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Nanotechnology Project - Rubric 2014 B

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Waxahachie Global High Engineering April Moon - amoon@wisd.


Nanotechnology Rubric
Nanobot Design TEST GRADE Topics
Purpose Design Constraints

10 points
Purpose of nanobot is clear and creatively addresses a Grand Challenge Design fully meets constraints Proof of the early design exists brainstorming, sketching, and final design selection; Dates and signatures are shown; Early documentation is clear and neat Design is creative and detailed

7 points
Purpose of nanobot is clear but does not directly relate to a Grand Challenge Design meets most constraints Proof of the early design phases exists but is not thorough / neat or does not flow well Design is acceptable but more creativity is needed

5 points
Purpose of nanobot is clear but there are no connections to a Grand Challenge Design meets some constraints

3 points
Purpose of nanobot is unclear Most design constraints not met

Early Design Phases

Proof of the early Some proof of the early design phases is design phases is missing incomplete

Design Creativity

Design is confusing At least three 3D features are used on each ipt file; At least three .ipt files are created .iam includes all parts but many errors are present .ipn does not present assembly with appropriate tweaks and animation

Design is not complete At least two 3D features are used on each ipt file; Only two ipt files created Most constraints missing or inefficiently applied .ipn attempted but has many errors and / or is missing most tweaks

Part files

At least one work plane and At least one work plane and four 3D features are used on four 3D features are used (on each ipt file; At least three each ipt file); At least four .ipt .ipt files are created files are created accurately accurately .iam includes at least four.ipt files and parts are efficiently constrained .ipn file is accurate, visually appealing and communicates overall design in best format .iam includes all parts but some constraints inefficiently applied .ipn presents all parts and their assembly and is correctly recorded as an .avi but is confusing and / or is visually distracting

Assembly File

Presentation file

.ipn is correctly recorded as an .avi and presented with appropriate timing and size .idw file created for assembled nanobot and all views are accurately placed and aligned Drawing file Size dimensions are shown correctly and scale factor used is correctly documented

.ipn is correctly recorded .ipn is correctly recorded as as an .avi but the best an .avi but the best timing OR timing AND size was not size was not presented presented .idw files created for .idw files created for assembled nanobot but some assembled nanobot but views are not accurately some views missing placed and aligned Some size dimensions are Some size dimensions not properly placed missing OR Scale factor used is documented but incorrect OR Scale factor used is not documented

.ipn is recorded incorrectly .idw files not created from assembled nanobot No dimensions shown

* If a grading topic is not attempted at all, no points will be accumulated for that topic.

Presentation TEST GRADE Topics 20 points

Presentation included all required items: - Introduction - Nanobots Purpose and related Grand Challenge - Information on problem (delivered with passion) - Creative name for nanobot - Drawing file of assembly with size dimensions - Video file of assembly - Rendering(s) - Conclusion Transitions and format used to present items demonstrated professionalism

15 points

13 points

10 points

Presentation Design Basics

Presentation included all required items but items were not delivered in best format / order

Presentation missing one or two required items

Presentation missing more than two required items

Web Quest Answers and Citations

All questions are All questions are answered thoroughly, answered and clearly, and accurately answers were acceptable AND Documentation is concise, clear, and in your own words; Multiple sources are properly cited in APA format Presentation delivered within required timeframe; Good eye contact with audience; Appropriate posture and dress; Appropriate volume and tone; Presentation held audiences attention and was enjoyable Creative and successful marketing strategies used; Presentation was presented in professional format; Props and / or additional software was used in presentation 100% of class approves release of design to public OR Multiple sources are properly cited Presentation delivered within required timeframe; Delivery was acceptable Creative and successful marketing strategies used; Presentation was presented in professional format 75%+ of class approves release of design to public

Some questions are not answered OR Only one source was used Presentation slightly shorter / longer than required timeframe and / or presentation delivery needs some improvement

Many questions are not answered OR Citations not included Presentation significantly shorter / longer than required timeframe and / or presentation delivery needs much improvement

Presentation Delivery (your performance)

Presentation Wow factor

Presentation quality acceptable but needs more creativity / professionalism 50% of class approves release of design to public

Presentation quality needs much improvement

Project Approval

25% or less of class approves release of design to public

Physical Model QUIZ GRADE Topics

Constraints and Criteria -

20 points
Complete model fits within 1.5x 1.5 x 1.5 box and must be at least 8 on one side All parts accurately reflect 3D design Model parts are in proportion Name and purpose (brief summary) must be presented on model Appropriate scale selected for model Scale used consistently throughout model Scale noted on model

16 points

12 points

One criterion / constraint is not met

Two criteria / constraints are not met


Scale is mostly correct but not used consistently throughout model and / or not noted on model

Scale is not correctly used

Quality Workmanship

Model is sturdy Construction of model is clean Workmanship is detailed and reflects effort expected Planning of model construction is evident Most of model is made from recycled materials Variety of materials selected reflects creative imagination Material choices are appropriate to reflect design Model is one of the most creative in the class -

Workmanship is acceptable but could be improved

Workmanship needs much improvement

Model Materials -

Model materials are acceptable but could be improved

Model materials reflect little planning


Model is creative but did not make everyone ewww and ahhh

Model needs more creativity

Physical Model QUIZ GRADE Topics

Constraints and Criteria -

20 points
Complete model fits within 1.5x 1.5 x 1.5 box and must be at least 8 on one side All parts accurately reflect 3D design Model parts are in proportion Name and purpose (brief summary) must be presented on model Appropriate scale selected for model Scale used consistently throughout model Scale noted on model

16 points

12 points

One criterion / constraint is not met

Two criteria / constraints are not met


Scale is mostly correct but not used consistently throughout model and / or not noted on model

Scale is not correctly used

Quality Workmanship

Model is sturdy Construction of model is clean Workmanship is detailed and reflects effort expected Planning of model construction is evident Most of model is made from recycled materials Variety of materials selected reflects creative imagination Material choices are appropriate to reflect design Model is one of the most creative in the class -

Workmanship is acceptable but could be improved

Workmanship needs much improvement

Model Materials -

Model materials are acceptable but could be improved

Model materials reflect little planning


Model is creative but did not make everyone ewww and ahhh

Model needs more creativity

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