise C. ;ompensation ,. =bility to ?istening /. ;ustomer $ervice 0.. ;ommunication 00. <btaining +esults 05. =nalytical Thinking


09. %entoring 0B. $trategic ?eadership 0-. Teamwork 0A. =daptability 0C. $taff !evelopment 0,. ?eadership


results of this

type of feedback process provide an

understanding how the employee perceives the organi4ation along different dimensions. This process helps the organi4ation 27uman +esources !epartment3 understand how the employees. )erceive them. This feedback ' Is essential to facilitating development and organi4ational ;hange =llows the organi4ation to focus on needs and leverage its strengths Informs the organi4ation on which actions with create problems for the employees )rovides management with employees feedback 2Doth positive and negative3 on the internal health of the organi4ation.


%easures procedures

the impact of current programs. )olicies and

;an be used to motivate employees and improve job satisfaction the purpose of this document is to provide a guide to assist those who are conducting an employee survey. @mployees $urvey' 1ses for @mployees $urveys includes' Focusing of @mployees !evelopment programs @nhancing %anagementK @mployee +elations Training &eeds =ssessment @valuation of Training <rgani4ational ;limate $urvey ;ustomer $atisfaction survey



=fter the organi4ational position

are identified, managers are

obtained through recruitment, selection, placement, and promotion. There are basically two sources of managerial personnel' )eople from within the enterprise may be promoted or transferred, and managers may be hired from the outside. For internal promotions, a computeri4ed information system may help to identify Fualified candidates. It can be used in conjunction with a comprehensive human resource plan' $pecifically it can be utili4ed to anticipate staff reFuirements new opening striations development needs and careers planning. There are also several e ternal sources available and the

enterprises may use different methods in finding Fualified managers . many employment agencies public and private and e ecutive recruiters 2sometimes called headhunters3 locate suitable candidates for positions. <thers sources for managers are professional

associations educational institutions referrals from people within


the enterprise and of course unsolicited applications form persons interested in the firm.

+ecruitment of %anagers ' +ecruiting and attracting candidates organi4ation structure. Defore recruiting begins, The positionGs reFuirements which should relate directly to the task must be clearly identified. This makes is easier to recruit candidates from the outside. @nterprises with a favorable public image find it easer to attract Fualified candidates. = company such as ID% 2International Dusiness %achines3 has a well recogni4ed image while small firms which freFuently offer e cellent growth and development opportunities may have to make great efforts to communicate to the applicant like kinds of products. $ervices and opportunities the firm offers. +ecruitment in the public sector has many similarities to recruitment in the private sector . 7owever government regulations or policies may demand may demand that managers adhere to special hiring guidelines . For e ample legislation may reFuire that potential employee live within a municipalityGs boundaries . =nother difference is that applicants for public sector positions often have to competitive

to fill the

positions in the

tests such as civil services e aminations although an increasing number of privately owned enterprises are using written and oral tests as well. 1nfortunately the selection process in government is not always as objective and retinal as it should be and the practice of making decision in criteria other than competence is probably not unusual. It is unthinkable for a major corporation to put a person without

considerable managerial e perience in charge of -,... people yet in government this is not uncommon. Thus in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of government a better selection process is reFuired.



Re$earc' +esearch refers to search of knowledge . +esearch involves collection of data from primary and secondary sources and e pression in Fuantitative terms. In other word we can say that a careful investigation or enFuiry especially through search for new facts in branch of knowledge. )rof. ;.+. *othari has solution to a problem %.7. 6opal has defined the research as it is essentially a describe the research as search for method of finding knowledge through objective and systematic

systematic inFuiry seeking facts through objective verifiable method in order to discover the relationship among them and to reduce from them board principal or laws.


Re$earc' Met'o>olo"* Defore embarking on the details of research methodology and techniFue, it seems appropriate to present a brief overview of the research process consist of serial necessary to effectively carry out research and the desired seFuencing of these steps. 03 53 93 B3 -3 A3 C3 ,3 /3 0.3 003 Formulating the research problem @ tensive literature survey !eveloping the hypothesis )reparing the research design !etermining the sample design ;ollecting the data @ ecution of the report =nalysis of data 7ypotesis testing 6enerali4ation and interpretation )reparation of the report or the presentation of the results.


Sco)e o& t'e $t%>* The scope of the project is to access the recruitment and selection process in SALUD CARE(I) PVT. LIMITED and suggestion for improvement. Nat%re o& t'e $t%>* The research study is descriptive in nature. The major purpose of descriptive research is descriptive of the state of affairs as it e ists at present. to provide


Collection o& >ata He can collection the data through two methods' )rimary data of collection mean which data collect by first time.

