Ignite2014-Courselisting 6 27 14

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WEEK 1: JUNE 23-27

(9 NOON)
(1 4)
K-2 Earth, Wind & Fire Super Hero Adventure
3-4 Robots to the Rescue To InfinityAnd Beyond!
Java Powered
Speedy Getaway
7-12 The Real Captain Planet

WEEK 2: JULY 7-11
(9 NOON)
(1 4)
K-2 EveryONE Is Awesome! EveryONE Is Awesome!
1-2 STEAM Punks Super Sleuths
What Would Wonder Woman Do?
(Girls ONLY!)
3-4 A Squidwardly Birdified Exploration LEGO My Super Hero
7-12 Electrowoman Vs. Magneticman The Art of Deception

WEEK 3: JULY 21-25
(9 NOON)
(1 4)
K Zero to Super Hero
1-2 Heroes on Broadway! Zero to Super Hero
3-4 Paparazzi Power Acting IS My Superpower
5-6 The Physics of Special Effects EV3 Robotics (Beginning)
7-8 This Aint Spideys Web
9-12 Physics of Superman
7-12 Film for Change: May register for one or both sessions

(9 NOON)
(1 4)
1-2 Groovy Gadgets Super Senses
3-4 Minecraft The Upgrade Minecraft The Upgrade
3-4 REAL American Girl Heroes Kaya and Native American Heroes
3-4 No Cape Required
5-8 The (Super) Power of Self Expression
5-8 Super Dub EV3 Robotics: Advanced

K 1: JUNE 23-27

1lLle AcLlng lS My Superpower!
Crades Served 3-4
LvenLCu 3.M.C34
Long uescrlpLlon Campers wlll dlscover Lhelr muslcal LheaLre LalenL ln a week-long lnLenslve
Lralnlng camp! SLudenLs wlll learn Lhe baslcs of muslcal LheaLre and acLlng and
wlll presenL a shorL performance aL Lhe end of Lhe camp. 8eglnners and
experlenced performers wlll learn acLlng, slnglng and choreography, work as an
ensemble and creaLe memorles.
SLarL uaLe 7/21/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/23/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) McConaghy, Mlchelle
1oLal lee $130
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle LarLh, Wlnd & llre
Crades Served 1-2
LvenLCu 1.AM.C12
Long uescrlpLlon Lxperlence Lhe power LhaL Lhe sun and earLh can wleld! !oln us ln explorlng Lhe
Lypes of energy creaLed ln naLure Lhrough Lhe consLrucLlon of wlndmllls and
even a solar oven! Whose solar oven wlll cook an egg Lhe fasLesL?
SLarL uaLe 6/23/2014
Lnd uaLe 6/27/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Waggoner, Mellssa
1oLal lee AmounL $130
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle A Squldwardly 8lrdlfled LxploraLlon
Crades Served 3-4
LvenLCu 2.AM.C34
Long uescrlpLlon Lxplore Lhe physlcal wonders of a blrd of prey and a creaLure aL sea. Come
explore Lhe maglcal world of owl pelleLs. ulssecL Lo flnd ouL whaL was ln Lhe
owl's lasL meal before lL creaLed a pelleL. WhaL klnd of anlmal can you dlscover
uslng bones Lo re-consLrucL lLs skeleLon? Look lnslde a squld and wrlLe a speclal
message wlLh a squld's lnk.
SLarL uaLe 7/7/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/11/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) 8osales, Marllu
1oLal lee $160
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle LlecLrowoman vs. MagneLlcman
Crades Served 7-12
LvenLCu 2.AM.C712
Long uescrlpLlon Comblne hands-on experlmenLaLlon wlLh Lhe language of maLhemaLlcs Lo
dlscover Lhe baslc properLles of elecLrlclLy and magneLlsm. 8y sLudylng elecLrlc
clrculLs, magneLs, elecLromagneLs, generaLors, moLors, and even a llLLle of
LlnsLeln's 8elaLlvlLy, sLudenLs wlll deLermlne wheLher LlecLrowoman and
MagneLlcman can Leam up for a common cause, or lf Lhey wlll forever be aL
odds wlLh each oLher
SLarL uaLe 7/7/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/11/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Craham, !oshua
1oLal lee AmounL $160
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle Lv3 8oboLlcs [Advanced]
Crades Served 3-8
LvenLCu 4.M.C38
Long uescrlpLlon uelve deeper lnLo Lv3 roboLlcs programmlng wlLh Lhls advanced course.
