Vampire Academy - Frostbite
Vampire Academy - Frostbite
Vampire Academy - Frostbite
Frostbite Vampire Academy Boo ! Ric"e##e $ead
Lie a#(ays, t"is boo co-#dn.t "a%e been (ritten (it"o-t t"e "e#p and s-pport o) my )riends and )ami#y/ 0n
partic-#ar, 0 need to t"an my 0$ Co-nse#in' Team1 Cait#in, 2a%id, 3ay, 3acie, and 4at/ +o- '-ys #o''ed more
#ate*ni'"t on#ine "o-rs t"an 0 can e%en be'in to co-nt/ 0 co-#dn.t "a%e 'otten t"ro-'" t"is boo and t"e rest o) t"is
year.s cra5iness (it"o-t yo-/
T"ans a#so to my a'ent, 3im $cCart"y, ("o "as mo%ed "ea%en, eart", and dead#ines to "e#p me )inis" ("at 0
need to/ 0.m '#ad yo-.%e 'ot my bac/ And )ina##y, many t"ans to 3essica Rot"enber' and Ben Sc"ran at
Ra5orbi## )or t"eir contin-ed s-pport and "ard (or/
For 4at Ric"ardson, ("o is %ery (ise/
T60NGS 20E/ BUT T6E+ 2ON.T a#(ays stay dead/ Be#ie%e me, 0 no(/
T"ere.s a race o) %ampires on t"is eart" ("o are #itera##y t"e (a#in' dead/ T" ca##ed Stri'oi, and i) not
a#ready "a%in' ni'"tmares abo-t t"em, yo- s"o-#d be/ T" stron', t" )ast, and t"ey i## (it"o-t mercy or
"esitation/ T" immorta#, too7("ic" ind o) maes t"em a bitc" to destroy/ T"ere are on#y t"ree (ays to do it1
a si#%er stae t"ro-'" t"e "eart, decapitation, and settin' t"em on )ire/ None o) t"ose is easy to p-## o)), b-t it.s
better t"an "a%in' no options at a##/
T"ere are a#so 'ood %ampires (a#in' t"e (or#d/ T" ca##ed $oroi/ T" a#i%e, and t"ey possess t"e
incredib#y coo# po(er to (ie#d ma'ic in eac" o) t"e )o-r e#ements7 eart", air, (ater, and )ire/ 8We##, most $oroi
can do t"is7b-t 0.## e&p#ain more abo-t t"e e&ceptions #ater9/ T"ey don.t rea##y -se t"e ma'ic )or m-c" anymore,
("ic" is ind o) sad/ 0t.d be a 'reat (eapon, b-t t"e $oroi stron'#y be#ie%e ma'ic s"o-#d on#y be -sed peace)-##y/
0t.s one o) t"e bi''est r-#es in t"eir society/ $oroi are a#so -s-a##y ta## and s#im, and t"ey can.t "and#e a #ot o)
s-n#i'"t/ B-t t"ey do "a%e s-per"-man senses t"at mae -p )or it1 si'"t, sme##, and "earin'/
Bot" inds o) %ampires need b#ood/ T"at.s ("at maest"em %ampires, 0 '-ess/ $oroi don.t i## to tae it, "o(e%er/
0nstead, t"ey eep "-mans aro-nd ("o (i##in'#y donate sma## amo-nts/ T"ey %o#-nteer beca-se %ampire bites
contain endorp"ins t"at )ee# rea##y, rea##y 'ood and can become addicti%e/ 0 no( t"is )rom persona# e&perience/
T"ese "-mans are ca##ed )eeders and are essentia##y %ampire*bite :-nies/
Sti##, eepin' )eeders aro-nd is better t"an t"e (ay t"e Stri'oi do t"in's, beca-se, as yo- mi'"t e&pect, t"ey i## )or
t"eir b#ood/ 0 t"in t"ey #ie it/ 0) a $oroi i##s a %ictim ("i#e drinin', "e or s"e (i## t-rn into a Stri'oi/ Some
$oroi do t"is by c"oice, 'i%in' -p t"eir ma'ic and t"eir mora#s )or immorta#ity/ Stri'oi can a#so be created by
)orce/ 0) a Stri'oi drins b#ood )rom a %ictim and t"en maes t"at person drin
Stri'oi b#ood in ret-rn, (e##// /yo- 'et a ne( Stri'oi/ T"is can "appen to anyone1 $oroi, "-man, or /// d"ampir/
T"at.s ("at 0 am/ 2"ampirs are "a#)*"-man, "a#)*$oroi/ 0 #ie to t"in (e 'ot t"e best traits o) bot" races/ 0.m
stron' and st-rdy, #ie "-mans are/ 0 can a#so 'o o-t in t"e s-n as m-c" as 0 (ant/ B-t, #ie t"e $oroi, 0 "a%e rea##y
'ood senses and )ast re)#e&es/ T"e res-#t is t"at d"ampirs mae t"e -#timate body'-ards7("ic" is ("at most o) -s
are/ ca##ed '-ardians/
0.%e spent my entire #i)e trainin' to protect $oroi )rom Stri'oi/ 0 "a%e a ("o#e set o) specia# c#asses and practices 0
tae at St/ V#adimir.s Academy, a pri%ate sc"oo# )or $oroi and d"ampirs/ 0 no( "o( to -se a## sorts o) (eapons
and can #and some pretty mean ics/ 0.%e beaten -p '-ys t(icemy si5e7bot" in and o-t o) c#ass/ And rea##y, guys
are pretty m-c" t"e on#y ones 0 beat -p, since t"ere are %ery )e( 'ir#s in any o) my c#asses/
Beca-se ("i#e d"ampirs in"erit a## sorts o) 'reat traits, t"ere.s one t"in' (e didn.t 'et/ 2"ampirs can.t "a%e
c"i#dren (it" ot"er d"ampirs/ 2on.t as me ("y/ 0t.s not #ie 0.m a 'eneticist or anyt"in'/ 6-mans and $oroi
'ettin' to'et"er (i## a#(ays mae more d"ampirs; t"at.s ("ere (e came )rom in t"e )irst p#ace/ B-t t"at doesn.t
"appen so m-c" anymore; $oroi tend to stay a(ay )rom "-mans/ T"ro-'" anot"er (eird 'enetic )#-e, "o(e%er,
$oroi and d"ampirs mi&in' (i## create d"ampir c"i#dren/ 0 no(, 0 no(1 it.s cra5y/ +o-.d t"in yo-.d 'et a baby
t"at.s t"ree*<-arters %ampire, ri'"t= Nope/ 6a#) "-man, "a#) $oroi/
$ost o) t"ese d"ampirs are born )rom $oroi men and d"ampir (omen 'ettin' to'et"er/ $oroi (omen stic to
"a%in' $oroi babies/ W"at t"is -s-a##y means is t"at $oroi men "a%e )#in's (it" d"ampir (omen and t"en tae
o))/ T"is #ea%es a #ot o) sin'#e d"ampir mot"ers, and t"at.s ("y not as many o) t"em become '-ardians/ T"ey.d
rat"er )oc-s on raisin' t"eir c"i#dren/
As a res-#t, on#y t"e '-ys and a "and)-# o) 'ir#s are #e)t to become '-ardians/ B-t t"ose ("o c"oose to protect
$oroi are serio-s abo-t t"eir :obs/ 2"ampirs need $oroi to eep "a%in' ids/ We have to protect t"em/ P#-s, it.s
:-st// /(e##, it.s t"e "onorab#e t"in' to do/ Stri'oi are e%i# and -nnat-ra#/ 0t isn.t ri'"t )or t"em to prey on t"e
innocent/ 2"ampirs ("o trainto be '-ardians "a%e t"is dri##ed into t"em )rom t"e time t"ey can (a#/ Stri'oi are
e%i#/ $oroi m-st be protected/ G-ardians be#ie%e t"is/ 0 be#ie%e t"is/
And t"ere.s one $oroi 0 (ant to protect more t"an anyone in t"e (or#d1 my best )riend, Lissa/ S"e.s a $oroi
princess/ T"e $oroi "a%e t(e#%e roya# )ami#ies, and s"e.s t"e on#y one #e)t in "ers7t"e 2ra'omirs/ B-t t"ere.s
somet"in' e#se t"at maes Lissa specia#, aside )rom "er bein' my best )riend/
Remember ("en 0 said e%ery $oroi (ie#ds one o) t"e )o-r e#ements= We##, it t-rns o-t Lissa (ie#ds one no one
e%en ne( e&isted -nti# recent#y1 spirit/ For years, (e t"o-'"t s"e :-st (asn.t 'oin' to de%e#op "er ma'ica# abi#ities/
T"en stran'e t"in's started "appenin' aro-nd "er/ For e&#e, a## %ampires "a%e an abi#ity ca##ed comp-#sion t"at
#ets t"em )orce t"eir (i## on ot"ers/ Stri'oi "a%e it rea##y stron'#y/ 0t.s (eaer in $oroi, and it.s a#so )orbidden/
Lissa, "o(e%er, "as it a#most as m-c" as a Stri'oi/ S"e can bat "er eye#as"es, and peop#e (i## do ("at s"e (ants/
B-t t"at.s not e%en t"e coo#est t"in' s"e can do/
0 said ear#ier t"at dead t"in's don.t a#(ays stay dead/ We##, 0.m one o) t"em/ 2on.t (orry70.m not #ie t"e Stri'oi/
B-t 0 did die once/ 80 don.t recommend it/9 0t "appened ("en t"e car 0 (as ridin' in s#id o)) t"e road/ T"e accident
i##ed me, Lissa.s parents, and "er brot"er/ +et, some("ere in t"e
c"aos7(it"o-t e%en rea#i5in' it7Lissa -sed spirit to brin' me bac/ We didn.t no( abo-t t"is )or a #on' time/ 0n
)act, (e didn.t e%en no( spirit e&isted at a##/
Un)ort-nate#y, it t-rned o-t t"at one person did no( abo-t spirit be)ore (e did/ Victor 2as"o%, a dyin' $oroi
prince, )o-nd o-t abo-t Lissa.s po(ers and decided "e (anted to #oc "er -p and mae "er "is o(n persona# "ea#er
7)or t"e rest o) "er #i)e/ W"en 0 rea#i5ed someone (as sta#in' "er, 0 decided to tae matters into my o(n "ands/ 0
broe -s o-t o) sc"oo# to r-n o)) and #i%e amon' "-mans/ 0t (as )-n7b-t a#so ind o) ner%e*(racin'7to a#(ays
be on t"e r-n/ We 'ot a(ay (it" t"is )or t(o years -nti# t"e a-t"orities at St/ V#adimir.s "-nted -s do(n and
dra''ed -s bac a )e( mont"s a'o/
T"at (as ("en Victor made "is rea# mo%e, idnappin' "er and tort-rin' "er -nti# s"e 'a%e into "is demands/ 0n t"e
process, "e too some pretty e&treme meas-res7#ie 5appin' me and 2imitri, my mentor, (it" a #-st spe##/ 80.## 'et
to him #ater9/ Victor a#so e&p#oited t"e (ay spirit (as startin' to mae Lissa menta##y -nstab#e/ B-t e%en t"at
(asn.t as bad as ("at "e did to "is o(n da-'"ter Nata#ie/ 6e (ent so )ar as to enco-ra'e "er to t-rn into a Stri'oi to
"e#p co%er "is escape/ S"e ended -p 'ettin' staed/ E%en ("en capt-red a)ter t"e )act, Victor didn.t seem to disp#ay
too m-c" '-i#t o%er ("at "e.d ased "er to do/ $aes me t"in 0 (asn.t missin' o-t on 'ro(in' -p (it"o-t a )at"er/
Sti##, 0 no( "a%e to protect Lissa )rom Stri'oi and $oroi/ On#y a )e( o))icia#s no( abo-t ("at s"e can do, b-t
0.m s-re t"ere are ot"er Victors o-t t"ere ("o (o-#d (ant to -se "er/ Fort-nate#y, 0 "a%e an e&tra (eapon to "e#p
me '-ard "er/ Some("ere d-rin' my "ea#in' in t"e car accident, spirit)or'ed a psyc"ic bond bet(een "er and me/ 0
can see and )ee# ("at s"e e&periences/ 80t on#y (ors one (ay, t"o-'"/ S"e can.t >)ee#> me/9 T"e bond "e#ps me
eep an eye on "er and no( ("en s"e.s in tro-b#e, a#t"o-'" sometimes, it.s (eird "a%in' anot"er person inside
yo-r "ead/ pretty s-re t"ere are #ots o) ot"er t"in's spirit can do, b-t (e don.t no( ("at t"ey are yet/
0n t"e meantime, 0.m tryin' to be t"e best '-ardian 0 can be/ R-nnin' a(ay p-t me be"ind in my trainin', so 0 "a%e
to tae e&tra c#asses to mae -p )or #ost time/ T"ere.s not"in' in t"e (or#d 0 (ant more t"an to eep Lissa sa)e/
Un)ort-nate#y, 0.%e 'ot t(o t"in's t"at comp#icate my trainin' no( and t"en/ One is t"at 0 sometimes act be)ore 0
t"in/ 0.m 'ettin' better at a%oidin' t"is, b-t ("en somet"in' sets me o)), 0 tend to p-nc" )irst and t"en )ind o-t
("o 0 act-a##y "it #ater/ W"en it comes to t"ose 0 care abo-t bein' in dan'er// /(e##, r-#es seem optiona#/
T"e ot"er prob#em in my #i)e is 2imitri/ 6e.s t"e one ("o i##ed Nata#ie, and "e.s a tota# badass/ 6e.s a#so pretty
'ood*#ooin'/ Oay7more t"an 'ood*#ooin'/ 6e.s "ot7#ie, t"e ind o) "ot t"at maes yo- stop (a#in' on t"e
street and 'et "it by tra))ic/ B-t, #ie 0 said, "e.s my instr-ctor/ And "e.s t(enty*)o-r/ Bot" o) t"ose are reasons ("y
0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e )a##en )or "im/ B-t, "onest#y, t"e most important reason is t"at "e and 0 (i## be Lissa.s '-ardians
("en s"e 'rad-ates/ 0) "e and 0 are c"ecin' eac" ot"er o-t, t"en t"at means (e aren.t #ooin' o-t )or "er/
0 "a%en.t "ad m-c" #-c in 'ettin' o%er "im, and 0.m pretty s-re "e sti## )ee#s t"e same abo-t me/ Part o) ("at
maes it so di))ic-#t is t"at "e and 0 'ot pretty "ot and "ea%y ("en (e 'ot "it (it" t"e #-st spe##/ Victor "ad (anted
to distract -s ("i#e "e idnapped Lissa, and it "ad (ored/ 0.d been ready to 'i%e -p my %ir'inity, and 2imitri "ad
been ready to tae it/ At t"e #ast min-te, (e broe t"e spe##, b-t t"ose memories are a#(ays (it" me and mae it
ind o) "ard to )oc-s on combat mo%es sometimes/
By t"e (ay, my name.s Rose 6at"a(ay/ 0.m se%enteen years o#d, trainin' to protect and i## %ampires, in #o%e (it"
a comp#ete#y -ns-itab#e '-y, and "a%e a best )riend ("ose (eird ma'ic co-#d dri%e "er cra5y/
6ey, no one said "i'" sc"oo# (as easy/
0 202N.T T60N4 $+ 2A+ co-#d 'et any (orse -nti# my best )riend to#d me s"e mi'"t be 'oin' cra5y/ A'ain/
>0/// ("at did yo- say=>
0 stood in t"e #obby o) "er dorm, #eanin' o%er one o) my boots and ad:-stin' it/ 3erin' my "ead -p, 0 peered at "er
t"ro-'" t"e tan'#e o) dar "air co%erin' "a#) my )ace/ 0.d )a##en as#eep a)ter sc"oo# and "ad sipped -sin' a
"airbr-s" in order to mae it o-t t"e door on time/ Lissa.s p#atin-m b#ond "air (as smoot" and per)ect, o) co-rse,
"an'in' o%er "er s"o-#ders #ie a brida# %ei# as s"e (atc"ed me (it" am-sement/
>0 said t"at 0 t"in my pi##s mi'"t not be (orin' as (e## anymore/>
0 strai'"tened -p and s"oo t"e "air o-t o) my )ace/ >W"at does t"at mean=> 0 ased/ Aro-nd -s, $oroi "-rried
past, on t"eir (ay to meet )riends or 'o to dinner/
>6a%e yo- started ///> 0 #o(ered my %oice/ >6a%e yo- started 'ettin' yo-r po(ers bac=>
S"e s"oo "er "ead, and 0 sa( a sma## )#as" o) re'ret in "er eyes/ >No /// 0 )ee# closer to t"e ma'ic, b-t 0 sti## can.t
-se it/ $ost#y ("at 0.m noticin' #ate#y is a #itt#e o) t"e ot"er st-)), yo- no(// /0.m 'ettin' more depressed no( and
t"en/ Not"in' e%en close to ("at it -sed to be,> s"e added"asti#y, seein' my )ace/ Be)ore s"e.d 'one on "er pi##s,
Lissa.s moods co-#d 'et so #o( t"at s"e c-t "erse#)/ >0t.s :-st t"ere a #itt#e more t"an it (as/>
>W"at abo-t t"e ot"er t"in's yo- -sed to 'et= An&iety= 2e#-siona# t"inin'=>
Lissa #a-'"ed, not tain' any o) t"is as serio-s#y as 0 (as/ >+o- so-nd #ie yo-.%e been readin' psyc"iatry
0 act-a##y had been readin' t"em/ >0.m :-st (orried abo-t yo-/ 0) yo- t"in t"e pi##s aren.t (orin' anymore, (e
need to te## someone/>
>No, no,> s"e said "asti#y/ >0.m )ine, rea##y/ T" sti## (orin'// /:-st not <-ite as m-c"/ 0 don.t t"in (e s"o-#d
panic yet/ Especia##y yo-7not today, at #east/>
6er c"an'e in s-b:ect (ored/ 0.d )o-nd o-t an "o-r a'o t"at 0 (o-#d be tain' my ?-a#i)ier today/ 0t (as an e&am
7or rat"er, an inter%ie(7a## no%ice '-ardians (ere re<-ired to pass d-rin' :-nior year at St/ V#adimir.s Academy/
Since 0.d been o)) "idin' Lissa #ast year, 0.d missed mine/ Today 0 (as bein' taen to a '-ardian some("ere o))*
camp-s ("o (o-#d administer t"e test to me/ T"ans )or t"e notice,
>2on.t (orry abo-t me,> Lissa repeated, smi#in'/ >0.## #et yo- no( i) it 'ets (orse/>
>Oay,> 0 said re#-ctant#y/
3-st to be sa)e, t"o-'", 0 opened my senses and a##o(ed myse#) to tr-#y )ee# "er t"ro-'" o-r psyc"ic bond/ S"e "ad
been te##in' t"e tr-t"/ S"e (as ca#m and "appy t"is mornin', not"in' to (orry abo-t/ B-t, )ar bac in "er mind, 0
sensed anot o) dar, -neasy )ee#in's/ 0t (asn.t cons-min' "er or anyt"in', b-t it "ad t"e same )ee# as t"e bo-ts o)
depression and an'er s"e -sed to 'et/ 0t (as on#y a tric#e, b-t 0 didn.t #ie it/ 0 didn.t (ant it t"ere at a##/ 0 tried
p-s"in' )art"er inside "er to 'et a better )ee# )or t"e emotions and s-dden#y "ad t"e (eird e&perience o) to-c"in'/
A sicenin' sort o) )ee#in' sei5ed me, and 0 :ered o-t o) "er "ead/ A sma## s"-dder ran t"ro-'" my body/
>+o- oay=> Lissa ased, )ro(nin'/ >+o- #oo na-seo-s a## o) a s-dden/>
>3-st/// ner%o-s )or t"e test,> 0 #ied/ 6esitant#y, 0 reac"ed o-t t"ro-'" t"e bond a'ain/ T"e darness "ad comp#ete#y
disappeared/ No trace/ $aybe t"ere (as not"in' (ron' (it" "er pi##s a)ter a##/ >0.m )ine/>
S"e pointed at a c#oc/ >+o- (on.t be i) yo- don.t 'et mo%in' soon/>
>2amn it,> 0 s(ore/ S"e (as ri'"t/ 0 'a%e "er a <-ic "-'/ > See yo- #ater@>
>Good #-c@> s"e ca##ed/
0 "-rried o)) across camp-s and )o-nd my mentor, 2imitri Be#io%, (aitin' beside a 6onda Pi#ot/ 6o( borin'/ 0
s-pposed 0 co-#dn.t "a%e e&pected -s to na%i'ate $ontana mo-ntain roads in a Porsc"e, b-t it (o-#d "a%e been
nice to "a%e somet"in' coo#er/
>0 no(, 0 no(,> 0 said, seein' "is )ace/ >Sorry 0.m #ate/>
0 remembered t"en t"at 0 "ad one o) t"e most important tests o) my #i)e comin' -p, and s-dden#y, 0 )or'ot a##
abo-tLissa and "er pi##s possib#y not (orin'/ 0 (anted to protect "er, b-t t"at (o-#dn.t mean m-c" i) 0 co-#dn.t
pass "i'" sc"oo# and act-a##y become "er '-ardian/
2imitri stood t"ere, #ooin' as 'or'eo-s as e%er/ T"e massi%e, bric b-i#din' cast #on' s"ado(s o%er -s, #oomin'
#ie some 'reat beast in t"e d-sy preda(n #i'"t/ Aro-nd -s, sno( (as :-st be'innin' to )a##/ 0 (atc"ed t"e #i'"t,
crysta##ine )#aes dri)t, 'ent#y do(n/ Se%era# #anded and prompt#y me#ted in "is dar "air/
>W"o e#se is 'oin'=> 0 ased/
6e s"r-''ed/ >3-st yo- and me/>
$y mood prompt#y s"ot -p past >c"eer)-#> and (ent strai'"t to >ecstatic/> $e and 2imitri/ A#one/ 0n a car/ T"is
mi'"t %ery (e## be (ort" a s-rprise test/
>6o( )ar a(ay is it=> Si#ent#y, 0 be''ed )or it to be a rea##y #on' dri%e/ Lie, one t"at (o-#d tae a (ee/ And
(o-#d in%o#%e -s stayin' o%erni'"t in #-&-ry "ote#s/ $aybe (e.d 'et stranded in a sno(ban, and on#y body "eat
(o-#d eep -s a#i%e/
>Fi%e "o-rs/>
A bit #ess t"an 0.d "oped )or/ Sti##, )i%e "o-rs (as better t"an not"in'/ 0t didn.t r-#e o-t t"e sno(ban possibi#ity,
T"e dim, sno(y roads (o-#d "a%e been di))ic-#t )or "-mans to na%i'ate, b-t t"ey pro%ed no prob#em )or o-r
d"ampir eyes/ 0 stared a"ead, tryin' not to t"in abo-t "o( 2imitri.s a)ters"a%e )i##ed t"e car (it" a c#ean, s"arp
scent t"atmade me (ant to me#t/ 0nstead, 0 tried to )oc-s on t"e ?-a#i)ier a'ain/
0t (asn.t t"e ind o) t"in' yo- co-#d st-dy )or/ +o- eit"er passed it or yo- didn.t/ 6i'"*-p '-ardians %isited
no%ices d-rin' t"eir :-nior year and met indi%id-a##y to disc-ss st-dents. commitment to bein' '-ardians/ 0 didn.t
no( e&act#y ("at (as ased, b-t r-mors "ad tric#ed do(n o%er t"e years/ T"e o#der '-ardians assessed c"aracter
and dedication, and some no%ices "ad been deemed -n)it to contin-e do(n t"e '-ardian pat"/
>2on.t t"ey -s-a##y come to t"e Academy=> 0 ased 2imitri/ >0 mean, 0.m a## )or t"e )ie#d trip, b-t ("y are (e
'oin' to t"em=>
>Act-a##y, :-st 'oin' to a him, not a them. A #i'"t R-ssian accent #aced 2imitri.s (ords, t"e on#y
indication o) ("ere "e.d 'ro(n -p/ Ot"er(ise, 0 (as pretty s-re "e spoe En'#is" better t"an 0 did/
>Since t"is is a specia# case and "e.s doin' -s t"e )a%or, ( t"e ones main' t"e trip/>
>W"o is "e=>
>Art"-r Sc"oenber'/>
0 :ered my 'a5e )rom t"e road to 2imitri/
>W"at=> 0 s<-eaed/
Art"-r Sc"oenber' (as a #e'end/ 6e (as one o) t"e 'reatest Stri'oi s#ayers in #i%in' '-ardian "istory and -sed to
be t"e "ead o) t"e G-ardians Co-nci#7t"e 'ro-p o) peop#e ("o assi'ned '-ardians to $oroi and made decisions
)or a## o) -s/ 6e.d e%ent-a##y retired and 'one bac to protectin' one o) t"eroya# )ami#ies, t"e Badicas/ E%en retired,
0 ne( "e (as sti## #et"a#/ 6is e&p#oits (ere part o) my c-rric-#-m/
>Wasn.t/// (asn.t t"ere anyone e#se a%ai#ab#e=> 0 ased in a sma## %oice/
0 co-#d see 2imitri "idin' a smi#e/ >+o-.## be )ine/ Besides, i) Art appro%es o) yo-, t"at.s a 'reat recommendation
to "a%e on yo-r record/>
Art/2imitri (as on a )irst*name basis (it" one o) t"e most badass '-ardians aro-nd/ O) co-rse, 2imitri (as pretty
badass "imse#), so 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e been s-rprised/
Si#ence )e## in t"e car/ 0 bit my #ip, s-dden#y (onderin' i) 0.d be ab#e to meet Art"-r Sc"oenber'.s standards/ $y
'rades (ere 'ood, b-t t"in's #ie r-nnin' a(ay and 'ettin' into )i'"ts at sc"oo# mi'"t cast a s"ado( on "o(
serio-s 0 (as abo-t my )-t-re career/
>+o-.## be )ine,> 2imitri repeated/ >T"e 'ood in yo-r record o-t(ei'"s t"e bad/>
0t (as #ie "e co-#d read my mind sometimes/ 0 smi#ed a #itt#e and dared to pee at "im/ 0t (as a mistae/ A #on',
#ean body, ob%io-s e%en ("i#e sittin'/ Bottom#ess dar eyes/ S"o-#der*#en't" bro(n "air tied bac at "is nec/ T"at
"air )e#t #ie si#/ 0 ne( beca-se 0.d r-n my )in'ers t"ro-'" it ("en Victor 2as"o% "ad ensnared -s (it" t"e #-st
c"arm/ Wit" 'reat restraint, 0 )orced myse#) to start breat"in' a'ain and #oo a(ay/
>T"ans, Coac",> 0 teased, sn-''#in' bac into t"e seat/
>0.m "ere to "e#p,> "e rep#ied/ 6is %oice (as #i'"t andre#a&ed7rare )or "im/ 6e (as -s-a##y (o-nd -p ti'"t#y,
ready )or any attac/ Probab#y "e )i'-red "e (as sa)e inside a 6onda7or at #east as sa)e as "e co-#d be aro-nd me/
0 (asn.t t"e on#y one ("o "ad tro-b#e i'norin' t"e romantic tension bet(een -s/
>+o- no( ("at (o-#d rea##y "e#p=> 0 ased, not meetin' "is eyes/
>0) yo- t-rned o)) t"is crap m-sic and p-t on somet"in' t"at came o-t a)ter t"e Ber#in Wa## (ent do(n/> 2imitri
#a-'"ed/ >+o-r (orst c#ass is "istory, yet some"o(, yo- no( e%eryt"in' abo-t Eastern E-rope/> >6ey, 'otta "a%e
materia# )or my :oes, Comrade/>
Sti## smi#in', "e t-rned t"e radio dia#/ To a co-ntry station/
>6ey@ T"is isn.t ("at 0 "ad in mind,> 0 e&c#aimed/
0 co-#d te## "e (as on t"e %er'e o) #a-'"in' a'ain/ >Pic/ 0t.s one or t"e ot"er/>
0 si'"ed/ >Go bac to t"e ABCDEs st-))/>
6e )#ipped t"e dia#, and 0 crossed my arms o%er my c"est as some %a'-e#y E-ropean*so-ndin' band san' abo-t
"o( %ideo "ad i##ed t"e radio star/ 0 (is"ed someone (o-#d i## t"is radio/
S-dden#y, )i%e "o-rs didn.t seem as s"ort as 0.d t"o-'"t/
Art"-r and t"e )ami#y "e protected #i%ed in a sma## to(n a#on' 0*BD, not )ar )rom Bi##in's/ T"e 'enera# $oroi
opinion (as sp#it on p#aces to #i%e/ Some ar'-ed t"at bi' cities (eret"e best since t"ey a##o(ed %ampires to be #ost
in t"e cro(ds; noct-rna# acti%ities didn.t raise so m-c" attention/ Ot"er $oroi, #ie t"is )ami#y, apparent#y, opted
)or #ess pop-#ated to(ns, be#ie%in' t"at i) t"ere (ere )e(er peop#e to notice yo-, t"en yo- (ere #ess #ie#y to be
0.d con%inced 2imitri to stop )or )ood at a t(enty*)o-r*"o-r diner a#on' t"e (ay, and bet(een t"at and stoppin' to
b-y 'as, it (as aro-nd noon ("en (e arri%ed/ T"e "o-se (as b-i#t in a ramb#er sty#e, a## one #e%e# (it" 'ray*
stained (ood sidin' and bi' bay (indo(s7tinted to b#oc s-n#i'"t, o) co-rse/ 0t #ooed ne( and e&pensi%e, and
e%en o-t in t"e midd#e o) no("ere, it (as abo-t ("at 0.d e&pected )or members o) a roya# )ami#y/
0 :-mped do(n )rom t"e Pi#ot, my boots sinin' t"ro-'" an inc" o) smoot" sno( and cr-nc"in' on t"e 'ra%e# o)
t"e dri%e(ay/ T"e day (as sti## and si#ent, sa%e )or t"e occasiona# breat" o) (ind/ 2imitri and 0 (a#ed -p to t"e
"o-se, )o##o(in' a ri%er roc side(a# t"at c-t t"ro-'" t"e )ront yard/ 0 co-#d see "im s#idin' into "is b-siness
mode, b-t "is o%era## attit-de (as as c"eery as mine/ We.d bot" taen a ind o) '-i#ty satis)action in t"e p#easant
car ride/
$y )oot s#ipped on t"e ice*co%ered side(a#, and 2imitri instant#y reac"ed o-t to steady me/ 0 "ad a (eird moment
o) de:a %-, )#as"in' bac to t"e )irst ni'"t (e.d met, bac ("en "e.d a#so sa%ed me )rom a simi#ar )a##/ Free5in'
temperat-res or not, "is "and )e#t (arm on my arm, e%en t"ro-'" t"e #ayers o) do(n in my para coat/
>+o- oay=> 6e re#eased "is "o#d, to my dismay/
>+ea",> 0 said, castin' acc-sin' eyes at t"e icy side(a#/ >6a%en.t t"ese peop#e e%er "eard o) sa#t=>
0 meant it :oin'#y, b-t 2imitri s-dden#y stopped (a#in'/ 0 instant#y came to a "a#t too/ 6is e&pression became
tense and a#ert/ 6e t-rned "is "ead, eyes searc"in' t"e broad, ("ite p#ains s-rro-ndin' -s be)ore sett#in' bac on
t"e "o-se/ 0 (anted to as <-estions, b-t somet"in' in "is post-re to#d me to stay si#ent/ 6e st-died t"e b-i#din' )or
a#most a )-## min-te, #ooed do(n at t"e icy side(a#, t"en '#anced bac at t"e dri%e(ay, co%ered in a s"eet o)
sno( broen on#y by o-r )ootprints/
Ca-tio-s#y, "e approac"ed t"e )ront door, and 0 )o##o(ed/ 6e stopped a'ain, t"is time to st-dy t"e door/ 0t (asn.t
open, b-t it (asn.t entire#y s"-t eit"er/ 0t #ooed #ie it "ad been c#osed in "aste, not sea#in'/ F-rt"er e&amination
s"o(ed sc-))s a#on' t"e door.s ed'e, as t"o-'" it "ad been )orced at some point/
T"e s#i'"test n-d'e (o-#d open it/ 2imitri #i'"t#y ran "is )in'ers a#on' ("ere t"e door met its )rame, "is breat"
main' sma## c#o-ds in t"e air/ W"en "e to-c"ed t"e door.s "and#e it :i''#ed a #itt#e, #ie it "ad been broen/
Fina##y, "e said <-iet#y, >Rose, 'o (ait in t"e car/>
>B-t ("7>
One (ord7b-t one )i##ed (it" po(er/ 0n t"at sin'#e sy##ab#e 0 (as reminded o) t"e man 0.d seen t"ro( peop#e
aro-nd and stae a Stri'oi/ 0 baced -p, (a#in' on t"e sno(*co%ered#a(n rat"er t"an ris t"e side(a#/ 2imitri
stood ("ere "e (as, not mo%in' -nti# 0.d s#ipped bac into t"e car, c#osin' t"e door as so)t#y as possib#e/ T"en, (it"
t"e 'ent#est o) mo%ements, "e p-s"ed on t"e bare#y "e#d door and disappeared inside/
B-rnin' (it" c-riosity, 0 co-nted to ten and t"en c#imbed o-t o) t"e car/
0 ne( better t"an to 'o in a)ter "im, b-t 0 "ad to no( ("at (as 'oin' on (it" t"is "o-se/ T"e ne'#ected side(a#
and dri%e(ay indicated t"at no one "ad been "ome )or a co-p#e days, a#t"o-'" it co-#d a#so mean t"e Badicas
simp#y ne%er #e)t t"e "o-se/ 0t (as possib#e, 0 s-pposed, t"at t"ey.d been t"e %ictims o) an ordinary brea*in by
"-mans/ 0t (as a#so possib#e t"at somet"in' "ad scared t"em o))7say, #ie Stri'oi/ 0 ne( t"at possibi#ity (as
("at "ad made 2imitri.s )ace t-rn so 'rim, b-t it seemed an -n#ie#y scenario (it" Art"-r Sc"oenber' on d-ty/
Standin' on t"e dri%e(ay, 0 '#anced -p at t"e sy/ T"e #i'"t (as b#ea and (atery, b-t it (as t"ere/ Noon/ T"e
s-n.s "i'"est point today/ Stri'oi co-#dn.t be o-t in s-n#i'"t/ 0 didn.t need to )ear t"em, on#y
2imitri.s an'er/
0 circ#ed aro-nd t"e ri'"t side o) t"e "o-se, (a#in' in m-c" deeper sno(7a#most a )oot o) it/ Not"in' e#se (eird
abo-t t"e "o-se str-c me/ 0cic#es "-n' )rom t"e ea%es, and t"e tinted (indo(s re%ea#ed no secrets/ $y )oot
s-dden#y "it somet"in', and 0 #ooed do(n/ T"ere, "a#)*b-ried in t"e sno(, (as a si#%er stae/ 0t "ad been dri%en
into t"e 'ro-nd/ 0piced it -p and br-s"ed o)) t"e sno(, )ro(nin'/ W"at (as a stae doin' o-t "ere= Si#%er staes
(ere %a#-ab#e/ T"ey (ere a '-ardian.s most dead#y (eapon, capab#e o) i##in' a Stri'oi (it" a sin'#e strie t"ro-'"
t"e "eart/ W"en t"ey (ere )or'ed, )o-r $oroi c"armed t"em (it" ma'ic )rom eac" o) t"e )o-r e#ements/ 0 "adn.t
#earned to -se one yet, b-t 'rippin' it in my "and, 0 s-dden#y )e#t sa)er as 0 contin-ed my s-r%ey/
A #ar'e patio door #ed )rom t"e bac o) t"e "o-se to a (ooden dec t"at probab#y (o-#d "a%e been a #ot o) )-n to
"an' o-t on in t"e s-mmer/ B-t t"e patio.s '#ass "ad been broen, so m-c" so t"at a person co-#d easi#y 'et t"ro-'"
t"e :a''ed "o#e/ 0 crept -p t"e dec steps, care)-# o) t"e ice, no(in' 0 (as 'oin' to 'et in ma:or tro-b#e ("en
2imitri )o-nd o-t ("at 0 (as doin'/ 0n spite o) t"e co#d, s(eat po-red do(n my nec/
2ay#i'"t, day#i'"t,0 reminded myse#)/ Not"in' to (orry abo-t/
0 reac"ed t"e patio and st-died t"e dar '#ass/ 0 co-#dn.t te## ("at "ad broen it/ 3-st inside, sno( "ad b#o(n in and
made a sma## dri)t on pa#e b#-e carpet/ 0 t-''ed on t"e door.s "and#e, b-t it (as #oced/
Not t"at t"at mattered (it" a "o#e t"at bi'/ Care)-# o) t"e s"arp ed'es, 0 reac"ed t"ro-'" t"e openin' and -n#oced
t"e "and#e.s #atc" )rom t"e inside/ 0 remo%ed my "and :-st as care)-##y and p-##ed open t"e s#idin' door/ 0t "issed
s#i'"t#y a#on' its tracs, a <-iet so-nd t"at nonet"e#ess seemed too #o-d in t"e eerie si#ence/
0 stepped t"ro-'" t"e door(ay, standin' in t"e patc" o)s-n#i'"t t"at "ad been cast inside by openin' t"e door/ $y
eyes ad:-sted )rom t"e s-n to t"e dimness (it"in/ Wind s(ir#ed t"ro-'" t"e open patio, dancin' (it" t"e c-rtains
aro-nd me/ 0 (as in a #i%in' room/ 0t "ad a## t"e ordinary items one mi'"t e&pect/ Co-c"es/ TV/ A rocin' c"air/
And a body/
0t (as a (oman/ S"e #ay on "er bac in )ront o) t"e TV, "er dar "air spi##in' on t"e )#oor aro-nd "er/ 6er (ide
eyes stared -p(ard b#an#y, "er )ace pa#e7too pa#e e%en )or a $oroi/ For a moment 0 t"o-'"t "er #on' "air (as
co%erin' "er nec, too, -nti# 0 rea#i5ed t"at t"e darness across "er sin (as b#ood7dried b#ood/ 6er t"roat "ad
been ripped o-t/
T"e "orrib#e scene (as so s-rrea# t"at 0 didn.t e%en rea#i5e ("at 0 (as seein' at )irst/ Wit" "er post-re, t"e (oman
mi'"t %ery (e## "a%e been s#eepin'/ T"en 0 too in t"e ot"er body1 a man on "is side on#y a co-p#e )eet a(ay, dar
b#ood stainin' t"e carpet aro-nd "im/ Anot"er body (as s#-mped beside t"e co-c"1 sma##, c"i#d*si5e/ Across t"e
room (as anot"er/ And anot"er/ T"ere (ere bodies e%ery("ere, bodies and b#ood/
T"e sca#e o) t"e deat" aro-nd me s-dden#y re'istered, and my "eart be'an po-ndin'/ No, no/ 0t (asn.t possib#e/ 0t
(as day/ Bad t"in's co-#dn.t "appen in day#i'"t/ A scream started to rise in my t"roat, s-dden#y "a#ted ("en a
'#o%ed "and came )rom be"ind me and c#osed o%er my mo-t"/ 0 started to str-''#e; t"en 0 sme##ed 2imitri.s
>W"y,> "e ased, >don.t yo- e%er #isten= +o-.d be dead i) they (ere sti## "ere/>
0 co-#dn.t ans(er, bot" beca-se o) t"e "and and my o(n s"oc/ 0.d seen someone die once, b-t 0.d ne%er seen deat"
o) t"is ma'nit-de/ A)ter a#most a min-te, 2imitri )ina##y remo%ed "is "and, b-t "e stayed c#ose be"ind me/ 0 didn.t
(ant to #oo anymore, b-t 0 seemed -nab#e to dra' my eyes a(ay )rom t"e scene be)ore me/ Bodies e%ery("ere/
Bodies and b#ood/
Fina##y, 0 t-rned to(ard "im/ >0t.s daytime,> 0 ("ispered/ >Bad t"in's don.t "appen in t"e day/> 0 "eard t"e
desperation in my %oice, a #itt#e 'ir#.s p#ea t"at someone (o-#d say t"is (as a## a bad dream/
>Bad t"in's can "appen anytime,> "e to#d me/ >And t"is didn.t "appen d-rin' t"e day/ T"is probab#y "appened a
co-p#e o) ni'"ts a'o/>
0 dared a pee bac at t"e bodies and )e#t my stomac" t(ist/ T(o days/ T(o days to be dead, to "a%e yo-r
e&istence sn-))ed o-t7(it"o-t anyone in t"e (or#d e%en no(in' yo- (ere 'one/ $y eyes )e## on a man.s body
near t"e room.s entrance to a "a##(ay/ 6e (as ta##, too (e##*b-i#t to be a $oroi/ 2imitri m-st "a%e noticed ("ere 0
>Art"-r Sc"oenber',> "e said/
0 stared at Art"-r.s b#oody t"roat/ >6e.s dead,> 0 said, as t"o-'" it (asn.t per)ect#y ob%io-s/ >6o( can "e be dead=
6o( co-#d a Stri'oi i## Art"-r Sc"oenber'=> 0t didn.t seem possib#e/ +o- co-#dn.t i## a #e'end/
2imitri didn.t ans(er/ 0nstead "is "and mo%ed do(n and c#osed aro-nd ("ere my o(n "and "e#d t"e stae/ 0
>W"ere did yo- 'et t"is=> "e ased/ 0 #oosened my 'rip and #et "im tae t"e stae/
>O-tside/ 0n t"e 'ro-nd/>
6e "e#d -p t"e stae, st-dyin' its s-r)ace as it s"one in t"e s-n#i'"t/ >0t broe t"e (ard/>
$y mind, sti## st-nned, too a moment to process ("at "e.d said/ T"en 0 'ot it/ Wards (ere ma'ic rin's cast by
$oroi/ Lie t"e staes, t"ey (ere made -sin' ma'ic )rom a## )o-r o) t"e e#ements/ T"ey re<-ired stron' $oroi
ma'ic*-sers, o)ten a co-p#e )or eac" e#ement/ T"e (ards co-#d b#oc Stri'oi beca-se ma'ic (as c"ar'ed (it" #i)e,
and t"e Stri'oi "ad none/ B-t (ards )aded <-ic#y and too a #ot o) maintenance/ $ost $oroi didn.t -se t"em, b-t
certain p#aces ept t"em -p/ St/ V#adimir.s Academy (as rin'ed (it" se%era#/
T"ere "ad been a (ard "ere, b-t it "ad been s"attered ("en someone dro%e t"e stae t"ro-'" it/ T"eir ma'ic
con)#icted (it" eac" ot"er; t"e stae "ad (on/
>Stri'oi can.t to-c" staes,> 0 to#d "im/ 0 rea#i5ed 0 (as -sin' a #ot o) can't and don't statements/ 0t (asn.t easy
"a%in' yo-r core be#ie)s c"a##en'ed/ >And no $oroi or d"ampir (o-#d do it/>
>A "-man mi'"t/>
0 met "is eyes/ >6-mans don.t "e#p Stri'oi7> 0 stopped/ T"ere it (as a'ain/ Don't. B-t 0 co-#dn.t "e#p it/ T"e one
t"in' (e co-#d co-nt on in t"e )i'"t a'ainst Stri'oi (as t"eir #imitations7s-n#i'"t, (ard, stae ma'ic, etc/ We
-sed t"eir (eanesses a'ainst t"em/ 0) t"ey "ad ot"ers7"-mans7("o(o-#d "e#p t"em and (eren.t a))ected by
t"ose #imitations ///
2imitri.s )ace (as stem, sti## ready )or anyt"in', b-t t"e tiniest spar o) sympat"y )#as"ed in "is dar eyes as "e
(atc"ed me (a'e my menta# batt#e/
>T"is c"an'es e%eryt"in', doesn.t it=> 0 ased/
>+ea",> "e said/ >0t does/>
20$0TR0 $A2E ONE P6ONE CALL, and a %eritab#e SWAT team s"o(ed -p/
0t too a co-p#e o) "o-rs, t"o-'", and e%ery min-te spent (aitin' )e#t #ie a year/ 0 )ina##y co-#dn.t tae it anymore
and ret-rned to t"e car/ 2imitri e&amined t"e "o-se )-rt"er and t"en came to sit (it" me/
Neit"er o) -s said a (ord ("i#e (e (aited/ A s#ide s"o( o) t"e 'ris#y si'"ts inside t"e "o-se ept p#ayin' in my
mind/ 0 )e#t scared and a#one and (is"ed "e (o-#d "o#d me or com)ort me in some (ay/
0mmediate#y, 0 sco#ded myse#) )or (antin' t"at/ 0 reminded myse#) )or t"e t"o-sandt" time t"at "e (as my
instr-ctor and "ad no b-siness "o#din' me, no matter ("at t"e sit-ation (as/ Besides, 0 (anted to be stron'/ 0 didn.t
need to 'o r-nnin' to some '-y e%ery time t"in's 'ot to-'"/
W"en t"e )irst 'ro-p o) '-ardians s"o(ed -p, 2imitri opened t"e car door and '#anced o%er at me/
>+o- s"o-#d see "o( t"is is done/>
0 didn.t (ant to see any more o) t"at "o-se, "onest#y, b-t 0 )o##o(ed any(ay/ T"ese '-ardians (ere stran'ers to
me, b-t 2imitri ne( t"em/ 6e a#(ays seemed to no( e%erybody/ T"is 'ro-p (as s-rprised to )ind a no%ice on
t"e scene, b-t none o) t"em protested my presence/
0 (a#ed be"ind t"em as t"ey e&amined t"e "o-se/ None o) t"em to-c"ed anyt"in', b-t t"ey ne#t by t"e bodies
and st-died t"e b#oodstains and broen (indo(s/ Apparent#y, t"e Stri'oi "ad entered t"e "o-se t"ro-'" more t"an
:-st t"e )ront door and bac patio/
T"e '-ardians spoe in br-s<-e tones, disp#ayin' none o) t"e dis'-st and )ear 0 )e#t/ T"ey (ere #ie mac"ines/ One
o) t"em, t"e on#y (oman in t"e 'ro-p, cro-c"ed beside Art"-r Sc"oenber'/ 0 (as intri'-ed since )ema#e '-ardians
(ere so rare/ 0.d "eard 2imitri ca## "er Tamara, and s"e #ooed abo-t t(enty*)i%e/ 6er b#ac "air :-st bare#y
to-c"ed "er s"o-#ders, ("ic" (as common )or '-ardian (omen/
Sadness )#icered in "er 'ray eyes as s"e st-died t"e dead '-ardian.s )ace/ >O", Art"-r,> s"e si'"ed/
Lie 2imitri, s"e mana'ed to con%ey a "-ndred t"in's in :-st a co-p#e (ords/ >Ne%er t"o-'"t 0.d see t"is day/ 6e
(as my mentor/> Wit" anot"er si'", Tamara rose/
6er )ace "ad become a## b-siness#ie once more, as t"o-'" t"e '-y ("o.d trained "er (asn.t #yin' t"ere
in )ront o) "er/ 0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e it/ 6e (as "er mentor. 6o( co-#d s"e eep t"at ind o) contro#= For "a#) a
"eartbeat, 0 ima'ined seein' 2imitri dead on t"e )#oor instead/ No/ No (ay co-#d 0 "a%e stayed ca#m in "er p#ace/ 0
(o-#d "a%e 'one on a rampa'e/ 0 (o-#d "a%e screamed and iced t"in's/ 0 (o-#d "a%e "it anyone ("o tried to te##
me t"in's (o-#d be oay/
Fort-nate#y, 0 didn.t be#ie%e anyone co-#d act-a##y taedo(n 2imitri/ 0.d seen "im i## a Stri'oi (it"o-t breain' a
s(eat/ 6e (as in%incib#e/ A badass/ A 'od/
O) co-rse, Art"-r Sc"oenber' "ad been too/
>6o( co-#d t"ey do t"at=> 0 b#-rted o-t/ Si& sets o) eyes t-rned to me/ 0 e&pected a c"astisin' #oo )rom 2imitri
)or my o-tb-rst, b-t "e mere#y appeared c-rio-s/ >6o( co-#d t"eyi## him ? "
Tamara 'a%e a sma## s"r-', "er )ace sti## composed/ >T"e same (ay t"ey i## e%eryone e#se/ 6e.s morta#, :-st #ie
t"e rest o) -s/>
>+ea", b-t "e.s /// yo- no(, Art"-r Sc"oenber'/>
>+o- te## -s, Rose,> said 2imitri/ >+o-.%e seen t"e "o-se/ Te## -s "o( t"ey did it/>
As t"ey a## (atc"ed me, 0 s-dden#y rea#i5ed 0 mi'"t be -nder'oin' a test a)ter a## today/ 0 t"o-'"t abo-t ("at 0.d
obser%ed and "eard/ 0 s(a##o(ed, tryin' to )i'-re o-t "o( t"e impossib#e co-#d be possib#e/
>T"ere (ere )o-r points o) entry, ("ic" means at #east )o-r Stri'oi/ T"ere (ere se%en $oroi/> T"e )ami#y ("o
#i%ed "ere "ad been entertainin' some ot"er peop#e, main' t"e massacre t"at m-c" #ar'er/ T"ree o) t"e %ictims "ad
been c"i#dren/ >/// and t"ree '-ardians/ Too many i##s/ Fo-r Stri'oi co-#dn.t "a%e taen do(n t"at many/ Si&
probab#y co-#d i) t"ey (ent )or t"e '-ardians )irst and ca-'"t t"em by s-rprise/ T"e )ami#y (o-#d "a%e been too
paniced to )i'"t bac/>
>And "o( did t"ey catc" t"e '-ardians by s-rprise=> 2imitri prompted/
0 "esitated/ G-ardians, as a 'enera# r-#e, didn.t 'et ca-'"t by s-rprise/ >Beca-se t"e (ards (ere broen/ 0n a
"o-se"o#d (it"o-t (ards, t"ere.d probab#y be a '-ardian (a#in' t"e yard at ni'"t/ B-t t"ey (o-#dn.t "a%e done
t"at "ere/>
0 (aited )or t"e ne&t ob%io-s <-estion abo-t "o( t"e (ards "ad been broen/ B-t 2imitri didn.t as it/ T"ere (as
no need/ We a## ne(/ We.d a## seen t"e stae/ A'ain, a c"i## ran do(n my spine/ 6-mans (orin' (it" Stri'oi7a
#ar'e 'ro-p o) Stri'oi/
2imitri simp#y nodded as a si'n o) appro%a#, and t"e 'ro-p contin-ed t"eir s-r%ey/ W"en (e reac"ed a bat"room, 0
started to a%ert my 'a5e/ 0.d a#ready seen t"is room (it" 2imitri ear#ier and "ad no (is" to repeat t"e e&perience/
T"ere (as a dead man in t"ere, and "is dried b#ood stood o-t in star contrast a'ainst t"e ("ite ti#e/ A#so, since t"is
room (as more interior, it (asn.t as co#d as t"e area by t"e open patio/ No preser%ation/ T"e body didn.t sme## bad
yet, e&act#y, b-t it didn.t sme## ri'"t, eit"er/
B-t as 0 started to t-rn a(ay, 0 ca-'"t a '#impse o) somet"in' dar red7more bro(n, rea##y7on t"e mirror/ 0
"adn.t noticed it be)ore beca-se t"e rest o) t"e scene "ad "e#d a## o) my attention/ T"ere (as (ritin' on t"e mirror,
done in b#ood/
Poor, poor Badicas/ So )e( #e)t/ One roya# )ami#y near#y 'one/ Ot"ers to )o##o(/
Tamara snorted in dis'-st and t-rned a(ay )rom t"e mirror, st-dyin' ot"er detai#s o) t"e bat"room/ As (e (a#ed
o-t,t"o-'", t"ose (ords repeated in my "ead/ One royal family near#y 'one/ Ot"ers to )o##o(/
T"e Badicas (ere one o) t"e sma##er roya# c#ans, it (as tr-e/ B-t it (as "ard#y #ie t"ose ("o "ad been i##ed "ere
(ere t"e #ast o) t"em/ T"ere (ere probab#y a#most t(o "-ndred Badicas #e)t/ T"at (asn.t as many as a )ami#y #ie,
say, t"e 0%as"o%s/ T"at partic-#ar roya# )ami#y (as "-'e and (idespread/ T"ere (ere, "o(e%er, a #ot more Badicas
t"an t"ere (ere some ot"er roya#s/
Lie t"e 2ra'omirs/
Lissa (as t"e on#y one #e)t/
0) t"e Stri'oi (anted to sn-)) o-t roya# #ines, t"ere (as no better c"ance t"an to 'o a)ter "er/ $oroi b#ood
empo(ered Stri'oi, so 0 -nderstood t"eir desire )or t"at/ 0 s-pposed speci)ica##y tar'etin' roya#s (as simp#y part o)
t"eir cr-e# and sadistic nat-re/ 0t (as ironic t"at Stri'oi (o-#d (ant to tear apart $oroi society, since many o) t"em
"ad once been a part o) it/
T"e mirror and its (arnin' cons-med me )or t"e rest o) o-r stay at t"e "o-se, and 0 )o-nd my )ear and s"oc
trans)ormin' into an'er/ 6o( co-#d t"ey do t"is= 6o( co-#d any creat-re be so t(isted and e%i# t"at t"ey.d do t"is
to a )ami#y7t"at t"ey.d (ant to (ipe o-t an entire b#ood#ine= 6o( co-#d any creat-re do t"is ("en t"ey.d once
been #ie me and Lissa=
And t"inin' o) Lissa7t"inin' o) Stri'oi (antin' to (ipe o-t "er )ami#y too7stirred -p a dar ra'e (it"in
me/T"e intensity o) t"at emotion near#y noced me o%er/ 0t (as somet"in' b#ac and miasmic, s(e##in' and
roi#in'/ A storm c#o-d ready to b-rst/ 0 s-dden#y (anted to tear -p e%ery Stri'oi 0 co-#d 'et my "ands on/
W"en 0 )ina##y 'ot into t"e car to ride bac to St/ V#adimir.s (it" 2imitri, 0 s#ammed t"e door so "ard t"at it (as a
(onder it didn.t )a## o))/
6e '#anced at me in s-rprise/ >W"at.s (ron'=>
>Are yo- serio-s=> 0 e&c#aimed, incred-#o-s/ >6o( can yo- as t"at= +o- (ere t"ere/ +o- sa( t"at/>
>0 did,> "e a'reed/ >B-t 0.m not tain' it o-t on t"e car/>
0 )astened my seat be#t and '#o(ered/ >0 "ate t"em/ 0 "ate t"em a##@ 0 (is" I'd been t"ere/ 0 (o-#d "a%e ripped their
t"roats o-t@>
0 (as near#y s"o-tin'/ 2imitri stared at me, )ace ca#m, b-t "e (as c#ear#y astonis"ed at my o-tb-rst/
>+o- rea##y t"in t"at.s tr-e=> "e ased me/ >+o- t"in yo- co-#d "a%e done better t"an Art Sc"oenber' a)ter
seein' ("at t"e Stri'oi did in t"ere= A)ter seein' ("at Nata#ie did to yo-=>
0 )a#tered/ 0.d tan'#ed brie)#y (it" Lissa.s co-sin, Nata#ie, ("en s"e became a Stri'oi, :-st be)ore 2imitri "ad s"o(n
-p to sa%e t"e day/ E%en as a ne( Stri'oi7(ea and -ncoordinated7s"e.d #itera##y t"ro(n
me aro-nd t"e room/
0 c#osed my eyes and too a deep breat"/ S-dden#y, 0 )e#t st-pid/ 0.d seen ("at Stri'oi co-#d do/ $e r-nnin' in
impet-o-s#y and tryin' to sa%e t"e day (o-#d "a%e on#y res-#ted in a<-ic deat"/ 0 (as de%e#opin' into a to-'"
'-ardian, b-t 0 sti## "ad a #ot to #earn7and one se%enteen*year*o#d 'ir# co-#dn.t "a%e stood a'ainst si& Stri'oi/
0 opened my eyes/ >0.m sorry,> 0 said, 'ainin' contro# o) myse#)/ T"e ra'e t"at "ad e&p#oded inside me di))-sed/ 0
didn.t no( ("ere it "ad come )rom/ 0 "ad a s"ort temper and o)ten acted imp-#si%e#y, b-t t"is "ad been intense
and -'#y e%en )or me/ Weird/
>0t.s oay,> said 2imitri/ 6e reac"ed o%er and p#aced "is "and on mine )or a )e( moments/ T"en "e remo%ed it and
started t"e car/ >0t.s been a #on' day/ For a## o) -s/>
W"en (e 'ot bac to St/ V#adimir.s Academy aro-nd midni'"t, e%eryone ne( abo-t t"e massacre/ T"e %ampiric
sc"oo# day "ad :-st ended, and 0 "adn.t s#ept in more t"an t(enty*)o-r "o-rs/ 0 (as b#eary*eyed and s#-''is", and
2imitri ordered me to immediate#y 'o bac to my dorm room and 'et some s#eep/ 6e, o) co-rse, #ooed a#ert and
ready to tae on anyt"in'/ Sometimes 0 rea##y (asn.t s-re i) "e s#ept at a##/ 6e "eaded o)) to cons-#t (it" ot"er
'-ardians abo-t t"e attac, and 0 promised "im 0.d 'o strai'"t to bed/ 0nstead, 0 t-rned to(ard t"e #ibrary once "e
(as o-t o) si'"t/ 0 needed to see Lissa, and t"e bond to#d me t"at (as ("ere s"e (as/
0t (as pitc"*b#ac as 0 (a#ed a#on' t"e stone (a#(ay t"at crossed t"e <-ad )rom my dorm to t"e secondary
sc"oo#.s main b-i#din'/ Sno( comp#ete#y co%ered t"e 'rass, b-t t"e side(a# "ad been metic-#o-s#y c#eared o) a##
ice and sno(/0t reminded me o) t"e poor Badicas. ne'#ected "ome/
T"e commons b-i#din' (as #ar'e and 'ot"ic*#ooin', more s-ited to a medie%a# mo%ie set t"an a sc"oo#/ 0nside,
t"at air o) mystery and ancient "istory contin-ed to permeate t"e b-i#din'1 e#aborate stone (a##s and anti<-e
paintin's (arrin' (it" comp-ters and )#-orescent #i'"ts/ $odern tec"no#o'y "ad a )oot"o#d "ere, b-t it (o-#d
ne%er dominate/
S#ippin' t"ro-'" t"e #ibrary.s e#ectronic 'ate, 0 immediate#y "eaded )or one o) t"e bac corners ("ere 'eo'rap"y
and tra%e# boos (ere ept/ S-re eno-'", 0 )o-nd Lissa sittin' t"ere on t"e )#oor, #eanin' a'ainst a boocase/
>6ey,> s"e said, #ooin' -p )rom an open boo propped -p on one nee/ S"e br-s"ed a )e( strands o) pa#e "air o-t
o) "er )ace/ 6er boy)riend, C"ristian, #ay on t"e )#oor near "er, "is "ead propped -p on "er ot"er nee/ 6e 'reeted
me by (ay o) a nod/ Considerin' t"e anta'onism t"at sometimes )#ared -p bet(een -s, t"at (as a#most on par (it"
"im 'i%in' me a bear "-'/ 2espite "er sma## smi#e, 0 co-#d )ee# t"e tension and )ear in "er; it san' t"ro-'" t"e
>+o- "eard,> 0 said, sittin' do(n cross*#e''ed/
6er smi#e s#ipped, and t"e )ee#in's o) )ear and -nease (it"in "er intensi)ied/ 0 #ied t"at o-r psyc"ic connection #et
me protect "er better, b-t 0 didn.t rea##y need my o(n tro-b#ed )ee#in's amp#i)ied/
>0t.s a()-#,> s"e said (it" a s"-dder/ C"ristian s"i)ted and #ined "is )in'ers t"ro-'" "ers/ 6e s<-ee5ed
"er "and/ S"e s<-ee5ed bac/ T"ose t(o (ere so in #o%e and s-'ary s(eet(it" eac" ot"er t"at 0 )e#t #ie br-s"in'
my teet" a)ter bein' aro-nd t"em/ T"ey (ere s-bd-ed :-st no(, "o(e%er, no do-bt t"ans to t"e massacre ne(s/
>T" sayin'// /t" sayin' t"ere (ere si& or se%en Stri'oi/ And t"at "-mans "e#ped t"em brea t"e (ards/>
0 #eaned my "ead bac a'ainst a s"e#)/ Ne(s rea##y did tra%e# )ast/ S-dden#y, 0 )e#t di55y/ >0t.s tr-e/>
>Rea##y=> ased C"ristian/ >0 )i'-red t"at (as :-st a b-nc" o) "yped*-p paranoia/>
>No ///> 0 rea#i5ed t"en t"at nobody ne( ("ere 0.d been today/ >0/ 0 (as t"ere/>
Lissa.s eyes (idened, s"oc co-rsin' into me )rom "er/ E%en C"ristian7t"e poster c"i#d )or >smartass>7#ooed
'rim/ 0) not )or t"e "orrib#eness o) it a##, 0 (o-#d "a%e taen satis)action in catc"in' "im o)) '-ard/
> :oin',> "e said, %oice -ncertain/
>0 t"o-'"t yo- (ere tain' yo-r ?-a#i)ier/> Lissa.s (ords trai#ed o))/
>0 (as s-pposed to,> 0 said/ >0t (as :-st a (ron'*p#ace*and*(ron'*time ind o) t"in'/ T"e '-ardian ("o (as 'oin'
to 'i%e me t"e test #i%ed t"ere/ 2imitri and 0 (a#ed in, and/>
0 co-#dn.t )inis"/ 0ma'es o) t"e b#ood and deat" t"at "ad )i##ed t"e Badica "o-se )#as"ed t"ro-'" my mind a'ain/
Concern crossed bot" Lissa.s )ace and t"e bond/
>Rose, are yo- oay=> s"e ased so)t#y/
Lissa (as my best )riend, b-t 0 didn.t (ant "er to no("o( scared and -pset t"e ("o#e t"in' "ad made me/ 0
(anted to be )ierce/
>Fine,> 0 said, teet" c#enc"ed/
>W"at (as it #ie=> ased C"ristian/ C-riosity )i##ed "is %oice, b-t t"ere (as '-i#t t"ere too7#ie "e ne( it (as
(ron' to (ant to no( abo-t s-c" a "orrib#e t"in'/ 6e co-#dn.t stop "imse#) )rom asin', t"o-'"/ Lac o) imp-#se
contro# (as one t"in' (e "ad in common/
>0t (as ///> 0 s"oo my "ead/ >0 don.t (ant to ta# abo-t it/>
C"ristian started to protest, and t"en Lissa ran a "and t"ro-'" "is s#ee b#ac "air/ T"e 'ent#e admonis"ment
si#enced "im/ A moment o) a((ardness "-n' bet(een -s a##/ Readin' Lissa.s mind, 0 )e#t "er desperate#y 'rope
)or a ne( topic/
>T"ey say t"is is 'oin' to mess -p a## o) t"e "o#iday %isits,> s"e to#d me a)ter se%era# more moments/ >C"ristian.s
a-nt is 'oin' to %isit, b-t most peop#e don.t (ant to tra%e#, and t"ey (ant t"eir ids to stay "ere ("ere it.s sa)e/
T" terri)ied t"is 'ro-p o) Stri'oi is on t"e mo%e/>
0 "adn.t t"o-'"t abo-t t"e rami)ications o) an attac #ie t"is/ We (ere on#y a (ee or so a(ay )rom C"ristmas/
Us-a##y, t"ere (as a "-'e (a%e o) tra%e# in t"e $oroi (or#d t"is time o) year/ St-dents (ent "ome to %isit t"eir
parents; parents came to stay on camp-s and %isit t"eir c"i#dren/
>T"is is 'oin' to eep a #ot o) )ami#ies separated,> 0 m-rm-red/
>And mess -p a #ot o) roya# 'et*to'et"ers,> said C"ristian/6is brie) serio-sness "ad %anis"ed; "is snide air (as
bac/ >+o- no( "o( t"ey are t"is time o) year7a#(ays competin' (it" eac" ot"er to t"ro( t"e bi''est parties/
T"ey (on.t no( ("at to do (it" t"emse#%es/>
0 co-#d be#ie%e it/ $y #i)e (as abo-t )i'"tin', b-t t"e $oroi certain#y "ad t"eir s"are o) interna# stri)e7partic-#ar#y
(it" nob#es and roya#s/ T"ey (a'ed t"eir o(n batt#es (it" (ords and po#itica# a##iances, and "onest#y, 0 pre)erred
t"e more direct met"od o) "ittin' and icin'/ Lissa and C"ristian in partic-#ar "ad to na%i'ate some tro-b#ed
(aters/ T"ey (ere bot" )rom roya# )ami#ies, ("ic" meant t"ey 'ot a #ot o) attention bot" inside and o-tside o) t"e
T"in's (ere (orse )or t"em t"an )or most $oroi roya#s/ C"ristian.s )ami#y #i%ed -nder t"e s"ado( cast by "is
parents/ T"ey "ad p-rpose#y become Stri'oi, tradin' t"eir ma'ic and mora#ity to become immorta# and s-bsist on
i##in' ot"ers/ 6is parents (ere dead no(, b-t t"at didn.t stop peop#e )rom not tr-stin' "im/ T"ey seemed to t"in
"e.d 'o Stri'oi at any moment and tae e%eryone e#se (it" "im/ 6is abrasi%eness and dar sense o) "-mor didn.t
rea##y "e#p t"in's, eit"er/
Lissa.s attention came )rom bein' t"e #ast one #e)t in "er )ami#y/ No ot"er $oroi "ad eno-'" 2ra'omir b#ood in
t"em to earn t"e name/ 6er )-t-re "-sband (o-#d probab#y "a%e eno-'" some("ere in "is )ami#y tree to mae s-re
"er c"i#dren (ere 2ra'omirs, b-t )or no(, bein' t"e on#y one made "er ind o) a ce#ebrity/
T"inin' abo-t t"is s-dden#y reminded me o) t"e (arnin'scra(#ed on t"e mirror/ Na-sea (e##ed -p in me/ T"at
dar an'er and despair stirred, b-t 0 p-s"ed it aside (it" a :oe/
>+o- '-ys s"o-#d try so#%in' yo-r prob#ems #ie (e do/ A )ist)i'"t "ere and t"ere mi'"t do yo- roya#s some
Bot" Lissa and C"ristian #a-'"ed at t"is/ 6e '#anced -p at "er (it" a s#y smi#e, s"o(in' "is )an's as "e did/ >W"at
do yo- t"in= 0 bet 0 co-#d tae yo- i) (e (ent one on one/>
>+o- (is",> s"e teased/ 6er tro-b#ed )ee#in's #i'"tened/
>0 do, act-a##y,> "e said, "o#din' "er 'a5e/
T"ere (as an intense#y sens-a# note to "is %oice t"at made "er "eart race/ 3ea#o-sy s"ot t"ro-'" me/ S"e and 0 "ad
been best )riends o-r entire #i)e/ 0 co-#d read "er mind/ B-t t"e )act remained1 C"ristian (as a "-'e part o) "er
(or#d no(, and "e p#ayed a ro#e 0 ne%er co-#d7*:-st as "e co-#d ne%er "a%e a part o) t"e connection t"at e&isted
bet(een me and "er/ We bot" sort o) accepted b-t didn.t #ie t"e )act t"at (e "ad to sp#it "er attention, and at times,
it seemed t"e tr-ce (e "e#d )or "er sae (as paper t"in/
Lissa br-s"ed "er "and a'ainst "is c"ee/ >Be"a%e/>
>0 am,> "e to#d "er, "is %oice sti## a #itt#e "-sy/ >Sometimes/ B-t sometimes yo- don.t (ant me to////>
Groanin', 0 stood -p/ >God/ 0.m 'oin' to #ea%e yo- '-ys a#one no(/>
Lissa b#ined and dra''ed "er eyes a(ay )rom C"ristian, s-dden#y #ooin' embarrassed/
>Sorry,> s"e m-rm-red/ A de#icate pin )#-s" spread o%er "er c"ees/ Since s"e (as pa#e #ie a## $oroi, it act-a##y
sort o)made "er #oo prettier/ Not t"at s"e needed m-c" "e#p in t"at department/ >+o- don.t
"a%e to 'o////>
>No, it.s )ine/ 0.m e&"a-sted,> 0 ass-red "er/ C"ristian didn.t #oo too broen -p abo-t seein' me #ea%e/ >0.## catc"
yo- tomorro(/>
0 started to t-rn a(ay, b-t Lissa ca##ed to me/ >Rose= Are yo-// /are yo- s-re oay= A)ter e%eryt"in' t"at
0 met "er :ade 'reen eyes/ 6er concern (as so stron' and deep t"at it made my c"est ac"e/ 0 mi'"t be c#oser to "er
t"an anyone e#se in t"e (or#d, b-t 0 didn.t (ant "er (orryin' abo-t me. 0t (as my :ob to eep "er sa)e/ S"e
s"o-#dn.t be tro-b#ed abo-t protectin' me7partic-#ar#y i) Stri'oi "ad s-dden#y decided to mae a "it #ist o) roya#s/
0 )#as"ed "er a sa-cy 'rin/ >0.m )ine/ Not"in' to (orry abo-t e&cept yo- '-ys tearin' eac" ot"er.s c#ot"es be)ore 0
'et a c"ance to #ea%e/>
>T"en yo- better 'o no(,> said C"ristian dry#y/
S"e e#bo(ed "im, and 0 ro##ed my eyes/ >Good ni'"t,> 0 to#d t"em/
As soon as my bac (as to t"em, my smi#e %anis"ed/ 0 (a#ed bac to my dorm (it" a "ea%y "eart, "opin' 0
(o-#dn.t dream abo-t t"e Badicas toni'"t/
T6E LOBB+ OF $+ 2OR$ (as ab-55 ("en 0 sprinted do(nstairs to my be)ore*sc"oo# practice/ T"e
commotion didn.t s-rprise me/ A 'ood ni'"t.s s#eep "ad 'one )ar to c"ase a(ay t"e ima'es )rom #ast ni'"t, b-t 0
ne( neit"er 0 nor my c#assmates (o-#d easi#y )or'et ("at "ad taen p#ace o-tside Bi##in's/
And yet, as 0 st-died t"e )aces and c#-sters o) ot"er no%ices, 0 noticed somet"in' (eird/ T"e )ear and tension )rom
yesterday (ere sti## aro-nd, certain#y, b-t somet"in' ne( (as t"ere too1 e&citement/ A co-p#e o) )res"men no%ices
(ere practica##y s<-ea#in' (it" :oy as t"ey spoe in "-s"ed ("ispers/ Nearby, a 'ro-p o) '-ys my o(n a'e (ere
'est-rin' (i#d#y, ent"-siastic 'rins on t"eir )aces/
0 "ad to be missin' somet"in' "ere7-n#ess a## o) yesterday "ad been a dream/ 0t too e%ery o-nce o) se#)*contro# 0
"ad not to 'o o%er and as somebody ("at (as "appenin'/ 0) 0 de#ayed, 0.d be #ate )or practice/ T"e c-riosity (as
i##in' me, t"o-'"/ 6ad t"e Stri'oi and t"eir "-mans been )o-nd and i##ed= T"at (o-#d certain#y be 'ood ne(s,
b-t somet"in' to#d me t"at (asn.t t"e case/ P-s"in' open t"e )ront doors, 0 #amented t"at 0.d :-st "a%e to (ait -nti#
brea)ast to )ind o-t/
>6at"*a(ay, don.t r-n*a(ay,> a sin'son' %oice ca##ed/
0 '#anced be"ind me and 'rinned/ $ason As")ord, anot"er no%ice and a 'ood )riend o) mine, :o''ed -p and )e## in
step (it" me/
>W"at are yo-, t(e#%e=> 0 ased, contin-in' on to(ard t"e 'ym/
>Near#y,> "e said/ >0 missed yo-r smi#in' )ace yesterday/ W"ere (ere yo-=>
Apparent#y my presence at t"e Badica "o-se sti## (asn.t (ide#y no(n/ 0t (asn.t a secret or anyt"in', b-t 0 didn.t
(ant to disc-ss any 'ory detai#s/ >6ad a trainin' t"in' (it" 2imitri/>
>God,> m-ttered $ason/ >T"at '-y is a#(ays (orin' yo-/ 2oesn.t "e rea#i5e "e.s depri%in' -s o) yo-r bea-ty and
>Smi#in' )ace= Bea-ty and c"arm= #ayin' it on a #itt#e t"ic t"is mornin', aren.t yo-=> 0 #a-'"ed/
>6ey, 0.m :-st te##in' it #ie it is/ Rea##y, #-cy to "a%e someone as s-a%e and bri##iant as me payin' t"is
m-c" attention to yo-/>
0 ept 'rinnin'/ $ason (as a "-'e )#irt, and "e #ied to )#irt (it" me in partic-#ar/ Part o) it (as :-st beca-se 0 (as
'ood at it and #ied to )#irt bac/ B-t 0 ne( "is )ee#in's to(ard me (ere more t"an :-st )riend#y, and 0 (as sti##
decidin' "o( 0 )e#t abo-t t"at/ 6e and 0 "ad t"e same 'oo)y sense o) "-mor and )re<-ent#y dre( attention to
o-rse#%es in c#ass and amon' )riends/ 6e "ad 'or'eo-s b#-e eyes and messy red "air t"at ne%er seemed to #ie )#at/ 0t
(as c-te/
B-t datin' someone ne( (as 'oin' to be ind o) di))ic-#t ("en 0 sti## ept t"inin' abo-t t"e time 0 (as "a#)*
naed in bed (it" 2imitri/
>S-a%e and bri##iant, "-"=> 0 s"oo my "ead/ >0 don.t t"in yo- pay near#y as m-c" attention to me as yo- do yo-r
e'o/ Someone needs to noc it do(n a #itt#e/>
>O" yea"=> "e ased/ >We##, yo- can try yo-r best on t"e s#opes/>
0 stopped (a#in'/ >T"e ("at=>
>T"e s#opes/> 6e ti#ted "is "ead/ >+o- no(, t"e si trip/>
>W"at si trip=> 0 (as apparent#y missin' somet"in' serio-s "ere/
>W"ere "a%e yo- been t"is mornin'=> "e ased, #ooin' at me #ie 0 (as a cra5y (oman/
>0n bed@ 0 on#y 'ot -p, #ie, )i%e min-tes a'o/ No(, start )rom t"e be'innin' and te## me ("at ta#in'
abo-t/> 0 s"i%ered )rom t"e #ac o) mo%ement/ >And #et.s eep (a#in'/> We did/
>So, yo- no( "o( e%eryone.s a)raid to "a%e t"eir ids come "ome )or C"ristmas= We##, t"ere.s t"is huge si
#od'e in 0da"o t"at.s e&c#-si%e#y -sed by roya#s and ric" $oroi/ T"e peop#e ("o o(n it are openin' it -p )or
Academy st-dents and t"eir )ami#ies7and act-a##y any ot"er $oroi ("o (ant to 'o/ Wit" e%eryone in one spot,
t" 'oin' to "a%e a ton o) '-ardians to protect t"e p#ace, so it.## be tota##y sa)e/>
>+o- can.t be serio-s,> 0 said/ We reac"ed t"e 'ym and stepped inside o-t o) t"e co#d/
$ason nodded ea'er#y/ >0t.s tr-e/ T"e p#ace is s-pposed to be ama5in'/> 6e 'a%e me t"e 'rin t"at a#(ays made me
smi#e in ret-rn/ > 'oin' to #i%e #ie roya#ty, Rose/ At #east )or a (ee or so/ We tae o)) t"e day a)ter
0 stood t"ere, bot" e&cited and st-nned/ 0 "adn.t seen t"is comin'/ 0t rea##y (as a bri##iant idea, one t"at #et )ami#ies
re-nite sa)e#y/ And ("at a re-nion spot@ A roya# si #od'e/ 0.d e&pected to spend most o) my "o#iday brea "an'in'
o-t "ere and (atc"in' TV (it" Lissa and C"ristian/ No( 0.d be #i%in' it -p in )i%e*star accommodations/ Lobster
dinners/ $assa'es/ C-te si instr-ctors ///
$ason.s ent"-siasm (as conta'io-s/ 0 co-#d )ee# it (e##in' -p in me, and t"en, s-dden#y, it s#ammed to a "a#t/
St-dyin' my )ace, "e sa( t"e c"an'e ri'"t a(ay/ >W"at.s (ron'= T"is is coo#/>
>0t is,> 0 admitted/ >And 0 'et ("y e%eryone.s e&cited, b-t t"e reason ( 'ettin' to 'o to t"is )ancy p#ace is
beca-se, (e##, beca-se peop#e are dead/ 0 mean, doesn.t t"is a## seem (eird=>
