Shannon Maureen Conley

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AO 91 (Rev.

11/11) Criminal Complaint

for the
District of Colorado
United States of America
Case No.
I, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief:
Between and on or about September 7, 2013 through April 8, 2014, inclusive, in the State and District of
Colorado and elsewhere, the defendant, Shannon Maureen CONLEY, together with others, did knowingly attempt to
provide material support and resources, to wit: personnel (1 or more individuals who may be or include oneself) and
expert advice or assistance, to a foreign terrorist organization, specifically the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS),
also known as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) or Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AAQI@), continuously designated since December 17,
2004, knowing that the organization was a designated terrorist organization, that the organization had engaged in and was
engaging in terrorist activity and terrorism, and the offense occurred in whole or in part within the United States.
All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2339B.
This criminal complaint is based on these facts:
See Affidavit attached hereto and herein incorporated by reference.
X Continued on attached sheet.
s/Christian K. R. Byrne
Complainants signature
Christian K. R. Byrne, Task Force Officer, FBI-J TTF
Printed name and title
Sworn to before me and: signed in my presence.
submitted, attested to, and acknowledged by reliable electronic means.
Judges signature
City and state:
Printed name and title
August 25, 2012 09 Apr 2014
Kristen L. Mix
United States Magistrate J udge
dged by reliable electronic means.
Judges signature
Kristen L. Mix
United States Magistrate J udge
Denver, Colorado
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The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says:
1. Your affiant, Christian K. R. Byrne, is a sworn peace officer in the State of Colorado, and a
Special Deputy US Marshal in the United States of America. Your affiant has been a peace
officer in Colorado since 1996, a Special Deputy US Marshal since 2012, and is currently
assigned to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Denver Field Office, J oint Terrorism
Task Force (J TTF). Your affiants primary responsibilities include the investigation of
crimes as defined by United States Code and Colorado Revised Statuteswithin the state of
Colorado. Your affiant states that the following facts are true and based upon the affiants
personal knowledge, as a result of the affiants conversations with the persons named herein
and reviewing their written reports.
2. In the course of his official duties, your affiant is charged with the investigation of crimes
within the federal district of Colorado. In this regard, the following information was
developed by your affiant, Special Agent (SA) Matthew J . Dahl and SA Kharim Khomssi in
connection with the FBI investigation of Shannon Maureen Conley (hereinafter: Conley)
within the District of Colorado. This document contains asummary of the facts of the
investigation and not the complete details therein.
3. This affidavit ismade in support of an application for a criminal complaint and arrest warrant
for Shannon Maureen Conley for a violation of Title 18 United States Code Section 2339B --
Providing and Attempting to Provide Material Support or Resources to a Designated Foreign
Terrorist Organization.
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4. On 11/5/2013, your affiant was advised that Faith Bible Chapel (FBC) pastor and security
director reported to Arvada police and Colorado Bureau of Investigation suspicious activity
involving Shannon Maureen Conleyat FBC on numerous Sundays in October of 2013, which
took place at FBCs main campus located at 6210 Ward Road, Arvada, Colorado. FBC was
the site of a fatal active shooter incident in 2007. Conley was observed by staff on the FBC
campus wanderingaround and takingnotes in a notebook that appearedto FBC staff to be
consistent with taking notes of various locations and the layout of the campus. Church staff
confronted Conley and asked to see her notes, to which Conley refused. Conley then became
confrontational with FBC staff, citing her own Islamic religious views. Conley made
spontaneous statements to church staff to the effect of: Why is the church worried about a
terrorist attack?; and, that terrorists are: not allowed to kill aging adults and little
children. On Sunday, 11/3/2013, Conleywas asked by church officials not to return to FBC.