SLudenLs enrolllng ln Lhls course should have a solld undersLandlng of baslc Lv3
programmlng C8 an advanced undersLandlng of nx1 programmlng. 1oplcs wlll
lnclude mulLlLasklng, daLa wlres, swlLches and more! 1hls ls a perfecL course for
seasoned lLL members Lo learn Llps and Lrlcks from Lhe lnsLrucLors Anu each
SLarL uaLe 8/4/2014
Lnd uaLe 8/8/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Carol 8aymond, M.Ld.
1oLal lee AmounL $163
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle Lv3 8oboLlcs [8eglnnlng]
Crades Served 3-8
LvenLCu 3.M.C38
Long uescrlpLlon uo you ever wonder "WhaL uoes Lhe 8oL Say?" llnd ouL by explorlng Lhe Lv3
programmlng language ln Lhls beglnnlng Lv3 roboLlcs course. Lmphasls wlll be
placed on Lhe programmlng aspecL of Lhe new Lego Lv3 sofLware. 1hls ls a
perfecL course for anyone plannlng Lo enLer Lhe lLL roboLlcs conLesL ln Lhe lall!
SLarL uaLe 7/21/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/23/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Carol 8aymond, M.Ld.
1oLal lee AmounL $163
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle LveryCnL ls Awesome!
Crades Served k-2
LvenLCu 2.M.Ck2
Long uescrlpLlon 8ecome a masLer bullder as you deslgn your own "Speclal" Lego heroes and
program Lhelr amazlng movlng parLs. ?ou creaLe Lhe roboLlc superhero who ls
Lhe sLar of your shorL sLory. lcLures and vldeos wlll capLure Lhe hero's Lale.
**Speclal noLe: lf sLudenLs have l1ouches or oLher devlces, Lhey are encouraged
Lo brlng Lhem Lo documenL Lhelr hero's sLory!
SLarL uaLe 7/7/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/11/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) LllloL, Allson
1oLal lee AmounL $160
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle LveryCnL ls Awesome!
Crades Served k
LvenLCu 2.AM.Ck2
Long uescrlpLlon 8ecome a masLer bullder as you deslgn your own "Speclal" Lego heroes and
program Lhelr amazlng movlng parLs. ?ou creaLe Lhe roboLlc super hero who ls
Lhe sLar of your shorL sLory. lcLures and vldeos wlll capLure Lhe hero's Lale.
**Speclal noLe: lf sLudenLs have l1ouches or oLher devlces, Lhey are encouraged
Lo brlng Lhem Lo documenL Lhelr hero's sLory!
SLarL uaLe 7/7/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/11/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) LllloL, Allson
1oLal lee AmounL $160
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle lllm for Change (1)
Crades Served 7-12
LvenLCu 3.AM.C712
Long uescrlpLlon ArL has a super power: Lhe power Lo change Lhe way people Lhlnk, Lhe power Lo
connecL wlLh people, Lhe power Lo challenge and Lo upllfL. We wlll produce,
from scraLch, very shorL fllms LhaL make people Lhlnk. Commerclals, SAs,
saLlres, mlnl-movles: lL's your call! Parness Lhe power of arL. 8alse your volce.
**Speclal noLe: uue Lo Lhe flexlble naLure of Lhls course, sLudenLs may aLLend
Lhe AM sesslon C8 Lhe M sesslon C8 boLh!
SLarL uaLe 7/21/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/23/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) McChee, 8ob
1oLal lee AmounL $130
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M CpLlon Lo sLay 1-4 lf reglsLered for second sesslon.

