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Oct 14 Newsletter

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Office Hours
Tues, Thur, Fri 9:00-1:00
St. Paul United
Methodist Church
And Now for Something
Completely Different
Than !ou cards
Thank You for the cars,
!ra"ers, e#er"thin$ after
the !assin$ of Ti%& The
%ea' after the funera'
(as #er" nice&

The Hin'e" Fa%i'"
Octo)er 201* +ssue
,t& -au' .nite /ethoist

Our cono'ences to
1effre" an ,a%antha
Ha"es on the eath of
their son, 2i''ia% 3&
Ha"es, 9, (ho ie at
6:*0 !&%& ,atura", ,e!t&
20, 201*, at ,t& 4ouis
0hi'ren5s Hos!ita'&
3n so the heat of su%%er fina''"
)e$ins to $i#e (a" to the coo'er a"s
an ni$hts of fa''& +t is the ti%e for
nature to hi)ernate 6 !reser#in$ en-
er$" for the )itter'" co' %onths to
7ut8 9OT here at ,t -au' ./0:

;ather than takin$ a )reak for fa'' (e
(i'' )e )usier than e#er& 2atch this
s!ace <an the face)ook !a$e an
(e)site= for ne(s of u!co%in$
e#ents inc'uin$, )ut not 'i%ite to:
0har$e 0onference, Octo)er 12
6 inc'uin$ a !ot'uck to (e'co%e
the ne( >istrict ,u!erintenent,
;o$er ?ri%%et
/ike ;a"son concert in 9o#e%-
0o%)ine 6churches 0hrist%as
cantata in >ece%)er&
3'so, (hen "ou arri#e for ,una"
schoo' an (orshi! on ,una"
%ornin$s "ou are in#ite to ro! )"
the .!!er 2es'e" for coffee an a
snack, !ro#ie )" the -4.??@>
"outh $rou!&
There is a 'ot to )e eAcite a)out
this fa'' an (inter, )it + a% !articu-
'ar'" eAcite a)out our !reachin$
an (orshi! the%es for the neAt fe(
%onths 6 t"in$ to$ether faithfu'ness
an thankfu'ness&
"ith Sympathy
+n !articu'ar + ur$e "ou to %ake
(orshi! a !riorit" in Octo)er as +
share infor%ation !ertinent to
the future of ,t -au' ./0B this
"ear an )e"on&
3)o#e a'' e'se, 'etCs re%e%)er to
)e faithfu' to the ur$in$s of this
(or fro% scri!ture:
proclaim the message; be persis-
tent whether the time is favorable or
unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and
encourage, with the utmost patience
in teaching. (2 imoth! "#2$
-astor 3%"
Christmas Cantata
All the churches will be getting to-
gether for a Christmas service. The
service will be held the second
weekend in December on Friday,
December 1th. !e will be "utting
on a Christmas cantata that # will be
directing. #f you would like to sing,
"lease let me know and # can get
you music. $ehearsals are !ednes-
day nights from %-& "m here at our
church. All are welcome to sing.
$ehearsals started in 'e"tember
but it is never too late to (oin)) #f
you have any *uestions, feel free to
contact me.

Thanks) +enna ,arner
First -res)"terian
,a'a 4uncheon D
0ountr" ,tore
,atura", Octo)er *
10:00 a&%& - 2:00 !&%&
Area Churches
S.".A.#. Children$s Choir
Plugged !outh
?o sent %an" )'essin$s our (a" as (e he' our
7a''oon ;e'ease Eick Off acti#it" on ,e!te%)er 8 (ith
%an" chi'ren, "outh he'!ers an teachers attenin$&
Ha#in$ ha no eA!erience fi''in$ )a''oons (ith he'iu%,
(e ha a fe( set )acks urin$ our !re! ti%e& -'an F3G
- fi'' siAt" !'us )a''oons after (orshi! an attach the
se'f aresse !ostcar to each& This (ent (e'' unti'
'ater in the a" (hen se#era' )a''oons (ent o(n& -'an
F7G- 2hen the !ostcar (as re%o#e fro% one o(n
)a''oon, the )a''oon (ent u!, an (e thou$ht the
!ro)'e% (as so'#e& The a" of c'u), (e !'anne to
re%o#e !ostcars an )a''oons (ou' rise& 2e
checke on the )a''oons /ona" afternoon to re%o#e
a'' the !ostcars on'" to fin not one )a''oon (ent u!&
-'an F0G- One hour )efore the chi'ren (ou' arri#e,
(e %ae a run to the store to )u" %ore )a''oons,
ho!e (e ha enou$h he'iu%, an ca''e for he'! fro%
-ioneer 0'u) (orkers& +n one hour, o#er siAt" )a'-
'oons (ere fi''e an (e (ere rea" for the chi'ren
to arri#e& 2e !raise ?o not on'" for a'' the he'! (e
recei#e at the 'ast %inute )ut a'so for the !erfect
(eather a" for our 7a''oon ;e'ease& +t (as a(eso%e
to see a'' the )a''oons rise an to see the eAcite%ent
co%in$ fro% the chi'ren&
The %e%)ers of the Trai')'aHerCs c'ass <5th D 6th=
are )us" (orkin$ on their craft a(ar& The" are %ak-
in$ 20 ta)'e center!ieces to )e use ,una", Octo)er
12 (hen (e ha#e a church !ot'uck inner fo''o(in$
the (orshi! ser#ice to (e'co%e our ne( >istrict ,u-
2e ha#e so%e aitiona' he'!ers (ho ha#e Ioine
-ioneer 0'u)& 7rittne" ?i''e'an is Ioinin$ the -ath-
finerCs teachin$ tea% <3r D *th=, as (e'' as "outh
he'!ers6 >ai'"n Youn$, 3sh'e" 0orri$an D ?rant
.!co%in$ @#ents:
,e!te%)er 29-,ai')oat ;aces
Octo)er 27-+n House 0hristian Trick or Treatin$
9o#e%)er 17-/atthe( ,hoe%aker <#eteran= $uest
s!eaker fo''o(e )" 4itt'e +ta'" -iHHa

