Biology 2 2014 Syllabus

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Course: Biology 112 (Oakland City University), Biology II (North Daviess)

Term: Fall 201! "#ring 201$

Instructor: %oni&a 'lade
(oo) *
*)ail )glade+ndaviess,k12,in,-s
.hone /12!010!/000 *2t, 1103
Text: C4!12 Biology Con&e#ts (Digital 5e2t only)
Course Description: Biology II #rovides an introd-&tion to organis)al 6iology ! &overing a general s-rvey o7
#lants and ani)als in&l-ding their str-&t-re, 7-n&tion, and i)#ortan&e in the environ)ent,
D-al &redit thro-gh Oakland City University
(e&o))ended .rere8-isite: Biology I 9ith a C or 6etter
Co-nts as a "&ien&e Co-rse 7or the 'eneral, Core 0, Core 0 9ith :&ade)i& ;onors and Core 0 9ith
5e&hni&al ;onors di#lo)as
Materials need for class:
Co)#osition note6ook ("&ien&e <o-rnal), 7older or 1!ring 6inder 9ith #a#er, la#to#, #ens=#en&ils, 2 gl-e sti&ks,
and a 7lash drive
Class Assignments
5his &lass 9ill in&l-de #ro<e&ts 9ith gro-# and individ-al 9ork, reading assign)ents, #o9er #oint, <o-rnaling,
8-i>>es, resear&h #a#ers, tests, la6 a&tivities and a )id!ter) and 7inal e2a),
Topics to be covered this year
.rokaryotes and ?ir-ses
.rotists and F-ngi
;-)an Biology
Student Reuirements and !xpectations
"t-dents are e2#e&ted to 6e #re#ared 7or &lass 9ith all )aterials needed 7or &lass, "t-dents 9ill get three
#asses o-t o7 &lass 7or the 3 9eeks 7or e)ergen&ies only@
"t-dents need to 6e on ti)e in &lass and ready to 9ork 9hen the 6ell rings, :ttendan&e is very
i)#ortant, 5he 6ell assign)ent 9ill 6e on the 6oard to 6egin at the 6eginning o7 &lass,
;o)e9ork and #ro<e&t )aterials are d-e the day o7 the d-e date, I7 9ork is not t-rned in 6y the d-e date
it 9ill 6e d-e the ne2t day 9ith 2$A taken o77 7or 6eing late, :ny 9ork that is t-rned in 2 days late 9ill
lose $0A, :ny 9ork t-rned in 2 days a7ter the d-e date 9ill not 6e a&&e#ted,
"t-dents 9ho are &a-ght &heating 9ill 6e dealt 9ith and hand6ook r-les 9ill 6e en7or&ed,
:ll r-les in the hand6ook 9ill 6e en7or&ed in the &lassroo),
Ba#to#s are 7or &lass #-r#oses only, no ga)es or non!related 9e6sites d-ring &lass,
NO 7ood or drink in &lass, this in&l-des g-), &andy, and 9ater,
5here 9ill 6e no horse#lay tolerated in &lass or la6 areas, "t-dents sho-ld 7ollo9 all sa7ety g-idelines
9hen 9orking in the la6,
.arti&i#ation #oints 9ill 6e given in &lass 7or a grade, :BB st-dents need to 6e #re#ared and #arti&i#ate@
:ny -se o7 a &ell #hone in &lass 9ill 6e a 9rite -#, 5he #hone sho-ld not 6e seen in &lass, no te2ting or
other -se,
No )-si& devi&es 9ill 6e allo9ed in &lass,
!xtra Credit
"t-dents 9ill have an o##ort-nity to earn e2tra &redit 7or this &lass, : st-dent &an not earn )ore than 20 #oints
7or a 3 9eek #eriod, *2tra &redit o##ort-nities are listed in the e2tra &redit 6inder 7o-nd at the 7ront o7 the
&lassroo), :lternate e2tra &redit #ro<e&ts are allo9ed, 6-t )-st 6e a##roved 6y %rs, 'lade at least 2 9eeks
6e7ore the end o7 the grading #eriod, *2tra &redit 9ill not hel# st-dents 9ho do not t-rn in nor)al &lass
assign)ents and #ro<e&ts,
"rading Scale
:ll grades are graded on a #oint syste), 5o 7ig-re a grade take the total earned and divide 6y the total #ossi6le,
A (93-100), A- (90-92), B+ (88-89),
B (83-87), B- (80-82), C+ (78-79),
C (73-77), C- (70-72), D+ (68-69),
D (63-67), D- (60-62) F (0-59)

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