This document contains 10 statistics problems involving the analysis of data presented in tables, graphs, and charts. The problems cover calculating measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), completing frequency tables, drawing histograms and frequency polygons, determining class intervals and midpoints, and interpreting data distributions from graphs. The data sets relate to topics like car speeds, student test scores, ages of workers, and watermelon weights. The document tests skills in organizing, representing, and analyzing numerical data across multiple representations.
This document contains 10 statistics problems involving the analysis of data presented in tables, graphs, and charts. The problems cover calculating measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), completing frequency tables, drawing histograms and frequency polygons, determining class intervals and midpoints, and interpreting data distributions from graphs. The data sets relate to topics like car speeds, student test scores, ages of workers, and watermelon weights. The document tests skills in organizing, representing, and analyzing numerical data across multiple representations.
This document contains 10 statistics problems involving the analysis of data presented in tables, graphs, and charts. The problems cover calculating measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), completing frequency tables, drawing histograms and frequency polygons, determining class intervals and midpoints, and interpreting data distributions from graphs. The data sets relate to topics like car speeds, student test scores, ages of workers, and watermelon weights. The document tests skills in organizing, representing, and analyzing numerical data across multiple representations.
This document contains 10 statistics problems involving the analysis of data presented in tables, graphs, and charts. The problems cover calculating measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), completing frequency tables, drawing histograms and frequency polygons, determining class intervals and midpoints, and interpreting data distributions from graphs. The data sets relate to topics like car speeds, student test scores, ages of workers, and watermelon weights. The document tests skills in organizing, representing, and analyzing numerical data across multiple representations.
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1. (a) The table shows the speed, in km h
-1 , of 56 cars on a road.
Speed ( km h -1 ) Freqenc! "idpoint 51 # 55 $ 56 # 6% 6 61 # 65 1& 66 # '% 15 '1 # '5 ( '6 # &% 5 &1 # &5 1 i) Find the midpoints of the class inter)als. ii) *alclate the mean speed of the cars. (b) *omplete the table +i)en in the answer space below. Speed ( km h -1 ) Freqenc! ,pper bondar! *mlati)e freqenc! 51 # 55 $ 56 # 6% 6 61 # 65 1& 66 # '% 15 '1 # '5 ( '6 # &% 5 &1 # &5 1 (c) For this part of question, use the graph paper. -! sin+ a scale of $ cm to 5 km h -1 on the . and $ cm to 5 cars on the !, draw an o+i)e for the data. /ence, find (i) the median (ii) the interqartile ran+e. $. The data abo)e shows the pocket mone!, in 0", per week of a +rop of 1% stdents. 1% 12 1& ' 1( 5 $1 $1 1& 16 1& 1% 15 1( $% & 1 11 1$ 6 ( $% $% 15 & 1% 16 11 12 1' ( 11 1( 15 1' 1$ 11 11 16 1' (a) -ased on the data, complete the table below. 3ocket mone! (0") Freqenc! "idpoint 1 # 2 % 1 # 6 (b) -ased on the table, (i) state the modal class, (ii) calclate the mean, of the data. (c) For this part of the question, use a graph paper. -! sin+ a scale of $ cm to 0" 2 on the and $ cm to 1 stdent on the !, draw a histo+ram and a freqenc! pol!+on on the same +raph paper. 2. (a) The table abo)e shows the scores of a +rop of pla!ers in the +ame. Score 1% 11 1$ 12 11 15 Frequency 1 ' 2 X 5 & (i) 4i)en the median is 1$.5, find the )ale of x. (ii) 4i)en the mode is 15, find the ma.imm )ale of x. (b) The data shows the mass, in k+, of a +rop of stdents. (i) -ased on the data, complete the freqenc! table below. "ass (k+) Freqenc! 