$ason.s c"eery e&pression sobered a #itt#e/ >+ea", b-t ( a#i%e, Rose/ We can.t stop #i%in' beca-se ot"er peop#e
are dead/ And (e "a%e to mae s-re more peop#e don.t die/ T"at.s ("y t"is p#ace is s-c" a 'reat idea/ 0t.s sa)e/> 6is
eyes t-rned stormy/ >God, 0 can.t (ait -nti# ( o-t o) "ere in t"e )ie#d/ A)ter "earin' abo-t ("at "appened, 0 :-st
(ant to 'o tear apart some Stri'oi/ 0 (is" (e co-#d 'o no(, yo- no(= T"ere.s no reason/ T"ey co-#d -se t"e e&tra
"e#p, and(e pretty m-c" no( e%eryt"in' (e need to/>
T"e )ierceness in "is %oice reminded me o) my o-tb-rst yesterday, t"o-'" "e (asn.t <-ite as (ored -p as 0.d been/
6is ea'erness to act (as impet-o-s and nai%e, ("ereas mine "ad been born o-t o) some (eird, dar irrationa#ity 0
sti## didn.t entire#y -nderstand/
W"en 0 didn.t respond, $ason 'a%e me a p-55#ed #oo/ >2on.t yo- (ant to=>
>0 don.t no(, $ase/> 0 stared do(n at t"e )#oor, a%oidin' "is eyes as 0 st-died t"e toe o) my s"oe/ >0 mean, 0 don.t
(ant Stri'oi o-t t"ere, attacin' peop#e eit"er/ And 0 (ant to stop t"em in t"eory/ b-t, (e##, (e aren.t e%en c#ose to
bein'ready/ 0.%e seen ("at t"ey can do 0 don.t no(/ R-s"in' inisn.t t"e ans(er/> 0 s"oo my "ead and #ooed bac
-p/ Good 'rie)/ 0 so-nded so #o'ica# and ca-tio-s/ 0 so-nded #ie 2imitri/ >0t.s not important since it.s not 'oin' to
"appen any(ay/ 0 s-ppose (e s"o-#d :-st be e&cited abo-t t"e trip, "-"=>
$ason.s moods (ere <-ic to c"an'e, and "e t-rned easy'oin' once more/ >+-p/ And yo-.d better try to remember
"o( to si, beca-se 0.m ca##in' yo- o-t on nocin' do(n my e'o o-t t"ere/ Not t"at it.s 'oin' to "appen/>
0 smi#ed a'ain/ >Boy, it s-re is 'oin' to be sad ("en 0 mae yo- cry/ 0 ind o) )ee# '-i#ty a#ready/>
6e opened "is mo-t", no do-bt to de#i%er some smartass rep#y, and t"en ca-'"t si'"t o) somet"in'7or rat"er,
someone7be"ind me/ 0 '#anced o%er and sa( 2imitri.s ta## )orm approac"in' )rom t"e ot"er side o) t"e 'ym/
$ason s(ept me a 'a##ant bo(/ >+o-r #ord and master/ Catc" yo- #ater, 6at"a(ay/ Start p#annin' yo-r si
strate'ies/> 6e opened t"e door and disappeared into t"e )ri'id darness/ 0 t-rned aro-nd and :oined 2imitri/
Lie ot"er d"ampir no%ices, 0 spent "a#) o) my sc"oo# day on one )orm or anot"er o) '-ardian trainin', be it act-a#
p"ysica# combat or #earnin' abo-t Stri'oi and "o( to de)end a'ainst t"em/ No%ices a#so sometimes "ad practices
a)ter sc"oo#/ 0, "o(e%er, (as in a -ni<-e sit-ation/
0 sti## stood by my decision to r-n a(ay )rom St/ V#adimir.s/ Victor 2as"o% "ad posed too m-c" o) a t"reat to
Lissa/ B-t o-r e&tended %acation "ad come (it" conse<-ences/ Bein' a(ay )or t(o years "ad p-t me be"ind in my
'-ardian c#asses, so t"e sc"oo# "ad dec#ared t"at 0 "ad to mae -p )or it by 'oin' to e&tra practices be)ore and a)ter
Wit" 2imitri/
Litt#e did t"ey no( t"at t"ey (ere a#so 'i%in' me #essons in a%oidin' temptation/ B-t my attraction to "im aside, 0
(as a )ast #earner, and (it" "is "e#p, 0 "ad a#most ca-'"t -p to t"e ot"er seniors/
Since "e (asn.t (earin' a coat, 0 ne( (e.d be (orin' inside today, ("ic" (as 'ood ne(s/ 0t (as )ree5in' o-t/
+et e%en t"e "appiness 0 )e#t o%er t"at (as not"in' compared to ("at 0 )e#t ("en 0 sa( ("at e&act#y "e "ad set -p
in one o) t"e trainin' rooms/
T"ere (ere practice d-mmies arran'ed on t"e )ar (a##, d-mmies t"at #ooed ama5in'#y #i)e#ie/ No stra(*
st-))edb-r#ap ba's "ere/ T"ere (ere men and (omen, (earin' ordinary c#ot"es, (it" r-bbery sin and di))erent
"air and eye co#ors/ T"eir e&pressions ran'ed )rom "appy to scared to an'ry/ 0.d (ored (it" t"ese d-mmies be)ore
in ot"er trainin's, -sin' t"em to practice ics and p-nc"es/ B-t 0.d ne%er (ored (it" t"em ("i#e "o#din' ("at
2imitri "e#d1 a si#%er stae/
>S(eet,> 0 breat"ed/
0t (as identica# to t"e one 0.d )o-nd at t"e Badica "o-se/ 0t "ad a "and 'rip at t"e bottom, a#most #ie a "i#t (it"o-t
t"e #itt#e side )#o-ris"es/ T"at (as ("ere its resemb#ance to a da''er ended/ Rat"er t"an a )#at b#ade, t"e stae "ad a
t"ic, ro-nded body t"at narro(ed to a point, ind o) #ie an ice pic/ T"e entire t"in' (as a #itt#e s"orter t"an my
2imitri #eaned cas-a##y a'ainst t"e (a##, in an easy stance "e a#(ays p-##ed o)) remarab#y (e##, despite bein'
a#most si&*se%en/ Wit" one "and, "e tossed t"e stae into t"e air/ 0t sp-n aro-nd in a cart("ee# a co-p#e o) times
and t"en came do(n/ 6e ca-'"t it "i#t )irst/
>P#ease te## me 0 'et to #earn "o( to do that today,> 0 said/
Am-sement )#as"ed in t"e dar dept"s o) "is eyes/ 0 t"in "e "ad a "ard time eepin' a strai'"t )ace aro-nd me
>+o-.## be #-cy i) 0 #et yo- hold it today,> "e said/ 6e )#ipped t"e stae into t"e air a'ain/ $y eyes )o##o(ed it
#on'in'#y/ 0 started to point o-t t"at 0 "ad a#ready "e#d one, b-t 0 ne( t"at #ine o) #o'ic (o-#d 'et me no("ere/
0nstead, 0 tossed my bacpac on t"e )#oor, t"re( o)) my coat, and crossed my arms e&pectant#y/ 0 "ad on #oose
pants tied at t"e (aist and a tan top (it" a "oodie o%er it/ $y dar "air (as p-##ed br-ta##y bac into a ponytai#/ 0
(as ready )or anyt"in'/
>+o- (ant me to te## yo- "o( t"ey (or and ("y 0 s"o-#d a#(ays be ca-tio-s aro-nd t"em,> 0 anno-nced/
2imitri stopped )#ippin' t"e stae and stared at me in astonis"ment/
>Come on,> 0 #a-'"ed/ >+o- don.t t"in 0 no( "o( yo- (or by no(= We.%e been doin' t"is )or a#most t"ree
mont"s/ +o- a#(ays mae me ta# sa)ety and responsibi#ity be)ore 0 can do anyt"in' )-n/>
>0 see,> "e said/ >We##, 0 '-ess yo-.%e 'ot it a## )i'-red o-t/ By a## means, 'o on (it" t"e #esson/ 0.## :-st (ait o%er
"ere -nti# yo- need me a'ain/>
6e t-ced t"e stae into a #eat"er s"eat" "an'in' )rom "is be#t and t"en made "imse#) com)ortab#e a'ainst t"e
(a##, "ands st-))ed in pocets/ 0 (aited, )i'-rin' "e (as :oin', b-t ("en "e said not"in' e#se, 0 rea#i5ed "e.d meant
"is (ords/ Wit" a s"r-', 0 #a-nc"ed into ("at 0 ne(/
>Si#%er a#(ays "as po(er)-# e))ects on any ma'ica# creat-re7it can "e#p or "-rt t"em i) yo- p-t eno-'" po(er
into it/ T"ese staes are rea##y "ard*core beca-se it taes )o-r di))erent $oroi to mae t"em, and t"ey -se eac" o)
t"e e#ements d-rin' t"e )or'in'/> 0 )ro(ned, s-dden#y considerin' somet"in'/ >We##, e&cept spirit/ So t"ese t"in's
are s-perc"ar'ed and areabo-t t"e on#y non*decapitatin' (eapon t"at can do dama'e to a Stri'oi7b-t to i## t"em,
it "as to be t"ro-'" t"e "eart/>
>Wi## t"ey "-rt you? "
0 s"oo my "ead/ >No/ 0 mean, (e##, yea", i) yo- dri%e one t"ro-'" my "eart it (i##, b-t it (on.t "-rt me #ie it
(o-#d a $oroi/ Scratc" one o) t"em (it" t"is, and it.## "it t"em pretty "ard7b-t not as "ard as it.d "it a Stri'oi/
And t"ey (on.t "-rt "-mans, eit"er/>
0 stopped )or a moment and stared absentminded#y at t"e (indo( be"ind 2imitri/ Frost co%ered t"e '#ass in
spar#in', crysta##ine patterns, b-t 0 "ard#y noticed/ $entionin' "-mans and staes "ad transported me bac to t"e
Badica "o-se/ B#ood and deat" )#as"ed t"ro-'" my t"o-'"ts/
Seein' 2imitri (atc"in' me, 0 s"oo o)) t"e memories and ept 'oin' (it" t"e #esson/ 2imitri (o-#d occasiona##y
'i%e a nod or as a c#ari)yin' <-estion/ As t"e time ticed do(n, 0 ept e&pectin' "im to te## me 0 (as )inis"ed and
co-#d start "acin' -p t"e d-mmies/ 0nstead, "e (aited -nti# a#most ten min-tes be)ore t"e end o) o-r session
be)ore #eadin' me o%er to one o) t"em7it (as a man (it" b#ond "air and a 'oatee/ 2imitri too t"e stae o-t )rom
its s"eat" b-t didn.t "and it to me/
>W"ere are yo- 'oin' to p-t t"is=> "e ased/
>0n t"e "eart,> 0 rep#ied irritab#y/ >0 a#ready to#d yo- t"at #ie a "-ndred times/ Can 0 "a%e it no(=>
6e a##o(ed "imse#) a smi#e/ >W"ere.s t"e "eart=>
0 'a%e "im an are*yo-*serio-s #oo/ 6e mere#y s"r-''ed/
Wit" o%erdramatic emp"asis, 0 pointed to t"e #e)t side o) t"e d-mmy.s c"est/ 2imitri s"oo "is "ead/ >T"at.s not
("ere t"e "eart is,> "e to#d me/
>S-re it is/ Peop#e p-t t"eir "ands o%er t"eir "earts ("en t"ey say t"e P#ed'e o) A##e'iance or sin' t"e nationa#
6e contin-ed to stare at me e&pectant#y/
0 t-rned bac to t"e d-mmy and st-died it/ 0n t"e bac o) my brain, 0 remembered #earnin' CPR and ("ere (e "ad
to p#ace o-r "ands/ 0 tapped t"e center o) t"e d-mmy.s c"est/
>0s it "ere=>
6e arc"ed an eyebro(/ Norma##y 0 t"o-'"t t"at (as coo#/ Today it (as :-st annoyin'/ >0 don.t no(,> "e said/ >0s
>T"at.s ("at 0.m asin' yo-@>
>+o- s"o-#dn.t "a%e to as me/ 2on.t yo- a## "a%e to tae p"ysio#o'y=>
>+ea"/ 3-nior year/ 0 (as on .%acation,. remember=> 0 pointed to t"e '#eamin' stae/ >Can 0 p#ease to-c" it no(=>
6e )#ipped t"e stae a'ain, #ettin' it )#as" in t"e #i'"t, and t"en it disappeared in t"e s"eat"/ >0 (ant yo- to tell me
("ere t"e "eart is t"e ne&t time (e meet/ E&act#y ("ere/ And 0 (ant to no( ("at.s in t"e (ay o) it too/>
0 'a%e "im my )iercest '#are, ("ic"7:-d'in' )rom "is e&pression7m-st not "a%e been t"at )ierce/ Nine o-t o) ten
times, 0 t"o-'"t 2imitri (as t"e se&iest t"in' (a#in' t"e eart"/ T"en, t"ere (ere times #ie t"is
0 "eaded o)) to )irst period, a combat c#ass, in a bad mood/0 didn.t #ie #ooin' incompetent in )ront o) 2imitri, and
0.d rea##y, really (anted to -se one o) t"ose staes/ So in c#ass 0 too o-t my annoyance on anyone 0 co-#d p-nc" or
ic/ By t"e end o) c#ass, no one (anted to spar (it" me/ 0.d accidenta##y "it $eredit"7one o) t"e )e( ot"er 'ir#s
in my c#ass7so "ard t"at s"e.d )e#t it t"ro-'" "er s"in paddin'/ S"e (as 'oin' to "a%e an -'#y br-ise and ept
#ooin' at me as t"o-'" 0.d done it on p-rpose/ 0 apo#o'i5ed to no a%ai#/
A)ter(ard, $ason )o-nd me once a'ain/ >O", man,> "e said, st-dyin' my )ace/ >W"o pissed yo- o))=>
0 immediate#y #a-nc"ed into my ta#e o) si#%er stae and "eart (oes/
To my annoyance, "e #a-'"ed/ >6o( do yo- not no( ("ere t"e "eart is= Especia##y considerin' "o( many o)
t"em yo-.%e broen=>
0 'a%e "im t"e same )erocio-s #oo 0.d 'i%en 2imitri/ T"is time, it (ored/ $ason.s )ace pa#ed/
>Be#io% is a sic, e%i# man ("o s"o-#d be t"ro(n into a pit o) rabid %ipers )or t"e 'reat o))ense "e committed
a'ainst yo- t"is mornin'/>
>T"an yo-/> 0 said prim#y/ T"en, 0 considered/ >Can %ipers be rabid=>
>0 don.t see ("y not/ E%eryt"in' can be/ 0 t"in/> 6e "e#d t"e "a##(ay door open )or me/ >Canadian 'eese mi'"t be
(orse t"an %ipers, t"o-'"/>
0 'a%e "im a side#on' #oo/ >Canadian 'eese are dead#ier t"an %ipers=>
>+o- e%er tried to )eed t"ose #itt#e bastards=> "e ased, attemptin' serio-sness and )ai#in'/ >T"
%icio-s/ +o- 'et t"ro(n to %ipers, yo- die <-ic#y/ B-t t"e 'eese= T"at.## 'o on )or days/ $ore s-))erin'/>
>Wo(/ 0 don.t no( ("et"er 0 s"o-#d be impressed or )ri'"tened t"at yo-.%e t"o-'"t abo-t a## t"is,> 0 remared/
>3-st tryin' to )ind creati%e (ays to a%en'e yo-r "onor, t"at.s a##/>
>+o- :-st ne%er str-c me as t"e creati%e type, $ase/>
We stood :-st o-tside o-r second*period c#assroom/ $ason.s e&pression (as sti## #i'"t and :oin', b-t t"ere (as a
s-''esti%e note in "is %oice ("en "e spoe a'ain/ >Rose, ("en 0.m aro-nd yo-, 0 t"in o) all sorts o) creati%e
t"in's to do/>
0 (as sti## 'i''#in' abo-t t"e %ipers and abr-pt#y stopped, starin' at "im in s-rprise/ 0.d a#(ays t"o-'"t $ason (as
c-te, b-t (it" t"at serio-s, smoy #oo in "is eyes, it s-dden#y occ-rred to me )or t"e )irst time t"at "e (as act-a##y
ind o) se&y/
>O", #oo at t"at,> "e #a-'"ed, noticin' "o( m-c" "e.d ca-'"t me o)) '-ard/ >Rose 'ets rendered speec"#ess/
As")ord A, 6at"a(ay D/>
>6ey, 0 don.t (ant to mae yo- cry be)ore t"e trip/ 0t (on.t be any )-n i) 0.%e a#ready broen yo- be)ore (e e%en "it
t"e s#opes/>
6e #a-'"ed, and (e stepped into t"e room/ T"is (as a c#ass on body'-ard t"eory, one t"at too p#ace in an act-a#
c#assroom instead o) t"e practice )ie#d/ 0t (as a nice brea )roma## t"e p"ysica# e&ertion/ Today, t"ere (ere t"ree
'-ardians standin' at t"e )ront ("o (eren.t )rom t"e sc"oo#.s re'iment/ 6o#iday %isitors, 0 rea#i5ed/ Parents and
t"eir '-ardians "ad a#ready started comin' to camp-s to accompany t"eir c"i#dren to t"e si resort/ $y interest (as
pi<-ed immediate#y/
One o) t"e '-ests (as a ta## '-y ("o #ooed #ie "e (as abo-t a "-ndred years o#d b-t co-#d sti## ic ma:or ass/
T"e ot"er '-y (as abo-t 2imitri.s a'e/ 6e "ad deep#y tanned sin and (as b-i#t (e## eno-'" t"at a )e( o) t"e 'ir#s
in c#ass #ooed ready to s(oon/
T"e #ast '-ardian (as a (oman/ 6er a-b-rn "air (as cropped and c-r#y, and "er bro(n eyes (ere c-rrent#y
narro(ed in t"o-'"t/ As 0.%e said, a #ot o) d"ampir (omen c"oose to "a%e c"i#dren rat"er t"an )o##o( t"e '-ardian
pat"/ Since 0 too (as one o) t"e )e( (omen in t"is pro)ession, 0 (as a#(ays e&cited to meet ot"ers7#ie Tamara/
On#y, t"is (asn.t Tamara/ T"is (as someone 0.d no(n )or years, someone ("o tri''ered anyt"in' b-t pride and
e&citement/ 0nstead, 0 )e#t resentment/ Resentment, an'er, and b-rnin' o-tra'e/
T"e (oman standin' in )ront o) t"e c#ass (as my mot"er/
0 COUL2N.T BEL0EVE 0T/ 3AN0NE 6at"a(ay/ $y mot"er/ $y insane#y )amo-s and st-nnin'#y absent mot"er/
S"e (as no Art"-r Sc"oenber', b-t s"e did "a%e a pretty ste##ar rep-tation in t"e '-ardian (or#d/ 0 "adn.t seen "er
in years beca-se s"e (as a#(ays o)) on same insane mission/ And yet// /"ere s"e (as at t"e Academy ri'"t no(7
ri'"t in front o) me7and s"e "adn.t e%en bot"ered to #et me no( s"e (as comin'/ So m-c" )or mot"er#y #o%e/
W"at t"e "e## (as s"e doin' "ere any(ay= T"e ans(er came <-ic#y/ A## t"e $oroi ("o came to camp-s (o-#d
"a%e t"eir '-ardians in to(/ $y mot"er protected a nob#e )rom t"e S5e#sy c#an, and se%era# members o) t"at
)ami#y "ad s"o(n -p )or t"e "o#idays/ O) co-rse s"e.d be "ere (it" "im/
0 s#id into my c"air and )e#t somet"in' inside o) me s"ri%e# -p/ 0 ne( s"e "ad to "a%e seen me come in, b-t "er
attention (as )oc-sed e#se("ere/ S"e "ad on :eans and a bei'e T*s"irt, co%ered (it" ("at "ad to be t"e most borin'
denim : acet 0.d e%er seen/ At on#y )i%e )eet ta##, s"e (as d(ar)ed by t"e ot"er '-ardians, b-t s"e "ad a presence
and (ay o) standin' t"at made "er seem ta##er/
O-r instr-ctor, Stan, introd-ced t"e '-ests and e&p#ained t"at t"ey (ere 'oin' to s"are rea#*#i)e e&periences (it"
6e paced t"e )ront o) t"e room, b-s"y eyebro(s nittin' to'et"er as "e spoe/ >0 no( t"is is -n-s-a#,> "e
e&p#ained/ >Visitin' '-ardians -s-a##y don.t "a%e time to stop by o-r c#asses/ O-r t"ree '-ests, "o(e%er, "a%e made
time to cometa# to yo- today in #i'"t o) ("at.s "appened recent#y/> 6epa-sed a moment, and no one needed to te##
-s ("at "e (as re)errin' to/ T"e Badica attac/ 6e c#eared "is t"roat and tried a'ain/ >0n #i'"t o) ("at.s "appened,
(e t"o-'"t it mi'"t better prepare yo- to #earn )rom t"ose c-rrent#y (orin' in t"e )ie#d/>
T"e c#ass tensed (it" e&citement/ 6earin' stories7partic-#ar#y ones (it" a #ot o) b#ood and action7(as a "e## o)
a #ot more interestin' t"an ana#y5in' t"eory )rom a te&tboo/ Apparent#y some o) t"e ot"er camp-s '-ardians
t"o-'"t so too/ T"ey o)ten stopped by o-r c#asses, b-t t"ey (ere present today in a #ar'er*t"an*-s-a# n-mber/
2imitri stood amon' t"em in t"e bac/
T"e o#d '-y (ent )irst/ 6e #a-nc"ed into "is story, and 0 )o-nd myse#) 'ettin' "ooed in/ 0t described a time ("en
t"e yo-n'est son o) t"e )ami#y "e '-arded "ad (andered o)) in a p-b#ic p#ace t"at Stri'oi (ere #-rin' in/
>T"e s-n (as abo-t to set,> "e to#d -s in a 'ra%e##y %oice/ 6e s(ept "is "ands in a do(n(ard motion, apparent#y to
demonstrate "o( a s-nset (ored/ >T"ere (ere on#y t(o o) -s, and (e "ad to mae a snap decision on "o( to
0 #eaned )or(ard, e#bo(s propped -p on my des/ G-ardians o)ten (ored in pairs/ One7t"e near '-ard7
-s-a##ystayed c#ose to t"ose bein' '-arded ("i#e t"e ot"er7t"e )ar '-ard7sco-ted t"e area/
T"e )ar '-ard sti## -s-a##y stayed (it"in eye contact, so 0 reco'ni5ed t"e di#emma "ere/ T"inin' abo-t it, 0 decided
t"at i) 0 (ere in t"at sit-ation, 0.d "a%e t"e near '-ardian tae t"e rest o) t"e )ami#y to a sec-re #ocation ("i#e t"e
ot"er '-ardian searc"ed )or t"e boy/
>We "ad t"e )ami#y stay inside a resta-rant (it" my partner ("i#e 0 s(ept t"e rest o) t"e area,> contin-ed t"e o#d
'-ardian/ 6e spread "is "ands o-t in a s(eepin' motion, and 0 )e#t sm-' o%er "a%in' made t"e correct ca##/ T"e
story ended "appi#y, (it" a )o-nd boy and no Stri'oi enco-nters/
T"e second '-y.s anecdote ta#ed abo-t "o( "e.d 'otten t"e drop on a Stri'oi sta#in' some $oroi/
>0 (asn.t e%en tec"nica##y on d-ty,> "e said/ 6e (as t"e rea##y c-te one, and a 'ir# sittin' near me stared at "im
(it" (ide, adorin' eyes/ >0 (as %isitin' a )riend and t"e )ami#y "e '-arded/ As 0 (as #ea%in' t"eir apartment, 0 sa(
a Stri'oi #-rin' in t"e s"ado(s/ 6e ne%er e&pected a '-ardian to be o-t t"ere/ 0 circ#ed t"e b#oc, came -p be"ind
"im, and ///> T"e man made a stain' motion, )ar more dramatic t"an t"e o#d '-y.s "and 'est-res "ad been/ T"e
storyte##er e%en (ent so )ar as to mimic t(istin' t"e stae into t"e Stri'oi.s "eart/
And t"en it (as my mot"er.s t-rn/ A sco(# spread o%er my )ace be)ore s"e e%en said a (ord, a sco(# t"at 're(
(orse once s"e act-a##y #a-nc"ed into t"e story/ 0 s(ear, i) 0 didn.t be#ie%e "er incapab#e o) "a%in' t"e ima'ination
)or it7and "er b#and c#ot"in' c"oices pro%ed s"e rea##y didn't "a%e an ima'ination70 (o-#d "a%e t"o-'"t s"e (as
#yin'/ 0t (as more t"an a story/ 0t (as an epic ta#e, t"e ind o) t"in' t"at 'ets made into mo%ies and (ins Oscars/
S"e ta#ed abo-t "o( "er c"ar'e, Lord S5e#sy, and "is (i)e "ad attended a ba## p-t on by anot"er prominent roya#
)ami#y/ Se%era# Stri'oi "ad been #yin' in (ait/ $y mot"er disco%ered one, prompt#y staed it, and t"en a#erted t"e
ot"er '-ardians present/ Wit" t"eir "e#p, s"e "-nted do(n t"e ot"er Stri'oi #-rin' aro-nd and per)ormed most o)
t"e i##s "erse#)/
>0t (asn.t easy,> s"e e&p#ained/ From anyone e#se t"at statement (o-#d "a%e so-nded #ie bra''in'/ Not "er/ T"ere
(as a brisness to t"e (ay s"e spoe, an e))icient (ay o) statin' )acts t"at #e)t no room )or )#o-ris"es/ S"e.d been
raised in G#as'o( and some o) "er (ords sti## "ad a Scottis" #i#t/ >T"ere (ere t"ree ot"ers on t"e premises/ At t"e
time, t"at (as considered an -n-s-a##y #ar'e n-mber to be (orin' to'et"er/ T"at.s not necessari#y tr-e no(,
considerin' t"e Badica massacre/> A )e( peop#e )#inc"ed at t"e cas-a# (ay s"e spoe abo-t t"e attac/ Once a'ain,
0 co-#d see t"e bodies/ >We "ad to dispatc" t"e remainin' Stri'oi as <-ic#y and <-iet#y as possib#e, so as not to
a#ert t"e ot"ers/ No(, i) yo- "a%e t"e e#ement o) s-rprise, t"e best (ay to tae Stri'oi is to come aro-nd )rom
be"ind, brea t"eir necs, and t"en stae t"em/ Breain' t"eir necs (on.t i## t"em, o) co-rse, b-t it st-ns t"em
and a##o(s yo- to do t"e stain' be)ore t"ey can mae any noise/ T"e most di))ic-#t part is act-a##y sneain' -p on
t"em, beca-se t"eir "earin' is so ac-te/ Since 0.m sma##er and #i'"ter t"anmost '-ardians, 0 can mo%e )air#y <-iet#y/
So 0 ended -p per)ormin' t(o o) t"e t"ree i##s myse#)/>
A'ain, s"e -sed t"at matter*o)*)act tone as s"e described "er o(n stea#t"y si##s/ 0t (as annoyin', more so t"an i)
s"e.d been open#y "a-'"ty abo-t "o( a(esome s"e (as/ $y c#assmates. )aces s"one (it" (onder; t"ey (ere
c#ear#y more interested in t"e idea o) breain' a Stri'oi.s nec t"an ana#y5in' my mot"er.s narrati%e si##s/
S"e contin-ed (it" t"e story/ W"en s"e and t"e ot"er '-ardians "ad i##ed t"e remainin' Stri'oi, t"ey.d disco%ered
t(o $oroi "ad been taen )rom t"e party/ S-c" an act (asn.t -ncommon )or Stri'oi/ Sometimes t"ey (anted to
sa%e $oroi )or a #ater >snac>; sometimes #o(er*ranin' Stri'oi (ere dispatc"ed by more po(er)-# ones to brin'
bac prey/ Re'ard#ess, t(o $oroi (ere 'one )rom t"e ba##, and t"eir '-ardian "ad been in:-red/
>Nat-ra##y, (e co-#dn.t #ea%e t"ose $oroi in Stri'oi c#-tc"es,> s"e said/ >We traced t"e Stri'oi to t"eir "ideo-t
and )o-nd se%era# o) t"em #i%in' to'et"er/ 0.m s-re yo- can reco'ni5e "o( rare t"at is/>
0t (as/ T"e e%i# and se#)is" nat-re o) Stri'oi made t"em t-rn on eac" ot"er as easi#y as t"ey did t"eir %ictims/
Or'ani5in' )or attacs7("en t"ey "ad an immediate and b#oody 'oa# in mind7(as t"e best t"ey co-#d do/ B-t
#i%in' to'et"er= No/ 0t (as a#most impossib#e to ima'ine/
>We mana'ed to )ree t"e t(o capti%e $oroi, on#y to disco%er t"at ot"ers (ere bein' "e#d prisoner,> my mot"er
said/>We co-#dn.t send t"e ones (e.d resc-ed bac by t"emse#%es, t"o-'", so t"e '-ardians ("o (ere (it" me
escorted t"em o-t and #e)t it to me to 'et t"e ot"ers/>
+es, o) co-rse, 0 t"o-'"t/ $y mot"er bra%e#y (ent in a#one/ A#on' t"e (ay, s"e 'ot capt-red b-t mana'ed to
escape and resc-e t"e prisoners/ 0n doin' so, s"e per)ormed ("at "ad to be t"e "at tric o) t"e cent-ry, i##in'
Stri'oi in a## t"ree (ays1 stain', decapitation, and settin' t"em on )ire/
>0 "ad :-st staed a Stri'oi ("en t(o more attaced,> s"e e&p#ained/ >0 didn.t "a%e time to p-## t"e stae o-t ("en
t"e ot"ers :-mped me/ Fort-nate#y, t"ere (as an open )irep#ace nearby, and 0 p-s"ed one o) t"e Stri'oi into it/ T"e
#ast one c"ased me o-tside, into an o#d s"ed/ T"ere (as an a&e inside and 0 -sed t"at to c-t o)) "er "ead/ 0 t"en too
a can o) 'aso#ine and ret-rned to t"e "o-se/ T"e one 0.d t"ro(n into t"e )irep#ace "adn.t comp#ete#y b-rned, b-t
once 0 do-sed "im in 'aso#ine, "e (ent -p pretty <-ic#y/>
T"e c#assroom (as in a(e as s"e spoe/ $o-t"s dropped/ Eyes b-''ed/ Not a so-nd co-#d be "eard/ G#ancin'
aro-nd, 0 )e#t #ie time "ad )ro5en )or e%eryone7e&cept me/ 0 appeared to be t"e on#y one -nimpressed by "er
"arro(in' ta#e, and seein' t"e a(e on e%eryone.s )aces enra'ed me/ W"en s"e )inis"ed, a do5en "ands s"ot -p as
t"e c#ass peppered "er (it" <-estions abo-t "er tec"ni<-es, ("et"er s"e (as scared, etc/
A)ter abo-t t"e tent" <-estion, 0 co-#dn.t tae it anymore/ 0 raised my "and/ 0t too "er a ("i#e to notice and ca## on
me/ S"e seemed mi#d#y astonis"ed to )ind me in c#ass/ 0 considered myse#) #-cy t"at s"e e%en reco'ni5ed me/
>So, G-ardian 6at"a(ay,> 0 be'an/ >W"y didn.t yo- '-ys :-st sec-re t"e p#ace=>
S"e )ro(ned/ 0 t"in s"e.d 'one on "er '-ard t"e moment s"e ca##ed on me/ >W"at do yo- mean=>
0 s"r-''ed and s#o-c"ed bac in my des, attemptin' a cas-a# and con%ersationa# air/ >0 don.t no(/ 0t seems to me
#ie yo- '-ys messed -p/ W"y didn.t yo- scope o-t t"e p#ace and mae s-re it (as c#ear o) Stri'oi in t"e )irst
p#ace= Seems #ie yo- co-#d "a%e sa%ed yo-rse#) a #ot o) tro-b#e/>
A## eyes in t"e room t-rned to(ard me/ $y mot"er (as momentari#y at a #oss )or (ords/ >0) (e "adn.t 'one
t"ro-'" a## t"at .tro-b#e,. t"ere.d be se%en more Stri'oi (a#in' t"e (or#d, and t"ose ot"er capt-red $oroi (o-#d
be dead or t-rned by no(/>
>+ea", yea", 0 'et "o( yo- '-ys sa%ed t"e day and a## t"at, b-t 0.m 'oin' bac to t"e princip#es "ere/ 0 mean, t"is
is a t"eory c#ass, ri'"t=> 0 '#anced o%er at Stan ("o (as re'ardin' me (it" a %ery stormy #oo/ 6e and 0 "ad a #on'
and -np#easant "istory o) c#assroom con)#icts, and 0 s-spected (e (ere on t"e %er'e o) anot"er/ >So 0 :-st (ant to
)i'-re o-t ("at (ent (ron' in t"e be'innin'/>
0.## say t"is )or "er7my mot"er "ad a "e## o) a #ot more se#)*contro# t"an 0 did/ 6ad o-r ro#es been re%ersed, 0
(o-#d "a%e (a#ed o%er and smaced me by no(/ 6er )ace stayed per)ect#y ca#m, "o(e%er, and a sma## ti'"tness
in t"e set o) "er #ips (as t"e on#y si'n t"at 0 (as pissin' "er o))/
>0t.s not t"at simp#e,> s"e rep#ied/ >T"e %en-e "ad an e&treme#y comp#e& #ayo-t/ We (ent t"ro-'" it initia##y and
)o-nd not"in'/ 0t.s be#ie%ed t"e Stri'oi came in a)ter t"e )esti%ities "ad started7or t"at t"ere mi'"t "a%e been
passa'es and "idden rooms (e "adn.t been a(are o)/>
T"e c#ass oo".ed and a"".ed o%er t"e idea o) "idden passa'es, b-t 0 (asn.t impressed/
>So ("at sayin' is t"at yo- '-ys eit"er )ai#ed to detect t"em d-rin' yo-r )irst s(eep, or t"ey broe t"ro-'"
t"e .sec-rity. yo- set -p d-rin' t"e party/ Seems #ie someone messed -p eit"er (ay/>
T"e ti'"tness in "er #ips increased, and "er %oice 're( )rosty/ >We did t"e best (e co-#d (it" an -n-s-a# sit-ation/
0 can see "o( someone at yo-r #e%e# mi'"t not be ab#e to 'rasp t"e intricacies o) ("at 0.m describin', b-t once
yo-.%e act-a##y #earned eno-'" to 'o beyond theory, yo-.## see "o( di))erent it is ("en act-a##y o-t t"ere
and #i%es are in yo-r "ands/>
>No do-bt,> 0 a'reed/ >W"o am 0 to <-estion yo-r met"ods= 0 mean, ("ate%er 'ets yo- t"e molnija mars, ri'"t=>
>$iss 6at"a(ay/> Stan.s deep %oice r-mb#ed t"ro-'" t"e room/ >P#ease tae yo-r t"in's and 'o (ait o-tside )or
t"e remainder o) c#ass/>
0 stared at "im in be(i#derment/ >Are yo- serio-s= Since ("en is t"ere anyt"in' (ron' (it" asin' <-estions=>
>+o-r attit-de is ("at.s (ron'/> 6e pointed at t"e door/ >Go/>
A si#ence "ea%ier and deeper t"an ("en my mot"er "adto#d "er story descended o%er e%eryone/ 0 did my best not
to co(er -nder t"e stares o) '-ardians and no%ices a#ie/ T"is (asn.t t"e )irst time 0.d been iced o-t o) Stan.s
c#ass/ 0t (asn.t e%en t"e )irst time 0.d been iced o-t o) Stan.s c#ass ("i#e 2imitri (as (atc"in'/ S#in'in' my
bacpac o%er my s"o-#der, 0 crossed t"e s"ort distance to t"e door7a distance t"at )e#t #ie mi#es7and re)-sed to
mae eye contact (it" my mot"er as 0 passed/
Abo-t )i%e min-tes be)ore t"e c#ass #et o-t, s"e s#ipped o-t o) t"e room and (a#ed o%er to ("ere 0 sat in t"e
"a##(ay/ Looin' do(n on me, s"e p-t "er "ands on "er "ips in t"at annoyin' (ay t"at made "er seem ta##er t"an
s"e (as/ 0t (asn.t )air t"at someone o%er "a#) a )oot s"orter t"an me co-#d mae me )ee# so sma##/
>We##/ 0 see yo-r manners "a%en.t impro%ed o%er t"e years/>
0 stood -p and )e#t a '#are snap into p#ace/ >Nice to see yo- too/ 0.m s-rprised yo- e%en reco'ni5ed me/ 0n )act, 0
didn.t e%en t"in yo- remembered me, seein' as "o( yo- ne%er bot"ered to #et me no( yo- (ere on camp-s/>
S"e s"i)ted "er "ands )rom "er "ips and crossed "er arms across "er c"est, becomin'7i) possib#e7e%en more
impassi%e/ >0 co-#dn.t ne'#ect my d-ty to come codd#e yo-/>
>Codd#e=> 0 ased/ T"is (oman "ad ne%er codd#ed me in "er #i)e/ 0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e s"e e%en ne( t"e (ord/
>0 (o-#dn.t e&pect yo- to -nderstand/ From ("at 0 "ear, yo- don.t rea##y no( ("at .d-ty. is/>
>0 no( e&act#y ("at it is,> 0 retorted/ $y %oice (as intentiona##y "a-'"ty/ >Better t"an most peop#e/>
6er eyes (idened in a sort o) moc s-rprise/ 0 -sed t"at sarcastic #oo on a #ot o) peop#e and didn.t appreciate
"a%in' it directed to(ard me/ >O" rea##y= W"ere (ere yo- )or t"e #ast t(o years=>
>W"ere (ere yo- )or t"e #ast )i%e=> 0 demanded/ >Wo-#d yo- "a%e no(n 0 (as 'one i) someone "adn.t
to#d yo-=>
>2on.t t-rn t"is bac on me/ 0 (as a(ay beca-se 0 "ad to be/ ou (ere a(ay so yo- co-#d 'o s"oppin' and stay -p
$y "-rt and embarrassment morp"ed into p-re )-ry/ Apparent#y, 0 (as ne%er 'oin' to #i%e do(n t"e conse<-ences
o) r-nnin' a(ay (it" Lissa/
>+o- "a%e no idea ("y 0 #e)t,> 0 said, my %oice.s %o#-me risin'/ >And yo- "a%e no ri'"t to mae ass-mptions
abo-t my #i)e ("en yo- don.t no( anyt"in' abo-t it/>
>0.%e read reports abo-t ("at "appened/ +o- "ad reason )or concern, b-t yo- acted incorrect#y/> 6er (ords (ere
)orma# and crisp/ S"e co-#d "a%e been teac"in' one o) my c#asses/ >+o- s"o-#d "a%e 'one to ot"ers )or "e#p/>
>T"ere (as no one 0 co-#d 'o to7not ("en 0 didn.t "a%e "ard proo)/ Besides, (e.%e been #earnin' t"at (
s-pposed to t"in independent#y/>
>+es,> s"e rep#ied/ >Emp"asis on learning. Somet"in' yo- missed o-t on )or t(o years/ "ard#y in a
position to #ect-re me abo-t '-ardian protoco#/>
0 (o-nd -p in ar'-ments a## t"e time; somet"in' in my nat-re made t"at ine%itab#e/ So 0 (as -sed to de)endin'
myse#) and "a%in' ins-#ts s#ammed at me/ 0 "ad a to-'" sin/ B-t some"o(, aro-nd "er7in t"e brie) times 0 had
been aro-nd "er70 a#(ays )e#t #ie 0 (as t"ree years o#d/ 6er attit-de "-mi#iated me, and to-c"in' on my missed
trainin'7 a#ready a pric#y s-b:ect7on#y made me )ee# (orse/ 0 crossed my arms in a )air imitation o) "er o(n
stance and mana'ed a sm-' #oo/
>+ea"= We##, t"at.s not ("at my teac"ers t"in/ E%en a)ter missin' a## t"at time, 0.%e sti## ca-'"t -p (it" e%eryone
e#se in my c#ass/>
S"e didn.t ans(er ri'"t a(ay/ Fina##y, in a )#at %oice, s"e said, >0) yo- "adn.t #e)t, yo- (o-#d "a%e s-rpassed t"em/>
T-rnin' mi#itary*sty#e, s"e (a#ed o)) do(n t"e "a##/ A min-te #ater, t"e be## ran', and t"e rest o) Stan.s c#ass
spi##ed into t"e "a##/
E%en $ason co-#dn.t c"eer me -p a)ter t"at/ 0 spent t"e rest o) t"e day an'ry and annoyed, s-re t"at e%eryone (as
("isperin' abo-t my mot"er and me/ 0 sipped #-nc" and (ent to t"e #ibrary to read a boo abo-t p"ysio#o'y and
W"en it (as time )or my a)ter*sc"oo# trainin' (it" 2imitri, 0 practica##y ran -p to t"e practice d-mmy/ Wit" a
c-r#ed )ist, 0 s#apped its c"est, %ery s#i'"t#y to t"e #e)t b-t most#y in t"e center/
>T"ere,> 0 to#d "im/ >T"e "eart is t"ere, and t"e stern-m and ribs are in t"e (ay/ Can 0 "a%e t"e stae no(=>
Crossin' my arms, 0 '#anced -p at "im tri-mp"ant#y, (aitin' )or "im to s"o(er me (it" praise )or my ne(
c-nnin'/ 0nstead, "e simp#y nodded in acno(#ed'ment, #ie 0 s"o-#d a#ready "a%e no(n t"at/ And yea", 0 s"o-#d
>And "o( do yo- 'et t"ro-'" t"e stern-m and t"e ribs=> "e ased/
0 si'"ed/ 0.d )i'-red o-t t"e ans(er to one <-estion, on#y to be 'i%en anot"er/ Typica#/
We spent a #ar'e part o) t"e practice 'oin' o%er t"at, and "e demonstrated se%era# tec"ni<-es t"at (o-#d yie#d t"e
<-icest i##/ E%ery mo%ement "e made (as bot" 'race)-# and dead#y/ 6e made it #oo e))ort#ess, b-t 0 ne( better/
W"en "e s-dden#y e&tended "is "and and o))ered t"e stae to me, 0 didn.t -nderstand at )irst/ > 'i%in' it to
6is eyes spar#ed/ >0 can.t be#ie%e "o#din' bac/ 0 )i'-red yo-.d "a%e taen it and r-n by no(/> >Aren.t yo-
a#(ays teac"in' me to "o#d bac=> 0 ased/
>Not on e%eryt"in'/>
>B-t on some t"in's/>
0 "eard t"e do-b#e meanin' in my %oice and (ondered ("ere it "ad come )rom/ 0.d accepted a ("i#e a'o t"at t"ere
(ere too many reasons )or me to e%en t"in abo-t "im romantica##y anymore/ E%ery once in a ("i#e, 0 s#ipped a
#itt#e and ind o) (is"ed "e (o-#d too/ 0t.d "a%e been nice to no( t"at "e sti## (anted me, t"at 0 sti## dro%e "im
cra5y/ St-dyin' "im no(, 0 rea#i5ed "e mi'"t not e%er s#ip beca-se 0 didn't dri%e "im cra5y anymore/ 0t (as a
depressin' t"o-'"t/
>O) co-rse,> "e said, s"o(in' no indication (e.d disc-ssed anyt"in' ot"er t"an c#ass matters/ >0t.s #ie e%eryt"in'
e#se/ Ba#ance/ 4no( ("ic" t"in's to r-n )or(ard (it"7and no( ("ic" to #ea%e a#one/> 6e p#aced a "ea%y
emp"asis on t"at #ast statement/
O-r eyes met brie)#y, and 0 )e#t e#ectricity race t"ro-'" me/ 6e did no( ("at 0 (as ta#in' abo-t/ And #ie
a#(ays, "e (as i'norin' it and bein' my teac"er7("ic" is e&act#y ("at "e s"o-#d "a%e been doin'/ Wit" a si'", 0
p-s"ed my )ee#in's )or "im o-t o) my "ead and tried to remember t"at 0 (as abo-t to to-c" t"e (eapon 0.d been
#on'in' )or since c"i#d"ood/ T"e memory o) t"e Badica "o-se came bac to me yet a'ain/ T"e Stri'oi (ere o-t
t"ere/ 0 needed to )oc-s/
6esitant#y, a#most re%erentia##y, 0 reac"ed o-t and c-r#ed my )in'ers aro-nd t"e "i#t/ T"e meta# (as coo# and
tin'#ed a'ainst my sin/ 0t (as etc"ed a#on' t"e "i#t )or better 'rip, b-t in trai#in' my )in'ers o%er t"e rest o) it, 0
)o-nd t"e s-r)ace to be as smoot" as '#ass/ 0 #i)ted it )rom "is "and and bro-'"t it to me, tain' a #on' time to st-dy
it and 'et -sed to its (ei'"t/ An an&io-s part o) me (anted to t-rn aro-nd and impa#e a## o) t"e d-mmies, b-t
instead 0 #ooed -p at 2imitri and ased, >W"at s"o-#d 0 do )irst=>
0n "is typica# (ay, "e co%ered basics )irst, "onin' t"e (ay 0 "e#d and mo%ed (it" t"e stae/ Later on, "e )ina##y #et
me attac one o) t"e d-mmies, at ("ic" point 0 did indeed disco%er it (as not e))ort#ess/ E%o#-tion "ad done a
smart t"in' in protectin' t"e "eart (it" t"e stern-m and ribs/ +et t"ro-'"it a##, 2imitri ne%er )a#tered in di#i'ence
and patience, '-idin' me t"ro-'" e%ery step and correctin' t"e )inest detai#s/
>S#ide u! t"ro-'" t"e ribs,> "e e&p#ained, (atc"in' me try to )it t"e stae.s point t"ro-'" a 'ap in t"e bones/ >0t.##
be easier since s"orter t"an most o) yo-r attacers/ P#-s, yo- can s#ide a#on' t"e #o(er rib.s ed'e/>
W"en practice ended, "e too t"e stae bac and nodded "is appro%a#/
>Good/ Very 'ood/>
0 '#anced at "im in s-rprise/ 6e didn.t -s-a##y "and o-t a #ot o) praise/
>+o- do it #ie yo-.%e been doin' it )or years/>
0 )e#t a de#i'"ted 'rin creep o%er my )ace as (e started #ea%in' t"e practice room/ W"en (e neared t"e door, 0
noticed a d-mmy (it" c-r#y red "air/ S-dden#y, a## t"e e%ents )rom Stan.s c#ass came t-mb#in' bac into my "ead/ 0
>Can 0 stae t"at one ne&t time=>
6e piced -p "is coat and p-t it on/ 0t (as #on' and bro(n, made o) distressed #eat"er/ 0t #ooed %ery m-c" #ie a
co(boy d-ster, t"o-'" "e.d ne%er admit to it/ 6e "ad a secret )ascination (it" t"e O#d West/ 0 didn.t rea##y
-nderstand it, b-t t"en, 0 didn.t 'et "is (eird m-sica# pre)erences eit"er/
>0 don.t t"in t"at.d be "ea#t"y,> "e said/
>0t.d be better t"an me act-a##y doin' it to her, 0 'r-mb#ed, s#in'in' my bacpac o%er one s"o-#der/ We "eaded
o-t to t"e 'ym/
>Vio#ence isn.t t"e ans(er to yo-r prob#ems,> "e said sa'e#y/
>S"e.s t"e one (it" t"e prob#em/ And 0 t"o-'"t t"e ("o#e point o) my ed-cation (as t"at %io#ence is t"e ans(er/>
>On#y to t"ose ("o brin' it to yo- )irst/ +o-r mot"er isn.t assa-#tin' yo-/ +o- t(o are :-st too m-c" a#ie, t"at.s
0 stopped (a#in'/ >0.m not anyt"in' #ie "er@ 0 mean// /(e ind o) "a%e t"e same eyes/ B-t 0.m a #ot ta##er/ And my
"air.s comp#ete#y di))erent/> 0 pointed to my pony tai#, :-st in case "e (asn.t a(are t"at my t"ic bro(n*b#ac "air
didn.t #oo #ie my mot"er.s a-b-rn c-r#s/
6e sti## "ad ind o) an am-sed e&pression, b-t t"ere (as somet"in' "ard in "is eyes too/ >0.m not ta#in' abo-t
yo-r appearances, and yo- no( it/>
0 #ooed a(ay )rom t"at no(in' 'a5e/ $y attraction to 2imitri "ad started a#most as soon as (e.d met7and it
(asn.t :-st beca-se "e (as so "ot, eit"er/ 0 )e#t #ie "e -nderstood part o) me t"at 0 didn.t -nderstand myse#), and
sometimes 0 (as pretty s-re 0 -nderstood parts o) "im t"at "e didn.t -nderstand eit"er/
T"e on#y prob#em (as t"at "e "ad t"e annoyin' tendency to point o-t t"in's abo-t myse#) 0 didn.t "ant to
>+o- t"in 0.m :ea#o-s=>
>Are yo-=> "e ased/ 0 "ated it ("en "e ans(ered my <-estions (it" <-estions/ >0) so, ("at are yo- :ea#o-s o)
0 '#anced bac at 2imitri/ >0 don.t no(/ $aybe 0.m :ea#o-s o) "er rep-tation/ $aybe 0.m :ea#o-s beca-se s"e.s p-t
moretime into "er rep-tation t"an into me/ 0 don.t no(/>
>+o- don.t t"in ("at s"e did (as 'reat=>
>+es/ No/ 0 don.t no(/ 0t :-st so-nded #ie s-c" a /// 0 don.t no(// /#ie s"e (as bra''in'/ Lie s"e did it )or t"e
'#ory/> 0 'rimaced/ >For t"e mars/> #olnija mars (ere tattoos a(arded to '-ardians ("en t"ey i##ed Stri'oi/
Eac" one #ooed #ie a tiny & made o) #i'"tnin' bo#ts/ T"ey (ent on t"e bacs o) o-r necs and s"o(ed "o(
e&perienced a '-ardian (as/
>+o- t"in )acin' do(n Stri'oi is (ort" a )e( mars= 0 t"o-'"t yo-.d #earned somet"in' )rom t"e Badica "o-se/>
0 )e#t st-pid/ >T"at.s not ("at 07>
>Come on/>
0 stopped (a#in'/ >W"at=>
We.d been "eadin' to(ard my dorm, b-t no( "e nodded "is "ead to(ard t"e opposite side o) camp-s/ >0 (ant to
s"o( yo- somet"in'/>
>W"at is it=>
>T"at not a## mars are bad'es o) "onor/>
0 6A2 NO 02EA W6AT 2imitri (as ta#in' abo-t, b-t 0 )o##o(ed a#on' obedient#y/
To my s-rprise, "e #ed me o-t o) t"e bo-ndaries o) t"e camp-s and into t"e s-rro-ndin' (oods/ T"e Academy
o(ned a #ot o) #and, not a## o) ("ic" (as acti%e#y -sed )or ed-cationa# p-rposes/ We (ere in a remote part o)
$ontana, and at times, it seemed as t"o-'" t"e sc"oo# (as :-st bare#y "o#din' bac t"e (i#derness/
We (a#ed <-iet#y )or a ("i#e, o-r )eet cr-nc"in' t"ro-'" t"ic, -nbroen sno(/ A )e( birds )#itted by, sin'in'
t"eir 'reetin's to t"e risin' s-n, b-t most#y a## 0 sa( (ere scra''#y, sno(*"ea%y e%er'reen trees/ 0 "ad to (or to
eep -p (it" 2imitri.s #on'er stride, partic-#ar#y since t"e sno( s#o(ed me do(n a #itt#e/ Soon, 0 discerned a #ar'e,
dar s"ape a"ead/ Some ind o) b-i#din'/
>W"at is t"at=> 0 ased/ Be)ore "e co-#d ans(er, 0 rea#i5ed it (as a sma## cabin, made o-t o) #o's and e%eryt"in'/
C#oser e&amination s"o(ed t"at t"e #o's #ooed (orn and rotten in some p#aces/ T"e roo) sa''ed a #itt#e/
>O#d (atc"*post,> "e said/ >G-ardians -sed to #i%e on t"e ed'e o) camp-s and eep (atc" )or Stri'oi/> >W"y don.t
t"ey anymore=>
>We don.t "a%e eno-'" '-ardians to sta)) it/ Besides, $oroi "a%e (arded camp-s (it" eno-'" protecti%e ma'ic
t"at most don.t t"in it.s necessary to "a%e act-a# peop#e on '-ard/> Pro%ided no "-mans staed t"e (ards, 0
For a )e( brie) moments, 0 entertained t"e "ope t"at 2imitri (as #eadin' me o)) to some romantic 'eta(ay/ T"en 0
"eard %oices on t"e opposite side o) t"e b-i#din'/ A )ami#iar "-m o) )ee#in' co-rsed into my mind/ Lissa (as t"ere/
2imitri and 0 ro-nded t"e corner o) t"e b-i#din', comin' -p on a s-rprisin' scene/ A sma## )ro5en pond #ay t"ere,
and C"ristian and Lissa (ere ice satin' on it/ A (oman 0 didn.t no( (as (it" t"em, b-t "er bac (as to me/ A## 0
co-#d see (as a (a%e o) :et*b#ac "air t"at arced aro-nd "er ("en s"e sated to a 'race)-# stop/
Lissa 'rinned ("en s"e sa( me/ >Rose@> C"ristian '#anced o%er at me as s"e spoe, and 0 'ot t"e distinct
impression "e )e#t 0 (as intr-din' on t"eir romantic moment/
Lissa mo%ed in a((ard strides to t"e pond.s ed'e/ S"e (asn.t so adept at satin'/
0 co-#d on#y stare in be(i#derment7and :ea#o-sy/ >T"ans )or in%itin' me to t"e party/>
>0 )i'-red yo- (ere b-sy,> s"e said/ >And t"is is secret any(ay/ We aren.t s-pposed to be "ere/> 0 co-#d "a%e to#d
t"em t"at/
C"ristian sated -p beside "er, and t"e stran'e (oman soon )o##o(ed/ >+o- brin'in' party cras"ers, 2ima=> s"e
0 (ondered ("o s"e (as ta#in' to, -nti# 0 "eard 2imitri#a-'"/ 6e didn.t do it t"at o)ten, and my s-rprise increased/
>0t.s impossib#e to eep Rose a(ay )rom p#aces s"e s"o-#dn.t be/ S"e a#(ays )inds t"em e%ent-a##y/>
T"e (oman 'rinned and t-rned aro-nd, )#ippin' "er #on' "air o%er one s"o-#der, so t"at 0 s-dden#y sa( "er )ace
)-##*on/ 0t too e%ery o-nce o) my a#ready d-bio-s#y "e#d se#)*contro# not to react/ 6er "eart*s"aped )ace "ad #ar'e
eyes e&act#y t"e same s"ade as C"ristian.s, a pa#e (intry b#-e/ T"e #ips t"at smi#ed at me (ere de#icate and #o%e#y,
'#ossed in a s"ade o) pin t"at set o)) t"e rest o) "er )eat-res/
B-t across "er #e)t c"ee, marrin' ("at (o-#d "a%e ot"er(ise been smoot", ("ite sin (ere raised, p-rp#is" scars/
T"eir s"ape and )ormation #ooed %ery m-c" #ie someone "ad bitten into and torn o-t part o) "er c"ee/ W"ic", 0
rea#i5ed, (as e&act#y ("at "ad "appened/
0 s(a##o(ed/ 0 s-dden#y ne( ("o t"is (as/ 0t (as C"ristian.s a-nt/ W"en "is parents "ad t-rned Stri'oi, t"ey.d
come bac )or "im, "opin' to "ide "im a(ay and t-rn "im Stri'oi ("en "e (as o#der/ 0 didn.t no( a## t"e detai#s,
b-t 0 ne( "is a-nt "ad )ended t"em o))/ As 0.d obser%ed be)ore, t"o-'", Stri'oi (ere dead#y/ S"e.d pro%ided
eno-'" o) a distraction -nti# t"e '-ardians s"o(ed -p, b-t s"e "adn.t
(a#ed a(ay (it"o-t dama'e/
S"e e&tended "er '#o%ed "and to me/ >Tas"a O5era,> s"e said/ >0.%e "eard a #ot abo-t yo-, Rose/>
0 'a%e C"ristian a dan'ero-s #oo, and Tas"a #a-'"ed/
>2on.t (orry,> s"e said/ >0t (as a## 'ood/>
>No, it (asn.t,> "e co-ntered/
S"e s"oo "er "ead in e&asperation/ >6onest#y, 0 don.t no( ("ere "e 'ot s-c" "orrib#e socia# si##s/ 6e didn.t
#earn t"em )rom me/> T"at (as ob%io-s, 0 t"o-'"t/
>W"at are yo- '-ys doin' o-t "ere=> 0 ased/
>0 (anted to spend some time (it" t"ese t(o/> A sma## )ro(n (rin#ed "er )ore"ead/ >B-t 0 don.t rea##y #ie
"an'in' aro-nd t"e sc"oo# itse#)/ T"ey aren.t a#(ays "ospitab#e////>
0 didn.t 'et t"at at )irst/ Sc"oo# o))icia#s -s-a##y )e## a## o%er t"emse#%es ("en roya#s came to %isit/ T"en 0 )i'-red it
>Beca-se /// beca-se o) ("at "appened ///>
Considerin' t"e (ay e%eryone treated C"ristian beca-se o) "is parents, 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e been s-rprised to )ind "is
a-nt )acin' t"e same discrimination/
Tas"a s"r-''ed/ >T"at.s t"e (ay it is/> S"e r-bbed "er "ands to'et"er and e&"a#ed, "er breat" main' a )rosty
c#o-d in t"e air/ >B-t #et.s not stand o-t "ere, not ("en (e can b-i#d a )ire inside/>
0 'a%e a #ast, (ist)-# '#ance at t"e )ro5en pond and t"en )o##o(ed t"e ot"ers inside/ T"e cabin (as pretty bare,
co%ered in #ayers o) d-st and dirt/ 0t consisted o) on#y one room/ T"ere (as a narro( bed (it" no co%ers in t"e
corner and a )e( s"e#%es ("ere )ood "ad probab#y once been stored/ T"ere (as a )irep#ace, "o(e%er, and (e soon
"ad a b#a5e 'oin' t"at (armed t"e sma## area/ T"e )i%e o) -s sat do(n, "-dd#in' aro-nd its "eat, and Tas"a
prod-ced a ba' o) mars"ma##o(s t"at (e cooed o%er t"e )#ames/
As (e )easted on t"at 'ooey 'oodness, Lissa and C"ristian ta#ed to eac" ot"er in t"at easy, com)ortab#e (ay t"ey
a#(ays "ad/ To my s-rprise, Tas"a and 2imitri a#so ta#ed in a )ami#iar and #i'"t (ay/ T"ey ob%io-s#y ne( eac"
ot"er )rom (ay bac ("en/ 0.d act-a##y ne%er seen "im so animated be)ore/ E%en ("en a))ectionate (it" me,
t"ere.d a#(ays been a serio-s air abo-t "im/ Wit" Tas"a, "e bantered and #a-'"ed/
T"e more 0 #istened to "er, t"e more 0 #ied "er/ Fina##y, -nab#e to stay o-t o) t"e con%ersation, 0 ased, >So are
yo- comin' on t"e si trip=>
S"e nodded/ Sti)#in' a ya(n, s"e stretc"ed "erse#) o-t #ie a cat/ >0 "a%en.t been siin' in a'es/ No time/ Been
sa%in' a## my %acation )or t"is/>
>Vacation=> 0 'a%e "er a c-rio-s #oo/ >2o yo- "a%e// /a :ob=>
>Sad#y, yes,> Tas"a said, t"o-'" s"e didn.t act-a##y so-nd %ery sad abo-t it/ >0 teac" martia# arts c#asses/>
0 stared in astonis"ment/ 0 co-#dn.t "a%e been more s-rprised i) s"e.d said s"e (as an astrona-t or a te#ep"one
A #ot o) roya#s :-st didn.t (or at a##, and i) t"ey did, it (as -s-a##y in some sort o) in%estment or ot"er
moneymain' b-siness t"at )-rt"ered t"eir )ami#y )ort-nes/ And t"ose ("o did (or certain#y didn.t do a #ot o)
martia# arts or p"ysica##y demandin' :obs/ $oroi "ad a #ot o) 'reat attrib-tes1 e&ceptiona# senses7sme##, si'"t, and
"earin'7and t"e po(er to(or ma'ic/ B-t p"ysica##y, t"ey (ere ta## and s#ender, o)ten sma##*boned/ T"ey a#so 'ot
(ea )rom bein' in s-n#i'"t/ No(, t"ose t"in's (eren.t eno-'" to pre%ent someone )rom becomin' a )i'"ter, b-t
t"ey did mae it more c"a##en'in'/ An idea "ad b-i#t -p amon' t"e $oroi o%er time t"at t"eir best o))ense (as a
'ood de)ense, and most s"ied a(ay )rom t"e t"o-'"t o) p"ysica# con)#ict/ T"ey "id in (e##*protected p#aces #ie t"e
Academy, a#(ays re#yin' on stron'er, "ardier d"ampirs to '-ard t"em/
>W"at do yo- t"in, Rose=> C"ristian seemed "i'"#y am-sed by my s-rprise/ >T"in yo- co-#d tae "er=>
>6ard to say,> 0 said/
Tas"a crooed me a 'rin/ > bein' modest/ 0.%e seen ("at yo- '-ys can do/ T"is is :-st a "obby 0 piced -p/>
2imitri c"-c#ed/ >No(you're bein' modest/ +o- co-#d teac" "a#) t"e c#asses aro-nd "ere/>
>Not #ie#y,> s"e said/ >0t.d be pretty embarrassin' to be beaten -p by a b-nc" o) teena'ers/>
>0 don.t t"in t"at.d "appen,> "e said/ >0 seem to remember yo- doin' some dama'e to Nei# S5e#sy/>
Tas"a ro##ed "er eyes/ >T"ro(in' my drin in "is )ace (asn.t act-a##y dama'e7-n#ess yo- consider t"e dama'e it
did to "is s-it/ And (e a## no( "o( "e is abo-t "is c#ot"es/>
T"ey bot" #a-'"ed at some pri%ate :oe t"e rest o) -s (eren.t in on, b-t 0 (as on#y "a#)*#istenin'/ 0 (as sti##
intri'-ed abo-t "er ro#e (it" t"e Stri'oi/
T"e se#)*contro# 0.d tried to maintain )ina##y s#ipped/ >2idyo- start #earnin' to )i'"t be)ore or a)ter t"at "appened to
yo-r )ace=>
>Rose@> "issed Lissa/
B-t Tas"a didn.t seem -pset/ Neit"er did C"ristian, and "e -s-a##y 're( -ncom)ortab#e ("en t"e attac (it" "is
parents (as bro-'"t -p/ S"e re'arded me (it" a #e%e#, t"o-'"t)-# #oo/ 0t reminded me o) t"e one 0 sometimes 'ot
)rom 2imitri i) 0 did somet"in' s-rprisin' t"at "e appro%ed o)/
>A)ter,> s"e said/ S"e didn.t #o(er "er 'a5e or #oo embarrassed, t"o-'" 0 sensed sadness in "er/ >6o( m-c" do
yo- no(=>
0 '#anced at C"ristian/ >T"e basics/>
S"e nodded/ >0 ne( /// 0 ne( ("at L-cas and $oira "ad become, b-t t"at sti## didn.t prepare me/ $enta##y,
p"ysica##y, or emotiona##y/ 0 t"in i) 0 "ad to #i%e t"ro-'" it a'ain, 0 sti## (o-#dn.t be ready/ B-t a)ter t"at ni'"t, 0
#ooed at myse#)7 )i'-rati%e#y7and rea#i5ed "o( de)ense#ess 0 (as/ 0.d spent my ("o#e #i)e e&pectin' '-ardians
to protect me and tae care o) me/
>And t"at.s not to say t"e '-ardians aren.t capab#e/ Lie 0 said, yo- co-#d probab#y tae me in a )i'"t/ B-t t"ey7
L-cas and $oira7c-t do(n o-r t(o '-ardians be)ore (e rea#i5ed ("at "ad "appened/ 0 sta##ed t"em )rom tain'
C"ristian7 b-t :-st bare#y/ 0) t"e ot"ers "adn.t s"o(n -p, 0.d be dead, and "e.d7> S"e stopped, )ro(ned, and ept
'oin'/ >0 decided t"at 0 didn.t (ant to die t"at (ay, not (it"o-t p-ttin' -p a rea# )i'"t and doin' e%eryt"in' 0 co-#d
to protect myse#) and t"ose0 #o%e/ So 0 #earned a## sorts o) se#)*de)ense/ And a)ter a ("i#e, 0 didn.t rea##y, -", )it in
so (e## (it" "i'" society aro-nd "ere/ So 0 mo%ed to $inneapo#is and made a #i%in' )rom teac"in' ot"ers/>
0 didn.t do-bt t"ere (ere ot"er $oroi #i%in' in $inneapo#is7t"o-'" God on#y ne( ("y7b-t 0 co-#d read
bet(een t"e #ines/ S"e.d mo%ed t"ere and inte'rated "erse#) (it" "-mans, eepin' a(ay )rom ot"er %ampires #ie
Lissa and 0 "ad )or t(o years/ 0 started to (onder a#so i) t"ere mi'"t "a%e been somet"in' e#se t"ere bet(een t"e
#ines/ S"e.d said s"e.d #earned >a## sorts o) se#)*de)ense>7apparent#y, more t"an :-st martia# arts/ Goin' a#on' (it"
t"eir o))ense*de)ense be#ie)s, t"e $oroi didn.t t"in ma'ic s"o-#d be -sed as a (eapon/ Lon' a'o, it "ad been -sed
t"at (ay, and some $oroi sti## secret#y did today/ C"ristian, 0 ne(, (as one o) t"em/ 0 s-dden#y "ad a 'ood idea
o) ("ere "e mi'"t "a%e piced -p t"at ind o) t"in'/
Si#ence )e##/ 0t (as "ard to )o##o( -p a sad story #ie t"at/ B-t Tas"a, 0 rea#i5ed, (as one o) t"ose peop#e ("o
co-#d a#(ays #i'"ten a mood/ 0t made me #ie "er e%en more, and s"e spent t"e rest o) t"e time te##in' -s )-nny
stories/ S"e didn.t p-t on airs #ie a #ot o) roya#s did, so s"e "ad #ots o) dirt on e%eryone/ 2imitri ne( a #ot o) t"e
peop#e s"e spoe o)7 "onest#y, "o( did someone so antisocia# seem to no( everyone in $oroi and '-ardian
society=7and (o-#d occasiona##y add some sma## detai#/ T"ey "ad -s in "ysterics -nti# Tas"a )ina##y #ooed at "er
>W"ere.s t"e best p#ace a 'ir# can 'o s"oppin' aro-nd "ere=> s"e ased/
Lissa and 0 e&c"an'ed #oos/ >$isso-#a,> (e said in -nison/
Tas"a si'"ed/ >T"at.s a co-p#e "o-rs a(ay, b-t i) 0 #ea%e soon, 0 can probab#y sti## 'et in some time be)ore t"e
stores c#ose/ 0.m "ope#ess#y be"ind in C"ristmas s"oppin'/>
0 'roaned/ >0.d i## to 'o s"oppin'/>
>$e too,> said Lissa/
>$aybe (e co-#d snea a#on'////> 0 'a%e 2imitri a "ope)-# #oo/
>No,> "e said immediate#y/ 0 'a%e a si'" o) my o(n/
Tas"a ya(ned a'ain/ >0.## "a%e to 'rab some co))ee, so 0 don.t s#eep on t"e dri%e in/>
>Can.t one o) yo-r '-ardians dri%e )or yo-=>
S"e s"oo "er "ead/ >0 don.t "a%e any/>
>2on.t "a%e any ///> 0 )ro(ned, parsin' "er (ords/ >+o- don.t "a%e any '-ardians=>
0 s"ot -p/ >B-t t"at.s not possib#e@ roya#/ +o- s"o-#d "a%e at #east one/ T(o, rea##y/>
G-ardians (ere distrib-ted amon' $oroi in a cryptic, micromana'ed (ay by t"e G-ardian Co-nci#/ 0t (as ind o)
an -n)air system, considerin' t"e ratio o) '-ardians to $oroi/ Non*roya#s tended to 'et t"em by a #ottery system/
Roya#s al"ays 'ot t"em/ 6i'"*ranin' roya#s o)ten 'ot more t"an one, b-t e%en t"e #o(est*ranin' member o)
roya#ty (o-#dn.t "a%e been (it"o-t one/
>T"e O5eras aren.t e&act#y )irst in #ine ("en '-ardians 'et assi'ned,> said C"ristian bitter#y/ >E%er since// /my
parents died// /t"ere.s ind o) been a s"orta'e/>
$y an'er )#ared -p/ >B-t t"at.s not )air/ T"ey can.t p-nis" yo- )or ("at yo-r parents did/>
>0t.s not p-nis"ment, Rose/> Tas"a didn.t seem near#y as enra'ed as s"e s"o-#d "a%e been, in my opinion/ >0t.s
:-st// /a rearran'in' o) priorities/>
>T" #ea%in' yo- de)ense#ess/ +o- can.t 'o o-t t"ere by yo-rse#)@>
>0.m not de)ense#ess, Rose/ 0.%e to#d yo- t"at/ And i) 0 rea##y (anted a '-ardian, 0 co-#d mae a n-isance o) myse#),
b-t it.s a #ot o) "ass#e/ 0.m )ine )or no(/>
2imitri '#anced o%er at "er/ >+o- (ant me to 'o (it" yo-=>
>And eep yo- -p a## ni'"t=> Tas"a s"oo "er "ead/ >0 (o-#dn.t do t"at to yo-, 2ima/>
>6e doesn.t mind,> 0 said <-ic#y, e&cited abo-t t"is so#-tion/
2imitri seemed am-sed by me speain' )or "im, b-t "e didn.t contradict me/ >0 rea##y don.t/>
S"e "esitated/ >A## ri'"t/ B-t (e s"o-#d probab#y 'o soon/>
O-r i##icit party dispersed/ T"e $oroi (ent one direction; 2imitri and 0 (ent anot"er/ 6e and Tas"a made p#ans to
meet -p in a "a#) "o-r/
>So ("at do yo- t"in o) "er=> "e ased ("en (e (ere a#one/
>0 #ie "er/ S"e.s coo#/> 0 t"o-'"t abo-t "er )or a moment/ >And 0 'et ("at yo- mean abo-t t"e mars/> >O"=>
0 nodded, (atc"in' my )ootin' as (e (a#ed a#on' t"e pat"s/ E%en ("en sa#ted and s"o%e#ed, t"ey co-#d sti##
co##ect "idden patc"es o) ice/
>S"e didn.t do ("at s"e did )or '#ory/ S"e did it beca-se s"e "ad to/ 3-st #ie// /:-st #ie my mom did/> 0 "ated to
admit it, b-t it (as tr-e/ 3anine 6at"a(ay mi'"t be t"e (orst mot"er e%er, b-t s"e (as a 'reat '-ardian/ >T"e
mars don.t matter/ #olnijas or scars/>
> a )ast #earner,> "e said (it" appro%a#/
0 s(e##ed -nder "is praise/ >W"y does s"e ca## yo- 2ima=>
6e #a-'"ed so)t#y/ 0.d "eard a #ot o) "is #a-'"ter toni'"t and decided 0.d #ie to "ear more o) it/
>0t.s a nicname )or 2imitri/>
>T"at doesn.t mae any sense/ 0t doesn.t so-nd anyt"in' #ie 2imitri/ +o- s"o-#d be ca##ed, 0 don.t no(, 2imi or
>T"at.s not "o( it (ors in R-ssian,> "e said/
>R-ssian.s (eird,> 0n R-ssian, t"e nicname )or Vasi#isa (as Vasya, ("ic" made no sense to me/
>So is En'#is"/>
0 'a%e "im a s#y #oo/ >0) yo-.d teac" me to s(ear in R-ssian, 0 mi'"t "a%e a ne( appreciation )or it/> >+o- s(ear
too m-c" a#ready/>
>0 :-st (ant to e&press myse#)/>
>O", Ro5a///> 6e si'"ed, and 0 )e#t a t"ri## tic#e me/ >Ro5a> (as my name in R-ssian/ 6e rare#y -sed it/ >+o-
e&press yo-rse#) more t"an anyone e#se 0 no(/>
0 smi#ed and (a#ed on a bit (it"o-t sayin' anyt"in' e#se/ $y "eart sipped a beat, 0 (as so "appy to be aro-nd
"im/ T"ere (as somet"in' (arm and right abo-t -s bein' to'et"er/
E%en as 0 )#oated a#on', my mind c"-rned o%er somet"in' e#se t"at 0.d been t"inin' abo-t/ >+o- no(, t"ere.s
somet"in' )-nny abo-t Tas"a.s scars/>
>W"at.s t"at=> "e ased/
>T"e scars// /t"ey mess -p "er )ace,> 0 be'an s#o(#y/ 0 (as "a%in' tro-b#e p-ttin' my t"o-'"ts into (ords/ >0 mean,
it.s ob%io-s s"e -sed to be rea##y pretty/ B-t e%en (it" t"e scars no( /// 0 don.t no(/ S"e.s pretty in a di))erent (ay/
0t.s #ie// /#ie t" part o) "er/ T"ey comp#ete "er/> 0t so-nded si##y, b-t it (as tr-e/
2imitri didn.t say anyt"in', b-t "e 'a%e me a side#on' '#ance/ 0 ret-rned it, and as o-r eyes met, 0 sa( t"e brie)est
'#impse o) t"e o#d attraction/ 0t (as )#eetin' and 'one too soon, b-t 0.d seen it/ Pride and appro%a# rep#aced it, and
t"ey (ere a#most as 'ood/
W"en "e spoe, it (as to ec"o "is ear#ier t"o-'"ts/ > a )ast #earner, Ro5a/>
0 WAS FEEL0NG PRETT+ GOO2 abo-t #i)e ("en 0 "eaded to my be)ore*sc"oo# practice t"e ne&t day/ T"e secret
'at"erin' #ast ni'"t "ad been s-per )-n, and 0 )e#t pro-d#y responsib#e )or )i'"tin' t"e system and enco-ra'in'
2imitri to 'o (it" Tas"a/ Better sti##, 0.d 'otten my )irst crac at a si#%er stae yesterday and "ad pro%en 0 co-#d
"and#e one/ 6i'" on myse#), 0 co-#dn.t (ait to practice e%en more/
Once 0 (as dressed in my -s-a# (oro-t attire, 0 practica##y sipped do(n to t"e 'ym/ B-t ("en 0 st-c my "ead
inside t"e practice room )rom t"e day be)ore, 0 )o-nd it dar and <-iet/ F#ippin' on t"e #i'"t, 0 peered aro-nd :-st in
case 2imitri (as cond-ctin' some ind o) (eird, co%ert trainin' e&ercise/ Nope/ Empty/ No stain' today/
>S"it,> 0 m-ttered/
>6e.s not "ere/>
0 ye#ped and near#y :-mped ten )eet in t"e air/ T-rnin' aro-nd, 0 #ooed strai'"t into my mot"er.s narro(ed bro(n
>W"at are yo- doin' "ere=> As soon as t"e (ords (ere o-t o) my mo-t", "er appearance re'istered (it" me/ A
stretc"y spande& s"irt (it" s"ort s#ee%es/ Loose, dra(strin' (oro-t pants simi#ar to t"e ones 0 (ore/ >S"it,> 0 said
>Watc" yo-r mo-t",> s"e snapped/ >+o- mi'"t be"a%e #ie yo- "a%e no manners, b-t at #east try not to so-nd t"at
>W"ere.s 2imitri=>
>G-ardian Be#io%is in bed/ 6e :-st 'ot bac a co-p#e o) "o-rs a'o and needed to s#eep/>
Anot"er e&p#eti%e (as on my #ips, and 0 bit it bac/ O) co-rse 2imitri (as as#eep/ 6e.d "ad to dri%e (it" Tas"a to
$isso-#a d-rin' day#i'"t in order to be t"ere d-rin' "-man s"oppin' "o-rs/ 6e.d tec"nica##y been -p a## o) t"e
Academy.s ni'"t and "ad probab#y on#y :-st 'otten bac/ U'"/ 0 (o-#dn.t "a%e been so <-ic to enco-ra'e "im to
"e#p "er i) 0.d no(n it.d res-#t in this.
