A Project Report On Akshar Chem LTD
A Project Report On Akshar Chem LTD
A Project Report On Akshar Chem LTD
AksharChem India Ltd was formed and incorporated in the State of Gujarat on 4th July, 1!
under name Audichem "India# $ri%ate Limited& 'hereafter, on ()th *e+ruary, 14, the
Company was con%erted into a pu+lic limited company and su+se,uently name chan-ed to
Audichem "India# Limited& *urther, on (1st .arch, (//0 name was chan-ed to AksharChem
"India# Limited& 1sta+lished in 1! on a small scale in the chemical +elt of Gujarat at 2//
.' per annum capacity, the ,uality of the product has created tremendous demand ultimately
leadin- to continuous e3pansion in production capacities& 'oday, we ha%e -rown to the
capacity of manufacturin- 2/// .' per annum&
AksharChem is a -lo+al company dedicated in the production of dyesand intermediates& 'he
Company e3cels as one of the leading manufacturer and exporters of Vinl
!ulp"one# Vinl !ulp"one is used as raw material for reacti%e dyes, which is ha%in-
application in color pi-ments, paints, ru++er, te3tiles, plastics and leathers& 'hey react
chemically under suita+le conditions with Cellulose +ased materials yieldin- +rilliant shades
with -ood fastness properties& Aksharchem India Limited pro%ides chemicals in India and
internationally& 'he company pro%ides industrial specialty products that include industrial
adhesi%es, te3tile chemicals, or-anic pi-ment powders, industrial resins, and leather
$ain %roducts:
VIN&' !U'%HON(
+(T) H&DRO,& (TH&'-
!U'%HON( !U'%H)T( (!T(R - In reacti.e of different colors/
$a0or )c"ie.ements 1 )2ards of t"e compan:
IS4 //15(//! certified manufacturin- facility&
IS4 14//16(//4 for en%ironmental mana-ement system&
Conferred the presti-ious 7International Gold Star8 award for 913cellence in
Corporate Ima-e and :uality8 +y ;usiness Initiati%es <irections in Spain&
=ecei%ed awards in the field of e3port from Go%ernment of India, Go%ernment
of Gujarat, Gujarat Cham+ers of Commerce and Industry, Gujarat <yestuff
.anufactures Association, *ederation of Indian 13port 4r-anisation and
Cheme3cil amon- others&
CH-3 4UNCTION O4 $)N)5($(NT:
>hat is mana-ement??
@Art of -ettin- thin-s done throu-h people&A
@Consistin- of plannin-, or-anisin-, actuatin- and controllin-, performed to determine
and accomplish the o+jecti%es +y the use of people and resources&A
$anagement in +usiness and or-aniBations means to coordinate the
efforts of people to accomplish -oals and o+jecti%es usin- a%aila+le resources efficiently and
effecti%ely& .ana-ement comprises plannin-, or-aniBin-, staffin-, leadin- or directin-,
and controllin- an or-aniBation or initiati%e to accomplish a -oal& =esourcin- encompasses
the deployment and manipulation of human
resources, financial resources, technolo-ical resources, and natural resources& Since
or-aniBations can +e %iewed as systems, mana-ement can also +e defined as human action,
includin- desi-n, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system& 'his %iew
opens the opportunity to 8mana-e8 oneself, a prere,uisite to attemptin- to mana-e others&
In Aksharchem India Ltd& is pri%ate limited company& In e%ery
or-aniBation each function of mana-ement is important so we try to include all functions of
mana-ement in the report& >e studied $lannin-, or-aniBin-, staffin-, directin-, controllin-
and reportin- of this company&
3#1 %')NNIN5:
$lannin- is the primary function of mana-ement process& $lannin- @In%ol%es
selectin- missions and o+jecti%es and decidin- on the action to achie%e themC it
re,uires decision6makin- that is, choosin- course of action from amon- alternati%es&A
$lannin- is the most +asic of all mana-erial functions, and it is a+out decidin- in
ad%ance Dwhat is to +e done, +y whom, how, when and whereE
In any company this is the most important of the company&
*rom the mission, %ision and o+jecti%es of the company we can -et idea a+out
companyEs future acti%ities& $lannin- is related to future& >e considered here mission
and %ision of aksharchem India ltd to understand their plannin-&
.ission is the uni,ue aim of an or-anisation that sets it apart from others of its
type& It is an or-anisationEs specialiBation in some areaFser%ice, product or
client, which decides the or-anisationEs scope of +usiness&
@*ocus on enhancin- operational e3cellence and en%ironment sustaina+ility
throu-h adoptin- +est manufacturin- policies& Continuously stri%e to enhance
customer satisfaction +y pro%idin- the hi-hest ,uality of products and
CompanyEs mission is mainly focus on pro%ide -ood ,uality product to
consumer and e3cellence in their +usiness& 'heir mission also states that with
the help of stakeholders company wants to achie%e more -rowth in future&
A %ision descri+es a firmEs aspirations, +eliefs G %alues and shapes or-anisationEs
