Vampire Academy - Frostbite

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The text discusses two main types of vampires - Moroi and Strigoi. Moroi vampires can wield elemental magic but don't kill to drink blood, instead keeping human feeders. Strigoi vampires are the 'walking dead' who kill to drink blood.

The two main types of vampires mentioned are Moroi, who are alive and can use elemental magic, and Strigoi, who are the 'walking dead' and kill to drink blood.

Some of the abilities of Moroi vampires mentioned include being able to wield elemental magic of earth, air, water and fire. They also have superhuman senses like sight, smell and hearing.


Frostbite Vampire Academy Boo ! Ric"e##e $ead
Lie a#(ays, t"is boo co-#dn.t "a%e been (ritten (it"o-t t"e "e#p and s-pport o) my )riends and )ami#y/ 0n
partic-#ar, 0 need to t"an my 0$ Co-nse#in' Team1 Cait#in, 2a%id, 3ay, 3acie, and 4at/ +o- '-ys #o''ed more
#ate*ni'"t on#ine "o-rs t"an 0 can e%en be'in to co-nt/ 0 co-#dn.t "a%e 'otten t"ro-'" t"is boo and t"e rest o) t"is
year.s cra5iness (it"o-t yo-/
T"ans a#so to my a'ent, 3im $cCart"y, ("o "as mo%ed "ea%en, eart", and dead#ines to "e#p me )inis" ("at 0
need to/ 0.m '#ad yo-.%e 'ot my bac/ And )ina##y, many t"ans to 3essica Rot"enber' and Ben Sc"ran at
Ra5orbi## )or t"eir contin-ed s-pport and "ard (or/
For 4at Ric"ardson, ("o is %ery (ise/
T60NGS 20E/ BUT T6E+ 2ON.T a#(ays stay dead/ Be#ie%e me, 0 no(/
T"ere.s a race o) %ampires on t"is eart" ("o are #itera##y t"e (a#in' dead/ T" ca##ed Stri'oi, and i) not
a#ready "a%in' ni'"tmares abo-t t"em, yo- s"o-#d be/ T" stron', t" )ast, and t"ey i## (it"o-t mercy or
"esitation/ T" immorta#, too7("ic" ind o) maes t"em a bitc" to destroy/ T"ere are on#y t"ree (ays to do it1
a si#%er stae t"ro-'" t"e "eart, decapitation, and settin' t"em on )ire/ None o) t"ose is easy to p-## o)), b-t it.s
better t"an "a%in' no options at a##/
T"ere are a#so 'ood %ampires (a#in' t"e (or#d/ T" ca##ed $oroi/ T" a#i%e, and t"ey possess t"e
incredib#y coo# po(er to (ie#d ma'ic in eac" o) t"e )o-r e#ements7 eart", air, (ater, and )ire/ 8We##, most $oroi
can do t"is7b-t 0.## e&p#ain more abo-t t"e e&ceptions #ater9/ T"ey don.t rea##y -se t"e ma'ic )or m-c" anymore,
("ic" is ind o) sad/ 0t.d be a 'reat (eapon, b-t t"e $oroi stron'#y be#ie%e ma'ic s"o-#d on#y be -sed peace)-##y/
0t.s one o) t"e bi''est r-#es in t"eir society/ $oroi are a#so -s-a##y ta## and s#im, and t"ey can.t "and#e a #ot o)
s-n#i'"t/ B-t t"ey do "a%e s-per"-man senses t"at mae -p )or it1 si'"t, sme##, and "earin'/
Bot" inds o) %ampires need b#ood/ T"at.s ("at maest"em %ampires, 0 '-ess/ $oroi don.t i## to tae it, "o(e%er/
0nstead, t"ey eep "-mans aro-nd ("o (i##in'#y donate sma## amo-nts/ T"ey %o#-nteer beca-se %ampire bites
contain endorp"ins t"at )ee# rea##y, rea##y 'ood and can become addicti%e/ 0 no( t"is )rom persona# e&perience/
T"ese "-mans are ca##ed )eeders and are essentia##y %ampire*bite :-nies/
Sti##, eepin' )eeders aro-nd is better t"an t"e (ay t"e Stri'oi do t"in's, beca-se, as yo- mi'"t e&pect, t"ey i## )or
t"eir b#ood/ 0 t"in t"ey #ie it/ 0) a $oroi i##s a %ictim ("i#e drinin', "e or s"e (i## t-rn into a Stri'oi/ Some
$oroi do t"is by c"oice, 'i%in' -p t"eir ma'ic and t"eir mora#s )or immorta#ity/ Stri'oi can a#so be created by
)orce/ 0) a Stri'oi drins b#ood )rom a %ictim and t"en maes t"at person drin
Stri'oi b#ood in ret-rn, (e##// /yo- 'et a ne( Stri'oi/ T"is can "appen to anyone1 $oroi, "-man, or /// d"ampir/
T"at.s ("at 0 am/ 2"ampirs are "a#)*"-man, "a#)*$oroi/ 0 #ie to t"in (e 'ot t"e best traits o) bot" races/ 0.m
stron' and st-rdy, #ie "-mans are/ 0 can a#so 'o o-t in t"e s-n as m-c" as 0 (ant/ B-t, #ie t"e $oroi, 0 "a%e rea##y
'ood senses and )ast re)#e&es/ T"e res-#t is t"at d"ampirs mae t"e -#timate body'-ards7("ic" is ("at most o) -s
are/ ca##ed '-ardians/
0.%e spent my entire #i)e trainin' to protect $oroi )rom Stri'oi/ 0 "a%e a ("o#e set o) specia# c#asses and practices 0
tae at St/ V#adimir.s Academy, a pri%ate sc"oo# )or $oroi and d"ampirs/ 0 no( "o( to -se a## sorts o) (eapons
and can #and some pretty mean ics/ 0.%e beaten -p '-ys t(icemy si5e7bot" in and o-t o) c#ass/ And rea##y, guys
are pretty m-c" t"e on#y ones 0 beat -p, since t"ere are %ery )e( 'ir#s in any o) my c#asses/
Beca-se ("i#e d"ampirs in"erit a## sorts o) 'reat traits, t"ere.s one t"in' (e didn.t 'et/ 2"ampirs can.t "a%e
c"i#dren (it" ot"er d"ampirs/ 2on.t as me ("y/ 0t.s not #ie 0.m a 'eneticist or anyt"in'/ 6-mans and $oroi
'ettin' to'et"er (i## a#(ays mae more d"ampirs; t"at.s ("ere (e came )rom in t"e )irst p#ace/ B-t t"at doesn.t
"appen so m-c" anymore; $oroi tend to stay a(ay )rom "-mans/ T"ro-'" anot"er (eird 'enetic )#-e, "o(e%er,
$oroi and d"ampirs mi&in' (i## create d"ampir c"i#dren/ 0 no(, 0 no(1 it.s cra5y/ +o-.d t"in yo-.d 'et a baby
t"at.s t"ree*<-arters %ampire, ri'"t= Nope/ 6a#) "-man, "a#) $oroi/
$ost o) t"ese d"ampirs are born )rom $oroi men and d"ampir (omen 'ettin' to'et"er/ $oroi (omen stic to
"a%in' $oroi babies/ W"at t"is -s-a##y means is t"at $oroi men "a%e )#in's (it" d"ampir (omen and t"en tae
o))/ T"is #ea%es a #ot o) sin'#e d"ampir mot"ers, and t"at.s ("y not as many o) t"em become '-ardians/ T"ey.d
rat"er )oc-s on raisin' t"eir c"i#dren/
As a res-#t, on#y t"e '-ys and a "and)-# o) 'ir#s are #e)t to become '-ardians/ B-t t"ose ("o c"oose to protect
$oroi are serio-s abo-t t"eir :obs/ 2"ampirs need $oroi to eep "a%in' ids/ We have to protect t"em/ P#-s, it.s
:-st// /(e##, it.s t"e "onorab#e t"in' to do/ Stri'oi are e%i# and -nnat-ra#/ 0t isn.t ri'"t )or t"em to prey on t"e
innocent/ 2"ampirs ("o trainto be '-ardians "a%e t"is dri##ed into t"em )rom t"e time t"ey can (a#/ Stri'oi are
e%i#/ $oroi m-st be protected/ G-ardians be#ie%e t"is/ 0 be#ie%e t"is/
And t"ere.s one $oroi 0 (ant to protect more t"an anyone in t"e (or#d1 my best )riend, Lissa/ S"e.s a $oroi
princess/ T"e $oroi "a%e t(e#%e roya# )ami#ies, and s"e.s t"e on#y one #e)t in "ers7t"e 2ra'omirs/ B-t t"ere.s
somet"in' e#se t"at maes Lissa specia#, aside )rom "er bein' my best )riend/
Remember ("en 0 said e%ery $oroi (ie#ds one o) t"e )o-r e#ements= We##, it t-rns o-t Lissa (ie#ds one no one
e%en ne( e&isted -nti# recent#y1 spirit/ For years, (e t"o-'"t s"e :-st (asn.t 'oin' to de%e#op "er ma'ica# abi#ities/
T"en stran'e t"in's started "appenin' aro-nd "er/ For e&amp#e, a## %ampires "a%e an abi#ity ca##ed comp-#sion t"at
#ets t"em )orce t"eir (i## on ot"ers/ Stri'oi "a%e it rea##y stron'#y/ 0t.s (eaer in $oroi, and it.s a#so )orbidden/
Lissa, "o(e%er, "as it a#most as m-c" as a Stri'oi/ S"e can bat "er eye#as"es, and peop#e (i## do ("at s"e (ants/
B-t t"at.s not e%en t"e coo#est t"in' s"e can do/
0 said ear#ier t"at dead t"in's don.t a#(ays stay dead/ We##, 0.m one o) t"em/ 2on.t (orry70.m not #ie t"e Stri'oi/
B-t 0 did die once/ 80 don.t recommend it/9 0t "appened ("en t"e car 0 (as ridin' in s#id o)) t"e road/ T"e accident
i##ed me, Lissa.s parents, and "er brot"er/ +et, some("ere in t"e
c"aos7(it"o-t e%en rea#i5in' it7Lissa -sed spirit to brin' me bac/ We didn.t no( abo-t t"is )or a #on' time/ 0n
)act, (e didn.t e%en no( spirit e&isted at a##/
Un)ort-nate#y, it t-rned o-t t"at one person did no( abo-t spirit be)ore (e did/ Victor 2as"o%, a dyin' $oroi
prince, )o-nd o-t abo-t Lissa.s po(ers and decided "e (anted to #oc "er -p and mae "er "is o(n persona# "ea#er
7)or t"e rest o) "er #i)e/ W"en 0 rea#i5ed someone (as sta#in' "er, 0 decided to tae matters into my o(n "ands/ 0
broe -s o-t o) sc"oo# to r-n o)) and #i%e amon' "-mans/ 0t (as )-n7b-t a#so ind o) ner%e*(racin'7to a#(ays
be on t"e r-n/ We 'ot a(ay (it" t"is )or t(o years -nti# t"e a-t"orities at St/ V#adimir.s "-nted -s do(n and
dra''ed -s bac a )e( mont"s a'o/
T"at (as ("en Victor made "is rea# mo%e, idnappin' "er and tort-rin' "er -nti# s"e 'a%e into "is demands/ 0n t"e
process, "e too some pretty e&treme meas-res7#ie 5appin' me and 2imitri, my mentor, (it" a #-st spe##/ 80.## 'et
to him #ater9/ Victor a#so e&p#oited t"e (ay spirit (as startin' to mae Lissa menta##y -nstab#e/ B-t e%en t"at
(asn.t as bad as ("at "e did to "is o(n da-'"ter Nata#ie/ 6e (ent so )ar as to enco-ra'e "er to t-rn into a Stri'oi to
"e#p co%er "is escape/ S"e ended -p 'ettin' staed/ E%en ("en capt-red a)ter t"e )act, Victor didn.t seem to disp#ay
too m-c" '-i#t o%er ("at "e.d ased "er to do/ $aes me t"in 0 (asn.t missin' o-t on 'ro(in' -p (it"o-t a )at"er/
Sti##, 0 no( "a%e to protect Lissa )rom Stri'oi and $oroi/ On#y a )e( o))icia#s no( abo-t ("at s"e can do, b-t
0.m s-re t"ere are ot"er Victors o-t t"ere ("o (o-#d (ant to -se "er/ Fort-nate#y, 0 "a%e an e&tra (eapon to "e#p
me '-ard "er/ Some("ere d-rin' my "ea#in' in t"e car accident, spirit)or'ed a psyc"ic bond bet(een "er and me/ 0
can see and )ee# ("at s"e e&periences/ 80t on#y (ors one (ay, t"o-'"/ S"e can.t >)ee#> me/9 T"e bond "e#ps me
eep an eye on "er and no( ("en s"e.s in tro-b#e, a#t"o-'" sometimes, it.s (eird "a%in' anot"er person inside
yo-r "ead/ pretty s-re t"ere are #ots o) ot"er t"in's spirit can do, b-t (e don.t no( ("at t"ey are yet/
0n t"e meantime, 0.m tryin' to be t"e best '-ardian 0 can be/ R-nnin' a(ay p-t me be"ind in my trainin', so 0 "a%e
to tae e&tra c#asses to mae -p )or #ost time/ T"ere.s not"in' in t"e (or#d 0 (ant more t"an to eep Lissa sa)e/
Un)ort-nate#y, 0.%e 'ot t(o t"in's t"at comp#icate my trainin' no( and t"en/ One is t"at 0 sometimes act be)ore 0
t"in/ 0.m 'ettin' better at a%oidin' t"is, b-t ("en somet"in' sets me o)), 0 tend to p-nc" )irst and t"en )ind o-t
("o 0 act-a##y "it #ater/ W"en it comes to t"ose 0 care abo-t bein' in dan'er// /(e##, r-#es seem optiona#/
T"e ot"er prob#em in my #i)e is 2imitri/ 6e.s t"e one ("o i##ed Nata#ie, and "e.s a tota# badass/ 6e.s a#so pretty
'ood*#ooin'/ Oay7more t"an 'ood*#ooin'/ 6e.s "ot7#ie, t"e ind o) "ot t"at maes yo- stop (a#in' on t"e
street and 'et "it by tra))ic/ B-t, #ie 0 said, "e.s my instr-ctor/ And "e.s t(enty*)o-r/ Bot" o) t"ose are reasons ("y
0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e )a##en )or "im/ B-t, "onest#y, t"e most important reason is t"at "e and 0 (i## be Lissa.s '-ardians
("en s"e 'rad-ates/ 0) "e and 0 are c"ecin' eac" ot"er o-t, t"en t"at means (e aren.t #ooin' o-t )or "er/
0 "a%en.t "ad m-c" #-c in 'ettin' o%er "im, and 0.m pretty s-re "e sti## )ee#s t"e same abo-t me/ Part o) ("at
maes it so di))ic-#t is t"at "e and 0 'ot pretty "ot and "ea%y ("en (e 'ot "it (it" t"e #-st spe##/ Victor "ad (anted
to distract -s ("i#e "e idnapped Lissa, and it "ad (ored/ 0.d been ready to 'i%e -p my %ir'inity, and 2imitri "ad
been ready to tae it/ At t"e #ast min-te, (e broe t"e spe##, b-t t"ose memories are a#(ays (it" me and mae it
ind o) "ard to )oc-s on combat mo%es sometimes/
By t"e (ay, my name.s Rose 6at"a(ay/ 0.m se%enteen years o#d, trainin' to protect and i## %ampires, in #o%e (it"
a comp#ete#y -ns-itab#e '-y, and "a%e a best )riend ("ose (eird ma'ic co-#d dri%e "er cra5y/
6ey, no one said "i'" sc"oo# (as easy/
0 202N.T T60N4 $+ 2A+ co-#d 'et any (orse -nti# my best )riend to#d me s"e mi'"t be 'oin' cra5y/ A'ain/
>0/// ("at did yo- say=>
0 stood in t"e #obby o) "er dorm, #eanin' o%er one o) my boots and ad:-stin' it/ 3erin' my "ead -p, 0 peered at "er
t"ro-'" t"e tan'#e o) dar "air co%erin' "a#) my )ace/ 0.d )a##en as#eep a)ter sc"oo# and "ad sipped -sin' a
"airbr-s" in order to mae it o-t t"e door on time/ Lissa.s p#atin-m b#ond "air (as smoot" and per)ect, o) co-rse,
"an'in' o%er "er s"o-#ders #ie a brida# %ei# as s"e (atc"ed me (it" am-sement/
>0 said t"at 0 t"in my pi##s mi'"t not be (orin' as (e## anymore/>
0 strai'"tened -p and s"oo t"e "air o-t o) my )ace/ >W"at does t"at mean=> 0 ased/ Aro-nd -s, $oroi "-rried
past, on t"eir (ay to meet )riends or 'o to dinner/
>6a%e yo- started ///> 0 #o(ered my %oice/ >6a%e yo- started 'ettin' yo-r po(ers bac=>
S"e s"oo "er "ead, and 0 sa( a sma## )#as" o) re'ret in "er eyes/ >No /// 0 )ee# closer to t"e ma'ic, b-t 0 sti## can.t
-se it/ $ost#y ("at 0.m noticin' #ate#y is a #itt#e o) t"e ot"er st-)), yo- no(// /0.m 'ettin' more depressed no( and
t"en/ Not"in' e%en close to ("at it -sed to be,> s"e added"asti#y, seein' my )ace/ Be)ore s"e.d 'one on "er pi##s,
Lissa.s moods co-#d 'et so #o( t"at s"e c-t "erse#)/ >0t.s :-st t"ere a #itt#e more t"an it (as/>
>W"at abo-t t"e ot"er t"in's yo- -sed to 'et= An&iety= 2e#-siona# t"inin'=>
Lissa #a-'"ed, not tain' any o) t"is as serio-s#y as 0 (as/ >+o- so-nd #ie yo-.%e been readin' psyc"iatry
0 act-a##y had been readin' t"em/ >0.m :-st (orried abo-t yo-/ 0) yo- t"in t"e pi##s aren.t (orin' anymore, (e
need to te## someone/>
>No, no,> s"e said "asti#y/ >0.m )ine, rea##y/ T" sti## (orin'// /:-st not <-ite as m-c"/ 0 don.t t"in (e s"o-#d
panic yet/ Especia##y yo-7not today, at #east/>
6er c"an'e in s-b:ect (ored/ 0.d )o-nd o-t an "o-r a'o t"at 0 (o-#d be tain' my ?-a#i)ier today/ 0t (as an e&am
7or rat"er, an inter%ie(7a## no%ice '-ardians (ere re<-ired to pass d-rin' :-nior year at St/ V#adimir.s Academy/
Since 0.d been o)) "idin' Lissa #ast year, 0.d missed mine/ Today 0 (as bein' taen to a '-ardian some("ere o))*
camp-s ("o (o-#d administer t"e test to me/ T"ans )or t"e notice,
>2on.t (orry abo-t me,> Lissa repeated, smi#in'/ >0.## #et yo- no( i) it 'ets (orse/>
>Oay,> 0 said re#-ctant#y/
3-st to be sa)e, t"o-'", 0 opened my senses and a##o(ed myse#) to tr-#y )ee# "er t"ro-'" o-r psyc"ic bond/ S"e "ad
been te##in' t"e tr-t"/ S"e (as ca#m and "appy t"is mornin', not"in' to (orry abo-t/ B-t, )ar bac in "er mind, 0
sensed anot o) dar, -neasy )ee#in's/ 0t (asn.t cons-min' "er or anyt"in', b-t it "ad t"e same )ee# as t"e bo-ts o)
depression and an'er s"e -sed to 'et/ 0t (as on#y a tric#e, b-t 0 didn.t #ie it/ 0 didn.t (ant it t"ere at a##/ 0 tried
p-s"in' )art"er inside "er to 'et a better )ee# )or t"e emotions and s-dden#y "ad t"e (eird e&perience o) to-c"in'/
A sicenin' sort o) )ee#in' sei5ed me, and 0 :ered o-t o) "er "ead/ A sma## s"-dder ran t"ro-'" my body/
>+o- oay=> Lissa ased, )ro(nin'/ >+o- #oo na-seo-s a## o) a s-dden/>
>3-st/// ner%o-s )or t"e test,> 0 #ied/ 6esitant#y, 0 reac"ed o-t t"ro-'" t"e bond a'ain/ T"e darness "ad comp#ete#y
disappeared/ No trace/ $aybe t"ere (as not"in' (ron' (it" "er pi##s a)ter a##/ >0.m )ine/>
S"e pointed at a c#oc/ >+o- (on.t be i) yo- don.t 'et mo%in' soon/>
>2amn it,> 0 s(ore/ S"e (as ri'"t/ 0 'a%e "er a <-ic "-'/ > See yo- #ater@>
>Good #-c@> s"e ca##ed/
0 "-rried o)) across camp-s and )o-nd my mentor, 2imitri Be#io%, (aitin' beside a 6onda Pi#ot/ 6o( borin'/ 0
s-pposed 0 co-#dn.t "a%e e&pected -s to na%i'ate $ontana mo-ntain roads in a Porsc"e, b-t it (o-#d "a%e been
nice to "a%e somet"in' coo#er/
>0 no(, 0 no(,> 0 said, seein' "is )ace/ >Sorry 0.m #ate/>
0 remembered t"en t"at 0 "ad one o) t"e most important tests o) my #i)e comin' -p, and s-dden#y, 0 )or'ot a##
abo-tLissa and "er pi##s possib#y not (orin'/ 0 (anted to protect "er, b-t t"at (o-#dn.t mean m-c" i) 0 co-#dn.t
pass "i'" sc"oo# and act-a##y become "er '-ardian/
2imitri stood t"ere, #ooin' as 'or'eo-s as e%er/ T"e massi%e, bric b-i#din' cast #on' s"ado(s o%er -s, #oomin'
#ie some 'reat beast in t"e d-sy preda(n #i'"t/ Aro-nd -s, sno( (as :-st be'innin' to )a##/ 0 (atc"ed t"e #i'"t,
crysta##ine )#aes dri)t, 'ent#y do(n/ Se%era# #anded and prompt#y me#ted in "is dar "air/
>W"o e#se is 'oin'=> 0 ased/
6e s"r-''ed/ >3-st yo- and me/>
$y mood prompt#y s"ot -p past >c"eer)-#> and (ent strai'"t to >ecstatic/> $e and 2imitri/ A#one/ 0n a car/ T"is
mi'"t %ery (e## be (ort" a s-rprise test/
>6o( )ar a(ay is it=> Si#ent#y, 0 be''ed )or it to be a rea##y #on' dri%e/ Lie, one t"at (o-#d tae a (ee/ And
(o-#d in%o#%e -s stayin' o%erni'"t in #-&-ry "ote#s/ $aybe (e.d 'et stranded in a sno(ban, and on#y body "eat
(o-#d eep -s a#i%e/
>Fi%e "o-rs/>
A bit #ess t"an 0.d "oped )or/ Sti##, )i%e "o-rs (as better t"an not"in'/ 0t didn.t r-#e o-t t"e sno(ban possibi#ity,
T"e dim, sno(y roads (o-#d "a%e been di))ic-#t )or "-mans to na%i'ate, b-t t"ey pro%ed no prob#em )or o-r
d"ampir eyes/ 0 stared a"ead, tryin' not to t"in abo-t "o( 2imitri.s a)ters"a%e )i##ed t"e car (it" a c#ean, s"arp
scent t"atmade me (ant to me#t/ 0nstead, 0 tried to )oc-s on t"e ?-a#i)ier a'ain/
0t (asn.t t"e ind o) t"in' yo- co-#d st-dy )or/ +o- eit"er passed it or yo- didn.t/ 6i'"*-p '-ardians %isited
no%ices d-rin' t"eir :-nior year and met indi%id-a##y to disc-ss st-dents. commitment to bein' '-ardians/ 0 didn.t
no( e&act#y ("at (as ased, b-t r-mors "ad tric#ed do(n o%er t"e years/ T"e o#der '-ardians assessed c"aracter
and dedication, and some no%ices "ad been deemed -n)it to contin-e do(n t"e '-ardian pat"/
>2on.t t"ey -s-a##y come to t"e Academy=> 0 ased 2imitri/ >0 mean, 0.m a## )or t"e )ie#d trip, b-t ("y are (e
'oin' to t"em=>
>Act-a##y, :-st 'oin' to a him, not a them. A #i'"t R-ssian accent #aced 2imitri.s (ords, t"e on#y
indication o) ("ere "e.d 'ro(n -p/ Ot"er(ise, 0 (as pretty s-re "e spoe En'#is" better t"an 0 did/
>Since t"is is a specia# case and "e.s doin' -s t"e )a%or, ( t"e ones main' t"e trip/>
>W"o is "e=>
>Art"-r Sc"oenber'/>
0 :ered my 'a5e )rom t"e road to 2imitri/
>W"at=> 0 s<-eaed/
Art"-r Sc"oenber' (as a #e'end/ 6e (as one o) t"e 'reatest Stri'oi s#ayers in #i%in' '-ardian "istory and -sed to
be t"e "ead o) t"e G-ardians Co-nci#7t"e 'ro-p o) peop#e ("o assi'ned '-ardians to $oroi and made decisions
)or a## o) -s/ 6e.d e%ent-a##y retired and 'one bac to protectin' one o) t"eroya# )ami#ies, t"e Badicas/ E%en retired,
0 ne( "e (as sti## #et"a#/ 6is e&p#oits (ere part o) my c-rric-#-m/
>Wasn.t/// (asn.t t"ere anyone e#se a%ai#ab#e=> 0 ased in a sma## %oice/
0 co-#d see 2imitri "idin' a smi#e/ >+o-.## be )ine/ Besides, i) Art appro%es o) yo-, t"at.s a 'reat recommendation
to "a%e on yo-r record/>
Art/2imitri (as on a )irst*name basis (it" one o) t"e most badass '-ardians aro-nd/ O) co-rse, 2imitri (as pretty
badass "imse#), so 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e been s-rprised/
Si#ence )e## in t"e car/ 0 bit my #ip, s-dden#y (onderin' i) 0.d be ab#e to meet Art"-r Sc"oenber'.s standards/ $y
'rades (ere 'ood, b-t t"in's #ie r-nnin' a(ay and 'ettin' into )i'"ts at sc"oo# mi'"t cast a s"ado( on "o(
serio-s 0 (as abo-t my )-t-re career/
>+o-.## be )ine,> 2imitri repeated/ >T"e 'ood in yo-r record o-t(ei'"s t"e bad/>
0t (as #ie "e co-#d read my mind sometimes/ 0 smi#ed a #itt#e and dared to pee at "im/ 0t (as a mistae/ A #on',
#ean body, ob%io-s e%en ("i#e sittin'/ Bottom#ess dar eyes/ S"o-#der*#en't" bro(n "air tied bac at "is nec/ T"at
"air )e#t #ie si#/ 0 ne( beca-se 0.d r-n my )in'ers t"ro-'" it ("en Victor 2as"o% "ad ensnared -s (it" t"e #-st
c"arm/ Wit" 'reat restraint, 0 )orced myse#) to start breat"in' a'ain and #oo a(ay/
>T"ans, Coac",> 0 teased, sn-''#in' bac into t"e seat/
>0.m "ere to "e#p,> "e rep#ied/ 6is %oice (as #i'"t andre#a&ed7rare )or "im/ 6e (as -s-a##y (o-nd -p ti'"t#y,
ready )or any attac/ Probab#y "e )i'-red "e (as sa)e inside a 6onda7or at #east as sa)e as "e co-#d be aro-nd me/
0 (asn.t t"e on#y one ("o "ad tro-b#e i'norin' t"e romantic tension bet(een -s/
>+o- no( ("at (o-#d rea##y "e#p=> 0 ased, not meetin' "is eyes/
>0) yo- t-rned o)) t"is crap m-sic and p-t on somet"in' t"at came o-t a)ter t"e Ber#in Wa## (ent do(n/> 2imitri
#a-'"ed/ >+o-r (orst c#ass is "istory, yet some"o(, yo- no( e%eryt"in' abo-t Eastern E-rope/> >6ey, 'otta "a%e
materia# )or my :oes, Comrade/>
Sti## smi#in', "e t-rned t"e radio dia#/ To a co-ntry station/
>6ey@ T"is isn.t ("at 0 "ad in mind,> 0 e&c#aimed/
0 co-#d te## "e (as on t"e %er'e o) #a-'"in' a'ain/ >Pic/ 0t.s one or t"e ot"er/>
0 si'"ed/ >Go bac to t"e ABCDEs st-))/>
6e )#ipped t"e dia#, and 0 crossed my arms o%er my c"est as some %a'-e#y E-ropean*so-ndin' band san' abo-t
"o( %ideo "ad i##ed t"e radio star/ 0 (is"ed someone (o-#d i## t"is radio/
S-dden#y, )i%e "o-rs didn.t seem as s"ort as 0.d t"o-'"t/
Art"-r and t"e )ami#y "e protected #i%ed in a sma## to(n a#on' 0*BD, not )ar )rom Bi##in's/ T"e 'enera# $oroi
opinion (as sp#it on p#aces to #i%e/ Some ar'-ed t"at bi' cities (eret"e best since t"ey a##o(ed %ampires to be #ost
in t"e cro(ds; noct-rna# acti%ities didn.t raise so m-c" attention/ Ot"er $oroi, #ie t"is )ami#y, apparent#y, opted
)or #ess pop-#ated to(ns, be#ie%in' t"at i) t"ere (ere )e(er peop#e to notice yo-, t"en yo- (ere #ess #ie#y to be
0.d con%inced 2imitri to stop )or )ood at a t(enty*)o-r*"o-r diner a#on' t"e (ay, and bet(een t"at and stoppin' to
b-y 'as, it (as aro-nd noon ("en (e arri%ed/ T"e "o-se (as b-i#t in a ramb#er sty#e, a## one #e%e# (it" 'ray*
stained (ood sidin' and bi' bay (indo(s7tinted to b#oc s-n#i'"t, o) co-rse/ 0t #ooed ne( and e&pensi%e, and
e%en o-t in t"e midd#e o) no("ere, it (as abo-t ("at 0.d e&pected )or members o) a roya# )ami#y/
0 :-mped do(n )rom t"e Pi#ot, my boots sinin' t"ro-'" an inc" o) smoot" sno( and cr-nc"in' on t"e 'ra%e# o)
t"e dri%e(ay/ T"e day (as sti## and si#ent, sa%e )or t"e occasiona# breat" o) (ind/ 2imitri and 0 (a#ed -p to t"e
"o-se, )o##o(in' a ri%er roc side(a# t"at c-t t"ro-'" t"e )ront yard/ 0 co-#d see "im s#idin' into "is b-siness
mode, b-t "is o%era## attit-de (as as c"eery as mine/ We.d bot" taen a ind o) '-i#ty satis)action in t"e p#easant
car ride/
$y )oot s#ipped on t"e ice*co%ered side(a#, and 2imitri instant#y reac"ed o-t to steady me/ 0 "ad a (eird moment
o) de:a %-, )#as"in' bac to t"e )irst ni'"t (e.d met, bac ("en "e.d a#so sa%ed me )rom a simi#ar )a##/ Free5in'
temperat-res or not, "is "and )e#t (arm on my arm, e%en t"ro-'" t"e #ayers o) do(n in my para coat/
>+o- oay=> 6e re#eased "is "o#d, to my dismay/
>+ea",> 0 said, castin' acc-sin' eyes at t"e icy side(a#/ >6a%en.t t"ese peop#e e%er "eard o) sa#t=>
0 meant it :oin'#y, b-t 2imitri s-dden#y stopped (a#in'/ 0 instant#y came to a "a#t too/ 6is e&pression became
tense and a#ert/ 6e t-rned "is "ead, eyes searc"in' t"e broad, ("ite p#ains s-rro-ndin' -s be)ore sett#in' bac on
t"e "o-se/ 0 (anted to as <-estions, b-t somet"in' in "is post-re to#d me to stay si#ent/ 6e st-died t"e b-i#din' )or
a#most a )-## min-te, #ooed do(n at t"e icy side(a#, t"en '#anced bac at t"e dri%e(ay, co%ered in a s"eet o)
sno( broen on#y by o-r )ootprints/
Ca-tio-s#y, "e approac"ed t"e )ront door, and 0 )o##o(ed/ 6e stopped a'ain, t"is time to st-dy t"e door/ 0t (asn.t
open, b-t it (asn.t entire#y s"-t eit"er/ 0t #ooed #ie it "ad been c#osed in "aste, not sea#in'/ F-rt"er e&amination
s"o(ed sc-))s a#on' t"e door.s ed'e, as t"o-'" it "ad been )orced at some point/
T"e s#i'"test n-d'e (o-#d open it/ 2imitri #i'"t#y ran "is )in'ers a#on' ("ere t"e door met its )rame, "is breat"
main' sma## c#o-ds in t"e air/ W"en "e to-c"ed t"e door.s "and#e it :i''#ed a #itt#e, #ie it "ad been broen/
Fina##y, "e said <-iet#y, >Rose, 'o (ait in t"e car/>
>B-t ("7>
One (ord7b-t one )i##ed (it" po(er/ 0n t"at sin'#e sy##ab#e 0 (as reminded o) t"e man 0.d seen t"ro( peop#e
aro-nd and stae a Stri'oi/ 0 baced -p, (a#in' on t"e sno(*co%ered#a(n rat"er t"an ris t"e side(a#/ 2imitri
stood ("ere "e (as, not mo%in' -nti# 0.d s#ipped bac into t"e car, c#osin' t"e door as so)t#y as possib#e/ T"en, (it"
t"e 'ent#est o) mo%ements, "e p-s"ed on t"e bare#y "e#d door and disappeared inside/
B-rnin' (it" c-riosity, 0 co-nted to ten and t"en c#imbed o-t o) t"e car/
0 ne( better t"an to 'o in a)ter "im, b-t 0 "ad to no( ("at (as 'oin' on (it" t"is "o-se/ T"e ne'#ected side(a#
and dri%e(ay indicated t"at no one "ad been "ome )or a co-p#e days, a#t"o-'" it co-#d a#so mean t"e Badicas
simp#y ne%er #e)t t"e "o-se/ 0t (as possib#e, 0 s-pposed, t"at t"ey.d been t"e %ictims o) an ordinary brea*in by
"-mans/ 0t (as a#so possib#e t"at somet"in' "ad scared t"em o))7say, #ie Stri'oi/ 0 ne( t"at possibi#ity (as
("at "ad made 2imitri.s )ace t-rn so 'rim, b-t it seemed an -n#ie#y scenario (it" Art"-r Sc"oenber' on d-ty/
Standin' on t"e dri%e(ay, 0 '#anced -p at t"e sy/ T"e #i'"t (as b#ea and (atery, b-t it (as t"ere/ Noon/ T"e
s-n.s "i'"est point today/ Stri'oi co-#dn.t be o-t in s-n#i'"t/ 0 didn.t need to )ear t"em, on#y
2imitri.s an'er/
0 circ#ed aro-nd t"e ri'"t side o) t"e "o-se, (a#in' in m-c" deeper sno(7a#most a )oot o) it/ Not"in' e#se (eird
abo-t t"e "o-se str-c me/ 0cic#es "-n' )rom t"e ea%es, and t"e tinted (indo(s re%ea#ed no secrets/ $y )oot
s-dden#y "it somet"in', and 0 #ooed do(n/ T"ere, "a#)*b-ried in t"e sno(, (as a si#%er stae/ 0t "ad been dri%en
into t"e 'ro-nd/ 0piced it -p and br-s"ed o)) t"e sno(, )ro(nin'/ W"at (as a stae doin' o-t "ere= Si#%er staes
(ere %a#-ab#e/ T"ey (ere a '-ardian.s most dead#y (eapon, capab#e o) i##in' a Stri'oi (it" a sin'#e strie t"ro-'"
t"e "eart/ W"en t"ey (ere )or'ed, )o-r $oroi c"armed t"em (it" ma'ic )rom eac" o) t"e )o-r e#ements/ 0 "adn.t
#earned to -se one yet, b-t 'rippin' it in my "and, 0 s-dden#y )e#t sa)er as 0 contin-ed my s-r%ey/
A #ar'e patio door #ed )rom t"e bac o) t"e "o-se to a (ooden dec t"at probab#y (o-#d "a%e been a #ot o) )-n to
"an' o-t on in t"e s-mmer/ B-t t"e patio.s '#ass "ad been broen, so m-c" so t"at a person co-#d easi#y 'et t"ro-'"
t"e :a''ed "o#e/ 0 crept -p t"e dec steps, care)-# o) t"e ice, no(in' 0 (as 'oin' to 'et in ma:or tro-b#e ("en
2imitri )o-nd o-t ("at 0 (as doin'/ 0n spite o) t"e co#d, s(eat po-red do(n my nec/
2ay#i'"t, day#i'"t,0 reminded myse#)/ Not"in' to (orry abo-t/
0 reac"ed t"e patio and st-died t"e dar '#ass/ 0 co-#dn.t te## ("at "ad broen it/ 3-st inside, sno( "ad b#o(n in and
made a sma## dri)t on pa#e b#-e carpet/ 0 t-''ed on t"e door.s "and#e, b-t it (as #oced/
Not t"at t"at mattered (it" a "o#e t"at bi'/ Care)-# o) t"e s"arp ed'es, 0 reac"ed t"ro-'" t"e openin' and -n#oced
t"e "and#e.s #atc" )rom t"e inside/ 0 remo%ed my "and :-st as care)-##y and p-##ed open t"e s#idin' door/ 0t "issed
s#i'"t#y a#on' its tracs, a <-iet so-nd t"at nonet"e#ess seemed too #o-d in t"e eerie si#ence/
0 stepped t"ro-'" t"e door(ay, standin' in t"e patc" o)s-n#i'"t t"at "ad been cast inside by openin' t"e door/ $y
eyes ad:-sted )rom t"e s-n to t"e dimness (it"in/ Wind s(ir#ed t"ro-'" t"e open patio, dancin' (it" t"e c-rtains
aro-nd me/ 0 (as in a #i%in' room/ 0t "ad a## t"e ordinary items one mi'"t e&pect/ Co-c"es/ TV/ A rocin' c"air/
And a body/
0t (as a (oman/ S"e #ay on "er bac in )ront o) t"e TV, "er dar "air spi##in' on t"e )#oor aro-nd "er/ 6er (ide
eyes stared -p(ard b#an#y, "er )ace pa#e7too pa#e e%en )or a $oroi/ For a moment 0 t"o-'"t "er #on' "air (as
co%erin' "er nec, too, -nti# 0 rea#i5ed t"at t"e darness across "er sin (as b#ood7dried b#ood/ 6er t"roat "ad
been ripped o-t/
T"e "orrib#e scene (as so s-rrea# t"at 0 didn.t e%en rea#i5e ("at 0 (as seein' at )irst/ Wit" "er post-re, t"e (oman
mi'"t %ery (e## "a%e been s#eepin'/ T"en 0 too in t"e ot"er body1 a man on "is side on#y a co-p#e )eet a(ay, dar
b#ood stainin' t"e carpet aro-nd "im/ Anot"er body (as s#-mped beside t"e co-c"1 sma##, c"i#d*si5e/ Across t"e
room (as anot"er/ And anot"er/ T"ere (ere bodies e%ery("ere, bodies and b#ood/
T"e sca#e o) t"e deat" aro-nd me s-dden#y re'istered, and my "eart be'an po-ndin'/ No, no/ 0t (asn.t possib#e/ 0t
(as day/ Bad t"in's co-#dn.t "appen in day#i'"t/ A scream started to rise in my t"roat, s-dden#y "a#ted ("en a
'#o%ed "and came )rom be"ind me and c#osed o%er my mo-t"/ 0 started to str-''#e; t"en 0 sme##ed 2imitri.s
>W"y,> "e ased, >don.t yo- e%er #isten= +o-.d be dead i) they (ere sti## "ere/>
0 co-#dn.t ans(er, bot" beca-se o) t"e "and and my o(n s"oc/ 0.d seen someone die once, b-t 0.d ne%er seen deat"
o) t"is ma'nit-de/ A)ter a#most a min-te, 2imitri )ina##y remo%ed "is "and, b-t "e stayed c#ose be"ind me/ 0 didn.t
(ant to #oo anymore, b-t 0 seemed -nab#e to dra' my eyes a(ay )rom t"e scene be)ore me/ Bodies e%ery("ere/
Bodies and b#ood/
Fina##y, 0 t-rned to(ard "im/ >0t.s daytime,> 0 ("ispered/ >Bad t"in's don.t "appen in t"e day/> 0 "eard t"e
desperation in my %oice, a #itt#e 'ir#.s p#ea t"at someone (o-#d say t"is (as a## a bad dream/
>Bad t"in's can "appen anytime,> "e to#d me/ >And t"is didn.t "appen d-rin' t"e day/ T"is probab#y "appened a
co-p#e o) ni'"ts a'o/>
0 dared a pee bac at t"e bodies and )e#t my stomac" t(ist/ T(o days/ T(o days to be dead, to "a%e yo-r
e&istence sn-))ed o-t7(it"o-t anyone in t"e (or#d e%en no(in' yo- (ere 'one/ $y eyes )e## on a man.s body
near t"e room.s entrance to a "a##(ay/ 6e (as ta##, too (e##*b-i#t to be a $oroi/ 2imitri m-st "a%e noticed ("ere 0
>Art"-r Sc"oenber',> "e said/
0 stared at Art"-r.s b#oody t"roat/ >6e.s dead,> 0 said, as t"o-'" it (asn.t per)ect#y ob%io-s/ >6o( can "e be dead=
6o( co-#d a Stri'oi i## Art"-r Sc"oenber'=> 0t didn.t seem possib#e/ +o- co-#dn.t i## a #e'end/
2imitri didn.t ans(er/ 0nstead "is "and mo%ed do(n and c#osed aro-nd ("ere my o(n "and "e#d t"e stae/ 0
>W"ere did yo- 'et t"is=> "e ased/ 0 #oosened my 'rip and #et "im tae t"e stae/
>O-tside/ 0n t"e 'ro-nd/>
6e "e#d -p t"e stae, st-dyin' its s-r)ace as it s"one in t"e s-n#i'"t/ >0t broe t"e (ard/>
$y mind, sti## st-nned, too a moment to process ("at "e.d said/ T"en 0 'ot it/ Wards (ere ma'ic rin's cast by
$oroi/ Lie t"e staes, t"ey (ere made -sin' ma'ic )rom a## )o-r o) t"e e#ements/ T"ey re<-ired stron' $oroi
ma'ic*-sers, o)ten a co-p#e )or eac" e#ement/ T"e (ards co-#d b#oc Stri'oi beca-se ma'ic (as c"ar'ed (it" #i)e,
and t"e Stri'oi "ad none/ B-t (ards )aded <-ic#y and too a #ot o) maintenance/ $ost $oroi didn.t -se t"em, b-t
certain p#aces ept t"em -p/ St/ V#adimir.s Academy (as rin'ed (it" se%era#/
T"ere "ad been a (ard "ere, b-t it "ad been s"attered ("en someone dro%e t"e stae t"ro-'" it/ T"eir ma'ic
con)#icted (it" eac" ot"er; t"e stae "ad (on/
>Stri'oi can.t to-c" staes,> 0 to#d "im/ 0 rea#i5ed 0 (as -sin' a #ot o) can't and don't statements/ 0t (asn.t easy
"a%in' yo-r core be#ie)s c"a##en'ed/ >And no $oroi or d"ampir (o-#d do it/>
>A "-man mi'"t/>
0 met "is eyes/ >6-mans don.t "e#p Stri'oi7> 0 stopped/ T"ere it (as a'ain/ Don't. B-t 0 co-#dn.t "e#p it/ T"e one
t"in' (e co-#d co-nt on in t"e )i'"t a'ainst Stri'oi (as t"eir #imitations7s-n#i'"t, (ard, stae ma'ic, etc/ We
-sed t"eir (eanesses a'ainst t"em/ 0) t"ey "ad ot"ers7"-mans7("o(o-#d "e#p t"em and (eren.t a))ected by
t"ose #imitations ///
2imitri.s )ace (as stem, sti## ready )or anyt"in', b-t t"e tiniest spar o) sympat"y )#as"ed in "is dar eyes as "e
(atc"ed me (a'e my menta# batt#e/
>T"is c"an'es e%eryt"in', doesn.t it=> 0 ased/
>+ea",> "e said/ >0t does/>
20$0TR0 $A2E ONE P6ONE CALL, and a %eritab#e SWAT team s"o(ed -p/
0t too a co-p#e o) "o-rs, t"o-'", and e%ery min-te spent (aitin' )e#t #ie a year/ 0 )ina##y co-#dn.t tae it anymore
and ret-rned to t"e car/ 2imitri e&amined t"e "o-se )-rt"er and t"en came to sit (it" me/
Neit"er o) -s said a (ord ("i#e (e (aited/ A s#ide s"o( o) t"e 'ris#y si'"ts inside t"e "o-se ept p#ayin' in my
mind/ 0 )e#t scared and a#one and (is"ed "e (o-#d "o#d me or com)ort me in some (ay/
0mmediate#y, 0 sco#ded myse#) )or (antin' t"at/ 0 reminded myse#) )or t"e t"o-sandt" time t"at "e (as my
instr-ctor and "ad no b-siness "o#din' me, no matter ("at t"e sit-ation (as/ Besides, 0 (anted to be stron'/ 0 didn.t
need to 'o r-nnin' to some '-y e%ery time t"in's 'ot to-'"/
W"en t"e )irst 'ro-p o) '-ardians s"o(ed -p, 2imitri opened t"e car door and '#anced o%er at me/
>+o- s"o-#d see "o( t"is is done/>
0 didn.t (ant to see any more o) t"at "o-se, "onest#y, b-t 0 )o##o(ed any(ay/ T"ese '-ardians (ere stran'ers to
me, b-t 2imitri ne( t"em/ 6e a#(ays seemed to no( e%erybody/ T"is 'ro-p (as s-rprised to )ind a no%ice on
t"e scene, b-t none o) t"em protested my presence/
0 (a#ed be"ind t"em as t"ey e&amined t"e "o-se/ None o) t"em to-c"ed anyt"in', b-t t"ey ne#t by t"e bodies
and st-died t"e b#oodstains and broen (indo(s/ Apparent#y, t"e Stri'oi "ad entered t"e "o-se t"ro-'" more t"an
:-st t"e )ront door and bac patio/
T"e '-ardians spoe in br-s<-e tones, disp#ayin' none o) t"e dis'-st and )ear 0 )e#t/ T"ey (ere #ie mac"ines/ One
o) t"em, t"e on#y (oman in t"e 'ro-p, cro-c"ed beside Art"-r Sc"oenber'/ 0 (as intri'-ed since )ema#e '-ardians
(ere so rare/ 0.d "eard 2imitri ca## "er Tamara, and s"e #ooed abo-t t(enty*)i%e/ 6er b#ac "air :-st bare#y
to-c"ed "er s"o-#ders, ("ic" (as common )or '-ardian (omen/
Sadness )#icered in "er 'ray eyes as s"e st-died t"e dead '-ardian.s )ace/ >O", Art"-r,> s"e si'"ed/
Lie 2imitri, s"e mana'ed to con%ey a "-ndred t"in's in :-st a co-p#e (ords/ >Ne%er t"o-'"t 0.d see t"is day/ 6e
(as my mentor/> Wit" anot"er si'", Tamara rose/
6er )ace "ad become a## b-siness#ie once more, as t"o-'" t"e '-y ("o.d trained "er (asn.t #yin' t"ere
in )ront o) "er/ 0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e it/ 6e (as "er mentor. 6o( co-#d s"e eep t"at ind o) contro#= For "a#) a
"eartbeat, 0 ima'ined seein' 2imitri dead on t"e )#oor instead/ No/ No (ay co-#d 0 "a%e stayed ca#m in "er p#ace/ 0
(o-#d "a%e 'one on a rampa'e/ 0 (o-#d "a%e screamed and iced t"in's/ 0 (o-#d "a%e "it anyone ("o tried to te##
me t"in's (o-#d be oay/
Fort-nate#y, 0 didn.t be#ie%e anyone co-#d act-a##y taedo(n 2imitri/ 0.d seen "im i## a Stri'oi (it"o-t breain' a
s(eat/ 6e (as in%incib#e/ A badass/ A 'od/
O) co-rse, Art"-r Sc"oenber' "ad been too/
>6o( co-#d t"ey do t"at=> 0 b#-rted o-t/ Si& sets o) eyes t-rned to me/ 0 e&pected a c"astisin' #oo )rom 2imitri
)or my o-tb-rst, b-t "e mere#y appeared c-rio-s/ >6o( co-#d t"eyi## him ? "
Tamara 'a%e a sma## s"r-', "er )ace sti## composed/ >T"e same (ay t"ey i## e%eryone e#se/ 6e.s morta#, :-st #ie
t"e rest o) -s/>
>+ea", b-t "e.s /// yo- no(, Art"-r Sc"oenber'/>
>+o- te## -s, Rose,> said 2imitri/ >+o-.%e seen t"e "o-se/ Te## -s "o( t"ey did it/>
As t"ey a## (atc"ed me, 0 s-dden#y rea#i5ed 0 mi'"t be -nder'oin' a test a)ter a## today/ 0 t"o-'"t abo-t ("at 0.d
obser%ed and "eard/ 0 s(a##o(ed, tryin' to )i'-re o-t "o( t"e impossib#e co-#d be possib#e/
>T"ere (ere )o-r points o) entry, ("ic" means at #east )o-r Stri'oi/ T"ere (ere se%en $oroi/> T"e )ami#y ("o
#i%ed "ere "ad been entertainin' some ot"er peop#e, main' t"e massacre t"at m-c" #ar'er/ T"ree o) t"e %ictims "ad
been c"i#dren/ >/// and t"ree '-ardians/ Too many i##s/ Fo-r Stri'oi co-#dn.t "a%e taen do(n t"at many/ Si&
probab#y co-#d i) t"ey (ent )or t"e '-ardians )irst and ca-'"t t"em by s-rprise/ T"e )ami#y (o-#d "a%e been too
paniced to )i'"t bac/>
>And "o( did t"ey catc" t"e '-ardians by s-rprise=> 2imitri prompted/
0 "esitated/ G-ardians, as a 'enera# r-#e, didn.t 'et ca-'"t by s-rprise/ >Beca-se t"e (ards (ere broen/ 0n a
"o-se"o#d (it"o-t (ards, t"ere.d probab#y be a '-ardian (a#in' t"e yard at ni'"t/ B-t t"ey (o-#dn.t "a%e done
t"at "ere/>
0 (aited )or t"e ne&t ob%io-s <-estion abo-t "o( t"e (ards "ad been broen/ B-t 2imitri didn.t as it/ T"ere (as
no need/ We a## ne(/ We.d a## seen t"e stae/ A'ain, a c"i## ran do(n my spine/ 6-mans (orin' (it" Stri'oi7a
#ar'e 'ro-p o) Stri'oi/
2imitri simp#y nodded as a si'n o) appro%a#, and t"e 'ro-p contin-ed t"eir s-r%ey/ W"en (e reac"ed a bat"room, 0
started to a%ert my 'a5e/ 0.d a#ready seen t"is room (it" 2imitri ear#ier and "ad no (is" to repeat t"e e&perience/
T"ere (as a dead man in t"ere, and "is dried b#ood stood o-t in star contrast a'ainst t"e ("ite ti#e/ A#so, since t"is
room (as more interior, it (asn.t as co#d as t"e area by t"e open patio/ No preser%ation/ T"e body didn.t sme## bad
yet, e&act#y, b-t it didn.t sme## ri'"t, eit"er/
B-t as 0 started to t-rn a(ay, 0 ca-'"t a '#impse o) somet"in' dar red7more bro(n, rea##y7on t"e mirror/ 0
"adn.t noticed it be)ore beca-se t"e rest o) t"e scene "ad "e#d a## o) my attention/ T"ere (as (ritin' on t"e mirror,
done in b#ood/
Poor, poor Badicas/ So )e( #e)t/ One roya# )ami#y near#y 'one/ Ot"ers to )o##o(/
Tamara snorted in dis'-st and t-rned a(ay )rom t"e mirror, st-dyin' ot"er detai#s o) t"e bat"room/ As (e (a#ed
o-t,t"o-'", t"ose (ords repeated in my "ead/ One royal family near#y 'one/ Ot"ers to )o##o(/
T"e Badicas (ere one o) t"e sma##er roya# c#ans, it (as tr-e/ B-t it (as "ard#y #ie t"ose ("o "ad been i##ed "ere
(ere t"e #ast o) t"em/ T"ere (ere probab#y a#most t(o "-ndred Badicas #e)t/ T"at (asn.t as many as a )ami#y #ie,
say, t"e 0%as"o%s/ T"at partic-#ar roya# )ami#y (as "-'e and (idespread/ T"ere (ere, "o(e%er, a #ot more Badicas
t"an t"ere (ere some ot"er roya#s/
Lie t"e 2ra'omirs/
Lissa (as t"e on#y one #e)t/
0) t"e Stri'oi (anted to sn-)) o-t roya# #ines, t"ere (as no better c"ance t"an to 'o a)ter "er/ $oroi b#ood
empo(ered Stri'oi, so 0 -nderstood t"eir desire )or t"at/ 0 s-pposed speci)ica##y tar'etin' roya#s (as simp#y part o)
t"eir cr-e# and sadistic nat-re/ 0t (as ironic t"at Stri'oi (o-#d (ant to tear apart $oroi society, since many o) t"em
"ad once been a part o) it/
T"e mirror and its (arnin' cons-med me )or t"e rest o) o-r stay at t"e "o-se, and 0 )o-nd my )ear and s"oc
trans)ormin' into an'er/ 6o( co-#d t"ey do t"is= 6o( co-#d any creat-re be so t(isted and e%i# t"at t"ey.d do t"is
to a )ami#y7t"at t"ey.d (ant to (ipe o-t an entire b#ood#ine= 6o( co-#d any creat-re do t"is ("en t"ey.d once
been #ie me and Lissa=
And t"inin' o) Lissa7t"inin' o) Stri'oi (antin' to (ipe o-t "er )ami#y too7stirred -p a dar ra'e (it"in
me/T"e intensity o) t"at emotion near#y noced me o%er/ 0t (as somet"in' b#ac and miasmic, s(e##in' and
roi#in'/ A storm c#o-d ready to b-rst/ 0 s-dden#y (anted to tear -p e%ery Stri'oi 0 co-#d 'et my "ands on/
W"en 0 )ina##y 'ot into t"e car to ride bac to St/ V#adimir.s (it" 2imitri, 0 s#ammed t"e door so "ard t"at it (as a
(onder it didn.t )a## o))/
6e '#anced at me in s-rprise/ >W"at.s (ron'=>
>Are yo- serio-s=> 0 e&c#aimed, incred-#o-s/ >6o( can yo- as t"at= +o- (ere t"ere/ +o- sa( t"at/>
>0 did,> "e a'reed/ >B-t 0.m not tain' it o-t on t"e car/>
0 )astened my seat be#t and '#o(ered/ >0 "ate t"em/ 0 "ate t"em a##@ 0 (is" I'd been t"ere/ 0 (o-#d "a%e ripped their
t"roats o-t@>
0 (as near#y s"o-tin'/ 2imitri stared at me, )ace ca#m, b-t "e (as c#ear#y astonis"ed at my o-tb-rst/
>+o- rea##y t"in t"at.s tr-e=> "e ased me/ >+o- t"in yo- co-#d "a%e done better t"an Art Sc"oenber' a)ter
seein' ("at t"e Stri'oi did in t"ere= A)ter seein' ("at Nata#ie did to yo-=>
0 )a#tered/ 0.d tan'#ed brie)#y (it" Lissa.s co-sin, Nata#ie, ("en s"e became a Stri'oi, :-st be)ore 2imitri "ad s"o(n
-p to sa%e t"e day/ E%en as a ne( Stri'oi7(ea and -ncoordinated7s"e.d #itera##y t"ro(n
me aro-nd t"e room/
0 c#osed my eyes and too a deep breat"/ S-dden#y, 0 )e#t st-pid/ 0.d seen ("at Stri'oi co-#d do/ $e r-nnin' in
impet-o-s#y and tryin' to sa%e t"e day (o-#d "a%e on#y res-#ted in a<-ic deat"/ 0 (as de%e#opin' into a to-'"
'-ardian, b-t 0 sti## "ad a #ot to #earn7and one se%enteen*year*o#d 'ir# co-#dn.t "a%e stood a'ainst si& Stri'oi/
0 opened my eyes/ >0.m sorry,> 0 said, 'ainin' contro# o) myse#)/ T"e ra'e t"at "ad e&p#oded inside me di))-sed/ 0
didn.t no( ("ere it "ad come )rom/ 0 "ad a s"ort temper and o)ten acted imp-#si%e#y, b-t t"is "ad been intense
and -'#y e%en )or me/ Weird/
>0t.s oay,> said 2imitri/ 6e reac"ed o%er and p#aced "is "and on mine )or a )e( moments/ T"en "e remo%ed it and
started t"e car/ >0t.s been a #on' day/ For a## o) -s/>
W"en (e 'ot bac to St/ V#adimir.s Academy aro-nd midni'"t, e%eryone ne( abo-t t"e massacre/ T"e %ampiric
sc"oo# day "ad :-st ended, and 0 "adn.t s#ept in more t"an t(enty*)o-r "o-rs/ 0 (as b#eary*eyed and s#-''is", and
2imitri ordered me to immediate#y 'o bac to my dorm room and 'et some s#eep/ 6e, o) co-rse, #ooed a#ert and
ready to tae on anyt"in'/ Sometimes 0 rea##y (asn.t s-re i) "e s#ept at a##/ 6e "eaded o)) to cons-#t (it" ot"er
'-ardians abo-t t"e attac, and 0 promised "im 0.d 'o strai'"t to bed/ 0nstead, 0 t-rned to(ard t"e #ibrary once "e
(as o-t o) si'"t/ 0 needed to see Lissa, and t"e bond to#d me t"at (as ("ere s"e (as/
0t (as pitc"*b#ac as 0 (a#ed a#on' t"e stone (a#(ay t"at crossed t"e <-ad )rom my dorm to t"e secondary
sc"oo#.s main b-i#din'/ Sno( comp#ete#y co%ered t"e 'rass, b-t t"e side(a# "ad been metic-#o-s#y c#eared o) a##
ice and sno(/0t reminded me o) t"e poor Badicas. ne'#ected "ome/
T"e commons b-i#din' (as #ar'e and 'ot"ic*#ooin', more s-ited to a medie%a# mo%ie set t"an a sc"oo#/ 0nside,
t"at air o) mystery and ancient "istory contin-ed to permeate t"e b-i#din'1 e#aborate stone (a##s and anti<-e
paintin's (arrin' (it" comp-ters and )#-orescent #i'"ts/ $odern tec"no#o'y "ad a )oot"o#d "ere, b-t it (o-#d
ne%er dominate/
S#ippin' t"ro-'" t"e #ibrary.s e#ectronic 'ate, 0 immediate#y "eaded )or one o) t"e bac corners ("ere 'eo'rap"y
and tra%e# boos (ere ept/ S-re eno-'", 0 )o-nd Lissa sittin' t"ere on t"e )#oor, #eanin' a'ainst a boocase/
>6ey,> s"e said, #ooin' -p )rom an open boo propped -p on one nee/ S"e br-s"ed a )e( strands o) pa#e "air o-t
o) "er )ace/ 6er boy)riend, C"ristian, #ay on t"e )#oor near "er, "is "ead propped -p on "er ot"er nee/ 6e 'reeted
me by (ay o) a nod/ Considerin' t"e anta'onism t"at sometimes )#ared -p bet(een -s, t"at (as a#most on par (it"
"im 'i%in' me a bear "-'/ 2espite "er sma## smi#e, 0 co-#d )ee# t"e tension and )ear in "er; it san' t"ro-'" t"e
>+o- "eard,> 0 said, sittin' do(n cross*#e''ed/
6er smi#e s#ipped, and t"e )ee#in's o) )ear and -nease (it"in "er intensi)ied/ 0 #ied t"at o-r psyc"ic connection #et
me protect "er better, b-t 0 didn.t rea##y need my o(n tro-b#ed )ee#in's amp#i)ied/
>0t.s a()-#,> s"e said (it" a s"-dder/ C"ristian s"i)ted and #ined "is )in'ers t"ro-'" "ers/ 6e s<-ee5ed
"er "and/ S"e s<-ee5ed bac/ T"ose t(o (ere so in #o%e and s-'ary s(eet(it" eac" ot"er t"at 0 )e#t #ie br-s"in'
my teet" a)ter bein' aro-nd t"em/ T"ey (ere s-bd-ed :-st no(, "o(e%er, no do-bt t"ans to t"e massacre ne(s/
>T" sayin'// /t" sayin' t"ere (ere si& or se%en Stri'oi/ And t"at "-mans "e#ped t"em brea t"e (ards/>
0 #eaned my "ead bac a'ainst a s"e#)/ Ne(s rea##y did tra%e# )ast/ S-dden#y, 0 )e#t di55y/ >0t.s tr-e/>
>Rea##y=> ased C"ristian/ >0 )i'-red t"at (as :-st a b-nc" o) "yped*-p paranoia/>
>No ///> 0 rea#i5ed t"en t"at nobody ne( ("ere 0.d been today/ >0/ 0 (as t"ere/>
Lissa.s eyes (idened, s"oc co-rsin' into me )rom "er/ E%en C"ristian7t"e poster c"i#d )or >smartass>7#ooed
'rim/ 0) not )or t"e "orrib#eness o) it a##, 0 (o-#d "a%e taen satis)action in catc"in' "im o)) '-ard/
> :oin',> "e said, %oice -ncertain/
>0 t"o-'"t yo- (ere tain' yo-r ?-a#i)ier/> Lissa.s (ords trai#ed o))/
>0 (as s-pposed to,> 0 said/ >0t (as :-st a (ron'*p#ace*and*(ron'*time ind o) t"in'/ T"e '-ardian ("o (as 'oin'
to 'i%e me t"e test #i%ed t"ere/ 2imitri and 0 (a#ed in, and/>
0 co-#dn.t )inis"/ 0ma'es o) t"e b#ood and deat" t"at "ad )i##ed t"e Badica "o-se )#as"ed t"ro-'" my mind a'ain/
Concern crossed bot" Lissa.s )ace and t"e bond/
>Rose, are yo- oay=> s"e ased so)t#y/
Lissa (as my best )riend, b-t 0 didn.t (ant "er to no("o( scared and -pset t"e ("o#e t"in' "ad made me/ 0
(anted to be )ierce/
>Fine,> 0 said, teet" c#enc"ed/
>W"at (as it #ie=> ased C"ristian/ C-riosity )i##ed "is %oice, b-t t"ere (as '-i#t t"ere too7#ie "e ne( it (as
(ron' to (ant to no( abo-t s-c" a "orrib#e t"in'/ 6e co-#dn.t stop "imse#) )rom asin', t"o-'"/ Lac o) imp-#se
contro# (as one t"in' (e "ad in common/
>0t (as ///> 0 s"oo my "ead/ >0 don.t (ant to ta# abo-t it/>
C"ristian started to protest, and t"en Lissa ran a "and t"ro-'" "is s#ee b#ac "air/ T"e 'ent#e admonis"ment
si#enced "im/ A moment o) a((ardness "-n' bet(een -s a##/ Readin' Lissa.s mind, 0 )e#t "er desperate#y 'rope
)or a ne( topic/
>T"ey say t"is is 'oin' to mess -p a## o) t"e "o#iday %isits,> s"e to#d me a)ter se%era# more moments/ >C"ristian.s
a-nt is 'oin' to %isit, b-t most peop#e don.t (ant to tra%e#, and t"ey (ant t"eir ids to stay "ere ("ere it.s sa)e/
T" terri)ied t"is 'ro-p o) Stri'oi is on t"e mo%e/>
0 "adn.t t"o-'"t abo-t t"e rami)ications o) an attac #ie t"is/ We (ere on#y a (ee or so a(ay )rom C"ristmas/
Us-a##y, t"ere (as a "-'e (a%e o) tra%e# in t"e $oroi (or#d t"is time o) year/ St-dents (ent "ome to %isit t"eir
parents; parents came to stay on camp-s and %isit t"eir c"i#dren/
>T"is is 'oin' to eep a #ot o) )ami#ies separated,> 0 m-rm-red/
>And mess -p a #ot o) roya# 'et*to'et"ers,> said C"ristian/6is brie) serio-sness "ad %anis"ed; "is snide air (as
bac/ >+o- no( "o( t"ey are t"is time o) year7a#(ays competin' (it" eac" ot"er to t"ro( t"e bi''est parties/
T"ey (on.t no( ("at to do (it" t"emse#%es/>
0 co-#d be#ie%e it/ $y #i)e (as abo-t )i'"tin', b-t t"e $oroi certain#y "ad t"eir s"are o) interna# stri)e7partic-#ar#y
(it" nob#es and roya#s/ T"ey (a'ed t"eir o(n batt#es (it" (ords and po#itica# a##iances, and "onest#y, 0 pre)erred
t"e more direct met"od o) "ittin' and icin'/ Lissa and C"ristian in partic-#ar "ad to na%i'ate some tro-b#ed
(aters/ T"ey (ere bot" )rom roya# )ami#ies, ("ic" meant t"ey 'ot a #ot o) attention bot" inside and o-tside o) t"e
T"in's (ere (orse )or t"em t"an )or most $oroi roya#s/ C"ristian.s )ami#y #i%ed -nder t"e s"ado( cast by "is
parents/ T"ey "ad p-rpose#y become Stri'oi, tradin' t"eir ma'ic and mora#ity to become immorta# and s-bsist on
i##in' ot"ers/ 6is parents (ere dead no(, b-t t"at didn.t stop peop#e )rom not tr-stin' "im/ T"ey seemed to t"in
"e.d 'o Stri'oi at any moment and tae e%eryone e#se (it" "im/ 6is abrasi%eness and dar sense o) "-mor didn.t
rea##y "e#p t"in's, eit"er/
Lissa.s attention came )rom bein' t"e #ast one #e)t in "er )ami#y/ No ot"er $oroi "ad eno-'" 2ra'omir b#ood in
t"em to earn t"e name/ 6er )-t-re "-sband (o-#d probab#y "a%e eno-'" some("ere in "is )ami#y tree to mae s-re
"er c"i#dren (ere 2ra'omirs, b-t )or no(, bein' t"e on#y one made "er ind o) a ce#ebrity/
T"inin' abo-t t"is s-dden#y reminded me o) t"e (arnin'scra(#ed on t"e mirror/ Na-sea (e##ed -p in me/ T"at
dar an'er and despair stirred, b-t 0 p-s"ed it aside (it" a :oe/
>+o- '-ys s"o-#d try so#%in' yo-r prob#ems #ie (e do/ A )ist)i'"t "ere and t"ere mi'"t do yo- roya#s some
Bot" Lissa and C"ristian #a-'"ed at t"is/ 6e '#anced -p at "er (it" a s#y smi#e, s"o(in' "is )an's as "e did/ >W"at
do yo- t"in= 0 bet 0 co-#d tae yo- i) (e (ent one on one/>
>+o- (is",> s"e teased/ 6er tro-b#ed )ee#in's #i'"tened/
>0 do, act-a##y,> "e said, "o#din' "er 'a5e/
T"ere (as an intense#y sens-a# note to "is %oice t"at made "er "eart race/ 3ea#o-sy s"ot t"ro-'" me/ S"e and 0 "ad
been best )riends o-r entire #i)e/ 0 co-#d read "er mind/ B-t t"e )act remained1 C"ristian (as a "-'e part o) "er
(or#d no(, and "e p#ayed a ro#e 0 ne%er co-#d7*:-st as "e co-#d ne%er "a%e a part o) t"e connection t"at e&isted
bet(een me and "er/ We bot" sort o) accepted b-t didn.t #ie t"e )act t"at (e "ad to sp#it "er attention, and at times,
it seemed t"e tr-ce (e "e#d )or "er sae (as paper t"in/
Lissa br-s"ed "er "and a'ainst "is c"ee/ >Be"a%e/>
>0 am,> "e to#d "er, "is %oice sti## a #itt#e "-sy/ >Sometimes/ B-t sometimes yo- don.t (ant me to////>
Groanin', 0 stood -p/ >God/ 0.m 'oin' to #ea%e yo- '-ys a#one no(/>
Lissa b#ined and dra''ed "er eyes a(ay )rom C"ristian, s-dden#y #ooin' embarrassed/
>Sorry,> s"e m-rm-red/ A de#icate pin )#-s" spread o%er "er c"ees/ Since s"e (as pa#e #ie a## $oroi, it act-a##y
sort o)made "er #oo prettier/ Not t"at s"e needed m-c" "e#p in t"at department/ >+o- don.t
"a%e to 'o////>
>No, it.s )ine/ 0.m e&"a-sted,> 0 ass-red "er/ C"ristian didn.t #oo too broen -p abo-t seein' me #ea%e/ >0.## catc"
yo- tomorro(/>
0 started to t-rn a(ay, b-t Lissa ca##ed to me/ >Rose= Are yo-// /are yo- s-re oay= A)ter e%eryt"in' t"at
0 met "er :ade 'reen eyes/ 6er concern (as so stron' and deep t"at it made my c"est ac"e/ 0 mi'"t be c#oser to "er
t"an anyone e#se in t"e (or#d, b-t 0 didn.t (ant "er (orryin' abo-t me. 0t (as my :ob to eep "er sa)e/ S"e
s"o-#dn.t be tro-b#ed abo-t protectin' me7partic-#ar#y i) Stri'oi "ad s-dden#y decided to mae a "it #ist o) roya#s/
0 )#as"ed "er a sa-cy 'rin/ >0.m )ine/ Not"in' to (orry abo-t e&cept yo- '-ys tearin' eac" ot"er.s c#ot"es be)ore 0
'et a c"ance to #ea%e/>
>T"en yo- better 'o no(,> said C"ristian dry#y/
S"e e#bo(ed "im, and 0 ro##ed my eyes/ >Good ni'"t,> 0 to#d t"em/
As soon as my bac (as to t"em, my smi#e %anis"ed/ 0 (a#ed bac to my dorm (it" a "ea%y "eart, "opin' 0
(o-#dn.t dream abo-t t"e Badicas toni'"t/
T6E LOBB+ OF $+ 2OR$ (as ab-55 ("en 0 sprinted do(nstairs to my be)ore*sc"oo# practice/ T"e
commotion didn.t s-rprise me/ A 'ood ni'"t.s s#eep "ad 'one )ar to c"ase a(ay t"e ima'es )rom #ast ni'"t, b-t 0
ne( neit"er 0 nor my c#assmates (o-#d easi#y )or'et ("at "ad taen p#ace o-tside Bi##in's/
And yet, as 0 st-died t"e )aces and c#-sters o) ot"er no%ices, 0 noticed somet"in' (eird/ T"e )ear and tension )rom
yesterday (ere sti## aro-nd, certain#y, b-t somet"in' ne( (as t"ere too1 e&citement/ A co-p#e o) )res"men no%ices
(ere practica##y s<-ea#in' (it" :oy as t"ey spoe in "-s"ed ("ispers/ Nearby, a 'ro-p o) '-ys my o(n a'e (ere
'est-rin' (i#d#y, ent"-siastic 'rins on t"eir )aces/
0 "ad to be missin' somet"in' "ere7-n#ess a## o) yesterday "ad been a dream/ 0t too e%ery o-nce o) se#)*contro# 0
"ad not to 'o o%er and as somebody ("at (as "appenin'/ 0) 0 de#ayed, 0.d be #ate )or practice/ T"e c-riosity (as
i##in' me, t"o-'"/ 6ad t"e Stri'oi and t"eir "-mans been )o-nd and i##ed= T"at (o-#d certain#y be 'ood ne(s,
b-t somet"in' to#d me t"at (asn.t t"e case/ P-s"in' open t"e )ront doors, 0 #amented t"at 0.d :-st "a%e to (ait -nti#
brea)ast to )ind o-t/
>6at"*a(ay, don.t r-n*a(ay,> a sin'son' %oice ca##ed/
0 '#anced be"ind me and 'rinned/ $ason As")ord, anot"er no%ice and a 'ood )riend o) mine, :o''ed -p and )e## in
step (it" me/
>W"at are yo-, t(e#%e=> 0 ased, contin-in' on to(ard t"e 'ym/
>Near#y,> "e said/ >0 missed yo-r smi#in' )ace yesterday/ W"ere (ere yo-=>
Apparent#y my presence at t"e Badica "o-se sti## (asn.t (ide#y no(n/ 0t (asn.t a secret or anyt"in', b-t 0 didn.t
(ant to disc-ss any 'ory detai#s/ >6ad a trainin' t"in' (it" 2imitri/>
>God,> m-ttered $ason/ >T"at '-y is a#(ays (orin' yo-/ 2oesn.t "e rea#i5e "e.s depri%in' -s o) yo-r bea-ty and
>Smi#in' )ace= Bea-ty and c"arm= #ayin' it on a #itt#e t"ic t"is mornin', aren.t yo-=> 0 #a-'"ed/
>6ey, 0.m :-st te##in' it #ie it is/ Rea##y, #-cy to "a%e someone as s-a%e and bri##iant as me payin' t"is
m-c" attention to yo-/>
0 ept 'rinnin'/ $ason (as a "-'e )#irt, and "e #ied to )#irt (it" me in partic-#ar/ Part o) it (as :-st beca-se 0 (as
'ood at it and #ied to )#irt bac/ B-t 0 ne( "is )ee#in's to(ard me (ere more t"an :-st )riend#y, and 0 (as sti##
decidin' "o( 0 )e#t abo-t t"at/ 6e and 0 "ad t"e same 'oo)y sense o) "-mor and )re<-ent#y dre( attention to
o-rse#%es in c#ass and amon' )riends/ 6e "ad 'or'eo-s b#-e eyes and messy red "air t"at ne%er seemed to #ie )#at/ 0t
(as c-te/
B-t datin' someone ne( (as 'oin' to be ind o) di))ic-#t ("en 0 sti## ept t"inin' abo-t t"e time 0 (as "a#)*
naed in bed (it" 2imitri/
>S-a%e and bri##iant, "-"=> 0 s"oo my "ead/ >0 don.t t"in yo- pay near#y as m-c" attention to me as yo- do yo-r
e'o/ Someone needs to noc it do(n a #itt#e/>
>O" yea"=> "e ased/ >We##, yo- can try yo-r best on t"e s#opes/>
0 stopped (a#in'/ >T"e ("at=>
>T"e s#opes/> 6e ti#ted "is "ead/ >+o- no(, t"e si trip/>
>W"at si trip=> 0 (as apparent#y missin' somet"in' serio-s "ere/
>W"ere "a%e yo- been t"is mornin'=> "e ased, #ooin' at me #ie 0 (as a cra5y (oman/
>0n bed@ 0 on#y 'ot -p, #ie, )i%e min-tes a'o/ No(, start )rom t"e be'innin' and te## me ("at ta#in'
abo-t/> 0 s"i%ered )rom t"e #ac o) mo%ement/ >And #et.s eep (a#in'/> We did/
>So, yo- no( "o( e%eryone.s a)raid to "a%e t"eir ids come "ome )or C"ristmas= We##, t"ere.s t"is huge si
#od'e in 0da"o t"at.s e&c#-si%e#y -sed by roya#s and ric" $oroi/ T"e peop#e ("o o(n it are openin' it -p )or
Academy st-dents and t"eir )ami#ies7and act-a##y any ot"er $oroi ("o (ant to 'o/ Wit" e%eryone in one spot,
t" 'oin' to "a%e a ton o) '-ardians to protect t"e p#ace, so it.## be tota##y sa)e/>
>+o- can.t be serio-s,> 0 said/ We reac"ed t"e 'ym and stepped inside o-t o) t"e co#d/
$ason nodded ea'er#y/ >0t.s tr-e/ T"e p#ace is s-pposed to be ama5in'/> 6e 'a%e me t"e 'rin t"at a#(ays made me
smi#e in ret-rn/ > 'oin' to #i%e #ie roya#ty, Rose/ At #east )or a (ee or so/ We tae o)) t"e day a)ter
0 stood t"ere, bot" e&cited and st-nned/ 0 "adn.t seen t"is comin'/ 0t rea##y (as a bri##iant idea, one t"at #et )ami#ies
re-nite sa)e#y/ And ("at a re-nion spot@ A roya# si #od'e/ 0.d e&pected to spend most o) my "o#iday brea "an'in'
o-t "ere and (atc"in' TV (it" Lissa and C"ristian/ No( 0.d be #i%in' it -p in )i%e*star accommodations/ Lobster
dinners/ $assa'es/ C-te si instr-ctors ///
$ason.s ent"-siasm (as conta'io-s/ 0 co-#d )ee# it (e##in' -p in me, and t"en, s-dden#y, it s#ammed to a "a#t/
