Total Quality Management: Aireen Y. Clores
Total Quality Management: Aireen Y. Clores
Total Quality Management: Aireen Y. Clores
Total Quality
Quality Definition
Quality Movements
History of Quality Paradigms
Quality Control & Assurance
Total Quality Management
- Pillars of TQM
- Other components of TQM
Passion to deliver response
Result Focus customer value / ability
TQM Philosophy
T. Q. M.
Continuous Improvement
(through measurement and analysis)
Vision and Plan Statement
Employee Participation
Recognition and Reward
Education and Training
Supplier Quality Management
Performance Evaluation
Product Design
Process Improvement
Quality Improvement
• In 1954, Dr. Joseph Juran of the United States raised the level
of quality management from the factory to the total
organization in Japan.
Total Quality Management
Quality Movements
3- TQM Paradigm
Potential customers determine what to design and build.
Higher quality obtained by focusing on preventing defects and
continuously reducing variability in all processes.
Total Quality Management
Quality Evolution
• As quality improves, so
does cost, resulting in
improved market share and
hence profitability and
1 Success of competitors who take quality seriously
5 Growing evidence that growth in market
share comes from sustained quality.
6 Cost advantages
10 Quality
Cost of Quality
Multiplier 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CASE ANALYSIS I was then asked to select from the following
choices: “If this is a trip within the United States,
The Reservation
press 1.International, press 2.Scheduled training,
Nightmare press 3. Related to conference, press 4.” Because I
was going to Canada I pressed 2.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Now two minutes into my telephone call, I was
Summarize the service instructed to be sure that I had my customer
identification card available. A few seconds passed
failures associated with and a very sweet voice came on, saying, “All
this experience. international operators are busy, but please hold
What might the travel because you are a very important customer.’’ The
voice was then replaced by music. About two
agency have done to
minutes later, another recorded message said, “Our
guarantee a better operators are still busy, but please hold and the first
service experience for available operator will take care of you.’’ more
Mr. Harrington? How do music. Then yet another message: ‘’ Our operators
your suggestions relate are still busy, but please hold. Your business is
important to us.’’ more bad music.
to the TQ principles?
CASE ANALYSIS Finally the sweet voice returned, stating, ‘’to
speed up your service, enter your 19-digit
The Reservation
costumer service number.’’ I frantically
searched for their card, hoping that I could
find it before I was cut off. I was lucky; I found
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS it and entered the number in time. The same
Summarize the service sweet voice came back to me, saying, ‘’ to
failures associated with confirm your service number, enter the last
this experience. four digits of your customer service number,
enter the last four digits of your social security
What might the travel number.” I pushed the four numbers on the
agency have done to keypad. The voice said: ‘’ Thank you. An
guarantee a better operator will be with you shortly. If your call is
service experience for Mr. emergency, you can call 1-800-CAL-HELP, or
Harrington? How do your push all of the buttons on the telephone at the
suggestions relate to the same time. Otherwise, please hold, as you
TQ principles? are a very important customer.” This time, in
place of music, I heard a commercial about
the service that the company provides.
The Reservation At last, a real person answered
the telephone and asked,’’ Can I
help you? ‘’ I replied, ‘’ Yes, oh
Summarize the service yes.’’ He answered, “Please give
failures associated with me your 19-digit customer service
this experience. number, followed by the last digit
What might the travel of your social security number so
agency have done to I can verify who you are.’’ (I
guarantee a better
service experience for Mr. thought that I gave these
Harrington? How do your numbers in the first place to
suggestions relate to the speed up service. Why do I have
TQ principles? to rattle them off again?
CASE ANALYSIS • I was now convinced that he would call
The Reservation me Mr. 5523-3675-0714-1313-040. But,
Nightmare to my surprise, he said: “Yes, Mr.
Harrington. Where do you want to go and
when?” I explained that I wanted to go to
Montreal the following Monday morning.
Summarize the service
He replied: ‘’ I only handle domestic
failures associated with
reservations. Our international desk has
this experience.
a new number: 1-800-1WE-GOTU. I’ll
What might the travel transfer you.’’ A few clicks later a
agency have done to message came on, saying. ‘’All of our
guarantee a better international operators are busy. Please
service experience for Mr. hold and your call will be answered in the
Harrington? How do your
order it was received. Do not hang up or
suggestions relate to the
redial, as it will only delay our response
TQ principles?
to your call. Please continue to hold, as
your business is important to us.”