- Jane Wagner
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. - Mark Twain, 1 !" - 1#1$ What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists% &n that case, & definitely overpaid for my carpet. - Woody Allen 'll the problems of the world could be settled if people were only willing to thin(. The trouble is that people very often resort to all sorts of devices in order not to thin(, because thin(ing is such hard wor(. Thomas John Watson, Sr, 1 )* + 1#", &f you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. 's of this second, -uit doing less-than-excellent wor(. Thomas John Watson, Sr, 1 )* + 1#",
.raising /od is one of the highest and purest acts of religion. &n prayer we act li(e men0 in praise we act li(e angels. Thomas John Watson, Sr, 1 )* + 1#",
1ecently, & was as(ed if & was going to fire an employee who made a mista(e that cost the company 2,$$,$$$. 3o, & replied, & 4ust spent 2,$$,$$$ training him. Why would & want somebody to hire his experience% Thomas John Watson, Sr, 1 )* - 1#",
5nly two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and &'m not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein, 1 )# + 1#""
3inety-nine percent of the people in the world are fools and the rest of us are in great danger of contagion. - Thornton Niven Wilder, 1 #) - 1#)" /ood sense is of all things in the world the most e-ually distributed, for everyone thin(s himself so abundantly provided with it, that even those most difficult to please in all other matters do not commonly desire more of it than they already possess.
7anatic orthodoxy is never rooted in faith but in doubt. &t is when we are not sure that we are doubly sure. - Reinhold Nieb"hr, 1 #8 + 1#)1
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. #s ar Wilde Don't 4udge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. - Robert $o"is Stevenson, 1 "$ + 1 #*
9y wife and & tried to brea(fast together, but we had to stop or our marriage would have been wrec(ed. - Winston %h"r hill, 1 )* - 1#,"
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once. - Albert Einstein, 1 )# + 1#""
5ur progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource. - John &it'gerald (ennedy, 1#1) - 1#,!
& always have a -uotation for everything - it saves original thin(ing. - Dorothy $) Sayers
:tronger than an army is a -uotation whose time has come. - W) *) E) !ates &t is a good thing for an uneducated man to read boo(s of -uotations. - Winston %h"r hill, 1 )* - 1#,"
Latin Quotes "The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise -- with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disentrall oursel es, and then we shall sa e our country."
A!raham Lincoln, "rom the #ecem!er $, $%&' (essage to )ongress And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge, With Ate' by his side come hot from He , Sha in these confines !ith a monarch's voice Cry "Havoc#" and et s ip the dogs of !ar, That this fo$ deed sha sme above the earth With carrion men, groaning for b$ria %&& *ulius )aesar, Act +++, ,cene i, William ,kaespeare 'ond y do !e hope, fervent y do !e pray, that this mighty sco$rge of !ar may speedi y pass a!ay% (et, if )od !i s that it contin$e $nti a the !ea th pi ed by the bondman*s t!o& h$ndred and fifty years of $nre+$ited toi sha be s$n,, and $nti every drop of b ood dra!n !ith the ash sha be paid by another dra!n !ith the s!ord, as !as said three tho$sand years ago, so sti it m$st be said, -The .$dgments of the /ord are tr$e and righteo$s a together%0 A!raham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address. March 4, 1865 -At this p ace, at this moment of time, a man,ind is $s, !hether !e i,e it or not%0 Attri!ution-,amuel .eckett /$01&2$0%03, +rish dramatist, no elist. 4ladimir, in Waiting for 5odot, p. 6$, 5ro e 7ress /$0683. -Who y ne! forms of encyc opedias !i appear, ready&made !ith a mesh of associative trai s r$nning thro$gh them, ready to be dropped into the meme1 and there amp ified% The a!yer has at his to$ch the associated opinions and decisions of his !ho e e1perience, and of the e1perience of friends and a$thorities% The patent attorney has on ca the mi ions of iss$ed patents, !ith fami iar trai s to every point of his c ient's interest% The physician, p$22 ed by its patient's reactions, stri,es the trai estab ished in st$dying an ear ier simi ar case, and r$ns rapid y thro$gh ana ogo$s case histories, !ith side references to the c assics for the pertinent anatomy and histo ogy% The chemist, str$gg ing !ith the synthesis of an organic compo$nd, has a the chemica iterat$re before him in his aboratory, !ith trai s fo o!ing the ana ogies of compo$nds, and side trai s to their physica and chemica behavior%0 4anne ar .ush 2 9As We (ay Think: - The Atlantic (onthly, *uly $086 3'm a proponent of the .$.its$ method of innovation% 4$.its$ teaches yo$ to ta,e advantage of yo$r opponent's moment$m% 3 i,e to ta,e advantage of !hat a ready e1ists && to grab the inte ect$a moment$m and then $se it to advance an app ication into the mainstream% When 5obert 6ahn and 3 !ere creating TC7837 9 a set of protoco s that ma,es it possib e to in, vario$s net!or,s aro$nd the !or d :, !e decided not to re+$ire the net!or,s that s$pport it to change in any !ay% 3nstead, !e too, advantage of !hat a ready e1isted, and !e avoided adding another ayer of comp e1ity% 7eople often take the iew that standardi;ation is the enemy of creati ity. .ut + think that standards help make creati ity possi!le -- !y allowing for the esta!lishment of an infrastructure, which then leads to enormous entrepreneurialism, creati ity, and competiti eness. When it comes to innovation, the +$estion is not ho! to innovate b$t ho! to invite ideas% Ho! do yo$ invite yo$r brain to enco$nter tho$ghts that yo$ might not other!ise enco$nter; Creative peop e et their minds !ander, and they mi1 ideas free y% 3nnovation often comes from $ne1pected .$1tapositions, from connecting s$b.ects that aren't necessari y re ated% Another !ay to generate ideas is to treat a prob em as tho$gh it !ere generic% 3f yo$'re e1periencing a partic$ ar prob em, odds are that other peop e are e1periencing it too% )enerate a so $tion, and yo$ may have an innovation%
<inton Cerf 9 cerfs&emai =!com%com :, together !ith 5obert 6ahn, devised TC7837 9 Transmission Contro 7rotoco 83nternet 7rotoco :, a set of standard protoco s that serves as the common " ang$age" of the 3nternet% TC7837 enab es net!or,s to comm$nicate !ith one another and to share information thro$gh "gate!ays" that process information according to a sing e standard% http>88!!!%fastcompany%com8on ine8??8one%htm @cerf 'ast Company, Apri ABBB% Standing, standing, standing & !hy do 3 have to stand a the time; That is the main characteristic of socia Washington% #aniel *. .oorstin 7oetry is a rich, f$ &bodied !hist e, crac,ed ice cr$nching in pai s, the night that n$mbs the eaf, the d$e of t!o nightinga es, the s!eet pea that has r$n !i d, Creation's tears in sho$ der b ades% .oris 7asternak Art is either p agiarism or revo $tion% 7aul 5auguin The internet is a great !ay to get on the net% .o! #ole The tro$b e !ith .ogging is that the ice fa s o$t of yo$r g ass% (artin (ull We can ic, gravity, b$t sometimes the paper!or, is over!he ming% Wernher on .raun 3t is better to be the hammer than the anvi % <mily #ickinson 7o itics is !ar !itho$t b oodshed, !hi e !ar is po itics !ith b oodshed% (ao =edong Wor ds can be fo$nd by a chi d and an ad$ t bending do!n and oo,ing together $nder the grass stems or at the s,ittering crabs in a tida poo % (ary )atherine .ateson The test of o$r progress is not !hether !e add more to the ab$ndance of those !ho have m$ch it is !hether !e provide eno$gh for those !ho have itt e% "ranklin #. >oose elt Whenever yo$ find yo$rse f on the side of the ma.ority, it is time to pa$se and ref ect% (ark Twain O$r !or, is the presentation of o$r capabi ities% <dward 5i!!on On y those !ho attempt the abs$rd !i achieve the impossib e% 3 thin, it's in my basement%%% et me go $pstairs and chec,% C% C% Escher
Dra!ing is the honesty of the art% There is no possibi ity of cheating% 3t is either good or bad% Sa vador Da i Ee ass$red those !i be thy !orst enemies, not to !hom tho$ hast done evi , b$t !ho have done evi to thee% And those !i be thy best friends, not to !hom tho$ hast done good, b$t !ho have done good to thee% Tacit$s When yo$r !or, spea,s for itse f, get o$t of the !ay% 4ac+$es Ear2$n There are three roads to r$inF !omen, gamb ing and technicians% The most p easant is !ith !omen, the +$ic,est is !ith gamb ing, b$t the s$rest is !ith technicians% )eorges 7ompido$ /i,e the f$rtive co ectors of sto en art, !e Gce bio ogistsH are forced to be one y admirers of spectac$ ar architect$re, e1+$isite symmetry, dramas of vio ence and death, mobi ity, se f& sacrifice and, yes, rococo se1% /orraine /ee C$dmore ) oba i2ation, as defined by rich peop e i,e $s, is a very nice thing %%% yo$ are ta ,ing abo$t the 3nternet, yo$ are ta ,ing abo$t ce phones, yo$ are ta ,ing abo$t comp$ters% This doesn't affect t!o&thirds of the peop e of the !or d% 4immy Carter (o$ miss IBBJ of the shots yo$ never ta,e% Wayne )ret2,y The ne1t ma.or e1p osion is going to be !hen genetics and comp$ters come together% 3'm ta ,ing abo$t an organic comp$ter & abo$t bio ogica s$bstances that can f$nction i,e a semicond$ctor% A vin Toff er 'ree speech is not to be reg$ ated i,e diseased catt e and imp$re b$tter% The a$dience that hissed yesterday may app a$d today, even for the same performance% Wi iam O% Do$g as 3n a pond ,oi can reach engths of eighteen inches% Ama2ing y, !hen p aced in a a,e, ,oi can gro! to three feet ong% The metaphor is obvio$s% (o$ are imited by ho! yo$ see the !or d% <ince 7oscente 'ear of serio$s in.$ry a one cannot .$stify oppression of free speech and assemb y% Cen feared !itches and b$rnt !omen% 3t is the f$nction of speech to free men from the bondage of irrationa fears% /o$is D% Erandeis Coney is better than poverty, if on y for financia reasons% Woody A en There are t!o ,inds of companies, those that !or, to try to charge more and those that !or, to charge ess% We !i be the second% 4eff Ee2os
3 paint !ith shapes% A e1ander Ca der "/eaders are visionaries !ith a poor y deve oped sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them%" -- #r. >o!ert *ar ik, in entor of the *ar ik-?, an artificial heart That this nation, $nder )od, sha have a ne! birth of freedom, and that government of the peop e, by the peop e, for the peop e, sha not perish from the earth% A!raham Lincoln, Speech at Gettysburg, Nov. 1 , 186!. Anything simp e a !ays interests me% David Hoc,ney We s$cceed in enterprises !hich demand the positive +$a ities !e possess, b$t !e e1ce in those !hich can a so ma,e $se of o$r defects% A e1is de Toc+$evi e 7ersona ity is born o$t of pain% 3t is the fire sh$t $p in the f int% 4% E% (eats 3n the democracy of the dead a men at ast are e+$a % There is neither ran, nor station nor prerogative in the rep$b ic of the grave% 4ohn 4ames 3nga s 3 decided that if 3 co$ d paint that f o!er in a h$ge sca e, yo$ co$ d not ignore its bea$ty% )eorgia O'6eeffe 5ea ity is mere y an i $sion, a beit a very persistent one% A bert Einstein Kobody's a nat$ra % (o$ !or, hard to get good and then !or, to get better% 3t's hard to stay on top% 7a$ Coffey Cicrosoft is a b$ y% Cicrosoft is trying to hood!in, nontechnica peop e% Ste!art A sop C$ t$re is one thing and varnish is another% 5a ph Wa do Emerson 3 have tried to ift 'rance o$t of the m$d% E$t she !i ret$rn to her errors and vomitings% 3 cannot prevent the 'rench from being 'rench% Char es De )a$ e The fo$r b$i ding b oc,s of the $niverse are fire, !ater, grave and viny % Dave Earry When bad men combine, the good m$st associateF e se they !i fa one by one, an $npitied sacrifice in a contemptib e str$gg e% Edm$nd E$r,e 3 am not a scientist% 3 am, rather, an impresario of scientists% 4ac+$es Co$stea$
)o f is a good !a , spoi ed% Car, T!ain Any inte igent foo can ma,e things bigger, more comp e1, and more vio ent% 3t ta,es a to$ch of geni$s & and a ot of co$rage & to move in the opposite direction% E%'% Sch$mac,er "At !hat point then is the approach of danger to be e1pected; 3 ans!er, if it ever reach $s, it m$st spring $p amongst $s% 3t cannot come from abroad% 3f destr$ction be o$r ot, !e m$st o$rse ves be its a$thor and finisher% As a nation of freemen, !e m$st ive thro$gh a time, or die by s$icide%" A!raham Lincoln --"rom the *anuary '?, $%@% Lyceum Address
'irst they came for the 4e!s and 3 did not spea, o$t beca$se 3 !as not a 4e!% Then they came for the Comm$nists and 3 did not spea, o$t beca$se 3 !as not a Comm$nist% Then they came for the trade $nionists and 3 did not spea, o$t beca$se 3 !as not a trade $nionist% Then they came for me and there !as no one eft to spea, o$t for me% Pastor Martin Niemller When a disting$ished b$t e der y scientist says that something is possib e, he is a most certain y right% When he says it is impossib e, he is very probab y !rong% ,ir Arthur ). )larkeAs "irst Law, from 7rofiles of the "uture The on y !ay of finding the imits of the possib e is by going beyond them into the impossib e% ,ir Arthur ). )larkeAs ,econd Law from 7rofiles of the "uture Any s$fficient y advanced techno ogy is indisting$ishab e from magic% ,ir Arthur ). )larkeAs Third Law, from 7rofiles of the "uture
Do yo$ ,no! !hat my favorite part of the game is; The opport$nity to p ay% (ike ,ingletary Science investigates re igion interprets% Science gives man ,no! edge !hich is po!er re igion gives man !isdom !hich is contro % (artin Luther Bing, *r. Kever meas$re the height of a mo$ntain $nti yo$ have reached the top% Then yo$ !i see ho! o! it !as% #ag CammarskDold Ee as a to!er firm y setF Sha,es not its top for any b ast that b o!s% #ante Alighieri Ee ieve and act as if it !ere impossib e to fai % )harles ". Bettering Wor, i,e yo$ don't need the money% /ove i,e yo$'ve never been h$rt% Dance i,e nobody's !atching% ,atchel 7aige 3 invent nothing, 3 rediscover% A$g$ste 5odin -And in !hat !ay does he !ho thin,s that !isdom is the discernment of the tempers and tastes of the mot ey m$ tit$de, !hether in painting or m$sic, or, fina y, in po itics, differ from him !hom 3 have been describing; 'or !hen a man consorts !ith the many, and e1hibits to them his poem or other !or, of art or the service !hich he has done the State, ma,ing them his .$dges !hen he is not ob iged, the so&ca ed necessity of Diomede !i ob ige him to prod$ce !hatever they praise%" 7lato, The >epu!lic -Unti one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to dra! bac,, a !ays ineffectiveness% Concerning a acts of initiative and creation, there is one e ementary tr$th the ignorance of !hich ,i s co$nt ess ideas and sp endid p ans> that the moment one definite y commits onese f, then providence moves too% A sorts of things occ$r to he p one that !o$ d never other!ise have occ$rred% A !ho e stream of events iss$es from the decision, raising in one's favor a manner of $nforeseen incidents, meetings and materia assistance !hich no man co$ d have dreamed !o$ d have come his !ay% Whatever yo$ can do or dream yo$ can, begin it% Eo dness has geni$s, po!er and magic in it% Eegin it no!%0 - *ohann Wolfgang on 5oethe /$?80 - $%@'3 "Ee bo d, and mighty forces !i come to yo$r aid%" .asil Bing -Try not% Do% Or do not% There is no try%0 - Eoda Every great advance in nat$ra ,no! edge has invo ved the abso $te re.ection of a$thority% --Thomas CuFley