St-dyin' my )ace, "e sa( t"e c"an'e ri'"t a(ay/ >W"at.s (ron'= T"is is coo#/>
>0t is,> 0 admitted/ >And 0 'et ("y e%eryone.s e&cited, b-t t"e reason ( 'ettin' to 'o to t"is )ancy p#ace is
beca-se, (e##, beca-se peop#e are dead/ 0 mean, doesn.t t"is a## seem (eird=>
$ason.s c"eery e&pression sobered a #itt#e/ >+ea", b-t ( a#i%e, Rose/ We can.t stop #i%in' beca-se ot"er peop#e
are dead/ And (e "a%e to mae s-re more peop#e don.t die/ T"at.s ("y t"is p#ace is s-c" a 'reat idea/ 0t.s sa)e/> 6is
eyes t-rned stormy/ >God, 0 can.t (ait -nti# ( o-t o) "ere in t"e )ie#d/ A)ter "earin' abo-t ("at "appened, 0 :-st
(ant to 'o tear apart some Stri'oi/ 0 (is" (e co-#d 'o no(, yo- no(= T"ere.s no reason/ T"ey co-#d -se t"e e&tra
"e#p, and(e pretty m-c" no( e%eryt"in' (e need to/>
T"e )ierceness in "is %oice reminded me o) my o-tb-rst yesterday, t"o-'" "e (asn.t <-ite as (ored -p as 0.d been/
6is ea'erness to act (as impet-o-s and nai%e, ("ereas mine "ad been born o-t o) some (eird, dar irrationa#ity 0
sti## didn.t entire#y -nderstand/
W"en 0 didn.t respond, $ason 'a%e me a p-55#ed #oo/ >2on.t yo- (ant to=>
>0 don.t no(, $ase/> 0 stared do(n at t"e )#oor, a%oidin' "is eyes as 0 st-died t"e toe o) my s"oe/ >0 mean, 0 don.t
(ant Stri'oi o-t t"ere, attacin' peop#e eit"er/ And 0 (ant to stop t"em in t"eory/ b-t, (e##, (e aren.t e%en c#ose to
bein'ready/ 0.%e seen ("at t"ey can do 0 don.t no(/ R-s"in' inisn.t t"e ans(er/> 0 s"oo my "ead and #ooed bac
-p/ Good 'rie)/ 0 so-nded so #o'ica# and ca-tio-s/ 0 so-nded #ie 2imitri/ >0t.s not important since it.s not 'oin' to
"appen any(ay/ 0 s-ppose (e s"o-#d :-st be e&cited abo-t t"e trip, "-"=>
$ason.s moods (ere <-ic to c"an'e, and "e t-rned easy'oin' once more/ >+-p/ And yo-.d better try to remember
"o( to si, beca-se 0.m ca##in' yo- o-t on nocin' do(n my e'o o-t t"ere/ Not t"at it.s 'oin' to "appen/>
0 smi#ed a'ain/ >Boy, it s-re is 'oin' to be sad ("en 0 mae yo- cry/ 0 ind o) )ee# '-i#ty a#ready/>
6e opened "is mo-t", no do-bt to de#i%er some smartass rep#y, and t"en ca-'"t si'"t o) somet"in'7or rat"er,
someone7be"ind me/ 0 '#anced o%er and sa( 2imitri.s ta## )orm approac"in' )rom t"e ot"er side o) t"e 'ym/
$ason s(ept me a 'a##ant bo(/ >+o-r #ord and master/ Catc" yo- #ater, 6at"a(ay/ Start p#annin' yo-r si
strate'ies/> 6e opened t"e door and disappeared into t"e )ri'id darness/ 0 t-rned aro-nd and :oined 2imitri/
Lie ot"er d"ampir no%ices, 0 spent "a#) o) my sc"oo# day on one )orm or anot"er o) '-ardian trainin', be it act-a#
p"ysica# combat or #earnin' abo-t Stri'oi and "o( to de)end a'ainst t"em/ No%ices a#so sometimes "ad practices
a)ter sc"oo#/ 0, "o(e%er, (as in a -ni<-e sit-ation/
0 sti## stood by my decision to r-n a(ay )rom St/ V#adimir.s/ Victor 2as"o% "ad posed too m-c" o) a t"reat to
Lissa/ B-t o-r e&tended %acation "ad come (it" conse<-ences/ Bein' a(ay )or t(o years "ad p-t me be"ind in my
'-ardian c#asses, so t"e sc"oo# "ad dec#ared t"at 0 "ad to mae -p )or it by 'oin' to e&tra practices be)ore and a)ter
Wit" 2imitri/
Litt#e did t"ey no( t"at t"ey (ere a#so 'i%in' me #essons in a%oidin' temptation/ B-t my attraction to "im aside, 0
(as a )ast #earner, and (it" "is "e#p, 0 "ad a#most ca-'"t -p to t"e ot"er seniors/
Since "e (asn.t (earin' a coat, 0 ne( (e.d be (orin' inside today, ("ic" (as 'ood ne(s/ 0t (as )ree5in' o-t/
+et e%en t"e "appiness 0 )e#t o%er t"at (as not"in' compared to ("at 0 )e#t ("en 0 sa( ("at e&act#y "e "ad set -p
in one o) t"e trainin' rooms/
T"ere (ere practice d-mmies arran'ed on t"e )ar (a##, d-mmies t"at #ooed ama5in'#y #i)e#ie/ No stra(*
st-))edb-r#ap ba's "ere/ T"ere (ere men and (omen, (earin' ordinary c#ot"es, (it" r-bbery sin and di))erent
"air and eye co#ors/ T"eir e&pressions ran'ed )rom "appy to scared to an'ry/ 0.d (ored (it" t"ese d-mmies be)ore
in ot"er trainin's, -sin' t"em to practice ics and p-nc"es/ B-t 0.d ne%er (ored (it" t"em ("i#e "o#din' ("at
2imitri "e#d1 a si#%er stae/
>S(eet,> 0 breat"ed/
0t (as identica# to t"e one 0.d )o-nd at t"e Badica "o-se/ 0t "ad a "and 'rip at t"e bottom, a#most #ie a "i#t (it"o-t
t"e #itt#e side )#o-ris"es/ T"at (as ("ere its resemb#ance to a da''er ended/ Rat"er t"an a )#at b#ade, t"e stae "ad a
t"ic, ro-nded body t"at narro(ed to a point, ind o) #ie an ice pic/ T"e entire t"in' (as a #itt#e s"orter t"an my
2imitri #eaned cas-a##y a'ainst t"e (a##, in an easy stance "e a#(ays p-##ed o)) remarab#y (e##, despite bein'
a#most si&*se%en/ Wit" one "and, "e tossed t"e stae into t"e air/ 0t sp-n aro-nd in a cart("ee# a co-p#e o) times
and t"en came do(n/ 6e ca-'"t it "i#t )irst/
>P#ease te## me 0 'et to #earn "o( to do that today,> 0 said/
Am-sement )#as"ed in t"e dar dept"s o) "is eyes/ 0 t"in "e "ad a "ard time eepin' a strai'"t )ace aro-nd me
>+o-.## be #-cy i) 0 #et yo- hold it today,> "e said/ 6e )#ipped t"e stae into t"e air a'ain/ $y eyes )o##o(ed it
#on'in'#y/ 0 started to point o-t t"at 0 "ad a#ready "e#d one, b-t 0 ne( t"at #ine o) #o'ic (o-#d 'et me no("ere/
0nstead, 0 tossed my bacpac on t"e )#oor, t"re( o)) my coat, and crossed my arms e&pectant#y/ 0 "ad on #oose
pants tied at t"e (aist and a tan top (it" a "oodie o%er it/ $y dar "air (as p-##ed br-ta##y bac into a ponytai#/ 0
(as ready )or anyt"in'/
>+o- (ant me to te## yo- "o( t"ey (or and ("y 0 s"o-#d a#(ays be ca-tio-s aro-nd t"em,> 0 anno-nced/
2imitri stopped )#ippin' t"e stae and stared at me in astonis"ment/
>Come on,> 0 #a-'"ed/ >+o- don.t t"in 0 no( "o( yo- (or by no(= We.%e been doin' t"is )or a#most t"ree
mont"s/ +o- a#(ays mae me ta# sa)ety and responsibi#ity be)ore 0 can do anyt"in' )-n/>
>0 see,> "e said/ >We##, 0 '-ess yo-.%e 'ot it a## )i'-red o-t/ By a## means, 'o on (it" t"e #esson/ 0.## :-st (ait o%er
"ere -nti# yo- need me a'ain/>
6e t-ced t"e stae into a #eat"er s"eat" "an'in' )rom "is be#t and t"en made "imse#) com)ortab#e a'ainst t"e
(a##, "ands st-))ed in pocets/ 0 (aited, )i'-rin' "e (as :oin', b-t ("en "e said not"in' e#se, 0 rea#i5ed "e.d meant
"is (ords/ Wit" a s"r-', 0 #a-nc"ed into ("at 0 ne(/
>Si#%er a#(ays "as po(er)-# e))ects on any ma'ica# creat-re7it can "e#p or "-rt t"em i) yo- p-t eno-'" po(er
into it/ T"ese staes are rea##y "ard*core beca-se it taes )o-r di))erent $oroi to mae t"em, and t"ey -se eac" o)
t"e e#ements d-rin' t"e )or'in'/> 0 )ro(ned, s-dden#y considerin' somet"in'/ >We##, e&cept spirit/ So t"ese t"in's
are s-perc"ar'ed and areabo-t t"e on#y non*decapitatin' (eapon t"at can do dama'e to a Stri'oi7b-t to i## t"em,
it "as to be t"ro-'" t"e "eart/>
>Wi## t"ey "-rt you? "
0 s"oo my "ead/ >No/ 0 mean, (e##, yea", i) yo- dri%e one t"ro-'" my "eart it (i##, b-t it (on.t "-rt me #ie it
(o-#d a $oroi/ Scratc" one o) t"em (it" t"is, and it.## "it t"em pretty "ard7b-t not as "ard as it.d "it a Stri'oi/
And t"ey (on.t "-rt "-mans, eit"er/>
0 stopped )or a moment and stared absentminded#y at t"e (indo( be"ind 2imitri/ Frost co%ered t"e '#ass in
spar#in', crysta##ine patterns, b-t 0 "ard#y noticed/ $entionin' "-mans and staes "ad transported me bac to t"e
Badica "o-se/ B#ood and deat" )#as"ed t"ro-'" my t"o-'"ts/
Seein' 2imitri (atc"in' me, 0 s"oo o)) t"e memories and ept 'oin' (it" t"e #esson/ 2imitri (o-#d occasiona##y
'i%e a nod or as a c#ari)yin' <-estion/ As t"e time ticed do(n, 0 ept e&pectin' "im to te## me 0 (as )inis"ed and
co-#d start "acin' -p t"e d-mmies/ 0nstead, "e (aited -nti# a#most ten min-tes be)ore t"e end o) o-r session
be)ore #eadin' me o%er to one o) t"em7it (as a man (it" b#ond "air and a 'oatee/ 2imitri too t"e stae o-t )rom
its s"eat" b-t didn.t "and it to me/
>W"ere are yo- 'oin' to p-t t"is=> "e ased/
>0n t"e "eart,> 0 rep#ied irritab#y/ >0 a#ready to#d yo- t"at #ie a "-ndred times/ Can 0 "a%e it no(=>
6e a##o(ed "imse#) a smi#e/ >W"ere.s t"e "eart=>
0 'a%e "im an are*yo-*serio-s #oo/ 6e mere#y s"r-''ed/
Wit" o%erdramatic emp"asis, 0 pointed to t"e #e)t side o) t"e d-mmy.s c"est/ 2imitri s"oo "is "ead/ >T"at.s not
("ere t"e "eart is,> "e to#d me/
>S-re it is/ Peop#e p-t t"eir "ands o%er t"eir "earts ("en t"ey say t"e P#ed'e o) A##e'iance or sin' t"e nationa#
6e contin-ed to stare at me e&pectant#y/
0 t-rned bac to t"e d-mmy and st-died it/ 0n t"e bac o) my brain, 0 remembered #earnin' CPR and ("ere (e "ad
to p#ace o-r "ands/ 0 tapped t"e center o) t"e d-mmy.s c"est/
>0s it "ere=>
6e arc"ed an eyebro(/ Norma##y 0 t"o-'"t t"at (as coo#/ Today it (as :-st annoyin'/ >0 don.t no(,> "e said/ >0s
>T"at.s ("at 0.m asin' yo-@>
>+o- s"o-#dn.t "a%e to as me/ 2on.t yo- a## "a%e to tae p"ysio#o'y=>
>+ea"/ 3-nior year/ 0 (as on .%acation,. remember=> 0 pointed to t"e '#eamin' stae/ >Can 0 p#ease to-c" it no(=>
6e )#ipped t"e stae a'ain, #ettin' it )#as" in t"e #i'"t, and t"en it disappeared in t"e s"eat"/ >0 (ant yo- to tell me
("ere t"e "eart is t"e ne&t time (e meet/ E&act#y ("ere/ And 0 (ant to no( ("at.s in t"e (ay o) it too/>
0 'a%e "im my )iercest '#are, ("ic"7:-d'in' )rom "is e&pression7m-st not "a%e been t"at )ierce/ Nine o-t o) ten
times, 0 t"o-'"t 2imitri (as t"e se&iest t"in' (a#in' t"e eart"/ T"en, t"ere (ere times #ie t"is
0 "eaded o)) to )irst period, a combat c#ass, in a bad mood/0 didn.t #ie #ooin' incompetent in )ront o) 2imitri, and
0.d rea##y, really (anted to -se one o) t"ose staes/ So in c#ass 0 too o-t my annoyance on anyone 0 co-#d p-nc" or
ic/ By t"e end o) c#ass, no one (anted to spar (it" me/ 0.d accidenta##y "it $eredit"7one o) t"e )e( ot"er 'ir#s
in my c#ass7so "ard t"at s"e.d )e#t it t"ro-'" "er s"in paddin'/ S"e (as 'oin' to "a%e an -'#y br-ise and ept
#ooin' at me as t"o-'" 0.d done it on p-rpose/ 0 apo#o'i5ed to no a%ai#/
A)ter(ard, $ason )o-nd me once a'ain/ >O", man,> "e said, st-dyin' my )ace/ >W"o pissed yo- o))=>
0 immediate#y #a-nc"ed into my ta#e o) si#%er stae and "eart (oes/
To my annoyance, "e #a-'"ed/ >6o( do yo- not no( ("ere t"e "eart is= Especia##y considerin' "o( many o)
t"em yo-.%e broen=>
0 'a%e "im t"e same )erocio-s #oo 0.d 'i%en 2imitri/ T"is time, it (ored/ $ason.s )ace pa#ed/
>Be#io% is a sic, e%i# man ("o s"o-#d be t"ro(n into a pit o) rabid %ipers )or t"e 'reat o))ense "e committed
a'ainst yo- t"is mornin'/>
>T"an yo-/> 0 said prim#y/ T"en, 0 considered/ >Can %ipers be rabid=>
>0 don.t see ("y not/ E%eryt"in' can be/ 0 t"in/> 6e "e#d t"e "a##(ay door open )or me/ >Canadian 'eese mi'"t be
(orse t"an %ipers, t"o-'"/>
0 'a%e "im a side#on' #oo/ >Canadian 'eese are dead#ier t"an %ipers=>
>+o- e%er tried to )eed t"ose #itt#e bastards=> "e ased, attemptin' serio-sness and )ai#in'/ >T"
%icio-s/ +o- 'et t"ro(n to %ipers, yo- die <-ic#y/ B-t t"e 'eese= T"at.## 'o on )or days/ $ore s-))erin'/>
>Wo(/ 0 don.t no( ("et"er 0 s"o-#d be impressed or )ri'"tened t"at yo-.%e t"o-'"t abo-t a## t"is,> 0 remared/
>3-st tryin' to )ind creati%e (ays to a%en'e yo-r "onor, t"at.s a##/>
>+o- :-st ne%er str-c me as t"e creati%e type, $ase/>
We stood :-st o-tside o-r second*period c#assroom/ $ason.s e&pression (as sti## #i'"t and :oin', b-t t"ere (as a
s-''esti%e note in "is %oice ("en "e spoe a'ain/ >Rose, ("en 0.m aro-nd yo-, 0 t"in o) all sorts o) creati%e
t"in's to do/>
0 (as sti## 'i''#in' abo-t t"e %ipers and abr-pt#y stopped, starin' at "im in s-rprise/ 0.d a#(ays t"o-'"t $ason (as
c-te, b-t (it" t"at serio-s, smoy #oo in "is eyes, it s-dden#y occ-rred to me )or t"e )irst time t"at "e (as act-a##y
ind o) se&y/
>O", #oo at t"at,> "e #a-'"ed, noticin' "o( m-c" "e.d ca-'"t me o)) '-ard/ >Rose 'ets rendered speec"#ess/
As")ord A, 6at"a(ay D/>
>6ey, 0 don.t (ant to mae yo- cry be)ore t"e trip/ 0t (on.t be any )-n i) 0.%e a#ready broen yo- be)ore (e e%en "it
t"e s#opes/>
6e #a-'"ed, and (e stepped into t"e room/ T"is (as a c#ass on body'-ard t"eory, one t"at too p#ace in an act-a#
c#assroom instead o) t"e practice )ie#d/ 0t (as a nice brea )roma## t"e p"ysica# e&ertion/ Today, t"ere (ere t"ree
'-ardians standin' at t"e )ront ("o (eren.t )rom t"e sc"oo#.s re'iment/ 6o#iday %isitors, 0 rea#i5ed/ Parents and
t"eir '-ardians "ad a#ready started comin' to camp-s to accompany t"eir c"i#dren to t"e si resort/ $y interest (as
pi<-ed immediate#y/
One o) t"e '-ests (as a ta## '-y ("o #ooed #ie "e (as abo-t a "-ndred years o#d b-t co-#d sti## ic ma:or ass/
T"e ot"er '-y (as abo-t 2imitri.s a'e/ 6e "ad deep#y tanned sin and (as b-i#t (e## eno-'" t"at a )e( o) t"e 'ir#s
in c#ass #ooed ready to s(oon/
T"e #ast '-ardian (as a (oman/ 6er a-b-rn "air (as cropped and c-r#y, and "er bro(n eyes (ere c-rrent#y
narro(ed in t"o-'"t/ As 0.%e said, a #ot o) d"ampir (omen c"oose to "a%e c"i#dren rat"er t"an )o##o( t"e '-ardian
pat"/ Since 0 too (as one o) t"e )e( (omen in t"is pro)ession, 0 (as a#(ays e&cited to meet ot"ers7#ie Tamara/
On#y, t"is (asn.t Tamara/ T"is (as someone 0.d no(n )or years, someone ("o tri''ered anyt"in' b-t pride and
e&citement/ 0nstead, 0 )e#t resentment/ Resentment, an'er, and b-rnin' o-tra'e/
T"e (oman standin' in )ront o) t"e c#ass (as my mot"er/
0 COUL2N.T BEL0EVE 0T/ 3AN0NE 6at"a(ay/ $y mot"er/ $y insane#y )amo-s and st-nnin'#y absent mot"er/
S"e (as no Art"-r Sc"oenber', b-t s"e did "a%e a pretty ste##ar rep-tation in t"e '-ardian (or#d/ 0 "adn.t seen "er
in years beca-se s"e (as a#(ays o)) on same insane mission/ And yet// /"ere s"e (as at t"e Academy ri'"t no(7
ri'"t in front o) me7and s"e "adn.t e%en bot"ered to #et me no( s"e (as comin'/ So m-c" )or mot"er#y #o%e/
W"at t"e "e## (as s"e doin' "ere any(ay= T"e ans(er came <-ic#y/ A## t"e $oroi ("o came to camp-s (o-#d
"a%e t"eir '-ardians in to(/ $y mot"er protected a nob#e )rom t"e S5e#sy c#an, and se%era# members o) t"at
)ami#y "ad s"o(n -p )or t"e "o#idays/ O) co-rse s"e.d be "ere (it" "im/
0 s#id into my c"air and )e#t somet"in' inside o) me s"ri%e# -p/ 0 ne( s"e "ad to "a%e seen me come in, b-t "er
attention (as )oc-sed e#se("ere/ S"e "ad on :eans and a bei'e T*s"irt, co%ered (it" ("at "ad to be t"e most borin'
denim : acet 0.d e%er seen/ At on#y )i%e )eet ta##, s"e (as d(ar)ed by t"e ot"er '-ardians, b-t s"e "ad a presence
and (ay o) standin' t"at made "er seem ta##er/
O-r instr-ctor, Stan, introd-ced t"e '-ests and e&p#ained t"at t"ey (ere 'oin' to s"are rea#*#i)e e&periences (it"
6e paced t"e )ront o) t"e room, b-s"y eyebro(s nittin' to'et"er as "e spoe/ >0 no( t"is is -n-s-a#,> "e
e&p#ained/ >Visitin' '-ardians -s-a##y don.t "a%e time to stop by o-r c#asses/ O-r t"ree '-ests, "o(e%er, "a%e made
time to cometa# to yo- today in #i'"t o) ("at.s "appened recent#y/> 6epa-sed a moment, and no one needed to te##
-s ("at "e (as re)errin' to/ T"e Badica attac/ 6e c#eared "is t"roat and tried a'ain/ >0n #i'"t o) ("at.s "appened,
(e t"o-'"t it mi'"t better prepare yo- to #earn )rom t"ose c-rrent#y (orin' in t"e )ie#d/>
T"e c#ass tensed (it" e&citement/ 6earin' stories7partic-#ar#y ones (it" a #ot o) b#ood and action7(as a "e## o)
a #ot more interestin' t"an ana#y5in' t"eory )rom a te&tboo/ Apparent#y some o) t"e ot"er camp-s '-ardians
t"o-'"t so too/ T"ey o)ten stopped by o-r c#asses, b-t t"ey (ere present today in a #ar'er*t"an*-s-a# n-mber/
2imitri stood amon' t"em in t"e bac/
T"e o#d '-y (ent )irst/ 6e #a-nc"ed into "is story, and 0 )o-nd myse#) 'ettin' "ooed in/ 0t described a time ("en
t"e yo-n'est son o) t"e )ami#y "e '-arded "ad (andered o)) in a p-b#ic p#ace t"at Stri'oi (ere #-rin' in/
>T"e s-n (as abo-t to set,> "e to#d -s in a 'ra%e##y %oice/ 6e s(ept "is "ands in a do(n(ard motion, apparent#y to
demonstrate "o( a s-nset (ored/ >T"ere (ere on#y t(o o) -s, and (e "ad to mae a snap decision on "o( to
0 #eaned )or(ard, e#bo(s propped -p on my des/ G-ardians o)ten (ored in pairs/ One7t"e near '-ard7
-s-a##ystayed c#ose to t"ose bein' '-arded ("i#e t"e ot"er7t"e )ar '-ard7sco-ted t"e area/
T"e )ar '-ard sti## -s-a##y stayed (it"in eye contact, so 0 reco'ni5ed t"e di#emma "ere/ T"inin' abo-t it, 0 decided
t"at i) 0 (ere in t"at sit-ation, 0.d "a%e t"e near '-ardian tae t"e rest o) t"e )ami#y to a sec-re #ocation ("i#e t"e
ot"er '-ardian searc"ed )or t"e boy/
>We "ad t"e )ami#y stay inside a resta-rant (it" my partner ("i#e 0 s(ept t"e rest o) t"e area,> contin-ed t"e o#d
'-ardian/ 6e spread "is "ands o-t in a s(eepin' motion, and 0 )e#t sm-' o%er "a%in' made t"e correct ca##/ T"e
story ended "appi#y, (it" a )o-nd boy and no Stri'oi enco-nters/
T"e second '-y.s anecdote ta#ed abo-t "o( "e.d 'otten t"e drop on a Stri'oi sta#in' some $oroi/
>0 (asn.t e%en tec"nica##y on d-ty,> "e said/ 6e (as t"e rea##y c-te one, and a 'ir# sittin' near me stared at "im
(it" (ide, adorin' eyes/ >0 (as %isitin' a )riend and t"e )ami#y "e '-arded/ As 0 (as #ea%in' t"eir apartment, 0 sa(
a Stri'oi #-rin' in t"e s"ado(s/ 6e ne%er e&pected a '-ardian to be o-t t"ere/ 0 circ#ed t"e b#oc, came -p be"ind
"im, and ///> T"e man made a stain' motion, )ar more dramatic t"an t"e o#d '-y.s "and 'est-res "ad been/ T"e
storyte##er e%en (ent so )ar as to mimic t(istin' t"e stae into t"e Stri'oi.s "eart/
And t"en it (as my mot"er.s t-rn/ A sco(# spread o%er my )ace be)ore s"e e%en said a (ord, a sco(# t"at 're(
(orse once s"e act-a##y #a-nc"ed into t"e story/ 0 s(ear, i) 0 didn.t be#ie%e "er incapab#e o) "a%in' t"e ima'ination
)or it7and "er b#and c#ot"in' c"oices pro%ed s"e rea##y didn't "a%e an ima'ination70 (o-#d "a%e t"o-'"t s"e (as
#yin'/ 0t (as more t"an a story/ 0t (as an epic ta#e, t"e ind o) t"in' t"at 'ets made into mo%ies and (ins Oscars/
S"e ta#ed abo-t "o( "er c"ar'e, Lord S5e#sy, and "is (i)e "ad attended a ba## p-t on by anot"er prominent roya#
)ami#y/ Se%era# Stri'oi "ad been #yin' in (ait/ $y mot"er disco%ered one, prompt#y staed it, and t"en a#erted t"e
ot"er '-ardians present/ Wit" t"eir "e#p, s"e "-nted do(n t"e ot"er Stri'oi #-rin' aro-nd and per)ormed most o)
t"e i##s "erse#)/
>0t (asn.t easy,> s"e e&p#ained/ From anyone e#se t"at statement (o-#d "a%e so-nded #ie bra''in'/ Not "er/ T"ere
(as a brisness to t"e (ay s"e spoe, an e))icient (ay o) statin' )acts t"at #e)t no room )or )#o-ris"es/ S"e.d been
raised in G#as'o( and some o) "er (ords sti## "ad a Scottis" #i#t/ >T"ere (ere t"ree ot"ers on t"e premises/ At t"e
time, t"at (as considered an -n-s-a##y #ar'e n-mber to be (orin' to'et"er/ T"at.s not necessari#y tr-e no(,
considerin' t"e Badica massacre/> A )e( peop#e )#inc"ed at t"e cas-a# (ay s"e spoe abo-t t"e attac/ Once a'ain,
0 co-#d see t"e bodies/ >We "ad to dispatc" t"e remainin' Stri'oi as <-ic#y and <-iet#y as possib#e, so as not to
a#ert t"e ot"ers/ No(, i) yo- "a%e t"e e#ement o) s-rprise, t"e best (ay to tae Stri'oi is to come aro-nd )rom
be"ind, brea t"eir necs, and t"en stae t"em/ Breain' t"eir necs (on.t i## t"em, o) co-rse, b-t it st-ns t"em
and a##o(s yo- to do t"e stain' be)ore t"ey can mae any noise/ T"e most di))ic-#t part is act-a##y sneain' -p on
t"em, beca-se t"eir "earin' is so ac-te/ Since 0.m sma##er and #i'"ter t"anmost '-ardians, 0 can mo%e )air#y <-iet#y/
So 0 ended -p per)ormin' t(o o) t"e t"ree i##s myse#)/>
A'ain, s"e -sed t"at matter*o)*)act tone as s"e described "er o(n stea#t"y si##s/ 0t (as annoyin', more so t"an i)
s"e.d been open#y "a-'"ty abo-t "o( a(esome s"e (as/ $y c#assmates. )aces s"one (it" (onder; t"ey (ere
c#ear#y more interested in t"e idea o) breain' a Stri'oi.s nec t"an ana#y5in' my mot"er.s narrati%e si##s/
S"e contin-ed (it" t"e story/ W"en s"e and t"e ot"er '-ardians "ad i##ed t"e remainin' Stri'oi, t"ey.d disco%ered
t(o $oroi "ad been taen )rom t"e party/ S-c" an act (asn.t -ncommon )or Stri'oi/ Sometimes t"ey (anted to
sa%e $oroi )or a #ater >snac>; sometimes #o(er*ranin' Stri'oi (ere dispatc"ed by more po(er)-# ones to brin'
bac prey/ Re'ard#ess, t(o $oroi (ere 'one )rom t"e ba##, and t"eir '-ardian "ad been in:-red/
>Nat-ra##y, (e co-#dn.t #ea%e t"ose $oroi in Stri'oi c#-tc"es,> s"e said/ >We traced t"e Stri'oi to t"eir "ideo-t
and )o-nd se%era# o) t"em #i%in' to'et"er/ 0.m s-re yo- can reco'ni5e "o( rare t"at is/>
0t (as/ T"e e%i# and se#)is" nat-re o) Stri'oi made t"em t-rn on eac" ot"er as easi#y as t"ey did t"eir %ictims/
Or'ani5in' )or attacs7("en t"ey "ad an immediate and b#oody 'oa# in mind7(as t"e best t"ey co-#d do/ B-t
#i%in' to'et"er= No/ 0t (as a#most impossib#e to ima'ine/
>We mana'ed to )ree t"e t(o capti%e $oroi, on#y to disco%er t"at ot"ers (ere bein' "e#d prisoner,> my mot"er
said/>We co-#dn.t send t"e ones (e.d resc-ed bac by t"emse#%es, t"o-'", so t"e '-ardians ("o (ere (it" me
escorted t"em o-t and #e)t it to me to 'et t"e ot"ers/>
+es, o) co-rse, 0 t"o-'"t/ $y mot"er bra%e#y (ent in a#one/ A#on' t"e (ay, s"e 'ot capt-red b-t mana'ed to
escape and resc-e t"e prisoners/ 0n doin' so, s"e per)ormed ("at "ad to be t"e "at tric o) t"e cent-ry, i##in'
Stri'oi in a## t"ree (ays1 stain', decapitation, and settin' t"em on )ire/
>0 "ad :-st staed a Stri'oi ("en t(o more attaced,> s"e e&p#ained/ >0 didn.t "a%e time to p-## t"e stae o-t ("en
t"e ot"ers :-mped me/ Fort-nate#y, t"ere (as an open )irep#ace nearby, and 0 p-s"ed one o) t"e Stri'oi into it/ T"e
#ast one c"ased me o-tside, into an o#d s"ed/ T"ere (as an a&e inside and 0 -sed t"at to c-t o)) "er "ead/ 0 t"en too
a can o) 'aso#ine and ret-rned to t"e "o-se/ T"e one 0.d t"ro(n into t"e )irep#ace "adn.t comp#ete#y b-rned, b-t
once 0 do-sed "im in 'aso#ine, "e (ent -p pretty <-ic#y/>
T"e c#assroom (as in a(e as s"e spoe/ $o-t"s dropped/ Eyes b-''ed/ Not a so-nd co-#d be "eard/ G#ancin'
aro-nd, 0 )e#t #ie time "ad )ro5en )or e%eryone7e&cept me/ 0 appeared to be t"e on#y one -nimpressed by "er
"arro(in' ta#e, and seein' t"e a(e on e%eryone.s )aces enra'ed me/ W"en s"e )inis"ed, a do5en "ands s"ot -p as
t"e c#ass peppered "er (it" <-estions abo-t "er tec"ni<-es, ("et"er s"e (as scared, etc/
A)ter abo-t t"e tent" <-estion, 0 co-#dn.t tae it anymore/ 0 raised my "and/ 0t too "er a ("i#e to notice and ca## on
me/ S"e seemed mi#d#y astonis"ed to )ind me in c#ass/ 0 considered myse#) #-cy t"at s"e e%en reco'ni5ed me/
>So, G-ardian 6at"a(ay,> 0 be'an/ >W"y didn.t yo- '-ys :-st sec-re t"e p#ace=>
S"e )ro(ned/ 0 t"in s"e.d 'one on "er '-ard t"e moment s"e ca##ed on me/ >W"at do yo- mean=>
0 s"r-''ed and s#o-c"ed bac in my des, attemptin' a cas-a# and con%ersationa# air/ >0 don.t no(/ 0t seems to me
#ie yo- '-ys messed -p/ W"y didn.t yo- scope o-t t"e p#ace and mae s-re it (as c#ear o) Stri'oi in t"e )irst
p#ace= Seems #ie yo- co-#d "a%e sa%ed yo-rse#) a #ot o) tro-b#e/>
A## eyes in t"e room t-rned to(ard me/ $y mot"er (as momentari#y at a #oss )or (ords/ >0) (e "adn.t 'one
t"ro-'" a## t"at .tro-b#e,. t"ere.d be se%en more Stri'oi (a#in' t"e (or#d, and t"ose ot"er capt-red $oroi (o-#d
be dead or t-rned by no(/>
>+ea", yea", 0 'et "o( yo- '-ys sa%ed t"e day and a## t"at, b-t 0.m 'oin' bac to t"e princip#es "ere/ 0 mean, t"is
is a t"eory c#ass, ri'"t=> 0 '#anced o%er at Stan ("o (as re'ardin' me (it" a %ery stormy #oo/ 6e and 0 "ad a #on'
and -np#easant "istory o) c#assroom con)#icts, and 0 s-spected (e (ere on t"e %er'e o) anot"er/ >So 0 :-st (ant to
)i'-re o-t ("at (ent (ron' in t"e be'innin'/>
0.## say t"is )or "er7my mot"er "ad a "e## o) a #ot more se#)*contro# t"an 0 did/ 6ad o-r ro#es been re%ersed, 0
(o-#d "a%e (a#ed o%er and smaced me by no(/ 6er )ace stayed per)ect#y ca#m, "o(e%er, and a sma## ti'"tness
in t"e set o) "er #ips (as t"e on#y si'n t"at 0 (as pissin' "er o))/
>0t.s not t"at simp#e,> s"e rep#ied/ >T"e %en-e "ad an e&treme#y comp#e& #ayo-t/ We (ent t"ro-'" it initia##y and
)o-nd not"in'/ 0t.s be#ie%ed t"e Stri'oi came in a)ter t"e )esti%ities "ad started7or t"at t"ere mi'"t "a%e been
passa'es and "idden rooms (e "adn.t been a(are o)/>
T"e c#ass oo".ed and a"".ed o%er t"e idea o) "idden passa'es, b-t 0 (asn.t impressed/
>So ("at sayin' is t"at yo- '-ys eit"er )ai#ed to detect t"em d-rin' yo-r )irst s(eep, or t"ey broe t"ro-'"
t"e .sec-rity. yo- set -p d-rin' t"e party/ Seems #ie someone messed -p eit"er (ay/>
T"e ti'"tness in "er #ips increased, and "er %oice 're( )rosty/ >We did t"e best (e co-#d (it" an -n-s-a# sit-ation/
0 can see "o( someone at yo-r #e%e# mi'"t not be ab#e to 'rasp t"e intricacies o) ("at 0.m describin', b-t once
yo-.%e act-a##y #earned eno-'" to 'o beyond theory, yo-.## see "o( di))erent it is ("en act-a##y o-t t"ere
and #i%es are in yo-r "ands/>
>No do-bt,> 0 a'reed/ >W"o am 0 to <-estion yo-r met"ods= 0 mean, ("ate%er 'ets yo- t"e molnija mars, ri'"t=>
>$iss 6at"a(ay/> Stan.s deep %oice r-mb#ed t"ro-'" t"e room/ >P#ease tae yo-r t"in's and 'o (ait o-tside )or
t"e remainder o) c#ass/>
0 stared at "im in be(i#derment/ >Are yo- serio-s= Since ("en is t"ere anyt"in' (ron' (it" asin' <-estions=>
>+o-r attit-de is ("at.s (ron'/> 6e pointed at t"e door/ >Go/>
A si#ence "ea%ier and deeper t"an ("en my mot"er "adto#d "er story descended o%er e%eryone/ 0 did my best not
to co(er -nder t"e stares o) '-ardians and no%ices a#ie/ T"is (asn.t t"e )irst time 0.d been iced o-t o) Stan.s
c#ass/ 0t (asn.t e%en t"e )irst time 0.d been iced o-t o) Stan.s c#ass ("i#e 2imitri (as (atc"in'/ S#in'in' my
bacpac o%er my s"o-#der, 0 crossed t"e s"ort distance to t"e door7a distance t"at )e#t #ie mi#es7and re)-sed to
mae eye contact (it" my mot"er as 0 passed/
Abo-t )i%e min-tes be)ore t"e c#ass #et o-t, s"e s#ipped o-t o) t"e room and (a#ed o%er to ("ere 0 sat in t"e
"a##(ay/ Looin' do(n on me, s"e p-t "er "ands on "er "ips in t"at annoyin' (ay t"at made "er seem ta##er t"an
s"e (as/ 0t (asn.t )air t"at someone o%er "a#) a )oot s"orter t"an me co-#d mae me )ee# so sma##/
>We##/ 0 see yo-r manners "a%en.t impro%ed o%er t"e years/>
0 stood -p and )e#t a '#are snap into p#ace/ >Nice to see yo- too/ 0.m s-rprised yo- e%en reco'ni5ed me/ 0n )act, 0
didn.t e%en t"in yo- remembered me, seein' as "o( yo- ne%er bot"ered to #et me no( yo- (ere on camp-s/>
S"e s"i)ted "er "ands )rom "er "ips and crossed "er arms across "er c"est, becomin'7i) possib#e7e%en more
impassi%e/ >0 co-#dn.t ne'#ect my d-ty to come codd#e yo-/>
>Codd#e=> 0 ased/ T"is (oman "ad ne%er codd#ed me in "er #i)e/ 0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e s"e e%en ne( t"e (ord/
>0 (o-#dn.t e&pect yo- to -nderstand/ From ("at 0 "ear, yo- don.t rea##y no( ("at .d-ty. is/>
>0 no( e&act#y ("at it is,> 0 retorted/ $y %oice (as intentiona##y "a-'"ty/ >Better t"an most peop#e/>
6er eyes (idened in a sort o) moc s-rprise/ 0 -sed t"at sarcastic #oo on a #ot o) peop#e and didn.t appreciate
"a%in' it directed to(ard me/ >O" rea##y= W"ere (ere yo- )or t"e #ast t(o years=>
>W"ere (ere yo- )or t"e #ast )i%e=> 0 demanded/ >Wo-#d yo- "a%e no(n 0 (as 'one i) someone "adn.t
to#d yo-=>
>2on.t t-rn t"is bac on me/ 0 (as a(ay beca-se 0 "ad to be/ ou (ere a(ay so yo- co-#d 'o s"oppin' and stay -p
$y "-rt and embarrassment morp"ed into p-re )-ry/ Apparent#y, 0 (as ne%er 'oin' to #i%e do(n t"e conse<-ences
o) r-nnin' a(ay (it" Lissa/
>+o- "a%e no idea ("y 0 #e)t,> 0 said, my %oice.s %o#-me risin'/ >And yo- "a%e no ri'"t to mae ass-mptions
abo-t my #i)e ("en yo- don.t no( anyt"in' abo-t it/>
>0.%e read reports abo-t ("at "appened/ +o- "ad reason )or concern, b-t yo- acted incorrect#y/> 6er (ords (ere
)orma# and crisp/ S"e co-#d "a%e been teac"in' one o) my c#asses/ >+o- s"o-#d "a%e 'one to ot"ers )or "e#p/>
>T"ere (as no one 0 co-#d 'o to7not ("en 0 didn.t "a%e "ard proo)/ Besides, (e.%e been #earnin' t"at (
s-pposed to t"in independent#y/>
>+es,> s"e rep#ied/ >Emp"asis on learning. Somet"in' yo- missed o-t on )or t(o years/ "ard#y in a
position to #ect-re me abo-t '-ardian protoco#/>
0 (o-nd -p in ar'-ments a## t"e time; somet"in' in my nat-re made t"at ine%itab#e/ So 0 (as -sed to de)endin'
myse#) and "a%in' ins-#ts s#ammed at me/ 0 "ad a to-'" sin/ B-t some"o(, aro-nd "er7in t"e brie) times 0 had
been aro-nd "er70 a#(ays )e#t #ie 0 (as t"ree years o#d/ 6er attit-de "-mi#iated me, and to-c"in' on my missed
trainin'7 a#ready a pric#y s-b:ect7on#y made me )ee# (orse/ 0 crossed my arms in a )air imitation o) "er o(n
stance and mana'ed a sm-' #oo/
>+ea"= We##, t"at.s not ("at my teac"ers t"in/ E%en a)ter missin' a## t"at time, 0.%e sti## ca-'"t -p (it" e%eryone
e#se in my c#ass/>
S"e didn.t ans(er ri'"t a(ay/ Fina##y, in a )#at %oice, s"e said, >0) yo- "adn.t #e)t, yo- (o-#d "a%e s-rpassed t"em/>
T-rnin' mi#itary*sty#e, s"e (a#ed o)) do(n t"e "a##/ A min-te #ater, t"e be## ran', and t"e rest o) Stan.s c#ass
spi##ed into t"e "a##/
E%en $ason co-#dn.t c"eer me -p a)ter t"at/ 0 spent t"e rest o) t"e day an'ry and annoyed, s-re t"at e%eryone (as
("isperin' abo-t my mot"er and me/ 0 sipped #-nc" and (ent to t"e #ibrary to read a boo abo-t p"ysio#o'y and
W"en it (as time )or my a)ter*sc"oo# trainin' (it" 2imitri, 0 practica##y ran -p to t"e practice d-mmy/ Wit" a
c-r#ed )ist, 0 s#apped its c"est, %ery s#i'"t#y to t"e #e)t b-t most#y in t"e center/
>T"ere,> 0 to#d "im/ >T"e "eart is t"ere, and t"e stern-m and ribs are in t"e (ay/ Can 0 "a%e t"e stae no(=>
Crossin' my arms, 0 '#anced -p at "im tri-mp"ant#y, (aitin' )or "im to s"o(er me (it" praise )or my ne(
c-nnin'/ 0nstead, "e simp#y nodded in acno(#ed'ment, #ie 0 s"o-#d a#ready "a%e no(n t"at/ And yea", 0 s"o-#d
>And "o( do yo- 'et t"ro-'" t"e stern-m and t"e ribs=> "e ased/
0 si'"ed/ 0.d )i'-red o-t t"e ans(er to one <-estion, on#y to be 'i%en anot"er/ Typica#/
We spent a #ar'e part o) t"e practice 'oin' o%er t"at, and "e demonstrated se%era# tec"ni<-es t"at (o-#d yie#d t"e
<-icest i##/ E%ery mo%ement "e made (as bot" 'race)-# and dead#y/ 6e made it #oo e))ort#ess, b-t 0 ne( better/
W"en "e s-dden#y e&tended "is "and and o))ered t"e stae to me, 0 didn.t -nderstand at )irst/ > 'i%in' it to
6is eyes spar#ed/ >0 can.t be#ie%e "o#din' bac/ 0 )i'-red yo-.d "a%e taen it and r-n by no(/> >Aren.t yo-
a#(ays teac"in' me to "o#d bac=> 0 ased/
>Not on e%eryt"in'/>
>B-t on some t"in's/>
0 "eard t"e do-b#e meanin' in my %oice and (ondered ("ere it "ad come )rom/ 0.d accepted a ("i#e a'o t"at t"ere
(ere too many reasons )or me to e%en t"in abo-t "im romantica##y anymore/ E%ery once in a ("i#e, 0 s#ipped a
#itt#e and ind o) (is"ed "e (o-#d too/ 0t.d "a%e been nice to no( t"at "e sti## (anted me, t"at 0 sti## dro%e "im
cra5y/ St-dyin' "im no(, 0 rea#i5ed "e mi'"t not e%er s#ip beca-se 0 didn't dri%e "im cra5y anymore/ 0t (as a
depressin' t"o-'"t/
>O) co-rse,> "e said, s"o(in' no indication (e.d disc-ssed anyt"in' ot"er t"an c#ass matters/ >0t.s #ie e%eryt"in'
e#se/ Ba#ance/ 4no( ("ic" t"in's to r-n )or(ard (it"7and no( ("ic" to #ea%e a#one/> 6e p#aced a "ea%y
emp"asis on t"at #ast statement/
O-r eyes met brie)#y, and 0 )e#t e#ectricity race t"ro-'" me/ 6e did no( ("at 0 (as ta#in' abo-t/ And #ie
a#(ays, "e (as i'norin' it and bein' my teac"er7("ic" is e&act#y ("at "e s"o-#d "a%e been doin'/ Wit" a si'", 0
p-s"ed my )ee#in's )or "im o-t o) my "ead and tried to remember t"at 0 (as abo-t to to-c" t"e (eapon 0.d been
#on'in' )or since c"i#d"ood/ T"e memory o) t"e Badica "o-se came bac to me yet a'ain/ T"e Stri'oi (ere o-t
t"ere/ 0 needed to )oc-s/
6esitant#y, a#most re%erentia##y, 0 reac"ed o-t and c-r#ed my )in'ers aro-nd t"e "i#t/ T"e meta# (as coo# and
tin'#ed a'ainst my sin/ 0t (as etc"ed a#on' t"e "i#t )or better 'rip, b-t in trai#in' my )in'ers o%er t"e rest o) it, 0
)o-nd t"e s-r)ace to be as smoot" as '#ass/ 0 #i)ted it )rom "is "and and bro-'"t it to me, tain' a #on' time to st-dy
it and 'et -sed to its (ei'"t/ An an&io-s part o) me (anted to t-rn aro-nd and impa#e a## o) t"e d-mmies, b-t
instead 0 #ooed -p at 2imitri and ased, >W"at s"o-#d 0 do )irst=>
0n "is typica# (ay, "e co%ered basics )irst, "onin' t"e (ay 0 "e#d and mo%ed (it" t"e stae/ Later on, "e )ina##y #et
me attac one o) t"e d-mmies, at ("ic" point 0 did indeed disco%er it (as not e))ort#ess/ E%o#-tion "ad done a
smart t"in' in protectin' t"e "eart (it" t"e stern-m and ribs/ +et t"ro-'"it a##, 2imitri ne%er )a#tered in di#i'ence
and patience, '-idin' me t"ro-'" e%ery step and correctin' t"e )inest detai#s/
>S#ide u! t"ro-'" t"e ribs,> "e e&p#ained, (atc"in' me try to )it t"e stae.s point t"ro-'" a 'ap in t"e bones/ >0t.##
be easier since s"orter t"an most o) yo-r attacers/ P#-s, yo- can s#ide a#on' t"e #o(er rib.s ed'e/>
W"en practice ended, "e too t"e stae bac and nodded "is appro%a#/
>Good/ Very 'ood/>
0 '#anced at "im in s-rprise/ 6e didn.t -s-a##y "and o-t a #ot o) praise/
>+o- do it #ie yo-.%e been doin' it )or years/>
0 )e#t a de#i'"ted 'rin creep o%er my )ace as (e started #ea%in' t"e practice room/ W"en (e neared t"e door, 0
noticed a d-mmy (it" c-r#y red "air/ S-dden#y, a## t"e e%ents )rom Stan.s c#ass came t-mb#in' bac into my "ead/ 0
>Can 0 stae t"at one ne&t time=>
6e piced -p "is coat and p-t it on/ 0t (as #on' and bro(n, made o) distressed #eat"er/ 0t #ooed %ery m-c" #ie a
co(boy d-ster, t"o-'" "e.d ne%er admit to it/ 6e "ad a secret )ascination (it" t"e O#d West/ 0 didn.t rea##y
-nderstand it, b-t t"en, 0 didn.t 'et "is (eird m-sica# pre)erences eit"er/
>0 don.t t"in t"at.d be "ea#t"y,> "e said/
>0t.d be better t"an me act-a##y doin' it to her, 0 'r-mb#ed, s#in'in' my bacpac o%er one s"o-#der/ We "eaded
o-t to t"e 'ym/
>Vio#ence isn.t t"e ans(er to yo-r prob#ems,> "e said sa'e#y/
>S"e.s t"e one (it" t"e prob#em/ And 0 t"o-'"t t"e ("o#e point o) my ed-cation (as t"at %io#ence is t"e ans(er/>
>On#y to t"ose ("o brin' it to yo- )irst/ +o-r mot"er isn.t assa-#tin' yo-/ +o- t(o are :-st too m-c" a#ie, t"at.s
0 stopped (a#in'/ >0.m not anyt"in' #ie "er@ 0 mean// /(e ind o) "a%e t"e same eyes/ B-t 0.m a #ot ta##er/ And my
"air.s comp#ete#y di))erent/> 0 pointed to my pony tai#, :-st in case "e (asn.t a(are t"at my t"ic bro(n*b#ac "air
didn.t #oo #ie my mot"er.s a-b-rn c-r#s/
6e sti## "ad ind o) an am-sed e&pression, b-t t"ere (as somet"in' "ard in "is eyes too/ >0.m not ta#in' abo-t
yo-r appearances, and yo- no( it/>
0 #ooed a(ay )rom t"at no(in' 'a5e/ $y attraction to 2imitri "ad started a#most as soon as (e.d met7and it
(asn.t :-st beca-se "e (as so "ot, eit"er/ 0 )e#t #ie "e -nderstood part o) me t"at 0 didn.t -nderstand myse#), and
sometimes 0 (as pretty s-re 0 -nderstood parts o) "im t"at "e didn.t -nderstand eit"er/
T"e on#y prob#em (as t"at "e "ad t"e annoyin' tendency to point o-t t"in's abo-t myse#) 0 didn.t "ant to
>+o- t"in 0.m :ea#o-s=>
>Are yo-=> "e ased/ 0 "ated it ("en "e ans(ered my <-estions (it" <-estions/ >0) so, ("at are yo- :ea#o-s o)
0 '#anced bac at 2imitri/ >0 don.t no(/ $aybe 0.m :ea#o-s o) "er rep-tation/ $aybe 0.m :ea#o-s beca-se s"e.s p-t
moretime into "er rep-tation t"an into me/ 0 don.t no(/>
>+o- don.t t"in ("at s"e did (as 'reat=>
>+es/ No/ 0 don.t no(/ 0t :-st so-nded #ie s-c" a /// 0 don.t no(// /#ie s"e (as bra''in'/ Lie s"e did it )or t"e
'#ory/> 0 'rimaced/ >For t"e mars/> #olnija mars (ere tattoos a(arded to '-ardians ("en t"ey i##ed Stri'oi/
Eac" one #ooed #ie a tiny & made o) #i'"tnin' bo#ts/ T"ey (ent on t"e bacs o) o-r necs and s"o(ed "o(
e&perienced a '-ardian (as/
>+o- t"in )acin' do(n Stri'oi is (ort" a )e( mars= 0 t"o-'"t yo-.d #earned somet"in' )rom t"e Badica "o-se/>
0 )e#t st-pid/ >T"at.s not ("at 07>
>Come on/>
0 stopped (a#in'/ >W"at=>
We.d been "eadin' to(ard my dorm, b-t no( "e nodded "is "ead to(ard t"e opposite side o) camp-s/ >0 (ant to
s"o( yo- somet"in'/>
>W"at is it=>
>T"at not a## mars are bad'es o) "onor/>
0 6A2 NO 02EA W6AT 2imitri (as ta#in' abo-t, b-t 0 )o##o(ed a#on' obedient#y/
To my s-rprise, "e #ed me o-t o) t"e bo-ndaries o) t"e camp-s and into t"e s-rro-ndin' (oods/ T"e Academy
o(ned a #ot o) #and, not a## o) ("ic" (as acti%e#y -sed )or ed-cationa# p-rposes/ We (ere in a remote part o)
$ontana, and at times, it seemed as t"o-'" t"e sc"oo# (as :-st bare#y "o#din' bac t"e (i#derness/
We (a#ed <-iet#y )or a ("i#e, o-r )eet cr-nc"in' t"ro-'" t"ic, -nbroen sno(/ A )e( birds )#itted by, sin'in'
t"eir 'reetin's to t"e risin' s-n, b-t most#y a## 0 sa( (ere scra''#y, sno(*"ea%y e%er'reen trees/ 0 "ad to (or to
eep -p (it" 2imitri.s #on'er stride, partic-#ar#y since t"e sno( s#o(ed me do(n a #itt#e/ Soon, 0 discerned a #ar'e,
dar s"ape a"ead/ Some ind o) b-i#din'/
>W"at is t"at=> 0 ased/ Be)ore "e co-#d ans(er, 0 rea#i5ed it (as a sma## cabin, made o-t o) #o's and e%eryt"in'/
C#oser e&amination s"o(ed t"at t"e #o's #ooed (orn and rotten in some p#aces/ T"e roo) sa''ed a #itt#e/
>O#d (atc"*post,> "e said/ >G-ardians -sed to #i%e on t"e ed'e o) camp-s and eep (atc" )or Stri'oi/> >W"y don.t
t"ey anymore=>
>We don.t "a%e eno-'" '-ardians to sta)) it/ Besides, $oroi "a%e (arded camp-s (it" eno-'" protecti%e ma'ic
t"at most don.t t"in it.s necessary to "a%e act-a# peop#e on '-ard/> Pro%ided no "-mans staed t"e (ards, 0
For a )e( brie) moments, 0 entertained t"e "ope t"at 2imitri (as #eadin' me o)) to some romantic 'eta(ay/ T"en 0
"eard %oices on t"e opposite side o) t"e b-i#din'/ A )ami#iar "-m o) )ee#in' co-rsed into my mind/ Lissa (as t"ere/
2imitri and 0 ro-nded t"e corner o) t"e b-i#din', comin' -p on a s-rprisin' scene/ A sma## )ro5en pond #ay t"ere,
and C"ristian and Lissa (ere ice satin' on it/ A (oman 0 didn.t no( (as (it" t"em, b-t "er bac (as to me/ A## 0
co-#d see (as a (a%e o) :et*b#ac "air t"at arced aro-nd "er ("en s"e sated to a 'race)-# stop/
Lissa 'rinned ("en s"e sa( me/ >Rose@> C"ristian '#anced o%er at me as s"e spoe, and 0 'ot t"e distinct
impression "e )e#t 0 (as intr-din' on t"eir romantic moment/
Lissa mo%ed in a((ard strides to t"e pond.s ed'e/ S"e (asn.t so adept at satin'/
0 co-#d on#y stare in be(i#derment7and :ea#o-sy/ >T"ans )or in%itin' me to t"e party/>
>0 )i'-red yo- (ere b-sy,> s"e said/ >And t"is is secret any(ay/ We aren.t s-pposed to be "ere/> 0 co-#d "a%e to#d
t"em t"at/
C"ristian sated -p beside "er, and t"e stran'e (oman soon )o##o(ed/ >+o- brin'in' party cras"ers, 2ima=> s"e
0 (ondered ("o s"e (as ta#in' to, -nti# 0 "eard 2imitri#a-'"/ 6e didn.t do it t"at o)ten, and my s-rprise increased/
>0t.s impossib#e to eep Rose a(ay )rom p#aces s"e s"o-#dn.t be/ S"e a#(ays )inds t"em e%ent-a##y/>
T"e (oman 'rinned and t-rned aro-nd, )#ippin' "er #on' "air o%er one s"o-#der, so t"at 0 s-dden#y sa( "er )ace
)-##*on/ 0t too e%ery o-nce o) my a#ready d-bio-s#y "e#d se#)*contro# not to react/ 6er "eart*s"aped )ace "ad #ar'e
eyes e&act#y t"e same s"ade as C"ristian.s, a pa#e (intry b#-e/ T"e #ips t"at smi#ed at me (ere de#icate and #o%e#y,
'#ossed in a s"ade o) pin t"at set o)) t"e rest o) "er )eat-res/
B-t across "er #e)t c"ee, marrin' ("at (o-#d "a%e ot"er(ise been smoot", ("ite sin (ere raised, p-rp#is" scars/
T"eir s"ape and )ormation #ooed %ery m-c" #ie someone "ad bitten into and torn o-t part o) "er c"ee/ W"ic", 0
rea#i5ed, (as e&act#y ("at "ad "appened/
0 s(a##o(ed/ 0 s-dden#y ne( ("o t"is (as/ 0t (as C"ristian.s a-nt/ W"en "is parents "ad t-rned Stri'oi, t"ey.d
come bac )or "im, "opin' to "ide "im a(ay and t-rn "im Stri'oi ("en "e (as o#der/ 0 didn.t no( a## t"e detai#s,
b-t 0 ne( "is a-nt "ad )ended t"em o))/ As 0.d obser%ed be)ore, t"o-'", Stri'oi (ere dead#y/ S"e.d pro%ided
eno-'" o) a distraction -nti# t"e '-ardians s"o(ed -p, b-t s"e "adn.t
(a#ed a(ay (it"o-t dama'e/
S"e e&tended "er '#o%ed "and to me/ >Tas"a O5era,> s"e said/ >0.%e "eard a #ot abo-t yo-, Rose/>
0 'a%e C"ristian a dan'ero-s #oo, and Tas"a #a-'"ed/
>2on.t (orry,> s"e said/ >0t (as a## 'ood/>
>No, it (asn.t,> "e co-ntered/
S"e s"oo "er "ead in e&asperation/ >6onest#y, 0 don.t no( ("ere "e 'ot s-c" "orrib#e socia# si##s/ 6e didn.t
#earn t"em )rom me/> T"at (as ob%io-s, 0 t"o-'"t/
>W"at are yo- '-ys doin' o-t "ere=> 0 ased/
>0 (anted to spend some time (it" t"ese t(o/> A sma## )ro(n (rin#ed "er )ore"ead/ >B-t 0 don.t rea##y #ie
"an'in' aro-nd t"e sc"oo# itse#)/ T"ey aren.t a#(ays "ospitab#e////>
0 didn.t 'et t"at at )irst/ Sc"oo# o))icia#s -s-a##y )e## a## o%er t"emse#%es ("en roya#s came to %isit/ T"en 0 )i'-red it
>Beca-se /// beca-se o) ("at "appened ///>
Considerin' t"e (ay e%eryone treated C"ristian beca-se o) "is parents, 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e been s-rprised to )ind "is
a-nt )acin' t"e same discrimination/
Tas"a s"r-''ed/ >T"at.s t"e (ay it is/> S"e r-bbed "er "ands to'et"er and e&"a#ed, "er breat" main' a )rosty
c#o-d in t"e air/ >B-t #et.s not stand o-t "ere, not ("en (e can b-i#d a )ire inside/>
0 'a%e a #ast, (ist)-# '#ance at t"e )ro5en pond and t"en )o##o(ed t"e ot"ers inside/ T"e cabin (as pretty bare,
co%ered in #ayers o) d-st and dirt/ 0t consisted o) on#y one room/ T"ere (as a narro( bed (it" no co%ers in t"e
corner and a )e( s"e#%es ("ere )ood "ad probab#y once been stored/ T"ere (as a )irep#ace, "o(e%er, and (e soon
"ad a b#a5e 'oin' t"at (armed t"e sma## area/ T"e )i%e o) -s sat do(n, "-dd#in' aro-nd its "eat, and Tas"a
prod-ced a ba' o) mars"ma##o(s t"at (e cooed o%er t"e )#ames/
As (e )easted on t"at 'ooey 'oodness, Lissa and C"ristian ta#ed to eac" ot"er in t"at easy, com)ortab#e (ay t"ey
a#(ays "ad/ To my s-rprise, Tas"a and 2imitri a#so ta#ed in a )ami#iar and #i'"t (ay/ T"ey ob%io-s#y ne( eac"
ot"er )rom (ay bac ("en/ 0.d act-a##y ne%er seen "im so animated be)ore/ E%en ("en a))ectionate (it" me,
t"ere.d a#(ays been a serio-s air abo-t "im/ Wit" Tas"a, "e bantered and #a-'"ed/
T"e more 0 #istened to "er, t"e more 0 #ied "er/ Fina##y, -nab#e to stay o-t o) t"e con%ersation, 0 ased, >So are
yo- comin' on t"e si trip=>
S"e nodded/ Sti)#in' a ya(n, s"e stretc"ed "erse#) o-t #ie a cat/ >0 "a%en.t been siin' in a'es/ No time/ Been
sa%in' a## my %acation )or t"is/>
>Vacation=> 0 'a%e "er a c-rio-s #oo/ >2o yo- "a%e// /a :ob=>
>Sad#y, yes,> Tas"a said, t"o-'" s"e didn.t act-a##y so-nd %ery sad abo-t it/ >0 teac" martia# arts c#asses/>
0 stared in astonis"ment/ 0 co-#dn.t "a%e been more s-rprised i) s"e.d said s"e (as an astrona-t or a te#ep"one
A #ot o) roya#s :-st didn.t (or at a##, and i) t"ey did, it (as -s-a##y in some sort o) in%estment or ot"er
moneymain' b-siness t"at )-rt"ered t"eir )ami#y )ort-nes/ And t"ose ("o did (or certain#y didn.t do a #ot o)
martia# arts or p"ysica##y demandin' :obs/ $oroi "ad a #ot o) 'reat attrib-tes1 e&ceptiona# senses7sme##, si'"t, and
"earin'7and t"e po(er to(or ma'ic/ B-t p"ysica##y, t"ey (ere ta## and s#ender, o)ten sma##*boned/ T"ey a#so 'ot
(ea )rom bein' in s-n#i'"t/ No(, t"ose t"in's (eren.t eno-'" to pre%ent someone )rom becomin' a )i'"ter, b-t
t"ey did mae it more c"a##en'in'/ An idea "ad b-i#t -p amon' t"e $oroi o%er time t"at t"eir best o))ense (as a
'ood de)ense, and most s"ied a(ay )rom t"e t"o-'"t o) p"ysica# con)#ict/ T"ey "id in (e##*protected p#aces #ie t"e
Academy, a#(ays re#yin' on stron'er, "ardier d"ampirs to '-ard t"em/
>W"at do yo- t"in, Rose=> C"ristian seemed "i'"#y am-sed by my s-rprise/ >T"in yo- co-#d tae "er=>
>6ard to say,> 0 said/
Tas"a crooed me a 'rin/ > bein' modest/ 0.%e seen ("at yo- '-ys can do/ T"is is :-st a "obby 0 piced -p/>
2imitri c"-c#ed/ >No(you're bein' modest/ +o- co-#d teac" "a#) t"e c#asses aro-nd "ere/>
>Not #ie#y,> s"e said/ >0t.d be pretty embarrassin' to be beaten -p by a b-nc" o) teena'ers/>
>0 don.t t"in t"at.d "appen,> "e said/ >0 seem to remember yo- doin' some dama'e to Nei# S5e#sy/>
Tas"a ro##ed "er eyes/ >T"ro(in' my drin in "is )ace (asn.t act-a##y dama'e7-n#ess yo- consider t"e dama'e it
did to "is s-it/ And (e a## no( "o( "e is abo-t "is c#ot"es/>
T"ey bot" #a-'"ed at some pri%ate :oe t"e rest o) -s (eren.t in on, b-t 0 (as on#y "a#)*#istenin'/ 0 (as sti##
intri'-ed abo-t "er ro#e (it" t"e Stri'oi/
T"e se#)*contro# 0.d tried to maintain )ina##y s#ipped/ >2idyo- start #earnin' to )i'"t be)ore or a)ter t"at "appened to
yo-r )ace=>
>Rose@> "issed Lissa/
B-t Tas"a didn.t seem -pset/ Neit"er did C"ristian, and "e -s-a##y 're( -ncom)ortab#e ("en t"e attac (it" "is
parents (as bro-'"t -p/ S"e re'arded me (it" a #e%e#, t"o-'"t)-# #oo/ 0t reminded me o) t"e one 0 sometimes 'ot
)rom 2imitri i) 0 did somet"in' s-rprisin' t"at "e appro%ed o)/
>A)ter,> s"e said/ S"e didn.t #o(er "er 'a5e or #oo embarrassed, t"o-'" 0 sensed sadness in "er/ >6o( m-c" do
yo- no(=>
0 '#anced at C"ristian/ >T"e basics/>
S"e nodded/ >0 ne( /// 0 ne( ("at L-cas and $oira "ad become, b-t t"at sti## didn.t prepare me/ $enta##y,
p"ysica##y, or emotiona##y/ 0 t"in i) 0 "ad to #i%e t"ro-'" it a'ain, 0 sti## (o-#dn.t be ready/ B-t a)ter t"at ni'"t, 0
#ooed at myse#)7 )i'-rati%e#y7and rea#i5ed "o( de)ense#ess 0 (as/ 0.d spent my ("o#e #i)e e&pectin' '-ardians
to protect me and tae care o) me/
>And t"at.s not to say t"e '-ardians aren.t capab#e/ Lie 0 said, yo- co-#d probab#y tae me in a )i'"t/ B-t t"ey7
L-cas and $oira7c-t do(n o-r t(o '-ardians be)ore (e rea#i5ed ("at "ad "appened/ 0 sta##ed t"em )rom tain'
C"ristian7 b-t :-st bare#y/ 0) t"e ot"ers "adn.t s"o(n -p, 0.d be dead, and "e.d7> S"e stopped, )ro(ned, and ept
'oin'/ >0 decided t"at 0 didn.t (ant to die t"at (ay, not (it"o-t p-ttin' -p a rea# )i'"t and doin' e%eryt"in' 0 co-#d
to protect myse#) and t"ose0 #o%e/ So 0 #earned a## sorts o) se#)*de)ense/ And a)ter a ("i#e, 0 didn.t rea##y, -", )it in
so (e## (it" "i'" society aro-nd "ere/ So 0 mo%ed to $inneapo#is and made a #i%in' )rom teac"in' ot"ers/>
0 didn.t do-bt t"ere (ere ot"er $oroi #i%in' in $inneapo#is7t"o-'" God on#y ne( ("y7b-t 0 co-#d read
bet(een t"e #ines/ S"e.d mo%ed t"ere and inte'rated "erse#) (it" "-mans, eepin' a(ay )rom ot"er %ampires #ie
Lissa and 0 "ad )or t(o years/ 0 started to (onder a#so i) t"ere mi'"t "a%e been somet"in' e#se t"ere bet(een t"e
#ines/ S"e.d said s"e.d #earned >a## sorts o) se#)*de)ense>7apparent#y, more t"an :-st martia# arts/ Goin' a#on' (it"
t"eir o))ense*de)ense be#ie)s, t"e $oroi didn.t t"in ma'ic s"o-#d be -sed as a (eapon/ Lon' a'o, it "ad been -sed
t"at (ay, and some $oroi sti## secret#y did today/ C"ristian, 0 ne(, (as one o) t"em/ 0 s-dden#y "ad a 'ood idea
o) ("ere "e mi'"t "a%e piced -p t"at ind o) t"in'/
Si#ence )e##/ 0t (as "ard to )o##o( -p a sad story #ie t"at/ B-t Tas"a, 0 rea#i5ed, (as one o) t"ose peop#e ("o
co-#d a#(ays #i'"ten a mood/ 0t made me #ie "er e%en more, and s"e spent t"e rest o) t"e time te##in' -s )-nny
stories/ S"e didn.t p-t on airs #ie a #ot o) roya#s did, so s"e "ad #ots o) dirt on e%eryone/ 2imitri ne( a #ot o) t"e
peop#e s"e spoe o)7 "onest#y, "o( did someone so antisocia# seem to no( everyone in $oroi and '-ardian
society=7and (o-#d occasiona##y add some sma## detai#/ T"ey "ad -s in "ysterics -nti# Tas"a )ina##y #ooed at "er
>W"ere.s t"e best p#ace a 'ir# can 'o s"oppin' aro-nd "ere=> s"e ased/
Lissa and 0 e&c"an'ed #oos/ >$isso-#a,> (e said in -nison/
Tas"a si'"ed/ >T"at.s a co-p#e "o-rs a(ay, b-t i) 0 #ea%e soon, 0 can probab#y sti## 'et in some time be)ore t"e
stores c#ose/ 0.m "ope#ess#y be"ind in C"ristmas s"oppin'/>
0 'roaned/ >0.d i## to 'o s"oppin'/>
>$e too,> said Lissa/
>$aybe (e co-#d snea a#on'////> 0 'a%e 2imitri a "ope)-# #oo/
>No,> "e said immediate#y/ 0 'a%e a si'" o) my o(n/
Tas"a ya(ned a'ain/ >0.## "a%e to 'rab some co))ee, so 0 don.t s#eep on t"e dri%e in/>
>Can.t one o) yo-r '-ardians dri%e )or yo-=>
S"e s"oo "er "ead/ >0 don.t "a%e any/>
>2on.t "a%e any ///> 0 )ro(ned, parsin' "er (ords/ >+o- don.t "a%e any '-ardians=>
0 s"ot -p/ >B-t t"at.s not possib#e@ roya#/ +o- s"o-#d "a%e at #east one/ T(o, rea##y/>
G-ardians (ere distrib-ted amon' $oroi in a cryptic, micromana'ed (ay by t"e G-ardian Co-nci#/ 0t (as ind o)
an -n)air system, considerin' t"e ratio o) '-ardians to $oroi/ Non*roya#s tended to 'et t"em by a #ottery system/
Roya#s al"ays 'ot t"em/ 6i'"*ranin' roya#s o)ten 'ot more t"an one, b-t e%en t"e #o(est*ranin' member o)
roya#ty (o-#dn.t "a%e been (it"o-t one/
>T"e O5eras aren.t e&act#y )irst in #ine ("en '-ardians 'et assi'ned,> said C"ristian bitter#y/ >E%er since// /my
parents died// /t"ere.s ind o) been a s"orta'e/>
$y an'er )#ared -p/ >B-t t"at.s not )air/ T"ey can.t p-nis" yo- )or ("at yo-r parents did/>
>0t.s not p-nis"ment, Rose/> Tas"a didn.t seem near#y as enra'ed as s"e s"o-#d "a%e been, in my opinion/ >0t.s
:-st// /a rearran'in' o) priorities/>
>T" #ea%in' yo- de)ense#ess/ +o- can.t 'o o-t t"ere by yo-rse#)@>
>0.m not de)ense#ess, Rose/ 0.%e to#d yo- t"at/ And i) 0 rea##y (anted a '-ardian, 0 co-#d mae a n-isance o) myse#),
b-t it.s a #ot o) "ass#e/ 0.m )ine )or no(/>
2imitri '#anced o%er at "er/ >+o- (ant me to 'o (it" yo-=>
>And eep yo- -p a## ni'"t=> Tas"a s"oo "er "ead/ >0 (o-#dn.t do t"at to yo-, 2ima/>
>6e doesn.t mind,> 0 said <-ic#y, e&cited abo-t t"is so#-tion/
2imitri seemed am-sed by me speain' )or "im, b-t "e didn.t contradict me/ >0 rea##y don.t/>
S"e "esitated/ >A## ri'"t/ B-t (e s"o-#d probab#y 'o soon/>
O-r i##icit party dispersed/ T"e $oroi (ent one direction; 2imitri and 0 (ent anot"er/ 6e and Tas"a made p#ans to
meet -p in a "a#) "o-r/
>So ("at do yo- t"in o) "er=> "e ased ("en (e (ere a#one/
>0 #ie "er/ S"e.s coo#/> 0 t"o-'"t abo-t "er )or a moment/ >And 0 'et ("at yo- mean abo-t t"e mars/> >O"=>
0 nodded, (atc"in' my )ootin' as (e (a#ed a#on' t"e pat"s/ E%en ("en sa#ted and s"o%e#ed, t"ey co-#d sti##
co##ect "idden patc"es o) ice/
>S"e didn.t do ("at s"e did )or '#ory/ S"e did it beca-se s"e "ad to/ 3-st #ie// /:-st #ie my mom did/> 0 "ated to
admit it, b-t it (as tr-e/ 3anine 6at"a(ay mi'"t be t"e (orst mot"er e%er, b-t s"e (as a 'reat '-ardian/ >T"e
mars don.t matter/ #olnijas or scars/>
> a )ast #earner,> "e said (it" appro%a#/
0 s(e##ed -nder "is praise/ >W"y does s"e ca## yo- 2ima=>
6e #a-'"ed so)t#y/ 0.d "eard a #ot o) "is #a-'"ter toni'"t and decided 0.d #ie to "ear more o) it/
>0t.s a nicname )or 2imitri/>
>T"at doesn.t mae any sense/ 0t doesn.t so-nd anyt"in' #ie 2imitri/ +o- s"o-#d be ca##ed, 0 don.t no(, 2imi or
>T"at.s not "o( it (ors in R-ssian,> "e said/
>R-ssian.s (eird,> 0n R-ssian, t"e nicname )or Vasi#isa (as Vasya, ("ic" made no sense to me/
>So is En'#is"/>
0 'a%e "im a s#y #oo/ >0) yo-.d teac" me to s(ear in R-ssian, 0 mi'"t "a%e a ne( appreciation )or it/> >+o- s(ear
too m-c" a#ready/>
>0 :-st (ant to e&press myse#)/>
>O", Ro5a///> 6e si'"ed, and 0 )e#t a t"ri## tic#e me/ >Ro5a> (as my name in R-ssian/ 6e rare#y -sed it/ >+o-
e&press yo-rse#) more t"an anyone e#se 0 no(/>
0 smi#ed and (a#ed on a bit (it"o-t sayin' anyt"in' e#se/ $y "eart sipped a beat, 0 (as so "appy to be aro-nd
"im/ T"ere (as somet"in' (arm and right abo-t -s bein' to'et"er/
E%en as 0 )#oated a#on', my mind c"-rned o%er somet"in' e#se t"at 0.d been t"inin' abo-t/ >+o- no(, t"ere.s
somet"in' )-nny abo-t Tas"a.s scars/>
>W"at.s t"at=> "e ased/
>T"e scars// /t"ey mess -p "er )ace,> 0 be'an s#o(#y/ 0 (as "a%in' tro-b#e p-ttin' my t"o-'"ts into (ords/ >0 mean,
it.s ob%io-s s"e -sed to be rea##y pretty/ B-t e%en (it" t"e scars no( /// 0 don.t no(/ S"e.s pretty in a di))erent (ay/
0t.s #ie// /#ie t" part o) "er/ T"ey comp#ete "er/> 0t so-nded si##y, b-t it (as tr-e/
2imitri didn.t say anyt"in', b-t "e 'a%e me a side#on' '#ance/ 0 ret-rned it, and as o-r eyes met, 0 sa( t"e brie)est
'#impse o) t"e o#d attraction/ 0t (as )#eetin' and 'one too soon, b-t 0.d seen it/ Pride and appro%a# rep#aced it, and
t"ey (ere a#most as 'ood/
W"en "e spoe, it (as to ec"o "is ear#ier t"o-'"ts/ > a )ast #earner, Ro5a/>
0 WAS FEEL0NG PRETT+ GOO2 abo-t #i)e ("en 0 "eaded to my be)ore*sc"oo# practice t"e ne&t day/ T"e secret
'at"erin' #ast ni'"t "ad been s-per )-n, and 0 )e#t pro-d#y responsib#e )or )i'"tin' t"e system and enco-ra'in'
2imitri to 'o (it" Tas"a/ Better sti##, 0.d 'otten my )irst crac at a si#%er stae yesterday and "ad pro%en 0 co-#d
"and#e one/ 6i'" on myse#), 0 co-#dn.t (ait to practice e%en more/
Once 0 (as dressed in my -s-a# (oro-t attire, 0 practica##y sipped do(n to t"e 'ym/ B-t ("en 0 st-c my "ead
inside t"e practice room )rom t"e day be)ore, 0 )o-nd it dar and <-iet/ F#ippin' on t"e #i'"t, 0 peered aro-nd :-st in
case 2imitri (as cond-ctin' some ind o) (eird, co%ert trainin' e&ercise/ Nope/ Empty/ No stain' today/
>S"it,> 0 m-ttered/
>6e.s not "ere/>
0 ye#ped and near#y :-mped ten )eet in t"e air/ T-rnin' aro-nd, 0 #ooed strai'"t into my mot"er.s narro(ed bro(n
>W"at are yo- doin' "ere=> As soon as t"e (ords (ere o-t o) my mo-t", "er appearance re'istered (it" me/ A
stretc"y spande& s"irt (it" s"ort s#ee%es/ Loose, dra(strin' (oro-t pants simi#ar to t"e ones 0 (ore/ >S"it,> 0 said
>Watc" yo-r mo-t",> s"e snapped/ >+o- mi'"t be"a%e #ie yo- "a%e no manners, b-t at #east try not to so-nd t"at
>W"ere.s 2imitri=>
>G-ardian Be#io%is in bed/ 6e :-st 'ot bac a co-p#e o) "o-rs a'o and needed to s#eep/>
Anot"er e&p#eti%e (as on my #ips, and 0 bit it bac/ O) co-rse 2imitri (as as#eep/ 6e.d "ad to dri%e (it" Tas"a to
$isso-#a d-rin' day#i'"t in order to be t"ere d-rin' "-man s"oppin' "o-rs/ 6e.d tec"nica##y been -p a## o) t"e
Academy.s ni'"t and "ad probab#y on#y :-st 'otten bac/ U'"/ 0 (o-#dn.t "a%e been so <-ic to enco-ra'e "im to
"e#p "er i) 0.d no(n it.d res-#t in this.