@1mer-e as a -lo+al leader in supply of Hinyl Sulphone with complete commitment
and dedication on standards, ,uality, producti%ity and customer satisfaction&A
CompanyEs %ision mainly states that company wants to +ecome major player in world
market throu-h its ,uality product& Company will try to increase its e3ports more and
more to +ecome -lo+al player in the market&
Aksharchem India ltd doin- all acti%ities to achie%e the mission G %ision of the
company& In -eneral plannin-, they determine in ad%ance what should +e done& 'hey
lookin- ahead and preparin- for the future& 'he top mana-ement introduces new
o+jecti%es after achie%ement of pre%ious o+jecti%es& *or that they decide %arious
strate-ies accordin- to each department of their company and try to achie%e o+jecti%es&
*or e3ample companyEs production department o+jecti%e is to produce more products
of -ood ,uality at minimum wasta-e for this production mana-er decide future course
of actions for achie%in- this o+jecti%e&
Apart from the -eneral plannin- company also company carried out %arious acti%ities
for e3pand their +usiness in future& Company will increase the e3istin- plant capacity
for more production so that they can e3port more products& 'oday aksharchem is the
lar-est e3porter in the India so to maintain this company will e3pand their +usiness +y
esta+lishin- also new plant in future&
Aksharchem India ltd will also introduced new product of @Silicon GelA in near future&
*or that company is already to start work on that& Company will esta+lish a new plant
at <ahej ;haruch in Gujarat& 'his plant will +e started in 064 years&
In order to achie%e o+jecti%es company also focus on corporate -o%ernance and social
Corporate 5o.ernance:
Company is committed to maintain the hi-hest standards of Corporate Go%ernance& A separate
Corporate Go%ernance =eport as stipulated under Clause 4 of the Listin- A-reement with the
Stock 13chan-e"s# is furnished as a part of this =eport to-ether with certificate confirmin-
compliance with the conditions of Corporate Go%ernance& 'oday for each company is
mandatory to -i%e report on corporate -o%ernance&
!ocial Responsi6ilit:
Company continues to e3ercise persistent and meticulous efforts towards -reener earth and
en%ironment conser%ation& 'he Company preser%es in its efforts to teach safe and
en%ironmentally accounta+le +eha%ior in e%ery employee, as well as its %endors& 'he
Company is committed towards safety, not only of its own men and plant, +ut also of the
society at lar-e&
Solid waste -enerated at the >orks, after treatment of its li,uid effluent is shifted to a Gujarat
$ollution Control ;oard "G$C;# appro%ed site&
3#3 Organising:
'he or-aniBation structure descri+es the functions, tasks and
authorities of the departments, di%ision and indi%idual employees and the relationships
+etween them& 'he central structure of pro%idin- direction to the maintenance operation is
its form of or-aniBation& 'he or-aniBation structure has to facilitates the different processes in
the or-aniBation& An or-aniBation is the administrati%e and functional structure of any
endea%or whether is a department, a +usiness ,or e%en an army& 1ach has its own purpose and
o+jecti%e for e3istin- that is what causes the or-aniBation to come into +ein-& 4r-aniBation
formulate the re-ulations, 4peratin- procedures, and +asic -uidelines for interpersonal
relationships and set controls and lines of authority& 4r-aniBations permit mana-ers to achie%e
the end results of jo+ which is done throu-h efficient and ma3imum utiliBation of all a%aila+le
Aksharchem is in the +usiness of manufacturin- %arious dyes and pi-ments
for which %arious department works& 'he major areas competence in aksharchem or-aniBation
is fire protection, la+oratory analysis, industrial fire safety and chemical safety includin-
chemical process safety& 'he or-aniBation structure of aksharchem India limited& is as follows&
C14 chairman
.ana-in- director
I&= .ana-er
Sales .ana-er
'op le%el mana-ement of the or-aniBation in%ol%es chairman and mana-in-
director and need conceptual skill to or-aniBe each and e%ery acti%ity in the or-aniBation and
has the hi-h le%el of authority and responsi+ility& .iddle le%el includes %arious department
mana-ers and are responsi+le to see the work to +e done +y their workers, lower le%el
includes workers and who re,uires technical skill to perform the acti%ities in smoothly
'o or-aniBe a +usiness is to pro%ide it with e%erythin- useful to its functions
i&e personnel, raw material, machineries ,capital etc& Good or-anisn- skill leads to achie%e
%arious short term and lon- term -oals of the or-aniBation& 'he success of an or-aniBation