Ey ILLM, some IL mi ion Americans !ere $sing the 3nternet% That n$mber trip ed in one year, and then passed IBB mi ion in ILLL% 3n the first +$arter of ABBB, more than five mi ion Americans .oined the on ine !or d & ro$gh y NN,BBB ne! $sers each day, A,AOL ne! $sers each ho$r, or ?O ne! $sers each min$te% The !ord "3nternet" !as essentia y $n,no!n in the ne!s before the mid&ILOBs, and appeared in a ma.or American media on y ?PQ times in ILLB% Ey ILLN, the n$mber of references to the 3nternet in a ma.or media had increased to on y MB,LPP% 5eferences increased to AIL,OQQ in ILLM, then to NAL,?P? by ILLL, and passed MBB,BBB in the first three +$arters of ABBB% The 3nternet's capacity to carry information do$b es every IBB days% Ear ier this year, the n$mber of on ine, inde1ab e doc$ments passed the one bi ion mar,% Every AP ho$rs, the content of the Wor d!ide Web increases by more than ?%A mi ion ne! pages and more than MIN,BBB images% /ate ast year, the tota n$mber of hits on U%S% !eb pages passed the one bi ion per day mar,% The n$mber of e ectronic mai bo1es !or d!ide .$mped OP percent to a most NMB mi ion in ILLL% Whi e in ILLO the U%S% 7osta Service de ivered IBI bi ion pieces of paper mai , estimates of the n$mber of e&mai messages transmitted that year range to as high as fo$r tri ion% After e ectricity became p$b ic y avai ab e, PQ years passed before ?B percent of American homes !ere !iredF ?O years passed before the te ephone reached ?B percent of U%S% ho$seho ds, and IM years for te evision% The 3nternet re+$ired on y seven years to reach ?B percent of American ho$seho ds%
Ho! ong as 3nternet $sers; n /ess than I year AI%PJ n I&A years ?L%PJ n A&P years A?%PJ n PR years IN%OJ QBJ have been on ine A years or ess##
K$mber of Wor d!ide 3nternet Users Under the Age of IO to E1ceed MM Ci ion by ABBN Apri A?, ILLL CA5/SEAD, Ca if%&&9EUS3KESS W35E: via Ke!sEdge Corporation && Comp$ter Economics e1pects the n$mber of 3nternet&$sing minors !or d!ide to s$rpass MM mi ion by the year ABBN% "The rea ity is that yo$ can't stop peop e !hen it comes to ac+$iring the atest gadget in an economy !here peop e have far too m$ch disposab e income% And if yo$ don't try to s$pport it, end&$sers !i once again vie! the 3T department as a behind&the× bott enec, that prevents them from attaining data nirvana a ongside their atest stoc, +$otes%" &&Cichae <i2ard, 3nfoWor d Editor in Chief% http>88!!!%info!or d%com8artic es8op81m 8BB8IB8BA8BBIBBAopvi2ard%1m ;IBBNthpm "Can is the on y anima that can remain on friend y terms !ith the victims he intends to eat $nti he eats them%" & Sam$e E$t er 9IO?N & ILBA: "3d eness is on y the ref$se of !ea, minds%" & Ear of Chesterfie d 9IQLP & IMM?: "An idea isn't responsib e for the peop e !ho be ieve in it%" & Don Car+$is 9IOMO & IL?M: The 5ev% 6en Ho!ard September IB, ABBB 97entecost I?87roper O: St% Kicho as Ch$rch 4ames I>IM&AM "Ee doers of the !ord, and not mere y hearers !ho deceive themse ves% 'or if any are hearers of the !ord and not doers, they are i,e those !ho oo, at themse ves in a mirrorF for they oo, at themse ves and, on going a!ay, immediate y forget !hat they !ere i,e%" Korth America and the Asia 7acific area !i contin$e to e1perience the most gro!th in 3nternet $sage among chi dren% "The n$mber of chi dren thro$gho$t the !or d $sing the 3nternet !i increase dramatica y over the ne1t si1 years and !i become a h$ge mar,et, " said
Comp$ter Economics' Director of 5esearch and Advisory Services, Cichae Erbsch oe% "Whi e gro!th amongst E$ropean chi dren !i not be as rapid, the mar,et there of over IN mi ion 3nternet $sers $nder IO years o d !i be nonethe ess very significant%" 7ro.ected )ro!th Co$ntry Tota Africa Tota Asia 7acific Tota E$rope Tota Cidd e East Tota Korth America Tota So$th America Tota Wor d!ide in 3nternet Users Under IO (ears O d ABBI ABBN LB,BBB ?NQ,MBB Q,ABL,MBB AA,A?B,IBB Q,IQN,ABB IN,??Q,NBB INQ,NBB P?O,MBB I?,MBO,OBB ?Q,LAP,PBB PMM,BBB I,MMO,?BB AQ,OBM,ABB MM,BQP,MBB
The n$mber of 3nternet $sers in the Asia 7acific area !i increase near y fo$rfo d from ABBI to ABBN% Ho!ever, even tho$gh the rate of gro!th !i be higher in the Asia 7acific area than in Korth America, there !i sti be more ,ids $sing the 3nternet in Korth America than in the Asia 7acific area in ABBN% Comp$ter Economics is an independent research firm specia i2ing in he ping 3T decision ma,ers p an, manage, and contro 3T costs thro$gh advisory services, ana yst s$pport, an innovative Web site, and printed reports% Eased in Car sbad, Ca if%, Comp$ter Economics serves OA percent of the 'ort$ne NBB% 'or f$rther information, p ease visit the Web site at http>88!!!%comp$tereconomics%com% SSE$siness Wire, BP&AA&LL, IN>PB EasternTT COKTACT> Comp$ter Economics 3nc% U Adam Harriss, MQB8P?O&OIBB, e1t% IBO U aharriss=compecon%com U http>88!!!%comp$tereconomics%com GCopyright ILLL, E$siness Wire
E5EA68E5EA6 A fe! months ago, 3 as,ed this ist to for!ard notab e techno ogy +$otes to me for a presentation 3 !as giving at the time% 3 promised that 3 !o$ d post the co ection to the ist% 3 apo ogi2e for the de ay, b$t here is the ist in it's entirety% Kote that many +$otes came my !ay, not a direct y re ated to techno ogy% Ho!ever, 3've inc $ded them a .$st in case yo$ find them $sef$ % 3 consider this a ist in progress, so p ease contin$e to for!ard additiona +$otes my !ay% Than, yo$% 7eggi C$n,ittric, Director of Distance Ed$cation
Cary!ood University Scranton, 7ennsy vania pm$n,=ac%mary!ood%ed$ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 75ED3CT3OKS> Transportation '$mb es Q$ite "The 'horse ess carriage' is at present a $1$ry for the !ea thyF and a tho$gh its price !i probab y fa in the f$t$re, it !i never come into as common $se as the bicyc e%" 9/iterary digest, IOOI: "Heavier&than&air f ying machines are impossib e%" 9/ord 6e vin, 7resident, 5oya Society, IOLN:
"The f ying machine !i event$a y be fast> they !i be $sed in sport, b$t they are not to be tho$ght of as commercia carriers%" 9Octave Chan$te, aviation pioneer, ILBP: "The idea of space trave is bi ge"% 9Sir 5ichard Woo ey, Astronomer 5oya , U6, ILNQ: "Airp anes are interesting toys b$t of no mi itary va $e%" 9Carecha 'erdinand 'och, 7rofessor of Strategy, Eco e S$perie$re de )$erre: "/anding and moving aro$nd on the moon offer so many serio$s prob ems for h$man beings that it may ta,e science another ABB years to ic, them%" 9/ord 6e vin, physicist and mathematician, IOAP&ILBM:% /ord 6e vin a so predicted that "W&rays are a hoa1", and "5adio has no f$t$re%" "7rofessor )oddard does not ,no! the re ation bet!een action and reaction and the need to have something better than a vac$$m against !hich to react% He seems to ac, the basic ,no! edge ad ed o$t dai y in high schoo s%" 9The Ke! (or, Times editoria abo$t 5obert )oddard's roc,et !or,: 75ED3CT3OKS> Techno ogy '$mb es "This te ephone has too many shortcomings to be serio$s y considered as a means of comm$nication% The device is inherent y of no va $e to $s%" 9Western Union, interna memo, IOMQ: "The !ire ess m$sic bo1 has no imaginab e commercia va $e% Who !o$ d pay for a message sent to nobody in partic$ ar;" 9Dadis Sarnoff's associates in response to his $rgings for investment in the radio, ILAB's: "3 thin, there is a !or d mar,et for maybe five comp$ters%" 9Thomas Watson, Chairman of 3EC, ILP?: "Te evision !on't be ab e to ho d on to any mar,et it capt$res after the first si1 months% 7eop e !i soon get tired of staring at a p y!ood bo1 every night%" 9Darry '% Xan$c,, Head of ABth Cent$ry fo1, ILPQ: "Comp$ters in the f$t$re may !eight no more than I%N tons%" 97op$ ar Cechanics, forecasting the re ent ess march of science, ILPL:
"3 have trave ed the ength and breadth of this co$ntry and ta ,ed !ith the best peop e, and 3 can ass$re yo$ that data processing is a fad that !on't ast o$t the year%" 9The editor in charge of b$siness boo,s for 7rentice Ha , ILNM: "E$t%%% !hat is it good for;" 9Engineer at the Advanced Comp$ting Systems Division of 3EC, ILQO, commenting on the microchip: "There is no reason anyone !o$ d !ant a comp$ter in their home%" 96en O son, 7resident, Chairman, and fo$nder of Digita E+$ipment Corporation, ILMM: "QPB6 o$ght to be eno$gh for anybody%" 9Ei )ates, Cicrosoft Corporation, ILOI: "Harvard University !i become a distance ed$cation str$ct$re !ith no face&to&face ect$res by ABBB%" 9)$thenberg 33, !e &,no!n Canadian st$dy of techno ogy in ed$cation, ILON: So !e !ent to Atari and said, "Hey, !e've got this ama2ing thing ever b$i t !ith some of yo$r parts, and !hat do yo$ thin, abo$t f$nding $s; Or !e' give it to yo$% We .$st !ant to do it% 7ay o$r sa ary, !e' come !or, for yo$%" and they said, "Ko%", so then !e !ent to He! ett& 7ac,ard, and they said, "Hey !e don't need yo$% (o$ haven't gotten thro$gh co ege yet%" 9Steve 4obs, fo$nder of App e comp$ter, commenting on Steve Wo2nia,'s and his attempts to mar,et their persona comp$ter%: 75ED3CT3OKS> E$siness '$mb es "Dri for oi ; (o$ mean dri into the gro$nd to try and find oi ; (o$'re cra2y%" 9Dri ers !ho Ed!in /% Dra,e tried to en ist to his pro.ect to dri for oi in IONL: "Who the hec, !ants to hear actors ta ,;" 9H%C% Warner, Warner Erothers, ILAM: "Stoc,s have reached !hat oo,s i,e a permanent y high p atea$%" 93rving 'isher, 7rofessor of Economics, (a e University, ILAL: "We don't i,e their so$nd, and g$itar m$sic is on the !ay o$t%" 9Decca 5ecording Co% re.ecting the Eeat es, ILQA: "3f 3 had tho$ght abo$t it, 3 !o$ dn't have done the e1periment% The iterat$re !as f$ of e1amp es that said yo$ can't do this%" 9Spencer Si ver on !or, that ead to the $ni+$e adhesives for 7ost&3t Kotes:
"The concept is interesting and !e &formed, b$t in order to earn better than a 'C', the ideas m$st be feasib e%" 9A (a e University management professor in response to 'red Smith's paper proposing re iab e overnight de ivery service% Smith !ent on to fo$nd 'edera E1press Corp%: "A coo,ie store is a bad idea% Eesides, the mar,et research reports say America i,es crispy coo,ies, not soft and che!y coo,ies i,e yo$ ma,e%" 9response to Debbi 'ie ds' idea of starting Crs% 'ie d's Coo,ies: "(o$ !ant to have consistent and $niform m$sc e deve opment across a of yo$r m$sc es; 3t can't be done% 3t's .$st a fact of ife% (o$ .$st have to accept
inconsistent m$sc e deve opment as an $na terab e condition of !eight training%" 95esponse to Arth$r 4ones, !ho so ved the $nso vab e prob em by inventing Ka$ti $s: 75ED3CT3OKS> )enera '$mb es "3t is of co$rse, a together va $e ess%%% O$rs has been the first, and !i do$bt ess be the ast party of !hites to visit this profit ess ocation%" 9/t% 4oseph 3ves, Corps of Topographica engineers on the )rand Canyon, IOQI: "/o$is 7aste$r's theory of germs is ridic$ o$s fiction%" 97ierre 7achet, 7rofessor of 7hysio ogy at To$ o$se, IOMA: "The abdomen, the chest, and the brain !i forever be sh$t from the intr$sion of the !ise and h$mane s$rgeon%" 9Sir 4ohn Eric Eric,sen, Eritish s$rgeon, appointed S$rgeon&E1traordinary to Q$een <ictoria, IOM?: "Everything that can be invented has been invented%" 9Char es H% D$e , Commissioner, U%S% Office of 7atents, IOLL: "3'm .$st g ad it' be C ar, )ab e !ho's fa ing on his face and not )ary Cooper%" 9)ary Cooper on his decision not to ta,e the eading ro e in )one With The Wind: C3SCE//AKEOUS> "A mechanism of !or d inter&comm$nication !i be devised, embracing the !ho e p anet, freed from nationa hindrances and restrictions, and f$nctioning !ith marve o$s s!iftness and perfect reg$ arity%" 9Shoghi Effendi, )$ardian of the Eaha'i 'aith, IL?Q: )etting information from the internet is i,e getting a drin, of !ater from a fire hose% 9no attrib$tion: "Cyberspace, a term $sed to describe air fi ed !ith information that !e retrieve e ectronica y% E ectronica y&generated information, invisib e b$t essentia , f oating a ong the air!aves, retrievab e from !ho&,no!s !here, is ma,ing space more of an active p ayer in o$r organi2ations%" 9Cargaret Wheat ey: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& DEOS&/ is a service provided to the Distance Ed$cation comm$nity by The American Center for the St$dy of Distance Ed$cation, The 7ennsy vania State University% Opinions e1pressed are those of DEOS&/ s$bscribers, and do not constit$te endorsement of any opinion, prod$ct, or service by ACSDE or 7enn State%
E5EA68E5EA6 Dr% <incent Cerf -father of the Ket0 Apri ILLN KS' bac,bone t$rned off Y commercia Ket is on y P years o d% ?BB mi ion $sers by (A6 !!! invented in ILOL ILLA Cosaic first bro!ser as of ILLO> I? mi ion domain names
IBB mi ion net $sers OB&LBJ gro!th per year in ast IB years by ABBN bigger than 7OTS E5EA68E5EA6 COCCEKTS E( 6E<3K 6E//( 7$b ished in -Wired0 Caga2ine Sept LM The grand irony of o$r times is that the era of comp$ters is over% A the ma.or conse+$ences of stand a one comp$ters have a ready ta,en p ace% A the most promising techno ogies ma,ing their deb$t no! are chief y d$e to comm$nication bet!een comp$ters Y that is, to connections rather than to comp$tations% We are no! engaged in a grand scheme to a$gment, amp ify, enhance, and e1tend the re ationships and comm$nications bet!een a ob.ects% Y That is !hy the Ket!or, Economy is a big dea % We are moving from cr$nching to connecting% Whi e the n$mber of comp$ter chips is rising, the n$mber of chips in ob.ects other than comp$ters is rising faster% When these myriad o!&po!er chips are connected, !e get very po!erf$ res$ ts% There has a !ays been a tipping point in any b$siness, ind$stria or net!or,, after !hich s$ccess feeds $pon itse f% Ho!ever the o! fi1ed costs, insignificant margina costs, and rapid distrib$tion that !e find in the Ket!or, Economy depress tipping points be o! the eve s of ind$stria timesF o!er tipping points, in t$rn, mean that the thresho d of significance Y is a so dramatica y o!er than it !as The prime a! of net!or,ing is ,no!n as the a! of increasing ret$rns% <a $e e1p odes !ith membership, and the va $e e1p osion s$c,s in more members, compo$nding the res$ t% 3nd$stria economies of sca e stem from the Herc$ ean efforts of a sing e origination net!or,ed increasing ret$rns are created and shared by the entire net!or,% 5ather than considering .obs as a fi1ed s$m to be protected and a$gmented, Hic,s arg$ed, the state sho$ d foc$s on enco$raging economic ch$rning% Y on contin$a y re&creating the state*s economy%,0 !i increasing y resemb e net!or,s of m$ tip e and sim$ taneo$s commitments !ith a constant ch$rn of ne! s,i s and o$tmoded ro es%