)rimary data can be collection either through e periment or through survey. !ata can be collected by following way. Dy observation Through personal interviews Through telephone interviews Dy mailing of Fuestionnaires Through schedules Secon>ar* >ata o& collection B $econdary data are the data which have already been collection by some other persons and have passed through statistical process. Select t'e (et'o> o& >ata collectionB $econdary data of collection



OCEecti9e o& t'e $t%>*


$tudy the e isting recruitment policies of =L=

)=+@&T@+=?$ ?I%IT@!.

To observe the impact of recruitment policies on personal of

=L= )=+@&T@+=?$ ?I%IT@!.

To find out the ways for improving recruitment policies.



TaCle 1+ %ethods of recruitment procedure

+eplies <pen advertisement ;ampus recruitment Total

&o. of respondents 05/ 00 0B.



Fig ' 0

P /58 employees are recruited through the open advertisement and , 8 employees are recruited through campus recruitmentQ


TaCle 13 $atisfaction about recruitment procedure +eplies $atisfied !issatisfiefd Total &o. of respondents 09A B 0B.



Fig ' 5

P /C8 employees are satisfied with their recruitment procedure and 98 employees are dissatisfied with their recruitment procedureQ


TaCle 15 =bout training after recruitment +eplies >es &o To some e tent Total &o. of respondents A5-. 0B.

38% 52%



P=fter their recruitment -58 employees got the training and 9,8 employees does not got the training and 0.8 employees are in the category of to some e tentQ

TaCle 16 =bout companies internal recruitment procedure is well defined or not +eplies <pen advertisement ;ampus recruitment Total &o. of respondents 05/ 00 0B.





PC/8 employees said that companies internal recruitment procedure are well defined and shared with all employees and .8 employees said no and 508 employees said to some e tentQ

TaCle 12 =bout )f and gratuity +eplies )oor Fair 6ood Dest Total &o. of respondents . 5. CB0B.


0% 14%



P&o one said that their pf and gratuity are poor, 0B8 said it is fair, -B8 good and 958 said bestQ

TaCle 1: =bout the need to be aware of the recruitment system in detail +eplies >es &o To some e tent Total &o. of respondents CB. 50B.





P-98 employees think all employees need to be aware of the recruitment system in detail, 5,8 think no, and 0/8 employees are in the category of to some e tent.Q

TaCle 1/ $atisfaction about pay package +eplies >es &o To some e tent Total &o. of respondents C9 0B -9 0B.





P-58 employees are satisfied with their pay package and 0.8 are not satisfied with their pay package and 9,8 employees are to some e tentQ

TaCle 18 =bout the need to be aware of the recruitment system in detail +eplies $atisfied !issatisfied &eutral Total &o. of respondents /C 0, 50B.


69% 18%


PA/8 employees are satisfied with their colligues behaviour, 098 employees are not satisfied with colligues behaviour and 0,8 employees are neutral.Q

TaCle 17 $atisfaction about superiors behaviour +eplies $atisfied !issatisfied &eutral Total &o. of respondents 059 5 00B.





P,,8 employees are satisfied with superiors behaviour, 08 are not satisfied and 008 employees are neutral with superiors behaviours.Q

TaCle 1+. $atisfaction about working environment +eplies >es &o Total &o. of respondents 0.0 9/ 0B.




PC58 employees are satisfied from working environment in $=?1! ;=+@ 2I3 )"T ?I%IT@!, and 5,8 employees are not satisfied from working environment in $=?1! ;=+@ 2I3 )"T ?I%IT@!.Q

TaCle 1++ $ource about recruitment followed by $=?1! ;=+@ 2I3 )"T ?I%IT@! +eplies Internal @ ternal Doth Total &o. of respondents ,B 9B 55 0B.





P5B8 people said that internal sources are followed by $=?1! ;=+@ 2I3 )"T ?I%IT@! and A.8 people said about e ternal sources, and 0A8 people said bothtypes of sources are followed by $=?1! ;=+@ 2I3 )"T ?I%IT@!.Q

TaCle 1+3 +easons for employees leaving $=?1! ;=+@ 2I3 )"T ?I%IT@! +eplies Detter pay packets 6rowth opportunities Total &o. of respondents 0.0 9/ 0B.




PC58 employees leaving $=?1! ;=+@2I3 )"T. ?I%IT@! for better pay packets, 5,8 for growth opportunitiesQ

TaCle 1+5 ;ompanies training policies after recruitment +eplies >es &o Total

&o. of respondents 0.0 9/ 0B.