11 # 11 65 # 6& (ii) For this part of question, use the graph paper. (a) -! sin+ a scale of $ cm to 1 k+ on the and $cm to 1 stdent on the, draw a histo+ram for the data. (b) State one information obtained from the histo+ram. 1. The histo+ram shows the donations from a +rop of 1% stdents to a school fnd. (a) -ased on the histo+ram, state the modal class of the data. (b) *omplete the freqenc! table below. 5onation (0") Freqenc! *mlati)e freqenc! ,pper bondar! % % 1 # 1 $ (c) For this part of question, use a graph paper. (i) -! sin+ a scale of $ cm to 0"1 on the and $ cm to 5 stdents on the !, draw an o+i)e for the data. (ii) From the o+i)e, find the inter qartile ran+e. 5. The o+i)e shows the scores of a +rop of 1& stdents in a "athematics test. (a) -ased on the o+i)e, calclate the percenta+e of stdents who scored more than &%. (b) *omplete the table below. Score *mlati)e freqenc! Freqenc! "idpoint 6% # 61 % 65 # 6( (c) *alclate the mean of the data. (d) For this part of question, use the graph paper. -! sin+ a scale of $ cm to 5 scores on the and $ cm to $ stdents on the !-, draw a freqenc! pol!+on for the data 6. The freqenc! table abo)e shows the masses, in kg, of watermelons in a lorr!. "ass (k+) Freqenc! 1.5 # 1.( 1 $.% # $.1 1% $.5 # $.( $6 2.% # 2.1 &1 2.5 # 2.( 5% 1.% # 1.1 15 1.5 # 1.( & 5.% # 5.1 2 (a) From the table, state (i) the si6e of the class inter)al, (ii) the midpoint of the modal class. (b) (i) -ased on the information, complete the table below. ,pper bondar! 1.15 5.15 *mlati)e Freqenc! % $%% (ii) For this part of question, use a graph paper. -! sin+ a scale of $ cm to %.5 k+ on the and $cm to $% watermelons on the !, draw an o+i)e for the data. (iii) From the o+i)e, a) state the median of the data, b) find the nmber of watermelons with the wei+ht less than 2.& k+. '. The cmlati)e freqenc! table shows the marks of a +rop of 1% stdents in a test. "ark 6% # 61 65 # 6( '% # '1 '5 # '( &% # &1 &5 # &( (% # (1 *mlati)e freqenc! ' 11 1' $6 21 2' 1% (a) -ased on the information, complete the table in the answer corner. Marks Frequency Midpoint 6% # 61 ' (b) Find (i) the si6e of the class inter)al, (ii) the modal class of the data, (iii) the midpoint of the modal class. (c) *alclate the mean of the data. (d) For this part of question, use the graph paper. -! sin+ a scale of $ cm to 5 marks on the and $ cm to 1 stdent on the !, draw a histo+ram for the data. &. The data shows the a+es of a +rop of 1% workers in a factor!. 2& 11 2$ 2( 2$ 5% 21 2& 26 51 21 $' 11 2% 1( $& $6 21 $$ 26 2$ 22 21 12 21 $' 16 11 25 25 21 21 1% 25 $5 $' 5% 2' 22 15 (a) Find the ran+e of the data. (b) -ased on the data and b! sin+ a class inter)al of 5 !ears, complete the table below. Ages (years Frequency Midpoint $1 # $5 $6 # 2% (c) From the table, (i) state the modal class, (ii) calclate the mean,of the data. (d) For this part of question, use a graph paper. -! sin+ a scale of $ cm to 5 !ears on the and $ cm to $ workers on the, draw a freqenc! pol!+on for the data. !. The data shows the a+es of a +rop of 1% workers in a factor!. 2& 11 2$ 2( 2$ 5% 21 2& 26 51 21 $' 11 2% 1( $& $6 21 $$ 26 2$ 22 21 12 21 $' 16 11 25 25 21 21 1% 25 $5 $' 5% 2' 22 15 (a) Find the ran+e of the data. (b) -ased on the data and b! sin+ a class inter)al of 5 !ears, complete the table below. Ages (years Frequency Midpoint $1 # $5 $6 # 2% (c) From the table, (i) state the modal class, (ii) calclate the mean, of the data. (d) For this part of question, use a graph paper. -! sin+ a scale of $ cm to 5 !ears on the and $ cm to $ workers on the !, draw a freqenc! pol!+on for the data. 1%. The freqenc! pol!+on shows the dail! incomes, in 0", of $& workers. (a) -ased on the freqenc! pol!+on, complete the table below (b) -ased on the table, (i) state the modal class, (ii) calclate the mean, of the data. (c) For this part of question, use a graph paper. (i) -! sin+ a scale $ cm to 0"5 on the and $ cm to 1 workers on the !, draw an o+i)e for the data. (ii) From the o+i)e, find the nmber of workers whose dail! income is more than 0"2&. Soltion S17 Sltion S$ "ai#y inco$e (RM Midpoint %pper &oundary Frequency Cu$u#ati'e (requency 16 # $% 1& $%.5 % % (a) (i) and (b) Speed (k$ ) *+