COCCEKTS E( TO''/E5 Kotes from War and AntiWar /ong <ersion A tr$e revo $tion changes the r$ es of the game Y its e+$ipment, the si2e and organi2ation Bf teams, their training, doctrine, and tactics, etc% There have been on y t!o previo$s revo $tions in mi itary history, and the third 9no! beginning: !i be the deepest of them a % 6no! edge 9data, information, images, symbo s, c$ t$re, ideo ogy, and va $es: are the centra reso$rce of a Third Wave economy% The right ,no! edge inp$ts can red$ce abor
re+$irements, c$t inventory, save energy, save ra! materia s, and red$ce the time, space and money needed for prod$ction% The s$ccess of Third Wave firms 9and mi itaries increasing y depends $pon their capacity for ac+$iring, generating, distrib$ting, and app ying ,no! edge strategica y and operationa y% 5obert Stee e 9USCC 3nte : !ants inte igence to dra! on a distrib$ted ,no! edge avai ab e in 9a: society% He proposes in,ing nationa inte igence !ith nationa competitiveness Z ma,ing inte igence the ape1 of the ,no! edge infrastr$ct$re% He sees 3nte as part of a arger nationa constr$ct !hich m$st a so inc $de o$r forma ed$cationa process, o$r str$ct$red information&techno ogy architect$re, informa net!or,s, etc%
COCCEKTS E( )EKE5A/ E53C 6% SH3KSE63 Address to Eisenho!er /$ncheon October IA, ILLL Z!e intend to transform the Army, a components, into a standard design !ith internetted CPIS5 pac,ages that a o! $s to p$t a combat capab e brigade any!here in the !or d in LQ ho$rs once !e have received e1ec$te iftoff, a division on the gro$nd in IAB ho$rs, and five divisions in ?B days%
COCCEKTS E( )EKE5A/ CHA5/ES C% 65U/A6 Kavy Times&Carine Corps Edition 7$b ished I&IL&LO We have tremendo$s e ements of nationa po!er that !e .$st haven*t beg$n to tap into and if !e don*t tap into them, !e are going to be in rea tro$b e% (o$ have to tap into some of that e1pertise o$tside of the federa government% Ke! combined effects for nationa po!er ob.ectives% 3*m ta ,ing abo$t getting the best and the brightest from a over the p ace% That is o$r strength% That*s the strength of America% 3f yo$ thin, the strength of America comes .$st from o$r mi itary, yo$*re cra2y% We*re ta ,ing abo$t b$i ding a virt$a capabi ity to reach bac, to them%
Some organi2ation that !o$ d go beyond .ointness, beyond inner agency% 3t !o$ d integrate and foc$s a the e ements of nationa po!er% 3t !o$ d provide the nationa and regiona commander !ith the abi ity to cons$ t and interact !ith s$b.ect matter e1perts% Z Don*t te $s it can*t be done% 3t*s .$st that !e don*t !ant to do it% We don*t have the g$ts to do it% 3t*s to$gh and peop e give something $p% (o$ have to give something $p to do it%
E( E3// )ATES Zconvergence has meantZcoming together of the comp$ter, cons$mer e ectronics, and te ecomm$nicationsZ7C, T<, and te ephoneZpromise of e1p oding band!idthZ3t !i de iver the po!er of the information age into the hands of everyone, anytime, any!here% Zsmart devices a so need to spea, a common ang$ageZThe best !ay to achieve this is by $sing e1isting open 3nternet standards%
E( 4ACES EU56E Zat the beginning, Z it !i ca$se a massive differentiation of most areas of ,no! edge% Eeca$se the engine driving convergence this time is information techno ogy, !e can e1pect an innovative s$rge $n i,e any that !ent before, fragmenting ,no! edge into a arge n$mber of ne! discip ines, as the one&p $s&one&e+$a s&three process goes into high gear% ZCost of o$r instit$tions !ere estab ished to hand e the socia processes of three or fo$r cent$ries agoZ%Cany of them !i have to be entire y redesigned% Some of them !i pass o$t of e1istence Z techno ogy !i bring into e1istence m$ tip e virt$a environments that !i rep ace the rea !or d in a tho$sand different !ays%
E( EDWA5D O% W3/SOK Z5ather, science is the organi2ed, systematic enterprise that gathers ,no! edge of a ,inds abo$t the !or d and condenses it into testab e a!s and princip es% Scientific ,no! edge is !hat h$manity ,no!s !ith a reasonab e degree of certainty on the basis of consistent, verifiab e evidence% 3t is a so the most democratic of a prod$ctions, avai ab e immediate y and e+$a y to everyone%
'ast Company Kotes October ILLL To paraphrase /i y Tom inF the prob em !ith the rat race is that even if yo$ !in, yo$*re sti a rat% -The cha enge for the Ket is to create ne! mode s for the ne! !or d, as opposed to porting over o d mode s% We ta,e things from the physica !or d and p$t them on the 3nternet and then !onder !hy there*s no profit in itF of co$rse, there*s no profit in it# Shame on yo$%0 4ay S% Wa ,er, fo$nder, 7rice ine%com "We are in the t!i ight of a society based on data% As information and inte igence become the domain of comp$ters, society !i p ace ne! va $e on the one h$man abi ity that can't be a$tomated> emotion% 3magination, myth, rit$a && the ang$age of emotion && !i affect everything from o$r p$rchasing decisions to ho! !e !e !or, !ith others%"
5o f 4ensen, NM, director of the Copenhagen 3nstit$te for '$t$res St$dies and the a$thor of "The Dream Society> Ho! the Coming Shift from 3nformation to 3magination Wi Transform (o$r E$siness" -3 don't be ieve that there is a ist of princip es that ma,e a good design% E$t 3 do be ieve that a good design sho$ d ref ect a sense of h$man history && some aspect of !here !e've come from% The !ord " ego" is a combination of the Danish !ords "/eg )odt," !hich means "to p ay !e %" 3n /atin, ego means "3 st$dy," or "3 p$t together%" 3n ILQL, Hartm$t Ess inger 9 hartm$te=frogdesign%com : fo$nded 'rogDesign 3nc%, one of the !or d's preeminent cons$ ting and design agencies !ith c ients that inc $de S!atch, /$fthansa Air ines, and SA7% Whether designing high&tech dentist chairs or e egant /o$is <$itton $ggage, Ess inger see,s to inf$se each prod$ct !ith his credo> 'orm fo o!s emotion% Ess inger a so designed the origina Cacintosh SE% O e 6ir, Christiansen, a master carpenter and .oiner in Ei $nd, Denmar,, fo$nded /egos in IL?A%
-Design is not so m$ch abo$t the end prod$ct as it is abo$t the process% This is especia y tr$e for design in the !or d of the Web, !here yo$ can't even ta , abo$t the design of an imm$tab e, static ob.ect% 3nstead, yo$ foc$s on se+$entia , ongoing activities && a series of interactions and e1periences% And $ timate y, any !e &designed prod$ct or e1perience ac,no! edges the $ser% 3t's that respect for the $ser that ma,es a design great% That's tr$e for a tab e, a chair, a boo,, a fi m, or a Web site% C ement Co, 9 cmo,=sapient%com : !as creative director at App e Comp$ter before starting C ement Co, Designs in ILOO% 3n A$g$st ILLO, his company merged !ith Sapient Corp%, an innovative e&services cons$ tancy% -Eio ogy and comp e1ity theory teach $s that the organi2ations that are most i,e y to s$rvive are those that can ba ance themse ves on the edge of chaos Y and bet!een the forces of change and the forces of stabi ity%0 Christian )ibbons Director, b$siness8ind$stry affairs Ke! Economy 7ro.ect /itt eton, CO Chrisg=csn%net
-The f$t$re is abo$t more than s$perfast comp$ters, designer genes, and ne$ra net!or,s% Ans!ering the ife&a tering +$estions posed by techno ogy re+$ires ,no! edge that goes beyond simp istic ideas abo$t "progress%" We need a more ho istic inte igence && not .$st ,no! edge, b$t !isdom% Too often, !hat !e earn in schoo prepares $s for emp oyment rather than for ife% 3 see e1amp es in my !or, every day && peop e !ho do !e at a certain ,ind of tas,, b$t !ho don't bring to their p$rs$its the va $es, as !e as the richness of e1perience, that come from a broad&based ed$cation% At Cc6insey, some of o$r best peop e are those !ho st$died iterat$re or the c assics, and !ho ater received b$siness training% These peop e tend to $nderstand the array of forces at !or, in organi2ations, and they approach decisions in a very !e &ro$nded !ay% Cy advice to yo$ng peop e is to avoid the $rge to foc$s too ear y% /earn to appreciate
iterat$re, history, and art% That ,ind of ,no! edge !i he p yo$ in yo$r career, and it !i he p yo$ ead a richer ife% 5a.at )$pta 9 ra.at[g$pta=mc,insey%com : .oined Cc6insey \ Co%'s Ke! (or, office in ILM?% He has served as the firm's !or d!ide managing director since ILLP%
-Cemo to the fo ,s in Si icon <a ey> (o$ !i have good .obs for AB more years% Ey ABAB, tho$gh, comp$ter chips !i be cheaper than b$bb e&g$m !rappers, and 7Cs !i be in m$se$ms%0 Cichio 6a,$ 9 m,a,$=ao %com : is the host of a syndicated radio program and the a$thor of "<isions> Ho! Science Wi 5evo $tioni2e the AIst Cent$ry" 9 Do$b eday, ILLM :% A codeve oper of string&fie d theory, 6a,$ is no! !or,ing to comp ete Einstein's $nified fie d theory && a,a "the theory of everything%" -Too many of $s grant o$r techno ogy a specia stat$s% Too fe! $s have a c ear $nderstanding of !hat p ace it sho$ d have in o$r ives && or in society at arge% This into1ication 2one is dissatisfying, empty, and dangero$s% C imbing o$t of that 2one is impossib e $n ess !e first recogni2e that !e're in it% Carsha Cc/$han i,ed to say that !hi e he didn't ,no! !ho discovered !ater, he !as s$re that it !asn't a fish% We sho$ d ove progress% E$t that ove need not be $nconditiona % /oving progress means cherishing techno ogy's virt$es && as !e as admitting mista,es, facing $p to prob ems, being !e informed, and !e coming a ternative opinions% 3f !e tr$ y ove techno ogy, !e !on't be rec, ess !ith it% 4ohn Kaisbitt and his da$ghter, Kana 9 megatrends=naisbitt%com :, are the co&a$thors, !ith Do$g as 7hi ips, of "High Tech&High To$ch> Techno ogy and O$r Search 'or Ceaning" 9 Eroad!ay Eoo,s, October ILLL :% 4ohn Kaisbitt is the a$thor of the best&se ing "Cegatrends" series% The origina "Cegatrends" 9 Warner Eoo,s, ILOA : has so d more than O mi ion copies !or d!ide% -The ne1t cent$ry is going to t$rn o$r !or d $pside do!n% The 3nternet combines peop e and ideas faster than they have ever been combined before% And that combination changes everything% Where is a of this eading; To a rediscovery of basic +$estions% 7eop e are discovering that the +$estion "What needs to be done;" is bigger and more important than the +$estion "Ho! can 3 do it;" What do !e see after !e s$rf thro$gh page after page of b$siness Web sites; 3n many cases, !e see organi2ations that shre!d y vie! the Web as another medi$m for ans!ering the +$estion "Why does this organi2ation e1ist in the first p ace; What is o$r p$rpose;" What do !e see !hen !e !ade thro$gh the vast array of on ine earning too s that are no! avai ab e; We see ne! !ays to get at the most basic +$estion of a > "What do yo$ !ant to do !ith yo$r ife;" Tim Eerners&/ee 9 timb =!?%org :, the inventor of the Wor d Wide Web, came to his career nat$ra y> His parents he ped design the 'erranti Car, 3, the !or d's first commercia y avai ab e comp$ter% 3n his first boo,, "Weaving the Web" 9 HarperSan'rancisco, 'a ILLL :, Eerners&/ee !rites abo$t the history of the Web and his ro e in that history% Eerners&/ee occ$pies the ?Com 'o$nders chair at the C3T /aboratory for Comp$ter Science%
Strategis )ro$p> Over Ha f of US Ad$ ts Use the 3nternet The n$mber of US 3nternet $sers has .$st passed the IBB mi ion mar,, representing ha f of the entire ad$ t pop$ ation, according to ne! research from the Strategis )ro$p% 4$st one year ago, that fig$re !as QO mi ion% The typica $ser sends si1 emai s per day and the gap bet!een home $se and !or, $se is narro!ing% Of those that s$rf on a dai y basis, QB percent do so from home !hi e QL percent do so from !or,% A$thors of the report be ieve that $sers are more savvy no!, !ith over MM percent of them ab e to send an attachment !ith their emai % One fifth have created or $pdated a page in the ast three months% http>88strategis%commno!%com8
E5EA68E5EA6 "One cr$cia iss$e for voters to ponder is this> Whose finger do yo$ !ant on the A/T&COKT5O/& DE/ETE b$tton;" U%S% vice president A )ore, trying to se himse f to the tech cro!d after his to$r of Cicrosoft, S ate, IN Kovember ILLL "When 3 spea, p$b ic y, no matter !hat 3 say, no matter ho! m$ch 3 bore yo$, 3'm treated i,e this visionary%" 5ed Hat CEO Eob (o$ng, on ho! the /in$1 phenomenon has boosted him into the p$b ic eye, CSKEC, IN Kovember ILLL "The 3nternet isn't abo$t transporting bits anymore%" Xiff&Davis chairman Eric Hippea$, anno$ncing a techno ogica shift that !i come as a s$rprise to net!or, engineers every!here, in his remar,s before introd$cing ,eynote spea,er Ei )ates, Comde1, IP Kovember ILLL
"7a$ A en is b$i ding Gcab e company Charter Comm$nicationsH from the bottom $p and he's doing it !ith ac+$isitions%" 37O%com ana yst 4eff Hirsch,orn, !ho no do$bt be ieves the Cicrosoft bi ionaire a so ba,es his coo,ies from scratch $sing fro2en do$gh, Ke!s%com, O Kovember ILLL
"We have been rapid y earning abo$t $sing the 3nternet to chec, on a types of facts and so$rces for a sorts of stories%" USA Today managing editor 4ohn Hi ,ir,, offering mass comp$ter i iteracy in the ne!sroom as an e1c$se for getting d$ped by a fair y transparent mode s'&eggs hoa1, The Boston Globe, AL October ILLL "There's a h$ge advantage to being ast% (o$ can come $p !ith a vision and a strategy that's better%" A ta<ista CEO 5od Schroc,, on his company's ess&is&more mar,eting strategy, XDKK, AP October ILLL "Eefore the Web e1isted, it !as very diffic$ t to e1p ain !hat the Web !as%" Wor d Wide Web inventor Tim Eerners&/ee, on the days before the comp$ter ind$stry had invented vapor!are, Seattle Times, IM October ILLL
Car,> 'or the History b$ff and AD/ archive of interesting +$otes and factoids% <58D4 'o$rth of 4$ y Cessage T Have yo$ ever !ondered !hat happened to the NQ men !ho signed the T T Dec aration of 3ndependence; TT T T 'ive signers !ere capt$red by the Eritish as traitors, and tort$red T T before they died% TT T T T!e ve had their homes ransac,ed and b$rned% TT T T T!o ost their sons serving in the 5evo $tionary ArmyF another had t!o T T sons capt$red% TT T T Kine of the NQ fo$ght and died from !o$nds or hardships of the T T 5evo $tionary War% TT T T They signed and they p edged their ives, their fort$nes, and their T T sacred honor% TT T T What ,ind of men !ere they; T T T!enty&fo$r !ere a!yers and .$rists% E even !ere merchants, nine !ere T T farmers and arge p antation o!nersF men of means, !e ed$cated% E$t T T they signed the Dec aration of 3ndependence ,no!ing f$ !e that the T T pena ty !o$ d be death if they !ere capt$red% TT T T Carter Era1ton of <irginia, a !ea thy p anter and trader, sa! his ships T T s!ept from the seas by the Eritish Kavy% He so d his home and T T properties to pay his debts, and died in rags% TT T T Thomas Cc6eam !as so ho$nded by the Eritish that he !as forced to move T T his fami y a most constant y% He served in the Congress !itho$t pay, T T and his fami y !as ,ept in hiding% His possessions !ere ta,en from him, T T and poverty !as his re!ard% TT T T <anda s or so diers ooted the properties of Di ery, Ha , C ymer, T T Wa ton, )!innett, Hey!ard, 5$tt edge, and Cidd eton%