>We##,> 0 said "asti#y/ >0 '-ess t"at means practice is cance#ed7>
>Be <-iet and p-t t"ese on/> S"e "anded me some trainin' mitts/ T"ey (ere simi#ar to bo&in' '#o%es b-t not as
t"ic and b-#y/ T"ey s"ared t"e same p-rpose, "o(e%er1 to protect yo-r "ands and eep yo- )rom 'o-'in' yo-r
opponent (it" yo-r nai#s/
>We.%e been (orin' on si#%er staes,> 0 said s-#i#y s"o%in' my "ands into t"e mitts/
>We##, today ( doin' t"is/ Come on/>
Wis"in' 0.d been "it by a b-s on my (a# )rom t"e dorm today, 0 )o##o(ed "er o-t to(ard t"e center o) t"e 'ym/
6er c-r#y "air (as pinned -p to stay o-t o) t"e (ay, re%ea#in' t"e bac o) "er nec/ T"e sin t"ere (as co%ered in
tattoos/ T"e top one (as a serpentine #ine1 t"e promise mar, 'i%en ("en'-ardians 'rad-ated )rom academies #ie
St/ V#adimir.s and a'reed to ser%e/ Be#o( t"at (ere t"e molnija mars a(arded eac" time a '-ardian i##ed a
Stri'oi/ T"ey (ere s"aped #ie t"e #i'"tnin' bo#ts t"ey too t"eir name )rom/ 0 co-#dn.t 'a-'e e&act n-mbers, b-t
#et.s :-st say it (as a (onder my mom "ad any nec #e)t to tattoo/ S"e.d (ie#ded a #ot o) deat" in "er time/
W"en s"e reac"ed t"e spot s"e (anted, s"e t-rned to(ard me and adopted an attac stance/ 6a#) e&pectin' "er to
:-mp me t"en and t"ere, 0 <-ic#y mirrored it/
>W"at are (e doin'=> 0 ased/
>Basic o))ensi%e and de)ensi%e parryin'/ Use t"e red #ines/>
>T"at.s a##=> 0 ased/
S"e #eapt to(ard me/ 0 dod'ed7:-st bare#y7and tripped o%er my o(n )eet in t"e process/ 6asti#y, 0 ri'"ted
>We##,> s"e said in a %oice t"at almost so-nded sarcastic/ >As yo- seem so een on remindin' me, 0 "a%en.t seen
yo- in )i%e years/ 0 "a%e no idea ("at yo- can do/>
S"e mo%ed on me a'ain, and a'ain 0 :-st bare#y ept (it"in t"e #ines in escapin' "er/ T"at <-ic#y became t"e
pattern/ S"e ne%er rea##y 'a%e me t"e c"ance to 'o on t"e o))ensi%e/ Or maybe 0 :-st didn.t "a%e t"e si##s to tae
t"e o))ensi%e/ 0 spent a## my time de)endin' myse#)7p"ysica##y, at #east/ Gr-d'in'#y, 0 "ad to acno(#ed'e to
myse#) t"at s"e (as 'ood/ $eally 'ood/ B-t 0 certain#y (asn.t 'oin' to te## "er t"at/
>So, ("at=> 0 ased/ >T"is is yo-r (ay o) main' -p )or materna# ne'#i'ence=>
>T"is is my (ay o) main' yo- 'et rid o) t"at c"ip on yo-r s"o-#der/ +o-.%e "ad not"in' b-t attit-de )or me since
0 arri%ed/ +o- (ant to )i'"t=> 6er )ist s"ot o-t and connected (it" my arm/ >T"en (e.## )i'"t/ Point/>
>Point,> 0 conceded, bacin' -p to my side/ >0 don.t (ant to )i'"t/ 0.%e :-st been tryin' to ta# to yo-/>
>$o-t"in' o)) to me in c#ass isn.t ("at 0.d rea##y ca## ta#in'/ Point/>
0 'r-nted )rom t"e "it/ W"en 0.d )irst be'-n trainin' (it" 2imitri, 0.d comp#ained t"at it (asn.t )air )or me to )i'"t
someone a )oot ta##er t"an me/ 6e.d pointed o-t t"at 0.d )i'"t p#enty o) Stri'oi ta##er t"an me and t"at t"e o#d ada'e
(as tr-e1 si5e doesn.t matter/ Sometimes 0 t"o-'"t "t (as 'i%in' me )a#se "ope, b-t :-d'in' )rom my mom.s
per)ormance "ere, 0 (as startin' to be#ie%e "im/
0.d ne%er act-a##y )o-'"t anyone sma##er t"an me/ As one o) t"e )e( 'ir#s in t"e no%ice c#asses, 0 accepted t"at 0
(as a#most a#(ays 'oin' to be s"orter and s#immer t"an my opponents/ B-t my mot"er (as sma##er sti## and c#ear#y
"ad not"in' b-t m-sc#e paced into "er petite body/
>0 "a%e a -ni<-e sty#e o) comm-nication, t"at.s a##,> 0 said/
>+o- "a%e a petty teena'e de#-sion t"at yo-.%e some"o( been (ron'ed )or t"e #ast se%enteen years/> 6er )oot "it
my t"i'"/ >Point/ W"en in rea#ity, yo-.%e been treated no di))erent#y t"an any ot"er d"ampir/ Better, act-a##y/ 0
co-#d "a%e sent yo- o)) to #i%e (it" my co-sins/ +o- (ant to be a b#ood ("ore= 0s t"at ("at yo- (anted=>
T"e term >b#ood ("ore> a#(ays made me )#inc"/ 0t (as a term o)ten app#ied to t"e sin'#e d"ampir mot"ers ("o
decided to raise t"eir c"i#dren instead o) becomin' '-ardians/ T"ese (omen o)ten "ad s"ort*term a))airs (it"
$oroi men and (ere #ooed do(n on )or it7e%en t"o-'" t"ere (asn.t rea##y anyt"in' e#se t"ey co-#d "a%e done,
since $oroi men -s-a##y ended -p marryin' $oroi (omen/ T"e
>b#ood ("ore> term came )rom t"e )act t"at some d"ampir (omen #et men drin b#ood )rom t"em d-rin' se&/ 0n
o-r (or#d, on#y "-mans 'a%e b#ood/ A d"ampir doin' it (as dirty and iny7especia##y d-rin' se&/ 0 s-spected
on#y a )e( d"ampir (omen act-a##y did t"is, b-t -n)air#y, t"e term tended to 'et app#ied to a## o) t"em/ 0 "ad 'i%en
b#ood to Lissa ("en (e "ad r-n a(ay, and a#t"o-'" it "ad been a necessary act, t"e sti'ma sti## stayed (it" me/
>No/ O) co-rse 0 don.t (ant to be a b#ood ("ore/> $y breat"in' (as becomin' "ea%y/ >And t" not a## #ie
t"at/ T" on#y a )e( t"at act-a##y are/>
>T"ey brin' t"at rep-tation on t"emse#%es,> s"e 'ro(#ed/ 0 dod'ed "er strie/ >T"ey s"o-#d be doin' t"eir d-ty as
'-ardians, not contin-in' to )oo# aro-nd and "a%e )#in's (it" $oroi/>
>T" raisin' t"eir c"i#dren,> 0 'r-nted/ 0 (anted to ye## b-t co-#dn.t (aste t"e o&y'en/ >Somet"in' yo-.d no(
not"in' abo-t/ Besides, aren.t yo- t"e same as t"ey are= 0 don.t see a rin' on yo-r )in'er/ Wasn.t my dad :-st a )#in'
)or yo-=>
6er )ace t-rned "ard, ("ic" is sayin' somet"in' (" a#ready beatin' -p yo-r da-'"ter/ "%hat, " s"e said
ti'"t#y, >is somet"in' you no( not"in' abo-t/ Point/>
0 (inced at t"e b#o( b-t (as "appy to see 0.d str-c a ner%e/ 0 "ad no c#-e ("o my dad (as/ T"e on#y bit o)
in)ormation 0 "ad (as t"at "e (as T-ris"/ 0 mi'"t "a%e my mom.s c-r%y )i'-re and pretty )ace7t"o-'" 0 co-#d
sm-'#y say mine (as m-c" prettier t"an "ers no(adays7b-t t"e rest o) my co#orin' (as )rom "im/ Li'"t#y tanned
sin (it" dar "air and eyes/
>6o(.d it "appen=> 0 ased/ >Were yo- on some assi'nment in T-rey= $eet "im at a #oca# ba5aar= Or (as it e%en
c"eaper t"an t"at= 2id yo- 'o a## 2ar(in and se#ect t"e '-y most #ie#y to pass on (arrior 'enes to yo-r o))sprin'=
0 mean, 0 no( yo- on#y "ad me beca-se it (as yo-r duty, so 0 s-ppose yo- "ad to mae s-re yo- co-#d 'i%e t"e
'-ardians t"e best specimen yo- co-#d/>
>Rosemarie,> s"e (arned t"ro-'" 'ritted teet", >)or once in yo-r #i)e, s"-t -p/>
>W"y= Am 0 tarnis"in' yo-r precio-s rep-tation= 0t.s :-st #ie yo- to#d me1 yo- aren.t any di))erent )rom any ot"er
d"ampir eit"er/ +o- :-st scre(ed "im and7>
T"ere.s a reason t"ey say, >Pride 'oet" be)ore a )a##/> 0 (as so ca-'"t -p in my o(n cocy tri-mp" t"at 0 stopped
payin' attention to my )eet/ 0 (as too c#ose to t"e red #ine/ Goin' o-tside o) it (as anot"er point )or "er, so 0
scramb#ed to stay (it"in and dod'e "er at t"e same time/ Un)ort-nate#y, on#y one o) t"ose co-#d (or/ 6er )ist
came )#yin' at me, )astand "ard7and, per"aps most important#y, a bit "i'"er t"an t"e permissab#e accordin' to
r-#es o) t"is ind o) e&ercise/ 0t smaced me in t"e )ace (it" t"e po(er o) a sma## tr-c, and 0 )#e( bac(ard,
"ittin' t"e "ard 'ym )#oor bac*)irst and "ead*second/ And 0 (as o-t o) t"e #ines/ 2amn it/
Pain craced t"ro-'" t"e bac o) my "ead, and my %ision (ent b#-rry and spar#y/ Wit"in seconds, my mot"er (as
#eanin' o%er me/
>Rose= Rose= Are yo- oay=> 6er %oice so-nded "oarse and )rantic/ T"e (or#d s(am/
At some point a)ter t"at, ot"er peop#e came, and 0 some"o( (o-nd -p in t"e Academy.s med c#inic/ T"ere,
someone s"one a #i'"t in my eyes and started asin' me incredib#y idiotic <-estions/
>W"at.s yo-r name=>
>W"at=> 0 ased, s<-intin' at t"e #i'"t/
>+o-r name/> 0 reco'ni5ed 2r/ O#end5i peerin' o%er me/
>+o- no( my name/>
>0 (ant yo- to te## me/>
>Rose/ Rose 6at"a(ay/>
>2o yo- no( yo-r birt"day=>
>O) co-rse 0 do/ W"y are yo- asin' me s-c" st-pid t"in's= 2id yo- #ose my records=>
2r/ O#end5i 'a%e an e&asperated si'" and (a#ed o)), tain' t"e annoyin' #i'"t (it" "er/ >0 t"in s"e.s )ine,> 0
"eard "er te## someone/ >0 (ant to eep "er "ere )or t"e sc"oo# day, :-st to mae s-re s"e doesn.t "a%e a conc-ssion/
0 certain#ydon.t (ant "er any("ere near "er '-ardian c#asses/>
0 spent t"e day mo%in' in and o-t o) s#eep beca-se 2r/ O#end5i ept (ain' me -p to do "er tests/ S"e a#so 'a%e
me an ice pac and to#d me to eep it c#ose to my )ace/ W"en t"e Academy.s c#asses #et o-t, s"e deemed me (e##
eno-'" to #ea%e/
>0 s(ear, Rose, 0 t"in yo- s"o-#d "a%e a )re<-ent patient.s card/> T"ere (as a sma## smi#e on "er )ace/ >S"ort o)
t"ose (it" c"ronic prob#ems #ie a##er'ies and ast"ma, 0 don.t t"in t"ere.s any ot"er st-dent 0.%e seen "ere so o)ten
in s-c" a s"ort period o) time/>
>T"ans,> 0 said, not rea##y s-re 0 (anted t"e "onor/ >So, no conc-ssion=>
S"e s"oo "er "ead/ >No/ 'oin' to "a%e some pain, t"o-'"/ 0.## 'i%e yo- somet"in' )or t"at be)ore yo- 'o/>
6er smi#e )aded, and s-dden#y s"e #ooed ner%o-s/ >To be "onest, Rose, 0 t"in most o) t"e dama'e "appened to,
(e##, yo-r )ace/>
0 s"ot -p )rom t"e bed/ >W"at do yo- mean .most o) t"e dama'e "appened to my )ace.=>
S"e 'est-red to t"e mirror abo%e t"e sin on t"e )ar side o) t"e room/ 0 ran o%er to it and #ooed at my re)#ection/
>Son o) a bitc"@>
P-rp#is" red sp#otc"es co%ered t"e -pper portion o) t"e #e)t side o) my )ace, partic-#ar#y near t"e eye/ 2esperate#y,
0 t-rned aro-nd to )ace "er/
>T"is is 'oin' to 'o a(ay soon, ri'"t= 0) 0 eep t"e ice on it=>
S"e s"oo "er "ead a'ain/ >T"e ice can "e#p// /b-t 0.m a)raid 'oin' to "a%e a (iced b#ac eye/ 0t.## probab#y
be at its (orst tomorro( b-t s"o-#d c#ear -p in a (ee or so/ +o-.## be bac to norma# be)ore #on'/>
0 #e)t t"e c#inic in a da5e t"at "ad not"in' to do (it" my "ead in:-ry/ C#ear -p in a (ee or so= 6o( co-#d 2r/
O#end5i spea so #i'"t#y abo-t t"is= 2idn.t s"e rea#i5e ("at (as "appenin'= 0 (as 'oin' to
#oo #ie a m-tant )or C"ristmas and most o) t"e si trip/ 0 "ad a b#ac eye/ A )reain' b#ac eye/ And my mot"er
"ad 'i%en it to me/
0 ANGR0L+ PUS6E2 T6ROUG6 T6E do-b#e doors t"at #ed into t"e $oroi dorm/ Sno( s(ir#ed in be"ind me,
and a )e( peop#e #in'erin' on t"e main )#oor '#anced -p -pon my entrance/ Not s-rprisin'#y, se%era# o) t"em did
do-b#e taes/ S(a##o(in', 0 )orced myse#) not to react/ 0t (o-#d be oay/ No need to )rea o-t/ No%ices 'ot in:-red
a## t"e time/ 0t (as act-a##y rarer not to 'et in:-red/ Admitted#y, t"is (as a more noticeab#e in:-ry t"an most, b-t 0
co-#d #i%e (it" it -nti# it "ea#ed, ri'"t= And it (asn.t #ie anyone (o-#d no( "o( 0.d recei%ed it/
>6ey Rose, is it tr-e yo-r o(n mot"er p-nc"ed yo-=>
0 )ro5e/ 0.d no( t"at ta-ntin' soprano %oice any("ere/ T-rnin' s#o(#y, 0 #ooed into t"e deep b#-e eyes o) $ia
Rina#di/ C-r#y b#ond "air )ramed a )ace t"at mi'"t "a%e been c-te i) not )or t"e ma#icio-s smir on it/
A year yo-n'er t"an -s, $ia.d taen on Lissa 8and me by de)a-#t9 in a (ar to see ("o co-#d tear apart t"e ot"er.s
#i)e most <-ic#y7a (ar, 0 s"o-#d add, t"at she started/ 0t "ad in%o#%ed "er stea#in' Lissa.s e&*boy)riend7despite
t"e )act Lissa "ad decided in t"e end s"e didn.t (ant "im7and t"e spreadin' o) a## sorts o) r-mors/
Admitted#y, $ia.s "atred "adn.t been entire#y -n:-sti)ied/Lissa.s o#der brot"er, Andre7("o "ad been i##ed in t"e
same car accident t"at tec"nica##y >i##ed> me7"ad -sed $ia pretty bad#y ("en s"e (as a )res"man/ 0) s"e (eren.t
s-c" a bitc" no(, 0 (o-#d "a%e )e#t sorry )or "er/ 0t "ad been (ron' o) "im, and ("i#e 0 co-#d -nderstand "er an'er,
0 don.t no( t"at it (as )air o) "er to tae t"at o-t on Lissa in t"e (ay s"e did/
Lissa and 0 "ad tec"nica##y (on t"e (ar in t"e end, b-t $ia "ad ine&p#icab#y bo-nced bac/ S"e didn.t r-n (it" t"e
same e#ite t"at s"e once "ad, b-t s"e "ad reb-i#t a sma## contin'ent o) )riends/ $a#icio-s or not, stron' #eaders
a#(ays attract )o##o(ers/
0.d )o-nd t"at abo-t BD percent o) t"e time, t"e most e))ecti%e response (as to i'nore "er/ B-t (e "ad :-st crossed
o%er to t"e ot"er AD percent, beca-se it.s impossib#e to i'nore someone anno-ncin' to t"e (or#d t"at yo-r mot"er
:-st p-nc"ed yo-7e%en i) it (as tr-e/ 0 stopped (a#in' and t-rned aro-nd/ $ia stood near a %endin' mac"ine,
no(in' s"e.d dra(n me o-t/ 0 didn.t bot"er asin' "o( s"e.d )o-nd o-t abo-t my mot"er 'i%in' me t"e b#ac eye/
T"in's rare#y stayed secret aro-nd "ere/
W"en s"e ca-'"t )-## si'"t o) my )ace, "er eyes (idened in -nabas"ed de#i'"t/ >Wo(/ Ta# abo-t a )ace
on#y a mot"er co-#d #o%e/>
6a/ C-te/ From anyone e#se, 0 (o-#d "a%e app#a-ded t"e :oe/
>We##, t"e e&pert on )ace in:-ry,> 0 said/ >6o(.s yo-r nose=>
$ia.s icy smi#e t(itc"ed a #itt#e, b-t s"e didn.t bac do(n/ 0.d broen "er nose abo-t a mont" a'o7at a sc"oo#
dance o) a## p#aces7and ("i#e t"e nose "ad since "ea#ed, it no( sat :-st t"e tiniest bit ase(/ P#astic s-r'ery co-#d
probab#y )i& it -p, b-t )rom my -nderstandin' o) "er )ami#y.s )inances, t"at (asn.t possib#e :-st no(/
>0t.s better,> s"e rep#ied prim#y/ >Fort-nate#y, it (as on#y broen by a psyc"opat"ic ("ore and not anyone act-a##y
re#ated to me/>
0 'a%e "er my best psyc"opat"ic smi#e/ >Too bad/ Fami#y members "it yo- by accident/ Psyc"opat"ic ("ores tend
to come bac )or more/>
T"reatenin' p"ysica# %io#ence a'ainst "er (as -s-a##y a pretty so-nd tactic, b-t (e "ad too many peop#e aro-nd
ri'"t no( )or t"at to be a #e'itimate concern )or "er/ And $ia ne( it/ Not t"at 0 (as abo%e attacin' someone in
t"is ind o) settin'7"e##, 0.d done it #ots o) times7b-t 0 "as tryin' to (or on my imp-#se contro# #ate#y/
>2oesn.t #oo #ie m-c" o) an accident to me,> s"e said/ >2on.t yo- '-ys "a%e r-#es abo-t )ace p-nc"es= 0 mean,
t"at #oos really )ar o-t o) bo-nds/>
0 opened my mo-t" to te## "er o)), b-t not"in' came o-t/ S"e "ad a point/ $y in:-ry "as )ar o-t o) bo-nds; in t"at
sort o) combat, yo- aren.t s-pposed to "it abo%e t"e nec/ T"is (as "ay abo%e t"at )orbidden #ine/
$ia sa( my "esitation, and it (as #ie C"ristmas mornin' "ad come a (ee ear#y )or "er/ Unti# t"at moment, 0"in t"ere.d e%er been a time in o-r anta'onistic re#ations"ip in ("ic" s"e.d rendered me speec"#ess/
>Ladies,> came a stern, )ema#e %oice/ T"e $oroi attendin' t"e )ront des #eaned o%er it and )i&ed -s (it" a s"arp
#oo/ >T"is is a #obby, not a #o-n'e/ Eit"er 'o -pstairs or 'o o-tside/>
For a moment, breain' $ia.s nose a'ain so-nded #ie t"e best idea in t"e (or#d7to "e## (it" detention or
s-spension/ A)ter a deep breat", 0 decided retreat (as my most di'ni)ied action no(/ 0 sta#ed o)) to(ard t"e stairs
#eadin' -p to t"e 'ir#s. dorm/ O%er my s"o-#der, 0 "eard $ia ca##, >2on.t (orry, Rose/ 0t.## 'o a(ay/ Besides, it.s not
yo-rface '-ys are interested in/>
T"irty seconds #ater, 0 beat on Lissa.s door so "ard, it (as a (onder my )ist didn.t 'o t"ro-'" t"e (ood/ S"e
opened it s#o(#y and peered aro-nd/
>0s it :-st yo- o-t "ere= 0 t"o-'"t t"ere (as an army at t"e7o" my God/> 6er eyebro(s s"ot -p ("en s"e noticed
t"e #e)t side o) my )ace/ >W"at "appened=>
>+o- "a%en.t "eard a#ready= probab#y t"e on#y one in t"e sc"oo# ("o "asn.t,> 0 'r-mb#ed/ >3-st #et me in/>
Spra(#in' on "er bed, 0 to#d "er abo-t t"e day.s e%ents/ S"e (as proper#y appa##ed/
>0 "eard yo-.d been "-rt, b-t 0 )i'-red it (as one o) yo-r norma# t"in's,> s"e said/
0 stared -p at t"e spac#ed cei#in', )ee#in' miserab#e/ >T"e (orst part is, $ia (as ri'"t/ 0t (asn.t an accident/>
>W"at, sayin' yo-r mom did it on p-rpose=> W"en0 didn.t ans(er, Lissa.s %oice t-rned incred-#o-s/ >Come
on, s"e (o-#dn.t do t"at/ No (ay/>
>W"y= Beca-se s"e.s per)ect 3anine 6at"a(ay, master o) contro##in' "er temper= T"e t"in' is, s"e.s a#so per)ect
3anine 6at"a(ay, master o) )i'"tin' and contro##in' "er actions/ One (ay or anot"er, s"e s#ipped -p/>
>+ea", (e##,> said Lissa, >0 t"in "er st-mb#in' and missin' "er p-nc" is more #ie#y t"an "er doin' it on p-rpose/
S"e.d "a%e to rea##y #ose "er temper/>
>We##, s"e "as ta#in' to me/ T"at.s eno-'" to mae anyone #ose t"eir temper/ And 0 acc-sed "er o) s#eepin' (it"
my dad beca-se "e (as t"e so-ndest e%o#-tionary c"oice/>
>Rose,> 'roaned Lissa/ >+o- ind o) #e)t o-t t"at part in yo-r recap/ W"y.d yo- say t"at to "er=>
>Beca-se it.s probab#y tr-e/>
>B-t yo- "ad to no( it.d -pset "er/ W"y do yo- eep pro%oin' "er= W"y can.t yo- :-st mae peace (it" "er=>
0 sat -pri'"t/ >$ae peace (it" "er= &he gave me a blac' eye. Probab#y on p-rpose@ 6o( do 0 mae peace (it"
someone #ie t"at=>
Lissa :-st s"oo "er "ead and (a#ed o%er to t"e mirror to c"ec "er mae-p/ T"e )ee#in's comin' t"ro-'" o-r
bond (ere ones o) )r-stration and e&asperation/ Lin'erin' in t"e bac (as a bit o) anticipation, too/ 0 "ad t"e
patience to e&amine "er care)-##y, no( t"at 0.d )inis"ed my %entin'/ S"e "ad on a si#y #a%ender s"irt and a nee*
#en't" b#ac sirt/ 6er #on' "air "ad t"e ind o) smoot" per)ection on#y ac"ie%ed byspendin' an "o-r o) yo-r #i)e
on it (it" a "air dryer and )#at iron/
>+o- #oo nice/ W"at.s -p=>
6er )ee#in's s"i)ted s#i'"t#y, "er irritation (it" me dimmin' a #itt#e/ >0.m meetin' C"ristian soon/>
For a )e( min-tes t"ere, it "ad )e#t #ie t"e o#d days (it" Lissa and me/ 3-st -s, "an'in' o-t and ta#in'/ 6er
mention o) C"ristian, as (e## as t"e rea#i5ation t"at s"e.d "a%e to #ea%e me soon )or him, stirred -p dar )ee#in's in
my c"est/// )ee#in's 0 "ad to re#-ctant#y admit (ere : ea#o-sy/ Nat-ra##y, 0 didn.t #et on to t"at/
>Wo(/ W"at.d "e do to deser%e t"at= Resc-e orp"ans )rom a b-rnin' b-i#din'= 0) so, yo- mi'"t (ant to mae s-re
"e didn.t set t"e b-i#din' on )ire in t"e )irst p#ace/> C"ristian.s e#ement (as )ire/ 0t (as )ittin' since it (as t"e most
destr-cti%e one/
La-'"in', s"e t-rned )rom t"e mirror and noticed me 'ent#y to-c"in' my s(o##en )ace (it" my )in'ers/ 6er smi#e
t-rned ind/ >0t doesn.t #oo t"at bad/>
>W"ate%er/ 0 can te## ("en #yin', yo- no(/ And 2r/ O#end5i says it.## be e%en (orse tomorro(/> 0 #ay
bac do(n on t"e bed/ >T"ere probab#y isn.t eno-'" concea#er in t"e (or#d to co%er t"is, is t"ere= Tas"a and 0.##
"a%e to in%estin some (hantom of the O!era) sty#e mass/>
S"e si'"ed and sat on t"e bed near me/ >Too bad 0 can.t :-st "ea# it/>
0 smi#ed/ >T"at (o-#d be nice/>
T"e comp-#sion and c"arisma bro-'"t on by spirit (ere 'reat, b-t rea##y, "ea#in' (as "er coo#est abi#ity/ T"e
ran'e o) t"in's s"e co-#d ac"ie%e (as sta''erin'/
Lissa (as a#so t"inin' abo-t ("at spirit co-#d do/ >0 (is" t"ere (ere some ot"er (ay to contro# t"e spirit /// in a
(ay t"at sti## #et me -se t"e ma'ic////>
>+ea",> 0 said/ 0 -nderstood "er b-rnin' desire to do 'reat t"in's and "e#p peop#e/ 0t radiated o)) o) "er/ 6e##, 0
(o-#d a#so "a%e #ied to "a%e t"is eye c#eared -p in an instant rat"er t"an days/ >0 (is" t"ere (ere too/>
S"e si'"ed a'ain/ >And t"ere.s more to me t"an :-st (is"in' 0 co-#d "ea# and do ot"er st-)) (it" spirit/ 0 a#so, (e##,
:-st miss t"e ma'ic/ 0t.s sti## t"ere; it.s :-st b#oced o)) by t"e pi##s/ 0t.s b-rnin' inside o) me/ 0t (ants me, and 0 (ant
it/ B-t t"ere.s a (a## bet(een -s/ +o- :-st can.t ima'ine it/>
>0 can, act-a##y/>
0t (as tr-e/ A#on' (it" "a%in' a 'enera# sense )or "er )ee#in's, 0 co-#d sometimes a#so >s#ip into "er/> 0t (as "ard
to e&p#ain and e%er "arder to end-re/ W"en t"at "appened, 0 co-#d #itera##y see t"ro-'" "er eyes and feel ("at s"e
e&perienced/ 2-rin' t"ose times, 0 "as "er/ $any times, 0.d been in "er "ead ("i#e s"e #on'ed )or t"e ma'ic, and
0.d )e#t t"e b-rnin' need s"e spoe o)/ S"e o)ten (oe -p at ni'"t, yearnin' )or t"e po(er s"e co-#d no #on'er
>O" yea",> s"e said r-e)-##y/ >0 )or'et abo-t t"at sometimes/>
A sense o) bitterness )i##ed "er/ 0t (asn.t directed at meso m-c" as it (as t"e no*(in nat-re o) "er sit-ation/ An'er
spared inside o) "er/ S"e didn.t #ie )ee#in' "e#p#ess any more t"an 0 did/ T"e an'er and )r-stration intensi)ied into
somet"in' darer and -'#ier, somet"in' 0 didn.t #ie/
>6ey,> 0 said, to-c"in' "er arm/ >+o- oay=>
S"e c#osed "er eyes brie)#y, t"en opened t"em/ >0 :-st "ate it/>
T"e intensity o) "er )ee#in's reminded me o) o-r con%ersation, t"e one (e.d "ad :-st be)ore 0 (ent to t"e Badica
"o-se/ >+o- sti## )ee# #ie t"e pi##s mi'"t be (eaenin'=>
>0 don.t no(/ A #itt#e/>
>0s it 'ettin' (orse=>
S"e s"oo "er "ead/ >No/ 0 sti## can.t -se t"e ma'ic/ 0 )ee# closer to it/ b-t it.s sti## b#oced o))/>
>B-t yo- sti##/ yo-r moods ///>
>+ea" /// t" actin' -p/ B-t don.t (orry,> s"e said, seein' my )ace/ >0.m not seein' t"in's or tryin' to "-rt
>Good/> 0 (as '#ad to "ear it b-t sti## (orried/ E%en i) s"e sti## co-#dn.t to-c" t"e ma'ic, 0 didn.t #ie t"e idea o) "er
menta# state s#ippin' a'ain/ 2esperate#y, 0 "oped t"e sit-ation (o-#d :-st stabi#i5e on its o(n/ >0.m "ere,> 0 to#d "er
so)t#y, "o#din' "er 'a5e/ >0) anyt"in' "appens t"at.s (eird// /yo- te## me, oay=>
Lie t"at, t"e dar )ee#in's disappeared (it"in "er/ As t"ey did, 0 )e#t a (eird ripp#e in t"e bond/ 0 can.t e&p#ain
("at it (as, b-t 0 s"-ddered )rom t"e )orce/ Lissa didn.t notice/ 6er mood pered -p a'ain, and s"e smi#ed at me/
>T"ans,> s"e said/ >0 (i##/>
0 smi#ed, "appy to see "er bac to norma#/ We #apsed into si#ence, and )or t"e brie)est o) moments, 0 (anted to
po-r my "eart o-t to "er/ 0.d "ad so m-c" on my mind #ate#y1 my mot"er, 2imitri, and t"e Badica "o-se/ 0.d been
eepin' t"ose )ee#in's #oced -p, and t"ey (ere tearin' me apart/ No(, )ee#in' so com)ortab#e (it" Lissa )or t"e
)irst time in a #on' time, 0 )ina##y )e#t t"at 0 co-#d #et "er into my )ee#in's )or a c"an'e/
Be)ore 0 co-#d open my mo-t", 0 )e#t "er t"o-'"ts s-dden#y s"i)t/ T"ey became ea'er and ner%o-s/ S"e "ad
somet"in' s"e (anted to te## me, somet"in' s"e.d been t"inin' abo-t intent#y/ So m-c" )or po-rin' my "eart o-t/
0) s"e (anted to ta#, 0 (o-#dn.t b-rden "er (it" my prob#ems, so 0 p-s"ed t"em aside and (aited )or "er to spea/
>0 )o-nd somet"in' in my researc" (it" $s/ Carmac/ Somet"in' stran'e/>
>O"=> 0 ased, instant#y c-rio-s/
$oroi -s-a##y de%e#oped t"eir specia#i5ed e#ement d-rin' ado#escence/ A)ter t"at, t"ey (ere p-t into ma'ic c#asses
speci)ic to t"at e#ement/ B-t as t"e on#y spirit -ser on record at t"e moment, Lissa didn.t rea##y "a%e a c#ass s"e
co-#d :oin/ $ost peop#e be#ie%ed s"e :-st "adn.t specia#i5ed, b-t s"e and $s/ Carmac7t"e ma'ic teac"er at St/
V#adimir.s7"ad been meetin' independent#y to #earn ("at t"ey co-#d abo-t spirit/ T"ey researc"ed bot" c-rrent
and o#d records, c"ecin' )or c#-es t"at mi'"t #ead to ot"er spirit -sers, no( t"at t"ey ne(some o) t"e te##ta#e
si'ns1 an inabi#ity to specia#i5e, menta# instabi#ity, etc/
>0 didn.t )ind any con)irmed spirit -sers, b-t 0 did )ind/ reports o), -m, -ne&p#ained p"enomena/>
0 b#ined in s-rprise/ >W"at ind o) st-))=> 0 ased, ponderin' ("at (o-#d co-nt as >-ne&p#ained p"enomena> )or
%ampires/ W"en s"e and 0 "ad #i%ed (it" "-mans, "e (o-#d "a%e been considered -ne&p#ained p"enomena/
>T" scattered reports/b-t, #ie, 0 read t"is one abo-t a '-y ("o co-#d mae ot"ers see t"in's t"at (eren.t t"ere/
6e co-#d 'et t"em to be#ie%e t"ey (ere seein' monsters or ot"er peop#e or ("ate%er/>
>T"at co-#d be comp-#sion/>
>Rea##ypo(er)-# comp-#sion/ 0 co-#dn.t do t"at, and 0.m stron'er7or -sed to be7in it t"an anyone (e no(/ And
t"at po(er comes )rom -sin' spirit//>
>So,> 0 )inis"ed, >yo- t"in t"is i##-sion '-y m-st "a%e been a spirit -ser too/> S"e nodded/ >W"y not
contact "im and )ind o-t=>
>Beca-se t"ere.s no in)ormation #isted@ 0t.s secret/ And t"ere are ot"ers :-st as stran'e/ Lie someone ("o co-#d
p"ysica##y drain ot"ers/ Peop#e standin' nearby (o-#d 'et (ea and #ose a## t"eir stren't"/ T"ey.d pass o-t/ And
t"ere (as someone e#se ("o co-#d stop t"in's in midair ("en t"ey (ere t"ro(n at "im/> E&citement #it -p "er
>6e co-#d "a%e been an air -ser,> 0 pointed o-t/
>$aybe,> s"e said/ 0 co-#d )ee# t"e c-riosity and e&citements(ir#in' t"ro-'" "er/ S"e desperate#y (anted to
be#ie%e t"ere (ere ot"ers o-t t"ere #ie "er/
0 smi#ed/ >W"o ne(= $oroi "a%e Ros(e##* and Area FA*type st-))/ 0t.s a (onder 0.m not bein' st-died some("ere
to see i) t"ey can )i'-re o-t t"e bond/>
Lissa.s spec-#ati%e mood t-rned teasin'/ >0 (is" 0 co-#d see into your mind sometimes/ 0.d #ie to no( "o( yo-
)ee# abo-t $ason/>
>6e.s my )riend,> 0 said sto-t#y, s-rprised at t"e abr-pt c"an'e in s-b:ect/ >T"at.s it/>
S"e tsed/ >+o- -sed to )#irt7and do ot"er st-))7(it" any '-y yo- co-#d 'et yo-r "ands on/>
>6ey@> 0 said, o))ended/ >0 (asn.t t"at bad/>
>Oay// /maybe not/ B-t yo- don.t seem interested in '-ys anymore/>
0 "as interested in '-ys7(e##, one '-y/
>$ason.s rea##y nice,> s"e contin-ed/ >And cra5y abo-t yo-/>
>6e is,> 0 a'reed/ 0 t"o-'"t abo-t $ason, abo-t t"at brie) moment ("en 0.d t"o-'"t "e (as se&y o-tside Stan.s
c#ass/ P#-s, $ason (as rea##y )-nny, and (e 'ot a#on' bea-ti)-##y/ 6e (asn.t a bad prospect as )ar as boy)riends
>+o- '-ys are a #ot a#ie/ bot" doin' t"in's yo- s"o-#dn.t/>
0 #a-'"ed/ T"at (as a#so tr-e/ 0 reca##ed $ason.s ea'erness to tae on e%ery Stri'oi in t"e (or#d/ 0 mi'"t not be
ready )or t"at7despite my o-tb-rst in t"e car7b-t 0 s"ared some o)"is rec#essness/ 0t mi'"t be time to 'i%e "im a
s"ot, 0 t"o-'"t/ Banterin' (it" "im (as )-n, and it "ad been a #on' time since 0.d issed anyone/ 2imitri made my
"eart ac"e /// b-t, (e##, it (asn.t #ie anyt"in' e#se (as 'oin' on t"ere/
Lissa (atc"ed me appraisin'#y, #ie s"e ne( ("at 0 (as t"inin'7(e##, aside )rom t"e 2imitri st-))/ >0 "eard
$eredit" say yo- (ere an idiot )or not 'oin' o-t (it" "im/ S"e said it.s beca-se yo- t"in too 'ood )or "im/>
>W"at@ T"at.s not tr-e/>
>6ey, I didn.t say it/ Any(ay, s"e said s"e.s t"inin' o) 'oin' a)ter "im/>
>$ason and $eredit"=> 0 sco))ed/ >T"at.s a disaster in t"e main'/ T"ey "a%e not"in' in common/>
0t (as petty, b-t 0.d 'otten -sed to $ason a#(ays dotin' on me/ S-dden#y, t"e t"o-'"t o) someone e#se 'ettin' "im
ired me/
> possessi%e,> Lissa said, a'ain '-essin' my t"o-'"ts/ No (onder s"e 'ot so annoyed at me readin' "er
>On#y a #itt#e/>
S"e #a-'"ed/ >Rose, e%en i) it.s not $ason, yo- rea##y s"o-#d start datin' a'ain/ T"ere are #ots o) '-ys ("o (o-#d
i## to 'o o-t (it" yo-7'-ys ("o are act-a##y nice/>
0 "adn.t a#(ays made t"e best c"oices ("en it came to men/ Once a'ain, t"e -r'e to spi## a## my (orries to "er
sei5ed me/ 0.d been "esitant to te## "er abo-t 2imitri )or so #on', e%en t"o-'" t"e secret b-rned inside o) me/ Sittin'
(it" "er "ere reminded me t"at s"e "as my best )riend/ 0 co-#d te## "eranyt"in', and s"e (o-#dn.t :-d'e me/ B-t,
:-st #ie ear#ier, 0 #ost t"e c"ance to te## "er ("at (as on my mind/
S"e '#anced o%er at "er a#arm c#oc and s-dden#y spran' -p )rom t"e bed/
>0.m #ate@ 0.%e 'ot to meet C"ristian@>
3oy )i##ed "er, -nderscored (it" a bit o) ner%o-s anticipation/ Lo%e/ W"at co-#d yo- do= 0 s(a##o(ed bac t"e
:ea#o-sy t"at started to raise its -'#y "ead/ Once a'ain, C"ristian "ad taen "er a(ay )rom me/ 0 (asn.t 'oin' to be
ab#e to -nb-rden myse#) toni'"t/
Lissa and 0 #e)t t"e dorm, and s"e practica##y sprinted a(ay, promisin' (e.d ta# tomorro(/ 0 (andered bac to my
o(n dorm/ W"en 0 'ot to my room, 0 passed by my mirror and 'roaned ("en 0 sa( my )ace/ 2ar p-rp#e
s-rro-nded my eye/ 0n ta#in' to Lissa, 0.d a#most )or'otten abo-t t"e ("o#e incident (it" my mot"er/ Stoppin' to
'et a c#oser #oo, 0 stared at my )ace/ $aybe it (as e'otistica#, b-t 0 ne( 0 #ooed 'ood/ 0 (ore a C*c-p and "ad a
body m-c" co%eted in a sc"oo# ("ere most o) t"e 'ir#s (ere s-permode# s#im/ And as 0.d noted ear#ier, my )ace (as
pretty too/ On a typica# day, 0 (as a nine aro-nd "ere7ten on a %ery 'ood one/
B-t today= +ea"/ 0 (as practica##y in ne'ati%e n-mbers/ 0 (as 'oin' to #oo )ab-#o-s )or t"e si trip/
>$y mom beat me -p,> 0 in)ormed my re)#ection/ 0t #ooed bac sympat"etica##y/
Wit" a si'", 0 decided 0 mi'"t as (e## 'et ready )or bed/ T"ere (as not"in' e#se 0 (anted to do toni'"t, and
maybee&tra s#eep (o-#d speed t"e "ea#in'/ 0 (ent do(n t"e "a## to t"e bat"room to (as" my )ace and br-s" my
"air/ W"en 0 'ot bac to my room, 0 s#ipped on my )a%orite pa:amas, and t"e )ee# o) so)t )#anne# c"eered me -p a
0 (as pacin' my bacpac )or t"e ne&t day ("en a b-rst o) emotion abr-pt#y s"ot t"ro-'" my bond (it" Lissa/ 0t
ca-'"t me -na(are and 'a%e me no c"ance to )i'"t it/ 0t (as #ie bein' noced o%er by a "-rricane*)orce (ind,
and s-dden#y, 0 (as no #on'er #ooin' at my bacpac/ 0 (as >inside> Lissa, e&periencin' "er (or#d )irst"and/
And t"at.s ("en t"in's 'ot a((ard/
Beca-se Lissa (as (it" C"ristian/
And t"in's (ere 'ettin' /// "ot/
C"ristian (as issin' "er, and (o(,(as ita iss/ 6e (asn.t messin' aro-nd/ 0t (as t"e ind o) iss t"at sma##
c"i#dren s"o-#dn.t be a##o(ed to see/ 6e##, it (as t"e ind o) iss no one s"o-#d be a##o(ed to see7#et a#one
e&perience t"ro-'" a psyc"ic #in/
As 0.%e noted be)ore, stron' emotion )rom Lissa co-#d mae t"is p"enomenon "appen7t"e one ("ere 0 'ot p-##ed
inside "er "ead/ B-t a#(ays, al"ays, it (as beca-se o) some ne'ati%e emotion/ S"e.d 'et -pset or an'ry or
depressed, and t"at (o-#d reac" o-t to me/ B-t t"is time= S"e (asn.t -pset/
S"e (as "appy/ Very, %ery "appy/
O" man/ 0 needed to 'et o-t o) "ere/
T"ey (ere -p in t"e attic o) t"e sc"oo#.s c"ape# or, as 0 #ied to ca## it, t"eir #o%e nest/ T"e p#ace "ad been a re'-#ar
"an'o-t )or t"em, bac ("en eac" o) t"em (as )ee#in' antisocia# and (anted to escape/ E%ent-a##y, t"ey.d decided
to be antisocia# to'et"er, and one t"in' "ad #ed to anot"er/ Since t"ey started p-b#ic#y datin', 0 "adn.t no(n t"ey
spent m-c" time "ere anymore/ $aybe t"ey (ere bac )or o#d time.s sae/
And indeed, a ce#ebration did seem to be 'oin' on/ Litt#e scented cand#es (ere set -p aro-nd t"e d-sty o#d p#ace,
cand#es t"at )i##ed t"e air (it" t"e scent o) #i#acs/ 0 (o-#d"a%e been a #itt#e ner%o-s abo-t settin' a## t"ose cand#es in
a con)ined space )i##ed (it" )#ammab#e bo&es and boos, b-t C"ristian probab#y )i'-red "e co-#d contro# any
accidenta# in)ernos/
T"ey )ina##y broe t"at insane#y #on' iss and p-##ed bac to #oo at eac" ot"er/ T"ey #ay on t"eir sides on t"e
)#oor/ Se%era# b#anets "ad been spread -nder t"em/
C"ristian.s )ace (as open and tender as "e re'arded Lissa, "is pa#e b#-e eyes a'#o( (it" some inner emotion/ 0t
(as di))erent )rom t"e (ay $ason re'arded me/ T"ere (as certain#y adoration (it" "im, b-t $ason.s (as a #ot #ie
("en yo- (a# into a c"-rc" and )a## to yo-r nees in a(e and )ear o) somet"in' yo- (ors"ip b-t don.t rea##y
-nderstand/ C"ristian c#ear#y (ors"ipped Lissa in "is (ay, b-t t"ere (as a no(in' '#int to "is eyes, a sense t"at
t"e t(o o) t"em s"ared an -nderstandin' o) eac" ot"er so per)ect and po(er)-# t"at t"ey didn.t e%en need (ords to
con%ey it/
>2on.t yo- t"in ( 'oin' to 'o to "e## )or t"is=> ased Lissa/
6e reac"ed o-t and to-c"ed "er )ace, trai#in' "is )in'ers a#on' "er c"ee and nec and do(n to t"e top o) "er si#y
s"irt/ S"e breat"ed "ea%i#y at t"at to-c", at t"e (ay it co-#d be so 'ent#e and sma##, yet e%oe s-c" a stron' passion
(it"in "er/
>For t"is=> 6e p#ayed (it" t"e s"irt.s ed'e, #ettin' "is )in'er :-st bare#y br-s" inside o) it/
>No,> s"e #a-'"ed/ >For this. S"e 'est-red aro-nd t"eattic/ >T"is is a c"-rc"/ We s"o-#dn.t be doin' t"is ind o),
-m, t"in' -p "ere/>
>Not tr-e,> "e ar'-ed/ Gent#y, "e p-s"ed "er onto "er bac and #eaned o%er "er/ >T"e c"-rc" is do(nstairs/ T"is is
:-st stora'e/ God (on.t mind/>
>+o- don.t be#ie%e in God,> s"e c"astised/ 6er "ands made t"eir (ay do(n "is c"est/ 6er mo%ements (ere as #i'"t
and de#iberate as "is, yet t"ey c#ear#y tri''ered t"e same po(er)-# response in "im/
6e si'"ed "appi#y as "er "ands s#id -nder "is s"irt and -p "is stomac"/ >0.m "-morin' yo-/>
>+o-.d say anyt"in' ri'"t no(,> s"e acc-sed/ 6er )in'ers ca-'"t t"e ed'e o) "is s"irt and p-s"ed it -p/ 6e s"i)ted
so s"e co-#d p-s" it a## t"e (ay o)) "im and t"en #eaned bac o%er "er, bare*c"ested/
> ri'"t,> "e a'reed/ 6e care)-##y -ndid one b-tton on "er b#o-se/ 3-st one/ T"en "e a'ain #eaned do(n and
'a%e "er one o) t"ose "ard, deep isses/ W"en "e came -p )or air, "e contin-ed on as t"o-'" not"in' "ad "appened/
>Te## me ("at yo- need to "ear, and 0.## say it/> 6e -n)astened anot"er b-tton/
>T"ere.s not"in' 0 need to "ear,> s"e #a-'"ed/ Anot"er b-tton popped )ree/ >+o- can te## me ("ate%er yo- (ant7
it.d :-st be nice i) it (ere tr-e/>
>T"e tr-t", "-"= No one (ants to "ear t"e tr-t"/ T"e tr-t" is ne%er se&y/ B-t yo- ///> T"e #ast b-tton came -ndone,
and"e spread "er s"irt a(ay/ >+o- are too 'oddamned se&y to be rea#/>
6is (ords "e#d "is trademar snary tone, b-t "is eyes con%eyed a di))erent messa'e entire#y/ 0 (as (itnessin' t"is
scene t"ro-'" Lissa.s eyes, b-t 0 co-#d ima'ine ("at "e sa(/ 6er smoot", ("ite sin/ S#ender (aist and "ips/ A
#acy ("ite bra/ T"ro-'" "er, 0 co-#d )ee# t"at t"e #ace (as itc"y, b-t s"e didn.t care/
Fee#in's bot" )ond and "-n'ry spread o%er "is )eat-res/ From (it"in Lissa, 0 co-#d )ee# "er "eart race and
breat"in' <-icen/ Emotions simi#ar to C"ristian.s c#o-ded a## ot"er co"erent t"o-'"ts/ S"i)tin' do(n, "e #ay on top
o) "er, pressin' t"eir bodies to'et"er/ 6is mo-t" so-'"t "ers o-t a'ain, and as t"eir #ips and ton'-es made contact,
0 ne( 0 had to 'et o-t o) t"ere/
Beca-se 0 -nderstood it no(/ 0 -nderstood ("y Lissa "ad dressed -p and ("y t"e #o%e nest "ad been deced o-t
#ie a +anee Cand#es s"o(room/ T"is (as it/ %he moment/ A)ter a mont" o) datin', t"ey (ere 'oin' to "a%e se&/
Lissa, 0 ne(, "ad done it be)ore (it" a past boy)riend/ 0 didn.t no( C"ristian.s past, b-t 0 sincere#y do-bted many
'ir#s "ad )a##en prey to "is abrasi%e c"arm/
B-t in )ee#in' ("at Lissa )e#t, 0 co-#d te## t"at none o) t"at mattered/ Not in t"at moment/ 0n t"at moment, t"ere
(ere on#y t"e t(o o) t"em and t"e (ay t"ey )e#t abo-t eac" ot"er ri'"t no(/ And in a #i)e )i##ed (it" more (orries
t"an someone"er a'e s"o-#d "a%e "ad, Lissa )e#t abso#-te#y certain abo-t ("at s"e (as doin' no(/ 0t (as ("at s"e
(anted/ W"at s"e.d (anted )or a %ery #on' time (it" "im/
And 0 "ad no ri'"t to be (itnessin' it/
W"o (as 0 iddin'= 0 didn.t "ant to (itness it/ 0 too no p#eas-re in (atc"in' ot"er peop#e 'et it on, and 0 s-re as
"e## didn.t (ant to e&perience se& (it" C"ristian/ 0t.d be #ie #osin' my %ir'inity %irt-a##y/
B-t 3es-s C"rist, Lissa (asn.t main' it easy to 'et o-t o) "er "ead/ S"e "ad no desire to detac" )rom "er )ee#in's
and emotions, and t"e stron'er t"ey 're(, t"e stron'er t"ey "e#d me/ Tryin' to distance myse#) )rom "er, 0 )oc-sed
my ener'ies on comin' bac to myse#), concentratin' as "ard as 0 co-#d/
$ore c#ot"es disappeared ///
Come on, come on,0 to#d myse#) stern#y/
T"e condom came o-t/ yies/ yo-r o(n person, Rose/ Get bac in yo-r "ead/
T"eir #imbs intert(ined, t"eir bodies mo%in' to'et"er ///
Son o) a7
0 ripped o-t o) "er and bac to myse#)/ Once a'ain, 0 (as bac in my room, b-t 0 no #on'er "ad any interest in
pacin' my bacpac/ $y ("o#e (or#d (as ase(/ 0 )e#t stran'e and %io#ated7a#most -ns-re i) 0 (as Rose or i) 0
(as Lissa/ 0 a#so )e#t t"at resentment to(ard C"ristian a'ain/ 0 certain#y didn.t (ant to "a%e se& (it" Lissa, b-t t"ere
(as t"at same pan' inside o) me, t"at )r-strated )ee#in' t"at 0 (as no #on'er t"e center o) "er (or#d/
Lea%in' t"e bacpac -nto-c"ed, 0 (ent ri'"t to bed, (rappin' my arms aro-nd myse#) and c-r#in' into a ba## to
try to s<-e#c" t"e ac"e (it"in my c"est/
0 )e## as#eep pretty <-ic#y and (oe -p ear#y as a res-#t/ Us-a##y, 0 "ad to be dra''ed o-t o) bed to 'o meet
2imitri, b-t today 0 s"o(ed -p ear#y eno-'" t"at 0 act-a##y beat "im to t"e 'ym/ As 0 (aited, 0 sa( $ason c-ttin'
across to one o) t"e b-i#din's t"at "e#d c#assrooms/
>W"oa,> 0 ca##ed/ >Since ("en are yo- -p t"is ear#y=>
>Since 0 "ad to retae a mat" test,> "e said, (a#in' o%er to me/ 6e 'a%e me "is misc"ie%o-s smi#e/ >$i'"t be
(ort" sippin', t"o-'", to "an' o-t (it" yo-/>
0 #a-'"ed, rememberin' my con%ersation (it" Lissa/ +es, t"ere (ere de)inite#y (orse t"in's 0 co-#d do t"an )#irt
and start somet"in' (it" $ason/
>Na"/ +o- mi'"t 'et in tro-b#e, t"en 0.d "a%e no rea# c"a##en'e on t"e s#opes/>
6e ro##ed "is eyes, sti## smi#in'/ "I'm t"e one (it" no rea# c"a##en'e, remember=>
>+o- ready to bet on somet"in' yet= Or are yo- sti## too a)raid=>
>Watc" it,> "e (arned, >or 0 mi'"t tae bac yo-r C"ristmas present/>
>+o- 'ot me a present=> 0 "adn.t e&pected t"at/
>+-p/ B-t i) yo- eep bac*ta#in', 0 mi'"t 'i%e it to someone e#se/>
>Lie $eredit"=> 0 teased/
>S"e isn.t e%en in yo-r #ea'-e, and yo- no( it/>
>E%en (it" a b#ac eye=> 0 ased (it" a 'rimace/
>E%en (it" t(o b#ac eyes/>
T"e #oo "e 'a%e me :-st t"en (asn.t teasin' or e%en rea##y s-''esti%e/ 0t (as :-st nice/ Nice, )riend#y, and
interested/ Lie "e rea##y cared/ A)ter a## t"e stress #ate#y, 0 decided 0 #ied bein' cared abo-t/ And (it" t"e ne'#ect
0 (as startin' to )ee# )rom Lissa, 0 rea#i5ed 0 a#so ind o) #ied "a%in' someone ("o (anted to pay so m-c"
attention to me/
>W"at are yo- doin' on C"ristmas=> 0 ased/
6e s"r-''ed/ >Not"in'/ $y mom a#most came do(n b-t "ad to cance# at t"e #ast min-te /// yo- no(, (it"
e%eryt"in' t"at "appened/>
$ason.s mot"er (asn.t a '-ardian/ S"e (as a d"ampir ("o.d c"osen to :-st be domestic and "a%e ids/ As a res-#t,
0 ne( "e sa( "er <-ite a bit/ 0t (as ironic, 0 t"o-'"t, t"at my mom act-a##y "as "ere, b-t )or a## intents and
p-rposes, s"e mi'"t as (e## "a%e been some("ere e#se/
>Come "an' (it" me,> 0 said on imp-#se/ >0.## be (it" Lissa and C"ristian and "is a-nt/ 0t.## be )-n/> >Rea##y=>
>Very )-n/>
>T"at.s not ("at 0 (as asin' abo-t/>
0 'rinned/ >0 no(/ 3-st be t"ere, oay=>
6e s(ept me one o) t"e 'a##ant bo(s "e #ied to mae/ >Abso#-te#y/>
$ason (andered o)) :-st as 2imitri s"o(ed -p )or o-r practice/ Ta#in' to $ason "ad made me )ee# 'iddy and
"appy; 0 "adn.t t"o-'"t abo-t my )ace at a## (it" "im/ B-t (it" 2imitri, 0 s-dden#y became se#)*conscio-s/ 0 didn.t
(ant to be anyt"in' #ess t"an per)ect (it" "im, and as (e (a#ed inside, 0 (ent o-t o) my (ay to a%ert my )ace so
"e co-#dn.t #oo at me )-##*on/ Worryin' abo-t t"at bro-'"t my mood do(n, and as it p#-mmeted, a## t"e ot"er
t"in's t"at "ad been -psettin' me came t-mb#in' bac/
We ret-rned to t"e trainin' room (it" t"e d-mmies, and "e to#d me "e simp#y (anted me to practice t"e
mane-%ers )rom t(o days a'o/ 6appy "e (asn.t 'oin' to brin' -p t"e )i'"t, 0 set to my tas (it" a b-rnin' 5ea#,
s"o(in' t"e d-mmies :-st ("at (o-#d "appen i) t"ey messed (it" Rose 6at"a(ay/ 0 ne( my )i'"tin' )-ry (as
)ired -p by more t"an :-st a simp#e desire to do (e##/ $y )ee#in's (ere o-t o) contro# t"is mornin', ra( and intense
a)ter bot" t"e )i'"t (it" my mot"er and ("at 0.d (itnessed (it" Lissa and C"ristian #ast ni'"t/ 2imitri sat bac and
(atc"ed me, occasiona##y criti<-in' my tec"ni<-e and o))erin' s-''estions )or ne( tactics/
>+o-r "air.s in t"e (ay,> "e said at one point/ >Not on#y are yo- b#ocin' yo-r perip"era# %ision, r-nnin'
t"e ris o) #ettin' yo-r enemy 'et a "and"o#d/>
>0) 0.m act-a##y in a )i'"t, 0.## (ear it -p/> 0 'r-nted as 0 s"o%ed t"e stae neat#y -p bet(een t"e d-mmy.s >ribs/> 0
didn.t no( ("at t"ese arti)icia# bones (ere made o), b-t t"ey (ere a bitc" to (or aro-nd/ 0 t"o-'"t abo-t my
moma'ain and added a #itt#e e&tra )orce to t"e :ab/ >0.m :-st (earin' it do(n today, t"at.s a##/>
>Rose,> "e said (arnin'#y/ 0'norin' "im, 0 p#-n'ed a'ain/ 6is %oice came more s"arp#y t"e ne&t time "e spoe/
"$ose. Stop/>
0 baced a(ay )rom t"e d-mmy, s-rprised to )ind my breat"in' #abored/ 0 "adn.t rea#i5ed 0 (as (orin' t"at "ard/
$y bac "it t"e (a##/ Wit" no("ere to 'o, 0 #ooed a(ay )rom "im, directin' my eyes to(ard t"e 'ro-nd/
>Loo at me,> "e ordered/
>Loo at me/>
No matter o-r c#ose "istory, "e (as sti## my instr-ctor/ 0 co-#dn.t re)-se a direct order/ S#o(#y, re#-ctant#y, 0 t-rned
to(ard "im, sti## ti#tin' my "ead s#i'"t#y do(n so t"e "air "-n' o%er t"e sides o) my )ace/ Risin' )rom "is c"air, "e
(a#ed o%er and stood be)ore me/
0 a%oided "is eyes b-t sa( "is "and mo%e )or(ard to br-s" bac my "air/ T"en it stopped/ As did my breat"in'/
O-r s"ort*#i%ed attraction "ad been )i##ed (it" <-estions and reser%ations, b-t one t"in' 0.d no(n )or s-re1 2imitri
"ad #o%ed my "air/ $aybe "e sti## #o%ed it/ 0t (as 'reat "air, 0.## admit/ Lon' and si#y and dar/ 6e -sed to )ind
e&c-ses to to-c" it, and "e.d co-nse#ed me a'ainst c-ttin' it as so many )ema#e '-ardians did/
6is "and "o%ered t"ere, and t"e (or#d stood sti## as 0 (aited to see ("at "e (o-#d do/ A)ter ("at seemed #ie
aneternity, "e #et "is "and 'rad-a##y )a## bac to "is side/ B-rnin' disappointment (as"ed o%er me, yet at t"e same
time, 0.d #earned somet"in'/ 6e.d "esitated/ 6e.d been a)raid to to-c" me, ("ic" maybe7:-st maybe7meant "e
sti## (anted to/ 6e.d "ad to "o#d "imse#) bac/
0 s#o(#y tipped my "ead bac so t"at (e made eye contact/ $ost o) my "air )e## bac )rom my )ace7b-t not a##/
6is "and tremb#ed a'ain, and 0 "oped a'ain "e.d reac" )or(ard/ T"e "and steadied/ $y e&citement dimmed/
>2oes it "-rt=> "e ased/ T"e scent o) t"at a)ters"a%e, min'#ed (it" "is s(eat, (as"ed o%er me/ God, 0 (is"ed "e
"ad to-c"ed me/
>No,> 0 #ied/
>0t doesn.t #oo so bad,> "e to#d me/ >0t.## "ea#/>
>0 "ate "er,> 0 said, astonis"ed at :-st "o( m-c" %enom t"ose t"ree (ords "e#d/ E%en ("i#e s-dden#y t-rned on and
(antin' 2imitri, 0 sti## co-#dn.t drop t"e 'r-d'e 0 "e#d a'ainst my mot"er/
>No, yo- don.t,> "e said 'ent#y/
>0 do/>
>+o- don.t "a%e time to "ate anyone,> "e ad%ised, "is %oice sti## ind/ >Not in o-r pro)ession/ +o- s"o-#d mae
peace (it" "er/>
Lissa "ad said e&act#y t"e same t"in'/ O-tra'e :oined my ot"er emotions/ T"at darness (it"in me started to
-n)-r#/ >$ae peace (it" "er= A)ter s"e 'a%e me a b#ac eye on !ur!ose* W"y am 0 t"e on#y one ("o sees "o(
cra5y t"at is=>
>S"e abso#-te#y did not do it on p-rpose,> "e said, %oice "ard/ >No matter "o( m-c" yo- resent "er, yo- "a%e to
be#ie%e t"at/ S"e (o-#dn.t do t"at, and any(ay, 0 sa( "er #ater t"at day/ S"e (as (orried abo-t yo-/>
>Probab#y more (orried someone (i## brin' "er -p on c"i#d ab-se c"ar'es,> 0 'r-mb#ed/
>2on.t yo- t"in t"is is t"e time o) year )or )or'i%eness=>
0 si'"ed #o-d#y/ >T"is isn.t a C"ristmas specia#@ T"is is my #i)e/ 0n t"e rea# (or#d, mirac#es and 'oodness :-st don.t
6e (as sti## eyein' my ca#m#y/ >0n t"e rea# (or#d, yo- can mae yo-r o(n mirac#es/>
$y )r-stration s-dden#y "it a breain' point, and 0 'a%e -p tryin' to maintain my contro#/ 0 (as so tired o) bein'
to#d reasonab#e, practica# t"in's ("ene%er somet"in' (ent (ron' in my #i)e/ Some("ere in me, 0 ne( 2imitri
on#y (anted to "e#p, b-t 0 :-st (asn.t -p )or t"e (e##*meant (ords/ 0 (anted com)ort )or my prob#ems/ 0 didn.t (ant
to t"in abo-t ("at (o-#d mae me a better person/ 0 (is"ed "e.d :-st "o#d me and te## me not to (orry/
>Oay, can yo- :-st stop t"is )or once=> 0 demanded, "ands on my "ips/
>Stop ("at=>
>T"e ("o#e pro)o-nd Gen crap t"in'/ +o- don.t ta# to me #ie a rea# person/ E%eryt"in' yo- say is :-st some
(ise, #i)e*#esson nonsense/ +o- rea##y do so-nd #ie a C"ristmas specia#/> 0 ne( it (asn.t entire#y )air to tae my
an'er o-t on"im, b-t 0 )o-nd myse#) practica##y s"o-tin'/ >0 s(ear, sometimes it.s :-st #ie yo- (ant to "ear
yo-rse#) ta#@ And 0 'no" not a#(ays t"is (ay/ +o- (ere per)ect#y norma# ("en yo- ta#ed to Tas"a/ B-t
(it" me= :-st 'oin' t"ro-'" t"e motions/ +o- don.t care abo-t me/ :-st st-c in yo-r st-pid mentor
6e stared at me, -nc"aracteristica##y s-rprised/ >0 don.t care abo-t yo-=>
>No/> 0 (as bein' petty7%ery, %ery petty/ And 0 ne( t"e tr-t"7t"at "e did care and (as more t"an :-st a
mentor/ 0 co-#dn.t "e#p myse#), t"o-'"/ 0t :-st ept comin' and comin'/ 0 :abbed "is c"est (it" my )in'er/ >0.m
anot"er st-dent to yo-/ +o- :-st 'o on and on (it" yo-r st-pid #i)e #essons so t"at7>
T"e "and 0.d "oped (o-#d to-c" my "air s-dden#y reac"ed o-t and 'rabbed my pointin' "and/ 6e pinned it to t"e
(a##, and 0 (as s-rprised to see a )#are o) emotion in "is eyes/ 0t (asn.t e&act#y an'er// /b-t it (as )r-stration o)
anot"er ind/
>2on.tte## me ("at 0.m )ee#in',> "e 'ro(#ed/
0 sa( t"en t"at "a#) o) ("at 0.d said (as tr-e/ 6e (as a#most a#(ays ca#m, a#(ays in contro#7e%en ("en )i'"tin'/
B-t "e.d a#so to#d me "o( "e.d once snapped and beaten -p "is $oroi )at"er/ 6e.d act-a##y been #ie me once7
a#(ays on t"e %er'e o) actin' (it"o-t t"inin', doin' t"in's "e ne( "e s"o-#dn.t/
>T"at.s it, isn.t it=> 0 ased/
> a#(ays )i'"tin' )or contro#/ t"e same as me/>
>No,> "e said, sti## ob%io-s#y (ored -p/ >0.%e #earned my contro#/>
Somet"in' abo-t t"is ne( rea#i5ation embo#dened me/ >No,> 0 in)ormed "im/ >+o- "a%en.t/ +o- p-t on a 'ood
)ace, and most o) t"e time yo- do stay in contro#/ B-t sometimes yo- can.t/ And sometimes ///> 0 #eaned )or(ard,
#o(erin' my %oice/ >Sometimes yo- don.t (ant to/>
0 co-#d see "is #abored breat"in' and ne( "is "eart (as beatin' as <-ic#y as mine/ And "e (asn.t p-##in' a(ay/ 0
ne( t"is (as (ron'7ne( a## t"e #o'ica# reasons )or -s stayin' apart/ B-t ri'"t t"en, 0 didn.t care/ 0 didn.t (ant to
contro# myse#)/ 0 didn.t (ant to be 'ood/
Be)ore "e rea#i5ed ("at (as "appenin', 0 issed "im/ O-r #ips met, and ("en 0 )e#t "im iss me bac, 0 ne( 0 (as
ri'"t/ 6e pressed "imse#) c#oser, trappin' me bet(een "im and t"e (a##/ 6e ept "o#din' my "and, b-t "is ot"er
one snaed be"ind my "ead, s#idin' into my "air/ T"e iss (as )i##ed (it" so m-c" intensity; it "e#d an'er, passion,
6e (as t"e one ("o broe it/ 6e :ered a(ay )rom me and too se%era# steps bac, #ooin' s"aen/ >2o not do
t"at a'ain,> "e said sti))#y/
>2on.t iss me bac t"en,> 0 retorted/
6e stared at me )or ("at seemed #ie )ore%er/ >0 don.t 'i%e .Gen #essons. to "ear myse#) ta#/ 0 don.t 'i%e t"em anot"er st-dent/ 0.m doin' t"is to teac" yo- contro#/>
> doin' a 'reat :ob,> 0 said bitter#y/
6e c#osed "is eyes )or "a#) a second, e&"a#ed, and m-ttered somet"in' in R-ssian/ Wit"o-t anot"er '#ance at me,
"e t-rned and #e)t t"e room/
0 202N.T SEE 20$0TR0 FOR a ("i#e a)ter t"at/ 6e.d sent a messa'e #ater t"at day sayin' t"at "e t"o-'"t (e
s"o-#d cance# o-r ne&t t(o sessions beca-se o) t"e rapid#y approac"in' p#ans to #ea%e camp-s/ C#asses (ere abo-t
to end any(ay, "e said; tain' a brea )rom practice seemed #ie t"e reasonab#e t"in'/
0t (as a #ame e&c-se, and 0 ne( t"at (asn.t t"e reason "e (as cance#in'/ 0) "e (anted to a%oid me, 0 (o-#d "a%e
pre)erred "e made -p somet"in' abo-t "o( "e and t"e ot"er '-ardians "ad to -p $oroi sec-rity or practice top*
secret nin:a mo%es/
Re'ard#ess o) "is story, 0 ne( "e (as a%oidin' me beca-se o) t"e iss/ T"at damned iss/ 0 didn.t re'ret it, not
e&act#y/ God on#y ne( "o( m-c" 0.d been (antin' to iss "im/ B-t 0.d done it )or t"e (ron' reasons/ 0.d done it
beca-se 0 (as -pset and )r-strated and "ad simp#y (anted to pro%e t"at 0 could. 0 (as so tired o) doin' t"e ri'"t
t"in', t"e smart t"in'/ 0 (as tryin' to be more in contro# #ate#y, b-t 0 seemed to be s#ippin'/
0 "adn.t )or'otten t"e (arnin' t"at "e.d once 'i%en me7 t"at -s bein' to'et"er (asn.t :-st abo-t a'e/ 0t (o-#d
inter)ere (it" o-r :obs/ P-s"in' "im into t"e iss// /(e##, 0.d )annedt"e )#ames o) a prob#em t"at co-#d e%ent-a##y
"-rt Lissa/ 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e done it/ +esterday, 0.d been -nab#e to stop myse#)/ Today 0 co-#d see more c#ear#y and
co-#dn.t be#ie%e ("at 0.d done/
$ason met me on C"ristmas mornin', and (e (ent to 'o "an' o-t (it" t"e ot"ers/ 0t pro%ided a 'ood opport-nity
to p-s" 2imitri o-t o) my "ead/ 0 #ied $ason7a #ot/ And it (asn.t #ie 0 "ad to r-n o)) and marry "im/ Lie Lissa
"ad said, it (o-#d be "ea#t"y )or me to :-st date someone a'ain/
Tas"a (as "ostin' o-r C"ristmas br-nc" in an e#e'ant par#or in t"e Academy.s '-est <-arters/ Lots o) 'ro-p
acti%ities and parties (ere occ-rrin' t"ro-'"o-t t"e sc"oo#, b-t 0.d <-ic#y noticed t"at Tas"a.s presence a#(ays
created a dist-rbance/ Peop#e eit"er secret#y stared or (ent o-t o) t"eir (ay to a%oid "er/ Sometimes s"e (o-#d
c"a##en'e t"em/ Sometimes s"e (o-#d :-st #ie #o(/ Today, s"e.d c"osen to stay o-t o) t"e ot"er roya#s. (ay and
simp#y en:oy t"is sma##, pri%ate party o) t"ose ("o didn.t s"-n "er/
2imitri "ad been in%ited to t"e 'at"erin', and a bit o) my reso#%e )a#tered ("en 0 sa( "im/ 6e.d act-a##y dressed -p
)or t"e occasion/ Oay, >dressed -p> mi'"t "a%e been an e&a''eration, b-t it (as t"e c#osest 0.d e%er seen "im
come to t"at/ Us-a##y "e :-st #ooed a #itt#e ro-'"// /#ie "e co-#d sprin' into batt#e at any 'i%en moment/ Today, "is
dar "air (as tied at t"e bac o) "is nec, as t"o-'" "e.d act-a##y tried to mae it neat/ 6e (ore "is -s-a# :eans and
#eat"er boots, b-t instead o) a T*s"irt or t"erma# s"irt, "e "ad on a )ine#y nit b#acs(eater/ 0t (as :-st an ordinary
s(eater, not"in' desi'ner or e&pensi%e, b-t it added a to-c" o) po#is" 0 didn.t -s-a##y see, and 'ood God, did it )it
"im (e##/
2imitri (asn.t mean to me or anyt"in', b-t "e certain#y didn.t 'o o-t o) "is (ay to mae con%ersation (it" me/ 6e
did ta# to Tas"a, "o(e%er, and 0 (atc"ed (it" )ascination as t"ey con%ersed in t"at easy (ay o) t"eirs/ 0.d since
#earned t"at a 'ood )riend o) "is (as a distant co-sin o) Tas"a.s )ami#y; t"at (as "o( t"e t(o o) t"em ne( eac"
>Fi%e=> ased 2imitri in s-rprise/ T"ey (ere disc-ssin' t"e )riend.s c"i#dren/ >0 "adn.t "eard t"at/>
Tas"a nodded/ >0t.s insane/ 0 s(ear, 0 don.t t"in "is (i)e.s "ad more t"an si& mont"s o)) bet(een ids/ S"e.s s"ort,
too7 so s"e :-st 'ets (ider and (ider/>
>W"en 0 )irst met "im, "e s(ore "e didn.t e%en (ant ids/>
6er eyes (idened e&cited#y/ >0 'no"* 0 can.t be#ie%e it/ +o- s"o-#d see "im no(/ 6e :-st me#ts aro-nd t"em/ 0
can.t e%en -nderstand "im "a#) t"e time/ 0 s(ear, "e speas more baby ta# t"an En'#is"/>
2imitri smi#ed "is rare smi#e/ >We##// /c"i#dren do t"at to peop#e/>
>0 can.t ima'ine it "appenin' to you, s"e #a-'"ed/ > a#(ays so stoic/ O) co-rse /// 0 s-ppose yo-.d be doin'
baby ta# in R-ssian, so no one (o-#d e%er no(/>
T"ey bot" #a-'"ed at t"at, and 0 t-rned a(ay, 'rate)-# $ason (as t"ere to ta# to/ 6e (as a 'ood distraction
)rome%eryt"in', beca-se in addition to 2imitri i'norin' me, Lissa and C"ristian (ere c"attin' on in t"eir o(n #itt#e
(or#d too/ Se& appeared to "a%e made t"em t"at m-c" more in #o%e, and 0 (ondered i) 0.d 'et to spend any time
(it" "er at a## on t"e si trip/ S"e did e%ent-a##y brea a(ay )rom "im to 'i%e me my C"ristmas present/
0 opened t"e bo& and stared inside/ 0 sa( a strin' o) maroon*co#ored beads, and t"e scent o) roses )#oated o-t/
>W"at t"e ///>
0 #i)ted t"e beads o-t, and a "ea%y 'o#d cr-ci)i& s(-n' )rom t"e end o) t"em/ S"e.d 'i%en me a chot'i. 0t (as
simi#ar to a rosary, on#y sma##er/ Brace#et*si5e/
>Are yo- tryin' to con%ert me=> 0 ased (ry#y/ Lissa (asn.t a re#i'io-s n-t or anyt"in', b-t s"e be#ie%ed in God
and attended c"-rc" re'-#ar#y/ Lie many $oroi )ami#ies ("o.d come )rom R-ssia and Eastern E-rope, s"e (as an
Ort"odo& C"ristian/
$e= 0 (as pretty m-c" an Ort"odo& A'nostic/ 0 )i'-red God probab#y e&isted, b-t 0 didn.t "a%e t"e time or ener'y
to in%esti'ate/ Lissa respected t"at and ne%er tried to p-s" "er )ait" on me, ("ic" made t"e 'i)t t"at m-c" (eirder/
>F#ip it o%er,> s"e said, c#ear#y am-sed at my s"oc/
0 did/ On t"e bac o) t"e cross, a dra'on (reat"ed in )#o(ers "ad been car%ed into t"e 'o#d/ T"e 2ra'omir crest/ 0
#ooed -p at "er, p-55#ed/
>0t.s a )ami#y "eir#oom,> s"e said/ >One o) my dad.s 'ood )riends "as been sa%in' bo&es o) "is st-))/ T"is (as in it/
0tbe#on'ed to my 'reat*'randmot"er.s '-ardian/>
>Liss ///> 0 said/ T"e c"oti too on a ("o#e ne( meanin'/ >0 can.t/ yo- can.t 'i%e me somet"in' #ie t"is/>
>We##, 0 certain#y can.t eep it/ 0t.s meant )or a '-ardian/ $y '-ardian/>
0 (o-nd t"e beads aro-nd one (rist/ T"e cross )e#t coo# a'ainst my sin/
>+o- no(,> 0 teased, >t"ere.s a 'ood possibi#ity 0.## 'et iced o-t o) sc"oo# be)ore 0 can become yo-r '-ardian/>
S"e 'rinned/ >We##, t"en yo- can 'i%e it bac/>
E%eryone #a-'"ed/ Tas"a started to say somet"in', t"en stopped ("en s"e #ooed -p at t"e door/ >3anine@>
$y mot"er stood t"ere, #ooin' as sti)) and impassi%e as e%er/
>Sorry 0.m #ate,> s"e said/ >0 "ad b-siness to tae care o)/>
B-siness/ As a#(ays/ E%en on C"ristmas/
0 )e#t my stomac" t-rn and "eat rise to my c"ees as t"e detai#s o) o-r )i'"t came r-s"in' bac to my mind/ S"e.d
ne%er sent one (ord o) comm-nication since it "ad "appened t(o days a'o, not e%en ("en 0 (as in t"e in)irmary/
No apo#o'ies/ Not"in'/ 0 'ritted my teet"/
S"e sat do(n (it" -s and soon :oined in t"e con%ersation/ 0.d #on' since disco%ered s"e co-#d rea##y on#y ta#
abo-t one s-b:ect1 '-ardian b-siness/ 0 (ondered i) s"e "ad any "obbies/ T"e Badica attac (as on e%eryone.s
mind, and t"is dro%e "er into a con%ersation abo-t some simi#ar )i'"t s"e.dbeen in/ To my "orror, $ason (as
ri%eted by "er e%ery (ord/
>We##, decapitations aren.t as easy as t"ey seem,> s"e said in "er matter*o)*)act (ay/ 0.d ne%er t"o-'"t t"ey (ere
easy at a##, b-t "er tone s-''ested t"at s"e be#ie%ed e%eryone t"o-'"t t"ey (ere cae/ >+o-.%e 'ot to 'et t"ro-'"
t"e spina# cord and tendons/>
T"ro-'" t"e bond, 0 )e#t Lissa 'ro( <-easy/ S"e (asn.t one )or 'r-esome ta#/
$ason.s eyes #it -p/ >W"at.s t"e best (eapon to do it (it"=>
$y mot"er considered/ >An a&e/ +o- can 'et more (ei'"t be"ind it/> S"e made a s(in'in' motion by (ay o)
>Coo#,> "e said/ >$an, 0 "ope t"ey #et me carry an a&e/> 0t (as a comica# and #-dicro-s idea, since a&es (ere
"ard#y con%enient (eapons to carry aro-nd/ For "a#) a second, t"e t"o-'"t o) $ason (a#in' do(n t"e street (it"
an a&e o%er "is s"o-#der #i'"tened my mood a #itt#e/ T"e moment <-ic#y passed/
0 "onest#y co-#dn.t be#ie%e (e (ere "a%in' t"is con%ersation on C"ristmas/ 6er presence "ad so-red e%eryt"in'/
Fort-nate#y, t"e 'at"erin' e%ent-a##y dispersed/ C"ristian and Lissa (ent o)) to do t"eir o(n t"in', and 2imitri and
Tas"a apparent#y "ad more catc"in' -p to do/ $ason and 0 (ere (e## on o-r (ay to t"e d"ampir dorm ("en my
mot"er :oined -s/
None o) -s said anyt"in'/ Stars c#-ttered t"e b#ac sy, s"arp and bri'"t, t"eir '#itter matc"ed in t"e ice and sno(
aro-nd -s/ 0 (ore my i%ory para (it" )ae )-r trimmin'/ 0tdid a 'ood :ob eepin' my body (arm, e%en t"o-'" it
did not"in' a'ainst t"e c"i##y '-sts t"at seared my )ace/ T"e ("o#e time (e (a#ed,
0 ept e&pectin' my mot"er to t-rn o)) to(ard t"e ot"er '-ardian areas, b-t s"e came ri'"t inside t"e dorm (it" -s/
>0.%e been (antin' to ta# to yo-,> s"e )ina##y said/ $y a#arms c#iced on/ W"at "ad 0 done no(=
T"at (as a## s"e said, b-t $ason piced -p on t"e "int immediate#y/ 6e (as neit"er st-pid nor ob#i%io-s to socia#
c-es, t"o-'" at t"at moment, 0 ind o) (is"ed "e (as/ 0 a#so )o-nd it ironic t"at "e (anted to
)i'"t e%ery Stri'oi in t"e (or#d b-t (as a)raid o) my mot"er/
6e '#anced at me apo#o'etica##y, s"r-''ed, and said, >6ey, 0.%e 'ot to 'et, -m, some("ere/ 0.## see yo- #ater/>
0 (atc"ed (it" re'ret as "e #e)t, (is"in' 0 co-#d r-n a)ter "im/ Probab#y my mom (o-#d on#y tac#e me and p-nc"