1lLle lllm for Change (2)
Crades Served 7-12
LvenLCu 3.M.C712
Long uescrlpLlon ArL has a super power: Lhe power Lo change Lhe way people Lhlnk, Lhe power Lo
connecL wlLh people, Lhe power Lo challenge and Lo upllfL. We wlll produce,
from scraLch, very shorL fllms LhaL make people Lhlnk. Commerclals, SAs,
saLlres, mlnl-movles: lL's your call! Parness Lhe power of arL. 8alse your volce.
**Speclal noLe: uue Lo Lhe flexlble naLure of Lhls course, sLudenLs may aLLend
Lhe AM sesslon C8 Lhe M sesslon C8 boLh!
SLarL uaLe 7/21/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/23/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) McChee, 8ob
1oLal lee AmounL $130
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M CpLlon Lo aLLend 9-12 lf reglsLered for flrsL sesslon.

1lLle Croovy CadgeLs
Crades Served 1-2
LvenLCu 4.AM.C12
Long uescrlpLlon Where would lron Man be wlLhouL hls amazlng lnvenLlons? Come along and
develop some of your own lnLeresLlng lnnovaLlons! 1ake-lL-aparL day, lnsLanL
challenges, and an lnvenLlon falr on lrlday Lo markeL your orlglnal ldeas wlll
keep you blasLlng off!
SLarL uaLe 8/4/2014
Lnd uaLe 8/8/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Podge, uonna, McConaghy, Mlchelle
1oLal lee AmounL $160
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle Peroes on 8roadway
Crades Served 1-2
LvenLCu 3.AM.C12
Long uescrlpLlon Campers wlll learn baslc acLlng, slnglng and choreography. 1hey wlll learn abouL
Lhe LheaLre, work as an ensemble, and galn self confldence and polse. 1he new
sLars wlll showcase Lhelr LalenLs ln a shorL performance, lncludlng songs and
acLlng, aL Lhe end of Lhe week.
SLarL uaLe 7/21/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/23/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) McConaghy, Mlchelle
1oLal lee AmounL $130
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle !AvA owered
Crades Served 3-8
LvenLCu 1.AM.C38
Long uescrlpLlon 8eLLer Lhan a cup of !oe! Learn how Lo conLrol your compuLer wlLh baslc !ava
programmlng! We'll learn abouL varlables, meLhods, classes, loops and oLher
sub[ecLs Lo bulld a foundaLlon for !ava programmlng. [lL ls S18CnCL?
recommended for sLudenLs Lo brlng Lhelr own devlce for Lhls course, as Lhey wlll
be encouraged Lo work on Lhelr creaLlons aL home each nlghL. 1here are a
llmlLed number of compuLers avallable Lo borrow from LA ?oung, buL Lhey
cannoL leave Lhe school. lease conLacL lgnlLe[eayoungacademy.com lf you are
lnLeresLed ln borrowlng a compuLer.]
SLarL uaLe 6/23/2014
Lnd uaLe 6/27/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Creer, Mlchael, 8osales, Marllu
1oLal lee AmounL $130
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle kaya and naLlve Amerlcan Peroes
Crades Served 3-4
LvenLCu 4.M.C34
Long uescrlpLlon Come explore Lhe world of kaya, Lhe Amerlcan Clrl doll, and oLher naLlve
Amerlcan heroes llke Saca[awea and ocahonLas. Make naLlve Amerlcan crafLs
and bread, hear sLorles, play naLlve Amerlcan Cames and dlscover real naLlve
Amerlcan arLlfacLs. Make maLchlng naLlve Amerlcan [ewelry for you and your
doll. Learn abouL naLlve Amerlcans' llves, homes and food.
SLarL uaLe 8/4/2014
Lnd uaLe 8/8/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Podge, uonna
1oLal lee AmounL $163
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle LLCC My Superhero!