>We##,> 0 said "asti#y/ >0 '-ess t"at means practice is cance#ed7>
>Be <-iet and p-t t"ese on/> S"e "anded me some trainin' mitts/ T"ey (ere simi#ar to bo&in' '#o%es b-t not as
t"ic and b-#y/ T"ey s"ared t"e same p-rpose, "o(e%er1 to protect yo-r "ands and eep yo- )rom 'o-'in' yo-r
opponent (it" yo-r nai#s/
>We.%e been (orin' on si#%er staes,> 0 said s-#i#y s"o%in' my "ands into t"e mitts/
>We##, today ( doin' t"is/ Come on/>
Wis"in' 0.d been "it by a b-s on my (a# )rom t"e dorm today, 0 )o##o(ed "er o-t to(ard t"e center o) t"e 'ym/
6er c-r#y "air (as pinned -p to stay o-t o) t"e (ay, re%ea#in' t"e bac o) "er nec/ T"e sin t"ere (as co%ered in
tattoos/ T"e top one (as a serpentine #ine1 t"e promise mar, 'i%en ("en'-ardians 'rad-ated )rom academies #ie
St/ V#adimir.s and a'reed to ser%e/ Be#o( t"at (ere t"e molnija mars a(arded eac" time a '-ardian i##ed a
Stri'oi/ T"ey (ere s"aped #ie t"e #i'"tnin' bo#ts t"ey too t"eir name )rom/ 0 co-#dn.t 'a-'e e&act n-mbers, b-t
#et.s :-st say it (as a (onder my mom "ad any nec #e)t to tattoo/ S"e.d (ie#ded a #ot o) deat" in "er time/
W"en s"e reac"ed t"e spot s"e (anted, s"e t-rned to(ard me and adopted an attac stance/ 6a#) e&pectin' "er to
:-mp me t"en and t"ere, 0 <-ic#y mirrored it/
>W"at are (e doin'=> 0 ased/
>Basic o))ensi%e and de)ensi%e parryin'/ Use t"e red #ines/>
>T"at.s a##=> 0 ased/
S"e #eapt to(ard me/ 0 dod'ed7:-st bare#y7and tripped o%er my o(n )eet in t"e process/ 6asti#y, 0 ri'"ted
>We##,> s"e said in a %oice t"at almost so-nded sarcastic/ >As yo- seem so een on remindin' me, 0 "a%en.t seen
yo- in )i%e years/ 0 "a%e no idea ("at yo- can do/>
S"e mo%ed on me a'ain, and a'ain 0 :-st bare#y ept (it"in t"e #ines in escapin' "er/ T"at <-ic#y became t"e
pattern/ S"e ne%er rea##y 'a%e me t"e c"ance to 'o on t"e o))ensi%e/ Or maybe 0 :-st didn.t "a%e t"e si##s to tae
t"e o))ensi%e/ 0 spent a## my time de)endin' myse#)7p"ysica##y, at #east/ Gr-d'in'#y, 0 "ad to acno(#ed'e to
myse#) t"at s"e (as 'ood/ $eally 'ood/ B-t 0 certain#y (asn.t 'oin' to te## "er t"at/
>So, ("at=> 0 ased/ >T"is is yo-r (ay o) main' -p )or materna# ne'#i'ence=>
>T"is is my (ay o) main' yo- 'et rid o) t"at c"ip on yo-r s"o-#der/ +o-.%e "ad not"in' b-t attit-de )or me since
0 arri%ed/ +o- (ant to )i'"t=> 6er )ist s"ot o-t and connected (it" my arm/ >T"en (e.## )i'"t/ Point/>
>Point,> 0 conceded, bacin' -p to my side/ >0 don.t (ant to )i'"t/ 0.%e :-st been tryin' to ta# to yo-/>
>$o-t"in' o)) to me in c#ass isn.t ("at 0.d rea##y ca## ta#in'/ Point/>
0 'r-nted )rom t"e "it/ W"en 0.d )irst be'-n trainin' (it" 2imitri, 0.d comp#ained t"at it (asn.t )air )or me to )i'"t
someone a )oot ta##er t"an me/ 6e.d pointed o-t t"at 0.d )i'"t p#enty o) Stri'oi ta##er t"an me and t"at t"e o#d ada'e
(as tr-e1 si5e doesn.t matter/ Sometimes 0 t"o-'"t "t (as 'i%in' me )a#se "ope, b-t :-d'in' )rom my mom.s
per)ormance "ere, 0 (as startin' to be#ie%e "im/
0.d ne%er act-a##y )o-'"t anyone sma##er t"an me/ As one o) t"e )e( 'ir#s in t"e no%ice c#asses, 0 accepted t"at 0
(as a#most a#(ays 'oin' to be s"orter and s#immer t"an my opponents/ B-t my mot"er (as sma##er sti## and c#ear#y
"ad not"in' b-t m-sc#e paced into "er petite body/
>0 "a%e a -ni<-e sty#e o) comm-nication, t"at.s a##,> 0 said/
>+o- "a%e a petty teena'e de#-sion t"at yo-.%e some"o( been (ron'ed )or t"e #ast se%enteen years/> 6er )oot "it
my t"i'"/ >Point/ W"en in rea#ity, yo-.%e been treated no di))erent#y t"an any ot"er d"ampir/ Better, act-a##y/ 0
co-#d "a%e sent yo- o)) to #i%e (it" my co-sins/ +o- (ant to be a b#ood ("ore= 0s t"at ("at yo- (anted=>
T"e term >b#ood ("ore> a#(ays made me )#inc"/ 0t (as a term o)ten app#ied to t"e sin'#e d"ampir mot"ers ("o
decided to raise t"eir c"i#dren instead o) becomin' '-ardians/ T"ese (omen o)ten "ad s"ort*term a))airs (it"
$oroi men and (ere #ooed do(n on )or it7e%en t"o-'" t"ere (asn.t rea##y anyt"in' e#se t"ey co-#d "a%e done,
since $oroi men -s-a##y ended -p marryin' $oroi (omen/ T"e
>b#ood ("ore> term came )rom t"e )act t"at some d"ampir (omen #et men drin b#ood )rom t"em d-rin' se&/ 0n
o-r (or#d, on#y "-mans 'a%e b#ood/ A d"ampir doin' it (as dirty and iny7especia##y d-rin' se&/ 0 s-spected
on#y a )e( d"ampir (omen act-a##y did t"is, b-t -n)air#y, t"e term tended to 'et app#ied to a## o) t"em/ 0 "ad 'i%en
b#ood to Lissa ("en (e "ad r-n a(ay, and a#t"o-'" it "ad been a necessary act, t"e sti'ma sti## stayed (it" me/
>No/ O) co-rse 0 don.t (ant to be a b#ood ("ore/> $y breat"in' (as becomin' "ea%y/ >And t" not a## #ie
t"at/ T" on#y a )e( t"at act-a##y are/>
>T"ey brin' t"at rep-tation on t"emse#%es,> s"e 'ro(#ed/ 0 dod'ed "er strie/ >T"ey s"o-#d be doin' t"eir d-ty as
'-ardians, not contin-in' to )oo# aro-nd and "a%e )#in's (it" $oroi/>
>T" raisin' t"eir c"i#dren,> 0 'r-nted/ 0 (anted to ye## b-t co-#dn.t (aste t"e o&y'en/ >Somet"in' yo-.d no(
not"in' abo-t/ Besides, aren.t yo- t"e same as t"ey are= 0 don.t see a rin' on yo-r )in'er/ Wasn.t my dad :-st a )#in'
)or yo-=>
6er )ace t-rned "ard, ("ic" is sayin' somet"in' (" a#ready beatin' -p yo-r da-'"ter/ "%hat, " s"e said
ti'"t#y, >is somet"in' you no( not"in' abo-t/ Point/>
0 (inced at t"e b#o( b-t (as "appy to see 0.d str-c a ner%e/ 0 "ad no c#-e ("o my dad (as/ T"e on#y bit o)
in)ormation 0 "ad (as t"at "e (as T-ris"/ 0 mi'"t "a%e my mom.s c-r%y )i'-re and pretty )ace7t"o-'" 0 co-#d
sm-'#y say mine (as m-c" prettier t"an "ers no(adays7b-t t"e rest o) my co#orin' (as )rom "im/ Li'"t#y tanned
sin (it" dar "air and eyes/
>6o(.d it "appen=> 0 ased/ >Were yo- on some assi'nment in T-rey= $eet "im at a #oca# ba5aar= Or (as it e%en
c"eaper t"an t"at= 2id yo- 'o a## 2ar(in and se#ect t"e '-y most #ie#y to pass on (arrior 'enes to yo-r o))sprin'=
0 mean, 0 no( yo- on#y "ad me beca-se it (as yo-r duty, so 0 s-ppose yo- "ad to mae s-re yo- co-#d 'i%e t"e
'-ardians t"e best specimen yo- co-#d/>
>Rosemarie,> s"e (arned t"ro-'" 'ritted teet", >)or once in yo-r #i)e, s"-t -p/>
>W"y= Am 0 tarnis"in' yo-r precio-s rep-tation= 0t.s :-st #ie yo- to#d me1 yo- aren.t any di))erent )rom any ot"er
d"ampir eit"er/ +o- :-st scre(ed "im and7>
T"ere.s a reason t"ey say, >Pride 'oet" be)ore a )a##/> 0 (as so ca-'"t -p in my o(n cocy tri-mp" t"at 0 stopped
payin' attention to my )eet/ 0 (as too c#ose to t"e red #ine/ Goin' o-tside o) it (as anot"er point )or "er, so 0
scramb#ed to stay (it"in and dod'e "er at t"e same time/ Un)ort-nate#y, on#y one o) t"ose co-#d (or/ 6er )ist
came )#yin' at me, )astand "ard7and, per"aps most important#y, a bit "i'"er t"an t"e permissab#e accordin' to
r-#es o) t"is ind o) e&ercise/ 0t smaced me in t"e )ace (it" t"e po(er o) a sma## tr-c, and 0 )#e( bac(ard,
"ittin' t"e "ard 'ym )#oor bac*)irst and "ead*second/ And 0 (as o-t o) t"e #ines/ 2amn it/
Pain craced t"ro-'" t"e bac o) my "ead, and my %ision (ent b#-rry and spar#y/ Wit"in seconds, my mot"er (as
#eanin' o%er me/
>Rose= Rose= Are yo- oay=> 6er %oice so-nded "oarse and )rantic/ T"e (or#d s(am/
At some point a)ter t"at, ot"er peop#e came, and 0 some"o( (o-nd -p in t"e Academy.s med c#inic/ T"ere,
someone s"one a #i'"t in my eyes and started asin' me incredib#y idiotic <-estions/
>W"at.s yo-r name=>
>W"at=> 0 ased, s<-intin' at t"e #i'"t/
>+o-r name/> 0 reco'ni5ed 2r/ O#end5i peerin' o%er me/
>+o- no( my name/>
>0 (ant yo- to te## me/>
>Rose/ Rose 6at"a(ay/>
>2o yo- no( yo-r birt"day=>
>O) co-rse 0 do/ W"y are yo- asin' me s-c" st-pid t"in's= 2id yo- #ose my records=>
2r/ O#end5i 'a%e an e&asperated si'" and (a#ed o)), tain' t"e annoyin' #i'"t (it" "er/ >0 t"in s"e.s )ine,> 0
"eard "er te## someone/ >0 (ant to eep "er "ere )or t"e sc"oo# day, :-st to mae s-re s"e doesn.t "a%e a conc-ssion/
0 certain#ydon.t (ant "er any("ere near "er '-ardian c#asses/>
0 spent t"e day mo%in' in and o-t o) s#eep beca-se 2r/ O#end5i ept (ain' me -p to do "er tests/ S"e a#so 'a%e
me an ice pac and to#d me to eep it c#ose to my )ace/ W"en t"e Academy.s c#asses #et o-t, s"e deemed me (e##
eno-'" to #ea%e/
>0 s(ear, Rose, 0 t"in yo- s"o-#d "a%e a )re<-ent patient.s card/> T"ere (as a sma## smi#e on "er )ace/ >S"ort o)
t"ose (it" c"ronic prob#ems #ie a##er'ies and ast"ma, 0 don.t t"in t"ere.s any ot"er st-dent 0.%e seen "ere so o)ten
in s-c" a s"ort period o) time/>
>T"ans,> 0 said, not rea##y s-re 0 (anted t"e "onor/ >So, no conc-ssion=>
S"e s"oo "er "ead/ >No/ 'oin' to "a%e some pain, t"o-'"/ 0.## 'i%e yo- somet"in' )or t"at be)ore yo- 'o/>
6er smi#e )aded, and s-dden#y s"e #ooed ner%o-s/ >To be "onest, Rose, 0 t"in most o) t"e dama'e "appened to,
(e##, yo-r )ace/>
0 s"ot -p )rom t"e bed/ >W"at do yo- mean .most o) t"e dama'e "appened to my )ace.=>
S"e 'est-red to t"e mirror abo%e t"e sin on t"e )ar side o) t"e room/ 0 ran o%er to it and #ooed at my re)#ection/
>Son o) a bitc"@>
P-rp#is" red sp#otc"es co%ered t"e -pper portion o) t"e #e)t side o) my )ace, partic-#ar#y near t"e eye/ 2esperate#y,
0 t-rned aro-nd to )ace "er/
>T"is is 'oin' to 'o a(ay soon, ri'"t= 0) 0 eep t"e ice on it=>
S"e s"oo "er "ead a'ain/ >T"e ice can "e#p// /b-t 0.m a)raid 'oin' to "a%e a (iced b#ac eye/ 0t.## probab#y
be at its (orst tomorro( b-t s"o-#d c#ear -p in a (ee or so/ +o-.## be bac to norma# be)ore #on'/>
0 #e)t t"e c#inic in a da5e t"at "ad not"in' to do (it" my "ead in:-ry/ C#ear -p in a (ee or so= 6o( co-#d 2r/
O#end5i spea so #i'"t#y abo-t t"is= 2idn.t s"e rea#i5e ("at (as "appenin'= 0 (as 'oin' to
#oo #ie a m-tant )or C"ristmas and most o) t"e si trip/ 0 "ad a b#ac eye/ A )reain' b#ac eye/ And my mot"er
"ad 'i%en it to me/
0 ANGR0L+ PUS6E2 T6ROUG6 T6E do-b#e doors t"at #ed into t"e $oroi dorm/ Sno( s(ir#ed in be"ind me,
and a )e( peop#e #in'erin' on t"e main )#oor '#anced -p -pon my entrance/ Not s-rprisin'#y, se%era# o) t"em did
do-b#e taes/ S(a##o(in', 0 )orced myse#) not to react/ 0t (o-#d be oay/ No need to )rea o-t/ No%ices 'ot in:-red
a## t"e time/ 0t (as act-a##y rarer not to 'et in:-red/ Admitted#y, t"is (as a more noticeab#e in:-ry t"an most, b-t 0
co-#d #i%e (it" it -nti# it "ea#ed, ri'"t= And it (asn.t #ie anyone (o-#d no( "o( 0.d recei%ed it/
>6ey Rose, is it tr-e yo-r o(n mot"er p-nc"ed yo-=>
0 )ro5e/ 0.d no( t"at ta-ntin' soprano %oice any("ere/ T-rnin' s#o(#y, 0 #ooed into t"e deep b#-e eyes o) $ia
Rina#di/ C-r#y b#ond "air )ramed a )ace t"at mi'"t "a%e been c-te i) not )or t"e ma#icio-s smir on it/
A year yo-n'er t"an -s, $ia.d taen on Lissa 8and me by de)a-#t9 in a (ar to see ("o co-#d tear apart t"e ot"er.s
#i)e most <-ic#y7a (ar, 0 s"o-#d add, t"at she started/ 0t "ad in%o#%ed "er stea#in' Lissa.s e&*boy)riend7despite
t"e )act Lissa "ad decided in t"e end s"e didn.t (ant "im7and t"e spreadin' o) a## sorts o) r-mors/
Admitted#y, $ia.s "atred "adn.t been entire#y -n:-sti)ied/Lissa.s o#der brot"er, Andre7("o "ad been i##ed in t"e
same car accident t"at tec"nica##y >i##ed> me7"ad -sed $ia pretty bad#y ("en s"e (as a )res"man/ 0) s"e (eren.t
s-c" a bitc" no(, 0 (o-#d "a%e )e#t sorry )or "er/ 0t "ad been (ron' o) "im, and ("i#e 0 co-#d -nderstand "er an'er,
0 don.t no( t"at it (as )air o) "er to tae t"at o-t on Lissa in t"e (ay s"e did/
Lissa and 0 "ad tec"nica##y (on t"e (ar in t"e end, b-t $ia "ad ine&p#icab#y bo-nced bac/ S"e didn.t r-n (it" t"e
same e#ite t"at s"e once "ad, b-t s"e "ad reb-i#t a sma## contin'ent o) )riends/ $a#icio-s or not, stron' #eaders
a#(ays attract )o##o(ers/
0.d )o-nd t"at abo-t BD percent o) t"e time, t"e most e))ecti%e response (as to i'nore "er/ B-t (e "ad :-st crossed
o%er to t"e ot"er AD percent, beca-se it.s impossib#e to i'nore someone anno-ncin' to t"e (or#d t"at yo-r mot"er
:-st p-nc"ed yo-7e%en i) it (as tr-e/ 0 stopped (a#in' and t-rned aro-nd/ $ia stood near a %endin' mac"ine,
no(in' s"e.d dra(n me o-t/ 0 didn.t bot"er asin' "o( s"e.d )o-nd o-t abo-t my mot"er 'i%in' me t"e b#ac eye/
T"in's rare#y stayed secret aro-nd "ere/
W"en s"e ca-'"t )-## si'"t o) my )ace, "er eyes (idened in -nabas"ed de#i'"t/ >Wo(/ Ta# abo-t a )ace
on#y a mot"er co-#d #o%e/>
6a/ C-te/ From anyone e#se, 0 (o-#d "a%e app#a-ded t"e :oe/
>We##, t"e e&pert on )ace in:-ry,> 0 said/ >6o(.s yo-r nose=>
$ia.s icy smi#e t(itc"ed a #itt#e, b-t s"e didn.t bac do(n/ 0.d broen "er nose abo-t a mont" a'o7at a sc"oo#
dance o) a## p#aces7and ("i#e t"e nose "ad since "ea#ed, it no( sat :-st t"e tiniest bit ase(/ P#astic s-r'ery co-#d
probab#y )i& it -p, b-t )rom my -nderstandin' o) "er )ami#y.s )inances, t"at (asn.t possib#e :-st no(/
>0t.s better,> s"e rep#ied prim#y/ >Fort-nate#y, it (as on#y broen by a psyc"opat"ic ("ore and not anyone act-a##y
re#ated to me/>
0 'a%e "er my best psyc"opat"ic smi#e/ >Too bad/ Fami#y members "it yo- by accident/ Psyc"opat"ic ("ores tend
to come bac )or more/>
T"reatenin' p"ysica# %io#ence a'ainst "er (as -s-a##y a pretty so-nd tactic, b-t (e "ad too many peop#e aro-nd
ri'"t no( )or t"at to be a #e'itimate concern )or "er/ And $ia ne( it/ Not t"at 0 (as abo%e attacin' someone in
t"is ind o) settin'7"e##, 0.d done it #ots o) times7b-t 0 "as tryin' to (or on my imp-#se contro# #ate#y/
>2oesn.t #oo #ie m-c" o) an accident to me,> s"e said/ >2on.t yo- '-ys "a%e r-#es abo-t )ace p-nc"es= 0 mean,
t"at #oos really )ar o-t o) bo-nds/>
0 opened my mo-t" to te## "er o)), b-t not"in' came o-t/ S"e "ad a point/ $y in:-ry "as )ar o-t o) bo-nds; in t"at
sort o) combat, yo- aren.t s-pposed to "it abo%e t"e nec/ T"is (as "ay abo%e t"at )orbidden #ine/
$ia sa( my "esitation, and it (as #ie C"ristmas mornin' "ad come a (ee ear#y )or "er/ Unti# t"at moment, 0"in t"ere.d e%er been a time in o-r anta'onistic re#ations"ip in ("ic" s"e.d rendered me speec"#ess/
>Ladies,> came a stern, )ema#e %oice/ T"e $oroi attendin' t"e )ront des #eaned o%er it and )i&ed -s (it" a s"arp
#oo/ >T"is is a #obby, not a #o-n'e/ Eit"er 'o -pstairs or 'o o-tside/>
For a moment, breain' $ia.s nose a'ain so-nded #ie t"e best idea in t"e (or#d7to "e## (it" detention or
s-spension/ A)ter a deep breat", 0 decided retreat (as my most di'ni)ied action no(/ 0 sta#ed o)) to(ard t"e stairs
#eadin' -p to t"e 'ir#s. dorm/ O%er my s"o-#der, 0 "eard $ia ca##, >2on.t (orry, Rose/ 0t.## 'o a(ay/ Besides, it.s not
yo-rface '-ys are interested in/>
T"irty seconds #ater, 0 beat on Lissa.s door so "ard, it (as a (onder my )ist didn.t 'o t"ro-'" t"e (ood/ S"e
opened it s#o(#y and peered aro-nd/
>0s it :-st yo- o-t "ere= 0 t"o-'"t t"ere (as an army at t"e7o" my God/> 6er eyebro(s s"ot -p ("en s"e noticed
t"e #e)t side o) my )ace/ >W"at "appened=>
>+o- "a%en.t "eard a#ready= probab#y t"e on#y one in t"e sc"oo# ("o "asn.t,> 0 'r-mb#ed/ >3-st #et me in/>
Spra(#in' on "er bed, 0 to#d "er abo-t t"e day.s e%ents/ S"e (as proper#y appa##ed/
>0 "eard yo-.d been "-rt, b-t 0 )i'-red it (as one o) yo-r norma# t"in's,> s"e said/
0 stared -p at t"e spac#ed cei#in', )ee#in' miserab#e/ >T"e (orst part is, $ia (as ri'"t/ 0t (asn.t an accident/>
>W"at, sayin' yo-r mom did it on p-rpose=> W"en0 didn.t ans(er, Lissa.s %oice t-rned incred-#o-s/ >Come
on, s"e (o-#dn.t do t"at/ No (ay/>
>W"y= Beca-se s"e.s per)ect 3anine 6at"a(ay, master o) contro##in' "er temper= T"e t"in' is, s"e.s a#so per)ect
3anine 6at"a(ay, master o) )i'"tin' and contro##in' "er actions/ One (ay or anot"er, s"e s#ipped -p/>
>+ea", (e##,> said Lissa, >0 t"in "er st-mb#in' and missin' "er p-nc" is more #ie#y t"an "er doin' it on p-rpose/
S"e.d "a%e to rea##y #ose "er temper/>
>We##, s"e "as ta#in' to me/ T"at.s eno-'" to mae anyone #ose t"eir temper/ And 0 acc-sed "er o) s#eepin' (it"
my dad beca-se "e (as t"e so-ndest e%o#-tionary c"oice/>
>Rose,> 'roaned Lissa/ >+o- ind o) #e)t o-t t"at part in yo-r recap/ W"y.d yo- say t"at to "er=>
>Beca-se it.s probab#y tr-e/>
>B-t yo- "ad to no( it.d -pset "er/ W"y do yo- eep pro%oin' "er= W"y can.t yo- :-st mae peace (it" "er=>
0 sat -pri'"t/ >$ae peace (it" "er= &he gave me a blac' eye. Probab#y on p-rpose@ 6o( do 0 mae peace (it"
someone #ie t"at=>
Lissa :-st s"oo "er "ead and (a#ed o%er to t"e mirror to c"ec "er mae-p/ T"e )ee#in's comin' t"ro-'" o-r
bond (ere ones o) )r-stration and e&asperation/ Lin'erin' in t"e bac (as a bit o) anticipation, too/ 0 "ad t"e
patience to e&amine "er care)-##y, no( t"at 0.d )inis"ed my %entin'/ S"e "ad on a si#y #a%ender s"irt and a nee*
#en't" b#ac sirt/ 6er #on' "air "ad t"e ind o) smoot" per)ection on#y ac"ie%ed byspendin' an "o-r o) yo-r #i)e
on it (it" a "air dryer and )#at iron/
>+o- #oo nice/ W"at.s -p=>
6er )ee#in's s"i)ted s#i'"t#y, "er irritation (it" me dimmin' a #itt#e/ >0.m meetin' C"ristian soon/>
For a )e( min-tes t"ere, it "ad )e#t #ie t"e o#d days (it" Lissa and me/ 3-st -s, "an'in' o-t and ta#in'/ 6er
mention o) C"ristian, as (e## as t"e rea#i5ation t"at s"e.d "a%e to #ea%e me soon )or him, stirred -p dar )ee#in's in
my c"est/// )ee#in's 0 "ad to re#-ctant#y admit (ere : ea#o-sy/ Nat-ra##y, 0 didn.t #et on to t"at/
>Wo(/ W"at.d "e do to deser%e t"at= Resc-e orp"ans )rom a b-rnin' b-i#din'= 0) so, yo- mi'"t (ant to mae s-re
"e didn.t set t"e b-i#din' on )ire in t"e )irst p#ace/> C"ristian.s e#ement (as )ire/ 0t (as )ittin' since it (as t"e most
destr-cti%e one/
La-'"in', s"e t-rned )rom t"e mirror and noticed me 'ent#y to-c"in' my s(o##en )ace (it" my )in'ers/ 6er smi#e
t-rned ind/ >0t doesn.t #oo t"at bad/>
>W"ate%er/ 0 can te## ("en #yin', yo- no(/ And 2r/ O#end5i says it.## be e%en (orse tomorro(/> 0 #ay
bac do(n on t"e bed/ >T"ere probab#y isn.t eno-'" concea#er in t"e (or#d to co%er t"is, is t"ere= Tas"a and 0.##
"a%e to in%estin some (hantom of the O!era) sty#e mass/>
S"e si'"ed and sat on t"e bed near me/ >Too bad 0 can.t :-st "ea# it/>
0 smi#ed/ >T"at (o-#d be nice/>
T"e comp-#sion and c"arisma bro-'"t on by spirit (ere 'reat, b-t rea##y, "ea#in' (as "er coo#est abi#ity/ T"e
ran'e o) t"in's s"e co-#d ac"ie%e (as sta''erin'/
Lissa (as a#so t"inin' abo-t ("at spirit co-#d do/ >0 (is" t"ere (ere some ot"er (ay to contro# t"e spirit /// in a
(ay t"at sti## #et me -se t"e ma'ic////>
>+ea",> 0 said/ 0 -nderstood "er b-rnin' desire to do 'reat t"in's and "e#p peop#e/ 0t radiated o)) o) "er/ 6e##, 0
(o-#d a#so "a%e #ied to "a%e t"is eye c#eared -p in an instant rat"er t"an days/ >0 (is" t"ere (ere too/>
S"e si'"ed a'ain/ >And t"ere.s more to me t"an :-st (is"in' 0 co-#d "ea# and do ot"er st-)) (it" spirit/ 0 a#so, (e##,
:-st miss t"e ma'ic/ 0t.s sti## t"ere; it.s :-st b#oced o)) by t"e pi##s/ 0t.s b-rnin' inside o) me/ 0t (ants me, and 0 (ant
it/ B-t t"ere.s a (a## bet(een -s/ +o- :-st can.t ima'ine it/>
>0 can, act-a##y/>
0t (as tr-e/ A#on' (it" "a%in' a 'enera# sense )or "er )ee#in's, 0 co-#d sometimes a#so >s#ip into "er/> 0t (as "ard
to e&p#ain and e%er "arder to end-re/ W"en t"at "appened, 0 co-#d #itera##y see t"ro-'" "er eyes and feel ("at s"e
e&perienced/ 2-rin' t"ose times, 0 "as "er/ $any times, 0.d been in "er "ead ("i#e s"e #on'ed )or t"e ma'ic, and
0.d )e#t t"e b-rnin' need s"e spoe o)/ S"e o)ten (oe -p at ni'"t, yearnin' )or t"e po(er s"e co-#d no #on'er
>O" yea",> s"e said r-e)-##y/ >0 )or'et abo-t t"at sometimes/>
A sense o) bitterness )i##ed "er/ 0t (asn.t directed at meso m-c" as it (as t"e no*(in nat-re o) "er sit-ation/ An'er
spared inside o) "er/ S"e didn.t #ie )ee#in' "e#p#ess any more t"an 0 did/ T"e an'er and )r-stration intensi)ied into
somet"in' darer and -'#ier, somet"in' 0 didn.t #ie/
>6ey,> 0 said, to-c"in' "er arm/ >+o- oay=>
S"e c#osed "er eyes brie)#y, t"en opened t"em/ >0 :-st "ate it/>
T"e intensity o) "er )ee#in's reminded me o) o-r con%ersation, t"e one (e.d "ad :-st be)ore 0 (ent to t"e Badica
"o-se/ >+o- sti## )ee# #ie t"e pi##s mi'"t be (eaenin'=>
>0 don.t no(/ A #itt#e/>
>0s it 'ettin' (orse=>
S"e s"oo "er "ead/ >No/ 0 sti## can.t -se t"e ma'ic/ 0 )ee# closer to it/ b-t it.s sti## b#oced o))/>
>B-t yo- sti##/ yo-r moods ///>
>+ea" /// t" actin' -p/ B-t don.t (orry,> s"e said, seein' my )ace/ >0.m not seein' t"in's or tryin' to "-rt
>Good/> 0 (as '#ad to "ear it b-t sti## (orried/ E%en i) s"e sti## co-#dn.t to-c" t"e ma'ic, 0 didn.t #ie t"e idea o) "er
menta# state s#ippin' a'ain/ 2esperate#y, 0 "oped t"e sit-ation (o-#d :-st stabi#i5e on its o(n/ >0.m "ere,> 0 to#d "er
so)t#y, "o#din' "er 'a5e/ >0) anyt"in' "appens t"at.s (eird// /yo- te## me, oay=>
Lie t"at, t"e dar )ee#in's disappeared (it"in "er/ As t"ey did, 0 )e#t a (eird ripp#e in t"e bond/ 0 can.t e&p#ain
("at it (as, b-t 0 s"-ddered )rom t"e )orce/ Lissa didn.t notice/ 6er mood pered -p a'ain, and s"e smi#ed at me/
>T"ans,> s"e said/ >0 (i##/>
0 smi#ed, "appy to see "er bac to norma#/ We #apsed into si#ence, and )or t"e brie)est o) moments, 0 (anted to
po-r my "eart o-t to "er/ 0.d "ad so m-c" on my mind #ate#y1 my mot"er, 2imitri, and t"e Badica "o-se/ 0.d been
eepin' t"ose )ee#in's #oced -p, and t"ey (ere tearin' me apart/ No(, )ee#in' so com)ortab#e (it" Lissa )or t"e
)irst time in a #on' time, 0 )ina##y )e#t t"at 0 co-#d #et "er into my )ee#in's )or a c"an'e/
Be)ore 0 co-#d open my mo-t", 0 )e#t "er t"o-'"ts s-dden#y s"i)t/ T"ey became ea'er and ner%o-s/ S"e "ad
somet"in' s"e (anted to te## me, somet"in' s"e.d been t"inin' abo-t intent#y/ So m-c" )or po-rin' my "eart o-t/
0) s"e (anted to ta#, 0 (o-#dn.t b-rden "er (it" my prob#ems, so 0 p-s"ed t"em aside and (aited )or "er to spea/
>0 )o-nd somet"in' in my researc" (it" $s/ Carmac/ Somet"in' stran'e/>
>O"=> 0 ased, instant#y c-rio-s/
$oroi -s-a##y de%e#oped t"eir specia#i5ed e#ement d-rin' ado#escence/ A)ter t"at, t"ey (ere p-t into ma'ic c#asses
speci)ic to t"at e#ement/ B-t as t"e on#y spirit -ser on record at t"e moment, Lissa didn.t rea##y "a%e a c#ass s"e
co-#d :oin/ $ost peop#e be#ie%ed s"e :-st "adn.t specia#i5ed, b-t s"e and $s/ Carmac7t"e ma'ic teac"er at St/
V#adimir.s7"ad been meetin' independent#y to #earn ("at t"ey co-#d abo-t spirit/ T"ey researc"ed bot" c-rrent
and o#d records, c"ecin' )or c#-es t"at mi'"t #ead to ot"er spirit -sers, no( t"at t"ey ne(some o) t"e te##ta#e
si'ns1 an inabi#ity to specia#i5e, menta# instabi#ity, etc/
>0 didn.t )ind any con)irmed spirit -sers, b-t 0 did )ind/ reports o), -m, -ne&p#ained p"enomena/>
0 b#ined in s-rprise/ >W"at ind o) st-))=> 0 ased, ponderin' ("at (o-#d co-nt as >-ne&p#ained p"enomena> )or
%ampires/ W"en s"e and 0 "ad #i%ed (it" "-mans, "e (o-#d "a%e been considered -ne&p#ained p"enomena/
>T" scattered reports/b-t, #ie, 0 read t"is one abo-t a '-y ("o co-#d mae ot"ers see t"in's t"at (eren.t t"ere/
6e co-#d 'et t"em to be#ie%e t"ey (ere seein' monsters or ot"er peop#e or ("ate%er/>
>T"at co-#d be comp-#sion/>
>Rea##ypo(er)-# comp-#sion/ 0 co-#dn.t do t"at, and 0.m stron'er7or -sed to be7in it t"an anyone (e no(/ And
t"at po(er comes )rom -sin' spirit//>
>So,> 0 )inis"ed, >yo- t"in t"is i##-sion '-y m-st "a%e been a spirit -ser too/> S"e nodded/ >W"y not
contact "im and )ind o-t=>
>Beca-se t"ere.s no in)ormation #isted@ 0t.s secret/ And t"ere are ot"ers :-st as stran'e/ Lie someone ("o co-#d
p"ysica##y drain ot"ers/ Peop#e standin' nearby (o-#d 'et (ea and #ose a## t"eir stren't"/ T"ey.d pass o-t/ And
t"ere (as someone e#se ("o co-#d stop t"in's in midair ("en t"ey (ere t"ro(n at "im/> E&citement #it -p "er
>6e co-#d "a%e been an air -ser,> 0 pointed o-t/
>$aybe,> s"e said/ 0 co-#d )ee# t"e c-riosity and e&citements(ir#in' t"ro-'" "er/ S"e desperate#y (anted to
be#ie%e t"ere (ere ot"ers o-t t"ere #ie "er/
0 smi#ed/ >W"o ne(= $oroi "a%e Ros(e##* and Area FA*type st-))/ 0t.s a (onder 0.m not bein' st-died some("ere
to see i) t"ey can )i'-re o-t t"e bond/>
Lissa.s spec-#ati%e mood t-rned teasin'/ >0 (is" 0 co-#d see into your mind sometimes/ 0.d #ie to no( "o( yo-
)ee# abo-t $ason/>
>6e.s my )riend,> 0 said sto-t#y, s-rprised at t"e abr-pt c"an'e in s-b:ect/ >T"at.s it/>
S"e tsed/ >+o- -sed to )#irt7and do ot"er st-))7(it" any '-y yo- co-#d 'et yo-r "ands on/>
>6ey@> 0 said, o))ended/ >0 (asn.t t"at bad/>
>Oay// /maybe not/ B-t yo- don.t seem interested in '-ys anymore/>
0 "as interested in '-ys7(e##, one '-y/
>$ason.s rea##y nice,> s"e contin-ed/ >And cra5y abo-t yo-/>
>6e is,> 0 a'reed/ 0 t"o-'"t abo-t $ason, abo-t t"at brie) moment ("en 0.d t"o-'"t "e (as se&y o-tside Stan.s
c#ass/ P#-s, $ason (as rea##y )-nny, and (e 'ot a#on' bea-ti)-##y/ 6e (asn.t a bad prospect as )ar as boy)riends
>+o- '-ys are a #ot a#ie/ bot" doin' t"in's yo- s"o-#dn.t/>
0 #a-'"ed/ T"at (as a#so tr-e/ 0 reca##ed $ason.s ea'erness to tae on e%ery Stri'oi in t"e (or#d/ 0 mi'"t not be
ready )or t"at7despite my o-tb-rst in t"e car7b-t 0 s"ared some o)"is rec#essness/ 0t mi'"t be time to 'i%e "im a
s"ot, 0 t"o-'"t/ Banterin' (it" "im (as )-n, and it "ad been a #on' time since 0.d issed anyone/ 2imitri made my
"eart ac"e /// b-t, (e##, it (asn.t #ie anyt"in' e#se (as 'oin' on t"ere/
Lissa (atc"ed me appraisin'#y, #ie s"e ne( ("at 0 (as t"inin'7(e##, aside )rom t"e 2imitri st-))/ >0 "eard
$eredit" say yo- (ere an idiot )or not 'oin' o-t (it" "im/ S"e said it.s beca-se yo- t"in too 'ood )or "im/>
>W"at@ T"at.s not tr-e/>
>6ey, I didn.t say it/ Any(ay, s"e said s"e.s t"inin' o) 'oin' a)ter "im/>
>$ason and $eredit"=> 0 sco))ed/ >T"at.s a disaster in t"e main'/ T"ey "a%e not"in' in common/>
0t (as petty, b-t 0.d 'otten -sed to $ason a#(ays dotin' on me/ S-dden#y, t"e t"o-'"t o) someone e#se 'ettin' "im
ired me/
> possessi%e,> Lissa said, a'ain '-essin' my t"o-'"ts/ No (onder s"e 'ot so annoyed at me readin' "er
>On#y a #itt#e/>
S"e #a-'"ed/ >Rose, e%en i) it.s not $ason, yo- rea##y s"o-#d start datin' a'ain/ T"ere are #ots o) '-ys ("o (o-#d
i## to 'o o-t (it" yo-7'-ys ("o are act-a##y nice/>
0 "adn.t a#(ays made t"e best c"oices ("en it came to men/ Once a'ain, t"e -r'e to spi## a## my (orries to "er
sei5ed me/ 0.d been "esitant to te## "er abo-t 2imitri )or so #on', e%en t"o-'" t"e secret b-rned inside o) me/ Sittin'
(it" "er "ere reminded me t"at s"e "as my best )riend/ 0 co-#d te## "eranyt"in', and s"e (o-#dn.t :-d'e me/ B-t,
:-st #ie ear#ier, 0 #ost t"e c"ance to te## "er ("at (as on my mind/
S"e '#anced o%er at "er a#arm c#oc and s-dden#y spran' -p )rom t"e bed/
>0.m #ate@ 0.%e 'ot to meet C"ristian@>
3oy )i##ed "er, -nderscored (it" a bit o) ner%o-s anticipation/ Lo%e/ W"at co-#d yo- do= 0 s(a##o(ed bac t"e
:ea#o-sy t"at started to raise its -'#y "ead/ Once a'ain, C"ristian "ad taen "er a(ay )rom me/ 0 (asn.t 'oin' to be
ab#e to -nb-rden myse#) toni'"t/
Lissa and 0 #e)t t"e dorm, and s"e practica##y sprinted a(ay, promisin' (e.d ta# tomorro(/ 0 (andered bac to my
o(n dorm/ W"en 0 'ot to my room, 0 passed by my mirror and 'roaned ("en 0 sa( my )ace/ 2ar p-rp#e
s-rro-nded my eye/ 0n ta#in' to Lissa, 0.d a#most )or'otten abo-t t"e ("o#e incident (it" my mot"er/ Stoppin' to
'et a c#oser #oo, 0 stared at my )ace/ $aybe it (as e'otistica#, b-t 0 ne( 0 #ooed 'ood/ 0 (ore a C*c-p and "ad a
body m-c" co%eted in a sc"oo# ("ere most o) t"e 'ir#s (ere s-permode# s#im/ And as 0.d noted ear#ier, my )ace (as
pretty too/ On a typica# day, 0 (as a nine aro-nd "ere7ten on a %ery 'ood one/
B-t today= +ea"/ 0 (as practica##y in ne'ati%e n-mbers/ 0 (as 'oin' to #oo )ab-#o-s )or t"e si trip/
>$y mom beat me -p,> 0 in)ormed my re)#ection/ 0t #ooed bac sympat"etica##y/
Wit" a si'", 0 decided 0 mi'"t as (e## 'et ready )or bed/ T"ere (as not"in' e#se 0 (anted to do toni'"t, and
maybee&tra s#eep (o-#d speed t"e "ea#in'/ 0 (ent do(n t"e "a## to t"e bat"room to (as" my )ace and br-s" my
"air/ W"en 0 'ot bac to my room, 0 s#ipped on my )a%orite pa:amas, and t"e )ee# o) so)t )#anne# c"eered me -p a
0 (as pacin' my bacpac )or t"e ne&t day ("en a b-rst o) emotion abr-pt#y s"ot t"ro-'" my bond (it" Lissa/ 0t
ca-'"t me -na(are and 'a%e me no c"ance to )i'"t it/ 0t (as #ie bein' noced o%er by a "-rricane*)orce (ind,
and s-dden#y, 0 (as no #on'er #ooin' at my bacpac/ 0 (as >inside> Lissa, e&periencin' "er (or#d )irst"and/
And t"at.s ("en t"in's 'ot a((ard/
Beca-se Lissa (as (it" C"ristian/
And t"in's (ere 'ettin' /// "ot/
C"ristian (as issin' "er, and (o(,(as ita iss/ 6e (asn.t messin' aro-nd/ 0t (as t"e ind o) iss t"at sma##
c"i#dren s"o-#dn.t be a##o(ed to see/ 6e##, it (as t"e ind o) iss no one s"o-#d be a##o(ed to see7#et a#one
e&perience t"ro-'" a psyc"ic #in/
As 0.%e noted be)ore, stron' emotion )rom Lissa co-#d mae t"is p"enomenon "appen7t"e one ("ere 0 'ot p-##ed
inside "er "ead/ B-t a#(ays, al"ays, it (as beca-se o) some ne'ati%e emotion/ S"e.d 'et -pset or an'ry or
depressed, and t"at (o-#d reac" o-t to me/ B-t t"is time= S"e (asn.t -pset/
S"e (as "appy/ Very, %ery "appy/
O" man/ 0 needed to 'et o-t o) "ere/
T"ey (ere -p in t"e attic o) t"e sc"oo#.s c"ape# or, as 0 #ied to ca## it, t"eir #o%e nest/ T"e p#ace "ad been a re'-#ar
"an'o-t )or t"em, bac ("en eac" o) t"em (as )ee#in' antisocia# and (anted to escape/ E%ent-a##y, t"ey.d decided
to be antisocia# to'et"er, and one t"in' "ad #ed to anot"er/ Since t"ey started p-b#ic#y datin', 0 "adn.t no(n t"ey
spent m-c" time "ere anymore/ $aybe t"ey (ere bac )or o#d time.s sae/
And indeed, a ce#ebration did seem to be 'oin' on/ Litt#e scented cand#es (ere set -p aro-nd t"e d-sty o#d p#ace,
cand#es t"at )i##ed t"e air (it" t"e scent o) #i#acs/ 0 (o-#d"a%e been a #itt#e ner%o-s abo-t settin' a## t"ose cand#es in
a con)ined space )i##ed (it" )#ammab#e bo&es and boos, b-t C"ristian probab#y )i'-red "e co-#d contro# any
accidenta# in)ernos/
T"ey )ina##y broe t"at insane#y #on' iss and p-##ed bac to #oo at eac" ot"er/ T"ey #ay on t"eir sides on t"e
)#oor/ Se%era# b#anets "ad been spread -nder t"em/
C"ristian.s )ace (as open and tender as "e re'arded Lissa, "is pa#e b#-e eyes a'#o( (it" some inner emotion/ 0t
(as di))erent )rom t"e (ay $ason re'arded me/ T"ere (as certain#y adoration (it" "im, b-t $ason.s (as a #ot #ie
("en yo- (a# into a c"-rc" and )a## to yo-r nees in a(e and )ear o) somet"in' yo- (ors"ip b-t don.t rea##y
-nderstand/ C"ristian c#ear#y (ors"ipped Lissa in "is (ay, b-t t"ere (as a no(in' '#int to "is eyes, a sense t"at
t"e t(o o) t"em s"ared an -nderstandin' o) eac" ot"er so per)ect and po(er)-# t"at t"ey didn.t e%en need (ords to
con%ey it/
>2on.t yo- t"in ( 'oin' to 'o to "e## )or t"is=> ased Lissa/
6e reac"ed o-t and to-c"ed "er )ace, trai#in' "is )in'ers a#on' "er c"ee and nec and do(n to t"e top o) "er si#y
s"irt/ S"e breat"ed "ea%i#y at t"at to-c", at t"e (ay it co-#d be so 'ent#e and sma##, yet e%oe s-c" a stron' passion
(it"in "er/
>For t"is=> 6e p#ayed (it" t"e s"irt.s ed'e, #ettin' "is )in'er :-st bare#y br-s" inside o) it/
>No,> s"e #a-'"ed/ >For this. S"e 'est-red aro-nd t"eattic/ >T"is is a c"-rc"/ We s"o-#dn.t be doin' t"is ind o),
-m, t"in' -p "ere/>
>Not tr-e,> "e ar'-ed/ Gent#y, "e p-s"ed "er onto "er bac and #eaned o%er "er/ >T"e c"-rc" is do(nstairs/ T"is is
:-st stora'e/ God (on.t mind/>
>+o- don.t be#ie%e in God,> s"e c"astised/ 6er "ands made t"eir (ay do(n "is c"est/ 6er mo%ements (ere as #i'"t
and de#iberate as "is, yet t"ey c#ear#y tri''ered t"e same po(er)-# response in "im/
6e si'"ed "appi#y as "er "ands s#id -nder "is s"irt and -p "is stomac"/ >0.m "-morin' yo-/>
>+o-.d say anyt"in' ri'"t no(,> s"e acc-sed/ 6er )in'ers ca-'"t t"e ed'e o) "is s"irt and p-s"ed it -p/ 6e s"i)ted
so s"e co-#d p-s" it a## t"e (ay o)) "im and t"en #eaned bac o%er "er, bare*c"ested/
> ri'"t,> "e a'reed/ 6e care)-##y -ndid one b-tton on "er b#o-se/ 3-st one/ T"en "e a'ain #eaned do(n and
'a%e "er one o) t"ose "ard, deep isses/ W"en "e came -p )or air, "e contin-ed on as t"o-'" not"in' "ad "appened/
>Te## me ("at yo- need to "ear, and 0.## say it/> 6e -n)astened anot"er b-tton/
>T"ere.s not"in' 0 need to "ear,> s"e #a-'"ed/ Anot"er b-tton popped )ree/ >+o- can te## me ("ate%er yo- (ant7
it.d :-st be nice i) it (ere tr-e/>
>T"e tr-t", "-"= No one (ants to "ear t"e tr-t"/ T"e tr-t" is ne%er se&y/ B-t yo- ///> T"e #ast b-tton came -ndone,
and"e spread "er s"irt a(ay/ >+o- are too 'oddamned se&y to be rea#/>
6is (ords "e#d "is trademar snary tone, b-t "is eyes con%eyed a di))erent messa'e entire#y/ 0 (as (itnessin' t"is
scene t"ro-'" Lissa.s eyes, b-t 0 co-#d ima'ine ("at "e sa(/ 6er smoot", ("ite sin/ S#ender (aist and "ips/ A
#acy ("ite bra/ T"ro-'" "er, 0 co-#d )ee# t"at t"e #ace (as itc"y, b-t s"e didn.t care/
Fee#in's bot" )ond and "-n'ry spread o%er "is )eat-res/ From (it"in Lissa, 0 co-#d )ee# "er "eart race and
breat"in' <-icen/ Emotions simi#ar to C"ristian.s c#o-ded a## ot"er co"erent t"o-'"ts/ S"i)tin' do(n, "e #ay on top
o) "er, pressin' t"eir bodies to'et"er/ 6is mo-t" so-'"t "ers o-t a'ain, and as t"eir #ips and ton'-es made contact,
0 ne( 0 had to 'et o-t o) t"ere/
Beca-se 0 -nderstood it no(/ 0 -nderstood ("y Lissa "ad dressed -p and ("y t"e #o%e nest "ad been deced o-t
#ie a +anee Cand#es s"o(room/ T"is (as it/ %he moment/ A)ter a mont" o) datin', t"ey (ere 'oin' to "a%e se&/
Lissa, 0 ne(, "ad done it be)ore (it" a past boy)riend/ 0 didn.t no( C"ristian.s past, b-t 0 sincere#y do-bted many
'ir#s "ad )a##en prey to "is abrasi%e c"arm/
B-t in )ee#in' ("at Lissa )e#t, 0 co-#d te## t"at none o) t"at mattered/ Not in t"at moment/ 0n t"at moment, t"ere
(ere on#y t"e t(o o) t"em and t"e (ay t"ey )e#t abo-t eac" ot"er ri'"t no(/ And in a #i)e )i##ed (it" more (orries
t"an someone"er a'e s"o-#d "a%e "ad, Lissa )e#t abso#-te#y certain abo-t ("at s"e (as doin' no(/ 0t (as ("at s"e
(anted/ W"at s"e.d (anted )or a %ery #on' time (it" "im/
And 0 "ad no ri'"t to be (itnessin' it/
W"o (as 0 iddin'= 0 didn.t "ant to (itness it/ 0 too no p#eas-re in (atc"in' ot"er peop#e 'et it on, and 0 s-re as
"e## didn.t (ant to e&perience se& (it" C"ristian/ 0t.d be #ie #osin' my %ir'inity %irt-a##y/
B-t 3es-s C"rist, Lissa (asn.t main' it easy to 'et o-t o) "er "ead/ S"e "ad no desire to detac" )rom "er )ee#in's
and emotions, and t"e stron'er t"ey 're(, t"e stron'er t"ey "e#d me/ Tryin' to distance myse#) )rom "er, 0 )oc-sed
my ener'ies on comin' bac to myse#), concentratin' as "ard as 0 co-#d/
$ore c#ot"es disappeared ///
Come on, come on,0 to#d myse#) stern#y/
T"e condom came o-t/ yies/ yo-r o(n person, Rose/ Get bac in yo-r "ead/
T"eir #imbs intert(ined, t"eir bodies mo%in' to'et"er ///
Son o) a7
0 ripped o-t o) "er and bac to myse#)/ Once a'ain, 0 (as bac in my room, b-t 0 no #on'er "ad any interest in
pacin' my bacpac/ $y ("o#e (or#d (as ase(/ 0 )e#t stran'e and %io#ated7a#most -ns-re i) 0 (as Rose or i) 0
(as Lissa/ 0 a#so )e#t t"at resentment to(ard C"ristian a'ain/ 0 certain#y didn.t (ant to "a%e se& (it" Lissa, b-t t"ere
(as t"at same pan' inside o) me, t"at )r-strated )ee#in' t"at 0 (as no #on'er t"e center o) "er (or#d/
Lea%in' t"e bacpac -nto-c"ed, 0 (ent ri'"t to bed, (rappin' my arms aro-nd myse#) and c-r#in' into a ba## to
try to s<-e#c" t"e ac"e (it"in my c"est/
0 )e## as#eep pretty <-ic#y and (oe -p ear#y as a res-#t/ Us-a##y, 0 "ad to be dra''ed o-t o) bed to 'o meet
2imitri, b-t today 0 s"o(ed -p ear#y eno-'" t"at 0 act-a##y beat "im to t"e 'ym/ As 0 (aited, 0 sa( $ason c-ttin'
across to one o) t"e b-i#din's t"at "e#d c#assrooms/
>W"oa,> 0 ca##ed/ >Since ("en are yo- -p t"is ear#y=>
>Since 0 "ad to retae a mat" test,> "e said, (a#in' o%er to me/ 6e 'a%e me "is misc"ie%o-s smi#e/ >$i'"t be
(ort" sippin', t"o-'", to "an' o-t (it" yo-/>
0 #a-'"ed, rememberin' my con%ersation (it" Lissa/ +es, t"ere (ere de)inite#y (orse t"in's 0 co-#d do t"an )#irt
and start somet"in' (it" $ason/
>Na"/ +o- mi'"t 'et in tro-b#e, t"en 0.d "a%e no rea# c"a##en'e on t"e s#opes/>
6e ro##ed "is eyes, sti## smi#in'/ "I'm t"e one (it" no rea# c"a##en'e, remember=>
>+o- ready to bet on somet"in' yet= Or are yo- sti## too a)raid=>
>Watc" it,> "e (arned, >or 0 mi'"t tae bac yo-r C"ristmas present/>
>+o- 'ot me a present=> 0 "adn.t e&pected t"at/
>+-p/ B-t i) yo- eep bac*ta#in', 0 mi'"t 'i%e it to someone e#se/>
>Lie $eredit"=> 0 teased/
>S"e isn.t e%en in yo-r #ea'-e, and yo- no( it/>
>E%en (it" a b#ac eye=> 0 ased (it" a 'rimace/
>E%en (it" t(o b#ac eyes/>
T"e #oo "e 'a%e me :-st t"en (asn.t teasin' or e%en rea##y s-''esti%e/ 0t (as :-st nice/ Nice, )riend#y, and
interested/ Lie "e rea##y cared/ A)ter a## t"e stress #ate#y, 0 decided 0 #ied bein' cared abo-t/ And (it" t"e ne'#ect
0 (as startin' to )ee# )rom Lissa, 0 rea#i5ed 0 a#so ind o) #ied "a%in' someone ("o (anted to pay so m-c"
attention to me/
>W"at are yo- doin' on C"ristmas=> 0 ased/
6e s"r-''ed/ >Not"in'/ $y mom a#most came do(n b-t "ad to cance# at t"e #ast min-te /// yo- no(, (it"
e%eryt"in' t"at "appened/>
$ason.s mot"er (asn.t a '-ardian/ S"e (as a d"ampir ("o.d c"osen to :-st be domestic and "a%e ids/ As a res-#t,
0 ne( "e sa( "er <-ite a bit/ 0t (as ironic, 0 t"o-'"t, t"at my mom act-a##y "as "ere, b-t )or a## intents and
p-rposes, s"e mi'"t as (e## "a%e been some("ere e#se/
>Come "an' (it" me,> 0 said on imp-#se/ >0.## be (it" Lissa and C"ristian and "is a-nt/ 0t.## be )-n/> >Rea##y=>
>Very )-n/>
>T"at.s not ("at 0 (as asin' abo-t/>
0 'rinned/ >0 no(/ 3-st be t"ere, oay=>
6e s(ept me one o) t"e 'a##ant bo(s "e #ied to mae/ >Abso#-te#y/>
$ason (andered o)) :-st as 2imitri s"o(ed -p )or o-r practice/ Ta#in' to $ason "ad made me )ee# 'iddy and
"appy; 0 "adn.t t"o-'"t abo-t my )ace at a## (it" "im/ B-t (it" 2imitri, 0 s-dden#y became se#)*conscio-s/ 0 didn.t
(ant to be anyt"in' #ess t"an per)ect (it" "im, and as (e (a#ed inside, 0 (ent o-t o) my (ay to a%ert my )ace so
"e co-#dn.t #oo at me )-##*on/ Worryin' abo-t t"at bro-'"t my mood do(n, and as it p#-mmeted, a## t"e ot"er
t"in's t"at "ad been -psettin' me came t-mb#in' bac/
We ret-rned to t"e trainin' room (it" t"e d-mmies, and "e to#d me "e simp#y (anted me to practice t"e
mane-%ers )rom t(o days a'o/ 6appy "e (asn.t 'oin' to brin' -p t"e )i'"t, 0 set to my tas (it" a b-rnin' 5ea#,
s"o(in' t"e d-mmies :-st ("at (o-#d "appen i) t"ey messed (it" Rose 6at"a(ay/ 0 ne( my )i'"tin' )-ry (as
)ired -p by more t"an :-st a simp#e desire to do (e##/ $y )ee#in's (ere o-t o) contro# t"is mornin', ra( and intense
a)ter bot" t"e )i'"t (it" my mot"er and ("at 0.d (itnessed (it" Lissa and C"ristian #ast ni'"t/ 2imitri sat bac and
(atc"ed me, occasiona##y criti<-in' my tec"ni<-e and o))erin' s-''estions )or ne( tactics/
>+o-r "air.s in t"e (ay,> "e said at one point/ >Not on#y are yo- b#ocin' yo-r perip"era# %ision, r-nnin'
t"e ris o) #ettin' yo-r enemy 'et a "and"o#d/>
>0) 0.m act-a##y in a )i'"t, 0.## (ear it -p/> 0 'r-nted as 0 s"o%ed t"e stae neat#y -p bet(een t"e d-mmy.s >ribs/> 0
didn.t no( ("at t"ese arti)icia# bones (ere made o), b-t t"ey (ere a bitc" to (or aro-nd/ 0 t"o-'"t abo-t my
moma'ain and added a #itt#e e&tra )orce to t"e :ab/ >0.m :-st (earin' it do(n today, t"at.s a##/>
>Rose,> "e said (arnin'#y/ 0'norin' "im, 0 p#-n'ed a'ain/ 6is %oice came more s"arp#y t"e ne&t time "e spoe/
"$ose. Stop/>
0 baced a(ay )rom t"e d-mmy, s-rprised to )ind my breat"in' #abored/ 0 "adn.t rea#i5ed 0 (as (orin' t"at "ard/
$y bac "it t"e (a##/ Wit" no("ere to 'o, 0 #ooed a(ay )rom "im, directin' my eyes to(ard t"e 'ro-nd/
>Loo at me,> "e ordered/
>Loo at me/>
No matter o-r c#ose "istory, "e (as sti## my instr-ctor/ 0 co-#dn.t re)-se a direct order/ S#o(#y, re#-ctant#y, 0 t-rned
to(ard "im, sti## ti#tin' my "ead s#i'"t#y do(n so t"e "air "-n' o%er t"e sides o) my )ace/ Risin' )rom "is c"air, "e
(a#ed o%er and stood be)ore me/
0 a%oided "is eyes b-t sa( "is "and mo%e )or(ard to br-s" bac my "air/ T"en it stopped/ As did my breat"in'/
O-r s"ort*#i%ed attraction "ad been )i##ed (it" <-estions and reser%ations, b-t one t"in' 0.d no(n )or s-re1 2imitri
"ad #o%ed my "air/ $aybe "e sti## #o%ed it/ 0t (as 'reat "air, 0.## admit/ Lon' and si#y and dar/ 6e -sed to )ind
e&c-ses to to-c" it, and "e.d co-nse#ed me a'ainst c-ttin' it as so many )ema#e '-ardians did/
6is "and "o%ered t"ere, and t"e (or#d stood sti## as 0 (aited to see ("at "e (o-#d do/ A)ter ("at seemed #ie
aneternity, "e #et "is "and 'rad-a##y )a## bac to "is side/ B-rnin' disappointment (as"ed o%er me, yet at t"e same
time, 0.d #earned somet"in'/ 6e.d "esitated/ 6e.d been a)raid to to-c" me, ("ic" maybe7:-st maybe7meant "e
sti## (anted to/ 6e.d "ad to "o#d "imse#) bac/
0 s#o(#y tipped my "ead bac so t"at (e made eye contact/ $ost o) my "air )e## bac )rom my )ace7b-t not a##/
6is "and tremb#ed a'ain, and 0 "oped a'ain "e.d reac" )or(ard/ T"e "and steadied/ $y e&citement dimmed/
>2oes it "-rt=> "e ased/ T"e scent o) t"at a)ters"a%e, min'#ed (it" "is s(eat, (as"ed o%er me/ God, 0 (is"ed "e
"ad to-c"ed me/
>No,> 0 #ied/
>0t doesn.t #oo so bad,> "e to#d me/ >0t.## "ea#/>
>0 "ate "er,> 0 said, astonis"ed at :-st "o( m-c" %enom t"ose t"ree (ords "e#d/ E%en ("i#e s-dden#y t-rned on and
(antin' 2imitri, 0 sti## co-#dn.t drop t"e 'r-d'e 0 "e#d a'ainst my mot"er/
>No, yo- don.t,> "e said 'ent#y/
>0 do/>
>+o- don.t "a%e time to "ate anyone,> "e ad%ised, "is %oice sti## ind/ >Not in o-r pro)ession/ +o- s"o-#d mae
peace (it" "er/>
Lissa "ad said e&act#y t"e same t"in'/ O-tra'e :oined my ot"er emotions/ T"at darness (it"in me started to
-n)-r#/ >$ae peace (it" "er= A)ter s"e 'a%e me a b#ac eye on !ur!ose* W"y am 0 t"e on#y one ("o sees "o(
cra5y t"at is=>
>S"e abso#-te#y did not do it on p-rpose,> "e said, %oice "ard/ >No matter "o( m-c" yo- resent "er, yo- "a%e to
be#ie%e t"at/ S"e (o-#dn.t do t"at, and any(ay, 0 sa( "er #ater t"at day/ S"e (as (orried abo-t yo-/>
>Probab#y more (orried someone (i## brin' "er -p on c"i#d ab-se c"ar'es,> 0 'r-mb#ed/
>2on.t yo- t"in t"is is t"e time o) year )or )or'i%eness=>
0 si'"ed #o-d#y/ >T"is isn.t a C"ristmas specia#@ T"is is my #i)e/ 0n t"e rea# (or#d, mirac#es and 'oodness :-st don.t
6e (as sti## eyein' my ca#m#y/ >0n t"e rea# (or#d, yo- can mae yo-r o(n mirac#es/>
$y )r-stration s-dden#y "it a breain' point, and 0 'a%e -p tryin' to maintain my contro#/ 0 (as so tired o) bein'
to#d reasonab#e, practica# t"in's ("ene%er somet"in' (ent (ron' in my #i)e/ Some("ere in me, 0 ne( 2imitri
on#y (anted to "e#p, b-t 0 :-st (asn.t -p )or t"e (e##*meant (ords/ 0 (anted com)ort )or my prob#ems/ 0 didn.t (ant
to t"in abo-t ("at (o-#d mae me a better person/ 0 (is"ed "e.d :-st "o#d me and te## me not to (orry/
>Oay, can yo- :-st stop t"is )or once=> 0 demanded, "ands on my "ips/
>Stop ("at=>
>T"e ("o#e pro)o-nd Gen crap t"in'/ +o- don.t ta# to me #ie a rea# person/ E%eryt"in' yo- say is :-st some
(ise, #i)e*#esson nonsense/ +o- rea##y do so-nd #ie a C"ristmas specia#/> 0 ne( it (asn.t entire#y )air to tae my
an'er o-t on"im, b-t 0 )o-nd myse#) practica##y s"o-tin'/ >0 s(ear, sometimes it.s :-st #ie yo- (ant to "ear
yo-rse#) ta#@ And 0 'no" not a#(ays t"is (ay/ +o- (ere per)ect#y norma# ("en yo- ta#ed to Tas"a/ B-t
(it" me= :-st 'oin' t"ro-'" t"e motions/ +o- don.t care abo-t me/ :-st st-c in yo-r st-pid mentor
6e stared at me, -nc"aracteristica##y s-rprised/ >0 don.t care abo-t yo-=>
>No/> 0 (as bein' petty7%ery, %ery petty/ And 0 ne( t"e tr-t"7t"at "e did care and (as more t"an :-st a
mentor/ 0 co-#dn.t "e#p myse#), t"o-'"/ 0t :-st ept comin' and comin'/ 0 :abbed "is c"est (it" my )in'er/ >0.m
anot"er st-dent to yo-/ +o- :-st 'o on and on (it" yo-r st-pid #i)e #essons so t"at7>
T"e "and 0.d "oped (o-#d to-c" my "air s-dden#y reac"ed o-t and 'rabbed my pointin' "and/ 6e pinned it to t"e
(a##, and 0 (as s-rprised to see a )#are o) emotion in "is eyes/ 0t (asn.t e&act#y an'er// /b-t it (as )r-stration o)
anot"er ind/
>2on.tte## me ("at 0.m )ee#in',> "e 'ro(#ed/
0 sa( t"en t"at "a#) o) ("at 0.d said (as tr-e/ 6e (as a#most a#(ays ca#m, a#(ays in contro#7e%en ("en )i'"tin'/
B-t "e.d a#so to#d me "o( "e.d once snapped and beaten -p "is $oroi )at"er/ 6e.d act-a##y been #ie me once7
a#(ays on t"e %er'e o) actin' (it"o-t t"inin', doin' t"in's "e ne( "e s"o-#dn.t/
>T"at.s it, isn.t it=> 0 ased/
> a#(ays )i'"tin' )or contro#/ t"e same as me/>
>No,> "e said, sti## ob%io-s#y (ored -p/ >0.%e #earned my contro#/>
Somet"in' abo-t t"is ne( rea#i5ation embo#dened me/ >No,> 0 in)ormed "im/ >+o- "a%en.t/ +o- p-t on a 'ood
)ace, and most o) t"e time yo- do stay in contro#/ B-t sometimes yo- can.t/ And sometimes ///> 0 #eaned )or(ard,
#o(erin' my %oice/ >Sometimes yo- don.t (ant to/>
0 co-#d see "is #abored breat"in' and ne( "is "eart (as beatin' as <-ic#y as mine/ And "e (asn.t p-##in' a(ay/ 0
ne( t"is (as (ron'7ne( a## t"e #o'ica# reasons )or -s stayin' apart/ B-t ri'"t t"en, 0 didn.t care/ 0 didn.t (ant to
contro# myse#)/ 0 didn.t (ant to be 'ood/
Be)ore "e rea#i5ed ("at (as "appenin', 0 issed "im/ O-r #ips met, and ("en 0 )e#t "im iss me bac, 0 ne( 0 (as
ri'"t/ 6e pressed "imse#) c#oser, trappin' me bet(een "im and t"e (a##/ 6e ept "o#din' my "and, b-t "is ot"er
one snaed be"ind my "ead, s#idin' into my "air/ T"e iss (as )i##ed (it" so m-c" intensity; it "e#d an'er, passion,
6e (as t"e one ("o broe it/ 6e :ered a(ay )rom me and too se%era# steps bac, #ooin' s"aen/ >2o not do
t"at a'ain,> "e said sti))#y/
>2on.t iss me bac t"en,> 0 retorted/
6e stared at me )or ("at seemed #ie )ore%er/ >0 don.t 'i%e .Gen #essons. to "ear myse#) ta#/ 0 don.t 'i%e t"em anot"er st-dent/ 0.m doin' t"is to teac" yo- contro#/>
> doin' a 'reat :ob,> 0 said bitter#y/
6e c#osed "is eyes )or "a#) a second, e&"a#ed, and m-ttered somet"in' in R-ssian/ Wit"o-t anot"er '#ance at me,
"e t-rned and #e)t t"e room/
0 202N.T SEE 20$0TR0 FOR a ("i#e a)ter t"at/ 6e.d sent a messa'e #ater t"at day sayin' t"at "e t"o-'"t (e
s"o-#d cance# o-r ne&t t(o sessions beca-se o) t"e rapid#y approac"in' p#ans to #ea%e camp-s/ C#asses (ere abo-t
to end any(ay, "e said; tain' a brea )rom practice seemed #ie t"e reasonab#e t"in'/
0t (as a #ame e&c-se, and 0 ne( t"at (asn.t t"e reason "e (as cance#in'/ 0) "e (anted to a%oid me, 0 (o-#d "a%e
pre)erred "e made -p somet"in' abo-t "o( "e and t"e ot"er '-ardians "ad to -p $oroi sec-rity or practice top*
secret nin:a mo%es/
Re'ard#ess o) "is story, 0 ne( "e (as a%oidin' me beca-se o) t"e iss/ T"at damned iss/ 0 didn.t re'ret it, not
e&act#y/ God on#y ne( "o( m-c" 0.d been (antin' to iss "im/ B-t 0.d done it )or t"e (ron' reasons/ 0.d done it
beca-se 0 (as -pset and )r-strated and "ad simp#y (anted to pro%e t"at 0 could. 0 (as so tired o) doin' t"e ri'"t
t"in', t"e smart t"in'/ 0 (as tryin' to be more in contro# #ate#y, b-t 0 seemed to be s#ippin'/
0 "adn.t )or'otten t"e (arnin' t"at "e.d once 'i%en me7 t"at -s bein' to'et"er (asn.t :-st abo-t a'e/ 0t (o-#d
inter)ere (it" o-r :obs/ P-s"in' "im into t"e iss// /(e##, 0.d )annedt"e )#ames o) a prob#em t"at co-#d e%ent-a##y
"-rt Lissa/ 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e done it/ +esterday, 0.d been -nab#e to stop myse#)/ Today 0 co-#d see more c#ear#y and
co-#dn.t be#ie%e ("at 0.d done/
$ason met me on C"ristmas mornin', and (e (ent to 'o "an' o-t (it" t"e ot"ers/ 0t pro%ided a 'ood opport-nity
to p-s" 2imitri o-t o) my "ead/ 0 #ied $ason7a #ot/ And it (asn.t #ie 0 "ad to r-n o)) and marry "im/ Lie Lissa
"ad said, it (o-#d be "ea#t"y )or me to :-st date someone a'ain/
Tas"a (as "ostin' o-r C"ristmas br-nc" in an e#e'ant par#or in t"e Academy.s '-est <-arters/ Lots o) 'ro-p
acti%ities and parties (ere occ-rrin' t"ro-'"o-t t"e sc"oo#, b-t 0.d <-ic#y noticed t"at Tas"a.s presence a#(ays
created a dist-rbance/ Peop#e eit"er secret#y stared or (ent o-t o) t"eir (ay to a%oid "er/ Sometimes s"e (o-#d
c"a##en'e t"em/ Sometimes s"e (o-#d :-st #ie #o(/ Today, s"e.d c"osen to stay o-t o) t"e ot"er roya#s. (ay and
simp#y en:oy t"is sma##, pri%ate party o) t"ose ("o didn.t s"-n "er/
2imitri "ad been in%ited to t"e 'at"erin', and a bit o) my reso#%e )a#tered ("en 0 sa( "im/ 6e.d act-a##y dressed -p
)or t"e occasion/ Oay, >dressed -p> mi'"t "a%e been an e&a''eration, b-t it (as t"e c#osest 0.d e%er seen "im
come to t"at/ Us-a##y "e :-st #ooed a #itt#e ro-'"// /#ie "e co-#d sprin' into batt#e at any 'i%en moment/ Today, "is
dar "air (as tied at t"e bac o) "is nec, as t"o-'" "e.d act-a##y tried to mae it neat/ 6e (ore "is -s-a# :eans and
#eat"er boots, b-t instead o) a T*s"irt or t"erma# s"irt, "e "ad on a )ine#y nit b#acs(eater/ 0t (as :-st an ordinary
s(eater, not"in' desi'ner or e&pensi%e, b-t it added a to-c" o) po#is" 0 didn.t -s-a##y see, and 'ood God, did it )it
"im (e##/
2imitri (asn.t mean to me or anyt"in', b-t "e certain#y didn.t 'o o-t o) "is (ay to mae con%ersation (it" me/ 6e
did ta# to Tas"a, "o(e%er, and 0 (atc"ed (it" )ascination as t"ey con%ersed in t"at easy (ay o) t"eirs/ 0.d since
#earned t"at a 'ood )riend o) "is (as a distant co-sin o) Tas"a.s )ami#y; t"at (as "o( t"e t(o o) t"em ne( eac"
>Fi%e=> ased 2imitri in s-rprise/ T"ey (ere disc-ssin' t"e )riend.s c"i#dren/ >0 "adn.t "eard t"at/>
Tas"a nodded/ >0t.s insane/ 0 s(ear, 0 don.t t"in "is (i)e.s "ad more t"an si& mont"s o)) bet(een ids/ S"e.s s"ort,
too7 so s"e :-st 'ets (ider and (ider/>
>W"en 0 )irst met "im, "e s(ore "e didn.t e%en (ant ids/>
6er eyes (idened e&cited#y/ >0 'no"* 0 can.t be#ie%e it/ +o- s"o-#d see "im no(/ 6e :-st me#ts aro-nd t"em/ 0
can.t e%en -nderstand "im "a#) t"e time/ 0 s(ear, "e speas more baby ta# t"an En'#is"/>
2imitri smi#ed "is rare smi#e/ >We##// /c"i#dren do t"at to peop#e/>
>0 can.t ima'ine it "appenin' to you, s"e #a-'"ed/ > a#(ays so stoic/ O) co-rse /// 0 s-ppose yo-.d be doin'
baby ta# in R-ssian, so no one (o-#d e%er no(/>
T"ey bot" #a-'"ed at t"at, and 0 t-rned a(ay, 'rate)-# $ason (as t"ere to ta# to/ 6e (as a 'ood distraction
)rome%eryt"in', beca-se in addition to 2imitri i'norin' me, Lissa and C"ristian (ere c"attin' on in t"eir o(n #itt#e
(or#d too/ Se& appeared to "a%e made t"em t"at m-c" more in #o%e, and 0 (ondered i) 0.d 'et to spend any time
(it" "er at a## on t"e si trip/ S"e did e%ent-a##y brea a(ay )rom "im to 'i%e me my C"ristmas present/
0 opened t"e bo& and stared inside/ 0 sa( a strin' o) maroon*co#ored beads, and t"e scent o) roses )#oated o-t/
>W"at t"e ///>
0 #i)ted t"e beads o-t, and a "ea%y 'o#d cr-ci)i& s(-n' )rom t"e end o) t"em/ S"e.d 'i%en me a chot'i. 0t (as
simi#ar to a rosary, on#y sma##er/ Brace#et*si5e/
>Are yo- tryin' to con%ert me=> 0 ased (ry#y/ Lissa (asn.t a re#i'io-s n-t or anyt"in', b-t s"e be#ie%ed in God
and attended c"-rc" re'-#ar#y/ Lie many $oroi )ami#ies ("o.d come )rom R-ssia and Eastern E-rope, s"e (as an
Ort"odo& C"ristian/
$e= 0 (as pretty m-c" an Ort"odo& A'nostic/ 0 )i'-red God probab#y e&isted, b-t 0 didn.t "a%e t"e time or ener'y
to in%esti'ate/ Lissa respected t"at and ne%er tried to p-s" "er )ait" on me, ("ic" made t"e 'i)t t"at m-c" (eirder/
>F#ip it o%er,> s"e said, c#ear#y am-sed at my s"oc/
0 did/ On t"e bac o) t"e cross, a dra'on (reat"ed in )#o(ers "ad been car%ed into t"e 'o#d/ T"e 2ra'omir crest/ 0
#ooed -p at "er, p-55#ed/
>0t.s a )ami#y "eir#oom,> s"e said/ >One o) my dad.s 'ood )riends "as been sa%in' bo&es o) "is st-))/ T"is (as in it/
0tbe#on'ed to my 'reat*'randmot"er.s '-ardian/>
>Liss ///> 0 said/ T"e c"oti too on a ("o#e ne( meanin'/ >0 can.t/ yo- can.t 'i%e me somet"in' #ie t"is/>
>We##, 0 certain#y can.t eep it/ 0t.s meant )or a '-ardian/ $y '-ardian/>
0 (o-nd t"e beads aro-nd one (rist/ T"e cross )e#t coo# a'ainst my sin/
>+o- no(,> 0 teased, >t"ere.s a 'ood possibi#ity 0.## 'et iced o-t o) sc"oo# be)ore 0 can become yo-r '-ardian/>
S"e 'rinned/ >We##, t"en yo- can 'i%e it bac/>
E%eryone #a-'"ed/ Tas"a started to say somet"in', t"en stopped ("en s"e #ooed -p at t"e door/ >3anine@>
$y mot"er stood t"ere, #ooin' as sti)) and impassi%e as e%er/
>Sorry 0.m #ate,> s"e said/ >0 "ad b-siness to tae care o)/>
B-siness/ As a#(ays/ E%en on C"ristmas/
0 )e#t my stomac" t-rn and "eat rise to my c"ees as t"e detai#s o) o-r )i'"t came r-s"in' bac to my mind/ S"e.d
ne%er sent one (ord o) comm-nication since it "ad "appened t(o days a'o, not e%en ("en 0 (as in t"e in)irmary/
No apo#o'ies/ Not"in'/ 0 'ritted my teet"/
S"e sat do(n (it" -s and soon :oined in t"e con%ersation/ 0.d #on' since disco%ered s"e co-#d rea##y on#y ta#
abo-t one s-b:ect1 '-ardian b-siness/ 0 (ondered i) s"e "ad any "obbies/ T"e Badica attac (as on e%eryone.s
mind, and t"is dro%e "er into a con%ersation abo-t some simi#ar )i'"t s"e.dbeen in/ To my "orror, $ason (as
ri%eted by "er e%ery (ord/
>We##, decapitations aren.t as easy as t"ey seem,> s"e said in "er matter*o)*)act (ay/ 0.d ne%er t"o-'"t t"ey (ere
easy at a##, b-t "er tone s-''ested t"at s"e be#ie%ed e%eryone t"o-'"t t"ey (ere cae/ >+o-.%e 'ot to 'et t"ro-'"
t"e spina# cord and tendons/>
T"ro-'" t"e bond, 0 )e#t Lissa 'ro( <-easy/ S"e (asn.t one )or 'r-esome ta#/
$ason.s eyes #it -p/ >W"at.s t"e best (eapon to do it (it"=>
$y mot"er considered/ >An a&e/ +o- can 'et more (ei'"t be"ind it/> S"e made a s(in'in' motion by (ay o)
>Coo#,> "e said/ >$an, 0 "ope t"ey #et me carry an a&e/> 0t (as a comica# and #-dicro-s idea, since a&es (ere
"ard#y con%enient (eapons to carry aro-nd/ For "a#) a second, t"e t"o-'"t o) $ason (a#in' do(n t"e street (it"
an a&e o%er "is s"o-#der #i'"tened my mood a #itt#e/ T"e moment <-ic#y passed/
0 "onest#y co-#dn.t be#ie%e (e (ere "a%in' t"is con%ersation on C"ristmas/ 6er presence "ad so-red e%eryt"in'/
Fort-nate#y, t"e 'at"erin' e%ent-a##y dispersed/ C"ristian and Lissa (ent o)) to do t"eir o(n t"in', and 2imitri and
Tas"a apparent#y "ad more catc"in' -p to do/ $ason and 0 (ere (e## on o-r (ay to t"e d"ampir dorm ("en my
mot"er :oined -s/
None o) -s said anyt"in'/ Stars c#-ttered t"e b#ac sy, s"arp and bri'"t, t"eir '#itter matc"ed in t"e ice and sno(
aro-nd -s/ 0 (ore my i%ory para (it" )ae )-r trimmin'/ 0tdid a 'ood :ob eepin' my body (arm, e%en t"o-'" it
did not"in' a'ainst t"e c"i##y '-sts t"at seared my )ace/ T"e ("o#e time (e (a#ed,
0 ept e&pectin' my mot"er to t-rn o)) to(ard t"e ot"er '-ardian areas, b-t s"e came ri'"t inside t"e dorm (it" -s/
>0.%e been (antin' to ta# to yo-,> s"e )ina##y said/ $y a#arms c#iced on/ W"at "ad 0 done no(=
T"at (as a## s"e said, b-t $ason piced -p on t"e "int immediate#y/ 6e (as neit"er st-pid nor ob#i%io-s to socia#
c-es, t"o-'" at t"at moment, 0 ind o) (is"ed "e (as/ 0 a#so )o-nd it ironic t"at "e (anted to
)i'"t e%ery Stri'oi in t"e (or#d b-t (as a)raid o) my mot"er/
6e '#anced at me apo#o'etica##y, s"r-''ed, and said, >6ey, 0.%e 'ot to 'et, -m, some("ere/ 0.## see yo- #ater/>
0 (atc"ed (it" re'ret as "e #e)t, (is"in' 0 co-#d r-n a)ter "im/ Probab#y my mom (o-#d on#y tac#e me and p-nc"