5. On 11/7/2013, Conleywas interviewed by an ArvadaPolice Detective and your affiant. Both
were in plain clothes with weapons concealedat meetings in public locations to which
Conley agreed. Conley was told she was not under arrest, free to leave at any time, did not
have to speak to interviewers, or answer any questions that she did not wish toanswer;
Conleyagreed to this. When asked why she went to FBC for the last two months, Conley
initially respondedthat, I hate those people. According to Conley, she initially started
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visiting the FBC becauseshe wanted to meet people of other faiths and learn about them. She
started going to Sunday services and classes, but did not discuss her viewsand dressed in her
Conley stated that does not like Israel or FBCs active and vocal support for
Israel. After a while, Conley noticedshe was being followed and felt they treated her like a
terrorist. Conley stated that she reasoned that, If they think Im a terrorist, Ill give them
something to think I am. She started keeping a notebook and acted like she was
diagramming the church to alarm them. After that, Conleygot into an argument with the
pastor and was asked to leave. Conley stated that J ihad to her is war against kafir
(derogatory Arabic term for non-Muslims) to protect Muslim lands, although she
acknowledgedthat J ihad can also mean internal religious struggle. When asked her opinion
about harming innocent people while waging J ihad, Conley stated that it depended on the
circumstance. To Conley, it is okay to harm innocents if they are part of a target. She felt
that if wives, children, and chaplains visiting a military base are killed during an attack, it is
acceptablebecause they should not have been at a legitimate target. She repeatedly referred
to US military bases as targets.
6. On 12/6/2013, Conley was again interviewed by FBI Special Agent (SA) Karim Khomssi
and your affiant. Conley stated shejoined the US Army Explorers
(USAE) to be trained in
US military tactics and in firearms. She said she intendedto use that training to go overseas
to wage J ihad. She alsointended to trainIslamicJ ihadi fighters in US military tactics. She
previously wantedto serve in the US military but no longer wantedto because she felt the
A hijab is a head covering worn in public by Muslim women.
US Army Explorers is a national non-profit youth career exploration program for persons ages 13-20. The
program exposes participants to career opportunities in the military and provides knowledge and experience in
military occupational skills.
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military would not accept her due to her religious beliefs and her wearing of ahijab and
She said she wanted military training, so the Explorers were the best option because
she will never be deployed and they will let her wear a hijab. Conley stated she wantedto
wage J ihadand would like to go overseas to fight. She further stated that if she is not
allowed to fight because she is a woman, she will use her medical training to aid J ihadi
fighters. Conley is licensed as a Certified Nurses Aide in the State of Colorado. If she
cannot fight or be a nurse for J ihad, Conley stated she will assist J ihadi fighters in whatever
manner is needed. According to Conley, it is acceptable to attack westerners when engaged
in defensive J ihad. Conley stated that legitimate targets of attack include military facilities
and personnel, government facilities and personnel, and public officials. When asked if this
includes law enforcement, Conley replied that it does. According to Conley, law
enforcement is included because police enforce man-made laws that are not grounded in
Gods law. Conley stated targets to be avoided include women, children, and the
elderly. Investigation shows that Conley joined the USAE on September 7, 2013.
7. On 12/19/2013, SA Khomssi and your affiant again interviewed Conley. Conley stated that
J ihadmust be waged to protect Muslim nations. Conley said she neededto go overseas to be
trained in J ihad, but didnot need to be overseas to wage J ihad. Conley was asked if she
would be willing to support Muslim lands by getting involved in humanitarian efforts, such
as the Red Crescent. She had never heard of the Red Crescent and questioned whether it is a
"real" Muslim organization. Conleyresponded that humanitarian work is not an option
because it does nothing to solve the problem. Conleyshowed interviewers a book called Al-
A niqab is a veil or cloth that covers the face as part of a hijab.
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Qaidas Doctrine for Insurgency: Abd Al-Aziz Al-Muqrins A Practical Course for Guerilla
War by Norman Cigar. Conley sawherself as being a part of tactics taught in the
book. The book had several passages underlined by Conley, including motorcade attacks and
waging guerilla warfare. Conley stated that attacking a motorcade in the US was not viable
because security in the US is too good. Conley thought she could plan such an attack, but not
carry it out. Conley liked the idea of guerilla warfare because she could do it alone. Conley
stated she neededthree elements in order to wage J ihad: intent, means, and opportunity. She
hadthe intent, but lackedthe means and opportunity. Conley stated that if everything falls
into place, shemay be ready to wage J ihadin a year. Conley was reminded, and
acknowledged, that she had made statements to overt law enforcement about waging J ihad
against the US. Conleywas further advised, and acknowledged, that what she wantedto do
is illegal. When asked if she still wantedto carry out the plans, knowing they are illegal,
Conleysaid that she does.