my ot"er eye i) 0 tried to escape/ Better to do t"in's "er (ay and 'et t"is o%er (it"/ S"i)tin' -ncom)ortab#y, 0
#ooed e%ery("ere b-t at "er and (aited )or "er to spea/ O-t o) t"e corner o) my eye, 0 noticed a )e( peop#e
'#ancin' o%er at -s/ Reca##in' "o( e%eryone in t"e (or#d seemed to no( abo-t "er 'i%in' me t"e b#ac eye, 0
s-dden#y decided 0 didn.t (ant (itnesses aro-nd )or ("ate%er #ect-re s"e (as abo-t to -n#eas" on me/
>+o- (ant to, -m, 'o to my room=> 0 ased/
S"e #ooed s-rprised, a#most -ncertain/ >S-re/>
0 #ed "er -pstairs, eepin' a sa)e distance a(ay as (e(a#ed/ A((ard tension b-i#t bet(een -s/ S"e didn.t say
anyt"in' ("en (e reac"ed my room, b-t 0 sa( "er e&amine e%ery detai# care)-##y, as t"o-'" a Stri'oi mi'"t be
#-rin' in t"ere/ 0 sat on t"e bed and (aited ("i#e s"e paced, -ns-re ("at 0 s"o-#d do/ S"e ran "er )in'ers o%er a
stac o) boos on anima# be"a%ior and e%o#-tion/
>Are t"ese )or a report=> s"e ased/
>No/ 0.m :-st interested in it, t"at.s a##/>
6er eyebro(s rose/ S"e "adn.t no(n t"at/ B-t "o( (o-#d s"e= S"e didn.t no( anyt"in' abo-t me/ S"e contin-ed
"er appraisa#, stoppin' to st-dy #itt#e t"in's t"at apparent#y s-rprised "er abo-t me/ A pict-re o) Lissa and me
dressed -p #ie )airies )or 6a##o(een/ A ba' o) S(eeTarts/ 0t (as as t"o-'" my mot"er (ere meetin' me )or t"e
)irst time/
Abr-pt#y, s"e t-rned and e&tended "er "and to(ard me/ >6ere/>
Start#ed, 0 #eaned )or(ard and "e#d my pa#m o-t -nderneat" "ers/ Somet"in' sma## and coo# dropped into my "and/
0t (as a ro-nd pendant, a sma## one7not m-c" bi''er t"an a dime in diameter/ A base o) si#%er "e#d a )#at disc o)
co#ored '#ass circ#es/ Fro(nin', 0 ran my t"-mb o%er its s-r)ace/ 0t (as stran'e, b-t t"e circ#es a#most made it #oo
#ie an eye/ T"e inner one (as sma##, :-st #ie a p-pi#/ 0t (as so dar b#-e t"at it #ooed b#ac/ S-rro-ndin' it (as a
#ar'er circ#e o) pa#e b#-e, ("ic" (as in t-rn s-rro-nded by a circ#e o) ("ite/ A %ery, %ery t"in rin' o) t"at dar b#-e
co#or circ#ed t"e o-tside/
>T"ans,> 0 said/ 0 "adn.t e&pected anyt"in' )rom "er/ T"e 'i)t (as (eird7("y t"e "e## (o-#d s"e 'i%e me an
eye=7b-t it "as a 'i)t/ >0/// 0 didn.t 'et yo- anyt"in'/>
$y mom nodded, )ace b#an and -nconcerned once more/ >0t.s )ine/ 0 don.t need anyt"in'/>
S"e t-rned a(ay a'ain and started (a#in' aro-nd t"e room/ S"e didn.t "a%e a #ot o) space to do it, b-t "er s"orter
"ei'"t 'a%e "er a sma##er stride/ Eac" time s"e passed in )ront o) t"e (indo( o%er my bed, t"e #i'"t (o-#d catc"
"er a-b-rn "air and #i'"t it -p/ 0 (atc"ed "er c-rio-s#y and rea#i5ed s"e (as as ner%o-s as me/
S"e "a#ted in "er pacin' and '#anced bac to(ard me/ >6o(.s yo-r eye=>
>Gettin' better/>
>Good/> S"e opened "er mo-t", and 0 "ad a )ee#in' s"e (as on t"e %er'e o) apo#o'i5in'/ B-t s"e didn.t/
W"en s"e started pacin' a'ain, 0 decided 0 co-#dn.t stand t"e inacti%ity/ 0 be'an p-ttin' my presents a(ay/ 0.d
'otten a pretty nice "a-# o) st-)) t"is mornin'/ One o) t"em (as a si# dress )rom Tas"a, red and embroidered (it"
)#o(ers/ $y mot"er (atc"ed me "an' it in t"e room.s tiny c#oset/
>T"at (as %ery nice o) Tas"a/>
>+ea",> 0 a'reed/ >0 didn.t no( s"e (as 'oin' to 'et me anyt"in'/ 0 rea##y #ie "er/>
>$e too/>
0 t-rned )rom t"e c#oset in s-rprise and stared at my mom/ 6er astonis"ment mirrored mine/ 0) 0 "adn.t no(n any
better,0.d "a%e said (e.d :-st a'reed on somet"in'/ $aybe C"ristmas mirac#es did "appen/
>G-ardian Be#io% (i## be a 'ood matc" )or "er/>
>07> 0 b#ined, not entire#y s-re ("at s"e (as ta#in' abo-t/ >2imitri=>
>G-ardian Be#io%,> s"e corrected stern#y, sti## not appro%in' o) my cas-a# (ay o) addressin' "im/ >W"at/// ("at
ind o) matc"=> 0 ased/
S"e raised an eyebro(/ >+o- "a%en.t "eard= S"e.s ased "im to be "er '-ardian7since s"e doesn.t "a%e one/>
0 )e#t #ie 0.d been p-nc"ed a'ain/ >B-t "e.s/ assi'ned "ere/ And to Lissa/>
>Arran'ements can be made/ And re'ard#ess o) t"e O5era rep-tation// /s"e.s sti## roya#/ 0) s"e p-s"es, s"e can 'et
"er (ay/>
0 stared b#ea#y into space/ >We##, 0 '-ess t"ey are )riends and e%eryt"in'/>
>$ore t"an t"at7or possib#y co-#d be/>
Bam@P-nc"ed a'ain/
>6mm= O"/ S"e.s/ interestedin "im/> By my mot"er.s tone, it (as c#ear t"at romantic matters act-a##y "e#d no
interest )or "er/ >S"e.s (i##in' to "a%e d"ampir c"i#dren, so it.s possib#e t"ey mi'"t e%ent-a##y mae an, -m,
arran'ement i) "e (ere "er '-ardian/>
O"/ $y/ God/
Time )ro5e/
$y "eart stopped beatin'/
0 rea#i5ed my mot"er (as (aitin' )or a response/ S"e (as #eanin' a'ainst my des, (atc"in' me/ S"e mi'"t be
ab#e to "-nt do(n Stri'oi, b-t s"e (as ob#i%io-s to my )ee#in's/
>0s /// is "e 'oin' to do it= Be "er '-ardian=> 0 ased (ea#y/
$y mom s"r-''ed/ >0 don.t t"in "e.s a'reed to it yet, b-t o) co-rse "e (i##/ 0t.s a 'reat opport-nity/>
>O) co-rse,> 0 ec"oed/ W"y (o-#d 2imitri t-rn do(n t"e c"ance to be a '-ardian to a )riend o) "is and to "a%e a
0 t"in my mom said somet"in' e#se a)ter t"at, b-t 0 didn.t "ear it/ 0 didn.t "ear anyt"in'/ 0 ept t"inin' abo-t
2imitri #ea%in' t"e Academy, #ea%in' me. 0 t"o-'"t abo-t t"e (ay "e and Tas"a "ad 'otten a#on' (it" eac" ot"er
so (e##/ And t"en, a)ter t"ose reco##ections, my ima'ination started impro%isin' )-t-re scenarios/ Tas"a and 2imitri
to'et"er/ To-c"in'/ 4issin'/ Naed/ Ot"er t"in's ///
0 s<-ee5ed my eyes s"-t )or "a#) a second and t"en opened t"em/
>0.m rea##y tired/>
$y mom stopped mid*sentence/ 0 "ad no idea ("at s"e.d been sayin' be)ore 0 interr-pted "er/
>0.m rea##y tired,> 0 repeated/ 0 co-#d "ear t"e "o##o(ness in my o(n %oice/ Empty/ No emotion/ >T"ans )or t"e
eye/-m, t"in', b-t i) yo- don.t mind ///>
$y mot"er stared at me in s-rprise, "er )eat-res open and con)-sed/ T"en, :-st #ie t"at, "er -s-a# (a## o)
coo#pro)essiona#ism s#ammed bac into p#ace/ Unti# t"at moment, 0 "adn.t rea#i5ed "o( m-c" s"e.d #et it -p/ B-t
s"e "ad/ For :-st a brie) time, s"e.d made "erse#) %-#nerab#e (it" me/ T"at %-#nerabi#ity (as no( 'one/
>O) co-rse,> s"e said sti))#y/ >0 don.t (ant to bot"er yo-/>
0 (anted to te## "er it (asn.t t"at/ 0 (anted to te## "er 0 (asn.t icin' "er o-t )or any persona# reason/ And 0
(anted to te## "er t"at 0 (is"ed s"e (ere t"e ind o) #o%in', -nderstandin' mot"er yo- a#(ays "ear abo-t, one 0
co-#d con)ide in/ $aybe e%en a mot"er 0 co-#d disc-ss my tro-b#ed #o%e #i)e (it"/
God/ 0 (is"ed 0 co-#d te## anyone abo-t t"at, act-a##y/ Especia##y ri'"t no(/
B-t 0 (as too ca-'"t -p in my o(n persona# drama to say a (ord/ 0 )e#t #ie someone "ad ripped my "eart o-t and
tossed it across t"e ot"er side o) t"e room/ T"ere (as a b-rnin', a'oni5in' pain in my c"est, and 0 "ad no idea "o(
it co-#d e%er be )i##ed/ 0t (as one t"in' to accept t"at 0 co-#dn.t "a%e 2imitri/ 0t (as somet"in' entire#y di))erent to
rea#i5e someone e#se co-#d/
0 didn.t say anyt"in' e#se to "er beca-se my speec" capabi#ities no #on'er e&isted/ F-ry '#inted in "er eyes, and "er
#ips )#attened o-t into t"at ti'"t e&pression o) disp#eas-re s"e so o)ten (ore/ Wit"o-t anot"er (ord, s"e t-rned
aro-nd and #e)t, s#ammin' t"e door be"ind "er/ T"at door s#am (as somet"in' 0 (o-#d "a%e done too, act-a##y/ 0
'-ess (e rea##y did s"are some 'enes/
B-t 0 )or'ot abo-t "er a#most immediate#y/ 0 :-st ept sittin' t"ere and t"inin'/ T"inin' and ima'inin'/
0 spent t"e rest o) t"e day doin' #itt#e more t"an t"at/ 0 sipped dinner/ 0 s"ed a )e( tears/ B-t most#y, 0 :-st sat on
my bed t"inin' and 'ro(in' more and more depressed/ 0 a#so disco%ered t"at t"e on#y t"in'
(orse t"an ima'inin' 2imitri and Tas"a to'et"er (as rememberin' ("en "e and I "ad been to'et"er/ 6e (o-#d
ne%er to-c" me a'ain #ie t"at, ne%er iss me a'ain///
T"is (as t"e (orst C"ristmas e%er/
T6E S40 TR0P COUL2N.T 6AVE come a moment too soon/ 0t (as impossib#e to 'et t"e 2imitri and Tas"a t"in'
o-t o) my "ead, b-t at #east pacin' and 'ettin' ready made s-re 0 didn.t de%ote ADD percent o) my brain po(er to
"im/ $ore #ie BF percent/
0 "ad ot"er t"in's to distract me, too/ T"e Academy mi'"t7ri'"t)-##y7be o%erprotecti%e ("en it came to -s, b-t
sometimes t"at trans#ated into pretty coo# st-))/ E&amp#e1 T"e Academy "ad access to a co-p#e o) pri%ate :ets/ T"is
meant no Stri'oi co-#d attac -s at an airport, and it a#so meant (e 'ot to tra%e# in sty#e/ Eac" :et (as sma##er t"an
a commercia# p#ane, b-t t"e seats (ere c-s"y and "ad #ots o) #e' room/ T"ey e&tended )ar eno-'" bac t"at yo-
co-#d practica##y #ie do(n to s#eep/ On #on' )#i'"ts, (e "ad #itt#e conso#es in t"e seats t"at 'a%e -s TV mo%ie
options/ Sometimes t"ey.d e%en brea o-t )ancy mea#s/ 0 (as bettin' t"is )#i'"t, "o(e%er, (o-#d be too s"ort )or
any mo%ies or s-bstantia# )ood/
We #e)t #ate on t"e t(enty*si&t"/ W"en 0 boarded t"e :et, 0 #ooed aro-nd )or Lissa, (antin' to ta# to "er/ We
"adn.t rea##y spoen a)ter t"e C"ristmas br-nc"/ 0 (asn.t s-rprised to see "er sittin' (it" C"ristian, and t"ey didn.t
#oo #ie t"ey (anted to be interr-pted/ 0 co-#dn.t "ear t"eir con%ersation,b-t "e.d p-t "is arm aro-nd "er and "ad
t"at re#a&ed, )#irty e&pression t"at on#y s"e co-#d brin' o-t/ 0 remained )-##y con%inced t"at "e co-#d ne%er do as
'ood a :ob as me o) tain' care o) "er, b-t "e c#ear#y made "er "appy/ 0 p-t on a smi#e and nodded at t"em as 0
passed do(n t"e ais#e to(ard ("ere $ason (as (a%in' at me/ As 0 did, 0 a#so (a#ed by 2imitri and Tas"a sittin'
to'et"er/ 0 pointed#y i'nored t"em/
>6ey,> 0 said s#idin' into t"e seat beside $ason/
6e smi#ed at me/ >6ey/ +o- ready )or t"e si c"a##en'e=>
>As ready as 0.## e%er be/>
>2on.t (orry,> "e said/ >0.## 'o easy on yo-/>
0 sco))ed and #eaned my "ead bac a'ainst t"e seat/ > so de#-siona#/>
>Sane '-ys are borin'/>
To my s-rprise, "e s#id "is "and o%er mine/ 6is sin (as (arm, and 0 )e#t my o(n sin tin'#e ("ere "e to-c"ed
me/ 0t start#ed me/ 0.d con%inced myse#) 2imitri (as t"e on#y one 0.d e%er respond to a'ain/
0t.s time to mo%e on,0 t"o-'"t/ Dimitri obviously has. ou should have done it a long time ago. 0 #aced my
)in'ers (it" $ason.s, catc"in' "im o)) '-ard/ >0 do/ T"is is 'oin' to be )-n/>
And it (as/
0 tried to eep remindin' myse#) t"at (e (ere "ere beca-se o) a tra'edy, t"at t"ere (ere Stri'oi and "-mans o-t
t"ere ("o mi'"t strie a'ain/ No one e#se seemed to remember t"at,t"o-'", and 0 admit, 0 (as "a%in' a di))ic-#t
time myse#)/
T"e resort (as 'or'eo-s/ 0t (as b-i#t to sort o) #oo #ie a #o' cabin, b-t no pioneer cabin co-#d "a%e "e#d
"-ndreds o) peop#e or "ad s-c" #-&-ry accommodations/ T"ree stories o) '#eamin', 'o#den*co#ored (ood sat
amon' #o)ty pine trees/ T"e (indo(s (ere ta## and 'race)-##y arc"ed, tinted )or $oroi con%enience/ Crysta#
#anterns7e#ectric, b-t s"aped to #oo #ie torc"es7"-n' aro-nd a## t"e entrances, 'i%in' t"e entire b-i#din' a
'#itterin', a#most be:e(e#ed #oo/
$o-ntains7("ic" my en"anced eyes co-#d :-st bare#y mae o-t in t"e ni'"t7s-rro-nded -s, and 0 bet t"e %ie(
(o-#d "a%e been breat"tain' ("en it (as #i'"t o-t/ One side o) t"e 'ro-nds #ed o)) to t"e siin' area, comp#ete
(it" steep "i##s and mo'-#s, as (e## as #i)ts and to( ropes/ Anot"er side o) t"e #od'e "ad an ice rin, ("ic"
de#i'"ted me since 0.d missed o-t t"at one day by t"e cabin/ Near t"at, smoot" "i##s (ere reser%ed )or s#eddin'/
And t"at (as :-st t"e o-tside/
0nside, a## sorts o) arran'ements "ad been made to cater to $oroi needs/ Feeders stayed on "and, ready to ser%e
t(enty*)o-r "o-rs a day/ T"e s#opes ran on a noct-rna# sc"ed-#e/ Wards and '-ardians circ#ed t"e entire p#ace/
E%eryt"in' a #i%in' %ampire co-#d (ant/
T"e main #obby "ad a cat"edra# cei#in' and an enormo-s c"ande#ier "an'in' o%er it/ 0ts )#oor (as intricate#y ti#ed
marb#e, and t"e )ront des stayed open aro-nd t"e c#oc, ready to ind-#'e o-r e%ery need/ T"e rest o) t"e #od'e,
"a##(ays and#o-n'es, "ad a red, b#ac, and 'o#d co#or sc"eme/ T"e deep s"ade o) red dominated o%er t"e ot"er
"-es, and 0 (ondered i) its resemb#ance to b#ood (as a coincidence/ $irrors and art adorned t"e (a##s, and #itt#e
ornamenta# tab#es "ad been p#aced "ere and t"ere/ T"ey "e#d %ases o) pa#e 'reen, p-rp#e*spotted orc"ids t"at )i##ed
t"e air (it" a spicy scent/
T"e room 0 s"ared (it" Lissa (as bi''er t"an o-r dorm rooms p-t to'et"er and "ad t"e same ric" co#ors as t"e rest
o) t"e #od'e/ T"e carpet (as so p#-s" and deep t"at 0 immediate#y s"ed my s"oes at t"e door and (a#ed in
bare)oot, #-&-riatin' in t"e (ay my )eet san into t"at so)tness/ We "ad in'*si5e beds, co%ered in )eat"er d-%ets
and set (it" so many pi##o(s t"at 0 s(ore a person co-#d 'et #ost in t"em a## and ne%er be seen a'ain/ Frenc" doors
opened on to a spacio-s ba#cony, ("ic", considerin' (e (ere on t"e top )#oor, (o-#d "a%e been coo# i) not )or t"e
)act it (as )ree5in' o-tside/ 0 s-spected t"e t(o*person "ot t-b on t"e )ar end (o-#d 'o a #on' (ay to mae -p )or
t"e co#d/
2ro(nin' in so m-c" #-&-ry, 0 reac"ed an o%er#oad point ("ere t"e rest o) t"e accommodations started s(immin'
to'et"er/ T"e :etted marb#e bat"t-b/ T"e p#asma*screen TV/ T"e baset o) c"oco#ate and ot"er snacs/ W"en (e
)ina##y decided to 'o siin', 0 "ad to practica##y dra' myse#) )rom t"e room/ 0
co-#d probab#y "a%e spent t"e rest o) my %acation #o-n'in' in t"ere and been per)ect#y content/
B-t (e )ina##y %ent-red o-tside, and once 0 mana'ed to p-s" 2imitri and my mot"er o-t o) my "ead, 0 started
toen:oy myse#)/ 0t "e#ped t"at t"e #od'e (as so enormo-s; t"ere (as #itt#e c"ance o) r-nnin' into t"em/
For t"e )irst time in (ees, 0 (as ab#e to )ina##y )oc-s on $ason and rea#i5e :-st "o( m-c" )-n "e (as/ 0 a#so 'ot
to "an' o-t (it" Lissa more t"an 0 "ad in a ("i#e, ("ic" p-t me in an e%en better mood/
Wit" Lissa, C"ristian, $ason, and me, (e (ere ab#e to 'et ind o) a do-b#e*date t"in' 'oin'/ T"e )o-r o) -s spent
a#most a## o) t"e )irst day siin', t"o-'" t"e t(o $oroi "ad a bit o) tro-b#e eepin' -p/ Considerin' ("at $ason
and 0 (ent t"ro-'" in o-r c#asses, "e and 0 (eren.t a)raid to try darin' st-nts/ O-r competiti%e nat-res made -s
ea'er to 'o o-t o) o-r (ay to o-tdo eac" ot"er/
>+o- '-ys are s-icida#,> remared C"ristian at one point/ 0t (as dar o-tside, and ta## #i'"t posts i##-minated "is
bem-sed )ace/
6e and Lissa "ad been (aitin' at t"e bottom o) t"e mo'-# "i##, (atc"in' $ason and me come do(n/ We.d been
mo%in' at insane speeds/ T"e part o) me t"at "ad been tryin' to #earn contro# and (isdom )rom 2imitri ne( it (as
dan'ero-s, b-t t"e rest o) me #ied embracin' t"at rec#essness/ T"at dar strea o) rebe##io-sness sti## "adn.t #et
me 'o/
$ason 'rinned as (e sidded to a "a#t, sendin' -p a spray o) sno(/ >Na", t"is is :-st a (arm*-p/ 0 mean, Rose "as
been ab#e to eep -p (it" me t"e ("o#e time/ 4id st-))/>
Lissa s"oo "er "ead/ >Aren.t yo- '-ys tain' t"is too )ar=>
$ason and 0 #ooed at eac" ot"er/ >No/>
S"e s"oo "er "ead/ >We##, ( 'oin' inside/ Try not to i## yo-rse#%es/>
S"e and C"ristian #e)t, arm and arm/ 0 (atc"ed t"em 'o, t"en t-rned bac to $ason/ >0.m 'ood )or a ("i#e #on'er/
We too a #i)t bac -p to t"e top o) t"e "i##/ W"en (e (ere :-st abo-t to "ead do(n, $ason pointed/
>Oay, "o( abo-t t"is= 6it t"ose mo'-#s t"ere, t"en :-mp o%er t"at rid'e, s(in' bac (it" a "airpin t-rn, dod'e
t"ose trees, and #and t"ere/>
0 )o##o(ed "is )in'er as "e pointed o-t a :a''ed pat" do(n one o) t"e bi''est s#opes/ 0 )ro(ned/
>T"at one rea##y is insane, $ase/>
>A",> "e said tri-mp"ant#y/ >S"e )ina##y cracs/>
0 '#o(ered/ >S"e does not/> A)ter anot"er s-r%ey o) "is cra5y ro-te, 0 conceded/ >Oay/ Let.s do it/>
6e 'est-red/ >+o- )irst/>
0 too a deep breat" and #eapt o))/ $y sis s#id smoot"#y o%er t"e sno(, and piercin' (ind b#asted into my )ace/ 0
made t"e )irst :-mp neat#y and precise#y, b-t as t"e ne&t part o) t"e co-rse sped )or(ard, 0 rea#i5ed :-st "o(
dan'ero-s it rea##y (as/ 0n t"at sp#it second, 0 "ad a decision to mae/ 0) 0 didn.t do it, 0.d ne%er "ear t"e end o) it
)rom $ason7and 0 really (anted to s"o( "im -p/ 0) 0 did mana'e it, 0 co-#d )ee# pretty sec-re abo-t my
a(esomeness/ B-t i) 0 tried and messed -p /// 0 co-#d brea my nec/
Some("ere in my "ead, a %oice t"at so-nded s-spicio-s#y#ie 2imitri.s started ta#in' abo-t (ise c"oices and
#earnin' ("en to s"o( restraint/
0 decided to i'nore t"at %oice and (ent )or it/
T"is co-rse (as as "ard as 0.d )eared, b-t 0 p-##ed it o)) )#a(#ess#y, one insane mo%e a)ter anot"er/ Sno( )#e( -p
aro-nd me as 0 made eac" s"arp, dan'ero-s t-rn/ W"en 0 sa)e#y reac"ed bottom, 0 #ooed -p and sa( $ason
'est-rin' (i#d#y/ 0 co-#dn.t mae o-t "is e&pression or (ords, b-t 0 co-#d ima'ine "is c"eers/ 0 (a%ed bac and
(aited )or "im to )o##o( s-it/
B-t "e didn.t/ Beca-se ("en $ason 'ot "a#)(ay do(n, "e (asn.t ab#e to p-## o)) one o) t"e :-mps/ 6is sis ca-'"t,
and "is #e's t(isted/ 2o(n "e (ent/
0 reac"ed "im at abo-t t"e same time some o) t"e resort sta)) did/ To e%eryone.s re#ie), $ason "adn.t broen "is
nec or anyt"in' e#se/ 6is an#e did appear to "a%e a nasty sprain, "o(e%er, ("ic" (as probab#y 'oin' to #imit "is
siin' )or t"e rest o) t"e trip/
One o) t"e instr-ctors monitorin' t"e s#opes ran )or(ard, )-ry a## o%er "er )ace/
>W"at (ere yo- ids t"inin'=> s"e e&c#aimed/ S"e t-rned on me/ >0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e it ("en yo- did t"ose st-pid
st-nts@> 6er '#are )i&ed on $ason ne&t/ >And t"en you "ad to 'o a"ead and copy "er@>
0 (anted to ar'-e t"at it "ad a## been "is idea, b-t b#ame didn.t matter at t"is point/ 0 (as :-st '#ad "e (as a## ri'"t/
B-t as (e a## (ent inside, '-i#t be'an to 'na( at me/ 0 hadacted irresponsib#y/ W"at i) "e.d been serio-s#y
in:-red= 6orrib#e %isions danced t"ro-'" my mind/ $ason (it" a broen #e' / a broen nec/
W"at "ad 0 been t"inin'= No one "ad made me do t"at co-rse/ $ason "ad s-''ested it/ b-t 0 "adn.t )o-'"t bac/
Goodness ne( 0 probab#y co-#d "a%e/ 0 mi'"t "a%e "ad to end-re some mocery, b-t $ason (as cra5y eno-'"
abo-t me t"at )eminine (i#es probab#y (o-#d "a%e stopped t"is madness/ 0.d 'otten ca-'"t -p in t"e e&citement and
t"e ris7m-c" as 0 "ad in issin' 2imitri7not 'i%in' eno-'" t"o-'"t to t"e conse<-ences beca-se secret#y, inside
o) me, t"at imp-#si%e desire to be (i#d sti## #-red/ $ason "ad it too, and "is ca##ed to me/
T"at menta# 2imitri %oice c"astised me once more/
A)ter $ason (as sa)e#y ret-rned to t"e #od'e and "ad ice on "is an#e, 0 carried o-r e<-ipment bac o-tside to(ard
t"e stora'e b-i#din's/ W"en 0 (ent bac inside, 0 (ent t"ro-'" a di))erent door(ay t"an 0 norma##y -sed/ T"is
entrance (as set be"ind a "-'e, open porc" (it" an ornate (ooden rai#in'/ T"e porc" (as b-i#t into t"e side o) t"e
mo-ntain and "ad a breat"tain' %ie( o) t"e ot"er peas and %a##eys aro-nd -s7 i) yo- )e#t #ie standin' aro-nd
#on' eno-'" in )ree5in' temperat-res to admire it/ W"ic" most peop#e didn.t/
0 (a#ed -p t"e steps to t"e porc", stompin' sno( o)) my boots as 0 did/ A t"ic scent, bot" spicy and s(eet, "-n'
in t"e air/ Somet"in' abo-t it )e#t )ami#iar, b-t be)ore 0 co-#d identi)y it, a %oice s-dden#y
spoe to me o-t o) t"e s"ado(s/
>6ey, #itt#e d"ampir/>
Start#ed, 0 rea#i5ed someone (as indeed standin' on t"e porc"/ A '-y7a $oroi7#eaned a'ainst t"e (a## not )ar
)rom t"e door/ 6e bro-'"t a ci'arette -p to "is mo-t", too a #on' dra', and t"en dropped it to t"e )#oor/ 6e
stamped t"e b-tt o-t and crooed me a smi#e/ T"at (as t"e scent, 0 rea#i5ed/ C#o%e ci'arettes/
Wari#y, 0 stopped and crossed my arms as 0 too "im in/ 6e (as a #itt#e s"orter t"an 2imitri b-t (asn.t as #any as
some $oroi '-ys ended -p #ooin'/ A #on', c"arcoa# coat7probab#y made o-t o) some insane#y e&pensi%e
cas"mere*(oo# b#end7)it "is body e&ceptiona##y (e##, and t"e #eat"er dress s"oes "e (ore indicated more money
sti##/ 6e "ad bro(n "air t"at #ooed #ie it "ad been p-rpose#y sty#ed to appear a #itt#e -nempt, and "is eyes (ere
eit"er b#-e or 'reen70 didn.t "a%e <-ite eno-'" #i'"t to no( )or s-re/ 6is )ace (as c-te, 0 s-pposed, and 0 pe''ed
"im to be a co-p#e years o#der t"an me/ 6e #ooed #ie "e.d :-st come )rom a dinner party/
>+ea"=> 0 ased/
6is eyes s(ept o%er my body/ 0 (as -sed to attention )rom $oroi '-ys/ 0t :-st -s-a##y (asn.t so ob%io-s/ And 0
-s-a##y (asn.t b-nd#ed -p in (inter c#ot"in' and sportin' a b#ac eye/
6e s"r-''ed/ >3-st sayin' "i, t"at.s a##/>
0 (aited )or more, b-t a## "e did (as st-)) "is "ands into t"e coat.s pocets/ Wit" a s"r-' o) my o(n, 0 too a
co-p#e steps )or(ard/
>+o- sme## 'ood, yo- no(,> "e s-dden#y said/
0 stopped (a#in' a'ain and 'a%e "im a p-55#ed #oo, ("ic" on#y made "is s#y smi#e 'ro( a #itt#e bi''er/ >0/// -m,
>+o- sme## 'ood,> "e repeated/
>Are yo- :oin'= 0.%e been s(eatin' a## day/ 0.m dis'-stin'/> 0 (anted to (a# a(ay, b-t t"ere (as somet"in'
eeri#y compe##in' abo-t t"is '-y/ Lie a train (rec/ 0 didn.t )ind "im attracti%e per se; 0 (as :-st s-dden#y
interested in ta#in' to "im/
>S(eat isn.t a bad t"in',> "e said, #eanin' "is "ead a'ainst t"e (a## and #ooin' -p(ard t"o-'"t)-##y/
> Some o) t"e best t"in's in #i)e "appen ("i#e s(eatin'/ + ea", i) yo- 'et too m-c" o) it and it 'ets o#d and sta#e, it
t-rns pretty 'ross/ B-t on a bea-ti)-# (oman= 0nto&icatin'/ 0) yo- co-#d sme## t"in's #ie a %ampire does, yo-.d
no( ("at 0.m ta#in' abo-t/ $ost peop#e mess it a## -p and dro(n t"emse#%es in per)-me/ Per)-me can be 'ood/
especia##y i) yo- 'et one t"at 'oes (it" yo-r c"emistry/ B-t yo- on#y need a "int/ $i& abo-t !D percent o) t"at (it"
CD percent o) yo-r o(n perspiration// /mmm/> 6e ti#ted "is "ead to t"e side and #ooed at me/ >2ead se&y/>
0 s-dden#y remembered 2imitri and "is a)ters"a%e/ +ea"/ %hat "ad been dead se&y, b-t 0 certain#y (asn.t 'oin' to
te## t"is '-y abo-t it/
>We##, t"ans )or t"e "y'iene #esson,> 0 said/ >B-t 0 don.t o(n any per)-me, and 0.m 'oin' to 'o s"o(er
a## t"is "ot s(eaty action o)) me/ Sorry/>
6e p-##ed o-t a pac o) ci'arettes and o))ered it to me/ 6e mo%ed on#y a step c#oser, b-t it (as eno-'" )or me to
sme## somet"in' e#se on "im/ A#co"o#/ 0 s"oo my "ead at t"e ci'arettes, and "e tapped one o-t )or "imse#)/
>Bad "abit,> 0 said, (atc"in' "im #i'"t it/
>One o) many,> "e rep#ied/ 6e in"a#ed deep#y/ >+o- "ere (it" St/ V#ad.s=>
>So 'oin' to be a '-ardian ("en yo- 'ro( -p/>
6e e&"a#ed smoe, and 0 (atc"ed it dri)t a(ay into t"e ni'"t/ 6ei'"tened %ampire senses or no, it (as a (onder "e
co-#d sme## anyt"in' aro-nd t"ose c#o%es/
>6o( #on' -nti# yo- 'ro( -p=> "e ased/ >0 mi'"t need a '-ardian/>
>0 'rad-ate in t"e sprin'/ B-t 0.m a#ready spoen )or/ Sorry/>
S-rprise )#icered in "is eyes/ >+ea"= W"o is "e=>
> S"e.sVasi#isa 2ra'omir/>
>A"/> 6is )ace sp#it into a "-'e 'rin/ >0 ne( yo- (ere tro-b#e as soon as 0 sa( yo-/ 3anine 6at"a(ay.s
>0.m Rose 6at"a(ay,> 0 corrected, not (antin' to be de)ined by my mot"er/
>Nice to meet yo-, Rose 6at"a(ay/> 6e e&tended a '#o%ed "and to me t"at 0 "esitant#y too/ >Adrian 0%as"o%/>
>And yo- t"in I'm tro-b#e,> 0 m-ttered/ T"e 0%as"o%s (ere a roya# )ami#y, one o) t"e (ea#t"iest and most
po(er)-#/ T"ey (ere t"e ind o) peop#e ("o t"o-'"t t"ey co-#d 'et anyt"in' t"ey (anted and (a#ed o%er t"ose in
t"eir (ay/ No (onder "e (as so arro'ant/
6e #a-'"ed/ 6e "ad a nice #a-'", ric" and a#most me#odio-s/ 0t made me t"in o) (arm carame#, drippin' )rom a
spoon/ >6andy, "-"= Eac" o) o-r rep-tations precedes -s/>
0 s"oo my "ead/ >+o- don.t no( anyt"in' abo-t me/ And 0 on#y no( o) yo-rfamily. 0 don.t no( anyt"in'
abo-t yo-/>
>Want to=> "e ased ta-ntin'#y/
>Sorry/ 0.m not into o#der '-ys/>
>0.m t(enty*one/ Not t"at m-c" o#der/>
>0 "a%e a boy)riend/> 0t (as a sma## #ie/ $ason certain#y (asn.t my boy)riend yet, b-t 0 "oped Adrian (o-#d #ea%e
me a#one i) "e t"o-'"t 0 (as taen/
>F-nny yo- didn.t mention t"at ri'"t a(ay,> Adrian m-sed/ >6e didn.t 'i%e yo- t"at b#ac eye, did "e=>
0 )e#t myse#) b#-s"in', e%en in t"e co#d/ 0.d been "opin' "e (o-#dn.t notice t"e eye, ("ic" (as st-pid/ Wit" "is
%ampire eyes, "e.d probab#y noticed as soon as 0 stepped onto t"e porc"/
>6e (o-#dn.t be a#i%e i) "e did/ 0 'ot it d-rin' /// practice/ 0 mean, 0.m trainin' to be a '-ardian/ O-r c#asses are
a#(ays ro-'"/>
>T"at.s pretty "ot,> "e said/ 6e dropped t"is second ci'arette to t"e 'ro-nd and p-t it o-t (it" "is )oot/ >P-nc"in'
me in t"e eye=>
>We##, no/ O) co-rse not/ 0 meant t"at t"e idea o) 'ettin'ro-'" (it" yo- is "ot/ 0.m a bi' )an o) )-##*contact sports/>
>0.m s-re yo- are,> 0 said dry#y/ 6e (as arro'ant and pres-mpt-o-s, yet 0 sti## co-#dn.t <-ite )orce myse#) to #ea%e/
T"e so-nd o) )ootsteps be"ind me made me t-rn/ $ia came aro-nd t"e pat" and (a#ed -p t"e steps/ W"en s"e
sa( -s, s"e stopped s-dden#y/
>6ey, $ia/>
S"e '#anced bet(een t"e t(o o) -s/
>Anot"er'-y=> s"e ased/ From "er tone, yo- (o-#d "a%e t"o-'"t 0 "ad my o(n "arem o) men/
Adrian 'a%e me a <-estionin', am-sed #oo/ 0 'ritted my teet" and decided not to di'ni)y t"at (it" a response/ 0
opted )or -nc"aracteristic po#iteness/
>$ia, t"is is Adrian 0%as"o%/>
Adrian t-rned on t"e same c"arm "e.d -sed on me/ 6e s"oo "er "and/ >A#(ays a p#eas-re to meet a )riend o)
Rose.s, especia##y a pretty one/> 6e spoe #ie "e and 0 "ad no(n eac" ot"er since c"i#d"ood/
>We aren.t )riends,> 0 said/ So m-c" )or po#iteness/
>Rose on#y "an's o-t (it" '-ys and psyc"opat"s,> said $ia/ 6er %oice carried t"e -s-a# scorn s"e "arbored )or
me, b-t t"ere (as a #oo on "er )ace t"at s"o(ed Adrian "ad c#ear#y ca-'"t "er interest/
>We##,> "e said c"eer)-##y, >since 0.m bot" a psyc"opat" and a '-y, t"at (o-#d e&p#ain ("y ( s-c" 'ood
>+o- and 0 aren.t )riends eit"er,> 0 to#d "im/
6e #a-'"ed/ >A#(ays p#ayin' "ard to 'et, "-"=>
>S"e.s not t"at "ard to 'et,> said $ia, c#ear#y -pset t"at Adrian (as payin' more attention to me/ >3-st
as "a#) t"e '-ys at o-r sc"oo#/>
>+ea",> 0 retorted, >and yo- can as t"e ot"er "a#) abo-t $ia/ 0) yo- can do a )a%or )or "er, s"e.## do lots o) )a%ors
)or yo-/> W"en s"e.d dec#ared (ar on Lissa and me, $ia "ad mana'ed to 'et a co-p#e o) '-ys to te## e%eryone at
sc"oo# t"at 0.d done some pretty a()-# t"in's (it" t"em/ T"e ironic t"in' (as t"at s"e.d 'otten t"em to #ie )or "er
by s#eepin' (it" t"em "erse#)/
A )#icer o) embarrassment passed o%er "er )ace, b-t s"e "e#d "er 'ro-nd/
>We##,> s"e said, >at #east 0 don.t do t"em )or )ree/>
Adrian made some cat noises/
>Are yo- done=> 0 ased/ >0t.s past yo-r bedtime, and t"e 'ro(n*-ps (o-#d #ie to ta# no(/> $ia.s yo-t")-# #oos
(ere a sore point (it" "er, one 0 )re<-ent#y en:oyed e&p#oitin'/
>S-re,> s"e said crisp#y/ 6er c"ees t-rned pin, intensi)yin' "er porce#ain*do## appearance/ >0 "a%e better t"in's
to do any(ay/> S"e t-rned to(ard t"e door, t"en pa-sed (it" "er "and restin' on it/ S"e '#anced to(ard Adrian/
>6er mom 'a%e "er t"at b#ac eye, yo- no(/>
S"e (ent inside/ T"e )ancy '#ass doors s(-n' s"-t be"ind "er/
Adrian and 0 stood t"ere in si#ence/ Fina##y, "e too o-t t"e ci'arettes a'ain and #it anot"er/ >+o-r mom=> >S"-t
> one o) t"ose peop#e ("o eit"er "as so-# mates or morta# enemies, aren.t yo-= No in*bet(een/ +o- and
Vasi#isa are probab#y #ie sisters, "-"=>
>0 '-ess/>
>6o( is s"e=>
>6-"= W"at do yo- mean=>
6e s"r-''ed, and i) 0 didn.t no( better, 0.d "a%e said "e (as o%erdoin' cas-a#ness/ >0 don.t no(/ 0 mean, 0 no(
yo- '-ys ran a(ay/// and t"ere (as t"at st-)) (it" "er )ami#y and Victor 2as"o%////>
0 sti))ened at t"e re)erence to Victor/ >So=>
>2-nno/ 3-st )i'-red it mi'"t be a #ot )or "er to, yo- no(, "and#e/>
0 st-died "im care)-##y, (onderin' ("at "e (as 'ettin' at/ T"ere "ad been a brie) #ea abo-t Lissa.s )ra'i#e menta#
"ea#t", b-t it "ad been (e##*contained/ $ost peop#e "ad )or'otten abo-t it or ass-med it (as a #ie/
>0.%e 'ot to 'o/> 0 decided a%oidance (as t"e best tactic :-st no(/
>Are yo- s-re=> 6e so-nded on#y mi#d#y disappointed/ $ost#y "e seemed as cocy and am-sed as be)ore/
Somet"in' abo-t "im sti## intri'-ed me, b-t ("ate%er it (as, it (asn.t eno-'" to combat e%eryt"in' e#se 0 (as
)ee#in', or to ris disc-ssin' Lissa/ >0 t"o-'"t it (as time )or t"e 'ro(n*-ps to ta#/
Lots o) 'ro(n*-p t"in's 0.d #ie to ta# abo-t/>
>0t.s #ate, 0.m tired, and yo-r ci'arettes are 'i%in' me a "eadac"e,> 0 'ro(#ed/
>0 s-ppose t"at.s )air/> 6e dre( in on t"e ci'arette and #et o-t t"e smoe/ > Some (omen t"in t"ey mae me #oo
>0 t"in yo- smoe t"em so yo- "a%e somet"in' to do ("i#e t"inin' -p yo-r ne&t (itty #ine/>
6e c"oed on t"e smoe, ca-'"t bet(een in"a#in' and #a-'"in'/ >Rose 6at"a(ay, 0 can.t (ait to see yo- a'ain/ 0) t"is c"armin' ("i#e tired and annoyed and t"is 'or'eo-s ("i#e br-ised and in si c#ot"es, yo- m-st be
de%astatin' at yo-r pea/>
>0) by .de%astatin'. yo- mean t"at yo- s"o-#d )ear )or yo-r #i)e, t"en yea"/ ri'"t/> 0 :ered open t"e door/
>Good ni'"t, Adrian/>
>0.## see yo- soon/>
>Not #ie#y/ 0 to#d yo-, 0.m not into o#der '-ys/>
0 (a#ed into t"e #od'e/ As t"e door c#osed, 0 :-st bare#y "eard "im ca## be"ind me, >S-re, yo- aren.t/>
L0SSA WAS UP AN2 GONE be)ore 0 e%en stirred t"e ne&t mornin', ("ic" meant 0 "ad t"e bat"room to myse#)
("i#e 0 'ot ready )or t"e day/ 0 #o%ed t"at bat"room/ 0t (as enormo-s/ $y in'*si5e bed (o-#d "a%e )it com)ortab#y
inside it/ A sca#din' s"o(er (it" t"ree di))erent no55#es (oe me -p, t"o-'" my m-sc#es ac"ed )rom yesterday/ As
0 stood in )ront o) t"e )-##*#en't" mirror and combed my "air, 0 sa( (it" some disappointment t"at t"e br-ise (as
sti## t"ere/ 0t (as si'ni)icant#y #i'"ter, "o(e%er, and "ad t-rned ye##o(is"/ Some concea#er and po(der a#most
entire#y co%ered it -p/
0 "eaded do(nstairs in searc" o) )ood/ T"e dinin' room (as :-st s"-ttin' do(n brea)ast, b-t one o) t"e (aitresses
'a%e me a co-p#e o) peac" mar5ipan scones to 'o/ $-nc"in' on one as 0 (a#ed, 0 e&panded my senses to 'et a )ee#
)or ("ere Lissa (as/ A)ter a co-p#e o) moments, 0 sensed "er on t"e ot"er side o) t"e #od'e, a(ay )rom t"e st-dent
rooms/ 0 )o##o(ed t"e trai# -nti# 0 arri%ed at a room on t"e t"ird )#oor/ 0 noced/
C"ristian opened t"e door/ >S#eepin' Bea-ty arri%es/ We#come/>
6e -s"ered me inside/ Lissa sat cross*#e''ed on t"e room.s bed and smi#ed ("en s"e sa( me/ T"e room (as
ass-mpt-o-s as mine, b-t most o) t"e )-rnit-re "ad been s"o%ed aside to mae space, and in
t"at open area, Tas"a stood/
>Good mornin',> s"e said/
>6ey,> 0 said/ So m-c" )or a%oidin' "er/
Lissa patted a spot beside "er/ >+o-.%e 'ot to see t"is/>
>W"at.s 'oin' on=> 0 sat do(n on t"e bed and )inis"ed t"e #ast o) t"e scone/
>Bad t"in's,> s"e said misc"ie%o-s#y/ >+o-.## appro%e/>
C"ristian (a#ed o%er to t"e empty space and )aced Tas"a/ T"ey re'arded eac" ot"er, )or'ettin' abo-t Lissa and
me/ 0.d apparent#y interr-pted somet"in'/
>So ("y can.t 0 :-st stic (it" t"e cons-min' spe##=> ased C"ristian/
>Beca-se it -ses a #ot o) ener'y,> s"e to#d "im/ E%en (it" :eans and a ponytai#7a ndt"e scar7s"e mana'ed to
#oo ridic-#o-s#y c-te/ >P#-s, it.## most #ie#y i## yo-r opponent/>
6e sco))ed/ >W"y (o-#dn.t 0 (ant to i## a Stri'oi=>
>+o- mi'"t not a#(ays be )i'"tin' one/ Or maybe yo- need in)ormation )rom t"em/ Re'ard#ess, yo- s"o-#d be
prepared eit"er (ay/>
T"ey (ere practicin' o))ensi%e ma'ic, 0 rea#i5ed/ E&citement and interest rep#aced t"e s-##enness 0.d ac<-ired -pon
seein' Tas"a/ Lissa "adn.t been iddin' abo-t t"em doin' >bad t"in's/> 0.d a#(ays s-spected t"ey (ere practicin'
o))ensi%e ma'ic, b-t/// (o(/ T"inin' abo-t it and act-a##y seein' it (ere t(o %ery di))erent t"in's/ Usin' ma'ic as
a (eapon (as )orbidden/ A p-nis"ab#e o))ense/ A st-dent e&perimentin'(it" it mi'"t be )or'i%en and simp#y
discip#ined, b-t )or an ad-#t to acti%e#y be teac"in' a minor// /yea"/ T"at co-#d 'et Tas"a in major tro-b#e/ For "a#)
a second, 0 toyed (it" t"e idea o) t-rnin' "er in/ 0mmediate#y, 0 dismissed t"e notion/ 0 mi'"t "ate "er )or main'
mo%es on 2imitri, b-t part o) me sort o) be#ie%ed in ("at s"e and C"ristian (ere doin'/ P#-s, it (as :-st coo#/
>A distractin' spe## is a#most as -se)-#,> s"e contin-ed/
6er b#-e eyes too on t"e intense )oc-s 0 o)ten sa( $oroi 'et ("i#e -sin' ma'ic/ 6er (rist )#iced )or(ard, and a
strea o) )ire snaed past C"ristian.s )ace/ 0t didn.t to-c" "im, b-t )rom t"e (ay "e )#inc"ed, 0 s-spected it "ad been
c#ose eno-'" )or "im to )ee# t"e "eat/
>Try it,> s"e to#d "im/
C"ristian "esitated )or on#y a moment and t"en made t"e same "and motion s"e "ad/ Fire streaed o-t, b-t it "ad
none o) t"e )ine#y t-ned contro# "ers "ad "ad/ 6e a#so didn.t "a%e "er aim/ 0t (ent strai'"t )or "er )ace, b-t be)ore it
co-#d to-c" "er, it parted and sp#it aro-nd "er, a#most #ie it "ad "it an in%isib#e s"ie#d/ S"e.d de)#ected it (it" "er
o(n ma'ic/
>Not bad7aside )rom t"e )act yo- (o-#d "a%e b-rned my )ace o))/>
E%en 0 (o-#dn.t (ant "er )ace b-rned o))/ B-t "er "air/ a", yes/ We.d see "o( pretty s"e (as (it"o-t t"at ra%en*
b#ac mane/
S"e and C"ristian practiced a ("i#e #on'er/ 6e impro%edas time (ent by, t"o-'" "e c#ear#y "ad a (ays to 'o
be)ore "e "ad Tas"a.s si##/ $y interest 're( and 're( as t"ey (ent on, and 0 )o-nd myse#) ponderin' a## t"e
possibi#ities t"is ind o) ma'ic co-#d o))er/
T"ey (rapped -p t"eir #esson ("en Tas"a said s"e "ad to 'o/ C"ristian si'"ed, c#ear#y )r-strated t"at "e "adn.t
been ab#e to master t"e spe## in an "o-r/ 6is competiti%e nat-re (as a#most as stron' as mine/
>0 sti## t"in it.d be easier to :-st b-rn t"em entire#y,> "e ar'-ed/
Tas"a smi#ed as s"e br-s"ed "er "air into a ti'"ter ponytai#/ +ea"/ S"e co-#d definitely do (it"o-t t"at "air,
partic-#ar#y since 0 ne( "o( m-c" 2imitri #ied #on' "air/
>Easier beca-se it in%o#%es #ess )oc-s/ 0t.s s#oppy/ +o-r ma'ic.## be stron'er in t"e #on' r-n i) yo- can #earn t"is/
And, #ie 0 said, it "as its -ses/>
0 didn.t (ant to a'ree (it" "er, b-t 0 co-#dn.t "e#p it/
>0t co-#d be rea##y -se)-# i) yo- (ere )i'"tin' (it" a '-ardian,> 0 said e&cited#y/ >Especia##y i) comp#ete#y b-rnin'
a Stri'oi taes so m-c" ener'y/ T"is (ay, yo- -se :-st a <-ic b-rst o) yo-r stren't" to distract t"e Stri'oi/ And it
"ill distract one since t"ey "ate )ire so m-c"/ T"en t"at.s a## t"e time a '-ardian (o-#d need to stae t"em/ +o-
co-#d tae do(n a ("o#e b-nc" o) Stri'oi t"at (ay/>
Tas"a 'rinned at me/ Some $oroi7#ie Lissa and Adrian7 smi#ed (it"o-t s"o(in' t"eir teet"/ Tas"a a#(ays
s"o(ed "ers, inc#-din' t"e )an's/
>E&act#y/ +o- and 0.## "a%e to 'o Stri'oi "-ntin' someday,> s"e teased/
>0 don.t t"in so,> 0 rep#ied/
T"e (ords in and o) t"emse#%es (eren.t t"at bad, b-t t"e tone 0 -sed to de#i%er t"em certain#y (as/
Co#d/ Un)riend#y/ Tas"a #ooed momentari#y s-rprised at my abr-pt c"an'e in attit-de b-t s"r-''ed it o))/ S"oc
)rom Lissa tra%e#ed to me t"ro-'" t"e bond/
Tas"a didn.t seem bot"ered, "o(e%er/ S"e c"atted (it" -s a bit #on'er and made p#ans to see C"ristian )or dinner/
Lissa 'a%e me a s"arp #oo as s"e, C"ristian, and 0 (a#ed do(n t"e e#aborate spira# staircase #eadin' bac do(n to
t"e #obby/
>W"at (as that abo-t=> s"e ased/
>W"at (as ("at abo-t=> 0 ased innocent#y/
>Rose,> s"e said meanin')-##y/ 0t (as "ard to p#ay d-mb ("en yo-r )riend ne( yo- co-#d read "er mind/ 0 ne(
e&act#y ("at s"e (as ta#in' abo-t/ >+o- bein' a bitc" to Tas"a/>
>0 (asn.t t"at m-c" o) a bitc"/>
>+o- (ere r-de,> s"e e&c#aimed, steppin' o-t o) t"e (ay o) a b-nc" o) $oroi c"i#dren ("o came tearin' t"ro-'"
t"e #obby/ T"ey (ere b-nd#ed -p in paras, and a (eary*#ooin' $oroi si instr-ctor )o##o(ed t"em/
0 p-t my "ands on my "ips/ >Loo, 0.m :-st 'r-mpy, oay= 2idn.t 'et m-c" s#eep/ Besides, 0.m not #ie yo-/ 0 don.t
"a%e to be po#ite a## t"e time/>
As "appened so o)ten #ate#y, 0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e ("at 0.d :-stsaid/ Lissa stared at me, more astonis"ed t"an "-rt/
C"ristian '#o(ered, on t"e %er'e o) snappin' bac at me, ("en $ason merci)-##y approac"ed -s/ 6e "adn.t needed
a cast or anyt"in', b-t "e "ad a s#i'"t #imp to "is (a#/
>6ey t"ere, 6op*A#on',> 0 said, s#idin' my "and into "is/
C"ristian p-t "is an'er )or me on "o#d and t-rned to $ason/ >0s it tr-e yo-r s-icida# mo%es )ina##y ca-'"t -p (it"
$ason.s eyes (ere on me/ >0s it tr-e yo- (ere "an'in' o-t (it" Adrian 0%as"o%=>
>0 "eard yo- '-ys 'ot dr-n #ast ni'"t/>
>+o- did=> ased Lissa, start#ed/
0 #ooed bet(een bot" t"eir )aces/ >No, o) co-rse not@ 0 bare#y no( "im/>
>B-t yo- do no( "im,> p-s"ed $ason/
>6e.s 'ot a bad rep-tation,> (arned Lissa/
>+ea",> said C"ristian/ >6e 'oes t"ro-'" a #ot o) 'ir#s/>
0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e t"is/ >Wi## yo- '-ys #ay o))= 0 ta#ed to "im )or, #ie, )i%e min-tes@ And t"at.s on#y beca-se "e
(as b#ocin' my (ay inside/ W"ere are yo- 'ettin' a## t"is=> 0mmediate#y, 0 ans(ered my o(n <-estion/ >$ia/>
$ason nodded and "ad t"e 'race to #oo embarrassed/
>Since ("en do yo- ta# to "er=> 0 ased/
>0 :-st ran into "er, t"at.s a##,> "e to#d me/
>And yo- be#ie%ed "er= +o- no( s"e #ies "a#) t"e time/>
>+ea", b-t t"ere.s -s-a##y some tr-t" in t"e #ies/ And yo- did ta# to "im/>
>+es/ %al'. T"at.s it/>
0 rea##y "ad been tryin' to 'i%e some serio-s t"o-'"t abo-t datin' $ason, so 0 didn.t appreciate "im not be#ie%in'
me/ 6e "ad act-a##y "e#ped me -nra%e# $ia.s #ies ear#ier in t"e sc"oo# year, so 0 (as s-rprised "e.d be so paranoid
abo-t t"em no(/ $aybe i) "is )ee#in's rea##y "ad 'ro(n )or me, "e (as more s-sceptib#e to :ea#o-sy/
S-rprisin'#y, it (as C"ristian ("o came to t"e resc-e and c"an'ed t"e s-b:ect/ >0 s-ppose t"ere.s no siin' today,
"-"=> 6e pointed to $ason.s an#e, immediate#y tri''erin' an indi'nant response/
>W"at, yo- t"in t"is is 'oin' to s#o( me do(n=> ased $ason/
6is an'er diminis"ed, rep#aced by t"at b-rnin' need to pro%e "imse#)7t"e need "e and 0 bot" s"ared/ Lissa and
C"ristian #ooed at "im #ie "e (as cra5y, b-t 0 ne( not"in' (e said (o-#d stop "im/
>+o- '-ys (ant to come (it" -s=> 0 ased Lissa and C"ristian/
Lissa s"oo "er "ead/ >We can.t/ We "a%e to 'o to t"is #-nc"eon bein' "osted by t"e Contas/>
C"ristian 'roaned/ >We##,you "a%e to 'o/>
S"e e#bo(ed "im/ >So do yo-/ T"e in%itation said 0 'et to brin' a '-est/ Besides, t"is is :-st a (arm*-p )or t"e big
>W"ic" one is t"at=> ased $ason/
>Prisci##a Voda.s "-'e dinner,> si'"ed C"ristian/ Seein' "im #oo so pained made me smi#e/ >T"e <-een.s best
)riend/ A## t"e snobbiest roya#s (i## be t"ere, and 0.## "a%e to (ear a s-it/>
$ason )#as"ed me a 'rin/ 6is ear#ier anta'onism (as 'one/ >Siin'.s so-ndin' better and better, "-"= Less o) a
dress code/>
We #e)t t"e $oroi be"ind and (ent o-tside/ $ason co-#dn.t compete (it" me in t"e same (ay "e "ad yesterday;
"is mo%ements (ere s#o( and a((ard/ Sti##, "e did remarab#y (e## ("en one considered e%eryt"in'/ T"e in:-ry
(asn.t as bad as (e.d )eared, b-t "e "ad t"e pr-dence to stic to e&treme#y easy r-ns/
T"e )-## moon "-n' in t"e b#anness, a '#o(in' sp"ere o) si#%ery ("ite/ T"e e#ectric #i'"ts o%erpo(ered most o) its
i##-mination on t"e 'ro-nd, b-t "ere and t"ere, in t"e s"ado(s, t"e moon :-st bare#y mana'ed to cast its '#o(/ 0
(is"ed it (ere bri'"t eno-'" to re%ea# t"e s-rro-ndin' mo-ntain ran'e, b-t t"ose peas stayed s"ro-ded in
darness/ 0.d )or'otten to #oo at t"em ("en it (as #i'"t o-t ear#ier/
T"e r-ns (ere s-per simp#e )or me, b-t 0 stayed (it" $ason and on#y occasiona##y teased "im abo-t "o( "is
remedia# siin' (as p-ttin' me to s#eep/ Borin' r-ns or no, it (as :-st nice to be o-tside (it" my )riends, and t"e
acti%ity stirred my b#ood eno-'" to (arm me a'ainst t"e c"i## air/ T"e #i'"t posts #it -p t"e sno(, t-rnin' it into a
%ast sea o) ("ite, t"e )#aes. crysta#s spar#in' )aint#y/ And i) 0 mana'ed to t-rn a(ay and b#oc t"e #i'"ts )rom my
)ie#d o) %ision, 0 co-#d #oo -p and see t"e stars spi##in' o%er t"e sy/ T"ey stood o-t star and crysta##ine in t"e
c#ear, )ree5in' air/ We stayed o-t )or most o) t"e day a'ain, b-t t"is time, 0 ca##ed it <-its ear#y, pretendin' to be
tired so $ason co-#d 'et a brea/ 6e mi'"t mana'e easy siin' (it" "is tender an#e, b-t 0 co-#d te## it (as startin'
to "-rt "im/
$ason and 0 "eaded bac to(ard t"e #od'e (a#in' %ery c#ose to eac" ot"er, #a-'"in' abo-t somet"in' (e.d seen
ear#ier/ S-dden#y, 0 sa( a strea o) ("ite in my perip"era# %ision, and a sno(ba## smas"ed into $ason.s )ace/ 0
immediate#y (ent on t"e de)ensi%e, :erin' bac(ard and peerin' aro-nd/ W"oops and cries so-nded )rom an area
o) t"e resort 'ro-nds t"at "e#d stora'e s"eds and (as interspersed (it" #oomin' pines/
>Too s#o(, As")ord,> someone ca##ed/ >2oesn.t pay to be in #o%e/>
$ore #a-'"s/ $ason.s best )riend, Eddie Casti#e, and a )e( ot"er no%ices )rom sc"oo# materia#i5ed )rom be"ind a
c#-ster o) trees/ Beyond t"em, 0 "eard more s"o-ts/
>We.## sti## tae yo- in, t"o-'", i) yo- (ant to be on o-r team,> said Eddie/ >E%en i) yo- do dod'e #ie a 'ir#/>
>Team=> 0 ased e&cited#y/
Bac at t"e Academy, t"ro(in' sno(ba##s (as strict#y pro"ibited/ Sc"oo# o))icia#s (ere ine&p#icab#y a)raid t"at
(e.d t"ro( sno(ba##s paced (it" '#ass s"ards or ra5or b#ades, t"o-'" 0 "ad no c#-e "o( t"ey t"o-'"t (e.d 'et a
"o#d o) t"at ind o) st-)) in t"e )irst p#ace/
Not t"at a sno(ba## )i'"t (as that rebe##io-s, b-t a)ter a## t"e stress 0.d been t"ro-'" recent#y, t"ro(in' ob:ects at
ot"er peop#e s-dden#y so-nded #ie t"e best idea 0.d "eard in a ("i#e/ $ason and 0 das"ed o)) (it" t"e ot"ers, t"e
prospect o) )orbidden )i'"tin' 'i%in' "im ne( ener'y and ca-sin' "im to )or'et t"e pain in "is an#e/ We set to t"e
)i'"t (it" a die*"ard 5ea#/
T"e )i'"t soon became a matter o) nai#in' as many peop#e as possib#e ("i#e dod'in' attacs )rom ot"ers/ 0 (as
e&ceptiona# at bot" and )-rt"ered t"e immat-rity by catca##in' and s"o-tin' si##y ins-#ts at my %ictims/
By t"e time someone noticed ("at (e (ere doin' and ye##ed at -s, (e (ere a## #a-'"in' and co%ered (it" sno(/
$ason and 0 once a'ain started bac )or t"e #od'e, and o-r mood (as so "i'", 0 ne( t"e Adrian t"in' (as #on'
0ndeed, $ason #ooed at me :-st be)ore (e (ent inside/ >Sorry 0, -", :-mped a## o%er yo- abo-t Adrian ear#ier/>
0 s<-ee5ed "is "and/ >0t.s oay/ 0 no( $ia can te## some pretty con%incin' stories/>
>+ea"// /b-t e%en i) yo- (ere (it" "im// /it.s not #ie 0 "a%e any ri'"t///>
0 stared at "im, s-rprised to see "is -s-a# bras" co-ntenance t-rn s"y/ >2on.t yo-=> 0 ased/
A smi#e t-rned -p "is #ips/ >2o 0=>
Smi#in' bac, 0 stepped )or(ard and issed "im/ 6is #ips )e#t ama5in'#y (arm in t"e )ree5in' air/ 0t (asn.t #ie t"e
eart"*s"atterin' iss 0.d "ad (it" 2imitri be)ore t"e trip,b-t it (as s(eet and nice7a )riend#y sort o) iss t"at
maybe co-#d t-rn into more/ At #east, t"at (as "o( 0 sa( it/ From t"e #oo on $ason.s )ace, it appeared "is ("o#e
(or#d "ad been roced/
>Wo(,> "e said, eyes (ide/ T"e moon#i'"t made "is eyes #oo si#%ery b#-e/
>+o- see=> 0 said/ >Not"in' to (orry abo-t/ Not Adrian, not anybody/>
We issed a'ain7a bit #on'er t"is time7be)ore )ina##y dra''in' o-rse#%es apart/ $ason (as c#ear#y in a better
mood, as (e## as "e s"o-#d "a%e been, and 0 dropped into bed (it" a smi#e on my )ace/ 0 (asn.t tec"nica##y s-re i)
$ason and 0 (ere a co-p#e no(, b-t (e (ere %ery c#ose to it/
B-t ("en 0 s#ept, 0 dreamed abo-t Adrian 0%as"o%/
0 stood (it" "im on t"e porc" a'ain, on#y it (as s-mmer/ T"e air (as ba#my and (arm, and t"e s-n "-n' bri'"t in
t"e sy, coatin' e%eryt"in' in 'o#den #i'"t/ 0 "adn.t been in t"is m-c" s-n since #i%in' amon' "-mans/ A## aro-nd,
t"e mo-ntains and %a##eys (ere 'reen and a#i%e/ Birds san' e%ery("ere/
Adrian #eaned a'ainst t"e porc".s rai#in', '#anced o%er, and did a do-b#e*tae ("en "e sa( me/ >O"/ 2idn.t e&pect
to see yo- "ere/> 6e smi#ed/ >0 (as ri'"t/ +o- are de%astatin' ("en c#eaned -p/>
0nstincti%e#y, 0 to-c"ed t"e sin aro-nd my eye/
>0t.s 'one,> "e said/
E%en (it"o-t bein' ab#e to see it, 0 some"o( ne( "e (as ri'"t/ >+o- aren.t smoin'/>
>Bad "abit,> "e said/ 6e nodded to(ard me/ >+o- scared= (earin' a #ot o) protection/>
0 )ro(ned, t"en #ooed do(n/ 0 "adn.t noticed my c#ot"in'/ 0 (ore a pair o) embroidered :eans 0.d seen once b-t
"ad been -nab#e to a))ord/ $y T*s"irt (as cropped, s"o(in' o)) my stomac", and 0 (ore a be##y*b-tton rin'/ 0.d
a#(ays (anted to 'et my be##y b-tton pierced b-t "ad ne%er been ab#e to a))ord it/ T"e c"arm 0 no( (ore "ere (as
a #itt#e si#%er dan'#y one, and "an'in' at t"e end o) it (as t"at (eird b#-e eye pendant my mom "ad 'i%en me/
Lissa.s c"oti (as (o-nd aro-nd my (rist/
0 #ooed bac -p at Adrian, st-dyin' t"e (ay t"e s-n s"one o)) "is bro(n "air/ 6ere, in )-## day#i'"t, 0 co-#d see
t"at "is eyes (ere indeed 'reen7a deep emera#d as opposed to Lissa.s pa#e :ade/ Somet"in' start#in' s-dden#y
occ-rred to me/
>2oesn.t a## t"is s-n bot"er yo-=>
6e 'a%e a #a5y s"r-'/ >Na"/ 0t.s my dream/>
>No, it.s my dream/>
>Are yo- s-re=> 6is smi#e ret-rned/
0 )e#t con)-sed/ >0/// 0 don.t no(/>
6e c"-c#ed, b-t a moment #ater, t"e #a-'"er )aded/ For t"e )irst time since 0.d met "im, "e #ooed serio-s/ >W"y
do yo- "a%e so m-c" darness aro-nd yo-=>
0 )ro(ned/ >W"at=>
> s-rro-nded in b#acness/> 6is eyes st-died me s"re(d#y, b-t not in a c"ecin'*me*o-t sort o) (ay/
>0.%ene%er seen anyone #ie yo-/ S"ado(s e%ery("ere/ 0 ne%er (o-#d "a%e '-essed it/ E%en ("i#e standin'
"ere, t"e s"ado(s eep 'ro(in'/>
0 #ooed do(n at my "ands b-t sa( not"in' o-t o) t"e ordinary/ 0 '#anced bac -p/ >0.m s"ado(*issed// >
>W"at.s t"at mean=>
>0 died once/> 0.d ne%er ta#ed to anyone ot"er t"an Lissa and Victor 2as"o% abo-t t"at, b-t t"is (as a
dream/ 0t didn.t matter/ >And 0 came bac/>
Wonder #it "is )ace/ >A", interestin'///>
0 (oe -p/
Someone (as s"ain' me/ 0t (as Lissa/ 6er )ee#in's "it me so "ard t"ro-'" t"e bond t"at 0 brie)#y snapped into "er
mind and )o-nd myse#) #ooin' at me/ >Weird> didn.t be'in to co%er it/ 0 p-##ed bac into myse#), tryin' to si)t
t"ro-'" t"e terror and a#arm comin' )rom "er/
>W"at.s (ron'=>
>T"ere.s been anot"er Stri'oi attac/>
0 WAS OUT OF BE2 in a )#as"/ We )o-nd t"e entire #od'e ab-55 (it" t"e ne(s/ Peop#e c#-stered in sma## 'ro-ps
in t"e "a##s/ Fami#y members so-'"t eac" ot"er o-t/ Some con%ersations (ere cond-cted in terri)ied ("ispers;
some (ere #o-d and easy to o%er"ear/ 0 stopped a )e( peop#e, tryin' to 'et t"e story strai'"t/ E%eryone "ad a
di))erent %ersion o) ("at "ad "appened, t"o-'", and some (o-#dn.t e%en pa-se to ta#/ T"ey "-rried past, eit"er
seein' o-t #o%ed ones or preparin' to #ea%e t"e resort, con%inced t"ere mi'"t be a sa)er p#ace e#se("ere/
Fr-strated (it" t"e di))erin' stories, 0 )ina##y7re#-ctant#y7ne( 0 "ad to see o-t one o) t"e t(o so-rces ("o
(o-#d 'i%e me so#id in)ormation/ $y mot"er or 2imitri/ 0t (as #ie )#ippin' a coin/ 0 (asn.t rea##y t"ri##ed (it"
eit"er one o) t"em ri'"t no(/ 0 debated momentari#y and )ina##y decided on my mot"er, seein' as "o( s"e (asn.t
'ettin' it on (it" Tas"a O5era/
T"e door to my mot"er.s room (as a:ar, and as Lissa and 0 entered, 0 sa( t"at a sort o) maes"i)t "ead<-arters "ad
been estab#is"ed "ere/ Lots o) '-ardians (ere mi##in' aro-nd, mo%in' in and o-t, and disc-ssin' strate'y/ A )e(
'a%e -s odd #oos, b-t no one stopped or <-estioned -s/ Lissa and 0 s#idonto a sma## so)a to #isten to a con%ersation
my mot"er (as "a%in'/
S"e stood (it" a 'ro-p o) '-ardians, one o) ("om (as 2imitri/ So m-c" )or a%oidin' "im/ 6is bro(n eyes
'#anced at me brie)#y and 0 a%erted my 'a5e/ 0 didn.t (ant to dea# (it" my tro-b#ed )ee#in's )or "im ri'"t no(/
Lissa and 0 soon discerned t"e detai#s/ Ei'"t $oroi "ad been i##ed a#on' (it" t"eir )i%e '-ardians/ T"ree $oroi
(ere missin', eit"er dead or t-rned Stri'oi/ T"e attac "adn.t rea##y "appened near "ere; it "ad been some("ere in
nort"ern Ca#i)ornia/ Nonet"e#ess, a tra'edy #ie t"is co-#dn.t "e#p b-t re%erberate (it"in t"e $oroi (or#d, and )or
some, t(o states a(ay (as )ar too c#ose/ Peop#e (ere terri)ied, and 0
soon #earned ("at in partic-#ar made t"is attac so notab#e/
>T"ere "ad to be more t"an #ast time,> said my mot"er/
>$ore=> e&c#aimed one o) t"e ot"er '-ardians/ >T"at #ast 'ro-p (as -n"eard o)/ 0 sti## can.t be#ie%e nine Stri'oi
mana'ed to (or to'et"er7yo- e&pect me to be#ie%e t"ey mana'ed to 'et more or'ani5ed sti##=>
>+es,> snapped my mot"er/
>Any e%idence o) "-mans=> someone e#se ased/
$y mot"er "esitated, t"en1 >+es/ $ore broen (ards/ And t"e (ay it (as a## cond-cted// /it.s identica# to t"e
Badica attac/>
6er %oice (as "ard, b-t t"ere (as a ind o) (eariness in it, too/ 0t (asn.t p"ysica# e&"a-stion, t"o-'"/ 0t (as
menta#, 0 rea#i5ed/ Strain and "-rt o%er ("at t"ey (ere ta#in' abo-t/0 a#(ays t"o-'"t o) my mot"er as some sort o)
-n)ee#in' i##in' mac"ine, b-t t"is (as c#ear#y "ard )or "er/ 0t (as a "ard, -'#y matter to disc-ss7b-t at t"e same
time, s"e (as tac#in' it (it"o-t "esitation/ 0t (as "er d-ty/
A #-mp )ormed in my t"roat t"at 0 <-ic#y s(a##o(ed do(n/ 6-mans/ 0dentica# to t"e Badica attac/ E%er since
t"at massacre, (e.d e&tensi%e#y ana#y5ed t"e oddity o) s-c" a #ar'e 'ro-p o) Stri'oi teamin' -p and recr-itin'
"-mans/ We.d spoen in %a'-e terms abo-t >i) somet"in' #ie t"is e%er "appens a'ain ///> B-t no one "ad serio-s#y
ta#ed abo-t this 'ro-p7t"e Badica i##ers7doin' it a'ain/ One time (as a )#-e7maybe a b-nc" o) Stri'oi "ad
"appened to 'at"er and imp-#si%e#y decided to 'o on a raid/ 0t (as "orrib#e, b-t (e co-#d (rite t"at o))/
B-t no(// /no( it #ooed as t"o-'" t"at 'ro-p o) Stri'oi "adn.t been a random occ-rrence/ T"ey.d -nited (it"
p-rpose, -ti#i5ed "-mans strate'ica##y, and "ad attaced a'ain/ We no( "ad ("at co-#d be a pattern1 Stri'oi
acti%e#y seein' o-t #ar'e 'ro-ps o) prey/ Seria# i##in's/ We co-#d no #on'er tr-st t"e protecti%e ma'ic o) t"e
(ards/ We co-#dn.t e%en tr-st s-n#i'"t/ 6-mans co-#d mo%e aro-nd in t"e day, sco-tin' and sabota'in'/ T"e #i'"t
(as no #on'er sa)e/
0 remembered ("at 0.d said to 2imitri at t"e Badica "o-se1 T"is c"an'es e%eryt"in', doesn.t it=
$y mot"er )#ipped t"ro-'" some papers on a c#ipboard/ >T"ey don.t "a%e )orensic detai#s yet, b-t t"e same n-mber
o) Stri'oi co-#dn.t "a%e done t"is/ None o) t"e 2ro5do%s or t"eirsta)) escaped/ Wit" )i%e '-ardians, se%en Stri'oi
(o-#d "a%e been preocc-pied7at #east temporari#y7)or some to escape/ #ooin' at nine or ten, maybe/>
>3anine.s ri'"t,> said 2imitri/ >And i) yo- #oo at t"e %en-e///it.s too bi'/ Se%en co-#dn.t "a%e co%ered it/>
T"e 2ro5do%s (ere one o) t"e t(e#%e roya# )ami#ies/ T"ey (ere #ar'e and prospero-s, not #ie Lissa.s dyin' c#an/
T"ey "ad p#enty o) )ami#y members to 'o aro-nd, b-t ob%io-s#y, an attac #ie t"is (as sti## "orrib#e/ F-rt"ermore,
somet"in' abo-t t"em tic#ed my brain/ T"ere (as somet"in' 0 s"o-#d remember /// somet"in' 0 s"o-#d no(
abo-t t"e 2ro5do%s/
W"i#e part o) my mind p-55#ed t"at o-t, 0 (atc"ed my mot"er (it" )ascination/ 0.d #istened to "er te## "er stories/
0.d seen and felt "er )i'"t/ B-t rea##y, tr-#y, 0.d ne%er seen "er in action in a rea#*#i)e crisis/ S"e s"o(ed e%ery bit o)
t"at "ard contro# s"e did aro-nd me, b-t "ere, 0 co-#d see "o( necessary it (as/ A sit-ation #ie t"is created panic/
E%en amon' t"e '-ardians, 0 co-#d sense t"ose ("o (ere so eyed -p t"at t"ey (anted to do somet"in' drastic/ $y
mot"er (as a %oice o) reason, a reminder t"at t"ey "ad to
stay )oc-sed and )-##y assess t"e sit-ation/ 6er compos-re ca#med e%erybody; "er stron' manner inspired t"em/
T"is, 0 rea#i5ed, (as "o( a #eader be"a%ed/
2imitri (as :-st as co##ected as s"e (as, b-t "e de)erred to "er to r-n t"in's/ 0 "ad to remind myse#) sometimes
t"at "e (as yo-n' as )ar as '-ardians (ent/ T"ey disc-ssed t"e attac more, "o( t"e 2ro5do%s "ad been "a%in' a
be#atedC"ristmas party in a ban<-et "a## ("en t"ey (ere attaced/
>First Badicas, no( 2ro5do%s,> m-ttered one '-ardian/ >T" 'oin' a)ter roya#s/>
>T" 'oin' a)ter $oroi,> said 2imitri )#at#y/ >Roya#/ Non*roya#/ 0t doesn.t matter/>
Roya#/ Non*roya#/ 0 s-dden#y ne( ("y t"e 2ro5do%s (ere important/ $y spontaneo-s instincts (anted me to
:-mp -p and as a <-estion ri'"t no(, b-t 0 ne( better/ T"is (as t"e rea# dea#/ T"is (as no time )or irrationa#
be"a%ior/ 0 (anted to be as stron' as my mot"er and 2imitri, so 0 (aited )or t"e disc-ssion to end/
W"en t"e 'ro-p started to brea -p, 0 #eapt -p o)) t"e so)a and p-s"ed my (ay to(ard my mot"er/
>Rose,> s"e said, s-rprised/ Lie in Stan.s c#ass, s"e "adn.t noticed me in t"e room/ >W"at are yo- doin' "ere=>
0t (as s-c" a st-pid <-estion, 0 didn.t try to ans(er it/ W"at did s"e t"in 0 (as doin' "ere= T"is (as one o) t"e
bi''est t"in's to "appen to t"e $oroi/
0 pointed to "er c#ipboard/ >W"o e#se (as i##ed=>
0rritation (rin#ed "er )ore"ead/ >2ro5do%s/>
>B-t ("o e#se=>
>Rose, (e don.t "a%e time7>
>T"ey "ad sta)), ri'"t= 2imitri said non*roya#s/ W"o (ere t"ey=>
A'ain, 0 sa( t"e (eariness in "er/ S"e too t"ese deat"s "ard/ >0 don.t no( a## t"e names/> F#ippin' t"ro-'" a )e(
pa'es, s"e t-rned t"e c#ipboard to(ard me/ >T"ere/>
0 scanned t"e #ist/ $y "eart san/
>Oay,> 0 to#d "er/ >T"ans/>
Lissa and 0 #e)t t"em to 'o abo-t t"eir b-siness/ 0 (is"ed 0 co-#d "a%e "e#ped, b-t t"e '-ardians ran smoot"#y and
e))icient#y on t"eir o(n; t"ey "ad no need )or no%ices -nder)oot/
>W"at (as t"at abo-t=> ased Lissa, once (e (ere "eadin' bac to t"e main part o) t"e #od'e/
>T"e 2ro5do%s. sta)),> 0 said/ >$ia.s mom (ored )or t"em////>
Lissa 'asped/ >And=>
0 si'"ed/ >And "er name (as on t"e #ist/>
>O" God/> Lissa stopped (a#in'/ S"e stared o)) into space, b#inin' bac tears/ >O" God,> s"e repeated/
0 mo%ed in )ront o) "er and p#aced my "ands on "er s"o-#ders/ S"e (as s"ain'/
>0t.s oay,> 0 said/ 6er )ear came to me in (a%es, b-t it (as a n-mbed )ear/ S"oc/ >T"is is 'oin' to be oay/>
>+o- "eard t"em,> s"e said/ >T"ere.s a band o) Stri'oi or'ani5in' and attacin' -s@ 6o( many= Are t"ey comin'
>No,> 0 said )irm#y/ 0 "ad no e%idence o) t"at, o) co-rse/ > sa)e "ere/>
>Poor $ia ///>
T"ere (as not"in' 0 co-#d say to t"at/ 0 t"o-'"t $ia (as an abso#-te bitc", b-t 0 (o-#dn.t (is" t"is on anyone, not
e%en my (orst enemy7("ic", tec"nica##y, s"e (as/ 0mmediate#y, 0 corrected t"at t"o-'"t/ $ia (asn.t my (orst
0 co-#dn.t bear to #ea%e Lissa.s side )or t"e rest o) t"e day/ 0 ne( t"ere (ere no Stri'oi #-rin' in t"e #od'e, b-t my
protecti%e instincts ran too stron'/ G-ardians protected t"eir $oroi/ Lie -s-a#, 0 a#so (orried abo-t "er bein'
an&io-s and -pset, so 0 did my best to di))-se t"ose )ee#in's/
T"e ot"er '-ardians pro%ided reass-rance )or $oroi too/ T"ey didn.t (a# side by side (it" t"e $oroi, b-t t"ey
rein)orced #od'e sec-rity and stayed in constant comm-nication (it" '-ardians at t"e scene o) t"e attac/
0n)ormation )#o(ed in a## day abo-t t"e 'ris#y speci)ics, as (e## as spec-#ation abo-t ("ere t"e band o) Stri'oi (as/
Litt#e o) t"is (as s"ared (it" no%ices, o) co-rse/
W"i#e t"e '-ardians did ("at t"ey did best, t"e $oroi a#so did ("at t"ey7-n)ort-nate#y7did best1 tal'.