Crades Served 3-4
LvenLCu 2.M.C34
Long uescrlpLlon 1he vlllalns have Laken over! CreaLe a LLCC league of superheroes Lo defeaL
Lhem! LLCC bullders wlll bulld Lhelr scenes, wrlLe Lhelr scrlpLs, and use Lhe Lego
uC unlverse Super Peroes Movle Maker app Lo creaLe a sLop-moLlon anlmaLed
movle ln Lhls fun, lnLeracLlve, Lechnologlcal advenLure!
SLarL uaLe 7/7/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/11/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Sheffleld, Allson
1oLal lee AmounL $130
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle MlnecrafL Lhe upgrade
Crades Served 3-4
LvenLCu 4.AM.C34
Long uescrlpLlon use MlnecrafL Lo explore archlLecLure, farmlng, englneerlng, Lechnology and
more ln Lhls hands-on course! 1hls ls an advanced level MlnecrafL course LhaL
requlres experlence ln boLh creaLlve and survlval mode. arLlclpanLs MuS1 have
Lhelr own onllne accounL from www.mlnecrafL.neL ($26.93) because Lhey wlll
need Lhelr lndlvldual usernames Lo play collaboraLlvely on Lhe server for Lhls
course. [1hls course also requlres Lhe use of a C (noL a Mac or LableL). SLudenLs
are encouraged Lo brlng Lhelr own C lapLop, buL compuLers wlll be avallable for
lndlvlduals who do noL have a C lapLop. lf you plan Lo borrow a lapLop for Lhls
course, we recommend brlnglng ln a mouse labeled wlLh your name. ConLacL
lgnlLe[eayoungacademy.com lf you wlll need Lo borrow a compuLer.]
SLarL uaLe 8/4/2014
Lnd uaLe 8/8/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Creer, Mlchael, (supervlsor: 8osales, Marllu)
1oLal lee AmounL $130
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle MlnecrafL Lhe upgrade
Crades Served 3-4
LvenLCu 4.M.C34
Long uescrlpLlon use MlnecrafL Lo explore archlLecLure, farmlng, englneerlng, Lechnology and
more ln Lhls hands-on course! 1hls ls an advanced level MlnecrafL course LhaL
requlres experlence ln boLh creaLlve and survlval mode. arLlclpanLs MuS1 have
Lhelr own onllne accounL from www.mlnecrafL.neL ($26.93) because Lhey wlll
need Lhelr lndlvldual usernames Lo play collaboraLlvely on Lhe server for Lhls
course. [1hls course also requlres Lhe use of a C (noL a Mac or LableL). SLudenLs
are encouraged Lo brlng Lhelr own C lapLop, buL compuLers wlll be avallable for
lndlvlduals who do noL have a C lapLop. lf you plan Lo borrow a lapLop for Lhls
course, we recommend brlnglng ln a mouse labeled wlLh your name. ConLacL
lgnlLe[eayoungacademy.com lf you wlll need Lo borrow a compuLer.]
SLarL uaLe 8/4/2014
Lnd uaLe 8/8/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Creer, Mlchael, (supervlsor: 8osales, Marllu)
1oLal lee AmounL $130
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle no Cape 8equlred!
Crades Served 3-4
LvenLCu 4.M.C34
Long uescrlpLlon lrom explorlng Lhe depLhs of Lhe ocean wlLh Aquaman Lo soarlng Lhrough Lhe
unlverse wlLh Superman, sLudenLs wlll dlscover Lhe many ways ln whlch sclence
lmpacLed our greaLesL superheroes! !oln us! Lach day, we wlll focus on a
dlfferenL Superhero and sclence Lheme.