8. On 1/15/2014, Conleywasagain interviewed by SA Khomssi and your affiant. Conley
advised she would attend USAE training in the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area between 2/7-
9/2014. Conleyplannedto go to Morocco with friends from the Denver area in late May,
2014. Conley said she planned to tell her family about her J ihadplans once she was out of
the US as there was nothing they would be able to do about it then. From Morocco, Conley
plannedto go to Iraq. Conleywent on to say that the purpose of going to Iraq was to make
contact with a friend of a friend of oneof her travel companions. The contact in Iraq was to
help her find a J ihadist training camp. Conleydidnot know who the person was in Iraq,
where in Iraq he lived, or what exactly he woulddo for her. Conley was askedagainif she
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considered doing humanitarian work with a group like the Red Crescent, instead of waging
J ihad. Conley stated shehas no interest in doing humanitarian work. Conley felt that J ihad
is the only answer to correct the wrongs against the Muslim world. Conley said she preferred
to wage J ihadoverseas so she could be with J ihadist fighters.
9. On 2/4/2014, Conley was again interviewed by SA Khomssi and your affiant. Conley
intended to go through with the USAE trainingonthe upcoming weekend. It sounded like
fun to her and it would provide training she wanted to further her J ihadist goals. Conley was
asked whether, and she confirmedthat, she was being truthful in this conversation and in
prior conversationsregarding her intentions. On 2/11/2014, Conley was again interviewed
by SA Khomssi and your affiant. Conley stated that she had attended USAE training and that
she enjoyed it and benefitted from it.
10. On 3/18/2014, SA Khomssi and your affiant again interviewed Conley. When asked if she
wanted to visit Syria, she was evasivein her answer, but did admit that she knew an ISIS
fighter in Syria, as well as a sister married to an ISIS fighter in Syria. She did not divulge
more informationabout ISIS or the fighter. Conley advised that if she had enough money to
do anything she wanted, she would travel for J ihador fund whatever was needed for the
11. On 3/27/2014, Conley met withSA Khomssi and SA Gamal Abdel-Hafiz. This meeting was
anovert attempt to dissuadeConleyfrom violent criminal activityand give her the
opportunity to turn away from her intention to participate in supporting terrorist activities.
At the end of the conversation, Conley said she had not changed her mind but would research
what was discussed. SA Khomssi admonished Conleytwice in the conversation that travel
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with intent to wage J ihadmay be illegal and result in her arrest. Conley told SA Khomssi
said she would rather be in prison than do nothing.
12. On 4/4/2014, SA Khomssi and your affiant again interviewed Conley. Conley stated that the
ISIS fighter that knew in Syria was her suitor. Conley said she is aware that her suitor is a
fighter for ISIS and that ISIS is, The Islamic State of Iraq and Al Sham. Conley was aware
ISIS is synonymous with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and was and may
still be associated with Al-Qaeda. Conley said that she researched ISIS and stated, In the
research I made [um] there were two opinions. One said that they began as part of Al-Qaeda
and then they split off. But another one says that they are still. Conley stated she did not
care if ISIS was associated with Al-Qaeda or not. Conley said ISIS was going to try to
make Syria and Iraqthe beginnings of a calipha (ph). Conley further admitted she is aware
that Al-Qaeda and ISIS are US government Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations.
Conley defended her actions by having stated that she would be, Defending Muslims on the
Muslim homeland against people who are trying to kill them. Conley said she planned to
travel next week to meet her suitor in Syria and that they intended to reside near the Turkish
border. Conley stated the airline ticket was purchased for her. Conley said that if she was
prohibited from leaving the country she, would find another way. Conley has not sent
any material or money to her suitor, but had been asked by him to transfer money for him.