P/-8 people said that company give any special training after recruitment and -8 people said that company not give any special training after recruitmentQ

TaCle 1+6 Types of interview prepared by organisation +eplies $tructured 1nstructured Total &o. of respondents 0500B.




P,/8 people said that structured interview is prepared by the organi4ation and 008 people said that unstructured interview is prepared by the organisation.Q

TaCle 1+2 $atisfaction about e isting recruitment procedure +eplies $atisfied !issatisfied Total

&o. of respondents 099 C 0B.



P/-8 people are satisfied with e isting recruitment procedure and -8 people are not satisfied with e isting recruitment procedure.Q


DE ENITION AND CONCEPT RECRUITMENT DE INITIONB +ecruitment is the discovering of potential applicants for actual of anticipated organi4ational vacancies. +ecruitment is a process to discover the source of manpower to meet the recruitment of staffing schedule and to employee effective measures for attracting that manpower in adeFuate numbers facilitate efficient working forces. CONCEPT B +ecruitment has been regarded ad the most important function of personnel administration, because unless the right type people are hire, even the best plans organi4ation chart and control system would not do much good. to


+ecruitment forms the first

stage in the process which continues

with selection and ceases with the placement of candidates. It is the ne t step in the procurement function, the first being the manpower planning. +ecruiting makes it possible to acFuire the number and type of people necessary to ensure the continues operator of the organi4ation.

SELECTION DE INATION B $election process is concerned with securing relevant information about an applicant. This information is secured in a number of steps and stages. The objectives of selection process is to determine whether an

applicant meets the Fualification for a specific job and to choose the applicant who is most likely to be perform well in that job. CONCEPTB =n effective selection program is a non I random process because those selected have been chosen on the basis of the assumption that they are more likely to be better employee than those who have been rejected.


The traditional interview.

selection process includes preliminary


;ompletion of application form employment tests. ;omprehensive interview. ;ompletion of application form employment tests.

;omprehensive interview. Dackground investigation, physical e amination and final

employment decision to hire

RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION IN SALUD CARE (I) PVT. LIMITED A>9erti$e(ent in ne?$)a)erB $enior posts are largely filled by this method. This met hood is however followed by companies in 9 different ways. There are some companies which do not do their own advertising. <n the other hand they send their reFuisitions to certain speciali4ation agencies which advertise divulging the name of the position in leading newspaper without client company. The applications

received form the candidate by the agencies are duplicated and mailed to the clients.


There are some companies which although do their own advertising but give only bo number. Do numbers advertisements generally do not draw good candidates who feet that it is not worthwhile to apply without knowing employerGs name . Doth first and second types are called blind advertisements.

There are some companies which divulge advertisements. 6ate hiring.

their names in their

The candidate on the basis of their Fualification or according to the job reFuirement of the company get into the organi4ation and the administration will select the appropriate candidate for interview on the gate itself on the need and reFuirement of the job. Ne?$)a)er a>>$B It means that the reFuirement of the candidate for the job is to the published in the newspaper. The candidate who fulfills their need for job and read the advertisement in the newspaper company to get call for interview. &ewspaper helps in recruiting the candidate because through approach the

newspaper every thing is to be informed in detail. It also helps the company in the sense by saving

their time because though

advertisement in newspaper will ensure only those candidates to approach the company which fulfill the needs of the organi4ation.

Co()arati9e $t%>* o& recr%it(ent an> $election Cet?een SALUD CARE(I) PVT. LIMITED an> ot'er co()anie$


sunitac )harmaceutical >es

other company no

=dvertisement %ade or recruitment 0. direct 5. indirect Third party method 0. )rivate employment 5. $earch firms 9. 6ate hiring and ;ontraction no

gate hiring newspaper =dvertisement no yes

gate hiring newspaper advertisement yes yes yes



From the research and conducted following are the findings enumerated under the heads )ositive and &egative aspects.

Po$iti9eB SALUD CARE(I) PVT. LIMITED 'a$ a comprehensive

+ecruitment and &;+ is the that coordinated various +ecruitment )rogrammer not only for its own employees but also for job seekers. = decaled document on the +ecruitment $ystem at SALUD CARE(I) PVT. LIMITED is also available consisting of the reFuired regarding the concerned topic. The +ecruitment policy conducted are e cellent in terms of e ternal internal and by training Halk(in( interview. The programs are regularly updated as per the changing trends and needs. information


The employees s after recruited feet a level of enhavement in their competency and efficiency .

