were establ i shed i n 1994. The purpose of these events i s to hei ghten the awareness of preventabl e heal th probl ems and encourage earl y detecti on and treatment of di sease among men and boys. Duri ng thi s week, i ndi vi dual s, f ami l i es, and communi ti es work to hel p men l earn how to achi eve l onger, heal thi er and saf er l i ves.
Many peopl e don t real i ze that thei r reproducti ve heal th system i s the most f ragi l e system i n the body. Deci si ons made as a young person can affect one s abi l i ty to have chi l dren l ater i n l i f e. Engagi ng i n unprotected sex can put you at ri sk for sexual l y transmi tted i nfecti ons (STIs). When these STIs go untreated they can cause ferti l i ty probl ems i n both women and men.
You can begi n protecti ng your reproducti ve heal th wel l bef ore you are ready to start a fami l y. Nutri ti on, a heal thy l i festyl e and deci si ons about sexual behavi or i nf l uence a person s abi l i ty to have a chi l d l ater i n l i f e.
What you can do to protect yourself: Use condoms correctl y and consi stentl y every ti me you have sex. Li mi t the number of sexual partners you have. Get an annual physi cal where you request annual chl amydi a and gonorrhea screeni ngs Get tested and ask your sexual partners to get tested (before you start havi ng sex)! Recogni ze when you are i n an abusi ve rel ati onshi p and know who to cal l . Our FPNCW providers participated in a photo shoot for our upcoming Annual Report. Between our five providers, FPNCW has 126 years of experience in reproductive healthcare to serve our community. J une Gay and Lesbian Pride Month Mens Health Month Fathers Day AIDS Awareness Month
June 2014
Vol. 1 Issue 1 FPNCWs Board of Directors
Our Mission is to protect your right to reproductive freedom and sexual health services. J une is LGBT Pride Month!
Pride refers to a worldwide movement asserting that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals should be proud of their sexual orientation and gender identity. Gay pride advocates work to achieve equal rights and benefits for individuals in the LGBT community. The movement is based on three main ideas: that people should be proud of their sexual orientation and gender identity, that sexual diversity is a gift, and that different sexual orientations and gender identities are natural and cannot be intentionally changed.
In June of 2000, Bill Clinton deemed the month of June, "Gay and Lesbian Pride Month." The month was chosen to remember a riot in 1969 at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan that is thought to be the beginning of the gay liberation movement in the United States.
June is now the month of acceptance and the month to welcome diversity in communities. Gay and lesbian groups celebrate this special time with pride parades, picnics, parties, and memorials for those lost from HIV and AIDS, and other group gathering events that attract thousands upon thousands of individuals. This month is meant to recognize the impact Gay, Lesbian and Transgender individuals have had on the world. FPNCW is a proud ally of the LGBT community. Happy Pride Month!
Our board members meet to assist with the strategic planning of our organization and work to support FPNCWs mission statement. Above are 7 of our 10 Board Members. Our Board members work in a variety of different settings; nursing, teaching, social work, ministry, full time mother and retired, bringing a variety of different perspectives to better serve FPNCW. When asked why they were involved with Family Planning, some responses included: Im very passionate about everyones access to healthcare, I desire to see prevention at the forefront of sexual health conversations to ensure that all people have access to reproductive health services. I believe it is important to have services for reproductive health that are accessible and safe for people in our community. It is important to have fact based comprehensive sexual education available. Our Board wants our community to know that FPNCW is a non-judgmental place, No abortions are done here, The Staff do a great job of providing services and education to our community and Prevention works!
Back Row: Clover Simon, Sheena Zacherle, Tracy Day-Koch, Adrienne Brizee, Rebecca Cattin Front Row: Cathy Bahloul, Laura Shennum
Get to Know Yourself: A Training Package for Health Promoters, Health Educators, Community Health Workers and Peer Educators Promoting Sexual Health Among Young People