Brochure SpeedCast
Brochure SpeedCast
Brochure SpeedCast
Our history
started in 1985 in Europe with selling wireless communications, such as radios, to the maritime
industry. In the year 1999, we started selling VSAT in Asia and continued in the year 2000 to offer
L-band and focus on data for the maritime industry. In 2008, we pioneered the frst global Ku-band
satellite communications network. We rapidly grew to become the #1 leading maritime satellite
service provider in Asia. Now we supply Internet and network services to hundreds of vessels in
the high end sector (Commercial, Oil and Gas, Offshore, etc.).
With ocean-going global vessels, auto-beam-switching for Ku-band is critical. We developed our
own software to re-program the modem and antenna automatically for SCPC and pioneered the use
of auto-beam-switching for our Shared Services. No human intervention necessary. Our Support
offces and feld engineering staff are located around the globe with major centers in Hong Kong,
Singapore, Dubai, and the Netherlands.
We supply a total concept for connectivity on board with VSAT, L-Band and UMTS, based on least cost
routing, speed and availability. One single point of contact in the event of a problem, regardless which
equipment is the cause. One of the largest portfolio of value added IT services to help you save money and
improve your operations.
SpeedCast Maritime
Europe: +31 (0)10 - 713 04 50 Hong Kong +852 3919 6800
VSAT stands for Very Small Aperture Terminal. This phrase very small aperture defnes the very
small opening angle of less than 1 degree in which the terminal has to transmit and receive. A VSAT
terminal transmits and receives data via satellite.
How does it work?
A satellite has several transponders which are pointed
to a specifc region or area of the Earth, called foot-
prints, for example Europe.
A teleport beams the signal up to the geostationary
satellite and your VSAT dish receives the information
from this satellite and vice versa. VSAT gives you an
always online solution via satellite for a fxed price
per month. Forget the expensive rates of per megabit
High-end communication
Dedicated network solutions
Least cost routing
Automatic beam switching
Managed Internet security
Prepaid Internet cards
Cloud computing
Redundant VSAT solutions
Corporate VPN
Unique bandwidth optimization
Low cost calling / VOIP
Voicemail over VSAT
Prepaid telephone cards
We are a full Internet Service Provider (LIR)
We have our own teleports spread around
the world
We control our own advanced backbone
24/7 help desk with remote support
Tracking & tracing of your vessel made easy
Global Ku-band and C-band coverage
All certifed technical personnel
Installation on-site
IT services
Maintenance services
Cost controlled connectivity
Television onboard
Video conferencing
Video surveillance
Redundant VSAT solutions
Internet services But there is more..
Voice services
This table acts as a guide only.
Band Frequency
Area Foot-
Rainfall effect Antenna Dish
On board
C 3 to 7 Large Low Minimum 240 cm
Dome 400 cm
Ku 10 to 18 Medium Medium Moderate 60 cm to 120
Dome 130 cm
Ka 19 to 40 Small High High 60 cm to 100
Dome 120 cm
SpeedCast provides a full range of C-band and Ku-band services, and is exploring Ka-band solutions.
SpeedCast believes that Ku-band will continue to be the standard for high-end maritime requirements
due to the small antennas, high-availability and cost. C-band is well suited for customers looking for
very high availability. Ka- band is well suited for regional (coastal) and mass-market (smaller vessels)
use cases.
SpeedCast provides both Shared Service and Dynamic SCPC Service. Our Shared Service is based
on the iDirect VSAT technology, the reference in the industry. Shared Service starts with a lower
cost than Dynamic and then the cost increases at a faster rate as capacity requirements increase.
Dynamic SCPC Service starts at a slightly higher cost, but then the cost increases at a slower rate as
capacity requirements increase.
Consultative approach: one size does not ft all!
SpeedCast is an expert at advising our customers on the best possible solution based on their specifc
requirements. We are technology and frequency agnostic, and operate the largest suite of services in
the market. Let us advise you on the best possible solution for your needs.