my ot"er eye i) 0 tried to escape/ Better to do t"in's "er (ay and 'et t"is o%er (it"/ S"i)tin' -ncom)ortab#y, 0
#ooed e%ery("ere b-t at "er and (aited )or "er to spea/ O-t o) t"e corner o) my eye, 0 noticed a )e( peop#e
'#ancin' o%er at -s/ Reca##in' "o( e%eryone in t"e (or#d seemed to no( abo-t "er 'i%in' me t"e b#ac eye, 0
s-dden#y decided 0 didn.t (ant (itnesses aro-nd )or ("ate%er #ect-re s"e (as abo-t to -n#eas" on me/
>+o- (ant to, -m, 'o to my room=> 0 ased/
S"e #ooed s-rprised, a#most -ncertain/ >S-re/>
0 #ed "er -pstairs, eepin' a sa)e distance a(ay as (e(a#ed/ A((ard tension b-i#t bet(een -s/ S"e didn.t say
anyt"in' ("en (e reac"ed my room, b-t 0 sa( "er e&amine e%ery detai# care)-##y, as t"o-'" a Stri'oi mi'"t be
#-rin' in t"ere/ 0 sat on t"e bed and (aited ("i#e s"e paced, -ns-re ("at 0 s"o-#d do/ S"e ran "er )in'ers o%er a
stac o) boos on anima# be"a%ior and e%o#-tion/
>Are t"ese )or a report=> s"e ased/
>No/ 0.m :-st interested in it, t"at.s a##/>
6er eyebro(s rose/ S"e "adn.t no(n t"at/ B-t "o( (o-#d s"e= S"e didn.t no( anyt"in' abo-t me/ S"e contin-ed
"er appraisa#, stoppin' to st-dy #itt#e t"in's t"at apparent#y s-rprised "er abo-t me/ A pict-re o) Lissa and me
dressed -p #ie )airies )or 6a##o(een/ A ba' o) S(eeTarts/ 0t (as as t"o-'" my mot"er (ere meetin' me )or t"e
)irst time/
Abr-pt#y, s"e t-rned and e&tended "er "and to(ard me/ >6ere/>
Start#ed, 0 #eaned )or(ard and "e#d my pa#m o-t -nderneat" "ers/ Somet"in' sma## and coo# dropped into my "and/
0t (as a ro-nd pendant, a sma## one7not m-c" bi''er t"an a dime in diameter/ A base o) si#%er "e#d a )#at disc o)
co#ored '#ass circ#es/ Fro(nin', 0 ran my t"-mb o%er its s-r)ace/ 0t (as stran'e, b-t t"e circ#es a#most made it #oo
#ie an eye/ T"e inner one (as sma##, :-st #ie a p-pi#/ 0t (as so dar b#-e t"at it #ooed b#ac/ S-rro-ndin' it (as a
#ar'er circ#e o) pa#e b#-e, ("ic" (as in t-rn s-rro-nded by a circ#e o) ("ite/ A %ery, %ery t"in rin' o) t"at dar b#-e
co#or circ#ed t"e o-tside/
>T"ans,> 0 said/ 0 "adn.t e&pected anyt"in' )rom "er/ T"e 'i)t (as (eird7("y t"e "e## (o-#d s"e 'i%e me an
eye=7b-t it "as a 'i)t/ >0/// 0 didn.t 'et yo- anyt"in'/>
$y mom nodded, )ace b#an and -nconcerned once more/ >0t.s )ine/ 0 don.t need anyt"in'/>
S"e t-rned a(ay a'ain and started (a#in' aro-nd t"e room/ S"e didn.t "a%e a #ot o) space to do it, b-t "er s"orter
"ei'"t 'a%e "er a sma##er stride/ Eac" time s"e passed in )ront o) t"e (indo( o%er my bed, t"e #i'"t (o-#d catc"
"er a-b-rn "air and #i'"t it -p/ 0 (atc"ed "er c-rio-s#y and rea#i5ed s"e (as as ner%o-s as me/
S"e "a#ted in "er pacin' and '#anced bac to(ard me/ >6o(.s yo-r eye=>
>Gettin' better/>
>Good/> S"e opened "er mo-t", and 0 "ad a )ee#in' s"e (as on t"e %er'e o) apo#o'i5in'/ B-t s"e didn.t/
W"en s"e started pacin' a'ain, 0 decided 0 co-#dn.t stand t"e inacti%ity/ 0 be'an p-ttin' my presents a(ay/ 0.d
'otten a pretty nice "a-# o) st-)) t"is mornin'/ One o) t"em (as a si# dress )rom Tas"a, red and embroidered (it"
)#o(ers/ $y mot"er (atc"ed me "an' it in t"e room.s tiny c#oset/
>T"at (as %ery nice o) Tas"a/>
>+ea",> 0 a'reed/ >0 didn.t no( s"e (as 'oin' to 'et me anyt"in'/ 0 rea##y #ie "er/>
>$e too/>
0 t-rned )rom t"e c#oset in s-rprise and stared at my mom/ 6er astonis"ment mirrored mine/ 0) 0 "adn.t no(n any
better,0.d "a%e said (e.d :-st a'reed on somet"in'/ $aybe C"ristmas mirac#es did "appen/
>G-ardian Be#io% (i## be a 'ood matc" )or "er/>
>07> 0 b#ined, not entire#y s-re ("at s"e (as ta#in' abo-t/ >2imitri=>
>G-ardian Be#io%,> s"e corrected stern#y, sti## not appro%in' o) my cas-a# (ay o) addressin' "im/ >W"at/// ("at
ind o) matc"=> 0 ased/
S"e raised an eyebro(/ >+o- "a%en.t "eard= S"e.s ased "im to be "er '-ardian7since s"e doesn.t "a%e one/>
0 )e#t #ie 0.d been p-nc"ed a'ain/ >B-t "e.s/ assi'ned "ere/ And to Lissa/>
>Arran'ements can be made/ And re'ard#ess o) t"e O5era rep-tation// /s"e.s sti## roya#/ 0) s"e p-s"es, s"e can 'et
"er (ay/>
0 stared b#ea#y into space/ >We##, 0 '-ess t"ey are )riends and e%eryt"in'/>
>$ore t"an t"at7or possib#y co-#d be/>
Bam@P-nc"ed a'ain/
>6mm= O"/ S"e.s/ interestedin "im/> By my mot"er.s tone, it (as c#ear t"at romantic matters act-a##y "e#d no
interest )or "er/ >S"e.s (i##in' to "a%e d"ampir c"i#dren, so it.s possib#e t"ey mi'"t e%ent-a##y mae an, -m,
arran'ement i) "e (ere "er '-ardian/>
O"/ $y/ God/
Time )ro5e/
$y "eart stopped beatin'/
0 rea#i5ed my mot"er (as (aitin' )or a response/ S"e (as #eanin' a'ainst my des, (atc"in' me/ S"e mi'"t be
ab#e to "-nt do(n Stri'oi, b-t s"e (as ob#i%io-s to my )ee#in's/
>0s /// is "e 'oin' to do it= Be "er '-ardian=> 0 ased (ea#y/
$y mom s"r-''ed/ >0 don.t t"in "e.s a'reed to it yet, b-t o) co-rse "e (i##/ 0t.s a 'reat opport-nity/>
>O) co-rse,> 0 ec"oed/ W"y (o-#d 2imitri t-rn do(n t"e c"ance to be a '-ardian to a )riend o) "is and to "a%e a
0 t"in my mom said somet"in' e#se a)ter t"at, b-t 0 didn.t "ear it/ 0 didn.t "ear anyt"in'/ 0 ept t"inin' abo-t
2imitri #ea%in' t"e Academy, #ea%in' me. 0 t"o-'"t abo-t t"e (ay "e and Tas"a "ad 'otten a#on' (it" eac" ot"er
so (e##/ And t"en, a)ter t"ose reco##ections, my ima'ination started impro%isin' )-t-re scenarios/ Tas"a and 2imitri
to'et"er/ To-c"in'/ 4issin'/ Naed/ Ot"er t"in's ///
0 s<-ee5ed my eyes s"-t )or "a#) a second and t"en opened t"em/
>0.m rea##y tired/>
$y mom stopped mid*sentence/ 0 "ad no idea ("at s"e.d been sayin' be)ore 0 interr-pted "er/
>0.m rea##y tired,> 0 repeated/ 0 co-#d "ear t"e "o##o(ness in my o(n %oice/ Empty/ No emotion/ >T"ans )or t"e
eye/-m, t"in', b-t i) yo- don.t mind ///>
$y mot"er stared at me in s-rprise, "er )eat-res open and con)-sed/ T"en, :-st #ie t"at, "er -s-a# (a## o)
coo#pro)essiona#ism s#ammed bac into p#ace/ Unti# t"at moment, 0 "adn.t rea#i5ed "o( m-c" s"e.d #et it -p/ B-t
s"e "ad/ For :-st a brie) time, s"e.d made "erse#) %-#nerab#e (it" me/ T"at %-#nerabi#ity (as no( 'one/
>O) co-rse,> s"e said sti))#y/ >0 don.t (ant to bot"er yo-/>
0 (anted to te## "er it (asn.t t"at/ 0 (anted to te## "er 0 (asn.t icin' "er o-t )or any persona# reason/ And 0
(anted to te## "er t"at 0 (is"ed s"e (ere t"e ind o) #o%in', -nderstandin' mot"er yo- a#(ays "ear abo-t, one 0
co-#d con)ide in/ $aybe e%en a mot"er 0 co-#d disc-ss my tro-b#ed #o%e #i)e (it"/
God/ 0 (is"ed 0 co-#d te## anyone abo-t t"at, act-a##y/ Especia##y ri'"t no(/
B-t 0 (as too ca-'"t -p in my o(n persona# drama to say a (ord/ 0 )e#t #ie someone "ad ripped my "eart o-t and
tossed it across t"e ot"er side o) t"e room/ T"ere (as a b-rnin', a'oni5in' pain in my c"est, and 0 "ad no idea "o(
it co-#d e%er be )i##ed/ 0t (as one t"in' to accept t"at 0 co-#dn.t "a%e 2imitri/ 0t (as somet"in' entire#y di))erent to
rea#i5e someone e#se co-#d/
0 didn.t say anyt"in' e#se to "er beca-se my speec" capabi#ities no #on'er e&isted/ F-ry '#inted in "er eyes, and "er
#ips )#attened o-t into t"at ti'"t e&pression o) disp#eas-re s"e so o)ten (ore/ Wit"o-t anot"er (ord, s"e t-rned
aro-nd and #e)t, s#ammin' t"e door be"ind "er/ T"at door s#am (as somet"in' 0 (o-#d "a%e done too, act-a##y/ 0
'-ess (e rea##y did s"are some 'enes/
B-t 0 )or'ot abo-t "er a#most immediate#y/ 0 :-st ept sittin' t"ere and t"inin'/ T"inin' and ima'inin'/
0 spent t"e rest o) t"e day doin' #itt#e more t"an t"at/ 0 sipped dinner/ 0 s"ed a )e( tears/ B-t most#y, 0 :-st sat on
my bed t"inin' and 'ro(in' more and more depressed/ 0 a#so disco%ered t"at t"e on#y t"in'
(orse t"an ima'inin' 2imitri and Tas"a to'et"er (as rememberin' ("en "e and I "ad been to'et"er/ 6e (o-#d
ne%er to-c" me a'ain #ie t"at, ne%er iss me a'ain///
T"is (as t"e (orst C"ristmas e%er/
T6E S40 TR0P COUL2N.T 6AVE come a moment too soon/ 0t (as impossib#e to 'et t"e 2imitri and Tas"a t"in'
o-t o) my "ead, b-t at #east pacin' and 'ettin' ready made s-re 0 didn.t de%ote ADD percent o) my brain po(er to
"im/ $ore #ie BF percent/
0 "ad ot"er t"in's to distract me, too/ T"e Academy mi'"t7ri'"t)-##y7be o%erprotecti%e ("en it came to -s, b-t
sometimes t"at trans#ated into pretty coo# st-))/ E&#e1 T"e Academy "ad access to a co-p#e o) pri%ate :ets/ T"is
meant no Stri'oi co-#d attac -s at an airport, and it a#so meant (e 'ot to tra%e# in sty#e/ Eac" :et (as sma##er t"an
a commercia# p#ane, b-t t"e seats (ere c-s"y and "ad #ots o) #e' room/ T"ey e&tended )ar eno-'" bac t"at yo-
co-#d practica##y #ie do(n to s#eep/ On #on' )#i'"ts, (e "ad #itt#e conso#es in t"e seats t"at 'a%e -s TV mo%ie
options/ Sometimes t"ey.d e%en brea o-t )ancy mea#s/ 0 (as bettin' t"is )#i'"t, "o(e%er, (o-#d be too s"ort )or
any mo%ies or s-bstantia# )ood/
We #e)t #ate on t"e t(enty*si&t"/ W"en 0 boarded t"e :et, 0 #ooed aro-nd )or Lissa, (antin' to ta# to "er/ We
"adn.t rea##y spoen a)ter t"e C"ristmas br-nc"/ 0 (asn.t s-rprised to see "er sittin' (it" C"ristian, and t"ey didn.t
#oo #ie t"ey (anted to be interr-pted/ 0 co-#dn.t "ear t"eir con%ersation,b-t "e.d p-t "is arm aro-nd "er and "ad
t"at re#a&ed, )#irty e&pression t"at on#y s"e co-#d brin' o-t/ 0 remained )-##y con%inced t"at "e co-#d ne%er do as
'ood a :ob as me o) tain' care o) "er, b-t "e c#ear#y made "er "appy/ 0 p-t on a smi#e and nodded at t"em as 0
passed do(n t"e ais#e to(ard ("ere $ason (as (a%in' at me/ As 0 did, 0 a#so (a#ed by 2imitri and Tas"a sittin'
to'et"er/ 0 pointed#y i'nored t"em/
>6ey,> 0 said s#idin' into t"e seat beside $ason/
6e smi#ed at me/ >6ey/ +o- ready )or t"e si c"a##en'e=>
>As ready as 0.## e%er be/>
>2on.t (orry,> "e said/ >0.## 'o easy on yo-/>
0 sco))ed and #eaned my "ead bac a'ainst t"e seat/ > so de#-siona#/>
>Sane '-ys are borin'/>
To my s-rprise, "e s#id "is "and o%er mine/ 6is sin (as (arm, and 0 )e#t my o(n sin tin'#e ("ere "e to-c"ed
me/ 0t start#ed me/ 0.d con%inced myse#) 2imitri (as t"e on#y one 0.d e%er respond to a'ain/
0t.s time to mo%e on,0 t"o-'"t/ Dimitri obviously has. ou should have done it a long time ago. 0 #aced my
)in'ers (it" $ason.s, catc"in' "im o)) '-ard/ >0 do/ T"is is 'oin' to be )-n/>
And it (as/
0 tried to eep remindin' myse#) t"at (e (ere "ere beca-se o) a tra'edy, t"at t"ere (ere Stri'oi and "-mans o-t
t"ere ("o mi'"t strie a'ain/ No one e#se seemed to remember t"at,t"o-'", and 0 admit, 0 (as "a%in' a di))ic-#t
time myse#)/
T"e resort (as 'or'eo-s/ 0t (as b-i#t to sort o) #oo #ie a #o' cabin, b-t no pioneer cabin co-#d "a%e "e#d
"-ndreds o) peop#e or "ad s-c" #-&-ry accommodations/ T"ree stories o) '#eamin', 'o#den*co#ored (ood sat
amon' #o)ty pine trees/ T"e (indo(s (ere ta## and 'race)-##y arc"ed, tinted )or $oroi con%enience/ Crysta#
#anterns7e#ectric, b-t s"aped to #oo #ie torc"es7"-n' aro-nd a## t"e entrances, 'i%in' t"e entire b-i#din' a
'#itterin', a#most be:e(e#ed #oo/
$o-ntains7("ic" my en"anced eyes co-#d :-st bare#y mae o-t in t"e ni'"t7s-rro-nded -s, and 0 bet t"e %ie(
(o-#d "a%e been breat"tain' ("en it (as #i'"t o-t/ One side o) t"e 'ro-nds #ed o)) to t"e siin' area, comp#ete
(it" steep "i##s and mo'-#s, as (e## as #i)ts and to( ropes/ Anot"er side o) t"e #od'e "ad an ice rin, ("ic"
de#i'"ted me since 0.d missed o-t t"at one day by t"e cabin/ Near t"at, smoot" "i##s (ere reser%ed )or s#eddin'/
And t"at (as :-st t"e o-tside/
0nside, a## sorts o) arran'ements "ad been made to cater to $oroi needs/ Feeders stayed on "and, ready to ser%e
t(enty*)o-r "o-rs a day/ T"e s#opes ran on a noct-rna# sc"ed-#e/ Wards and '-ardians circ#ed t"e entire p#ace/
E%eryt"in' a #i%in' %ampire co-#d (ant/
T"e main #obby "ad a cat"edra# cei#in' and an enormo-s c"ande#ier "an'in' o%er it/ 0ts )#oor (as intricate#y ti#ed
marb#e, and t"e )ront des stayed open aro-nd t"e c#oc, ready to ind-#'e o-r e%ery need/ T"e rest o) t"e #od'e,
"a##(ays and#o-n'es, "ad a red, b#ac, and 'o#d co#or sc"eme/ T"e deep s"ade o) red dominated o%er t"e ot"er
"-es, and 0 (ondered i) its resemb#ance to b#ood (as a coincidence/ $irrors and art adorned t"e (a##s, and #itt#e
ornamenta# tab#es "ad been p#aced "ere and t"ere/ T"ey "e#d %ases o) pa#e 'reen, p-rp#e*spotted orc"ids t"at )i##ed
t"e air (it" a spicy scent/
T"e room 0 s"ared (it" Lissa (as bi''er t"an o-r dorm rooms p-t to'et"er and "ad t"e same ric" co#ors as t"e rest
o) t"e #od'e/ T"e carpet (as so p#-s" and deep t"at 0 immediate#y s"ed my s"oes at t"e door and (a#ed in
bare)oot, #-&-riatin' in t"e (ay my )eet san into t"at so)tness/ We "ad in'*si5e beds, co%ered in )eat"er d-%ets
and set (it" so many pi##o(s t"at 0 s(ore a person co-#d 'et #ost in t"em a## and ne%er be seen a'ain/ Frenc" doors
opened on to a spacio-s ba#cony, ("ic", considerin' (e (ere on t"e top )#oor, (o-#d "a%e been coo# i) not )or t"e
)act it (as )ree5in' o-tside/ 0 s-spected t"e t(o*person "ot t-b on t"e )ar end (o-#d 'o a #on' (ay to mae -p )or
t"e co#d/
2ro(nin' in so m-c" #-&-ry, 0 reac"ed an o%er#oad point ("ere t"e rest o) t"e accommodations started s(immin'
to'et"er/ T"e :etted marb#e bat"t-b/ T"e p#asma*screen TV/ T"e baset o) c"oco#ate and ot"er snacs/ W"en (e
)ina##y decided to 'o siin', 0 "ad to practica##y dra' myse#) )rom t"e room/ 0
co-#d probab#y "a%e spent t"e rest o) my %acation #o-n'in' in t"ere and been per)ect#y content/
B-t (e )ina##y %ent-red o-tside, and once 0 mana'ed to p-s" 2imitri and my mot"er o-t o) my "ead, 0 started
toen:oy myse#)/ 0t "e#ped t"at t"e #od'e (as so enormo-s; t"ere (as #itt#e c"ance o) r-nnin' into t"em/
For t"e )irst time in (ees, 0 (as ab#e to )ina##y )oc-s on $ason and rea#i5e :-st "o( m-c" )-n "e (as/ 0 a#so 'ot
to "an' o-t (it" Lissa more t"an 0 "ad in a ("i#e, ("ic" p-t me in an e%en better mood/
Wit" Lissa, C"ristian, $ason, and me, (e (ere ab#e to 'et ind o) a do-b#e*date t"in' 'oin'/ T"e )o-r o) -s spent
a#most a## o) t"e )irst day siin', t"o-'" t"e t(o $oroi "ad a bit o) tro-b#e eepin' -p/ Considerin' ("at $ason
and 0 (ent t"ro-'" in o-r c#asses, "e and 0 (eren.t a)raid to try darin' st-nts/ O-r competiti%e nat-res made -s
ea'er to 'o o-t o) o-r (ay to o-tdo eac" ot"er/
>+o- '-ys are s-icida#,> remared C"ristian at one point/ 0t (as dar o-tside, and ta## #i'"t posts i##-minated "is
bem-sed )ace/
6e and Lissa "ad been (aitin' at t"e bottom o) t"e mo'-# "i##, (atc"in' $ason and me come do(n/ We.d been
mo%in' at insane speeds/ T"e part o) me t"at "ad been tryin' to #earn contro# and (isdom )rom 2imitri ne( it (as
dan'ero-s, b-t t"e rest o) me #ied embracin' t"at rec#essness/ T"at dar strea o) rebe##io-sness sti## "adn.t #et
me 'o/
$ason 'rinned as (e sidded to a "a#t, sendin' -p a spray o) sno(/ >Na", t"is is :-st a (arm*-p/ 0 mean, Rose "as
been ab#e to eep -p (it" me t"e ("o#e time/ 4id st-))/>
Lissa s"oo "er "ead/ >Aren.t yo- '-ys tain' t"is too )ar=>
$ason and 0 #ooed at eac" ot"er/ >No/>
S"e s"oo "er "ead/ >We##, ( 'oin' inside/ Try not to i## yo-rse#%es/>
S"e and C"ristian #e)t, arm and arm/ 0 (atc"ed t"em 'o, t"en t-rned bac to $ason/ >0.m 'ood )or a ("i#e #on'er/
We too a #i)t bac -p to t"e top o) t"e "i##/ W"en (e (ere :-st abo-t to "ead do(n, $ason pointed/
>Oay, "o( abo-t t"is= 6it t"ose mo'-#s t"ere, t"en :-mp o%er t"at rid'e, s(in' bac (it" a "airpin t-rn, dod'e
t"ose trees, and #and t"ere/>
0 )o##o(ed "is )in'er as "e pointed o-t a :a''ed pat" do(n one o) t"e bi''est s#opes/ 0 )ro(ned/
>T"at one rea##y is insane, $ase/>
>A",> "e said tri-mp"ant#y/ >S"e )ina##y cracs/>
0 '#o(ered/ >S"e does not/> A)ter anot"er s-r%ey o) "is cra5y ro-te, 0 conceded/ >Oay/ Let.s do it/>
6e 'est-red/ >+o- )irst/>
0 too a deep breat" and #eapt o))/ $y sis s#id smoot"#y o%er t"e sno(, and piercin' (ind b#asted into my )ace/ 0
made t"e )irst :-mp neat#y and precise#y, b-t as t"e ne&t part o) t"e co-rse sped )or(ard, 0 rea#i5ed :-st "o(
dan'ero-s it rea##y (as/ 0n t"at sp#it second, 0 "ad a decision to mae/ 0) 0 didn.t do it, 0.d ne%er "ear t"e end o) it
)rom $ason7and 0 really (anted to s"o( "im -p/ 0) 0 did mana'e it, 0 co-#d )ee# pretty sec-re abo-t my
a(esomeness/ B-t i) 0 tried and messed -p /// 0 co-#d brea my nec/
Some("ere in my "ead, a %oice t"at so-nded s-spicio-s#y#ie 2imitri.s started ta#in' abo-t (ise c"oices and
#earnin' ("en to s"o( restraint/
0 decided to i'nore t"at %oice and (ent )or it/
T"is co-rse (as as "ard as 0.d )eared, b-t 0 p-##ed it o)) )#a(#ess#y, one insane mo%e a)ter anot"er/ Sno( )#e( -p
aro-nd me as 0 made eac" s"arp, dan'ero-s t-rn/ W"en 0 sa)e#y reac"ed bottom, 0 #ooed -p and sa( $ason
'est-rin' (i#d#y/ 0 co-#dn.t mae o-t "is e&pression or (ords, b-t 0 co-#d ima'ine "is c"eers/ 0 (a%ed bac and
(aited )or "im to )o##o( s-it/
B-t "e didn.t/ Beca-se ("en $ason 'ot "a#)(ay do(n, "e (asn.t ab#e to p-## o)) one o) t"e :-mps/ 6is sis ca-'"t,
and "is #e's t(isted/ 2o(n "e (ent/
0 reac"ed "im at abo-t t"e same time some o) t"e resort sta)) did/ To e%eryone.s re#ie), $ason "adn.t broen "is
nec or anyt"in' e#se/ 6is an#e did appear to "a%e a nasty sprain, "o(e%er, ("ic" (as probab#y 'oin' to #imit "is
siin' )or t"e rest o) t"e trip/
One o) t"e instr-ctors monitorin' t"e s#opes ran )or(ard, )-ry a## o%er "er )ace/
>W"at (ere yo- ids t"inin'=> s"e e&c#aimed/ S"e t-rned on me/ >0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e it ("en yo- did t"ose st-pid
st-nts@> 6er '#are )i&ed on $ason ne&t/ >And t"en you "ad to 'o a"ead and copy "er@>
0 (anted to ar'-e t"at it "ad a## been "is idea, b-t b#ame didn.t matter at t"is point/ 0 (as :-st '#ad "e (as a## ri'"t/
B-t as (e a## (ent inside, '-i#t be'an to 'na( at me/ 0 hadacted irresponsib#y/ W"at i) "e.d been serio-s#y
in:-red= 6orrib#e %isions danced t"ro-'" my mind/ $ason (it" a broen #e' / a broen nec/
W"at "ad 0 been t"inin'= No one "ad made me do t"at co-rse/ $ason "ad s-''ested it/ b-t 0 "adn.t )o-'"t bac/
Goodness ne( 0 probab#y co-#d "a%e/ 0 mi'"t "a%e "ad to end-re some mocery, b-t $ason (as cra5y eno-'"
abo-t me t"at )eminine (i#es probab#y (o-#d "a%e stopped t"is madness/ 0.d 'otten ca-'"t -p in t"e e&citement and
t"e ris7m-c" as 0 "ad in issin' 2imitri7not 'i%in' eno-'" t"o-'"t to t"e conse<-ences beca-se secret#y, inside
o) me, t"at imp-#si%e desire to be (i#d sti## #-red/ $ason "ad it too, and "is ca##ed to me/
T"at menta# 2imitri %oice c"astised me once more/
A)ter $ason (as sa)e#y ret-rned to t"e #od'e and "ad ice on "is an#e, 0 carried o-r e<-ipment bac o-tside to(ard
t"e stora'e b-i#din's/ W"en 0 (ent bac inside, 0 (ent t"ro-'" a di))erent door(ay t"an 0 norma##y -sed/ T"is
entrance (as set be"ind a "-'e, open porc" (it" an ornate (ooden rai#in'/ T"e porc" (as b-i#t into t"e side o) t"e
mo-ntain and "ad a breat"tain' %ie( o) t"e ot"er peas and %a##eys aro-nd -s7 i) yo- )e#t #ie standin' aro-nd
#on' eno-'" in )ree5in' temperat-res to admire it/ W"ic" most peop#e didn.t/
0 (a#ed -p t"e steps to t"e porc", stompin' sno( o)) my boots as 0 did/ A t"ic scent, bot" spicy and s(eet, "-n'
in t"e air/ Somet"in' abo-t it )e#t )ami#iar, b-t be)ore 0 co-#d identi)y it, a %oice s-dden#y
spoe to me o-t o) t"e s"ado(s/
>6ey, #itt#e d"ampir/>
Start#ed, 0 rea#i5ed someone (as indeed standin' on t"e porc"/ A '-y7a $oroi7#eaned a'ainst t"e (a## not )ar
)rom t"e door/ 6e bro-'"t a ci'arette -p to "is mo-t", too a #on' dra', and t"en dropped it to t"e )#oor/ 6e
stamped t"e b-tt o-t and crooed me a smi#e/ T"at (as t"e scent, 0 rea#i5ed/ C#o%e ci'arettes/
Wari#y, 0 stopped and crossed my arms as 0 too "im in/ 6e (as a #itt#e s"orter t"an 2imitri b-t (asn.t as #any as
some $oroi '-ys ended -p #ooin'/ A #on', c"arcoa# coat7probab#y made o-t o) some insane#y e&pensi%e
cas"mere*(oo# b#end7)it "is body e&ceptiona##y (e##, and t"e #eat"er dress s"oes "e (ore indicated more money
sti##/ 6e "ad bro(n "air t"at #ooed #ie it "ad been p-rpose#y sty#ed to appear a #itt#e -nempt, and "is eyes (ere
eit"er b#-e or 'reen70 didn.t "a%e <-ite eno-'" #i'"t to no( )or s-re/ 6is )ace (as c-te, 0 s-pposed, and 0 pe''ed
"im to be a co-p#e years o#der t"an me/ 6e #ooed #ie "e.d :-st come )rom a dinner party/
>+ea"=> 0 ased/
6is eyes s(ept o%er my body/ 0 (as -sed to attention )rom $oroi '-ys/ 0t :-st -s-a##y (asn.t so ob%io-s/ And 0
-s-a##y (asn.t b-nd#ed -p in (inter c#ot"in' and sportin' a b#ac eye/
6e s"r-''ed/ >3-st sayin' "i, t"at.s a##/>
0 (aited )or more, b-t a## "e did (as st-)) "is "ands into t"e coat.s pocets/ Wit" a s"r-' o) my o(n, 0 too a
co-p#e steps )or(ard/
>+o- sme## 'ood, yo- no(,> "e s-dden#y said/
0 stopped (a#in' a'ain and 'a%e "im a p-55#ed #oo, ("ic" on#y made "is s#y smi#e 'ro( a #itt#e bi''er/ >0/// -m,
>+o- sme## 'ood,> "e repeated/
>Are yo- :oin'= 0.%e been s(eatin' a## day/ 0.m dis'-stin'/> 0 (anted to (a# a(ay, b-t t"ere (as somet"in'
eeri#y compe##in' abo-t t"is '-y/ Lie a train (rec/ 0 didn.t )ind "im attracti%e per se; 0 (as :-st s-dden#y
interested in ta#in' to "im/
>S(eat isn.t a bad t"in',> "e said, #eanin' "is "ead a'ainst t"e (a## and #ooin' -p(ard t"o-'"t)-##y/
> Some o) t"e best t"in's in #i)e "appen ("i#e s(eatin'/ + ea", i) yo- 'et too m-c" o) it and it 'ets o#d and sta#e, it
t-rns pretty 'ross/ B-t on a bea-ti)-# (oman= 0nto&icatin'/ 0) yo- co-#d sme## t"in's #ie a %ampire does, yo-.d
no( ("at 0.m ta#in' abo-t/ $ost peop#e mess it a## -p and dro(n t"emse#%es in per)-me/ Per)-me can be 'ood/
especia##y i) yo- 'et one t"at 'oes (it" yo-r c"emistry/ B-t yo- on#y need a "int/ $i& abo-t !D percent o) t"at (it"
CD percent o) yo-r o(n perspiration// /mmm/> 6e ti#ted "is "ead to t"e side and #ooed at me/ >2ead se&y/>
0 s-dden#y remembered 2imitri and "is a)ters"a%e/ +ea"/ %hat "ad been dead se&y, b-t 0 certain#y (asn.t 'oin' to
te## t"is '-y abo-t it/
>We##, t"ans )or t"e "y'iene #esson,> 0 said/ >B-t 0 don.t o(n any per)-me, and 0.m 'oin' to 'o s"o(er
a## t"is "ot s(eaty action o)) me/ Sorry/>
6e p-##ed o-t a pac o) ci'arettes and o))ered it to me/ 6e mo%ed on#y a step c#oser, b-t it (as eno-'" )or me to
sme## somet"in' e#se on "im/ A#co"o#/ 0 s"oo my "ead at t"e ci'arettes, and "e tapped one o-t )or "imse#)/
>Bad "abit,> 0 said, (atc"in' "im #i'"t it/
>One o) many,> "e rep#ied/ 6e in"a#ed deep#y/ >+o- "ere (it" St/ V#ad.s=>
>So 'oin' to be a '-ardian ("en yo- 'ro( -p/>
6e e&"a#ed smoe, and 0 (atc"ed it dri)t a(ay into t"e ni'"t/ 6ei'"tened %ampire senses or no, it (as a (onder "e
co-#d sme## anyt"in' aro-nd t"ose c#o%es/
>6o( #on' -nti# yo- 'ro( -p=> "e ased/ >0 mi'"t need a '-ardian/>
>0 'rad-ate in t"e sprin'/ B-t 0.m a#ready spoen )or/ Sorry/>
S-rprise )#icered in "is eyes/ >+ea"= W"o is "e=>
> S"e.sVasi#isa 2ra'omir/>
>A"/> 6is )ace sp#it into a "-'e 'rin/ >0 ne( yo- (ere tro-b#e as soon as 0 sa( yo-/ 3anine 6at"a(ay.s
>0.m Rose 6at"a(ay,> 0 corrected, not (antin' to be de)ined by my mot"er/
>Nice to meet yo-, Rose 6at"a(ay/> 6e e&tended a '#o%ed "and to me t"at 0 "esitant#y too/ >Adrian 0%as"o%/>
>And yo- t"in I'm tro-b#e,> 0 m-ttered/ T"e 0%as"o%s (ere a roya# )ami#y, one o) t"e (ea#t"iest and most
po(er)-#/ T"ey (ere t"e ind o) peop#e ("o t"o-'"t t"ey co-#d 'et anyt"in' t"ey (anted and (a#ed o%er t"ose in
t"eir (ay/ No (onder "e (as so arro'ant/
6e #a-'"ed/ 6e "ad a nice #a-'", ric" and a#most me#odio-s/ 0t made me t"in o) (arm carame#, drippin' )rom a
spoon/ >6andy, "-"= Eac" o) o-r rep-tations precedes -s/>
0 s"oo my "ead/ >+o- don.t no( anyt"in' abo-t me/ And 0 on#y no( o) yo-rfamily. 0 don.t no( anyt"in'
abo-t yo-/>
>Want to=> "e ased ta-ntin'#y/
>Sorry/ 0.m not into o#der '-ys/>
>0.m t(enty*one/ Not t"at m-c" o#der/>
>0 "a%e a boy)riend/> 0t (as a sma## #ie/ $ason certain#y (asn.t my boy)riend yet, b-t 0 "oped Adrian (o-#d #ea%e
me a#one i) "e t"o-'"t 0 (as taen/
>F-nny yo- didn.t mention t"at ri'"t a(ay,> Adrian m-sed/ >6e didn.t 'i%e yo- t"at b#ac eye, did "e=>
0 )e#t myse#) b#-s"in', e%en in t"e co#d/ 0.d been "opin' "e (o-#dn.t notice t"e eye, ("ic" (as st-pid/ Wit" "is
%ampire eyes, "e.d probab#y noticed as soon as 0 stepped onto t"e porc"/
>6e (o-#dn.t be a#i%e i) "e did/ 0 'ot it d-rin' /// practice/ 0 mean, 0.m trainin' to be a '-ardian/ O-r c#asses are
a#(ays ro-'"/>
>T"at.s pretty "ot,> "e said/ 6e dropped t"is second ci'arette to t"e 'ro-nd and p-t it o-t (it" "is )oot/ >P-nc"in'
me in t"e eye=>
>We##, no/ O) co-rse not/ 0 meant t"at t"e idea o) 'ettin'ro-'" (it" yo- is "ot/ 0.m a bi' )an o) )-##*contact sports/>
>0.m s-re yo- are,> 0 said dry#y/ 6e (as arro'ant and pres-mpt-o-s, yet 0 sti## co-#dn.t <-ite )orce myse#) to #ea%e/
T"e so-nd o) )ootsteps be"ind me made me t-rn/ $ia came aro-nd t"e pat" and (a#ed -p t"e steps/ W"en s"e
sa( -s, s"e stopped s-dden#y/
>6ey, $ia/>
S"e '#anced bet(een t"e t(o o) -s/
>Anot"er'-y=> s"e ased/ From "er tone, yo- (o-#d "a%e t"o-'"t 0 "ad my o(n "arem o) men/
Adrian 'a%e me a <-estionin', am-sed #oo/ 0 'ritted my teet" and decided not to di'ni)y t"at (it" a response/ 0
opted )or -nc"aracteristic po#iteness/
>$ia, t"is is Adrian 0%as"o%/>
Adrian t-rned on t"e same c"arm "e.d -sed on me/ 6e s"oo "er "and/ >A#(ays a p#eas-re to meet a )riend o)
Rose.s, especia##y a pretty one/> 6e spoe #ie "e and 0 "ad no(n eac" ot"er since c"i#d"ood/
>We aren.t )riends,> 0 said/ So m-c" )or po#iteness/
>Rose on#y "an's o-t (it" '-ys and psyc"opat"s,> said $ia/ 6er %oice carried t"e -s-a# scorn s"e "arbored )or
me, b-t t"ere (as a #oo on "er )ace t"at s"o(ed Adrian "ad c#ear#y ca-'"t "er interest/
>We##,> "e said c"eer)-##y, >since 0.m bot" a psyc"opat" and a '-y, t"at (o-#d e&p#ain ("y ( s-c" 'ood
>+o- and 0 aren.t )riends eit"er,> 0 to#d "im/
6e #a-'"ed/ >A#(ays p#ayin' "ard to 'et, "-"=>
>S"e.s not t"at "ard to 'et,> said $ia, c#ear#y -pset t"at Adrian (as payin' more attention to me/ >3-st
as "a#) t"e '-ys at o-r sc"oo#/>
>+ea",> 0 retorted, >and yo- can as t"e ot"er "a#) abo-t $ia/ 0) yo- can do a )a%or )or "er, s"e.## do lots o) )a%ors
)or yo-/> W"en s"e.d dec#ared (ar on Lissa and me, $ia "ad mana'ed to 'et a co-p#e o) '-ys to te## e%eryone at
sc"oo# t"at 0.d done some pretty a()-# t"in's (it" t"em/ T"e ironic t"in' (as t"at s"e.d 'otten t"em to #ie )or "er
by s#eepin' (it" t"em "erse#)/
A )#icer o) embarrassment passed o%er "er )ace, b-t s"e "e#d "er 'ro-nd/
>We##,> s"e said, >at #east 0 don.t do t"em )or )ree/>
Adrian made some cat noises/
>Are yo- done=> 0 ased/ >0t.s past yo-r bedtime, and t"e 'ro(n*-ps (o-#d #ie to ta# no(/> $ia.s yo-t")-# #oos
(ere a sore point (it" "er, one 0 )re<-ent#y en:oyed e&p#oitin'/
>S-re,> s"e said crisp#y/ 6er c"ees t-rned pin, intensi)yin' "er porce#ain*do## appearance/ >0 "a%e better t"in's
to do any(ay/> S"e t-rned to(ard t"e door, t"en pa-sed (it" "er "and restin' on it/ S"e '#anced to(ard Adrian/
>6er mom 'a%e "er t"at b#ac eye, yo- no(/>
S"e (ent inside/ T"e )ancy '#ass doors s(-n' s"-t be"ind "er/
Adrian and 0 stood t"ere in si#ence/ Fina##y, "e too o-t t"e ci'arettes a'ain and #it anot"er/ >+o-r mom=> >S"-t
> one o) t"ose peop#e ("o eit"er "as so-# mates or morta# enemies, aren.t yo-= No in*bet(een/ +o- and
Vasi#isa are probab#y #ie sisters, "-"=>
>0 '-ess/>
>6o( is s"e=>
>6-"= W"at do yo- mean=>
6e s"r-''ed, and i) 0 didn.t no( better, 0.d "a%e said "e (as o%erdoin' cas-a#ness/ >0 don.t no(/ 0 mean, 0 no(
yo- '-ys ran a(ay/// and t"ere (as t"at st-)) (it" "er )ami#y and Victor 2as"o%////>
0 sti))ened at t"e re)erence to Victor/ >So=>
>2-nno/ 3-st )i'-red it mi'"t be a #ot )or "er to, yo- no(, "and#e/>
0 st-died "im care)-##y, (onderin' ("at "e (as 'ettin' at/ T"ere "ad been a brie) #ea abo-t Lissa.s )ra'i#e menta#
"ea#t", b-t it "ad been (e##*contained/ $ost peop#e "ad )or'otten abo-t it or ass-med it (as a #ie/
>0.%e 'ot to 'o/> 0 decided a%oidance (as t"e best tactic :-st no(/
>Are yo- s-re=> 6e so-nded on#y mi#d#y disappointed/ $ost#y "e seemed as cocy and am-sed as be)ore/
Somet"in' abo-t "im sti## intri'-ed me, b-t ("ate%er it (as, it (asn.t eno-'" to combat e%eryt"in' e#se 0 (as
)ee#in', or to ris disc-ssin' Lissa/ >0 t"o-'"t it (as time )or t"e 'ro(n*-ps to ta#/
Lots o) 'ro(n*-p t"in's 0.d #ie to ta# abo-t/>
>0t.s #ate, 0.m tired, and yo-r ci'arettes are 'i%in' me a "eadac"e,> 0 'ro(#ed/
>0 s-ppose t"at.s )air/> 6e dre( in on t"e ci'arette and #et o-t t"e smoe/ > Some (omen t"in t"ey mae me #oo
>0 t"in yo- smoe t"em so yo- "a%e somet"in' to do ("i#e t"inin' -p yo-r ne&t (itty #ine/>
6e c"oed on t"e smoe, ca-'"t bet(een in"a#in' and #a-'"in'/ >Rose 6at"a(ay, 0 can.t (ait to see yo- a'ain/ 0) t"is c"armin' ("i#e tired and annoyed and t"is 'or'eo-s ("i#e br-ised and in si c#ot"es, yo- m-st be
de%astatin' at yo-r pea/>
>0) by .de%astatin'. yo- mean t"at yo- s"o-#d )ear )or yo-r #i)e, t"en yea"/ ri'"t/> 0 :ered open t"e door/
>Good ni'"t, Adrian/>
>0.## see yo- soon/>
>Not #ie#y/ 0 to#d yo-, 0.m not into o#der '-ys/>
0 (a#ed into t"e #od'e/ As t"e door c#osed, 0 :-st bare#y "eard "im ca## be"ind me, >S-re, yo- aren.t/>
L0SSA WAS UP AN2 GONE be)ore 0 e%en stirred t"e ne&t mornin', ("ic" meant 0 "ad t"e bat"room to myse#)
("i#e 0 'ot ready )or t"e day/ 0 #o%ed t"at bat"room/ 0t (as enormo-s/ $y in'*si5e bed (o-#d "a%e )it com)ortab#y
inside it/ A sca#din' s"o(er (it" t"ree di))erent no55#es (oe me -p, t"o-'" my m-sc#es ac"ed )rom yesterday/ As
0 stood in )ront o) t"e )-##*#en't" mirror and combed my "air, 0 sa( (it" some disappointment t"at t"e br-ise (as
sti## t"ere/ 0t (as si'ni)icant#y #i'"ter, "o(e%er, and "ad t-rned ye##o(is"/ Some concea#er and po(der a#most
entire#y co%ered it -p/
0 "eaded do(nstairs in searc" o) )ood/ T"e dinin' room (as :-st s"-ttin' do(n brea)ast, b-t one o) t"e (aitresses
'a%e me a co-p#e o) peac" mar5ipan scones to 'o/ $-nc"in' on one as 0 (a#ed, 0 e&panded my senses to 'et a )ee#
)or ("ere Lissa (as/ A)ter a co-p#e o) moments, 0 sensed "er on t"e ot"er side o) t"e #od'e, a(ay )rom t"e st-dent
rooms/ 0 )o##o(ed t"e trai# -nti# 0 arri%ed at a room on t"e t"ird )#oor/ 0 noced/
C"ristian opened t"e door/ >S#eepin' Bea-ty arri%es/ We#come/>
6e -s"ered me inside/ Lissa sat cross*#e''ed on t"e room.s bed and smi#ed ("en s"e sa( me/ T"e room (as
ass-mpt-o-s as mine, b-t most o) t"e )-rnit-re "ad been s"o%ed aside to mae space, and in
t"at open area, Tas"a stood/
>Good mornin',> s"e said/
>6ey,> 0 said/ So m-c" )or a%oidin' "er/
Lissa patted a spot beside "er/ >+o-.%e 'ot to see t"is/>
>W"at.s 'oin' on=> 0 sat do(n on t"e bed and )inis"ed t"e #ast o) t"e scone/
>Bad t"in's,> s"e said misc"ie%o-s#y/ >+o-.## appro%e/>
C"ristian (a#ed o%er to t"e empty space and )aced Tas"a/ T"ey re'arded eac" ot"er, )or'ettin' abo-t Lissa and
me/ 0.d apparent#y interr-pted somet"in'/
>So ("y can.t 0 :-st stic (it" t"e cons-min' spe##=> ased C"ristian/
>Beca-se it -ses a #ot o) ener'y,> s"e to#d "im/ E%en (it" :eans and a ponytai#7a ndt"e scar7s"e mana'ed to
#oo ridic-#o-s#y c-te/ >P#-s, it.## most #ie#y i## yo-r opponent/>
6e sco))ed/ >W"y (o-#dn.t 0 (ant to i## a Stri'oi=>
>+o- mi'"t not a#(ays be )i'"tin' one/ Or maybe yo- need in)ormation )rom t"em/ Re'ard#ess, yo- s"o-#d be
prepared eit"er (ay/>
T"ey (ere practicin' o))ensi%e ma'ic, 0 rea#i5ed/ E&citement and interest rep#aced t"e s-##enness 0.d ac<-ired -pon
seein' Tas"a/ Lissa "adn.t been iddin' abo-t t"em doin' >bad t"in's/> 0.d a#(ays s-spected t"ey (ere practicin'
o))ensi%e ma'ic, b-t/// (o(/ T"inin' abo-t it and act-a##y seein' it (ere t(o %ery di))erent t"in's/ Usin' ma'ic as
a (eapon (as )orbidden/ A p-nis"ab#e o))ense/ A st-dent e&perimentin'(it" it mi'"t be )or'i%en and simp#y
discip#ined, b-t )or an ad-#t to acti%e#y be teac"in' a minor// /yea"/ T"at co-#d 'et Tas"a in major tro-b#e/ For "a#)
a second, 0 toyed (it" t"e idea o) t-rnin' "er in/ 0mmediate#y, 0 dismissed t"e notion/ 0 mi'"t "ate "er )or main'
mo%es on 2imitri, b-t part o) me sort o) be#ie%ed in ("at s"e and C"ristian (ere doin'/ P#-s, it (as :-st coo#/
>A distractin' spe## is a#most as -se)-#,> s"e contin-ed/
6er b#-e eyes too on t"e intense )oc-s 0 o)ten sa( $oroi 'et ("i#e -sin' ma'ic/ 6er (rist )#iced )or(ard, and a
strea o) )ire snaed past C"ristian.s )ace/ 0t didn.t to-c" "im, b-t )rom t"e (ay "e )#inc"ed, 0 s-spected it "ad been
c#ose eno-'" )or "im to )ee# t"e "eat/
>Try it,> s"e to#d "im/
C"ristian "esitated )or on#y a moment and t"en made t"e same "and motion s"e "ad/ Fire streaed o-t, b-t it "ad
none o) t"e )ine#y t-ned contro# "ers "ad "ad/ 6e a#so didn.t "a%e "er aim/ 0t (ent strai'"t )or "er )ace, b-t be)ore it
co-#d to-c" "er, it parted and sp#it aro-nd "er, a#most #ie it "ad "it an in%isib#e s"ie#d/ S"e.d de)#ected it (it" "er
o(n ma'ic/
>Not bad7aside )rom t"e )act yo- (o-#d "a%e b-rned my )ace o))/>
E%en 0 (o-#dn.t (ant "er )ace b-rned o))/ B-t "er "air/ a", yes/ We.d see "o( pretty s"e (as (it"o-t t"at ra%en*
b#ac mane/
S"e and C"ristian practiced a ("i#e #on'er/ 6e impro%edas time (ent by, t"o-'" "e c#ear#y "ad a (ays to 'o
be)ore "e "ad Tas"a.s si##/ $y interest 're( and 're( as t"ey (ent on, and 0 )o-nd myse#) ponderin' a## t"e
possibi#ities t"is ind o) ma'ic co-#d o))er/
T"ey (rapped -p t"eir #esson ("en Tas"a said s"e "ad to 'o/ C"ristian si'"ed, c#ear#y )r-strated t"at "e "adn.t
been ab#e to master t"e spe## in an "o-r/ 6is competiti%e nat-re (as a#most as stron' as mine/
>0 sti## t"in it.d be easier to :-st b-rn t"em entire#y,> "e ar'-ed/
Tas"a smi#ed as s"e br-s"ed "er "air into a ti'"ter ponytai#/ +ea"/ S"e co-#d definitely do (it"o-t t"at "air,
partic-#ar#y since 0 ne( "o( m-c" 2imitri #ied #on' "air/
>Easier beca-se it in%o#%es #ess )oc-s/ 0t.s s#oppy/ +o-r ma'ic.## be stron'er in t"e #on' r-n i) yo- can #earn t"is/
And, #ie 0 said, it "as its -ses/>
0 didn.t (ant to a'ree (it" "er, b-t 0 co-#dn.t "e#p it/
>0t co-#d be rea##y -se)-# i) yo- (ere )i'"tin' (it" a '-ardian,> 0 said e&cited#y/ >Especia##y i) comp#ete#y b-rnin'
a Stri'oi taes so m-c" ener'y/ T"is (ay, yo- -se :-st a <-ic b-rst o) yo-r stren't" to distract t"e Stri'oi/ And it
"ill distract one since t"ey "ate )ire so m-c"/ T"en t"at.s a## t"e time a '-ardian (o-#d need to stae t"em/ +o-
co-#d tae do(n a ("o#e b-nc" o) Stri'oi t"at (ay/>
Tas"a 'rinned at me/ Some $oroi7#ie Lissa and Adrian7 smi#ed (it"o-t s"o(in' t"eir teet"/ Tas"a a#(ays
s"o(ed "ers, inc#-din' t"e )an's/
>E&act#y/ +o- and 0.## "a%e to 'o Stri'oi "-ntin' someday,> s"e teased/
>0 don.t t"in so,> 0 rep#ied/
T"e (ords in and o) t"emse#%es (eren.t t"at bad, b-t t"e tone 0 -sed to de#i%er t"em certain#y (as/
Co#d/ Un)riend#y/ Tas"a #ooed momentari#y s-rprised at my abr-pt c"an'e in attit-de b-t s"r-''ed it o))/ S"oc
)rom Lissa tra%e#ed to me t"ro-'" t"e bond/
Tas"a didn.t seem bot"ered, "o(e%er/ S"e c"atted (it" -s a bit #on'er and made p#ans to see C"ristian )or dinner/
Lissa 'a%e me a s"arp #oo as s"e, C"ristian, and 0 (a#ed do(n t"e e#aborate spira# staircase #eadin' bac do(n to
t"e #obby/
>W"at (as that abo-t=> s"e ased/
>W"at (as ("at abo-t=> 0 ased innocent#y/
>Rose,> s"e said meanin')-##y/ 0t (as "ard to p#ay d-mb ("en yo-r )riend ne( yo- co-#d read "er mind/ 0 ne(
e&act#y ("at s"e (as ta#in' abo-t/ >+o- bein' a bitc" to Tas"a/>
>0 (asn.t t"at m-c" o) a bitc"/>
>+o- (ere r-de,> s"e e&c#aimed, steppin' o-t o) t"e (ay o) a b-nc" o) $oroi c"i#dren ("o came tearin' t"ro-'"
t"e #obby/ T"ey (ere b-nd#ed -p in paras, and a (eary*#ooin' $oroi si instr-ctor )o##o(ed t"em/
0 p-t my "ands on my "ips/ >Loo, 0.m :-st 'r-mpy, oay= 2idn.t 'et m-c" s#eep/ Besides, 0.m not #ie yo-/ 0 don.t
"a%e to be po#ite a## t"e time/>
As "appened so o)ten #ate#y, 0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e ("at 0.d :-stsaid/ Lissa stared at me, more astonis"ed t"an "-rt/
C"ristian '#o(ered, on t"e %er'e o) snappin' bac at me, ("en $ason merci)-##y approac"ed -s/ 6e "adn.t needed
a cast or anyt"in', b-t "e "ad a s#i'"t #imp to "is (a#/
>6ey t"ere, 6op*A#on',> 0 said, s#idin' my "and into "is/
C"ristian p-t "is an'er )or me on "o#d and t-rned to $ason/ >0s it tr-e yo-r s-icida# mo%es )ina##y ca-'"t -p (it"
$ason.s eyes (ere on me/ >0s it tr-e yo- (ere "an'in' o-t (it" Adrian 0%as"o%=>
>0 "eard yo- '-ys 'ot dr-n #ast ni'"t/>
>+o- did=> ased Lissa, start#ed/
0 #ooed bet(een bot" t"eir )aces/ >No, o) co-rse not@ 0 bare#y no( "im/>
>B-t yo- do no( "im,> p-s"ed $ason/
>6e.s 'ot a bad rep-tation,> (arned Lissa/
>+ea",> said C"ristian/ >6e 'oes t"ro-'" a #ot o) 'ir#s/>
0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e t"is/ >Wi## yo- '-ys #ay o))= 0 ta#ed to "im )or, #ie, )i%e min-tes@ And t"at.s on#y beca-se "e
(as b#ocin' my (ay inside/ W"ere are yo- 'ettin' a## t"is=> 0mmediate#y, 0 ans(ered my o(n <-estion/ >$ia/>
$ason nodded and "ad t"e 'race to #oo embarrassed/
>Since ("en do yo- ta# to "er=> 0 ased/
>0 :-st ran into "er, t"at.s a##,> "e to#d me/
>And yo- be#ie%ed "er= +o- no( s"e #ies "a#) t"e time/>
>+ea", b-t t"ere.s -s-a##y some tr-t" in t"e #ies/ And yo- did ta# to "im/>
>+es/ %al'. T"at.s it/>
0 rea##y "ad been tryin' to 'i%e some serio-s t"o-'"t abo-t datin' $ason, so 0 didn.t appreciate "im not be#ie%in'
me/ 6e "ad act-a##y "e#ped me -nra%e# $ia.s #ies ear#ier in t"e sc"oo# year, so 0 (as s-rprised "e.d be so paranoid
abo-t t"em no(/ $aybe i) "is )ee#in's rea##y "ad 'ro(n )or me, "e (as more s-sceptib#e to :ea#o-sy/
S-rprisin'#y, it (as C"ristian ("o came to t"e resc-e and c"an'ed t"e s-b:ect/ >0 s-ppose t"ere.s no siin' today,
"-"=> 6e pointed to $ason.s an#e, immediate#y tri''erin' an indi'nant response/
>W"at, yo- t"in t"is is 'oin' to s#o( me do(n=> ased $ason/
6is an'er diminis"ed, rep#aced by t"at b-rnin' need to pro%e "imse#)7t"e need "e and 0 bot" s"ared/ Lissa and
C"ristian #ooed at "im #ie "e (as cra5y, b-t 0 ne( not"in' (e said (o-#d stop "im/
>+o- '-ys (ant to come (it" -s=> 0 ased Lissa and C"ristian/
Lissa s"oo "er "ead/ >We can.t/ We "a%e to 'o to t"is #-nc"eon bein' "osted by t"e Contas/>
C"ristian 'roaned/ >We##,you "a%e to 'o/>
S"e e#bo(ed "im/ >So do yo-/ T"e in%itation said 0 'et to brin' a '-est/ Besides, t"is is :-st a (arm*-p )or t"e big
>W"ic" one is t"at=> ased $ason/
>Prisci##a Voda.s "-'e dinner,> si'"ed C"ristian/ Seein' "im #oo so pained made me smi#e/ >T"e <-een.s best
)riend/ A## t"e snobbiest roya#s (i## be t"ere, and 0.## "a%e to (ear a s-it/>
$ason )#as"ed me a 'rin/ 6is ear#ier anta'onism (as 'one/ >Siin'.s so-ndin' better and better, "-"= Less o) a
dress code/>
We #e)t t"e $oroi be"ind and (ent o-tside/ $ason co-#dn.t compete (it" me in t"e same (ay "e "ad yesterday;
"is mo%ements (ere s#o( and a((ard/ Sti##, "e did remarab#y (e## ("en one considered e%eryt"in'/ T"e in:-ry
(asn.t as bad as (e.d )eared, b-t "e "ad t"e pr-dence to stic to e&treme#y easy r-ns/
T"e )-## moon "-n' in t"e b#anness, a '#o(in' sp"ere o) si#%ery ("ite/ T"e e#ectric #i'"ts o%erpo(ered most o) its
i##-mination on t"e 'ro-nd, b-t "ere and t"ere, in t"e s"ado(s, t"e moon :-st bare#y mana'ed to cast its '#o(/ 0
(is"ed it (ere bri'"t eno-'" to re%ea# t"e s-rro-ndin' mo-ntain ran'e, b-t t"ose peas stayed s"ro-ded in
darness/ 0.d )or'otten to #oo at t"em ("en it (as #i'"t o-t ear#ier/
T"e r-ns (ere s-per simp#e )or me, b-t 0 stayed (it" $ason and on#y occasiona##y teased "im abo-t "o( "is
remedia# siin' (as p-ttin' me to s#eep/ Borin' r-ns or no, it (as :-st nice to be o-tside (it" my )riends, and t"e
acti%ity stirred my b#ood eno-'" to (arm me a'ainst t"e c"i## air/ T"e #i'"t posts #it -p t"e sno(, t-rnin' it into a
%ast sea o) ("ite, t"e )#aes. crysta#s spar#in' )aint#y/ And i) 0 mana'ed to t-rn a(ay and b#oc t"e #i'"ts )rom my
)ie#d o) %ision, 0 co-#d #oo -p and see t"e stars spi##in' o%er t"e sy/ T"ey stood o-t star and crysta##ine in t"e
c#ear, )ree5in' air/ We stayed o-t )or most o) t"e day a'ain, b-t t"is time, 0 ca##ed it <-its ear#y, pretendin' to be
tired so $ason co-#d 'et a brea/ 6e mi'"t mana'e easy siin' (it" "is tender an#e, b-t 0 co-#d te## it (as startin'
to "-rt "im/
$ason and 0 "eaded bac to(ard t"e #od'e (a#in' %ery c#ose to eac" ot"er, #a-'"in' abo-t somet"in' (e.d seen
ear#ier/ S-dden#y, 0 sa( a strea o) ("ite in my perip"era# %ision, and a sno(ba## smas"ed into $ason.s )ace/ 0
immediate#y (ent on t"e de)ensi%e, :erin' bac(ard and peerin' aro-nd/ W"oops and cries so-nded )rom an area
o) t"e resort 'ro-nds t"at "e#d stora'e s"eds and (as interspersed (it" #oomin' pines/
>Too s#o(, As")ord,> someone ca##ed/ >2oesn.t pay to be in #o%e/>
$ore #a-'"s/ $ason.s best )riend, Eddie Casti#e, and a )e( ot"er no%ices )rom sc"oo# materia#i5ed )rom be"ind a
c#-ster o) trees/ Beyond t"em, 0 "eard more s"o-ts/
>We.## sti## tae yo- in, t"o-'", i) yo- (ant to be on o-r team,> said Eddie/ >E%en i) yo- do dod'e #ie a 'ir#/>
>Team=> 0 ased e&cited#y/
Bac at t"e Academy, t"ro(in' sno(ba##s (as strict#y pro"ibited/ Sc"oo# o))icia#s (ere ine&p#icab#y a)raid t"at
(e.d t"ro( sno(ba##s paced (it" '#ass s"ards or ra5or b#ades, t"o-'" 0 "ad no c#-e "o( t"ey t"o-'"t (e.d 'et a
"o#d o) t"at ind o) st-)) in t"e )irst p#ace/
Not t"at a sno(ba## )i'"t (as that rebe##io-s, b-t a)ter a## t"e stress 0.d been t"ro-'" recent#y, t"ro(in' ob:ects at
ot"er peop#e s-dden#y so-nded #ie t"e best idea 0.d "eard in a ("i#e/ $ason and 0 das"ed o)) (it" t"e ot"ers, t"e
prospect o) )orbidden )i'"tin' 'i%in' "im ne( ener'y and ca-sin' "im to )or'et t"e pain in "is an#e/ We set to t"e
)i'"t (it" a die*"ard 5ea#/
T"e )i'"t soon became a matter o) nai#in' as many peop#e as possib#e ("i#e dod'in' attacs )rom ot"ers/ 0 (as
e&ceptiona# at bot" and )-rt"ered t"e immat-rity by catca##in' and s"o-tin' si##y ins-#ts at my %ictims/
By t"e time someone noticed ("at (e (ere doin' and ye##ed at -s, (e (ere a## #a-'"in' and co%ered (it" sno(/
$ason and 0 once a'ain started bac )or t"e #od'e, and o-r mood (as so "i'", 0 ne( t"e Adrian t"in' (as #on'
0ndeed, $ason #ooed at me :-st be)ore (e (ent inside/ >Sorry 0, -", :-mped a## o%er yo- abo-t Adrian ear#ier/>
0 s<-ee5ed "is "and/ >0t.s oay/ 0 no( $ia can te## some pretty con%incin' stories/>
>+ea"// /b-t e%en i) yo- (ere (it" "im// /it.s not #ie 0 "a%e any ri'"t///>
0 stared at "im, s-rprised to see "is -s-a# bras" co-ntenance t-rn s"y/ >2on.t yo-=> 0 ased/
A smi#e t-rned -p "is #ips/ >2o 0=>
Smi#in' bac, 0 stepped )or(ard and issed "im/ 6is #ips )e#t ama5in'#y (arm in t"e )ree5in' air/ 0t (asn.t #ie t"e
eart"*s"atterin' iss 0.d "ad (it" 2imitri be)ore t"e trip,b-t it (as s(eet and nice7a )riend#y sort o) iss t"at
maybe co-#d t-rn into more/ At #east, t"at (as "o( 0 sa( it/ From t"e #oo on $ason.s )ace, it appeared "is ("o#e
(or#d "ad been roced/
>Wo(,> "e said, eyes (ide/ T"e moon#i'"t made "is eyes #oo si#%ery b#-e/
>+o- see=> 0 said/ >Not"in' to (orry abo-t/ Not Adrian, not anybody/>
We issed a'ain7a bit #on'er t"is time7be)ore )ina##y dra''in' o-rse#%es apart/ $ason (as c#ear#y in a better
mood, as (e## as "e s"o-#d "a%e been, and 0 dropped into bed (it" a smi#e on my )ace/ 0 (asn.t tec"nica##y s-re i)
$ason and 0 (ere a co-p#e no(, b-t (e (ere %ery c#ose to it/
B-t ("en 0 s#ept, 0 dreamed abo-t Adrian 0%as"o%/
0 stood (it" "im on t"e porc" a'ain, on#y it (as s-mmer/ T"e air (as ba#my and (arm, and t"e s-n "-n' bri'"t in
t"e sy, coatin' e%eryt"in' in 'o#den #i'"t/ 0 "adn.t been in t"is m-c" s-n since #i%in' amon' "-mans/ A## aro-nd,
t"e mo-ntains and %a##eys (ere 'reen and a#i%e/ Birds san' e%ery("ere/
Adrian #eaned a'ainst t"e porc".s rai#in', '#anced o%er, and did a do-b#e*tae ("en "e sa( me/ >O"/ 2idn.t e&pect
to see yo- "ere/> 6e smi#ed/ >0 (as ri'"t/ +o- are de%astatin' ("en c#eaned -p/>
0nstincti%e#y, 0 to-c"ed t"e sin aro-nd my eye/
>0t.s 'one,> "e said/
E%en (it"o-t bein' ab#e to see it, 0 some"o( ne( "e (as ri'"t/ >+o- aren.t smoin'/>
>Bad "abit,> "e said/ 6e nodded to(ard me/ >+o- scared= (earin' a #ot o) protection/>
0 )ro(ned, t"en #ooed do(n/ 0 "adn.t noticed my c#ot"in'/ 0 (ore a pair o) embroidered :eans 0.d seen once b-t
"ad been -nab#e to a))ord/ $y T*s"irt (as cropped, s"o(in' o)) my stomac", and 0 (ore a be##y*b-tton rin'/ 0.d
a#(ays (anted to 'et my be##y b-tton pierced b-t "ad ne%er been ab#e to a))ord it/ T"e c"arm 0 no( (ore "ere (as
a #itt#e si#%er dan'#y one, and "an'in' at t"e end o) it (as t"at (eird b#-e eye pendant my mom "ad 'i%en me/
Lissa.s c"oti (as (o-nd aro-nd my (rist/
0 #ooed bac -p at Adrian, st-dyin' t"e (ay t"e s-n s"one o)) "is bro(n "air/ 6ere, in )-## day#i'"t, 0 co-#d see
t"at "is eyes (ere indeed 'reen7a deep emera#d as opposed to Lissa.s pa#e :ade/ Somet"in' start#in' s-dden#y
occ-rred to me/
>2oesn.t a## t"is s-n bot"er yo-=>
6e 'a%e a #a5y s"r-'/ >Na"/ 0t.s my dream/>
>No, it.s my dream/>
>Are yo- s-re=> 6is smi#e ret-rned/
0 )e#t con)-sed/ >0/// 0 don.t no(/>
6e c"-c#ed, b-t a moment #ater, t"e #a-'"er )aded/ For t"e )irst time since 0.d met "im, "e #ooed serio-s/ >W"y
do yo- "a%e so m-c" darness aro-nd yo-=>
0 )ro(ned/ >W"at=>
> s-rro-nded in b#acness/> 6is eyes st-died me s"re(d#y, b-t not in a c"ecin'*me*o-t sort o) (ay/
>0.%ene%er seen anyone #ie yo-/ S"ado(s e%ery("ere/ 0 ne%er (o-#d "a%e '-essed it/ E%en ("i#e standin'
"ere, t"e s"ado(s eep 'ro(in'/>
0 #ooed do(n at my "ands b-t sa( not"in' o-t o) t"e ordinary/ 0 '#anced bac -p/ >0.m s"ado(*issed// >
>W"at.s t"at mean=>
>0 died once/> 0.d ne%er ta#ed to anyone ot"er t"an Lissa and Victor 2as"o% abo-t t"at, b-t t"is (as a
dream/ 0t didn.t matter/ >And 0 came bac/>
Wonder #it "is )ace/ >A", interestin'///>
0 (oe -p/
Someone (as s"ain' me/ 0t (as Lissa/ 6er )ee#in's "it me so "ard t"ro-'" t"e bond t"at 0 brie)#y snapped into "er
mind and )o-nd myse#) #ooin' at me/ >Weird> didn.t be'in to co%er it/ 0 p-##ed bac into myse#), tryin' to si)t
t"ro-'" t"e terror and a#arm comin' )rom "er/
>W"at.s (ron'=>
>T"ere.s been anot"er Stri'oi attac/>
0 WAS OUT OF BE2 in a )#as"/ We )o-nd t"e entire #od'e ab-55 (it" t"e ne(s/ Peop#e c#-stered in sma## 'ro-ps
in t"e "a##s/ Fami#y members so-'"t eac" ot"er o-t/ Some con%ersations (ere cond-cted in terri)ied ("ispers;
some (ere #o-d and easy to o%er"ear/ 0 stopped a )e( peop#e, tryin' to 'et t"e story strai'"t/ E%eryone "ad a
di))erent %ersion o) ("at "ad "appened, t"o-'", and some (o-#dn.t e%en pa-se to ta#/ T"ey "-rried past, eit"er
seein' o-t #o%ed ones or preparin' to #ea%e t"e resort, con%inced t"ere mi'"t be a sa)er p#ace e#se("ere/
Fr-strated (it" t"e di))erin' stories, 0 )ina##y7re#-ctant#y7ne( 0 "ad to see o-t one o) t"e t(o so-rces ("o
(o-#d 'i%e me so#id in)ormation/ $y mot"er or 2imitri/ 0t (as #ie )#ippin' a coin/ 0 (asn.t rea##y t"ri##ed (it"
eit"er one o) t"em ri'"t no(/ 0 debated momentari#y and )ina##y decided on my mot"er, seein' as "o( s"e (asn.t
'ettin' it on (it" Tas"a O5era/
T"e door to my mot"er.s room (as a:ar, and as Lissa and 0 entered, 0 sa( t"at a sort o) maes"i)t "ead<-arters "ad
been estab#is"ed "ere/ Lots o) '-ardians (ere mi##in' aro-nd, mo%in' in and o-t, and disc-ssin' strate'y/ A )e(
'a%e -s odd #oos, b-t no one stopped or <-estioned -s/ Lissa and 0 s#idonto a sma## so)a to #isten to a con%ersation
my mot"er (as "a%in'/
S"e stood (it" a 'ro-p o) '-ardians, one o) ("om (as 2imitri/ So m-c" )or a%oidin' "im/ 6is bro(n eyes
'#anced at me brie)#y and 0 a%erted my 'a5e/ 0 didn.t (ant to dea# (it" my tro-b#ed )ee#in's )or "im ri'"t no(/
Lissa and 0 soon discerned t"e detai#s/ Ei'"t $oroi "ad been i##ed a#on' (it" t"eir )i%e '-ardians/ T"ree $oroi
(ere missin', eit"er dead or t-rned Stri'oi/ T"e attac "adn.t rea##y "appened near "ere; it "ad been some("ere in
nort"ern Ca#i)ornia/ Nonet"e#ess, a tra'edy #ie t"is co-#dn.t "e#p b-t re%erberate (it"in t"e $oroi (or#d, and )or
some, t(o states a(ay (as )ar too c#ose/ Peop#e (ere terri)ied, and 0
soon #earned ("at in partic-#ar made t"is attac so notab#e/
>T"ere "ad to be more t"an #ast time,> said my mot"er/
>$ore=> e&c#aimed one o) t"e ot"er '-ardians/ >T"at #ast 'ro-p (as -n"eard o)/ 0 sti## can.t be#ie%e nine Stri'oi
mana'ed to (or to'et"er7yo- e&pect me to be#ie%e t"ey mana'ed to 'et more or'ani5ed sti##=>
>+es,> snapped my mot"er/
>Any e%idence o) "-mans=> someone e#se ased/
$y mot"er "esitated, t"en1 >+es/ $ore broen (ards/ And t"e (ay it (as a## cond-cted// /it.s identica# to t"e
Badica attac/>
6er %oice (as "ard, b-t t"ere (as a ind o) (eariness in it, too/ 0t (asn.t p"ysica# e&"a-stion, t"o-'"/ 0t (as
menta#, 0 rea#i5ed/ Strain and "-rt o%er ("at t"ey (ere ta#in' abo-t/0 a#(ays t"o-'"t o) my mot"er as some sort o)
-n)ee#in' i##in' mac"ine, b-t t"is (as c#ear#y "ard )or "er/ 0t (as a "ard, -'#y matter to disc-ss7b-t at t"e same
time, s"e (as tac#in' it (it"o-t "esitation/ 0t (as "er d-ty/
A #-mp )ormed in my t"roat t"at 0 <-ic#y s(a##o(ed do(n/ 6-mans/ 0dentica# to t"e Badica attac/ E%er since
t"at massacre, (e.d e&tensi%e#y ana#y5ed t"e oddity o) s-c" a #ar'e 'ro-p o) Stri'oi teamin' -p and recr-itin'
"-mans/ We.d spoen in %a'-e terms abo-t >i) somet"in' #ie t"is e%er "appens a'ain ///> B-t no one "ad serio-s#y
ta#ed abo-t this 'ro-p7t"e Badica i##ers7doin' it a'ain/ One time (as a )#-e7maybe a b-nc" o) Stri'oi "ad
"appened to 'at"er and imp-#si%e#y decided to 'o on a raid/ 0t (as "orrib#e, b-t (e co-#d (rite t"at o))/
B-t no(// /no( it #ooed as t"o-'" t"at 'ro-p o) Stri'oi "adn.t been a random occ-rrence/ T"ey.d -nited (it"
p-rpose, -ti#i5ed "-mans strate'ica##y, and "ad attaced a'ain/ We no( "ad ("at co-#d be a pattern1 Stri'oi
acti%e#y seein' o-t #ar'e 'ro-ps o) prey/ Seria# i##in's/ We co-#d no #on'er tr-st t"e protecti%e ma'ic o) t"e
(ards/ We co-#dn.t e%en tr-st s-n#i'"t/ 6-mans co-#d mo%e aro-nd in t"e day, sco-tin' and sabota'in'/ T"e #i'"t
(as no #on'er sa)e/
0 remembered ("at 0.d said to 2imitri at t"e Badica "o-se1 T"is c"an'es e%eryt"in', doesn.t it=
$y mot"er )#ipped t"ro-'" some papers on a c#ipboard/ >T"ey don.t "a%e )orensic detai#s yet, b-t t"e same n-mber
o) Stri'oi co-#dn.t "a%e done t"is/ None o) t"e 2ro5do%s or t"eirsta)) escaped/ Wit" )i%e '-ardians, se%en Stri'oi
(o-#d "a%e been preocc-pied7at #east temporari#y7)or some to escape/ #ooin' at nine or ten, maybe/>
>3anine.s ri'"t,> said 2imitri/ >And i) yo- #oo at t"e %en-e///it.s too bi'/ Se%en co-#dn.t "a%e co%ered it/>
T"e 2ro5do%s (ere one o) t"e t(e#%e roya# )ami#ies/ T"ey (ere #ar'e and prospero-s, not #ie Lissa.s dyin' c#an/
T"ey "ad p#enty o) )ami#y members to 'o aro-nd, b-t ob%io-s#y, an attac #ie t"is (as sti## "orrib#e/ F-rt"ermore,
somet"in' abo-t t"em tic#ed my brain/ T"ere (as somet"in' 0 s"o-#d remember /// somet"in' 0 s"o-#d no(
abo-t t"e 2ro5do%s/
W"i#e part o) my mind p-55#ed t"at o-t, 0 (atc"ed my mot"er (it" )ascination/ 0.d #istened to "er te## "er stories/
0.d seen and felt "er )i'"t/ B-t rea##y, tr-#y, 0.d ne%er seen "er in action in a rea#*#i)e crisis/ S"e s"o(ed e%ery bit o)
t"at "ard contro# s"e did aro-nd me, b-t "ere, 0 co-#d see "o( necessary it (as/ A sit-ation #ie t"is created panic/
E%en amon' t"e '-ardians, 0 co-#d sense t"ose ("o (ere so eyed -p t"at t"ey (anted to do somet"in' drastic/ $y
mot"er (as a %oice o) reason, a reminder t"at t"ey "ad to
stay )oc-sed and )-##y assess t"e sit-ation/ 6er compos-re ca#med e%erybody; "er stron' manner inspired t"em/
T"is, 0 rea#i5ed, (as "o( a #eader be"a%ed/
2imitri (as :-st as co##ected as s"e (as, b-t "e de)erred to "er to r-n t"in's/ 0 "ad to remind myse#) sometimes
t"at "e (as yo-n' as )ar as '-ardians (ent/ T"ey disc-ssed t"e attac more, "o( t"e 2ro5do%s "ad been "a%in' a
be#atedC"ristmas party in a ban<-et "a## ("en t"ey (ere attaced/
>First Badicas, no( 2ro5do%s,> m-ttered one '-ardian/ >T" 'oin' a)ter roya#s/>
>T" 'oin' a)ter $oroi,> said 2imitri )#at#y/ >Roya#/ Non*roya#/ 0t doesn.t matter/>
Roya#/ Non*roya#/ 0 s-dden#y ne( ("y t"e 2ro5do%s (ere important/ $y spontaneo-s instincts (anted me to
:-mp -p and as a <-estion ri'"t no(, b-t 0 ne( better/ T"is (as t"e rea# dea#/ T"is (as no time )or irrationa#
be"a%ior/ 0 (anted to be as stron' as my mot"er and 2imitri, so 0 (aited )or t"e disc-ssion to end/
W"en t"e 'ro-p started to brea -p, 0 #eapt -p o)) t"e so)a and p-s"ed my (ay to(ard my mot"er/
>Rose,> s"e said, s-rprised/ Lie in Stan.s c#ass, s"e "adn.t noticed me in t"e room/ >W"at are yo- doin' "ere=>
0t (as s-c" a st-pid <-estion, 0 didn.t try to ans(er it/ W"at did s"e t"in 0 (as doin' "ere= T"is (as one o) t"e
bi''est t"in's to "appen to t"e $oroi/
0 pointed to "er c#ipboard/ >W"o e#se (as i##ed=>
0rritation (rin#ed "er )ore"ead/ >2ro5do%s/>
>B-t ("o e#se=>
>Rose, (e don.t "a%e time7>
>T"ey "ad sta)), ri'"t= 2imitri said non*roya#s/ W"o (ere t"ey=>
A'ain, 0 sa( t"e (eariness in "er/ S"e too t"ese deat"s "ard/ >0 don.t no( a## t"e names/> F#ippin' t"ro-'" a )e(
pa'es, s"e t-rned t"e c#ipboard to(ard me/ >T"ere/>
0 scanned t"e #ist/ $y "eart san/
>Oay,> 0 to#d "er/ >T"ans/>
Lissa and 0 #e)t t"em to 'o abo-t t"eir b-siness/ 0 (is"ed 0 co-#d "a%e "e#ped, b-t t"e '-ardians ran smoot"#y and
e))icient#y on t"eir o(n; t"ey "ad no need )or no%ices -nder)oot/
>W"at (as t"at abo-t=> ased Lissa, once (e (ere "eadin' bac to t"e main part o) t"e #od'e/
>T"e 2ro5do%s. sta)),> 0 said/ >$ia.s mom (ored )or t"em////>
Lissa 'asped/ >And=>
0 si'"ed/ >And "er name (as on t"e #ist/>
>O" God/> Lissa stopped (a#in'/ S"e stared o)) into space, b#inin' bac tears/ >O" God,> s"e repeated/
0 mo%ed in )ront o) "er and p#aced my "ands on "er s"o-#ders/ S"e (as s"ain'/
>0t.s oay,> 0 said/ 6er )ear came to me in (a%es, b-t it (as a n-mbed )ear/ S"oc/ >T"is is 'oin' to be oay/>
>+o- "eard t"em,> s"e said/ >T"ere.s a band o) Stri'oi or'ani5in' and attacin' -s@ 6o( many= Are t"ey comin'
>No,> 0 said )irm#y/ 0 "ad no e%idence o) t"at, o) co-rse/ > sa)e "ere/>
>Poor $ia ///>
T"ere (as not"in' 0 co-#d say to t"at/ 0 t"o-'"t $ia (as an abso#-te bitc", b-t 0 (o-#dn.t (is" t"is on anyone, not
e%en my (orst enemy7("ic", tec"nica##y, s"e (as/ 0mmediate#y, 0 corrected t"at t"o-'"t/ $ia (asn.t my (orst
0 co-#dn.t bear to #ea%e Lissa.s side )or t"e rest o) t"e day/ 0 ne( t"ere (ere no Stri'oi #-rin' in t"e #od'e, b-t my
protecti%e instincts ran too stron'/ G-ardians protected t"eir $oroi/ Lie -s-a#, 0 a#so (orried abo-t "er bein'
an&io-s and -pset, so 0 did my best to di))-se t"ose )ee#in's/
T"e ot"er '-ardians pro%ided reass-rance )or $oroi too/ T"ey didn.t (a# side by side (it" t"e $oroi, b-t t"ey
rein)orced #od'e sec-rity and stayed in constant comm-nication (it" '-ardians at t"e scene o) t"e attac/
0n)ormation )#o(ed in a## day abo-t t"e 'ris#y speci)ics, as (e## as spec-#ation abo-t ("ere t"e band o) Stri'oi (as/
Litt#e o) t"is (as s"ared (it" no%ices, o) co-rse/
W"i#e t"e '-ardians did ("at t"ey did best, t"e $oroi a#so did ("at t"ey7-n)ort-nate#y7did best1 tal'.