Wit" so many roya#s and ot"er important $oroi at t"e #od'e, a meetin' (as or'ani5ed t"at ni'"t to disc-ss ("at
"ad "appened and ("at mi'"t be done in t"e )-t-re/ Not"in' o))icia# (o-#d be decided "ere; t"e $oroi "ad a <-een
and a 'o%ernin' co-nci# e#se("ere )or t"ose types o) decisions/ E%eryone ne(, t"o-'", t"at opinions 'at"ered
"ere (o-#d mae t"eir (ay -p t"e c"ain o) command/ O-r )-t-re sa)ety co-#d %ery (e## depend on ("at (as
disc-ssed in t"is meetin'/
0t (as "e#d in an enormo-s ban<-et "a## inside t"e #od'e, one (it" a podi-m and p#enty o) seatin'/ 2espite t"e
b-siness#ie atmosp"ere, yo- co-#d te## t"is room "ad been desi'ned )or t"in's ot"er t"an meetin's abo-t
massacres andde)ense/ T"e carpet "ad t"e te&t-re o) %e#%et and s"o(ed an ornate )#ora# desi'n in s"ades o) si#%er
and b#ac/ T"e c"airs (ere made o) b#ac po#is"ed (ood and "ad "i'" bacs, c#ear#y intended )or )ancy dinin'/
Paintin's o) #on'*dead $oroi roya#ty "-n' on t"e (a##s/ 0 stared brie)#y at one o) a <-een ("ose name 0 didn.t
no(/ S"e (ore an o#d*)as"ioned dress7too "ea%y on #ace )or my tastes7and "ad pa#e "air #ie Lissa.s/
Some '-y 0 didn.t no( (as in c"ar'e o) moderatin' and stood at t"e podi-m/ $ost o) t"e roya#s on "and 'at"ered
at t"e )ront o) t"e room/ E%eryone e#se, inc#-din' st-dents, too seats ("ere%er t"ey co-#d/ C"ristian and $ason
"ad )o-nd Lissa and me by t"at point, and (e a## started to sit in t"e bac ("en Lissa s-dden#y s"oo "er "ead/
>0.m 'oin' to sit in t"e )ront/>
T"e t"ree o) -s stared at "er/ 0 (as too d-mb)o-nded to probe "er mind/
>Loo/> S"e pointed/ >T"e roya#s are sittin' -p t"ere, sittin' by )ami#y/>
0t (as tr-e/ $embers o) t"e same c#ans "ad c#-stered near eac" ot"er1 Badicas, 0%as"o%s, Ge#oses, etc/ Tas"a sat
t"ere as (e##, b-t s"e (as by "erse#)/ C"ristian (as t"e on#y ot"er O5era t"ere/
>0 need to be -p t"ere,> said Lissa/
>No one e&pects yo- to be t"ere,> 0 to#d "er/
>0 "a%e to represent t"e 2ra'omirs/>
C"ristian sco))ed/ >0t.s a## a b-nc" o) roya# b-##s"it/>
6er )ace set into a determined e&pression/ >0 need to be -p t"ere/>
0 opened myse#) -p to Lissa.s )ee#in's and #ied ("at 0 )o-nd/ S"e.d spent most o) t"e day <-iet and a)raid, m-c"
as s"e "ad ("en (e.d )o-nd o-t abo-t $ia.s mom/ T"at )ear (as (it"in "er sti##, b-t it (as o%erpo(ered by a
steady con)idence and determination/ S"e reco'ni5ed t"at s"e (as one o) t"e r-#in' $oroi, and as m-c" as t"e idea
o) ro%in' bands o) Stri'oi scared "er, s"e (anted to do "er part/
>+o- s"o-#d do it,> 0 said so)t#y/ 0 a#so #ied t"e idea o) "er de)yin' C"ristian/
Lissa met my eyes and smi#ed/ S"e ne( ("at 0 "ad sensed/ A moment #ater, s"e t-rned to C"ristian/ >+o- s"o-#d
:oin yo-r a-nt/>
C"ristian opened "is mo-t" to protest/ 0) not )or t"e "orrib#eness o) t"e sit-ation, seein' Lissa order "im aro-nd
(o-#d "a%e been )-nny/ 6e (as a#(ays st-bborn and di))ic-#t; t"ose ("o tried to p-s" "im didn.t s-cceed/
Watc"in' "is )ace, 0 sa( t"e same rea#i5ation 0.d "ad abo-t Lissa come o%er "im/ 6e #ied seein' "er stron' too/ 6e
pressed "is #ips to'et"er in a 'rimace/
>Oay/> 6e ca-'"t "er "and, and t"e t(o o) t"em (a#ed o)) to(ard t"e )ront/
$ason and 0 sat do(n/ 3-st be)ore t"in's started, 2imitri sat do(n on t"e ot"er side o) me, "air tied be"ind "is
nec and t"e #eat"er coat drapin' aro-nd "im as "e sett#ed in t"e c"air/ 0 '#anced at "im in s-rprise b-t said not"in'/
T"ere (ere )e('-ardians at t"is 'at"erin'; most (ere too b-sy doin' dama'e contro#/ 0t (o-#d )i'-re/ T"ere 0 (as,
st-c bet(een bot" o) my men/
T"e meetin' iced o)) s"ort#y t"erea)ter/ E%eryone (as ea'er to ta# abo-t "o( t"ey t"o-'"t t"e $oroi s"o-#d be
sa%ed, b-t rea##y, t(o t"eories 'ot t"e most attention/
>T"e ans(er.s a## aro-nd -s,> said one roya#, once "e.d been 'i%en #ea%e to spea/ 6e stood by "is c"air and #ooed
aro-nd t"e room/ "+ere. 0n p#aces #ie t"is #od'e/ And St/ V#adimir.s/ We send o-r c"i#dren to sa)e p#aces, p#aces
("ere t"ey "a%e sa)ety in n-mbers and can be easi#y '-arded/ And #oo "o( many o) -s made it "ere, c"i#dren and
ad-#ts a#ie/ W"y don.t (e #i%e t"is (ay a## t"e time=>
>P#enty o) -s a#ready do,> someone s"o-ted bac/
T"e man (a%ed t"at o))/ >A co-p#e o) )ami#ies "ere and t"ere/ Or a to(n (it" a #ar'e $oroi pop-#ation/ B-t t"ose
$oroi are sti## decentra#i5ed/ $ost don.t poo# t"eir reso-rces7t"eir '-ardians, t"eir ma'ic/ 0) (e co-#d em-#ate t"is
mode#///> 6e spread "is "ands o-t/ >/// (e.d ne%er "a%e to (orry abo-t Stri'oi a'ain/>
>And $oroi co-#d ne%er interact (it" t"e rest o) t"e (or#d a'ain,> 0 m-ttered/ >We##, -nti# "-mans disco%ered
secret %ampire cities spro-tin' -p in t"e (i#derness/ T"en (e.d "a%e lots o) interactions/>
T"e ot"er t"eory abo-t "o( to protect t"e $oroi in%o#%ed )e(er #o'istica# prob#ems b-t "ad 'reater persona#
impact7 partic-#ar#y )or me/
>T"e prob#em is simp#y t"at (e don.t "a%e eno-'" '-ardians/> T"is p#an.s ad%ocate (as some (oman )rom t"e
S5e#sy c#an/ >And so, t"e ans(er is simp#e1 get more. T"e 2ro5do%s "ad )i%e '-ardians, and t"at (asn.t eno-'"/
On#y si& to protect o%er a do5en $oroi@ T"at.s -nacceptab#e/ 0t.s no (onder t"ese inds o) t"in's eep "appenin'/>
>W"ere do yo- propose 'ettin' more '-ardians )rom=> ased t"e man ("o.d been in )a%or o) $oroi bandin'
to'et"er/ >T" ind o) a #imited reso-rce/>
S"e pointed to ("ere 0 and a )e( ot"er no%ices sat/ >We.%e 'ot p#enty a#ready/ 0.%e (atc"ed t"em train/ T"
dead#y/ W"y are (e (aitin' -nti# t"ey t-rn ei'"teen= 0) (e acce#erated t"e trainin' pro'ram and )oc-sed more on
combat trainin' t"an boo(or, (e co-#d t-rn o-t ne( '-ardians ("en t" si&teen/>
2imitri made a so-nd #o( in "is t"roat t"at didn.t seem "appy/ Leanin' )or(ard, "e p#aced "is e#bo(s on "is nees
and rested "is c"in in "is "ands, eyes narro(ed in t"o-'"t/
>Not on#y t"at, (e "a%e p#enty o) potentia# '-ardians 'oin' to (aste/ W"ere are a## t"e d"ampir (omen= O-r races
are intert(ined/ T"e $oroi are doin' t"eir part to "e#p t"e d"ampirs s-r%i%e/ W"y aren.t t"ese (omen doin' t"eirs=
W"y aren.t t"ey "ere=>
A #on', s-#try #a-'" came as an ans(er/ A## eyes t-rned to(ard Tas"a O5era/ W"ereas many o) t"e ot"er roya#s
"ad dressed -p, s"e (as easy and cas-a#/ S"e (ore "er -s-a# :eans, a ("ite tan top t"at s"o(ed a bit o) midri)),
and ab#-e, #acy nit cardi'an t"at came to "er nees/
G#ancin' at t"e moderator, s"e ased, >$ay 0=>
6e nodded/ T"e S5e#sy (oman sat do(n; Tas"a stood -p/ Un#ie t"e ot"er speaers, s"e strode ri'"t -p to t"e
podi-m, so s"e co-#d be c#ear#y seen by e%eryone/ 6er '#ossy b#ac "air (as p-##ed bac into a ponytai#,
comp#ete#y e&posin' "er scars in a (ay 0 s-spected (as intentiona#/ 6er )ace (as bo#d and de)iant/ Bea-ti)-#/
>T"ose (omen aren.t "ere, $onica, beca-se t" too b-sy raisin' t"eir c"i#dren7yo- no(, t"e ones yo- (ant
to start sendin' o-t to t"e )ronts as soon as t"ey can (a#/ And p#ease don.t ins-#t -s a## by actin' #ie t"e $oroi do
a "-'e )a%or to t"e d"ampirs by "e#pin' t"em reprod-ce/ $aybe it.s di))erent in yo-r )ami#y, b-t )or t"e rest o) -s,
se& is )-n/ T"e $oroi doin' it (it" d"ampirs aren.t rea##y main' t"at bi' o) a sacri)ice/>
2imitri "ad strai'"tened -p no(, "is e&pression no #on'er an'ry/ Probab#y "e (as e&cited t"at "is ne( 'ir#)riend
"ad mentioned se&/ 0rritation s"ot t"ro-'" me, and 0 "oped t"at i) 0 "ad a "omicida# #oo on my )ace, peop#e (o-#d
ass-me it (as )or Stri'oi and not t"e (oman c-rrent#y addressin' -s/
Beyond 2imitri, 0 s-dden#y noticed $ia sittin' by "erse#), )art"er do(n t"e ro(/ 0 "adn.t rea#i5ed s"e (as "ere/
S"e (as s#-mped in "er seat/ 6er eyes (ere red*rimmed, "er )ace pa#er t"an -s-a#/ A )-nny ac"e b-rned in my
c"est, one 0.d ne%er e&pected "er to brin' abo-t/
>And t"e reason ( (aitin' )or t"ese '-ardians to t-rnei'"teen is so t"at (e can a##o( t"em to en:oy some
pretense o) a #i)e be)ore )orcin' t"em to spend t"e rest o) t"eir days in constant dan'er/ T"ey need t"ose e&tra years
to de%e#op menta##y as (e## as p"ysica##y/ P-## t"em o-t be)ore t" ready, treat t"em #ie t" parts on an
assemb#y #ine7and :-st creatin' Stri'oi )odder/>
A )e( peop#e 'asped at Tas"a.s ca##o-s c"oice o) (ords, b-t s"e s-cceeded in 'ettin' e%eryone.s attention/
>+o- create more )odder sti## i) yo- try main' t"e ot"er d"ampir (omen become '-ardians/ +o- can.t )orce t"em
into t"at #i)e i) t"ey don.t (ant it/ T"is entire p#an o) yo-rs to 'et more '-ardians re#ies on t"ro(in' c"i#dren and
t"e -n(i##in' into "arm.s (ay, :-st so yo- can7bare#y7stay one step a"ead o) t"e enemy/ 0 (o-#d "a%e said it.s
t"e st-pidest p#an 0.%e e%er "eard, i) 0 "adn.t a#ready "ad to #isten to "is/>
S"e pointed at t"e )irst speaer, t"e one ("o "ad (anted $oroi compo-nds/ Embarrassment c#o-ded "is )eat-res/
>En#i'"ten -s t"en, Natas"a,> "e said/ >Te## -s ("at you t"in (e s"o-#d do, seein' as yo- "a%e so m-c"
e&perience (it" Stri'oi/>
A t"in smi#e p#ayed on Tas"a.s #ips, b-t s"e didn.t rise to t"e ins-#t/ >W"at do 0 t"in=> S"e strode c#oser to t"e
sta'e.s )ront, 'a5in' at -s as s"e ans(ered "is <-estion/ >0 t"in (e s"o-#d stop comin' -p (it" p#ans t"at in%o#%e
-s re#yin' on someone or somet"in' to protect -s/ +o- t"in t"ere are too )e( '-ardians= T"at.s not t"e prob#em/
T"e prob#em is t"ere are too many Stri'oi/ And (e.%e #et t"em m-#tip#y and becomemore po(er)-# beca-se (e do
not"in' abo-t t"em e&cept "a%e st-pid ar'-ments #ie t"is/ We r-n and "ide be"ind t"e d"ampirs and #et t"e Stri'oi
'o -nc"eced/ 0t.s o-r )a-#t/ ,e are t"e reason t"ose 2ro5do%s died/ +o- (ant an army= We##, "ere (e are/
2"ampirs aren.t t"e on#y ones ("o can #earn to )i'"t/ T"e <-estion, $onica, isn.t ("ere t"e d"ampir (omen are in
t"is )i'"t/ T"e <-estion is1 ,here are "e?"
Tas"a (as s"o-tin' by no(, and t"e e&ertion t-rned "er c"ees pin/ 6er eyes s"one (it" "er impassioned
)ee#in's, and ("en combined (it" t"e rest o) "er pretty )eat-res7and e%en (it" t"e scar7s"e made a striin'
)i'-re/ $ost peop#e co-#dn.t tae t"eir eyes o)) "er/ Lissa (atc"ed Tas"a (it" (onder, inspired by "er (ords/
$ason #ooed "ypnoti5ed/ 2imitri #ooed impressed/ And )art"er past "im ///
Fart"er past "im (as $ia/ $ia no #on'er "-nc"ed in "er c"air/ S"e (as sittin' -p strai'"t, strai'"t as a stic, "er
eyes as (ide as t"ey co-#d 'o/ S"e stared at Tas"a as t"o-'" s"e a#one "e#d a## t"e ans(ers to #i)e/
$onica S5e#sy #ooed #ess a(ed, and s"e )i&ed "er 'a5e on Tas"a/ >S-re#y yo- aren.t s-''estin' t"e $oroi )i'"t
a#on'side t"e '-ardians ("en t"e Stri'oi come=>
Tas"a re'arded "er #e%e##y/ >No/ 0.m s-''estin' t"e $oroi and t"e '-ardians 'o )i'"t t"e Stri'oi before t"ey
A '-y in "is t(enties ("o #ooed #ie a Ra#p" La-ren spoesmode# s"ot -p/ 0 (o-#d "a%e (a'ered money "e (as
roya#/ No one e#se co-#d "a%e a))orded b#ond "i'"#i'"ts t"at per)ect/ 6e -ntied an
e&pensi%e s(eater )rom aro-nd "is(aist and draped it o%er t"e bac o) "is c"air/ >O",> "e said in a mocin' %oice,
speain' o-t o) t-rn/ >So, 'oin' to :-st 'i%e -s c#-bs and staes and send -s o)) to do batt#e=>
Tas"a s"r-''ed/ >0) t"at.s ("at it taes, Andre(, t"en s-re/> A s#y smi#e crossed "er pretty #ips/ >B-t t"ere are
ot"er (eapons (e can #earn to -se, too/ Ones t"e '-ardians can.t/>
T"e #oo on "is )ace s"o(ed "o( insane "e t"o-'"t t"at idea (as/ 6e ro##ed "is eyes/ >O" yea"= Lie ("at=>
6er smi#e t-rned into a )-##*)#ed'ed 'rin/ >Lie t"is/>
S"e (a%ed "er "and, and t"e s(eater "e.d p#aced on t"e bac o) "is c"air b-rst into )#ames/
6e ye#ped in s-rprise and noced it to t"e )#oor, stampin' it o-t (it" "is )eet/
T"ere (as a brie), co##ecti%e intae o) breat" t"ro-'"o-t t"e room/ And t"en /// c"aos broe o-t/
PEOPLE STOO2 UP AN2 S6OUTE2, e%eryone (antin' t"eir opinion to be "eard/ As it (as, most o) t"em "e#d
t"e same %ie(1 Tas"a (as (ron'/ T"ey to#d "er s"e (as cra5y/ T"ey to#d "er t"at in sendin' o-t $oroi and
d"ampirs to )i'"t t"e Stri'oi, s"e.d be e&peditin' t"e e&tinction o) bot" races/ T"ey e%en "ad t"e ner%e to s-''est
t"at t"at (as Tas"a.s p#an a## a#on'7t"at s"e (as some"o( co##aboratin' (it" t"e Stri'oi in a## o) t"is/
2imitri stood -p, dis'-st a## o%er "is )eat-res as "e s-r%eyed t"e c"aos/ >+o- mi'"t as (e## #ea%e/ Not"in' -se)-#.s
'oin' to "appen no(/>
$ason and 0 rose, b-t "e s"oo "is "ead ("en 0 started to )o##o( 2imitri o-t/
>+o- 'o on,> said $ason/ >0 (ant to c"ec somet"in' o-t/>
0 '#anced at t"e standin', ar'-in' peop#e/ 0 s"r-''ed/ >Good #-c/>
0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e it "ad on#y been a )e( days since 0.d spoen to 2imitri/ Steppin' o-t into t"e "a## (it" "im, 0 )e#t
#ie it.d been years/ Bein' (it" $ason t"ese #ast co-p#e o) days "ad been )antastic, b-t seein' 2imitri a'ain, a## o)
my o#d )ee#in's )or "im came r-s"in' bac/ S-dden#y, $ason seemed #ie a c"i#d/ $y distress o%er t"e Tas"a
sit-ation a#so came bac"and st-pid (ords )e## o-t o) my mo-t" be)ore 0 co-#d stop t"em/
>S"o-#dn.t yo- be in t"ere protectin' Tas"a=> 0 ased/ >Be)ore t"e mob 'ets "er= S"e.s 'oin' to 'et in bi' tro-b#e
)or -sin' ma'ic #ie t"at/>
6e raised an eyebro(/ >S"e can tae care o) "erse#)/>
>+ea", yea", beca-se s"e.s a badass arate ma'ic -ser/ 0 'et a## t"at/ 0 :-st )i'-red since 'oin' to be "er
'-ardian and a##///>
>W"ere did yo- "ear t"at=>
>0 "a%e my so-rces/> Some"o(, sayin' 0.d "eard it )rom my mom so-nded #ess coo#/ >+o-.%e decided to, ri'"t= 0
mean, it so-nds #ie a 'ood dea#, seein' as s"e.s 'oin' to 'i%e yo- )rin'e bene)its//>
6e 'a%e me a #e%e# #oo/ >W"at "appens bet(een "er and me is none o) yo-r b-siness,> "e rep#ied crisp#y/
T"e (ords bet"een her and me st-n'/ 0t so-nded #ie "e and Tas"a (ere a done dea#/ And, as o)ten "appened
("en 0 (as "-rt, my temper and attit-de too o%er/
>We##, 0.m s-re yo- '-ys.## be "appy to'et"er/ S"e.s :-st yo-r type, too70 no( "o( m-c" yo- #ie (omen ("o
aren.t yo-r o(n a'e/ 0 mean, s"e.s ("at, si& years o#der t"an yo-= Se%en= And 0.m se%en years yo-n'er t"an yo-/>
>+es,> "e said a)ter se%era# moments o) si#ence/ >+o- are/ And e%ery second t"is con%ersation 'oes on, yo- on#y
pro%e "o( yo-n' yo- rea##y are/>
W"oa/ $y :a( a#most "it t"e )#oor/ Not e%en my mot"erp-nc"in' me "ad "-rt as bad#y as t"at/ For a "eartbeat, 0
t"o-'"t 0 sa( re'ret in "is eyes, #ie "e too rea#i5ed :-st "o( "ars" "is (ords "ad been/ B-t t"e moment passed,
and "is e&pression (as "ard once more/
>Litt#e d"ampir,> a %oice s-dden#y said nearby/
S#o(#y, sti## st-nned, 0 t-rned to(ard Adrian 0%as"o%/ 6e 'rinned at me and 'a%e a brie) nod o) acno(#ed'ment
to 2imitri/ 0 s-spected my )ace (as bri'"t red/ 6o( m-c" "ad Adrian "eard=
6e "e#d -p "is "ands in a cas-a# 'est-re/ >0 don.t (ant to interr-pt or anyt"in'/ 3-st (anted to ta# to yo- ("en
yo- "a%e time/>
0 (anted to te## Adrian 0 didn.t "a%e time to p#ay ("ate%er 'ame "e (as into no(, b-t 2imitri.s (ords sti## smarted/
6e (as #ooin' at Adrian no( in a %ery disappro%in' (ay/ 0 s-spected "e, #ie e%eryone e#se, "ad "eard abo-t
Adrian.s bad rep-tation/ -ood, 0 t"o-'"t/ 0 s-dden#y (anted "im to be :ea#o-s/ 0 (anted to "-rt "im as m-c" as
"e.d "-rt me #ate#y/
S(a##o(in' my pain, 0 -neart"ed my man*eatin' smi#e, one 0 "adn.t -sed to )-## e))ect in sometime/ 0 (a#ed o%er
to Adrian and p-t a "and on "is arm/
>0.%e 'ot time no(/> 0 'a%e a nod o) my o(n to 2imitri and steered Adrian a(ay, (a#in' c#ose to "im/ >See yo-
#ater, G-ardian Be#io%/>
2imitri.s dar eyes )o##o(ed -s stoni#y/ T"en 0 t-rned a(ay and didn.t #oo bac/
>Not into o#der '-ys, "-"=> ased Adrian once (e (ere a#one/
> ima'inin' t"in's,> 0 said/ >C#ear#y, my st-nnin' bea-ty "as c#o-ded yo-r mind/>
6e #a-'"ed t"at nice #a-'" o) "is/ >T"at.s entire#y possib#e/>
0 started to step bac, b-t "e tossed an arm aro-nd me/ >No, no, yo- (anted to p#ay c"-mmy (it" me7no( yo-.%e
'ot to see it t"ro-'"/>
0 ro##ed my eyes at "im and #et t"e arm stay/ 0 co-#d sme## a#co"o# on "im as (e## as t"e perpet-a# sme## o) c#o%es/ 0
(ondered i) "e (as dr-n no(/ 0 "ad t"e )ee#in' t"at t"ere (as probab#y #itt#e di))erence bet(een "is attit-des
dr-n or sober/
>W"at do yo- (ant=> 0 ased/
6e st-died me )or a moment/ >0 (ant yo- to 'rab Vasi#isa and come (it" me/ 'oin' to "a%e some )-n/ +o-.##
probab#y (ant a s(ims-it too/> 6e seemed disappointed by t"e admission o) t"is/ >Un#ess yo- (ant to 'o naed/>
>W"at= A b-nc" o) $oroi and d"ampirs :-st 'ot s#a-'"tered, and yo- (ant to 'o s(immin' and ."a%e )-n.=>
>0t.s not :-st s(immin',> "e said patient#y/ >Besides, t"at s#a-'"ter is e&act#y ("y yo- s"o-#d 'o do t"is/>
Be)ore 0 co-#d ar'-e t"at, 0 sa( my )riends ro-nd t"e corner1 Lissa, $ason, and C"ristian/ Eddie Casti#e (as (it"
t"e 'ro-p, ("ic" s"o-#dn.t "a%e s-rprised me, b-t $ia (as as (e##7("ic" certain#y did s-rprise me/ T"ey (ere
deep in con%ersation, t"o-'" t"ey a## stopped ta#in' ("en t"ey sa( me/
>T"ere yo- are,> said Lissa, a p-55#ed #oo on "er )ace/
0 remembered Adrian.s arm (as sti## aro-nd me/ 0 stepped o-t o) it/ >6ey, '-ys,> 0 said/ A moment o) a((ardness
"-n' aro-nd -s, and 0 (as pretty s-re 0 "eard a #o( c"-c#e )rom Adrian/ 0 beamed at "im and t"en my )riends/
>Adrian in%ited -s to 'o s(immin'/>
T"ey stared at me in s-rprise, and 0 co-#d a#most see t"e ("ee#s o) spec-#ation t-rnin' in t"eir "eads/ $ason.s )ace
darened a #itt#e, b-t #ie t"e ot"ers, "e said not"in'/ 0 sti)#ed a 'roan/
Adrian too me in%itin' t"e ot"ers to "is secret inter#-de pretty (e##/ Wit" "is easy'oin' attit-de, 0 "adn.t rea##y
e&pected anyt"in' e#se/ Once (e "ad s(ims-its, (e )o##o(ed "is directions to a door(ay in one o) t"e )ar (in's o)
t"e #od'e/ 0t "e#d a staircase t"at #ed do(n7and do(n and do(n/ 0 near#y 'ot di55y as (e (o-nd aro-nd and
aro-nd/ E#ectric #i'"ts "-n' in t"e (a##s, b-t as (e (ent )art"er, t"e painted (a##s c"an'ed to car%ed stone/
W"en (e reac"ed o-r destination, (e disco%ered Adrian "ad been ri'"t7it (asn.t :-st s(immin'/ We (ere in a
specia# spa area o) t"e resort, one -sed on#y )or t"e most e#ite $oroi/ 0n t"is case, it (as reser%ed )or a b-nc" o)
roya#s 0 ass-med (ere Adrian.s )riends/ T"ere (ere abo-t t"irty ot"ers, a## "is a'e or o#der, ("o bore t"e mars o)
(ea#t" and e#itism/
T"e spa consisted o) a series o) "ot minera# poo#s/ $aybe once t"ey.d been in a ca%e or somet"in', b-t t"e #od'e
b-i#ders "ad #on' since 'otten rid o) any sort o) r-stic s-rro-ndin's/T"e b#ac stone (a##s and cei#in' (ere as
po#is"ed and bea-ti)-# as anyt"in' e#se in t"e resort/ 0t (as #ie bein' in a ca%e7a rea##y
nice, desi'ner ca%e/ Racs o) to(e#s #ined t"e (a##s, as did tab#es )-## o) e&otic )ood/ T"e bat"s matc"ed t"e rest o)
t"e room.s "e(n*o-t decor1 stone*#ined poo#s containin' "ot (ater t"at (as "eated )rom some -nder'ro-nd so-rce/
Steam )i##ed t"e room, and a )aint, meta##ic sme## "-n' in t"e air/ So-nds o) party'oers #a-'"in' and sp#as"in'
ec"oed aro-nd -s/
>W"y is $ia (it" yo-=> 0 ased Lissa so)t#y/ We (ere (indin' o-r (ay t"ro-'" t"e room, #ooin' )or a poo# t"at
(asn.t occ-pied/
>S"e (as ta#in' to $ason ("en (e (ere 'ettin' ready to #ea%e,> s"e ret-rned/ S"e ept "er %oice :-st as <-iet/ >0t
seemed mean to :-st/// 0 don.t no( /// #ea%e "er ///>
E%en 0 a'reed (it" t"at/ Ob%io-s si'ns o) 'rie) (ere (ritten a## o%er "er )ace, b-t $ia seemed at #east momentari#y
distracted by ("ate%er $ason (as te##in' "er/
>0 t"o-'"t yo- didn.t no( Adrian,> Lissa added/ 2isappro%a# "-n' in "er %oice and in t"e bond/ We )ina##y )o-nd
a #ar'e poo#, a #itt#e o-t o) t"e (ay/ A '-y and a 'ir# (ere on t"e opposite side, a## o%er eac" ot"er, b-t t"ere (as
p#enty o) room )or t"e rest o) -s/ T"ey (ere easy to i'nore/
0 p-t a )oot into t"e (ater and p-##ed it bac immediate#y/
>0 don.t,> 0 to#d "er/ Ca-tio-s#y, 0 inc"ed t"e )oot bac in, s#o(#y )o##o(ed by t"e rest o) my body/ W"en 0 'ot to
my stomac", 0 'rimaced/ 0 "ad on a maroon biini, and t"e sca#din' (ater ca-'"t my stomac" by s-rprise/
>+o- m-st no( "im a #itt#e/ 6e in%ited yo- to a party/>
>+ea", b-t do yo- see "im (it" -s no(=>
S"e )o##o(ed my 'a5e/ Adrian stood on t"e )ar side o) t"e room (it" a 'ro-p o) 'ir#s in biinis m-c" sma##er t"an
mine/ One (as a Betsey 3o"nson s-it 0.d seen in a ma'a5ine and co%eted/ 0 si'"ed and #ooed a(ay/
We.d a## s#ipped into t"e (ater by t"en/ 0t (as so "ot 0 )e#t #ie 0 (as in a so-p ett#e/ No( t"at Lissa seemed
con%inced o) my innocence (it" Adrian, 0 t-ned into t"e ot"ers. disc-ssion/
>W"at are yo- ta#in' abo-t=> 0 interr-pted/ 0t (as easier t"an #istenin' and )i'-rin' it o-t myse#)/
>T"e meetin',> said $ason e&cited#y/ Apparent#y, "e.d 'otten o%er seein' me and Adrian to'et"er/
C"ristian "ad sett#ed onto a sma## s"e#) in t"e poo#/ Lissa c-r#ed -p beside "im/ P-ttin' a proprietary arm aro-nd
"er, "e tipped "is bac so it rested on t"e ed'e/
>+o-r boy)riend (ants to #ead an army a'ainst t"e Stri'oi,> "e to#d me/ 0 co-#d te## "e (as sayin' it to pro%oe me/
0 #ooed at $ason <-estionin'#y/ 0t (asn.t (ort" t"e e))ort to c"a##en'e t"e >boy)riend> comment/
>6ey, it (as your a-nt ("o s-''ested it,> $ason reminded C"ristian/
>S"e on#y said (e s"o-#d )ind t"e Stri'oi be)ore t"ey )ind -s a'ain,> co-ntered C"ristian/ >S"e (asn.t p-s"in' )or
no%ices )i'"tin'/ T"at (as $onica S5e#sy/>
A (aitress came by t"en (it" a tray o) pin drins/ T"ese (ere in e#e'ant, #on'*stemmed crysta# '#asses (it"
s-'aredrims/ 0 "ad a stron' s-spicion t"e drins (ere a#co"o#ic, b-t 0 do-bted anyone ("o made it into t"is party
(as 'oin' to 'et carded/ 0 "ad no idea ("at t"ey (ere/ $ost o) my e&periences (it" a#co"o# "ad in%o#%ed c"eap
beer/ 0 too a '#ass and t-rned bac to $ason/
>+o- t"in t"at.s a 'ood idea=> 0 ased "im/ 0 sipped t"e drin, ca-tio-s#y/ As a '-ardian in trainin', 0 )e#t #ie 0
s"o-#d a#(ays be on a#ert, b-t toni'"t 0 once a'ain )e#t #ie bein' rebe##io-s/ T"e drin tasted #ie p-nc"/ Grape)r-it
:-ice/ Somet"in' s(eet, #ie stra(berries/ 0 (as sti## pretty s-re t"ere (as a#co"o# in it, b-t it didn.t appear stron'
eno-'" )or me to #ose s#eep o%er/
Anot"er (aitress soon appeared (it" a tray o) )ood/ 0 eyed it and reco'ni5ed a#most not"in'/ T"ere (as somet"in'
t"at #ooed %a'-e#y #ie m-s"rooms st-))ed (it" c"eese, as (e## as somet"in' e#se t"at #ooed #itt#e ro-nd patties
o) meat or sa-sa'e/ As a 'ood carni%ore, 0 reac"ed )or one, t"inin' it co-#dn.t be t"at bad/
>0t.s )oie 'ras,> said C"ristian/ T"ere (as a smi#e on "is )ace 0 didn.t #ie/
0 eyed "im (ari#y/ >W"at.s t"at=>
>+o- don.t no(=> 6is tone (as cocy, and )or once in "is #i)e, "e so-nded #ie a tr-e roya# to-tin' "is e#ite
no(#ed'e o%er -s -nder#in's/ 6e s"r-''ed/ >Tae a c"ance/ Find o-t/>
Lissa si'"ed in e&asperation/ >0t.s 'oose #i%er/>
0 :ered my "and bac/ T"e (aitress mo%ed on, and C"ristian #a-'"ed/ 0 '#ared at "im/
$ean("i#e, $ason (as sti## "-n' -p on my <-estion abo-t ("et"er no%ices 'oin' to batt#e be)ore 'rad-ation (as
a 'ood idea/
>W"at e#se are (e doin'=> "e ased indi'nant#y/ >W"at are you doin'= +o- r-n #aps (it" Be#io% e%ery mornin'/
W"at.s t"at doin' )or yo-= For t"e $oroi=>
W"at (as t"at doin' )or me= $ain' my "eart race and my mind "a%e indecent t"o-'"ts/
>We aren.t ready,> 0 said instead/
>We.%e on#y 'ot si& more mont"s,> piped in Eddie/
$ason nodded "is a'reement/ >+ea"/ 6o( m-c" more can (e #earn=>
>P#enty,> 0 said, t"inin' o) "o( m-c" 0.d piced -p )rom my t-torin' sessions (it" 2imitri/ 0 )inis"ed my drin/
>Besides, ("ere does it stop= Let.s say t"ey end sc"oo# si& mont"s ear#y, t"en send -s o))/ W"at ne&t= T"ey decide
to p-s" bac )-rt"er and c-t o-r senior year= O-r :-nior year=>
6e s"r-''ed/ >0.m not a)raid to )i'"t/ 0 co-#d "a%e taen on Stri'oi ("en 0 (as a sop"omore/>
>+ea",> 0 said dry#y/ >3-st #ie yo- did siin' on t"at s#ope/>
$ason.s )ace, a#ready )#-s"ed )rom t"e "eat, t-rned redder sti##/ 0 immediate#y re'retted my (ords, partic-#ar#y
("en C"ristian started #a-'"in'/
>Ne%er t"o-'"t 0.d #i%e to see t"e day ("en 0 a'reed (it" yo-, Rose/ B-t sad#y, 0 do/> T"e coctai# (aitress came
by a'ain, and bot" C"ristian and 0 too ne( drins/ >T"e $oroi "a%e 'ot to start "e#pin' -s de)end themselves."
>Wit" ma'ic=> ased $ia s-dden#y/
0t (as t"e )irst time s"e.d spoen since (e.d 'ot "ere/ Si#ence met "er/ 0 t"in $ason and Eddie didn.t respond
beca-se t"ey ne( not"in' abo-t )i'"tin' (it" ma'ic/ Lissa, C"ristian, and 0 did7and (ere tryin' %ery "ard to act
#ie (e didn.t/ T"ere (as a )-nny sort o) "ope in $ia.s eyes, t"o-'", and 0 co-#d on#y ima'ine ("at s"e.d 'one
t"ro-'" today/ S"e.d (oen -p to #earn "er mot"er (as dead and t"en been s-b:ected to "o-rs and "o-rs o) po#itica#
banterin' and batt#e strate'ies/ T"e )act t"at s"e (as sittin' "ere at a## seemin' semi*composed (as a mirac#e/ 0
ass-med peop#e ("o act-a##y #ied t"eir mot"ers (o-#d bare#y be ab#e to )-nction in t"at sit-ation/
W"en no one e#se #ooed #ie t"ey (ere 'oin' to ans(er "er, 0 )ina##y said, >0 s-ppose/ B-t/// 0 don.t no( m-c"
abo-t t"at/>
0 )inis"ed t"e rest o) my drin and a%erted my eyes, "opin' someone e#se (o-#d tae -p t"e con%ersation/ T"ey
didn.t/ $ia #ooed disappointed b-t said no more ("en $ason s(itc"ed bac to t"e Stri'oi debate/
0 too a t"ird drin and san into t"e (ater as )ar as 0 reasonab#y co-#d and sti## "o#d t"e '#ass/ T"is drin (as
di))erent/ 0t #ooed c"oco#atey and "ad ("ipped cream on top/ 0 too a taste and de)inite#y detected t"e bite o)
a#co"o#/ Sti##, 0 )i'-red t"e c"oco#ate probab#y di#-ted it/
W"en 0 (as ready )or a )o-rt" drin, t"e (aitress (as no("ere in si'"t/ $ason seemed rea##y, rea##y c-te to me a##
o)a s-dden/ 0 (o-#d "a%e #ied a #itt#e romantic attention )rom "im, b-t "e (as sti## 'oin' on abo-t Stri'oi and t"e
#o'istics o) #eadin' a strie in t"e midd#e o) t"e day/ $ia and Eddie (ere noddin' a#on' (it" "im ea'er#y, and 0 'ot
t"e )ee#in' t"at i) "e decided to "-nt Stri'oi ri'"t no(, t"ey.d )o##o(/ C"ristian (as act-a##y :oinin' t"e ta#, b-t it
(as more to p#ay de%i#.s ad%ocate/ Typica#/ 6e t"o-'"t a sort o) preempti%e strie (o-#d re<-ire '-ardians and
$oroi, m-c" as Tas"a "ad said/ $ason, $ia, and Eddie ar'-ed t"at i) t"e $oroi (eren.t -p to it, t"e '-ardians
s"o-#d tae matters into t"eir o(n "ands/
0 con)ess, t"eir ent"-siasm (as ind o) conta'io-s/ 0 rat"er #ied t"e idea o) 'ettin' t"e drop on Stri'oi/ B-t in t"e
Badica and 2ro5do% attacs, a## o) t"e '-ardians "ad been i##ed/ Admitted#y t"e Stri'oi "ad or'ani5ed into "-'e
'ro-ps and "ad "e#p, b-t a## t"at to#d me (as t"at o-r side needed to be e&tra care)-#/
6is c-teness aside, 0 didn.t (ant to #isten to $ason ta# abo-t "is batt#e si##s anymore/ 0 (anted anot"er drin/ 0
stood -p and c#imbed o%er t"e ed'e o) t"e poo#/ To my astonis"ment, t"e (or#d started spinnin'/ 0.d "ad t"at
"appen be)ore ("en 0 'ot o-t o) bat"s or "ot t-bs too <-ic#y, b-t ("en t"in's didn.t ri'"t t"emse#%es, 0 rea#i5ed
t"ose drins mi'"t "a%e been stron'er t"an 0 t"o-'"t/
0 a#so decided a )o-rt" (asn.t s-c" a 'ood idea, b-t 0 didn.t (ant to 'et bac in and #et e%eryone no( 0 (as dr-n/
0 "eaded o)) to(ard a side room 0.d seen t"e (aitress disappear into/ 0 "oped maybe t"ere (as a secret stas" o)
dessertssome("ere, c"oco#ate mo-sse instead o) 'oose #i%er/ As 0 (a#ed, 0 paid
specia# attention to t"e s#ippery )#oor, t"inin' t"at )a##in' into one o) t"e poo#s and cracin' my s-## (o-#d
de)inite#y cost me coo#ness points/
0 (as payin' so m-c" attention to my )eet and tryin' not to sta''er t"at 0 (a#ed into someone/ To my credit, it.d
been "is )a-#t; "e.d baced into me/
>6ey, (atc" it,> 0 said, steadyin' myse#)/
B-t "e (asn.t payin' attention to me/ 6is eyes (ere on anot"er '-y, a '-y (it" a b#oody nose/
0.d (a#ed ri'"t into t"e midd#e o) a )i'"t/
TWO GU+S 0.2 NEVER $ET be)ore (ere s<-arin' o)) a'ainst eac" ot"er/ T"ey #ooed to be in t"eir t(enties,
and neit"er noticed me/ T"e one ("o.d b-mped into me s"o%ed t"e ot"er one "ard, )orcin' "im to sta''er bac
> a)raid@> ye##ed t"e '-y by me/ 6e "ad on 'reen s(immin' tr-ns, and "is b#ac "air (as s#iced bac (it"
(ater/ > a## a)raid/ +o- :-st (ant to "o#e -p in yo-r mansions and #et t"e '-ardians do yo-r dirty (or/ W"at
are yo- 'oin' to do ("en t" a## dead= W"o.## protect yo- t"en=>
T"e ot"er '-y (iped t"e b#ood o)) "is )ace (it" t"e bac o) "is "and/ 0 s-dden#y reco'ni5ed "im7t"ans to "is
b#ond "i'"#i'"ts/ 6e (as t"e roya# ("o.d ye##ed at Tas"a abo-t (antin' to #ead $oroi to batt#e/ S"e.d ca##ed "im
Andre(/ 6e tried to #and a "it and )ai#ed; "is tec"ni<-e (as a## (ron'/ >T"is is t"e sa)est (ay/ Listen to t"at
Stri'oi*#o%er, and (e.## all be dead/ S"e.s tryin' to i## o-r ("o#e race o))@>
>S"e.s tryin' to sa%e -s@>
>S"e.s tryin' to 'et -s to -se b#ac ma'ic@>
T"e >Stri'oi*#o%er> "ad to be Tas"a/ T"e non*roya# '-y (as t"e )irst person o-tside o) my #itt#e circ#e ("om 0.d
e%er "eard spea in "er )a%or/ 0 (ondered "o( many ot"ers o-t t"ere s"ared "is %ie(/ 6e p-nc"ed Andre( a'ain,
and my baseinstincts7or maybe t"e p-nc"7made me #eap into action/
0 spran' )or(ard and (ed'ed myse#) bet(een t"em/ 0 (as sti## di55y and a bit -nsteady/ 0) t"ey "adn.t been
standin' so c#ose, 0 probab#y (o-#d "a%e )a##en o%er/ T"ey bot" "esitated, c#ear#y ca-'"t o)) '-ard/
>Get o-t o) "ere,> snapped Andre(/
Bein' ma#e and $oroi, t"ey "ad 'reater "ei'"t and (ei'"t t"an 0, b-t 0 (as probab#y stron'er t"an eit"er
one a#one/ 6opin' 0 co-#d mae t"e most o) t"at, 0 'rabbed eac" o) t"em by t"e arm, p-##ed t"em to(ard me, and
t"en s"o%ed t"em a(ay as "ard as 0 co-#d/ T"ey sta''ered, not "a%in' e&pected my stren't"/ 0 sta''ered a #itt#e too/
T"e non*roya# '#ared and too a step to(ard me/ 0 (as co-ntin' on t"e )act t"at "e.d be o#d*)as"ioned and not "it a
'ir#/ >W"at are yo- doin'=> "e e&c#aimed/ Se%era# peop#e "ad 'at"ered and (ere (atc"in' e&cited#y/
0 ret-rned "is '#are/ >0.m tryin' to stop yo- '-ys )rom bein' any more idiotic t"an yo- a#ready are@ +o- (ant to
"e#p= Stop )i'"tin' eac" ot"er@ Rippin' eac" ot"er.s "eads o)) isn.t 'oin' to sa%e t"e $oroi -n#ess tryin' to
t"in st-pidity o-t o) t"e 'ene poo#/> 0 pointed at Andre(/ >Tas"a O5era is not tryin' to i## e%eryone o))/ S"e.s
tryin' to 'et yo- to stop bein' a %ictim/> 0 t-rned to t"e ot"er '-y/ >And as )or yo-, yo-.%e 'ot a #on' (ays to 'o i)
yo- t"in t"is is t"e (ay to 'et yo-r point across/ $a'ic7especia##y o))ensi%e ma'ic7taes a #ot o) se#)*contro#,
and so )ar, yo- aren.t impressin' me (it" yo-rs/ I "a%e more t"an yo- do, and i)yo- ne( me at a##, yo-.d no(
"o( cra5y t"at is/>
T"e t(o '-ys stared at me, st-nned/ 0 (as apparent#y more e))ecti%e t"an a taser/ We##, at #east )or se%era# seconds
0 (as/ Beca-se once t"e s"oc o) my (ords (ore o)), t"ey (ent at eac" ot"er a'ain/ 0 'ot ca-'"t in t"e cross)ire
and s"o%ed a(ay, near#y )a##in' in t"e process/ S-dden#y, )rom be"ind me, $ason came to my de)ense/ 6e
p-nc"ed t"e )irst '-y "e co-#d7t"e non*roya#/
T"e '-y )#e( bac(ard, )a##in' into one o) t"e poo#s (it" a sp#as"/ 0 ye#ped, rememberin' my ear#ier )ear abo-t
s-##*cracin', b-t a moment #ater, "e )o-nd "is )eet and r-bbed (ater o-t o) "is eyes/
0 'rabbed $ason.s arm, tryin' to "o#d "im bac, b-t "e s"r-''ed me o)) and (ent a)ter Andre(/ 6e s"o%ed
Andre( "ard, p-s"in' "im into se%era# $oroi7andre(.s )riends, 0 s-spected7("o seemed to be tryin' to brea
-p t"e )i'"t/ T"e '-y in t"e poo# c#imbed o-t, )-ry (ritten a## o%er "is )ace, and made mo%es to(ard Andre(/ T"is
time, bot" $ason and 0 b#oced "is (ay/ 6e '#ared at a## o) -s/
>2on.t,> 0 (arned "im/
T"e '-y c#enc"ed "is )ists and #ooed as t"o-'" "e mi'"t try to tae -s on/ B-t (e (ere intimidatin', and "e didn.t
appear to "a%e an ento-ra'e o) )riends "ere #ie Andre(7 ("o (as s"o-tin' obscenities and bein' #ed a(ay7did/
Wit" a )e( m-ttered t"reats, t"e non*roya# baced o))/
As soon as "e (as 'one, 0 t-rned on $ason/ >Are yo- o-t o) yo-r mind=>
>6-"=> "e ased/
>3-mpin' into t"e midd#e o) t"at@>
>+o- :-mped in too,> "e said/
0 started to ar'-e, t"en rea#i5ed "e (as ri'"t/ >0t.s di))erent,> 0 'r-mb#ed/
6e #eaned )or(ard/ >Are yo- dr-n=>
>No/O) co-rse not/ 0.m :-st tryin' to eep yo- )rom doin' somet"in' st-pid/ 3-st beca-se yo- "a%e de#-sions o)
bein' ab#e to i## a Stri'oi doesn.t mean yo- "a%e to tae it o-t on e%eryone e#se/>
>2e#-sions=> "e ased sti))#y/
0 started to )ee# ind o) na-seo-s :-st t"en/ $y "ead spinnin', 0 contin-ed to(ard t"e side room, "opin' 0 didn.t
B-t ("en 0 reac"ed it, 0 sa( t"at it (asn.t some ind o) dessert or drin room a)ter a##/ We##, at #east not in t"e (ay
0.d been t"inin'/ 0t (as a )eeder room/ Se%era# "-mans rec#ined on satin*co%ered c"aise #o-n'es (it" $oroi by
t"eir sides/ 3asmine incense b-rned in t"e air/ St-nned, 0 (atc"ed (it" an eerie )ascination as a b#ond $oroi '-y
#eaned )or(ard and bit into t"e nec o) a %ery pretty red"ead/ A## o) t"ese )eeders (ere e&ceptiona##y 'ood*#ooin',
0 rea#i5ed :-st t"en/ Lie actresses or mode#s/ On#y t"e best )or roya#ty/
T"e '-y dran #on' and deep, and t"e 'ir# c#osed "er eyes and parted "er #ips, an e&pression o) p-re b#iss on "er
)ace as $oroi endorp"ins )#ooded into "er b#oodstream/ 0 s"i%ered, taen bac to ("en 0 too "ad e&perienced t"at
same ind o)e-p"oria/ 0n my a#co"o#*"a5ed mind, t"e ("o#e t"in' s-dden#y seemed start#in'#y erotic/ 0n )act, 0
a#most )e#t intr-si%e7#ie 0 (as (atc"in' peop#e "a%e se&/ W"en t"e $oroi )inis"ed and #iced t"e #ast o) t"e
b#ood a(ay, "e br-s"ed "is #ips a'ainst "er c"ee in a so)t iss/
>Want to %o#-nteer=>
Li'"t )in'ertips br-s"ed my nec, and 0 :-mped/ 0 t-rned aro-nd and sa( Adrian.s 'reen eyes and no(in' smir/
>2on.t do t"at,> 0 to#d "im, nocin' "is "and a(ay/
>T"en ("at are yo- doin' in "ere=> "e ased/
0 'est-red aro-nd me/ >0.m #ost/>
6e peered at me/ >Are yo- dr-n=>
>No/O) co-rse not// /b-t ///> T"e na-sea "ad sett#ed a #itt#e, b-t 0 sti## didn.t )ee# ri'"t/ >0 t"in 0 s"o-#d sit do(n/>
6e too my arm/ >We##, don.t do it in "ere/ Someone mi'"t 'et t"e (ron' idea/ Let.s 'o some("ere <-iet/>
6e steered me o)) into a di))erent room, and 0 #ooed aro-nd (it" interest/ 0t (as a massa'e area/ Se%era# $oroi
#ay bac on tab#es and (ere 'ettin' bac and )oot massa'es )rom "ote# sta))/ T"e oi# t"ey -sed sme##ed #ie
rosemary and #a%ender/ Under any ot"er circ-mstances, a massa'e (o-#d "a%e so-nded 'reat, b-t #yin' on my
stomac" seemed #ie t"e (orst idea :-st no(/
0 sat do(n on t"e carpeted )#oor, #eanin' bac a'ainst t"e (a##/ Adrian (a#ed a(ay and ret-rned (it" a '#ass o)
(ater/ Sittin' do(n as (e##, "e "anded it to me/
>2rin t"is/ 0t.## "e#p/>
>0 to#d yo-, 0.m not dr-n,> 0 m-mb#ed/ B-t 0 do(ned t"e (ater any(ay/
>U"*"-"/> 6e smi#ed at me/ >+o- did nice (or (it" t"at )i'"t/ W"o (as t"e ot"er '-y t"at "e#ped yo-=> >$y
boy)riend,> 0 said/ >Sort o)/>
>$ia (as ri'"t/ +o- do "a%e a #ot o) '-ys in yo-r #i)e/>
>0t.s not #ie t"at/>
>Oay/> 6e (as sti## smi#in'/ >W"ere.s Vasi#isa= 0 )i'-red s"e.d be attac"ed to yo-/>
>S"e.s (it" her boy)riend/> 0 st-died "im/
>W"at.s (it" t"e tone= 3ea#o-s= +o- (ant "im )or yo-rse#)=>
>God, no/ 0 :-st don.t #ie "im/>
>2oes "e treat "er bad#y=> "e ased/
>No,> 0 admitted/ >6e adores "er/ 6e.s :-st ind o) a :er/>
Adrian (as c#ear#y en:oyin' t"is/ >A", yo- are :ea#o-s/ 2oes s"e spend more time (it" "im t"an yo-=>
0 i'nored t"at/ >W"y do yo- eep asin' abo-t "er= Are yo- interested in "er=>
6e #a-'"ed/ >Rest easy, 0.m not interested in "er in t"e same (ay 0 am yo-/>
>B-t yo- are interested/>
>0 :-st (ant to ta# to "er/>
6e #e)t to )etc" me more (ater/ >Fee#in' better=> "e ased, "andin' t"e '#ass to me/ 0t (as crysta# and intricate#y
car%ed/ 0t seemed too )ancy )or p#ain (ater/
>+ea" /// 0 didn.t t"in t"ose drins (ere t"at stron'/>
>T"at.s t"e bea-ty o) t"em,> "e c"-c#ed/ >And speain' o) bea-ty /// t"at.s a 'reat co#or on yo-/>
0 s"i)ted/ 0 mi'"t not "a%e been s"o(in' as m-c" sin as t"ose ot"er 'ir#s, b-t 0 (as s"o(in' more t"an 0 rea##y
(anted to (it" Adrian/ Or (as 0= T"ere (as somet"in' (eird abo-t "im/ 6is arro'ant manner annoyed me// /b-t 0
sti## #ied bein' aro-nd "im/ $aybe t"e smartass in me reco'ni5ed a indred spirit/
Some("ere in t"e bac o) my dr-nen mind, a #i'"t c#iced on/ B-t 0 co-#dn.t <-ite 'et to it/ 0 dran more (ater/
>+o- "a%en.t "ad a ci'arette in, #ie, ten min-tes,> 0 pointed o-t, (antin' to c"an'e t"e s-b:ect/
6e made a )ace/ >No smoin' in "ere/>
>0.m s-re yo-.%e made -p )or it in p-nc"/>
6is smi#e ret-rned/ >We##, some o) -s can "o#d o-r #i<-or/ +o- aren.t 'oin' to be sic, are yo-=>
0 sti## )e#t tipsy b-t no #on'er na-seo-s/ >No/>
0 t"o-'"t bac to ("en 0.d dreamed abo-t "im/ 0t had been :-st a dream, b-t it "ad st-c (it" me, partic-#ar#y t"e
ta# abo-t me bein' s-rro-nded in darness/ 0 (anted to as "im abo-t it/// e%en t"o-'" 0 ne( it (as st-pid/ 0t "ad
been my dream, not "is/
6e t-rned "is 'reen eyes on me/ >+es, dar#in'=>
0 co-#dn.t brin' myse#) to as/ >Ne%er mind/>
6e started to retort, t"en ti#ted "is "ead to(ard t"e door/ >A", "ere s"e comes/>
Lissa stepped into t"e room, eyes scannin' aro-nd/ W"en s"e spotted -s, 0 sa( re#ie) brea o%er "er/ 0 co-#dn.t )ee#
it, t"o-'"/ 0nto&icants #ie a#co"o# n-mbed t"e bond/ 0t (as anot"er reason 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e taen s-c" a st-pid
c"ance toni'"t/
>T"ere yo- are,> s"e said, nee#in' beside me/ G#ancin' at Adrian, s"e 'a%e "im a nod/ >6ey/>
>6ey yo-rse#), co-sin,> "e ret-rned, -sin' t"e )ami#y terms roya#s sometimes -sed aro-nd eac" ot"er/
>+o- oay=> Lissa ased me/ >W"en 0 sa( "o( dr-n yo- (ere, 0 t"o-'"t yo- mi'"t "a%e )a##en in some("ere
and dro(ned/>
>0.m not7> 0 'a%e -p tryin' to deny it/ >0.m )ine/>
Adrian.s -s-a# e&pression "ad t-rned serio-s as "e st-died Lissa/ 0t a'ain reminded me o) t"e dream/ >6o(.d yo-
)ind "er=>
Lissa 'a%e "im a p-55#ed #oo/ >0, -m, c"eced a## t"e rooms/>
>O"/> 6e #ooed disappointed/ >0 t"o-'"t yo- mi'"t "a%e -sed yo-r bond/>
Bot" s"e and 0 stared/
>6o( do yo- no( abo-t t"at=> 0 demanded/ On#y a )e(peop#e at sc"oo# ne( abo-t it/ Adrian "ad spoen abo-t
it as cas-a##y as "e mi'"t "a%e my "air co#or/
>6ey, 0 can.t re%ea# a## my secrets, can 0=> "e ased mysterio-s#y/ >And besides, t"ere.s a certain (ay yo- t(o act
aro-nd eac" ot"er /// it.s "ard to e&p#ain/ 0t.s pretty coo#/ a## t"e o#d myt"s are tr-e/>
Lissa re'arded "im (ari#y/ >T"e bond on#y (ors one (ay/ Rose can sense ("at 0.m )ee#in' and t"inin', b-t 0
can.t do it bac to "er/>
>A"/> We sat in si#ence a )e( moments, and 0 dran more (ater/ Adrian spoe a'ain/ >W"at.d yo- specia#i5e in
any(ay, co-sin=>
S"e #ooed embarrassed/ We bot" ne( it (as important to eep "er spirit po(ers secret )rom ot"ers
("o mi'"t ab-se "er "ea#in', b-t "er co%er story o) not "a%in' specia#i5ed a#(ays bot"ered "er/
>0 "a%en.t,> s"e said/
>2o t"ey t"in 'oin' to= Late b#oomer=>
> probab#y "i'"er in t"e ot"er e#ements, t"o-'", ri'"t= 3-st not stron' eno-'" to rea##y master any=> 6e
reac"ed o-t to pat "er s"o-#der in an e&a''erated s"o( o) com)ort/
>+ea", "o(.d yo-7>
T"e instant "is )in'ers to-c"ed "er, s"e 'asped/ 0t (as as t"o-'" a bo#t o) #i'"tnin' "ad str-c "er/ T"e stran'est
#oocrossed "er )ace/ E%en dr-n, 0 )e#t t"e )#ood o) :oy t"at came po-rin' t"ro-'" t"e bond/ S"e stared at Adrian
in (onder/ 6is eyes (ere #oced onto "ers too/ 0 didn.t -nderstand ("y t"ey (ere #ooin' at eac" ot"er #ie t"at,
b-t it bot"ered me/
>6ey,> 0 said/ >Stop t"at/ 0 to#d yo-, s"e "as a boy)riend/>
>0 no(,> "e said, sti## (atc"in' "er/ A sma## smi#e t-rned "is #ips/ >We need to "a%e a c"at someday, co-sin/>
>+es,> s"e a'reed/
>6ey/> 0 (as more con)-sed t"an e%er/ "ou "a%e a boy)riend/ And t"ere "e is/>
S"e b#ined bac to rea#ity/ A## t"ree o) -s t-rned to(ard t"e door(ay/ C"ristian and t"e ot"ers stood t"ere/ 0
s-dden#y "ad a )#as"bac to ("en t"ey.d )o-nd me (it" Adrian.s arm aro-nd me/ T"is (asn.t m-c" better/ Lissa
and 0 (ere sittin' on eit"er side o) "im, %ery c#ose/
S"e spran' -p, #ooin' mi#d#y '-i#ty/ C"ristian (as re'ardin' "er c-rio-s#y/
> 'ettin' ready to #ea%e,> "e said/
>Oay,> s"e to#d "im/ S"e #ooed do(n at me/ >Ready=>
0 nodded and started to c#amber to my )eet/ Adrian ca-'"t my arm as 0 did and "e#ped me -p/ 6e smi#ed at Lissa/
>Nice ta#in' to yo-/> To me, "e m-rm-red %ery <-iet#y, >2on.t (orry/ 0 to#d yo-, 0.m not interested in "er in t"at
(ay/ S"e doesn.t #oo as 'ood in a bat"in' s-it/ Probab#y not as 'ood o-t o) one eit"er/>
0 p-##ed my arm a(ay/ >We##, yo-.## ne%er )ind o-t/>
>0t.s oay,> "e said/ >0 "a%e a 'ood ima'ination/>
0 :oined t"e ot"ers, and (e "eaded bac to(ard t"e main part o) t"e #od'e/ $ason 'a%e me as stran'e a #oo as
C"ristian "ad 'i%en Lissa and stayed a(ay )rom me, (a#in' to(ard t"e )ront (it" Eddie/ To my s-rprise and
discom)ort, 0 )o-nd myse#) (a#in' beside $ia/ S"e #ooed miserab#e/
>0/// 0.m rea##y sorry abo-t ("at "appened,> 0 said )ina##y/
>+o- don.t "a%e to act #ie yo- care, Rose/>
>No, no/ 0 mean it/ 0t.s "orrib#e// /0.m so sorry/> S"e (o-#dn.t #oo at me/ >0s// /t"at is, are yo- 'oin' to see yo-r dad
>W"ene%er t"ey "a%e t"e memoria#,> s"e said sti))#y/
0 didn.t no( ("at e#se to say and 'a%e -p, instead t-rnin' my attention to t"e stairs as (e c#imbed bac -p to t"e
#od'e.s main #e%e#/ Une&pected#y, $ia (as t"e one ("o contin-ed t"e con%ersation/
>0 (atc"ed yo- brea -p t"at )i'"t ///> s"e said s#o(#y/ >+o- mentioned o))ensi%e ma'ic/ Lie yo- ne( abo-t it/>
O"/ Great/ S"e (as 'oin' to mae a p#ay at b#acmai#/ or (as s"e= At t"e moment, s"e seemed a#most ci%i#/
>0 (as :-st '-essin',> 0 said/ No (ay (as 0 'oin' to b-st Tas"a and C"ristian/ >0 don.t rea##y no( t"at m-c"/ 3-st
stories 0.%e "eard/>
>O"/> 6er )ace )e##/ >W"at ind o) stories=>
>Um, (e##/ >0 tried to t"in o) somet"in' neit"er too %a'-e nor too speci)ic/ >Lie 0 to#d t"ose '-ys/t"e
concentration t"in' is bi'/ Beca-se i) in a batt#e (it" Stri'oi, a##sorts o) t"in's can distract yo-/ So yo-.%e
'ot to eep contro#/>
T"at (as act-a##y a basic '-ardian r-#e, b-t it m-st "a%e been ne( to $ia/ 6er eyes (idened (it" ea'erness/
>W"at e#se= W"at ind o) spe##s do peop#e -se=>
0 s"oo my "ead/ >0 don.t no(/ 0 don.t rea##y e%en no( "o( spe##s (or, and #ie 0 said, t"ese are :-st/ stories
0.%e "eard/ $y '-ess is yo- :-st )ind (ays to -se yo-r e#ement as a (eapon/ Lie / )ire -sers rea##y "a%e an
ad%anta'e beca-se )ire.## i## Stri'oi, so it.s easy )or t"em/ And air -sers can s-))ocate peop#e/> 0.d act-a##y
e&perienced t"at #ast one %icario-s#y t"ro-'" Lissa/ 0t "ad been "orrib#e/
$ia.s eyes 're( (ider sti##/ >W"at abo-t a (ater -ser=> s"e ased/ >6o( co-#d (ater "-rt a Stri'oi=>
0 pa-sed/ >0, -", ne%er "eard any stories abo-t (ater -sers/ Sorry/>
>2o yo- "a%e any ideas, t"o-'"= Ways t"at, #ie, someone #ie me co-#d #earn to )i'"t=>
A"/ So t"at.s ("at t"is (as abo-t/ 0t act-a##y (asn.t a## t"at cra5y/ 0 remembered "o( e&cited s"e.d #ooed at t"e
meetin' ("en Tas"a "ad ta#ed abo-t attacin' Stri'oi/ $ia (anted to tae re%en'e on t"e Stri'oi )or "er mot"er.s
deat"/ No (onder s"e and $ason "ad been 'ettin' a#on' so (e##/
>$ia,> 0 said 'ent#y, catc"in' "o#d o) t"e door to #et "er pass/ We (ere a#most at t"e #obby no(/ >0 no( "o( yo-
m-st (ant to / do somet"in'/ B-t 0 t"in better o)) :-st sort o) #ettin' yo-rse#), -m, 'rie%e/>
S"e reddened, and s-dden#y, 0 (as seein' t"e norma# and an'ry $ia/ >2on.t ta# do(n to me,> s"e said/
>6ey, 0.m not/ 0.m serio-s/ 0.m :-st sayin' yo- s"o-#dn.t do anyt"in' ras" ("i#e sti## -pset/ Besides ///> 0 bit
o)) my (ords/
S"e narro(ed "er eyes/ >W"at=>
Scre( it/ S"e needed to no(/ >We##, 0 don.t rea##y no( ("at 'ood a (ater -ser (o-#d be a'ainst a Stri'oi/ 0t.s
probab#y t"e #east -se)-# e#ement to -se on one o) t"em/>
O-tra'e )i##ed "er )eat-res/ > a rea# bitc", yo- no( t"at=>
>0.m :-st te##in' yo- t"e tr-t"/>
>We##, #et me te## you t"e tr-t"/ a tota# idiot ("en it comes to '-ys/>
0 t"o-'"t abo-t 2imitri/ S"e (asn.t entire#y o)) base/
>$ason.s 'reat,> s"e contin-ed/ >One o) t"e nicest '-ys 0 no(7and yo- don.t e%en notice@ 6e.d do anyt"in' )or
yo-, and yo- (ere o)) t"ro(in' yo-rse#) at Adrian 0%as"o%/>
6er (ords s-rprised me/ Co-#d $ia "a%e a cr-s" on $ason= And ("i#e 0 certain#y "adn.t been t"ro(in' myse#) at
Adrian, 0 co-#d see "o( it mi'"t "a%e #ooed t"at (ay/ And e%en i) it (eren.t tr-e, t"at (o-#dn.t "a%e stopped
$ason )rom )ee#in' "-rt and betrayed/
> ri'"t,> 0 said/
$ia stared at me, so astonis"ed 0.d a'reed (it" "er t"at s"e didn.t say anyt"in' e#se )or t"e rest o) t"e (a#/
We reac"ed t"e part o) t"e #od'e t"at sp#it o)) into di))erent (in's )or '-ys and 'ir#s/ 0 'rabbed a "o#d o) $ason.s
arm as t"e ot"ers (a#ed o))/
>6an' on,> 0 to#d "im/ 0 bad#y needed to reass-re "im abo-t Adrian, b-t a tiny part o) me (ondered i) 0 (as doin'
it beca-se 0 act-a##y (anted $ason or beca-se 0 :-st #ied t"e idea o) "im (antin' me and se#)is"#y didn.t (ant to
#ose t"at/ 6e stopped and #ooed at me/ 6is )ace (as (ary/ >0 (anted to te## yo- 0.m sorry/ 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e ye##ed
at yo- a)ter t"e )i'"t70 no( yo- (ere :-st tryin' to "e#p/ And (it" Adrian// /not"in' "appened/ 0 mean it/>
>0t didn.t #oo t"at (ay,> $ason said/ B-t t"e an'er on "is )ace "ad )aded/
>0 no(, b-t be#ie%e me, it.s a## "im/ 6e.s 'ot some ind o) st-pid cr-s" on me/>
$y tone m-st "a%e been con%incin' beca-se $ason smi#ed/ >We##/ 6ard not to/>
>0.m not interested in "im,> 0 contin-ed/ >Or anyone e#se/> 0t (as a sma## #ie, b-t 0 didn.t t"in it mattered :-st t"en/
0 (as 'oin' to be o%er 2imitri soon, and $ia "ad been ri'"t abo-t $ason/ 6e (as (onder)-# and s(eet and c-te/ 0
(o-#d be an idiot not to p-rs-e t"is /// ri'"t=
$y "and (as sti## on "is arm, and 0 p-##ed "im to(ard me/ 6e didn.t need m-c" more o) a si'na#/ 6e #eaned do(n
and issed me, and in t"e process, 0 )o-nd myse#) pressed -p a'ainst t"e (a##7%ery m-c" #ie (it" 2imitri in t"e
practice room/ O) co-rse, it )e#t not"in' #ie "o( it "ad (it" 2imitri,b-t it (as sti##
nice in its (ay/ 0 p-t my arms aro-nd $ason and started to p-## "im c#oser/
>We co-#d 'o /// some("ere,> 0 said/
6e p-s"ed bac and #a-'"ed/ >Not ("en dr-n/>
>0.m not/ t"at/ dr-n anymore,> 0 said, tryin' to p-## "im bac/
Gi%in' me a sma## iss on t"e #ips, "e stepped bac/ >2r-n eno-'"/ Loo, t"is isn.t easy, be#ie%e me/ B-t i) yo-
sti## (ant me tomorro(7("en sober7t"en (e.## ta#/>
6e #eaned do(n and issed me a'ain/ 0 tried to (rap my arms aro-nd "im, b-t "e broe a(ay once more/
>Easy t"ere, 'ir#,> "e teased, bacin' to(ard "is "a##(ay/
0 '#ared at "im, b-t "e on#y #a-'"ed and t-rned aro-nd/ As "e (a#ed a(ay, my '#are )aded, and 0 "eaded bac to
my room (it" a smi#e on my )ace/
0 WAS TR+0NG TO PA0NT my toenai#s t"e ne&t mornin'7not easy (it" s-c" a 'od*a()-# "an'o%er7("en 0
"eard a noc at t"e door/ Lissa "ad been 'one ("en 0 (oe -p, so 0 sta''ered across t"e room, tryin' not to r-in
my (et nai# po#is"/ Openin' -p t"e door, 0 sa( one o) t"e "ote# sta)) standin' o-tside (it" a #ar'e bo& in bot" arms/
6e s"i)ted it s#i'"t#y so t"at "e co-#d peer aro-nd and #oo at me/
>0.m #ooin' )or Rose 6at"a(ay/>
>T"at.s me/>
0 too t"e bo& )rom "im/ 0t (as bi' b-t not a## t"at "ea%y/ Wit" a <-ic t"an*yo-, 0 s"-t t"e door, (onderin' i) 0
s"o-#d "a%e tipped "im/ O" (e##/
0 sat on t"e )#oor (it" t"e bo&/ 0t "ad no marin's on it and (as sea#ed (it" pacin' tape/ 0 )o-nd a pen and
stabbed at t"e tape/ Once 0.d "aced o)) eno-'", 0 opened t"e bo& and peered inside/
0t (as )i##ed (it" per)-me/
T"ere "ad to be at #east t"irty #itt#e bott#es o) per)-me paced into t"e bo&/ Some 0.d "eard o), some 0 "adn.t/ T"ey
ran'ed )rom cra5y e&pensi%e, mo%ie*star ca#iber to c"eapinds 0.d seen in dr-'stores/
.ternity. Angel. /anilla 0ields. 1ade 2lossom. #ichael 3ors. (oison. +y!notic (oison. (ure (oison.
+a!!y. 4ight 2lue. 1ovan #us'. (in' &ugar. /era ,ang. Oneby one, 0 piced -p t"e bo&es, read t"e
descriptions, and t"en p-##ed o-t t"e bott#es )or a sni))/
0 (as abo-t "a#)(ay t"ro-'" ("en rea#ity "it/ T"ese "ad to be )rom Adrian/
0 didn.t no( "o( "e.d mana'ed to 'et a## o) t"ese de#i%ered to t"e "ote# in s-c" a s"ort amo-nt o) time, b-t money
can mae a#most anyt"in' "appen/ Sti##, 0 didn.t need t"e attention o) a ric", spoi#ed $oroi; apparent#y "e "adn.t
piced -p on my si'na#s/ Re'ret)-##y, 0 started to p#ace t"e per)-mes bac in t"e bo&7t"en stopped/ O) co-rse 0.d
ret-rn t"em// /b-t t"ere (as no "arm in sni))in' t"e rest be)ore 0 did/
Once more, 0 started p-##in' o-t bott#e a)ter bott#e/ Some 0 :-st sni))ed t"e cap o); ot"ers 0 sprayed in t"e air/
&erendi!ity. 2o#ce H Gabbana/ S"a#imar/ 2aisy/Note a)ter note "it me1 rose,%io#et, sanda#(ood, oran'e, %ani##a,
orc"id /
By t"e time 0 (as )inis"ed, my nose bare#y (ored anymore/ A## o) t"ese "ad been desi'ned )or "-mans/ T"ey "ad
a (eaer sense o) sme## t"an %ampires and e%en d"ampirs, so t"ese scents (ere e&tra stron'/ 0 "ad a ne(
appreciation )or ("at Adrian "ad meant abo-t on#y a sp#as" o) per)-me bein' necessary/ 0) a## t"ese bott#es (ere
main' me di55y, 0 co-#d on#y ima'ine ("at a $oroi (o-#d sme##/ T"e sensory o%er#oad (asn.t rea##y "e#pin' t"e
"eadac"e 0.d (oen -p (it" eit"er/
0 paced -p t"e per)-me )or rea# t"is time, stoppin' on#y("en 0 came to a certain ind t"at 0 rea##y #ied/
0 "esitated, "o#din' t"e #itt#e bo& in my "and/ T"en, 0 too t"e red bott#e o-t and re*sni))ed it/ 0t (as a crisp, s(eet
)ra'rance/ T"ere (as some ind o) )r-it7b-t not a candied or s-'ary )r-it/ 0 raced my brain )or a scent 0.d once
sme##ed on a 'ir# 0 ne( in my dorm/ S"e.d to#d me t"e name/ 0t (as #ie a c"erry// /b-t s"arper/ C-rrant, t"at.s
("at it (as/ And "ere it (as in t"is per)-me, mi&ed (it" some )#ora#s1 #i#y o) t"e %a##ey and ot"ers 0 co-#dn.t
identi)y/ W"ate%er t"e b#end, somet"in' abo-t it appea#ed to me/ S(eet7b-t not too s(eet/ 0 read t"e bo&, #ooin'
)or t"e name/ Amor Amor.
>Fittin',> 0 m-ttered, seein' "o( many #o%e prob#ems 0 seemed to "a%e #ate#y/ B-t 0 ept t"e per)-me any(ay and
repaced t"e rest/
6oistin' t"e bo& -p in my arms, 0 too it do(n to t"e )ront des and ac<-ired some pacin' tape to resea# it/ 0 a#so
'ot directions to Adrian.s room/ Apparent#y, t"e 0%as"o%s practica##y "ad t"eir o(n (in'/ 0t (asn.t too )ar )rom
Tas"a.s room/
Fee#in' #ie a de#i%ery 'ir#, 0 (a#ed do(n t"e "a## and stopped in )ront o) "is door/ Be)ore 0 co-#d mana'e to
noc, it opened -p, and Adrian stood be)ore me/ 6e #ooed as s-rprised as 0 )e#t/
>Litt#e d"ampir,> "e said cordia##y/ >2idn.t e&pect to see yo- "ere/>
>0.m ret-rnin' t"ese/> 0 "oisted t"e bo& to(ard "im be)ore "e co-#d protest/ C#-msi#y, "e ca-'"t it, sta''erin' a bit
ins-rprise/ Once "e "ad a 'ood 'rip, "e too a )e( steps bac and set it on t"e )#oor/
>2idn.t yo- #ie any o) t"em=> "e ased/ >+o- (ant me to 'et yo- some more=>
>2on.t send me any more 'i)ts/>
>0t isn.t a 'i)t/ 0t.s a p-b#ic ser%ice/ W"at (oman doesn.t o(n per)-me=>
>2on.t do it a'ain,> 0 said )irm#y/
S-dden#y, a %oice be"ind "im ased, >Rose= 0s t"at yo-=>
0 peered beyond "im/ Lissa/
>W"at are yo- doin' "ere=>
Bet(een my "eadac"e and ("at 0 "ad ass-med (as some inter#-de (it" C"ristian, 0.d b#oced "er o-t as best 0
co-#d t"is mornin'/ Norma##y 0 (o-#d "a%e no(n t"e instant 0 approac"ed t"at s"e (as inside t"e room/ 0 opened
myse#) -p a'ain, #ettin' "er s"oc r-n into me/ S"e "adn.t e&pected me to s"o( -p "ere/
>W"at are you doin' "ere=> s"e ased/
>Ladies, #adies,> "e said teasin'#y/ >No need to )i'"t o%er me/>
0 '#ared/ > not/ 0 :-st (ant to no( ("at.s 'oin' on "ere/>
A breat" o) a)ters"a%e "it me, and t"en 0 "eard a %oice be"ind me1 >$e too/>
0 :-mped/ Spinnin' aro-nd, 0 sa( 2imitri standin' in t"e "a##(ay/ 0 "ad no c#-e ("at "e (as doin' in t"e 0%as"o%
On "is (ay to Tas"a.s room,a %oice inside me s-''ested/
2imitri no do-bt a#(ays e&pected me to 'et into a## sorts o) tro-b#e, b-t 0 t"in seein' Lissa t"ere ca-'"t "im o))
'-ard/ 6e stepped past me and came into t"e room, #ooin' bet(een t"e t"ree o) -s/
>$a#e and )ema#e st-dents aren.t s-pposed to be in eac" ot"er.s rooms/>
0 ne( pointin' o-t t"at Adrian (asn.t tec"nica##y a st-dent (asn.t 'oin' to 'et -s o-t o) tro-b#e "ere/ We (eren.t
s-pposed to be in any '-y.s room/
>6o( do yo- eep doin' t"is=> 0 ased Adrian, )r-strated/
>2o ("at=>
>4eep main' -s #oo bad@>
6e c"-c#ed/ >+o- '-ys are t"e ones ("o came "ere/>
>+o- s"o-#dn.t "a%e #et t"em in,> sco#ded 2imitri/ >0.m s-re yo- no( t"e r-#es at St/ V#adimir.s/>
Adrian s"r-''ed/ >+ea", b-t 0 don.t "a%e to )o##o( any sc"oo#.s st-pid r-#es/>
>Per"aps not,> said 2imitri co#d#y/ >B-t 0 (o-#d "a%e t"o-'"t yo-.d sti## respect t"ose r-#es/>
Adrian ro##ed "is eyes/ >0.m ind o) s-rprised to )ind you #ect-rin' abo-t -ndera'e 'ir#s/>
0 sa( t"e an'er ind#e in 2imitri.s eyes, and )or a moment, 0 t"o-'"t 0 mi'"t "a%e seen t"e #oss o) contro# 0.d
teased "im abo-t/ B-t "e stayed composed, and on#y "is c#enc"ed )ists s"o(ed "o( an'ry "e (as/
>Besides,> contin-ed Adrian, >not"in' sordid (as 'oin' on/ We (ere :-st "an'in' o-t/>
>0) yo- (ant to ."an' o-t. (it" yo-n' 'ir#s, do it at one o) t"e p-b#ic areas/>
0 didn.t rea##y #ie 2imitri ca##in' -s .yo-n' 'ir#s,. and 0 ind o) )e#t #ie "e (as o%erreactin' "ere/ 0 a#so s-spected
part o) "is reaction "ad to do (it" t"e )act t"at I (as "ere/
Adrian #a-'"ed :-st t"en, a (eird ind o) #a-'" t"at made my sin cra(#/ >+o-n' 'ir#s= oung 'ir#s= S-re/ +o-n'
and o#d at t"e same time/ T"ey.%e bare#y seen anyt"in' in #i)e, yet t"ey.%e a#ready seen too m-c"/ One.s mared
(it" #i)e, and one.s mared (it" deat"// /b-t they're t"e ones (orried abo-t= Worry abo-t yo-rse#), d"ampir/
Worry abo-t yo-, and (orry abo-t me/ t"e ones ("o are yo-n'/>
T"e rest o) -s :-st sort o) stared/ 0 don.t t"in anyone "ad e&pected Adrian to s-dden#y tae an abr-pt trip to
Adrian (as ca#m and #ooed per)ect#y norma# a'ain/ 6e t-rned a(ay and stro##ed to(ard t"e (indo(, '#ancin'
cas-a##y bac at t"e rest o) -s as "e p-##ed o-t "is ci'arettes/
>+o- #adies s"o-#d probab#y 'o/ 6e.s ri'"t/ 0 am a bad in)#-ence/>
0 e&c"an'ed #oos (it" Lissa/ 6-rried#y, (e bot" #e)t and )o##o(ed 2imitri do(n t"e "a## to(ard t"e #obby/
>T"at (as/ stran'e,> 0 said a co-p#e o) min-tes #ater/ 0t (as statin' t"e ob%io-s, b-t, (e##, someone "ad to/
>Very,>said 2imitri/ 6e didn.t so-nd an'ry so m-c" as p-55#ed/
W"en (e reac"ed t"e #obby, 0 started to )o##o( Lissa bac to(ard o-r room, b-t 2imitri ca##ed to me/ >Rose,> "e
said/ >Can 0 ta# to yo-=>
0 )e#t a sympat"etic r-s" o) )ee#in' )rom Lissa/ 0 t-rned to(ard 2imitri and stepped o)) to t"e side o) t"e room, o-t
o) t"e (ay o) t"ose passin' t"ro-'"/ A party o) $oroi in diamonds and )-r s(ept past -s, an&io-s #oos on t"eir
)aces/ Be##"ops )o##o(ed (it" #-''a'e/ Peop#e (ere sti## #ea%in' in searc" o) sa)er p#aces/ T"e Stri'oi paranoia (as
)ar )rom o%er/
2imitri.s %oice snapped my attention bac to "im/ >T"at.s Adrian 0%as"o%/> 6e said t"e name t"e same (ay
e%eryone e#se did/
>+ea", 0 no(/>
>T"is is t"e second time 0.%e seen yo- (it" "im/>
>+ea",> 0 rep#ied '#ib#y/ >We "an' o-t sometimes/>
2imitri arc"ed an eyebro(, t"en :ered "is "ead bac to(ard ("ere (e.d come )rom/ >+o- "an' o-t in "is room a
Se%era# retorts popped into my "ead, and t"en a 'o#den one too precedence/ >W"at "appens bet(een
"im and me is none o) yo-r b-siness/> 0 mana'ed a tone %ery simi#ar to t"e one "e.d -sed on me ("en main' a
simi#ar comment abo-t "im and Tas"a/
>Act-a##y, as #on' as at t"e Academy, ("at yo- do is my b-siness/>
>Not my persona# #i)e/ +o- don.t "a%e any say in t"at/>
> not an ad-#t yet/>
>0.m c#ose eno-'"/ Besides, it.s not #ie 0.## ma'ica##y become an ad-#t on my ei'"teent" birt"day/> >C#ear#y,>"e
0 b#-s"ed/ >T"at.s not ("at 0 meant/ 0 meant7>
>0 no( ("at yo- meant/ And t"e tec"nica#ities don.t matter ri'"t no(/ an Academy st-dent/ 0.m yo-r
instr-ctor/ 0t.s my :ob to "e#p yo- and to eep yo- sa)e/ Bein' in t"e bedroom o) someone #ie him /// (e##, t"at.s
not sa)e/>
>0 can "and#e Adrian 0%as"o%,> 0 m-ttered/ >6e.s (eird7 rea##y (eird, apparent#y7b-t "arm#ess/>
0 secret#y (ondered i) 2imitri.s prob#em mi'"t be t"at "e (as :ea#o-s/ 6e "adn.t p-##ed Lissa aside to ye## at "er/
T"e t"o-'"t made me s#i'"t#y "appy, b-t t"en 0 remembered my ear#ier c-riosity abo-t ("y 2imitri "ad e%en
(andered by/
>Speain' o) persona# #i%es /// 0 s-ppose yo- (ere o)) %isitin' Tas"a, "-"=>
0 ne( it (as petty, and 0 e&pected a >none o) yo-r b-siness> response/ 0nstead "e rep#ied, >Act-a##y, 0 (as %isitin'
yo-r mot"er/>
>+o- 'oin' to "oo -p (it" "er too=> 0 ne( o) co-rse t"at "e (asn.t, b-t t"e <-ip seemed too 'ood to pass -p/
6e seemed to no( t"at too and mere#y 'a%e me a (eary '#ance/ >No, (e (ere #ooin' o%er some ne( data abo-t
t"e Stri'oi in t"e 2ro5do% attac/>
$y an'er and snariness dried -p/ T"e 2ro5do%s/ T"eBadicas/ S-dden#y, e%eryt"in' t"at "ad "appened t"is
mornin' seemed incredib#y tri%ia#/ 6o( co-#d 0 "a%e stood t"ere ar'-in' (it" 2imitri abo-t romances t"at mi'"t
or mi'"t not be "appenin' ("en "e and t"e ot"er '-ardians (ere tryin' to protect -s=
>W"at.d yo- )ind o-t=> 0 ased <-iet#y/
>We.%e mana'ed to trac some o) t"e Stri'oi,> "e said/ >Or at #east t"e "-mans (it" t"em/ T"ere (ere (itnesses
("o #i%ed nearby ("o spotted a )e( o) t"e cars t"e 'ro-p -sed/ T"e p#ates (ere a## )rom di))erent states7t"e 'ro-p
appears to "a%e sp#it -p, probab#y to mae it "arder )or -s/ B-t one o) t"e (itnesses did catc" one p#ate n-mber/ 0t.s
re'istered to an address in Spoane/>
>Spoane=> 0 ased incred-#o-s#y/ >Spoane, ,ashington? W"o maes Spoane t"eir "ideo-t=> 0.d been t"ere
once/ 0t (as abo-t as borin' as e%ery ot"er bac(oods nort"(est city/
>Stri'oi, apparent#y,> "e said, deadpan/ >T"e address (as )ae, b-t ot"er e%idence s"o(s t"ey rea##y are
t"ere/ T"ere.s a ind o) s"oppin' p#a5a t"at "as some -nder'ro-nd t-nne#s/ T"ere.%e been Stri'oi si'"tin's aro-nd
t"at area/>
>T"en ///> 0 )ro(ned/ >Are yo- 'oin' to 'o a)ter t"em= 0s somebody 'oin' to= 0 mean, t"is is ("at Tas"a.s been
sayin' a## a#on'// 0) (e no( ("ere t"ey are ///>
6e s"oo "is "ead/ >T"e '-ardians can.t do anyt"in' (it"o-t permission )rom "i'"er -p/ T"at.s not 'oin' to
"appen anytime soon/>
0 si'"ed/ >Beca-se t"e $oroi ta# too m-c"/>
>T" bein' ca-tio-s,> "e said/
0 )e#t myse#) 'ettin' (ored -p a'ain/ >Come on. E%en yo- can.t (ant to be care)-# on t"is one/ +o- act-a##y
no( ("ere Stri'oi are "idin' o-t/ Stri'oi ("o massacred c"i#dren/ 2on.t yo- (ant to 'o a)ter t"em ("en t"ey
don.t e&pect it=> 0 so-nded #ie $ason no(/
>0t.s not t"at easy,> "e said/ >We ans(er to t"e G-ardian Co-nci# and t"e $oroi 'o%ernment/ We can.t :-st r-n o))
and act on imp-#se/ And any(ay, (e don.t no( e%eryt"in' yet/ +o- s"o-#d ne%er (a# into any sit-ation (it"o-t
no(in' a## t"e detai#s/>
>Gen #i)e #essons a'ain,> 0 si'"ed/ 0 ran a "and t"ro-'" my "air, t-cin' it be"ind my ears/ >W"y.d yo- te## me
t"is, any(ay= T"is is '-ardian st-))/ Not t"e ind o) t"in' yo- #et no%ices in on/>
6e considered "is (ords, and "is e&pression so)tened/ 6e a#(ays #ooed ama5in', b-t 0 #ied "im best #ie t"is/
>0.%e said a )e( t"in's// /t"e ot"er day and today// /t"at 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e/ T"in's t"at ins-#ted yo-r a'e/
se%enteen// /b-t capab#e o) "and#in' and processin' t"e same t"in's t"ose m-c" o#der t"an yo- do/>
$y c"est 're( #i'"t and )#-ttery/ >Rea##y=>
6e nodded/ > sti## rea##y yo-n' in a #ot o) (ays7 and act yo-n'7b-t t"e on#y (ay to rea##y c"an'e t"at is
to treat yo- #ie an ad-#t/ 0 need to do t"at more/ 0 no( yo-.## tae t"is in)ormation and -nderstand "o( important
it is and eep it to yo-rse#)/>
0 didn.t #o%e bein' to#d 0 acted yo-n', b-t 0 #ied t"e idea t"at "e (o-#d ta# to me #ie an e<-a#/
>2ima,> came a %oice/ Tas"a O5era (a#ed -p to -s/ S"e smi#ed ("en s"e sa( me/ >6e##o, Rose/> T"ere (ent
my mood/ >6ey,> 0 said )#at#y/
S"e p#aced a "and on 2imitri.s )orearm, s#idin' "er )in'ers o%er t"e #eat"er o) "is coat/ 0 eyed t"ose )in'ers
an'ri#y/ 6o( dare t"ey to-c" "im=
>+o-.%e 'ot t"at #oo,> s"e to#d "im/
>W"at #oo=> "e ased/ T"e stern #oo "e.d (orn (it" me %anis"ed/ T"ere (as a sma##, no(in' smi#e on "is #ips/
A#most a p#ay)-# one/
>T"at #oo t"at says 'oin' to be on d-ty a## day/>
>Rea##y= 0 "a%e a #oo #ie t"at=> T"ere (as a teasin', mocin' tone to "is %oice/
S"e nodded/ >W"en does yo-r s"i)t tec"nica##y end=>
2imitri act-a##y #ooed70 s(ear7s"eepis"/ >An "o-r a'o/>
>+o- can.t eep doin' t"is,> s"e 'roaned/ >+o- need a brea/>
>We## /// i) yo- consider t"at 0.m a#(ays Lissa.s '-ardian///>
>For no(,> s"e said no(in'#y/ 0 )e#t sicer t"an 0 "ad #ast ni'"t/ >T"ere.s a bi' poo# to-rnament 'oin' on
>0 can.t,> "e said, b-t t"e smi#e (as sti## on "is )ace/ >E%en t"o-'" 0 "a%en.t p#ayed in a #on' time ///> W"at t"e7=
2imitri p#ayed !ool?