depends partly on its structure and partly on its mana-ement process& 'he main o+jecti%e of
Aksharchem india limited is to clear with their -oal and o+jecti%e and thus this a%oid
confusion and inefficiency in the or-aniBation and leads to the path of success&
+oard of Directors
.rs& $aru .& Jaykrishna Chairperson G .ana-in- <irector
<r& $radeep Jha
.r& $aram J& Shah
.r& Jiran J& .ehta
.r& Gokul .& Jaykrishna 6 Joint .ana-in- <irector
.r& .unjal .& Jaykrishna 6 Joint .ana-in- <irector
<irectin- is a function of mana-ement performed +y 'op le%el mana-ement in order to
achie%e or-aniBational -oals& It is %ery important and necessary function of mana-ement&
.ana-ement has to undertake %arious acti%ities like -uide people, inspire and lead them as
well as super%ise their acti%ity in order to achie%e desired results& <irectin- is also known as
Accordin- to .arshall,
@<irectin- in%ol%e determinin- the course, -i%in- order and instruction and pro%idin-
dynamic leadershipA
Accordin- to G& =& 'erry,
@Acti%atin- means and mo%in- into action K supplyin- simulati%e power to the -roup&A
<irection consists of the process and techni,ues utiliBed in issuin- instructions and makin-
certain that operations are carried as ori-inally planned& <irectin- is concerned with carryin-
out the desired plans& It initiates ora-nised and planned action and ensures effecti%e
performance +y su+ordinates towards the accomplishment of -roup acti%ities&
In )8s"arc"em India 'imited, the <irection takes place from top le%el mana-ement to
+ottom le%el i&e& communicatin- the work to +e done to the superiors who will communicate it
to the +ottom le%el employees&
<irectin- in%ol%es Communication, Leadership, .oti%ation and Super%ision which completes
a whole round of passin- information to workers, -uidin- them, moti%atin- employees to -i%e
their +est to the or-anisation and at last keep a watch on them and take correcti%e actions if
Communication is an e3chan-e of facts, fi-ures, ideas, opinions or emotions +y two or more
persons& It constitutes a %ery important function of mana-ement& It is an esta+lished fact that
mana-ers spend L) to / per cent of their workin- time in communicatin- with others&
'hus, communicatin- means sharin- of ideas in common& 'he essence of communication is
-ettin- the recei%er and sender turned to-ether for a particular messa-e&
In )8s"arc"em India ltd# the communication process is clear as the super%isors there, are
-i%en enou-h trainin- to make their su+ordinates work for the or-anisation&
'he Company has adopted a whistle ;lower policy and has esta+lished necessary
mechanism in the line for employees to report a+out the unethical +eha%ior&
'hus, they feel as an important part of the or-anisation and work as if made a commitment&
'hey are made clear a+out their duties of work, the result of which can +e seen that there are
no confusion with re-ard to work in their minds&
Communicatin- also includes passin- information to outside interested parties& 'he company
undertakes the followin- communications&
'he ;oard of <irectors of the Company appro%es and takes on record the *inancial
=esults and announces the said financial results to the ;S1 Ltd and Ahmeda+ad Stock
13chan-e Limited where the shares of the Company are listed& *urther, the
,uarterlyMhalf yearly results are -enerally pu+lished in Local 1n-lish and Hernacular
lan-ua-e newspapers&
Leadership is an another important part of <irectin-& It is the function where+y the mana-er
-uides and influences the work of his su+ordinates&
NRIBM Page 10
'he or-anisation understands the importance of leader and has taken steps& 'he mana-er or
the super%isor issue order, instructions, -uide and counsel his su+ordinates in their work with
a %iew to impro%e their performance and achie%e enterprise o+jecti%es&
'he mana-er takes an initiati%e and -uides the workers in order to make them comforta+le
with the work en%ironment& Ie +uilds up confidence and Beal amon- people and create an
ur-e in them& 'o +e a successful leader, a mana-er must possess the ,ualities of foresi-ht,
dri%e initiati%e, self confidence and personal inte-rity& All these ,ualities were almost seen in
the or-anisation we %isited&
'he act of stimulatin- someone or oneself to -et a desired course of action is .oti%ation& It
means a need or emotion that prompts an indi%idual into action& It is a psycholo-ical process
of creatin- ur-e on the su+ordinates to do certain thin-s or +eha%e in desired manner&
In Aksharchem India Ltd, employees are moti%ated +y financial as well as non6financial
No employee is denied the opportunity to meet the audit committee mem+ers of the
3#* !taffing:
After an or-aniBation8s structural desi-n is in place, it needs people with the ri-ht skills,
knowled-e, and a+ilities to fill in that structure& $eople are an or-aniBation8s most important