Wit" so many roya#s and ot"er important $oroi at t"e #od'e, a meetin' (as or'ani5ed t"at ni'"t to disc-ss ("at
"ad "appened and ("at mi'"t be done in t"e )-t-re/ Not"in' o))icia# (o-#d be decided "ere; t"e $oroi "ad a <-een
and a 'o%ernin' co-nci# e#se("ere )or t"ose types o) decisions/ E%eryone ne(, t"o-'", t"at opinions 'at"ered
"ere (o-#d mae t"eir (ay -p t"e c"ain o) command/ O-r )-t-re sa)ety co-#d %ery (e## depend on ("at (as
disc-ssed in t"is meetin'/
0t (as "e#d in an enormo-s ban<-et "a## inside t"e #od'e, one (it" a podi-m and p#enty o) seatin'/ 2espite t"e
b-siness#ie atmosp"ere, yo- co-#d te## t"is room "ad been desi'ned )or t"in's ot"er t"an meetin's abo-t
massacres andde)ense/ T"e carpet "ad t"e te&t-re o) %e#%et and s"o(ed an ornate )#ora# desi'n in s"ades o) si#%er
and b#ac/ T"e c"airs (ere made o) b#ac po#is"ed (ood and "ad "i'" bacs, c#ear#y intended )or )ancy dinin'/
Paintin's o) #on'*dead $oroi roya#ty "-n' on t"e (a##s/ 0 stared brie)#y at one o) a <-een ("ose name 0 didn.t
no(/ S"e (ore an o#d*)as"ioned dress7too "ea%y on #ace )or my tastes7and "ad pa#e "air #ie Lissa.s/
Some '-y 0 didn.t no( (as in c"ar'e o) moderatin' and stood at t"e podi-m/ $ost o) t"e roya#s on "and 'at"ered
at t"e )ront o) t"e room/ E%eryone e#se, inc#-din' st-dents, too seats ("ere%er t"ey co-#d/ C"ristian and $ason
"ad )o-nd Lissa and me by t"at point, and (e a## started to sit in t"e bac ("en Lissa s-dden#y s"oo "er "ead/
>0.m 'oin' to sit in t"e )ront/>
T"e t"ree o) -s stared at "er/ 0 (as too d-mb)o-nded to probe "er mind/
>Loo/> S"e pointed/ >T"e roya#s are sittin' -p t"ere, sittin' by )ami#y/>
0t (as tr-e/ $embers o) t"e same c#ans "ad c#-stered near eac" ot"er1 Badicas, 0%as"o%s, Ge#oses, etc/ Tas"a sat
t"ere as (e##, b-t s"e (as by "erse#)/ C"ristian (as t"e on#y ot"er O5era t"ere/
>0 need to be -p t"ere,> said Lissa/
>No one e&pects yo- to be t"ere,> 0 to#d "er/
>0 "a%e to represent t"e 2ra'omirs/>
C"ristian sco))ed/ >0t.s a## a b-nc" o) roya# b-##s"it/>
6er )ace set into a determined e&pression/ >0 need to be -p t"ere/>
0 opened myse#) -p to Lissa.s )ee#in's and #ied ("at 0 )o-nd/ S"e.d spent most o) t"e day <-iet and a)raid, m-c"
as s"e "ad ("en (e.d )o-nd o-t abo-t $ia.s mom/ T"at )ear (as (it"in "er sti##, b-t it (as o%erpo(ered by a
steady con)idence and determination/ S"e reco'ni5ed t"at s"e (as one o) t"e r-#in' $oroi, and as m-c" as t"e idea
o) ro%in' bands o) Stri'oi scared "er, s"e (anted to do "er part/
>+o- s"o-#d do it,> 0 said so)t#y/ 0 a#so #ied t"e idea o) "er de)yin' C"ristian/
Lissa met my eyes and smi#ed/ S"e ne( ("at 0 "ad sensed/ A moment #ater, s"e t-rned to C"ristian/ >+o- s"o-#d
:oin yo-r a-nt/>
C"ristian opened "is mo-t" to protest/ 0) not )or t"e "orrib#eness o) t"e sit-ation, seein' Lissa order "im aro-nd
(o-#d "a%e been )-nny/ 6e (as a#(ays st-bborn and di))ic-#t; t"ose ("o tried to p-s" "im didn.t s-cceed/
Watc"in' "is )ace, 0 sa( t"e same rea#i5ation 0.d "ad abo-t Lissa come o%er "im/ 6e #ied seein' "er stron' too/ 6e
pressed "is #ips to'et"er in a 'rimace/
>Oay/> 6e ca-'"t "er "and, and t"e t(o o) t"em (a#ed o)) to(ard t"e )ront/
$ason and 0 sat do(n/ 3-st be)ore t"in's started, 2imitri sat do(n on t"e ot"er side o) me, "air tied be"ind "is
nec and t"e #eat"er coat drapin' aro-nd "im as "e sett#ed in t"e c"air/ 0 '#anced at "im in s-rprise b-t said not"in'/
T"ere (ere )e('-ardians at t"is 'at"erin'; most (ere too b-sy doin' dama'e contro#/ 0t (o-#d )i'-re/ T"ere 0 (as,
st-c bet(een bot" o) my men/
T"e meetin' iced o)) s"ort#y t"erea)ter/ E%eryone (as ea'er to ta# abo-t "o( t"ey t"o-'"t t"e $oroi s"o-#d be
sa%ed, b-t rea##y, t(o t"eories 'ot t"e most attention/
>T"e ans(er.s a## aro-nd -s,> said one roya#, once "e.d been 'i%en #ea%e to spea/ 6e stood by "is c"air and #ooed
aro-nd t"e room/ "+ere. 0n p#aces #ie t"is #od'e/ And St/ V#adimir.s/ We send o-r c"i#dren to sa)e p#aces, p#aces
("ere t"ey "a%e sa)ety in n-mbers and can be easi#y '-arded/ And #oo "o( many o) -s made it "ere, c"i#dren and
ad-#ts a#ie/ W"y don.t (e #i%e t"is (ay a## t"e time=>
>P#enty o) -s a#ready do,> someone s"o-ted bac/
T"e man (a%ed t"at o))/ >A co-p#e o) )ami#ies "ere and t"ere/ Or a to(n (it" a #ar'e $oroi pop-#ation/ B-t t"ose
$oroi are sti## decentra#i5ed/ $ost don.t poo# t"eir reso-rces7t"eir '-ardians, t"eir ma'ic/ 0) (e co-#d em-#ate t"is
mode#///> 6e spread "is "ands o-t/ >/// (e.d ne%er "a%e to (orry abo-t Stri'oi a'ain/>
>And $oroi co-#d ne%er interact (it" t"e rest o) t"e (or#d a'ain,> 0 m-ttered/ >We##, -nti# "-mans disco%ered
secret %ampire cities spro-tin' -p in t"e (i#derness/ T"en (e.d "a%e lots o) interactions/>
T"e ot"er t"eory abo-t "o( to protect t"e $oroi in%o#%ed )e(er #o'istica# prob#ems b-t "ad 'reater persona#
impact7 partic-#ar#y )or me/
>T"e prob#em is simp#y t"at (e don.t "a%e eno-'" '-ardians/> T"is p#an.s ad%ocate (as some (oman )rom t"e
S5e#sy c#an/ >And so, t"e ans(er is simp#e1 get more. T"e 2ro5do%s "ad )i%e '-ardians, and t"at (asn.t eno-'"/
On#y si& to protect o%er a do5en $oroi@ T"at.s -nacceptab#e/ 0t.s no (onder t"ese inds o) t"in's eep "appenin'/>
>W"ere do yo- propose 'ettin' more '-ardians )rom=> ased t"e man ("o.d been in )a%or o) $oroi bandin'
to'et"er/ >T" ind o) a #imited reso-rce/>
S"e pointed to ("ere 0 and a )e( ot"er no%ices sat/ >We.%e 'ot p#enty a#ready/ 0.%e (atc"ed t"em train/ T"
dead#y/ W"y are (e (aitin' -nti# t"ey t-rn ei'"teen= 0) (e acce#erated t"e trainin' pro'ram and )oc-sed more on
combat trainin' t"an boo(or, (e co-#d t-rn o-t ne( '-ardians ("en t" si&teen/>
2imitri made a so-nd #o( in "is t"roat t"at didn.t seem "appy/ Leanin' )or(ard, "e p#aced "is e#bo(s on "is nees
and rested "is c"in in "is "ands, eyes narro(ed in t"o-'"t/
>Not on#y t"at, (e "a%e p#enty o) potentia# '-ardians 'oin' to (aste/ W"ere are a## t"e d"ampir (omen= O-r races
are intert(ined/ T"e $oroi are doin' t"eir part to "e#p t"e d"ampirs s-r%i%e/ W"y aren.t t"ese (omen doin' t"eirs=
W"y aren.t t"ey "ere=>
A #on', s-#try #a-'" came as an ans(er/ A## eyes t-rned to(ard Tas"a O5era/ W"ereas many o) t"e ot"er roya#s
"ad dressed -p, s"e (as easy and cas-a#/ S"e (ore "er -s-a# :eans, a ("ite tan top t"at s"o(ed a bit o) midri)),
and ab#-e, #acy nit cardi'an t"at came to "er nees/
G#ancin' at t"e moderator, s"e ased, >$ay 0=>
6e nodded/ T"e S5e#sy (oman sat do(n; Tas"a stood -p/ Un#ie t"e ot"er speaers, s"e strode ri'"t -p to t"e
podi-m, so s"e co-#d be c#ear#y seen by e%eryone/ 6er '#ossy b#ac "air (as p-##ed bac into a ponytai#,
comp#ete#y e&posin' "er scars in a (ay 0 s-spected (as intentiona#/ 6er )ace (as bo#d and de)iant/ Bea-ti)-#/
>T"ose (omen aren.t "ere, $onica, beca-se t" too b-sy raisin' t"eir c"i#dren7yo- no(, t"e ones yo- (ant
to start sendin' o-t to t"e )ronts as soon as t"ey can (a#/ And p#ease don.t ins-#t -s a## by actin' #ie t"e $oroi do
a "-'e )a%or to t"e d"ampirs by "e#pin' t"em reprod-ce/ $aybe it.s di))erent in yo-r )ami#y, b-t )or t"e rest o) -s,
se& is )-n/ T"e $oroi doin' it (it" d"ampirs aren.t rea##y main' t"at bi' o) a sacri)ice/>
2imitri "ad strai'"tened -p no(, "is e&pression no #on'er an'ry/ Probab#y "e (as e&cited t"at "is ne( 'ir#)riend
"ad mentioned se&/ 0rritation s"ot t"ro-'" me, and 0 "oped t"at i) 0 "ad a "omicida# #oo on my )ace, peop#e (o-#d
ass-me it (as )or Stri'oi and not t"e (oman c-rrent#y addressin' -s/
Beyond 2imitri, 0 s-dden#y noticed $ia sittin' by "erse#), )art"er do(n t"e ro(/ 0 "adn.t rea#i5ed s"e (as "ere/
S"e (as s#-mped in "er seat/ 6er eyes (ere red*rimmed, "er )ace pa#er t"an -s-a#/ A )-nny ac"e b-rned in my
c"est, one 0.d ne%er e&pected "er to brin' abo-t/
>And t"e reason ( (aitin' )or t"ese '-ardians to t-rnei'"teen is so t"at (e can a##o( t"em to en:oy some
pretense o) a #i)e be)ore )orcin' t"em to spend t"e rest o) t"eir days in constant dan'er/ T"ey need t"ose e&tra years
to de%e#op menta##y as (e## as p"ysica##y/ P-## t"em o-t be)ore t" ready, treat t"em #ie t" parts on an
assemb#y #ine7and :-st creatin' Stri'oi )odder/>
A )e( peop#e 'asped at Tas"a.s ca##o-s c"oice o) (ords, b-t s"e s-cceeded in 'ettin' e%eryone.s attention/
>+o- create more )odder sti## i) yo- try main' t"e ot"er d"ampir (omen become '-ardians/ +o- can.t )orce t"em
into t"at #i)e i) t"ey don.t (ant it/ T"is entire p#an o) yo-rs to 'et more '-ardians re#ies on t"ro(in' c"i#dren and
t"e -n(i##in' into "arm.s (ay, :-st so yo- can7bare#y7stay one step a"ead o) t"e enemy/ 0 (o-#d "a%e said it.s
t"e st-pidest p#an 0.%e e%er "eard, i) 0 "adn.t a#ready "ad to #isten to "is/>
S"e pointed at t"e )irst speaer, t"e one ("o "ad (anted $oroi compo-nds/ Embarrassment c#o-ded "is )eat-res/
>En#i'"ten -s t"en, Natas"a,> "e said/ >Te## -s ("at you t"in (e s"o-#d do, seein' as yo- "a%e so m-c"
e&perience (it" Stri'oi/>
A t"in smi#e p#ayed on Tas"a.s #ips, b-t s"e didn.t rise to t"e ins-#t/ >W"at do 0 t"in=> S"e strode c#oser to t"e
sta'e.s )ront, 'a5in' at -s as s"e ans(ered "is <-estion/ >0 t"in (e s"o-#d stop comin' -p (it" p#ans t"at in%o#%e
-s re#yin' on someone or somet"in' to protect -s/ +o- t"in t"ere are too )e( '-ardians= T"at.s not t"e prob#em/
T"e prob#em is t"ere are too many Stri'oi/ And (e.%e #et t"em m-#tip#y and becomemore po(er)-# beca-se (e do
not"in' abo-t t"em e&cept "a%e st-pid ar'-ments #ie t"is/ We r-n and "ide be"ind t"e d"ampirs and #et t"e Stri'oi
'o -nc"eced/ 0t.s o-r )a-#t/ ,e are t"e reason t"ose 2ro5do%s died/ +o- (ant an army= We##, "ere (e are/
2"ampirs aren.t t"e on#y ones ("o can #earn to )i'"t/ T"e <-estion, $onica, isn.t ("ere t"e d"ampir (omen are in
t"is )i'"t/ T"e <-estion is1 ,here are "e?"
Tas"a (as s"o-tin' by no(, and t"e e&ertion t-rned "er c"ees pin/ 6er eyes s"one (it" "er impassioned
)ee#in's, and ("en combined (it" t"e rest o) "er pretty )eat-res7and e%en (it" t"e scar7s"e made a striin'
)i'-re/ $ost peop#e co-#dn.t tae t"eir eyes o)) "er/ Lissa (atc"ed Tas"a (it" (onder, inspired by "er (ords/
$ason #ooed "ypnoti5ed/ 2imitri #ooed impressed/ And )art"er past "im ///
Fart"er past "im (as $ia/ $ia no #on'er "-nc"ed in "er c"air/ S"e (as sittin' -p strai'"t, strai'"t as a stic, "er
eyes as (ide as t"ey co-#d 'o/ S"e stared at Tas"a as t"o-'" s"e a#one "e#d a## t"e ans(ers to #i)e/
$onica S5e#sy #ooed #ess a(ed, and s"e )i&ed "er 'a5e on Tas"a/ >S-re#y yo- aren.t s-''estin' t"e $oroi )i'"t
a#on'side t"e '-ardians ("en t"e Stri'oi come=>
Tas"a re'arded "er #e%e##y/ >No/ 0.m s-''estin' t"e $oroi and t"e '-ardians 'o )i'"t t"e Stri'oi before t"ey
A '-y in "is t(enties ("o #ooed #ie a Ra#p" La-ren spoesmode# s"ot -p/ 0 (o-#d "a%e (a'ered money "e (as
roya#/ No one e#se co-#d "a%e a))orded b#ond "i'"#i'"ts t"at per)ect/ 6e -ntied an
e&pensi%e s(eater )rom aro-nd "is(aist and draped it o%er t"e bac o) "is c"air/ >O",> "e said in a mocin' %oice,
speain' o-t o) t-rn/ >So, 'oin' to :-st 'i%e -s c#-bs and staes and send -s o)) to do batt#e=>
Tas"a s"r-''ed/ >0) t"at.s ("at it taes, Andre(, t"en s-re/> A s#y smi#e crossed "er pretty #ips/ >B-t t"ere are
ot"er (eapons (e can #earn to -se, too/ Ones t"e '-ardians can.t/>
T"e #oo on "is )ace s"o(ed "o( insane "e t"o-'"t t"at idea (as/ 6e ro##ed "is eyes/ >O" yea"= Lie ("at=>
6er smi#e t-rned into a )-##*)#ed'ed 'rin/ >Lie t"is/>
S"e (a%ed "er "and, and t"e s(eater "e.d p#aced on t"e bac o) "is c"air b-rst into )#ames/
6e ye#ped in s-rprise and noced it to t"e )#oor, stampin' it o-t (it" "is )eet/
T"ere (as a brie), co##ecti%e intae o) breat" t"ro-'"o-t t"e room/ And t"en /// c"aos broe o-t/
PEOPLE STOO2 UP AN2 S6OUTE2, e%eryone (antin' t"eir opinion to be "eard/ As it (as, most o) t"em "e#d
t"e same %ie(1 Tas"a (as (ron'/ T"ey to#d "er s"e (as cra5y/ T"ey to#d "er t"at in sendin' o-t $oroi and
d"ampirs to )i'"t t"e Stri'oi, s"e.d be e&peditin' t"e e&tinction o) bot" races/ T"ey e%en "ad t"e ner%e to s-''est
t"at t"at (as Tas"a.s p#an a## a#on'7t"at s"e (as some"o( co##aboratin' (it" t"e Stri'oi in a## o) t"is/
2imitri stood -p, dis'-st a## o%er "is )eat-res as "e s-r%eyed t"e c"aos/ >+o- mi'"t as (e## #ea%e/ Not"in' -se)-#.s
'oin' to "appen no(/>
$ason and 0 rose, b-t "e s"oo "is "ead ("en 0 started to )o##o( 2imitri o-t/
>+o- 'o on,> said $ason/ >0 (ant to c"ec somet"in' o-t/>
0 '#anced at t"e standin', ar'-in' peop#e/ 0 s"r-''ed/ >Good #-c/>
0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e it "ad on#y been a )e( days since 0.d spoen to 2imitri/ Steppin' o-t into t"e "a## (it" "im, 0 )e#t
#ie it.d been years/ Bein' (it" $ason t"ese #ast co-p#e o) days "ad been )antastic, b-t seein' 2imitri a'ain, a## o)
my o#d )ee#in's )or "im came r-s"in' bac/ S-dden#y, $ason seemed #ie a c"i#d/ $y distress o%er t"e Tas"a
sit-ation a#so came bac"and st-pid (ords )e## o-t o) my mo-t" be)ore 0 co-#d stop t"em/
>S"o-#dn.t yo- be in t"ere protectin' Tas"a=> 0 ased/ >Be)ore t"e mob 'ets "er= S"e.s 'oin' to 'et in bi' tro-b#e
)or -sin' ma'ic #ie t"at/>
6e raised an eyebro(/ >S"e can tae care o) "erse#)/>
>+ea", yea", beca-se s"e.s a badass arate ma'ic -ser/ 0 'et a## t"at/ 0 :-st )i'-red since 'oin' to be "er
'-ardian and a##///>
>W"ere did yo- "ear t"at=>
>0 "a%e my so-rces/> Some"o(, sayin' 0.d "eard it )rom my mom so-nded #ess coo#/ >+o-.%e decided to, ri'"t= 0
mean, it so-nds #ie a 'ood dea#, seein' as s"e.s 'oin' to 'i%e yo- )rin'e bene)its//>
6e 'a%e me a #e%e# #oo/ >W"at "appens bet(een "er and me is none o) yo-r b-siness,> "e rep#ied crisp#y/
T"e (ords bet"een her and me st-n'/ 0t so-nded #ie "e and Tas"a (ere a done dea#/ And, as o)ten "appened
("en 0 (as "-rt, my temper and attit-de too o%er/
>We##, 0.m s-re yo- '-ys.## be "appy to'et"er/ S"e.s :-st yo-r type, too70 no( "o( m-c" yo- #ie (omen ("o
aren.t yo-r o(n a'e/ 0 mean, s"e.s ("at, si& years o#der t"an yo-= Se%en= And 0.m se%en years yo-n'er t"an yo-/>
>+es,> "e said a)ter se%era# moments o) si#ence/ >+o- are/ And e%ery second t"is con%ersation 'oes on, yo- on#y
pro%e "o( yo-n' yo- rea##y are/>
W"oa/ $y :a( a#most "it t"e )#oor/ Not e%en my mot"erp-nc"in' me "ad "-rt as bad#y as t"at/ For a "eartbeat, 0
t"o-'"t 0 sa( re'ret in "is eyes, #ie "e too rea#i5ed :-st "o( "ars" "is (ords "ad been/ B-t t"e moment passed,
and "is e&pression (as "ard once more/
>Litt#e d"ampir,> a %oice s-dden#y said nearby/
S#o(#y, sti## st-nned, 0 t-rned to(ard Adrian 0%as"o%/ 6e 'rinned at me and 'a%e a brie) nod o) acno(#ed'ment
to 2imitri/ 0 s-spected my )ace (as bri'"t red/ 6o( m-c" "ad Adrian "eard=
6e "e#d -p "is "ands in a cas-a# 'est-re/ >0 don.t (ant to interr-pt or anyt"in'/ 3-st (anted to ta# to yo- ("en
yo- "a%e time/>
0 (anted to te## Adrian 0 didn.t "a%e time to p#ay ("ate%er 'ame "e (as into no(, b-t 2imitri.s (ords sti## smarted/
6e (as #ooin' at Adrian no( in a %ery disappro%in' (ay/ 0 s-spected "e, #ie e%eryone e#se, "ad "eard abo-t
Adrian.s bad rep-tation/ -ood, 0 t"o-'"t/ 0 s-dden#y (anted "im to be :ea#o-s/ 0 (anted to "-rt "im as m-c" as
"e.d "-rt me #ate#y/
S(a##o(in' my pain, 0 -neart"ed my man*eatin' smi#e, one 0 "adn.t -sed to )-## e))ect in sometime/ 0 (a#ed o%er
to Adrian and p-t a "and on "is arm/
>0.%e 'ot time no(/> 0 'a%e a nod o) my o(n to 2imitri and steered Adrian a(ay, (a#in' c#ose to "im/ >See yo-
#ater, G-ardian Be#io%/>
2imitri.s dar eyes )o##o(ed -s stoni#y/ T"en 0 t-rned a(ay and didn.t #oo bac/
>Not into o#der '-ys, "-"=> ased Adrian once (e (ere a#one/
> ima'inin' t"in's,> 0 said/ >C#ear#y, my st-nnin' bea-ty "as c#o-ded yo-r mind/>
6e #a-'"ed t"at nice #a-'" o) "is/ >T"at.s entire#y possib#e/>
0 started to step bac, b-t "e tossed an arm aro-nd me/ >No, no, yo- (anted to p#ay c"-mmy (it" me7no( yo-.%e
'ot to see it t"ro-'"/>
0 ro##ed my eyes at "im and #et t"e arm stay/ 0 co-#d sme## a#co"o# on "im as (e## as t"e perpet-a# sme## o) c#o%es/ 0
(ondered i) "e (as dr-n no(/ 0 "ad t"e )ee#in' t"at t"ere (as probab#y #itt#e di))erence bet(een "is attit-des
dr-n or sober/
>W"at do yo- (ant=> 0 ased/
6e st-died me )or a moment/ >0 (ant yo- to 'rab Vasi#isa and come (it" me/ 'oin' to "a%e some )-n/ +o-.##
probab#y (ant a s(ims-it too/> 6e seemed disappointed by t"e admission o) t"is/ >Un#ess yo- (ant to 'o naed/>
>W"at= A b-nc" o) $oroi and d"ampirs :-st 'ot s#a-'"tered, and yo- (ant to 'o s(immin' and ."a%e )-n.=>
>0t.s not :-st s(immin',> "e said patient#y/ >Besides, t"at s#a-'"ter is e&act#y ("y yo- s"o-#d 'o do t"is/>
Be)ore 0 co-#d ar'-e t"at, 0 sa( my )riends ro-nd t"e corner1 Lissa, $ason, and C"ristian/ Eddie Casti#e (as (it"
t"e 'ro-p, ("ic" s"o-#dn.t "a%e s-rprised me, b-t $ia (as as (e##7("ic" certain#y did s-rprise me/ T"ey (ere
deep in con%ersation, t"o-'" t"ey a## stopped ta#in' ("en t"ey sa( me/
>T"ere yo- are,> said Lissa, a p-55#ed #oo on "er )ace/
0 remembered Adrian.s arm (as sti## aro-nd me/ 0 stepped o-t o) it/ >6ey, '-ys,> 0 said/ A moment o) a((ardness
"-n' aro-nd -s, and 0 (as pretty s-re 0 "eard a #o( c"-c#e )rom Adrian/ 0 beamed at "im and t"en my )riends/
>Adrian in%ited -s to 'o s(immin'/>
T"ey stared at me in s-rprise, and 0 co-#d a#most see t"e ("ee#s o) spec-#ation t-rnin' in t"eir "eads/ $ason.s )ace
darened a #itt#e, b-t #ie t"e ot"ers, "e said not"in'/ 0 sti)#ed a 'roan/
Adrian too me in%itin' t"e ot"ers to "is secret inter#-de pretty (e##/ Wit" "is easy'oin' attit-de, 0 "adn.t rea##y
e&pected anyt"in' e#se/ Once (e "ad s(ims-its, (e )o##o(ed "is directions to a door(ay in one o) t"e )ar (in's o)
t"e #od'e/ 0t "e#d a staircase t"at #ed do(n7and do(n and do(n/ 0 near#y 'ot di55y as (e (o-nd aro-nd and
aro-nd/ E#ectric #i'"ts "-n' in t"e (a##s, b-t as (e (ent )art"er, t"e painted (a##s c"an'ed to car%ed stone/
W"en (e reac"ed o-r destination, (e disco%ered Adrian "ad been ri'"t7it (asn.t :-st s(immin'/ We (ere in a
specia# spa area o) t"e resort, one -sed on#y )or t"e most e#ite $oroi/ 0n t"is case, it (as reser%ed )or a b-nc" o)
roya#s 0 ass-med (ere Adrian.s )riends/ T"ere (ere abo-t t"irty ot"ers, a## "is a'e or o#der, ("o bore t"e mars o)
(ea#t" and e#itism/
T"e spa consisted o) a series o) "ot minera# poo#s/ $aybe once t"ey.d been in a ca%e or somet"in', b-t t"e #od'e
b-i#ders "ad #on' since 'otten rid o) any sort o) r-stic s-rro-ndin's/T"e b#ac stone (a##s and cei#in' (ere as
po#is"ed and bea-ti)-# as anyt"in' e#se in t"e resort/ 0t (as #ie bein' in a ca%e7a rea##y
nice, desi'ner ca%e/ Racs o) to(e#s #ined t"e (a##s, as did tab#es )-## o) e&otic )ood/ T"e bat"s matc"ed t"e rest o)
t"e room.s "e(n*o-t decor1 stone*#ined poo#s containin' "ot (ater t"at (as "eated )rom some -nder'ro-nd so-rce/
Steam )i##ed t"e room, and a )aint, meta##ic sme## "-n' in t"e air/ So-nds o) party'oers #a-'"in' and sp#as"in'
ec"oed aro-nd -s/
>W"y is $ia (it" yo-=> 0 ased Lissa so)t#y/ We (ere (indin' o-r (ay t"ro-'" t"e room, #ooin' )or a poo# t"at
(asn.t occ-pied/
>S"e (as ta#in' to $ason ("en (e (ere 'ettin' ready to #ea%e,> s"e ret-rned/ S"e ept "er %oice :-st as <-iet/ >0t
seemed mean to :-st/// 0 don.t no( /// #ea%e "er ///>
E%en 0 a'reed (it" t"at/ Ob%io-s si'ns o) 'rie) (ere (ritten a## o%er "er )ace, b-t $ia seemed at #east momentari#y
distracted by ("ate%er $ason (as te##in' "er/
>0 t"o-'"t yo- didn.t no( Adrian,> Lissa added/ 2isappro%a# "-n' in "er %oice and in t"e bond/ We )ina##y )o-nd
a #ar'e poo#, a #itt#e o-t o) t"e (ay/ A '-y and a 'ir# (ere on t"e opposite side, a## o%er eac" ot"er, b-t t"ere (as
p#enty o) room )or t"e rest o) -s/ T"ey (ere easy to i'nore/
0 p-t a )oot into t"e (ater and p-##ed it bac immediate#y/
>0 don.t,> 0 to#d "er/ Ca-tio-s#y, 0 inc"ed t"e )oot bac in, s#o(#y )o##o(ed by t"e rest o) my body/ W"en 0 'ot to
my stomac", 0 'rimaced/ 0 "ad on a maroon biini, and t"e sca#din' (ater ca-'"t my stomac" by s-rprise/
>+o- m-st no( "im a #itt#e/ 6e in%ited yo- to a party/>
>+ea", b-t do yo- see "im (it" -s no(=>
S"e )o##o(ed my 'a5e/ Adrian stood on t"e )ar side o) t"e room (it" a 'ro-p o) 'ir#s in biinis m-c" sma##er t"an
mine/ One (as a Betsey 3o"nson s-it 0.d seen in a ma'a5ine and co%eted/ 0 si'"ed and #ooed a(ay/
We.d a## s#ipped into t"e (ater by t"en/ 0t (as so "ot 0 )e#t #ie 0 (as in a so-p ett#e/ No( t"at Lissa seemed
con%inced o) my innocence (it" Adrian, 0 t-ned into t"e ot"ers. disc-ssion/
>W"at are yo- ta#in' abo-t=> 0 interr-pted/ 0t (as easier t"an #istenin' and )i'-rin' it o-t myse#)/
>T"e meetin',> said $ason e&cited#y/ Apparent#y, "e.d 'otten o%er seein' me and Adrian to'et"er/
C"ristian "ad sett#ed onto a sma## s"e#) in t"e poo#/ Lissa c-r#ed -p beside "im/ P-ttin' a proprietary arm aro-nd
"er, "e tipped "is bac so it rested on t"e ed'e/
>+o-r boy)riend (ants to #ead an army a'ainst t"e Stri'oi,> "e to#d me/ 0 co-#d te## "e (as sayin' it to pro%oe me/
0 #ooed at $ason <-estionin'#y/ 0t (asn.t (ort" t"e e))ort to c"a##en'e t"e >boy)riend> comment/
>6ey, it (as your a-nt ("o s-''ested it,> $ason reminded C"ristian/
>S"e on#y said (e s"o-#d )ind t"e Stri'oi be)ore t"ey )ind -s a'ain,> co-ntered C"ristian/ >S"e (asn.t p-s"in' )or
no%ices )i'"tin'/ T"at (as $onica S5e#sy/>
A (aitress came by t"en (it" a tray o) pin drins/ T"ese (ere in e#e'ant, #on'*stemmed crysta# '#asses (it"
s-'aredrims/ 0 "ad a stron' s-spicion t"e drins (ere a#co"o#ic, b-t 0 do-bted anyone ("o made it into t"is party
(as 'oin' to 'et carded/ 0 "ad no idea ("at t"ey (ere/ $ost o) my e&periences (it" a#co"o# "ad in%o#%ed c"eap
beer/ 0 too a '#ass and t-rned bac to $ason/
>+o- t"in t"at.s a 'ood idea=> 0 ased "im/ 0 sipped t"e drin, ca-tio-s#y/ As a '-ardian in trainin', 0 )e#t #ie 0
s"o-#d a#(ays be on a#ert, b-t toni'"t 0 once a'ain )e#t #ie bein' rebe##io-s/ T"e drin tasted #ie p-nc"/ Grape)r-it
:-ice/ Somet"in' s(eet, #ie stra(berries/ 0 (as sti## pretty s-re t"ere (as a#co"o# in it, b-t it didn.t appear stron'
eno-'" )or me to #ose s#eep o%er/
Anot"er (aitress soon appeared (it" a tray o) )ood/ 0 eyed it and reco'ni5ed a#most not"in'/ T"ere (as somet"in'
t"at #ooed %a'-e#y #ie m-s"rooms st-))ed (it" c"eese, as (e## as somet"in' e#se t"at #ooed #itt#e ro-nd patties
o) meat or sa-sa'e/ As a 'ood carni%ore, 0 reac"ed )or one, t"inin' it co-#dn.t be t"at bad/
>0t.s )oie 'ras,> said C"ristian/ T"ere (as a smi#e on "is )ace 0 didn.t #ie/
0 eyed "im (ari#y/ >W"at.s t"at=>
>+o- don.t no(=> 6is tone (as cocy, and )or once in "is #i)e, "e so-nded #ie a tr-e roya# to-tin' "is e#ite
no(#ed'e o%er -s -nder#in's/ 6e s"r-''ed/ >Tae a c"ance/ Find o-t/>
Lissa si'"ed in e&asperation/ >0t.s 'oose #i%er/>
0 :ered my "and bac/ T"e (aitress mo%ed on, and C"ristian #a-'"ed/ 0 '#ared at "im/
$ean("i#e, $ason (as sti## "-n' -p on my <-estion abo-t ("et"er no%ices 'oin' to batt#e be)ore 'rad-ation (as
a 'ood idea/
>W"at e#se are (e doin'=> "e ased indi'nant#y/ >W"at are you doin'= +o- r-n #aps (it" Be#io% e%ery mornin'/
W"at.s t"at doin' )or yo-= For t"e $oroi=>
W"at (as t"at doin' )or me= $ain' my "eart race and my mind "a%e indecent t"o-'"ts/
>We aren.t ready,> 0 said instead/
>We.%e on#y 'ot si& more mont"s,> piped in Eddie/
$ason nodded "is a'reement/ >+ea"/ 6o( m-c" more can (e #earn=>
>P#enty,> 0 said, t"inin' o) "o( m-c" 0.d piced -p )rom my t-torin' sessions (it" 2imitri/ 0 )inis"ed my drin/
>Besides, ("ere does it stop= Let.s say t"ey end sc"oo# si& mont"s ear#y, t"en send -s o))/ W"at ne&t= T"ey decide
to p-s" bac )-rt"er and c-t o-r senior year= O-r :-nior year=>
6e s"r-''ed/ >0.m not a)raid to )i'"t/ 0 co-#d "a%e taen on Stri'oi ("en 0 (as a sop"omore/>
>+ea",> 0 said dry#y/ >3-st #ie yo- did siin' on t"at s#ope/>
$ason.s )ace, a#ready )#-s"ed )rom t"e "eat, t-rned redder sti##/ 0 immediate#y re'retted my (ords, partic-#ar#y
("en C"ristian started #a-'"in'/
>Ne%er t"o-'"t 0.d #i%e to see t"e day ("en 0 a'reed (it" yo-, Rose/ B-t sad#y, 0 do/> T"e coctai# (aitress came
by a'ain, and bot" C"ristian and 0 too ne( drins/ >T"e $oroi "a%e 'ot to start "e#pin' -s de)end themselves."
>Wit" ma'ic=> ased $ia s-dden#y/
0t (as t"e )irst time s"e.d spoen since (e.d 'ot "ere/ Si#ence met "er/ 0 t"in $ason and Eddie didn.t respond
beca-se t"ey ne( not"in' abo-t )i'"tin' (it" ma'ic/ Lissa, C"ristian, and 0 did7and (ere tryin' %ery "ard to act
#ie (e didn.t/ T"ere (as a )-nny sort o) "ope in $ia.s eyes, t"o-'", and 0 co-#d on#y ima'ine ("at s"e.d 'one
t"ro-'" today/ S"e.d (oen -p to #earn "er mot"er (as dead and t"en been s-b:ected to "o-rs and "o-rs o) po#itica#
banterin' and batt#e strate'ies/ T"e )act t"at s"e (as sittin' "ere at a## seemin' semi*composed (as a mirac#e/ 0
ass-med peop#e ("o act-a##y #ied t"eir mot"ers (o-#d bare#y be ab#e to )-nction in t"at sit-ation/
W"en no one e#se #ooed #ie t"ey (ere 'oin' to ans(er "er, 0 )ina##y said, >0 s-ppose/ B-t/// 0 don.t no( m-c"
abo-t t"at/>
0 )inis"ed t"e rest o) my drin and a%erted my eyes, "opin' someone e#se (o-#d tae -p t"e con%ersation/ T"ey
didn.t/ $ia #ooed disappointed b-t said no more ("en $ason s(itc"ed bac to t"e Stri'oi debate/
0 too a t"ird drin and san into t"e (ater as )ar as 0 reasonab#y co-#d and sti## "o#d t"e '#ass/ T"is drin (as
di))erent/ 0t #ooed c"oco#atey and "ad ("ipped cream on top/ 0 too a taste and de)inite#y detected t"e bite o)
a#co"o#/ Sti##, 0 )i'-red t"e c"oco#ate probab#y di#-ted it/
W"en 0 (as ready )or a )o-rt" drin, t"e (aitress (as no("ere in si'"t/ $ason seemed rea##y, rea##y c-te to me a##
o)a s-dden/ 0 (o-#d "a%e #ied a #itt#e romantic attention )rom "im, b-t "e (as sti## 'oin' on abo-t Stri'oi and t"e
#o'istics o) #eadin' a strie in t"e midd#e o) t"e day/ $ia and Eddie (ere noddin' a#on' (it" "im ea'er#y, and 0 'ot
t"e )ee#in' t"at i) "e decided to "-nt Stri'oi ri'"t no(, t"ey.d )o##o(/ C"ristian (as act-a##y :oinin' t"e ta#, b-t it
(as more to p#ay de%i#.s ad%ocate/ Typica#/ 6e t"o-'"t a sort o) preempti%e strie (o-#d re<-ire '-ardians and
$oroi, m-c" as Tas"a "ad said/ $ason, $ia, and Eddie ar'-ed t"at i) t"e $oroi (eren.t -p to it, t"e '-ardians
s"o-#d tae matters into t"eir o(n "ands/
0 con)ess, t"eir ent"-siasm (as ind o) conta'io-s/ 0 rat"er #ied t"e idea o) 'ettin' t"e drop on Stri'oi/ B-t in t"e
Badica and 2ro5do% attacs, a## o) t"e '-ardians "ad been i##ed/ Admitted#y t"e Stri'oi "ad or'ani5ed into "-'e
'ro-ps and "ad "e#p, b-t a## t"at to#d me (as t"at o-r side needed to be e&tra care)-#/
6is c-teness aside, 0 didn.t (ant to #isten to $ason ta# abo-t "is batt#e si##s anymore/ 0 (anted anot"er drin/ 0
stood -p and c#imbed o%er t"e ed'e o) t"e poo#/ To my astonis"ment, t"e (or#d started spinnin'/ 0.d "ad t"at
"appen be)ore ("en 0 'ot o-t o) bat"s or "ot t-bs too <-ic#y, b-t ("en t"in's didn.t ri'"t t"emse#%es, 0 rea#i5ed
t"ose drins mi'"t "a%e been stron'er t"an 0 t"o-'"t/
0 a#so decided a )o-rt" (asn.t s-c" a 'ood idea, b-t 0 didn.t (ant to 'et bac in and #et e%eryone no( 0 (as dr-n/
0 "eaded o)) to(ard a side room 0.d seen t"e (aitress disappear into/ 0 "oped maybe t"ere (as a secret stas" o)
dessertssome("ere, c"oco#ate mo-sse instead o) 'oose #i%er/ As 0 (a#ed, 0 paid
specia# attention to t"e s#ippery )#oor, t"inin' t"at )a##in' into one o) t"e poo#s and cracin' my s-## (o-#d
de)inite#y cost me coo#ness points/
0 (as payin' so m-c" attention to my )eet and tryin' not to sta''er t"at 0 (a#ed into someone/ To my credit, it.d
been "is )a-#t; "e.d baced into me/
>6ey, (atc" it,> 0 said, steadyin' myse#)/
B-t "e (asn.t payin' attention to me/ 6is eyes (ere on anot"er '-y, a '-y (it" a b#oody nose/
0.d (a#ed ri'"t into t"e midd#e o) a )i'"t/
TWO GU+S 0.2 NEVER $ET be)ore (ere s<-arin' o)) a'ainst eac" ot"er/ T"ey #ooed to be in t"eir t(enties,
and neit"er noticed me/ T"e one ("o.d b-mped into me s"o%ed t"e ot"er one "ard, )orcin' "im to sta''er bac
> a)raid@> ye##ed t"e '-y by me/ 6e "ad on 'reen s(immin' tr-ns, and "is b#ac "air (as s#iced bac (it"
(ater/ > a## a)raid/ +o- :-st (ant to "o#e -p in yo-r mansions and #et t"e '-ardians do yo-r dirty (or/ W"at
are yo- 'oin' to do ("en t" a## dead= W"o.## protect yo- t"en=>
T"e ot"er '-y (iped t"e b#ood o)) "is )ace (it" t"e bac o) "is "and/ 0 s-dden#y reco'ni5ed "im7t"ans to "is
b#ond "i'"#i'"ts/ 6e (as t"e roya# ("o.d ye##ed at Tas"a abo-t (antin' to #ead $oroi to batt#e/ S"e.d ca##ed "im
Andre(/ 6e tried to #and a "it and )ai#ed; "is tec"ni<-e (as a## (ron'/ >T"is is t"e sa)est (ay/ Listen to t"at
Stri'oi*#o%er, and (e.## all be dead/ S"e.s tryin' to i## o-r ("o#e race o))@>
>S"e.s tryin' to sa%e -s@>
>S"e.s tryin' to 'et -s to -se b#ac ma'ic@>
T"e >Stri'oi*#o%er> "ad to be Tas"a/ T"e non*roya# '-y (as t"e )irst person o-tside o) my #itt#e circ#e ("om 0.d
e%er "eard spea in "er )a%or/ 0 (ondered "o( many ot"ers o-t t"ere s"ared "is %ie(/ 6e p-nc"ed Andre( a'ain,
and my baseinstincts7or maybe t"e p-nc"7made me #eap into action/
0 spran' )or(ard and (ed'ed myse#) bet(een t"em/ 0 (as sti## di55y and a bit -nsteady/ 0) t"ey "adn.t been
standin' so c#ose, 0 probab#y (o-#d "a%e )a##en o%er/ T"ey bot" "esitated, c#ear#y ca-'"t o)) '-ard/
>Get o-t o) "ere,> snapped Andre(/
Bein' ma#e and $oroi, t"ey "ad 'reater "ei'"t and (ei'"t t"an 0, b-t 0 (as probab#y stron'er t"an eit"er
one a#one/ 6opin' 0 co-#d mae t"e most o) t"at, 0 'rabbed eac" o) t"em by t"e arm, p-##ed t"em to(ard me, and
t"en s"o%ed t"em a(ay as "ard as 0 co-#d/ T"ey sta''ered, not "a%in' e&pected my stren't"/ 0 sta''ered a #itt#e too/
T"e non*roya# '#ared and too a step to(ard me/ 0 (as co-ntin' on t"e )act t"at "e.d be o#d*)as"ioned and not "it a
'ir#/ >W"at are yo- doin'=> "e e&c#aimed/ Se%era# peop#e "ad 'at"ered and (ere (atc"in' e&cited#y/
0 ret-rned "is '#are/ >0.m tryin' to stop yo- '-ys )rom bein' any more idiotic t"an yo- a#ready are@ +o- (ant to
"e#p= Stop )i'"tin' eac" ot"er@ Rippin' eac" ot"er.s "eads o)) isn.t 'oin' to sa%e t"e $oroi -n#ess tryin' to
t"in st-pidity o-t o) t"e 'ene poo#/> 0 pointed at Andre(/ >Tas"a O5era is not tryin' to i## e%eryone o))/ S"e.s
tryin' to 'et yo- to stop bein' a %ictim/> 0 t-rned to t"e ot"er '-y/ >And as )or yo-, yo-.%e 'ot a #on' (ays to 'o i)
yo- t"in t"is is t"e (ay to 'et yo-r point across/ $a'ic7especia##y o))ensi%e ma'ic7taes a #ot o) se#)*contro#,
and so )ar, yo- aren.t impressin' me (it" yo-rs/ I "a%e more t"an yo- do, and i)yo- ne( me at a##, yo-.d no(
"o( cra5y t"at is/>
T"e t(o '-ys stared at me, st-nned/ 0 (as apparent#y more e))ecti%e t"an a taser/ We##, at #east )or se%era# seconds
0 (as/ Beca-se once t"e s"oc o) my (ords (ore o)), t"ey (ent at eac" ot"er a'ain/ 0 'ot ca-'"t in t"e cross)ire
and s"o%ed a(ay, near#y )a##in' in t"e process/ S-dden#y, )rom be"ind me, $ason came to my de)ense/ 6e
p-nc"ed t"e )irst '-y "e co-#d7t"e non*roya#/
T"e '-y )#e( bac(ard, )a##in' into one o) t"e poo#s (it" a sp#as"/ 0 ye#ped, rememberin' my ear#ier )ear abo-t
s-##*cracin', b-t a moment #ater, "e )o-nd "is )eet and r-bbed (ater o-t o) "is eyes/
0 'rabbed $ason.s arm, tryin' to "o#d "im bac, b-t "e s"r-''ed me o)) and (ent a)ter Andre(/ 6e s"o%ed
Andre( "ard, p-s"in' "im into se%era# $oroi7andre(.s )riends, 0 s-spected7("o seemed to be tryin' to brea
-p t"e )i'"t/ T"e '-y in t"e poo# c#imbed o-t, )-ry (ritten a## o%er "is )ace, and made mo%es to(ard Andre(/ T"is
time, bot" $ason and 0 b#oced "is (ay/ 6e '#ared at a## o) -s/
>2on.t,> 0 (arned "im/
T"e '-y c#enc"ed "is )ists and #ooed as t"o-'" "e mi'"t try to tae -s on/ B-t (e (ere intimidatin', and "e didn.t
appear to "a%e an ento-ra'e o) )riends "ere #ie Andre(7 ("o (as s"o-tin' obscenities and bein' #ed a(ay7did/
Wit" a )e( m-ttered t"reats, t"e non*roya# baced o))/
As soon as "e (as 'one, 0 t-rned on $ason/ >Are yo- o-t o) yo-r mind=>
>6-"=> "e ased/
>3-mpin' into t"e midd#e o) t"at@>
>+o- :-mped in too,> "e said/
0 started to ar'-e, t"en rea#i5ed "e (as ri'"t/ >0t.s di))erent,> 0 'r-mb#ed/
6e #eaned )or(ard/ >Are yo- dr-n=>
>No/O) co-rse not/ 0.m :-st tryin' to eep yo- )rom doin' somet"in' st-pid/ 3-st beca-se yo- "a%e de#-sions o)
bein' ab#e to i## a Stri'oi doesn.t mean yo- "a%e to tae it o-t on e%eryone e#se/>
>2e#-sions=> "e ased sti))#y/
0 started to )ee# ind o) na-seo-s :-st t"en/ $y "ead spinnin', 0 contin-ed to(ard t"e side room, "opin' 0 didn.t
B-t ("en 0 reac"ed it, 0 sa( t"at it (asn.t some ind o) dessert or drin room a)ter a##/ We##, at #east not in t"e (ay
0.d been t"inin'/ 0t (as a )eeder room/ Se%era# "-mans rec#ined on satin*co%ered c"aise #o-n'es (it" $oroi by
t"eir sides/ 3asmine incense b-rned in t"e air/ St-nned, 0 (atc"ed (it" an eerie )ascination as a b#ond $oroi '-y
#eaned )or(ard and bit into t"e nec o) a %ery pretty red"ead/ A## o) t"ese )eeders (ere e&ceptiona##y 'ood*#ooin',
0 rea#i5ed :-st t"en/ Lie actresses or mode#s/ On#y t"e best )or roya#ty/
T"e '-y dran #on' and deep, and t"e 'ir# c#osed "er eyes and parted "er #ips, an e&pression o) p-re b#iss on "er
)ace as $oroi endorp"ins )#ooded into "er b#oodstream/ 0 s"i%ered, taen bac to ("en 0 too "ad e&perienced t"at
same ind o)e-p"oria/ 0n my a#co"o#*"a5ed mind, t"e ("o#e t"in' s-dden#y seemed start#in'#y erotic/ 0n )act, 0
a#most )e#t intr-si%e7#ie 0 (as (atc"in' peop#e "a%e se&/ W"en t"e $oroi )inis"ed and #iced t"e #ast o) t"e
b#ood a(ay, "e br-s"ed "is #ips a'ainst "er c"ee in a so)t iss/
>Want to %o#-nteer=>
Li'"t )in'ertips br-s"ed my nec, and 0 :-mped/ 0 t-rned aro-nd and sa( Adrian.s 'reen eyes and no(in' smir/
>2on.t do t"at,> 0 to#d "im, nocin' "is "and a(ay/
>T"en ("at are yo- doin' in "ere=> "e ased/
0 'est-red aro-nd me/ >0.m #ost/>
6e peered at me/ >Are yo- dr-n=>
>No/O) co-rse not// /b-t ///> T"e na-sea "ad sett#ed a #itt#e, b-t 0 sti## didn.t )ee# ri'"t/ >0 t"in 0 s"o-#d sit do(n/>
6e too my arm/ >We##, don.t do it in "ere/ Someone mi'"t 'et t"e (ron' idea/ Let.s 'o some("ere <-iet/>
6e steered me o)) into a di))erent room, and 0 #ooed aro-nd (it" interest/ 0t (as a massa'e area/ Se%era# $oroi
#ay bac on tab#es and (ere 'ettin' bac and )oot massa'es )rom "ote# sta))/ T"e oi# t"ey -sed sme##ed #ie
rosemary and #a%ender/ Under any ot"er circ-mstances, a massa'e (o-#d "a%e so-nded 'reat, b-t #yin' on my
stomac" seemed #ie t"e (orst idea :-st no(/
0 sat do(n on t"e carpeted )#oor, #eanin' bac a'ainst t"e (a##/ Adrian (a#ed a(ay and ret-rned (it" a '#ass o)
(ater/ Sittin' do(n as (e##, "e "anded it to me/
>2rin t"is/ 0t.## "e#p/>
>0 to#d yo-, 0.m not dr-n,> 0 m-mb#ed/ B-t 0 do(ned t"e (ater any(ay/
>U"*"-"/> 6e smi#ed at me/ >+o- did nice (or (it" t"at )i'"t/ W"o (as t"e ot"er '-y t"at "e#ped yo-=> >$y
boy)riend,> 0 said/ >Sort o)/>
>$ia (as ri'"t/ +o- do "a%e a #ot o) '-ys in yo-r #i)e/>
>0t.s not #ie t"at/>
>Oay/> 6e (as sti## smi#in'/ >W"ere.s Vasi#isa= 0 )i'-red s"e.d be attac"ed to yo-/>
>S"e.s (it" her boy)riend/> 0 st-died "im/
>W"at.s (it" t"e tone= 3ea#o-s= +o- (ant "im )or yo-rse#)=>
>God, no/ 0 :-st don.t #ie "im/>
>2oes "e treat "er bad#y=> "e ased/
>No,> 0 admitted/ >6e adores "er/ 6e.s :-st ind o) a :er/>
Adrian (as c#ear#y en:oyin' t"is/ >A", yo- are :ea#o-s/ 2oes s"e spend more time (it" "im t"an yo-=>
0 i'nored t"at/ >W"y do yo- eep asin' abo-t "er= Are yo- interested in "er=>
6e #a-'"ed/ >Rest easy, 0.m not interested in "er in t"e same (ay 0 am yo-/>
>B-t yo- are interested/>
>0 :-st (ant to ta# to "er/>
6e #e)t to )etc" me more (ater/ >Fee#in' better=> "e ased, "andin' t"e '#ass to me/ 0t (as crysta# and intricate#y
car%ed/ 0t seemed too )ancy )or p#ain (ater/
>+ea" /// 0 didn.t t"in t"ose drins (ere t"at stron'/>
>T"at.s t"e bea-ty o) t"em,> "e c"-c#ed/ >And speain' o) bea-ty /// t"at.s a 'reat co#or on yo-/>
0 s"i)ted/ 0 mi'"t not "a%e been s"o(in' as m-c" sin as t"ose ot"er 'ir#s, b-t 0 (as s"o(in' more t"an 0 rea##y
(anted to (it" Adrian/ Or (as 0= T"ere (as somet"in' (eird abo-t "im/ 6is arro'ant manner annoyed me// /b-t 0
sti## #ied bein' aro-nd "im/ $aybe t"e smartass in me reco'ni5ed a indred spirit/
Some("ere in t"e bac o) my dr-nen mind, a #i'"t c#iced on/ B-t 0 co-#dn.t <-ite 'et to it/ 0 dran more (ater/
>+o- "a%en.t "ad a ci'arette in, #ie, ten min-tes,> 0 pointed o-t, (antin' to c"an'e t"e s-b:ect/
6e made a )ace/ >No smoin' in "ere/>
>0.m s-re yo-.%e made -p )or it in p-nc"/>
6is smi#e ret-rned/ >We##, some o) -s can "o#d o-r #i<-or/ +o- aren.t 'oin' to be sic, are yo-=>
0 sti## )e#t tipsy b-t no #on'er na-seo-s/ >No/>
0 t"o-'"t bac to ("en 0.d dreamed abo-t "im/ 0t had been :-st a dream, b-t it "ad st-c (it" me, partic-#ar#y t"e
ta# abo-t me bein' s-rro-nded in darness/ 0 (anted to as "im abo-t it/// e%en t"o-'" 0 ne( it (as st-pid/ 0t "ad
been my dream, not "is/
6e t-rned "is 'reen eyes on me/ >+es, dar#in'=>
0 co-#dn.t brin' myse#) to as/ >Ne%er mind/>
6e started to retort, t"en ti#ted "is "ead to(ard t"e door/ >A", "ere s"e comes/>
Lissa stepped into t"e room, eyes scannin' aro-nd/ W"en s"e spotted -s, 0 sa( re#ie) brea o%er "er/ 0 co-#dn.t )ee#
it, t"o-'"/ 0nto&icants #ie a#co"o# n-mbed t"e bond/ 0t (as anot"er reason 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e taen s-c" a st-pid
c"ance toni'"t/
>T"ere yo- are,> s"e said, nee#in' beside me/ G#ancin' at Adrian, s"e 'a%e "im a nod/ >6ey/>
>6ey yo-rse#), co-sin,> "e ret-rned, -sin' t"e )ami#y terms roya#s sometimes -sed aro-nd eac" ot"er/
>+o- oay=> Lissa ased me/ >W"en 0 sa( "o( dr-n yo- (ere, 0 t"o-'"t yo- mi'"t "a%e )a##en in some("ere
and dro(ned/>
>0.m not7> 0 'a%e -p tryin' to deny it/ >0.m )ine/>
Adrian.s -s-a# e&pression "ad t-rned serio-s as "e st-died Lissa/ 0t a'ain reminded me o) t"e dream/ >6o(.d yo-
)ind "er=>
Lissa 'a%e "im a p-55#ed #oo/ >0, -m, c"eced a## t"e rooms/>
>O"/> 6e #ooed disappointed/ >0 t"o-'"t yo- mi'"t "a%e -sed yo-r bond/>
Bot" s"e and 0 stared/
>6o( do yo- no( abo-t t"at=> 0 demanded/ On#y a )e(peop#e at sc"oo# ne( abo-t it/ Adrian "ad spoen abo-t
it as cas-a##y as "e mi'"t "a%e my "air co#or/
>6ey, 0 can.t re%ea# a## my secrets, can 0=> "e ased mysterio-s#y/ >And besides, t"ere.s a certain (ay yo- t(o act
aro-nd eac" ot"er /// it.s "ard to e&p#ain/ 0t.s pretty coo#/ a## t"e o#d myt"s are tr-e/>
Lissa re'arded "im (ari#y/ >T"e bond on#y (ors one (ay/ Rose can sense ("at 0.m )ee#in' and t"inin', b-t 0
can.t do it bac to "er/>
>A"/> We sat in si#ence a )e( moments, and 0 dran more (ater/ Adrian spoe a'ain/ >W"at.d yo- specia#i5e in
any(ay, co-sin=>
S"e #ooed embarrassed/ We bot" ne( it (as important to eep "er spirit po(ers secret )rom ot"ers
("o mi'"t ab-se "er "ea#in', b-t "er co%er story o) not "a%in' specia#i5ed a#(ays bot"ered "er/
>0 "a%en.t,> s"e said/
>2o t"ey t"in 'oin' to= Late b#oomer=>
> probab#y "i'"er in t"e ot"er e#ements, t"o-'", ri'"t= 3-st not stron' eno-'" to rea##y master any=> 6e
reac"ed o-t to pat "er s"o-#der in an e&a''erated s"o( o) com)ort/
>+ea", "o(.d yo-7>
T"e instant "is )in'ers to-c"ed "er, s"e 'asped/ 0t (as as t"o-'" a bo#t o) #i'"tnin' "ad str-c "er/ T"e stran'est
#oocrossed "er )ace/ E%en dr-n, 0 )e#t t"e )#ood o) :oy t"at came po-rin' t"ro-'" t"e bond/ S"e stared at Adrian
in (onder/ 6is eyes (ere #oced onto "ers too/ 0 didn.t -nderstand ("y t"ey (ere #ooin' at eac" ot"er #ie t"at,
b-t it bot"ered me/
>6ey,> 0 said/ >Stop t"at/ 0 to#d yo-, s"e "as a boy)riend/>
>0 no(,> "e said, sti## (atc"in' "er/ A sma## smi#e t-rned "is #ips/ >We need to "a%e a c"at someday, co-sin/>
>+es,> s"e a'reed/
>6ey/> 0 (as more con)-sed t"an e%er/ "ou "a%e a boy)riend/ And t"ere "e is/>
S"e b#ined bac to rea#ity/ A## t"ree o) -s t-rned to(ard t"e door(ay/ C"ristian and t"e ot"ers stood t"ere/ 0
s-dden#y "ad a )#as"bac to ("en t"ey.d )o-nd me (it" Adrian.s arm aro-nd me/ T"is (asn.t m-c" better/ Lissa
and 0 (ere sittin' on eit"er side o) "im, %ery c#ose/
S"e spran' -p, #ooin' mi#d#y '-i#ty/ C"ristian (as re'ardin' "er c-rio-s#y/
> 'ettin' ready to #ea%e,> "e said/
>Oay,> s"e to#d "im/ S"e #ooed do(n at me/ >Ready=>
0 nodded and started to c#amber to my )eet/ Adrian ca-'"t my arm as 0 did and "e#ped me -p/ 6e smi#ed at Lissa/
>Nice ta#in' to yo-/> To me, "e m-rm-red %ery <-iet#y, >2on.t (orry/ 0 to#d yo-, 0.m not interested in "er in t"at
(ay/ S"e doesn.t #oo as 'ood in a bat"in' s-it/ Probab#y not as 'ood o-t o) one eit"er/>
0 p-##ed my arm a(ay/ >We##, yo-.## ne%er )ind o-t/>
>0t.s oay,> "e said/ >0 "a%e a 'ood ima'ination/>
0 :oined t"e ot"ers, and (e "eaded bac to(ard t"e main part o) t"e #od'e/ $ason 'a%e me as stran'e a #oo as
C"ristian "ad 'i%en Lissa and stayed a(ay )rom me, (a#in' to(ard t"e )ront (it" Eddie/ To my s-rprise and
discom)ort, 0 )o-nd myse#) (a#in' beside $ia/ S"e #ooed miserab#e/
>0/// 0.m rea##y sorry abo-t ("at "appened,> 0 said )ina##y/
>+o- don.t "a%e to act #ie yo- care, Rose/>
>No, no/ 0 mean it/ 0t.s "orrib#e// /0.m so sorry/> S"e (o-#dn.t #oo at me/ >0s// /t"at is, are yo- 'oin' to see yo-r dad
>W"ene%er t"ey "a%e t"e memoria#,> s"e said sti))#y/
0 didn.t no( ("at e#se to say and 'a%e -p, instead t-rnin' my attention to t"e stairs as (e c#imbed bac -p to t"e
#od'e.s main #e%e#/ Une&pected#y, $ia (as t"e one ("o contin-ed t"e con%ersation/
>0 (atc"ed yo- brea -p t"at )i'"t ///> s"e said s#o(#y/ >+o- mentioned o))ensi%e ma'ic/ Lie yo- ne( abo-t it/>
O"/ Great/ S"e (as 'oin' to mae a p#ay at b#acmai#/ or (as s"e= At t"e moment, s"e seemed a#most ci%i#/
>0 (as :-st '-essin',> 0 said/ No (ay (as 0 'oin' to b-st Tas"a and C"ristian/ >0 don.t rea##y no( t"at m-c"/ 3-st
stories 0.%e "eard/>
>O"/> 6er )ace )e##/ >W"at ind o) stories=>
>Um, (e##/ >0 tried to t"in o) somet"in' neit"er too %a'-e nor too speci)ic/ >Lie 0 to#d t"ose '-ys/t"e
concentration t"in' is bi'/ Beca-se i) in a batt#e (it" Stri'oi, a##sorts o) t"in's can distract yo-/ So yo-.%e
'ot to eep contro#/>
T"at (as act-a##y a basic '-ardian r-#e, b-t it m-st "a%e been ne( to $ia/ 6er eyes (idened (it" ea'erness/
>W"at e#se= W"at ind o) spe##s do peop#e -se=>
0 s"oo my "ead/ >0 don.t no(/ 0 don.t rea##y e%en no( "o( spe##s (or, and #ie 0 said, t"ese are :-st/ stories
0.%e "eard/ $y '-ess is yo- :-st )ind (ays to -se yo-r e#ement as a (eapon/ Lie / )ire -sers rea##y "a%e an
ad%anta'e beca-se )ire.## i## Stri'oi, so it.s easy )or t"em/ And air -sers can s-))ocate peop#e/> 0.d act-a##y
e&perienced t"at #ast one %icario-s#y t"ro-'" Lissa/ 0t "ad been "orrib#e/
$ia.s eyes 're( (ider sti##/ >W"at abo-t a (ater -ser=> s"e ased/ >6o( co-#d (ater "-rt a Stri'oi=>
0 pa-sed/ >0, -", ne%er "eard any stories abo-t (ater -sers/ Sorry/>
>2o yo- "a%e any ideas, t"o-'"= Ways t"at, #ie, someone #ie me co-#d #earn to )i'"t=>
A"/ So t"at.s ("at t"is (as abo-t/ 0t act-a##y (asn.t a## t"at cra5y/ 0 remembered "o( e&cited s"e.d #ooed at t"e
meetin' ("en Tas"a "ad ta#ed abo-t attacin' Stri'oi/ $ia (anted to tae re%en'e on t"e Stri'oi )or "er mot"er.s
deat"/ No (onder s"e and $ason "ad been 'ettin' a#on' so (e##/
>$ia,> 0 said 'ent#y, catc"in' "o#d o) t"e door to #et "er pass/ We (ere a#most at t"e #obby no(/ >0 no( "o( yo-
m-st (ant to / do somet"in'/ B-t 0 t"in better o)) :-st sort o) #ettin' yo-rse#), -m, 'rie%e/>
S"e reddened, and s-dden#y, 0 (as seein' t"e norma# and an'ry $ia/ >2on.t ta# do(n to me,> s"e said/
>6ey, 0.m not/ 0.m serio-s/ 0.m :-st sayin' yo- s"o-#dn.t do anyt"in' ras" ("i#e sti## -pset/ Besides ///> 0 bit
o)) my (ords/
S"e narro(ed "er eyes/ >W"at=>
Scre( it/ S"e needed to no(/ >We##, 0 don.t rea##y no( ("at 'ood a (ater -ser (o-#d be a'ainst a Stri'oi/ 0t.s
probab#y t"e #east -se)-# e#ement to -se on one o) t"em/>
O-tra'e )i##ed "er )eat-res/ > a rea# bitc", yo- no( t"at=>
>0.m :-st te##in' yo- t"e tr-t"/>
>We##, #et me te## you t"e tr-t"/ a tota# idiot ("en it comes to '-ys/>
0 t"o-'"t abo-t 2imitri/ S"e (asn.t entire#y o)) base/
>$ason.s 'reat,> s"e contin-ed/ >One o) t"e nicest '-ys 0 no(7and yo- don.t e%en notice@ 6e.d do anyt"in' )or
yo-, and yo- (ere o)) t"ro(in' yo-rse#) at Adrian 0%as"o%/>
6er (ords s-rprised me/ Co-#d $ia "a%e a cr-s" on $ason= And ("i#e 0 certain#y "adn.t been t"ro(in' myse#) at
Adrian, 0 co-#d see "o( it mi'"t "a%e #ooed t"at (ay/ And e%en i) it (eren.t tr-e, t"at (o-#dn.t "a%e stopped
$ason )rom )ee#in' "-rt and betrayed/
> ri'"t,> 0 said/
$ia stared at me, so astonis"ed 0.d a'reed (it" "er t"at s"e didn.t say anyt"in' e#se )or t"e rest o) t"e (a#/
We reac"ed t"e part o) t"e #od'e t"at sp#it o)) into di))erent (in's )or '-ys and 'ir#s/ 0 'rabbed a "o#d o) $ason.s
arm as t"e ot"ers (a#ed o))/
>6an' on,> 0 to#d "im/ 0 bad#y needed to reass-re "im abo-t Adrian, b-t a tiny part o) me (ondered i) 0 (as doin'
it beca-se 0 act-a##y (anted $ason or beca-se 0 :-st #ied t"e idea o) "im (antin' me and se#)is"#y didn.t (ant to
#ose t"at/ 6e stopped and #ooed at me/ 6is )ace (as (ary/ >0 (anted to te## yo- 0.m sorry/ 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e ye##ed
at yo- a)ter t"e )i'"t70 no( yo- (ere :-st tryin' to "e#p/ And (it" Adrian// /not"in' "appened/ 0 mean it/>
>0t didn.t #oo t"at (ay,> $ason said/ B-t t"e an'er on "is )ace "ad )aded/
>0 no(, b-t be#ie%e me, it.s a## "im/ 6e.s 'ot some ind o) st-pid cr-s" on me/>
$y tone m-st "a%e been con%incin' beca-se $ason smi#ed/ >We##/ 6ard not to/>
>0.m not interested in "im,> 0 contin-ed/ >Or anyone e#se/> 0t (as a sma## #ie, b-t 0 didn.t t"in it mattered :-st t"en/
0 (as 'oin' to be o%er 2imitri soon, and $ia "ad been ri'"t abo-t $ason/ 6e (as (onder)-# and s(eet and c-te/ 0
(o-#d be an idiot not to p-rs-e t"is /// ri'"t=
$y "and (as sti## on "is arm, and 0 p-##ed "im to(ard me/ 6e didn.t need m-c" more o) a si'na#/ 6e #eaned do(n
and issed me, and in t"e process, 0 )o-nd myse#) pressed -p a'ainst t"e (a##7%ery m-c" #ie (it" 2imitri in t"e
practice room/ O) co-rse, it )e#t not"in' #ie "o( it "ad (it" 2imitri,b-t it (as sti##
nice in its (ay/ 0 p-t my arms aro-nd $ason and started to p-## "im c#oser/
>We co-#d 'o /// some("ere,> 0 said/
6e p-s"ed bac and #a-'"ed/ >Not ("en dr-n/>
>0.m not/ t"at/ dr-n anymore,> 0 said, tryin' to p-## "im bac/
Gi%in' me a sma## iss on t"e #ips, "e stepped bac/ >2r-n eno-'"/ Loo, t"is isn.t easy, be#ie%e me/ B-t i) yo-
sti## (ant me tomorro(7("en sober7t"en (e.## ta#/>
6e #eaned do(n and issed me a'ain/ 0 tried to (rap my arms aro-nd "im, b-t "e broe a(ay once more/
>Easy t"ere, 'ir#,> "e teased, bacin' to(ard "is "a##(ay/
0 '#ared at "im, b-t "e on#y #a-'"ed and t-rned aro-nd/ As "e (a#ed a(ay, my '#are )aded, and 0 "eaded bac to
my room (it" a smi#e on my )ace/
0 WAS TR+0NG TO PA0NT my toenai#s t"e ne&t mornin'7not easy (it" s-c" a 'od*a()-# "an'o%er7("en 0
"eard a noc at t"e door/ Lissa "ad been 'one ("en 0 (oe -p, so 0 sta''ered across t"e room, tryin' not to r-in
my (et nai# po#is"/ Openin' -p t"e door, 0 sa( one o) t"e "ote# sta)) standin' o-tside (it" a #ar'e bo& in bot" arms/
6e s"i)ted it s#i'"t#y so t"at "e co-#d peer aro-nd and #oo at me/
>0.m #ooin' )or Rose 6at"a(ay/>
>T"at.s me/>
0 too t"e bo& )rom "im/ 0t (as bi' b-t not a## t"at "ea%y/ Wit" a <-ic t"an*yo-, 0 s"-t t"e door, (onderin' i) 0
s"o-#d "a%e tipped "im/ O" (e##/
0 sat on t"e )#oor (it" t"e bo&/ 0t "ad no marin's on it and (as sea#ed (it" pacin' tape/ 0 )o-nd a pen and
stabbed at t"e tape/ Once 0.d "aced o)) eno-'", 0 opened t"e bo& and peered inside/
0t (as )i##ed (it" per)-me/
T"ere "ad to be at #east t"irty #itt#e bott#es o) per)-me paced into t"e bo&/ Some 0.d "eard o), some 0 "adn.t/ T"ey
ran'ed )rom cra5y e&pensi%e, mo%ie*star ca#iber to c"eapinds 0.d seen in dr-'stores/
.ternity. Angel. /anilla 0ields. 1ade 2lossom. #ichael 3ors. (oison. +y!notic (oison. (ure (oison.
+a!!y. 4ight 2lue. 1ovan #us'. (in' &ugar. /era ,ang. Oneby one, 0 piced -p t"e bo&es, read t"e
descriptions, and t"en p-##ed o-t t"e bott#es )or a sni))/
0 (as abo-t "a#)(ay t"ro-'" ("en rea#ity "it/ T"ese "ad to be )rom Adrian/
0 didn.t no( "o( "e.d mana'ed to 'et a## o) t"ese de#i%ered to t"e "ote# in s-c" a s"ort amo-nt o) time, b-t money
can mae a#most anyt"in' "appen/ Sti##, 0 didn.t need t"e attention o) a ric", spoi#ed $oroi; apparent#y "e "adn.t
piced -p on my si'na#s/ Re'ret)-##y, 0 started to p#ace t"e per)-mes bac in t"e bo&7t"en stopped/ O) co-rse 0.d
ret-rn t"em// /b-t t"ere (as no "arm in sni))in' t"e rest be)ore 0 did/
Once more, 0 started p-##in' o-t bott#e a)ter bott#e/ Some 0 :-st sni))ed t"e cap o); ot"ers 0 sprayed in t"e air/
&erendi!ity. 2o#ce H Gabbana/ S"a#imar/ 2aisy/Note a)ter note "it me1 rose,%io#et, sanda#(ood, oran'e, %ani##a,
orc"id /
By t"e time 0 (as )inis"ed, my nose bare#y (ored anymore/ A## o) t"ese "ad been desi'ned )or "-mans/ T"ey "ad
a (eaer sense o) sme## t"an %ampires and e%en d"ampirs, so t"ese scents (ere e&tra stron'/ 0 "ad a ne(
appreciation )or ("at Adrian "ad meant abo-t on#y a sp#as" o) per)-me bein' necessary/ 0) a## t"ese bott#es (ere
main' me di55y, 0 co-#d on#y ima'ine ("at a $oroi (o-#d sme##/ T"e sensory o%er#oad (asn.t rea##y "e#pin' t"e
"eadac"e 0.d (oen -p (it" eit"er/
0 paced -p t"e per)-me )or rea# t"is time, stoppin' on#y("en 0 came to a certain ind t"at 0 rea##y #ied/
0 "esitated, "o#din' t"e #itt#e bo& in my "and/ T"en, 0 too t"e red bott#e o-t and re*sni))ed it/ 0t (as a crisp, s(eet
)ra'rance/ T"ere (as some ind o) )r-it7b-t not a candied or s-'ary )r-it/ 0 raced my brain )or a scent 0.d once
sme##ed on a 'ir# 0 ne( in my dorm/ S"e.d to#d me t"e name/ 0t (as #ie a c"erry// /b-t s"arper/ C-rrant, t"at.s
("at it (as/ And "ere it (as in t"is per)-me, mi&ed (it" some )#ora#s1 #i#y o) t"e %a##ey and ot"ers 0 co-#dn.t
identi)y/ W"ate%er t"e b#end, somet"in' abo-t it appea#ed to me/ S(eet7b-t not too s(eet/ 0 read t"e bo&, #ooin'
)or t"e name/ Amor Amor.
>Fittin',> 0 m-ttered, seein' "o( many #o%e prob#ems 0 seemed to "a%e #ate#y/ B-t 0 ept t"e per)-me any(ay and
repaced t"e rest/
6oistin' t"e bo& -p in my arms, 0 too it do(n to t"e )ront des and ac<-ired some pacin' tape to resea# it/ 0 a#so
'ot directions to Adrian.s room/ Apparent#y, t"e 0%as"o%s practica##y "ad t"eir o(n (in'/ 0t (asn.t too )ar )rom
Tas"a.s room/
Fee#in' #ie a de#i%ery 'ir#, 0 (a#ed do(n t"e "a## and stopped in )ront o) "is door/ Be)ore 0 co-#d mana'e to
noc, it opened -p, and Adrian stood be)ore me/ 6e #ooed as s-rprised as 0 )e#t/
>Litt#e d"ampir,> "e said cordia##y/ >2idn.t e&pect to see yo- "ere/>
>0.m ret-rnin' t"ese/> 0 "oisted t"e bo& to(ard "im be)ore "e co-#d protest/ C#-msi#y, "e ca-'"t it, sta''erin' a bit
ins-rprise/ Once "e "ad a 'ood 'rip, "e too a )e( steps bac and set it on t"e )#oor/
>2idn.t yo- #ie any o) t"em=> "e ased/ >+o- (ant me to 'et yo- some more=>
>2on.t send me any more 'i)ts/>
>0t isn.t a 'i)t/ 0t.s a p-b#ic ser%ice/ W"at (oman doesn.t o(n per)-me=>
>2on.t do it a'ain,> 0 said )irm#y/
S-dden#y, a %oice be"ind "im ased, >Rose= 0s t"at yo-=>
0 peered beyond "im/ Lissa/
>W"at are yo- doin' "ere=>
Bet(een my "eadac"e and ("at 0 "ad ass-med (as some inter#-de (it" C"ristian, 0.d b#oced "er o-t as best 0
co-#d t"is mornin'/ Norma##y 0 (o-#d "a%e no(n t"e instant 0 approac"ed t"at s"e (as inside t"e room/ 0 opened
myse#) -p a'ain, #ettin' "er s"oc r-n into me/ S"e "adn.t e&pected me to s"o( -p "ere/
>W"at are you doin' "ere=> s"e ased/
>Ladies, #adies,> "e said teasin'#y/ >No need to )i'"t o%er me/>
0 '#ared/ > not/ 0 :-st (ant to no( ("at.s 'oin' on "ere/>
A breat" o) a)ters"a%e "it me, and t"en 0 "eard a %oice be"ind me1 >$e too/>
0 :-mped/ Spinnin' aro-nd, 0 sa( 2imitri standin' in t"e "a##(ay/ 0 "ad no c#-e ("at "e (as doin' in t"e 0%as"o%
On "is (ay to Tas"a.s room,a %oice inside me s-''ested/
2imitri no do-bt a#(ays e&pected me to 'et into a## sorts o) tro-b#e, b-t 0 t"in seein' Lissa t"ere ca-'"t "im o))
'-ard/ 6e stepped past me and came into t"e room, #ooin' bet(een t"e t"ree o) -s/
>$a#e and )ema#e st-dents aren.t s-pposed to be in eac" ot"er.s rooms/>
0 ne( pointin' o-t t"at Adrian (asn.t tec"nica##y a st-dent (asn.t 'oin' to 'et -s o-t o) tro-b#e "ere/ We (eren.t
s-pposed to be in any '-y.s room/
>6o( do yo- eep doin' t"is=> 0 ased Adrian, )r-strated/
>2o ("at=>
>4eep main' -s #oo bad@>
6e c"-c#ed/ >+o- '-ys are t"e ones ("o came "ere/>
>+o- s"o-#dn.t "a%e #et t"em in,> sco#ded 2imitri/ >0.m s-re yo- no( t"e r-#es at St/ V#adimir.s/>
Adrian s"r-''ed/ >+ea", b-t 0 don.t "a%e to )o##o( any sc"oo#.s st-pid r-#es/>
>Per"aps not,> said 2imitri co#d#y/ >B-t 0 (o-#d "a%e t"o-'"t yo-.d sti## respect t"ose r-#es/>
Adrian ro##ed "is eyes/ >0.m ind o) s-rprised to )ind you #ect-rin' abo-t -ndera'e 'ir#s/>
0 sa( t"e an'er ind#e in 2imitri.s eyes, and )or a moment, 0 t"o-'"t 0 mi'"t "a%e seen t"e #oss o) contro# 0.d
teased "im abo-t/ B-t "e stayed composed, and on#y "is c#enc"ed )ists s"o(ed "o( an'ry "e (as/
>Besides,> contin-ed Adrian, >not"in' sordid (as 'oin' on/ We (ere :-st "an'in' o-t/>
>0) yo- (ant to ."an' o-t. (it" yo-n' 'ir#s, do it at one o) t"e p-b#ic areas/>
0 didn.t rea##y #ie 2imitri ca##in' -s .yo-n' 'ir#s,. and 0 ind o) )e#t #ie "e (as o%erreactin' "ere/ 0 a#so s-spected
part o) "is reaction "ad to do (it" t"e )act t"at I (as "ere/
Adrian #a-'"ed :-st t"en, a (eird ind o) #a-'" t"at made my sin cra(#/ >+o-n' 'ir#s= oung 'ir#s= S-re/ +o-n'
and o#d at t"e same time/ T"ey.%e bare#y seen anyt"in' in #i)e, yet t"ey.%e a#ready seen too m-c"/ One.s mared
(it" #i)e, and one.s mared (it" deat"// /b-t they're t"e ones (orried abo-t= Worry abo-t yo-rse#), d"ampir/
Worry abo-t yo-, and (orry abo-t me/ t"e ones ("o are yo-n'/>
T"e rest o) -s :-st sort o) stared/ 0 don.t t"in anyone "ad e&pected Adrian to s-dden#y tae an abr-pt trip to
Adrian (as ca#m and #ooed per)ect#y norma# a'ain/ 6e t-rned a(ay and stro##ed to(ard t"e (indo(, '#ancin'
cas-a##y bac at t"e rest o) -s as "e p-##ed o-t "is ci'arettes/
>+o- #adies s"o-#d probab#y 'o/ 6e.s ri'"t/ 0 am a bad in)#-ence/>
0 e&c"an'ed #oos (it" Lissa/ 6-rried#y, (e bot" #e)t and )o##o(ed 2imitri do(n t"e "a## to(ard t"e #obby/
>T"at (as/ stran'e,> 0 said a co-p#e o) min-tes #ater/ 0t (as statin' t"e ob%io-s, b-t, (e##, someone "ad to/
>Very,>said 2imitri/ 6e didn.t so-nd an'ry so m-c" as p-55#ed/
W"en (e reac"ed t"e #obby, 0 started to )o##o( Lissa bac to(ard o-r room, b-t 2imitri ca##ed to me/ >Rose,> "e
said/ >Can 0 ta# to yo-=>
0 )e#t a sympat"etic r-s" o) )ee#in' )rom Lissa/ 0 t-rned to(ard 2imitri and stepped o)) to t"e side o) t"e room, o-t
o) t"e (ay o) t"ose passin' t"ro-'"/ A party o) $oroi in diamonds and )-r s(ept past -s, an&io-s #oos on t"eir
)aces/ Be##"ops )o##o(ed (it" #-''a'e/ Peop#e (ere sti## #ea%in' in searc" o) sa)er p#aces/ T"e Stri'oi paranoia (as
)ar )rom o%er/
2imitri.s %oice snapped my attention bac to "im/ >T"at.s Adrian 0%as"o%/> 6e said t"e name t"e same (ay
e%eryone e#se did/
>+ea", 0 no(/>
>T"is is t"e second time 0.%e seen yo- (it" "im/>
>+ea",> 0 rep#ied '#ib#y/ >We "an' o-t sometimes/>
2imitri arc"ed an eyebro(, t"en :ered "is "ead bac to(ard ("ere (e.d come )rom/ >+o- "an' o-t in "is room a
Se%era# retorts popped into my "ead, and t"en a 'o#den one too precedence/ >W"at "appens bet(een
"im and me is none o) yo-r b-siness/> 0 mana'ed a tone %ery simi#ar to t"e one "e.d -sed on me ("en main' a
simi#ar comment abo-t "im and Tas"a/
>Act-a##y, as #on' as at t"e Academy, ("at yo- do is my b-siness/>
>Not my persona# #i)e/ +o- don.t "a%e any say in t"at/>
> not an ad-#t yet/>
>0.m c#ose eno-'"/ Besides, it.s not #ie 0.## ma'ica##y become an ad-#t on my ei'"teent" birt"day/> >C#ear#y,>"e
0 b#-s"ed/ >T"at.s not ("at 0 meant/ 0 meant7>
>0 no( ("at yo- meant/ And t"e tec"nica#ities don.t matter ri'"t no(/ an Academy st-dent/ 0.m yo-r
instr-ctor/ 0t.s my :ob to "e#p yo- and to eep yo- sa)e/ Bein' in t"e bedroom o) someone #ie him /// (e##, t"at.s
not sa)e/>
>0 can "and#e Adrian 0%as"o%,> 0 m-ttered/ >6e.s (eird7 rea##y (eird, apparent#y7b-t "arm#ess/>
0 secret#y (ondered i) 2imitri.s prob#em mi'"t be t"at "e (as :ea#o-s/ 6e "adn.t p-##ed Lissa aside to ye## at "er/
T"e t"o-'"t made me s#i'"t#y "appy, b-t t"en 0 remembered my ear#ier c-riosity abo-t ("y 2imitri "ad e%en
(andered by/
>Speain' o) persona# #i%es /// 0 s-ppose yo- (ere o)) %isitin' Tas"a, "-"=>
0 ne( it (as petty, and 0 e&pected a >none o) yo-r b-siness> response/ 0nstead "e rep#ied, >Act-a##y, 0 (as %isitin'
yo-r mot"er/>
>+o- 'oin' to "oo -p (it" "er too=> 0 ne( o) co-rse t"at "e (asn.t, b-t t"e <-ip seemed too 'ood to pass -p/
6e seemed to no( t"at too and mere#y 'a%e me a (eary '#ance/ >No, (e (ere #ooin' o%er some ne( data abo-t
t"e Stri'oi in t"e 2ro5do% attac/>
$y an'er and snariness dried -p/ T"e 2ro5do%s/ T"eBadicas/ S-dden#y, e%eryt"in' t"at "ad "appened t"is
mornin' seemed incredib#y tri%ia#/ 6o( co-#d 0 "a%e stood t"ere ar'-in' (it" 2imitri abo-t romances t"at mi'"t
or mi'"t not be "appenin' ("en "e and t"e ot"er '-ardians (ere tryin' to protect -s=
>W"at.d yo- )ind o-t=> 0 ased <-iet#y/
>We.%e mana'ed to trac some o) t"e Stri'oi,> "e said/ >Or at #east t"e "-mans (it" t"em/ T"ere (ere (itnesses
("o #i%ed nearby ("o spotted a )e( o) t"e cars t"e 'ro-p -sed/ T"e p#ates (ere a## )rom di))erent states7t"e 'ro-p
appears to "a%e sp#it -p, probab#y to mae it "arder )or -s/ B-t one o) t"e (itnesses did catc" one p#ate n-mber/ 0t.s
re'istered to an address in Spoane/>
>Spoane=> 0 ased incred-#o-s#y/ >Spoane, ,ashington? W"o maes Spoane t"eir "ideo-t=> 0.d been t"ere
once/ 0t (as abo-t as borin' as e%ery ot"er bac(oods nort"(est city/
>Stri'oi, apparent#y,> "e said, deadpan/ >T"e address (as )ae, b-t ot"er e%idence s"o(s t"ey rea##y are
t"ere/ T"ere.s a ind o) s"oppin' p#a5a t"at "as some -nder'ro-nd t-nne#s/ T"ere.%e been Stri'oi si'"tin's aro-nd
t"at area/>
>T"en ///> 0 )ro(ned/ >Are yo- 'oin' to 'o a)ter t"em= 0s somebody 'oin' to= 0 mean, t"is is ("at Tas"a.s been
sayin' a## a#on'// 0) (e no( ("ere t"ey are ///>
6e s"oo "is "ead/ >T"e '-ardians can.t do anyt"in' (it"o-t permission )rom "i'"er -p/ T"at.s not 'oin' to
"appen anytime soon/>
0 si'"ed/ >Beca-se t"e $oroi ta# too m-c"/>
>T" bein' ca-tio-s,> "e said/
0 )e#t myse#) 'ettin' (ored -p a'ain/ >Come on. E%en yo- can.t (ant to be care)-# on t"is one/ +o- act-a##y
no( ("ere Stri'oi are "idin' o-t/ Stri'oi ("o massacred c"i#dren/ 2on.t yo- (ant to 'o a)ter t"em ("en t"ey
don.t e&pect it=> 0 so-nded #ie $ason no(/
>0t.s not t"at easy,> "e said/ >We ans(er to t"e G-ardian Co-nci# and t"e $oroi 'o%ernment/ We can.t :-st r-n o))
and act on imp-#se/ And any(ay, (e don.t no( e%eryt"in' yet/ +o- s"o-#d ne%er (a# into any sit-ation (it"o-t
no(in' a## t"e detai#s/>
>Gen #i)e #essons a'ain,> 0 si'"ed/ 0 ran a "and t"ro-'" my "air, t-cin' it be"ind my ears/ >W"y.d yo- te## me
t"is, any(ay= T"is is '-ardian st-))/ Not t"e ind o) t"in' yo- #et no%ices in on/>
6e considered "is (ords, and "is e&pression so)tened/ 6e a#(ays #ooed ama5in', b-t 0 #ied "im best #ie t"is/
>0.%e said a )e( t"in's// /t"e ot"er day and today// /t"at 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e/ T"in's t"at ins-#ted yo-r a'e/
se%enteen// /b-t capab#e o) "and#in' and processin' t"e same t"in's t"ose m-c" o#der t"an yo- do/>
$y c"est 're( #i'"t and )#-ttery/ >Rea##y=>
6e nodded/ > sti## rea##y yo-n' in a #ot o) (ays7 and act yo-n'7b-t t"e on#y (ay to rea##y c"an'e t"at is
to treat yo- #ie an ad-#t/ 0 need to do t"at more/ 0 no( yo-.## tae t"is in)ormation and -nderstand "o( important
it is and eep it to yo-rse#)/>
0 didn.t #o%e bein' to#d 0 acted yo-n', b-t 0 #ied t"e idea t"at "e (o-#d ta# to me #ie an e<-a#/
>2ima,> came a %oice/ Tas"a O5era (a#ed -p to -s/ S"e smi#ed ("en s"e sa( me/ >6e##o, Rose/> T"ere (ent
my mood/ >6ey,> 0 said )#at#y/
S"e p#aced a "and on 2imitri.s )orearm, s#idin' "er )in'ers o%er t"e #eat"er o) "is coat/ 0 eyed t"ose )in'ers
an'ri#y/ 6o( dare t"ey to-c" "im=
>+o-.%e 'ot t"at #oo,> s"e to#d "im/
>W"at #oo=> "e ased/ T"e stern #oo "e.d (orn (it" me %anis"ed/ T"ere (as a sma##, no(in' smi#e on "is #ips/
A#most a p#ay)-# one/
>T"at #oo t"at says 'oin' to be on d-ty a## day/>
>Rea##y= 0 "a%e a #oo #ie t"at=> T"ere (as a teasin', mocin' tone to "is %oice/
S"e nodded/ >W"en does yo-r s"i)t tec"nica##y end=>
2imitri act-a##y #ooed70 s(ear7s"eepis"/ >An "o-r a'o/>
>+o- can.t eep doin' t"is,> s"e 'roaned/ >+o- need a brea/>
>We## /// i) yo- consider t"at 0.m a#(ays Lissa.s '-ardian///>
>For no(,> s"e said no(in'#y/ 0 )e#t sicer t"an 0 "ad #ast ni'"t/ >T"ere.s a bi' poo# to-rnament 'oin' on
>0 can.t,> "e said, b-t t"e smi#e (as sti## on "is )ace/ >E%en t"o-'" 0 "a%en.t p#ayed in a #on' time ///> W"at t"e7=
2imitri p#ayed !ool?