VSAT frequency spectrum allocation
Shared Services Dynamic SCPC
Above Deck Equipment
SpeedCast is authorized distributor for Cobham (Seatel, Sailor [Thrane & Thrane]) and Intellian.
Our engineers are trained for installation and maintenance on a broad range of antennas. If service
is required, our global network of certifed feld engineers is never far away.
We Provide Connectivity & Management
Never again experience downtime if your VSAT is out of its
coverage area. When combined with our Least Cost Rout-
ing equipment, your connection will never go down. If you
lose VSAT signal, the system will automatically switch to
Iridium Pilot. Iridium Pilot has the worlds largest and only
complete global commercial satellite constellation, there-
fore you will always have complete coverage for your ships
at sea.
Iridium Pilot is surprisingly affordable and has the best
value proposition for L-band maritime ship and crew
communications, offering a fexible pricing plan and low
costs for both equipment and installation.
Hybrid Solutions with
SCPC (Single Channel Per Carrier) delivers dedicated bandwidth to a vessel whether the users
are online or not. The link is established between 2 satellite modems, one on the vessel and one at
SpeedCasts Internet gateway, and is ideal for streaming video or heavy VOIP traffc. SCPC sys-
tems have been around for a number of decades and are very robust.
Customize your
own VSAT
Integrate your vessels
through MPLS or
Dynamic VPN
SCPC stands for Single Carrier Per Channel. Each user gets their own dedicated bandwidth on the
satellite which is not shared by others.
I-Direct is a shared service based on shared bandwidth. The same bandwidth can be shared by a
number of vessels. This lowers the cost due to the effcient sharing of the space on the satellite.
Dynamic SCPC is a combination of a shared service and SCPC whereby dedicated bandwidth can
be shared within the same group of users.
iDirect Shared Service delivers a broadband experience analogous to a telcos DSL service. The link
is established between a modem on the vessel and our global hub. The technology is based on time
division multiplexing for the upload and DVB-S2 for the download and this enables multiple vessels
to share the same bandwidth. Very suitable for bursty traffc such as web surfng and having the
ability to prioritize different types of traffc, iDirect is a cost effective alternative for all manner of crew
communications. We use the latest generation of iDirect technology which is generally regarded
as being the best-in-class IP system for maritime broadband due to its investment in continuous
Satellite Broadband Technology
SCPC I-Direct Dynamic SCPC
Dynamic SCPC is a development of the SCPC system that combines the benefts of a shared
service with SCPC. It provides critical transmission like voice or video dedicated bandwidth with
minimal delay on the satellite whilst, at the same time, allowing multiple vessels to share a return
link. Therefore dynamic SCPC delivers the same dynamic bandwidth allocation functionality of the
iDirect Shared Service, while dramatically reducing required return link satellite bandwidth. This
capability has the potential to provide signifcant cost savings for vessels, barges and offshore
platforms with heavy usage.
Contact us for more information and fnd out which service is the best solution for your specifc
Vessels are able to roam among all the satellite footprints that we
offer. Imagine the ability to travel around the world, and have your
system up and running all times. Features in our satroaming:
Management and control for modem and antenna
Footprint overview and your location
Information from our support-team on the screen
Selecting and switching over to several satellites
automated and / or manual
Automatic update of the footprints, satellites and
roaming information
Always information available on system status
Automatic Satellite Roaming / Auto Beam Switching
To reach a satellite an Earth Station is required. SpeedCast has its own global network of controlled
teleports in the Netherlands, Australia, Germany, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Malaysia, U.A.E., and USA.
We are in control of the total link.
To ensure you get the highest level of availability, for both the Internet/data and telephony that we
provide, we use our own uplinks in several areas around the world. With these teleport services we
ensure that:
Voice connections are of good quality, due to MPLS technology in our backbone
Data connections are redundant and reliable
Uplinking to the satellite is done with high performance and redundant equipment
Traffc bandwidth is guaranteed for SCPC as we reserve the capacity you buy (no overbooking,
unless requested)
New feature in our teleport backbone is a virtual frewall, in which you can decide what traffc to
allow to and from your remotes. This also includes web-fltering and antivirus.