TT T T At the batt e of (or,to!n, Thomas Ke son 4r, noted that the Eritish his T T )enera Corn!a is had ta,en over the Ke son home for T T head+$arters% He +$iet y $rged )enera )eorge Washington to open fire% T T The home !as destroyed, and Ke son died ban,r$pt% TT T T 'rancis /e!is had his home and properties destroyed% The enemy .ai ed T T his !ife, and she died !ithin a fe! months% TT T T 4ohn Hart !as driven from his !ife's bedside as she !as dying% Their I? T T chi dren f ed for their ives% His fie ds and his gristmi !ere aid to T T !aste% 'or more than a year he ived in forests and caves, ret$rning T T home to find his !ife dead and his chi dren vanished% A fe! !ee,s ater T T he died from e1ha$stion and a bro,en heart% TT T T Korris and /ivingston s$ffered simi ar fates% TT T T S$ch !ere the stories and sacrifices of the American 5evo $tion% T T These !ere not !i d&eyed, rabb e&ro$sing r$ffians% They !ere T T soft&spo,en men of means and ed$cation% They had sec$rity, b$t they T T va $ed iberty more% Standing ta , straight, and $n!avering, they T T p edged> "'or the s$pport of this dec aration, !ith firm re iance on T T the protection of the divine providence, !e m$t$a y p edge to each T T other, o$r ives, o$r fort$nes, and o$r sacred honor%" TT T T They gave yo$ and me a free and independent America% The history boo,s T T never to d yo$ a ot abo$t !hat happened in the 5evo $tionary War% We T T didn't fight .$st the Eritish% We !ere Eritish s$b.ects at that time T T and !e fo$ght o$r o!n government# TT T T Some of $s ta,e these iberties so m$ch for granted, b$t !e sho$ d not% T T So, ta,e a fe! min$tes !hi e en.oying yo$r Pth of 4$ y ho iday and T T si ent y than, these patriots% 3t's not m$ch to as, for the price they T T paid% TT
T T 5emember> 'reedom 3s Kever 'ree# TT T T 3 hope yo$ !i sho! yo$r s$pport by p ease sending this to as many T T peop e as yo$ can% 3t's time !e get the !ord o$t that patriotism is KOT T T a sin, and the 'o$rth of 4$ y has more to it than beer, picnics, and T T baseba games%
Dread Q$otes What They Said !ith Dread by Dec an CcC$ agh O>NN a%m% P%4an%ABBB 7ST 7/A)UE> "7 ag$e !i fo o! short y% Cost of the inhabitants of the northern cities !i die !ithin a matter of a fe! !ee,s, from co d, disease, fires started in an attempt to ,eep !arm, or random vio ence% This is bad eno$gh, of co$rse, to +$a ify as a disaster ran,ing !ith the E ac, 7 ag$e, if not the e1tinction of the dinosa$rs%" &&Cons$ tant Cory Hamasa,i's ne!s etter, 4$ y ILLL WO5SE THAK OTHE5 CODE5K D3SASTE5S> "The (ear&ABBB phenomenon is c ear y s$ch a .o t, and !e be ieve that it !i be m$ch more pervasive and serio$s than most of the GdisastersH !e've e1perienced in modern history%" &&Ed and 4ennifer (o$rdon in Time Bomb 2000 EWT3KCT3OK O' THE HUCAK 5ACE> "We m$st a so prepare o$rse ves for the very rea possibi ity that the o$tcome of this sit$ation might !e be the tota e1tinction of the entire h$man race% 3t rea y co$ d be !orse than 3 am predicting and 3 rea y am being optimistic% 'irst, 3 !o$ d i,e to ass$re yo$ that 3 am not some ,ind of n$t an1io$s y !aiting for the end of the !or d%%%%" &&Cons$ tant Cory Hamasa,i's ne!s etter, Kovember ILLO DE75ESS3OK 3K THE UK3TED STATES> "Economic s o!do!n%%% $nemp oyment rises%%% interr$ptions in $ti ities%%% common $se of heaters, coo, stoves%%% increase in ayoffs%%% some neighborhoods form p$rchasing associations%%% Gprobabi ity of this o$tcome or !orseH is QN percent%" &&Cons$ tant Er$ce Webster, The Y2K Survival Guide H3D3K) )UKS> "G(o$ sho$ d cacheH most of yo$r arms and s$pp ies, !hi e this is sti possib e and ega % 7referab y, yo$ sho$ d have severa sma er caches ,no!n on y to yo$ and to a high y tr$sted bac,$p%%% someone !ho !i pass the s$pp ies on to yo$r fami y or gro$p if anything happens to yo$%%% yo$ need to convert most of yo$r spare cash and paper investments into go d and8or si ver coins%" &&Cons$ tant Cory Hamasa,i's ne!s etter, 4an$ary ILLO CAK'T EU( 'OOD E( 4UKE ILLL> "7rob em is if on y I percent of the peop e are preparing no! and the s$pp y chain is overb$rdened, adding on y another I percent !i cr$sh it% Come Cay& 4$ne of 'LL yo$r chances of b$ying any ong&term foods !i be minima % So then peop e !i start stoc,ing canned goods and dog food% Kot g$aranteed, b$t there is a distinct possibi ity that !e co$ d start seeing food shortages at the oca grocery stores by 4$ y&A$g 'LL as everyone starts b$ying ten e1tra cans of food a !ee,%%%%" &&Cons$ tant Cory Hamasa,i's ne!s etter, Kovember ILLO 3T'S O<E5> "The prob em !i not be fi1ed% Everyone in a$thority !i deny that time has r$n o$t to get this fi1ed, right $p $nti December ?I, ILLL%%% 3'm saying that it's over% 5ight no!% 3t cannot be fi1ed% Whatever it does, the Ci enni$m E$g !i bite $s%" &&Christian 5econstr$ctionist )ary Korth, ear y ILLM )5EAT DE75ESS3OK> "3 thin, it is going to be very bad% 3n fact, the best possib e case for !hich there is any hope is another )reat Depression%" &&Cons$ tant Cory Hamasa,i's ne!s etter, 4$ y ILLL CA5T3A/ /AW> "As ILLL progresses, as the g oba economy contin$es to dec ine and as more and more of the ear y (A6 fai $res occ$r, there !i be some s$dden, critica fai $re !hich !i trigger a socia crisis%%% Whatever the ca$se, governments a over the !or d !i sei2e on this as an e1c$se to p$t their p ans for martia a! into effect, hoping to have some ,ind of
emergency administration in p ace before their e1isting systems are !iped o$t by (A6%" &&Cons$ tant Cory Hamasa,i's ne!s etter, 4an$ary ILLO 'A <E5( EAD '35E>' "The (A6 'fire' has not bro,en o$t yet, tho$gh !e' begin seeing the first fe! f ames in ILLL, possib y as ear y as 4an$ary I, ILLL% E$t i,e many of my (A6 co eag$es, 3 can a ready sme the smo,e, and 3 be ieve, deep y and sincere y, that it's going to be a very bad fire indeed%" &&Cons$ tant Ed (o$rdon, Carch ILLO STOC6 CA56ET C5ASHED> "The stoc, mar,et crashed and there !as a r$n on the ban,s%%% We've been on y too a!are that the fractiona reserve ban,ing system !as $n!ise and insec$re%%% The safest p ace in the !ho e $niverse right no! is not in the center of the sec$rest compo$nd money can b$y% 3t is in the center of )od's !i %" &&A$thors Cichae Hyatt and )eorge )rant, in nove Y2K The !ay the "orld Shut !o#n KEW (O56 W3// 5ESECE/E EE35UT> "3 recent y so d o$r Ke! (or, City apartment and bo$ght a ho$se in a sma to!n in Ke! Ce1ico%%% 3've often .o,ed that 3 e1pect Ke! (or, to resemb e Eeir$t if even a s$bset of the (A6 infrastr$ct$re prob ems act$a y materia i2e && b$t it's rea y not a .o,e%%% (A6 is s$fficient y !orrisome, in my opinion, that 3' ma,e s$re my fami y isn't there !hen the c oc, ro s over to 4an I, ABBB%" &&Cons$ tant Ed (o$rdon, 4$ y ILLO COC7/ETE CO//A7SE> "We're oo,ing at a comp ete co apse of the government's systems and partia co apse 9NB percent: of private ind$stry's comp$ter systems% Ana ogo$s to the dissociation of the former Soviet Union% IB&AB percent of the mi itary !i resign !hen they aren't paid for months% 5ioting, ooting, and b$rning in the $s$a p aces%%% D43 do!n NBBB points in Q months, hyper inf ation for a co$p e years%%%%" &&Cons$ tant Cory Hamasa,i's ne!s etter, rep$b ished by )ary Korth, Carch ILLO K3)HTCA5E> "At IA midnight on 4an$ary I, ABBB%%% most of the !or d's mainframe comp$ters !i either sh$t do!n or begin spe!ing o$t bad data% Cost of the !or d's des,top comp$ters !i a so start spe!ing o$t bad data% Tens of mi ions && possib y h$ndreds of mi ions && of pre& programmed comp$ter chips !i begin to sh$t do!n the systems they a$tomatica y contro % This !i create a nightmare for every area of ife, in every region of the ind$stria i2ed !or d%" &&Christian 5econstr$ctionist )ary Korth, ear y ILLM A DECADE O' DE75ESS3OK> "We're going to s$ffer a year of techno ogica disr$ptions, fo o!ed by a decade of depression%%% We're i,e y to be iving in an environment m$ch i,e the Third Wor d co$ntries some of $s have visited, !here nothing !or,s partic$ ar y !e %" &&Cons$ tant Ed (o$rdon, 'ebr$ary ILLL CE5TA3K SKA'US> "The systems !i brea,, this is a certainty% 3t is $ncertain !hether the conse+$ence is rioting, ooting% Mad Ma$ and %s&a'e (rom Ne# Yor) or *ittle +ouse on the Prairie," &&Cons$ tant Cory Hamasa,i's ne!s etter, Kovember ILLO SCA5ED W3T/ESS> "3 have been st$dying (A6 in every !ay possib e to me since October of ILLM% On a dai y basis% Ho! many ho$rs; 3 don't !ant to ,no!% 3n that time 3 have become convinced that !e are going to get b asted% Eig time b asted% 3nfomagic b asted% 3 have earned eno$gh to get rea damn scared, scared motion ess i,e a rabbit facing a sna,e%" &&Cons$ tant Cory Hamasa,i's ne!s etter, Kovember ILLO COKSU/TAKTS OUT O' WO56> "Cy day&to&day !or, !i s$ffer an increasing n$mber of interr$ptions, g itches, de ays, inconveniences, and disr$ptions d$ring the second ha f of ILLLF and 3'm e1pecting that they' be s$fficient y pervasive after 4an$ary I, ABBB that my income
!i drop to 2ero d$ring the first si1 months of the ne! year%"
/AT3K QUOTES An nescis, mi fi i, +$anti a sapientia m$nd$s regat$r; Don't yo$ ,no! then, my son, !ith ho! itt e !isdom the !or d is r$ ed; 9Said by the S!edish chance or A1e O1enstierna to enco$rage his son 4ohan !hen the son do$bted his abi ity to represent S!eden at the Westpha ian peace conference%: Arte et Carte% With peacef$ effort and !ar i,e feats% 93nscription on the Ho$se of Kobi ity, 5iddarh$set, in Stoc,ho m: Ee $m omni$m contra omnes% Everybody's !ar against everybody% 9Thomas Hobbes: Cogito, ergo s$m% 3 thin,, therefore 3 am% 95en^ Descartes, Disco$rs de a m^thode: C aris maior$m e1emp is% After the forefathers' bri iant e1amp e% 97art of the inscription on the Ho$se of Kobi ity, 5iddarh$set, in Stoc,ho m%: De d$ob$s ma is min$s est semper e igend$m% One m$st a !ays choose the esser of t!o evi s% 9Thomas a 6empis: Divide et impera% Divide and r$ e% 9/o$is W3F adopted by Cacchiave i: D$bitando ad veritatem venim$s% We arrive at the tr$th being sceptica % 97ierre Ab^ ard, Sic et non;: Hoc coact$s s$m% To this, 3 am forced and compe ed% 9According to egend, a secret reservation !ritten by bishop Hans Eras, of /in,_ping and hidden $nder his sea on a doc$ment he !as re $ctant to sign%: Homo proponit, sed De$s disponit% Can proposes, )od disposes% 9Thomas a 6empis: 3gnoto mi iti 'or the $n,no!n so dier 93nscription on the tomb of the Un,no!n So dier%: 3 egitimis non est carbor$nd$m% Don't et the b``````s grind yo$ do!n% 9)en% 4oseph "<inegar 4oe" Sti !e % The phrase is act$a y "fa,e", since & ho!ever /atin it may so$nd & there is no /atin !ord carbor$nd$m%: 3 is +$or$m mer$ere abores%
'or them !hose abo$rs have sho!ed them deserving% 9The inscription on a S!edish service meda , instit$ted in IMON% Q$oted from 7roperti$s%: 3ndicit Scy am +$i v$ t vitare Charybdin% He fa s into Scy a's hands !ho !ants to avoid Charybdis% 9)a$tier de Chati onF from the story in Homer's Odyssee, abo$t the sea monsters Scy a and Charybdis !ho f an,ed a narro! strait and p$ ed do!n passing ships%: 3n hoc signo vinces% 3n this sign, yo$ !i be victorio$s% 9Acc% to E$sebios, !ords ne1t to a cross in the s,y seen by emperor Constantine the )reat before a batt e%: 3nventas vitam i$vat e1co $isse per artes% /et $s improve ife thro$gh science and art% 93nscription on the Kobe 7ri2e !inner meda s% After <ergi i$s, Aenis%: /oc$s enim est princip$m generationis rer$m% 'or p ace is the origin of things% 95oger Eacon: C$nd$s v$ t decipi, ergo decipiat$r% The !or d !ants to be betrayed, therefore et it be betrayed% 9Sebastian Erant: Kam et ipsa scientia potestas est% 'or ,no! edge itse f is po!er% 9Sir 'rancis Eacon: Kat$ra abhorret a vac$o% 9Horror vac$i%: Kat$re abhors the void% 9The fear of the void%: 95^nb Descartes: Kat$ra non facit sa t$s% Kat$re doesn't ma,e any eaps% 9Car von /inn^, 7hi osophia botanica: Kemo nisi mors% Kobody e1cept death 9!i part $s:% 93nscription in the !edding ring of the S!edish IQth cent$ry +$een 6atarina 4age onica%: Kihi est miser$m nisi c$m p$tes% Kothing is $nfort$nate if yo$ don't consider it $nfort$nate% 9Eoethi$s, De conso atione phi osophiae: Komina si nescis, perit et cognitio rer$m% 3f yo$ do not ,no! the names, the ,no! edge abo$t the things vanishes as !e % 9Car von /inn^, Critica botanica: O sancta simp icitas# Oh, ho y simp icity# 94an H$s: 7eccavi# 3 have Sindh8sinned#
9Eritish genera Sir Char es 4ames Kapier to his commanding officer, /ord E enboro$gh, after he had capt$red Sindh, in modern 7a,istan%: 7 $ra itas non est ponenda sine neccesitate% Entities sho$ d not be m$ tip ied $nnecessari y% 97rincip e ,no!n as Occam's 5a2or, $sed for e1amp e in physics%: 7rim$s inter pares% 'irst among e+$a s% 9Used abo$t someone !ho is the first in a gro$p !itho$t having any a$thority over his8her co eag$es, e%g% the S!edish archbishop%: Sic transit g oria m$ndi% Th$s departs the g ory of the !or d% 9The introd$ctory !ords of a medieva hymn $sed at the ina$g$ration of a ne! y e ected pope%: Si tac$isses, phi osoph$s manisses% 3f yo$ had ,ept +$iet, yo$ !o$ d have remained a phi osopher% 9Eoethi$s, De conso atione phi osophiae: Taceant co o+$ia% Eff$giat ris$s% Hic oc$s est $bi mors ga$det s$cc$rrere vitae% /et id e ta , be si enced% /et a$ghter be banished% Here is the p ace !here Death de ights to s$cco$r ife% 93nscription over the entrance to the Ke! (or, morg$e%: Tempora m$tant$r, nos et m$tam$r in i is% The times change, and !e change !ith them% 94ohn O!en: U tima ratio reg$m% The ast arg$ment of ,ings% 93nscription on 'rench cannons in the times of /o$is W3<%: Urbi et orbi% To the city 95ome: and the !or d% 9Words $s$a y prono$nced by the 7ope d$ring his b essing, to sho! that they !i spread to a the !or d%: Uva $vam vivendo varia fit% A grape changes co o$r 9ripens: !hen it sees 9another: grape% 9This phrase derives from a scho ia to 4$vena and is act$a y a mis+$otation of $va+$e conspecta ivorem d$cit ab $va & a grape ass$mes a sic, y h$e from a nearby grape%: To Top
/ast $pdate> 4$ y ?I, ABBI by 4ohanna Hansdotter S$ndberg A Abiit, e1cessit, evasit, er$pit% He has eft, absconded, escaped and disappeared% 9Cicero, 3n Cati inam:
Ab ovo $s+$e ad ma a% 'rom the egg right to the app e 9i%e% from the beginning to the end:% 9Horati$s, Ars poetica: Accipere +$am facere praestat in.$riam% 3t is better to s$ffer an in.$stice than to do an in.$stice% 9Cicero, T$sc$ anae disp$tationes: Acta est fab$ a, p a$dite# The p ay is over, app a$d# 9S$etoni$s, <itae Caesar$m, Div$s A$g$st$s% Said to have been emperor A$g$st$s' ast !ords% The phrase !as often $sed at the end of 5oman p ays, to et the a$dience ,no! that they had reached the end of the piece%: Ad 6a endas )raecas% Unti the )ree, 6a endae% 9S$etoni$s, <itae Caesar$m, Div$s A$g$st$s% To postpone something "ad 6a endas )raecas" meant it !o$ d never be done & the 5oman name 6a endae for the first day of the month didn't have a )ree, e+$iva ent%: Ad nocend$m potentes s$m$s% We have the po!er to harm% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, De ira: Aegroto, d$m anima est, spes esse dicit$r% 3t is said that for a sic, man, there is hope as ong as there is ife% 9Cicero, Ad Attic$m: Agnosco veteris vestigia f ammae% 3 recognise the vestige of that fading f ame% 9<ergi i$s, Aenis: A ea iacta est# The die is cast# 9According to S$etoni$s, said by 4$ i$s Caesar !hen he crossed the 5$bicon%: A iena nobis, nostra p $s a iis p acent% We i,e other peop e's 9things: the bestF others i,e o$rs% 97$b i i$s Syr$s: A iis si icet, tibi non icet% Even tho$gh it is permitted for others, it isn't permitted for yo$% 9Terenti$s, Hea$tontimor$menos% Cf% +$od icet 3ovi, non icet bovi and d$o c$m faci$nt idem, non est idem%: Amanti$m irae, amoris integratio est% The anger of overs is !hat brings ove together% 9K8A: Amic$s cert$s in re incerta cernit$r% A s$re friend sho!s himse f in the $ncertain% 9A friend in need is a friend indeed%: 9Enni$s, +$oted by Cicero%: Amic$s ver$s est rara avis% A tr$e friend is a rare bird%