S-dden#y, it didn.t matter t"at (e.d :-st "ad a disc-ssion abo-t "im treatin' me #ie an ad-#t/ Some sma## part o)
me did no( ("at a comp#iment t"at (as7b-t t"e rest o) me (anted "im to treat me #ie "e did Tas"a/ P#ay)-#/
Teasin'/ Cas-a#/ T"ey (ere so )ami#iar (it" eac" ot"er, so comp#ete#y at ease/
>Come on, t"en,> s"e be''ed/ >3-st one ro-nd@ We co-#d tae t"em a##/>
>0 can.t,> "e repeated/ 6e so-nded re'ret)-#/ >Not (it" e%eryt"in' 'oin' on/>
S"e sobered a #itt#e/ >No/ 0 s-ppose not/> G#ancin' at me, s"e said teasin'#y, >0 "ope yo- rea#i5e ("at a "ard*core
ro#e mode# yo- "a%e "ere/ 6e.s ne%er o)) d-ty/>
>We##,> 0 said, copyin' "er #i#tin' tone )rom ear#ier, "for no", at #east/>
Tas"a #ooed p-55#ed/ 0 don.t t"in it occ-rred to "er 0.d be main' )-n o) "er/ 2imitri.s dar #oo to#d me "e ne(
e&act#y ("at 0 (as doin'/ 0 immediate#y rea#i5ed 0.d :-st i##ed ("ate%er pro'ress 0.d made as an ad-#t/
> )inis"ed "ere, Rose/ Remember ("at 0 said/>
>+ea",> 0 said, t-rnin' a(ay/ 0 s-dden#y (anted to 'o to my room and %e' )or a ("i#e/ T"is day (as main' me
tired a#ready/ >2e)inite#y/>
0 "adn.t 'otten )ar ("en 0 ran into $ason/ Good God/ $en e%ery("ere/
> mad,> "e said as soon as "e #ooed at my )ace/ 6e "ad a nac )or disco%erin' my moods/ >W"at
>Some /// a-t"ority prob#ems/ 0t.s been a (eird mornin'/>
0 si'"ed, -nab#e to 'et 2imitri o)) t"e brain/ Looin' at $ason, 0 remembered "o( 0.d been con%inced 0 (anted to
'et serio-s (it" "im #ast ni'"t/ 0 (as a "ead case/ 0 co-#dn.t mae -p my mind abo-t anyone/ 2ecidin' t"e best (ay
to banis" one '-y (as to pay attention to anot"er, 0 'rabbed $ason.s "and and steered "im a(ay/
>Come on/ Wasn.t t"e dea# to 'o some("ere// /-m, pri%ate today=>
>0 )i'-red yo- (eren.t dr-n anymore,> "e :oed/ B-t "is eyes #ooed %ery, %ery serio-s/ And interested/ >0
ass-med it (as a## o))/>
>6ey, 0 stand by my c#aims, no matter ("at/> Openin' my mind, 0 searc"ed )or Lissa/ S"e (as no #on'er in o-r
room/ S"e.d 'one o)) to some ot"er roya# e%ent, no do-bt sti## practicin' )or Prisci##a Voda.s bi' dinner/ >Come on,>
0 to#d $ason/ >We.## 'o to my room/>
Aside )rom ("en 2imitri incon%enient#y "appened to be passin' by someone.s room, nobody (as rea##y en)orcin'
t"e mi&ed*'ender r-#e/ 0t (as practica##y #ie bein' bac in my Academy dorms/ As $ason and 0 (ent -pstairs, 0
re#ated to "im ("at 2imitri "ad to#d me abo-t t"e Stri'oi in Spoane/ 2imitri "ad to#d me to eep it to myse#), b-t 0
(as mad at "im a'ain, and 0 didn.t see any "arm in te##in' $ason/ 0 ne( "e.d be interested in t"is/
0 (as ri'"t/ $ason 'ot rea##y (ored -p/
>W"at=> "e e&c#aimed as (e (a#ed into my room/ >T" not doing anyt"in'=>
0 s"r-''ed and sat on my bed/ >2imitri said7>
>0 no(, 0 no( /// 0 "eard yo-/ Abo-t bein' care)-# and a## t"at/> $ason paced aro-nd my room an'ri#y/ >B-t i)
t"ose Stri'oi 'o a)ter anot"er $oroi/// anot"er )ami#y/// damn it@ T" 'oin' to (is" t"ey (eren.t so care)-#
>For'et abo-t it,> 0 said/ 0 )e#t ind o) mi))ed t"at me on a bed (asn.t eno-'" to deter "im )rom cra5y batt#e p#ans/
>T"ere.s not"in' (e can do/>
6e stopped (a#in'/ ",e co-#d 'o/>
>Go ("ere=> 0 ased st-pid#y/
>To Spoane/ T"ere are b-ses yo- can catc" in to(n/>
>0 /// (ait/ +o- (ant -s to 'o to Spoane and tae on Stri'oi=>
> S-re/ Eddie.d do it too /// (e co-#d 'o to t"at ma##/ T"ey (o-#dn.t be or'ani5ed or anyt"in', so (e co-#d (ait and
pic t"em o)) one by one ///>
0 co-#d on#y stare/ >W"en did yo- 'et so d-mb=>
>O", 0 see/ T"ans )or t"e %ote o) con)idence/>
>0t.s not abo-t con)idence,> 0 ar'-ed, standin' -p and approac"in' "im/ >+o- ic ma:or ass/ 0.%e seen it/ B-t
t"is /// t"is isn.t t"e (ay/ We can.t 'o 'et Eddie and tae on Stri'oi/ We need more peop#e/ $ore p#annin'/ $ore
0 rested my "ands on "is c"est/ 6e p#aced "is o%er t"em and smi#ed/ T"e )ire o) batt#e (as sti## in "is eyes, b-t 0
co-#d te## "ismind (as s"i)tin' to more immediate concerns/ Lie me/
>0 didn.t mean to ca## yo- d-mb,> 0 to#d "im/ >0.m sorry/>
> :-st sayin' t"at no( beca-se yo- (ant to "a%e yo-r (ay (it" me/>
>O) co-rse 0 am,> 0 #a-'"ed, "appy to see "im re#a&/ T"e nat-re o) t"is con%ersation reminded me a #itt#e o) t"e
one C"ristian and Lissa "ad "ad in t"e c"ape#/
>We##,> "e said, >0 don.t t"in 0.m 'oin' to be too "ard to tae ad%anta'e o)/>
>Good/ Beca-se t"ere are lots o) t"in's 0 (ant to do/>
0 s#id my "ands -p and aro-nd "is nec/ 6is sin (as (arm beneat" my )in'ers, and 0 remembered "o( m-c" 0.d
en:oyed issin' "im #ast ni'"t/
S-dden#y, o-t o) no("ere, "e said, >+o- rea##y are "is st-dent/>
>Be#io%.s/ 0 (as :-st t"inin' abo-t ("en yo- mentioned needin' more in)ormation and st-))/ +o- act :-st #ie
"im/ +o-.%e 'otten a## serio-s since yo-.%e been "an'in' o-t (it" "im/>
>No, 0 "a%en.t/>
$ason "ad p-##ed me c#oser, b-t no( 0 s-dden#y didn.t )ee# so romantic/ 0.d (anted to mae o-t and forget
2imitri )or a ("i#e, not "a%e a con%ersation abo-t "im/ W"ere "ad t"is come )rom= $ason (as s-pposed to be
distractin' me/
6e didn.t notice anyt"in' (as (ron'/ >+o-.%e :-st c"an'ed, t"at.s a##/ 0t.s not bad /// :-st di))erent/>
Somet"in' abo-t t"at made me an'ry, b-t be)ore 0 co-#d snap bac, "is mo-t" met mine in a iss/ Reasonab#e
disc-ssions sort o) %anis"ed/ A bit o) t"at dar temper started to rise in me, b-t 0 simp#y c"anne#ed t"at intensity
into p"ysica#ity as $ason and 0 )e## on top o) eac" ot"er/ 0 yaned "im do(n on t"e bed, mana'in' to do so (it"o-t
stoppin' t"e issin'/ 0 (as not"in' i) not a m-#titaser/ 0 d-' my nai#s into "is bac ("i#e "is "ands s#id -p t"e
bac o) my nec and re#eased t"e ponytai# 0.d :-st made min-tes a'o/ R-nnin' "is )in'ers t"ro-'" t"e -nbo-nd "air,
"e s"i)ted "is mo-t" do(n and issed my nec/
>+o- are /// ama5in',> "e to#d me/ And 0 co-#d te## t"at "e meant it/ 6is ("o#e )ace '#o(ed (it" a))ection )or me/
0 arc"ed -p(ard, #ettin' "is #ips press "arder a'ainst my sin ("i#e "is "ands s#ipped -nder t"e bottom o) my s"irt/
T"ey trai#ed -p(ard a#on' my stomac", :-st bare#y tracin' t"e ed'e o) my bra/
Considerin' (e.d :-st been "a%in' an ar'-ment a min-te a'o, 0 (as s-rprised to see t"in's esca#atin' so <-ic#y/
6onest#y, t"o-'" /// 0 didn.t mind/ T"is (as t"e (ay 0 #i%ed my #i)e/ E%eryt"in' (as a#(ays )ast and intense (it"
me/ T"e ni'"t 2imitri and 0 "ad )a##en %ictim to Victor 2as"o%.s #-st c"arm, t"ere.d been some pretty )-rio-s
passion 'oin' on too/ 2imitri "ad contro##ed it, t"o-'", so sometimes (e.d taen t"in's s#o(#y/ and t"at "ad been
(onder)-# in its o(n (ay/ B-t most o) t"e time, (e "adn.t been ab#e to "o#d o-rse#%es bac/ 0 co-#d )ee# it a## o%er
a'ain/ T"e (ays "is"ands "ad r-n o%er my body/ T"e deep, po(er)-# isses/
0t (as t"en t"at 0 rea#i5ed somet"in'/
0 (as issin' $ason, b-t in my "ead, 0 (as (it" 2imitri/ And it (asn.t #ie 0 (as simp#y rememberin' eit"er/ 0
(as act-a##y ima'inin' 0 (as (it" 2imitri7ri'"t no"7 re#i%in' t"at ni'"t a## o%er a'ain/ Wit" my eyes c#osed, it
(as easy to pretend/
B-t ("en 0 opened t"em and sa( $ason.s eyes, 0 ne( "e (as (it" me. 6e adored me and "ad (anted me )or a
#on' time/ For me to do t"is /// to be (it" "im and pretend 0 (as (it" someone e#se ///
0t (asn.t ri'"t/
0 (i''#ed o-t o) "is reac"/ >No /// don.t/>
$ason stopped immediate#y beca-se t"at.s t"e ind o) '-y "e (as/
>Too m-c"=> "e ased/ 0 nodded/ >T"at.s oay/ We don.t "a%e to do t"at/>
6e reac"ed )or me a'ain, and 0 mo%ed )art"er a(ay/ >No, 0 :-st don.t/ 0 don.t no(/ Let.s ca## it <-its, oay=>
>0/> 6e (as speec"#ess )or a moment/ >W"at "appened to t"e .#ots o) t"in's. yo- (anted to do=>
+ea" /// it #ooed pretty bad, b-t ("at co-#d 0 say= I can't 'et p"ysica# (it" yo- beca-se ("en 0 do, 0 :-st t"in
abo-t t"e ot"er '-y 0 act-a##y (ant/ :-st a stand*in/
0 s(a##o(ed, )ee#in' st-pid/ >0.m sorry, $ase/ 0 :-st can.t/>
6e sat -p and ran a "and o%er "is "air/ >Oay/ A## ri'"t/>
0 co-#d "ear t"e "ardness in "is %oice/ > mad/>
6e '#anced o%er at me, a stormy e&pression on "is )ace/ >0.m :-st con)-sed/ 0 can.t read yo-r si'na#s/
One moment "ot, t"e ne&t co#d/ +o- te## me yo- (ant me, yo- te## me yo- don.t/ 0) yo- piced one,
t"at.d be )ine, b-t yo- eep main' me t"in one t"in' and t"en yo- end -p 'oin' in a comp#ete#y di))erent
direction/ Not :-st no(7a## t"e time/>
0t (as tr-e/ 0 "ad 'one bac and )ort" (it" "im/ Sometimes 0 (as )#irty, ot"er times 0 comp#ete#y i'nored "im/
>0s t"ere somet"in' yo- (ant me to do=> "e ased ("en 0 didn.t say anyt"in'/ >Somet"in' t"at.##/ 0 don.t no(/
$ae yo- )ee# better abo-t me=>
>0 don.t no(,> 0 said (ea#y/
6e si'"ed/ >T"en ("at do yo- (ant in 'enera#=>
2imitri,0 t"o-'"t/ 0nstead, 0 repeated myse#)/ >0 don.t no(/>
Wit" a 'roan, "e stood -p and "eaded )or t"e door/ >Rose, )or someone ("o c#aims s"e (ants to 'at"er as m-c"
in)ormation as possib#e, yo- rea##y "a%e a #ot to #earn abo-t yo-rse#)/>
T"e door s#ammed be"ind "im/ T"e noise made me )#inc", and as 0 stared at ("ere $ason "ad :-st stood, 0
rea#i5ed "e (as ri'"t/ 0 did "a%e a #ot to #earn/
L0SSA FOUN2 $E LATER 0N t"e day/ 0.d )a##en as#eep a)ter $ason #e)t, too de:ected to #ea%e t"e bed/ 6er
s#ammin' o) t"e door :o#ted me a(ae/
0 (as "appy to see "er/ 0 needed to spi## abo-t t"e )-mb#ed t"in' (it" $ason, b-t be)ore 0 co-#d, 0 read "er
)ee#in's/ T"ey (ere as tro-b#ed as mine/ So, as a#(ays, 0 p-t "er )irst/
>W"at "appened=>
S"e sat on "er bed, sinin' into t"e )eat"er d-%et, "er )ee#in's bot" )-rio-s and sad/ >C"ristian/>
>Rea##y=> 0.d ne%er no(n t"em to )i'"t/ T"ey teased eac" ot"er a #ot, b-t it (as "ard#y t"e ind o) t"in' t"at co-#d
near#y brin' "er to tears/
>6e )o-nd o-t/// 0 (as (it" Adrian t"is mornin'/>
>O", (o(,> 0 said/ >+ea"/ T"at mi'"t be a prob#em/> Standin' -p, 0 (a#ed o%er to t"e dresser and )o-nd my
br-s"/ Wincin', 0 stood in )ront o) t"e 'i#t*)ramed mirror and be'an br-s"in' o-t t"e snar#s ac<-ired d-rin' my
S"e 'roaned/ >B-t not"in' "appened@ C"ristian.s )reain' o-t o%er not"in'/ 0 can.t be#ie%e "e doesn.t tr-st me/>
>6e tr-sts yo-/ T"e ("o#e t"in'.s :-st (eird, t"at.s a##/> 0 t"o-'"t abo-t 2imitri and Tas"a/ >3ea#o-sy maes
peop#e do and say st-pid t"in's/>
>B-t not"in' "appened,> s"e repeated/ >0 mean, yo- (ere t"ere and7"ey, 0 ne%er )o-nd o-t/ W"at "ere yo-
doin' t"ere=>
>Adrian sent me a b-nc" o) per)-me/>
>6e7yo- mean t"at 'iant bo& yo- (ere carryin'=>
0 nodded/
>+ea"/ 0 came to ret-rn it,> 0 said/ >T"e <-estion is, ("at (ere yo- doin' t"ere=>
>3-st ta#in',> s"e said/ S"e started to #i'"t -p, on t"e %er'e o) te##in' me somet"in', b-t t"en s"e pa-sed/ 0 )e#t t"e
t"o-'"t a#most reac" t"e )ront o) "er mind and t"en 'et s"o%ed bac/ >0.%e 'ot a #ot to te## yo-, b-t )irst te## me
("at.s -p (it" yo-/>
>Not"in'.s -p (it" me/>
>W"ate%er, Rose/ 0.m not psyc"ic #ie yo-, b-t 0 no( ("en pissed o)) abo-t somet"in'/ +o-.%e been ind
o) do(n since C"ristmas/ W"at.s -p=>
No( (asn.t t"e time to 'et into ("at "ad "appened on C"ristmas ("en my mom to#d me abo-t Tas"a and 2imitri/
B-t 0 did te## Lissa t"e story abo-t $ason7editin' o-t ("y 0 "ad stopped7and simp#y dri%in' "ome "o( 0 "ad/
>We##///> s"e said ("en 0 )inis"ed/ >T"at (as yo-r ri'"t/>
>0 no(/ B-t 0 ind o) #ed "im on/ 0 can see ("y "e.d be -pset/>
>+o- '-ys can probab#y )i& it, t"o-'"/ Go ta# to "im/ 6e.s cra5y abo-t yo-/>
0t (as more t"an miscomm-nication/ T"in's (it" $ason and me co-#dn.t be patc"ed -p so easi#y/ >0 don.t no(,>
0 to#d "er/ >Not e%eryone.s #ie yo- and C"ristian/>
6er )ace darened/ >C"ristian/ 0 sti## can.t be#ie%e "e.s bein' so st-pid abo-t t"is/>
0 didn.t mean to, b-t 0 #a-'"ed/ >Liss, yo- '-ys.## iss and mae -p in #ie a day/ $ore t"an iss, probab#y/>
0t s#ipped o-t be)ore 0 co-#d stop it/ 6er eyes (idened/ >+o- no(/> S"e s"oo "er "ead in e&asperation/ >O)
course yo- no(/>
>Sorry,> 0 said/ 0 "adn.t meant to #et "er no( 0 ne( abo-t t"e se& t"in', not -nti# s"e to#d me "erse#)/ S"e eyed
me/ >6o( m-c" do yo- no(=>
>Um, not m-c",> 0 #ied/ 0.d )inis"ed br-s"in' my "air b-t be'an p#ayin' (it" t"e br-s".s "and#e in order to a%oid
"er eyes/
>0 "a%e got to #earn to eep yo- o-t o) my mind,> s"e m-ttered/
>On#y (ay 0 can .ta#. to yo- #ate#y/> Anot"er s#ip-p/
>W"at.s t"at s-pposed to mean=> s"e demanded/
>Not"in' /// 0/> S"e (as 'i%in' me a s"arp #oo/ >0/ 0 don.t no(/ 0 :-st )ee# #ie (e don.t ta# as m-c" anymore/>
>Taes t(o to )i& t"at,> s"e said, %oice ind a'ain/
> ri'"t,> 0 said, not pointin' o-t t"at t(o co-#d )i& t"at on#y i) one (asn.t a#(ays (it" "er boy)riend/ Tr-e, 0
(as '-i#ty in my o(n (ay o) #ocin' t"in's -p7b-t 0 had (anted to ta# to "er a n-mber o) times #ate#y/ T"e
timin' :-stne%er seemed to be ri'"t7not e%en no(/ >+o- no(, 0 ne%er t"o-'"t yo-.d be
)irst/ Or 0 '-ess 0 ne%er t"o-'"t 0.d be a senior and sti## be a %ir'in/>
>+ea",> s"e said dry#y/ >$e eit"er/>
>6ey@ W"at.s that s-pposed to mean=>
S"e 'rinned, t"en ca-'"t si'"t o) "er (atc"/ 6er smi#e )e##/ >U'"/ 0.%e 'ot to 'o to Prisci##a.s ban<-et/ C"ristian
(as s-pposed to 'o (it" me, b-t "e.s o)) bein' an idiot; > 6er eyes )oc-sed "ope)-##y on me/
>W"at= No/ P#ease, Liss/ +o- no( "o( 0 "ate t"ose )orma# roya# t"in's/>
>O", come on,> s"e be''ed/ >C"ristian )#aed o-t/ +o- can.t t"ro( me to t"e (o#%es/ And didn.t yo- :-st say (e
needed to ta# more=> 0 'roaned/ >Besides, ("en my '-ardian, yo-.## "a%e to do t"ese t"in's a## t"e time/>
>0 no(,> 0 said dar#y/ >0 t"o-'"t 0 co-#d maybe en:oy my #ast si& mont"s o) )reedom/>
B-t in t"e end, s"e conned me into 'oin' (it" "er, as (e.d bot" no(n s"e (o-#d/
We didn.t "a%e m-c" time, and 0 "ad to do a r-s" s"o(er, b#o(*dry, and mae-p :ob/ 0.d bro-'"t Tas"a.s dress on
a ("im, and ("i#e 0 sti## (anted "er to s-))er "orrib#y )or bein' attracted to 2imitri, 0 (as 'rate)-# )or "er present
no(/ 0 p-##ed on t"e si#en materia#, "appy to see t"e s"ade o) red (as :-st as i##er on me as 0.d ima'ined/ 0t (as a
#on', Asian*sty#e dress (it" )#o(ers embroidered into t"e si#/ T"e "i'" nec and #on' "em co%ered a #ot o) sin,
b-t t"e materia#c#-n' to me and #ooed se&y in a di))erent ind o) (ay t"an s"o(in' a #ot o) sin did/ $y b#ac eye
(as practica##y none&istent by no(/
Lissa, as a#(ays, #ooed ama5in'/ S"e (ore a deep p-rp#e dress by 3o"nna Rasi, a (e##*no(n $oroi desi'ner/ 0t
(as s#ee%e#ess and made o) satin/ T"e tiny amet"yst*#ie crysta#s set into t"e straps spar#ed a'ainst "er pa#e sin/
S"e (ore "er "air -p in a #oose, art)-##y sty#ed b-n/
W"en (e reac"ed t"e ban<-et room, (e dre( a )e( eyes/ 0 don.t t"in t"e roya#s "ad e&pected t"e 2ra'omir
princess to brin' "er d"ampir )riend to t"is "i'"#y anticipated, in%itation*on#y dinner/ B-t "ey, Lissa.s in%ite "ad
said >and '-est/> S"e and 0 too o-r p#aces at one o) t"e tab#es (it" some roya#s ("ose names 0 prompt#y )or'ot/
T"ey (ere "appy to i'nore me, and 0 (as "appy to be i'nored/
Besides, it (asn.t #ie t"ere (eren.t p#enty o) ot"er distractions/ T"is room (as done a## in si#%er and b#-e/
$idni'"t b#-e si# c#ot"s co%ered t"e tab#es, so s"iny and smoot" t"at 0 (as terri)ied to eat on t"em/ Sconces o)
bees(a& cand#es "-n' a## o%er t"e (a##s, and a )irep#ace decorated (it" stained '#ass crac#ed a(ay in one corner/
T"e e))ect (as a spectac-#ar panorama o) co#or and #i'"t, di55yin' to t"e eye/ 0n t"e corner, a s#im $oroi (oman
p#ayed so)t ce##o m-sic, "er )ace dreamy as s"e )oc-sed on t"e son'/ T"e c#inin' o) crysta# (ine'#asses
comp#emented t"e strin's. #o(, s(eet notes/
2inner (as e<-a##y ama5in'/ T"e )ood (as e#aborate, b-t 0 reco'ni5ed e%eryt"in' on my p#ate 8c"ina, o) co-rse9
and #ieda## o) it/ No )oie 'ras "ere/ Sa#mon in a sa-ce o) s"iitae m-s"rooms/ A sa#ad (it" pears and 'oat c"eese/
2e#icate a#mond*st-))ed pastries )or dessert/ $y on#y comp#aint (as t"at t"e portions (ere sma##/ T"e )ood seemed
more #ie it (as t"ere to simp#y decorate t"e p#ates, and 0 s(ear, 0 )inis"ed it in ten bites/ $oroi mi'"t sti## need
)ood a#on' (it" t"eir b#ood, b-t t"ey didn.t need as m-c" as a "-man7or, say, a 'ro(in' d"ampir 'ir#7needed/
Sti##, t"e )ood a#one co-#d "a%e :-sti)ied me comin' a#on' on t"is %ent-re, 0 decided/ E&cept, ("en t"e mea# ended,
Lissa to#d me (e co-#dn.t #ea%e/
>We "a%e to min'#e,> s"e ("ispered/
Lissa #a-'"ed at my discom)ort/ > t"e socia# one/>
0t (as tr-e/ 0n most circ-mstances, 0 (as t"e one ("o p-t myse#) o-t t"ere and (asn.t a)raid to ta# to peop#e/ Lissa
tended to be s"yer/ On#y, (it" t"is 'ro-p, t"e tab#es (ere t-rned/ T"is (as "er e#ement, not mine, and it ama5ed me
to see :-st "o( (e## s"e co-#d interact (it" roya# "i'" society no(/ S"e (as per)ect, po#is"ed and po#ite/ E%eryone
(as ea'er to ta# to "er, and s"e a#(ays seemed to no( t"e ri'"t t"in' to say/ S"e (asn.t -sin' comp-#sion,
e&act#y, b-t s"e de)inite#y p-t o-t an air t"at dre( ot"ers to "er/ 0 t"in it mi'"t "a%e been an -nconscio-s e))ect o)
spirit/ E%en (it" t"e meds, "er ma'ica# and nat-ra# c"arisma came t"ro-'"/ W"ereas intense socia# interactions "ad
once been )orced and stress)-# )or "er, s"e no( cond-cted t"em (it" ease/ 0 (as pro-do) "er/ $ost o) t"e
con%ersation stayed pretty #i'"t1 )as"ion, roya# #o%e #i%es, etc/ No one seemed to (ant to spoi# t"e atmosp"ere (it"
-'#y Stri'oi ta#/
So 0 c#-n' to "er side )or t"e rest o) t"e ni'"t/ 0 tried to te## myse#) it (as :-st practice )or t"e )-t-re, ("en 0.d
)o##o( "er aro-nd #ie a <-iet s"ado( any(ay/ T"e tr-t" (as, 0 :-st )e#t too -ncom)ortab#e (it" t"is 'ro-p and
ne( my -s-a# snary de)ense mec"anisms rea##y (eren.t -se)-# "ere/ P#-s, 0 (as pain)-##y a(are t"at 0 (as t"e
on#y d"ampir dinner '-est/ T"ere (ere ot"er d"ampirs, yes, b-t t"ey (ere in )orma# '-ardian mode, "o%erin' on
t"e perip"ery o) t"e room/
As Lissa (ored t"e cro(d, (e dri)ted o%er to a sma## 'ro-p o) $oroi ("ose %oices (ere 'ro(in' #o-der/ One o)
t"em 0 reco'ni5ed/ 6e (as t"e '-y )rom t"e )i'"t t"at 0.d "e#ped brea -p, on#y t"is time "e (ore a striin' b#ac
t-&edo instead o) a s(ims-it/ 6e '#anced -p at o-r approac", b#atant#y c"eced -s o-t, b-t apparent#y didn.t
remember me/ 0'norin' -s, "e contin-ed on (it" "is ar'-ment/ Not s-rprisin'#y, $oroi protection (as t"e topic/
6e (as t"e one ("o.d been in )a%or o) $oroi 'oin' on t"e o))ensi%e a'ainst t"e Stri'oi/
>W"at part o) .s-icide. don.t yo- -nderstand=> ased one o) t"e men standin' nearby/ 6e "ad si#%ery "air and a
b-s"y m-stac"e/ 6e (ore a t-& too, b-t t"e yo-n'er '-y #ooed better in one/ >$oroi trainin' as so#diers (i## be
t"e end o) o-r race/>
>0t.s not s-icide,> e&c#aimed t"e yo-n' '-y/ >0t.s t"e ri'"t t"in' to do/ We "a%e to start #ooin' o-t )or o-rse#%es/
Learnin' to )i'"t and -se o-r ma'ic is o-r 'reatest asset, ot"er t"an t"e '-ardians/>
>+es, b-t (it" t"e '-ardians, (e don.t need ot"er assets,> said Si#%er 6air/ >+o-.%e been #istenin' to non*roya#s/
T"ey don.t "a%e any '-ardians o) t"eir o(n, so o) co-rse t" scared/ B-t t"at.s no reason to dra' us do(n and
p-t our #i%es at ris/>
>T"en don.t,> said Lissa s-dden#y/ 6er %oice (as so)t, b-t e%eryone in t"e #itt#e 'ro-p stopped and #ooed at "er/
>W"en yo- ta# abo-t $oroi #earnin' "o( to )i'"t, yo- mae it so-nd #ie an a##*or*not"in' matter/ 0t.s not/ 0) yo-
don.t (ant to )i'"t, t"en yo- s"o-#dn.t "a%e to/ 0 comp#ete#y -nderstand/> T"e man #ooed s#i'"t#y mo##i)ied/ >B-t,
t"at.s beca-se yo- can re#y on yo-r '-ardians/ A #ot o) $oroi can.t/ And i) t"ey (ant to #earn se#)*de)ense, t"ere.s
no reason ("y t"ey s"o-#dn.t do it on t"eir o(n/>
T"e yo-n'er '-y 'rinned tri-mp"ant#y at "is ad%ersary/ >T"ere, yo- see=>
>0t.s not t"at easy,> co-ntered Si#%er 6air/ >0) it (as :-st a matter o) yo- cra5y peop#e (antin' to 'et
yo-rse#%es i##ed, t"en )ine/ Go do it/ B-t ("ere are yo- 'oin' to #earn a## t"ese so*ca##ed )i'"tin' si##s=>
>We.## )i'-re t"e ma'ic o-t on o-r o(n/ G-ardians (i## teac" -s act-a# p"ysica# )i'"tin'/>
>+es, see= 0 ne( t"at (as ("ere t"is (as 'oin'/ E%en i)t"e rest o) -s don.t tae part in yo-r s-icide mission, yo-
sti## (ant to strip -s o) o-r '-ardians to train -p yo-r pretend army/>
T"e yo-n' '-y sco(#ed at t"e (ord !retend, and 0 (ondered i) more )ists (o-#d )#y/ >+o- o(e it to -s/>
>No, t"ey don.t,> said Lissa/
0ntri'-ed 'a5es t-rned "er (ay a'ain/ T"is time, it (as Si#%er 6air ("o re'arded "er tri-mp"ant#y/ T"e yo-n'er
'-y.s )eat-res )#-s"ed (it" an'er/
>G-ardians are t"e best batt#e reso-rces (e "a%e/>
>T"ey are,> s"e a'reed, >b-t t"at doesn.t 'i%e yo- t"e ri'"t to tae t"em a(ay )rom t"eir d-ty/> Si#%er 6air
practica##y '#o(ed/
>T"en "o( are (e s-pposed to #earn=> demanded t"e ot"er '-y/
>T"e same (ay '-ardians do,> Lissa in)ormed "im/ >0) yo- (ant to #earn to )i'"t, 'o to t"e academies/ Form
c#asses and start at t"e be'innin', t"e same (ay t"e no%ices do/ T"at (ay, yo- (on.t be tain' '-ardians a(ay
)rom acti%e protection/ 0t.s a sa)e en%ironment, and t"e '-ardians t"ere specia#i5e in teac"in' st-dents any(ay/>
S"e pa-sed t"o-'"t)-##y/ >+o- co-#d e%en start main' de)ense part o) t"e standard c-rric-#-m )or $oroi st-dents
a#ready t"ere/>
Astonis"ed stares )e## on "er, mine inc#-ded/ 0t (as s-c" an e#e'ant so#-tion, and e%eryone e#se aro-nd -s rea#i5ed
it/ 0t 'a%e no party ADD percent o) its demands, b-t it met most in a (ay t"at didn.t rea##y "arm t"e ot"er side/ P-re
'eni-s/ T"eot"er $oroi st-died "er (it" (onder and )ascination/
S-dden#y, e%eryone started ta#in' at once, e&cited abo-t t"e idea/ T"ey dre( Lissa in, and soon t"ere (as a
passionate con%ersation 'oin' on abo-t "er p#an/ 0 'ot s"-))#ed to t"e ed'es and decided t"at (as :-st )ine/ T"en 0
retreated a#to'et"er and so-'"t o-t a corner near a door/
A#on' t"e (ay, 0 passed a ser%er (it" a tray o) "ors d.oe-%res/ Sti## "-n'ry, 0 eyed t"em s-spicio-s#y b-t sa(
not"in' t"at #ooed #ie t"e )oie 'ras )rom t"e ot"er day/ 0 'est-red to one t"at #ooed #ie some sort o) braised,
rare meat/
>0s t"at 'oose #i%er=> 0 ased/
S"e s"oo "er "ead/ >S(eetbread/>
T"at didn.t so-nd bad/ 0 reac"ed )or it/
>0t.s pancreas,> said a %oice be"ind me/ 0 :ered bac/
>W"at=> 0 s<-eaed/ T"e (aitress too my s"oc )or re:ection and mo%ed on/
Adrian 0%as"o% mo%ed into my #ine o) si'"t, #ooin' immense#y p#eased (it" "imse#)/
>Are yo- messin' (it" me=> 0 ased/ >.S(eetbread. is !ancreas?" 0 don.t no( ("y t"at s"oced me so m-c"/
$oroi cons-med b#ood/ W"y not interna# or'ans= Sti##, 0 repressed a s"-dder/
Adrian s"r-''ed/ >0t.s rea##y 'ood/>
0 s"oo my "ead in dis'-st/ >O", man/ Ric" peop#e s-c/>
6is am-sement contin-ed/ >W"at are yo- doin' "ere, #itt#e d"ampir= Are yo- )o##o(in' me aro-nd=>
>O) co-rse not,> 0 sco))ed/ 6e (as dressed to per)ection, asa#(ays/ >Especia##y not a)ter a## t"e tro-b#e yo-.%e
'otten -s into/>
6e )#as"ed one o) "is tanta#i5in' smi#es, and despite "o( m-c" "e annoyed me, 0 a'ain )e#t t"at o%er("e#min'
-r'e to be near "im/ W"at (as -p (it" t"at=
>0 don.t no(,> "e teased/ 6e #ooed per)ect#y sane no(, e&"ibitin' no trace o) t"e (eird be"a%ior 0.d (itnessed in
"is room/ And yea", "e #ooed a lot better in a t-&edo t"an any '-y 0.d seen in t"ere so )ar/ >As many times as (e
eep seein' eac" ot"er= T"is is, ("at, t"e )i)t" time= 0t.s startin' to #oo s-spicio-s/ 2on.t (orry, t"o-'"/ 0 (on.t
te## yo-r boy)riend/ Eit"er o) t"em/>
0 opened my mo-t" to protest, t"en remembered "e.d seen me (it" 2imitri ear#ier/ 0 re)-sed to b#-s"/ >0 on#y "a%e
one boy)riend/ Sort o)/ $aybe not anymore/ And any(ay, t"ere.s not"in' to te##/ 0 don.t e%en #ie yo-/>
>No=> ased Adrian, sti## smi#in'/ 6e #eaned to(ard me, #ie "e "ad a secret to s"are/ >T"en ("y are yo- (earin'
my per)-me=>
T"is time, 0 did b#-s"/ 0 too a step bac/ >0.m not/>
6e #a-'"ed/ >O) co-rse yo- are/ 0 co-nted t"e bo&es a)ter yo- #e)t/ Besides, 0 can sme## it on yo-/ 0t.s nice/
S"arp// /b-t sti## s(eet7*:-st #ie 0.m s-re yo- are deep do(n inside/ And yo- 'ot it ri'"t, yo- no(/ 3-st eno-'"
to add an ed'e// /b-t not eno-'" to dro(n yo-r o(n scent/> T"e (ay "e said >scent> made it so-nd #ie a dirty
Roya# $oroi mi'"t mae me -ncom)ortab#e, b-t smartass'-ys "ittin' on me didn.t/ 0 dea#t (it" t"em on a re'-#ar
basis/ 0 s"oo o)) my s"yness and remembered ("o 0 (as/
>6ey,> 0 said, tossin' my "air bac/ >0 "ad e%ery ri'"t to tae one/ +o- o))ered t"em/ +o-r mistae is in ass-min'
me tain' one means anyt"in'/ 0t doesn.t/ E&cept t"at maybe yo- s"o-#d be more care)-# (it" ("ere yo- d-mp a##
t"at money o) yo-rs/>
>Oo", Rose 6at"a(ay is "ere to p#ay, )o#s/> 6e pa-sed and too a '#ass o) ("at #ooed #ie c"ampa'ne )rom a
passin' (aiter/ >+o- (ant one=>
>0 don.t drin/>
>Ri'"t/> Adrian "anded me a '#ass any(ay, t"en s"ooed t"e (aiter a(ay and too a drin o) t"e c"ampa'ne/ 0 "ad
a )ee#in' it (asn.t "is )irst o) t"e ni'"t/ >So/ So-nds #ie o-r Vasi#isa p-t my dad in "is p#ace/>
>+o-r ///> 0 '#anced bac at t"e 'ro-p 0.d :-st #e)t/ Si#%er 6air sti## stood t"ere, 'estic-#atin' (i#d#y/ >T"at
'-y.s yo-r dad=>
>T"at.s ("at my mom says/>
>+o- a'ree (it" "im= Abo-t "o( $oroi )i'"tin' (o-#d be s-icide=>
Adrian s"r-''ed and too anot"er sip/ >0 don.t rea##y "a%e an opinion on t"at/>
>T"at.s not possib#e/ 6o( can yo- not )ee# one (ay or anot"er=>
>2-nno/ 3-st not somet"in' 0 t"in abo-t/ 0.%e 'ot better t"in's to do/>
>Lie sta# me,> 0 s-''ested/ >And Lissa/> 0 sti## (anted to no( ("y s"e.d been in "is room/
6e smi#ed a'ain/ >0 to#d yo-, t"e one )o##o(in' me/>
>+ea", yea", 0 no(/ Fi%e times7> 0 stopped/ >Fi%e times=>
6e nodded/
>No, it.s on#y been )o-r/> Wit" my )ree "and, 0 ticed t"em o))/ >T"ere (as t"at )irst ni'"t, t"e ni'"t at t"e spa,
t"en ("en 0 came to yo-r room, and no( toni'"t/>
T"e smi#e t-rned secreti%e/ >0) yo- say so/>
>0 do say so///> A'ain, my (ords trai#ed o))/ 0 "ad ta#ed to Adrian one ot"er time/ Sort o)/ >+o- can.t mean ///>
>$ean ("at=> A c-rio-s, ea'er e&pression #it "is eyes/ 0t (as more "ope)-# t"an pres-mpt-o-s/
0 s(a##o(ed, reca##in' t"e dream/ >Not"in'/> Wit"o-t t"inin' abo-t it, 0 too a drin o) c"ampa'ne/ Across t"e
room, Lissa.s )ee#in's b-rned bac to me, ca#m and content/ Good/
>W"y are yo- smi#in'=> Adrian ased/
>Beca-se Lissa.s sti## o%er t"ere, (orin' t"at cro(d/>
>No s-rprise t"ere/ S"e.s one o) t"ose peop#e ("o can c"arm anyone s"e (ants i) s"e tries "ard eno-'"/ E%en
peop#e ("o "ate "er/>
0 'a%e "im a (ry #oo/ >0 )ee# t"at (ay ("en 0 ta# to yo-/>
>B-t yo- don.t "ate me,> "e said, )inis"in' t"e #ast o) "is c"ampa'ne/ >Not rea##y/>
>0 don.t #ie yo- eit"er/>
>So yo- eep sayin'/> 6e too a step to(ard me, not t"reatenin', :-st main' t"e space bet(een -s more intimate/
>B-t 0 can #i%e (it" t"at/>
T"e s"arpness o) my mot"er.s %oice c-t t"ro-'" t"e air/ A )e( peop#e (it"in ears"ot '#anced o%er at -s/ $y
mot"er7a## )i%e an'ry )eet o) "er7stormed -p to -s/
W6AT2O +OU T60N4 +OU.RE doin'=> s"edemanded/ 6er %oice (as sti## too #o-d as )ar as 0 (as
>Not"in', 07>
>E&c-se -s, Lord 0%as"o%,> s"e 'ro(#ed/ T"en, #ie 0 (as )i%e years o#d, s"e 'rabbed me by my arm
and :ered me o-t o) t"e room/ C"ampa'ne s#os"ed o-t o) my '#ass and sp#as"ed onto t"e sirt o) my dress/
>W"at do yo- t"in you're doin'=> 0 e&c#aimed, once (e (ere o-t in t"e "a##/ $o-rn)-##y, 0 #ooed do(n at my
dress/ >T"is is sil'. +o- co-#d "a%e r-ined it/>
S"e 'rabbed t"e c"ampa'ne )#-te and set it do(n on a nearby tab#e/ >Good/ $aybe it.## stop yo- )rom dressin' -p
#ie a c"eap ("ore/>
>W"oa,> 0 said, s"oced/ >T"at.s ind o) "ars"/ And ("ere do yo- 'et o)) t-rnin' mot"er#y a## o) a s-dden=> 0
'est-red to t"e dress/ >T"is isn.t e&act#y c"eap/ +o- t"o-'"t it (as nice o) Tas"a to 'i%e it to me/>
>T"at.s beca-se 0 didn.t e&pect yo- to (ear it o-t (it" $oroi and mae a spectac#e o) yo-rse#)/>
>0.m not main' a spectac#e o) myse#)/ And any(ay, it co%ers e%eryt"in' -p/>
>A dress t"at ti'"t mi'"t as (e## be s"o(in' e%eryt"in',> s"e retorted/ S"e, o) co-rse, (as dressed in '-ardian
b#ac1 tai#ored b#ac #inen pants and a matc"in' b#a5er/ S"e "ad a )e( c-r%es o) "er o(n, b-t t"e c#ot"in' "id t"em/
>Especia##y ("en (it" a 'ro-p #ie t"at/ +o-r body.s/// conspic-o-s/ And )#irtin' (it" $oroi doesn.t rea##y
>0 (asn.t )#irtin' (it" "im/>
T"e acc-sation made me an'ry beca-se 0 )e#t 0.d been on rea##y 'ood be"a%ior #ate#y/ 0 -sed to )#irt a## t"e time7
and do ot"er t"in's7(it" $oroi '-ys, b-t a)ter a )e( ta#s and one embarrassin' incident (it" 2imitri, 0.d
rea#i5ed "o( st-pid t"at (as/ 2"ampir 'ir#s did "a%e to be care)-# (it" $oroi '-ys, and 0 ept t"at in mind a## t"e
time no(/
Somet"in' petty occ-rred to me/ >Besides,> 0 said mocin'#y, >isn.t t"at ("at 0.m s-pposed to do= 6oo -p (it" a
$oroi and )-rt"er my race= 0t.s ("at you did/>
S"e '#o(ered/ >Not ("en 0 (as yo-r a'e/>
>+o- (ere on#y a )e( years o#der t"an me/>
>2on.t do anyt"in' st-pid, Rose,> s"e said/ > too yo-n' )or a baby/ +o- don.t "a%e t"e #i)e e&perience )or it
7 yo- "a%en.t e%en #i%ed yo-r o(n #i)e yet/ +o- (on.t be ab#e to do t"e ind o) :ob yo- (is" yo- co-#d/>
0 'roaned, morti)ied/ >Are (e rea##y e%en disc-ssin' t"is= 6o( did (e 'o )rom me a##e'ed#y )#irtin' to s-dden#y
"a%in' a #itter= 0.m not "a%in' se& (it" "im or anyone e#se, and e%eni) 0 (ere, 0 no( abo-t birt" contro#/ W"y are
yo- ta#in' to me #ie 0.m a c"i#d=>
>Beca-se yo- act #ie one/> 0t (as remarab#y #ie ("at 2imitri "ad to#d me/
0 '#ared/ >So 'oin' to send me to my room no(=>
>No, Rose/> S"e s-dden#y #ooed tired/ >+o- don.t "a%e to 'o to yo-r room, b-t don.t 'o bac in t"ere, eit"er/
6ope)-##y yo- didn.t dra( too m-c" attention/>
>+o- mae it so-nd #ie 0 (as 'i%in' a #ap dance in t"ere,> 0 to#d "er/ >0 :-st "ad dinner (it" Lissa/>
>+o-.d be s-rprised ("at t"in's can spar r-mors,> s"e (arned/ >Especia##y (it" Adrian 0%as"o%/>
Wit" t"at, s"e t-rned and "eaded o)) do(n t"e "a##/ Watc"in' "er, 0 )e#t an'er and resentment b-rn t"ro-'" me/
O%erreact m-c"= 0 "adn.t done anyt"in' (ron'/ 0 ne( s"e "ad "er ("o#e b#ood*("ore paranoia, b-t t"is (as
e&treme, e%en )or "er/ Worst o) a##, s"e.d dra''ed me o-t o) t"ere, and se%era# peop#e "ad (itnessed it/ For
someone ("o s-pposed#y didn.t (ant me attractin' attention, s"e.d ind o) messed t"at one -p/
A co-p#e o) $oroi ("o.d been standin' near Adrian and me (a#ed o-t o) t"e room/ T"ey '#anced in my direction
and t"en ("ispered somet"in' as t"ey passed/
>T"ans, $om,> 0 m-ttered to myse#)/
6-mi#iated, 0 sta#ed o)) in t"e opposite direction, not rea##y s-re ("ere 0 (as 'oin'/ 0 "eaded o-t to(ard t"e bac
o) t"e #od'e, a(ay )rom a## t"e acti%ity/
T"e "a## e%ent-a##y ended, b-t a door #eadin' to some stairs sat on t"e #e)t/ T"e door (as -n#oced, so 0 )o##o(ed
t"e stairs -p(ard to anot"er door/ To my p#eas-re, it opened -p onto a sma## roo)top dec t"at didn.t appear to see
m-c" -se/ A b#anet o) sno( #ay o%er it a##, b-t it (as ear#y mornin' o-t "ere, and t"e s-n s"one bri'"t#y, main'
e%eryt"in' '#itter/
0 br-s"ed sno( o)) o) a #ar'e, bo&*#ie ob:ect t"at #ooed to be part o) t"e %enti#ation system/ 6eed#ess o) my
dress, 0 sat do(n on it/ Wrappin' my arms aro-nd myse#), 0 stared o)), tain' in t"e %ie( and t"e s-n 0 rare#y 'ot to
0 (as start#ed ("en t"e door opened a )e( min-tes #ater/ W"en 0 #ooed bac 0 (as e%en more start#ed
sti## to see 2imitri emer'e/ $y "eart 'a%e a sma## )#-tter, and 0 t-rned a(ay, -ns-re ("at to t"in/ 6is boots
cr-nc"ed in t"e sno( as "e (a#ed o%er to ("ere 0 (as sittin'/ A moment #ater, "e too o)) "is #on' coat and
draped it o%er my s"o-#ders/
6e sat do(n beside me/ >+o- m-st be )ree5in'/>
0 (as, b-t 0 didn.t (ant to admit it/ >T"e s-n.s o-t/>
6e tipped "is "ead bac, #ooin' -p at t"e per)ect b#-e sy/ 0 ne( "e missed t"e s-n as m-c" as 0 did sometimes/
>0t is/ B-t ( sti## on a mo-ntain in t"e midd#e o) (inter/>
0 didn.t ans(er/ We sat t"ere in a com)ortab#e si#ence )or a ("i#e/ Occasiona##y, a #i'"t (ind b#e( c#o-ds o) sno(
aro-nd/ 0t (as ni'"t )or $oroi, and most (o-#d be 'oin' to bed soon, so t"e si r-ns (ere <-iet/
>$y #i)e is a disaster,> 0 )ina##y said/
>0t.s not a disaster,> "e said a-tomatica##y/
>2id yo- )o##o( me )rom t"e party=>
>0 didn.t e%en no( yo- (ere t"ere/> 6is dar c#ot"es indicated "e m-st "a%e been on '-ardian d-ty at t"e party/
>So yo- sa( t"e i##-strio-s 3anine ca-se a commotion by dra''in' me o-t/>
>0t (asn.t a commotion/ 6ard#y anyone noticed/ 0 sa( beca-se 0 (as (atc"in' yo-/>
0 re)-sed to #et myse#) 'et e&cited o%er t"at/ >T"at.s not ("at s"e said,> 0 to#d "im/ >0 mi'"t as (e## "a%e been
(orin' a corner as )ar as s"e (as concerned/>
0 re#ayed t"e con%ersation )rom t"e "a##(ay/
>S"e.s :-st (orried abo-t yo-,> 2imitri said ("en 0 )inis"ed/
>S"e o%erreacted/>
>Sometimes mot"ers are o%erprotecti%e/>
0 stared at "im/ >+ea", b-t t"is is my mot"er/ And s"e didn.t seem t"at protecti%e, rea##y/ 0 t"in s"e (as more
(orried 0.d embarrass "er or somet"in'/ And a## t"at becomin'*a*mot"er*too*yo-n' st-)) (as st-pid/ 0.m not 'oin'
to do anyt"in' #ie t"at/>
>$aybe s"e (asn.t ta#in' abo-t yo-,> "e said/
$ore si#ence/ $y :a( )e## open/
+o- don.t "a%e t"e #i)e e&perience )or it7yo- "a%en.t e%en #i%ed yo-r o(n #i)e yet/ +o- (on.t be ab#e to do t"e
ind o) :ob yo- (is" yo- co-#d/
$y mom "ad been t(enty ("en 0 (as born/ Gro(in' -p, t"at "ad a#(ays seemed rea##y o#d to me/ B-t
no(// /t"at(as on#y a )e( years o)) )or me/ Not o#d at a##/ 2id s"e t"in s"e.d "ad me too soon= 6ad s"e done a
s"oddy :ob raisin' me simp#y beca-se s"e didn.t no( any better at t"e time= 2id s"e re'ret t"e (ay t"in's "ad
t-rned o-t bet(een -s= And (as it/ (as it maybe possib#e t"at s"e.d "ad some persona# e&perience o) "er o(n (it"
$oroi men and peop#e spreadin' r-mors abo-t "er= 0.d "ad in"erited a #ot o) "er )eat-res/ 0 mean, 0.d e%en noticed
toni'"t ("at a nice )i'-re s"e "ad/ S"e "ad a pretty )ace, too7)or a near#y )orty*year*o#d, 0 mean/ S"e.d probab#y
been rea##y, rea##y 'ood*#ooin' ("en s"e (as yo-n'er//
0 si'"ed/ 0 didn.t (ant to t"in abo-t t"at/ 0) 0 did, 0 mi'"t "a%e to ree%a#-ate my re#ations"ip (it" "er7maybe
e%en acno(#ed'e my mot"er as a rea# person7and 0 a#ready "ad too many re#ations"ips stressin' me/ Lissa
a#(ays (orried me, e%en t"o-'" s"e seemed to be oay )or a c"an'e/ $y so*ca##ed romance (it" $ason (as in
s"amb#es/ And t"en, o) co-rse, t"ere (as 2imitri////
>We aren.t )i'"tin' ri'"t no(/> 0 b#-rted o-t/
6e 'a%e me a side#on' #oo/ >2o yo- (ant to )i'"t=>
>No/ 0 "ate )i'"tin' (it" yo-/ Verba##y, 0 mean/ 0 don.t mind in t"e 'ym/>
0 t"o-'"t 0 detected t"e "int o) a smi#e/ A#(ays a "a#)*smi#e )or me/ Rare#y a )-## one/ >0 don.t #ie )i'"tin' (it"
yo- eit"er/>
Sittin' ne&t to "im t"ere, 0 mar%e#ed at t"e (arm and "appy emotions sprin'in' -p inside o) me/ T"ere (as
somet"in' abo-t bein' aro-nd "im t"at )e#t so 'ood, t"at mo%edme in a (ay $ason co-#dn.t/ +o- can.t )orce #o%e, 0
rea#i5ed/ 0t.s t"ere or it isn.t/ 0) it.s not t"ere, yo-.%e 'ot to be ab#e to admit it/ 0) it is t"ere, yo-.%e 'ot to do ("ate%er
it taes to protect t"e ones yo- #o%e/
T"e ne&t (ords t"at came o-t o) my mo-t" astonis"ed me, bot" beca-se t"ey (ere comp#ete#y -nse#)is" and
beca-se 0 act-a##y meant t"em/
>+o- s"o-#d tae it/>
6e )#inc"ed/ >W"at=>
>Tas"a.s o))er/ +o- s"o-#d tae "er -p on it/ 0t.s a rea##y 'reat c"ance/>
0 remembered my mom.s (ords abo-t bein' ready )or c"i#dren/ 0 (asn.t/ $aybe s"e "adn.t been/ B-t Tas"a (as/
And 0 ne( 2imitri (as too/ T"ey 'ot a#on' rea##y (e##/ 6e co-#d 'o be "er '-ardian, "a%e some ids (it" "er /// it
(o-#d be a 'ood dea# )or bot" o) t"em/
>0 ne%er e&pected to "ear yo- say anyt"in' #ie t"at,> "e to#d me, %oice ti'"t/ >Especia##y a)ter7>
>W"at a bitc" 0.%e been= +ea"/> 0 t-''ed "is coat ti'"ter a'ainst t"e co#d/ 0t sme##ed #ie "im/ 0t (as into&icatin',
and 0 co-#d "a#)*ima'ine bein' (rapped in "is embrace/ Adrian mi'"t "a%e been onto somet"in' abo-t t"e po(er
o) scent/ >We##/ Lie 0 said, 0 don.t (ant to )i'"t anymore/ 0 don.t (ant -s to "ate eac" ot"er/ And// /(e## ///> 0
s<-ee5ed my eyes s"-t and t"en opened t"em/ >No matter "o( 0 )ee# abo-t us /// 0 (ant yo- to be "appy/>
Si#ence yet a'ain/ 0 noticed t"en t"at my c"est "-rt/
2imitri reac"ed o-t and p-t "is arm aro-nd me/ 6e p-##ed me to "im, and 0 rested my "ead on "is c"est/
>Ro5a,> (as a## "e said/
0t (as t"e )irst time "e.d really to-c"ed me since t"e ni'"t o) t"e #-st c"arm/ T"e practice room "ad been
somet"in' di))erent /// more anima#/ T"is (asn.t e%en abo-t se&/ 0t (as :-st abo-t bein' c#ose to someone yo- cared
abo-t, abo-t t"e emotion t"at ind o) connection )#ooded yo- (it"/
2imitri mi'"t r-n o)) (it" Tas"a, b-t 0 (o-#d sti## #o%e "im/ 0 (o-#d probab#y a#(ays #o%e "im/
0 cared abo-t $ason/ B-t 0 (o-#d probab#y ne%er #o%e "im/
0 si'"ed into 2imitri, :-st (is"in' 0 co-#d stay #ie t"at )ore%er/ 0t )e#t ri'"t bein' (it" "im/ And7no matter "o(
m-c" t"e t"o-'"t o) "im and Tas"a made me ac"e7doin' ("at (as best )or "im )e#t ri'"t/ No(, 0 ne(, it (as
time to stop bein' a co(ard and do somet"in' e#se t"at (as ri'"t/ $ason "ad said 0 needed to #earn somet"in'
abo-t myse#)/ 0 :-st "ad/
Re#-ctant#y, 0 p-##ed a(ay and "anded 2imitri "is coat/ 0 stood -p/ 6e re'arded me c-rio-s#y, sensin' my -nease/
>W"ere yo- 'oin'=> "e ased/
>To brea someone.s "eart,> 0 rep#ied/
0 admired 2imitri )or a "eartbeat more7t"e dar, no(in' eyes and si#en "air/ T"en 0 "eaded inside/ 0 "ad to
apo#o'i5e to $ason/ and te## "im t"ere.d ne%er be anyt"in' bet(een -s/
T6E60G6 6EELS WERE START0NG to "-rt me, so 0 too t"em o)) ("en 0 (ent bac inside, (a#in' bare)oot
t"ro-'" t"e #od'e/ 0 "adn.t been to $ason.s room, b-t 0 remembered "im mentionin' t"e n-mber once and )o-nd it
(it"o-t di))ic-#ty/
S"ane, $ason.s roommate, opened t"e door a )e( moments a)ter 0 noced/ >6ey, Rose/>
6e stepped aside )or me, and 0 (a#ed in, peerin' aro-nd/ Some in)omercia# (as p#ayin' on t"e TV7one
do(nside o) a noct-rna# #i)e (as a s"orta'e o) 'ood pro'rammin'7and empty soda cans co%ered near#y e%ery )#at
s-r)ace/ T"ere (as no si'n o) $ason any("ere/
>W"ere is "e=> 0 ased/
S"ane sti)#ed a ya(n/ >0 t"o-'"t "e (as (it" yo-/>
>0 "a%en.t seen "im a## day/>
6e ya(ned a'ain, t"en )ro(ned in t"o-'"t/ >6e (as t"ro(in' some st-)) in a ba' ear#ier/ 0 )i'-red yo- '-ys (ere
r-nnin' o)) )or some cra5y romantic 'eta(ay/ Picnic or somet"in'/ 6ey, nice dress/>
>T"ans,> 0 m-rm-red, )ee#in' a )ro(n o) my o(n comin' on/
Pacin' a ba'= T"at didn.t mae any sense/ T"ere (asno("ere to 'o/ T"ere (as no "ay to 'o, eit"er/ T"is resort
(as as ti'"t#y '-arded as t"e Academy/ Lissa and 0 "ad on#y mana'ed to brea o-t o) t"at p#ace (it" comp-#sion,
and it "ad sti## been a pain in t"e ass/ +et, ("y on eart" (o-#d $ason pac a ba' i) "e (asn.t #ea%in'=
0 ased S"ane a )e( more <-estions and decided to )o##o( -p on t"e possibi#ity, cra5y as it seemed/ 0 )o-nd t"e
'-ardian in c"ar'e o) sec-rity and sc"ed-#in'/ 6e 'a%e me t"e names o) t"ose '-ardians ("o.d been on d-ty
aro-nd t"e resort.s borders ("en $ason "ad #ast been seen/ $ost o) t"e names 0 ne(, and most (ere o)) d-ty
no(, main' t"em easy to )ind/
Un)ort-nate#y, t"e )irst co-p#e "adn.t seen $ason aro-nd today/ W"en t"ey ased ("y 0 (anted to no(, 0 'a%e
%a'-e ans(ers and "-rried o))/ T"e t"ird person on my #ist (as a '-y named A#an, a '-ardian ("o -s-a##y (ored
t"e Academy.s #o(er camp-s/ 6e (as :-st comin' in a)ter siin', tain' "is e<-ipment o)) near t"e door/
Reco'ni5in' me, "e smi#ed as 0 approac"ed/
>S-re, 0 sa( "im,> "e said, bendin' do(n to "is boots/
Re#ie) )#ooded o%er me/ Unti# t"en, 0 "adn.t rea#i5ed "o( (orried 0.d been/
>2o yo- no( ("ere "e is=>
>Nope/ Let "im and Eddie Casti#e/// and, ("at.s "er name, t"e Rina#di 'ir#, o-t t"ro-'" t"e nort" 'ate and didn.t see
t"em a)ter t"at/>
0 stared/ A#an contin-ed -n"ooin' "is sis as t"o-'" (e (ere disc-ssin' s#ope conditions/
>+o- #et $ason and Eddie /// and #ia o-t=>
>Um / ("y=>
6e )inis"ed and #ooed bac -p at me, a ind o) "appy and bem-sed #oo on "is )ace/ >Beca-se t"ey ased me/>
An icy )ee#in' started creepin' t"ro-'" me/ 0 )o-nd o-t ("ic" '-ardian "ad (atc"ed t"e nort" 'ate (it" A#an and
immediate#y so-'"t "im o-t/ T"at '-ardian 'a%e me t"e same response/ 6e.d #et $ason, Eddie, and $ia o-t, no
<-estions ased/ And, #ie A#an, "e didn.t seem to t"in t"ere (as anyt"in' (ron' (it" t"at/ 6e appeared a#most
da5ed/ 0t (as a #oo 0.d seen be)ore /// a #oo t"at came o%er peop#e ("en Lissa -sed comp-#sion/
0n partic-#ar, 0.d seen it "appen ("en Lissa didn.t (ant peop#e to remember somet"in' %ery (e##/ S"e co-#d b-ry
t"e memory in t"em, eit"er erasin' it a## to'et"er or p#antin' it )or #ater/ S"e (as so 'ood at comp-#sion, t"o-'",
t"at s"e co-#d :-st mae peop#e )or'et comp#ete#y/ For t"em to sti## "a%e some
memories meant someone ("o (asn.t as 'ood at comp-#sion "ad (ored on t"em/
Someone, say, #ie $ia/
0 (asn.t t"e )aintin' type, b-t )or :-st a moment, 0 )e#t #ie 0 co-#d ee# o%er/ T"e (or#d sp-n, and 0 c#osed my eyes
and too a deep breat"/ W"en 0 co-#d see a'ain, my s-rro-ndin's stayed stab#e/ Oay/ No prob#em/ 0 (o-#d reason
t"is o-t/
$ason, Eddie, and $ia "ad #e)t t"e resort ear#ier today/ Not on#y t"at, t"ey "ad done it by -sin' comp-#sion7
("ic"(as -tter#y )orbidden/ T"ey "adn.t to#d anyone/ T"ey.d #e)t t"ro-'" t"e nort" 'ate/ 0.d seen a map o) t"e
resort/ T"e nort" 'ate '-arded a dri%e(ay t"at connected to t"e on#y semi*ma:or road in t"e area, a sma## "i'"(ay
t"at #ed to a #itt#e to(n abo-t t(e#%e mi#es a(ay/ T"e to(n $ason "ad mentioned t"at "ad b-ses/
To Spoane/
Spoane7("ere t"is tra%e#in' pac o) Stri'oi and t"eir "-mans mi'"t be #i%in'/
Spoane7("ere $ason co-#d )-#)i## a## "is cra5y dreams o) s#ayin' Stri'oi/
Spoane7("ic" "e on#y ne( abo-t beca-se o) me.