SLarL uaLe 8/4/2014
Lnd uaLe 8/4/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) McConaghy, Mlchelle
1oLal lee AmounL $160
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle aparazzl ower
Crades Served 3-4
LvenLCu 3.AM.C34
Long uescrlpLlon !oln eLer arker and !lmmy Clsen and learn how Lo capLure and edlL your
SuL8 speclal phoLos uslng SuL8 speclal effecLs. SLudenLs wlll need Lo brlng
Lhelr own lad, lod Louch or lhone wlLh capablllLy Lo download free edlLlng
appllcaLlons, lf posslble. A gallery walk and slldeshow presenLaLlons wlll end our
SLarL uaLe 7/21/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/23/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) PlLchlngs, Megan
1oLal lee AmounL $133
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle 8LAL Amerlcan Clrl Peroes
Crades Served 3-4
LvenLCu 4.AM.C34
Long uescrlpLlon Lxplore Lhe worlds of your favorlLe Amerlcan Clrl Peroes. ulscover Lhe culLure
and sLruggles of SamanLha, nellle and !ulle, Ceclle and Marle Crace, 8ebecca
and Lmlly as you creaLe crafLs from Lhelr Llme perlods, reenacL scenes from Lhelr
sLorles and dress up for a Lea parLy. Make a Lle-dye L-shlrL and paper dolls.
Ln[oy Lhe Amerlcan Clrl dolls' llves and learn abouL real llfe Amerlcan glrl heroes
SLarL uaLe 8/4/2014
Lnd uaLe 8/8/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) 8elcherL, 8achel
1oLal lee AmounL $163
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle 8oboLs Lo Lhe 8escue!
Crades Served 3-4
LvenLCu 1.AM.C34
Long uescrlpLlon Save Lhe world from naLural dlsasLer! ln Lhls englneerlng course, you wlll learn
how Lo program a Lego roboL uslng Lv3 sofLware. ?our roboL wlll perform Lasks
Lo save a communlLy from naLure's fury!
SLarL uaLe 6/23/2014
Lnd uaLe 6/27/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) PlLchlngs, Megan
1oLal lee AmounL $163
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle Speedy CeLaway
Crades Served 3-6
LvenLCu 1.M.C36
Long uescrlpLlon 8ungees! CaLapulLs! Zlpllnes! And More! 8ulld and LesL superhero geLaway
conLrapLlons. Wrap up Lhe week creaLlng and LesLlng your own geLaway vehlcle.
SLarL uaLe 6/23/2014
Lnd uaLe 6/27/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Waggoner, Mellssa
1oLal lee AmounL $160
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle S1LAM unks
Crades Served 1-2
LvenLCu 2.AM.C12
Long uescrlpLlon LeL's make arL wlLh our sclence experlmenLs! Pow do you make a pendulum drlp
palnLlng? Pow can crysLals grow ln an egg? Mlx magneLs and waLer-colors and
you can creaLe someLhlng amazlng! ln Lhls camp sesslon, we wlll explore Lhe
beauLy LhaL can be found ln and creaLed by Lhe world of sclence.
SLarL uaLe 7/7/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/11/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) PlLchlngs, Megan
1oLal lee AmounL $160
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle Super uub
Crades Served 3-8
LvenLCu 4.AM.C38
Long uescrlpLlon WhaL makes Lhe [oke so good or Lhe pun so funny? 1he punch llne! !oln MasLer-
Commanders Llsa age and 1alg Lyons for a Lrlp Lhrough Lechno-wlzardry and
edlLlng maglc. ln "Super uub," you'll noL only geL Lo learn Lhe Lechnlques LhaL
Lurn hllarlous vldeos vlral, buL you'll geL Lo wrlLe and record your own punch
llnes for oLherwlse "borlng" vldeos! SLudenLs are encouraged Lo brlng Lhelr own
compuLer wlLh Lhe Lrlal verslon of Adobe CreaLlve Cloud lnsLalled. 1hls wlll glve
Lhem free access Lo Adobe remler and AudlLlon for a monLh. vlew Lhe offer
and download here: hLLp://blL.ly/sLudenLcreaLe.
SLarL uaLe 8/4/2014
Lnd uaLe 8/8/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Lyons, 1alg, age, Llsa
1oLal lee AmounL $130
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle Super Pero AdvenLure
Crades Served k-2
LvenLCu 1.M.Ck2
Long uescrlpLlon ?ou are a super hero, dlsgulsed as a kld. CreaLe a super hero LhaL no one has
ever heard of. lck your own name, deslgn your own cape, and face palnL your
unlque super hero mask. alnL your logo or dlsLress slgnal or your acLlon word.