9K8A: Amor est me e et fe e est fec$ndissim$s% /ove is rich !ith both honey and venom% 97 a$t$s, Ciste aria: Amor vincit omnia et nos cedam$s amori% /ove con+$ers a and et $s yie d to ove% 9<ergi i$s, Ec ogae: A+$i a non captat m$scas% The eag e doesn't capt$re f ies% 9K8A: Argent$m accepti, dote imperi$m vendidi% 3 have accepted the money and for a do!ry so d my freedom% 97 a$t$s, Asinaria: Ars onga, vita brevis% Art is ong, ife is short% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, De brevitate vitae: At non eff$gies meos iambos% E$t yo$ cannot escape my iambi% 9Cat$ $s, fragments: At vindicta bon$m vita i$c$ndi$s ipsa% E$t revenge is s!eeter than ife itse f% 94$vena is, Sat$rae: A$dentes fort$na i$vat% 'ort$ne favo$rs the brave% 9<ergi i$s, Aenis: A$diat$r et a tera pars% Cay the other part a so be heard% 9K8A% Cf% Q$i stat$it a i+$id parte ina$dita a tera, ae+$$m icet stat$erit%: A$gesc$nt a iae gentes, a iae min$$nt$rF in+$e brevi spatio m$tant$r saecia animant$m et +$asi c$rsores vitae ampada trad$nt% Some peop e increase, others diminishF and in a short space, the generations of iving creat$res are changed and i,e r$nners pass on the torch of ife% 9/$creti$s, De 5er$m Kat$ra: A$rora C$sis amica% Da!n is friend of the m$ses% 9Ear y bird catches the !orm%: 9K8A: Ave, imperator, morit$ri te sa $tant% Hai , emperor, those !ho !i die sa $te yo$% 9S$etoni$s, <itae Caesar$m, C a$di$s% The fighters' greeting to the emperor before g adiatoria games%: To Top
E Ee a+$e matrib$s detestata% The !ar, hated by mothers% 9Horati$s, Carmina: Eenedict$s +$i venit in nomine Domini% E essed is he !ho comes in the name of the /ord% 9'rom the Sanct$s of the Catho ic mass%: Eenefici$m accipere ibertatem est vendere% To accept a favo$r is to se freedom% 97$b i i$s Syr$s: Eene +$i at$it, bene vi1it% One !ho ives !e , ives $nnoticed% 9Ovidi$s, Tristia: Eibere h$man$m est, ergo bibam$s% To drin, is h$man, et $s therefore drin,% 9K8A: Eibam$s, moriend$m est% /et $s drin,, death is inevitab e% 9Seneca 5hetor, Controversiae: Eis dat +$i cito dat% He gives t!ice, !ho gives prompt y% 97$b i i$s Syr$s: Erevis ipsa vita est sed ma is fit ongior% O$r ife is short b$t is made onger by misfort$nes% 97$b i i$s Syr$s: To Top
C Cae $m, non anim$m m$tant, +$i trans mare c$rr$nt% They change the s,y, b$t not their so$ s, !ho hasten across the sea% 9Horati$s, Epist$ ae: Canis timid$s vehementi$s atrat +$am mordet% A timid dog bar,s more vio ent y than it bites% 9C$rti$s 5$f$s: Carpe diem, +$am minim$m cred$ a postero# 7 $c, the dayF do not e1pect anything from tomorro!# 9Horati$s, Carmina:
Caveat emptor% /et the b$yer be!are% 9K8A: Cave canem# Ee!are of the dog# 93nscription at the entry of 5oman ho$ses%: Cedant arma togae, concedat a$rea a$di% Cay arms yie d to the toga 9the go!n of peace:, may the g ory of !ar give !ay to the g ory of peacef$ feats% 9Cicero, 7oetica fragmenta: Cert$m est, +$ia impossibi e% 3t is certain, beca$se it is impossib e% 9Tert$ ian$s, De carne Christi% /ater in the form Credo, +$ia abs$rd$m & 3 be ieve, a tho$gh it is abs$rd%: Cito enim arescit acrima, praesertim in a ienis ma is% Tears dry +$ic, y, especia y !hen they are for others' misfort$nes% 9Cicero, De partitione oratoria: Cogitationis poenam nemo patit$r% Kobody sho$ d be p$nished for his tho$ghts% 9Corp$s 3$ris Civi is% Cf% iberae s$nt nostrae cogitationes%: Commod$m e1 ini$ria s$a nemo habere debet% Ko person o$ght to have advantage from his o!n !rong% 9K8A: Concordia parvae res cresc$nt, discordia ma1imae di ab$nt$r% Thro$gh $nity the sma thing gro!s, thro$gh dis$nity the argest thing cr$mb es% 9Sa $sti$s, 4$g$rtha: Coniect$ra em artem esse medicinam% Cedicine is the art of g$essing% 9A$ $s Corne i$s Ce s$s, De medicina: Cons$et$dinis magna vis est% The force of habit is great% 9Cicero, T$sc$ anae disp$tationes: Cons$et$do +$asi a tera nat$ra% Habit is o$r second nat$re% 9Cicero, De finib$s: Contraria contrariis c$rant$r% The opposite is c$red !ith the opposite% 9Hippocrates: Cont$me iam si dices, a$dies% 3f yo$ ins$ t, yo$ !i be ins$ ted% 7 a$t$s, 7se$do $s:
Corr$ptissima re p$b ica p $rimae eges% The more corr$pt the state is, the more n$mero$s are the a!s% 9Tacit$s, Anna es: Credo certe ne cras% 3 be ieve !ith certainty that there is no tomorro!% 9A famo$s tomb inscription%: Crescit amor n$mmi, +$ant$m ipsa pec$nia crevit% The ove of !ea th gro!s as the !ea th itse f gro!s% 94$vena is, Sat$rae: C$i bono; To !hose profit; 9Cicero, 7ro Ci one: C$i peccare icet peccat min$s% One !ho is a o!ed to sin, sins ess% 9Ovidi$s, Amores: C$i p acet ob ivisc$r, c$i do et meminit% He forgets that !hich p eases him, b$t remembers the pain he s$ffers% 9Cicero, 7ro C$rena: C$i$svis hominis est errare, n$ i$s nisi insipientis in errore perseverare% Anybody can err, b$t on y the foo persists in his fa$ t% 9Cicero, 7hi ippicae orationes% Often +$oted errare h$man$m est, ignoscere divin$m & to err is h$man, to forgive divine%: C$m grano sa is With a grain of sa t 97 ini$s the E der;: C$m tacent, c amant% When they are si ent, they cry o$t% 9Cicero, 3n Cata inam: C$ra posterior% A ater concern% 9K8A: To Top
D De g$stib$s non est disp$tand$m% (o$ sho$ d not arg$e abo$t taste% 9K8A: De mort$is nihi nisi bene% Kothing b$t good abo$t the dead% 9Chei on of SpartaF +$oted by Horati$s:
De nihi o nihi % Kothing comes from nothing% 9/$creti$s, De rer$m nat$ra: De$s e1 machina% A god from the machine% 9Origina y an e1pression from the ancient )ree, theatre, !here the conf ict often !as so ved by a god !ho entered the stage !ith the he p of some ,ind of machinery% Today often $sed in a transferred sense abo$t an $ne1pected and $n i,e y deno$ment of a dramatic sit$ation%: De$s nobisc$m, +$is contra; 3f )od is for $s, !ho can be against $s; 9<ersio <$ gata, 5om% O%?I: Dict$m, fact$m% Said and done% 9Terenti$s, Hea$tontimor$menos: Diem perdidi# 3 have ost a day# 9S$etoni$s, <itae Caesar$m, Tit$s% Said to have been e1c aimed by Emperor Tit$s !hen a day had passed !itho$t him doing good to somebody%: Diffici e est sat$ram non scribere% 3t is hard not to !rite satire% 94$vena is, Sat$rae: Dimidi$m facti, +$i coepit, habet% He has done ha f, !ho has beg$n% 9Horati$s, Epist$ a: Dii minores /esser gods 9Cicero, T$sc$ anae disp$tationes% Abo$t the " o!er c ass" gods in 5oman mytho ogyF sometimes $sed .o,ing y abo$t peop e !ho aren't very important or ess important than others present%: Dimidi$m facti +$i coepit habet% Ha f is done !hen the beginning is done% 9Horati$s, Epist$ ae: Dira necessitas% The dire necessity% 9Horati$s, Carmina: Docendo discim$s% We earn by teaching% 9After Seneca 7hi osoph$s, homines d$m docent disc$nt & men earn !hi e they teach%: D$ ce be $m ine1pertis% War is s!eet for those !ho haven't e1perienced it% 9Trans ated from 7indaros: D$ ce et decor$m est pro patria mori%
3t is s!eet and g orio$s to die for one's co$ntry% 9Horati$s, Carmina: D$ cis vita% A p easant ife% 9/$creti$s, De rer$m nat$ra: D$m e1c$sare credis, acc$sas% When yo$ be ieve yo$ are e1c$sing yo$rse f, yo$ are acc$sing yo$rse f% 9St% 4erome; 9probab y one of his discip es:, Epist$ ae: D$m inter homines s$m$s, co am$s h$manitatem% As ong as !e are among h$mans, et $s be h$mane% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, De ira: D$m spiro, spero% Whi e 3 breathe, 3 hope% 9Cicero, Epist$ ae ad Attic$m: D$o c$m faci$nt idem, non est idem% When t!o do the same thing, it isn't the same 9i%e% one can get a!ay !ith doing something !hi e another cannot%: 9Terenti$s, Ade phoe% Cf% +$od icet 3ovi, non icet bovi and a iis si icet, tibi non icet%: To Top
E Ecce homo# Eeho d the man# 9<ersio <$ gata, 3oh% IL%N: Epist$ a non er$bescit% A etter doesn't b $sh% 9Cicero, Epist$ ae ad fami iares: Est de$s in nobis% There is a god inside $s% 9Ovidi$s, 'asti: Est +$aedam f ere vo $ptas% There is a ,ind of p eas$re in crying% 9Ovidi$s, Tristia: Et in Arcadia ego% 3, too, have been in Arcadia% 93%e% Death is in Arcadia as !e %: 9K8A: Et t$, Er$te% And yo$, my Er$t$s%
94$ i$s Caesar's !ords !hen he sa! his favo$rite, Er$t$s, among his assassins% 3n Sha,espeare's 4$ i$s Caesar, the !ords are in /atin, b$t according to S$etoni$s, they !ere in )ree, & if ever said%: E1egi mon$ment$m aere perenni$s% 3 have made a mon$ment more permanent than copper% 9Horati$s, CarminaF referring to his poems%: E1it$s acta probat% The res$ t va idates the deeds% 9Ovidi$s, Heroides% Cf% finis coronat op$s%: E1oriare a i+$is nostris e1 ossib$s $ tor% Cay an avenger one day raise from my bones% 9<ergi i$s, Aenis: E1 oriente $1, e1 occidente e1% 'rom the east the ight, from the !est the a!% 9K8A: E1tra ecc esiam n$ a sa $s% O$tside the Ch$rch, no sa vation% 9Cyprian$s, Epist$ ae: E1 $ng$e eonem% (o$ ,no! the ion from its c a!% 9K8A: To Top
' 'aber est s$ae +$is+$e fort$nae% Every man is the artisan of his o!n fort$ne% 9Appi$s C a$di$s Caec$s: 'aci i$s est m$ ta facere +$am di$% 3t is easier to do many things than to do one for a ong time% 9Q$inti ian$s, 3nstit$tio oratoria: 'acis de necessitate virt$tem% (o$ ma,e necessity a virt$e% 9St% 4erome, Advers$s 5$f$m: 'acito a i+$id operis, $t te semper diabo $s inveniat occ$pat$m% A !ays do something, so that the devi a !ays finds yo$ occ$pied% 9St% 4erome, Epist$ ae: 'act$m est i $d, fieri infect$m non potest% Done is done, it cannot be made $ndone% 97 a$t$s, A$ $ aria:
'ama crescit e$ndo% The r$mo$r gro!s as it goes% 9K8AF cf% <ergi i$s, Aenis: 'ama vo at% The r$mo$r has !ings% 9<ergi i$s, Aenis: 'as est et ab hoste doceri% One sho$ d a so earn from one's enemy% 9Ovidi$s, Cetamorphoses: 'avete ing$is% Hono$r 9the ceremony: !ith yo$r tong$es 9i%e%, be devo$t y +$iet:% 9Horati$s, CarminaF the 5oman priest's e1hortation to the peop e to be +$iet d$ring the sacred ceremonies%: 'inis coronat op$s% The ending cro!ns the !or,% 9K8A% Cf% e1it$s acta probat%: 'ort$na m$ tis dat nimis, n$ i satis% 'ort$ne gives many too m$ch b$t nobody eno$gh% 9Cartia is, Epigrammaton iber: To Top
) ) oria in a tissimis Deo et in terra pa1 hominib$s bonae vo $ntatis% ) ory to )od in the highest, and on earth peace to!ards men of good !i % 9<ersio <$ gata, /$c% A%IP: )raeca s$nt, non eg$nt$r% 3t is )ree,, yo$ don't read that% 9K8A: )rammatici certant, et adh$c s$b i$dice is est% The scho ars +$arre , and the case ies sti $ndecided in the hands of the .$dge% 9On that point the earned disagree%: 9Horati$s, Ars poetica: )$tta cavat apidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo% The drop e1cavates the stone, not !ith force b$t by fa ing often% 9Ovidi$s, E1 7onto: To Top
Haec ego non m$ tis 9scribo:, sed tibi> satis enim magn$m a ter a teri theatr$m s$m$s% 3 !rite this not to the many, b$t to yo$ on y, for yo$ and 3 are s$re y eno$gh of an a$dience for each other% 9Epic$r$s, +$oted by Seneca 7hi osoph$s%: Hanniba ante portas% Hanniba before the gates% 9Cicero, 7hi ippicae orationes: Ha$d semper errat fama, a i+$ando et e igit% 5$mo$r is not a !ays in error, sometimes it chooses% 9Tacit$s, Agrico a: Hic 5hod$s, hic sa ta# Here is 5hodesF .$mp here# 9According to egend, said to a man !ho boasted that he had made a h$ge .$mp on 5hodes%: Hinc i ae acrimae% Hence these tears% 9Terenti$s, Andria: Hoc tempore obse+$i$m amicos, veritas odi$m parit% 3n these days friends are !on thro$gh f attery, the tr$th gives birth to hate% 9Terenti$s, Andria: Hominem ad d$as res, $t ait Aristote es, ad inte igend$m et ad agend$m, esse nat$m% Can is born to t!o things, as Aristot e says> to $nderstand and to act% 9Cicero, De finib$s: Homo nov$s A ne! 9se f&made: man 9Used abo$t somebody !ho had gained s$ccess b$t !asn't of the nobi ity% Cicero !as a typica homo nov$s%: Honores m$tant mores% The hono$rs change the c$stoms% 97o!er corr$pts%: 9K8A: Honor est praemi$m virt$tis% Hono$r is virt$e's re!ard% 9Cicero, Er$t$s: Horas non n$mero nisi serenas% 3 co$nt on y the bright ho$rs% 93nscription on ancient s$ndia s%: H$man$m amarest, h$man$m a$tem ignoscerest% 3t is h$man to ove, it is a so h$man to forgive% 97 a$t$s, Cercator: To Top
3 3d cert$m est +$od cert$m reddi potest% That is certain that can be made certain% 9K8A: 3dem ve e at+$e idem no e, ea dem$m firma amicitia est% 9To !ant: the same in intentions and disinc inations is !hat ma,es a firm friendship% 9Sa $sti$s, Ee $m Cati inae: 3gnorantia .$ris nocet% 3gnorance of the a!s harm% 9K8AF ega ma1im $sed to sho! that ignorance abo$t the a!s and reg$ ations in force cannot be $sed in co$rt as gro$nds for an ac+$itta , or even as mitigating circ$mstances%: 3 e do et vere, +$i sine teste do et% He mo$rns honest y !ho mo$rns !itho$t !itnesses% 9Cartia is, Epigrammaton iber: 3 i rob$r et aes trip e1 circa pect$s erat, +$i fragi em tr$ci commisit pe ago ratem prim$s% As hard as oa, and three times bron2e !as the heart of him !ho first committed a fragi e vesse to the ,eeping of !i d !aves% 9Horati$s, Carmina: 3mitatores, serv$m pec$s# 3mitators, yo$ s avish cro!d# 9Horati$s, Epist$ ae: 3mperi$m et ibertas A$tocracy and freedom 9Tacit$s, Agrico aF praise to the Emperor Kerva for having been ab e to combine t!o other!ise incompatib e things%: 3mpossibi i$m n$ a ob igatio est% Kobody has any ob igation to the impossib e% 9Corp$s 3$ris Civi is> Digesta: 3n aere aedificare% E$i d 9cast es: in the air% 9St% A$g$stine, Confessiones: 3nde ira et acrimae% Hence !rath and tears% 94$vena is, Sat$rae: 3n d$biis non est agend$m% 3n d$bio$s cases, yo$ sho$ d not act% 9K8A: 3ngenia evitas et er$dita vanitas% 3nborn evity and earnt vanity% 9Cicero, 7ro ' acco: 3ni+$a n$n+$am regna perpet$o manent%
Stern masters do not reign ong% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Cedea: 3ni$ria non e1c$sat ini$riam% One !rong does not .$stify another% 9K8A: 3n magnis et vo $isse sat est% To once have !anted is eno$gh in great deeds% 97roperti$s, E egies: 3nnoc$e vivite, n$men adest% /ive !itho$t fa$ tsF the deity is present% 9Ovidi$s, Ars amandi: 3n+$iet$m est cor nostr$m, donec re+$iescat in te% O$r heart is an1io$s $nti it finds peace in yo$% 9St% A$g$stine, Confessiones: 3n spirit$ et veritate 3n spirit and tr$th 9<ersio <$ gata, 3oh% P%AP: 3nter poc$ a Eet!een the c$ps 9<ergi i$s, )eorgica: 3n vino veritas 3n !ine is tr$th 9K8A: 3nvita Cinerva, $t ai$nt% Against Cinerva's !i , as they say 9i%e% !itho$t aptit$de and +$a ifications:% 9Cicero, De officiis: 3ra f$ror brevis est% Anger is a brief insanity% 9Horati$s, Epist$ ae: 3s fecit, c$i prodest% He has done it, !hom it gains% 9K8A: 3$c$ndi acti abores% S$rmo$nted abo$rs are p easant% 9Cicero, De finib$s: 3$rare in verba magistri% S!ear on the master's !ords% 9Horati$s, Epist$ ae: To Top