Ne"ati9eB 1

It was found that most of the employees were unaware of the +ecruitment system document though they have been working in the organi4ation for many years. @mployees are sent for <vertime, employees leasing at a short notice without prior information, !ue to official the employees do not easily feet comtertable. The task of @"=?1=TI<& is not carried out effectively and also ignored.




=s no body and nothing is perfect in this world, in the same way no study can be considered as fully reliable at one glance. There are number of uncontrollable factors acting as limitations in conducting the study. $ome of such limitations encountered by me in this study are as follows

The most important factor which limits the research is the time factor. I have very limited time to complete research.

The ne t limitation is some respondents gave biased response for fear of their position in the company. This may have influenced the results.

The sample si4e chosen is not sufficient it was small.


$ome respondents were not willing to give answers of the Fuestionnaire.



The main suggestion given by the respondents during their interviews are as follows'

The recruitment progamme should be more need based.

!uration of the recruitment should be appropriate. It should not be too long or too short.

Euality of delivery or method or presentation can be improved.

&ew delivery methods and technology should be used.

$ome fle

ibhty must be in recruitment. perienced.

Faculty should be well Fuailed J e


The distribution

of recruitment programme should be more



The study at $=?1! ;=+@2I3 )"T. ?I%IT@! revealed that the employees of the organi4ation are satisfied from the recruitment system. Through the analysis of the esponses of the employees it seems that the employees are aware of the various +ecruitment policiesby the organi4ation. The company has a well defined 7+(%=&1? I which includes all the information regarding social security , advances, incentive schemes and facilities being provided to the employees. The mean score of the respondents have showed that they are aware of the policies J schemes adopted by the company. This is the reason for ma imum employees retention. The strong human resource enhances the public image of the organi4ation as $=?1! ;=+@2I3 )"T. ?I%IT@! is one of the &="+=T&=$ of the Indian public sector undertaking.

Finally an organi4ation with ma imum employees retention and healthy working environment further enhances the image of company.



!I!LIOGRAP0; TE=T !OOKS 7uman resources and personnel management by ;. D. gupta 7uman resources management by ?.%. )rased 7uman resources and personnel management by Hilliam D. Herther and *eith !avis 7uman resources and Indutrial relation by ).;. Tripathy 7uman resources management by %.%."@+%= J +.*. =garwal 7uman resources management by *. =shwathappa 7uman resources management by T.". +ao 7uman resources management by &air Danerjee )ersonnel management by ;. D. %amoria )ersonnel %anagement by @dwin Flippo 7uman resources management by 6ary !esseler WE! SITES FOURNALS 7uman capital

7+ maga4ine Dusiness today 7+% review




+@$)@;T@! $I+ K%=%, IG am a student of D=;7?<+ <F D1$I&@$$ =$%I&I$T+=TI<& 2DD=3. =s a part of out summer training, I am conducting a study. I would reFuest you to please spare some of your time in answering these Fuestions.

0. Hhat was the method of your recruitmentN Through open advertisement Through campus recruitment 5. =re you satisfied with your +ecruitment procedureN $atisfied dissatisfied neutral

9. !oes company gave any special training after your recruitmentN >es no

B. =re your companyGs internal recruitment procedure is well defined J shared with all the employeesN >es no

to same e tent

-. 7ow do your rate your )F and gratuity benefitsN )oor fair good best !oes

A. !o you think all employees need to be aware of the recruitment system in detailN >es no to same e tent

C. =re you satisfied with the packageN >es no to same e tent

,. =re you satisfie to your employers behaviourN >es no neutral

/. =re you satisfie with your reporting officer that guide you in identifying your needN $atisfied dissatisfied neutral

0.. =re you satisfie from working environment in this organi4ationN $atisfied dissatisfied neutral




IANAL;SIS O RECRUITMENT POLICIES O SALUD CARE(I) PVT. LIMITED HUESTIONNAIRE 0.Hhat are the various sources of recruitment followed by $=?1! ;=+@2I3 )"T. ?I%IT@!N Internal e ternal both

5. Hhat are the reasons for employees leaving your organi4ationsN Detter pay packets $hift learning &ature of the work 6rowth opportunities <rganisations culture 9. !o you company give any special training after recruitment to every employeesN >es no to some e tent

B. what type of interview is prepared by $=?1! ;=+@2I3 )"T. ?I%IT@!N $tructured 1nstructured Doth

-. =re you satisfie that e isting recruitment procedure can be more effectiveN $atisfied dissatisfied neutral


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