NRIBM Page 11
resource, +ecause people either create or undermine an or-aniBation8s reputation for ,uality in
+oth products and ser%ice&
In addition, an or-aniBation must respond to chan-e effecti%ely in order to remain
competiti%e& 'he ri-ht staff can carry an or-aniBation throu-h a period of chan-e and ensure
its future success& ;ecause of the importance of hirin- and maintainin- a committed and
competent staff, effecti%e human resource mana-ement is crucial to the success of all
Staffin- is the mana-ement function de%oted to ac,uirin-, trainin-, appraisin-, and
compensatin- employees& In effect, all mana-ers are human resource mana-ers, althou-h
human resource specialists may perform some of these acti%ities in lar-e or-aniBations&
In staffin- mainly followin- points should include in this5
1# Recruitment: =ecruitment is the process of identifyin- that the or-anisation needs to employ
someone up to the point at which application forms for the post ha%e arri%ed at the
or-anisation& Selection then consists of the processes in%ol%ed in choosin- from applicants a
suita+le candidate to fill a post& 'rainin- consists of a ran-e of processes in%ol%ed in makin-
sure that jo+ holders ha%e the ri-ht skills, knowled-e and attitudes re,uired to help the
or-anisation to achie%e its o+jecti%es& =ecruitin- indi%iduals to fill particular posts within a
+usiness can +e done either internally +y recruitment within the firm, or e3ternally +y
recruitin- people from outside&
In Aksharchem India ltd recruitment is done throu-h e3ternal and internal of sources
of recruitment& >orkers recruitment is done throu-h la+our contactors and on -ate
recruitment& .iddle and top le%el employeeEs recruitment is done throu-h +y -i%in-
ad%ertisement in newspaper, promotion, transfer etc& In the company the recruitment
process is conducted +y I= department of the company&
(# !election: Selection is the second part of staffin-& In selection process mana-er compare
,ualifications with the re,uirements of jo+ and eliminates all those who do not stand up to this
comparison& 1mployees are placed in the jo+s for which they are +est suited, they deri%ed
NRIBM Page 12
ma3imum jo+ satisfaction and reap ma3imum wa-es& Selection process include certain steps
as application +lank, initial inter%iew, employment tests, checkin- references, physical
e3amination, final inter%iew&
Company follows the same selection process as mentioned a+o%e& Company
after -i%in- ad%ertisin- company conduct a inter%iew of the candidates and
take certain test such as aptitude test, psycholo-ical test, personality test etc&
0# 'rainin-5 'rainin- is the act of increasin- the knowled-e and skill of an employee for
doin- particular jo+& 'here are %arious trainin- methods adopted +y the or-aniBation&
'rainin- methods include mainly on the jo+ trainin-, trainin- for mana-ers&
Aksharchem India ltd is also pro%ide on the jo+ trainin- to the employees and
also pro%ide effecti%e trainin- to mana-ers so they can +ecome a -ood leader&
'he Industrial relations remained harmonious with a focus on producti%ity, ,uality and safety&
<urin- the %isit under, there were, no si-nificant la+our issues outstandin- or remainin-
unresol%ed in the company& 'he ;oard of <irectors place on record their appreciation for the
efforts put in +y all employees to achie%e -ood performance and looks forward to its
continuation& Company pro%ides economic rewards such as incenti%es, +onus, pro%ident fund,
1SI& Apart from that company pro%ide non economic rewards to the employees& ;ein-
chemical company there are more chances of accidents in the company so they pro%ide health
G safety measures to the employees&
3#9 Controlling
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Control can +e defined narrowly as the process a mana-er takes to assure that actual
performance conforms to the or-aniBation8s plan, or more +roadly as anythin- that re-ulates
the process or acti%ity of an or-aniBation& Control is the process of assi-nin-, e%aluatin-, and
re-ulatin- resources on an on-oin- +asis to accomplish an or-aniBation8s -oals& 'o
successfully control an or-aniBation, mana-ers need to not only know what the performance
standards are, +ut also fi-ure out how to share that information with employees&
'he +asic control process, where%er it is found and whate%er it is found and whate%er it
controls, in%ol%es three steps5 "1# esta+lishin- standards& "(# measurin- performance
a-ainst these standards& and "0# correctin- de%iations from standards and plans&
A -ood mana-ement control system stimulates action +y spottin- the significant
%ariations from the ori-inal plan and hi-hli-htin- them for the people who can set
things right&