Collocation of equipment is also possible to support our customers networking equipment
Network Infrastructure
The evolution of network security threats is driving the design of security products to include
multiple threat recognition systems within a single appliance.
FortiGate 1240B multi-threat security appliance from Fortinet
is a new generation of secure gateways that fully integrate es-
sential security and networking functions into a single device to
identify and stop multiple threats effectively and effciently.
Never before has so much security functionality been consoli-
dated into a single, high-performance device.
SpeedCast Virtual Domain Manager
In our backbone we provide you the possibility to accelerate your traffc by using our best-
in-class WAN-acceleration. Combined with the equipment at your remote location, we can
increase the WAN-performance tremendously. So what does this platform do for you?
Real time TCP-acceleration, giving you a high performance Internet experience
Intelligent caching and buffering of information, for example windows
update or news websites. Do not download the same information 10
times a day, rather only the changes for these sites and fles.
As the equipment is not a router, it can be easily implemented,
and there is no reconfguration needed of your current setup
Real-time web interface to view statistics on your
satellite-link, so you can measure the performance gain
Internet is increasing in our daily communication. Nowadays we cannot do without social media
such as Facebook and Twitter. Away from home, at sea, there is a great desire to take advan-
tage of these media services and thus to keep in touch with family. Of course an acceptable
speed is required for a successful and enjoyable experience.
SpeedCast offers this possibility. The simplest solution is web compression. No additional hard-
ware other than a PC and an Internet connection is required onboard.
Web compression is installed centrally in our state-of-the-art datacenter and makes the website
appear onboard very quickly. Techniques to effectively compress large images are used and on
request high resolution images can be made available with one mouse click.
If this still isnt fast enough, SpeedCast offers surfng from the Cloud. The web pages are
retrieved in our datacenter and made available as single rendered pages onboard. The con-
nection between the vessel and the datacenter is no longer the limiting factor. Its as quick as a
home connection. Experience it yourselves and apply for a demo account.
Engineered and built to perform in the toughest conditions.
Bring you up to speed
Voice Services
SpeedZone is a Super Wi-Fi service offered by SpeedCast. With a typical range of
up to 500m, the coverage of this service is more than 5 times the size of a normal
802.11g offce Wi-Fi.
Using the VSAT link for Internet backhaul and smart antenna technology, Speed-
Zone offers prepaid users access to the web using any standard browser. And with
credit card top-up, the service is particularly suitable for even those requiring 99.9%
availability and QOS. It is well suited for the following maritime use cases:
Offshore oil and gas platforms
Onboard vessels
Onboard WiFi
SpeedCam is our solution for IP video surveillance over
VSAT. Based entirely on IP components, it includes cam-
era, capture, and storage, as well as a suite of user friendly
utilities for confguration and remote observation. Speed-
Cam operates at uncharacteristically low bandwidth for a
video application.
SpeedCam is suitable to be deployed but not limited to applications such as remote security
surveillance on oil platforms or onboard vessels.
Video Surveillance
SpeedTalk is our VOIP fxed line phone service enabling sub-
scribers to make and receive calls from remote locations or at
sea. By offering voice services at PSTN rates, you can enjoy
the most competitive rates with guaranteed quality in conjunc-
tion with our VSAT solutions.
Prepaid cards for voice.
Monitoring your vessels
Wonder about the connectivity status and
position of your vessel? Our Customer Por-
tal, SMART (SpeedCast Monitoring and
Reporting Tool) is a great way to keep track
of the connection, IP-traffc and location of
your vessels. All the information you need,
including weather maps, appears on the
map so you can quickly see the status and
position of the vessels.
Shipping companies have the advantage of
keeping track of their whole feet. The Cus-
tomer Portal also includes complete satel-
lite coverage area information, direct link to
PRTG for detailed information, billing infor-
mation can be requested, and there is more
to come.
Contact us to apply for a demo account.