S-dden#y, it didn.t matter t"at (e.d :-st "ad a disc-ssion abo-t "im treatin' me #ie an ad-#t/ Some sma## part o)
me did no( ("at a comp#iment t"at (as7b-t t"e rest o) me (anted "im to treat me #ie "e did Tas"a/ P#ay)-#/
Teasin'/ Cas-a#/ T"ey (ere so )ami#iar (it" eac" ot"er, so comp#ete#y at ease/
>Come on, t"en,> s"e be''ed/ >3-st one ro-nd@ We co-#d tae t"em a##/>
>0 can.t,> "e repeated/ 6e so-nded re'ret)-#/ >Not (it" e%eryt"in' 'oin' on/>
S"e sobered a #itt#e/ >No/ 0 s-ppose not/> G#ancin' at me, s"e said teasin'#y, >0 "ope yo- rea#i5e ("at a "ard*core
ro#e mode# yo- "a%e "ere/ 6e.s ne%er o)) d-ty/>
>We##,> 0 said, copyin' "er #i#tin' tone )rom ear#ier, "for no", at #east/>
Tas"a #ooed p-55#ed/ 0 don.t t"in it occ-rred to "er 0.d be main' )-n o) "er/ 2imitri.s dar #oo to#d me "e ne(
e&act#y ("at 0 (as doin'/ 0 immediate#y rea#i5ed 0.d :-st i##ed ("ate%er pro'ress 0.d made as an ad-#t/
> )inis"ed "ere, Rose/ Remember ("at 0 said/>
>+ea",> 0 said, t-rnin' a(ay/ 0 s-dden#y (anted to 'o to my room and %e' )or a ("i#e/ T"is day (as main' me
tired a#ready/ >2e)inite#y/>
0 "adn.t 'otten )ar ("en 0 ran into $ason/ Good God/ $en e%ery("ere/
> mad,> "e said as soon as "e #ooed at my )ace/ 6e "ad a nac )or disco%erin' my moods/ >W"at
>Some /// a-t"ority prob#ems/ 0t.s been a (eird mornin'/>
0 si'"ed, -nab#e to 'et 2imitri o)) t"e brain/ Looin' at $ason, 0 remembered "o( 0.d been con%inced 0 (anted to
'et serio-s (it" "im #ast ni'"t/ 0 (as a "ead case/ 0 co-#dn.t mae -p my mind abo-t anyone/ 2ecidin' t"e best (ay
to banis" one '-y (as to pay attention to anot"er, 0 'rabbed $ason.s "and and steered "im a(ay/
>Come on/ Wasn.t t"e dea# to 'o some("ere// /-m, pri%ate today=>
>0 )i'-red yo- (eren.t dr-n anymore,> "e :oed/ B-t "is eyes #ooed %ery, %ery serio-s/ And interested/ >0
ass-med it (as a## o))/>
>6ey, 0 stand by my c#aims, no matter ("at/> Openin' my mind, 0 searc"ed )or Lissa/ S"e (as no #on'er in o-r
room/ S"e.d 'one o)) to some ot"er roya# e%ent, no do-bt sti## practicin' )or Prisci##a Voda.s bi' dinner/ >Come on,>
0 to#d $ason/ >We.## 'o to my room/>
Aside )rom ("en 2imitri incon%enient#y "appened to be passin' by someone.s room, nobody (as rea##y en)orcin'
t"e mi&ed*'ender r-#e/ 0t (as practica##y #ie bein' bac in my Academy dorms/ As $ason and 0 (ent -pstairs, 0
re#ated to "im ("at 2imitri "ad to#d me abo-t t"e Stri'oi in Spoane/ 2imitri "ad to#d me to eep it to myse#), b-t 0
(as mad at "im a'ain, and 0 didn.t see any "arm in te##in' $ason/ 0 ne( "e.d be interested in t"is/
0 (as ri'"t/ $ason 'ot rea##y (ored -p/
>W"at=> "e e&c#aimed as (e (a#ed into my room/ >T" not doing anyt"in'=>
0 s"r-''ed and sat on my bed/ >2imitri said7>
>0 no(, 0 no( /// 0 "eard yo-/ Abo-t bein' care)-# and a## t"at/> $ason paced aro-nd my room an'ri#y/ >B-t i)
t"ose Stri'oi 'o a)ter anot"er $oroi/// anot"er )ami#y/// damn it@ T" 'oin' to (is" t"ey (eren.t so care)-#
>For'et abo-t it,> 0 said/ 0 )e#t ind o) mi))ed t"at me on a bed (asn.t eno-'" to deter "im )rom cra5y batt#e p#ans/
>T"ere.s not"in' (e can do/>
6e stopped (a#in'/ ",e co-#d 'o/>
>Go ("ere=> 0 ased st-pid#y/
>To Spoane/ T"ere are b-ses yo- can catc" in to(n/>
>0 /// (ait/ +o- (ant -s to 'o to Spoane and tae on Stri'oi=>
> S-re/ Eddie.d do it too /// (e co-#d 'o to t"at ma##/ T"ey (o-#dn.t be or'ani5ed or anyt"in', so (e co-#d (ait and
pic t"em o)) one by one ///>
0 co-#d on#y stare/ >W"en did yo- 'et so d-mb=>
>O", 0 see/ T"ans )or t"e %ote o) con)idence/>
>0t.s not abo-t con)idence,> 0 ar'-ed, standin' -p and approac"in' "im/ >+o- ic ma:or ass/ 0.%e seen it/ B-t
t"is /// t"is isn.t t"e (ay/ We can.t 'o 'et Eddie and tae on Stri'oi/ We need more peop#e/ $ore p#annin'/ $ore
0 rested my "ands on "is c"est/ 6e p#aced "is o%er t"em and smi#ed/ T"e )ire o) batt#e (as sti## in "is eyes, b-t 0
co-#d te## "ismind (as s"i)tin' to more immediate concerns/ Lie me/
>0 didn.t mean to ca## yo- d-mb,> 0 to#d "im/ >0.m sorry/>
> :-st sayin' t"at no( beca-se yo- (ant to "a%e yo-r (ay (it" me/>
>O) co-rse 0 am,> 0 #a-'"ed, "appy to see "im re#a&/ T"e nat-re o) t"is con%ersation reminded me a #itt#e o) t"e
one C"ristian and Lissa "ad "ad in t"e c"ape#/
>We##,> "e said, >0 don.t t"in 0.m 'oin' to be too "ard to tae ad%anta'e o)/>
>Good/ Beca-se t"ere are lots o) t"in's 0 (ant to do/>
0 s#id my "ands -p and aro-nd "is nec/ 6is sin (as (arm beneat" my )in'ers, and 0 remembered "o( m-c" 0.d
en:oyed issin' "im #ast ni'"t/
S-dden#y, o-t o) no("ere, "e said, >+o- rea##y are "is st-dent/>
>Be#io%.s/ 0 (as :-st t"inin' abo-t ("en yo- mentioned needin' more in)ormation and st-))/ +o- act :-st #ie
"im/ +o-.%e 'otten a## serio-s since yo-.%e been "an'in' o-t (it" "im/>
>No, 0 "a%en.t/>
$ason "ad p-##ed me c#oser, b-t no( 0 s-dden#y didn.t )ee# so romantic/ 0.d (anted to mae o-t and forget
2imitri )or a ("i#e, not "a%e a con%ersation abo-t "im/ W"ere "ad t"is come )rom= $ason (as s-pposed to be
distractin' me/
6e didn.t notice anyt"in' (as (ron'/ >+o-.%e :-st c"an'ed, t"at.s a##/ 0t.s not bad /// :-st di))erent/>
Somet"in' abo-t t"at made me an'ry, b-t be)ore 0 co-#d snap bac, "is mo-t" met mine in a iss/ Reasonab#e
disc-ssions sort o) %anis"ed/ A bit o) t"at dar temper started to rise in me, b-t 0 simp#y c"anne#ed t"at intensity
into p"ysica#ity as $ason and 0 )e## on top o) eac" ot"er/ 0 yaned "im do(n on t"e bed, mana'in' to do so (it"o-t
stoppin' t"e issin'/ 0 (as not"in' i) not a m-#titaser/ 0 d-' my nai#s into "is bac ("i#e "is "ands s#id -p t"e
bac o) my nec and re#eased t"e ponytai# 0.d :-st made min-tes a'o/ R-nnin' "is )in'ers t"ro-'" t"e -nbo-nd "air,
"e s"i)ted "is mo-t" do(n and issed my nec/
>+o- are /// ama5in',> "e to#d me/ And 0 co-#d te## t"at "e meant it/ 6is ("o#e )ace '#o(ed (it" a))ection )or me/
0 arc"ed -p(ard, #ettin' "is #ips press "arder a'ainst my sin ("i#e "is "ands s#ipped -nder t"e bottom o) my s"irt/
T"ey trai#ed -p(ard a#on' my stomac", :-st bare#y tracin' t"e ed'e o) my bra/
Considerin' (e.d :-st been "a%in' an ar'-ment a min-te a'o, 0 (as s-rprised to see t"in's esca#atin' so <-ic#y/
6onest#y, t"o-'" /// 0 didn.t mind/ T"is (as t"e (ay 0 #i%ed my #i)e/ E%eryt"in' (as a#(ays )ast and intense (it"
me/ T"e ni'"t 2imitri and 0 "ad )a##en %ictim to Victor 2as"o%.s #-st c"arm, t"ere.d been some pretty )-rio-s
passion 'oin' on too/ 2imitri "ad contro##ed it, t"o-'", so sometimes (e.d taen t"in's s#o(#y/ and t"at "ad been
(onder)-# in its o(n (ay/ B-t most o) t"e time, (e "adn.t been ab#e to "o#d o-rse#%es bac/ 0 co-#d )ee# it a## o%er
a'ain/ T"e (ays "is"ands "ad r-n o%er my body/ T"e deep, po(er)-# isses/
0t (as t"en t"at 0 rea#i5ed somet"in'/
0 (as issin' $ason, b-t in my "ead, 0 (as (it" 2imitri/ And it (asn.t #ie 0 (as simp#y rememberin' eit"er/ 0
(as act-a##y ima'inin' 0 (as (it" 2imitri7ri'"t no"7 re#i%in' t"at ni'"t a## o%er a'ain/ Wit" my eyes c#osed, it
(as easy to pretend/
B-t ("en 0 opened t"em and sa( $ason.s eyes, 0 ne( "e (as (it" me. 6e adored me and "ad (anted me )or a
#on' time/ For me to do t"is /// to be (it" "im and pretend 0 (as (it" someone e#se ///
0t (asn.t ri'"t/
0 (i''#ed o-t o) "is reac"/ >No /// don.t/>
$ason stopped immediate#y beca-se t"at.s t"e ind o) '-y "e (as/
>Too m-c"=> "e ased/ 0 nodded/ >T"at.s oay/ We don.t "a%e to do t"at/>
6e reac"ed )or me a'ain, and 0 mo%ed )art"er a(ay/ >No, 0 :-st don.t/ 0 don.t no(/ Let.s ca## it <-its, oay=>
>0/> 6e (as speec"#ess )or a moment/ >W"at "appened to t"e .#ots o) t"in's. yo- (anted to do=>
+ea" /// it #ooed pretty bad, b-t ("at co-#d 0 say= I can't 'et p"ysica# (it" yo- beca-se ("en 0 do, 0 :-st t"in
abo-t t"e ot"er '-y 0 act-a##y (ant/ :-st a stand*in/
0 s(a##o(ed, )ee#in' st-pid/ >0.m sorry, $ase/ 0 :-st can.t/>
6e sat -p and ran a "and o%er "is "air/ >Oay/ A## ri'"t/>
0 co-#d "ear t"e "ardness in "is %oice/ > mad/>
6e '#anced o%er at me, a stormy e&pression on "is )ace/ >0.m :-st con)-sed/ 0 can.t read yo-r si'na#s/
One moment "ot, t"e ne&t co#d/ +o- te## me yo- (ant me, yo- te## me yo- don.t/ 0) yo- piced one,
t"at.d be )ine, b-t yo- eep main' me t"in one t"in' and t"en yo- end -p 'oin' in a comp#ete#y di))erent
direction/ Not :-st no(7a## t"e time/>
0t (as tr-e/ 0 "ad 'one bac and )ort" (it" "im/ Sometimes 0 (as )#irty, ot"er times 0 comp#ete#y i'nored "im/
>0s t"ere somet"in' yo- (ant me to do=> "e ased ("en 0 didn.t say anyt"in'/ >Somet"in' t"at.##/ 0 don.t no(/
$ae yo- )ee# better abo-t me=>
>0 don.t no(,> 0 said (ea#y/
6e si'"ed/ >T"en ("at do yo- (ant in 'enera#=>
2imitri,0 t"o-'"t/ 0nstead, 0 repeated myse#)/ >0 don.t no(/>
Wit" a 'roan, "e stood -p and "eaded )or t"e door/ >Rose, )or someone ("o c#aims s"e (ants to 'at"er as m-c"
in)ormation as possib#e, yo- rea##y "a%e a #ot to #earn abo-t yo-rse#)/>
T"e door s#ammed be"ind "im/ T"e noise made me )#inc", and as 0 stared at ("ere $ason "ad :-st stood, 0
rea#i5ed "e (as ri'"t/ 0 did "a%e a #ot to #earn/
L0SSA FOUN2 $E LATER 0N t"e day/ 0.d )a##en as#eep a)ter $ason #e)t, too de:ected to #ea%e t"e bed/ 6er
s#ammin' o) t"e door :o#ted me a(ae/
0 (as "appy to see "er/ 0 needed to spi## abo-t t"e )-mb#ed t"in' (it" $ason, b-t be)ore 0 co-#d, 0 read "er
)ee#in's/ T"ey (ere as tro-b#ed as mine/ So, as a#(ays, 0 p-t "er )irst/
>W"at "appened=>
S"e sat on "er bed, sinin' into t"e )eat"er d-%et, "er )ee#in's bot" )-rio-s and sad/ >C"ristian/>
>Rea##y=> 0.d ne%er no(n t"em to )i'"t/ T"ey teased eac" ot"er a #ot, b-t it (as "ard#y t"e ind o) t"in' t"at co-#d
near#y brin' "er to tears/
>6e )o-nd o-t/// 0 (as (it" Adrian t"is mornin'/>
>O", (o(,> 0 said/ >+ea"/ T"at mi'"t be a prob#em/> Standin' -p, 0 (a#ed o%er to t"e dresser and )o-nd my
br-s"/ Wincin', 0 stood in )ront o) t"e 'i#t*)ramed mirror and be'an br-s"in' o-t t"e snar#s ac<-ired d-rin' my
S"e 'roaned/ >B-t not"in' "appened@ C"ristian.s )reain' o-t o%er not"in'/ 0 can.t be#ie%e "e doesn.t tr-st me/>
>6e tr-sts yo-/ T"e ("o#e t"in'.s :-st (eird, t"at.s a##/> 0 t"o-'"t abo-t 2imitri and Tas"a/ >3ea#o-sy maes
peop#e do and say st-pid t"in's/>
>B-t not"in' "appened,> s"e repeated/ >0 mean, yo- (ere t"ere and7"ey, 0 ne%er )o-nd o-t/ W"at "ere yo-
doin' t"ere=>
>Adrian sent me a b-nc" o) per)-me/>
>6e7yo- mean t"at 'iant bo& yo- (ere carryin'=>
0 nodded/
>+ea"/ 0 came to ret-rn it,> 0 said/ >T"e <-estion is, ("at (ere yo- doin' t"ere=>
>3-st ta#in',> s"e said/ S"e started to #i'"t -p, on t"e %er'e o) te##in' me somet"in', b-t t"en s"e pa-sed/ 0 )e#t t"e
t"o-'"t a#most reac" t"e )ront o) "er mind and t"en 'et s"o%ed bac/ >0.%e 'ot a #ot to te## yo-, b-t )irst te## me
("at.s -p (it" yo-/>
>Not"in'.s -p (it" me/>
>W"ate%er, Rose/ 0.m not psyc"ic #ie yo-, b-t 0 no( ("en pissed o)) abo-t somet"in'/ +o-.%e been ind
o) do(n since C"ristmas/ W"at.s -p=>
No( (asn.t t"e time to 'et into ("at "ad "appened on C"ristmas ("en my mom to#d me abo-t Tas"a and 2imitri/
B-t 0 did te## Lissa t"e story abo-t $ason7editin' o-t ("y 0 "ad stopped7and simp#y dri%in' "ome "o( 0 "ad/
>We##///> s"e said ("en 0 )inis"ed/ >T"at (as yo-r ri'"t/>
>0 no(/ B-t 0 ind o) #ed "im on/ 0 can see ("y "e.d be -pset/>
>+o- '-ys can probab#y )i& it, t"o-'"/ Go ta# to "im/ 6e.s cra5y abo-t yo-/>
0t (as more t"an miscomm-nication/ T"in's (it" $ason and me co-#dn.t be patc"ed -p so easi#y/ >0 don.t no(,>
0 to#d "er/ >Not e%eryone.s #ie yo- and C"ristian/>
6er )ace darened/ >C"ristian/ 0 sti## can.t be#ie%e "e.s bein' so st-pid abo-t t"is/>
0 didn.t mean to, b-t 0 #a-'"ed/ >Liss, yo- '-ys.## iss and mae -p in #ie a day/ $ore t"an iss, probab#y/>
0t s#ipped o-t be)ore 0 co-#d stop it/ 6er eyes (idened/ >+o- no(/> S"e s"oo "er "ead in e&asperation/ >O)
course yo- no(/>
>Sorry,> 0 said/ 0 "adn.t meant to #et "er no( 0 ne( abo-t t"e se& t"in', not -nti# s"e to#d me "erse#)/ S"e eyed
me/ >6o( m-c" do yo- no(=>
>Um, not m-c",> 0 #ied/ 0.d )inis"ed br-s"in' my "air b-t be'an p#ayin' (it" t"e br-s".s "and#e in order to a%oid
"er eyes/
>0 "a%e got to #earn to eep yo- o-t o) my mind,> s"e m-ttered/
>On#y (ay 0 can .ta#. to yo- #ate#y/> Anot"er s#ip-p/
>W"at.s t"at s-pposed to mean=> s"e demanded/
>Not"in' /// 0/> S"e (as 'i%in' me a s"arp #oo/ >0/ 0 don.t no(/ 0 :-st )ee# #ie (e don.t ta# as m-c" anymore/>
>Taes t(o to )i& t"at,> s"e said, %oice ind a'ain/
> ri'"t,> 0 said, not pointin' o-t t"at t(o co-#d )i& t"at on#y i) one (asn.t a#(ays (it" "er boy)riend/ Tr-e, 0
(as '-i#ty in my o(n (ay o) #ocin' t"in's -p7b-t 0 had (anted to ta# to "er a n-mber o) times #ate#y/ T"e
timin' :-stne%er seemed to be ri'"t7not e%en no(/ >+o- no(, 0 ne%er t"o-'"t yo-.d be
)irst/ Or 0 '-ess 0 ne%er t"o-'"t 0.d be a senior and sti## be a %ir'in/>
>+ea",> s"e said dry#y/ >$e eit"er/>
>6ey@ W"at.s that s-pposed to mean=>
S"e 'rinned, t"en ca-'"t si'"t o) "er (atc"/ 6er smi#e )e##/ >U'"/ 0.%e 'ot to 'o to Prisci##a.s ban<-et/ C"ristian
(as s-pposed to 'o (it" me, b-t "e.s o)) bein' an idiot; > 6er eyes )oc-sed "ope)-##y on me/
>W"at= No/ P#ease, Liss/ +o- no( "o( 0 "ate t"ose )orma# roya# t"in's/>
>O", come on,> s"e be''ed/ >C"ristian )#aed o-t/ +o- can.t t"ro( me to t"e (o#%es/ And didn.t yo- :-st say (e
needed to ta# more=> 0 'roaned/ >Besides, ("en my '-ardian, yo-.## "a%e to do t"ese t"in's a## t"e time/>
>0 no(,> 0 said dar#y/ >0 t"o-'"t 0 co-#d maybe en:oy my #ast si& mont"s o) )reedom/>
B-t in t"e end, s"e conned me into 'oin' (it" "er, as (e.d bot" no(n s"e (o-#d/
We didn.t "a%e m-c" time, and 0 "ad to do a r-s" s"o(er, b#o(*dry, and mae-p :ob/ 0.d bro-'"t Tas"a.s dress on
a ("im, and ("i#e 0 sti## (anted "er to s-))er "orrib#y )or bein' attracted to 2imitri, 0 (as 'rate)-# )or "er present
no(/ 0 p-##ed on t"e si#en materia#, "appy to see t"e s"ade o) red (as :-st as i##er on me as 0.d ima'ined/ 0t (as a
#on', Asian*sty#e dress (it" )#o(ers embroidered into t"e si#/ T"e "i'" nec and #on' "em co%ered a #ot o) sin,
b-t t"e materia#c#-n' to me and #ooed se&y in a di))erent ind o) (ay t"an s"o(in' a #ot o) sin did/ $y b#ac eye
(as practica##y none&istent by no(/
Lissa, as a#(ays, #ooed ama5in'/ S"e (ore a deep p-rp#e dress by 3o"nna Rasi, a (e##*no(n $oroi desi'ner/ 0t
(as s#ee%e#ess and made o) satin/ T"e tiny amet"yst*#ie crysta#s set into t"e straps spar#ed a'ainst "er pa#e sin/
S"e (ore "er "air -p in a #oose, art)-##y sty#ed b-n/
W"en (e reac"ed t"e ban<-et room, (e dre( a )e( eyes/ 0 don.t t"in t"e roya#s "ad e&pected t"e 2ra'omir
princess to brin' "er d"ampir )riend to t"is "i'"#y anticipated, in%itation*on#y dinner/ B-t "ey, Lissa.s in%ite "ad
said >and '-est/> S"e and 0 too o-r p#aces at one o) t"e tab#es (it" some roya#s ("ose names 0 prompt#y )or'ot/
T"ey (ere "appy to i'nore me, and 0 (as "appy to be i'nored/
Besides, it (asn.t #ie t"ere (eren.t p#enty o) ot"er distractions/ T"is room (as done a## in si#%er and b#-e/
$idni'"t b#-e si# c#ot"s co%ered t"e tab#es, so s"iny and smoot" t"at 0 (as terri)ied to eat on t"em/ Sconces o)
bees(a& cand#es "-n' a## o%er t"e (a##s, and a )irep#ace decorated (it" stained '#ass crac#ed a(ay in one corner/
T"e e))ect (as a spectac-#ar panorama o) co#or and #i'"t, di55yin' to t"e eye/ 0n t"e corner, a s#im $oroi (oman
p#ayed so)t ce##o m-sic, "er )ace dreamy as s"e )oc-sed on t"e son'/ T"e c#inin' o) crysta# (ine'#asses
comp#emented t"e strin's. #o(, s(eet notes/
2inner (as e<-a##y ama5in'/ T"e )ood (as e#aborate, b-t 0 reco'ni5ed e%eryt"in' on my p#ate 8c"ina, o) co-rse9
and #ieda## o) it/ No )oie 'ras "ere/ Sa#mon in a sa-ce o) s"iitae m-s"rooms/ A sa#ad (it" pears and 'oat c"eese/
2e#icate a#mond*st-))ed pastries )or dessert/ $y on#y comp#aint (as t"at t"e portions (ere sma##/ T"e )ood seemed
more #ie it (as t"ere to simp#y decorate t"e p#ates, and 0 s(ear, 0 )inis"ed it in ten bites/ $oroi mi'"t sti## need
)ood a#on' (it" t"eir b#ood, b-t t"ey didn.t need as m-c" as a "-man7or, say, a 'ro(in' d"ampir 'ir#7needed/
Sti##, t"e )ood a#one co-#d "a%e :-sti)ied me comin' a#on' on t"is %ent-re, 0 decided/ E&cept, ("en t"e mea# ended,
Lissa to#d me (e co-#dn.t #ea%e/
>We "a%e to min'#e,> s"e ("ispered/
Lissa #a-'"ed at my discom)ort/ > t"e socia# one/>
0t (as tr-e/ 0n most circ-mstances, 0 (as t"e one ("o p-t myse#) o-t t"ere and (asn.t a)raid to ta# to peop#e/ Lissa
tended to be s"yer/ On#y, (it" t"is 'ro-p, t"e tab#es (ere t-rned/ T"is (as "er e#ement, not mine, and it ama5ed me
to see :-st "o( (e## s"e co-#d interact (it" roya# "i'" society no(/ S"e (as per)ect, po#is"ed and po#ite/ E%eryone
(as ea'er to ta# to "er, and s"e a#(ays seemed to no( t"e ri'"t t"in' to say/ S"e (asn.t -sin' comp-#sion,
e&act#y, b-t s"e de)inite#y p-t o-t an air t"at dre( ot"ers to "er/ 0 t"in it mi'"t "a%e been an -nconscio-s e))ect o)
spirit/ E%en (it" t"e meds, "er ma'ica# and nat-ra# c"arisma came t"ro-'"/ W"ereas intense socia# interactions "ad
once been )orced and stress)-# )or "er, s"e no( cond-cted t"em (it" ease/ 0 (as pro-do) "er/ $ost o) t"e
con%ersation stayed pretty #i'"t1 )as"ion, roya# #o%e #i%es, etc/ No one seemed to (ant to spoi# t"e atmosp"ere (it"
-'#y Stri'oi ta#/
So 0 c#-n' to "er side )or t"e rest o) t"e ni'"t/ 0 tried to te## myse#) it (as :-st practice )or t"e )-t-re, ("en 0.d
)o##o( "er aro-nd #ie a <-iet s"ado( any(ay/ T"e tr-t" (as, 0 :-st )e#t too -ncom)ortab#e (it" t"is 'ro-p and
ne( my -s-a# snary de)ense mec"anisms rea##y (eren.t -se)-# "ere/ P#-s, 0 (as pain)-##y a(are t"at 0 (as t"e
on#y d"ampir dinner '-est/ T"ere (ere ot"er d"ampirs, yes, b-t t"ey (ere in )orma# '-ardian mode, "o%erin' on
t"e perip"ery o) t"e room/
As Lissa (ored t"e cro(d, (e dri)ted o%er to a sma## 'ro-p o) $oroi ("ose %oices (ere 'ro(in' #o-der/ One o)
t"em 0 reco'ni5ed/ 6e (as t"e '-y )rom t"e )i'"t t"at 0.d "e#ped brea -p, on#y t"is time "e (ore a striin' b#ac
t-&edo instead o) a s(ims-it/ 6e '#anced -p at o-r approac", b#atant#y c"eced -s o-t, b-t apparent#y didn.t
remember me/ 0'norin' -s, "e contin-ed on (it" "is ar'-ment/ Not s-rprisin'#y, $oroi protection (as t"e topic/
6e (as t"e one ("o.d been in )a%or o) $oroi 'oin' on t"e o))ensi%e a'ainst t"e Stri'oi/
>W"at part o) .s-icide. don.t yo- -nderstand=> ased one o) t"e men standin' nearby/ 6e "ad si#%ery "air and a
b-s"y m-stac"e/ 6e (ore a t-& too, b-t t"e yo-n'er '-y #ooed better in one/ >$oroi trainin' as so#diers (i## be
t"e end o) o-r race/>
>0t.s not s-icide,> e&c#aimed t"e yo-n' '-y/ >0t.s t"e ri'"t t"in' to do/ We "a%e to start #ooin' o-t )or o-rse#%es/
Learnin' to )i'"t and -se o-r ma'ic is o-r 'reatest asset, ot"er t"an t"e '-ardians/>
>+es, b-t (it" t"e '-ardians, (e don.t need ot"er assets,> said Si#%er 6air/ >+o-.%e been #istenin' to non*roya#s/
T"ey don.t "a%e any '-ardians o) t"eir o(n, so o) co-rse t" scared/ B-t t"at.s no reason to dra' us do(n and
p-t our #i%es at ris/>
>T"en don.t,> said Lissa s-dden#y/ 6er %oice (as so)t, b-t e%eryone in t"e #itt#e 'ro-p stopped and #ooed at "er/
>W"en yo- ta# abo-t $oroi #earnin' "o( to )i'"t, yo- mae it so-nd #ie an a##*or*not"in' matter/ 0t.s not/ 0) yo-
don.t (ant to )i'"t, t"en yo- s"o-#dn.t "a%e to/ 0 comp#ete#y -nderstand/> T"e man #ooed s#i'"t#y mo##i)ied/ >B-t,
t"at.s beca-se yo- can re#y on yo-r '-ardians/ A #ot o) $oroi can.t/ And i) t"ey (ant to #earn se#)*de)ense, t"ere.s
no reason ("y t"ey s"o-#dn.t do it on t"eir o(n/>
T"e yo-n'er '-y 'rinned tri-mp"ant#y at "is ad%ersary/ >T"ere, yo- see=>
>0t.s not t"at easy,> co-ntered Si#%er 6air/ >0) it (as :-st a matter o) yo- cra5y peop#e (antin' to 'et
yo-rse#%es i##ed, t"en )ine/ Go do it/ B-t ("ere are yo- 'oin' to #earn a## t"ese so*ca##ed )i'"tin' si##s=>
>We.## )i'-re t"e ma'ic o-t on o-r o(n/ G-ardians (i## teac" -s act-a# p"ysica# )i'"tin'/>
>+es, see= 0 ne( t"at (as ("ere t"is (as 'oin'/ E%en i)t"e rest o) -s don.t tae part in yo-r s-icide mission, yo-
sti## (ant to strip -s o) o-r '-ardians to train -p yo-r pretend army/>
T"e yo-n' '-y sco(#ed at t"e (ord !retend, and 0 (ondered i) more )ists (o-#d )#y/ >+o- o(e it to -s/>
>No, t"ey don.t,> said Lissa/
0ntri'-ed 'a5es t-rned "er (ay a'ain/ T"is time, it (as Si#%er 6air ("o re'arded "er tri-mp"ant#y/ T"e yo-n'er
'-y.s )eat-res )#-s"ed (it" an'er/
>G-ardians are t"e best batt#e reso-rces (e "a%e/>
>T"ey are,> s"e a'reed, >b-t t"at doesn.t 'i%e yo- t"e ri'"t to tae t"em a(ay )rom t"eir d-ty/> Si#%er 6air
practica##y '#o(ed/
>T"en "o( are (e s-pposed to #earn=> demanded t"e ot"er '-y/
>T"e same (ay '-ardians do,> Lissa in)ormed "im/ >0) yo- (ant to #earn to )i'"t, 'o to t"e academies/ Form
c#asses and start at t"e be'innin', t"e same (ay t"e no%ices do/ T"at (ay, yo- (on.t be tain' '-ardians a(ay
)rom acti%e protection/ 0t.s a sa)e en%ironment, and t"e '-ardians t"ere specia#i5e in teac"in' st-dents any(ay/>
S"e pa-sed t"o-'"t)-##y/ >+o- co-#d e%en start main' de)ense part o) t"e standard c-rric-#-m )or $oroi st-dents
a#ready t"ere/>
Astonis"ed stares )e## on "er, mine inc#-ded/ 0t (as s-c" an e#e'ant so#-tion, and e%eryone e#se aro-nd -s rea#i5ed
it/ 0t 'a%e no party ADD percent o) its demands, b-t it met most in a (ay t"at didn.t rea##y "arm t"e ot"er side/ P-re
'eni-s/ T"eot"er $oroi st-died "er (it" (onder and )ascination/
S-dden#y, e%eryone started ta#in' at once, e&cited abo-t t"e idea/ T"ey dre( Lissa in, and soon t"ere (as a
passionate con%ersation 'oin' on abo-t "er p#an/ 0 'ot s"-))#ed to t"e ed'es and decided t"at (as :-st )ine/ T"en 0
retreated a#to'et"er and so-'"t o-t a corner near a door/
A#on' t"e (ay, 0 passed a ser%er (it" a tray o) "ors d.oe-%res/ Sti## "-n'ry, 0 eyed t"em s-spicio-s#y b-t sa(
not"in' t"at #ooed #ie t"e )oie 'ras )rom t"e ot"er day/ 0 'est-red to one t"at #ooed #ie some sort o) braised,
rare meat/
>0s t"at 'oose #i%er=> 0 ased/
S"e s"oo "er "ead/ >S(eetbread/>
T"at didn.t so-nd bad/ 0 reac"ed )or it/
>0t.s pancreas,> said a %oice be"ind me/ 0 :ered bac/
>W"at=> 0 s<-eaed/ T"e (aitress too my s"oc )or re:ection and mo%ed on/
Adrian 0%as"o% mo%ed into my #ine o) si'"t, #ooin' immense#y p#eased (it" "imse#)/
>Are yo- messin' (it" me=> 0 ased/ >.S(eetbread. is !ancreas?" 0 don.t no( ("y t"at s"oced me so m-c"/
$oroi cons-med b#ood/ W"y not interna# or'ans= Sti##, 0 repressed a s"-dder/
Adrian s"r-''ed/ >0t.s rea##y 'ood/>
0 s"oo my "ead in dis'-st/ >O", man/ Ric" peop#e s-c/>
6is am-sement contin-ed/ >W"at are yo- doin' "ere, #itt#e d"ampir= Are yo- )o##o(in' me aro-nd=>
>O) co-rse not,> 0 sco))ed/ 6e (as dressed to per)ection, asa#(ays/ >Especia##y not a)ter a## t"e tro-b#e yo-.%e
'otten -s into/>
6e )#as"ed one o) "is tanta#i5in' smi#es, and despite "o( m-c" "e annoyed me, 0 a'ain )e#t t"at o%er("e#min'
-r'e to be near "im/ W"at (as -p (it" t"at=
>0 don.t no(,> "e teased/ 6e #ooed per)ect#y sane no(, e&"ibitin' no trace o) t"e (eird be"a%ior 0.d (itnessed in
"is room/ And yea", "e #ooed a lot better in a t-&edo t"an any '-y 0.d seen in t"ere so )ar/ >As many times as (e
eep seein' eac" ot"er= T"is is, ("at, t"e )i)t" time= 0t.s startin' to #oo s-spicio-s/ 2on.t (orry, t"o-'"/ 0 (on.t
te## yo-r boy)riend/ Eit"er o) t"em/>
0 opened my mo-t" to protest, t"en remembered "e.d seen me (it" 2imitri ear#ier/ 0 re)-sed to b#-s"/ >0 on#y "a%e
one boy)riend/ Sort o)/ $aybe not anymore/ And any(ay, t"ere.s not"in' to te##/ 0 don.t e%en #ie yo-/>
>No=> ased Adrian, sti## smi#in'/ 6e #eaned to(ard me, #ie "e "ad a secret to s"are/ >T"en ("y are yo- (earin'
my per)-me=>
T"is time, 0 did b#-s"/ 0 too a step bac/ >0.m not/>
6e #a-'"ed/ >O) co-rse yo- are/ 0 co-nted t"e bo&es a)ter yo- #e)t/ Besides, 0 can sme## it on yo-/ 0t.s nice/
S"arp// /b-t sti## s(eet7*:-st #ie 0.m s-re yo- are deep do(n inside/ And yo- 'ot it ri'"t, yo- no(/ 3-st eno-'"
to add an ed'e// /b-t not eno-'" to dro(n yo-r o(n scent/> T"e (ay "e said >scent> made it so-nd #ie a dirty
Roya# $oroi mi'"t mae me -ncom)ortab#e, b-t smartass'-ys "ittin' on me didn.t/ 0 dea#t (it" t"em on a re'-#ar
basis/ 0 s"oo o)) my s"yness and remembered ("o 0 (as/
>6ey,> 0 said, tossin' my "air bac/ >0 "ad e%ery ri'"t to tae one/ +o- o))ered t"em/ +o-r mistae is in ass-min'
me tain' one means anyt"in'/ 0t doesn.t/ E&cept t"at maybe yo- s"o-#d be more care)-# (it" ("ere yo- d-mp a##
t"at money o) yo-rs/>
>Oo", Rose 6at"a(ay is "ere to p#ay, )o#s/> 6e pa-sed and too a '#ass o) ("at #ooed #ie c"ampa'ne )rom a
passin' (aiter/ >+o- (ant one=>
>0 don.t drin/>
>Ri'"t/> Adrian "anded me a '#ass any(ay, t"en s"ooed t"e (aiter a(ay and too a drin o) t"e c"ampa'ne/ 0 "ad
a )ee#in' it (asn.t "is )irst o) t"e ni'"t/ >So/ So-nds #ie o-r Vasi#isa p-t my dad in "is p#ace/>
>+o-r ///> 0 '#anced bac at t"e 'ro-p 0.d :-st #e)t/ Si#%er 6air sti## stood t"ere, 'estic-#atin' (i#d#y/ >T"at
'-y.s yo-r dad=>
>T"at.s ("at my mom says/>
>+o- a'ree (it" "im= Abo-t "o( $oroi )i'"tin' (o-#d be s-icide=>
Adrian s"r-''ed and too anot"er sip/ >0 don.t rea##y "a%e an opinion on t"at/>
>T"at.s not possib#e/ 6o( can yo- not )ee# one (ay or anot"er=>
>2-nno/ 3-st not somet"in' 0 t"in abo-t/ 0.%e 'ot better t"in's to do/>
>Lie sta# me,> 0 s-''ested/ >And Lissa/> 0 sti## (anted to no( ("y s"e.d been in "is room/
6e smi#ed a'ain/ >0 to#d yo-, t"e one )o##o(in' me/>
>+ea", yea", 0 no(/ Fi%e times7> 0 stopped/ >Fi%e times=>
6e nodded/
>No, it.s on#y been )o-r/> Wit" my )ree "and, 0 ticed t"em o))/ >T"ere (as t"at )irst ni'"t, t"e ni'"t at t"e spa,
t"en ("en 0 came to yo-r room, and no( toni'"t/>
T"e smi#e t-rned secreti%e/ >0) yo- say so/>
>0 do say so///> A'ain, my (ords trai#ed o))/ 0 "ad ta#ed to Adrian one ot"er time/ Sort o)/ >+o- can.t mean ///>
>$ean ("at=> A c-rio-s, ea'er e&pression #it "is eyes/ 0t (as more "ope)-# t"an pres-mpt-o-s/
0 s(a##o(ed, reca##in' t"e dream/ >Not"in'/> Wit"o-t t"inin' abo-t it, 0 too a drin o) c"ampa'ne/ Across t"e
room, Lissa.s )ee#in's b-rned bac to me, ca#m and content/ Good/
>W"y are yo- smi#in'=> Adrian ased/
>Beca-se Lissa.s sti## o%er t"ere, (orin' t"at cro(d/>
>No s-rprise t"ere/ S"e.s one o) t"ose peop#e ("o can c"arm anyone s"e (ants i) s"e tries "ard eno-'"/ E%en
peop#e ("o "ate "er/>
0 'a%e "im a (ry #oo/ >0 )ee# t"at (ay ("en 0 ta# to yo-/>
>B-t yo- don.t "ate me,> "e said, )inis"in' t"e #ast o) "is c"ampa'ne/ >Not rea##y/>
>0 don.t #ie yo- eit"er/>
>So yo- eep sayin'/> 6e too a step to(ard me, not t"reatenin', :-st main' t"e space bet(een -s more intimate/
>B-t 0 can #i%e (it" t"at/>
T"e s"arpness o) my mot"er.s %oice c-t t"ro-'" t"e air/ A )e( peop#e (it"in ears"ot '#anced o%er at -s/ $y
mot"er7a## )i%e an'ry )eet o) "er7stormed -p to -s/

W6AT2O +OU T60N4 +OU.RE doin'=> s"edemanded/ 6er %oice (as sti## too #o-d as )ar as 0 (as
>Not"in', 07>
>E&c-se -s, Lord 0%as"o%,> s"e 'ro(#ed/ T"en, #ie 0 (as )i%e years o#d, s"e 'rabbed me by my arm
and :ered me o-t o) t"e room/ C"ampa'ne s#os"ed o-t o) my '#ass and sp#as"ed onto t"e sirt o) my dress/
>W"at do yo- t"in you're doin'=> 0 e&c#aimed, once (e (ere o-t in t"e "a##/ $o-rn)-##y, 0 #ooed do(n at my
dress/ >T"is is sil'. +o- co-#d "a%e r-ined it/>
S"e 'rabbed t"e c"ampa'ne )#-te and set it do(n on a nearby tab#e/ >Good/ $aybe it.## stop yo- )rom dressin' -p
#ie a c"eap ("ore/>
>W"oa,> 0 said, s"oced/ >T"at.s ind o) "ars"/ And ("ere do yo- 'et o)) t-rnin' mot"er#y a## o) a s-dden=> 0
'est-red to t"e dress/ >T"is isn.t e&act#y c"eap/ +o- t"o-'"t it (as nice o) Tas"a to 'i%e it to me/>
>T"at.s beca-se 0 didn.t e&pect yo- to (ear it o-t (it" $oroi and mae a spectac#e o) yo-rse#)/>
>0.m not main' a spectac#e o) myse#)/ And any(ay, it co%ers e%eryt"in' -p/>
>A dress t"at ti'"t mi'"t as (e## be s"o(in' e%eryt"in',> s"e retorted/ S"e, o) co-rse, (as dressed in '-ardian
b#ac1 tai#ored b#ac #inen pants and a matc"in' b#a5er/ S"e "ad a )e( c-r%es o) "er o(n, b-t t"e c#ot"in' "id t"em/
>Especia##y ("en (it" a 'ro-p #ie t"at/ +o-r body.s/// conspic-o-s/ And )#irtin' (it" $oroi doesn.t rea##y
>0 (asn.t )#irtin' (it" "im/>
T"e acc-sation made me an'ry beca-se 0 )e#t 0.d been on rea##y 'ood be"a%ior #ate#y/ 0 -sed to )#irt a## t"e time7
and do ot"er t"in's7(it" $oroi '-ys, b-t a)ter a )e( ta#s and one embarrassin' incident (it" 2imitri, 0.d
rea#i5ed "o( st-pid t"at (as/ 2"ampir 'ir#s did "a%e to be care)-# (it" $oroi '-ys, and 0 ept t"at in mind a## t"e
time no(/
Somet"in' petty occ-rred to me/ >Besides,> 0 said mocin'#y, >isn.t t"at ("at 0.m s-pposed to do= 6oo -p (it" a
$oroi and )-rt"er my race= 0t.s ("at you did/>
S"e '#o(ered/ >Not ("en 0 (as yo-r a'e/>
>+o- (ere on#y a )e( years o#der t"an me/>
>2on.t do anyt"in' st-pid, Rose,> s"e said/ > too yo-n' )or a baby/ +o- don.t "a%e t"e #i)e e&perience )or it
7 yo- "a%en.t e%en #i%ed yo-r o(n #i)e yet/ +o- (on.t be ab#e to do t"e ind o) :ob yo- (is" yo- co-#d/>
0 'roaned, morti)ied/ >Are (e rea##y e%en disc-ssin' t"is= 6o( did (e 'o )rom me a##e'ed#y )#irtin' to s-dden#y
"a%in' a #itter= 0.m not "a%in' se& (it" "im or anyone e#se, and e%eni) 0 (ere, 0 no( abo-t birt" contro#/ W"y are
yo- ta#in' to me #ie 0.m a c"i#d=>
>Beca-se yo- act #ie one/> 0t (as remarab#y #ie ("at 2imitri "ad to#d me/
0 '#ared/ >So 'oin' to send me to my room no(=>
>No, Rose/> S"e s-dden#y #ooed tired/ >+o- don.t "a%e to 'o to yo-r room, b-t don.t 'o bac in t"ere, eit"er/
6ope)-##y yo- didn.t dra( too m-c" attention/>
>+o- mae it so-nd #ie 0 (as 'i%in' a #ap dance in t"ere,> 0 to#d "er/ >0 :-st "ad dinner (it" Lissa/>
>+o-.d be s-rprised ("at t"in's can spar r-mors,> s"e (arned/ >Especia##y (it" Adrian 0%as"o%/>
Wit" t"at, s"e t-rned and "eaded o)) do(n t"e "a##/ Watc"in' "er, 0 )e#t an'er and resentment b-rn t"ro-'" me/
O%erreact m-c"= 0 "adn.t done anyt"in' (ron'/ 0 ne( s"e "ad "er ("o#e b#ood*("ore paranoia, b-t t"is (as
e&treme, e%en )or "er/ Worst o) a##, s"e.d dra''ed me o-t o) t"ere, and se%era# peop#e "ad (itnessed it/ For
someone ("o s-pposed#y didn.t (ant me attractin' attention, s"e.d ind o) messed t"at one -p/
A co-p#e o) $oroi ("o.d been standin' near Adrian and me (a#ed o-t o) t"e room/ T"ey '#anced in my direction
and t"en ("ispered somet"in' as t"ey passed/
>T"ans, $om,> 0 m-ttered to myse#)/
6-mi#iated, 0 sta#ed o)) in t"e opposite direction, not rea##y s-re ("ere 0 (as 'oin'/ 0 "eaded o-t to(ard t"e bac
o) t"e #od'e, a(ay )rom a## t"e acti%ity/
T"e "a## e%ent-a##y ended, b-t a door #eadin' to some stairs sat on t"e #e)t/ T"e door (as -n#oced, so 0 )o##o(ed
t"e stairs -p(ard to anot"er door/ To my p#eas-re, it opened -p onto a sma## roo)top dec t"at didn.t appear to see
m-c" -se/ A b#anet o) sno( #ay o%er it a##, b-t it (as ear#y mornin' o-t "ere, and t"e s-n s"one bri'"t#y, main'
e%eryt"in' '#itter/
0 br-s"ed sno( o)) o) a #ar'e, bo&*#ie ob:ect t"at #ooed to be part o) t"e %enti#ation system/ 6eed#ess o) my
dress, 0 sat do(n on it/ Wrappin' my arms aro-nd myse#), 0 stared o)), tain' in t"e %ie( and t"e s-n 0 rare#y 'ot to
0 (as start#ed ("en t"e door opened a )e( min-tes #ater/ W"en 0 #ooed bac 0 (as e%en more start#ed
sti## to see 2imitri emer'e/ $y "eart 'a%e a sma## )#-tter, and 0 t-rned a(ay, -ns-re ("at to t"in/ 6is boots
cr-nc"ed in t"e sno( as "e (a#ed o%er to ("ere 0 (as sittin'/ A moment #ater, "e too o)) "is #on' coat and
draped it o%er my s"o-#ders/
6e sat do(n beside me/ >+o- m-st be )ree5in'/>
0 (as, b-t 0 didn.t (ant to admit it/ >T"e s-n.s o-t/>
6e tipped "is "ead bac, #ooin' -p at t"e per)ect b#-e sy/ 0 ne( "e missed t"e s-n as m-c" as 0 did sometimes/
>0t is/ B-t ( sti## on a mo-ntain in t"e midd#e o) (inter/>
0 didn.t ans(er/ We sat t"ere in a com)ortab#e si#ence )or a ("i#e/ Occasiona##y, a #i'"t (ind b#e( c#o-ds o) sno(
aro-nd/ 0t (as ni'"t )or $oroi, and most (o-#d be 'oin' to bed soon, so t"e si r-ns (ere <-iet/
>$y #i)e is a disaster,> 0 )ina##y said/
>0t.s not a disaster,> "e said a-tomatica##y/
>2id yo- )o##o( me )rom t"e party=>
>0 didn.t e%en no( yo- (ere t"ere/> 6is dar c#ot"es indicated "e m-st "a%e been on '-ardian d-ty at t"e party/
>So yo- sa( t"e i##-strio-s 3anine ca-se a commotion by dra''in' me o-t/>
>0t (asn.t a commotion/ 6ard#y anyone noticed/ 0 sa( beca-se 0 (as (atc"in' yo-/>
0 re)-sed to #et myse#) 'et e&cited o%er t"at/ >T"at.s not ("at s"e said,> 0 to#d "im/ >0 mi'"t as (e## "a%e been
(orin' a corner as )ar as s"e (as concerned/>
0 re#ayed t"e con%ersation )rom t"e "a##(ay/
>S"e.s :-st (orried abo-t yo-,> 2imitri said ("en 0 )inis"ed/
>S"e o%erreacted/>
>Sometimes mot"ers are o%erprotecti%e/>
0 stared at "im/ >+ea", b-t t"is is my mot"er/ And s"e didn.t seem t"at protecti%e, rea##y/ 0 t"in s"e (as more
(orried 0.d embarrass "er or somet"in'/ And a## t"at becomin'*a*mot"er*too*yo-n' st-)) (as st-pid/ 0.m not 'oin'
to do anyt"in' #ie t"at/>
>$aybe s"e (asn.t ta#in' abo-t yo-,> "e said/
$ore si#ence/ $y :a( )e## open/
+o- don.t "a%e t"e #i)e e&perience )or it7yo- "a%en.t e%en #i%ed yo-r o(n #i)e yet/ +o- (on.t be ab#e to do t"e
ind o) :ob yo- (is" yo- co-#d/
$y mom "ad been t(enty ("en 0 (as born/ Gro(in' -p, t"at "ad a#(ays seemed rea##y o#d to me/ B-t
no(// /t"at(as on#y a )e( years o)) )or me/ Not o#d at a##/ 2id s"e t"in s"e.d "ad me too soon= 6ad s"e done a
s"oddy :ob raisin' me simp#y beca-se s"e didn.t no( any better at t"e time= 2id s"e re'ret t"e (ay t"in's "ad
t-rned o-t bet(een -s= And (as it/ (as it maybe possib#e t"at s"e.d "ad some persona# e&perience o) "er o(n (it"
$oroi men and peop#e spreadin' r-mors abo-t "er= 0.d "ad in"erited a #ot o) "er )eat-res/ 0 mean, 0.d e%en noticed
toni'"t ("at a nice )i'-re s"e "ad/ S"e "ad a pretty )ace, too7)or a near#y )orty*year*o#d, 0 mean/ S"e.d probab#y
been rea##y, rea##y 'ood*#ooin' ("en s"e (as yo-n'er//
0 si'"ed/ 0 didn.t (ant to t"in abo-t t"at/ 0) 0 did, 0 mi'"t "a%e to ree%a#-ate my re#ations"ip (it" "er7maybe
e%en acno(#ed'e my mot"er as a rea# person7and 0 a#ready "ad too many re#ations"ips stressin' me/ Lissa
a#(ays (orried me, e%en t"o-'" s"e seemed to be oay )or a c"an'e/ $y so*ca##ed romance (it" $ason (as in
s"amb#es/ And t"en, o) co-rse, t"ere (as 2imitri////
>We aren.t )i'"tin' ri'"t no(/> 0 b#-rted o-t/
6e 'a%e me a side#on' #oo/ >2o yo- (ant to )i'"t=>
>No/ 0 "ate )i'"tin' (it" yo-/ Verba##y, 0 mean/ 0 don.t mind in t"e 'ym/>
0 t"o-'"t 0 detected t"e "int o) a smi#e/ A#(ays a "a#)*smi#e )or me/ Rare#y a )-## one/ >0 don.t #ie )i'"tin' (it"
yo- eit"er/>
Sittin' ne&t to "im t"ere, 0 mar%e#ed at t"e (arm and "appy emotions sprin'in' -p inside o) me/ T"ere (as
somet"in' abo-t bein' aro-nd "im t"at )e#t so 'ood, t"at mo%edme in a (ay $ason co-#dn.t/ +o- can.t )orce #o%e, 0
rea#i5ed/ 0t.s t"ere or it isn.t/ 0) it.s not t"ere, yo-.%e 'ot to be ab#e to admit it/ 0) it is t"ere, yo-.%e 'ot to do ("ate%er
it taes to protect t"e ones yo- #o%e/
T"e ne&t (ords t"at came o-t o) my mo-t" astonis"ed me, bot" beca-se t"ey (ere comp#ete#y -nse#)is" and
beca-se 0 act-a##y meant t"em/
>+o- s"o-#d tae it/>
6e )#inc"ed/ >W"at=>
>Tas"a.s o))er/ +o- s"o-#d tae "er -p on it/ 0t.s a rea##y 'reat c"ance/>
0 remembered my mom.s (ords abo-t bein' ready )or c"i#dren/ 0 (asn.t/ $aybe s"e "adn.t been/ B-t Tas"a (as/
And 0 ne( 2imitri (as too/ T"ey 'ot a#on' rea##y (e##/ 6e co-#d 'o be "er '-ardian, "a%e some ids (it" "er /// it
(o-#d be a 'ood dea# )or bot" o) t"em/
>0 ne%er e&pected to "ear yo- say anyt"in' #ie t"at,> "e to#d me, %oice ti'"t/ >Especia##y a)ter7>
>W"at a bitc" 0.%e been= +ea"/> 0 t-''ed "is coat ti'"ter a'ainst t"e co#d/ 0t sme##ed #ie "im/ 0t (as into&icatin',
and 0 co-#d "a#)*ima'ine bein' (rapped in "is embrace/ Adrian mi'"t "a%e been onto somet"in' abo-t t"e po(er
o) scent/ >We##/ Lie 0 said, 0 don.t (ant to )i'"t anymore/ 0 don.t (ant -s to "ate eac" ot"er/ And// /(e## ///> 0
s<-ee5ed my eyes s"-t and t"en opened t"em/ >No matter "o( 0 )ee# abo-t us /// 0 (ant yo- to be "appy/>
Si#ence yet a'ain/ 0 noticed t"en t"at my c"est "-rt/
2imitri reac"ed o-t and p-t "is arm aro-nd me/ 6e p-##ed me to "im, and 0 rested my "ead on "is c"est/
>Ro5a,> (as a## "e said/
0t (as t"e )irst time "e.d really to-c"ed me since t"e ni'"t o) t"e #-st c"arm/ T"e practice room "ad been
somet"in' di))erent /// more anima#/ T"is (asn.t e%en abo-t se&/ 0t (as :-st abo-t bein' c#ose to someone yo- cared
abo-t, abo-t t"e emotion t"at ind o) connection )#ooded yo- (it"/
2imitri mi'"t r-n o)) (it" Tas"a, b-t 0 (o-#d sti## #o%e "im/ 0 (o-#d probab#y a#(ays #o%e "im/
0 cared abo-t $ason/ B-t 0 (o-#d probab#y ne%er #o%e "im/
0 si'"ed into 2imitri, :-st (is"in' 0 co-#d stay #ie t"at )ore%er/ 0t )e#t ri'"t bein' (it" "im/ And7no matter "o(
m-c" t"e t"o-'"t o) "im and Tas"a made me ac"e7doin' ("at (as best )or "im )e#t ri'"t/ No(, 0 ne(, it (as
time to stop bein' a co(ard and do somet"in' e#se t"at (as ri'"t/ $ason "ad said 0 needed to #earn somet"in'
abo-t myse#)/ 0 :-st "ad/
Re#-ctant#y, 0 p-##ed a(ay and "anded 2imitri "is coat/ 0 stood -p/ 6e re'arded me c-rio-s#y, sensin' my -nease/
>W"ere yo- 'oin'=> "e ased/
>To brea someone.s "eart,> 0 rep#ied/
0 admired 2imitri )or a "eartbeat more7t"e dar, no(in' eyes and si#en "air/ T"en 0 "eaded inside/ 0 "ad to
apo#o'i5e to $ason/ and te## "im t"ere.d ne%er be anyt"in' bet(een -s/
T6E60G6 6EELS WERE START0NG to "-rt me, so 0 too t"em o)) ("en 0 (ent bac inside, (a#in' bare)oot
t"ro-'" t"e #od'e/ 0 "adn.t been to $ason.s room, b-t 0 remembered "im mentionin' t"e n-mber once and )o-nd it
(it"o-t di))ic-#ty/
S"ane, $ason.s roommate, opened t"e door a )e( moments a)ter 0 noced/ >6ey, Rose/>
6e stepped aside )or me, and 0 (a#ed in, peerin' aro-nd/ Some in)omercia# (as p#ayin' on t"e TV7one
do(nside o) a noct-rna# #i)e (as a s"orta'e o) 'ood pro'rammin'7and empty soda cans co%ered near#y e%ery )#at
s-r)ace/ T"ere (as no si'n o) $ason any("ere/
>W"ere is "e=> 0 ased/
S"ane sti)#ed a ya(n/ >0 t"o-'"t "e (as (it" yo-/>
>0 "a%en.t seen "im a## day/>
6e ya(ned a'ain, t"en )ro(ned in t"o-'"t/ >6e (as t"ro(in' some st-)) in a ba' ear#ier/ 0 )i'-red yo- '-ys (ere
r-nnin' o)) )or some cra5y romantic 'eta(ay/ Picnic or somet"in'/ 6ey, nice dress/>
>T"ans,> 0 m-rm-red, )ee#in' a )ro(n o) my o(n comin' on/
Pacin' a ba'= T"at didn.t mae any sense/ T"ere (asno("ere to 'o/ T"ere (as no "ay to 'o, eit"er/ T"is resort
(as as ti'"t#y '-arded as t"e Academy/ Lissa and 0 "ad on#y mana'ed to brea o-t o) t"at p#ace (it" comp-#sion,
and it "ad sti## been a pain in t"e ass/ +et, ("y on eart" (o-#d $ason pac a ba' i) "e (asn.t #ea%in'=
0 ased S"ane a )e( more <-estions and decided to )o##o( -p on t"e possibi#ity, cra5y as it seemed/ 0 )o-nd t"e
'-ardian in c"ar'e o) sec-rity and sc"ed-#in'/ 6e 'a%e me t"e names o) t"ose '-ardians ("o.d been on d-ty
aro-nd t"e resort.s borders ("en $ason "ad #ast been seen/ $ost o) t"e names 0 ne(, and most (ere o)) d-ty
no(, main' t"em easy to )ind/
Un)ort-nate#y, t"e )irst co-p#e "adn.t seen $ason aro-nd today/ W"en t"ey ased ("y 0 (anted to no(, 0 'a%e
%a'-e ans(ers and "-rried o))/ T"e t"ird person on my #ist (as a '-y named A#an, a '-ardian ("o -s-a##y (ored
t"e Academy.s #o(er camp-s/ 6e (as :-st comin' in a)ter siin', tain' "is e<-ipment o)) near t"e door/
Reco'ni5in' me, "e smi#ed as 0 approac"ed/
>S-re, 0 sa( "im,> "e said, bendin' do(n to "is boots/
Re#ie) )#ooded o%er me/ Unti# t"en, 0 "adn.t rea#i5ed "o( (orried 0.d been/
>2o yo- no( ("ere "e is=>
>Nope/ Let "im and Eddie Casti#e/// and, ("at.s "er name, t"e Rina#di 'ir#, o-t t"ro-'" t"e nort" 'ate and didn.t see
t"em a)ter t"at/>
0 stared/ A#an contin-ed -n"ooin' "is sis as t"o-'" (e (ere disc-ssin' s#ope conditions/
>+o- #et $ason and Eddie /// and #ia o-t=>
>Um / ("y=>
6e )inis"ed and #ooed bac -p at me, a ind o) "appy and bem-sed #oo on "is )ace/ >Beca-se t"ey ased me/>
An icy )ee#in' started creepin' t"ro-'" me/ 0 )o-nd o-t ("ic" '-ardian "ad (atc"ed t"e nort" 'ate (it" A#an and
immediate#y so-'"t "im o-t/ T"at '-ardian 'a%e me t"e same response/ 6e.d #et $ason, Eddie, and $ia o-t, no
<-estions ased/ And, #ie A#an, "e didn.t seem to t"in t"ere (as anyt"in' (ron' (it" t"at/ 6e appeared a#most
da5ed/ 0t (as a #oo 0.d seen be)ore /// a #oo t"at came o%er peop#e ("en Lissa -sed comp-#sion/
0n partic-#ar, 0.d seen it "appen ("en Lissa didn.t (ant peop#e to remember somet"in' %ery (e##/ S"e co-#d b-ry
t"e memory in t"em, eit"er erasin' it a## to'et"er or p#antin' it )or #ater/ S"e (as so 'ood at comp-#sion, t"o-'",
t"at s"e co-#d :-st mae peop#e )or'et comp#ete#y/ For t"em to sti## "a%e some
memories meant someone ("o (asn.t as 'ood at comp-#sion "ad (ored on t"em/
Someone, say, #ie $ia/
0 (asn.t t"e )aintin' type, b-t )or :-st a moment, 0 )e#t #ie 0 co-#d ee# o%er/ T"e (or#d sp-n, and 0 c#osed my eyes
and too a deep breat"/ W"en 0 co-#d see a'ain, my s-rro-ndin's stayed stab#e/ Oay/ No prob#em/ 0 (o-#d reason
t"is o-t/
$ason, Eddie, and $ia "ad #e)t t"e resort ear#ier today/ Not on#y t"at, t"ey "ad done it by -sin' comp-#sion7
("ic"(as -tter#y )orbidden/ T"ey "adn.t to#d anyone/ T"ey.d #e)t t"ro-'" t"e nort" 'ate/ 0.d seen a map o) t"e
resort/ T"e nort" 'ate '-arded a dri%e(ay t"at connected to t"e on#y semi*ma:or road in t"e area, a sma## "i'"(ay
t"at #ed to a #itt#e to(n abo-t t(e#%e mi#es a(ay/ T"e to(n $ason "ad mentioned t"at "ad b-ses/
To Spoane/
Spoane7("ere t"is tra%e#in' pac o) Stri'oi and t"eir "-mans mi'"t be #i%in'/
Spoane7("ere $ason co-#d )-#)i## a## "is cra5y dreams o) s#ayin' Stri'oi/
Spoane7("ic" "e on#y ne( abo-t beca-se o) me.