/ /abor improb$s omnia vincit% Assid$o$s abo$r con+$ers everything% 9<ergi i$s, )eorgica: /atet ang$is in herba% A sna,e ies in the grass% 9<ergi i$s, Ec ogae: /a$dant i a, sed ista eg$nt% Some 9!riting: is praised, b$t other is read% 9Cartia is, Epigrammaton iber: /eges bonae e1 ma is morib$s procreant$r% )ood a!s are born of bad c$stoms% 9Cacrobi$s, Sat$rna ia: /ibenter homines et id +$od vo $nt, cred$nt% What men !ish, they i,e to be ieve 94$ i$s Caesar, Commentarii de be o )a ico: /iberae s$nt nostrae cogitationes% O$r tho$ghts are free% 9Cicero, 7ro Ci one% Cf% Cogitationis poenam nemo patit$r%: /iber ibror$m The Eoo, of Eoo,s 93%e%, the Eib e: /iber mihi op$s est% 3 need a boo,% 9K8A: /ibertas inaestimabi is res est% /iberty is a thing beyond a price% 9Corp$s 3$ris Civi is> Digesta: /icentia poetica% 7oetic icence% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Q$aestiones nat$ra es: /ong$m iter est per praecepta, breve et effica1 per e1emp a% The !ay is made ong thro$gh r$ es, b$t short and effective thro$gh e1amp es% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Epist$ ae: /$c$s a non $cendo% A grove is so ca ed beca$se it doesn't g o!% 9After Q$inti ian$s, De instit$tione oratoria% Often $sed as an e1amp e of incorrect etymo ogy%: /$p$s est homo homini% Can is man's !o f% 97 a$t$s, Asinaria:
/$p$s in fab$ a% The !o f in the ta e% 93%e% spea, of the !o f, and he !i come: 9Terenti$s, Ade phoe: To Top
C Cagnas inter opes inops% A pa$per in the midst of !ea th% 9Horati$s, Carmina: Cagna vis veritatis +$ae faci e se per se ipsa defendat% )reat is the po!er of tr$th that can easi y defend itse f !ith its o!n force% 9K8A: Caior e ongin+$o reverentia% 5everence gro!s at a distance% 9Tacit$s, Anna es: Ca e parta ma e di ab$nt$r% What has been !rong y gained is !rong y ost% 93 &gotten gains se dom prosper%: 9Cicero, 7hi ippicae orationes: Ca $m +$idem n$ $m esse sine a i+$o bono% There is no evi !itho$t something good% 97 ini$s the E der, Kat$ra is historia: Can$m de tab$ a# 95emove: yo$r hand from the board# 9Eno$gh# Ho d it#: 9Cicero, Epist$ ae ad fami iares: Can$s man$m avat% One hand !ashes the other% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Apoco ocyntosis: Cargaritas ante porcos iacere% Thro! pear s before the s!ine% 9<ersio <$ gata, Catt% M%Q: Cater arti$m necessitas% Kecessity is the mother of invention% 9K8A: Cea c$ pa, mea c$ pa, mea ma1ima c$ pa% Cy fa$ t, my fa$ t, my great fa$ t% 9'rom the Catho ic confession, the threefo d repetition referring to fa$ ts in tho$ghts, !ords and actions%: Cea mihi conscientia p $ris est +$am omni$m sermo% Cy conscience means more to me than a speech% 9Cicero, Epist$ ae ad Attic$m:
Cedice, c$ra te ips$m# 7hysician, hea thyse f# 9<ersio <$ gata, /$c% P%A?: Cedic$s c$rat, nat$ra sanat% The physician treats, nat$re c$res% 9K8A: Cedio t$tissim$s ibis% (o$ !i go safest in the midd e% 9Ovidi$s, Cetamorphoses: Ce i$s est praevenire +$am praeveniri% Eetter to foresta than to be foresta ed% 9K8A: Ce i$s frangi +$am f ecti% 3t is better to brea, than to bend% 9K8A: Cendacem memorem esse oportet% A iar needs a good memory% 9Q$inti ian$s, De instit$tione oratoria: Cendaci homini, ne ver$m +$idem dicenti, credere so em$s% /iars aren't be ieved even !hen they are te ing the tr$th% 9Cicero, De divitatione: Cens agitat mo em% The mind moves the matter% 9<ergi i$s, Aenis: Cens sana in corpore sano% A so$nd mind in a so$nd body% 94$vena is, Sat$rae: Cirabi e dict$% Wonderf$ to re ate% 9<ergi i$s, Aenis: Cors $ tima inea rer$m est% Death is everything's fina imit% 9Horati$s, Epist$ ae: C$ tos timere debet, +$em m$ ti timent% He has to fear many !ho is feared by many% 97$b i i$s Syr$s, Sententiae% A so in Seneca 7hi osoph$s as necesse est m$ tos timeat, +$em m$ ti timent, "it is necessary for him !ho is feared by many to fear many%": C$ t$m egend$m esse, non m$ ta% (o$ sho$ d read m$ch, not many 9boo,s:% 97 ini$s the (o$ngerF often +$oted on y as m$ t$m non m$ ta, "m$ch, not many"%: To Top
K Kam c$rios$s nemo est, +$in sit ma evo $s% 'or nobody is c$rio$s, !ho isn't ma evo ent% 97 a$t$s, ;: Kam t$a res agit$r, paries c$m pro1im$s ardet% 3t is yo$r b$siness !hen yo$r neighbo$r's ho$se is on fire% 9Horati$s, Epist$ ae: Kavigare necesse est% To sai is necessary% 9'rom 7 $tarchos: Ke bis in idem% Kot t!ice the same% 9Canones apost$ or$mF a ega ma1im meaning that a person cannot be sentenced t!ice for the same crime%: Kecessitatis non habet egem% Kecessity ,no!s no a!% 9K8A: Kec +$ic+$am insipiente fort$nato into erabi i$s fieri potest% Kothing is more ins$fferab e than a s$ccessf$ foo % 9Cicero, De amicitia: Ke f$rt$m facias% Tho$ sha t not stea % 9The seventh commandment%: Kemo ante mortem beat$s% Kobody sho$ d be ca ed happy before his death% 9Ovidi$s, Cetamorphoses: Kemo a$tem regere potest nisi +$i et regi% E$t nobody can r$ e !ho cannot a so be r$ ed% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, De ira: Kemo enim fere sa tat sobri$s, nisi forte insanit% A most nobody dances sober, $n ess he happens to be insane% 9Cicero, 7ro C$rena: Kemo me imp$ne acessit% Kobody ins$ ts me !ith imp$nity% 9The motto of the Scottish cro!n%: Kemo nascit$r artife1% Kobody is born an artist% 9K8A:
Kemo ris$m praeb$it, +$i e1 se coepit% Kobody is a$ghed at, !ho a$ghs at himse f% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, De providentia: Kemo sine vitio est% Kobody is !itho$t fa$ t% 9K8A: Ke +$id nimis% Kothing in e1cess% 9Terenti$s, Andria: Kervos be i, pec$niam% 9Kerv$s rer$m%: The nerve of !ar, money% 9The nerve of things%: 9Cicero, 7i ippicae orationes: Kihi agere de ectat% 3t is p easant to do nothing% 9Cicero, De oratore: Kihi est ab omni parte beat$m% Kothing is good in every part% 9Horati$s, Carmina: Kihi est incerti$s vo go% Kothing is more $ncertain than the 9favo$r of the: cro!d% 9Cicero, 7ro C$rena: Kihi in homin$m genere rari$s perfecto oratore inveniri potest% Kothing is more $n$s$a amongst man,ind than the perfect spea,er% 9Cicero, De oratore: Kihi inimici$s +$am sibi ipse% Kothing is more hosti e than onese f against onese f% 9Can is his o!n !orst enemy%: 9Cicero, Ad attic$m: Kihi peccat nisi +$od nihi peccat% His on y fa$ t is that he doesn't have any fa$ ts% 97 ini$s the (o$nger, Epist$ ae: Kihi tam m$nit$m +$od non e1p$gnari pec$nia possit% Ko fort is so strong that it cannot be ta,en !ith money% 9Cicero, 3n <errem: Ki admirari% To admire nothing% 9Horati$s, Epist$ aeF described as a condition for h$man happiness%: Ki agit e1emp $m, item +$od ite reso vit% Kot m$ch !orth is an e1amp e that so ves one +$arre !ith another% 9Horati$s, Satirae: Ki desperand$m# Kever despair# 9Horati$s, Carmina:
Ko i e+$i dentes inspicere donati% Do not oo, a gift horse in the mo$th% 9St% 4erome, Commentari$s in epist$ am 7a$ i ad Ephesos: Ko i me tangere# Don't to$ch me# 9<ersio <$ gata, 3oh% AB%IM: Ko i t$rbare circ$ os meos# Don't $pset my ca c$ ations# 9Said to have been Archimedes' !ords to a 5oman so dier d$ring the con+$est of Syrac$se% The so dier ans!ered by s aying him%: Komen et omen% Kame and omen 9the name forebodes:% 97 a$t$s, 7ersa: Komina s$nt odiosa% Kames are hatef$ % 9Cicero, 7ro 5oscio: Kon amo te, Sabidi, nec poss$m dicere +$are> hoc tant$m poss$m dicere, non amo te% 3 do not i,e yo$, Sabidi$s, b$t 3 can't say !hy> 3 can on y say this, 3 do not i,e yo$% 9Cartia is, Epigrammaton iber: Kon est, crede mihi, sapientis dicere "<ivam%" Sera nimis vita est crastina> vive hodie% Ee ieve me, "3 sha ive" is not the saying of a !ise man% Tomorro!'s ife is too ate> ive today% 9Cartia is, Epigrammata: Kon est vivere, sed va ere vita est% 3t is not to ive b$t to be hea thy that ma,es a ife% 9Cartia is, Epigrammata: Kon mortem timem$s, sed cogitationem mortis% We do not fear death, b$t the tho$ght of death% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Epist$ ae: Kon omne +$od icet honest$m est% Kot everything that is permitted is honest% 9Corp$s 3$ris Civi is> Digesta: Kon omne +$od nitet a$r$m est% Kot a that g itters is go d% 9K8A: Kon omnia poss$m$s omnes% Everybody cannot do everything% 9<ergi i$s, Ec ogae: Kon omnis moriar% 3 !i not die entire y% 9Horati$s, Carmina & in reference to his !ritten !or,%:
Kon scho ae sed vitae discim$s% We do not earn for schoo , b$t for ife% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Epist$ ae: Kon sibi se so i nat$m meminerit 9homo:, sed patriae, sed s$is% 9A iis, non sibi%: A man sho$ d remember that he is not born so e y for his o!n sa,e, b$t for his co$ntry, and for his fami y% 9'or others, not for onese f%: 9Cicero, De finib$s: Kon $t edam vivo, sed vivam edo% 3 do not ive to eat, b$t eat to ive% 9Q$inti ian$s, 3nstit$itio oratoria: Kosce te ips$m% 6no! thyse f 93nscription at the temp e of Apo o in De phi%: K$da veritas The na,ed tr$th 9Horati$s, Carmina: K$ a reg$ a sine e1ceptione% Ko r$ e !itho$t e1ception% 9K8A: K$ a res cari$s constat +$am +$ae precib$s empta est% Kothing is so e1pensive as that !hich yo$ have bo$ght !ith p eas% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, De beneficiis: K$ $m esse ibr$m tam ma $m $t non a i+$a parte prodesset% Ko boo, is so bad that no part of it is $sef$ % 97 ini$s the (o$nger, Epist$ ae: K$ $m est iam dict$m +$od non dict$m sit pri$s% Kothing is said that hasn't been said before% 9Terenti$s, E$n$ch$s: K$mero de$s impare ga$det% )od oves odd n$mbers% 9<ergi i$s, Ec ogae: K$m+$am magn$m ingeni$m sine mi1t$ra dementiae f$it% There has never been a great spirit !itho$t a to$ch of insanity% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, De tran+$i itate animis: K$m+$am non parat$s% Kever $nprepared% 9K8A: K$m+$am sapiens irascit$r% The !ise man never f ies into a rage% 9Cicero, 7ro C$rena: K$m+$am se min$s so $m +$am c$m so $s esset%
(o$ are never so itt e a one as !hen yo$ are a one% 9Cicero, De officiis: K$nc est bibend$m, n$nc pede ibero p$ sanda te $s% Ko! is the time for drin,ing, no! free feet !i beat the earth% 9Horati$s, CarminaF abo$t the death of C eopatra: To Top
O Oderint, d$m met$ant% Cay they hate me, if on y they fear me% 9S$etoni$s, <itae Caesar$m, Ca ig$ a: Odi et amo% Q$are id faciam, fortasse re+$iris% Kescio% Sed fieri sentio et e1cr$cior% 3 hate and 3 ove% 7erhaps yo$ as, me !hy% 3 don't ,no!% E$t 3 fee , tormented, that it is so% 9Cat$ $s, Carmina: Odi profan$m v$ g$s et arceo% 3 oathe the $ned$cated mass and ,eep them a!ay from me% 9Horati$s, Carmina% Hence the e1pression "v$ g$s profan$m", the $ned$cated mass%: O e$m et operam perdidi% 3 have !asted oi and toi % 97 a$t$s, 7oen$ $sF the yo$ng gir 's comp aint abo$t ointments as bea$ty preparation, and Cicero, Ad Attic$mF abo$t the oi in the reading amp%: O fort$natam natam me cons$ e 5omam# Oh, ho! $c,y 5ome is to have been born $nder my cons$ ate# Cicero, De cons$ at$ s$o: Omen accipio% 3 accept the omen% 9A good omen%: 9Cicero, De divitatione%: Omne ignot$m pro magnifico est% We have great notions of everything $n,no!n% 9Tacit$s, Agrico a: Omnes $na manet no1% The same night a!aits $s a % 9Horati$s, Carmina: Omne t$ it p$nct$m +$i misc$it $ti e d$ ci% He has !on every vote !ho ming es profit !ith p eas$re% 9Horati$s, Ars 7oetica: Omnia mea mec$m porto% A that is mine, 3 carry !ith me%
9Cicero, 7arado1a: Omnia m$tant$r, nihi interit% Everything changes, nothing perishes% 9Ovidi$s, Cetamorphoses: Omnia praec ara rara% A e1ce ent things are rare% 9Cicero, De amicitia: Omnia vincit amorF et nos cedam$s amori% /ove con+$ers a thingsF et $s too s$rrender to ove% 9<ergi i$s, Ec ogae: Omnib$s omnia% Everything for everybody% 9<ersio <$ gata, I Cor% L%AA: Omni$m rer$m principia parva s$nt% Everything has a sma beginning% 9Cicero, De finib$s: Optima enim est eg$m interpres cons$et$do% 7ractice is the best interpreter of the a!% 9Corp$s 3$ris Civi is> Digesta: O tempora# O mores# O times# O c$stoms# 9Cicero, 3n Cati inam: Oti$m c$m dignitate% 5est !ith dignity% 9Cicero, De oratore: Oti$m sine itteris mors est et hominis vivi sep$ t$ra% 5est !itho$t reading is i,e dying and being b$ried a ive% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Epist$ ae: To Top
7 7acta s$nt servanda% Agreements are to be ,ept% 9Cicero, 7hi ippicae Orationes: 7aete, non do et% 3t doesn't h$rt, 7aet$s% 9Acc% to 7 ini$s's, Epist$ ae, the 5oman !oman Arria's !ords to her h$sband Caecina 7aet$s, !ho had ta,en part in an $prising against Emperor C a$di$s and been sentenced to commit s$icide% When her h$sband hesitated, she p $nged the dagger into her o!n chest and then gave it to him !ith these !ords%:
7anem et circencses Eread and circ$ses 94$vena is, Sat$raeF referring to the distrib$tion of corn and the setting $p of circ$ses that ,ept the pop$ ar favo$r in 5ome%: 7ars maior acrimas ridet et int$s habet% (o$ smi e at yo$r tears b$t have them in yo$r heart% 9Cartia is, Epigrammaton iber: 7ater patriae% 'ather of the co$ntry% 9Cicero, 7ro Sestio% Honorific given to Cicero after the conf ict !ith Cata ina in Q? E%C%: 7ater, peccavi% 'ather, 3 have sinned% 9<ersio <$ gata, /$c% IN%IM: 7er aspera ad astra% Thro$gh diffic$ ties to the stars% 9Origin $n,no!nF Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Herc$ es: 7ereant, +$i ante nos nostra di1er$nt# Damn them, !ho before $s have said !hat !e !anted to say# 9St% 4erome, 3n Ecc esiasten commentari$s: 7eric$ $m in mora% Danger in de ay 9/ivi$s, Ab $rbe condita: 7erierat tot$s orbis, nisi iram finiret misericordia% The entire !or d !o$ d have perished $n ess compassion had imited the hatred% 9Seneca 5hetor, Controversiae: 7er tot discrimina rer$m tendim$s in /atin$m% Thro$gh so many dangers, !e arrived in /atin$m% 9<ergi i$s, Aenis: 7essim$s inimicor$m gen$s, a$dantes% The !orst ,ind of enemies, are those !ho can praise% 9Tacit$s, Agrico a: 7isces natare oportet% 'ish has to s!im 9i%e% !hen yo$ eat fish, yo$ have to drin,:% 97etroni$s Arbiter, Satiricon: 7ost hoc, ergo propter hoc% After this, therefore beca$se of it% 9K8AF $sed to describe an error in ogica reasoning%: 7ost fest$m% After the feast 9i%e% too ate: 97 ato, )orgias: 7oti$s sero +$am n$m+$am% 3t's better ate than never%
9/ivi$s, Ab $rbe condita: 7raeterea censeo Carthaginem esse de endam% '$rthermore, 3 be ieve Carthage sho$ d be destroyed% 9Cato the E der% After a .o$rney to Carthage, the 5oman senator conc $ded every speech before the senate !ith this phrase, no matter the topic of disc$ssion%: 7rim$m est non nocere% 'irst of a , do no harm% 9HippocratesF The ma1im has become an ethica g$iding princip e in medicine%: 7rincipiis obsta, sero medicina parat$r c$m ma a per ongas conva $ere moras% 5esist in the beginningF too ate is the medicine prepared !hen evi has gro!n strong for a ong time% 9Ovidi$s, 5emedia amoris: 7ro aris et focis% 'or ho$se and hearth% 9Cicero, De nat$ra deor$m: 7romoveat$r $t amoveat$r% /et him be promoted to get him o$t of the !ay% 9K8A: 7ro patria, pro iberis, pro aris at+$e focis s$is certare% 'or the co$ntry, for freedom, for ho$se and hearth is o$r fight% 9Sa $sti$s, Ee $m Cati inae: 7ro1im$s s$m egomet mihi% 3 am c osest to myse f% 9Charity begins at home%: 9Terenti$s, Andria: 7$ vis et $mbra s$m$s% We are d$st and shado!% 9Horati$s, Carmina: To Top