(CW! kA8CCM!) 8e Lhe sLar of your own super hero posLer.
SLarL uaLe 6/23/2014
Lnd uaLe 6/27/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) McConaghy, Mlchelle
1oLal lee AmounL $133
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle Super Senses
Crades Served 1-2
LvenLCu 4.M.C12
Long uescrlpLlon uld you know LhaL you acLually see upslde down? uld you know LhaL your LasLe
buds help keep you allve? uld you know you smell wlLh your braln? Learn abouL
Lhese Lhlngs and more!
SLarL uaLe 8/4/2014
Lnd uaLe 8/8/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Sheffleld, Allson
1oLal lee AmounL $163
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle Super SleuLhs
Crades Served 1-2
LvenLCu 2.M.C12
Long uescrlpLlon 8aLman needs your help ln proLecLlng Lhe clLlzens of CoLham ClLy! Pave you
ever wondered how Lo solve a mysLery? uo you wanL Lo know how Lo Lake your
flngerprlnLs? We are golng Lo explore how Lo collecL evldence Lo solve a mysLery
ln our classroom. CeL your magnlfylng glasses ready!
SLarL uaLe 7/7/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/11/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) rosLek, kerensa
1oLal lee AmounL $133
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle 1he (Super) ower of Self-Lxpresslon (1)
Crades Served 3-8
LvenLCu 4.AM.C38
Long uescrlpLlon llnd your volce! Share your volce! Lyrlcs, poems, a shorL sLory, Lhe flrsL few
chapLers of your flrsL novel: whaLever you wanL Lo wrlLe. roduce a flnal producL
you're proud of, and share lL. WhaL do you have Lo say Lo Lhe world? **Speclal
noLe: uue Lo Lhe flexlble naLure of Lhls course, sLudenLs may aLLend Lhe AM
sesslon C8 Lhe M sesslon C8 boLh!
SLarL uaLe 8/4/2014
Lnd uaLe 8/8/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) McChee, 8ob
1oLal lee AmounL $130
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle 1he ArL of uecepLlon
Crades Served 7-12
LvenLCu 2.M.C712
Long uescrlpLlon !oln me on a [ourney of masked ldenLlLles. Lxplore Lhe dlfferenL Lechnlques of
creaLlng masks wlLh dlfferenL maLerlals, Lhen brlng Lhose masks Lo llfe wlLh
Lhree dlmenslonal Lechnlques. Work wlLh dlfferenL maLerlals llke plasLer of
parls, LhermoplasLlcs, clay, and oLhers Lo Lransform your ldenLlLy.
SLarL uaLe 7/7/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/11/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) 8osales, Marllu
1oLal lee AmounL $163
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle 1he hyslcs of Speclal LffecLs
Crades Served 3-6
LvenLCu 3.AM.C36
Long uescrlpLlon use physlcs Lo make your frlends and famlly Lhlnk you have superpowers! SLore
elecLrlcal charge ln a plece of plasLlc! Make ob[ecLs sLlck Lo Lhe walls wlLhouL
Lape or glue! Make an elecLrlcal moLor run on waLer! use Lhe sun Lo power a
car! redlcL exacLly where a flred pro[ecLlle wlll land! Measure how fasL sound
moves! noL only wlll you learn how Lo use sclence Lo perform Lhese and many
oLher cool Lrlcks, buL also Lhe sclence behlnd Lhem. AfLer LhaL, you can wow
your frlends and famlly agaln wlLh your superlor sclence knowledge!
SLarL uaLe 7/21/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/23/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Craham, !oshua
1oLal lee AmounL $160
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle 1he 8eal CapLaln laneL (7-12)
Crades Served 7-12
LvenLCu 1.M.C712
Long uescrlpLlon Lver wonder why earLhquakes happen? Why do volcanoes erupL? Pow
mounLalns are made? (?es, Lhey are "made.") Pow fasL do LecLonlc plaLes move?