>No, no, no,> 0 m-rm-red to myse#), a#most r-nnin' to(ard my room/
T"ere, 0 stripped o)) t"e dress and c"an'ed into "ea%y (inter c#ot"es1 boots, :eans, and a s(eater/ Grabbin' my
coat and '#o%es, 0 "-rried bac to(ard t"e door and t"en pa-sed/ 0 (as actin' (it"o-t t"inin'/ W"at (as 0 act-a##y
'oin' to do= 0 needed to te## someone, ob%io-s#y// /b-t t"at (o-#d 'et t"e trio in a #ot o) tro-b#e/ 0t (o-#d a#so tip
2imitri o)) t"at 0.d 'one and 'ossiped abo-t t"e Spoane Stri'oi in)ormation "e.d to#d me in con)idence as a si'n o)
respectin' my mat-rity/
0 st-died t"e time/ 0t (o-#d tae a ("i#e )or anyone aro-nd t"e resort to no( (e (ere missin'/ If 0 co-#d act-a##y
'et o-t o) t"e resort/
A )e( min-tes #ater, 0 )o-nd myse#) nocin' on C"ristian.s door/ 6e ans(ered, #ooin' s#eepy and cynica# as
>0) yo-.%e come to apo#o'i5e )or "er,> "e to#d me #o)ti#y, >yo- can :-st 'o a"ead and7>
>O", s"-t -p,> 0 snapped/ >T"is isn.t abo-t yo-/>
6asti#y, 0 re#ayed t"e detai#s o) ("at (as 'oin' on/ E%en C"ristian didn.t "a%e a (itty response )or t"at one/
>So// /$ason, Eddie, and $ia (ent to Spoane to "-nt Stri'oi=>
>6o#y s"it/ W"y didn.t yo- 'o (it" t"em= Seems #ie somet"in' yo-.d do/>
0 resisted t"e -r'e to smac "im/ >Beca-se 0.m not insane@ B-t 0.m 'oin' to 'o 'et t"em be)ore t"ey do somet"in'
e%en st-pider/>
T"at (as ("en C"ristian ca-'"t on/ >And ("at do yo- need )rom me=>
>0 need to 'et o)) t"e resort.s property/ T"ey 'ot $ia to -se comp-#sion on t"e '-ards/ 0 need yo- to do t"e same
t"in'/ 0 no( yo-.%e practiced it/>
>0 "a%e,> "e a'reed/ >B-t// /(e##///> For t"e )irst time e%er, "e #ooed embarrassed/ >0.m not %ery 'ood at it/ And
doin' it on d"ampirs is near#y impossib#e/ Liss is a "-ndred times better t"an me/ Or probab#y any $oroi/>
>0 no(/ B-t 0 don.t (ant "er to 'et in tro-b#e/>
6e snorted/ >B-t yo- don.t mind i) 0 do=>
0 s"r-''ed/ >Not rea##y/>
> a piece o) (or, yo- no( t"at=>
>+ea"/ 0 do, act-a##y/>
So, )i%e min-tes #ater, "e and 0 )o-nd o-rse#%es trein' o-t to t"e nort" 'ate/ T"e s-n (as comin' -p, so most
e%eryone (as inside/ T"is (as a 'ood t"in', and 0 "oped it.d mae o-r escape t"at m-c" easier/
St-pid, st-pid,0 ept t"inin'/ T"is (as 'oin' to b#o( -p in o-r )aces/ W"y "ad $ason done t"is= 0 ne( "e.d "ad
t"is ("o#e cra5y %i'i#ante attit-de/ and "e.d certain#y seemed -pset t"at t"e '-ardians "adn.t done anyt"in' abo-t
t"e recent attac/ B-t sti##/ Was "e rea##y t"at -n"in'ed= 6e had to no( "o( dan'ero-s t"is (as/ Was it possib#e//
/(as it possib#e I'd -pset "im so m-c" (it" t"e main'*o-t disaster t"at "e.d 'one o)) t"e deep end= Eno-'" to 'o
do t"is and 'et $ia and Eddie to :oin "im= Not t"at t"ose t(o (o-#d be "ard to con%ince/ Eddie (o-#d )o##o(
$ason any("ere, and $ia (as a#most as '-n' "o as $ason to i## e%ery Stri'oi in t"e (or#d/
+et, o-t o) a## t"e <-estions 0 "ad abo-t t"is, one t"in' (as de)inite#y c#ear/ 0.d to#d $ason abo-t t"e Stri'oi in
Spoane/ 6ands do(n, t"is (as my )a-#t, and (it"o-t me, none o) t"is (o-#d "a%e "appened/
>Lissa a#(ays maes eye contact,> 0 coac"ed C"ristian as (e approac"ed t"e e&it/ >And speas in a rea##y, #ie,
ca#m %oice/ 0 don.t no( ("at e#se/ 0 mean, s"e concentrates a #ot too, so try t"at/ Foc-s on )orcin' yo-r (i## on
>0 no(,> "e snapped/ >0.%e seen "er do it/>
>Fine,> 0 snapped bac/ >3-st tryin' to "e#p/>
S<-intin', 0 sa( t"at on#y one '-ardian stood at t"e 'ate, a tota# stroe o) #-c/ T"ey (ere in bet(een s"i)ts/ Wit"
t"es-n o-t, t"e ris o) Stri'oi "ad disappeared/ T"e '-ardians (o-#d sti## contin-e in t"eir d-ties, b-t t"ey co-#d
re#a& :-st a bit/
T"e '-y on d-ty didn.t seem partic-#ar#y a#armed by o-r appearance/ >W"at are yo- ids doin' o-t "ere=>
C"ristian s(a##o(ed/ 0 co-#d see t"e #ines o) tension on "is )ace/
> 'oin' to #et -s o-t o) t"e 'ate,> "e said/ A note o) ner%o-sness made "is %oice tremb#e, b-t ot"er(ise, "e
did a )air appro&imation o) Lissa.s soot"in' tones/ Un)ort-nate#y, it "ad no e))ect on t"e '-ardian/ As C"ristian "ad
pointed o-t, -sin' comp-#sion on a '-ardian (as near#y impossib#e/ $ia "ad 'otten #-cy/ T"e '-ardian 'rinned at
>W"at=> "e ased, c#ear#y am-sed/
C"ristian tried a'ain/ > 'oin' to #et -s o-t/>
T"e '-y.s smi#e )a#tered :-st a #itt#e, and 0 sa( "im b#in in s-rprise/ 6is eyes didn.t '#a5e o%er in t"e same (ay
Lissa.s %ictims did, b-t C"ristian "ad done eno-'" to brie)#y ent"ra## "im/ Un)ort-nate#y, 0 co-#d te## ri'"t t"en and
t"ere t"at it (o-#dn.t be eno-'" to mae "im #et -s o-t and )or'et/ Fort-nate#y, 0.d been trained to compe# peop#e
(it"o-t t"e -se o) ma'ic/
Sittin' near "is post (as an enormo-s $a'#ite, t(o )eet #on' and easi#y se%en po-nds/ 0 'rabbed t"e $a'#ite and
c#oced "im on t"e bac o) t"e "ead/ 6e 'r-nted and cr-mp#ed to t"e 'ro-nd/ 6e.d bare#y seen me comin', and
despite t"e "orrib#eness o) ("at 0.d :-st done, 0 ind o) (is"ed one o)my instr-ctors "ad been t"ere to 'rade me on
s-c" an a(esome per)ormance/
>3es-s C"rist,> e&c#aimed C"ristian/ >+o- :-st assa-#ted a '-ardian/>
>+ea"/> So m-c" )or 'ettin' t"e '-ys bac (it"o-t 'ettin' anyone in tro-b#e/ >0 didn.t no( :-st "o( m-c" yo-
s-ced at comp-#sion/ 0.## dea# (it" t"e )a##o-t #ater/ T"ans )or yo-r "e#p/ +o- s"o-#d "ead bac be)ore t"e ne&t
s"i)t comes on/>
6e s"oo "is "ead and 'rimaced/ >No, 0.m 'oin' (it" yo- on t"is/>
>No,> 0 ar'-ed/ >0 on#y needed yo- to 'et t"ro-'" t"e 'ate/ +o- don.t "a%e to 'et in tro-b#e o%er t"is/>
>0.m a#ready in tro-b#e@> 6e pointed at t"e '-ardian/ >6e sa( my )ace/ 0.m scre(ed eit"er (ay, so 0 mi'"t as (e##
"e#p yo- sa%e t"e day/ Stop bein' a bitc" )or a c"an'e/>
We "-rried o)), and 0 cast one #ast, '-i#ty '#ance at t"e '-ardian/ 0 (as pretty s-re 0 "adn.t "it "im "ard eno-'" to
ca-se rea# dama'e, and (it" t"e s-n comin' o-t, "e (o-#dn.t )ree5e or anyt"in'/
A)ter abo-t )i%e min-tes o) (a#in' do(n t"e "i'"(ay, 0 ne( (e "ad a prob#em/ 2espite bein' co%ered and
(earin' s-n'#asses, t"e s-n (as tain' its to## on C"ristian/ 0t (as s#o(in' -s do(n, and it (o-#dn.t tae t"at #on'
)or someone to )ind t"e '-ardian 0.d taen o-t and come a)ter -s/
A car7not one o) t"e Academy.s7appeared be"ind -s, and 0 made a decision/ 0 didn.t appro%e o) "itc""iin' in
t"e #east/ E%en someone #ie me ne( "o( dan'ero-s it (as/ B-t (eneeded to 'et to to"n fast, and 0 prayed
C"ristian and 0 co-#d tae do(n any creepy sta#er '-y ("o tried to mess (it" -s/
Fort-nate#y, ("en t"e car p-##ed o%er, it (as :-st a midd#e*a'ed co-p#e ("o #ooed more concerned t"an anyt"in'
e#se/ >+o- ids oay=>
0 :ered my t"-mb be"ind me/ >O-r car s#id o)) t"e road/ Can yo- tae -s to to(n so 0 can ca## my dad=>
0t (ored/ Fi)teen min-tes #ater, t"ey dropped -s o)) at a 'as station/ 0 act-a##y "ad tro-b#e 'ettin' rid o) t"em
beca-se t"ey (anted to "e#p -s so m-c"/ Fina##y, (e con%inced t"em (e.d be )ine, and (e (a#ed
t"e )e( b#ocs o%er to t"e b-s station/ As 0.d s-spected, t"is to(n (asn.t m-c" o) a "-b )or rea# tra%e#/ T"ree #ines
ser%iced t"e to(n1 t(o t"at (ent to ot"er si resorts and one t"at (ent to Lo(ston, 0da"o/ From Lo(ston, yo-
co-#d 'o on to ot"er p#aces/
0.d "a#)*"oped t"at (e mi'"t beat $ason and t"e ot"ers be)ore t"eir b-s came/ T"en (e co-#d "a%e "a-#ed t"em
bac (it"o-t any tro-b#e/ Un)ort-nate#y, t"ere (as no si'n o) t"em/ T"e c"eery (oman at t"e co-nter ne( e&act#y
("o (e (ere ta#in' abo-t, too/ S"e con)irmed t"at a## t"ree o) t"em "ad bo-'"t ticets to Spoane by (ay o)
>2amn it,> 0 said/ T"e (oman raised "er eyebro(s at my #an'-a'e/ 0 t-rned to C"ristian/ >+o- 'ot money )or t"e
C"ristian and 0 didn.t ta# m-c" a#on' t"e (ay, e&cept )or me to te## "im "e.d been an idiot abo-t Lissa and Adrian/
By t"e time (e reac"ed Lo(ston, 0 )ina##y "ad "im con%inced,("ic" (as a minor mirac#e/ 6e s#ept t"e rest o) t"e
(ay to Spoane, b-t 0 co-#dn.t/ 0 :-st ept t"inin' o%er and o%er t"at t"is (as my )a-#t/
0t (as #ate a)ternoon by t"e time (e reac"ed Spoane/ 0t too a )e( peop#e, b-t (e )ina##y )o-nd someone ("o
ne( t"e s"oppin' center 2imitri "ad mentioned/ 0t (as a #on' (ays )rom t"e b-s station, b-t it (as (a#ab#e/ $y
#e's (ere sti)) a)ter a#most )i%e "o-rs o) ridin' a b-s, and 0 (anted t"e mo%ement/ T"e s-n (as a ("i#e )rom
settin', b-t it (as #o(er and #ess detrimenta# to %ampires, so C"ristian didn.t mind t"e (a# eit"er/
And, as o)ten "appened ("en 0 (as in ca#m settin's, 0 )e#t a t-' into Lissa.s "ead/ 0 #et myse#) )a## into "er beca-se
0 (anted to no( ("at (as "appenin' bac at t"e resort/
>0 no( yo- (ant to protect t"em, b-t (e need to no( ("ere t"ey are/>
Lissa sat on t"e bed in o-r room ("i#e 2imitri and my mom stared "er do(n/ 0t (as 2imitri ("o "ad spoen/
Seein' "im t"ro-'" "er eyes (as interestin'/ S"e "ad a )ond respect )or "im, %ery di))erent )rom t"e intense ro##er
coaster o) emotions 0 a#(ays e&perienced/
>0 to#d yo-,> said Lissa, "I don.t no(/ 0 don.t no( ("at "appened/>
Fr-stration and )ear )or -s b-rned t"ro-'" "er/ 0t saddened me to see "er so an&io-s, b-t at t"e same time, 0 (as
'#ad 0 "adn.t 'otten "er in%o#%ed/ S"e co-#dn.t report ("at s"e didn.t no(/
>0 can.t be#ie%e t"ey (o-#dn.t "a%e to#d yo- ("ere t"ey (ere 'oin',> said my mot"er/ 6er (ords so-nded )#at, b-t
t"ere (ere #ines o) (orry on "er )ace/ >Especia##y (it" yo-r// /bond/>
>0t on#y (ors one (ay,> said Lissa sad#y/ >+o- no( t"at/>
2imitri ne#t do(n so "e co-#d be at Lissa.s "ei'"t and #oo "er in t"e eye/ 6e pretty m-c" "ad to do t"at to #oo
anyone in t"e eye/ >Are yo- s-re t"ere.s not"in'= Not"in' at a## yo- can te## -s= T" no("ere in to(n/ T"e man
at t"e b-s station didn.t see t"em /// t"o-'" ( pretty s-re t"at.s ("ere t"ey m-st "a%e 'one/ We need somet"in',
anything to 'o on/>
$anat t"e b-s station= T"at (as anot"er stroe o) #-c/ T"e (oman ("o.d so#d -s t"e ticets m-st "a%e 'one
"ome/ 6er rep#acement (o-#dn.t no( -s/
Lissa 'ritted "er teet" and '#ared/ >2on.t yo- t"in i) 0 ne(, 0.d te## yo-= +o- don.t t"in 0.m (orried abo-t t"em
too= 0 "a%e no idea ("ere t"ey are/ None/ And ("y.d t"ey e%en #ea%e/// it doesn.t mae any sense eit"er/ Especia##y
("y t"ey.d 'o (it" $ia, o) a## peop#e/> A t(in'e o) "-rt )#icered t"ro-'" t"e bond, "-rt at bein' #e)t o-t o)
("ate%er (e (ere doin', no matter "o( (ron'/
2imitri si'"ed and #eaned bac on "is "ee#s/ From t"e #oo on "is )ace, "e ob%io-s#y be#ie%ed "er/ 0t (as a#so
ob%io-s t"at "e (as (orried7(orried in more t"an a pro)essiona# (ay/ And seein' t"at concern7t"at concern )or
me7 ate -p my "eart/
>Rose=> C"ristian.s %oice bro-'"t me bac to myse#)/ > "ere, 0 t"in/>
T"e p#a5a consisted o) a (ide, open area in )ront o) a s"oppin' center/ A ca)e(as car%ed into a corner o) t"e main
b-i#din', its tab#es spi##in' o-t into t"e open area/ A cro(d mo%ed in and o-t o) t"e comp#e&, b-sy e%en at t"is time
o) t"e day/
>So, "o( do (e )ind t"em=> ased C"ristian/
0 s"r-''ed/ >$aybe i) (e act #ie Stri'oi, t"ey.## try to stae -s/>
A sma##, re#-ctant smi#e p#ayed o%er "is )ace/ 6e didn.t (ant to admit it, b-t "e.d t"o-'"t my :oe (as )-nny/
6e and 0 (ent inside/ Lie any ma##, it (as )i##ed (it" )ami#iar c"ains, and a se#)is" part o) me t"o-'"t t"at maybe
i) (e )o-nd t"e 'ro-p soon eno-'", (e co-#d sti## 'et in s"oppin' time/
C"ristian and 0 (a#ed t"e #en't" o) it t(ice and sa( no si'ns o) o-r )riends or anyt"in' resemb#in' t-nne#s/
>$aybe ( in t"e (ron' p#ace,> 0 )ina##y said/
>Or maybe they a5e, s-''ested C"ristian/ >T"ey co-#d "a%e 'one to some ot"er7(ait/>
6e pointed, and 0 )o##o(ed t"e 'est-re/ T"e t"ree rene'ades sat at a tab#e in t"e midd#e o) t"e )ood co-rt, #ooin'
de:ected/ T"ey #ooed so miserab#e, 0 a#most )e#t sorry )or t"em/
>0.d i## )or a camera ri'"t no(,> said C"ristian, smirin'/
>T"is isn.t )-nny,> 0 to#d "im, stridin' to(ard t"e 'ro-p/ 0nside, 0 breat"ed a si'" o) re#ie)/ T"e 'ro-p c#ear#y
"adn.t)o-nd any Stri'oi, (ere a## sti## a#i%e, and co-#d maybe be taen bac be)ore (e 'ot in e%en more tro-b#e/
T"ey didn.t notice me -nti# 0 (as a#most ri'"t ne&t to t"em/ Eddie.s "ead :ered -p/ >Rose= W"at are yo- doin'
>Are yo- o-t o) yo-r mind=> 0 ye##ed/ A )e( peop#e nearby 'a%e -s s-rprised #oos/ >2o yo- no( "o( m-c"
tro-b#e in= 6o( m-c" tro-b#e yo-.%e 'otten us in=>
>6o( t"e "e## did yo- )ind -s=> ased $ason in a #o( %oice, '#ancin' an&io-s#y aro-nd/
>+o- '-ys aren.t e&act#y crimina# masterminds,> 0 to#d t"em/ >+o-r in)ormant at t"e b-s station 'a%e yo- a(ay/
T"at, and 0 )i'-red o-t t"at yo-.d (ant to 'o o)) on yo-r point#ess Stri'oi*"-ntin' <-est/>
T"e #oo $ason 'a%e me re%ea#ed "e sti## (asn.t entire#y "appy (it" me/ 0t (as $ia ("o rep#ied, "o(e%er/
>0t isn.t point#ess/>
>O"=> 0 demanded/ >2id yo- i## any Stri'oi= 2id yo- e%en )ind any=>
>No,> admitted Eddie/
>Good,> 0 said/ >+o- 'ot #-cy/>
>W"y are yo- so a'ainst i##in' Stri'oi=> ased $ia "ot#y/ >0sn.t t"at ("at yo- train )or=>
>0 train )or sane missions, not c"i#dis" st-nts #ie t"is/>
>0t isn.t c"i#dis",> s"e cried/ >T"ey i##ed my mot"er/ And t"e '-ardians (eren.t doin' anyt"in'/ E%en t"eir
in)ormation is bad/ T"ere (eren.t any Stri'oi in t"e t-nne#s/ Probab#y none in t"e ("o#e city/>
C"ristian #ooed impressed/ >+o- )o-nd t"e t-nne#s=>
>+ea",> said Eddie/ >B-t #ie s"e said, t"ey (ere -se#ess/>
>We s"o-#d see t"em be)ore (e 'o,> C"ristian to#d me/ >0t.d be ind o) coo#, and i) t"e data (as bad, t"ere.s no
>No,> 0 snapped/ > 'oin' "ome/ No(/>
$ason #ooed tired/ > 'oin' to searc" t"e city a'ain/ E%en yo- can.t mae -s 'o bac, Rose/>
>No, b-t t"e sc"oo#.s '-ardians can ("en 0 ca## and te## t"em "ere/>
Ca## it b#acmai#in' or bein' a tatt#eta#e; t"e e))ect (as t"e same/ T"e t"ree o) t"em #ooed at me #ie 0 "ad :-st
sim-#taneo-s#y '-t*p-nc"ed t"em a##/
>+o-.d rea##y do t"at=> ased $ason/ >+o-.d se## -s o-t #ie t"at=>
0 r-bbed my eyes, (onderin' desperate#y ("y 0 (as tryin' to be t"e %oice o) reason "ere/ W"ere (as t"e 'ir#
("o.d r-n a(ay )rom sc"oo#= $ason "ad been ri'"t/ 0 "ad c"an'ed/
>T"is isn.t abo-t se##in' anyone o-t/ T"is is abo-t eepin' yo- '-ys a#i%e/>
>+o- t"in ( t"at de)ense#ess=> ased $ia/ >+o- t"in (e.d 'et i##ed ri'"t a(ay=>
>+es,> 0 said/ >Un#ess yo-.%e )o-nd some (ay to -se (ater as a (eapon=>
S"e )#-s"ed and didn.t say anyt"in'/
>We bro-'"t si#%er staes,> said Eddie/
Fantastic/ T"ey m-st "a%e sto#en t"em/ 0 #ooed at $ason p#eadin'#y/
>$ason/ P#ease/ Ca## t"is o))/ Let.s 'o bac/>
6e #ooed at me )or a #on' time/ Fina##y, "e si'"ed/ >Oay/>
Eddie and $ia #ooed a'"ast, b-t $ason "ad ass-med a #eaders"ip ro#e (it" t"em, and t"ey didn.t "a%e t"e
initiati%e to 'o on (it"o-t "im/ $ia seemed to tae it t"e "ardest, and 0 )e#t bad )or "er/ S"e.d bare#y "ad any rea#
time to 'rie%e )or "er mot"er; s"e.d :-st :-mped ri'"t on board (it" t"is re%en'e t"in' as a (ay to cope (it" t"e
pain/ S"e.d "a%e a #ot to dea# (it" ("en (e 'ot bac/
C"ristian (as sti## e&cited abo-t t"e idea o) t"e -nder'ro-nd t-nne#s/ Considerin' "e spent a## "is time in an attic, 0
s"o-#dn.t "a%e been a## t"at s-rprised/
>0 sa( t"e sc"ed-#e,> "e to#d me/ >We.%e 'ot a ("i#e be)ore t"e ne&t b-s/>
>We can.t 'o (a#in' into some Stri'oi #air,> 0 ar'-ed, (a#in' to(ard t"e ma##.s entrance/
>T"ere are no Stri'oi t"ere,> said $ason/ >0t.s serio-s#y a## :anitoria# st-))/ T"ere (as no si'n o) anyt"in' (eird/ 0
rea##y do t"in t"e '-ardians "ad bad in)ormation/>
>Rose,> said C"ristian, >#et.s 'et somet"in' )-n o-t o) t"is/>
T"ey a## #ooed at me/ 0 )e#t #ie a mom ("o (o-#dn.t b-y "er ids candy at t"e 'rocery store/
>Oay, )ine/ 3-st a pee, t"o-'"/>
T"e ot"ers #ed C"ristian and me to t"e opposite end o) t"e ma##, t"ro-'" a door maredsta)) on#y/ We dod'ed a
co-p#e o) :anitors, t"en s#ipped t"ro-'" anot"er door t"at #ed -s to a set o) stairs 'oin' do(n/ 0 "ad a brie) moment
o) de:a %-,reca##in' t"e steps do(n to Adrian.s spa party/ On#y t"ese stairs (ere dirtier and sme##ed pretty nasty/
We reac"ed t"e bottom/ 0t (asn.t so m-c" a t-nne# as a narro( corridor, #ined in 'rime*caed cement/ U'#y
)#-orescent #i'"ts (ere embedded sporadica##y a#on' t"e (a##s/ T"e passa'e (ent o)) to o-r #e)t and ri'"t/ Bo&es o)
ordinary c#eanin' and e#ectrica# s-pp#ies sat aro-nd/
>See=> said $ason/ >Borin'/>
0 pointed in eac" direction/ >W"at.s do(n t"ere=>
>Not"in',> si'"ed $ia/ >We.## s"o( yo-/>
We (a#ed do(n to t"e ri'"t and )o-nd more o) t"e same/ 0 (as startin' to a'ree (it" t"e borin' assessment ("en
(e passed some b#ac (ritin' on one o) t"e (a##s/ 0 stopped and #ooed at it/ 0t (as a #ist o) #etters/
D T 2 V L 2 G S
Some "ad #ines and & mars ne&t to t"em, b-t )or t"e most part t"e messa'e (as inco"erent/ $ia noticed my
>0t.s probab#y a :anitor t"in',> s"e said/ >Or maybe some 'an' did it/>
>Probab#y,> 0 said, sti## st-dyin' it/ T"e ot"ers s"i)ted rest#ess#y, not -nderstandin' my )ascination (it" t"e :-mb#e
o) #etters/ 0 didn.t -nderstand my )ascination eit"er, b-t somet"in' in my "ead t-''ed at me to stay/
T"en 0 'ot it/
B)or 2adica, G )or 6e'los, I )or Ivash'ov ...
0 stared/ T"e )irst #etter o) e%ery roya# )ami#y.s name (as t"ere/ T"ere (ere t"ree 2 names, b-t based on t"e order,
yo- co-#d act-a##y read t"e #ist as a si5e ranin'/ 0t started (it" t"e sma##er )ami#ies72ra'omir, Badica, Conta7
and (ent a## t"e (ay -p to t"e 'iant 0%as"o% c#an/ 0 didn.t -nderstand t"e das"es and #ines beside t"e #etters, b-t 0
<-ic#y noticed ("ic" names "ad an & beside t"em1 Badica and 2ro5do%/
0 stepped bac )rom t"e (a##/ >We "a%e to 'et o-t o) "ere,> 0 said/ $y o(n %oice scared me a #itt#e/ >Ri'"t no(/>
T"e ot"ers #ooed at me in s-rprise/ >W"y=> ased Eddie/ >W"at.s 'oin' on=>
>0.## te## yo- #ater/ We :-st need to 'o/>
$ason pointed in t"e direction (e.d been "eadin'/ >T"is #ets o-t a )e( b#ocs a(ay/ 0t.s c#oser to t"e station/>
0 peered do(n into t"e dar -nno(n/ >No,> 0 said/ > 'oin' bac t"e (ay (e came/>
T"ey a## #ooed at me #ie 0 (as insane as (e retracedo-r steps, b-t nobody <-estioned me yet/ W"en (e emer'ed
)rom t"e ma##.s )ront, 0 breat"ed a si'" o) re#ie) to see t"at t"e s-n (as sti## o-t, t"o-'" it (as steadi#y sinin' into
t"e "ori5on and castin' oran'e and red #i'"t onto t"e b-i#din's/ T"e remainin' #i'"t (o-#d sti## be eno-'" )or -s to
'et bac to t"e b-s station be)ore (e (ere rea##y in any dan'er o) seein' Stri'oi/
And 0 ne( no( t"at t"ere rea##y (ere Stri'oi in Spoane/ 2imitri.s in)ormation "ad been correct/ 0 didn.t no(
("at t"e #ist meant, b-t it c#ear#y "ad somet"in' to do (it" t"e attacs/ 0 needed to report it to t"e ot"er '-ardians
immediate#y, and 0 certain#y co-#dn.t te## t"e ot"ers ("at 0.d rea#i5ed -nti# (e (ere sa)e#y at t"e #od'e/ $ason (as
#ie#y to 'o bac into t"e t-nne#s i) "e ne( ("at 0 did/
$ost o) o-r (a# bac to t"e station proceeded in si#ence/ 0 t"in my mood "ad co(ed t"e ot"ers/ E%en C"ristian
seemed to "a%e r-n o-t o) snide comments/ 0nside, my emotions s(ir#ed, osci##atin' bet(een an'er and '-i#t as 0
ept ree&aminin' my ro#e in e%eryt"in'/
A"ead o) me, Eddie stopped (a#in', and 0 near#y ran into "im/ 6e #ooed aro-nd/ >W"ere are (e=>
Snappin' o-t o) my o(n t"o-'"ts, 0 s-r%eyed t"e area too/ 0 didn.t remember t"ese b-i#din's/ >2amn it,> 0
e&c#aimed/ >Are (e #ost= 2idn.t anyone eep trac o) ("ic" (ay (e (ent=>
0t (as an -n)air <-estion since 0 c#ear#y "adn.t paid attention eit"er, b-t my temper "ad p-s"ed me past reason/
$asonst-died me )or a )e( moments, t"en pointed/ >T"is (ay/>
We t-rned and (a#ed do(n a narro( street bet(een t(o b-i#din's/ 0 didn.t t"in (e (ere 'oin' t"e ri'"t (ay, b-t
0 didn.t rea##y "a%e a better idea/ 0 a#so didn.t (ant to stand aro-nd debatin'/
We "adn.t 'one %ery )ar ("en 0 "eard t"e so-nd o) an en'ine and s<-ea#in' tires/ $ia (as (a#in' in t"e midd#e o)
t"e road, and protecti%e conditionin' iced in be)ore 0 e%en sa( ("at (as comin'/ Grabbin' "er, 0 :ered "er o-t
o) t"e street and -p a'ainst one o) t"e b-i#din' (a##s/ T"e boys "ad done t"e same/
A #ar'e, 'ray %an (it" tinted (indo(s "ad ro-nded t"e corner and (as "eaded in o-r direction/ We pressed )#at
a'ainst t"e (a##, (aitin' )or it to 'o past/
On#y it didn.t/
Screec"in' to a "a#t, it stopped ri'"t in )ront o) -s, and t"e doors s#id open/ T"ree bi' '-ys spi##ed o-t, and a'ain,
my instincts iced in/ 0 "ad no c#-e ("o t"ey (ere or ("at t"ey (anted, b-t t"ey c#ear#y (eren.t )riend#y/ T"at
(as a## 0 needed to no(/
One o) t"em mo%ed to(ard C"ristian, and 0 str-c o-t and p-nc"ed "im/ T"e '-y bare#y sta''ered b-t (as c#ear#y
s-rprised to "a%e )e#t it at a##, 0 t"in/ 6e probab#y "adn.t e&pected someone as sma## as me to be m-c" o) a t"reat/
0'norin' C"ristian, "e mo%ed to(ard me/ 0n my perip"era# %ision, 0 sa( $ason and Eddie s<-arin' o)) (it" t"e
ot"er t(o/ $ason"ad act-a##y p-##ed o-t "is sto#en si#%er stae/ $ia and C"ristian stood t"ere, )ro5en/
O-r attacers (ere re#yin' a #ot on b-#/ T"ey didn.t "a%e t"e sort o) bac'ro-nd (e "ad in o))ensi%e and
de)ensi%e tec"ni<-es/ P#-s, t"ey (ere "-man, and (e "ad d"ampir stren't"/ Un)ort-nate#y, (e a#so "ad t"e
disad%anta'e o) bein' cornered a'ainst t"e (a##/ We "ad no("ere to retreat to/ $ost important#y, (e "ad
somet"in' to #ose/
Lie $ia/
T"e '-y ("o.d been sparrin' (it" $ason seemed to rea#i5e t"is/ 6e baced o)) )rom $ason and instead 'rabbed
"er/ 0 bare#y sa( t"e )#as" o) "is '-n be)ore its barre# (as pressed a'ainst "er nec/ Bacin' o)) )rom my o(n
ad%ersary, 0 ye##ed at Eddie to stop/ We.d a## been trained to respond instant#y to t"ose inds o) orders, and "e
"a#ted "is attac, '#ancin' at me <-estionin'#y W"en "e sa( $ia, "is )ace (ent pa#e/
0 (anted not"in' more t"an to eep p-mme#in' t"ese men7("oe%er t"ey (ere7b-t 0 co-#dn.t ris t"is '-y
"-rtin' $ia/ 6e ne( it, too/ 6e didn.t e%en "a%e to mae t"e t"reat/ 6e (as "-man, b-t "e ne( eno-'" abo-t -s
to no( t"at (e.d 'o o-t o) o-r (ay to protect t"e $oroi/ No%ices "ad a sayin' 'ri##ed into -s )rom an ear#y a'e1
Only they matter.
E%eryone stopped and #ooed bet(een "im and me/ Apparent#y (e (ere t"e acno(#ed'ed #eaders "ere/ >W"at do
yo- (ant=> 0 ased "ars"#y/
T"e '-y pressed "is '-n c#oser to $ia.s nec, and s"e("impered/ For a## "er ta# abo-t )i'"tin', s"e (as sma##er
t"an me and not near#y as stron'/ And s"e (as too terri)ied to mo%e/
T"e man inc#ined "is "ead to(ard t"e %an.s open door/ >0 (ant yo- to 'et inside/ And don.t start anyt"in'/ +o- do,
and s"e.s 'one/>
0 #ooed at $ia, t"e %an, my ot"er )riends, and t"en bac to t"e '-y/ S"it/
0 6ATE BE0NG POWERLESS/ AN2 0 "ate 'oin' do(n (it"o-t a )i'"t/ W"at "ad taen p#ace o-tside in t"e a##ey
"adn.t been a rea# )i'"t/ 0) it "ad7i) 0.d been beaten into s-bmission /// (e##, yea"/ $aybe 0 co-#d accept t"at/
$aybe/ B-t 0 "adn.t been beaten/ 0.d bare#y 'otten my "ands dirty/ 0nstead, 0.d 'one <-iet#y/
Once t"ey "ad -s sittin' on t"e )#oor o) t"e %an, t"ey.d bo-nd eac" o) o-r "ands be"ind o-r bac (it" )#e&*c-))s7
strips o) p#astic t"at cinc"ed to'et"er and "e#d :-st as (e## as anyt"in' made o) meta#/
A)ter t"at, (e rode in near si#ence/ T"e men occasiona##y m-rm-red somet"in' to eac" ot"er, speain'
too so)t#y )or any o) -s to "ear/ C"ristian or $ia mi'"t "a%e been ab#e to -nderstand t"e (ords, b-t t"ey (ere in no
position to comm-nicate anyt"in' to t"e rest o) -s/ $ia #ooed as terri)ied as s"e "ad o-t on t"e street, and ("i#e
C"ristian.s )ear "ad rapid#y 'i%en (ay to "is typica# "a-'"ty an'er, e%en "e didn.t dare act o-t (it" '-ards nearby/
0 (as '#ad )or C"ristian.s se#)*contro#/ 0 didn.t do-bt any o) t"ese men (o-#d smac "im i) "e 'ot o-t o) #ine, and
neit"er 0 nor t"e ot"er no%ices (ere in a position to stop t"em/ T"at (as ("at rea##y dro%e me cra5y/ T"e instinct to
protect $oroi(as so deep#y in'rained in me t"at 0 co-#dn.t e%en pa-se to (orry abo-t myse#)/ C"ristian and $ia
(ere t"e )oc-s/ T"ey (ere t"e ones 0 "ad to 'et o-t o) t"is mess/
And "o( "ad t"is mess started= W"o (ere t"ese '-ys= T"at (as a mystery/ T"ey (ere "-man, b-t 0 didn.t be#ie%e
)or an instant t"at a 'ro-p o) d"ampirs and $oroi "ad been random idnappin' %ictims/ We.d been tar'eted )or a
O-r captors made no attempts to b#ind)o#d -s or concea# o-r ro-te, ("ic" 0 didn.t tae as a 'ood si'n/ 2id t"ey
t"in (e didn.t no( t"e city (e## eno-'" to retrace o-r steps= Or did t"ey )i'-re it didn.t matter since (e (o-#dn.t
be #ea%in' ("ere%er t"ey (ere tain' -s= A## 0 sensed (as t"at (e (ere dri%in' a(ay )rom do(nto(n, o)) to(ard a
more s-b-rban area/ Spoane (as as d-## as 0.d ima'ined/ Un#ie ("ere pristine ("ite sno( #ay in dri)ts, s#-s"y
'ray p-dd#es #ined t"e streets and dirty patc"es dotted t"e #a(ns/ T"ere (ere a#so a #ot )e(er e%er'reen trees t"an 0
(as -sed to/ T"e scra''#y, #ea)#ess decid-o-s trees "ere seemed se#eta# by comparison/ T"ey on#y added to t"e
mood o) impendin' doom/
A)ter ("at )e#t #ie #ess t"an an "o-r, t"e %an t-rned do(n a <-iet c-#*de*sac, and (e dro%e -p to a %ery ordinary7
yet #ar'e7"o-se/ Ot"er "o-ses7identica# in t"e (ay s-b-rban "omes o)ten are7stood nearby, ("ic" 'a%e me
"ope/ $aybe (e co-#d 'et some "e#p )rom t"e nei'"bors/
We p-##ed inside t"e 'ara'e, and once t"e door (as bac do(n, t"e men -s"ered -s into t"e "o-se/ 0t #ooed a #ot
more interestin' on t"e inside/ Anti<-e, c#a(*)ooted so)as andc"airs/ A #ar'e, sa#t(ater )is" tan/ S(ords crossed
o%er t"e )irep#ace/ One o) t"ose st-pid modern art paintin's t"at consisted o) a )e( #ines sp#ayed across t"e can%as/
T"e part o) me t"at en:oyed destroyin' t"in's (o-#d "a%e #ied to st-dy t"e s(ords in detai#, b-t t"e main )#oor
(asn.t o-r destination/ 0nstead, (e (ere #ed do(n a narro( )#i'"t o) stairs, do(n to a basement as #ar'e as t"e )#oor
abo%e/ On#y, -n#ie t"e main )#oor.s open space, t"e basement (as sectioned o)) into a series o) "a##s and c#osed
doors/ 0t (as #ie a rat.s ma5e/ O-r captors #ed -s t"ro-'" it (it"o-t "esitation, into a sma## room (it" a concrete
)#oor and -npainted dry(a##/
T"e )-rnit-re inside consisted o) se%era# %ery -ncom)ortab#e*#ooin' (ooden c"airs (it" s#atted bacs7bacs t"at
pro%ed to be a con%enient p#ace )or rebindin' o-r "ands/ T"e men seated -s in s-c" a (ay t"at $ia and C"ristian
sat on one side o) t"e room, and t"e rest o) -s d"ampirs sat on t"e ot"er/ One '-y7t"e #eader, apparent#y7
(atc"ed care)-##y as one o) "is "enc"men bo-nd Eddie.s "ands (it" ne( )#e&*c-))s/
>T"ese are t"e ones yo- especia##y "a%e to (atc",> "e (arned, noddin' to(ard -s/ >T"ey.## )i'"t bac/> 6is eyes
tra%e#ed )irst to Eddie.s )ace, t"en $ason.s, and t"en mine/ T"e '-y and 0 "e#d eac" ot"er.s 'a5e )or se%era#
moments, and 0 sco(#ed/ 6e #ooed bac o%er at "is associate/ >Watc" her in partic-#ar/>
W"en (e.d been restrained to "is satis)action, "e bared o-t a )e( more orders to t"e ot"ers and t"en #e)t t"e
room,s"-ttin' t"e door #o-d#y be"ind "im/ 6is steps ec"oed t"ro-'" t"e "o-se as "e (a#ed -pstairs/ $oments
#ater, si#ence )e##/
We sat t"ere, starin' at eac" ot"er/ A)ter se%era# min-tes, $ia ("impered and started to spea/ >W"at are yo-
'oin' to7>
>S"-t -p,> 'ro(#ed one o) t"e men/ 6e too a (arnin' step to(ard "er/ B#anc"in', s"e crin'ed b-t sti## #ooed as
t"o-'" s"e mi'"t say somet"in' e#se/ 0 ca-'"t "er eye and s"oo my "ead/ S"e stayed si#ent, eyes (ide and a s#i'"t
tremb#e to "er #ip/
T"ere.s not"in' (orse t"an (aitin' and not no(in' ("at.## "appen to yo-/ +o-r o(n ima'ination can be cr-e#er
t"an any captor/ Since o-r '-ards (o-#dn.t ta# to -s or te## -s ("at (as in store, 0 ima'ined a## sorts o) "orrib#e
scenarios/ T"e '-ns (ere t"e ob%io-s t"reat, and 0 )o-nd myse#) ponderin' ("at a b-##et (o-#d )ee# #ie/ Pain)-#,
pres-mab#y/ And ("ere (o-#d t"ey s"oot= T"ro-'" t"e "eart or t"e "ead= ?-ic deat"/ B-t some("ere e#se= Lie
t"e stomac"= T"at (o-#d be s#o( and pain)-#/ 0 s"-ddered at t"e t"o-'"t o) my #i)e b#eedin' o-t o) me/ T"inin' o)
a## t"at b#ood p-t me in mind o) t"e Badica "o-se and maybe "a%in' o-r t"roats s#it/ T"ese men co-#d "a%e ni%es
as (e## as '-ns/
O) co-rse, 0 "ad to (onder ("y (e (ere sti## a#i%e at a##/ C#ear#y t"ey (anted somet"in' )rom -s, b-t ("at= T"ey
(eren.t asin' )or in)ormation/ And t"ey (ere human. W"at (o-#d "-mans (ant (it" -s= Us-a##y t"e most (e
)eared)rom "-mans (as eit"er r-nnin' into cra5y s#ayer types or t"ose ("o (anted to e&periment on -s/ T"ese
seemed #ie neit"er/
So ("at did t"ey (ant= W"y (ere (e "ere= O%er and o%er, 0 ima'ined more a()-#, 'r-esome )ates/
T"e #oos on my )riends. )aces s"o(ed 0 (asn.t t"e on#y one ("o co-#d en%ision creati%e torments/ T"e sme## o)
s(eat and )ear )i##ed t"e room/
0 #ost trac o) time and (as s-dden#y :o#ted o-t o) my ima'inin's ("en )ootsteps so-nded on t"e stairs/ T"e #ead
captor stepped into t"e "a##/ T"e rest o) t"e men strai'"tened -p, tension crac#in' aro-nd t"em/ O" God/ T"is (as
it, 0 rea#i5ed/ T"is (as ("at (e.d been (aitin' )or/
>+es, sir,> 0 "eard t"e #eader say/ >T" in "ere, :-st #ie yo- (anted/>
Fina##y, 0 rea#i5ed/ T"e person be"ind o-r idnappin'/ Panic s"ot t"ro-'" me/ 0 "ad to escape/
>Let -s o-t o) "ere@> 0 ye##ed, strainin' at my bindin's/ >Let -s o-t o) "ere, yo- son o) a7>
0 stopped/ Somet"in' inside o) me s"ri%e#ed -p/ $y t"roat (ent dry/ $y "eart (anted to stop/ T"e '-ard "ad
ret-rned (it" a man and a (oman 0 didn.t reco'ni5e/ 0 did, "o(e%er, reco'ni5e t"at t"ey (ere
/// Stri'oi/
Rea#, #i%e7(e##, )i'-rati%e#y speain'7Stri'oi/ 0t a## s-dden#y c#iced to'et"er/ 0t (asn.t :-st t"e Spoane reports
t"at "ad been tr-e/ W"at (e.d )eared7Stri'oi (orin' (it""-mans7"ad come tr-e/ %his changes everything.
2ay#i'"t (asn.t sa)e anymore/ None o) -s (ere sa)e anymore/ Worse, 0 rea#i5ed t"ese m-st be t"e ro'-e Stri'oi7
t"e ones ("o "ad attaced t"e t(o $oroi )ami#ies (it" "-man "e#p/ A'ain, t"ose "orrib#e memories came to me1
bodies and b#ood e%ery("ere/ Bi#e rose in my t"roat, and 0 tried to s"i)t my t"o-'"ts )rom t"e past to t"e present
sit-ation/ Not t"at t"at (as any more reass-rin'/
$oroi "ad pa#e sin, t"e ind o) sin t"at b#-s"ed and b-rned easi#y/ B-t t"ese %ampires// /t"eir sin (as ("ite,
c"a#y in a (ay t"at made it #oo #ie t"e res-#t o) a bad mae-p :ob/ T"e p-pi#s o) t"eir eyes "ad a red rin' aro-nd
t"em, dri%in' "ome ("at monsters t"ey (ere/
T"e (oman, act-a##y, reminded me o) Nata#ie7my poor )riend ("ose )at"er "ad con%inced "er to t-rn Stri'oi/ 0t
too me a )e( moments to )i'-re o-t ("at t"e resemb#ance (as beca-se t"ey #ooed not"in' a#ie/ T"is (oman
(as s"ort7 probab#y "-man be)ore becomin' Stri'oi7and "ad bro(n "air (it" a bad "i'"#i'"tin' :ob/
T"en it "it me/ T"is Stri'oi (as a ne( one, m-c" as Nata#ie "ad been/ 0t didn.t become ob%io-s -nti# 0 compared
"er (it" t"e Stri'oi man/ T"e Stri'oi (oman.s )ace "ad a #itt#e #i)e in it/ B-t "is /// "is (as t"e )ace o) deat"/
6is )ace (as comp#ete#y de%oid o) any sort o) (armt" or 'ent#er emotion/ 6is e&pression (as co#d and ca#c-#atin',
#aced (it" ma#icio-s am-sement/ 6e (as ta##, as ta## as 2imitri, and "ad a s#ender )rame t"at indicated "e.d been
$oroibe)ore c"an'in' o%er/ S"o-#der*#en't" b#ac "air )ramed "is )ace and stood o-t a'ainst t"e bri'"t scar#et o)
"is dress s"irt/ 6is eyes (ere so dar and bro(n t"at (it"o-t t"e red rin', it (o-#d "a%e been a#most impossib#e to
te## ("ere p-pi# ended and iris be'an/
One o) t"e '-ards s"o%ed me "ard, e%en t"o-'" 0.d been si#ent/ 6e '#anced -p at t"e Stri'oi man/ >+o- (ant me to
'a' "er=>
0 s-dden#y rea#i5ed 0.d been "-nc"in' into t"e bac o) my c"air, -nconscio-s#y tryin' to 'et as )ar a(ay )rom "im
as possib#e/ 6e rea#i5ed t"is too, and a t"in, toot"#ess smi#e crossed "is #ips/
>No,> "e said/ 6is %oice (as si#y and #o(/ >0.d #ie to "ear ("at s"e "as to say/> 6e raised an eyebro( at me/
>P#ease/ Contin-e/>
0 s(a##o(ed/
>No= Not"in' to add= We##/ 2o )ee# )ree to pipe -p i) somet"in' e#se comes to mind/>
>0saia",> e&c#aimed t"e (oman/ >W"y are yo- eepin' t"em "ere= W"y "a%en.t yo- :-st contacted t"e ot"ers=>
>E#ena, E#ena,> 0saia" m-rm-red to "er/ >Be"a%e yo-rse#)/ 0.m not 'oin' to pass -p t"e c"ance to en:oy myse#)
(it" t(o $oroi and ///> 6e (a#ed be"ind my c"air and #i)ted my "air, main' me s"-dder/ A moment #ater, "e
peered at $ason and Eddie.s necs as (e##/ >/t"ree -nb#ooded d"ampirs/> 6e spoe t"ose (ords (it" an a#most
"appy si'", and 0 rea#i5ed "e.d been #ooin' )or '-ardian tattoos/
Stro##in' o%er to $ia and C"ristian, 0saia" rested a "and on "is "ip as "e st-died t"em/ $ia co-#d on#y meet "is
eyes )or an instant be)ore #ooin' a(ay/ C"ristian.s )ear (as pa#pab#e, b-t "e mana'ed to ret-rn t"e Stri'oi.s
scr-tiny/ 0t made me pro-d/
>Loo at t"ese eyes, E#ena/> E#ena (a#ed o%er and stood beside 0saia" as "e spoe/ >T"at pa#e b#-e/ Lie ice/ Lie
a<-amarines/ +o- a#most ne%er 'et t"at o-tside o) t"e roya# "o-ses/ Badicas/ O5eras/ T"e occasiona# Ge#os/>
>O5era,> said C"ristian, tryin' %ery "ard to so-nd )ear#ess/
0saia" ti#ted "is "ead/ >Rea##y= S-re#y not///> 6e #eaned c#oser to C"ristian/ >B-t t"e a'e is ri'"t/// and t"at "air/>
6e smi#ed/ >L-cas and $oira.s son=>
C"ristian said not"in', b-t t"e con)irmation on "is )ace (as ob%io-s/
>0 ne( yo-r parents/ Great peop#e/ Unpara##e#ed/ T"eir deat"s (ere a s"ame/ b-t, (e##/ 0 daresay t"ey bro-'"t t"at
on t"emse#%es/ 0 told t"em t"ey s"o-#dn.t "a%e 'one bac )or yo-/ Wo-#d "a%e been (aste)-# to a(aen yo- so
yo-n'/ T"ey c#aimed t"ey (ere 'oin' to :-st eep yo- aro-nd and (aen yo- ("en yo- (ere o#der/ 0 (arned t"em
t"at t"at (o-#d be a disaster, b-t, (e##/> 6e 'a%e a de#icate s"r-'/ >A(aen> (as t"e term Stri'oi -sed amon'
t"emse#%es ("en t"ey c"an'ed o%er/ 0t so-nded #ie a re#i'io-s e&perience/ >T"ey (o-#dn.t #isten, and disaster met
t"em in a di))erent (ay/>
6atred, deep and dar, boi#ed be"ind C"ristian.s eyes/ 0saia" smi#ed a'ain/
>0t.s <-ite to-c"in' t"at yo- s"o-#d )ind yo-r (ay to me a)ter a## t"is time/ Per"aps 0 can rea#i5e t"eir dream a)ter
>0saia",> said t"e (oman7E#ena7a'ain/ E%ery (ord o-t o) "er mo-t" seemed #ie a ("ine/ >Ca## t"e ot"ers7>
>Stop 'i%in' me orders@> 0saia" 'rabbed "er s"o-#der and s"o%ed "er a(ay7e&cept t"at t"e p-s" noced "er
across t"e room and a#most t"ro-'" t"e (a##/ S"e :-st bare#y t"re( "er "and o-t in time to stop t"e impact/ Stri'oi
"ad better re)#e&es t"an d"ampirs or e%en $oroi; "er #ac o) 'race meant "e.d comp#ete#y ca-'"t "er o)) '-ard/
And rea##y, "e.d bare#y to-c"ed "er/ T"e p-s" "ad been #i'"t7yet it "ad paced t"e )orce o) a sma## car/
T"is )-rt"er en)orced my be#ie) t"at "e (as in anot"er c#ass a#to'et"er/ 6is stren't" beat "ers by ma'nit-des/ S"e
(as #ie a )#y "e co-#d s(at a(ay/ Stri'oi po(er increased (it" a'e7 as (e## as t"ro-'" t"e cons-mption o) $oroi
b#ood and, to a #esser e&tent, d"ampir b#ood/ T"is '-y (asn.t :-st o#d, 0 rea#i5ed/ 6e (as ancient/ And "e.d dr-n a
lot o) b#ood o%er t"e years/ Terror )i##ed E#ena.s )eat-res, and 0 co-#d -nderstand "er )ear/ Stri'oi t-rned a'ainst
eac" ot"er a## t"e time/ 6e co-#d "a%e ripped "er "ead o)) i) "e (anted/
S"e co(ered, a%ertin' "er eyes/ >0/ 0.m sorry, 0saia"/>
0saia" smoot"ed "is s"irt7not t"at it "ad been (rin#ed/ 6is %oice too on t"e co#d p#easantness "e.d a))ected
ear#ier/ >+o- c#ear#y "a%e opinions "ere, E#ena, and 0 (e#come yo- %oicin' t"em in a ci%i#i5ed manner/ W"at do
yo- t"in (e s"o-#d do (it" t"ese c-bs=>
>+o- s"o-#d7t"at is, 0 t"in (e s"o-#d :-st tae t"em no(/ Especia##y t"e $oroi/> S"e (as c#ear#y (orin' "ard
not to ("ine a'ain and annoy "im/ >Un#ess// /yo- aren.t 'oin' to t"ro( anot"er dinner party, are yo-= 0t.s a
comp#ete (aste/ We.## "a%e to s"are, and yo- no( t"e ot"ers (on.t be 'rate)-#/ T"ey never are/>
>0.m not main' a dinner party o-t o) t"em,> "e dec#ared #o)ti#y/ 2inner party= >B-t 0.m not i##in' t"em yet eit"er/ yo-n', E#ena/ +o- on#y t"in abo-t immediate 'rati)ication/ W"en as o#d as me, yo- (on.t be so /
S"e ro##ed "er eyes ("en "e (asn.t #ooin'/
T-rnin', "e s(ept "is 'a5e o%er me, $ason, and Eddie/ >+o- t"ree, 0.m a)raid, are 'oin' to die/ T"ere.s
no a%oidin' it/ 0.d #ie to say 0.m sorry, b-t, (e##, 0.m not/ S-c" is t"e (ay o) t"e (or#d/ +o- do "a%e a c"oice in
"o( yo- die, "o(e%er, and t"at (i## be dictated by yo-r be"a%ior/> 6is eyes #in'ered on me/ 0 didn.t rea##y 'et ("y
e%eryone seemed to be sin'#in' me o-t as t"e tro-b#emaer "ere/ We##, maybe 0 did/ >Some o) yo- (i## die more
pain)-##y t"an ot"ers/>
0 didn.t need to see $ason and Eddie to no( t"eir )ear mirrored mine/ 0 (as pretty s-re 0 e%en "eard Eddie
0saia" abr-pt#y t-rned on "is "ee#s, mi#itary*sty#e, and )aced $ia and C"ristian/ >+o- t(o, )ort-nate#y, "a%e
options/ On#y one o) yo- (i## die/ T"e ot"er (i## #i%e on in '#orio-s immorta#ity/ 0.## e%en be ind eno-'" to tae
yo- -nder my (in' -nti# a #itt#e o#der/ S-c" is my c"arity/>
0 co-#dn.t "e#p it/ 0 c"oed on a #a-'"/
0saia" sp-n aro-nd and stared at me/ 0 )e## si#ent and (aited )or "im to t"ro( me across t"e room #ie "e "ad E#ena,
b-t "e did not"in' e#se b-t stare/ 0t (as eno-'"/ $y "eart raced, and 0 )e#t tears brim in my eyes/ $y )ear s"amed
me/ 0 (anted to be #ie 2imitri/ $aybe e%en #ie my mot"er/ A)ter se%era# #on', a'oni5in' moments, 0saia" t-rned
bac to t"e $oroi/
>No(/ As 0 (as sayin', one o) yo- (i## be a(aened and #i%e )ore%er/ B-t it (i## not be me ("o (aens yo-/ +o-
(i## c"oose to be a(aened (i##in'#y/>
>Not #ie#y,> said C"ristian/ 6e paced as m-c" snary de)iance as "e co-#d mana'e into t"ose t(o (ords, b-t it
(as sti## ob%io-s to e%eryone e#se in t"e room t"at "e (as scared o-t o) "is mind/
>A", "o( 0 #o%e t"e O5era spirit,> m-sed 0saia"/ 6e '#anced at $ia, "is red eyes '#eamin'/ S"e s"ran bac in )ear/
>B-t don.t #et "im -psta'e yo-, my dear/ T"ere.s stren't" in common b#ood, too/ And "ere.s "o( it (i## be
decided/> 6e pointed at -s d"ampirs/ 6is 'a5ed c"i##ed me a## o%er, and 0 ima'ined 0 co-#d sme## t"e stin o) decay/
>0) yo- (ant to #i%e, a## yo- "a%e to do is i## one o) t"ese t"ree/> 6e t-rned bac to t"e $oroi/ >T"at.s it/ Not
-np#easant at a##/ 3-st te## one o) t"ese 'ent#emen "ere yo- (ant to do it/ T"ey.## re#ease yo-/ T"en yo- drin )rom
t"em and are a(aened as one o) -s/ W"oe%er does t"is )irst (a#s )ree/ T"e ot"er (i## be dinner )or E#ena and
Si#ence "-n' in t"e room/
>No,> said C"ristian/ >No (ay am 0 i##in' one o) my )riends/ 0 don.t care ("at yo- do/ 0.## die )irst/>
0saia" (a%ed a dismissi%e "and/ >Easy to be bra%e ("en yo- aren.t "-n'ry/ Go a )e( days (it"o-t any ot"er
s-stenance /// and yes, t"ese t"ree (i## start to #oo very 'ood/ And t"ey are/ 2"ampirs are de#icio-s/ Some pre)er
t"em to $oroi, and ("i#e 0 myse#) "a%e ne%er s"ared s-c" be#ie)s, 0 can certain#y appreciate t"e %ariety/>
C"ristian sco(#ed/
>2on.t be#ie%e me=> ased 0saia"/ >T"en #et me pro%e it/> 6e (a#ed bac o%er to my side o) t"e room/ 0 rea#i5ed
("at "e (as 'oin' to do and spoe (it"o-t )-##y t"inin' t"in's t"ro-'"/
>Use me,> 0 b#-rted o-t/ >2rin )rom me/>
0saia".s sm-' #oo )a#tered )or a moment, and "is eyebro(s rose/ > %o#-nteerin'=>
>0.%e done it be)ore/ Let $oroi )eed o)) me, 0 mean/ 0 don.t mind/ 0 #ie it/ Lea%e t"e rest o) t"em a#one/> >Rose@>
e&c#aimed $ason/
0 i'nored "im and #ooed beseec"in'#y at 0saia"/ 0 didn.t (ant "im to )eed o)) me/ T"e t"o-'"t made me sic/ B-t
0 had 'i%en b#ood be)ore, and 0.d rat"er "im tae pints )rom me be)ore "e to-c"ed Eddie or $ason/
0 co-#dn.t read "is e&pression as "e si5ed me -p/ For "a#) a second, 0 t"o-'"t "e mi'"t 'o )or it, b-t instead "e
s"oo "is "ead/
>No/ Not yo-/ Not yet/>
6e (a#ed o%er and stood be)ore Eddie/ 0 p-##ed a'ainst my )#e&*c-))s so "ard t"at t"ey d-' pain)-##y into my
sin/ T"ey didn.t 'i%e/ >No@ Lea%e "im a#one@>
>?-iet,> snapped 0saia", (it"o-t #ooin' at me/ 6e rested one "and on t"e side o) Eddie.s )ace/ Eddie tremb#ed and
"ad 'one so pa#e, 0 t"o-'"t "e (o-#d )aint/ >0 can mae t"is easy, or 0 can mae it "-rt/ +o-r si#ence (i## enco-ra'e
t"e )ormer/>
0 (anted to scream, (anted to ca## 0saia" a## sorts o) names and mae a## sorts o) t"reats/ B-t 0 co-#dn.t/ $y eyes
)#iced aro-nd t"e room, searc"in' )or e&its, as 0 "ad so many times be)ore/ B-t t"ere (ere none/ 3-st b#an, bare
("ite (a##s/ No (indo(s/ T"e one precio-s door, a#(ays '-arded/ 0 (as "e#p#ess, :-st as "e#p#ess as 0.d been )rom
t"e moment t"ey.d p-##ed -s into t"e %an/ 0 )e#t #ie cryin', more )rom )r-stration t"an )ear/ W"at ind o) '-ardian
(o-#d 0 be i) 0 co-#dn.t protect my )riends=
B-t 0 stayed <-iet, and a #oo o) satis)action crossed 0saia".s )ace/ T"e )#-orescent #i'"tin' 'a%e "is sin a sic#y,
'rayis" "-e, emp"asi5in' t"e dar circ#es -nder "is eyes/ 0 (anted to p-nc" "im/
>Good/> 6e smi#ed at Eddie and "e#d "is )ace so t"at t"e t(o made direct eye contact/ >No(, yo- (on.t )i'"t me,
(i## yo-=>
As 0.%e mentioned, Lissa (as 'ood at comp-#sion/ B-t s"e co-#dn.t "a%e done t"is/ 0n seconds, Eddie (as smi#in'/
>No/ 0 (on.t )i'"t yo-/>
>Good,> repeated 0saia"/ >And yo-.## 'i%e me yo-r nec )ree#y, (on.t yo-=>
>O) co-rse,> rep#ied Eddie, ti#tin' "is "ead bac/
0saia" bro-'"t "is mo-t" do(n, and 0 #ooed a(ay, tryin' to )oc-s on t"e t"readbare carpet instead/ 0 didn.t (ant
to see t"is/ 0 "eard Eddie emit a so)t, "appy moan/ T"e )eedin' itse#) (as re#ati%e#y <-iet7no s#-rpin' or anyt"in'
#ie t"at/
0 '#anced bac ("en 0 "eard 0saia" spea a'ain/ B#ood dripped )rom "is #ips, and "e ran "is ton'-e across t"em/ 0
co-#dn.t see t"e (o-nd on Eddie.s nec, b-t 0 s-spected it (as b#oody and "orrib#e too/ $ia and C"ristian stared
(ide*eyed, bot" (it" )ear and )ascination/ Eddie 'a5ed o)) in a "appy, dr-''ed "a5e, "i'" )rom bot" t"e endorp"ins
and t"e comp-#sion/
0saia" strai'"tened -p and smi#ed at t"e $oroi, #icin' t"e #ast o) t"e b#ood o)) "is #ips/ >+o- see=> "e to#d t"em,
mo%in' to(ard t"e door/ >0t.s :-st t"at easy/>

WeNEE2E2 AN ESCAPE PLAN, and (e needed it )ast/ Un)ort-nate#y, my on#y ideas ca##ed )or t"in's t"at rea##y
(eren.t -nder my contro#/ Lie -s bein' #e)t comp#ete#y a#one so (e co-#d snea o))/ Or "a%in' st-pid '-ards
("om (e co-#d easi#y )oo# and s#ip a(ay )rom/ At t"e %ery #east, (e s"o-#d "a%e been s#oppi#y sec-red so t"at (e
co-#d brea )ree/
None o) t"at (as "appenin', t"o-'"/ A)ter a#most t(enty*)o-r "o-rs, o-r sit-ations "adn.t rea##y c"an'ed/ We
(ere sti## prisoners, sti## sec-re#y bo-nd/ O-r captors stayed %i'i#ant, a#most as e))icient as any 'ro-p o) '-ardians/
T"e c#osest (e 'ot to )reedom (as "ea%i#y s-per%ised7 and e&treme#y embarrassin'7bat"room breas/ T"e men
'a%e -s no )ood or (ater/ T"at (as ro-'" on me, b-t t"e "-man and %ampire mi& made d"ampirs "ardy/ 0 co-#d
"and#e bein' -ncom)ortab#e, e%en t"o-'" 0 (as )ast reac"in' a point ("ere 0 (o-#d "a%e i##ed )or a c"eeseb-r'er
and some rea##y, rea##y 'reasy )renc" )ries/
For $ia and C"ristian// /(e##, t"in's (ere a #itt#e "arder/ $oroi co-#d 'o (ees (it"o-t )ood and (ater i) t"ey
(ere sti## 'ettin' b#ood/ Wit"o-t b#ood, t"ey co-#d mana'e a )e( days be)ore 'ettin' sic and (ea, so #on' as t"ey
sti## "adot"er s-stenance/ T"at (as "o( Lissa and 0 "ad mana'ed ("i#e #i%in' on o-r o(n, since 0 "adn.t been ab#e
to )eed "er e%ery day/
Tae a(ay )ood, b#ood, and (ater, and $oroi end-rance dropped t"ro-'" t"e )#oor/ 0 (as "-n'ry, b-t $ia and
C"ristian (ere ra%eno-s/ A#ready, t"eir )aces #ooed 'a-nt, t"eir eyes a#most )e%eris"/ 0saia" made matters (orse
d-rin' "is s-bse<-ent %isits/ Eac" time, "e (o-#d come do(n and ramb#e on in "is annoyin', ta-ntin' (ay/ T"en,
be)ore #ea%in', "e.d tae anot"er drin )rom Eddie/ By t"e t"ird %isit, 0 co-#d practica##y see $ia and C"ristian
sa#i%atin'/ Bet(een t"e endorp"ins and #ac o) )ood, 0 (as pretty s-re Eddie didn.t e%en no( ("ere (e (ere/
0 co-#dn.t rea##y s#eep -nder t"ese conditions, b-t d-rin' t"e second day, 0 started noddin' o)) no( and t"en/
Star%ation and e&"a-stion (i## do t"at to yo-/ At one point, 0 act-a##y dreamed, s-rprisin' since 0 didn.t rea##y t"in
0 co-#d )a## into a deep s#-mber -nder s-c" insane conditions/
0n t"e dream7and 0 ne( per)ect#y (e## t"at it (as a dream70 stood on a beac"/ 0t too me a moment to
reco'ni5e :-st ("ic" beac" it (as/ 0t (as a#on' t"e Ore'on coast7 sandy and (arm, (it" t"e Paci)ic -n)o#din' in
t"e distance/ Lissa and 0 "ad tra%e#ed o-t "ere once ("en (e #i%ed in Port#and/ 0t "ad been a 'or'eo-s day, b-t s"e
co-#dn.t "and#e bein' o-t in t"at m-c" s-n/ We.d ept t"e %isit s"ort as a res-#t, b-t 0.d a#(ays (is"ed 0 co-#d "a%e
stayed #on'erand based in a## t"at/ No( 0 "ad a## t"e #i'"t and (armt" 0
co-#d (ant/
>Litt#e d"ampir,> said a %oice be"ind me/ >0t.s abo-t time/>
0 t-rned aro-nd in s-rprise and )o-nd Adrian 0%as"o% (atc"in' me/ 6e "ad on "ais and a #oose s"irt and7in a
s-rprisin'#y cas-a# sty#e )or "im7(ore no s"oes/ Wind r-))#ed "is bro(n "air, and "e ept "is "ands st-))ed in "is
pocets as "e re'arded me (it" t"at trademar smir o) "is/
>Sti## 'ot yo-r protection,> "e added/
Fro(nin', 0 t"o-'"t )or a moment "e (as starin' at my c"est/ T"en 0 rea#i5ed "is eyes (ere on my stomac"/ 0 "ad
on :eans and a biini top, and once a'ain, t"e #itt#e b#-e eye pendant dan'#ed )rom my be##y*b-tton/ T"e c"oti (as
on my (rist/
>And in t"e s-n a'ain,> 0 said/ >So 0 s-ppose it.s yo-r dream/>
>0t.s o-r dream/>
0 (i''#ed my toes in t"e sand/ >6o( can t(o peop#e s"are a dream=>
>Peop#e s"are dreams a## t"e time, Rose/>
0 #ooed -p at "im (it" a )ro(n/ >0 need to no( ("at yo- mean/ Abo-t t"ere bein' darness aro-nd me/ W"at
does it mean=>
>6onest#y, 0 don.t no(/ E%eryone "as #i'"t aro-nd t"em, e&cept )or yo-/ +o- "a%e s"ado(s/ +o- tae t"em )rom
$y con)-sion 're(/ >0 don.t -nderstand/>
>0 can.t 'et into it ri'"t no(,> "e to#d me/ >T"at.s not ("y 0.m "ere/>
> "ere )or a reason=> 0 ased, my eyes (anderin' to t"e b#-e*'ray (ater/ 0t (as "ypnotic/ >+o- aren.t
:-st// /"ere to be "ere=>
6e stepped )or(ard and ca-'"t my "and, )orcin' me to #oo -p at "im/ A## am-sement (as 'one/ 6e (as dead
serio-s/ >W"ere are yo-=>
>6ere,> 0 said, p-55#ed/ >3-st #ie yo-/>
Adrian s"oo "is "ead/ >No, t"at.s not ("at 0 mean/ 0n t"e rea# (or#d/ W"ere are yo-=>
T"e rea# (or#d= Aro-nd -s, t"e beac" s-dden#y b#-rred, #ie a )i#m 'oin' o-t o) )oc-s/ $oments #ater, e%eryt"in'
steadied itse#)/ 0 raced my brain/ T"e rea# (or#d/ 0ma'es came to me/ C"airs/ G-ards/ F#e&*c-))s/
>0n a basement ///> 0 said s#o(#y/ A#arm s-dden#y s"attered t"e bea-ty o) t"e moment as e%eryt"in' came bac to
me/ >O" God, Adrian/ +o-.%e 'ot to "e#p $ia and C"ristian/ 0 can.t7>
Adrian.s 'rip on my "and ti'"tened/ >W"ere=> T"e (or#d s"immered a'ain, and t"is time it didn.t re)oc-s/ 6e
s(ore/ >W"ere are yo-, Rose=>
T"e (or#d be'an to disinte'rate/ Adrian be'an to disinte'rate/
>A basement/ 0n a "o-se/ 0n7>
6e (as 'one/ 0 (oe -p/ T"e so-nd o) t"e room.s door openin' start#ed me bac to rea#ity/
0saia" s(ept in (it" E#ena in to(/ 0 "ad to )i'"t a sneer ("en 0 sa( "er/ 6e (as arro'ant and mean and a##*aro-nd
e%i#/ B-t "e (as t"at (ay beca-se "e (as a #eader/ 6e "ad t"e stren't" and po(er to bac -p "is cr-e#ty7e%en i) 0
didn.t #ie it/ B-t E#ena= S"e (as a #acey/ S"e t"reatened -s and made snide comments, b-t most o) "er abi#ity to
do so came )rom bein' "is sideic/ S"e (as a tota# s-c*-p/
>6e##o, c"i#dren,> "e said/ >6o( are (e doin' today=>
S-##en '#ares ans(ered "im/
6e stro##ed o%er to $ia and C"ristian, "ands )o#ded be"ind "is bac/ >Any c"an'es o) "eart since my #ast %isit= tain' an a()-##y #on' time, and it.s -psettin' E#ena/ S"e.s %ery "-n'ry, yo- see, b-t70 s-spect7not as
"-n'ry as yo- t(o/>
C"ristian narro(ed "is eyes/ >F-c o)),> "e said t"ro-'" 'ritted teet"/
E#ena snar#ed and #-n'ed )or(ard/ >2on.t yo- dare7>
0saia" (a%ed "er o))/ >Lea%e "im a#one/ 0t :-st means (e (ait a #itt#e #on'er, and rea##y, it.s an entertainin' (ait/>
E#ena.s eyes s"ot da''ers at C"ristian/
>6onest#y,> contin-ed 0saia", (atc"in' C"ristian, >0 can.t decide ("ic" 0 (ant more1 to i## yo- or "a%e yo- :oin
-s/ Eit"er option o))ers its o(n am-sements/>
>2on.t yo- 'et tired o) "earin' yo-rse#) ta#=> ased C"ristian/
0saia" considered/ >No/ Not rea##y/ And 0 don.t 'et tired o) this, eit"er/>
6e t-rned aro-nd and (a#ed to(ard Eddie/ Poor Eddie co-#d bare#y sit -pri'"t in "is c"air anymore a)ter a## t"e
)eedin's "e.d 'one t"ro-'"/ Worse, 0saia" didn.t e%en need to -se comp-#sion/ Eddie.s )ace simp#y #it -p (it" a
st-pid 'rin, ea'er )or t"e ne&t bite/ 6e (as as addicted as a )eeder/
An'er and dis'-st )#ooded t"ro-'" me/
>2amn it@> 0 ye##ed/ >Lea%e "im a#one@>
0saia" '#anced bac at me/ >Be si#ent, 'ir#/ 0 don.t )ind yo- near#y as am-sin' as 0 do $r/ O5era/>
>+ea"=> 0 snar#ed/ >0) 0 piss yo- o)) so m-c", t"en -se me to pro%e yo-r st-pid point/ Bite me instead/
P-t me in my p#ace, and s"o( me ("at a badass yo- are/>
>No@> e&c#aimed $ason/ >Use me/>
0saia" ro##ed "is eyes/ >Good God/ W"at a nob#e #ot/ a## Spartac-s, aren.t yo-=>
6e stro##ed a(ay )rom Eddie and p-t a )in'er -nder $ason.s c"in, ti#tin' "is "ead -p/ >B-t yo-,> 0saia" said, >don.t
rea##y mean it/ +o- on#y o))er beca-se o) her. 6e re#eased $ason and (a#ed in )ront o) me, starin' do(n (it"
t"ose b#ac, b#ac eyes/ >And yo- /// 0 didn.t rea##y be#ie%e yo- at )irst eit"er/ B-t no(=> 6e ne#t do(n so t"at "e
(as at my "ei'"t/ 0 re)-sed to #oo a(ay )rom "is eyes, e%en t"o-'" 0 ne( t"at p-t me at ris o) comp-#sion/ >0
t"in yo- rea##y mean it/ And it.s not a## nobi#ity, eit"er/ +o- do (ant it/ +o- rea##y "a%e been bitten be)ore/> 6is
%oice (as ma'ica#/ 6ypnotic/ 6e (asn.t -sin' comp-#sion, e&act#y, b-t "e de)inite#y "ad an -nnat-ra# c"arisma
s-rro-ndin' "im/ Lie Lissa andAdrian/ 0 "-n' on "is e%ery (ord/ >Lots o) times, 0.d '-ess,> "e added/
6e #eaned to(ard me, breat" "ot a'ainst my nec/ Some("ere beyond "im, 0 co-#d "ear $ason s"o-tin'
somet"in', b-t a## o) my )oc-s (as on "o( c#ose 0saia".s teet" (ere to my sin/ 0n t"e #ast )e( mont"s, 0.d on#y
been bitten once7 and t"at (as ("en Lissa "ad "ad an emer'ency/ Be)ore t"en, s"e.d bitten me at #east t(ice a
(ee )or t(o years, and 0 "ad on#y recent#y come to rea#i5e "o( addicted to t"at 0.d been/ T"ere is not"in'7n
othing7in t"e (or#d #ie a $oroi bite, #ie t"e )#ood o) b#iss it sends into yo-/ O) co-rse, by a## acco-nts, Stri'oi
bites (ere e%en more po(er)-#//
0 s(a##o(ed, s-dden#y a(are o) my o(n "ea%y breat"in' and racin' "eart/ 0saia" 'a%e a #o( c"-c#e/
>+es/ a b#ood ("ore in t"e main'/ Un)ort-nate )or yo-7beca-se 0.m not 'oin' to 'i%e yo- ("at yo-
6e baced a(ay, and 0 s#-mped )or(ard in my c"air/ Wit"o-t )-rt"er de#ay, "e ret-rned to Eddie and dran/ 0
co-#dn.t (atc", b-t it (as beca-se o) en%y t"is time, not dis'-st/ Lon'in' b-rned inside o) me/ 0 ac"ed )or t"at bite,
ac"ed )or it (it" e%ery ner%e in my body/
W"en 0saia" )inis"ed, "e started to #ea%e t"e room, t"en pa-sed/ 6e directed "is (ords at $ia and C"ristian/ >2on.t
de#ay,> "e (arned/ >Sei5e yo-r opport-nity to be sa%ed/> 6e ti#ted "is "ead to(ard me/ >+o- e%en "a%e a (i##in'
6e #e)t/ Across t"e room, C"ristian met my eyes/ Some"o(, "is )ace #ooed e%en 'a-nter t"an it "ad a co-p#e o)
"o-rs a'o/6-n'er b-rned in "is 'a5e, and 0 ne( 0 (ore t"e comp#ementary one1 a desire to sate t"at "-n'er/ God/
We (ere so scre(ed/ 0 t"in C"ristian rea#i5ed it at t"e same time/ 6is #ips t(isted into a bitter smi#e/
>+o- ne%er #ooed so 'ood, Rose,> "e mana'ed, :-st be)ore t"e '-ards to#d "im to s"-t -p/
0 do5ed a #itt#e t"ro-'"o-t t"e day, b-t Adrian didn.t ret-rn to my dreams/ 0nstead, ("i#e "o%erin' :-st at t"e ed'e
o) conscio-sness, 0 )o-nd myse#) s#ippin' into )ami#iar territory1 Lissa.s "ead/ A)ter a## t"e (eirdness o) t"ese #ast
t(o days, bein' in "er mind )e#t #ie a "omecomin'/
S"e (as in one o) t"e #od'e.s ban<-et rooms, on#y it (as empty/ S"e sat on t"e )#oor o) t"e )ar side o) it, tryin' to
stay inconspic-o-s/ Ner%o-sness )i##ed "er/ S"e (as (aitin' )or somet"in'7or rat"er, someone/ A )e( min-tes
#ater, Adrian s#ipped in/
>Co-sin,> "e said by (ay o) 'reetin'/ 6e sat do(n beside "er and dre( "is nees -p, -nconcerned
abo-t "is e&pensi%e dress pants/ >Sorry 0.m #ate/>
>0t.s oay,> s"e said/
>+o- didn.t no( 0 (as "ere -nti# yo- sa( me, did yo-=>
S"e s"oo "er "ead, disappointed/ 0 )e#t more con)-sed t"an e%er/
>And sittin' (it" me /// yo- can.t rea##y notice anyt"in'=>
6e s"r-''ed/ >We##/ 6ope)-##y it.## come soon/>
>6o( does it #oo )or yo-=> s"e ased, b-rnin' (it" c-riosity/
>2o yo- no( ("at a-ras are=>
>T" #ie /// bands o) #i'"t aro-nd peop#e, ri'"t= Some Ne( A'e t"in'=>
>Somet"in' #ie t"at/ E%eryone "as a sort o) spirit-a# ener'y t"at radiates o-t )rom t"em/ We##, a#most e%eryone/>
6is "esitation made me (onder i) "e (as t"inin' o) me and t"e darness 0 a##e'ed#y (a#ed in/ >Based on t"e
co#or and appearance, yo- can te## a #ot abo-t a person// /(e##, i) anyone co-#d act-a##y see a-ras, t"at is/>
>And yo- can,> s"e said/ >And yo- can te## 0 -se spirit )rom my a-ra=>
>+o-rs is most#y 'o#d/ Lie mine/ 0t.## s"i)t (it" ot"er co#ors dependin' on t"e sit-ation, b-t t"e 'o#d a#(ays
>6o( many ot"er peop#e o-t t"ere #ie -s do yo- no(=>
>Not many/ 0 :-st see t"em e%ery once in a ("i#e/ T"ey ind o) eep to t"emse#%es/ t"e )irst 0.%e act-a##y
e%er ta#ed to/ 0 didn.t e%en no( it (as ca##ed .spirit/. Wis" 0.d no(n abo-t t"is ("en 0 didn.t specia#i5e/ 0 :-st
)i'-red 0 (as some ind o) )rea/>
Lissa "e#d -p "er arm and stared, (i##in' "erse#) to see t"e #i'"t s"inin' aro-nd it/ Not"in'/ S"e si'"ed and #et t"e
arm drop/
And t"at.s ("en 0 'ot it/
Adrian (as a spirit -ser too/ T"at (as ("y "e.d been so c-rio-s abo-t Lissa, ("y "e.d (anted to ta# to "er and
asabo-t t"e bond and "er specia#i5ation/ 0t a#so e&p#ained a #ot o) ot"er t"in's7#ie t"at c"arisma 0 co-#dn.t seem
to escape ("en 0 (as near "im/ 6e.d -sed comp-#sion t"at day Lissa and 0 "ad been in "is room7t"at (as "o(
"e.d )orced 2imitri to re#ease "im/
>So, t"ey )ina##y #et yo- 'o=> Adrian ased "er/
>+ea"/ T"ey )ina##y decided 0 rea##y didn.t no( anyt"in'/>
>Good,> "e said/ 6e )ro(ned, and 0 rea#i5ed "e (as sober )or a c"an'e/ >And sure yo- don.t=>
>0 a#ready to#d yo- t"at/ 0 can.t mae t"e bond (or t"at (ay/>
>6mm/ We##/ +o-.%e 'ot to/>
S"e '#ared/ >W"at, yo- t"in 0.m "o#din' bac= 0) 0 co-#d )ind "er, 0 (o-#d@>
>0 no(, b-t to "a%e it at a##, yo- m-st "a%e a stron' connection/ Use t"at to ta# to "er in "er dreams/ 0 tried, b-t 0
can.t "an' on #on' eno-'" to7>
>W"at did yo- say=> e&c#aimed Lissa/ >Ta# to "er in "er dreams=>
No( "e #ooed p-55#ed/ >S-re/ 2on.t yo- no( "o( to do t"at=>
>No@ Are yo- iddin'= 6o( is t"at e%en possib#e=>
$y dreams ///
0 remembered Lissa ta#in' abo-t -ne&p#ained $oroi p"enomena, "o( t"ere mi'"t be spirit po(ers o-t t"ere
beyond "ea#in', t"in's no one e%en ne( abo-t yet/ 0t (o-#d appeart"at Adrian bein' in my dreams (as no
coincidence/ 6e.d mana'ed to 'et inside my "ead, maybe in a (ay simi#ar to "o( 0 sa( Lissa.s mind/ T"e t"o-'"t
made me -neasy/ Lissa co-#d bare#y e%en 'rasp it/
6e ran a "and t"ro-'" "is "air and tipped "is "ead bac, starin' at t"e crysta# c"ande#ier abo%e as "e pondered/
>Oay/ So/ +o- don.t see a-ras, and yo- don.t ta# to peop#e in dreams/ W"at do yo- do=>
>0 /// 0 can "ea# peop#e/ Anima#s/ P#ants, too/ 0 can brin' dead t"in's bac to #i)e/>
>Rea##y=> 6e #ooed impressed/ >Oay/ +o- 'et credit )or t"at/ W"at e#se=>
>Um, 0 can -se comp-#sion/>
>We can a## do t"at/>
>No, 0 can really do it/ 0t.s not "ard/ 0 can mae peop#e do anyt"in' 0 (ant7e%en bad t"in's/>
>So can 0/> 6is eyes #it -p/ >0 (onder ("at (o-#d "appen i) yo- tried to -se it on me//>
S"e "esitated and absentminded#y ran "er )in'ers o%er t"e te&t-red red carpet/ >We##/ 0 can.t/>
>+o- :-st said yo- co-#d/>
>0 can7:-st not ri'"t no(/ 0 tae t"is prescription / )or depression and ot"er st-))/ and it c-ts me o)) )rom t"e
6e t"re( "is arms -p in t"e air/ >6o( can 0 teac" yo- to (a# t"ro-'" dreams t"en= 6o( e#se are (e 'oin' to )ind
>Loo,> s"e said an'ri#y, >0 don.t "ant to tae t"e meds/ B-t ("en 0 (as o)) t"em / 0 did rea##y cra5y st-))/
2an'ero-s st-))/ T"at.s ("at spirit does to yo-/>
>0 don.t tae anyt"in'/ 0.m oay,> "e said/
No, "e (asn.t, 0 rea#i5ed/ Lissa rea#i5ed it too/
>+o- 'ot rea##y (eird t"at day ("en 2imitri (as in yo-r room,> s"e pointed o-t/ >+o- started ramb#in', and yo-
didn.t mae any sense/>
>O", t"at= +ea" /// it "appens no( and t"en/ B-t serio-s#y, not o)ten/ Once a mont", i) t"at/> 6e so-nded sincere/
Lissa stared at "im, s-dden#y ree%a#-atin' e%eryt"in'/ W"at i) Adrian co-#d do it= W"at i) "e co-#d -se spirit
(it"o-t pi##s and (it"o-t any "arm)-# side e))ects= 0t (o-#d be e%eryt"in' s"e "ad been "opin' )or/ Besides, s"e
(asn.t e%en s-re i) t"e pi##s (o-#d eep (orin' anymore//
6e smi#ed, '-essin' ("at s"e (as t"inin'/
>W"at do yo- say, co-sin=> "e ased/ 6e didn.t need to -se comp-#sion/ 6is o))er (as p#enty temptin' in its o(n
ri'"t/ >0 can teac" yo- e%eryt"in' 0 no( i) ab#e to to-c" t"e ma'ic/ 0t.## tae a ("i#e )or t"e pi##s to 'et o-t
o) yo-r system, b-t once t"ey do ///>

T60S WAS &O NOT W6AT 0 needed ri'"t no(/ 0 co-#d "a%e "and#ed anyt"in' e#se Adrian did1 "ittin' on "er,
'ettin' "er to smoe "is ridic-#o-s ci'arettes, ("ate%er/ B-t not t"is/ Lissa <-ittin' t"ose pi##s (as e&act#y ("at 0.d
(anted to a%oid/
Re#-ctant#y 0 p-##ed o-t o) "er "ead and ret-rned to my o(n 'rim sit-ation/ 0 (o-#d "a%e #ied to see ("at )-rt"er
de%e#oped (it" Adrian and Lissa, b-t (atc"in' t"em (o-#d do no 'ood/ Oay/ 0 really needed a p#an no(/ 0
needed action/ 0 needed to 'et -s o-t o) "ere/ B-t, '#ancin' aro-nd me, 0 )o-nd myse#) no c#oser to escape t"an 0
"ad been ear#ier, and 0 spent t"e ne&t )e( "o-rs broodin' and spec-#atin'/
We "ad t"ree '-ards today/ T"ey #ooed a #itt#e bored b-t not eno-'" to s#ac o))/ Nearby, Eddie appeared
-nconscio-s, and $ason stared b#an#y at t"e )#oor/ Across t"e room, C"ristian '#ared at not"in' in partic-#ar, and 0
t"in $ia (as s#eepin'/ Pain)-##y a(are o) "o( dry my t"roat (as, 0 a#most #a-'"ed in reca##in' "o( 0.d to#d "er
(ater ma'ic (as -se#ess/ 0t mi'"t not do m-c" in a )i'"t, b-t 0 (o-#d "a%e 'i%en anyt"in' )or "er to s-mmon -p
W"y "adn.t 0 t"o-'"t o) t"is be)ore= We (eren.t "e#p#ess/ Not entire#y/
A p#an s#o(#y coa#esced in my mind7a p#an t"at (as probab#y insane b-t (as a#so t"e best (e "ad/ $y "eart
t"-dded (it" anticipation, and 0 immediate#y sc"oo#ed my )eat-res to ca#mness be)ore t"e '-ards noticed my
s-dden insi'"t/ On t"e opposite side o) t"e room, C"ristian (as (atc"in' me/ 6e.d seen t"e brie) )#are o)
e&citement and rea#i5ed 0.d t"o-'"t o) somet"in'/ 6e (atc"ed me c-rio-s#y, as ready )or action as 0 (as/
God/ 6o( co-#d (e p-## t"is o))= 0 needed "is "e#p, b-t 0 "ad no rea# (ay o) #ettin' "im no( ("at 0 "ad in mind/
0n )act, 0 (asn.t e%en s-re i) "e co-#d "e#p me at a##7"e (as pretty (ea/
0 "e#d "is 'a5e, (i##in' "im to -nderstand t"at somet"in' (as 'oin' to "appen/ T"ere (as con)-sion on "is )ace,
b-t it (as paired (it" determination/ A)ter main' s-re none o) t"e '-ards (ere #ooin' direct#y at me, 0 s"i)ted
s#i'"t#y, 'i%in' a sma## t-' at my (rists/ 0 '#anced be"ind me as m-c" as 0 co-#d, t"en met C"ristian.s eyes a'ain/
6e )ro(ned, and 0 repeated t"e 'est-re/
>6ey,> 0 said #o-d#y/ $ia and $ason bot" :ered in s-rprise/ >Are yo- '-ys rea##y 'oin' to eep star%in' -s= Can.t
(e at #east "a%e some (ater or somet"in'=>
>S"-t -p,> said one o) t"e '-ards/ 0t (as a pretty standard ans(er ("ene%er any o) -s spoe/
>Come on/> 0 -sed my best bitc"y %oice/ >Not e%en #ie a sip o) somet"in'= $y t"roat.s burning. Practica##y on
)ire/> $y 'a5e )#iced to C"ristian as 0 said t"ose #ast )e( (ords,t"en ret-rned to t"e '-ard ("o.d spoen/
As e&pected, "e rose )rom "is seat and #-rc"ed to(ard me/ >2o not mae me repeat myse#),> "e 'ro(#ed/ 0 didn.t
no( i) "e.d rea##y do anyt"in' %io#ent, b-t 0 "ad no interest in p-s"in' it :-st yet/ Besides, 0.d accomp#is"ed my
'oa#/ 0) C"ristian co-#dn.t tae t"e "int, t"ere (as not"in' e#se to be done )or it/ 6opin' 0 #ooed a)raid, 0 s"-t -p/
T"e '-ard ret-rned to "is seat, and a)ter a ("i#e, "e stopped (atc"in' me/ 0 #ooed at C"ristian a'ain and 'a%e t"e
(ristt-'/ 7ome on, come on, 0 t"o-'"t/ (ut it together, 7hristian.