Controls need to focus on results&
:" control need;
If all personnel always did what was +est for the or-aniBation, control F and e%en
mana-ement F would not +e needed& ;ut, o+%iously indi%iduals are sometimes una+le or
unwillin- to act in the or-aniBationEs +est interest, and a set of controls must +e implemented
to -uard a-ainst undesira+le +eha%ior and to encoura-e desira+le actions&
4ne important class of pro+lems a-ainst which control systems -uard may +e called personal
limitations. $eople do not always understand what is e3pected of them nor how they can +est
perform their jo+s, as they may lack some re,uisite a+ility, trainin-, or information& In
addition, human +ein-s ha%e a num+er of innate perceptual and co-niti%e +iases, such as an
ina+ility to process new information optimally or to make consistent decisions, and these
+iases can reduce or-aniBational effecti%eness& Some of these personal limitations are
correcta+le or a%oida+le, +ut for others, controls are re,uired to -uard a-ainst their deleterious
NRIBM Page 14
1%en if employees are properly e,uipped to perform a jo+ well, some choose not to do so,
+ecause indi%idual -oals and or-aniBational -oals may not coincide perfectly& In other words,
there is a lack of goal congruence. Steps must often +e taken either to increase -oal
con-ruence or to pre%ent employees from actin- in their own interest where -oal
incon-ruence e3ists&
Aksharchem Company has suita+le and proper internal control system accordin- to the nature
of its +usiness and its siBe to ensure propriety in the utiliBation of funds, safe-uardin- of assets
a-ainst unauthoriBed use or disposition, true and fair reportin- and compliance with all the
applica+le re-ulatory laws and company policies& Internal Auditors periodically re%iew the
controls and compliance of laws and re-ulations and the en%ironment under which the internal
audit e3ists& *inancial accountin- and audit systems also pro%ide controls to eliminate frauds
and loss due to ne-li-ence&
Internal control systems are re%iewed +y Internal Auditors on a re-ular +asis for it s
effecti%eness and the necessary chan-es su--ested are incorporated into the system& Internal
Audit =eports are re%iewed +y the Audit Committee of the ;oard&
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3#9 Reporting
'his function, closely related to the coordinatin- function, consists of keepin- those to whom
you are responsi+le informed as to what is -oin- on& It is essential that competent mana-ers
keep the information flowin-, especially in this a-e when there is so much information +ein-
transmitted in so many forms& 'he reportin- function is more than preparin- an annual report,
,uotin- statistics, and informin- your staff of current de%elopments& 'he reportin- function is
almost an e%aluation function since it compares how you are doin- with what you set out to
do& It re%iews your o+jecti%es and determines to what e3tent you are meetin- your o+jecti%es&
It consists of more than course num+ers or annual statistics, +ut relates pro-ramme direction,
policy chan-es, refinement in o+jecti%es, and chan-es in structures and priorities& It also uses
the %ertical and horiBontal flows of information as presented pre%iously&
4ne of the key elements of the reportin- function is the annual report& Such a report -i%es an
opportunity to summariBe pro-rammes, projects, and acti%ities and to pro%ide statistics as
well& Such a report can +e used as a pu+lic information document +y ha%in- it distri+uted to
other adult education a-encies in the community, to the senior le%els of mana-ement, to the
own mana-ers, to collea-ues, and to the press& In addition, it will pro%e to +e a %alua+le
document to satisfy the re,uests that they recei%e askin- a+out the pro-ramme acti%ities&
NRIBM Page 16
After %isit in AksharChem India Limited, we came to know its workin- and
understandin- of %arious departments therein& 'he %isit makes us a+le to understand the
%arious aspects of mana-ement&
After ha%in- a detailed study of the .ana-ement $rinciples of the or-anisation, we
ha%e made some conclusions&
AksharChem is workin- efficiently o%er its o+jecti%es& 'hey are dedicated towards
their -oals&
4r-aniBational structure of the company is +ased on product line& 'he hierarchy is well
structured and well desi-ned here&
$ersonnel in the or-anisation are treated %ery well and they are ha%in- proper
manpower plannin- and a -ood policy of recruitment G esta+lishment with a -ood
trainin- opportunity for its employees as well as for students from different
It is also runnin- %arious cultural acti%ities for the total de%elopment of its employees
which +oost up the morale of employees and they are moti%ated&
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