Pave you ever wondered whaL lles beLween your feeL and Lhe Lhousands of
mlles LhaL separaLe Lhem from our planeL's core? Pave you ever wondered how
Lhe earLh was born ln Lhe flrsL place? And whaL has lL been dolng ln Lhe
lnLervenlng 4.3 bllllon years? Slgn up for Lhls class and learn how geologlsLs read
Lhe earLh's hlsLory from lLs rocks, and how Lhelr dlscoverles provlde Lhe answers
Lo all of Lhese quesLlons and more!
SLarL uaLe 6/23/2014
Lnd uaLe 6/27/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Craham, !oshua
1oLal lee AmounL $163
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle 1hls Aln'L Spldey's Web!
Crades Served 7-12
LvenLCu 3.AM.C712
Long uescrlpLlon SLudy of Lhe formal process of organlzlng and deslgnlng effecLlve Web slLes. 1he
course wlll cover P1ML, !avaScrlpL, CSS, P, and an lnLroducLlon Lo
ureamweaver, color Lheory and deslgn. 1he course lncludes Lhe producLlon of
lndlvldual web pro[ecLs along wlLh Lhe chance Lo help redeslgn Lhe LA ?oung
webslLe. SLudenLs are encouraged Lo brlng Lhelr own compuLer wlLh Lhe Lrlal
verslon of Adobe CreaLlve Cloud lnsLalled. 1hls wlll glve Lhem free access Lo
ureamweaver for a monLh. vlew Lhe offer and download here:
hLLp://blL.ly/sLudenLcreaLe. SCnSC8Lu 8? uLx MLulA
SLarL uaLe 7/21/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/23/2014
lnsLrucLor name(s) Celmer, uanlelle, erry, klm (uLx Medla AssoclaLes)
1oLal lee AmounL $130
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

1lLle 1o lnflnlLy...and 8eyond!
Crades Served 3-4
LvenLCu 1.M.C34
Long uescrlpLlon Why yes, lL lS rockeL sclence! ueslgn and creaLe slmple rockeLs LhaL wlll elLher fly
or "fall wlLh sLyle," explore Lhe physlcs of fllghL, and LesL varlous Lypes of
propulslon for your rockeLs. ulscover more abouL Lhe fleld of aeronauLlcal
englneerlng Lhrough lnLervlews wlLh englneers!
SLarL uaLe 6/23/2014
Lnd uaLe 6/27/2014
lnsLrucLor name Sheffleld, Allson
1oLal lee AmounL $160
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle WhaL Would Wonder Woman uo? (for Cl8LS only!)
Crades Served 3-4
LvenLCu 2.M.C34b
Long uescrlpLlon Anything boys can do, girls can do TOO! This girls-only class will explore the
many scientific concepts surrounding the greatness of Wonder Woman, such
as the physics of flight and protecting Paradise Island, all while training like
Amazon Princesses!
SLarL uaLe 7/7/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/11/2014
lnsLrucLor name McConaghy, Mlchelle
1oLal lee AmounL $160
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle Zero Lo Super Pero (1/2)
Crades Served 1-2
LvenLCu 3.M.C12
Long uescrlpLlon 1he Super Pero always wlns! Pow does LhaL all add up? Come explore maLh
concepLs wlLh Superman, Splderman, and 8aLman. 1ogeLher, we can help our
good guys always save Lhe day!
SLarL uaLe 7/21/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/23/2014
lnsLrucLor name
1oLal lee AmounL $133
Schedule M-l 1:00M-4:00M

1lLle Zero Lo Super Pero (k)
Crades Served k
LvenLCu 3.AM.Ck
Long uescrlpLlon 1he Super Pero always wlns! Pow does LhaL all add up? Come explore maLh
concepLs wlLh Superman, Splderman, and 8aLman. 1ogeLher, we can help our
good guys always save Lhe day!
SLarL uaLe 7/21/2014
Lnd uaLe 7/23/2014
lnsLrucLor name
1oLal lee AmounL $133
Schedule M-l 9:00AM-12:00M

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