6is eyebro(s s-dden#y s"ot -p, and "e stared at me in ama5ement/ We##/ 6e.d apparent#y )i'-red o-t somet"in'/ 0
:-st "oped it (as ("at 0.d (anted/ 6is #oo t-rned <-estionin', as t"o-'" asin' i) 0 (as rea##y serio-s/ 0 nodded
emp"atica##y/ 6e )ro(ned in t"o-'"t )or a )e( moments and t"en too a deep, steadyin' breat"/
>A## ri'"t,> "e said/ E%eryone :-mped a'ain/
>S"-t -p,> said one o) t"e '-ards a-tomatica##y/ 6e so-nded (eary/
>No,> said C"ristian/ >0.m ready/ Ready to drin/>
E%eryone in t"e room )ro5e )or t"e space o) a )e( "eartbeats, inc#-din' me/ T"is (asn.t e&act#y ("at 0.d "ad in
T"e '-ards. #eader stood -p/ >2o not scre( aro-nd (it" -s/>
>0.m not,> said C"ristian/ 6e "ad a )e%eris", desperate #oo on "is )ace t"at 0 didn.t t"in (as entire#y )aed/ >0.m
tired o) t"is/ 0 (ant to 'et o-t o) "ere, and 0 don.t (ant to die/ 0.## drin7and 0 (ant her. 6e nodded to(ard me/
$ia s<-eaedin a#arm/ $ason ca##ed C"ristian somet"in' t"at (o-#d "a%e earned
"im a detention bac at sc"oo#/
T"is definitely (asn.t ("at 0.d "ad in mind/
T"e ot"er t(o '-ards #ooed to t"eir #eader <-estionin'#y/ >S"o-#d (e 'et 0saia"=> ased one o) t"em/
>0 don.t t"in "e.s "ere,> said t"e #eader/ 6e st-died C"ristian )or a )e( seconds and t"en made a decision/ >And 0
don.t (ant to bot"er "im any(ay i) t"is is a :oe/ Let "im 'o, and (e.## see/>
One o) t"e men prod-ced a pair o) s"arp p#iers/ 6e mo%ed be"ind C"ristian and #eaned do(n/ 0 "eard t"e so-nd o)
p#astic poppin' as t"e )#e&*c-))s 'a%e (ay/ Grabbin' a "o#d o) C"ristian.s arm, t"e '-ard :ered "im -pri'"t and #ed
"im o%er to me/
>C"ristian,> e&c#aimed $ason, )-ry )i##in' "is %oice/ 6e str-''#ed a'ainst "is constraints, s"ain' "is c"air a #itt#e/
>Are yo- o-t o) yo-r mind= 2on.t #et t"em do t"is@>
>+o- '-ys "a%e to die, b-t 0 don.t,> snapped C"ristian, tossin' "is b#ac "air o-t o) "is eyes/ >T"ere.s no ot"er (ay
o-t o) t"is/>
0 didn.t rea##y no( ("at (as 'oin' on no(, b-t 0 (as pretty s-re 0 s"o-#d be s"o(in' a #ot more emotion i) 0 (as
abo-t to die/ T(o '-ards )#aned C"ristian on eit"er side, (atc"in' (ari#y as "e #eaned to(ard me/
>C"ristian,> 0 ("ispered, s-rprised at "o( easy it (as to so-nd a)raid/ >2on.t do t"is/>
6is #ips t(isted into one o) t"e bitter smi#es "e prod-cedso (e##/ >+o- and 0 "a%e ne%er #ied eac" ot"er, Rose/ 0)
0.%e 'ot to i## someone, it mi'"t as (e## be yo-/> 6is (ords (ere icy, precise/ Be#ie%ab#e/ >Besides, 0 t"o-'"t yo-
(anted t"is/>
>Not this. P#ease, don.t7>
One o) t"e '-ards s"o%ed C"ristian/ >Get it o%er (it", or 'et bac to yo-r c"air/>
Sti## (earin' t"at dar smi#e, C"ristian s"r-''ed/ >Sorry, Rose/ 'oin' to die any(ay/ W"y not do it )or a
'ood ca-se=> 6e bro-'"t "is )ace do(n to my nec/ >T"is is probab#y 'oin' to "-rt,> "e added/
0 act-a##y do-bted it (o-#d /// i) "e (as rea##y 'oin' to do it/ Beca-se "e (asn.t// /ri'"t= 0 s"i)ted -neasi#y/ By a##
acco-nts, i) yo- 'ot a## yo-r b#ood s-ced o-t o) yo-, yo- a#so 'ot eno-'" endorp"ins p-mped in d-rin' t"e
process to d-## most o) t"e pain/ 0t (as #ie 'oin' to s#eep/ O) co-rse, t"at (as a## spec-#ation/ Peop#e ("o died
)rom %ampire bites didn.t rea##y come bac to report on t"e e&perience/
C"ristian n-55#ed my nec, mo%in' "is )ace -nder my "air so t"at it partia##y obsc-red "im/ 6is #ips br-s"ed my
sin, e%ery bit as so)t as 0 reca##ed )rom ("en "e and Lissa issed/ A moment #ater, t"e points o) "is )an's to-c"ed
my sin/
And t"en 0 )e#t pain/ Rea# pain/
B-t it (asn.t comin' )rom t"e bite/ 6is teet" on#y pressed a'ainst my sin; t"ey didn.t brea it/ 6is ton'-e mo%ed
a'ainst my nec in a #appin' motion, b-t t"ere (as no b#ood to s-c/ 0) anyt"in', it (as more #ie some ind o)
(eird, t(isted iss/
No, t"e pain came )rom my (rists/ A b-rnin' pain/ C"ristian (as -sin' "is ma'ic to c"anne# "eat into my )#e&*
c-))s, :-st as 0 "ad (anted "im to/ 6e.d -nderstood my messa'e/ T"e p#astic 're( "otter and "otter as "e contin-ed
"is bare#y t"ere drinin'/ Anyone ("o.d been #ooin' c#ose#y (o-#d "a%e been ab#e to te## "e (as "a#)*)ain' it,
b-t too m-c" o) my "air (as b#ocin' t"e '-ards. %ie(/
0 ne( p#astic (as "ard to me#t, b-t on#y no( did 0 rea##y, rea##y -nderstand ("at t"at meant/ T"e temperat-res
re<-ired to do any dama'e (ere o)) t"e c"arts/ 0t (as #ie p#-n'in' my "ands into #a%a/ T"e )#e&*c-))s seared my
sin, "ot and terrib#e/ 0 s<-irmed, "opin' 0 co-#d re#ie%e t"e pain/ 0 co-#dn.t/ W"at 0 did notice, "o(e%er, (as t"at
t"e c-))s 'a%e a #itt#e ("en 0 mo%ed/ T"ey (ere 'ettin' so)ter/ Oay/ T"at (as somet"in'/ 0 :-st "ad to "o#d o-t a
#itt#e #on'er/ 2esperate#y, 0 tried to )oc-s on C"ristian.s bite and distract myse#)/ 0t (ored )or abo-t )i%e seconds/
6e (asn.t 'i%in' me m-c" in t"e (ay o) endorp"ins, certain#y not eno-'" to combat t"at increasin'#y "orrib#e pain/
0 ("impered, probab#y main' myse#) more con%incin'/
>0 can.t be#ie%e it,> m-ttered one o) t"e '-ards/ >6e.s act-a##y doin' it/> Beyond t"em, 0 t"o-'"t 0 "eard t"e so-nd
o) $ia cryin'/
T"e c-))s. b-rnin' increased/ 0.d ne%er )e#t anyt"in' so pain)-# in my #i)e, and 0.d been t"ro-'" a #ot/ Passin' o-t
(as rapid#y becomin' a %ery rea# possibi#ity/
>6ey,> t"e '-ard s-dden#y said/ >W"at.s t"at sme##=>
T"at sme## (as me#tin' p#astic/ Or maybe my me#tin' )#es"/ 6onest#y, it didn.t matter beca-se t"e ne&t time 0
mo%ed my (rists, t"ey broe t"ro-'" t"e 'ooey, sca#din' c-))s/
0 "ad ten seconds o) s-rprise, and 0 -sed t"em/ 0 #eapt o-t o) my c"air, p-s"in' C"ristian bac(ard in t"e process/
6e.d "ad a '-ard on eit"er side o) "im, and one sti## "e#d t"e p#iers/ 0n a sin'#e motion, 0 'rabbed t"e p#iers )rom t"e
'-y and p#-n'ed t"em into "is c"ee/ 6e 'a%e some ind o) '-r'#ed scream, b-t 0 didn.t (ait to see ("at "appened/
$y (indo( o) s-rprise (as c#osin', and 0 co-#dn.t (aste time/
As soon as 0 #et 'o o) t"e p#iers, 0 p-nc"ed t"e second '-y/ $y ics (ere stron'er t"an my p-nc"es as a 'enera#
r-#e, b-t 0 sti## "it "im "ard eno-'" to start#e "im and mae "im sta''er/
By t"en, t"e '-ards. #eader (as in action/ As 0.d )eared, "e sti## "ad a '-n, and "e (ent )or it/ >2on.t mo%e@> "e
ye##ed, aimin' at me/
0 )ro5e/ T"e '-ard 0.d p-nc"ed came )or(ard and 'rabbed my arm/ Nearby, t"e '-y 0.d stabbed (as moanin' on t"e
)#oor/ Sti## trainin' t"e '-n on me, t"e #eader started to say somet"in' and t"en ye#ped in a#arm/ T"e '-n '#o(ed
)aint#y oran'e and )e## )rom "is "ands/ W"ere "e.d "e#d it, t"e sin b-rned red and an'ry/ C"ristian "ad "eated t"e
meta#, 0 rea#i5ed/ +ea"/ We de)inite#y s"o-#d "a%e been -sin' t"is ma'ic t"in' )rom t"e start/ 0) (e 'ot o-t o) t"is, 0
(as 'oin' to tae -p Tas"a.s ca-se/ T"e $oroi anti*ma'ic c-stom (as so insti##ed in o-r brains t"at (e "adn.t e%en
t"o-'"t to try t"is sooner/ 0t (as st-pid/
0 t-rned on t"e '-y "o#din' me/ 0 don.t t"in "e e&pected a 'ir# my si5e to p-t -p so m-c" o) a )i'"t, p#-s "e (as
sti## ind o) st-nned o%er ("at "ad "appened to t"e ot"er '-y and t"e '-n/ 0 mana'ed eno-'" room to 'et in a ic
to "is stomac", a ic t"at (o-#d "a%e earned me an A in my combat c#ass/ 6e 'r-nted at t"e impact, and t"e
motion prope##ed "im bac into t"e (a##/ 0n a )#as", 0 (as on "im/ Grabbin' a )ist)-# o) "is "air, 0 s#ammed "is "ead
a'ainst t"e 'ro-nd "ard eno-'" to noc "im o-t b-t not i## "im/
0mmediate#y, 0 spran' -p, s-rprised t"e #eader "adn.t come a)ter me yet/ 0t s"o-#dn.t "a%e taen "im t"at #on' to
reco%er )rom t"e s"oc o) t"e "eated '-n/ B-t ("en 0 t-rned aro-nd, t"e room (as <-iet/ T"e #eader #ay
-nconscio-s on t"e 'ro-nd7(it" a ne(#y )reed $ason "o%erin' o%er "im/ Nearby, C"ristian
"e#d t"e p#iers in one "and and t"e '-n in t"e ot"er/ 0t "ad to sti## be "ot, b-t C"ristian.s po(er m-st "a%e made "im
imm-ne/ 6e (as aimin' at t"at man 0.d stabbed/ T"e '-y (asn.t -nconscio-s, mere#y b#eedin', b-t, #ie 0 "ad, "e
)ro5e beneat" t"at barre#/
>6o#y s"it,> 0 m-ttered, tain' in t"e scene/ Sta''erin' o%er to C"ristian, 0 "e#d o-t my "and/ >Gi%e me t"at be)ore
yo- "-rt somebody/>
0 e&pected a bitin' remar, b-t "e simp#y "anded t"e '-n o%er (it" s"ain' "ands/ 0 s"o%ed it into my be#t/
St-dyin' "im )-rt"er, 0 sa( "o( pa#e "e (as/ 6e #ooed #ie "e co-#d co##apse at any moment/ 6e.d done some
pretty ma:or ma'ic )or someone ("o.d been star%ed )or t(o days/
>$ase, 'et t"e c-))s,> 0 said/ Wit"o-t t-rnin' "is bac on t"e rest o) -s, $ason too a )e( steps bac to(ard t"e
bo& ("ere o-r captors "ad ept t"eir stas" o) )#e&*c-))s/ 6e p-##ed o-t t"ree strips o) p#astic and t"en somet"in'
e#se/ Wit" a <-estionin' '#ance at me, "e "e#d -p a ro## o) d-ct tape/
>Per)ect,> 0 said/
We bo-nd o-r captors to t"e c"airs/ One "ad remained conscio-s, b-t (e noced "im o-t too and t"en p-t d-ct
tape o%er a## t"eir mo-t"s/ T"ey.d e%ent-a##y come to, and 0 didn.t (ant t"em main' any noise/
A)ter re#easin' $ia and Eddie, t"e )i%e o) -s "-dd#ed to'et"er and p#anned o-r ne&t mo%e/ C"ristian and Eddie
co-#d bare#y stand, b-t at #east C"ristian (as a(are o) "is s-rro-ndin's/ $ia.s )ace (as streaed (it" tears, b-t 0
s-spected s"e.d be ab#e to tae orders/ T"at #e)t $ason and me as t"e most )-nctiona# in t"e 'ro-p/
>T"at '-y.s (atc" says it.s mornin',> "e said/ >A## (e.%e 'ot to do is 'et o-tside, and t"ey can.t to-c" -s/ As #on'
as t"ere are no more "-mans, at #east/>
>T"ey said 0saia" (as 'one,> said $ia in a sma## %oice/ >We s"o-#d :-st be ab#e to #ea%e, ri'"t=>
>T"ose men "a%en.t #e)t in "o-rs,> 0 said/ >T"ey co-#d be (ron'/ We can.t do anyt"in' st-pid/>
Care)-##y, $ason opened t"e door to o-r room and peered o-t into t"e empty "a##(ay/ >T"in t"ere.s a (ay o-tside
do(n "ere=>
>T"at.d mae o-r #i%es easier,> 0 m-ttered/ 0 '#anced bacat t"e ot"ers/ >Stay "ere/ 'oin' to c"ec o-t t"e
rest o) t"e basement/>
>W"at i) somebody comes=> e&c#aimed $ia/
>T"ey (on.t,> 0 ass-red "er/ 0 (as act-a##y pretty s-re t"ere (as no one e#se in t"e basement; t"ey (o-#d "a%e
come r-nnin' (it" a## t"at racet/ And i) anyone tried to come do(n t"e stairs, (e (o-#d "ear t"em )irst/
Sti##, $ason and 0 mo%ed ca-tio-s#y as (e sco-ted aro-nd t"e basement, (atc"in' eac" ot"er.s bacs and c"ecin'
aro-nd corners/ 0t (as e%ery bit t"e rat.s ma5e 0 remembered )rom o-r initia# capt-re/ T(isted "a##(ays and #ots o)
rooms/ One by one, (e opened eac" door/ E%ery room (as empty, sa%e )or t"e occasiona# c"air or t(o/ 0
s"-ddered, t"inin' t"at a## o) t"ese (ere probab#y -sed as prisons, :-st as o-rs "ad been/
>Not a 'oddamned (indo( in t"is ("o#e p#ace,> 0 m-ttered ("en (e.d )inis"ed o-r s(eep/ >We.%e 'ot to 'o
We "eaded bac to(ard o-r room, b-t be)ore (e 'ot t"ere, $ason ca-'"t "o#d o) my "and/ >Rose ///> 0 stopped
and #ooed -p at "im/ >+ea"=>
6is b#-es eyes7more serio-s t"an 0.d e%er seen t"em7 #ooed do(n at me re'ret)-##y/ >0 rea##y scre(ed t"in's
0 t"o-'"t abo-t a## t"e e%ents t"at "ad #ed to t"is/ ",e scre(ed t"in's -p, $ason/>
6e si'"ed/ >0 "ope /// 0 "ope ("en t"is is a## done, (e can sit do(n and ta# and )i'-re t"in's o-t/ 0 s"o-#dn.t "a%e
'otten mad at yo-/>
0 (anted to te## "im t"at t"at (asn.t 'oin' to "appen, t"at ("en "e.d disappeared, 0.d act-a##y been on my (ay to
te## "im t"in's (o-#dn.t be better bet(een -s/ Since t"is didn.t seem #ie t"e ri'"t time or p#ace to brin' -p a
brea-p, 0 #ied/
0 s<-ee5ed "is "and/ >0 "ope so too/>
6e smi#ed, and (e ret-rned to t"e ot"ers/
>A## ri'"t,> 0 to#d t"em/ >6ere.s "o( it.s 'oin' to be/>
We <-ic#y "as"ed o-t a p#an and t"en crept -p t"e stairs/ 0 #ed, )o##o(ed by $ia as s"e tried to s-pport a re#-ctant
C"ristian/ $ason bro-'"t -p t"e rear, practica##y dra''in' Eddie/
>0 s"o-#d be )irst,> $ason m-rm-red as (e stood at t"e top o) t"e stairs/
>+o- aren.t,> 0 snapped bac, restin' my "and on t"e doornob/
>+ea", b-t i) somet"in' "appens7>
>$ason,> 0 interr-pted/ 0 stared at "im "ard, and s-dden#y, 0 "ad a brie) )#as" o) my mot"er t"at day ("en t"e
2ro5do% attac "ad broen/ Ca#m and contro##ed, e%en in t"e (ae o) somet"in' so "orrib#e/ T"ey.d needed a
#eader, :-st #ie t"is 'ro-p did no(, and 0 tried as "ard as 0 co-#d to c"anne# "er/ >0) somet"in' "appens, yo- 'et
t"em o-t o) "ere/ R-n )ast and r-n )ar/ 2o not come bac (it"o-t a "erd o) '-ardians/>
>+o-.## be t"e one ("o 'ets attaced )irst@ W"at am 0 s-pposed to do=> "e "issed/ >Lea%e yo-=>
>+es/ +o- )or'et abo-t me i) yo- can 'et t"em o-t/>
>Rose, 0.m not 'oin' to7>
>$ason/> 0 a'ain en%isioned my mot"er, )i'"tin' )or t"atstren't" and po(er to #ead ot"ers/ >Can yo- do t"is or
We stared at eac" ot"er )or se%era# "ea%y moments ("i#e t"e ot"ers "e#d t"eir breat"s/
>0 can do t"is,> "e said sti))#y/ 0 nodded and t-rned bac aro-nd/
T"e basement door s<-eaed ("en 0 opened it, and 0 'rimaced at t"e so-nd/ Scarce#y darin' to breat"e, 0 stood
per)ect#y sti## at t"e top o) t"e stairs, (aitin' and #istenin'/ T"e "o-se and its eccentric decoratin' #ooed t"e same
as ("en (e.d been bro-'"t in/ 2ar b#inds co%ered a## o) t"e (indo(s, b-t a#on' t"e ed'es, 0 co-#d see bri'"t #i'"t
peepin' in/ S-ns"ine "ad ne%er tasted so s(eet as it did at t"at moment/ Gettin' to it meant )reedom/
T"ere (ere no so-nds, no mo%ements/ Looin' aro-nd, 0 tried to remember ("ere t"e )ront door (as/ 0t (as on
t"e ot"er side o) t"e "o-se7rea##y not )ar in t"e 'rand sc"eme o) t"in's b-t a 'apin' c"asm at t"e moment/
>Sco-t (it" me,> 0 ("ispered to $ason, "opin' to mae "im )ee# better abo-t brin'in' -p t"e rear/
6e #et Eddie #ean on $ia )or a moment and stepped )or(ard (it" me to do a <-ic s(eep o) t"e main #i%in' area/
Not"in'/ T"e pat" (as c#ear )rom "ere to t"e )ront door/ 0 e&"a#ed in re#ie)/ $ason too "o#d o) Eddie a'ain, and
(e mo%ed )or(ard, a## o) -s tense and ner%o-s/ God/ We (ere 'oin' to do t"is, 0 rea#i5ed/ We (ere rea##y 'oin' to
do t"is/ 0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e "o( #-cy (e.d 'otten/ We.d been so c#ose to disaster7and "ad :-st bare#y made it
t"ro-'"/ 0t (as one o)t"ose moments t"at made yo- appreciate yo-r #i)e and (ant to t-rn t"in's aro-nd/ A second
c"ance yo- s(ear yo- (on.t #et 'o to (aste/ A rea#i5ation t"at7
0 "eard t"em mo%e a#most at t"e same time 0 sa( t"em step in )ront o) -s/ 0t (as #ie a ma'ician con:-red 0saia"
and E#ena o-t o) t"in air/ On#y, 0 ne( t"ere (as no ma'ic in%o#%ed t"is time/ Stri'oi :-st mo%ed t"at <-ic#y/ T"ey
m-st "a%e been in one o) t"e ot"er main )#oor rooms t"at (e.d ass-med (ere empty7(e "adn.t (anted to (aste
t"e e&tra time #ooin'/ 0 ra'ed at myse#) interna##y )or not "a%in' c"eced o-t e%ery inc" o) t"e ("o#e )#oor/
Some("ere, in t"e bac o) my memory, 0 "eard myse#) ta-ntin' my mot"er in Stan.s c#ass1 "It seems to me #ie
yo- '-ys messed -p/ W"y didn.t yo- scope o-t t"e p#ace and mae s-re it (as c#ear o) Stri'oi in t"e )irst p#ace=
Seems #ie yo- co-#d "a%e sa%ed yo-rse#) a #ot o) tro-b#e/>
4arma.s a rea# bitc"/
>C"i#dren, c"i#dren,> crooned 0saia"/ >T"is isn.t "o( t"e 'ame (ors/ breain' t"e r-#es/> A cr-e# smi#e
p#ayed o%er "is #ips/ 6e )o-nd -s am-sin', no rea# t"reat at a##/ 6onest#y= 6e (as ri'"t/
>Fast and )ar, $ason,> 0 said in #o( %oice, ne%er tain' my eyes o)) t"e Stri'oi/
>$y, my /// i) #oos co-#d i## ///> 0saia" arc"ed "is eyebro(s as somet"in' occ-rred to "im/ >Are yo- t"inin' yo-
can tae -s bot" on by yo-rse#)=> 6e c"-c#ed/ E#ena c"-c#ed/ 0 'ritted my teet"/
No, 0 didn.t t"in 0 co-#d tae t"em bot" on/ 0n )act, 0 (aspretty s-re 0 (as 'oin' to die/ B-t 0 (as a#so pretty s-re 0
co-#d pro%ide one "e## o) a distraction )irst/
0 #-n'ed to(ard 0saia" b-t p-##ed t"e '-n on E#ena/ +o- co-#d 'et a :-mp on "-man '-ards7b-t not on Stri'oi/
T"ey sa( me comin' practica##y be)ore 0 e%en mo%ed/ T"ey didn.t e&pect me to "a%e a '-n, t"o-'"/ And ("i#e
0saia" b#oced my attacin' body (it" a#most no e))ort ("atsoe%er, 0 sti## mana'ed to 'et a s"ot o)) at E#ena be)ore
"e sei5ed my arms and restrained me/ T"e '-n.s report ran' #o-d in my ears, and s"e screamed in pain and s-rprise/
0.d aimed )or "er stomac" b-t "ad been :ost#ed into "ittin' "er t"i'"/ Not t"at it mattered/ Neit"er spot (o-#d i##
"er, b-t t"e stomac" (o-#d "a%e "-rt a #ot more/
0saia" "e#d my (rists so "ard, 0 t"o-'"t "e.d brea t"e bones/ 0 dropped t"e '-n/ 0t "it t"e )#oor, bo-nced, and s#id
to(ard t"e door/ E#ena s"rieed in ra'e and c#a(ed at me/ 0saia" to#d "er to contro# "erse#) and p-s"ed me o-t o)
reac"/ A## t"e ("i#e, 0 )#ai#ed as m-c" as possib#e, not so m-c" to escape as to mae a n-isance o) myse#)/
And t"en1 t"e s(eetest o) so-nds/
T"e )ront door openin'/
$ason "ad taen ad%anta'e o) my distraction/ 6e.d #e)t Eddie (it" $ia and sprinted aro-nd me and t"e 'rapp#in'
Stri'oi to open t"e door/ 0saia" t-rned (it" t"at #i'"tnin'*)ast speed o) "is7and screamed as s-n#i'"t po-red o%er
"im/ B-t e%en t"o-'" "e (as s-))erin', "is re)#e&es (ere sti## )ast/ 6e :ered "imse#) o-t o) t"e patc" o) #i'"t into
t"e #i%in' room,dra''in' E#ena and me (it" "im7"er by t"e arm and me by my nec/
>Get t"em o-t@> 0 ye##ed/
>0saia"7> be'an E#ena, breain' o-t o) "is 'rip/
6e s"o%ed me to t"e )#oor and sp-n aro-nd, starin' at "is escapin' %ictims/ 0 'asped )or breat" no( t"at "is 'rip on
my t"roat (as 'one and peered bac at t"e door t"ro-'" t"e tan'#e o) my "air/ 0 (as :-st in time to see $ason dra'
Eddie o%er t"e t"res"o#d, o-t into t"e sa)ety o) t"e #i'"t/ $ia and C"ristian (ere a#ready 'one/ 0 near#y (ept in
0saia" t-rned bac on me (it" a## t"e )-ry o) a storm, "is eyes b#ac and terrib#e as "e #oomed o%er me )rom "is
'reat "ei'"t/ 6is )ace, ("ic" "ad a#(ays been scary, became somet"in' a#most beyond compre"ension/
>$onstro-s> didn.t e%en be'in to co%er it/
6e :ered me -p by my "air/ 0 cried o-t at t"e pain, and "e bro-'"t "is "ead do(n so t"at o-r )aces (ere pressed
-p to one anot"er.s/
>+o- (ant a bite, 'ir#=> "e demanded/ >+o- (ant to be a b#ood ("ore= We##, (e can arran'e t"at/ 0n e%ery sense
o) t"e (ord/ And it (i## not be s(eet/ And it (i## not be n-mbin'/ 0t (i## be pain)-#7comp-#sion (ors bot"
(ays, yo- no(, and 0 (i## mae s-re yo- be#ie%e yo- are s-))erin' t"e (orst pain o) yo-r #i)e/ And 0 (i## a#so
mae s-re yo-r deat" taes a %ery, %ery #on' time/ +o- (i## scream/ +o- (i## cry/ +o- (i## be' me to end it a## and
#et yo- die7>
>0saia",> cried E#ena in e&asperation/ >3-st i## "er a#ready/0) yo-.d done it sooner #ie 0 said, none o) t"is (o-#d
"a%e "appened/>
6e ept "is 'rip on me b-t )#iced "is eyes to(ard "er/ >2o not interr-pt me/>
> bein' me#odramatic,> s"e contin-ed/ +ea", s"e rea##y (as ("iny/ 0 ne%er (o-#d "a%e t"o-'"t a Stri'oi
co-#d do t"at/ 0t (as a#most comica#/ >And (aste)-#/>
>2o not ta# bac to me, eit"er,> "e said/
>0.m hungry. 0.m :-st sayin' yo- s"o-#d7>
>Let "er 'o, or 0.## i## yo-/>
We a## t-rned at t"e ne( %oice, a %oice dar and an'ry/ $ason stood in t"e door(ay, )ramed in #i'"t, "o#din' my
dropped '-n/ 0saia" st-died "im )or a )e( moments/
>S-re,> 0saia" )ina##y said/ 6e so-nded bored/ >Try it/>
$ason didn.t "esitate/ 6e )ired and ept )irin' -nti# "e.d emptied t"e entire c#ip into 0saia".s c"est/ Eac" b-##et
made t"e Stri'oi )#inc" a #itt#e, b-t ot"er(ise, "e ept standin' and "o#din' on to me/ T"is (as ("at it meant to be
an o#d and po(er)-# Stri'oi, 0 rea#i5ed/ A b-##et in t"e t"i'" "-rt a yo-n' %ampire #ie E#ena/ B-t )or 0saia"=
Gettin' s"ot in t"e c"est m-#tip#e times (as simp#y a n-isance/
$ason rea#i5ed t"is too, and "is )eat-res "ardened as "e t"re( do(n t"e '-n/
>Get o-t@> 0 screamed/ 6e (as sti## in t"e s-n, sti## sa)e/
B-t "e didn.t #isten to me/ 6e ran to(ard -s, o-t o) "is protecti%e #i'"t/ 0 redo-b#ed my str-''#es, "opin' 0.d p-##
0saia".s attention a(ay )rom $ason/ 0 didn.t/ 0saia" s"o%edme into E#ena be)ore $ason (as "a#)(ay to -s/ S(i)t#y,
0saia" b#oced and sei5ed "o#d o) $ason, e&act#y as "e.d done to me ear#ier/
On#y, -n#ie (it" me, 0saia" didn.t restrain $ason.s arms/ 6e didn.t :er $ason -pri'"t by t"e "air or mae #on',
ramb#in' t"reats abo-t an a'oni5in' deat"/ 0saia" simp#y stopped t"e attac, 'rabbed $ason.s "ead (it" bot"
"ands, and 'a%e a <-ic t(ist/ T"ere (as a sicenin' crac/ $ason.s eyes (ent (ide/ T"en t"ey (ent b#an/
Wit" an impatient si'", 0saia" re#eased "is "o#d and tossed $ason.s #imp body o%er to(ard ("ere E#ena "e#d me/
0t #anded be)ore -s/ $y %ision s(am as na-sea and di55iness (rapped aro-nd me/
>T"ere,> 0saia" said to E#ena/ >See i) t"at.## tide yo- o%er/ And sa%e some )or me/>
6ORROR AN2 S6OC4 CONSU$E2 $E, so m-c"so t"at 0 t"o-'"t my so-# (o-#d s"ri%e#, t"at t"e (or#d
(o-#d end ri'"t t"en and t"ere7beca-se s-re#y, surely it co-#dn.t eep 'oin' on a)ter t"is/ No one co-#d eep
'oin' on a)ter t"is/ 0 (anted to s"rie my pain to t"e -ni%erse/ 0 (anted to cry -nti# 0 me#ted/ 0 (anted to sin do(n
beside $ason and die (it" "im/
E#ena re#eased me, apparent#y decidin' 0 posed no dan'er positioned as 0 (as bet(een "er and 0saia"/ S"e t-rned
to(ard $ason.s body/
And 0 stopped )ee#in'/ 0 simp#y acted/
>2on.t/ To-c"/ 6im/> 0 didn.t reco'ni5e my o(n %oice/
S"e ro##ed "er eyes/ >Good 'rie), annoyin'/ 0.m started to see 0saia".s point7yo- do need to s-))er be)ore
dyin'/> T-rnin' a(ay, s"e ne#t do(n to t"e )#oor and )#ipped $ason o%er onto "is bac/
>2on.t to-c" "im@> 0 screamed/ 0 s"o%ed "er (it" #itt#e e))ect/ S"e s"o%ed bac, near#y nocin' me o%er/ 0t (as
a## 0 co-#d do to steady my )eet and stay -pri'"t/
0saia" #ooed on (it" am-sed interest; t"en "is 'a5e )e## to t"e )#oor/ Lissa.s c"oti "ad )a##en o-t o) my coat
pocet/ 6e piced it -p/ Stri'oi co-#d to-c" "o#y ob:ects7t"e storiesabo-t t"em )earin' crosses (eren.t tr-e/ T"ey
:-st co-#dn.t enter "o#y 'ro-nd/ 6e )#ipped t"e cross o%er and ran "is )in'ers o%er t"e etc"ed dra'on/
>A", t"e 2ra'omirs,> "e m-sed/ >0.d )or'otten abo-t t"em/ Easy to/ T"ere.s ("at, one= T(o o) t"em #e)t= Bare#y
(ort" rememberin'/> T"ose "orrib#e red eyes )oc-sed on me/ >2o yo- no( any o) t"em= 0.## "a%e to see to t"em
one o) t"ese days/ 0t (on.t be %ery "ard to7>
S-dden#y, 0 "eard an e&p#osion/ T"e a<-ari-m b-rst apart as (ater s"ot o-t o) it, s"atterin' t"e '#ass/ Pieces o) it
)#e( to(ard me, b-t 0 bare#y noticed/ T"e (ater coa#esced in t"e air, )ormin' a #opsided sp"ere/ 0t be'an to )#oat/
To(ard 0saia"/ 0 )e#t my :a( drop as 0 stared at it/
6e (atc"ed it too, more p-55#ed t"an scared/ At #east -nti# it (rapped aro-nd "is )ace and started s-))ocatin' "im/
$-c" #ie t"e b-##ets, s-))ocation (o-#dn.t i## "im/ B-t it co-#d ca-se "im a "e## o) a #ot o) discom)ort/
6is "ands )#e( to "is )ace, desperate#y tryin' to >pry> t"e (ater a(ay/ 0t (as no -se/ 6is )in'ers simp#y s#ipped
t"ro-'"/ E#ena )or'ot abo-t $ason and :-mped to "er )eet/
>W"at is it=> s"e s"rieed/ S"e s"oo "im in an e<-a##y -se#ess e))ort to )ree "im/ >W"at.s "appenin'=>
A'ain, 0 didn.t )ee#/ 0 acted/ $y "and c#osed aro-nd a #ar'e piece o) '#ass )rom t"e broen a<-ari-m/ 0t (as :a''ed
and s"arp, c-ttin' into my "and/
Sprintin' )or(ard, 0 p#-n'ed t"e s"ard into 0saia".s c"est, aimin' )or t"e "eart 0.d (ored so "ard to )ind in
practice/0saia" emitted a stran'#ed scream t"ro-'" t"e (ater and co##apsed to t"e )#oor/ 6is eyes ro##ed bac in "is
"ead as "e b#aced o-t )rom t"e pain/
E#ena stared, as s"oced as 0.d been ("en 0saia" "ad i##ed $ason/ 0saia" (asn.t dead, o) co-rse, b-t "e (as
temporari#y do(n )or t"e co-nt/ 6er )ace c#ear#y s"o(ed s"e "adn.t t"o-'"t t"at (as possib#e/
T"e smart t"in' at t"at point (o-#d "a%e been to r-n to(ard t"e door and t"e s-n.s sa)ety/ 0nstead, 0 ran in t"e
opposite direction, to(ard t"e )irep#ace/ 0 'rabbed one o) t"e anti<-e s(ords and t-rned bac to(ard E#ena/ 0 didn.t
"a%e )ar to 'o, beca-se s"e.d reco%ered "erse#) and (as "eadin' to(ard me/
Snar#in' (it" ra'e, s"e tried to 'rab me/ 0 "ad ne%er trained (it" a s(ord, b-t 0 "ad been ta-'"t to )i'"t (it" any
maes"i)t (eapon 0 co-#d )ind/ 0 -sed t"e s(ord to eep distance bet(een -s, my motions c#-msy b-t e))ecti%e )or
t"e time bein'/
W"ite )an's )#as"ed in "er mo-t"/ >0 am 'oin' to mae yo-7>
>S-))er, pay, re'ret 0 (as e%er born=> 0 s-''ested/
0 remembered )i'"tin' (it" my mom, "o( 0.d been on t"e de)ensi%e t"e ("o#e time/ T"at (o-#dn.t (or t"is time/
0 "ad to attac/ 3abbin' )or(ard, 0 tried to #and a b#o( on E#ena/ No #-c/ S"e anticipated my e%ery mo%e/
S-dden#y, )rom be"ind "er, 0saia" 'roaned as "e started to come aro-nd/ S"e '#anced bac, t"e sma##est o)
motionst"at #et me s(ipe t"e s(ord across "er c"est/ 0t c-t t"e )abric o) "er s"irt and 'ra5ed t"e sin, b-t not"in'
more/ Sti##, s"e )#inc"ed and #ooed do(n in panic/ 0 t"in t"e '#ass 'oin' t"ro-'" 0saia".s "eart (as sti## )res" in
"er mind/
And that (as ("at 0 rea##y needed/
0 m-stered a## my stren't", dre( bac, and s(-n'/
T"e s(ord.s b#ade "it t"e side o) "er nec, "ard and deep/ S"e 'a%e a "orrib#e, sicenin' cry, a s"rie t"at made my
sin cra(#/ S"e tried to mo%e to(ard me/ 0 p-##ed bac and "it a'ain/ 6er "ands c#-tc"ed at "er t"roat, and "er
nees 'a%e (ay/ 0 str-c and str-c, t"e s(ord di''in' deeper into "er nec eac" time/ C-ttin' o)) someone.s "ead
(as "arder t"an 0.d t"o-'"t it (o-#d be/ T"e o#d, d-## s(ord probab#y (asn.t "e#pin'/
B-t )ina##y, 0 'ained eno-'" sense to rea#i5e s"e (asn.t mo%in'/ 6er "ead #ay t"ere, detac"ed )rom "er body, "er
dead eyes #ooin' -p at me as t"o-'" s"e co-#dn.t be#ie%e ("at "ad "appened/ T"at made t(o o) -s/
Someone (as screamin', and )or a s-rrea# second, 0 t"o-'"t it (as sti## E#ena/ T"en 0 #i)ted my eyes and #ooed
across t"e room/ $ia stood in t"e door(ay, eyes b-''in' o-t and sin tin'ed 'reen #ie s"e mi'"t t"ro( -p/
2istant#y, in t"e bac o) my mind, 0 rea#i5ed s"e (as t"e one ("o.d made t"e a<-ari-m e&p#ode/ Water ma'ic
apparent#y (asn.t (ort"#ess a)ter a##/
Sti## a bit s"aen, 0saia" tried to rise to "is )eet/ B-t 0 (as on "im be)ore "e co-#d )-##y mana'e it/ T"e s(ord san'
o-t,(reain' b#ood and pain (it" eac" b#o(/ 0 )e#t #ie an o#d pro no(/ 0saia" )e## bac to t"e )#oor/ 0n my mind, 0
ept seein' "im brea $ason.s nec, and 0 "aced and "aced as "ard as 0 co-#d, as t"o-'" striin' )ierce#y eno-'"
mi'"t some"o( banis" t"e memory/
>Rose@ $ose*
T"ro-'" my "ate*)i##ed "a5e, 0 :-st bare#y detected $ia.s %oice/
>Rose, "e.s dead@>
S#o(#y, s"ai#y, 0 "e#d bac t"e ne&t b#o( and #ooed do(n at "is body7and t"e "ead no #on'er attac"ed to it/ S"e
(as ri'"t/ 6e (as dead/ Very, %ery dead/
0 #ooed at t"e rest o) t"e room/ T"ere (as b#ood e%ery("ere, b-t t"e "orror o) it didn.t rea##y re'ister (it" me/ $y
(or#d "ad s#o(ed do(n, s#o(ed do(n to t(o %ery simp#e tass/ 4i## t"e Stri'oi/ Protect $ason/ 0 co-#dn.t process
anyt"in' e#se/
>Rose,> ("ispered $ia/ S"e (as tremb#in', "er (ords )i##ed (it" )ear/ S"e (as a)raid o) me, not t"e Stri'oi/
>Rose, (e "a%e to 'o/ Come on/>
0 dra''ed my eyes a(ay )rom "er and #ooed do(n at 0saia".s remains/ A)ter se%era# moments, 0
cra(#ed o%er to $ason.s body, sti## c#-tc"in' t"e s(ord/
>No,> 0 croaed o-t/ >0 can.t #ea%e "im/ Ot"er Stri'oi mi'"t come////>
$y eyes b-rned #ie 0 desperate#y (anted to cry/ 0 co-#dn.t say )or s-re/ T"e b#ood#-st sti## po-nded in me,
%io#ence andra'e t"e on#y emotions 0 (as capab#e o) anymore/
>Rose, (e.## come bac )or "im/ 0) ot"er Stri'oi are comin', (e "a%e to 'et o-t/>
>No,> 0 repeated, not e%en #ooin' at "er/ >0.m not #ea%in' "im/ 0 (on.t #ea%e "im a#one/> Wit" my )ree "and, 0
stroed $ason.s "air/
0 :ered my "ead -p/ >Get o-t@> 0 screamed at "er/ >Get o-t, and #ea%e -s a#one/>
S"e too a )e( steps )or(ard, and 0 #i)ted t"e s(ord/ S"e )ro5e/
>Get o-t,> 0 repeated/ >Go )ind t"e ot"ers/>
S#o(#y, $ia baced -p to(ard t"e door/ S"e 'a%e me one #ast, desperate #oo be)ore r-nnin' o-tside/
Si#ence )e##, and 0 re#a&ed my "o#d on t"e s(ord b-t re)-sed to #et it 'o/ $y body sa''ed )or(ard, and 0 rested my
"ead on $ason.s c"est/ 0 became ob#i%io-s to e%eryt"in'1 to t"e (or#d aro-nd me, to time itse#)/ Seconds co-#d
"a%e passed/ 6o-rs co-#d "a%e passed/ 0 didn.t no(/ 0 didn.t no( anyt"in' e&cept t"at 0 co-#dn.t #ea%e $ason
a#one/ 0 e&isted in an a#tered state, a state t"at :-st bare#y ept t"e terror and 'rie) at bay/ 0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e $ason
(as dead/ 0 co-#dn.t be#ie%e 0.d :-st s-mmoned deat"/ So #on' as 0 re)-sed to acno(#ed'e eit"er, 0 co-#d pretend
t"ey "adn.t "appened/
Footsteps and %oices e%ent-a##y so-nded, and 0 #i)ted my "ead -p/ Peop#e po-red in t"ro-'" t"e door, #ots o) t"em/
0 co-#dn.t rea##y mae o-t any o) t"em/ 0 didn.t need to/ T"ey(ere t"reats, t"reats 0 "ad to eep $ason sa)e )rom/ A
co-p#e o) t"em approac"ed me, and 0 #eapt -p, #i)tin' t"e s(ord and "o#din' it protecti%e#y o%er "is body/
>Stay bac,> 0 (arned/ >Stay a(ay )rom "im/>
T"ey ept comin'/
>Stay bac@> 0 ye##ed/ T"ey stopped/ E&cept )or one/
>Rose,> came a so)t %oice/ >2rop t"e s(ord/>
$y "ands s"oo/ 0 s(a##o(ed/ >Get a(ay )rom -s/>
T"e %oice spoe a'ain, a %oice t"at my so-# (o-#d "a%e no(n any("ere/ 6esitant#y, 0 #et myse#) )ina##y become
a(are o) my s-rro-ndin's, #et t"e detai#s sin in/ 0 #et my eyes )oc-s on t"e )eat-res o) t"e man standin' t"ere/
2imitri.s bro(n eyes, 'ent#e and )irm, #ooed do(n on me/
>0t.s oay,> "e said/ >E%eryt"in'.s 'oin' to be oay/ +o- can #et 'o o) t"e s(ord/>
$y "ands s"oo e%en "arder as 0 )o-'"t to "o#d on to t"e "i#t/ >0 can.t/> T"e (ords "-rt comin' o-t/ >0 can.t #ea%e
"im a#one/ 0 "a%e to protect "im/>
>+o- "a%e,> said 2imitri/
T"e s(ord )e## o-t o) my "ands, #andin' (it" a #o-d c#atter on t"e (ooden )#oor/ 0 )o##o(ed, co##apsin' on a##
)o-rs, (antin' to cry b-t sti## -nab#e to/
2imitri.s arms (rapped aro-nd me as "e "e#ped me -p/ Voices s(armed aro-nd -s, and one by one, 0 reco'ni5ed
peop#e 0 ne( and tr-sted/ 6e started to t-' me to(ard t"e door, b-t 0 re)-sed to mo%e :-st yet/ 0 co-#dn.t/ $y
"andsc#-tc"ed "is s"irt, cr-mp#in' t"e )abric/ Sti## eepin' one arm aro-nd me, "e smoot"ed my "air bac a(ay
)rom my )ace/ 0 #eaned my "ead a'ainst "im, and "e contin-ed stroin' my "air, m-rm-rin' somet"in' in R-ssian/
0 didn.t -nderstand a (ord o) it, b-t t"e 'ent#e tone soot"ed me/
G-ardians (ere spreadin' t"ro-'"o-t t"e "o-se, e&aminin' it inc" by inc"/ A co-p#e o) t"em approac"ed -s and
ne#t by t"e bodies 0 re)-sed to #oo at/
>S"e did t"at= Bot" o) t"em=>
>T"at s(ord "asn.t been s"arpened in years@>
A )-nny so-nd ca-'"t in my t"roat/ 2imitri s<-ee5ed my s"o-#der com)ortin'#y/
>Get "er o-t o) "ere, Be#io%,> 0 "eard a (oman say be"ind "im, "er %oice )ami#iar/
2imitri s<-ee5ed my s"o-#der a'ain/ >Come on, Ro5a/ 0t.s time to 'o/>
T"is time, 0 (ent/ 6e '-ided me o-t o) t"e "o-se, "o#din' onto me as 0 mana'ed eac" a'oni5in' step/
$y mind sti## re)-sed to rea##y process ("at "ad "appened/ 0 co-#dn.t do m-c" more t"an )o##o( simp#e directions
)rom t"ose aro-nd me/
0 e%ent-a##y ended -p on one o) t"e Academy.s :ets/ En'ines roared aro-nd -s as t"e p#ane #i)ted o))/ 2imitri
m-rm-red somet"in' abo-t comin' bac s"ort#y and #e)t me a#one in my seat/ 0 stared strai'"t a"ead, st-dyin' t"e
detai#s o) t"e seat in )ront o) me/
Someone sat beside me and draped a b#anet o%er mys"o-#ders/ 0 noticed t"en :-st "o( bad#y 0 (as s"i%erin'/ 0
t-''ed at t"e ed'es o) t"e b#anet/
>0.m co#d,> 0 said/ >6o( am 0 so co#d=>
> in s"oc,> $ia ans(ered/
0 t-rned and #ooed at "er, st-dyin' "er b#ond c-r#s and bi' b#-e eyes/ Somet"in' abo-t seein' "er -n#eas"ed my
memories/ 0t a## t-mb#ed bac/ 0 s<-ee5ed my eyes s"-t/
>O" God,> 0 breat"ed/ 0 opened my eyes and )oc-sed on "er a'ain/ >+o- sa%ed me7sa%ed me ("en yo- b#e( -p
t"e )is" tan/ +o- s"o-#dn.t "a%e done it/ +o- s"o-#dn.t "a%e come bac/>
S"e s"r-''ed/ >+o- s"o-#dn.t "a%e 'one )or t"e s(ord/>
Fair point/ >T"an yo-,> 0 to#d "er/ >W"at yo- did /// 0 ne%er (o-#d "a%e t"o-'"t o) t"at/ 0t (as bri##iant/>
>0 don.t no( abo-t t"at,> s"e m-sed, smi#in' r-e)-##y/ >Water isn.t m-c" o) a (eapon, remember=>
0 c"oed on a #a-'", e%en t"o-'" 0 rea##y didn.t )ind my o#d (ords t"at )-nny/ Not anymore/
>Water.s a 'reat (eapon,> 0 said )ina##y/ >W"en (e 'et bac, (e.## "a%e to practice (ays to -se it/>
6er )ace #it -p/ Fierceness s"one o-t )rom "er eyes/ >0.d #ie t"at/ $ore t"an anyt"in'/>
>0.m sorry /// sorry abo-t yo-r mom/>
$ia simp#y nodded/ > #-cy to sti## "a%e yo-rs/ +o- don.t no( "o( #-cy/>
0 t-rned and stared at t"e seat a'ain/ T"e ne&t (ords o-t o) my mo-t" start#ed me1 >0 (is" s"e (as "ere/>
>S"e is,> said $ia, so-ndin' s-rprised/ >S"e (as (it" t"e 'ro-p t"at raided t"e "o-se/ 2idn.t yo- see "er=>
0 s"oo my "ead/
We #apsed into si#ence/ $ia stood -p and #e)t/ A min-te #ater, someone e#se sat do(n beside me/ 0 didn.t "a%e to
see "er to no( ("o s"e (as/ 0 :-st 'ne".
>Rose,> said my mot"er/ For once in my #i)e, s"e so-nded -ns-re o) "erse#)/ Scared, maybe/ >$ia said yo- (anted
to see me/> 0 didn.t ans(er/ 0 didn.t #oo at "er/ >W"at// /("at do yo- need=>
0 didn.t no( ("at 0 needed/ 0 didn.t no( ("at to do/ T"e stin'in' in my eyes 're( -nbearab#e, and be)ore 0
ne( it, 0 (as cryin'/ Bi', pain)-# sobs sei5ed my body/ T"e tears 0.d "e#d bac so #on' po-red do(n my )ace/ T"e
)ear and 'rie) 0.d re)-sed to #et myse#) )ee# )ina##y b-rst )ree, b-rnin' in my c"est/ 0 co-#d scarce#y breat"e/
$y mot"er p-t "er arms aro-nd me, and 0 b-ried my )ace in "er c"est, sobbin' e%en "arder/
>0 no(,> s"e said so)t#y, ti'"tenin' "er 'rip on me/ >0 -nderstand/>

T6E WEAT6ER WAR$E2 UP ON t"e day o) my molnija ceremony/ 0n )act, it (as so (arm t"at a #ot o) t"e
sno( on camp-s be'an me#tin', r-nnin' do(n t"e sides o) t"e Academy.s stone b-i#din's in
s#im, si#%ery streams/ Winter (as )ar )rom bein' o%er, so 0 ne( e%eryt"in' (o-#d :-st )ree5e -p a'ain in a )e(
days/ For no(, t"o-'", it )e#t as t"o-'" t"e entire (or#d (as (eepin'/
0 "ad (a#ed a(ay )rom t"e Spoane incident (it" minor br-ises and c-ts/ T"e b-rns )rom t"e me#tin' )#e&*c-))s
(ere t"e (orst o) my in:-ries/ B-t 0 (as sti## "a%in' a "ard time dea#in' (it" t"e deat" 0.d ca-sed and t"e deat" 0.d
seen/ 0.d (anted #itt#e more t"an to 'o c-r# -p in a ba## some("ere and not ta# to anyone, e&cept maybe Lissa/ B-t
on my )o-rt" day bac at t"e Academy, my mot"er "ad )o-nd me and to#d me it (as time to recei%e my mars/
0t "ad taen me se%era# moments to 'rasp ("at s"e (as ta#in' abo-t/ T"en it occ-rred to me t"at in decapitatin'
t(o Stri'oi, 0.d earned t(o molnija tattoos/ $y )irst ones/ T"e rea#i5ation "ad st-nned me/ A## my #i)e, in
considerin' my )-t-re career as a '-ardian, 0.d #ooed )or(ard to t"e mars/ 0.d seen t"em as bad'es o) "onor/ B-t
no(= $ain#y t"ey (ere 'oin' to be reminders o) somet"in' 0 (anted to )or'et/
T"e ceremony too p#ace in t"e '-ardians. b-i#din', in a #ar'e room t"ey -sed )or meetin's and ban<-ets/ 0t (as
not"in' at a## #ie t"e 'reat dinin' room at t"e resort/ 0t (as e))icient and practica#, #ie t"e '-ardians (ere/ T"e
carpet (as a b#-is" 'ray s"ade, #o( and ti'"t#y (o%en/ T"e bare ("ite (a##s "e#d )ramed b#ac*and*("ite p"otos o)
St/ V#adimir.s t"ro-'" t"e years/ T"ere (ere no ot"er decorations or )an)are, yet t"e so#emnity and po(er o) t"e
moment (ere pa#pab#e/ A## t"e '-ardians on camp-s7b-t no no%ices7attended/ T"ey mi##ed aro-nd in t"e
b-i#din'.s main meetin' room, "an'in' o-t in c#-sters b-t not ta#in'/ W"en t"e ceremony started, t"ey )e## into
order#y rans (it"o-t bein' to#d and (atc"ed me/
0 sat on a stoo# in t"e corner o) t"e room, #eanin' )or(ard (it" my "air "an'in' o%er t"e )ront o) my )ace/ Be"ind
me, a '-ardian named Lione# "e#d a tattooist.s need#e to t"e bac o) my nec/ 0.d no(n "im t"e ("o#e time 0.d
been at t"e Academy, b-t 0.d ne%er rea#i5ed "e (as trained to dra( molnija mars/
Be)ore "e started, "e "ad a m-rm-red con%ersation (it" my mot"er and A#berta/
>S"e (on.t "a%e a promise mar,> "e said/ >S"e "asn.t 'rad-ated/>
>0t "appens,> said A#berta/ >S"e made t"e i##s/ 2o t"e molnijas, and s"e.## 'et t"e promise mar #ater/>
Considerin' t"e pain 0 re'-#ar#y p-t myse#) t"ro-'", 0 didn.t e&pect t"e tattoos to "-rt as m-c" as t"ey did/ B-t 0
bitmy #ip and stayed si#ent as Lione# made t"e mars/ T"e process seemed to 'o on )ore%er/ W"en "e )inis"ed, "e
prod-ced a co-p#e o) mirrors, and (it" some mane-%erin', 0 (as ab#e to see t"e bac o) my nec/ T(o tiny b#ac
mars sat t"ere, side by side, a'ainst my reddened and sensiti%e sin/ #olnija meant >#i'"tnin'> in R-ssian, and
t"at.s ("at t"e :a''ed s"ape (as meant to symbo#i5e/ T(o mars/ One )or 0saia", one )or E#ena/
Once 0.d seen t"em, "e banda'ed t"em -p and 'a%e me some instr-ctions abo-t carin' )or t"em ("i#e t"ey "ea#ed/
$ost o) it 0 missed, b-t 0 )i'-red 0 co-#d as a'ain #ater/ 0 (as sti## ind o) s"oced by it a##/
A)ter t"at, a## t"e 'at"ered '-ardians came -p to me one by one/ T"ey eac" 'a%e me some sort o) si'n o) a))ection
7a "-', a iss on t"e c"ee7and ind (ords/
>We#come to t"e rans,> said A#berta, "er (eat"ered )ace 'ent#e as s"e p-##ed me into a ti'"t embrace/
2imitri didn.t say anyt"in' ("en "is t-rn came, b-t as a#(ays, "is eyes spoe #e'ions/ Pride and tenderness )i##ed
"is e&pression, and 0 s(a##o(ed bac tears/ 6e rested one "and 'ent#y on my c"ee, nodded, and (a#ed a(ay/
W"en Stan7t"e instr-ctor 0.d )o-'"t (it" t"e most since my )irst day7"-''ed me and said, >No( one o)
-s/ 0 a#(ays ne( yo-.d be one o) t"e best,> 0 t"o-'"t 0.d pass o-t/
And t"en ("en my mot"er came -p to me, 0 co-#dn.t "e#p t"e tear t"at ran do(n my c"ee/ S"e (iped it a(ay and
t"en br-s"ed "er )in'ers a'ainst t"e bac o) my nec/ >2on.t e%er )or'et,> s"e to#d me/
Nobody said, >Con'rat-#ations,> and 0 (as '#ad/ 2eat" (asn.t anyt"in' to 'et e&cited abo-t/
W"en t"at (as done, drins and )ood (ere ser%ed/ 0 (a#ed to t"e b-))et tab#e and made a p#ate )or myse#) o)
miniat-re )eta <-ic"es and a s#ice o) man'o c"eesecae/ 0 ate (it"o-t rea##y tastin' t"e )ood and ans(ered
<-estions )rom ot"ers (it"o-t e%en no(in' ("at 0 said "a#) t"e time/ 0t (as #ie 0 (as a Rose robot, 'oin' t"ro-'"
t"e motions o) ("at (as e&pected/ On t"e bac o) my nec, my sin st-n' )rom t"e tattoos, and in my mind, 0 ept
seein' $ason.s b#-e eyes and 0saia".s red ones/
0 )e#t '-i#ty )or not en:oyin' my bi' day more, b-t 0 (as re#ie%ed ("en t"e 'ro-p )ina##y started dispersin'/ $y
mot"er (a#ed -p to me as ot"ers m-rm-red t"eir 'oodbyes/ Aside )rom "er (ords "ere at t"e ceremony, (e "adn.t
ta#ed m-c" since my breado(n on t"e p#ane/ 0 sti## )e#t a #itt#e )-nny abo-t t"at7and a #itt#e embarrassed as (e##/
S"e.d ne%er mentioned it, b-t somet"in' %ery sma## "ad s"i)ted in t"e nat-re o) o-r re#ations"ip/ We (eren.t
any("ere near bein' )riends// /b-t (e (eren.t e&act#y enemies anymore eit"er/
>Lord S5e#sy is #ea%in' soon,> s"e to#d me as (e stood near t"e b-i#din'.s door(ay, not )ar )rom ("ere 0.d ye##ed
)or "er on t"at )irst day (e.d ta#ed/ >0.## be 'oin' (it" "im/>
>0 no(,> 0 said/ T"ere (as no <-estion s"e.d #ea%e/ T"at (as "o( it (as/ G-ardians )o##o(ed $oroi/ T"ey came
S"e re'arded me )or a )e( moments, "er bro(n eyest"o-'"t)-#/ For t"e )irst time in a #on' time, 0 )e#t #ie (e (ere
act-a##y #ooin' eye to eye, as opposed to "er #ooin' do(n on me/ 0t (as abo-t time, too, seein' as 0 "ad "a#) a
)oot o) "ei'"t on "er/
>+o- did (e##,> s"e said at #ast/ >Considerin' t"e circ-mstances/>
0t (as on#y "a#) a comp#iment, b-t 0 deser%ed no more/ 0 -nderstood no( t"e mistaes and #apses o) :-d'ment t"at
"ad #ed to t"e e%ents at 0saia".s "o-se/ Some "ad been my )a-#t; some "adn.t/ 0 (is"ed 0 co-#d "a%e c"an'ed some
o) my actions, b-t 0 ne( s"e (as ri'"t/ 0.d done t"e best 0 co-#d in t"e end (it" t"e mess be)ore me/
>4i##in' Stri'oi (asn.t as '#amoro-s as 0 t"o-'"t it.d be,> 0 to#d "er/
S"e 'a%e me a sad smi#e/ >No/ 0t ne%er is/>
0 t"o-'"t t"en abo-t a## t"e mars on "er nec, a## t"e i##s/ 0 s"-ddered/
>O", "ey/> Ea'er to c"an'e t"e s-b:ect, 0 reac"ed into my pocet and p-##ed o-t t"e #itt#e b#-e eye pendant s"e.d
'i%en me/ >T"is t"in' yo- 'a%e me/ 0t.s a n)na8ari 0 st-mb#ed o%er t"e (ord/ S"e #ooed
>+es/ 6o(.d yo- no(=>
0 didn.t (ant to e&p#ain my dreams (it" Adrian/ >Someone to#d me/ 0t.s a protection t"in', ri'"t=>
A pensi%e #oo crossed "er )ace, and t"en s"e e&"a#ed and nodded/ >+es/ 0t comes )rom an o#d s-perstition in t"e
$idd#e East/// Some peop#e be#ie%e t"at t"ose ("o (ant to "-rt yo-can c-rse yo- or 'i%e yo- .t"e e%i# eye/. T"e
na5ar is meant to co-nteract t"e e%i# eye /// and :-st brin' protection in 'enera# to t"ose ("o (ear it/>
0 ran my )in'ers o%er t"e piece o) '#ass/ >$idd#e East/ so, p#aces sort o) #ie, -m, T-rey=>
$y mot"er.s #ips <-ired/ >P#aces e&act#y #ie T-rey/> S"e "esitated/ >0t (as /// a 'i)t/ A 'i)t 0 recei%ed a #on'
time a'o ///> 6er 'a5e t-rned in(ard, #ost in memory/ >0 'ot a #ot o) / attention )rom men ("en 0 (as yo-r a'e/
Attention t"at seemed )#atterin' at )irst b-t (asn.t in t"e end/ 0t.s "ard to te## t"e di))erence sometimes, bet(een
("at.s rea# a))ection and ("at.s someone (antin' to tae ad%anta'e o) yo-/ B-t ("en yo- )ee# t"e rea# t"in'// /(e##,
yo-.## no(/>
0 -nderstood t"en ("y s"e (as so o%erprotecti%e abo-t my rep-tation7s"e.d endan'ered "er o(n ("en s"e (as
yo-n'er/ $aybe more t"an t"at "ad been dama'ed/
0 a#so ne( ("y s"e.d 'i%en t"e na5ar to me/ $y )at"er "ad 'i%en it to "er/ 0 didn.t t"in s"e (anted to ta#
anymore abo-t it, so 0 didn.t as/ 0t (as eno-'" to no( t"at maybe, :-st maybe, t"eir re#ations"ip "adn.t been a##
abo-t b-siness and 'enes a)ter a##/
We said 'oodbye, and 0 ret-rned to my c#asses/ E%eryone ne( ("ere 0.d been t"at mornin', and my )e##o(
no%ices (anted to see my molnija mars/ 0 didn.t b#ame t"em/ 0) o-r ro#es "ad been re%ersed, 0 (o-#d "a%e been
"arassin' me too/
>Come on, Rose,> be''ed S"ane Reyes/ We (ere (a#in' o-t o) o-r mornin' practice, and "e ept s(attin' my
ponytai#@ made a menta# note to (ear my "air do(n tomorro(/ Se%era# ot"ers )o##o(ed -s and ec"oed "is re<-ests/
>+ea", come on/ Let.s see ("at yo- 'ot )or yo-r s(ordsmans"ip@>
T"eir eyes s"one (it" ea'erness and e&citement/ 0 (as a "ero, t"eir c#assmate ("o.d dispatc"ed t"e #eaders o) t"e
ro%in' band o) Stri'oi t"at "ad so terrori5ed -s o%er t"e "o#idays/ B-t 0 met t"e eyes o) someone standin' at t"e
bac o) t"e 'ro-p, someone ("o #ooed neit"er ea'er nor e&cited/ Eddie/ $eetin' my 'a5e, "e 'a%e me a sma##,
sad smi#e/ 6e -nderstood/
>Sorry, '-ys,> 0 said, t-rnin' bac to t"e ot"ers/ >T"ey "a%e to stay banda'ed/ 2octor.s orders/>
T"is (as met (it" 'r-mb#es t"at soon t-rned into <-estions abo-t "o( 0.d act-a##y i##ed t"e Stri'oi/ 2ecapitation
(as one o) t"e "ardest and rarest (ays to i## a %ampire; it (asn.t #ie carryin' a s(ord (as con%enient/ So 0 did
my best to te## my )riends ("at "ad "appened, main' s-re to stic to t"e )acts and not '#ori)y t"e i##in's/
T"e sc"oo# day co-#dn.t end a moment too soon, and Lissa (a#ed (it" me bac to my dorm/ S"e and 0 "adn.t "ad
t"e c"ance to ta# m-c" since e%eryt"in' "ad 'one do(n in Spoane/ 0.d -nder'one a #ot o) <-estionin', and t"en
t"ere.d been $ason.s )-nera#/ Lissa "ad a#so been ca-'"t -p in "er o(n distractions
(it" t"e roya#s #ea%in' camp-s, so s"e.d "ad no more )ree time t"an me/
Bein' near "er made me )ee# better/ E%en t"o-'" 0 co-#dbe in "er "ead at any time, it :-st (asn.t t"e same as
act-a##y bein' p"ysica##y aro-nd anot"er #i%in' person ("o cared abo-t yo-/
W"en (e 'ot to t"e door o) my room, 0 sa( a bo-<-et o) )reesias sittin' on t"e )#oor near it/ Si'"in', 0 piced -p
t"e )ra'rant )#o(ers (it"o-t e%en #ooin' at t"e attac"ed card/
>W"at are t"ose=> ased Lissa ("i#e 0 -n#oced t"e door/
>T" )rom Adrian,> 0 to#d "er/ We (a#ed inside, and 0 pointed to my des, ("ere a )e( ot"er bo-<-ets sat/ 0
p-t t"e )reesias do(n beside t"em/ >0.## be '#ad ("en "e #ea%es camp-s/ 0 don.t t"in 0 can tae m-c" more o) t"is/>
S"e t-rned to me in s-rprise/ >O"/ Um, yo- don.t no(/>
0 'ot t"at (arnin' t(in'e t"ro-'" t"e bond t"at to#d me 0 (o-#dn.t #ie ("at (as abo-t to come/
>4no( ("at=>
>U", "e isn.t #ea%in'/ 6e.s 'oin' to stay "ere )or a ("i#e/>
>6e "as to #ea%e,> 0 ar'-ed/ To my no(#ed'e, t"e on#y reason "e.d come bac at a## (as beca-se o) $ason.s
)-nera#, and 0 sti## (asn.t s-re ("y "e.d done t"at, since "e bare#y ne( $ason/ $aybe Adrian "ad :-st done it )or
s"o(/ Or maybe to eep sta#in' Lissa and me/ >6e.s in co##e'e/ Or maybe re)orm sc"oo#/ 0 don.t no(, b-t "e does
>6e.s tain' t"e semester o))/>
0 stared/
Smi#in' at my s"oc, s"e nodded/ >6e.s 'oin' to stay and (or (it" me/// and $s/ Carmac/ A## t"is time, "e
ne%er e%en ne( ("at spirit (as/ 6e :-st ne( "e "adn.t specia#i5ed b-tt"at "e "ad t"ese (eird abi#ities/ 6e :-st
ept t"em to "imse#), e&cept )or ("en "e occasiona##y )o-nd anot"er spirit -ser/ B-t t"ey didn.t no( any more
t"an "e did/>
>0 s"o-#d "a%e )i'-red it o-t sooner,> 0 m-sed/ >T"ere (as somet"in' abo-t bein' aro-nd "im/ /// 0 a#(ays (anted
to ta# to "im, yo- no(= 6e :-st "as t"is /// c"arisma/ Lie yo- do/ 0 '-ess it.s a## tied into spirit and comp-#sion or
("ate%er/ 0t maes me #ie "im /// e%en t"o-'" 0 don.t #ie "im/>
>2on.t yo-=> s"e teased/
>No,> 0 rep#ied adamant#y/ >And 0 don.t #ie t"at dream t"in', eit"er/>
6er :ade eyes (ent (ide (it" (onder/ "%hat is coo#,> s"e said/ >+o-.%e a#(ays been ab#e to te## ("at.s 'oin' on
(it" me, b-t 0.%e ne%er been ab#e to comm-nicate (it" yo- t"e ot"er (ay/ 0.m '#ad yo- '-ys 'ot a(ay ("en yo-
did// /b-t 0 (is" 0 co-#d "a%e )i'-red o-t t"e dream t"in' and "e#ped )ind yo-/>
>Not me,> 0 said/ >0.m '#ad Adrian didn.t 'et yo- to 'o o)) yo-r meds/>
0 "adn.t )o-nd t"at o-t -nti# a )e( days a)ter bein' in Spoane/ Lissa "ad apparent#y re:ected Adrian.s
initia# s-''estion t"at stoppin' t"e pi##s (o-#d #et "er #earn more abo-t spirit/ S"e "ad admitted to me #ater,
"o(e%er, t"at i) C"ristian and 0 "ad stayed missin' m-c" #on'er, s"e mi'"t "a%e craced/
>6o( are yo- )ee#in' #ate#y=> 0 ased, reca##in' "er concerns abo-t t"e medication/ >+o- sti## )ee# #ie t"e pi##s
aren.t (orin'=>
>$mm// /(e##, it.s "ard to e&p#ain/ 0 sti## )ee# c#oser to t"e ma'ic, #ie maybe t"ey aren.t b#ocin' me so m-c"
anymore/ B-t 0.m not )ee#in' any o) t"e ot"er menta# side e))ects// /not -pset or anyt"in'/>
>Wo(, t"at.s 'reat/>
A bea-ti)-# smi#e #it "er )ace/ >0 no(/ 0t maes me t"in t"ere mi'"t be "ope )or me to #earn to (or t"e ma'ic
a)ter a## someday/>
Seein' "er so "appy made me smi#e bac/ 0 "adn.t #ied seein' t"ose dar )ee#in's startin' to ret-rn and (as '#ad
t"ey.d %anis"ed/ 0 didn.t -nderstand t"e "o( or t"e ("y, b-t as #on' as s"e )e#t oay7
E%eryone "as #i'"t aro-nd t"em, e&cept )or yo-/ +o- "a%e s"ado(s/ +o- tae t"em )rom Lissa/
Adrian.s (ords s#ammed into my mind/ Uneasi#y, 0 t"o-'"t abo-t my be"a%ior t"ese #ast co-p#e o) (ees/ Some o)
t"e an'ry o-tb-rsts/ $y rebe##io-sness7-n-s-a# e%en )or me/ $y o(n b#ac coi# o) emotion, stirrin' in my c"est/
No, 0 decided/ T"ere (ere no simi#arities/ Lissa.s dar )ee#in's (ere ma'ic*based/ $ine (ere stress*based/
Besides, 0 )e#t )ine ri'"t no(/
Seein' "er (atc"in' me, 0 tried to remember ("ere (e.d #e)t o)) in t"e con%ersation/ >$aybe yo-.## e%ent-a##y )ind
a (ay to mae it (or/ 0 mean, i) Adrian co-#d )ind a (ay to -se spirit and doesn.t need meds />
S"e s-dden#y #a-'"ed/ >+o- don.t no(, do yo-=>
>T"at Adrian does medicate "imse#)/>
>6e does= B-t "e said7> 0 'roaned/ >O) co-rse "e does/ T"e ci'arettes/ T"e drinin'/ God on#y no(s ("at e#se/>
S"e nodded/ >+-p/ 6e.s a#most a#(ays 'ot somet"in' in "is system/>
>B-t probab#y not at ni'"t// /("ic" is ("y "e can poe "is "ead into my dreams/>
>$an, 0 (is" 0 co-#d do t"at,> s"e si'"ed/
>$aybe yo-.## #earn someday/ 3-st don.t become an a#co"o#ic in t"e process/>
>0 (on.t,> s"e ass-red me/ >B-t 0 "ill #earn/ None o) t"e ot"er spirit -sers co-#d do it, Rose7(e##, aside )rom St/
V#adimir/ 0.## #earn #ie "e did/ 0.m 'oin' to #earn to -se it7and 0 (on.t #et it "-rt me/>
0 smi#ed and to-c"ed "er "and/ 0 "ad abso#-te )ait" in "er/ >0 no(/>
We ta#ed )or most o) t"e e%enin'/ W"en t"e time came )or my -s-a# practice (it" 2imitri, 0 parted (ays (it" "er/
As 0 (a#ed a(ay, 0 pondered somet"in' t"at "ad been bot"erin' me/ A#t"o-'" t"e attacin' 'ro-ps o) Stri'oi "ad
"ad many more members, t"e '-ardians )e#t con)ident 0saia" "ad been t"eir #eader/ T"at didn.t mean t"ere (o-#dn.t
be other t"reats in t"e )-t-re, b-t t"ey )e#t it.d be a ("i#e be)ore "is )o##o(ers re'ro-ped/
B-t 0 co-#dn.t "e#p t"inin' abo-t t"e #ist 0.d seen in t"e t-nne# in Spoane, t"e one t"at "ad #isted roya# )ami#ies by
si5e/ And 0saia" "ad mentioned t"e 2ra'omirs by name/ 6ene( t"ey (ere a#most 'one, and "e.d so-nded een on
bein' t"e one to )inis" t"em/ S-re, "e (as dead no(// /b-t (ere t"ere ot"er Stri'oi o-t t"ere (it" t"e same idea=
0 s"oo my "ead/ 0 co-#dn.t (orry abo-t t"at/ Not today/ 0 sti## needed to reco%er )rom e%eryt"in' e#se/ Soon,
t"o-'"/ Soon 0.d "a%e to dea# (it" t"is/
0 didn.t e%en no( i) o-r practice (as sti## on b-t (ent to t"e #ocer room any(ay/ A)ter c"an'in' into practice
c#ot"es, 0 "eaded do(n into t"e 'ym and )o-nd 2imitri in a s-pp#y room, readin' one o) t"e Western no%e#s "e
#o%ed/ 6e #ooed -p at my entrance/ 0.d seen #itt#e o) "im in t"ese #ast )e( days and "ad )i'-red "e (as b-sy (it"
>0 t"o-'"t yo- mi'"t come by,> "e said, p-ttin' a boomar bet(een t"e pa'es/
>0t.s time )or practice/>
6e s"oo "is "ead/ >No/ No practice today/ +o- sti## need to reco%er/>
>0.%e 'ot a c#ean bi## o) "ea#t"/ 0.m 'ood to 'o/> 0 p-s"ed as m-c" patented Rose 6at"a(ay bra%ado into my (ords
as 0 co-#d/
2imitri (asn.t )a##in' )or any o) it/ 6e 'est-red to t"e c"air beside "im/ > Sit do(n, Rose/>
0 "esitated on#y a moment be)ore comp#yin'/ 6e mo%ed "is o(n c"air c#ose to mine so t"at (e sat direct#y across
)rom eac" ot"er/ $y "eart )#-ttered as 0 #ooed into t"ose 'or'eo-s dar eyes/
>No one 'ets o%er t"eir )irst i## /i##s/ easi#y/ E%en(it" Stri'oi/// (e##, it.s sti## tec"nica##y tain' a #i)e/ T"at.s "ard
to come to terms (it"/ And a)ter e%eryt"in' e#se yo- (ent t"ro-'" /> 6e si'"ed, t"en reac"ed o-t and ca-'"t my
"and in "is/ 6is )in'ers (ere e&act#y #ie 0 remembered, #on' and po(er)-#, ca##o-sed (it" years o) trainin'/
>W"en 0 sa( yo-r )ace// /("en (e )o-nd yo- in t"at "o-se// /yo- can.t ima'ine "o( 0 )e#t/>
0 s(a##o(ed/ >6o( /// "o( did yo- )ee#=>
>2e%astated /// 'rie)*stricen/ +o- (ere a#i%e, b-t t"e (ay yo- #ooed /// 0 didn.t t"in yo-.d e%er reco%er/ And it
tore me apart to t"in o) t"at "appenin' to yo- so yo-n'/> 6e s<-ee5ed my "and/ >+o- (i## reco%er70 no( t"at
no(, and 0.m '#ad/ B-t yo- aren.t t"ere/ Not yet/ Losin' someone yo- care abo-t is ne%er easy/>
$y eyes dropped )rom "is and st-died t"e )#oor/ >0t.s my )a-#t,> 0 said in a sma## %oice/
>$ason/ Gettin' i##ed/>
0 didn.t "a%e to see 2imitri.s )ace to no( compassion (as )i##in' it/ >O", Ro5a/ No/ +o- made some bad
decisions// /yo- s"o-#d "a%e to#d ot"ers ("en yo- ne( "e (as 'one// /b-t yo- can.t b#ame yo-rse#)/ +o- didn.t i##
Tears brimmed in my eyes as 0 #ooed bac -p/ >0 mi'"t as (e## "a%e/ T"e ("o#e reason "e (ent t"ere7it (as my
)a-#t/ We "ad a )i'"t/ and 0 to#d "im abo-t t"e Spoane t"in', e%en t"o-'" yo- ased me not to// >
One tear #eaed o-t o) t"e corner o) my eye/ Rea##y, 0needed to #earn to stop t"at/ 3-st as my mot"er "ad, 2imitri
de#icate#y (iped t"e tear o)) my c"ee/
>+o- can.t b#ame yo-rse#) )or t"at,> "e to#d me/ >+o- can re'ret yo-r decisions and (is" yo-.d done t"in's
di))erent#y, b-t in t"e end, $ason made "is decisions too/ T"at (as ("at "e c"ose to do/ 0t (as "is decision in t"e
end, no matter yo-r ori'ina# ro#e/> W"en $ason "ad come bac )or me, 0 rea#i5ed, "e.d #et "is )ee#in's )or me 'et in
t"e (ay/ 0t (as ("at 2imitri "ad a#(ays )eared, t"at i) "e and 0 "ad any sort o) re#ations"ip, it (o-#d p-t -s7and
any $oroi (e protected7in dan'er/
>0 :-st (is" 0.d been ab#e to /// 0 don.t no(, do anyt"in'/>
S(a##o(in' bac )-rt"er tears, 0 p-##ed my "ands )rom 2imitri.s and stood -p be)ore 0 co-#d say somet"in' st-pid/
>0 s"o-#d 'o,> 0 said t"ic#y/ >Let me no( ("en yo- (ant to start practice a'ain/ And t"ans )or / ta#in'/>
0 started to t-rn; t"en 0 "eard "im say abr-pt#y, >No/>
0 '#anced bac/ >W"at=>
6e "e#d my 'a5e, and somet"in' (arm and (onder)-# and po(er)-# s"ot bet(een -s/
>No,> "e repeated/ >0 to#d "er no/ Tas"a/>
>0 /> 0 s"-t my mo-t" be)ore my :a( "it t"e )#oor/ >B-t/("y= T"at (as a once*in*a*#i)etime t"in'/ +o- co-#d "a%e
"ad a baby/ And s"e / s"e (as, yo- no(, into yo-//>
T"e '"ost o) a smi#e )#icered on "is )ace/ >+es, s"e (as/ 0s/ And t"at.s ("y 0 "ad to say no/ 0 co-#dn.t ret-rn t"at/
co-#dn.t 'i%e "er ("at s"e (anted/ Not ("en/> 6e too a)e( steps to(ard me/ >Not ("en my "eart is some("ere
0 a#most started cryin' a'ain/ >B-t yo- seemed so into "er/ And you ept 'oin' on abo-t "o( yo-n' 0 acted/>
>+o- act yo-n',> "e said, >beca-se yo- are yo-n'/ B-t yo- no( t"in's, Ro5a/ T"in's peop#e o#der t"an yo-
don.t e%en no(/ T"at day /> 0 ne( instant#y ("ic" day "e re)erred to/ T"e one -p a'ainst t"e (a##/ >+o- (ere
ri'"t, abo-t "o( 0 )i'"t to stay in contro#/ No one e#se "as e%er )i'-red t"at o-t7 and it scared me/ ou scare me/>
>W"y= 2on.t yo- (ant anyone to no(=>
6e s"r-''ed/ >W"et"er t"ey no( t"at )act or not doesn.t matter/ W"at matters is t"at someone7t"at yo-7no(
me t"at (e##/ W"en a person can see into yo-r so-#, it.s "ard/ 0t )orces yo- to be open/ V-#nerab#e/ 0t.s m-c" easier
bein' (it" someone ("o.s :-st more o) a cas-a# )riend/>
>Lie Tas"a/>
>Tas"a O5era is an ama5in' (oman/ S"e.s bea-ti)-# and s"e.s bra%e/ B-t s"e doesn.t7>
>S"e doesn.t get yo-,> 0 )inis"ed/
6e nodded/ >0 ne( t"at/ B-t 0 sti## (anted t"e re#ations"ip/ 0 ne( it (o-#d be easy and t"at s"e co-#d tae me
a(ay )rom yo-/ 0 t"o-'"t s"e co-#d mae me )or'et yo-/>
0.d t"o-'"t t"e same t"in' abo-t $ason/ >B-t s"e co-#dn.t/>
>+es/ And, so /// t"at.s a prob#em/>
>Beca-se it.s (ron' )or -s to be to'et"er/>
>Beca-se o) t"e a'e di))erence/>
>B-t more important#y beca-se ( 'oin' to be Lissa.s '-ardians and need to )oc-s on "er7not eac" ot"er/>
0 t"o-'"t abo-t t"is )or a moment and t"en #ooed strai'"t into "is eyes/ >We##,> 0 said at #ast, >t"e (ay 0 see it, (e
aren.t Lissa.s '-ardians yet."
0 stee#ed myse#) )or t"e ne&t response/ 0 ne( it (as 'oin' to be one o) t"e Gen #i)e #essons/ Somet"in' abo-t inner
stren't" and perse%erance, abo-t "o( t"e c"oices (e made today (ere temp#ates )or t"e )-t-re or some ot"er
0nstead "e issed me/
Time stopped as "e reac"ed o-t and c-pped my )ace bet(een "is "ands/ 6e bro-'"t "is mo-t" do(n and br-s"ed
it a'ainst my #ips/ 0t (as bare#y a iss at )irst b-t soon increased, becomin' "eady and deep/ W"en "e )ina##y p-##ed
a(ay, it (as to iss my )ore"ead/ 6e #e)t "is #ips t"ere )or se%era# seconds as "is arms "e#d me c#ose/
0 (is"ed t"e iss co-#d "a%e 'one on )ore%er/ Breain' t"e embrace, "e ran a )e( )in'ers t"ro-'" my "air and
do(n my c"ee/ 6e stepped bac to(ard t"e door/
>0.## see yo- #ater, Ro5a/>
>At o-r ne&t practice=> 0 ased/ >We are startin' t"ose -p a'ain, ri'"t= 0 mean, yo- sti## "a%e t"in's to
teac" me/>
Standin' in t"e door(ay, "e #ooed o%er at me and smi#ed/ >+es/ Lots o) t"in's/>
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