Conley did not transfer the money because she thought it may get her in trouble. Conley told
investigators she planned to be the suitors housewife and the camp nurse. When Conley told
the suitor she wants to provide his camp with medical services and training, he told her that
was good because they needed more nurses. Conley quoted her suitor as having said, We
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need some nurses over here. Conley stated that she was aware that her plans were
potentially illegal and she could possibly get arrested, andtherefore she has no intention to
return to the US. Conley mentioned an incident where an individual was arrested for
attempting to go fight in Syria. She told SA Khomssi and your affiant there was nothing they
could do to change her mind and that she was still going, although she admitted, I know
things can go terribly wrong. When asked if she would engage in actual combat on the
battlefield, Conley said, If it was absolutely necessary, then yes. I wouldnt like itbut I
would do it. Conley also said, Hes the man, he should be doing the fighting.
13. Your affiant is aware the United States State Department designated Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)
as a designated foreign terrorist organization under Section 219 of the Immigration and
Nationality Act on 12/17/2004 and that it remains designated as of the date of thiscomplaint.
According to the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) and the State Departments
designation, AQI is also known as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). According to NCTC,
AQI declared in 2013 that it operates in Syria under the name the Islamic State of Iraq and
the Levant (ISIL). Your affiant is further aware that ISIS is another name for the Islamic
State of Iraq and Syria, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or Islamic State of Iraq and
14. A records check confirmed that Conley is scheduled to fly out of Denver International
Airport on 4/8/2014. She is listed as booked on United Airlines Flight #8879 departing
Denver for Frankfurt, Germany at 5:25 p.m. Records then show Conley is scheduled to
depart Frankfurt, Germany for Istanbul, Turkey on Lufthansa Flight #1300 at 1:00 p.m. on
4/9/2014. Lastly, records indicate a final flight booked for Conley on 4/10/2014 on Turkish
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Airlines Flight #2476 from Istanbul, Turkey to Adana, Turkey. Your affiant learned that
Adana, Turkey is approximately a three hour drive from the Syrian / Turkish border.
15. During the course of this investigation, FBI personnel also contacted Conleys parents.
Conley lives with her parents at On 2/19/2014, Ana
Conley (hereinafter: Ana) was interviewed at her place of employment by SA Matthew Dahl
and your affiant. Ana is the mother of Conley. Ana is married to the father of Conley, J ohn
Conley (hereinafter: J ohn). Conley lives at the home of her parents. Ana advisedthere were
several firearmswithin their home and Conley is familiar with their use. Conley and a
friend, Amber, had taken one of the rifles and had recently practiced shooting at a local
shooting range. On 2/25/2014, J ohnwas interviewed by SA Dahl andyour affiant (Ana was
present but did not participate). J ohnwas aware that Conleyhad converted to Islam, but was
not aware she had any interest in extremist Islam or violent J ihad. Conleyhad described
J ihadto her father as struggles to help the oppressed or the poor. J ohn and Ana were advised
their daughter had expressed, to overt FBI agents, her intention to travel overseas and commit
violent J ihad. J ohn and Ana were asked to attempt to engage Conley in candid conversation
and to get her to expose her true views on Islam. J ohn and Ana were further requested to
meet with, and ask Conley to speak with, elders at her mosque to discussmore moderate
16. On 3/10/2014, J ohncalled SA Dahl and reported that he and his wife spoke with their
daughter, Conley, regarding her religious views on the previous evening. J ohnstated that
Conleysviews on Islam were far more extreme than hehad previously thought. Conley
explained to her father she felt conflicted with what she thought Islam required of
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her. Conley believedshe, as a Muslim, neededto marry young and be confrontational in her
support of Islam. She conceded her knowledge of Islam was based solely on her own
research that she conductedon the Internet. According to J ohn, Conley had her own laptop
computer and she accessed the wireless internet within their home on it. J ohn advised
Conley made efforts to prohibit him and Ana from seeing what she had on the screen of the
17. On 3/14/2014, your affiant talked to J ohnby telephone. According to J ohn, Conleyrecently
met a new suitor online. He is a 32 year old Tunisian male named Conley told J ohn
that claimedto be in Syria fighting on behalf of ISIS. J ohn met whenhe
found Conleyon her computer talking to viaSkype. At that time, Conley and
asked for J ohns blessing for Conley and to marry and for J ohnto send Conleyto
Syria to marry as soon as possible. J ohndeclined both requests, which appeared to
surprise bothConleyand Conleyand were trying to figure out how to get
Conleyto Syria so they couldmarry and settle in Syria.