>No, no, no,> 0 m-rm-red to myse#), a#most r-nnin' to(ard my room/
T"ere, 0 stripped o)) t"e dress and c"an'ed into "ea%y (inter c#ot"es1 boots, :eans, and a s(eater/ Grabbin' my
coat and '#o%es, 0 "-rried bac to(ard t"e door and t"en pa-sed/ 0 (as actin' (it"o-t t"inin'/ W"at (as 0 act-a##y
'oin' to do= 0 needed to te## someone, ob%io-s#y// /b-t t"at (o-#d 'et t"e trio in a #ot o) tro-b#e/ 0t (o-#d a#so tip
2imitri o)) t"at 0.d 'one and 'ossiped abo-t t"e Spoane Stri'oi in)ormation "e.d to#d me in con)idence as a si'n o)
respectin' my mat-rity/
0 st-died t"e time/ 0t (o-#d tae a ("i#e )or anyone aro-nd t"e resort to no( (e (ere missin'/ If 0 co-#d act-a##y
'et o-t o) t"e resort/
A )e( min-tes #ater, 0 )o-nd myse#) nocin' on C"ristian.s door/ 6e ans(ered, #ooin' s#eepy and cynica# as
>0) yo-.%e come to apo#o'i5e )or "er,> "e to#d me #o)ti#y, >yo- can :-st 'o a"ead and7>
>O", s"-t -p,> 0 snapped/ >T"is isn.t abo-t yo-/>
6asti#y, 0 re#ayed t"e detai#s o) ("at (as 'oin' on/ E%en C"ristian didn.t "a%e a (itty response )or t"at one/
>So// /$ason, Eddie, and $ia (ent to Spoane to "-nt Stri'oi=>
>6o#y s"it/ W"y didn.t yo- 'o (it" t"em= Seems #ie somet"in' yo-.d do/>
0 resisted t"e -r'e to smac "im/ >Beca-se 0.m not insane@ B-t 0.m 'oin' to 'o 'et t"em be)ore t"ey do somet"in'
e%en st-pider/>
T"at (as ("en C"ristian ca-'"t on/ >And ("at do yo- need )rom me=>
>0 need to 'et o)) t"e resort.s property/ T"ey 'ot $ia to -se comp-#sion on t"e '-ards/ 0 need yo- to do t"e same
t"in'/ 0 no( yo-.%e practiced it/>
>0 "a%e,> "e a'reed/ >B-t// /(e##///> For t"e )irst time e%er, "e #ooed embarrassed/ >0.m not %ery 'ood at it/ And
doin' it on d"ampirs is near#y impossib#e/ Liss is a "-ndred times better t"an me/ Or probab#y any $oroi/>
>0 no(/ B-t 0 don.t (ant "er to 'et in tro-b#e/>
6e snorted/ >B-t yo- don.t mind i) 0 do=>
0 s"r-''ed/ >Not rea##y/>
> a piece o) (or, yo- no( t"at=>
>+ea"/ 0 do, act-a##y/>
So, )i%e min-tes #ater, "e and 0 )o-nd o-rse#%es trein' o-t to t"e nort" 'ate/ T"e s-n (as comin' -p, so most
e%eryone (as inside/ T"is (as a 'ood t"in', and 0 "oped it.d mae o-r escape t"at m-c" easier/
St-pid, st-pid,0 ept t"inin'/ T"is (as 'oin' to b#o( -p in o-r )aces/ W"y "ad $ason done t"is= 0 ne( "e.d "ad
t"is ("o#e cra5y %i'i#ante attit-de/ and "e.d certain#y seemed -pset t"at t"e '-ardians "adn.t done anyt"in' abo-t
t"e recent attac/ B-t sti##/ Was "e rea##y t"at -n"in'ed= 6e had to no( "o( dan'ero-s t"is (as/ Was it possib#e//
/(as it possib#e I'd -pset "im so m-c" (it" t"e main'*o-t disaster t"at "e.d 'one o)) t"e deep end= Eno-'" to 'o
do t"is and 'et $ia and Eddie to :oin "im= Not t"at t"ose t(o (o-#d be "ard to con%ince/ Eddie (o-#d )o##o(
$ason any("ere, and $ia (as a#most as '-n' "o as $ason to i## e%ery Stri'oi in t"e (or#d/
+et, o-t o) a## t"e <-estions 0 "ad abo-t t"is, one t"in' (as de)inite#y c#ear/ 0.d to#d $ason abo-t t"e Stri'oi in
Spoane/ 6ands do(n, t"is (as my )a-#t, and (it"o-t me, none o) t"is (o-#d "a%e "appened/
>Lissa a#(ays maes eye contact,> 0 coac"ed C"ristian as (e approac"ed t"e e&it/ >And speas in a rea##y, #ie,
ca#m %oice/ 0 don.t no( ("at e#se/ 0 mean, s"e concentrates a #ot too, so try t"at/ Foc-s on )orcin' yo-r (i## on
>0 no(,> "e snapped/ >0.%e seen "er do it/>
>Fine,> 0 snapped bac/ >3-st tryin' to "e#p/>
S<-intin', 0 sa( t"at on#y one '-ardian stood at t"e 'ate, a tota# stroe o) #-c/ T"ey (ere in bet(een s"i)ts/ Wit"
t"es-n o-t, t"e ris o) Stri'oi "ad disappeared/ T"e '-ardians (o-#d sti## contin-e in t"eir d-ties, b-t t"ey co-#d
re#a& :-st a bit/
T"e '-y on d-ty didn.t seem partic-#ar#y a#armed by o-r appearance/ >W"at are yo- ids doin' o-t "ere=>
C"ristian s(a##o(ed/ 0 co-#d see t"e #ines o) tension on "is )ace/
> 'oin' to #et -s o-t o) t"e 'ate,> "e said/ A note o) ner%o-sness made "is %oice tremb#e, b-t ot"er(ise, "e
did a )air appro&imation o) Lissa.s soot"in' tones/ Un)ort-nate#y, it "ad no e))ect on t"e '-ardian/ As C"ristian "ad
pointed o-t, -sin' comp-#sion on a '-ardian (as near#y impossib#e/ $ia "ad 'otten #-cy/ T"e '-ardian 'rinned at
>W"at=> "e ased, c#ear#y am-sed/
C"ristian tried a'ain/ > 'oin' to #et -s o-t/>
T"e '-y.s smi#e )a#tered :-st a #itt#e, and 0 sa( "im b#in in s-rprise/ 6is eyes didn.t '#a5e o%er in t"e same (ay
Lissa.s %ictims did, b-t C"ristian "ad done eno-'" to brie)#y ent"ra## "im/ Un)ort-nate#y, 0 co-#d te## ri'"t t"en and
t"ere t"at it (o-#dn.t be eno-'" to mae "im #et -s o-t and )or'et/ Fort-nate#y, 0.d been trained to compe# peop#e
(it"o-t t"e -se o) ma'ic/
Sittin' near "is post (as an enormo-s $a'#ite, t(o )eet #on' and easi#y se%en po-nds/ 0 'rabbed t"e $a'#ite and
c#oced "im on t"e bac o) t"e "ead/ 6e 'r-nted and cr-mp#ed to t"e 'ro-nd/ 6e.d bare#y seen me comin', and
despite t"e "orrib#eness o) ("at 0.d :-st done, 0 ind o) (is"ed one o)my instr-ctors "ad been t"ere to 'rade me on
s-c" an a(esome per)ormance/
>3es-s C"rist,> e&c#aimed C"ristian/ >+o- :-st assa-#ted a '-ardian/>
>+ea"/> So m-c" )or 'ettin' t"e '-ys bac (it"o-t 'ettin' anyone in tro-b#e/ >0 didn.t no( :-st "o( m-c" yo-
s-ced at comp-#sion/ 0.## dea# (it" t"e )a##o-t #ater/ T"ans )or yo-r "e#p/ +o- s"o-#d "ead bac be)ore t"e ne&t
s"i)t comes on/>
6e s"oo "is "ead and 'rimaced/ >No, 0.m 'oin' (it" yo- on t"is/>
>No,> 0 ar'-ed/ >0 on#y needed yo- to 'et t"ro-'" t"e 'ate/ +o- don.t "a%e to 'et in tro-b#e o%er t"is/>
>0.m a#ready in tro-b#e@> 6e pointed at t"e '-ardian/ >6e sa( my )ace/ 0.m scre(ed eit"er (ay, so 0 mi'"t as (e##
"e#p yo- sa%e t"e day/ Stop bein' a bitc" )or a c"an'e/>
We "-rried o)), and 0 cast one #ast, '-i#ty '#ance at t"e '-ardian/ 0 (as pretty s-re 0 "adn.t "it "im "ard eno-'" to
ca-se rea# dama'e, and (it" t"e s-n comin' o-t, "e (o-#dn.t )ree5e or anyt"in'/
A)ter abo-t )i%e min-tes o) (a#in' do(n t"e "i'"(ay, 0 ne( (e "ad a prob#em/ 2espite bein' co%ered and
(earin' s-n'#asses, t"e s-n (as tain' its to## on C"ristian/ 0t (as s#o(in' -s do(n, and it (o-#dn.t tae t"at #on'
)or someone to )ind t"e '-ardian 0.d taen o-t and come a)ter -s/
A car7not one o) t"e Academy.s7appeared be"ind -s, and 0 made a decision/ 0 didn.t appro%e o) "itc""iin' in
t"e #east/ E%en someone #ie me ne( "o( dan'ero-s it (as/ B-t (eneeded to 'et to to"n fast, and 0 prayed
C"ristian and 0 co-#d tae do(n any creepy sta#er '-y ("o tried to mess (it" -s/
Fort-nate#y, ("en t"e car p-##ed o%er, it (as :-st a midd#e*a'ed co-p#e ("o #ooed more concerned t"an anyt"in'
e#se/ >+o- ids oay=>
0 :ered my t"-mb be"ind me/ >O-r car s#id o)) t"e road/ Can yo- tae -s to to(n so 0 can ca## my dad=>
0t (ored/ Fi)teen min-tes #ater, t"ey dropped -s o)) at a 'as station/ 0 act-a##y "ad tro-b#e 'ettin' rid o) t"em
beca-se t"ey (anted to "e#p -s so m-c"/ Fina##y, (e con%inced t"em (e.d be )ine, and (e (a#ed
t"e )e( b#ocs o%er to t"e b-s station/ As 0.d s-spected, t"is to(n (asn.t m-c" o) a "-b )or rea# tra%e#/ T"ree #ines
ser%iced t"e to(n1 t(o t"at (ent to ot"er si resorts and one t"at (ent to Lo(ston, 0da"o/ From Lo(ston, yo-
co-#d 'o on to ot"er p#aces/
0.d "a#)*"oped t"at (e mi'"t beat $ason and t"e ot"ers be)ore t"eir b-s came/ T"en (e co-#d "a%e "a-#ed t"em
bac (it"o-t any tro-b#e/ Un)ort-nate#y, t"ere (as no si'n o) t"em/ T"e c"eery (oman at t"e co-nter ne( e&act#y
("o (e (ere ta#in' abo-t, too/ S"e con)irmed t"at a## t"ree o) t"em "ad bo-'"t ticets to Spoane by (ay o)
>2amn it,> 0 said/ T"e (oman raised "er eyebro(s at my #an'-a'e/ 0 t-rned to C"ristian/ >+o- 'ot money )or t"e
C"ristian and 0 didn.t ta# m-c" a#on' t"e (ay, e&cept )or me to te## "im "e.d been an idiot abo-t Lissa and Adrian/
By t"e time (e reac"ed Lo(ston, 0 )ina##y "ad "im con%inced,("ic" (as a minor mirac#e/ 6e s#ept t"e rest o) t"e
(ay to Spoane, b-t 0 co-#dn.t/ 0 :-st ept t"inin' o%er and o%er t"at t"is (as my )a-#t/
0t (as #ate a)ternoon by t"e time (e reac"ed Spoane/ 0t too a )e( peop#e, b-t (e )ina##y )o-nd someone ("o
ne( t"e s"oppin' center 2imitri "ad mentioned/ 0t (as a #on' (ays )rom t"e b-s station, b-t it (as (a#ab#e/ $y
#e's (ere sti)) a)ter a#most )i%e "o-rs o) ridin' a b-s, and 0 (anted t"e mo%ement/ T"e s-n (as a ("i#e )rom
settin', b-t it (as #o(er and #ess detrimenta# to %ampires, so C"ristian didn.t mind t"e (a# eit"er/
And, as o)ten "appened ("en 0 (as in ca#m settin's, 0 )e#t a t-' into Lissa.s "ead/ 0 #et myse#) )a## into "er beca-se
0 (anted to no( ("at (as "appenin' bac at t"e resort/
>0 no( yo- (ant to protect t"em, b-t (e need to no( ("ere t"ey are/>
Lissa sat on t"e bed in o-r room ("i#e 2imitri and my mom stared "er do(n/ 0t (as 2imitri ("o "ad spoen/
Seein' "im t"ro-'" "er eyes (as interestin'/ S"e "ad a )ond respect )or "im, %ery di))erent )rom t"e intense ro##er
coaster o) emotions 0 a#(ays e&perienced/
>0 to#d yo-,> said Lissa, "I don.t no(/ 0 don.t no( ("at "appened/>
Fr-stration and )ear )or -s b-rned t"ro-'" "er/ 0t saddened me to see "er so an&io-s, b-t at t"e same time, 0 (as
'#ad 0 "adn.t 'otten "er in%o#%ed/ S"e co-#dn.t report ("at s"e didn.t no(/
>0 can.t be#ie%e t"ey (o-#dn.t "a%e to#d yo- ("ere t"ey (ere 'oin',> said my mot"er/ 6er (ords so-nded )#at, b-t
t"ere (ere #ines o) (orry on "er )ace/ >Especia##y (it" yo-r// /bond/>
>0t on#y (ors one (ay,> said Lissa sad#y/ >+o- no( t"at/>
2imitri ne#t do(n so "e co-#d be at Lissa.s "ei'"t and #oo "er in t"e eye/ 6e pretty m-c" "ad to do t"at to #oo
anyone in t"e eye/ >Are yo- s-re t"ere.s not"in'= Not"in' at a## yo- can te## -s= T" no("ere in to(n/ T"e man
at t"e b-s station didn.t see t"em /// t"o-'" ( pretty s-re t"at.s ("ere t"ey m-st "a%e 'one/ We need somet"in',
anything to 'o on/>
$anat t"e b-s station= T"at (as anot"er stroe o) #-c/ T"e (oman ("o.d so#d -s t"e ticets m-st "a%e 'one
"ome/ 6er rep#acement (o-#dn.t no( -s/
Lissa 'ritted "er teet" and '#ared/ >2on.t yo- t"in i) 0 ne(, 0.d te## yo-= +o- don.t t"in 0.m (orried abo-t t"em
too= 0 "a%e no idea ("ere t"ey are/ None/ And ("y.d t"ey e%en #ea%e/// it doesn.t mae any sense eit"er/ Especia##y
("y t"ey.d 'o (it" $ia, o) a## peop#e/> A t(in'e o) "-rt )#icered t"ro-'" t"e bond, "-rt at bein' #e)t o-t o)
("ate%er (e (ere doin', no matter "o( (ron'/
2imitri si'"ed and #eaned bac on "is "ee#s/ From t"e #oo on "is )ace, "e ob%io-s#y be#ie%ed "er/ 0t (as a#so
ob%io-s t"at "e (as (orried7(orried in more t"an a pro)essiona# (ay/ And seein' t"at concern7t"at concern )or
me7 ate -p my "eart/
>Rose=> C"ristian.s %oice bro-'"t me bac to myse#)/ > "ere, 0 t"in/>
T"e p#a5a consisted o) a (ide, open area in )ront o) a s"oppin' center/ A ca)e(as car%ed into a corner o) t"e main
b-i#din', its tab#es spi##in' o-t into t"e open area/ A cro(d mo%ed in and o-t o) t"e comp#e&, b-sy e%en at t"is time
o) t"e day/
>So, "o( do (e )ind t"em=> ased C"ristian/
0 s"r-''ed/ >$aybe i) (e act #ie Stri'oi, t"ey.## try to stae -s/>
A sma##, re#-ctant smi#e p#ayed o%er "is )ace/ 6e didn.t (ant to admit it, b-t "e.d t"o-'"t my :oe (as )-nny/
6e and 0 (ent inside/ Lie any ma##, it (as )i##ed (it" )ami#iar c"ains, and a se#)is" part o) me t"o-'"t t"at maybe
i) (e )o-nd t"e 'ro-p soon eno-'", (e co-#d sti## 'et in s"oppin' time/
C"ristian and 0 (a#ed t"e #en't" o) it t(ice and sa( no si'ns o) o-r )riends or anyt"in' resemb#in' t-nne#s/
>$aybe ( in t"e (ron' p#ace,> 0 )ina##y said/
>Or maybe they a5e, s-''ested C"ristian/ >T"ey co-#d "a%e 'one to some ot"er7(ait/>
6e pointed, and 0 )o##o(ed t"e 'est-re/ T"e t"ree rene'ades sat at a tab#e in t"e midd#e o) t"e )ood co-rt, #ooin'
de:ected/ T"ey #ooed so miserab#e, 0 a#most )e#t sorry )or t"em/
>0.d i## )or a camera ri'"t no(,> said C"ristian, smirin'/
>T"is isn.t )-nny,> 0 to#d "im, stridin' to(ard t"e 'ro-p/ 0nside, 0 breat"ed a si'" o) re#ie)/ T"e 'ro-p c#ear#y
"adn.t)o-nd any Stri'oi, (ere a## sti## a#i%e, and co-#d maybe be taen bac be)ore (e 'ot in e%en more tro-b#e/
T"ey didn.t notice me -nti# 0 (as a#most ri'"t ne&t to t"em/ Eddie.s "ead :ered -p/ >Rose= W"at are yo- doin'
>Are yo- o-t o) yo-r mind=> 0 ye##ed/ A )e( peop#e nearby 'a%e -s s-rprised #oos/ >2o yo- no( "o( m-c"
tro-b#e in= 6o( m-c" tro-b#e yo-.%e 'otten us in=>
>6o( t"e "e## did yo- )ind -s=> ased $ason in a #o( %oice, '#ancin' an&io-s#y aro-nd/
>+o- '-ys aren.t e&act#y crimina# masterminds,> 0 to#d t"em/ >+o-r in)ormant at t"e b-s station 'a%e yo- a(ay/
T"at, and 0 )i'-red o-t t"at yo-.d (ant to 'o o)) on yo-r point#ess Stri'oi*"-ntin' <-est/>
T"e #oo $ason 'a%e me re%ea#ed "e sti## (asn.t entire#y "appy (it" me/ 0t (as $ia ("o rep#ied, "o(e%er/
>0t isn.t point#ess/>
>O"=> 0 demanded/ >2id yo- i## any Stri'oi= 2id yo- e%en )ind any=>
>No,> admitted Eddie/
>Good,> 0 said/ >+o- 'ot #-cy/>
>W"y are yo- so a'ainst i##in' Stri'oi=> ased $ia "ot#y/ >0sn.t t"at ("at yo- train )or=>
>0 train )or sane missions, not c"i#dis" st-nts #ie t"is/>
>0t isn.t c"i#dis",> s"e cried/ >T"ey i##ed my mot"er/ And t"e '-ardians (eren.t doin' anyt"in'/ E%en t"eir
in)ormation is bad/ T"ere (eren.t any Stri'oi in t"e t-nne#s/ Probab#y none in t"e ("o#e city/>
C"ristian #ooed impressed/ >+o- )o-nd t"e t-nne#s=>
>+ea",> said Eddie/ >B-t #ie s"e said, t"ey (ere -se#ess/>
>We s"o-#d see t"em be)ore (e 'o,> C"ristian to#d me/ >0t.d be ind o) coo#, and i) t"e data (as bad, t"ere.s no
>No,> 0 snapped/ > 'oin' "ome/ No(/>
$ason #ooed tired/ > 'oin' to searc" t"e city a'ain/ E%en yo- can.t mae -s 'o bac, Rose/>
>No, b-t t"e sc"oo#.s '-ardians can ("en 0 ca## and te## t"em "ere/>
Ca## it b#acmai#in' or bein' a tatt#eta#e; t"e e))ect (as t"e same/ T"e t"ree o) t"em #ooed at me #ie 0 "ad :-st
sim-#taneo-s#y '-t*p-nc"ed t"em a##/
>+o-.d rea##y do t"at=> ased $ason/ >+o-.d se## -s o-t #ie t"at=>
0 r-bbed my eyes, (onderin' desperate#y ("y 0 (as tryin' to be t"e %oice o) reason "ere/ W"ere (as t"e 'ir#
("o.d r-n a(ay )rom sc"oo#= $ason "ad been ri'"t/ 0 "ad c"an'ed/
>T"is isn.t abo-t se##in' anyone o-t/ T"is is abo-t eepin' yo- '-ys a#i%e/>
>+o- t"in ( t"at de)ense#ess=> ased $ia/ >+o- t"in (e.d 'et i##ed ri'"t a(ay=>
>+es,> 0 said/ >Un#ess yo-.%e )o-nd some (ay to -se (ater as a (eapon=>
S"e )#-s"ed and didn.t say anyt"in'/
>We bro-'"t si#%er staes,> said Eddie/
Fantastic/ T"ey m-st "a%e sto#en t"em/ 0 #ooed at $ason p#eadin'#y/
>$ason/ P#ease/ Ca## t"is o))/ Let.s 'o bac/>
6e #ooed at me )or a #on' time/ Fina##y, "e si'"ed/ >Oay/>
Eddie and $ia #ooed a'"ast, b-t $ason "ad ass-med a #eaders"ip ro#e (it" t"em, and t"ey didn.t "a%e t"e
initiati%e to 'o on (it"o-t "im/ $ia seemed to tae it t"e "ardest, and 0 )e#t bad )or "er/ S"e.d bare#y "ad any rea#
time to 'rie%e )or "er mot"er; s"e.d :-st :-mped ri'"t on board (it" t"is re%en'e t"in' as a (ay to cope (it" t"e
pain/ S"e.d "a%e a #ot to dea# (it" ("en (e 'ot bac/
C"ristian (as sti## e&cited abo-t t"e idea o) t"e -nder'ro-nd t-nne#s/ Considerin' "e spent a## "is time in an attic, 0
s"o-#dn.t "a%e been a## t"at s-rprised/
>0 sa( t"e sc"ed-#e,> "e to#d me/ >We.%e 'ot a ("i#e be)ore t"e ne&t b-s/>
>We can.t 'o (a#in' into some Stri'oi #air,> 0 ar'-ed, (a#in' to(ard t"e ma##.s entrance/
>T"ere are no Stri'oi t"ere,> said $ason/ >0t.s serio-s#y a## :anitoria# st-))/ T"ere (as no si'n o) anyt"in' (eird/ 0
rea##y do t"in t"e '-ardians "ad bad in)ormation/>
>Rose,> said C"ristian, >#et.s 'et somet"in' )-n o-t o) t"is/>
T"ey a## #ooed at me/ 0 )e#t #ie a mom ("o (o-#dn.t b-y "er ids candy at t"e 'rocery store/
>Oay, )ine/ 3-st a pee, t"o-'"/>
T"e ot"ers #ed C"ristian and me to t"e opposite end o) t"e ma##, t"ro-'" a door maredsta)) on#y/ We dod'ed a
co-p#e o) :anitors, t"en s#ipped t"ro-'" anot"er door t"at #ed -s to a set o) stairs 'oin' do(n/ 0 "ad a brie) moment
o) de:a %-,reca##in' t"e steps do(n to Adrian.s spa party/ On#y t"ese stairs (ere dirtier and sme##ed pretty nasty/
We reac"ed t"e bottom/ 0t (asn.t so m-c" a t-nne# as a narro( corridor, #ined in 'rime*caed cement/ U'#y
)#-orescent #i'"ts (ere embedded sporadica##y a#on' t"e (a##s/ T"e passa'e (ent o)) to o-r #e)t and ri'"t/ Bo&es o)
ordinary c#eanin' and e#ectrica# s-pp#ies sat aro-nd/
>See=> said $ason/ >Borin'/>
0 pointed in eac" direction/ >W"at.s do(n t"ere=>
>Not"in',> si'"ed $ia/ >We.## s"o( yo-/>
We (a#ed do(n to t"e ri'"t and )o-nd more o) t"e same/ 0 (as startin' to a'ree (it" t"e borin' assessment ("en
(e passed some b#ac (ritin' on one o) t"e (a##s/ 0 stopped and #ooed at it/ 0t (as a #ist o) #etters/
D T 2 V L 2 G S
Some "ad #ines and & mars ne&t to t"em, b-t )or t"e most part t"e messa'e (as inco"erent/ $ia noticed my
>0t.s probab#y a :anitor t"in',> s"e said/ >Or maybe some 'an' did it/>
>Probab#y,> 0 said, sti## st-dyin' it/ T"e ot"ers s"i)ted rest#ess#y, not -nderstandin' my )ascination (it" t"e :-mb#e
o) #etters/ 0 didn.t -nderstand my )ascination eit"er, b-t somet"in' in my "ead t-''ed at me to stay/
T"en 0 'ot it/
B)or 2adica, G )or 6e'los, I )or Ivash'ov ...
0 stared/ T"e )irst #etter o) e%ery roya# )ami#y.s name (as t"ere/ T"ere (ere t"ree 2 names, b-t based on t"e order,
yo- co-#d act-a##y read t"e #ist as a si5e ranin'/ 0t started (it" t"e sma##er )ami#ies72ra'omir, Badica, Conta7
and (ent a## t"e (ay -p to t"e 'iant 0%as"o% c#an/ 0 didn.t -nderstand t"e das"es and #ines beside t"e #etters, b-t 0
<-ic#y noticed ("ic" names "ad an & beside t"em1 Badica and 2ro5do%/
0 stepped bac )rom t"e (a##/ >We "a%e to 'et o-t o) "ere,> 0 said/ $y o(n %oice scared me a #itt#e/ >Ri'"t no(/>
T"e ot"ers #ooed at me in s-rprise/ >W"y=> ased Eddie/ >W"at.s 'oin' on=>
>0.## te## yo- #ater/ We :-st need to 'o/>
$ason pointed in t"e direction (e.d been "eadin'/ >T"is #ets o-t a )e( b#ocs a(ay/ 0t.s c#oser to t"e station/>
0 peered do(n into t"e dar -nno(n/ >No,> 0 said/ > 'oin' bac t"e (ay (e came/>
T"ey a## #ooed at me #ie 0 (as insane as (e retracedo-r steps, b-t nobody <-estioned me yet/ W"en (e emer'ed
)rom t"e ma##.s )ront, 0 breat"ed a si'" o) re#ie) to see t"at t"e s-n (as sti## o-t, t"o-'" it (as steadi#y sinin' into
t"e "ori5on and castin' oran'e and red #i'"t onto t"e b-i#din's/ T"e remainin' #i'"t (o-#d sti## be eno-'" )or -s to
'et bac to t"e b-s station be)ore (e (ere rea##y in any dan'er o) seein' Stri'oi/
And 0 ne( no( t"at t"ere rea##y (ere Stri'oi in Spoane/ 2imitri.s in)ormation "ad been correct/ 0 didn.t no(
("at t"e #ist meant, b-t it c#ear#y "ad somet"in' to do (it" t"e attacs/ 0 needed to report it to t"e ot"er '-ardians
immediate#y, and 0 certain#y co-#dn.t te## t"e ot"ers ("at 0.d rea#i5ed -nti# (e (ere sa)e#y at t"e #od'e/ $ason (as
#ie#y to 'o bac into t"e t-nne#s i) "e ne( ("at 0 did/
$ost o) o-r (a# bac to t"e station proceeded in si#ence/ 0 t"in my mood "ad co(ed t"e ot"ers/ E%en C"ristian
seemed to "a%e r-n o-t o) snide comments/ 0nside, my emotions s(ir#ed, osci##atin' bet(een an'er and '-i#t as 0
ept ree&aminin' my ro#e in e%eryt"in'/
A"ead o) me, Eddie stopped (a#in', and 0 near#y ran into "im/ 6e #ooed aro-nd/ >W"ere are (e=>
Snappin' o-t o) my o(n t"o-'"ts, 0 s-r%eyed t"e area too/ 0 didn.t remember t"ese b-i#din's/ >2amn it,> 0
e&c#aimed/ >Are (e #ost= 2idn.t anyone eep trac o) ("ic" (ay (e (ent=>
0t (as an -n)air <-estion since 0 c#ear#y "adn.t paid attention eit"er, b-t my temper "ad p-s"ed me past reason/
$asonst-died me )or a )e( moments, t"en pointed/ >T"is (ay/>
We t-rned and (a#ed do(n a narro( street bet(een t(o b-i#din's/ 0 didn.t t"in (e (ere 'oin' t"e ri'"t (ay, b-t
0 didn.t rea##y "a%e a better idea/ 0 a#so didn.t (ant to stand aro-nd debatin'/
We "adn.t 'one %ery )ar ("en 0 "eard t"e so-nd o) an en'ine and s<-ea#in' tires/ $ia (as (a#in' in t"e midd#e o)
t"e road, and protecti%e conditionin' iced in be)ore 0 e%en sa( ("at (as comin'/ Grabbin' "er, 0 :ered "er o-t
o) t"e street and -p a'ainst one o) t"e b-i#din' (a##s/ T"e boys "ad done t"e same/
A #ar'e, 'ray %an (it" tinted (indo(s "ad ro-nded t"e corner and (as "eaded in o-r direction/ We pressed )#at
a'ainst t"e (a##, (aitin' )or it to 'o past/
On#y it didn.t/
Screec"in' to a "a#t, it stopped ri'"t in )ront o) -s, and t"e doors s#id open/ T"ree bi' '-ys spi##ed o-t, and a'ain,
my instincts iced in/ 0 "ad no c#-e ("o t"ey (ere or ("at t"ey (anted, b-t t"ey c#ear#y (eren.t )riend#y/ T"at
(as a## 0 needed to no(/
One o) t"em mo%ed to(ard C"ristian, and 0 str-c o-t and p-nc"ed "im/ T"e '-y bare#y sta''ered b-t (as c#ear#y
s-rprised to "a%e )e#t it at a##, 0 t"in/ 6e probab#y "adn.t e&pected someone as sma## as me to be m-c" o) a t"reat/
0'norin' C"ristian, "e mo%ed to(ard me/ 0n my perip"era# %ision, 0 sa( $ason and Eddie s<-arin' o)) (it" t"e
ot"er t(o/ $ason"ad act-a##y p-##ed o-t "is sto#en si#%er stae/ $ia and C"ristian stood t"ere, )ro5en/
O-r attacers (ere re#yin' a #ot on b-#/ T"ey didn.t "a%e t"e sort o) bac'ro-nd (e "ad in o))ensi%e and
de)ensi%e tec"ni<-es/ P#-s, t"ey (ere "-man, and (e "ad d"ampir stren't"/ Un)ort-nate#y, (e a#so "ad t"e
disad%anta'e o) bein' cornered a'ainst t"e (a##/ We "ad no("ere to retreat to/ $ost important#y, (e "ad
somet"in' to #ose/
Lie $ia/
T"e '-y ("o.d been sparrin' (it" $ason seemed to rea#i5e t"is/ 6e baced o)) )rom $ason and instead 'rabbed
"er/ 0 bare#y sa( t"e )#as" o) "is '-n be)ore its barre# (as pressed a'ainst "er nec/ Bacin' o)) )rom my o(n
ad%ersary, 0 ye##ed at Eddie to stop/ We.d a## been trained to respond instant#y to t"ose inds o) orders, and "e
"a#ted "is attac, '#ancin' at me <-estionin'#y W"en "e sa( $ia, "is )ace (ent pa#e/
0 (anted not"in' more t"an to eep p-mme#in' t"ese men7("oe%er t"ey (ere7b-t 0 co-#dn.t ris t"is '-y
"-rtin' $ia/ 6e ne( it, too/ 6e didn.t e%en "a%e to mae t"e t"reat/ 6e (as "-man, b-t "e ne( eno-'" abo-t -s
to no( t"at (e.d 'o o-t o) o-r (ay to protect t"e $oroi/ No%ices "ad a sayin' 'ri##ed into -s )rom an ear#y a'e1
Only they matter.
E%eryone stopped and #ooed bet(een "im and me/ Apparent#y (e (ere t"e acno(#ed'ed #eaders "ere/ >W"at do
yo- (ant=> 0 ased "ars"#y/
T"e '-y pressed "is '-n c#oser to $ia.s nec, and s"e("impered/ For a## "er ta# abo-t )i'"tin', s"e (as sma##er
t"an me and not near#y as stron'/ And s"e (as too terri)ied to mo%e/
T"e man inc#ined "is "ead to(ard t"e %an.s open door/ >0 (ant yo- to 'et inside/ And don.t start anyt"in'/ +o- do,
and s"e.s 'one/>
0 #ooed at $ia, t"e %an, my ot"er )riends, and t"en bac to t"e '-y/ S"it/
0 6ATE BE0NG POWERLESS/ AN2 0 "ate 'oin' do(n (it"o-t a )i'"t/ W"at "ad taen p#ace o-tside in t"e a##ey
"adn.t been a rea# )i'"t/ 0) it "ad7i) 0.d been beaten into s-bmission /// (e##, yea"/ $aybe 0 co-#d accept t"at/
$aybe/ B-t 0 "adn.t been beaten/ 0.d bare#y 'otten my "ands dirty/ 0nstead, 0.d 'one <-iet#y/
Once t"ey "ad -s sittin' on t"e )#oor o) t"e %an, t"ey.d bo-nd eac" o) o-r "ands be"ind o-r bac (it" )#e&*c-))s7
strips o) p#astic t"at cinc"ed to'et"er and "e#d :-st as (e## as anyt"in' made o) meta#/
A)ter t"at, (e rode in near si#ence/ T"e men occasiona##y m-rm-red somet"in' to eac" ot"er, speain'
too so)t#y )or any o) -s to "ear/ C"ristian or $ia mi'"t "a%e been ab#e to -nderstand t"e (ords, b-t t"ey (ere in no
position to comm-nicate anyt"in' to t"e rest o) -s/ $ia #ooed as terri)ied as s"e "ad o-t on t"e street, and ("i#e
C"ristian.s )ear "ad rapid#y 'i%en (ay to "is typica# "a-'"ty an'er, e%en "e didn.t dare act o-t (it" '-ards nearby/
0 (as '#ad )or C"ristian.s se#)*contro#/ 0 didn.t do-bt any o) t"ese men (o-#d smac "im i) "e 'ot o-t o) #ine, and
neit"er 0 nor t"e ot"er no%ices (ere in a position to stop t"em/ T"at (as ("at rea##y dro%e me cra5y/ T"e instinct to
protect $oroi(as so deep#y in'rained in me t"at 0 co-#dn.t e%en pa-se to (orry abo-t myse#)/ C"ristian and $ia
(ere t"e )oc-s/ T"ey (ere t"e ones 0 "ad to 'et o-t o) t"is mess/
And "o( "ad t"is mess started= W"o (ere t"ese '-ys= T"at (as a mystery/ T"ey (ere "-man, b-t 0 didn.t be#ie%e
)or an instant t"at a 'ro-p o) d"ampirs and $oroi "ad been random idnappin' %ictims/ We.d been tar'eted )or a
O-r captors made no attempts to b#ind)o#d -s or concea# o-r ro-te, ("ic" 0 didn.t tae as a 'ood si'n/ 2id t"ey
t"in (e didn.t no( t"e city (e## eno-'" to retrace o-r steps= Or did t"ey )i'-re it didn.t matter since (e (o-#dn.t
be #ea%in' ("ere%er t"ey (ere tain' -s= A## 0 sensed (as t"at (e (ere dri%in' a(ay )rom do(nto(n, o)) to(ard a
more s-b-rban area/ Spoane (as as d-## as 0.d ima'ined/ Un#ie ("ere pristine ("ite sno( #ay in dri)ts, s#-s"y
'ray p-dd#es #ined t"e streets and dirty patc"es dotted t"e #a(ns/ T"ere (ere a#so a #ot )e(er e%er'reen trees t"an 0
(as -sed to/ T"e scra''#y, #ea)#ess decid-o-s trees "ere seemed se#eta# by comparison/ T"ey on#y added to t"e
mood o) impendin' doom/
A)ter ("at )e#t #ie #ess t"an an "o-r, t"e %an t-rned do(n a <-iet c-#*de*sac, and (e dro%e -p to a %ery ordinary7
yet #ar'e7"o-se/ Ot"er "o-ses7identica# in t"e (ay s-b-rban "omes o)ten are7stood nearby, ("ic" 'a%e me
"ope/ $aybe (e co-#d 'et some "e#p )rom t"e nei'"bors/
We p-##ed inside t"e 'ara'e, and once t"e door (as bac do(n, t"e men -s"ered -s into t"e "o-se/ 0t #ooed a #ot
more interestin' on t"e inside/ Anti<-e, c#a(*)ooted so)as andc"airs/ A #ar'e, sa#t(ater )is" tan/ S(ords crossed
o%er t"e )irep#ace/ One o) t"ose st-pid modern art paintin's t"at consisted o) a )e( #ines sp#ayed across t"e can%as/
T"e part o) me t"at en:oyed destroyin' t"in's (o-#d "a%e #ied to st-dy t"e s(ords in detai#, b-t t"e main )#oor
(asn.t o-r destination/ 0nstead, (e (ere #ed do(n a narro( )#i'"t o) stairs, do(n to a basement as #ar'e as t"e )#oor
abo%e/ On#y, -n#ie t"e main )#oor.s open space, t"e basement (as sectioned o)) into a series o) "a##s and c#osed
doors/ 0t (as #ie a rat.s ma5e/ O-r captors #ed -s t"ro-'" it (it"o-t "esitation, into a sma## room (it" a concrete
)#oor and -npainted dry(a##/
T"e )-rnit-re inside consisted o) se%era# %ery -ncom)ortab#e*#ooin' (ooden c"airs (it" s#atted bacs7bacs t"at
pro%ed to be a con%enient p#ace )or rebindin' o-r "ands/ T"e men seated -s in s-c" a (ay t"at $ia and C"ristian
sat on one side o) t"e room, and t"e rest o) -s d"ampirs sat on t"e ot"er/ One '-y7t"e #eader, apparent#y7
(atc"ed care)-##y as one o) "is "enc"men bo-nd Eddie.s "ands (it" ne( )#e&*c-))s/
>T"ese are t"e ones yo- especia##y "a%e to (atc",> "e (arned, noddin' to(ard -s/ >T"ey.## )i'"t bac/> 6is eyes
tra%e#ed )irst to Eddie.s )ace, t"en $ason.s, and t"en mine/ T"e '-y and 0 "e#d eac" ot"er.s 'a5e )or se%era#
moments, and 0 sco(#ed/ 6e #ooed bac o%er at "is associate/ >Watc" her in partic-#ar/>
W"en (e.d been restrained to "is satis)action, "e bared o-t a )e( more orders to t"e ot"ers and t"en #e)t t"e
room,s"-ttin' t"e door #o-d#y be"ind "im/ 6is steps ec"oed t"ro-'" t"e "o-se as "e (a#ed -pstairs/ $oments
#ater, si#ence )e##/
We sat t"ere, starin' at eac" ot"er/ A)ter se%era# min-tes, $ia ("impered and started to spea/ >W"at are yo-
'oin' to7>
>S"-t -p,> 'ro(#ed one o) t"e men/ 6e too a (arnin' step to(ard "er/ B#anc"in', s"e crin'ed b-t sti## #ooed as
t"o-'" s"e mi'"t say somet"in' e#se/ 0 ca-'"t "er eye and s"oo my "ead/ S"e stayed si#ent, eyes (ide and a s#i'"t
tremb#e to "er #ip/
T"ere.s not"in' (orse t"an (aitin' and not no(in' ("at.## "appen to yo-/ +o-r o(n ima'ination can be cr-e#er
t"an any captor/ Since o-r '-ards (o-#dn.t ta# to -s or te## -s ("at (as in store, 0 ima'ined a## sorts o) "orrib#e
scenarios/ T"e '-ns (ere t"e ob%io-s t"reat, and 0 )o-nd myse#) ponderin' ("at a b-##et (o-#d )ee# #ie/ Pain)-#,
pres-mab#y/ And ("ere (o-#d t"ey s"oot= T"ro-'" t"e "eart or t"e "ead= ?-ic deat"/ B-t some("ere e#se= Lie
t"e stomac"= T"at (o-#d be s#o( and pain)-#/ 0 s"-ddered at t"e t"o-'"t o) my #i)e b#eedin' o-t o) me/ T"inin' o)
a## t"at b#ood p-t me in mind o) t"e Badica "o-se and maybe "a%in' o-r t"roats s#it/ T"ese men co-#d "a%e ni%es
as (e## as '-ns/
O) co-rse, 0 "ad to (onder ("y (e (ere sti## a#i%e at a##/ C#ear#y t"ey (anted somet"in' )rom -s, b-t ("at= T"ey
(eren.t asin' )or in)ormation/ And t"ey (ere human. W"at (o-#d "-mans (ant (it" -s= Us-a##y t"e most (e
)eared)rom "-mans (as eit"er r-nnin' into cra5y s#ayer types or t"ose ("o (anted to e&periment on -s/ T"ese
seemed #ie neit"er/
So ("at did t"ey (ant= W"y (ere (e "ere= O%er and o%er, 0 ima'ined more a()-#, 'r-esome )ates/
T"e #oos on my )riends. )aces s"o(ed 0 (asn.t t"e on#y one ("o co-#d en%ision creati%e torments/ T"e sme## o)
s(eat and )ear )i##ed t"e room/
0 #ost trac o) time and (as s-dden#y :o#ted o-t o) my ima'inin's ("en )ootsteps so-nded on t"e stairs/ T"e #ead
captor stepped into t"e "a##/ T"e rest o) t"e men strai'"tened -p, tension crac#in' aro-nd t"em/ O" God/ T"is (as
it, 0 rea#i5ed/ T"is (as ("at (e.d been (aitin' )or/
>+es, sir,> 0 "eard t"e #eader say/ >T" in "ere, :-st #ie yo- (anted/>
Fina##y, 0 rea#i5ed/ T"e person be"ind o-r idnappin'/ Panic s"ot t"ro-'" me/ 0 "ad to escape/
>Let -s o-t o) "ere@> 0 ye##ed, strainin' at my bindin's/ >Let -s o-t o) "ere, yo- son o) a7>
0 stopped/ Somet"in' inside o) me s"ri%e#ed -p/ $y t"roat (ent dry/ $y "eart (anted to stop/ T"e '-ard "ad
ret-rned (it" a man and a (oman 0 didn.t reco'ni5e/ 0 did, "o(e%er, reco'ni5e t"at t"ey (ere
/// Stri'oi/
Rea#, #i%e7(e##, )i'-rati%e#y speain'7Stri'oi/ 0t a## s-dden#y c#iced to'et"er/ 0t (asn.t :-st t"e Spoane reports
t"at "ad been tr-e/ W"at (e.d )eared7Stri'oi (orin' (it""-mans7"ad come tr-e/ %his changes everything.
2ay#i'"t (asn.t sa)e anymore/ None o) -s (ere sa)e anymore/ Worse, 0 rea#i5ed t"ese m-st be t"e ro'-e Stri'oi7
t"e ones ("o "ad attaced t"e t(o $oroi )ami#ies (it" "-man "e#p/ A'ain, t"ose "orrib#e memories came to me1
bodies and b#ood e%ery("ere/ Bi#e rose in my t"roat, and 0 tried to s"i)t my t"o-'"ts )rom t"e past to t"e present
sit-ation/ Not t"at t"at (as any more reass-rin'/
$oroi "ad pa#e sin, t"e ind o) sin t"at b#-s"ed and b-rned easi#y/ B-t t"ese %ampires// /t"eir sin (as ("ite,
c"a#y in a (ay t"at made it #oo #ie t"e res-#t o) a bad mae-p :ob/ T"e p-pi#s o) t"eir eyes "ad a red rin' aro-nd
t"em, dri%in' "ome ("at monsters t"ey (ere/
T"e (oman, act-a##y, reminded me o) Nata#ie7my poor )riend ("ose )at"er "ad con%inced "er to t-rn Stri'oi/ 0t
too me a )e( moments to )i'-re o-t ("at t"e resemb#ance (as beca-se t"ey #ooed not"in' a#ie/ T"is (oman
(as s"ort7 probab#y "-man be)ore becomin' Stri'oi7and "ad bro(n "air (it" a bad "i'"#i'"tin' :ob/
T"en it "it me/ T"is Stri'oi (as a ne( one, m-c" as Nata#ie "ad been/ 0t didn.t become ob%io-s -nti# 0 compared
"er (it" t"e Stri'oi man/ T"e Stri'oi (oman.s )ace "ad a #itt#e #i)e in it/ B-t "is /// "is (as t"e )ace o) deat"/
6is )ace (as comp#ete#y de%oid o) any sort o) (armt" or 'ent#er emotion/ 6is e&pression (as co#d and ca#c-#atin',
#aced (it" ma#icio-s am-sement/ 6e (as ta##, as ta## as 2imitri, and "ad a s#ender )rame t"at indicated "e.d been
$oroibe)ore c"an'in' o%er/ S"o-#der*#en't" b#ac "air )ramed "is )ace and stood o-t a'ainst t"e bri'"t scar#et o)
"is dress s"irt/ 6is eyes (ere so dar and bro(n t"at (it"o-t t"e red rin', it (o-#d "a%e been a#most impossib#e to
te## ("ere p-pi# ended and iris be'an/
One o) t"e '-ards s"o%ed me "ard, e%en t"o-'" 0.d been si#ent/ 6e '#anced -p at t"e Stri'oi man/ >+o- (ant me to
'a' "er=>
0 s-dden#y rea#i5ed 0.d been "-nc"in' into t"e bac o) my c"air, -nconscio-s#y tryin' to 'et as )ar a(ay )rom "im
as possib#e/ 6e rea#i5ed t"is too, and a t"in, toot"#ess smi#e crossed "is #ips/
>No,> "e said/ 6is %oice (as si#y and #o(/ >0.d #ie to "ear ("at s"e "as to say/> 6e raised an eyebro( at me/
>P#ease/ Contin-e/>
0 s(a##o(ed/
>No= Not"in' to add= We##/ 2o )ee# )ree to pipe -p i) somet"in' e#se comes to mind/>
>0saia",> e&c#aimed t"e (oman/ >W"y are yo- eepin' t"em "ere= W"y "a%en.t yo- :-st contacted t"e ot"ers=>
>E#ena, E#ena,> 0saia" m-rm-red to "er/ >Be"a%e yo-rse#)/ 0.m not 'oin' to pass -p t"e c"ance to en:oy myse#)
(it" t(o $oroi and ///> 6e (a#ed be"ind my c"air and #i)ted my "air, main' me s"-dder/ A moment #ater, "e
peered at $ason and Eddie.s necs as (e##/ >/t"ree -nb#ooded d"ampirs/> 6e spoe t"ose (ords (it" an a#most
"appy si'", and 0 rea#i5ed "e.d been #ooin' )or '-ardian tattoos/
Stro##in' o%er to $ia and C"ristian, 0saia" rested a "and on "is "ip as "e st-died t"em/ $ia co-#d on#y meet "is
eyes )or an instant be)ore #ooin' a(ay/ C"ristian.s )ear (as pa#pab#e, b-t "e mana'ed to ret-rn t"e Stri'oi.s
scr-tiny/ 0t made me pro-d/
>Loo at t"ese eyes, E#ena/> E#ena (a#ed o%er and stood beside 0saia" as "e spoe/ >T"at pa#e b#-e/ Lie ice/ Lie
a<-amarines/ +o- a#most ne%er 'et t"at o-tside o) t"e roya# "o-ses/ Badicas/ O5eras/ T"e occasiona# Ge#os/>
>O5era,> said C"ristian, tryin' %ery "ard to so-nd )ear#ess/
0saia" ti#ted "is "ead/ >Rea##y= S-re#y not///> 6e #eaned c#oser to C"ristian/ >B-t t"e a'e is ri'"t/// and t"at "air/>
6e smi#ed/ >L-cas and $oira.s son=>
C"ristian said not"in', b-t t"e con)irmation on "is )ace (as ob%io-s/
>0 ne( yo-r parents/ Great peop#e/ Unpara##e#ed/ T"eir deat"s (ere a s"ame/ b-t, (e##/ 0 daresay t"ey bro-'"t t"at
on t"emse#%es/ 0 told t"em t"ey s"o-#dn.t "a%e 'one bac )or yo-/ Wo-#d "a%e been (aste)-# to a(aen yo- so
yo-n'/ T"ey c#aimed t"ey (ere 'oin' to :-st eep yo- aro-nd and (aen yo- ("en yo- (ere o#der/ 0 (arned t"em
t"at t"at (o-#d be a disaster, b-t, (e##/> 6e 'a%e a de#icate s"r-'/ >A(aen> (as t"e term Stri'oi -sed amon'
t"emse#%es ("en t"ey c"an'ed o%er/ 0t so-nded #ie a re#i'io-s e&perience/ >T"ey (o-#dn.t #isten, and disaster met
t"em in a di))erent (ay/>
6atred, deep and dar, boi#ed be"ind C"ristian.s eyes/ 0saia" smi#ed a'ain/
>0t.s <-ite to-c"in' t"at yo- s"o-#d )ind yo-r (ay to me a)ter a## t"is time/ Per"aps 0 can rea#i5e t"eir dream a)ter
>0saia",> said t"e (oman7E#ena7a'ain/ E%ery (ord o-t o) "er mo-t" seemed #ie a ("ine/ >Ca## t"e ot"ers7>
>Stop 'i%in' me orders@> 0saia" 'rabbed "er s"o-#der and s"o%ed "er a(ay7e&cept t"at t"e p-s" noced "er
across t"e room and a#most t"ro-'" t"e (a##/ S"e :-st bare#y t"re( "er "and o-t in time to stop t"e impact/ Stri'oi
"ad better re)#e&es t"an d"ampirs or e%en $oroi; "er #ac o) 'race meant "e.d comp#ete#y ca-'"t "er o)) '-ard/
And rea##y, "e.d bare#y to-c"ed "er/ T"e p-s" "ad been #i'"t7yet it "ad paced t"e )orce o) a sma## car/
T"is )-rt"er en)orced my be#ie) t"at "e (as in anot"er c#ass a#to'et"er/ 6is stren't" beat "ers by ma'nit-des/ S"e
(as #ie a )#y "e co-#d s(at a(ay/ Stri'oi po(er increased (it" a'e7 as (e## as t"ro-'" t"e cons-mption o) $oroi
b#ood and, to a #esser e&tent, d"ampir b#ood/ T"is '-y (asn.t :-st o#d, 0 rea#i5ed/ 6e (as ancient/ And "e.d dr-n a
lot o) b#ood o%er t"e years/ Terror )i##ed E#ena.s )eat-res, and 0 co-#d -nderstand "er )ear/ Stri'oi t-rned a'ainst
eac" ot"er a## t"e time/ 6e co-#d "a%e ripped "er "ead o)) i) "e (anted/
S"e co(ered, a%ertin' "er eyes/ >0/ 0.m sorry, 0saia"/>
0saia" smoot"ed "is s"irt7not t"at it "ad been (rin#ed/ 6is %oice too on t"e co#d p#easantness "e.d a))ected
ear#ier/ >+o- c#ear#y "a%e opinions "ere, E#ena, and 0 (e#come yo- %oicin' t"em in a ci%i#i5ed manner/ W"at do
yo- t"in (e s"o-#d do (it" t"ese c-bs=>
>+o- s"o-#d7t"at is, 0 t"in (e s"o-#d :-st tae t"em no(/ Especia##y t"e $oroi/> S"e (as c#ear#y (orin' "ard
not to ("ine a'ain and annoy "im/ >Un#ess// /yo- aren.t 'oin' to t"ro( anot"er dinner party, are yo-= 0t.s a
comp#ete (aste/ We.## "a%e to s"are, and yo- no( t"e ot"ers (on.t be 'rate)-#/ T"ey never are/>
>0.m not main' a dinner party o-t o) t"em,> "e dec#ared #o)ti#y/ 2inner party= >B-t 0.m not i##in' t"em yet eit"er/ yo-n', E#ena/ +o- on#y t"in abo-t immediate 'rati)ication/ W"en as o#d as me, yo- (on.t be so /
S"e ro##ed "er eyes ("en "e (asn.t #ooin'/
T-rnin', "e s(ept "is 'a5e o%er me, $ason, and Eddie/ >+o- t"ree, 0.m a)raid, are 'oin' to die/ T"ere.s
no a%oidin' it/ 0.d #ie to say 0.m sorry, b-t, (e##, 0.m not/ S-c" is t"e (ay o) t"e (or#d/ +o- do "a%e a c"oice in
"o( yo- die, "o(e%er, and t"at (i## be dictated by yo-r be"a%ior/> 6is eyes #in'ered on me/ 0 didn.t rea##y 'et ("y
e%eryone seemed to be sin'#in' me o-t as t"e tro-b#emaer "ere/ We##, maybe 0 did/ >Some o) yo- (i## die more
pain)-##y t"an ot"ers/>
0 didn.t need to see $ason and Eddie to no( t"eir )ear mirrored mine/ 0 (as pretty s-re 0 e%en "eard Eddie
0saia" abr-pt#y t-rned on "is "ee#s, mi#itary*sty#e, and )aced $ia and C"ristian/ >+o- t(o, )ort-nate#y, "a%e
options/ On#y one o) yo- (i## die/ T"e ot"er (i## #i%e on in '#orio-s immorta#ity/ 0.## e%en be ind eno-'" to tae
yo- -nder my (in' -nti# a #itt#e o#der/ S-c" is my c"arity/>
0 co-#dn.t "e#p it/ 0 c"oed on a #a-'"/
0saia" sp-n aro-nd and stared at me/ 0 )e## si#ent and (aited )or "im to t"ro( me across t"e room #ie "e "ad E#ena,
b-t "e did not"in' e#se b-t stare/ 0t (as eno-'"/ $y "eart raced, and 0 )e#t tears brim in my eyes/ $y )ear s"amed
me/ 0 (anted to be #ie 2imitri/ $aybe e%en #ie my mot"er/ A)ter se%era# #on', a'oni5in' moments, 0saia" t-rned
bac to t"e $oroi/
>No(/ As 0 (as sayin', one o) yo- (i## be a(aened and #i%e )ore%er/ B-t it (i## not be me ("o (aens yo-/ +o-
(i## c"oose to be a(aened (i##in'#y/>
>Not #ie#y,> said C"ristian/ 6e paced as m-c" snary de)iance as "e co-#d mana'e into t"ose t(o (ords, b-t it
(as sti## ob%io-s to e%eryone e#se in t"e room t"at "e (as scared o-t o) "is mind/
>A", "o( 0 #o%e t"e O5era spirit,> m-sed 0saia"/ 6e '#anced at $ia, "is red eyes '#eamin'/ S"e s"ran bac in )ear/
>B-t don.t #et "im -psta'e yo-, my dear/ T"ere.s stren't" in common b#ood, too/ And "ere.s "o( it (i## be
decided/> 6e pointed at -s d"ampirs/ 6is 'a5ed c"i##ed me a## o%er, and 0 ima'ined 0 co-#d sme## t"e stin o) decay/
>0) yo- (ant to #i%e, a## yo- "a%e to do is i## one o) t"ese t"ree/> 6e t-rned bac to t"e $oroi/ >T"at.s it/ Not
-np#easant at a##/ 3-st te## one o) t"ese 'ent#emen "ere yo- (ant to do it/ T"ey.## re#ease yo-/ T"en yo- drin )rom
t"em and are a(aened as one o) -s/ W"oe%er does t"is )irst (a#s )ree/ T"e ot"er (i## be dinner )or E#ena and
Si#ence "-n' in t"e room/
>No,> said C"ristian/ >No (ay am 0 i##in' one o) my )riends/ 0 don.t care ("at yo- do/ 0.## die )irst/>
0saia" (a%ed a dismissi%e "and/ >Easy to be bra%e ("en yo- aren.t "-n'ry/ Go a )e( days (it"o-t any ot"er
s-stenance /// and yes, t"ese t"ree (i## start to #oo very 'ood/ And t"ey are/ 2"ampirs are de#icio-s/ Some pre)er
t"em to $oroi, and ("i#e 0 myse#) "a%e ne%er s"ared s-c" be#ie)s, 0 can certain#y appreciate t"e %ariety/>
C"ristian sco(#ed/
>2on.t be#ie%e me=> ased 0saia"/ >T"en #et me pro%e it/> 6e (a#ed bac o%er to my side o) t"e room/ 0 rea#i5ed
("at "e (as 'oin' to do and spoe (it"o-t )-##y t"inin' t"in's t"ro-'"/
>Use me,> 0 b#-rted o-t/ >2rin )rom me/>
0saia".s sm-' #oo )a#tered )or a moment, and "is eyebro(s rose/ > %o#-nteerin'=>
>0.%e done it be)ore/ Let $oroi )eed o)) me, 0 mean/ 0 don.t mind/ 0 #ie it/ Lea%e t"e rest o) t"em a#one/> >Rose@>
e&c#aimed $ason/
0 i'nored "im and #ooed beseec"in'#y at 0saia"/ 0 didn.t (ant "im to )eed o)) me/ T"e t"o-'"t made me sic/ B-t
0 had 'i%en b#ood be)ore, and 0.d rat"er "im tae pints )rom me be)ore "e to-c"ed Eddie or $ason/
0 co-#dn.t read "is e&pression as "e si5ed me -p/ For "a#) a second, 0 t"o-'"t "e mi'"t 'o )or it, b-t instead "e
s"oo "is "ead/
>No/ Not yo-/ Not yet/>
6e (a#ed o%er and stood be)ore Eddie/ 0 p-##ed a'ainst my )#e&*c-))s so "ard t"at t"ey d-' pain)-##y into my
sin/ T"ey didn.t 'i%e/ >No@ Lea%e "im a#one@>
>?-iet,> snapped 0saia", (it"o-t #ooin' at me/ 6e rested one "and on t"e side o) Eddie.s )ace/ Eddie tremb#ed and
"ad 'one so pa#e, 0 t"o-'"t "e (o-#d )aint/ >0 can mae t"is easy, or 0 can mae it "-rt/ +o-r si#ence (i## enco-ra'e
t"e )ormer/>
0 (anted to scream, (anted to ca## 0saia" a## sorts o) names and mae a## sorts o) t"reats/ B-t 0 co-#dn.t/ $y eyes
)#iced aro-nd t"e room, searc"in' )or e&its, as 0 "ad so many times be)ore/ B-t t"ere (ere none/ 3-st b#an, bare
("ite (a##s/ No (indo(s/ T"e one precio-s door, a#(ays '-arded/ 0 (as "e#p#ess, :-st as "e#p#ess as 0.d been )rom
t"e moment t"ey.d p-##ed -s into t"e %an/ 0 )e#t #ie cryin', more )rom )r-stration t"an )ear/ W"at ind o) '-ardian
(o-#d 0 be i) 0 co-#dn.t protect my )riends=
B-t 0 stayed <-iet, and a #oo o) satis)action crossed 0saia".s )ace/ T"e )#-orescent #i'"tin' 'a%e "is sin a sic#y,
'rayis" "-e, emp"asi5in' t"e dar circ#es -nder "is eyes/ 0 (anted to p-nc" "im/
>Good/> 6e smi#ed at Eddie and "e#d "is )ace so t"at t"e t(o made direct eye contact/ >No(, yo- (on.t )i'"t me,
(i## yo-=>
As 0.%e mentioned, Lissa (as 'ood at comp-#sion/ B-t s"e co-#dn.t "a%e done t"is/ 0n seconds, Eddie (as smi#in'/
>No/ 0 (on.t )i'"t yo-/>
>Good,> repeated 0saia"/ >And yo-.## 'i%e me yo-r nec )ree#y, (on.t yo-=>
>O) co-rse,> rep#ied Eddie, ti#tin' "is "ead bac/
0saia" bro-'"t "is mo-t" do(n, and 0 #ooed a(ay, tryin' to )oc-s on t"e t"readbare carpet instead/ 0 didn.t (ant
to see t"is/ 0 "eard Eddie emit a so)t, "appy moan/ T"e )eedin' itse#) (as re#ati%e#y <-iet7no s#-rpin' or anyt"in'
#ie t"at/
0 '#anced bac ("en 0 "eard 0saia" spea a'ain/ B#ood dripped )rom "is #ips, and "e ran "is ton'-e across t"em/ 0
co-#dn.t see t"e (o-nd on Eddie.s nec, b-t 0 s-spected it (as b#oody and "orrib#e too/ $ia and C"ristian stared
(ide*eyed, bot" (it" )ear and )ascination/ Eddie 'a5ed o)) in a "appy, dr-''ed "a5e, "i'" )rom bot" t"e endorp"ins
and t"e comp-#sion/
0saia" strai'"tened -p and smi#ed at t"e $oroi, #icin' t"e #ast o) t"e b#ood o)) "is #ips/ >+o- see=> "e to#d t"em,
mo%in' to(ard t"e door/ >0t.s :-st t"at easy/>
WeNEE2E2 AN ESCAPE PLAN, and (e needed it )ast/ Un)ort-nate#y, my on#y ideas ca##ed )or t"in's t"at rea##y
(eren.t -nder my contro#/ Lie -s bein' #e)t comp#ete#y a#one so (e co-#d snea o))/ Or "a%in' st-pid '-ards
("om (e co-#d easi#y )oo# and s#ip a(ay )rom/ At t"e %ery #east, (e s"o-#d "a%e been s#oppi#y sec-red so t"at (e
co-#d brea )ree/
None o) t"at (as "appenin', t"o-'"/ A)ter a#most t(enty*)o-r "o-rs, o-r sit-ations "adn.t rea##y c"an'ed/ We
(ere sti## prisoners, sti## sec-re#y bo-nd/ O-r captors stayed %i'i#ant, a#most as e))icient as any 'ro-p o) '-ardians/
T"e c#osest (e 'ot to )reedom (as "ea%i#y s-per%ised7 and e&treme#y embarrassin'7bat"room breas/ T"e men
'a%e -s no )ood or (ater/ T"at (as ro-'" on me, b-t t"e "-man and %ampire mi& made d"ampirs "ardy/ 0 co-#d
"and#e bein' -ncom)ortab#e, e%en t"o-'" 0 (as )ast reac"in' a point ("ere 0 (o-#d "a%e i##ed )or a c"eeseb-r'er
and some rea##y, rea##y 'reasy )renc" )ries/
For $ia and C"ristian// /(e##, t"in's (ere a #itt#e "arder/ $oroi co-#d 'o (ees (it"o-t )ood and (ater i) t"ey
(ere sti## 'ettin' b#ood/ Wit"o-t b#ood, t"ey co-#d mana'e a )e( days be)ore 'ettin' sic and (ea, so #on' as t"ey
sti## "adot"er s-stenance/ T"at (as "o( Lissa and 0 "ad mana'ed ("i#e #i%in' on o-r o(n, since 0 "adn.t been ab#e
to )eed "er e%ery day/
Tae a(ay )ood, b#ood, and (ater, and $oroi end-rance dropped t"ro-'" t"e )#oor/ 0 (as "-n'ry, b-t $ia and
C"ristian (ere ra%eno-s/ A#ready, t"eir )aces #ooed 'a-nt, t"eir eyes a#most )e%eris"/ 0saia" made matters (orse
d-rin' "is s-bse<-ent %isits/ Eac" time, "e (o-#d come do(n and ramb#e on in "is annoyin', ta-ntin' (ay/ T"en,
be)ore #ea%in', "e.d tae anot"er drin )rom Eddie/ By t"e t"ird %isit, 0 co-#d practica##y see $ia and C"ristian
sa#i%atin'/ Bet(een t"e endorp"ins and #ac o) )ood, 0 (as pretty s-re Eddie didn.t e%en no( ("ere (e (ere/
0 co-#dn.t rea##y s#eep -nder t"ese conditions, b-t d-rin' t"e second day, 0 started noddin' o)) no( and t"en/
Star%ation and e&"a-stion (i## do t"at to yo-/ At one point, 0 act-a##y dreamed, s-rprisin' since 0 didn.t rea##y t"in
0 co-#d )a## into a deep s#-mber -nder s-c" insane conditions/
0n t"e dream7and 0 ne( per)ect#y (e## t"at it (as a dream70 stood on a beac"/ 0t too me a moment to
reco'ni5e :-st ("ic" beac" it (as/ 0t (as a#on' t"e Ore'on coast7 sandy and (arm, (it" t"e Paci)ic -n)o#din' in
t"e distance/ Lissa and 0 "ad tra%e#ed o-t "ere once ("en (e #i%ed in Port#and/ 0t "ad been a 'or'eo-s day, b-t s"e
co-#dn.t "and#e bein' o-t in t"at m-c" s-n/ We.d ept t"e %isit s"ort as a res-#t, b-t 0.d a#(ays (is"ed 0 co-#d "a%e
stayed #on'erand based in a## t"at/ No( 0 "ad a## t"e #i'"t and (armt" 0
co-#d (ant/
>Litt#e d"ampir,> said a %oice be"ind me/ >0t.s abo-t time/>
0 t-rned aro-nd in s-rprise and )o-nd Adrian 0%as"o% (atc"in' me/ 6e "ad on "ais and a #oose s"irt and7in a
s-rprisin'#y cas-a# sty#e )or "im7(ore no s"oes/ Wind r-))#ed "is bro(n "air, and "e ept "is "ands st-))ed in "is
pocets as "e re'arded me (it" t"at trademar smir o) "is/
>Sti## 'ot yo-r protection,> "e added/
Fro(nin', 0 t"o-'"t )or a moment "e (as starin' at my c"est/ T"en 0 rea#i5ed "is eyes (ere on my stomac"/ 0 "ad
on :eans and a biini top, and once a'ain, t"e #itt#e b#-e eye pendant dan'#ed )rom my be##y*b-tton/ T"e c"oti (as
on my (rist/
>And in t"e s-n a'ain,> 0 said/ >So 0 s-ppose it.s yo-r dream/>
>0t.s o-r dream/>
0 (i''#ed my toes in t"e sand/ >6o( can t(o peop#e s"are a dream=>
>Peop#e s"are dreams a## t"e time, Rose/>
0 #ooed -p at "im (it" a )ro(n/ >0 need to no( ("at yo- mean/ Abo-t t"ere bein' darness aro-nd me/ W"at
does it mean=>
>6onest#y, 0 don.t no(/ E%eryone "as #i'"t aro-nd t"em, e&cept )or yo-/ +o- "a%e s"ado(s/ +o- tae t"em )rom
$y con)-sion 're(/ >0 don.t -nderstand/>
>0 can.t 'et into it ri'"t no(,> "e to#d me/ >T"at.s not ("y 0.m "ere/>
> "ere )or a reason=> 0 ased, my eyes (anderin' to t"e b#-e*'ray (ater/ 0t (as "ypnotic/ >+o- aren.t
:-st// /"ere to be "ere=>
6e stepped )or(ard and ca-'"t my "and, )orcin' me to #oo -p at "im/ A## am-sement (as 'one/ 6e (as dead
serio-s/ >W"ere are yo-=>
>6ere,> 0 said, p-55#ed/ >3-st #ie yo-/>
Adrian s"oo "is "ead/ >No, t"at.s not ("at 0 mean/ 0n t"e rea# (or#d/ W"ere are yo-=>
T"e rea# (or#d= Aro-nd -s, t"e beac" s-dden#y b#-rred, #ie a )i#m 'oin' o-t o) )oc-s/ $oments #ater, e%eryt"in'
steadied itse#)/ 0 raced my brain/ T"e rea# (or#d/ 0ma'es came to me/ C"airs/ G-ards/ F#e&*c-))s/
>0n a basement ///> 0 said s#o(#y/ A#arm s-dden#y s"attered t"e bea-ty o) t"e moment as e%eryt"in' came bac to
me/ >O" God, Adrian/ +o-.%e 'ot to "e#p $ia and C"ristian/ 0 can.t7>
Adrian.s 'rip on my "and ti'"tened/ >W"ere=> T"e (or#d s"immered a'ain, and t"is time it didn.t re)oc-s/ 6e
s(ore/ >W"ere are yo-, Rose=>
T"e (or#d be'an to disinte'rate/ Adrian be'an to disinte'rate/
>A basement/ 0n a "o-se/ 0n7>
6e (as 'one/ 0 (oe -p/ T"e so-nd o) t"e room.s door openin' start#ed me bac to rea#ity/
0saia" s(ept in (it" E#ena in to(/ 0 "ad to )i'"t a sneer ("en 0 sa( "er/ 6e (as arro'ant and mean and a##*aro-nd
e%i#/ B-t "e (as t"at (ay beca-se "e (as a #eader/ 6e "ad t"e stren't" and po(er to bac -p "is cr-e#ty7e%en i) 0
didn.t #ie it/ B-t E#ena= S"e (as a #acey/ S"e t"reatened -s and made snide comments, b-t most o) "er abi#ity to
do so came )rom bein' "is sideic/ S"e (as a tota# s-c*-p/
>6e##o, c"i#dren,> "e said/ >6o( are (e doin' today=>
S-##en '#ares ans(ered "im/
6e stro##ed o%er to $ia and C"ristian, "ands )o#ded be"ind "is bac/ >Any c"an'es o) "eart since my #ast %isit= tain' an a()-##y #on' time, and it.s -psettin' E#ena/ S"e.s %ery "-n'ry, yo- see, b-t70 s-spect7not as
"-n'ry as yo- t(o/>
C"ristian narro(ed "is eyes/ >F-c o)),> "e said t"ro-'" 'ritted teet"/
E#ena snar#ed and #-n'ed )or(ard/ >2on.t yo- dare7>
0saia" (a%ed "er o))/ >Lea%e "im a#one/ 0t :-st means (e (ait a #itt#e #on'er, and rea##y, it.s an entertainin' (ait/>
E#ena.s eyes s"ot da''ers at C"ristian/
>6onest#y,> contin-ed 0saia", (atc"in' C"ristian, >0 can.t decide ("ic" 0 (ant more1 to i## yo- or "a%e yo- :oin
-s/ Eit"er option o))ers its o(n am-sements/>
>2on.t yo- 'et tired o) "earin' yo-rse#) ta#=> ased C"ristian/
0saia" considered/ >No/ Not rea##y/ And 0 don.t 'et tired o) this, eit"er/>
6e t-rned aro-nd and (a#ed to(ard Eddie/ Poor Eddie co-#d bare#y sit -pri'"t in "is c"air anymore a)ter a## t"e
)eedin's "e.d 'one t"ro-'"/ Worse, 0saia" didn.t e%en need to -se comp-#sion/ Eddie.s )ace simp#y #it -p (it" a
st-pid 'rin, ea'er )or t"e ne&t bite/ 6e (as as addicted as a )eeder/
An'er and dis'-st )#ooded t"ro-'" me/
>2amn it@> 0 ye##ed/ >Lea%e "im a#one@>
0saia" '#anced bac at me/ >Be si#ent, 'ir#/ 0 don.t )ind yo- near#y as am-sin' as 0 do $r/ O5era/>
>+ea"=> 0 snar#ed/ >0) 0 piss yo- o)) so m-c", t"en -se me to pro%e yo-r st-pid point/ Bite me instead/
P-t me in my p#ace, and s"o( me ("at a badass yo- are/>
>No@> e&c#aimed $ason/ >Use me/>
0saia" ro##ed "is eyes/ >Good God/ W"at a nob#e #ot/ a## Spartac-s, aren.t yo-=>
6e stro##ed a(ay )rom Eddie and p-t a )in'er -nder $ason.s c"in, ti#tin' "is "ead -p/ >B-t yo-,> 0saia" said, >don.t
rea##y mean it/ +o- on#y o))er beca-se o) her. 6e re#eased $ason and (a#ed in )ront o) me, starin' do(n (it"
t"ose b#ac, b#ac eyes/ >And yo- /// 0 didn.t rea##y be#ie%e yo- at )irst eit"er/ B-t no(=> 6e ne#t do(n so t"at "e
(as at my "ei'"t/ 0 re)-sed to #oo a(ay )rom "is eyes, e%en t"o-'" 0 ne( t"at p-t me at ris o) comp-#sion/ >0
t"in yo- rea##y mean it/ And it.s not a## nobi#ity, eit"er/ +o- do (ant it/ +o- rea##y "a%e been bitten be)ore/> 6is
%oice (as ma'ica#/ 6ypnotic/ 6e (asn.t -sin' comp-#sion, e&act#y, b-t "e de)inite#y "ad an -nnat-ra# c"arisma
s-rro-ndin' "im/ Lie Lissa andAdrian/ 0 "-n' on "is e%ery (ord/ >Lots o) times, 0.d '-ess,> "e added/
6e #eaned to(ard me, breat" "ot a'ainst my nec/ Some("ere beyond "im, 0 co-#d "ear $ason s"o-tin'
somet"in', b-t a## o) my )oc-s (as on "o( c#ose 0saia".s teet" (ere to my sin/ 0n t"e #ast )e( mont"s, 0.d on#y
been bitten once7 and t"at (as ("en Lissa "ad "ad an emer'ency/ Be)ore t"en, s"e.d bitten me at #east t(ice a
(ee )or t(o years, and 0 "ad on#y recent#y come to rea#i5e "o( addicted to t"at 0.d been/ T"ere is not"in'7n
othing7in t"e (or#d #ie a $oroi bite, #ie t"e )#ood o) b#iss it sends into yo-/ O) co-rse, by a## acco-nts, Stri'oi
bites (ere e%en more po(er)-#//
0 s(a##o(ed, s-dden#y a(are o) my o(n "ea%y breat"in' and racin' "eart/ 0saia" 'a%e a #o( c"-c#e/
>+es/ a b#ood ("ore in t"e main'/ Un)ort-nate )or yo-7beca-se 0.m not 'oin' to 'i%e yo- ("at yo-
6e baced a(ay, and 0 s#-mped )or(ard in my c"air/ Wit"o-t )-rt"er de#ay, "e ret-rned to Eddie and dran/ 0
co-#dn.t (atc", b-t it (as beca-se o) en%y t"is time, not dis'-st/ Lon'in' b-rned inside o) me/ 0 ac"ed )or t"at bite,
ac"ed )or it (it" e%ery ner%e in my body/
W"en 0saia" )inis"ed, "e started to #ea%e t"e room, t"en pa-sed/ 6e directed "is (ords at $ia and C"ristian/ >2on.t
de#ay,> "e (arned/ >Sei5e yo-r opport-nity to be sa%ed/> 6e ti#ted "is "ead to(ard me/ >+o- e%en "a%e a (i##in'
6e #e)t/ Across t"e room, C"ristian met my eyes/ Some"o(, "is )ace #ooed e%en 'a-nter t"an it "ad a co-p#e o)
"o-rs a'o/6-n'er b-rned in "is 'a5e, and 0 ne( 0 (ore t"e comp#ementary one1 a desire to sate t"at "-n'er/ God/
We (ere so scre(ed/ 0 t"in C"ristian rea#i5ed it at t"e same time/ 6is #ips t(isted into a bitter smi#e/
>+o- ne%er #ooed so 'ood, Rose,> "e mana'ed, :-st be)ore t"e '-ards to#d "im to s"-t -p/
0 do5ed a #itt#e t"ro-'"o-t t"e day, b-t Adrian didn.t ret-rn to my dreams/ 0nstead, ("i#e "o%erin' :-st at t"e ed'e
o) conscio-sness, 0 )o-nd myse#) s#ippin' into )ami#iar territory1 Lissa.s "ead/ A)ter a## t"e (eirdness o) t"ese #ast
t(o days, bein' in "er mind )e#t #ie a "omecomin'/
S"e (as in one o) t"e #od'e.s ban<-et rooms, on#y it (as empty/ S"e sat on t"e )#oor o) t"e )ar side o) it, tryin' to
stay inconspic-o-s/ Ner%o-sness )i##ed "er/ S"e (as (aitin' )or somet"in'7or rat"er, someone/ A )e( min-tes
#ater, Adrian s#ipped in/
>Co-sin,> "e said by (ay o) 'reetin'/ 6e sat do(n beside "er and dre( "is nees -p, -nconcerned
abo-t "is e&pensi%e dress pants/ >Sorry 0.m #ate/>
>0t.s oay,> s"e said/
>+o- didn.t no( 0 (as "ere -nti# yo- sa( me, did yo-=>
S"e s"oo "er "ead, disappointed/ 0 )e#t more con)-sed t"an e%er/
>And sittin' (it" me /// yo- can.t rea##y notice anyt"in'=>
6e s"r-''ed/ >We##/ 6ope)-##y it.## come soon/>
>6o( does it #oo )or yo-=> s"e ased, b-rnin' (it" c-riosity/
>2o yo- no( ("at a-ras are=>
>T" #ie /// bands o) #i'"t aro-nd peop#e, ri'"t= Some Ne( A'e t"in'=>
>Somet"in' #ie t"at/ E%eryone "as a sort o) spirit-a# ener'y t"at radiates o-t )rom t"em/ We##, a#most e%eryone/>
6is "esitation made me (onder i) "e (as t"inin' o) me and t"e darness 0 a##e'ed#y (a#ed in/ >Based on t"e
co#or and appearance, yo- can te## a #ot abo-t a person// /(e##, i) anyone co-#d act-a##y see a-ras, t"at is/>
>And yo- can,> s"e said/ >And yo- can te## 0 -se spirit )rom my a-ra=>
>+o-rs is most#y 'o#d/ Lie mine/ 0t.## s"i)t (it" ot"er co#ors dependin' on t"e sit-ation, b-t t"e 'o#d a#(ays
>6o( many ot"er peop#e o-t t"ere #ie -s do yo- no(=>
>Not many/ 0 :-st see t"em e%ery once in a ("i#e/ T"ey ind o) eep to t"emse#%es/ t"e )irst 0.%e act-a##y
e%er ta#ed to/ 0 didn.t e%en no( it (as ca##ed .spirit/. Wis" 0.d no(n abo-t t"is ("en 0 didn.t specia#i5e/ 0 :-st
)i'-red 0 (as some ind o) )rea/>
Lissa "e#d -p "er arm and stared, (i##in' "erse#) to see t"e #i'"t s"inin' aro-nd it/ Not"in'/ S"e si'"ed and #et t"e
arm drop/
And t"at.s ("en 0 'ot it/
Adrian (as a spirit -ser too/ T"at (as ("y "e.d been so c-rio-s abo-t Lissa, ("y "e.d (anted to ta# to "er and
asabo-t t"e bond and "er specia#i5ation/ 0t a#so e&p#ained a #ot o) ot"er t"in's7#ie t"at c"arisma 0 co-#dn.t seem
to escape ("en 0 (as near "im/ 6e.d -sed comp-#sion t"at day Lissa and 0 "ad been in "is room7t"at (as "o(
"e.d )orced 2imitri to re#ease "im/
>So, t"ey )ina##y #et yo- 'o=> Adrian ased "er/
>+ea"/ T"ey )ina##y decided 0 rea##y didn.t no( anyt"in'/>
>Good,> "e said/ 6e )ro(ned, and 0 rea#i5ed "e (as sober )or a c"an'e/ >And sure yo- don.t=>
>0 a#ready to#d yo- t"at/ 0 can.t mae t"e bond (or t"at (ay/>
>6mm/ We##/ +o-.%e 'ot to/>
S"e '#ared/ >W"at, yo- t"in 0.m "o#din' bac= 0) 0 co-#d )ind "er, 0 (o-#d@>
>0 no(, b-t to "a%e it at a##, yo- m-st "a%e a stron' connection/ Use t"at to ta# to "er in "er dreams/ 0 tried, b-t 0
can.t "an' on #on' eno-'" to7>
>W"at did yo- say=> e&c#aimed Lissa/ >Ta# to "er in "er dreams=>
No( "e #ooed p-55#ed/ >S-re/ 2on.t yo- no( "o( to do t"at=>
>No@ Are yo- iddin'= 6o( is t"at e%en possib#e=>
$y dreams ///
0 remembered Lissa ta#in' abo-t -ne&p#ained $oroi p"enomena, "o( t"ere mi'"t be spirit po(ers o-t t"ere
beyond "ea#in', t"in's no one e%en ne( abo-t yet/ 0t (o-#d appeart"at Adrian bein' in my dreams (as no
coincidence/ 6e.d mana'ed to 'et inside my "ead, maybe in a (ay simi#ar to "o( 0 sa( Lissa.s mind/ T"e t"o-'"t
made me -neasy/ Lissa co-#d bare#y e%en 'rasp it/
6e ran a "and t"ro-'" "is "air and tipped "is "ead bac, starin' at t"e crysta# c"ande#ier abo%e as "e pondered/
>Oay/ So/ +o- don.t see a-ras, and yo- don.t ta# to peop#e in dreams/ W"at do yo- do=>
>0 /// 0 can "ea# peop#e/ Anima#s/ P#ants, too/ 0 can brin' dead t"in's bac to #i)e/>
>Rea##y=> 6e #ooed impressed/ >Oay/ +o- 'et credit )or t"at/ W"at e#se=>
>Um, 0 can -se comp-#sion/>
>We can a## do t"at/>
>No, 0 can really do it/ 0t.s not "ard/ 0 can mae peop#e do anyt"in' 0 (ant7e%en bad t"in's/>
>So can 0/> 6is eyes #it -p/ >0 (onder ("at (o-#d "appen i) yo- tried to -se it on me//>
S"e "esitated and absentminded#y ran "er )in'ers o%er t"e te&t-red red carpet/ >We##/ 0 can.t/>
>+o- :-st said yo- co-#d/>
>0 can7:-st not ri'"t no(/ 0 tae t"is prescription / )or depression and ot"er st-))/ and it c-ts me o)) )rom t"e
6e t"re( "is arms -p in t"e air/ >6o( can 0 teac" yo- to (a# t"ro-'" dreams t"en= 6o( e#se are (e 'oin' to )ind
>Loo,> s"e said an'ri#y, >0 don.t "ant to tae t"e meds/ B-t ("en 0 (as o)) t"em / 0 did rea##y cra5y st-))/
2an'ero-s st-))/ T"at.s ("at spirit does to yo-/>
>0 don.t tae anyt"in'/ 0.m oay,> "e said/
No, "e (asn.t, 0 rea#i5ed/ Lissa rea#i5ed it too/
>+o- 'ot rea##y (eird t"at day ("en 2imitri (as in yo-r room,> s"e pointed o-t/ >+o- started ramb#in', and yo-
didn.t mae any sense/>
>O", t"at= +ea" /// it "appens no( and t"en/ B-t serio-s#y, not o)ten/ Once a mont", i) t"at/> 6e so-nded sincere/
Lissa stared at "im, s-dden#y ree%a#-atin' e%eryt"in'/ W"at i) Adrian co-#d do it= W"at i) "e co-#d -se spirit
(it"o-t pi##s and (it"o-t any "arm)-# side e))ects= 0t (o-#d be e%eryt"in' s"e "ad been "opin' )or/ Besides, s"e
(asn.t e%en s-re i) t"e pi##s (o-#d eep (orin' anymore//
6e smi#ed, '-essin' ("at s"e (as t"inin'/
>W"at do yo- say, co-sin=> "e ased/ 6e didn.t need to -se comp-#sion/ 6is o))er (as p#enty temptin' in its o(n
ri'"t/ >0 can teac" yo- e%eryt"in' 0 no( i) ab#e to to-c" t"e ma'ic/ 0t.## tae a ("i#e )or t"e pi##s to 'et o-t
o) yo-r system, b-t once t"ey do ///>
T60S WAS &O NOT W6AT 0 needed ri'"t no(/ 0 co-#d "a%e "and#ed anyt"in' e#se Adrian did1 "ittin' on "er,
'ettin' "er to smoe "is ridic-#o-s ci'arettes, ("ate%er/ B-t not t"is/ Lissa <-ittin' t"ose pi##s (as e&act#y ("at 0.d
(anted to a%oid/
Re#-ctant#y 0 p-##ed o-t o) "er "ead and ret-rned to my o(n 'rim sit-ation/ 0 (o-#d "a%e #ied to see ("at )-rt"er
de%e#oped (it" Adrian and Lissa, b-t (atc"in' t"em (o-#d do no 'ood/ Oay/ 0 really needed a p#an no(/ 0
needed action/ 0 needed to 'et -s o-t o) "ere/ B-t, '#ancin' aro-nd me, 0 )o-nd myse#) no c#oser to escape t"an 0
"ad been ear#ier, and 0 spent t"e ne&t )e( "o-rs broodin' and spec-#atin'/
We "ad t"ree '-ards today/ T"ey #ooed a #itt#e bored b-t not eno-'" to s#ac o))/ Nearby, Eddie appeared
-nconscio-s, and $ason stared b#an#y at t"e )#oor/ Across t"e room, C"ristian '#ared at not"in' in partic-#ar, and 0
t"in $ia (as s#eepin'/ Pain)-##y a(are o) "o( dry my t"roat (as, 0 a#most #a-'"ed in reca##in' "o( 0.d to#d "er
(ater ma'ic (as -se#ess/ 0t mi'"t not do m-c" in a )i'"t, b-t 0 (o-#d "a%e 'i%en anyt"in' )or "er to s-mmon -p
W"y "adn.t 0 t"o-'"t o) t"is be)ore= We (eren.t "e#p#ess/ Not entire#y/
A p#an s#o(#y coa#esced in my mind7a p#an t"at (as probab#y insane b-t (as a#so t"e best (e "ad/ $y "eart
t"-dded (it" anticipation, and 0 immediate#y sc"oo#ed my )eat-res to ca#mness be)ore t"e '-ards noticed my
s-dden insi'"t/ On t"e opposite side o) t"e room, C"ristian (as (atc"in' me/ 6e.d seen t"e brie) )#are o)
e&citement and rea#i5ed 0.d t"o-'"t o) somet"in'/ 6e (atc"ed me c-rio-s#y, as ready )or action as 0 (as/
God/ 6o( co-#d (e p-## t"is o))= 0 needed "is "e#p, b-t 0 "ad no rea# (ay o) #ettin' "im no( ("at 0 "ad in mind/
0n )act, 0 (asn.t e%en s-re i) "e co-#d "e#p me at a##7"e (as pretty (ea/
0 "e#d "is 'a5e, (i##in' "im to -nderstand t"at somet"in' (as 'oin' to "appen/ T"ere (as con)-sion on "is )ace,
b-t it (as paired (it" determination/ A)ter main' s-re none o) t"e '-ards (ere #ooin' direct#y at me, 0 s"i)ted
s#i'"t#y, 'i%in' a sma## t-' at my (rists/ 0 '#anced be"ind me as m-c" as 0 co-#d, t"en met C"ristian.s eyes a'ain/
6e )ro(ned, and 0 repeated t"e 'est-re/
>6ey,> 0 said #o-d#y/ $ia and $ason bot" :ered in s-rprise/ >Are yo- '-ys rea##y 'oin' to eep star%in' -s= Can.t
(e at #east "a%e some (ater or somet"in'=>
>S"-t -p,> said one o) t"e '-ards/ 0t (as a pretty standard ans(er ("ene%er any o) -s spoe/
>Come on/> 0 -sed my best bitc"y %oice/ >Not e%en #ie a sip o) somet"in'= $y t"roat.s burning. Practica##y on
)ire/> $y 'a5e )#iced to C"ristian as 0 said t"ose #ast )e( (ords,t"en ret-rned to t"e '-ard ("o.d spoen/
As e&pected, "e rose )rom "is seat and #-rc"ed to(ard me/ >2o not mae me repeat myse#),> "e 'ro(#ed/ 0 didn.t
no( i) "e.d rea##y do anyt"in' %io#ent, b-t 0 "ad no interest in p-s"in' it :-st yet/ Besides, 0.d accomp#is"ed my
'oa#/ 0) C"ristian co-#dn.t tae t"e "int, t"ere (as not"in' e#se to be done )or it/ 6opin' 0 #ooed a)raid, 0 s"-t -p/
T"e '-ard ret-rned to "is seat, and a)ter a ("i#e, "e stopped (atc"in' me/ 0 #ooed at C"ristian a'ain and 'a%e t"e
(ristt-'/ 7ome on, come on, 0 t"o-'"t/ (ut it together, 7hristian.