-h"''is ?raha%
%age 2
,t& -au' .nite /ethoist 0hurch
The chi'ren (ere tru'" a )'essin$ at
;o)in$s /anor 9ursin$ Ho%e as the"
san$ son$s, he'!e (ith the ser#in$ of
the >air" Jueen ice crea% cake an
share con#ersation (ith the resients&
The chi'ren !resente the s!ecia' %u-
sic on ,e!te%)er 21 urin$ the %ornin$
(orshi! ser#ice, an the" (ere a
-h"''is ?raha%
The %ornin$ (orshi! ser#ice on ,e!te%-
)er 21 (as !'anne an !resente )" the fo'-
'o(in$ "outh uner the 'eaershi! of 7rian
an 1enna ?arner&
3))" ,te!hens-ser%on D a h"%n
?a)" ,te!hens-!ianist D a h"%n
1aco) ,te!hens D @than @He''-
7ai'e" 2ei)'e-scri!ture reaer
/ackenHie 4ane-!assin$ the !eace-
Io"s an concerns-!ra"er
O'i#er ;a"son-usher D ru%%er
3))", ?a)", 7ai'e", an /ackenHie -
'ea sin$in$
-'ease 'et the% kno( ho( i%!ortant the"
are to our church fa%i'" as the" continue to
)'ess us in %an" (a"s: The 'atest )'essin$ (as
the (onerfu' (orshi! ser#ice& Thanks
-h"''is ?raha%

Pioneer Clu%
%age &
St. Paul "orer &ees'Update
Our first e#enin$ e#ent (as (e'' re-
cei#e (ith aroun *0 !eo!'e attenin$ the
)onfire socia'& +t (as a )'essin$ to see a'' a$es
enIo"in$ the foo an the fe''o(shi!& Thanks
for co%in$ an a s!ecia' thanks to ;on -arres
for the $reat )onfire setu!& Fo''o(in$ the
)onfire acti#ities, the au'ts enIo"e (atchin$
the "outh take !art in the s'o!fest (hich the"
enIo"e, an it (as (e'' attene )" -'u$$e
"outh an "outh $uests&
2e are no( offerin$ hot rinks an !as-
tries each ,una" %ornin$ in .!!er 2es'e"&
<8:30-fo''o(in$ (orshi!=& On ,e!te%)er 21,
(e (ere )'esse to see the interest in this
%inistr" as (e ran out of !astries ue to the
(onerfu' attenance on our o!enin$ %orn-
in$& The -'u$$e Youth $rou! (i'' )e hostin$
this %inistr" as soon as their scheu'es are
2e'co%e ne( >istrict ,u!erintenent
!ot'uck (i'' )e he' Octo)er 12 after 10:00
a% (orshi! at the 0art(ri$ht 7ui'in$& 2e
(i'' )e %akin$ ca''s as (e tr" to %ake sure a''
foo $rou!s are re!resente at our %ea'&
/eat (i'' )e furnishe an !'ease fee' free to
)rin$ an" ish "ou 'ike or see either of us for
su$$estions if "ou so esire&

7ar)ara /i''er 372-8367
-h"''is ?raha% 9*6-0093
The Social Committee
3%">ee 7ach%an has co%!'ete the
or$aniHin$ of o#er 300 )ooks in the 'i)rar"
!'us oin$ housekee!in$ (ork&
The -'u$$e Youth ?rou! (i'' )e co%-
!'etin$ the outsie (ork of c'earin$ the $ar-
en, !re!arin$ the 7eu'ah 4i#e'" /e%oria'
?aren for (inter an co%!'etin$ the 'an-
sca!in$ at the en of our sie(a'k&
3'' to"s an to" she'#es in 4o(er 2es'e"
ha#e )een c'eane as (e'' as a'' the s%a''
chairs& .!!er 2es'e" sto#es ha#e )een
c'eane an the a!art%ent in 0art(ri$ht has
a'so )een c'eane&
Our han"%en, ;on 7aron an >on 3'-
)ert, ha#e )een )us" tri%%in$ )ushes, cuttin$
o(n un(ante s%a'' trees, cuttin$ 'o(er
tree )ranches an !ickin$ u! sticks& 3'' this
(oo (as then use for our )onfire (hich
(as a $reat he'!& Thanks $u"s:
The siA )athroo%s in the sanctuar"K
2es'e" co%!'eA are )ein$ c'eane fro% to!
to )otto%&
+f "ou (ou' 'ike to )e a !art of this %in-
istr", !'ease contact %e as there are %an"
Io)s )i$ an s%a'' to )e co%!'ete& 0'ean a''
(ino(s in 2es'e" <insie an out=, a'' (in-
o( co#erin$s in 4o(er 2es'e" to )e
(ashe an !resse, an the c'eanin$ of the
furnace roo% are a fe( areas neein$ atten-
Thank "ou:
-h"''is ?raha%

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