Q Q$a is re1, ta is gre1% /i,e master, i,e man% 9K8A: Q$am bene vivas refert, non +$am di$% The important thing isn't ho! ong yo$ ive, b$t ho! !e yo$ ive% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Epist$ ae: Q$am m$ ta non desidero# Ho! m$ch there is that 3 do not !ant# 9Cicero, T$sc$ anae disp$tationesF said to have been e1c aimed by Socrates%:
Q$ando+$e bon$s dormitat Homer$s% Sometimes, even the good Homer s $mbers% 9Horati$s, Ars poetica: Q$em di di ig$nt ado escens morit$r% He !hom the gods ove dies yo$ng% 97 a$t$s, Eacchides: Q$ia nat$ra m$tari non potest idcirco verae amicitiae sempiternae s$nt% Since nat$re cannot change, tr$e friendships are eterna % 9Horati$s: Q$i desiderat pacem, praeparet be $m% /et him !ho !ishes for peace prepare for !ar% 9<egeti$s% A so +$oted si vis pacem, para be $m%: Q$i dormit, non peccat% One !ho s eeps doesn't sin% 9K8A: Q$id me n$tr$it me destr$it% That !hich no$rishes me, destroys me% 9K8A: Q$id rides; C$tato nomine de te fab$ a narrat$r% Why are yo$ a$ghing; Change the name and the story is abo$t yo$% 9Horati$s, Satirae: Q$id+$id id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes% Whatever this may be, 3 fear the )ree,s even !hen they're bringing gifts% 9<ergi i$s, Aenis% The priest /ao,oon's !arning !hen seeing the Tro.an horse%: Q$i gen$s .actat s$$m, a iena a$dat% He !ho boasts of his descent, praises the deeds of another% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Herc$ es f$rens: Q$i ignorabat, ignorabit$r% One !ho is ignorant !i remain $nnoticed% 9K8A: Q$i nimi$m probat, nihi probat% One !ho proves too m$ch, proves nothing% 9K8A: Q$is c$stodiet ipsos c$stodes; Who is to g$ard the g$ards themse ves; 93$vena is, Sat$rae: Q$i tacet, consentit Si ence gives consent% 9K8A: Q$is, +$id, $bi, +$ib$s a$1i iis, c$r, +$omodo, +$ando; Who, !hat, !here, !ith !hat, !hy, ho!, !hen; 9K8A:
Q$i stat$it a i+$id parte ina$dita a tera, ae+$$m icet stat$erit% One !ho passes sentence on something !itho$t having heard the other part isn't .$st, even if the sentence is .$ste% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Cedea% Cf% a$diat$r et a tera pars%: Q$od bon$m, fe i1 fa$st$m+$e sit# Cay it be good, fort$nate and prospero$s# 9Words spo,en !hen the 5oman senate opened its session% Q$oted by Cicero in De divitatione: Q$od icet 3ovi, non icet bovi% What 4$piter may do, the o1 may not% 93%e%, !hat is permitted for a high&ran,ing person isn't permitted for everybody% Cf% a iis si icet, tibi non icet% and d$o c$m faci$nt idem, non est idem%: Q$od scripsi, scripsi% What 3 have !ritten, 3 have !ritten% 9<ersio <$ gata, 3oh% IL%AA: Q$o$s+$e tandem ab$tere, Cati ina, patientia nostra; Ho! ong no!, Cata ina, !i yo$ ab$se o$r patience; 9Cicero, 3n Cati inam% The beginning of Cicero's first speech against Cata ina%: Q$ot homines, tot sententiae> s$$s +$i+$e mos% Ho! many men, so many tho$ghts> everyone has his c$stoms% 9Terenti$s, 7hormio: Q$o vadis, Domine; Where are yo$ going, /ord; 9Q$estion said to be as,ed by St% 7eter !hen he, f eeing the 5ome and the persec$tions of the Christians by emperor Kero, met 4es$s at the city gates%: To Top
5 5e ata refero% 3 te !hat 3 have been to d% 9Herodotos: 5espice post te, morta em te esse memento% /oo, aro$nd yo$, remember that yo$ are morta % 9According to Tert$ ian$s, !ords !hispered by a s ave !hen his master entered 5ome in tri$mph after !inning a batt e%: 5em tene, verba se+$ent$r% 6eep to the s$b.ect and the !ords !i fo o!% 9Cato the E der, acc% to 3$ i$s <ictor: 5er$m concordia discors% The concord of things thro$gh discord% 9Horati$s, Epist$ ae:
5er$m omni$m magister $s$s% E1perience is teacher of a things% 94$ i$s Caesar, Commentarii de be o civi i: 5es severa est ver$m ga$di$m% Tr$e .oy is a serio$s thing% 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Epist$ ae: 5identem dicere ver$m, +$id vetat; What prohibits $s to te the tr$th a$ghing 9thro$gh a .o,e:; 9Horati$s, Satirae: To Top
S Saepe creat mo es aspera spina rosas% Often the pric, y thorn prod$ces tender roses 9Ovidi$s: Sa $s pop$ i s$prema e1 esto% /et the !e fare of the peop e be the s$preme a!% 9Cicero, De egib$s: Sapere a$de# Dare to be !ise# 9Horati$s, Epist$ ae: Sapiens ipse fingit fort$nam sibi% The !ise man creates his destiny himse f% 97 a$t$s, Trin$mm$s: Satis est pot$isse videri% 3t is eno$gh to seem to have the po!er% 9<ergi i$s, Ec ogae: Sati$s est imp$nit$m re in+$i facin$s nocentis, +$am innocentem damnari% 3t is better that a crime is eft $np$nished than that an innocent man is p$nished% 9Corp$s 3$ris Civi is> Digesta: Sat sapienti% Eno$gh for a !ise man% 97 a$t$s, 7ersa: Sec$ndae res mire s$nt vitiis obtent$i% 7rosperity has a !onderf$ !ay of hiding fa$ ts% 9Sa $sti$s, Epist$ ae ad Caesarem: Sed f$git interae, f$git irreparabi e temp$s% E$t mean!hi e, the irrep aceab e time escapes% 9<ergi i$s, )eorgica% Us$a y, yo$ on y +$ote the ast three !ords%:
Seme emiss$m vo at irrevocabi e verb$m% Once re eased, the !ord f ies irrevocab y% 9Horati$s, Epist$ ae: Semper idem% A !ays the same% 9Cicero, T$sc$ anae disp$tationes% Said to have been Wantippa's !ords abo$t Socrates' facia e1pression%: Senect$s est nat$ra o+$acior% O d age is ta ,ative by nat$re% 9Cicero, De senect$te: Serva me, servabo te% Save me and 3 !i save yo$% 97etroni$s Arbiter: Sic erat in fatis% Th$s it !as !ritten in destiny% 9Ovidi$s, 'asti: Sic it$r ad astra% Th$s, yo$ go to the stars 9i%e% gain rep$tation: 9<ergi i$s, Aenis: Sic vo o, sic i$beo% 3 !ant this, 3 order this% 94$vena is, Sat$rae: Si dis p acet 3f it p eases the gods 9K8A: Si ent enim eges inter arma% /a!s are si ent in times of !ar% 9Cicero, 7ro Ci one%: Si ibet, icet% 3f it p eases yo$, it is a o!ed% 9Scriptores historiae a$g$staeF said to have been the "stepmother" 4$ ia's response !hen her "stepson" Emperor Carca a !anted her for his !ife%: Sine ira et st$dio% Witho$t anger or bias% 9Tacit$s, Anna es, abo$t his history !riting: Sit venia verbo% /et the !ord be a o!ed% 93f 3 may say so%: 9A rephrasa of venia sit dicto, the said sho$ d be a o!edF 7 ini$s the (o$nger, Epist$ ae%: Si vis amari, ama% 3f yo$ !ant to be oved, ove 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Epist$ ae:
Si vis pacem, para be $m% 3f yo$ !ant peace, prepare for !ar% 9'rom <egeti$sF a version of +$i desiderat pacem, praeparet be $m%: So it$dinem faci$nt, pacem appe ant% They made a desert and ca ed it peace% 9Tacit$s, Agrico a: Spem+$e met$m+$e inter d$biis% Hover bet!een hope and fear% 9<ergi i$s, Aenis: S%7%Q%5% 9Senat$s 7op$ $s+$e 5oman$s: The Senate and the 5oman peop e 9Abbreviation $sed on banners and the i,e in ancient 5ome to sho! the !or d the $nity bet!een the 5oman peop e and its r$ ers% Sti officia y $sed in 5ome%: Stat magni nominis $mbra% He stands in the shado! of a great name% 9/$can$s, 7harsa ia% Said abo$t 7ompey%: Stat s$a c$i+$e dies, breve et irreparabi e temp$s omnib$s est vitae% The day is decided for each and everyone, the ifespan is short and irrep aceab e for everybody% 9<ergi i$s, Aenis: St$ t$m est timere +$od vitare non potes% 3t is foo ish to fear !hat yo$ cannot avoid% 97$b i i$s Syr$s: S$mm$m i$s, s$mma ini$ria% The e1treme a! is the greatest in.$stice% 9Cicero, De officiis: S$$m c$i+$e% To each and every one his o!n% 9Cicero, De officiis: S$$s c$i+$e mos% Everyone has his c$stoms% 9)e i$s, Koctes Atticae: To Top
T Tamdi$ discend$m est, +$amdi$ vivas% We sho$ d earn as ong as !e may ive% 9We ive and earn%: 9Seneca 7hi osoph$s, Epist$ ae: Tantae mo is erat 5omanam condere gentem% So great a b$rden !as it to estab ish the 5oman race%
9<ergi i$s, Aeneis: Tempora +$id faci$nt% The times do change% 9Cartia is, Epigrammaton iber: Tetigisti ac$% (o$ have hit the nai on the head% 97 a$t$s, 5$dens: To Top
U Ubi bene, ibi patria% Where one is happy, there is one's home and% 97ac$vi$s, Te$cer: Un$s m$ tor$m% One of many% 9Horati$s, Satirae: Un$s sed eo% One, b$t 9it is: a ion% 9Trans ated from Aesop% The ioness to the vi1en !ho boasted abo$t her having many c$bs !hen the ioness on y had one%: Urbs aeterna% The eterna city 9i%e% 5ome: 9Tib$ $s: Ut desint vires, tamen est a$danda vo $ntas% A tho$gh the po!er is ac,ing, the !i is commendab e% 9Ovidi$s, E1 7onto: Uti i$s est a$tem abso vi innocentem +$am nocentem ca$sam non dicere% 3t is more important that the innocent is ac+$itted than that the g$i ty is not bro$ght to .$stice% 9Cicero, 7ro 5oscio Amerino: Ut saepe s$mma ingenia in occ$ to atent% Ho! often do not the greatest geni$ses remain hidden% 97 a$t$s, Captivi: Ut sementem feceris, ita metes% As yo$ so!, so sha yo$ reap% 9Cicero, De oratore%: To Top
< <ae victis# Woe to the con+$ered# 9/ivi$s, 7raefatio: <are, egiones redde# <ar$s, give me bac, my egions# 9Acc% to S$etoni$s, e1c aimed by Emperor A$g$st$s !hen he heard that his governor Q$inti i$s <ar$s and three entire egions had been ,i ed in an amb$sh in the Te$tob$rger 'orest%: <ariatio de ectat There's nothing i,e change# 9Cicero, De divinatione: <eni, vidi, vici% 3 came, 3 sa!, 3 con+$ered% 9Written by 4$ i$s Caesar abo$t his rapid victory in the Eatt e of Xe a%: <era esse facim$s nosmet ipsi% We o$rse ves create the tr$th% 9K8A: <erba vo ant, 9 ittera: scripta manet% Words f y a!ay, the !ritten 9 etter: remains% 9K8A: <eritas vos iberabit% The tr$th !i set yo$ free% 9<ersio <$ gata, 3oh% O%?A: <estigia terrent% The footprints frighten me% 9Horati$s, Epist$ ae% 'rom a story abo$t a fo1 !ho sa! footprints ead into, b$t not o$t of a ion's den%: <estis vir$m reddit% The c othes ma,e the man% 9Q$inti ian$s;: <ideant cons$ es ne +$id detrimenti capiat resp$b ica% Cay the 95oman: cons$ s see to that no damage comes to the state% 97hrase that gave the 5oman cons$ s abso $te po!er !hen the state !as in a severe crisis% Q$oted by Cicero in 3n Cati inam% : <ide +$am mihi pers$aserim te me esse a ter$m% See, ho! convinced 3 am that yo$ are my second se f% 9Cicero, Epist$ ae ad fami iares: <incere scis, Hanniba , victoria $ti nescis% (o$ ,no! ho! to be victorio$s, Hanniba , b$t not ho! to ta,e advantage of victory% 9According to /ivi$s, !ords said by Hanniba 's brother Hasdr$ba !hen Hanniba did not attac, 5ome immediate y after his victory at Cannae%:
<irt$s est medi$m vitior$m% <irt$e is a midd e co$rse bet!een vices% 9Horati$s, Epist$ ae: <itiis nemo sine nascit$r% Ko&one is born !itho$t fa$ ts% 9Horati$s, Satirae: <ivere est cogitare% To ive is to thin,% 9Cicero, T$sc$ anae disp$tationes: <o1 pop$ i, vo1 Dei% The voice of the peop e is the voice of )od% 9Trans ated from Homer, The Odyssey: <$ nerant omnes, $ tima necat% A of them !o$nd, the ast one ,i s% 95eferring to the ho$rsF inscription sometimes fo$nd on c oc,s in ch$rches and p$b ic spaces%: To Top
/ast $pdate> 4an$ary ?, ABBA by 4ohanna Hansdotter S$ndberg ab initio from the beginning ab ovo from the egg 9'rom the very beginning% Cf% ab ovo $s+$e ad ma a%: ad arma to arms ad deposit$m for 9safe:,eeping ad finem to the end ad hoc for a partic$ ar $se 9/itera y, to this: ad hominem 9re ating:to the 9partic$ ar: person ad honorem for the sa,e of g ory ad infinit$m !itho$t imit
ad interim for the meantime ad ib 9abbr% of ad ibit$m: improvised 9/itera y, according to p eas$re: ad item appointed for a a!s$it ad iteram to the etter ad mandat$m by direction ad man$s proprias in one's o!n hands ad mod$m in the same !ay as ad mortem to the death ad na$seam to an e1cessive degree 9/itera y, to na$sea: ad personam to the personF persona ad protoco $m to the record ad referend$m for f$rther consideration ad rem to the matter ad temp$s in time ad $ tim$m at ast ad va orem according to the va $e 9Of ta1es, in proportion to the estimated va $e of the goods%: a ma mater bo$nteo$s mother 9A fig$rative name for a $niversity, sometimes $sed .o,ing y%:
ceteris parib$s other things being e+$a conferre 9Cf%: compare c$rric$ $m vitae 9C<: co$rse of ife damnat$r may it be damned 9The opopsite of imprimat$r%: de facto in fact 9!hether by right or not: de .$re by right dis.ecta membra scattered remains, fragments 9esp% of !ritten !or,: dramatis personae the characters of the drama ei$sdem anni 9e%a%: in8d$ring the same year et a ii8a ia 9et a %: and others et cetera 9etc%: and so on e1 ante beforehand 9/itera y, from before: e1 actis from the fi es 9according to doc$ment: e1 cathedra from the 9teacher's: chair 9With f$ a$thority, esp% of papa prono$ncement: e1emp i grata 9e%g%: for e1amp e e1 gratia as a favo$r 9/itera y, from grace e1 mandato by direction
e1 nihi o o$t of nothing e1 officio by virt$e of one's office e1 parte from the party 93n the interest of one side on y or of an interested o$tside party%: e1 post facto from s$bse+$ent events 9!ith retrospective action or force: e1 tempore immediate y 9!itho$t any preparation% Cf% e1temporise%: 9/itera y, from time: e1tra m$ros o$tside the !a s 9officia : e1 $s$ according to c$stom 9/itera y from $se: iacet hic 93H: here ies ibid% 9abbr% of ibidem: in the same p ace id% 9abbr% of idem: the same id est 9i%e%: that is to say imprimat$r et it be printed 9A icense to p$b ish, e%g% by 5oman Catho ic a$thorityF the opposite of damnat$r%: in absentia in one's absence in abstracto in itse f, in genera in abs$rd$m to the abs$rd in aetern$m forever in amp issima forma in greatest shape
in b anco in b an, in camera behind c osed doors 9/itera y, in the room: in cas$ in this case in concreto in partic$ ar in corpore in the body 9in f$ : in d$p o in d$p icate in e1tenso in f$ 9$nabridged: in e1tremis at the point of death 9or in great diffic$ ties: in f agrante de icto ca$ght red&handed 9/itera y, "in b a2ing crime"%: infra be o! 9Ee o! or f$rther on in a boo, or !riting%: infra dig 9abbr% of infra dignitatem: beneath one's dignity in genere in genera in infinit$m end ess y in oco at this p ace in oco parentis in the p ace of a parent 9Used of a teacher etc% responsib e for chi dren%: in man$ by hand in medias res into the midst of things
in memoriam in memory of in nat$ra in a nat$ra !ay 97ayment !ith goods instead of !ith money%: in n$ce in a n$tshe in perpet$$m forever in p eno in f$ in propria persona in his8her o!n person in re in the matter of in saec$ a saec$ or$m for ever and ever in sit$ in its p ace in spe %%%to be in specie in partic$ ar in stat$ nascendi in the moment of birth in s$mma in a in stat$ pop$ ari $nder g$ardianship 9Or in a .$nior position at $niversity, not having a degree%: in s$spenso in a s$spended state 9indefinite: inter a ia among other things inter nos bet!een $s in toto in f$
intra m$ros !ithin the !a s 9$nofficia : in $s$ in fre+$ent $se in $s$m for $se in $tero in the !omb in vac$o in a vac$$m invenit 9inv%: %%%has made it in vitro in g ass 9Ta,ing p ace in a test&t$be or other aboratory enviroment%: in vivo in a iving thing 9Ta,ing p ace in a iving organism%: ipsissima verba the precise !ords ipso facto by that very fact ipso .$re by right itse f item 9it%: as !e aps$s ca ami s ip of the pen aps$s ing$ae s ip of the tong$e ege artis according to the r$ es 9of the art: memento remember mod$s operandi 9abb% m%o%: !ay of operating 9The partic$ ar !ay in !hich a person performs a tas, or action:
mod$s vivendi !ay of iving 9An arrangement !hereby those in disp$te can carry on pending a sett ement%: more $1ori i,e married nemine contradicente 9nem%con: !ith no one dissenting no ens, vo ens $n!i ing, !i ing 9!i y&ni y: no e prose+$i ref$se to p$rs$e 9The re in+$ish by a p aintiff or prosec$tor of a or part of a s$it%: non compos mentis not in one's right mind non p acet it does not p ease 9A negative vote in a Ch$rch or assemb y%: non poss$m$s !e cannot 9A statement of inabi ity to act in a matter%: non se+$it$r% it doesn't fo o!% 9Used abo$t a conc $sion that doesn't ogica y fo o! from the premisses%: non $ tra descript$s 9KUD: !itho$t f$rther specification nota bene 9KE or n%b%: note pact$m t$rpe an indecent agreement par nobis on eve !ith $s 9Additiona grade previo$s y $sed to sho! that the e1aminee's ,no! edge !as as great as the e1aminator's%: pars pro toto the part for the !ho e 9SynedocheF a fig$re of speech in !hich a partvis made to represent the !ho e or vice versa, e%g% "ne! faces" instead of "ne! peop e%": per a$res by the ears per capita
for each person 9/itera y by heads: 7ereat# Cay he8she perish# per fas et nefas by any means necessary 9/itera y, by right or !rong: per se by itse f peractis peragendi !hen that !hich sho$ d be done has been done persona non grata 97K): a non&desirab e person 9Used abo$t a dip omatic representative !ho is not acceptab e to the government to !hich he or she is accredited%: piae memoriae in ,ind memory p acebo 3 !i p ease p $ra is ma.estatis the roya p $ra 9Using the p $ra instead of the first person%: post mortem after death prima facie at first sight prim$m mobi e first moving thing 9The centra or most important so$rce of motion or action%: pro haec vice for this occasion 9on y: +$ant$m satis eno$gh +$i pro +$o someone instead of someone e se 9a mi1&$p or a mista,e: +$id pro +$o compensation 9/itera y, something for something e se: +$od erat demonstrand$m 9QED:
!hich !as the thing to be proved +$od est !hich is +$od vide 9+%v%: see !hich 9in cross&references etc: 9Used to te the reader to oo, for f$rther information on another p ace in the same boo,%: re+$iescat in pace 95%3%7%: rest in peace sanae mentis common sense sic# so# 9$sed8spe t as !ritten: 9Used to ca the attention to, or confirming, the form of +$oted or !ritten !ords%: sine anno 9s%a%: !itho$t year of p$b ication sine dato 9s%d%: !itho$t date sine die !ith no appointed day sine d$bio !itho$t a do$bt sine oco 9s% %: !itho$t p ace of p$b ication sine oco et anno 9s% %e%a%: !itho$t imprint 9conditio: sine +$a non an indispensab e condition 9/itera y, !itho$t !hich not: stante pede off&hand 9/itera y, "on standing foot"%: stat$s +$o the e1isting state of affairs 9/itera y, the state in !hich: s$i generis of its ,ind s$mma c$m a$de !ith highest distinction
terra firma firm gro$nd terra incognita $n,no!n gro$nd terti$m +$id a third something 9Especia y intermediary bet!een mind and matter, or bet!een opposite things%: $t infra i,e be o! $t s$pra i,e above veto 3 forbid
To Top Canadian 7rovince Cottoes A mari $s+$e ad mari 'rom sea to sea 9Canada: 'ortis et iber Strong and free 9A berta: Sp endor sine occas$ Sp endo$r !itho$t diminishment 9Eritish Co $mbia: ) orios$s et iber ) orio$s and free 9Canitoba: Spem red$1it Hope restored 9Ke! Er$ns!ic,: Q$aerite prime regn$m Dei See, ye first the 6ingdom of )od 9Ke!fo$nd and: C$nit haec et a tera vincit One defends and the other con+$ers 9Kova Scotia: Ut incepit fide is sic permanet /oya she began and oya she remains 9Ontario: 7arva s$b ingenti The sma $nder the protection of the great 97rince Ed!ard 3s and: C$ tis e gentib$s vires 'rom many peop es, strength 9Sas,atche!an: To Top US State Cottoes E p $rib$s $n$m One o$t of many 9The United States of America: A$dem$s i$ra nostra defendere We dare defend o$r rights 9A abama: Ditat De$s )od enriches 9Ari2ona: 5egnat pop$ $s The peop e r$ e 9Ar,ansans: Ki sine n$mine Kothing !itho$t the Deity 9Co orado: Q$i transt$ it s$stinet He !ho transp anted sti s$stains 9Connetic$t: 4$stitia omnib$s 4$stice to a 9The District of Co $mbia: Esto perpet$a Cay she ive forever 93daho: Ad astra per aspera To the stars thro$gh diffic$ ties 96ansas: Dirigo 3 g$ide 9Caine: Sc$to bonae vo $ntatis t$ae coronasti nos With the shie d of thy good&!i tho$ hast covered $s 9Cary and: Ense petit p acidam s$b ibertatem +$ietem Ey the s!ord she see,s +$iet peace $nder iberty 9Cassach$setts: Si +$aeris penins$ am amoenam circ$mspice 3f yo$ see, a p easant penins$ a, oo, abo$t yo$ 9Cichigan: <irt$te et armis Ey va o$r and arms 9Cississippi: Sa $s pop$ i s$prema e1 esto /et the !e fare of the peop e be the s$preme a! 9Cisso$ri: Crescit e$ndo 3t gro!s as it goes
9Ke! Ce1ico: E1ce sior Ever $p!ard 9Ke! (or,: Esse +$am videri To be rather than to seem 9Korth Caro ina: /abor omnia vincit /abo$r con+$ers everything 9O, ahoma: A is vo at propriis She f ies !ith her o!n !ings 9Oregon: Anim$s opib$s+$e parat$s 7repared in mind and reso$rces 9So$th Caro ina: D$m spiro spero Whi e 3 breathe, 3 hope 9So$th Caro ina: Sic semper tyrannis Th$s ever $nto tyrants 9<irginia: Contani semper iberi Co$ntaineers are a !ays freemen 9West <irginia: Cedant arma togae /et arms yie d to the toga 9Wyoming: To Top City Cottoes Urbs in horto A city in a garden 9Chicago, 3/: Semper eadem A !ays the same 9City of /eicester, U6: Domine, dirige nos /ead $s, /ord 9/ondon, U6: Amor vincit omnia /ove con+$ers a 9Ke!port, 53: ' $ct$at nec mergit$r She tosses b$t does not sin, 97aris, 'ranceF referring to the ship on the city's sea : 3$stitia omnib$s 4$stice for a 9Washington D%C%: To Top University8Co ege Cottoes Ad astra To the stars 9University Co ege D$b in, 3re and: Ad a$g$sta per ang$sta Achievement thro$gh effort 9/a,ehead University, Ontario: Ad $tr$m+$e 9parat$s: 97repared: for both 9i%e% both the boo, and the s!ord: 9/$nd University, S!eden: Artes, scientia, veritas Arts, science, tr$th 9University of Cichigan: A$t disce a$t discede Either earn or eave 9Winchester Co ege: Coe estem adspicit $cem 3t oo,s at the heaven y ight% 9University of Copenhagen, Denmar,F referring to the eag e in the $niversity sea : Concordia Harmony 9Cayfie d Co ege, U6: Concordia c$m veritate 3n harmony !ith tr$th 9University of Water oo, Ontario: Consi io man$+$e Scho arship and de1terity 95oya Co ege of S$rgeons in 3re and: Crescat scientia, vita e1co at$r /et ,no! edge gro! from more to more and th$s be h$man ife enriched 9University of Chicago: Deo et 7atriae 'or )od and co$ntry 9University of Sas,atche!an: Disce doce
/earn and teach 9University of Sheffie d, U6: Discip ina praesidi$m civitatis The instr$ction 9and: protection of the state 9University of Te1as: Divin$m sedare do orem 3t is divine to a eviate pain 95oya Co ege of Anaesthetists, U6: Docendo discim$s Ey teaching !e earn 9Stranmi is Co ege, U6: Domin$s i $minatio mea The /ord is my ight 9O1ford University: E1 ege ibertas 'rom the a!s, freedom 9The 'ac$ ty of /a!, Stoc,ho m University: 'iat $1 /et there be ight 9University of Ca ifornia, Eer,e ey: ' oreat dom$s Cay this ho$se f o$rish 9Q$eens' Co ege: Hinc $cem et poc$ a sacra 'rom !hence iss$e ight and the sacred dra$ghts of !isdom 9University of Cambridge, U6: 3n Deo speram$s 3n )od !e tr$st 9Ero!n University, US: 3ngenio et abore Ey nat$ra abi ity and hard !or, 9University of A$c, and: 3n omnib$s veritas Tr$th in everything 9University of Cannheim, )ermany: 3ntegritas 3ntegrity 9Kipissing University, Ontario: 3n veritate 3n tr$th 9St 7a$ 's Co ege, A$stra ia: 4es$s Christ$s esto mihi 4es$s Christ sha be mine 9Christ Co ege, A$stra ia: /abor omnia vincit Wor, con+$ers a 9University of 3 inois: /$cerna ardens et $cens A torch of g o!ing radiance 9University of S$db$ry, Ontario: /$1 et veritas /ight and tr$th 9(a e University: Can$ et mente With hand and mind 9University of Ke! So$th Wa es: Cens agitat mo em Cind moves the mass 9University of Oregon: Cens et man$s Cind and hand 9Cassach$setts 3nstit$te of Techno ogy, C3T: C$ tit$do sapienti$m sanitas orbis A m$ tit$de of the !ise is the hea th of the !or d: 9University of <ictoria, Eritish Co $mbia: Kat$ram prim$m cognoscere rer$m 'irst, to earn the nat$re of things 9The A$stra ian Kationa University: Kosse De$m vivere Thro$gh )od !e ive 9St% )eorge's Co ege, A$stra ia: K$nc cognosco e1 parte Ko! 3 ,no! in part 9Trent University, Ontario: 7ostera crescam a$de 3 sha gro! in the esteem of f$t$re generations 9University of Ce bo$rne: 7rovehito in a t$m /a$nch forth into the deep 9Cemoria University of Ke!fo$nd and: Q$aec$m+$e vera Whatsoever things are tr$e
9University of A berta: 5ecti c$ t$s pectora roborant So$nd earning strengthens the spirit 9Eishop's University, Q$^bec: 5er$m cognoscere ca$cas To ,no! the ca$se of things 9/ondon Schoo of Economics and 7o itica Science: Sapienta et doctrina stabi is Wisdom and ,no! edge sha be the stabi ity of thy times 9Q$een's University, Ontario: Sidere mens eadem m$tato A tho$gh the conste ations change the mind is constant 9University of Sydney: Timor domini initi$m sapientiae 'ear of the ect$rer is the beginning of !isdom 9University of Aberdeen: Universa $niversis patavina ibertas 7ad$an freedom 9is: comp ete 9University of 7adova: Ut vitam habeant /et them have ife 9University of /eicester: <e $t arbor aevo As a tree in the passage of time 9Toronty University: <eritas Tr$th 9Harvard University: <eritas et $ti itas Tr$th and $sef$ ness 9University of Western Ontario: <eritas vos iberabit The tr$th !i set yo$ free 94ohns Hop,ins University: <eritate, scientia, abore With tr$th, !isdom and abo$r 9/o$ghboro$gh Co ege, U6: <o1 c amans in deserto A voice crying in the !i derness 9Dartmo$th Co ege, U6: To Top Ci itary Cottoes Adde g$bernandi st$di$m> pervenit in astra & et pont$m cae o coni$n1it Then to the pi ot's care> the stars are sca ed, and s,y !ith ocean .oined 9The United States Kava Observatory: Defensor fortis Defender of the force 9The United States Air 'orce Sec$rity 'orce: De oppresso iber To free the oppressed 9The United States Army Specia 'orces: Doctrinas be o aptare Teaching the arts of !ar 9The Sc$o a di app ica2ione, Schoo of App ied Ci itary St$dies, 3ta y: D$cim$s We ead 9The 5oya Canadian 3nfantry: 7er ard$a ad astra Thro$gh diffic$ ties to the stars 9The 5oya Airforce: E1 scientia tridens 'rom ,no! edge, sea po!er 9The United States Kava Academy: 'iat .$stitia Cay there be .$stice 9The 4$dge Advocate )enera 's Office of the Canadian 'orces: 3n ard$is fide is 'aithf$ in adversity 9The 5oya Army Cedica Corps: 3n $mbra, igit$r, p$gnabim$s 3n the shado!s, therefore, !e !i fight 9The 'irst Arti ery Detachment of the United States Army: 7rim$s eo 'irst there 9The United States Air 'orce Specia Tactics Combat Contro ers: Q$o fas et g oria d$c$nt Whither right and g ory ead 9The 5oya 5egiment of Canadian Arti ery: Semper fide is A !ays faithf$ 9The United States Carine Corps: Semper parat$s A !ays prepared
9The United States Coast )$ard: Sic it$r ad astra S$ch is the path!ay to the stars 9The Canadian Air 'orce: Ubi+$e Every!here 9The 5oya Engineers and the 5oya 5egiment of Canadian Arti ery: Ut a i+$i vivant That others may ive 9The United States Air 'orce Specia Tactics 7araresc$e: 7ersona Cottoes Eeat$s +$i timet Domin$m E essed is he !ho fears the /ord 9)$stav <asa, S!edish ,ing INA?&QB: Eenigno n$mine With the benevo ent deity 9Wi iam 7itt, Ear of Chatham: Coe it$s s$b ima dant$r 'rom the heavens is the highest given 9Sigism$nd, S!edish ,ing INLA&LL: Co $mna regni sapientia Wisdom is the fo$ndation of the state 96ristina, S!edish +$een IQ?A&NP: Cor regis in man$ Domini The 6ing's heart 9is: in the /ord's hand 9Sigism$nd: C$m Deo et victricib$s armis With )od and victorio$s arms 9)$stav 33 Ado f, S!edish ,ing IQII&?A: De$s dat c$i v$ t% )od gives to !hoever he !ishes 9Eri, W3<, S!edish ,ing INQB&QO: De$s protector noster )od o$r protector 94ohan 333, S!edish ,ing INQO&LA: Domini est terra et cae $m Heaven and earth are the /ord's 9)$stav <asa: Esse poti$s +$am haberi Kot being seen, b$t being% 9Tycho Erahe: Et ga$di$m vestr$m imp eat$r And that yo$r .oy might be f$ 9Christina Odenberg, first !oman bishop of the Ch$rch of S!eden% 'rom 4ohn IN>II%: 'act$s est Domin$s protector me$s The /ord has been made my protector 96ar W3, S!edish ,ing IQQB&LM: 'estina ente Ca,e haste s o! y 9Emperor A$g$st$s: 'iat .$stitia et pereat m$nd$s% /et there be .$stice, even if the !or d perishes% 9Emperor 'erdinand 3: ) oria a tissimo s$or$m ref$gio ) ory to )od the Highest, the ref$ge of his peop e 9)$stav 33 Ado fF the motto has the same initia s as the !ords )$stav$s Ado ph$s, 5e1 S$eciae & )$stav Ado f, 6ing of S!eden%: 3n Deo spes mea 3n )od my hope 9U ri,a E eonora, S!edish +$een IMIL&AB: 3n 4ehova sors mea, ipse faciet 3n )od 9is: my destiny, He !i do it 96ar W )$stav, S!edish ,ing IQNP&QB: 4ehova so ati$m me$m )od 9is: my so ace 96ar 3W, S!edish ,ing IQBP&II: Omnis potestas a Deo est A po!er is from )od 9)$stav <asa: 7ro .$re et pop$ o 'or the a! and the peop e 9Sigism$nd: Sa $s p$b ica sa $s mea The good of the peop e is my good 9Ado f 'redri,, S!edish ,ing IMNI&MI: Si De$s pro nobis, +$is contra nos;
3f )od is for $s, !ho can be against $s; 9)$stav <asa: <irib$s $nitis Ey $nited efforts 9Emperor 'ran2 4oseph: To Top Cisce aneo$s Cottoes Ad maiorem Dei g oriam To the greater g ory of )od% 9The 4es$it Order: Ars gratia artis Art for the sa,e of art 9Cetro&)o d!yn&Ceyer: Eenedicere, a$dare, praedicare To b ess, to praise and to preach 9One of the mottoes of the Dominican Order: Citi$s, a ti$s, forti$s S!ifter, higher, stronger 9The O ympic motto: Contemp ata a iis tradere Handing on to others the fr$it of o$r contemp ation 9One of the mottoes of the Dominican Order: 9De Coscova ad Ce bo$rnensem,: magna E$ropa est patria nostra# 9'rom Cosco! to Ce bo$rne,: the great E$rope is o$r co$ntry# 9The E$ro&American St$dent Union: Domino optimo ma1imo To the /ord, the first and greatest 9The Eenedictine Order: D$m vivim$s, vivam$s Whi e !e ive, et $s ive 9The Epic$reans: E1 $na scientia 'rom the moon, ,no! edge 9The Apo o I? e1peditionF a paraphrase on the motto of the US Kavy: Hinc rob$r et sec$ritas Hence strength and sec$rity 9The S!edish Kationa Ean,: )$stib$s mens dat increment$m 6no! edge enhances sensory perception 9The Wine )$i d of Eng and: Kemo me imp$ne acessit Kobody ins$ ts me !ith imp$nity 9The Scottish Cro!n and a Scottish regiments: Kescit occas$ 3t 9the Korth Star: does not ,no! setting 9The S!edish Order of the Korthern Star: 7ro patria 'or one's co$ntry 9The S!edish Order of the S!ord, Svcrdsorden: Q$o fata fer$nt Wherever the !ind b o!s% 9Eerm$da: Trinitas in $nitate Trinity in $nity 9Trinity Ho$se, a Eritish association concerned !ith the icensing of pi ots and the erection and maintenance of ight& ho$ses, among other things%: <eritas Tr$th 9One of the mottoes of the Dominican Order: To Top