6is eyebro(s s-dden#y s"ot -p, and "e stared at me in ama5ement/ We##/ 6e.d apparent#y )i'-red o-t somet"in'/ 0
:-st "oped it (as ("at 0.d (anted/ 6is #oo t-rned <-estionin', as t"o-'" asin' i) 0 (as rea##y serio-s/ 0 nodded
emp"atica##y/ 6e )ro(ned in t"o-'"t )or a )e( moments and t"en too a deep, steadyin' breat"/
>A## ri'"t,> "e said/ E%eryone :-mped a'ain/
>S"-t -p,> said one o) t"e '-ards a-tomatica##y/ 6e so-nded (eary/
>No,> said C"ristian/ >0.m ready/ Ready to drin/>
E%eryone in t"e room )ro5e )or t"e space o) a )e( "eartbeats, inc#-din' me/ T"is (asn.t e&act#y ("at 0.d "ad in
T"e '-ards. #eader stood -p/ >2o not scre( aro-nd (it" -s/>
>0.m not,> said C"ristian/ 6e "ad a )e%eris", desperate #oo on "is )ace t"at 0 didn.t t"in (as entire#y )aed/ >0.m
tired o) t"is/ 0 (ant to 'et o-t o) "ere, and 0 don.t (ant to die/ 0.## drin7and 0 (ant her. 6e nodded to(ard me/
$ia s<-eaedin a#arm/ $ason ca##ed C"ristian somet"in' t"at (o-#d "a%e earned
"im a detention bac at sc"oo#/
T"is definitely (asn.t ("at 0.d "ad in mind/
T"e ot"er t(o '-ards #ooed to t"eir #eader <-estionin'#y/ >S"o-#d (e 'et 0saia"=> ased one o) t"em/
>0 don.t t"in "e.s "ere,> said t"e #eader/ 6e st-died C"ristian )or a )e( seconds and t"en made a decision/ >And 0
don.t (ant to bot"er "im any(ay i) t"is is a :oe/ Let "im 'o, and (e.## see/>
One o) t"e men prod-ced a pair o) s"arp p#iers/ 6e mo%ed be"ind C"ristian and #eaned do(n/ 0 "eard t"e so-nd o)
p#astic poppin' as t"e )#e&*c-))s 'a%e (ay/ Grabbin' a "o#d o) C"ristian.s arm, t"e '-ard :ered "im -pri'"t and #ed
"im o%er to me/
>C"ristian,> e&c#aimed $ason, )-ry )i##in' "is %oice/ 6e str-''#ed a'ainst "is constraints, s"ain' "is c"air a #itt#e/
>Are yo- o-t o) yo-r mind= 2on.t #et t"em do t"is@>
>+o- '-ys "a%e to die, b-t 0 don.t,> snapped C"ristian, tossin' "is b#ac "air o-t o) "is eyes/ >T"ere.s no ot"er (ay
o-t o) t"is/>
0 didn.t rea##y no( ("at (as 'oin' on no(, b-t 0 (as pretty s-re 0 s"o-#d be s"o(in' a #ot more emotion i) 0 (as
abo-t to die/ T(o '-ards )#aned C"ristian on eit"er side, (atc"in' (ari#y as "e #eaned to(ard me/
>C"ristian,> 0 ("ispered, s-rprised at "o( easy it (as to so-nd a)raid/ >2on.t do t"is/>
6is #ips t(isted into one o) t"e bitter smi#es "e prod-cedso (e##/ >+o- and 0 "a%e ne%er #ied eac" ot"er, Rose/ 0)
0.%e 'ot to i## someone, it mi'"t as (e## be yo-/> 6is (ords (ere icy, precise/ Be#ie%ab#e/ >Besides, 0 t"o-'"t yo-
(anted t"is/>
>Not this. P#ease, don.t7>
One o) t"e '-ards s"o%ed C"ristian/ >Get it o%er (it", or 'et bac to yo-r c"air/>
Sti## (earin' t"at dar smi#e, C"ristian s"r-''ed/ >Sorry, Rose/ 'oin' to die any(ay/ W"y not do it )or a
'ood ca-se=> 6e bro-'"t "is )ace do(n to my nec/ >T"is is probab#y 'oin' to "-rt,> "e added/
0 act-a##y do-bted it (o-#d /// i) "e (as rea##y 'oin' to do it/ Beca-se "e (asn.t// /ri'"t= 0 s"i)ted -neasi#y/ By a##
acco-nts, i) yo- 'ot a## yo-r b#ood s-ced o-t o) yo-, yo- a#so 'ot eno-'" endorp"ins p-mped in d-rin' t"e
process to d-## most o) t"e pain/ 0t (as #ie 'oin' to s#eep/ O) co-rse, t"at (as a## spec-#ation/ Peop#e ("o died
)rom %ampire bites didn.t rea##y come bac to report on t"e e&perience/
C"ristian n-55#ed my nec, mo%in' "is )ace -nder my "air so t"at it partia##y obsc-red "im/ 6is #ips br-s"ed my
sin, e%ery bit as so)t as 0 reca##ed )rom ("en "e and Lissa issed/ A moment #ater, t"e points o) "is )an's to-c"ed
my sin/
And t"en 0 )e#t pain/ Rea# pain/
B-t it (asn.t comin' )rom t"e bite/ 6is teet" on#y pressed a'ainst my sin; t"ey didn.t brea it/ 6is ton'-e mo%ed
a'ainst my nec in a #appin' motion, b-t t"ere (as no b#ood to s-c/ 0) anyt"in', it (as more #ie some ind o)
(eird, t(isted iss/
No, t"e pain came )rom my (rists/ A b-rnin' pain/ C"ristian (as -sin' "is ma'ic to c"anne# "eat into my )#e&*
c-))s, :-st as 0 "ad (anted "im to/ 6e.d -nderstood my messa'e/ T"e p#astic 're( "otter and "otter as "e contin-ed
"is bare#y t"ere drinin'/ Anyone ("o.d been #ooin' c#ose#y (o-#d "a%e been ab#e to te## "e (as "a#)*)ain' it,
b-t too m-c" o) my "air (as b#ocin' t"e '-ards. %ie(/
0 ne( p#astic (as "ard to me#t, b-t on#y no( did 0 rea##y, rea##y -nderstand ("at t"at meant/ T"e temperat-res
re<-ired to do any dama'e (ere o)) t"e c"arts/ 0t (as #ie p#-n'in' my "ands into #a%a/ T"e )#e&*c-))s seared my
sin, "ot and terrib#e/ 0 s<-irmed, "opin' 0 co-#d re#ie%e t"e pain/ 0 co-#dn.t/ W"at 0 did notice, "o(e%er, (as t"at
t"e c-))s 'a%e a #itt#e ("en 0 mo%ed/ T"ey (ere 'ettin' so)ter/ Oay/ T"at (as somet"in'/ 0 :-st "ad to "o#d o-t a
#itt#e #on'er/ 2esperate#y, 0 tried to )oc-s on C"ristian.s bite and distract myse#)/ 0t (ored )or abo-t )i%e seconds/
6e (asn.t 'i%in' me m-c" in t"e (ay o) endorp"ins, certain#y not eno-'" to combat t"at increasin'#y "orrib#e pain/
0 ("impered, probab#y main' myse#) more con%incin'/
>0 can.t be#ie%e it,> m-ttered one o) t"e '-ards/ >6e.s act-a##y doin' it/> Beyond t"em, 0 t"o-'"t 0 "eard t"e so-nd
o) $ia cryin'/
T"e c-))s. b-rnin' increased/ 0.d ne%er )e#t anyt"in' so pain)-# in my #i)e, and 0.d been t"ro-'" a #ot/ Passin' o-t
(as rapid#y becomin' a %ery rea# possibi#ity/
>6ey,> t"e '-ard s-dden#y said/ >W"at.s t"at sme##=>
T"at sme## (as me#tin' p#astic/ Or maybe my me#tin' )#es"/ 6onest#y, it didn.t matter beca-se t"e ne&t time 0
mo%ed my (rists, t"ey broe t"ro-'" t"e 'ooey, sca#din' c-))s/
0 "ad ten seconds o) s-rprise, and 0 -sed t"em/ 0 #eapt o-t o) my c"air, p-s"in' C"ristian bac(ard in t"e process/
6e.d "ad a '-ard on eit"er side o) "im, and one sti## "e#d t"e p#iers/ 0n a sin'#e motion, 0 'rabbed t"e p#iers )rom t"e
'-y and p#-n'ed t"em into "is c"ee/ 6e 'a%e some ind o) '-r'#ed scream, b-t 0 didn.t (ait to see ("at "appened/
$y (indo( o) s-rprise (as c#osin', and 0 co-#dn.t (aste time/
As soon as 0 #et 'o o) t"e p#iers, 0 p-nc"ed t"e second '-y/ $y ics (ere stron'er t"an my p-nc"es as a 'enera#
r-#e, b-t 0 sti## "it "im "ard eno-'" to start#e "im and mae "im sta''er/
By t"en, t"e '-ards. #eader (as in action/ As 0.d )eared, "e sti## "ad a '-n, and "e (ent )or it/ >2on.t mo%e@> "e
ye##ed, aimin' at me/
0 )ro5e/ T"e '-ard 0.d p-nc"ed came )or(ard and 'rabbed my arm/ Nearby, t"e '-y 0.d stabbed (as moanin' on t"e
)#oor/ Sti## trainin' t"e '-n on me, t"e #eader started to say somet"in' and t"en ye#ped in a#arm/ T"e '-n '#o(ed
)aint#y oran'e and )e## )rom "is "ands/ W"ere "e.d "e#d it, t"e sin b-rned red and an'ry/ C"ristian "ad "eated t"e
meta#, 0 rea#i5ed/ +ea"/ We de)inite#y s"o-#d "a%e been -sin' t"is ma'ic t"in' )rom t"e start/ 0) (e 'ot o-t o) t"is, 0
(as 'oin' to tae -p Tas"a.s ca-se/ T"e $oroi anti*ma'ic c-stom (as so insti##ed in o-r brains t"at (e "adn.t e%en
t"o-'"t to try t"is sooner/ 0t (as st-pid/
0 t-rned on t"e '-y "o#din' me/ 0 don.t t"in "e e&pected a 'ir# my si5e to p-t -p so m-c" o) a )i'"t, p#-s "e (as
sti## ind o) st-nned o%er ("at "ad "appened to t"e ot"er '-y and t"e '-n/ 0 mana'ed eno-'" room to 'et in a ic
to "is stomac", a ic t"at (o-#d "a%e earned me an A in my combat c#ass/ 6e 'r-nted at t"e impact, and t"e
motion prope##ed "im bac into t"e (a##/ 0n a )#as", 0 (as on "im/ Grabbin' a )ist)-# o) "is "air, 0 s#ammed "is "ead
a'ainst t"e 'ro-nd "ard eno-'" to noc "im o-t b-t not i## "im/
0mmediate#y, 0 spran' -p, s-rprised t"e #eader "adn.t come a)ter me yet/ 0t s"o-#dn.t "a%e taen "im t"at #on' to
reco%er )rom t"e s"oc o) t"e "eated '-n/ B-t ("en 0 t-rned aro-nd, t"e room (as <-iet/ T"e #eader #ay
-nconscio-s on t"e 'ro-nd7(it" a ne(#y )reed $ason "o%erin' o%er "im/ Nearby, C"ristian
"e#d t"e p#iers in one "and and t"e '-n in t"e ot"er/ 0t "ad to sti## be "ot, b-t C"ristian.s po(er m-st "a%e made "im
imm-ne/ 6e (as aimin' at t"at man 0.d stabbed/ T"e '-y (asn.t -nconscio-s, mere#y b#eedin', b-t, #ie 0 "ad, "e
)ro5e beneat" t"at barre#/
>6o#y s"it,> 0 m-ttered, tain' in t"e scene/ Sta''erin' o%er to C"ristian, 0 "e#d o-t my "and/ >Gi%e me t"at be)ore
yo- "-rt somebody/>
0 e&pected a bitin' remar, b-t "e simp#y "anded t"e '-n o%er (it" s"ain' "ands/ 0 s"o%ed it into my be#t/
St-dyin' "im )-rt"er, 0 sa( "o( pa#e "e (as/ 6e #ooed #ie "e co-#d co##apse at any moment/ 6e.d done some
pretty ma:or ma'ic )or someone ("o.d been star%ed )or t(o days/
>$ase, 'et t"e c-))s,> 0 said/ Wit"o-t t-rnin' "is bac on t"e rest o) -s, $ason too a )e( steps bac to(ard t"e
bo& ("ere o-r captors "ad ept t"eir stas" o) )#e&*c-))s/ 6e p-##ed o-t t"ree strips o) p#astic and t"en somet"in'
e#se/ Wit" a <-estionin' '#ance at me, "e "e#d -p a ro## o) d-ct tape/
>Per)ect,> 0 said/
We bo-nd o-r captors to t"e c"airs/ One "ad remained conscio-s, b-t (e noced "im o-t too and t"en p-t d-ct
tape o%er a## t"eir mo-t"s/ T"ey.d e%ent-a##y come to, and 0 didn.t (ant t"em main' any noise/
A)ter re#easin' $ia and Eddie, t"e )i%e o) -s "-dd#ed to'et"er and p#anned o-r ne&t mo%e/ C"ristian and Eddie
co-#d bare#y stand, b-t at #east C"ristian (as a(are o) "is s-rro-ndin's/ $ia.s )ace (as streaed (it" tears, b-t 0
s-spected s"e.d be ab#e to tae orders/ T"at #e)t $ason and me as t"e most )-nctiona# in t"e 'ro-p/
>T"at '-y.s (atc" says it.s mornin',> "e said/ >A## (e.%e 'ot to do is 'et o-tside, and t"ey can.t to-c" -s/ As #on'
as t"ere are no more "-mans, at #east/>
>T"ey said 0saia" (as 'one,> said $ia in a sma## %oice/ >We s"o-#d :-st be ab#e to #ea%e, ri'"t=>
>T"ose men "a%en.t #e)t in "o-rs,> 0 said/ >T"ey co-#d be (ron'/ We can.t do anyt"in' st-pid/>
Care)-##y, $ason opened t"e door to o-r room and peered o-t into t"e empty "a##(ay/ >T"in t"ere.s a (ay o-tside
do(n "ere=>
>T"at.d mae o-r #i%es easier,> 0 m-ttered/ 0 '#anced bacat t"e ot"ers/ >Stay "ere/ 'oin' to c"ec o-t t"e
rest o) t"e basement/>
>W"at i) somebody comes=> e&c#aimed $ia/
>T"ey (on.t,> 0 ass-red "er/ 0 (as act-a##y pretty s-re t"ere (as no one e#se in t"e basement; t"ey (o-#d "a%e
come r-nnin' (it" a## t"at racet/ And i) anyone tried to come do(n t"e stairs, (e (o-#d "ear t"em )irst/
Sti##, $ason and 0 mo%ed ca-tio-s#y as (e sco-ted aro-nd t"e basement, (atc"in' eac" ot"er.s bacs and c"ecin'
aro-nd corners/ 0t (as e%ery bit t"e rat.s ma5e 0 remembered )rom o-r initia# capt-re/ T(isted "a##(ays and #ots o)
rooms/ One by one, (e opened eac" door/ E%ery room (as empty, sa%e )or t"e occasiona# c"air or t(o/ 0
s"-ddered, t"inin' t"at a## o) t"ese (ere probab#y -sed as prisons, :-st as o-rs "ad been/
>Not a 'oddamned (indo( in t"is ("o#e p#ace,> 0 m-ttered ("en (e.d )inis"ed o-r s(eep/ >We.%e 'ot to 'o
We "eaded bac to(ard o-r room, b-t be)ore (e 'ot t"ere, $ason ca-'"t "o#d o) my "and/ >Rose ///> 0 stopped
and #ooed -p at "im/ >+ea"=>
6is b#-es eyes7more serio-s t"an 0.d e%er seen t"em7 #ooed do(n at me re'ret)-##y/ >0 rea##y scre(ed t"in's
0 t"o-'"t abo-t a## t"e e%ents t"at "ad #ed to t"is/ ",e scre(ed t"in's -p, $ason/>
6e si'"ed/ >0 "ope /// 0 "ope ("en t"is is a## done, (e can sit do(n and ta# and )i'-re t"in's o-t/ 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e
'otten mad at yo-/>
0 (anted to te## "im t"at t"at (asn.t 'oin' to "appen, t"at ("en "e.d disappeared, 0.d act-a##y been on my (ay to
te## "im t"in's (o-#dn.t be better bet(een -s/ Since t"is didn.t seem #ie t"e ri'"t time or p#ace to brin' -p a
brea-p, 0 #ied/
0 s<-ee5ed "is "and/ >0 "ope so too/>
6e smi#ed, and (e ret-rned to t"e ot"ers/
>A## ri'"t,> 0 to#d t"em/ >6ere.s "o( it.s 'oin' to be/>
We <-ic#y "as"ed o-t a p#an and t"en crept -p t"e stairs/ 0 #ed, )o##o(ed by $ia as s"e tried to s-pport a re#-ctant
C"ristian/ $ason bro-'"t -p t"e rear, practica##y dra''in' Eddie/
>0 s"o-#d be )irst,> $ason m-rm-red as (e stood at t"e top o) t"e stairs/
>+o- aren.t,> 0 snapped bac, restin' my "and on t"e doornob/
>+ea", b-t i) somet"in' "appens7>
>$ason,> 0 interr-pted/ 0 stared at "im "ard, and s-dden#y, 0 "ad a brie) )#as" o) my mot"er t"at day ("en t"e
2ro5do% attac "ad broen/ Ca#m and contro##ed, e%en in t"e (ae o) somet"in' so "orrib#e/ T"ey.d needed a
#eader, :-st #ie t"is 'ro-p did no(, and 0 tried as "ard as 0 co-#d to c"anne# "er/ >0) somet"in' "appens, yo- 'et
t"em o-t o) "ere/ R-n )ast and r-n )ar/ 2o not come bac (it"o-t a "erd o) '-ardians/>
>+o-.## be t"e one ("o 'ets attaced )irst@ W"at am 0 s-pposed to do=> "e "issed/ >Lea%e yo-=>
>+es/ +o- )or'et abo-t me i) yo- can 'et t"em o-t/>
>Rose, 0.m not 'oin' to7>
>$ason/> 0 a'ain en%isioned my mot"er, )i'"tin' )or t"atstren't" and po(er to #ead ot"ers/ >Can yo- do t"is or
We stared at eac" ot"er )or se%era# "ea%y moments ("i#e t"e ot"ers "e#d t"eir breat"s/
>0 can do t"is,> "e said sti))#y/ 0 nodded and t-rned bac aro-nd/
T"e basement door s<-eaed ("en 0 opened it, and 0 'rimaced at t"e so-nd/ Scarce#y darin' to breat"e, 0 stood
per)ect#y sti## at t"e top o) t"e stairs, (aitin' and #istenin'/ T"e "o-se and its eccentric decoratin' #ooed t"e same
as ("en (e.d been bro-'"t in/ 2ar b#inds co%ered a## o) t"e (indo(s, b-t a#on' t"e ed'es, 0 co-#d see bri'"t #i'"t
peepin' in/ S-ns"ine "ad ne%er tasted so s(eet as it did at t"at moment/ Gettin' to it meant )reedom/
T"ere (ere no so-nds, no mo%ements/ Looin' aro-nd, 0 tried to remember ("ere t"e )ront door (as/ 0t (as on
t"e ot"er side o) t"e "o-se7rea##y not )ar in t"e 'rand sc"eme o) t"in's b-t a 'apin' c"asm at t"e moment/
>Sco-t (it" me,> 0 ("ispered to $ason, "opin' to mae "im )ee# better abo-t brin'in' -p t"e rear/
6e #et Eddie #ean on $ia )or a moment and stepped )or(ard (it" me to do a <-ic s(eep o) t"e main #i%in' area/
Not"in'/ T"e pat" (as c#ear )rom "ere to t"e )ront door/ 0 e&"a#ed in re#ie)/ $ason too "o#d o) Eddie a'ain, and
(e mo%ed )or(ard, a## o) -s tense and ner%o-s/ God/ We (ere 'oin' to do t"is, 0 rea#i5ed/ We (ere rea##y 'oin' to
do t"is/ 0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e "o( #-cy (e.d 'otten/ We.d been so c#ose to disaster7and "ad :-st bare#y made it
t"ro-'"/ 0t (as one o)t"ose moments t"at made yo- appreciate yo-r #i)e and (ant to t-rn t"in's aro-nd/ A second
c"ance yo- s(ear yo- (on.t #et 'o to (aste/ A rea#i5ation t"at7
0 "eard t"em mo%e a#most at t"e same time 0 sa( t"em step in )ront o) -s/ 0t (as #ie a ma'ician con:-red 0saia"
and E#ena o-t o) t"in air/ On#y, 0 ne( t"ere (as no ma'ic in%o#%ed t"is time/ Stri'oi :-st mo%ed t"at <-ic#y/ T"ey
m-st "a%e been in one o) t"e ot"er main )#oor rooms t"at (e.d ass-med (ere empty7(e "adn.t (anted to (aste
t"e e&tra time #ooin'/ 0 ra'ed at myse#) interna##y )or not "a%in' c"eced o-t e%ery inc" o) t"e ("o#e )#oor/
Some("ere, in t"e bac o) my memory, 0 "eard myse#) ta-ntin' my mot"er in Stan.s c#ass1 "It seems to me #ie
yo- '-ys messed -p/ W"y didn.t yo- scope o-t t"e p#ace and mae s-re it (as c#ear o) Stri'oi in t"e )irst p#ace=
Seems #ie yo- co-#d "a%e sa%ed yo-rse#) a #ot o) tro-b#e/>
4arma.s a rea# bitc"/
>C"i#dren, c"i#dren,> crooned 0saia"/ >T"is isn.t "o( t"e 'ame (ors/ breain' t"e r-#es/> A cr-e# smi#e
p#ayed o%er "is #ips/ 6e )o-nd -s am-sin', no rea# t"reat at a##/ 6onest#y= 6e (as ri'"t/
>Fast and )ar, $ason,> 0 said in #o( %oice, ne%er tain' my eyes o)) t"e Stri'oi/
>$y, my /// i) #oos co-#d i## ///> 0saia" arc"ed "is eyebro(s as somet"in' occ-rred to "im/ >Are yo- t"inin' yo-
can tae -s bot" on by yo-rse#)=> 6e c"-c#ed/ E#ena c"-c#ed/ 0 'ritted my teet"/
No, 0 didn.t t"in 0 co-#d tae t"em bot" on/ 0n )act, 0 (aspretty s-re 0 (as 'oin' to die/ B-t 0 (as a#so pretty s-re 0
co-#d pro%ide one "e## o) a distraction )irst/
0 #-n'ed to(ard 0saia" b-t p-##ed t"e '-n on E#ena/ +o- co-#d 'et a :-mp on "-man '-ards7b-t not on Stri'oi/
T"ey sa( me comin' practica##y be)ore 0 e%en mo%ed/ T"ey didn.t e&pect me to "a%e a '-n, t"o-'"/ And ("i#e
0saia" b#oced my attacin' body (it" a#most no e))ort ("atsoe%er, 0 sti## mana'ed to 'et a s"ot o)) at E#ena be)ore
"e sei5ed my arms and restrained me/ T"e '-n.s report ran' #o-d in my ears, and s"e screamed in pain and s-rprise/
0.d aimed )or "er stomac" b-t "ad been :ost#ed into "ittin' "er t"i'"/ Not t"at it mattered/ Neit"er spot (o-#d i##
"er, b-t t"e stomac" (o-#d "a%e "-rt a #ot more/
0saia" "e#d my (rists so "ard, 0 t"o-'"t "e.d brea t"e bones/ 0 dropped t"e '-n/ 0t "it t"e )#oor, bo-nced, and s#id
to(ard t"e door/ E#ena s"rieed in ra'e and c#a(ed at me/ 0saia" to#d "er to contro# "erse#) and p-s"ed me o-t o)
reac"/ A## t"e ("i#e, 0 )#ai#ed as m-c" as possib#e, not so m-c" to escape as to mae a n-isance o) myse#)/
And t"en1 t"e s(eetest o) so-nds/
T"e )ront door openin'/
$ason "ad taen ad%anta'e o) my distraction/ 6e.d #e)t Eddie (it" $ia and sprinted aro-nd me and t"e 'rapp#in'
Stri'oi to open t"e door/ 0saia" t-rned (it" t"at #i'"tnin'*)ast speed o) "is7and screamed as s-n#i'"t po-red o%er
"im/ B-t e%en t"o-'" "e (as s-))erin', "is re)#e&es (ere sti## )ast/ 6e :ered "imse#) o-t o) t"e patc" o) #i'"t into
t"e #i%in' room,dra''in' E#ena and me (it" "im7"er by t"e arm and me by my nec/
>Get t"em o-t@> 0 ye##ed/
>0saia"7> be'an E#ena, breain' o-t o) "is 'rip/
6e s"o%ed me to t"e )#oor and sp-n aro-nd, starin' at "is escapin' %ictims/ 0 'asped )or breat" no( t"at "is 'rip on
my t"roat (as 'one and peered bac at t"e door t"ro-'" t"e tan'#e o) my "air/ 0 (as :-st in time to see $ason dra'
Eddie o%er t"e t"res"o#d, o-t into t"e sa)ety o) t"e #i'"t/ $ia and C"ristian (ere a#ready 'one/ 0 near#y (ept in
0saia" t-rned bac on me (it" a## t"e )-ry o) a storm, "is eyes b#ac and terrib#e as "e #oomed o%er me )rom "is
'reat "ei'"t/ 6is )ace, ("ic" "ad a#(ays been scary, became somet"in' a#most beyond compre"ension/
>$onstro-s> didn.t e%en be'in to co%er it/
6e :ered me -p by my "air/ 0 cried o-t at t"e pain, and "e bro-'"t "is "ead do(n so t"at o-r )aces (ere pressed
-p to one anot"er.s/
>+o- (ant a bite, 'ir#=> "e demanded/ >+o- (ant to be a b#ood ("ore= We##, (e can arran'e t"at/ 0n e%ery sense
o) t"e (ord/ And it (i## not be s(eet/ And it (i## not be n-mbin'/ 0t (i## be pain)-#7comp-#sion (ors bot"
(ays, yo- no(, and 0 (i## mae s-re yo- be#ie%e yo- are s-))erin' t"e (orst pain o) yo-r #i)e/ And 0 (i## a#so
mae s-re yo-r deat" taes a %ery, %ery #on' time/ +o- (i## scream/ +o- (i## cry/ +o- (i## be' me to end it a## and
#et yo- die7>
>0saia",> cried E#ena in e&asperation/ >3-st i## "er a#ready/0) yo-.d done it sooner #ie 0 said, none o) t"is (o-#d
"a%e "appened/>
6e ept "is 'rip on me b-t )#iced "is eyes to(ard "er/ >2o not interr-pt me/>
> bein' me#odramatic,> s"e contin-ed/ +ea", s"e rea##y (as ("iny/ 0 ne%er (o-#d "a%e t"o-'"t a Stri'oi
co-#d do t"at/ 0t (as a#most comica#/ >And (aste)-#/>
>2o not ta# bac to me, eit"er,> "e said/
>0.m hungry. 0.m :-st sayin' yo- s"o-#d7>
>Let "er 'o, or 0.## i## yo-/>
We a## t-rned at t"e ne( %oice, a %oice dar and an'ry/ $ason stood in t"e door(ay, )ramed in #i'"t, "o#din' my
dropped '-n/ 0saia" st-died "im )or a )e( moments/
>S-re,> 0saia" )ina##y said/ 6e so-nded bored/ >Try it/>
$ason didn.t "esitate/ 6e )ired and ept )irin' -nti# "e.d emptied t"e entire c#ip into 0saia".s c"est/ Eac" b-##et
made t"e Stri'oi )#inc" a #itt#e, b-t ot"er(ise, "e ept standin' and "o#din' on to me/ T"is (as ("at it meant to be
an o#d and po(er)-# Stri'oi, 0 rea#i5ed/ A b-##et in t"e t"i'" "-rt a yo-n' %ampire #ie E#ena/ B-t )or 0saia"=
Gettin' s"ot in t"e c"est m-#tip#e times (as simp#y a n-isance/
$ason rea#i5ed t"is too, and "is )eat-res "ardened as "e t"re( do(n t"e '-n/
>Get o-t@> 0 screamed/ 6e (as sti## in t"e s-n, sti## sa)e/
B-t "e didn.t #isten to me/ 6e ran to(ard -s, o-t o) "is protecti%e #i'"t/ 0 redo-b#ed my str-''#es, "opin' 0.d p-##
0saia".s attention a(ay )rom $ason/ 0 didn.t/ 0saia" s"o%edme into E#ena be)ore $ason (as "a#)(ay to -s/ S(i)t#y,
0saia" b#oced and sei5ed "o#d o) $ason, e&act#y as "e.d done to me ear#ier/
On#y, -n#ie (it" me, 0saia" didn.t restrain $ason.s arms/ 6e didn.t :er $ason -pri'"t by t"e "air or mae #on',
ramb#in' t"reats abo-t an a'oni5in' deat"/ 0saia" simp#y stopped t"e attac, 'rabbed $ason.s "ead (it" bot"
"ands, and 'a%e a <-ic t(ist/ T"ere (as a sicenin' crac/ $ason.s eyes (ent (ide/ T"en t"ey (ent b#an/
Wit" an impatient si'", 0saia" re#eased "is "o#d and tossed $ason.s #imp body o%er to(ard ("ere E#ena "e#d me/
0t #anded be)ore -s/ $y %ision s(am as na-sea and di55iness (rapped aro-nd me/
>T"ere,> 0saia" said to E#ena/ >See i) t"at.## tide yo- o%er/ And sa%e some )or me/>
6ORROR AN2 S6OC4 CONSU$E2 $E, so m-c"so t"at 0 t"o-'"t my so-# (o-#d s"ri%e#, t"at t"e (or#d
(o-#d end ri'"t t"en and t"ere7beca-se s-re#y, surely it co-#dn.t eep 'oin' on a)ter t"is/ No one co-#d eep
'oin' on a)ter t"is/ 0 (anted to s"rie my pain to t"e -ni%erse/ 0 (anted to cry -nti# 0 me#ted/ 0 (anted to sin do(n
beside $ason and die (it" "im/
E#ena re#eased me, apparent#y decidin' 0 posed no dan'er positioned as 0 (as bet(een "er and 0saia"/ S"e t-rned
to(ard $ason.s body/
And 0 stopped )ee#in'/ 0 simp#y acted/
>2on.t/ To-c"/ 6im/> 0 didn.t reco'ni5e my o(n %oice/
S"e ro##ed "er eyes/ >Good 'rie), annoyin'/ 0.m started to see 0saia".s point7yo- do need to s-))er be)ore
dyin'/> T-rnin' a(ay, s"e ne#t do(n to t"e )#oor and )#ipped $ason o%er onto "is bac/
>2on.t to-c" "im@> 0 screamed/ 0 s"o%ed "er (it" #itt#e e))ect/ S"e s"o%ed bac, near#y nocin' me o%er/ 0t (as
a## 0 co-#d do to steady my )eet and stay -pri'"t/
0saia" #ooed on (it" am-sed interest; t"en "is 'a5e )e## to t"e )#oor/ Lissa.s c"oti "ad )a##en o-t o) my coat
pocet/ 6e piced it -p/ Stri'oi co-#d to-c" "o#y ob:ects7t"e storiesabo-t t"em )earin' crosses (eren.t tr-e/ T"ey
:-st co-#dn.t enter "o#y 'ro-nd/ 6e )#ipped t"e cross o%er and ran "is )in'ers o%er t"e etc"ed dra'on/
>A", t"e 2ra'omirs,> "e m-sed/ >0.d )or'otten abo-t t"em/ Easy to/ T"ere.s ("at, one= T(o o) t"em #e)t= Bare#y
(ort" rememberin'/> T"ose "orrib#e red eyes )oc-sed on me/ >2o yo- no( any o) t"em= 0.## "a%e to see to t"em
one o) t"ese days/ 0t (on.t be %ery "ard to7>
S-dden#y, 0 "eard an e&p#osion/ T"e a<-ari-m b-rst apart as (ater s"ot o-t o) it, s"atterin' t"e '#ass/ Pieces o) it
)#e( to(ard me, b-t 0 bare#y noticed/ T"e (ater coa#esced in t"e air, )ormin' a #opsided sp"ere/ 0t be'an to )#oat/
To(ard 0saia"/ 0 )e#t my :a( drop as 0 stared at it/
6e (atc"ed it too, more p-55#ed t"an scared/ At #east -nti# it (rapped aro-nd "is )ace and started s-))ocatin' "im/
$-c" #ie t"e b-##ets, s-))ocation (o-#dn.t i## "im/ B-t it co-#d ca-se "im a "e## o) a #ot o) discom)ort/
6is "ands )#e( to "is )ace, desperate#y tryin' to >pry> t"e (ater a(ay/ 0t (as no -se/ 6is )in'ers simp#y s#ipped
t"ro-'"/ E#ena )or'ot abo-t $ason and :-mped to "er )eet/
>W"at is it=> s"e s"rieed/ S"e s"oo "im in an e<-a##y -se#ess e))ort to )ree "im/ >W"at.s "appenin'=>
A'ain, 0 didn.t )ee#/ 0 acted/ $y "and c#osed aro-nd a #ar'e piece o) '#ass )rom t"e broen a<-ari-m/ 0t (as :a''ed
and s"arp, c-ttin' into my "and/
Sprintin' )or(ard, 0 p#-n'ed t"e s"ard into 0saia".s c"est, aimin' )or t"e "eart 0.d (ored so "ard to )ind in
practice/0saia" emitted a stran'#ed scream t"ro-'" t"e (ater and co##apsed to t"e )#oor/ 6is eyes ro##ed bac in "is
"ead as "e b#aced o-t )rom t"e pain/
E#ena stared, as s"oced as 0.d been ("en 0saia" "ad i##ed $ason/ 0saia" (asn.t dead, o) co-rse, b-t "e (as
temporari#y do(n )or t"e co-nt/ 6er )ace c#ear#y s"o(ed s"e "adn.t t"o-'"t t"at (as possib#e/
T"e smart t"in' at t"at point (o-#d "a%e been to r-n to(ard t"e door and t"e s-n.s sa)ety/ 0nstead, 0 ran in t"e
opposite direction, to(ard t"e )irep#ace/ 0 'rabbed one o) t"e anti<-e s(ords and t-rned bac to(ard E#ena/ 0 didn.t
"a%e )ar to 'o, beca-se s"e.d reco%ered "erse#) and (as "eadin' to(ard me/
Snar#in' (it" ra'e, s"e tried to 'rab me/ 0 "ad ne%er trained (it" a s(ord, b-t 0 "ad been ta-'"t to )i'"t (it" any
maes"i)t (eapon 0 co-#d )ind/ 0 -sed t"e s(ord to eep distance bet(een -s, my motions c#-msy b-t e))ecti%e )or
t"e time bein'/
W"ite )an's )#as"ed in "er mo-t"/ >0 am 'oin' to mae yo-7>
>S-))er, pay, re'ret 0 (as e%er born=> 0 s-''ested/
0 remembered )i'"tin' (it" my mom, "o( 0.d been on t"e de)ensi%e t"e ("o#e time/ T"at (o-#dn.t (or t"is time/
0 "ad to attac/ 3abbin' )or(ard, 0 tried to #and a b#o( on E#ena/ No #-c/ S"e anticipated my e%ery mo%e/
S-dden#y, )rom be"ind "er, 0saia" 'roaned as "e started to come aro-nd/ S"e '#anced bac, t"e sma##est o)
motionst"at #et me s(ipe t"e s(ord across "er c"est/ 0t c-t t"e )abric o) "er s"irt and 'ra5ed t"e sin, b-t not"in'
more/ Sti##, s"e )#inc"ed and #ooed do(n in panic/ 0 t"in t"e '#ass 'oin' t"ro-'" 0saia".s "eart (as sti## )res" in
"er mind/
And that (as ("at 0 rea##y needed/
0 m-stered a## my stren't", dre( bac, and s(-n'/
T"e s(ord.s b#ade "it t"e side o) "er nec, "ard and deep/ S"e 'a%e a "orrib#e, sicenin' cry, a s"rie t"at made my
sin cra(#/ S"e tried to mo%e to(ard me/ 0 p-##ed bac and "it a'ain/ 6er "ands c#-tc"ed at "er t"roat, and "er
nees 'a%e (ay/ 0 str-c and str-c, t"e s(ord di''in' deeper into "er nec eac" time/ C-ttin' o)) someone.s "ead
(as "arder t"an 0.d t"o-'"t it (o-#d be/ T"e o#d, d-## s(ord probab#y (asn.t "e#pin'/
B-t )ina##y, 0 'ained eno-'" sense to rea#i5e s"e (asn.t mo%in'/ 6er "ead #ay t"ere, detac"ed )rom "er body, "er
dead eyes #ooin' -p at me as t"o-'" s"e co-#dn.t be#ie%e ("at "ad "appened/ T"at made t(o o) -s/
Someone (as screamin', and )or a s-rrea# second, 0 t"o-'"t it (as sti## E#ena/ T"en 0 #i)ted my eyes and #ooed
across t"e room/ $ia stood in t"e door(ay, eyes b-''in' o-t and sin tin'ed 'reen #ie s"e mi'"t t"ro( -p/
2istant#y, in t"e bac o) my mind, 0 rea#i5ed s"e (as t"e one ("o.d made t"e a<-ari-m e&p#ode/ Water ma'ic
apparent#y (asn.t (ort"#ess a)ter a##/
Sti## a bit s"aen, 0saia" tried to rise to "is )eet/ B-t 0 (as on "im be)ore "e co-#d )-##y mana'e it/ T"e s(ord san'
o-t,(reain' b#ood and pain (it" eac" b#o(/ 0 )e#t #ie an o#d pro no(/ 0saia" )e## bac to t"e )#oor/ 0n my mind, 0
ept seein' "im brea $ason.s nec, and 0 "aced and "aced as "ard as 0 co-#d, as t"o-'" striin' )ierce#y eno-'"
mi'"t some"o( banis" t"e memory/
>Rose@ $ose*
T"ro-'" my "ate*)i##ed "a5e, 0 :-st bare#y detected $ia.s %oice/
>Rose, "e.s dead@>
S#o(#y, s"ai#y, 0 "e#d bac t"e ne&t b#o( and #ooed do(n at "is body7and t"e "ead no #on'er attac"ed to it/ S"e
(as ri'"t/ 6e (as dead/ Very, %ery dead/
0 #ooed at t"e rest o) t"e room/ T"ere (as b#ood e%ery("ere, b-t t"e "orror o) it didn.t rea##y re'ister (it" me/ $y
(or#d "ad s#o(ed do(n, s#o(ed do(n to t(o %ery simp#e tass/ 4i## t"e Stri'oi/ Protect $ason/ 0 co-#dn.t process
anyt"in' e#se/
>Rose,> ("ispered $ia/ S"e (as tremb#in', "er (ords )i##ed (it" )ear/ S"e (as a)raid o) me, not t"e Stri'oi/
>Rose, (e "a%e to 'o/ Come on/>
0 dra''ed my eyes a(ay )rom "er and #ooed do(n at 0saia".s remains/ A)ter se%era# moments, 0
cra(#ed o%er to $ason.s body, sti## c#-tc"in' t"e s(ord/
>No,> 0 croaed o-t/ >0 can.t #ea%e "im/ Ot"er Stri'oi mi'"t come////>
$y eyes b-rned #ie 0 desperate#y (anted to cry/ 0 co-#dn.t say )or s-re/ T"e b#ood#-st sti## po-nded in me,
%io#ence andra'e t"e on#y emotions 0 (as capab#e o) anymore/
>Rose, (e.## come bac )or "im/ 0) ot"er Stri'oi are comin', (e "a%e to 'et o-t/>
>No,> 0 repeated, not e%en #ooin' at "er/ >0.m not #ea%in' "im/ 0 (on.t #ea%e "im a#one/> Wit" my )ree "and, 0
stroed $ason.s "air/
0 :ered my "ead -p/ >Get o-t@> 0 screamed at "er/ >Get o-t, and #ea%e -s a#one/>
S"e too a )e( steps )or(ard, and 0 #i)ted t"e s(ord/ S"e )ro5e/
>Get o-t,> 0 repeated/ >Go )ind t"e ot"ers/>
S#o(#y, $ia baced -p to(ard t"e door/ S"e 'a%e me one #ast, desperate #oo be)ore r-nnin' o-tside/
Si#ence )e##, and 0 re#a&ed my "o#d on t"e s(ord b-t re)-sed to #et it 'o/ $y body sa''ed )or(ard, and 0 rested my
"ead on $ason.s c"est/ 0 became ob#i%io-s to e%eryt"in'1 to t"e (or#d aro-nd me, to time itse#)/ Seconds co-#d
"a%e passed/ 6o-rs co-#d "a%e passed/ 0 didn.t no(/ 0 didn.t no( anyt"in' e&cept t"at 0 co-#dn.t #ea%e $ason
a#one/ 0 e&isted in an a#tered state, a state t"at :-st bare#y ept t"e terror and 'rie) at bay/ 0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e $ason
(as dead/ 0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e 0.d :-st s-mmoned deat"/ So #on' as 0 re)-sed to acno(#ed'e eit"er, 0 co-#d pretend
t"ey "adn.t "appened/
Footsteps and %oices e%ent-a##y so-nded, and 0 #i)ted my "ead -p/ Peop#e po-red in t"ro-'" t"e door, #ots o) t"em/
0 co-#dn.t rea##y mae o-t any o) t"em/ 0 didn.t need to/ T"ey(ere t"reats, t"reats 0 "ad to eep $ason sa)e )rom/ A
co-p#e o) t"em approac"ed me, and 0 #eapt -p, #i)tin' t"e s(ord and "o#din' it protecti%e#y o%er "is body/
>Stay bac,> 0 (arned/ >Stay a(ay )rom "im/>
T"ey ept comin'/
>Stay bac@> 0 ye##ed/ T"ey stopped/ E&cept )or one/
>Rose,> came a so)t %oice/ >2rop t"e s(ord/>
$y "ands s"oo/ 0 s(a##o(ed/ >Get a(ay )rom -s/>
T"e %oice spoe a'ain, a %oice t"at my so-# (o-#d "a%e no(n any("ere/ 6esitant#y, 0 #et myse#) )ina##y become
a(are o) my s-rro-ndin's, #et t"e detai#s sin in/ 0 #et my eyes )oc-s on t"e )eat-res o) t"e man standin' t"ere/
2imitri.s bro(n eyes, 'ent#e and )irm, #ooed do(n on me/
>0t.s oay,> "e said/ >E%eryt"in'.s 'oin' to be oay/ +o- can #et 'o o) t"e s(ord/>
$y "ands s"oo e%en "arder as 0 )o-'"t to "o#d on to t"e "i#t/ >0 can.t/> T"e (ords "-rt comin' o-t/ >0 can.t #ea%e
"im a#one/ 0 "a%e to protect "im/>
>+o- "a%e,> said 2imitri/
T"e s(ord )e## o-t o) my "ands, #andin' (it" a #o-d c#atter on t"e (ooden )#oor/ 0 )o##o(ed, co##apsin' on a##
)o-rs, (antin' to cry b-t sti## -nab#e to/
2imitri.s arms (rapped aro-nd me as "e "e#ped me -p/ Voices s(armed aro-nd -s, and one by one, 0 reco'ni5ed
peop#e 0 ne( and tr-sted/ 6e started to t-' me to(ard t"e door, b-t 0 re)-sed to mo%e :-st yet/ 0 co-#dn.t/ $y
"andsc#-tc"ed "is s"irt, cr-mp#in' t"e )abric/ Sti## eepin' one arm aro-nd me, "e smoot"ed my "air bac a(ay
)rom my )ace/ 0 #eaned my "ead a'ainst "im, and "e contin-ed stroin' my "air, m-rm-rin' somet"in' in R-ssian/
0 didn.t -nderstand a (ord o) it, b-t t"e 'ent#e tone soot"ed me/
G-ardians (ere spreadin' t"ro-'"o-t t"e "o-se, e&aminin' it inc" by inc"/ A co-p#e o) t"em approac"ed -s and
ne#t by t"e bodies 0 re)-sed to #oo at/
>S"e did t"at= Bot" o) t"em=>
>T"at s(ord "asn.t been s"arpened in years@>
A )-nny so-nd ca-'"t in my t"roat/ 2imitri s<-ee5ed my s"o-#der com)ortin'#y/
>Get "er o-t o) "ere, Be#io%,> 0 "eard a (oman say be"ind "im, "er %oice )ami#iar/
2imitri s<-ee5ed my s"o-#der a'ain/ >Come on, Ro5a/ 0t.s time to 'o/>
T"is time, 0 (ent/ 6e '-ided me o-t o) t"e "o-se, "o#din' onto me as 0 mana'ed eac" a'oni5in' step/
$y mind sti## re)-sed to rea##y process ("at "ad "appened/ 0 co-#dn.t do m-c" more t"an )o##o( simp#e directions
)rom t"ose aro-nd me/
0 e%ent-a##y ended -p on one o) t"e Academy.s :ets/ En'ines roared aro-nd -s as t"e p#ane #i)ted o))/ 2imitri
m-rm-red somet"in' abo-t comin' bac s"ort#y and #e)t me a#one in my seat/ 0 stared strai'"t a"ead, st-dyin' t"e
detai#s o) t"e seat in )ront o) me/
Someone sat beside me and draped a b#anet o%er mys"o-#ders/ 0 noticed t"en :-st "o( bad#y 0 (as s"i%erin'/ 0
t-''ed at t"e ed'es o) t"e b#anet/
>0.m co#d,> 0 said/ >6o( am 0 so co#d=>
> in s"oc,> $ia ans(ered/
0 t-rned and #ooed at "er, st-dyin' "er b#ond c-r#s and bi' b#-e eyes/ Somet"in' abo-t seein' "er -n#eas"ed my
memories/ 0t a## t-mb#ed bac/ 0 s<-ee5ed my eyes s"-t/
>O" God,> 0 breat"ed/ 0 opened my eyes and )oc-sed on "er a'ain/ >+o- sa%ed me7sa%ed me ("en yo- b#e( -p
t"e )is" tan/ +o- s"o-#dn.t "a%e done it/ +o- s"o-#dn.t "a%e come bac/>
S"e s"r-''ed/ >+o- s"o-#dn.t "a%e 'one )or t"e s(ord/>
Fair point/ >T"an yo-,> 0 to#d "er/ >W"at yo- did /// 0 ne%er (o-#d "a%e t"o-'"t o) t"at/ 0t (as bri##iant/>
>0 don.t no( abo-t t"at,> s"e m-sed, smi#in' r-e)-##y/ >Water isn.t m-c" o) a (eapon, remember=>
0 c"oed on a #a-'", e%en t"o-'" 0 rea##y didn.t )ind my o#d (ords t"at )-nny/ Not anymore/
>Water.s a 'reat (eapon,> 0 said )ina##y/ >W"en (e 'et bac, (e.## "a%e to practice (ays to -se it/>
6er )ace #it -p/ Fierceness s"one o-t )rom "er eyes/ >0.d #ie t"at/ $ore t"an anyt"in'/>
>0.m sorry /// sorry abo-t yo-r mom/>
$ia simp#y nodded/ > #-cy to sti## "a%e yo-rs/ +o- don.t no( "o( #-cy/>
0 t-rned and stared at t"e seat a'ain/ T"e ne&t (ords o-t o) my mo-t" start#ed me1 >0 (is" s"e (as "ere/>
>S"e is,> said $ia, so-ndin' s-rprised/ >S"e (as (it" t"e 'ro-p t"at raided t"e "o-se/ 2idn.t yo- see "er=>
0 s"oo my "ead/
We #apsed into si#ence/ $ia stood -p and #e)t/ A min-te #ater, someone e#se sat do(n beside me/ 0 didn.t "a%e to
see "er to no( ("o s"e (as/ 0 :-st 'ne".
>Rose,> said my mot"er/ For once in my #i)e, s"e so-nded -ns-re o) "erse#)/ Scared, maybe/ >$ia said yo- (anted
to see me/> 0 didn.t ans(er/ 0 didn.t #oo at "er/ >W"at// /("at do yo- need=>
0 didn.t no( ("at 0 needed/ 0 didn.t no( ("at to do/ T"e stin'in' in my eyes 're( -nbearab#e, and be)ore 0
ne( it, 0 (as cryin'/ Bi', pain)-# sobs sei5ed my body/ T"e tears 0.d "e#d bac so #on' po-red do(n my )ace/ T"e
)ear and 'rie) 0.d re)-sed to #et myse#) )ee# )ina##y b-rst )ree, b-rnin' in my c"est/ 0 co-#d scarce#y breat"e/
$y mot"er p-t "er arms aro-nd me, and 0 b-ried my )ace in "er c"est, sobbin' e%en "arder/
>0 no(,> s"e said so)t#y, ti'"tenin' "er 'rip on me/ >0 -nderstand/>
T6E WEAT6ER WAR$E2 UP ON t"e day o) my molnija ceremony/ 0n )act, it (as so (arm t"at a #ot o) t"e
sno( on camp-s be'an me#tin', r-nnin' do(n t"e sides o) t"e Academy.s stone b-i#din's in
s#im, si#%ery streams/ Winter (as )ar )rom bein' o%er, so 0 ne( e%eryt"in' (o-#d :-st )ree5e -p a'ain in a )e(
days/ For no(, t"o-'", it )e#t as t"o-'" t"e entire (or#d (as (eepin'/
0 "ad (a#ed a(ay )rom t"e Spoane incident (it" minor br-ises and c-ts/ T"e b-rns )rom t"e me#tin' )#e&*c-))s
(ere t"e (orst o) my in:-ries/ B-t 0 (as sti## "a%in' a "ard time dea#in' (it" t"e deat" 0.d ca-sed and t"e deat" 0.d
seen/ 0.d (anted #itt#e more t"an to 'o c-r# -p in a ba## some("ere and not ta# to anyone, e&cept maybe Lissa/ B-t
on my )o-rt" day bac at t"e Academy, my mot"er "ad )o-nd me and to#d me it (as time to recei%e my mars/
0t "ad taen me se%era# moments to 'rasp ("at s"e (as ta#in' abo-t/ T"en it occ-rred to me t"at in decapitatin'
t(o Stri'oi, 0.d earned t(o molnija tattoos/ $y )irst ones/ T"e rea#i5ation "ad st-nned me/ A## my #i)e, in
considerin' my )-t-re career as a '-ardian, 0.d #ooed )or(ard to t"e mars/ 0.d seen t"em as bad'es o) "onor/ B-t
no(= $ain#y t"ey (ere 'oin' to be reminders o) somet"in' 0 (anted to )or'et/
T"e ceremony too p#ace in t"e '-ardians. b-i#din', in a #ar'e room t"ey -sed )or meetin's and ban<-ets/ 0t (as
not"in' at a## #ie t"e 'reat dinin' room at t"e resort/ 0t (as e))icient and practica#, #ie t"e '-ardians (ere/ T"e
carpet (as a b#-is" 'ray s"ade, #o( and ti'"t#y (o%en/ T"e bare ("ite (a##s "e#d )ramed b#ac*and*("ite p"otos o)
St/ V#adimir.s t"ro-'" t"e years/ T"ere (ere no ot"er decorations or )an)are, yet t"e so#emnity and po(er o) t"e
moment (ere pa#pab#e/ A## t"e '-ardians on camp-s7b-t no no%ices7attended/ T"ey mi##ed aro-nd in t"e
b-i#din'.s main meetin' room, "an'in' o-t in c#-sters b-t not ta#in'/ W"en t"e ceremony started, t"ey )e## into
order#y rans (it"o-t bein' to#d and (atc"ed me/
0 sat on a stoo# in t"e corner o) t"e room, #eanin' )or(ard (it" my "air "an'in' o%er t"e )ront o) my )ace/ Be"ind
me, a '-ardian named Lione# "e#d a tattooist.s need#e to t"e bac o) my nec/ 0.d no(n "im t"e ("o#e time 0.d
been at t"e Academy, b-t 0.d ne%er rea#i5ed "e (as trained to dra( molnija mars/
Be)ore "e started, "e "ad a m-rm-red con%ersation (it" my mot"er and A#berta/
>S"e (on.t "a%e a promise mar,> "e said/ >S"e "asn.t 'rad-ated/>
>0t "appens,> said A#berta/ >S"e made t"e i##s/ 2o t"e molnijas, and s"e.## 'et t"e promise mar #ater/>
Considerin' t"e pain 0 re'-#ar#y p-t myse#) t"ro-'", 0 didn.t e&pect t"e tattoos to "-rt as m-c" as t"ey did/ B-t 0
bitmy #ip and stayed si#ent as Lione# made t"e mars/ T"e process seemed to 'o on )ore%er/ W"en "e )inis"ed, "e
prod-ced a co-p#e o) mirrors, and (it" some mane-%erin', 0 (as ab#e to see t"e bac o) my nec/ T(o tiny b#ac
mars sat t"ere, side by side, a'ainst my reddened and sensiti%e sin/ #olnija meant >#i'"tnin'> in R-ssian, and
t"at.s ("at t"e :a''ed s"ape (as meant to symbo#i5e/ T(o mars/ One )or 0saia", one )or E#ena/
Once 0.d seen t"em, "e banda'ed t"em -p and 'a%e me some instr-ctions abo-t carin' )or t"em ("i#e t"ey "ea#ed/
$ost o) it 0 missed, b-t 0 )i'-red 0 co-#d as a'ain #ater/ 0 (as sti## ind o) s"oced by it a##/
A)ter t"at, a## t"e 'at"ered '-ardians came -p to me one by one/ T"ey eac" 'a%e me some sort o) si'n o) a))ection
7a "-', a iss on t"e c"ee7and ind (ords/
>We#come to t"e rans,> said A#berta, "er (eat"ered )ace 'ent#e as s"e p-##ed me into a ti'"t embrace/
2imitri didn.t say anyt"in' ("en "is t-rn came, b-t as a#(ays, "is eyes spoe #e'ions/ Pride and tenderness )i##ed
"is e&pression, and 0 s(a##o(ed bac tears/ 6e rested one "and 'ent#y on my c"ee, nodded, and (a#ed a(ay/
W"en Stan7t"e instr-ctor 0.d )o-'"t (it" t"e most since my )irst day7"-''ed me and said, >No( one o)
-s/ 0 a#(ays ne( yo-.d be one o) t"e best,> 0 t"o-'"t 0.d pass o-t/
And t"en ("en my mot"er came -p to me, 0 co-#dn.t "e#p t"e tear t"at ran do(n my c"ee/ S"e (iped it a(ay and
t"en br-s"ed "er )in'ers a'ainst t"e bac o) my nec/ >2on.t e%er )or'et,> s"e to#d me/
Nobody said, >Con'rat-#ations,> and 0 (as '#ad/ 2eat" (asn.t anyt"in' to 'et e&cited abo-t/
W"en t"at (as done, drins and )ood (ere ser%ed/ 0 (a#ed to t"e b-))et tab#e and made a p#ate )or myse#) o)
miniat-re )eta <-ic"es and a s#ice o) man'o c"eesecae/ 0 ate (it"o-t rea##y tastin' t"e )ood and ans(ered
<-estions )rom ot"ers (it"o-t e%en no(in' ("at 0 said "a#) t"e time/ 0t (as #ie 0 (as a Rose robot, 'oin' t"ro-'"
t"e motions o) ("at (as e&pected/ On t"e bac o) my nec, my sin st-n' )rom t"e tattoos, and in my mind, 0 ept
seein' $ason.s b#-e eyes and 0saia".s red ones/
0 )e#t '-i#ty )or not en:oyin' my bi' day more, b-t 0 (as re#ie%ed ("en t"e 'ro-p )ina##y started dispersin'/ $y
mot"er (a#ed -p to me as ot"ers m-rm-red t"eir 'oodbyes/ Aside )rom "er (ords "ere at t"e ceremony, (e "adn.t
ta#ed m-c" since my breado(n on t"e p#ane/ 0 sti## )e#t a #itt#e )-nny abo-t t"at7and a #itt#e embarrassed as (e##/
S"e.d ne%er mentioned it, b-t somet"in' %ery sma## "ad s"i)ted in t"e nat-re o) o-r re#ations"ip/ We (eren.t
any("ere near bein' )riends// /b-t (e (eren.t e&act#y enemies anymore eit"er/
>Lord S5e#sy is #ea%in' soon,> s"e to#d me as (e stood near t"e b-i#din'.s door(ay, not )ar )rom ("ere 0.d ye##ed
)or "er on t"at )irst day (e.d ta#ed/ >0.## be 'oin' (it" "im/>
>0 no(,> 0 said/ T"ere (as no <-estion s"e.d #ea%e/ T"at (as "o( it (as/ G-ardians )o##o(ed $oroi/ T"ey came
S"e re'arded me )or a )e( moments, "er bro(n eyest"o-'"t)-#/ For t"e )irst time in a #on' time, 0 )e#t #ie (e (ere
act-a##y #ooin' eye to eye, as opposed to "er #ooin' do(n on me/ 0t (as abo-t time, too, seein' as 0 "ad "a#) a
)oot o) "ei'"t on "er/
>+o- did (e##,> s"e said at #ast/ >Considerin' t"e circ-mstances/>
0t (as on#y "a#) a comp#iment, b-t 0 deser%ed no more/ 0 -nderstood no( t"e mistaes and #apses o) :-d'ment t"at
"ad #ed to t"e e%ents at 0saia".s "o-se/ Some "ad been my )a-#t; some "adn.t/ 0 (is"ed 0 co-#d "a%e c"an'ed some
o) my actions, b-t 0 ne( s"e (as ri'"t/ 0.d done t"e best 0 co-#d in t"e end (it" t"e mess be)ore me/
>4i##in' Stri'oi (asn.t as '#amoro-s as 0 t"o-'"t it.d be,> 0 to#d "er/
S"e 'a%e me a sad smi#e/ >No/ 0t ne%er is/>
0 t"o-'"t t"en abo-t a## t"e mars on "er nec, a## t"e i##s/ 0 s"-ddered/
>O", "ey/> Ea'er to c"an'e t"e s-b:ect, 0 reac"ed into my pocet and p-##ed o-t t"e #itt#e b#-e eye pendant s"e.d
'i%en me/ >T"is t"in' yo- 'a%e me/ 0t.s a n)na8ari 0 st-mb#ed o%er t"e (ord/ S"e #ooed
>+es/ 6o(.d yo- no(=>
0 didn.t (ant to e&p#ain my dreams (it" Adrian/ >Someone to#d me/ 0t.s a protection t"in', ri'"t=>
A pensi%e #oo crossed "er )ace, and t"en s"e e&"a#ed and nodded/ >+es/ 0t comes )rom an o#d s-perstition in t"e
$idd#e East/// Some peop#e be#ie%e t"at t"ose ("o (ant to "-rt yo-can c-rse yo- or 'i%e yo- .t"e e%i# eye/. T"e
na5ar is meant to co-nteract t"e e%i# eye /// and :-st brin' protection in 'enera# to t"ose ("o (ear it/>
0 ran my )in'ers o%er t"e piece o) '#ass/ >$idd#e East/ so, p#aces sort o) #ie, -m, T-rey=>
$y mot"er.s #ips <-ired/ >P#aces e&act#y #ie T-rey/> S"e "esitated/ >0t (as /// a 'i)t/ A 'i)t 0 recei%ed a #on'
time a'o ///> 6er 'a5e t-rned in(ard, #ost in memory/ >0 'ot a #ot o) / attention )rom men ("en 0 (as yo-r a'e/
Attention t"at seemed )#atterin' at )irst b-t (asn.t in t"e end/ 0t.s "ard to te## t"e di))erence sometimes, bet(een
("at.s rea# a))ection and ("at.s someone (antin' to tae ad%anta'e o) yo-/ B-t ("en yo- )ee# t"e rea# t"in'// /(e##,
yo-.## no(/>
0 -nderstood t"en ("y s"e (as so o%erprotecti%e abo-t my rep-tation7s"e.d endan'ered "er o(n ("en s"e (as
yo-n'er/ $aybe more t"an t"at "ad been dama'ed/
0 a#so ne( ("y s"e.d 'i%en t"e na5ar to me/ $y )at"er "ad 'i%en it to "er/ 0 didn.t t"in s"e (anted to ta#
anymore abo-t it, so 0 didn.t as/ 0t (as eno-'" to no( t"at maybe, :-st maybe, t"eir re#ations"ip "adn.t been a##
abo-t b-siness and 'enes a)ter a##/
We said 'oodbye, and 0 ret-rned to my c#asses/ E%eryone ne( ("ere 0.d been t"at mornin', and my )e##o(
no%ices (anted to see my molnija mars/ 0 didn.t b#ame t"em/ 0) o-r ro#es "ad been re%ersed, 0 (o-#d "a%e been
"arassin' me too/
>Come on, Rose,> be''ed S"ane Reyes/ We (ere (a#in' o-t o) o-r mornin' practice, and "e ept s(attin' my
ponytai#@ made a menta# note to (ear my "air do(n tomorro(/ Se%era# ot"ers )o##o(ed -s and ec"oed "is re<-ests/
>+ea", come on/ Let.s see ("at yo- 'ot )or yo-r s(ordsmans"ip@>
T"eir eyes s"one (it" ea'erness and e&citement/ 0 (as a "ero, t"eir c#assmate ("o.d dispatc"ed t"e #eaders o) t"e
ro%in' band o) Stri'oi t"at "ad so terrori5ed -s o%er t"e "o#idays/ B-t 0 met t"e eyes o) someone standin' at t"e
bac o) t"e 'ro-p, someone ("o #ooed neit"er ea'er nor e&cited/ Eddie/ $eetin' my 'a5e, "e 'a%e me a sma##,
sad smi#e/ 6e -nderstood/
>Sorry, '-ys,> 0 said, t-rnin' bac to t"e ot"ers/ >T"ey "a%e to stay banda'ed/ 2octor.s orders/>
T"is (as met (it" 'r-mb#es t"at soon t-rned into <-estions abo-t "o( 0.d act-a##y i##ed t"e Stri'oi/ 2ecapitation
(as one o) t"e "ardest and rarest (ays to i## a %ampire; it (asn.t #ie carryin' a s(ord (as con%enient/ So 0 did
my best to te## my )riends ("at "ad "appened, main' s-re to stic to t"e )acts and not '#ori)y t"e i##in's/
T"e sc"oo# day co-#dn.t end a moment too soon, and Lissa (a#ed (it" me bac to my dorm/ S"e and 0 "adn.t "ad
t"e c"ance to ta# m-c" since e%eryt"in' "ad 'one do(n in Spoane/ 0.d -nder'one a #ot o) <-estionin', and t"en
t"ere.d been $ason.s )-nera#/ Lissa "ad a#so been ca-'"t -p in "er o(n distractions
(it" t"e roya#s #ea%in' camp-s, so s"e.d "ad no more )ree time t"an me/
Bein' near "er made me )ee# better/ E%en t"o-'" 0 co-#dbe in "er "ead at any time, it :-st (asn.t t"e same as
act-a##y bein' p"ysica##y aro-nd anot"er #i%in' person ("o cared abo-t yo-/
W"en (e 'ot to t"e door o) my room, 0 sa( a bo-<-et o) )reesias sittin' on t"e )#oor near it/ Si'"in', 0 piced -p
t"e )ra'rant )#o(ers (it"o-t e%en #ooin' at t"e attac"ed card/
>W"at are t"ose=> ased Lissa ("i#e 0 -n#oced t"e door/
>T" )rom Adrian,> 0 to#d "er/ We (a#ed inside, and 0 pointed to my des, ("ere a )e( ot"er bo-<-ets sat/ 0
p-t t"e )reesias do(n beside t"em/ >0.## be '#ad ("en "e #ea%es camp-s/ 0 don.t t"in 0 can tae m-c" more o) t"is/>
S"e t-rned to me in s-rprise/ >O"/ Um, yo- don.t no(/>
0 'ot t"at (arnin' t(in'e t"ro-'" t"e bond t"at to#d me 0 (o-#dn.t #ie ("at (as abo-t to come/
>4no( ("at=>
>U", "e isn.t #ea%in'/ 6e.s 'oin' to stay "ere )or a ("i#e/>
>6e "as to #ea%e,> 0 ar'-ed/ To my no(#ed'e, t"e on#y reason "e.d come bac at a## (as beca-se o) $ason.s
)-nera#, and 0 sti## (asn.t s-re ("y "e.d done t"at, since "e bare#y ne( $ason/ $aybe Adrian "ad :-st done it )or
s"o(/ Or maybe to eep sta#in' Lissa and me/ >6e.s in co##e'e/ Or maybe re)orm sc"oo#/ 0 don.t no(, b-t "e does
>6e.s tain' t"e semester o))/>
0 stared/
Smi#in' at my s"oc, s"e nodded/ >6e.s 'oin' to stay and (or (it" me/// and $s/ Carmac/ A## t"is time, "e
ne%er e%en ne( ("at spirit (as/ 6e :-st ne( "e "adn.t specia#i5ed b-tt"at "e "ad t"ese (eird abi#ities/ 6e :-st
ept t"em to "imse#), e&cept )or ("en "e occasiona##y )o-nd anot"er spirit -ser/ B-t t"ey didn.t no( any more
t"an "e did/>
>0 s"o-#d "a%e )i'-red it o-t sooner,> 0 m-sed/ >T"ere (as somet"in' abo-t bein' aro-nd "im/ /// 0 a#(ays (anted
to ta# to "im, yo- no(= 6e :-st "as t"is /// c"arisma/ Lie yo- do/ 0 '-ess it.s a## tied into spirit and comp-#sion or
("ate%er/ 0t maes me #ie "im /// e%en t"o-'" 0 don.t #ie "im/>
>2on.t yo-=> s"e teased/
>No,> 0 rep#ied adamant#y/ >And 0 don.t #ie t"at dream t"in', eit"er/>
6er :ade eyes (ent (ide (it" (onder/ "%hat is coo#,> s"e said/ >+o-.%e a#(ays been ab#e to te## ("at.s 'oin' on
(it" me, b-t 0.%e ne%er been ab#e to comm-nicate (it" yo- t"e ot"er (ay/ 0.m '#ad yo- '-ys 'ot a(ay ("en yo-
did// /b-t 0 (is" 0 co-#d "a%e )i'-red o-t t"e dream t"in' and "e#ped )ind yo-/>
>Not me,> 0 said/ >0.m '#ad Adrian didn.t 'et yo- to 'o o)) yo-r meds/>
0 "adn.t )o-nd t"at o-t -nti# a )e( days a)ter bein' in Spoane/ Lissa "ad apparent#y re:ected Adrian.s
initia# s-''estion t"at stoppin' t"e pi##s (o-#d #et "er #earn more abo-t spirit/ S"e "ad admitted to me #ater,
"o(e%er, t"at i) C"ristian and 0 "ad stayed missin' m-c" #on'er, s"e mi'"t "a%e craced/
>6o( are yo- )ee#in' #ate#y=> 0 ased, reca##in' "er concerns abo-t t"e medication/ >+o- sti## )ee# #ie t"e pi##s
aren.t (orin'=>
>$mm// /(e##, it.s "ard to e&p#ain/ 0 sti## )ee# c#oser to t"e ma'ic, #ie maybe t"ey aren.t b#ocin' me so m-c"
anymore/ B-t 0.m not )ee#in' any o) t"e ot"er menta# side e))ects// /not -pset or anyt"in'/>
>Wo(, t"at.s 'reat/>
A bea-ti)-# smi#e #it "er )ace/ >0 no(/ 0t maes me t"in t"ere mi'"t be "ope )or me to #earn to (or t"e ma'ic
a)ter a## someday/>
Seein' "er so "appy made me smi#e bac/ 0 "adn.t #ied seein' t"ose dar )ee#in's startin' to ret-rn and (as '#ad
t"ey.d %anis"ed/ 0 didn.t -nderstand t"e "o( or t"e ("y, b-t as #on' as s"e )e#t oay7
E%eryone "as #i'"t aro-nd t"em, e&cept )or yo-/ +o- "a%e s"ado(s/ +o- tae t"em )rom Lissa/
Adrian.s (ords s#ammed into my mind/ Uneasi#y, 0 t"o-'"t abo-t my be"a%ior t"ese #ast co-p#e o) (ees/ Some o)
t"e an'ry o-tb-rsts/ $y rebe##io-sness7-n-s-a# e%en )or me/ $y o(n b#ac coi# o) emotion, stirrin' in my c"est/
No, 0 decided/ T"ere (ere no simi#arities/ Lissa.s dar )ee#in's (ere ma'ic*based/ $ine (ere stress*based/
Besides, 0 )e#t )ine ri'"t no(/
Seein' "er (atc"in' me, 0 tried to remember ("ere (e.d #e)t o)) in t"e con%ersation/ >$aybe yo-.## e%ent-a##y )ind
a (ay to mae it (or/ 0 mean, i) Adrian co-#d )ind a (ay to -se spirit and doesn.t need meds />
S"e s-dden#y #a-'"ed/ >+o- don.t no(, do yo-=>
>T"at Adrian does medicate "imse#)/>
>6e does= B-t "e said7> 0 'roaned/ >O) co-rse "e does/ T"e ci'arettes/ T"e drinin'/ God on#y no(s ("at e#se/>
S"e nodded/ >+-p/ 6e.s a#most a#(ays 'ot somet"in' in "is system/>
>B-t probab#y not at ni'"t// /("ic" is ("y "e can poe "is "ead into my dreams/>
>$an, 0 (is" 0 co-#d do t"at,> s"e si'"ed/
>$aybe yo-.## #earn someday/ 3-st don.t become an a#co"o#ic in t"e process/>
>0 (on.t,> s"e ass-red me/ >B-t 0 "ill #earn/ None o) t"e ot"er spirit -sers co-#d do it, Rose7(e##, aside )rom St/
V#adimir/ 0.## #earn #ie "e did/ 0.m 'oin' to #earn to -se it7and 0 (on.t #et it "-rt me/>
0 smi#ed and to-c"ed "er "and/ 0 "ad abso#-te )ait" in "er/ >0 no(/>
We ta#ed )or most o) t"e e%enin'/ W"en t"e time came )or my -s-a# practice (it" 2imitri, 0 parted (ays (it" "er/
As 0 (a#ed a(ay, 0 pondered somet"in' t"at "ad been bot"erin' me/ A#t"o-'" t"e attacin' 'ro-ps o) Stri'oi "ad
"ad many more members, t"e '-ardians )e#t con)ident 0saia" "ad been t"eir #eader/ T"at didn.t mean t"ere (o-#dn.t
be other t"reats in t"e )-t-re, b-t t"ey )e#t it.d be a ("i#e be)ore "is )o##o(ers re'ro-ped/
B-t 0 co-#dn.t "e#p t"inin' abo-t t"e #ist 0.d seen in t"e t-nne# in Spoane, t"e one t"at "ad #isted roya# )ami#ies by
si5e/ And 0saia" "ad mentioned t"e 2ra'omirs by name/ 6ene( t"ey (ere a#most 'one, and "e.d so-nded een on
bein' t"e one to )inis" t"em/ S-re, "e (as dead no(// /b-t (ere t"ere ot"er Stri'oi o-t t"ere (it" t"e same idea=
0 s"oo my "ead/ 0 co-#dn.t (orry abo-t t"at/ Not today/ 0 sti## needed to reco%er )rom e%eryt"in' e#se/ Soon,
t"o-'"/ Soon 0.d "a%e to dea# (it" t"is/
0 didn.t e%en no( i) o-r practice (as sti## on b-t (ent to t"e #ocer room any(ay/ A)ter c"an'in' into practice
c#ot"es, 0 "eaded do(n into t"e 'ym and )o-nd 2imitri in a s-pp#y room, readin' one o) t"e Western no%e#s "e
#o%ed/ 6e #ooed -p at my entrance/ 0.d seen #itt#e o) "im in t"ese #ast )e( days and "ad )i'-red "e (as b-sy (it"
>0 t"o-'"t yo- mi'"t come by,> "e said, p-ttin' a boomar bet(een t"e pa'es/
>0t.s time )or practice/>
6e s"oo "is "ead/ >No/ No practice today/ +o- sti## need to reco%er/>
>0.%e 'ot a c#ean bi## o) "ea#t"/ 0.m 'ood to 'o/> 0 p-s"ed as m-c" patented Rose 6at"a(ay bra%ado into my (ords
as 0 co-#d/
2imitri (asn.t )a##in' )or any o) it/ 6e 'est-red to t"e c"air beside "im/ > Sit do(n, Rose/>
0 "esitated on#y a moment be)ore comp#yin'/ 6e mo%ed "is o(n c"air c#ose to mine so t"at (e sat direct#y across
)rom eac" ot"er/ $y "eart )#-ttered as 0 #ooed into t"ose 'or'eo-s dar eyes/
>No one 'ets o%er t"eir )irst i## /i##s/ easi#y/ E%en(it" Stri'oi/// (e##, it.s sti## tec"nica##y tain' a #i)e/ T"at.s "ard
to come to terms (it"/ And a)ter e%eryt"in' e#se yo- (ent t"ro-'" /> 6e si'"ed, t"en reac"ed o-t and ca-'"t my
"and in "is/ 6is )in'ers (ere e&act#y #ie 0 remembered, #on' and po(er)-#, ca##o-sed (it" years o) trainin'/
>W"en 0 sa( yo-r )ace// /("en (e )o-nd yo- in t"at "o-se// /yo- can.t ima'ine "o( 0 )e#t/>
0 s(a##o(ed/ >6o( /// "o( did yo- )ee#=>
>2e%astated /// 'rie)*stricen/ +o- (ere a#i%e, b-t t"e (ay yo- #ooed /// 0 didn.t t"in yo-.d e%er reco%er/ And it
tore me apart to t"in o) t"at "appenin' to yo- so yo-n'/> 6e s<-ee5ed my "and/ >+o- (i## reco%er70 no( t"at
no(, and 0.m '#ad/ B-t yo- aren.t t"ere/ Not yet/ Losin' someone yo- care abo-t is ne%er easy/>
$y eyes dropped )rom "is and st-died t"e )#oor/ >0t.s my )a-#t,> 0 said in a sma## %oice/
>$ason/ Gettin' i##ed/>
0 didn.t "a%e to see 2imitri.s )ace to no( compassion (as )i##in' it/ >O", Ro5a/ No/ +o- made some bad
decisions// /yo- s"o-#d "a%e to#d ot"ers ("en yo- ne( "e (as 'one// /b-t yo- can.t b#ame yo-rse#)/ +o- didn.t i##
Tears brimmed in my eyes as 0 #ooed bac -p/ >0 mi'"t as (e## "a%e/ T"e ("o#e reason "e (ent t"ere7it (as my
)a-#t/ We "ad a )i'"t/ and 0 to#d "im abo-t t"e Spoane t"in', e%en t"o-'" yo- ased me not to// >
One tear #eaed o-t o) t"e corner o) my eye/ Rea##y, 0needed to #earn to stop t"at/ 3-st as my mot"er "ad, 2imitri
de#icate#y (iped t"e tear o)) my c"ee/
>+o- can.t b#ame yo-rse#) )or t"at,> "e to#d me/ >+o- can re'ret yo-r decisions and (is" yo-.d done t"in's
di))erent#y, b-t in t"e end, $ason made "is decisions too/ T"at (as ("at "e c"ose to do/ 0t (as "is decision in t"e
end, no matter yo-r ori'ina# ro#e/> W"en $ason "ad come bac )or me, 0 rea#i5ed, "e.d #et "is )ee#in's )or me 'et in
t"e (ay/ 0t (as ("at 2imitri "ad a#(ays )eared, t"at i) "e and 0 "ad any sort o) re#ations"ip, it (o-#d p-t -s7and
any $oroi (e protected7in dan'er/
>0 :-st (is" 0.d been ab#e to /// 0 don.t no(, do anyt"in'/>
S(a##o(in' bac )-rt"er tears, 0 p-##ed my "ands )rom 2imitri.s and stood -p be)ore 0 co-#d say somet"in' st-pid/
>0 s"o-#d 'o,> 0 said t"ic#y/ >Let me no( ("en yo- (ant to start practice a'ain/ And t"ans )or / ta#in'/>
0 started to t-rn; t"en 0 "eard "im say abr-pt#y, >No/>
0 '#anced bac/ >W"at=>
6e "e#d my 'a5e, and somet"in' (arm and (onder)-# and po(er)-# s"ot bet(een -s/
>No,> "e repeated/ >0 to#d "er no/ Tas"a/>
>0 /> 0 s"-t my mo-t" be)ore my :a( "it t"e )#oor/ >B-t/("y= T"at (as a once*in*a*#i)etime t"in'/ +o- co-#d "a%e
"ad a baby/ And s"e / s"e (as, yo- no(, into yo-//>
T"e '"ost o) a smi#e )#icered on "is )ace/ >+es, s"e (as/ 0s/ And t"at.s ("y 0 "ad to say no/ 0 co-#dn.t ret-rn t"at/
co-#dn.t 'i%e "er ("at s"e (anted/ Not ("en/> 6e too a)e( steps to(ard me/ >Not ("en my "eart is some("ere
0 a#most started cryin' a'ain/ >B-t yo- seemed so into "er/ And you ept 'oin' on abo-t "o( yo-n' 0 acted/>
>+o- act yo-n',> "e said, >beca-se yo- are yo-n'/ B-t yo- no( t"in's, Ro5a/ T"in's peop#e o#der t"an yo-
don.t e%en no(/ T"at day /> 0 ne( instant#y ("ic" day "e re)erred to/ T"e one -p a'ainst t"e (a##/ >+o- (ere
ri'"t, abo-t "o( 0 )i'"t to stay in contro#/ No one e#se "as e%er )i'-red t"at o-t7 and it scared me/ ou scare me/>
>W"y= 2on.t yo- (ant anyone to no(=>
6e s"r-''ed/ >W"et"er t"ey no( t"at )act or not doesn.t matter/ W"at matters is t"at someone7t"at yo-7no(
me t"at (e##/ W"en a person can see into yo-r so-#, it.s "ard/ 0t )orces yo- to be open/ V-#nerab#e/ 0t.s m-c" easier
bein' (it" someone ("o.s :-st more o) a cas-a# )riend/>
>Lie Tas"a/>
>Tas"a O5era is an ama5in' (oman/ S"e.s bea-ti)-# and s"e.s bra%e/ B-t s"e doesn.t7>
>S"e doesn.t get yo-,> 0 )inis"ed/
6e nodded/ >0 ne( t"at/ B-t 0 sti## (anted t"e re#ations"ip/ 0 ne( it (o-#d be easy and t"at s"e co-#d tae me
a(ay )rom yo-/ 0 t"o-'"t s"e co-#d mae me )or'et yo-/>
0.d t"o-'"t t"e same t"in' abo-t $ason/ >B-t s"e co-#dn.t/>
>+es/ And, so /// t"at.s a prob#em/>
>Beca-se it.s (ron' )or -s to be to'et"er/>
>Beca-se o) t"e a'e di))erence/>
>B-t more important#y beca-se ( 'oin' to be Lissa.s '-ardians and need to )oc-s on "er7not eac" ot"er/>
0 t"o-'"t abo-t t"is )or a moment and t"en #ooed strai'"t into "is eyes/ >We##,> 0 said at #ast, >t"e (ay 0 see it, (e
aren.t Lissa.s '-ardians yet."
0 stee#ed myse#) )or t"e ne&t response/ 0 ne( it (as 'oin' to be one o) t"e Gen #i)e #essons/ Somet"in' abo-t inner
stren't" and perse%erance, abo-t "o( t"e c"oices (e made today (ere temp#ates )or t"e )-t-re or some ot"er
0nstead "e issed me/
Time stopped as "e reac"ed o-t and c-pped my )ace bet(een "is "ands/ 6e bro-'"t "is mo-t" do(n and br-s"ed
it a'ainst my #ips/ 0t (as bare#y a iss at )irst b-t soon increased, becomin' "eady and deep/ W"en "e )ina##y p-##ed
a(ay, it (as to iss my )ore"ead/ 6e #e)t "is #ips t"ere )or se%era# seconds as "is arms "e#d me c#ose/
0 (is"ed t"e iss co-#d "a%e 'one on )ore%er/ Breain' t"e embrace, "e ran a )e( )in'ers t"ro-'" my "air and
do(n my c"ee/ 6e stepped bac to(ard t"e door/
>0.## see yo- #ater, Ro5a/>
>At o-r ne&t practice=> 0 ased/ >We are startin' t"ose -p a'ain, ri'"t= 0 mean, yo- sti## "a%e t"in's to
teac" me/>
Standin' in t"e door(ay, "e #ooed o%er at me and smi#ed/ >+es/ Lots o) t"in's/>
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