18. On 4/1/2014, J ohnwas interviewed by SA Dahl and your affiant. Conleytold J ohn and Ana
of her plan togo overseas to marry. Conley told J ohn that is her current
suitor. Conley stated that claimed to be a stateless person; meaning he is Tunisian, but
broke Tunisian law by going to Syria to fight. According to if he returned to Tunisia,
he would face charges for joining a group fighting in Syria. Conley told J ohnshe wants to
go marry a soldier. Conley stated that if she cannot fight, she will still be supporting his
cause. J ohncalled your affiant later that dayto report that he found a one-way ticket for
Conleyto travel from Denver to Adana, Turkey on 4/8/2014on his desk. On 4/2/2014, J ohn
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called SA Dahl and reported he and Ana had again confronted Conley and stated
conclusively they did not provide their blessing, nor their support for her travel and marriage.
Conley was aware that Islam required the blessing of her family for her marriage, but told
J ohn she had thought about it and disagreed with Islam on the issue and was going to travel
and marry anyway without their blessing. J ohn and Anacould not dissuade Conleyfrom her
plans to travel to Turkey on 4/8/2014 to marry J ohn told agents that he witnessed this
exchange on Conleys laptop computer at their residence located at in
Arvada, Colorado.
19. On 4/8/2014, Conley went to DIA, checked baggage and proceeded to check in for her flight
departing Denver for Frankfurt, Germany. Agents arrested Conley on probable cause as she
walked down the jet way to board the flight.
20. After the Conleys arrest, agents read Conleyher Miranda rights. She indicated she
understood her rights and waived them, giving a statement to agents. Conley told agents that
she planned to fly to Turkey and wait there until associates of her suitor contacted her. These
associateswould then take Conley into Syria to meet up with her suitor.
21. On 4/8/2014, agents executed search warrants for Conleys residence located at
in Arvada, Colorado and for the luggage she checked at DIA. At the residence, agents
foundmaterials about jihad and Al-Qaeda. Agents recovered a number of CD/DVDs labeled
Anwar al-Awlaki. In Conleys luggage, agents found a folder with materials about first aid
in the field. From Conleys person, agents recovered a contact list which included numbers
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22. Based on the information set forth in this application, your affiant submits that there is
probable cause to issue a criminal complaint and arrest warrant for Shannon Maureen Conley
for aviolation of Title 18 United States Code Section 2339B Provision and Attempted
Provision of Material Support or Resources to a DesignatedForeign Terrorist Organization.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Christian K. R. Byrne ____
Christian K. R. Byrne
Task Force Officer
Sworn to before me this_____ day of _____________, 2014.
United States Magistrate J udge
Criminal Complaint and Applications for Search Warrant were reviewed and are
submitted by Gregory Holloway, Assistant United States Attorney.
April Sworn to before me this_____ day of _____
United States Magistrate J udge
___ ___
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YOB: 1996
ADDRESS(CITY/STATE): Arvada, Colorado
OFFENSE(S): 18 U.S.C. 2339B, Provision and Attempted Provision of Material Support or
Resources to a Designated Foreign Terrorist Organization
LOCATION OF OFFENSE (COUNTY/STATE): J efferson County, Colorado
PENALTY: NMT 15 years imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both; NMT 5 years supervised
release; $100 special assessment
AGENT: Christian K. R. Byrne
Task Force Officer, FBI-J TTF
AUTHORIZED BY: Gregory Holloway
Assistant U.S. Attorney
X five days or less over five days other
X will seek detention in this case will not seek detention in this case
The statutory presumption of detention is applicable to this defendant.
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